How a 22-Year Old White Belt BEAT a Helio Gracie Black Belt with


How a 22-Year Old White Belt BEAT a Helio Gracie Black Belt with
Are you finally read to stop struggling on top...and just start ripping through the guard of
everyone you meet?
How a 22-Year Old White Belt BEAT
a Helio Gracie Black Belt with
FOUR Guard Passes!
Dear fellow Jiu Jitsu Junkie,
If you want to quickly gain a reputation as a guard passing machine, you've got to listen
to the following true story.
On October 11, 2003 a relative nobody named David Avellan walked into the posh
James Armstrong Theatre in Torrance, California to compete in the first ever "Ultimate
Submission Showdown".
David vs. Goliath
22-Year Old White Belt David Avellan (5'9" tall) Victorious
Over 6'4" Black Belt Rener Gracie
Rorion Gracie (the original creator of the UFC) hosted the contest and invited grappling
legends like Travis Lutter, Jeff Monson and two Gracie black belts (including his son
Rener) to compete.
But this wasn't a run-of-the-mill tournament. The sold-out, $100 a seat (minimum) event
attracted Hollywood celebrities like Michael Clarke Duncan and "Married with Children"
star Ed O'Neill.
Even jiu jitsu grandmaster Helio Gracie flew in from Brazil…to witness his second eldest
grandson Rener compete just months after awarding him a BJJ black belt.
On the other hand…David Avellan – with mostly just minor tournament wins under his
belt – stood out like a sore thumb, dwarfed by all the decorated fighters lined up for the
So you can imagine the shock and utter embarrassment among the Gracie elite when
David stepped on the mat, shook hands with Rener, and…
Sliced Through His Guard Like A Hot-Knife
Through Butter…FOUR TIMES!
Knocking him out in the first round as father and grandfather looked on in stunned
To put that into perspective…that's like a five year old stepping to the plate in a home
run contest against Barry Bonds, Mark McGuire and Babe Ruth. And hitting more home
runs than all of them. Combined.
Hard to believe? Perhaps. But I'm not asking you to believe anything just yet, until you
see the evidence.
All I ask is that you refrain from disbelieving while I show you the proof (including a free
video with step-by-step instructions on how you can do David's "patented" guard pass).
It will take just a few minutes, yet the rewards can be enormous because when you
possess these type of skills you…
David Wins Grapplers Quest World Championship!
Since plowing through Rener Gracie David has competed (and won) in multiple NAGA's,
Grapplers Quest, and even the World Championship Abu Dhabi. This one time nobody is
now considered one of the best grapplers in the world (primarily because of his almost
unstoppable guard passing skills.)
Increase your ability to dominate on top. Even excellent guard guys hold back
on sweeps or submissions…fearing you'll pass as soon as they open up.
Increase your energy levels. When you stop struggling to pass you have extra
gas in the tank to finish the fight.
Hit more submissions! Its common sense…you simply have more opportunities
to end the fight once you've passed his guard.
Here's how he did it…
How Does A Relative Nobody Discover
How To Pass Guard With Ease?
Was David privately nurtured under some jiu-jitsu grandmaster? Does he come from a
family of fighters? Has he been training since before he could walk?
No. In fact, the real story starts the summer of 1997 in a small, hot Miami garage.
David and his brother Marcos just graduated. And – with only two years of high school
wrestling under their belts…and against the advice of well-meaning friends and family –
decided to devote their lives to jiu jitsu.
For the next six years the two spent 6 to 8 hours a day training in the garage…and
then…testing their skills at every tournament.
The result? David and Marcos have defeated 16 black belts in competition over the past
five years…despite never training with a gi (or having a master teach them).
That means they've been white belts this entire time (recently, they both decided to give
themselves black belts because of their competition track record.)
What led to their success?
They quickly learned their wrestling background gave them a huge advantage on top.
So they focused their efforts almost exclusively on developing their top game.
And what's the one thing you absolutely must do to defeat a jiu jitsu guy who's on his
back? That's right. Pass his guard.
Through thousands of hours of practice…and testing in competition…David and Marcos
learned the ONE BIG secret to passing guard. And that is…
{David's and Marcos sidebar win record here}
You Rarely EVER Pass Guard on the First Try!
Even mediocre grapplers usually counter your first attempt. And if you don't have a
follow up move you actually:
Invite your opponent to sweep or submit you! When you're stopped cold AND
you don't know what to do next you're vulnerable to all sorts of attacks.
Waste tons of energy! Instead of knowing what to do, you have to scramble and
rely on speed or strength (if you have those) so you don't lose your position.
Give him a psychological edge! How afraid do you think he is if he know you
can't pass his guard.
The brothers discovered that the real secret to passing guard then isn't just one
technique…but a series of passes – linked one after another – that are specifically
designed to defeat the most common guard pass defenses.
NOT Just a Pass Here And a Pass There…But Specific Counters
to Every Guard Passing Defense!
That's why what David and Marcos have is so DIFFERENT. Because it's not just a
bunch of random guard passes. But a step-by-step system of guard passes that throws
one pass after another – in rapid succession – until your opponent is overwhelmed.
Think about that for a moment: If you were about to enter a gun battle and you had your
choice of…
a) A civil war era flintlock pistol that shot just one bullet at a time and had to be
manually reloaded, or…
b) A modern era belt fed 50 caliber Gatling gun that fires 6,000 rounds per minute…
Which would you choose? The Gatlin gun, of course! Because if you missed with the
first shot, you'd still have a thousand more bullets left to finish the job.
That's exactly what the Avellan brothers have created in their garage. A guard passing
system that literally let's you mow down the competition.
Does this sound like something you could use?
Now Here's The Part That REALLY Pisses Off
Most Gracie Black Belts…
While 99% of the BJJ black belts in the world can trace back their belt ranking to a
Gracie family member…David and Marcos can't.
Why? Because they gave themselves black belts.
Think about it. If you don't have a teacher to promote you, but you defeat the very best
black belts in competition…can't you just give yourself the rank of black belt?
Well, that's exactly what David and Marcos have done.
It's EASY…
Once you know the Inside Short-Cut Secrets
Here's what I've got for you: Recently I flew David and Marcos up to my main
academy just outside of Washington D.C. While here, I persuaded them to share all of
their guard passing secrets on film.
Eight hours later, my film crew emerged with detailed instructions for more guard
passes than you could ever hope to master in a lifetime.
But then – on the plane ride back to Miami – David and Marcos could not stop thinking
about what they'd just shared…and even more ingenious strategies for neutering the
guard popped into their brain.
Immediately upon landing they grabbed an old camcorder, headed straight to their gym
(by the way, David and Marcos run Freestyle Fighting Academy in South Florida…with
over 1200 students at two locations) and recorded even more footage.
The result? After careful editing my video guys created No-Gi Guard Passing Made
Easy. A seven DVD set with 3 hours 18 minutes and 51 seconds of the sickest guard
passing tricks and tactics you will ever see!
{pic of DVD's here}
Including passed linked in a 1-2-3 fashion for an unending barrage of attacks (so
impossible to defend…it's like trying to hold back rain.)
What David and Marcos reveal are the exact passes that have helped them dominate
the competition and build their reputation from scratch…that will instantly maximize your
guard passing speed and power.
This means you’ll suddenly score more points...unlock more submission
opportunities…and you will win more matches!
Yes, even against stronger, faster and more experienced opponents.
Here’s a taste of what you’re about to learn:
DVD #1 – The "Patented" Knee Cut Pass (35:42)
The best part is 90% of their passing game stem from JUST ONE PASS! It's simple and
easy to learn (so easy that that most people completely overlook how dangerously
effective it is.)
It's called the knee cut pass. Check it out…
{video of knee cut guard pass}
{pic of Knee Cut DVD, with David and Marcos face on it}
If you will learn just this one pass…and the following series of counters to each
defense…your top game will go through the roof. Here's what's on this first DVD…
Knee Cut Pass Series:
Knee Cut Pass Counter #1: The amazing "Windshield Wiper" trick that
automatically launches you into an armbar! Even better his defense is what gives
you the launching pad! Total OWNAGE! (Plus, armbar tips and tricks if you're
new to jiu jitsu.)(08:24)
Knee Cut Pass Counter #2: The new "claw-handed grip" that 1) Locks his hips
to the ground…2)glues his leg to your body, and…3)gives you the most
dangerous of all submission holds – the heel hook! (11:28)
Knee Cut Pass Counter #3: The sneaky way to turn a regular guard pass into
taking his back! (17:01)
Knee Cut Pass Counter #4: And finally, how to counter when he defends by
shrimping away…the hip-cut pass.(18:35)
How Can A Pass Be "Patented"?
Grappling Magazine snapped so many pictures of David hitting this pass in
competition one of the editors claimed he must have "patented" the move. It's stuck
ever since.
{order now button}
You also get…
Worst Case Scenario "Pass and Dominate" Secrets
Most people think it's impossible to pass without underhooks. Big Fat Lie! Two ways
that shoot you right into a judo headlock pin when he thinks he's got you reversed!
(23:24). Followed by the…
HEADLOCK PIN CLINIC – 5 mistakes that get 1)your back taken 2)you
bucked off 3)your lower body trapped 4)you rolled to your back and 5)your
head ripped (almost) clear off your neck! (Sounds bad…but, once you
know these danger zones nobody will EVER escape from your pin again!)
The "Palm Readers Secret" to successful knee cut passing when he's
underhooking you! (Plus a super easy drill that burns this technique into your
brain so you hit it quickly and smoothly every time.)(27:27)
How to use the knee cut to pass butterfly guard (Plus, the three mistakes
that puts most newbies on their ass…or causes them to tap for dear life).
How to nail the knee-cut pass after the butterfly sweep (a perfect set-up that
goes together better than peanut butter and jelly.) (33:17)
And finally, Attention MMA fighters: CRUCIAL ANTI-KNOCKOUT INFO!
Here's how most people take a foot to the face when going for the knee cut
pass from standing. (29:51)
{Click Here to Get It Now Button}
But you use this powerful new pass until you've opened his guard. That's why you also
DVD #2 – Opening the Closed Guard (29:59)
Which begins with Marcos revealing the truth about opening guard. You see, most
opening techniques only work if you're considerably stronger than your opponent. What
you'll see here is how to use leverage – not strength – to pry him apart. Plus…
If you couldn't pass guard to save your life, here's the 5 most common
mistakes rookies make…which murders your chance of passing. Easy fix.
How to use the knee-cut pass when your opponent puts his foot on your hip.
(Simply grab his ankle, push down and you're immediately free and clear.)
Jiu Jitsu Jedi Mind Tricks! How to force your opponent to feel safe and
secure (so he drops his defenses) immediately before you start your
pass…and you slide through with ZERO resistance! (09:45)
Here's a very painful (downright mean actually) stand-up technique that also
immobilizes his grips (if he can't put his hands on you, then sweeps are nearly
impossible!) (11:07)
Can't Open His Guard? Don't Bother! Here's How To Secure Side
Mount Even When Your Opponent Keeps His Guard FULLY
Locked! (15:51)
How to nail a single-leg stack from the closed guard. (18:58)
BREAK HIS HAND! A sneaky hip twist that will leave him limp-wristed for
months. (ATTENTION: Competition use ONLY. This is NOT to be used on your
daily training partners if you want them around for long!) (21:10)
If your opponent's legs are like a steel trap (or he just refuses to open), this
pass gives you two options: 1) You can break his back…or 2) finish him
with an ankle lock. (22:24)
When it is OK to extend your arms straight while in his guard. (No, you won't
snap a limb…but you will get a neck crushing pass). (25:34)
How to handcuff one arm behind his back. (It's like he's trapped in a
straight jacket. Unfair advantage.)(28:01)
{Click Here to Get It Now Button}
Just watching this DVD will add 7 different techniques for opening guard to your
arsenal. And, once you're free…well, that's just child's play when you see what's to
DVD #3 Guard Passes from Standing 35:04
Listen, when you have multiple attacks – lined up one after another –your opponent is
NOT only forced to constantly defend…but you are NEVER guessing what to do next.
That's the REAL secret to winning.
And this DVD continues with three separate guard passing series, starting with the Foot
Toss Guard Pass Series…
Foot Toss Guard Pass #1: Simply grab his feet, toss his legs to the side and
pass. Sound simple, right? Most people try to just jump straight to side mount
and get stuck in guard. Wrong. Here's why you should jam your knee into his hip
first.) (01:29)
Foot Toss Guard Pass #2: Details of the amazing "360-to-mount guard pass"
that beats even the quickest hips…AND…gives you 7 points! (3 for the guard
pass…4 for the mount!) (04:06)
Foot Toss Guard Pass #3: Secrets of the break dance-like "Tornado Spin" that
whips your opponents feet off your body…shoots you into knee-on-belly…and
leaves your opponent cursing bloody murder (for falling victim to such a simple
looking move)! (05:16)
Next up…did you know that Half-Nelson are more than just a head-locking tool?
Discover the secrets of the little known Half-Nelson Guard Pass Series where you
either 1) secure a painful nelson crank on his hip and take side mount, or…2) force him
to kick himself into a kneebar,or…3) just go straight to his back! (17:16)
And finally, a series to beat the De la Riva guard…
Beat the De la Riva #1: If you can dribble a basketball, you can neutralize this
position (works for gi too) (22:47)
Beat the De la Riva #2: How to roll into a nasty knee dislocation (NOT a
kneebar) squeeze (26:45)
Beat the De la Riva #3: Trick him into thinking he's taking your back and finish
him the fight with a super-tight kneebar (which you can easily slip to side mount if
he's ready for it.) (32:04)
Plus, you'll learn 4 super-flashy (and super-effective) crowd-pleaser passes. (Grappling
magazine just LOVED to take pictures of David doing the cartwheel pass.)
Do You Like Flashy Passes?
David hitting a "flying" (also known as a cartwheel pass) in the September 2003 Issue
of Grappling Magazine. David reveals how you can do it too on DVD #3.
{order now button}
Blast out of the deep end of the pool with the hip thrust pass! (7 points for
the pass and the mount…plus it takes just seconds and ZERO effort.)
David Avellan's favorite guard pass "The Cartwheel Pass" (even if you've seen it
a million times, here's the details MOST people miss…plus, how to execute it so
he rolls straight into your back take!) (09:25)
And because everybody now knows "The Cartwheel Pass"…David invented
the "Fake" Cartwheel Pass (Revealed for the first time ever on video!)
And finally, the plain old MEAN "pit-dig" guard pass to ONLY be used when
attacked with a kimura! (If you've ever seen a wild pit-bull chomp down on a rope
and violently shake his head, you'll know exactly how instantly traumatizing this
pass is.) (11:51)
{Click Here to Get It Now Button}
DVD #3: Half Guard Passing (40:07)
Is half-guard a never ending battle for you? If so, I've got two half-guard passing series
here for you that would make BJ Penn shiver…
Half Guard Pass Series #1 – The Knee Cut Pass
Knee Cut Pass #1: Are you creating a comfortable pillow for your opponent to
rest on? This KILLS your passing power! Here's how to "Bully" pass and make
him feel like he's lying on a samurai sword (impossible to bridge against.) (03:45)
Knee Cut Pass #2:The quickest and easiest way to pass his half-guard when
he's got the underhook. (08:35)
Knee Cut Pass #3:How to swing to a kneebar from half-guard. And (prepare
yourself, this is kinda gross) why you should kiss his heel to stop him from rolling
out and escaping to your back. (10:31)
Half Guard Pass Series #2 – The Duck Under
Duck Under #1: Duck under's are only used in takedowns, right? Wrong! While
most guys try to pass OVER, here's a sneaky way to slide underneath him to
pass. (00:32)
Duck Under #2: How to lock in excruciating achilles locks using the "buck and
wiggle" secret. (08:54)
Duck Under #3: Hit ankle locks without fear of losing your position! How to hit
the duck under pass when your opponent defends the ankle lock. (11:12)
Plus much more…
How to break his half guard when your arm gets stuck inside. (17:45)
If he snakes and hooks your leg (a stalling tactic called the half-guard lockdown),
here's why you should forget your leg and focus on his ribs. (22:03)
When you should "give-up" the half-guard kimura. (Don't worry, you still
get the submission…it's just easier after you pass. Slick stuff.) (25:34)
But there's still even more…
{crazy sidebar}
DVD #4 and #5 Butterfly Guard Passes (57:59)
This DVD is slightly mislabeled, because these techniques are perfect for when you're
not fully in guard…but not fully in half-guard either.
This is such a huge "grey area" of grappling that we actually had to break it up into two
separate videos. What you get is 22 ways to pass butterfly guard…no matter if he's
sitting up or laying flat on his back. Here's a glimpse…
The simple "push knee" pass that instantly disables his butterfly hooks –
making it drop-dead easy to pop your hips around for a pass. (Plus, an
illegal-in-competition neck-crank variation. Life and death use only.) (02:18)
Two versions of the "Crush and Jump" pass. David shares with you the simple
"un-athletic" version (23:31) while Marcos reveals the flashier version that plops
your ass right on his face! (Not only do you pass, but all your gym buddies will be
laughing at him too.) (04:01)
How to neutralize the only counter to the "Crush and Jump" pass using a
simple baseball slide like maneuver. (05:16)
SPIN HIM LIKE A TOP! Force him wide open using the "Reaper Pass" (a
technique so powerful it literally flings you into north-south, knee on belly or
straight into an armbar…your choice!) (07:05)
Pass with the "hook switch" technique…best part, his ONLY defense gives
you an armbar. DOUBLE WIN! (09:45)
And the solution to the BIGGEST butterfly guard problem…
Do You Know How To Pass Butterfly If Your Opponent Is
Keeping His Knees Really Tight Into His Body?
Here's how to using the "hook jump pass". (Oh, and you're set-up for a kneebar
Plus, more half-nelson leg fighting secrets. Here's how to pinch, pin and pass
using the "Half Nelson Pin Pass". (24:13)
Details of the super-painful "Calf Crushing Knee Pin" pass! This one technique
alone will make everyone think twice about playing butterfly guard with you ever
again. (27:45)
On to the second Butterfly guard passing DVD starting with…
Guard Passing Proven in Competition…
David before winning the U.S. Trials Cruiserweight Title - Grappling Magazine
September 2003
{order now button}
The Single-Most UNSTOPPABLE Passing
Series EVER!
Listen, when I first saw this series I was absolutely floored! It took one simple (almost
commonplace) pass and turned it into a "string of pearls"…so flawless in design…that
anyone who knows how to execute this series will be able to pass like they're grappling
a mannequin.
It all starts with the double stack pass.
Now I know what you're thinking…you've seen it, you know how to do it, its old news (if
not, I've included a video for you below). But what I can guarantee is that you have NOT
seen the barrage of passes that follows up this simple technique. Check it out…
Double Stack Pass Series
Double Stack Pass #1: First you'll see how to choke him, crush his ribs AND
smash his own knee into his face during the double stack pass (fail to do this and
he'll just laugh …do it right and he'll beg you to take side mount just to end the
pain. Check it out.) (01:27)
{put video here}
Now, here's what follows…
Double Stack Pass #2: Have you ever seen a matador "bait" a bull with his
cape…and then dance around the wild animal as it charges? Here's how to use
the "Matador Trick" to foil the most popular double-stack pass defense. (06:11)
Double Stack Pass #3: "Matador Trick" stonewalled? How to nail the lesserknown (which makes it even MORE effective) single-stack pass.(07:16)
Double Stack Pass #4: Does he push your hips as you try to pass? Here's how
to use the "Logger's Axe Secret" to chop down his arm (CAUTION: Use C-A-R-EF-U-L-L-Y or you'll rip his bicep apart).(09:15)
Double Stack Pass #5: When he blocks your chop-counter, here's how to force
him into a painful split stretch (You slip through like greased pig or rip his groin.
Your choice.) (11:03)
Double Stack Pass #6: How to "shrug" your hips straight to his back if he
counters your split stretch pass. (12:58)
Double Stack Pass #7: Stretch his groin again with the "hip cut" pass (this time
with your other knee.)(13:57)
Double Stack Pass #8: Back around to his back. (17:13)
Done in a boom…boom…boom attack sequence, these passes are almost impossible
to defend.
As you can see, this is NOT just another instructional video of a bunch of random
techniques thrown together, but a…
Tested, Researched And Developed Systemized Approach To
Crushing Every Single Guard Pass Defense He Throws At You!
But the Avellan's didn't stop there. Because while most grapplers always try and force
pressure down with the stack…you can just as easily go UNDER with the double stack
pass (something hardly any jiu jitsu player has ever seen…much less can teach you
how to do.)
Low Double Stack Pass Series
Low Double Stack Pass #1: Details on the "Shoot Slide and Punch" pass (you
hit him low when he thinks you're going high!) (20:14)
Low Double Stack Pass #2: Why pass his guard when you can go straight to
his back? How to do it using the double-stack flip (get this…guard pass + back
take = 6 points!) (21:44)
Low Double Stack Pass #3: Never get stuck in an unopenable guard again!
Two variations of the "Houdini Pass" – aptly named because of it's amazing
ability to break open even the most vice-like of guards!(25:55)
And there's still more…during filming Marcos and David revealed even more nuggets of
grappling gold that naturally result from their guard passing system. Here's just a small
More than Just Guard Passes!
David Avellan winning with a heel hook in the November 2004 issue of Grappling
Magazine. Fill a room with grappling experts and the secrets just start flowing. That's
why in No-Gi Guard Passing Made Easy you'll learn much more than just passing
{order now button here}
The secret to top-body control! Do you know where a person's power
center is (and how to avoid it?)
Heel Hook Secrets! Why you should punch yourself in the face…what to twist for
maximum pressure (it's NOT your wrist)…and which side of his leg your butt
needs to fall so he can't kick you while finishing the heel hook (the single most
important thing you can learn about heel hooks).
How to use an "illegal" choke to break his guard. (Don't worry, you won't
get disqualified…but it will startle the hell out of your opponent!)
When your opponents' brain is literally shut-down and NOT thinking about the
fight. (The secret psychology is the key behind timing your most effective attacks.
This can make you a better fighter faster than anything else humanely possible.)
Do you know how to control his legs while standing? (Hint: It's BETTER
than grabbing the ankles!)
Why you should never fall straight to your back when going for an Achilles lock.
How to steal your opponent's sweeps, escapes and reversals as soon as
you transition into half-guard. (He'll be helpless.)
4 Tips for a flawless knee-bar.
Why a simple "mock" knee-bar attack will always fool a smarter opponent...
and set him up for a quick knee-cut pass!
The number one rule that absolutely must be observed to neutralize a strong
butterfly guard!
Remember, this is no gimmick. David and Marcos have spent years perfecting their
guard passes…first, alone in their garage…and then, against the toughest competition
on the planet…and, for almost a decade now in their two Miami schools.
If you are really serious about the grappling game (especially passing guard), No-Gi
Guard Passing Made Easy may well be the solution you've been looking for.
Here's What I'll Send You…
You Get…
{cover art pictures in box}
Knee Cut Pass DVD
How to Pass Closed Guard DVD
How to Pass Open Guard DVD
How to Pass Half Guard DVD 1&2
How to Pass Butterfly Guard DVD 1&2
That's seven DVD to get you past his guard and into total top body control.
{Click Here to Get It Now Button}
But the most crucial reason to claim your DVD's is best presented by regular grapplers
who can hardly believe their new guard passing power.
Best of all, with DVD's you can rewind any time you need to, and space the lessons out
to match your schedule. You can pull an all-night binge, or work through it more slowly.
Your choice. This guarantees you learn it all at your pace.
I've been in this grappling game a long time and even the black-belts at my school
agree with me…
David And Marcos Avellan Are The Best Thing To Happen To
Grapplers Who Want To Master No-Gi Guard Passing, Fast!
How much? A drop-dead bargain. David and Marcos have collected as much as
$3,000 at seminars where they've shared these guard passing secrets. And if you want
to hire them for private lessons you better bring a serious wad of cash.
What you get in this special package is literally worth thousands in private lessons – it's
packed with all the guard passing tricks, tactics, tips and shortcuts that they've learned
from almost 12 years at the top of the grappling scene.
But you're not even gonna pay a fraction of that amount. Nope. Because the
Avellan's have agreed it's high time that grapplers everywhere deserve to learn this
stuff…and they don't want anyone shut out because of price.
No-Gi Guard Passing Made Easy is $197.
Wait…you're NOT going to pay $197. Because you've
recently expressed interest in my free guard passing
DVD, I'm dropping the price for No-Gi Guard Passing
Made Easy to only $97. That's a 52% savings!
Here's what to do now: Simply click on the buy it now button below and I will rush-ship
your copy immediately.
{buy it now buton}
Or if you would prefer to talk to a live person call us at:
…Tell whoever answers you want No Gi Guard Passing Made Easy, and they'll take
care of you. If the number is busy (my girls tell me they get swamped with calls) keep
Or, if you prefer to pay with a check or money order (made payable to tbd), mail your
$97 payment (please add $$$ for shipping and handling…total $$$) to:
This is life-changing information for any serious grappler. Act now, while you're thinking
about it.
Lloyd Irvin
P.S. By the way – this 52% discount is ONLY available right now. Once you leave this
page No Gi Guard Passing Made Easy goes up to $197. FOREVER. If you don't want
to spend $100 MORE, but you do want to…pass guard as easy as taking candy from a
baby…spend more time in better positions (where you can hit more submissions)…and
gain a respected reputation as a dominant force on the mat …I suggest you click on the
Add to Cart link and check this out for yourself.
P.P.S. If you’re still unsure and because I don’t want to see you miss out... I’ve asked
David and Marcos to answer a number of questions from a group of grapplers who
previewed the pre-production version of this set. I thought you may find them helpful...
Your Questions Answered!
Q: I already have other guard passing DVD's. What makes you different?
A: Simply, this isn't a set of random techniques. This is a system that takes
the most effective guard passes…and then links them together one after
another. If you don't pass with the first one, you go to number two. If two
fails, three. And on and on.
How well does this system work?
Well we defeated SIXTEEN Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belts in the last five
years…without EVER putting on a kimono! In fact, I didn't learn how to tie a
kimono belt until he started helping teach the kid's class!
Q. I don't train no-gi. Can I still use these guard passes?
A: A lot of gi passes do NOT work without the gi... however, ALL no-gi
passes WORK with the gi!
If you are a Gi grappler, you will definitely benefit from No-Gi Guard Passing
Made Easy. Actually, with most of these passes, the gi will only make them
easier! My brother was quoted in Grappling magazine for saying how
Gracie's gi made it easier for him to execute his "patented" knee-cut across
Q. You guys look pretty tough. Do I need to be really strong, athletic or
flexible to use these passes?
A. Ha, everybody looks bigger on film. Me and my brother usually fought at
155 lbs. While we're known for gymnastic like passes…this is a system to
out-smart your opponent. Not out muscle them.
Q: I'm a white belt and I just started training. If I buy your DVD's, will I be
beating black belts tomorrow?
A: No. While David was technically a white belt when he won against those
guys in the tournaments, he wrestled in high school and we developed our
system after hours of work in our home gym. I can guarantee that you will
NOT pass the guard of black belts overnight. However, what I can promise
you is…if you study, practice and apply what is on the DVD's…you will
become a more powerful passer as fast as humanely possible.
Q: I have bad knees. Will this work for me?
A: Yes. Many of our passes are from a stand up position. So you don't have
to drop down low or get on your knees to use them.
Q. I understand David and Marcos have proven themselves in competition,
but are they any good at teaching this stuff?
Lloyd Answers: They're some of the best teachers I've ever met. And
they've got the students to prove it.
In 2001, along with his brother Marcos, David opened up Florida Freestyle
Academy in Miami Florida. (If you didn't know, South Florida is almost the
bjj capitol of the U.S. It's absolutely crawling with world-class jiu jitsu
academies competing for students)
At the end of their first year only 60 people enrolled.
But word quickly spread of about their skills on the mat. And today, they've
attracted over 1,200 students, forcing them to open a 2nd school.
Think about it…that's an average growth of over 130 NEW students a year.
Is that impressive or what?
{credentials sidebars}
David Avellan's Titles
1999 KWA Sport Combat II Heavyweight - 2nd Place
2000 KWA Sport Combat III Heavyweight Champion
2000 FFC Heavyweight Champion
2001 Rival Classic Heavyweight Champion
2001 Rival Classic II Heavyweight Champion
2002 FGA Sub Grappling Open II Heavyweight Champion
2002 Planet Submission 16-man Absolute Champion
2002 NAGA Georgia 10-man Superfight - 3rd Place
2002 NAGA New England 10-man Superfight Champion
2003 Planet Submission Absolute - 3rd Place
2003 NAGA World Light-Heavyweight Champion
2003 GQ Team USA Member – Cruiserweight
2003 NAGA All-American Superfight Champion
2003 NAGA Pro-Am Superfight Champion
2003 Finisher Cup Superfight Champion
2003 Grapplemania 4-man Superfight Champion
Pro Grappling Record of 47-12 2003 GQ Pro Division World Champion
Amateur MMA Record of 7-3 2003 Ultimate Submission Showdown Finalist
Pro MMA Record of 2-1
2004 Submission Wrestling Open ADCC Superfight Winner
No-Gi BJJ Black Belt
2004 Grappler's Quest West V Pro Middleweight Champion
Head Black Belt of the FFA 2004 Grappler's Quest Oxydol Challenge - Champion
Founder of the FFA System 2005 Grappler's Quest West VII 16-Man Absolute - 2nd Place
2005 ADCC Sub-Wrestling World Championship Competitor
2005 GQ North American 16-man Superfight - 3rd Place
2006 AFC XIX MMA bout - Win by R1 Sub (choke)
2007 BodogFight Season 4 Bout Winner
2007 ADCC Sub-Wrestling World Championship Competitor
2007 Super Grappling Challenge Competitor (Brazil)
2009 ADCC Sub-Wrestling World Championship – 3 Place
Marcos Avellan's Titles
1999 KWA Sport Combat II Middleweight Champion
2000 KWA Sport Combat III Middleweight Champion
2000 FFC Middleweight Champion
2002 NAGA Georgia States Lightweight - 2nd Place
2002 Copa Kimura 16-man Absolute Champion
2002 NAGA New England Lightweight Champion
2003 NAGA Nationals Lightweight - 2nd Place
2003 NAGA Worlds Lightweight - 2nd Place
2003 GQ Team USA Trials Champion – Lightweight member
2003 NAGA All-American Light-Heavyweight - 2nd Place
2003 NAGA Pro-Am Superfight Champion
2003 Fast and Fearless Lightweight Champion
2003 Fast and Fearless II Lightweight Champion
2003 Grapplemania 4-man Lightweight Superfight Champion
2003 NAGA New England 8-man Absolute Champion
2004 NAGA Nationals Superfight competitor
2004 AFC VIII MMA bout - Draw
2004 ADCC Submission Grappling Open Superfight Competitor
2004 GQ West 8-man Middleweight Superfight - 2nd Place
2004 GQ Submission Open 16-man Superfight - 3rd Place
2004 Nevertap 4-man Superfight - 2nd Place
Pro Grappling Record of 39-15 2004 ADCC North American Trials Champion
Amateur MMA Record of 7-1 2005 Compound Fracture II MMA bout - Winner
Pro MMA Record of 1-0-1
2005 GQ Beast of the East II 4-man Superfight Champion
No-Gi BJJ Black Belt
2005 ADCC Sub-Wrestling World Championships Competitor
Head Black Belt of the FFA
Founder of the FFA System
{crazy sidebar}
David Avellan Wins Longest Match in Grappler's Quest
David closed off 2005 with an undisputedly impressive display of heart. In the GQ North
American 16-man Absolute division, he faced BJJ black belt Rafael Lovato Jr. in the first
round. David had won the regulation period but due to a controversial scoring error and a few
iffy calls, the match was thrown into overtime sudden death. These two warriors battled for
over 59 minutes – matches are supposed to be only 8 minutes! It was then that David
bested Lovato with his guard passing. David had won the longest match in Grappler’s Quest
{click here to order now button}
{crazy sidebar}
They all laughed when the white belt stepped on the mat…but when he passed the Helio Gracie
Black Belt FOUR Times…
How to Make Your Guard Passes Eight Times More Effective! Result: More Points, More
Submissions and Less Time Fumbling in E
How a Self Taught 22-Year Old White Belt BEAT a Helio Gracie Black Belt with FOUR Guard
How to Pass Guard Like That 22-Year Old White Belt BEAT a Helio Gracie Black Belt with
FOUR Guard Passes!
Who Else Wants to Pass Guard Like the 22-Year Old White Belt who BEAT a Helio Gracie
Black Belt with FOUR Guard Passes!
The most hated brothers in grappling