St. Therese Church - St. Therese RC Church


St. Therese Church - St. Therese RC Church
St. Therese Church
Sunday, May 1, 2016 / No. 19
10:00 am
12:30 pm
Sunday, May 1, 2016
English / Ingles
Spanish / Español
 Mery Osorio
 Maria Gladis Tatis Moreno
8:30 am
Monday, May 2, 2016
English / Ingles
8:30 am
6:30 pm
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
English / Ingles
Spanish / Español
Thursday, May 5, 2016
The Ascencion of The Lord
8:30 am
6:30 pm
Friday, May 6, 2016
English / Ingles
Spanish / Español
5:00 pm
6:30 pm
Saturday, May 7, 2016
English / Ingles
Spanish / Español
Mass Intentions
 You must personally go to the rectory or call the
rectory during office hours: Monday - Friday from
10am – 4pm.
 Mass intentions must be submitted 2 weeks in
 Mass intentions before mass commences will no
longer be accepted.
 The mass book will only be available in the rectory.
 Thank you for your attention and cooperation.
First Reading: Acts 15:1-2, 22-29
Some men informed the Gentiles that they must be
circumcised if they wished to be saved, because of the
Old Laws. Disciples then went forth to tell the
Gentiles to honor only those rules which were strictly
necessary, such as abstaining from eating meat
sacrificed to idols and illicit sexual union.
Second Reading: Revelation 21:10-14, 22-23
John depicts Jerusalem coming out of heaven,
sparkling with the radiance of precious jewels. Angels
were stationed at each of its twelve gates, and each gate
bore the name of one tribe of Israel. The city had no
temple, because God was its temple. The glory and
light of God and the Lamb also replaced their need for
the sun.
Gospel: John 14:23-29
Jesus tells his disciples, "Anyone who loves me will be
true to my word." For those who do honor his word,
both Jesus and God will love them and stay with them
always. He also tells them that God will send the Holy
Spirit in his place to give them the instructions they will
need. Jesus then tells them that peace is his farewell
gift to them.
“Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Whoever loves me will
keep my word, and my Father will love him, and
we will come to him and make our dwelling with
him.’ And now I have told you this before it
happens, so that when it happens you may
Following the resurrection, Jesus spent time preparing
His disciples for His taking leave of them. They were
to be pleased that He would go, and then would receive
a special gift, the Advocate, the Paraclete. The Spirit
would come to teach and remind.
Jesus’ leaving would not be an absence, but lead to a
greater presence. His disciples, and we as missionary
disciples, would become dwelling places of God’s
Spirit. His gift is ours, provided we love Him.
May the departure of Jesus, the ascension, prepare us
for the special moment and allow us to be truly
dwelling places for the Lord. He comes to reside with
me. He is present in me and in others. I ask the gift of
discernment to discover His abiding presence with me
Sixth Sunday of Easter
A Family Perspective by Bud Ozar
Today Jesus gives this advice: “Do not let your hearts
be troubled.” Worry and anxiety can consume our lives
preventing us from seeing the love which surrounds us
and binds us to one another. Don’t miss the forest for
the trees. We are living today what we worried about
May 5, 2016
Ascension of the Lord
A Family Perspective by Bud Ozar
Jesus tells us today, “you are my witnesses” and
guarantees the “promise of the Father” to “clothe us
with the power to accomplish this mission. It is not
worldly power which dominates and manipulates. It is
the power of the Kingdom of God to live in peace,
forgiveness, compassion, service to others, love of
enemies and care for the poor and defenseless.
Soldiers of Truth Youth Group
We would like to invite all our young parishioners, ages
13-20 years old, of St. Therese and neighboring
churches, to join our Soldiers of Truth Youth Group.
They meet up at the rectory basement every Friday
from 7:00-8:30 pm. For more information contact
Vivian Manchero and/or Jeff Perry.
Faith Formation – Religious Education
Congratulations to the following children who will
receive the holy sacraments of First Penance and First
Holy Communion on Saturday, May 7th, 2016.
Melanie Abreu
Emely Abreu
Ennalyz Angulo
Elena V. Alvarez
Jazael Arias
Carina Blanco
Janette Blanco
Kimberly Blanco
Lisbeth Blanco
Mariana Blanco
Zarielly Bobadilla
Zharick Bobadilla
Zashary Bobadilla
Jazly M. Cabeche
Emely Cabrera
Jeremiah Castillo
Jeremy Castro-Vega
Ronald Cespedes
Dezhanese Cruz
Joshua Cruz
Jefry De Leon
Sofia Fallas
Rachel Fernandez
Alexander Francisco
Amber Garcia
Gabriel Gutierrez
Javien Lopez
Ian Martinez
Lorren Melendez
Sharon Melendez
Gislaine Mendoza
Kevin D. Mendoza
Milagros Mendoza
Matthew Navarrete
Charles Nuñez
Elizabeth Paredes
Xenia Reynoso
Jazmin A. Rivera
Priscilla Rodriguez
Disnairy Rosario
Jose A. Saavedra
Rickerson Santos
Arsenio Severino
John Saladin
Joel Soriano
Vanessa Suelto
Adriana Taylor
Kenneth Tello
Matthew Tello
Isabella Toribio
Jelinez Torres
Emily Valverde
Maria J. Valverde
Justin Vazquez
Aracely Vivar
Miguel A. Vivar
May this be the beginning of your journey in our faith.
Father Luciano, Maria “Lola” Santos and Beatriz
Barraza will miss you dearly and extend our
Congratulations to each and every one of you. A very
special thank you to all the catechists, Miguel
Hernandez, Lisbelis Torres, Mary Lantigua, Raquel
Peralta, Jessica Garaicoa and Rosa Mercado, who
helped prepare the children for receiving this
wonderful sacrament.
Primera Lectura: Hechos 15:1-2, 22-29
Algunos hombres informaron a los gentiles que no
podían ser salvos si no se circuncidaban, de acuerdo a
la Ley Antigua. Los discípulos les dijeron a los gentiles
que siguieran las reglas estrictamente necesarias, como
abstenerse de comer carne sacrificada a ídolos, o
inmoralidad sexual.
el momento especial y nos permita ser verdaderas
moradas para el Señor. El viene a vivir conmigo. Está
presente en mí y en otros. Pido el don del
discernimiento para descubrir su perdurable presencia
en mí hoy.
Segunda Lectura: Apocalipsis 21:10-14, 22-23
Juan describe a Jerusalén bajando del cielo, brillando
como una joya preciosa, con un ángel apostado en cada
una de sus doce puertas, y cada puerta con el nombre
de una de las tribus de Israel. La ciudad no tenía
templo, pues Dios era su templo. La gloria y luz de
Dios y el Cordero también reemplazaban la necesidad
del sol.
Dios tiene una palabra de ayuda para ti y tu familia
porque te ama. Ven a escuchar una buena noticia para
ti. Charlas del camino neocatecumenal para jóvenes y
adultos los días 18, 21, 25 y 28 de Abril, el 2, 5,9, 12,
16, 19, 23, 26, 30 de Mayo y Junio 2 y 6, 2016 de 8:009:00 pm. Habra cuidado de niños. Lugar iglesia de
Santa Teresa, 80 13th Avenue, Paterson, NJ 07504.
Todos están cordialmente invitados.
Para mas
información llamar al (973)881-0400.
Evangelio: San Juan 14:23-29
Jesús les dice a sus disípulos: “El que me ama hace caso
de mi palabra”. A los que obedezcan, Jesús y Dios los
amarán y acompañarán siempre. También dice que
Dios enviará al Espíritu Santo para enseñarles. Jesús
les dice que la paz es su regalo de despedida.
Collections for Mass on April 23 & 24, 2016
5:00 PM
6:30 PM
10:00 AM
12:30 PM
“Jesús dijo a sus discípulos: ‘El que me ama será
fiel a mi palabra, y mi Padre lo amará; iremos a él
y habitaremos en él.’ Les he dicho esto antes de
que suceda, para que cuando se cumpla, ustedes
Luego de la resurrección, Jesús pasó tiempo
preparando a Sus discípulos para Su partida. A ellos les
complacería que El volviera al Padre, y ellos recibirían
un don especial, el defensor, el Paráclito. El Espíritu
Santo vendría a enseñarles y protegerlos.
La partida de Jesús no sería una ausencia, sino llevaría
a una mayor presencia. Sus discípulos y nosotros, como
discípulos misioneros, nos convertiríamos en moradas
para el Espíritu de Dios. Su don es nuestro, siempre y
cuando lo amemos.
Que la partida de Jesús, la ascensión, nos prepare para
Neo Catechumens:
Charismatic Mass:
CCD Children
Mass Intentions
Grand Total: $1,753.00