Graduation Graduation


Graduation Graduation
General Excellence
Louisiana Press Association
National Newspaper Assn.
& The Leader
Class of 2016
May 2016 • Vol. 19, No. 5 • 36 Pages • Circulation 14,500 • $18 yr. by mail • • 225-261-5055
Central High Graduation
Nearly 300 to Receive Diplomas Friday, May 20
4,000 Expected for Ceremony
At Bethany Church in Baker
Central High Valedictorian Kylie Yglesias
Upcoming Events
— 66 p.m.
p.m. Friday,
Friday, May
May 20
20 —
Central High
High Graduation
Bethany in
in Baker
— 77 p.m.
p.m. Monday,
Monday, May
May 23
23 —
Central Private
Private Graduation
Greenwell Springs
Springs Baptist
CENTRAL — Nearly 300
seniors at Central High
School will cross the stage
to receive their diplomas
at 6 p.m. Friday, May 20 at
Bethany Church in Baker. It
is the largest class to graduate since creation of the
Central Community School
District in 2007. More than
4,000 people are expected to
fill Bethany’s sanctuary.
Kylie Yglesias is valedictorian of the Central High
Class of 2016.
Central Private School
also has one of its largest classes in recent years
— more than 50 graduates
who will cross the stage at 7
p.m. on Monday, May 23 at
Greenwell Springs Baptist
Valedictorian for Central
Private is Gabe Ragusa.
Home schoolers from Central and Baton Rouge will
graduate at 2 p.m. May 21 at
Istrouma Baptist Church.
Congratulations to the
Class of 2016!
58th Annual Greenwell Springs Rodeo
SHADY PARK — Cowboys and rodeo fans from Central, Livingston, and nearby areas gathered at
Shady Park off Greenwell Springs Road Friday and Saturday for the 58th Annual Greenwell Springs
Youth Riders Rodeo. The event included rodeo competition and precision riding. See photos on Page 14.
Central High Sophomore Scores
Near Record 34 on ACT Exam
Spring Football
at Central
Lemonade Day Builds Entrepreneurs
LEMONADE DAY — More than 200 Central students participated in
Lemonade Day Saturday where they learned entrepreneurship as they
built competing lemonade stands. The event, which is sponsored by
Raisin’ Canes, provokes intense, though friendly, competition.
5 p.m.
Wednesday, May 18
trict Rally.
For all the winners, see
pages 8-9 and 35.
Photo by Woody Jenkins
Photo by Woody Jenkins
CENTRAL — Central High in the 10th grade on the ExSchool students who had the plore test and won first place
highest GPA’s and highest in Accounting I at the Disscores on the ACT test were
honored at the school’s annual Academic Awards Banquet last Tuesday at Central
Middle School. Students
and their parents were on
hand to receive the honors.
Receiving special recognition was Justin Nijoka,
a sophomore who earned a
34 on the ACT, the second
highest in the history of
Central High School. Justin
is the son of Chris and Kim
Cook Nijoka.
Justin also had the highest
grade in the 10th grade —
4.625. He has the top score
JUSTIN NIJOKA was honored by the Central Community School
System Tuesday night for having scored 34 on the ACT test. Nijoka,
who is only a sophomore, has a cumulative GPA of 4.625.
2 CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016
910 North Foster Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70806
The Leader Vol. 19 • No. 5 • CCN No. 388
Post Office Box 1
Greenwell Springs, LA 70739
Phone (225) 261-5055 • Entire contents © 2016
Email stories and photos to [email protected]
Published on the first Thursday of each month (except January, when it is the
second Thursday) by Community Press, LLC
The Leader was founded April 30, 1998, and the Central City News was founded April 21,
2005. They merged May 4, 2006. The South Baton Rouge Journal began publication in 1989.
It went on hiatus in 2008 during its 20th year of publication. The Journal resumed publication
as the Capital City News on Aug. 16, 2012, with Vol. 21, No. 1.
Editor & Publisher
Business Manager
Account Executive
Woody Jenkins
Jolice Provost
Kim Powers
Member, Louisiana Press Association, National Newspaper Association, Chamber of
Commerce of East Baton Rouge, and National Federation of Independent Business
Deadline for news and advertising: 5 p.m. Friday before publication
$18 a year by subscription in advance • $25 a year outside East Baton Rouge
Photo by Woody Jenkins
& South Baton Rouge Journal Vol. 25 • No. 5
PRO-MONUMENTS — Former State Sen. Elbert Guillory (left) and attorney John
Dunlap told the Chamber of Commerce of East Baton Rouge Parish monuments to Robert
E. Lee, Jefferson Davis, and P.G.T.Beauregard should remain in New Orleans. Guillory
said Mayor Mitch Landrieu is making a misguided attempt to erase history. Dunlap said
a federal lawsuit to block removal of the monuments has a reasonable chance of success.
Key to Victory in November Is Swing States
Woody Jenkins
In analyzing the general election in November, it is important to
keep our eyes on the ball.
While the media will talk incessantly about women and Latinos, they are really not what the
election will be about at all. The
general election is fought state by
state. You have to look at the swing
states to understand a candidate’s
path to victory.
What to Ignore. Polling in
states like California is completely
irrelevant to what is going to happen, because California is going to
vote Democrat. Forget what men
think, what women think, what Latinos think, and what non-Latinos
think in the states that are either
solidly Democrat or Republican.
Those numbers are irrelevant and
will only confuse you. Keep your
eyes on polling in the swing states!
The Magic Number. It takes
270 votes to win in the Electoral
College, in order to be elected
President. Romney carried states
We will no longer surrender this country or its people to the
false song of globalism. The nation state remains the true foundation for happiness and harmony. I am skeptical of international
unions that tie us up and bring America down. Under my administration, we will never enter America into any agreement that
reduces our ability to control our own affairs.
— Donald J. Trump
with 206 electoral votes. All of
those states are Republican-oriented states. Trump must hold those
states. He will need at least 64 additional electoral votes in order to win.
The swing states where a Trump
victory is reasonably possible are
Florida (29), Iowa (6), Michigan
(16), Nevada (6), New Hampshire
(4), New Mexico (5), Ohio (18),
Oregon (7), Pennsylvania (20), and
Virginia (13).
Of these, the most important are
Florida, Michigan, Nevada, Ohio,
Pennsylvania, and Virginia. These
six states could add 102 electoral
votes — far more than enough for
victory. In those swing states, Latinos are important only in Florida
and Nevada, but most Latinos in
Ronald Reagan
Newsmaker Luncheon
Florida are Cuban and very conservative. The so-called Latino vote
is concentrated almost entirely in
non-swing states and thus not so
Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania are rust belt states hard hit
by the loss of manufacturing jobs.
Trump will be very competitive
Virginia is a Southern state with
a growing liberal population in the
Washington, DC, area, but overall
the state is still very competitive.
Nevada is a Western state where
Trump is strong.
New Hampshire gave Trump
a good vote in the primary and it
could easily fall in his column.
The point is, each of the swing
Chamber of Commerce
of East Baton Rouge
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Reception 11:30 Lunch 12n $17
Café Américain
7521 Jefferson Highway
Baton Rouge, LA 70806
Sponsored by
by Louisiana
Louisiana Republican
Republican Assembly
and Republican
Republican Party
Party of
of East
East Baton
Baton Rouge
Rouge Parish
11:30 Reception
Reception •• 12
12 Lunch
Lunch •• $17
Café Américain
Américain •• 7521
7521 Jefferson
Jefferson Hwy.
No Reservation
Reservation Necessary
“Like” Capital Republican
on Facebook or go to
11055 Shoe Creek Dr.
Central, LA 70818
states is unique with its own unique
issues. Don’t be distracted by the
constant harping on women and
Latinos and focus instead on how
to win each one of those states.
Trump truly has the chance to
“re-write the electoral map.”
Pro-Lifers Optimistic. Donald
Trump is winning praise from prolife leaders for hiring a top pro-life
advocate as a key domestic policy
The resumptive GOP nominee
hired long-time conservative congressional aide John Mashburn as
his policy director. Mashburn is
pro-life and has worked for prolife lawmakers including the late
Sen. Jesse Helms, former Senate
Republican leader Trent Lott and
current North Carolina Sen. Thom
As the Washington Examiner reports, pro-life groups see the move
as Donald Trump making serious
overtures to pro-life voters and hail
it as Trump indicating he will govern in a pro-life manner if elected
3907 S. Sherwood Forest Blvd.
Baton Rouge, LA 70816
CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016 3
Delgado Grilled on Opposition to St. George
BATON ROUGE— Metro Councilman
John Delgado brought his campaign
for Mayor-President to the Ronald
Reagan Newsmaker Luncheon Tuesday and outlined his plans for CityParish government, especially fighting crime. He said crime is the No.
1 problem facing the parish, and he
wants to add 200 officers to the Baton Rouge Police Department.
The outspoken Republican who
takes a liberal position on some hot
button issues was given a chance to
back off from some of his harsh attacks against conservatives in the
past, but he refused to do so.
When asked if he would retract his
comparison of supporters of incorporating the City of St. George with
the Taliban (a terrorist group in the
Middle East), Delgado said he was
not very politically correct and that
the comment was made during “a
heated time,” but he did not retract it.
Dwight Hudson, himself a candidate for Metro Council, told Delgado that his public statements on
those who disagree seem to take on
a pattern of demagoguery. “You talk
about being ‘Better Together’ but
when it comes to supporters of St.
Photo by Woody Jenkins
Mayoral Candidate
Refuses to Back Off
Calling Supporters of
St. George ‘Taliban’
Metro Councilman John Delgado, candidate for Mayor-President Nov. 8
George or opponents of the Fairness
Ordinance, you don’t bring us together.” Delgado responded that “I am
who I am.”
The first-term Councilman said
he will help create good-paying jobs
with economic development. One
untapped resource is the parish’s 12
miles of undeveloped river frontage.
Improving traffic problems will
also be a priority, he said. He discussed the Loop and expanding the
Green Light Program. He said the
City Parish should be part of solving
the education problem in the parish by
expanding Head Start and recruiting
great charter providers to the parish.
Delgado said supporters of St. George
should work together to fix the parish’s problems, but St. George leader
Norman Browning told him he called
a meeting of Metro Councilmen to
address the problems at Woodlawn
High School, and only one — Buddy
Amoroso — bothered to come. “None
of the Councilmen who say we need
to ‘work together’ showed up, nor
did Better Together or One Community, One School System.” he said.
Central Veterans
Memorial Dedication
6 p.m. Monday
May 30, 2016
11515 Sullivan Road
$6 for first 10 words. $10 for 11 to 20
words, $15 for 21 to 30 words. $20 for 31
to 40 words. $25 for one column inch classified display ad. Call 261-5055. Must be
paid in advance. To pay by credit card, go
to and click “Pay
Now” on the left. Then email ad copy to
[email protected]. Or mail or
hand deliver check and ad copy to City
News, 910 N. Foster, Baton Rouge 70806
AUCTION: The following units will
be sold at Public Auction for unpaid
rent at Central Storage, 12526 Hooper
Rd., Baton Rouge, LA 70818 on Friday,
June 3, 2016 at 10 a.m. CASH ONLY.
#10 - William Brown, furniture, totes,
boxes. #249 - Jai Wright, boxes, misc
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- Ina Hatch, clothes, totes, household
goods, misc. items. #454 - Terri Hobgood, furniture, boxes, misc. items.
POSITION: Local Contractor in Central, LA looking for part time Office
Assistant with flexible hours. Must
be proficient in QuickBooks, Excel,
& Microsoft. Job requires processing
estimates, invoices, financial reporting, auditing, payroll, taxes, client
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4 CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016
Trump Campaign Bringing in Republicans, Democrats
Trump Win Energizes Local Republicans
TRUMP VICTORY PARTIES — As the Presidential campaign unfolded, supporters of Donald Trump gathered for election parties across the state. Some of those participating in
Baton Rouge were Kristina Murphy, Andy Bernard, delegates Glenda Pollard and Lennie Rhys, state chairman Woody Jenkins, state coordinator Fletcher Fitzpatrick, and Tracy Garcia.
ORGANIZATION ENERGIZED — Since the Republican Presidential nominating process was decided by the Indiana primary, the Trump organization in Louisiana has stayed
together and been energized by the addition of many supporters of Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and other candidates. The Republican Party of East Baton Rouge Parish endorsed Trump
and Cruz in December, and the party’s headquarters at 711 Jefferson Hwy. has been a source of signs, literature and other materials for all the candidates. Shown above at Trump
election parties are Leslie Alexander, Connie Zimmerman, Merle Shannon, Glenda Pollard, Carole Thomas, Lynn Coxe Graham, and Gary and Martha Huckaby.
She Won’t Graduate
for Awhile!
But I’m so glad you will!
Congratulations Graduates!
Metro Councilman
Trae Welch
CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016 5
Party to Focus
Republican Party
On Fundraising,
Organization at
Grassroots Level
of East Baton Rouge
Photo by Woody Jenkins
Baton Rouge Republican
Parish Executive Committee voted to endorse Donald
J. Trump for the Republican
nomination for President at
its meeting last Thursday. The committee spent most
of the meeting planning how
to raise its budget for the upcoming election season. The
party will be helping with
Republican campaigns for
President and Vice President,
U.S. Senate, Mayor-President, and Metro Council.
The committee voted to REPUBLICAN LEADERS Ruth Flores, Jason Engin, and Jay Lindsey enjoyed a laugh during the Repubhold a major fundraising lican Parish Executive Committee planning a fundraising banquet for the local party this fall.
event this fall to honor outstanding conservative leaders and organizations. They
will invite Dr. Ben Carson
to speak.
To be added to the party’s
email list, send request to
REPUBLICAN VICE CHAIRMAN Connie Bernard, who will chair the Republican Party’s Conservative Awards Banquet this fall, recommended the party invite Dr. Ben Carson to be the main speaker.
— Headquarters —
711 Jefferson Hwy.
Hours: 3-5 pm M-F
— Mail —
7515 Jefferson #50
Baton Rouge 70806
— Email—
— Facebook—
Capital Republican
— Luncheon —
Ronald Reagan
Newsmaker Luncheon
12n 2nd Tuesday
Café Américain
7521 Jefferson Hwy.
— Chairman—
Woody Jenkins
To Launch
Reagan Club
BATON ROUGE — Republicans who want to support
the party’s efforts in the Baton Rouge area in the fall
elections can help by joining the new Ronald Reagan
Club. Members of the club
make a once-a-year donation of $400 to the party or
contribute $35 a month for
12 months. To join, fill out
the form below.
Barbara Thomas
EBR Republican Committee Member
Christian Perspective
On Election This Fall
BATON ROUGE — Republican Parish Executive
Committee member Barbara Thomas told local
Republicans Thursday she
could never support Hillary Clinton for President
because of her stand in favor of abortion and against
traditional marriage. In
addition, Thomas said
Clinton has done nothing
for African Americans.
She said people need jobs
and that’s what she expects
Donald Trump to provide.
Trump Hats
To Arrive
Monday, May 23
. 8, 2016
SEN. DAN CLAITOR (center) outlined plans for a fundraiser event, while Executive Committee members Mike Chittom, Dr. Tommy French, Gene Guffey, and Central Mayor Jr. Shelton listened.
711 Jefferson Hwy.
M-F 3-5 p.m. ONLY
Join the Ronald Reagan Club
Support Republican Party of East Baton Rouge Parish’s efforts to elect
a Republican President, Senator, Mayor-President and Council this fall!
Mail to: Republican Party of East Baton Rouge • 7515 Jefferson Hwy. #50 • Baton Rouge 70806
[ ] I pledge $35 a month for 12 months [ ] I am making a one-time contribution of $400
[ ] Check enclosed or [ ] Bill me or [ ] Charge my credit card No. _ ____________________________________ Exp. Date ________
[ ] I also want to volunteer. Please contact me. [ ] Put sign in my yard for endorsed candidates
Name_____________________________________________Phone ________________________
Email Address ___________________________________________________________________
Club Members
Get 50% Off
6 CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016
Patriots’ Day Traces Conflicts with Islam
SPEAKER BILL FEDERER (right) and U.S. Senate
candidate Rob Maness at Patriots’ Day luncheon.
WORLD WAR II veteran Billy Nichols and friend Ron
Richard. Nichols was honored for his service.
REP. VALARIE HODGES and Supreme Court Justice
Jeff Hughes at Patriots’ Day at Rural Life Museum.
REV. JEFF GINN, pastor of Istrouma Baptist Church
and wife Nell with Mrs. Nichols.
SUPREME COURT Associate Justice Jeff Hughes
wasn’t shy about trying out a Revolutionary War drum
used by musicians and reenactors Jim Hogg and his son
James Linden Hogg. The 15-year-old recently won the
Louisiana State Fiddling championship.
BATON ROUGE— A packed house at Annual
Patriots’ Day at the Rural Life Museum heard
guest speaker Bill Federer review the history of
Islam and its aggression against the West, spanning the past 1,500 years.
Using a comprehensive slideshow and many
sources from Islam, Federer showed the Muslim conquest of the
Middle East, North
Africa, and much of
Western Europe, the
reasons for the Crusades, and ongoing
conflicts caused by
the Islam’s use of conquest, terror, and slavery to spread its religion by force.
Judge Darrell White
used the occasion to
describe the Christian
Judge Darrell White
history of the United
Patriots Day Chairman
States, especially the
role of Christianity in the federal judiciary. The
judge explained the Harlan Bible, a bible that
has been signed by every member of the United
States Supreme Court from 1905 to the present.
He also used the annotated U.S. Code to explain the Organic Law of the United States —
the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of
PH. (225) 261-1095
14485 Greenwell Springs Rd.
Greenwell Springs, La. 70739
THE RISE OF ISLAM was reviewed by guest speaker Bill Federer for participants at Patriots’ Days, including Dr.
Russell Westfall, Jim and Gail Lloyd, Beth Townsend, John Rosenstern, and Ken Fabre.
Confederation, the Northwest Ordinance, and
the U.S. Constitution, all of which acknowledge God. His organization, American Judicial Alliance, distributes replicas of the Harlan
Bible to judges across the nation, on condition
that the Bibles be kept by the court and signed
by all new judges as they are sworn in.
Two days after Patriots’ Day, attendees were
shocked to learn that one of the participants,
Mark Hunter, died in church, apparently of a
heart attack. Mark, a gifted Christian writer,
will be missed by his friends and readers.
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Watson, La. 70786
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Fee: $90
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CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016 7
Legislators on Sanctuary Cities, Liberty
Chamber EBR
Hears Legislators
On Hot Topics
Facing Session
BATON ROUGE— Legislators handling key bills on
sanctuary cities and religious liberty described their
legislation at a meeting of
the Chamber of Commerce
of East Baton Rouge Parish.
Rep. Jay Morris (R-Monroe) is the author of HB
453 on sanctuary cities. A
so-called sanctuary city is
a city which has a policy
against turning over illegal aliens to federal immigration officials. There
are two sanctuary cities in
Louisiana — New Orleans
and Lafayette. Morris’ bill
provides that if a sanctuary city releases an illegal
alien who should have been
turned over to ICE and that
alien subsequently commits
a crime against a citizen,
the victim can sue the sanctuary city for the damages
he sustained. The damage
must be reasonably related
to the release.
Morris’ bill passed the
House 65-20 and is now
pending in the Senate and
Governmental Affairs Committee, where it has an uncertain fate.
Rep. Mike Johnson is the
CHAMBER EBR — Rep. Jay Morris (left) of Monroe and Rep. Mike Johnson (right) of Bossier spoke to the Chamber of Commerce of East
Baton Rouge Parish on major bills each of them is handling. Morris has legislation on sanctuary cities and Johnson has a bill on religious liberty.
SPIRITED DISCUSSION — Attendees at the luncheon included (left photo) Rob Farmer, Paul Sawyer, and Adaina Watson, (center photo)
Reps. Jay Morris and Mike Johnson, and (right photo) Jerry Guffey, Rep. Johnson, and Gene Guffey.
author of HB 597, the Pastor
Protection Act, which would
make it clear that pastors
have no obligation to perform a same-sex marriage if
it is contrary to their faith.
Johnson said 78 percent of
Louisiana voters supported
the Marriage Amendment to
the Louisiana Constitution,
which prohibits same-sex
marriage. Yet now the U.S.
Supreme Court has forced
states to perform such ceremonies. The bill would
prevent that decision from
being used to infringe on
the consciences of members
of the clergy.
The bill appears to limit
its protection to clergy affiliated with organizations approved under Section 501(c)
(3) of the Internal Revenue
Code. One member of the
Chamber EBR asked Johnson if that were a flaw in the
bill. Johnson said the bill
does not say they must be
approved under 501(c)(3)
but eligible for approval.
Johnson’s bill passed the
House 80-18 and is pending in the Senate Judiciary
B Committee,where it too
faces an uncertain outcome.
8 CENTRAL CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016
Central Academic Awards Banquet
— Central Intermediate School Winners —
Kaylee Besson
All A’s Grades 1-5
Brooke Bezet
4.0 for 5 Years
Ava Edwards
All A’s Grades 1-5
Jason Guardadre
4.0 for 4 Years
Central Schools Academic Achievement Banquet held Tuesday
night, May 11 at Central Middle School
Madison Lumpk
All A’s Grades 1-5
Central Schools administrative staff
Allie Mc Cauley
All A’s Grades 1-5
Averi Cleere
All A’s Grades 1-5
River Costello
CIS Spelling Bee Winner
Kami Dreher
4.0 for 4 Years
Austin MCMorris
CIS Geography Bee Winner
Blayson Stoken
All A’s Grades 1-5
Samantha Vaughn
4.0 for 4 Years
Central Schools Academic Achievement Banquet held Tuesday night, May 11 at Central Middle School
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Central Middle School’s
Academic Award Winners
Camerson Besse
8th Grade Explorer Test Score 24
Nicki Bourgeois
8th Grade Explorer Test Score 21
Emily Courtney
8th Grade Explorer Test Score 22
Joshua Cooper - Duke Talent
ACT 18 or Higher in One or More
Diamond Dixon - Duke Talent
ACT 18 or Higher in One or More
Anthony Dupont - Duke Talent
ACT 18 or Higher in One or More
Derek Dupree - Duke Talent
ACT 18 or Higher in One or
More Sections
Colby Dupuy - Duke Talent ACT
18 or Higher in One or More
Benjamin Goodman - Duke Talent
ACT 18 or Higher in One or More
Emma Huguet - Duke Talent ACT
18 or Higher in One or More
Daniel Jenkins
8th Grade Explorer Test Score
Christian Jensen - Duke Talent
ACT 18 or Higher in One or More
Grace Lagattuta
8th Grade Explorer Test Score
Martin Lucio
8th Grade Explorer Test Score
Devin Martin
8th Grade Explorer Test Score 21
Adam O’Banion
ACT 18 or Higher in One or More
Dylan O’Banion
ACT 18 or Higher in One or More
Dylan Scivicque
ACT 18 or Higher in One or More
Joseph Steiner
8th Grade Explorer Test Score
Maya Trahan
CMS Spelling Bee Winner
Larry Wilson, III
8th Grade Explorer Test Score 21
CENTRAL CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016 9
10 CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016
Truck Stuff
Can Dress Up
Your Truck or
Sell Cub Cadet
Tanning Special: 3 months for $55
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CENTRAL • 11424 Sullivan Rd., Bldg. C, Suite B • 225.261.8405
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BAKER — Truck Stuff USA &
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Truck Stuff also offers the latest Zero Turn Cub Cadet mowers.
In 2006, Forbes became the only
authorized dealer for Cub Cadet in
East Baton Rouge Parish.
Dave Forbes managed Capital
Campers for 24 years before opening Truck Stuff USA & Power
Equipment in 2002.
He said, “We can dress your
truck up and at the same time increase its function. We have hitches, bed covers and running boards
just to name a few accessories. Our
installation department has a quick
turn around and can provide in and
out service.”
Truck Stuff USA & Power
Equipment is also a U-Haul Neighborhood Dealer.
They are located at 14330 Plank
Road in Baker. Hours of operation
are Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to
5:30 p.m. On Saturday, the showroom is open 9 to 12 noon.
Stop by today to see Dave and
his staff, or call 225-774-5574.
CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016 11
Home Schooling Graduates
We’re so proud of you!
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include Abbie Allen, Carlton Callender, and Collin Craig.
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for full time and part time employees. Please fax resume to
225.767.6777. Southern Medical Document Solutions or
email to
[email protected]
Class Times
7:30-8:30 a.m.
8:30-9:30 a.m.
9:30-10:30 a.m.
Noon-1:00 p.m.
1:00-2:00 p.m.
5:30-6:30 p.m.
Austin Miller is graduating from Central High School in the Class of 2016.
from Dec. 14, 2006 to Present
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8:30-9:30 a.m.
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12 CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016
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CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016 13
Hundreds of Central Kids Start Businesses
Lemonade Day Promotes Entrepreneurship
Lemonade Day • Sponsored by Raisin’ Cane’s • Central Square • May 7, 2016 • Photos by Woody Jenkins
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14 CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016
58th Annual Greenwell Springs Rodeo
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CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016 15
16 CENTRAL CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016
St. Alphonsus’ Festival of Two Rivers
Photo by Jolice Provost
Fr. Mike
(Which Means He Didn’t Have to Kiss the Goat!)
Kyle Cutrer raising money to avoid the Kiss.
Meet Juliet the Goat before the contest
officially ended on Saturday.
Meet Youth Minister Lynette Shaffett. She had to kiss Juliet the Goat!
Bailey Creppel, Morgan Kennedy and
Camille Provost
Festival of Two Rivers midway (left) and some happy festival-goers
Fr. Mike wins the Kiss the Goat Contest.
Perhaps the Most Beautiful Homesite in Central
And Central Is the Most Beautiful Part of East Baton Rouge Parish!
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Magnificent 5.3-acre homesite. Includes office and/or event facility with new roof; two large commercial grade
AC/heating systems; 10 foot ceilings with crown molding plus 60x30 covered area for parking, outdoor picnic,
barbecue or crawfish boils $475,500. By appointment only. 6510 Oak Cluster. Call owner at 225-937-7404.
CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016 17
Congratulations, Graduates!
You have worked hard and paid the price.
You have earned the right to use the title
Graduate, Central High School
Class of 2016
— Central Comunity School System
Central High’s Most Likely to Succeed
Bayleigh Anders & Grant Guerin
Central High’s Most Intelligent
Kylie Yglesias & Griffion Smith
Central High’s Best All Around
Nia Ragland & Chris Dowden
CENTRAL COMMUNITY SCHOOL BOARD — (Left to right) Jim Lloyd, Roxanne Atkinson, Dr. David Walker, Willard Easley,
Dr. Jim Gardner, Board President Ruby Foil, Supt. Mike Faulk, and Sharon Browning
CENTRAL PRINCIPALS — (Left to right) Dr. Jason Fountain of Central Middle; David
Prescott of Central High; Laura Gehling of Bellingrath Hills Elementary; Julie
Stevens of Tanglewood Elementary, and Rhonda Taylor of Central Intermediate
Community Schools Supt. Mike Faulk
and Assistant Supt. Sandy Davis
18 CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016
Central Mayor Jr. Shelton Says
Congratulations, Graduates!
Your First Step Toward a Bright Future
Jr. Shelton, Mayor of City of Central
All-State Star Jr. Shelton in 1968
Broadmoor High Class of 1969
The City of Central is blessed to have two great high schools
— Central High School and Central Private School — and we
are so proud of this year’s graduates! The Class of 2016 is
filled with great potential. We urge the graduates to follow your
dreams. Whether you decide to go to college or enter the workforce or go into business for yourself, please remember that
Central is your home. We hope that you will continue to invest your time, talent, and resources here and make our city
the best place to live and work in America! Best wishes for success, God bless you, and please let me know how we can help!
Some Outstanding Members of the Class of 2016
Ms. and Mr. CPS — Alayna Averette and Nathaniel Broussard
Central High’s Mr. Senior, Telly Roper, and Ms. Senior, Alexis David
Central High School • Class of 2016
Photos by Expressions Photography
CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016 19
William Aaron
Kaitlyn Achord
Madelyn Achord
Jack Alderman
Justin Alexander
Bayleigh Anders
Jared Anders
Breland Anderson
Jonathan Anderson
Keimy Blanco-Andrade
Adrianna Austin
Anthony Averette
Russell Ball
Allison Bell
Mason Bell
Kerique Bennett
Elizabeth Benton
Cole Bergeron
Shelby Bersuder
Brendan Bertrand
Amanda Biggs
Ackely Blakes
Joshua Bogan
Bailey Bordelon
Alex Borg
Brennan Borne
Darrian Bozeman
Justin Branum
Chandler Brewer
Conner Brian
Joshua Brignac
Hannah Brown
Katherine Bryant
Skylar Bueche
Brittney Burden
Connor Burns
Kacey Cardona
Katie Carpenter
Lucas Carraway
Breanna Clark
Cameron Clement
Jacob Coates
Taylor Cockerham
Hunter Colton
Kaitlyn Cooke
Kelsey Cooke
Myles Courtney
Rachel Cox
Payton Coxe
Devyn Craft
Jacob Crowell
Sarah Daas
Sarah Dame
Alexis David
Brittney Davis
Dustin Davis
Lyndee Debetaz
Ethan DeLaughter
Brooke Demoulin
Hadley Devall
Shelby Deviller
Ashton Dixon
Adam Calais
Darian Collier
Continued on Page 21
20 CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016
A Message to
The Class of 2016
Rep. Valarie Hodges
Always remember that God’s word is
the best guide for your life. Others may
fail you but our Heavenly Father will
never fail you. Keep your family close
to your heart and always remember
that Central is home!
— Legislative Accomplishments —
• Acquired funding to widen Hwy. 64 to Magnolia Bridge
• Acquired funding for Hooper Road Extension
• Secured $10 milllion in new money for Comite Diversion Canal
• Voted NO across-the-board on raising taxes
• HB 836 by Rep. Hodges - Prevents marriage licenses from being used by
undocumented immigrants as a pathway to citizenship - PASSED
• HCR 51 by Rep. Hodges - Created Legislative Task Force to speed up com
pletion of Comite Diversion Canal - PASSED
HB 126 and 1105 by Rep. Hodges - Hotline for victims of human trafficking - PASSED
• HB 278 by Rep. Hodges - Prohibits coerced abortions in Louisiana - PASSED
— Current Legislative Battles —
• Prevent additional taxes and make responsible cuts in state spending
• Prohibit the creation of sanctuary cities and prohibit illegal immigrants from
receiving government benefits
• Grant victims of domestic violence temporary concealed carry permit
• Require hospitals and midwives to inform parents of danger to newborns of
shaken baby syndrome
Central Private Most Loveable
Olivia Hart and Nathaniel Broussard
Central High Friendliest Girl and Boy
Rachel Cox and Logan Thames
Photos by Expressions Photography
CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016 21
Central High School • Class of 2016
Christopher Dowden
Tyler Dufour
Justin Duhon
Carly Duke
Diamonick Dunn
Brandon Esch
Anne-Marie Evans
Mason Evans
Ryland Fabre
Grant Falcon
Emily Dunn
Casey Ferguson
Blade Edwards
Quiesha Emery
Kaitlyn Fife
Kaetlyn Finn
Madison Flowers
Brent Fontenot
Micah Fontenot
Samantha Fox
Thomas Frazier
Shae Fruge
Victoria Furlow
Donovan Furr
Noah Gandy
Reagan Gill
Haleigh Gradney
Jordyn Graham
Nicholas Granata
Hannah Granier
Kristine Gray
Hunter Griggs
Savannah Guarino
Trenton Guay
Dayton Guercio
Brant Guerin
Toni Guerin
Gabrielle Guilbeau
Tara Guillory
Madison Hadden
Mackenzie Hardin
Morgan Harris
Trevor Harrison
Davante Heil
Molly Henderson
Montana Hernandez
Jeffery Higgs
Holly Hodges
Reanne Holmes
Jordan Hopkins
River Hubbard
Taylor Hunt
Darah Husser
Jarett Ingalss
Katharyn Jenkins
Justin Jernigan
‘Like” Central City News
Blayne Johnson
Hayley Johnson
Matthew Johnson
Quinlan Johnson
Jamille Jones
Jasmane Jones
Keeanah Jones
6 p.m.
May 20
Continued on Page 23
22 CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016
Metro Council Member
Class of 2016
Valarie Hodges
One of my favorite photos — That’s me, Scott Wilson, on the left posing with former Councilman Joe
Greco. Between the two of us, we have represented Central for 24 years on the Metro Council. Oh,
that guy in the picture on the right? That’s me in 19XX when I was a senior at Redemptorist High!
As your Metro Councilman, I am so proud of our graduates of
Central High School and Central Private School! You will always
remember your high school years, especially the sporting events,
the great teachers, and friendships, some of which may last a lifetime. I fondly remember my days at Redemptorist High and all
that wonderful school gave to me. Treasure your friendships, your
memories, and your great alma mater! Good luck for the future!
Central Private School Class Officers — Kristen DeFreitas, Reporter; Briella Ricca, Treasurer;
Gabe Ragusa, President; Landon Bryson, Vice President, an d Kristin Nijoka, Secretary
CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016 23
Central High School • Class of 2016
Sarah Jones
Jeauhn Karney
Kyle Kennedy
Kade Kepper
Caroline Kiefer
Kaylee Kwan
Reagan Laborde
Serenity Lanclos
Ashlyn Langley
Courtney Langlois
Chance Lee
Dylan Lemoine
Breanna Lolis
Deion London
Lane McCaskill
Brooklyn McCauley
Sydnie McClendon
Caleb Moore
Mary Ann Morris
Patrick Norton
Kardell Pealer
Taft Kirby
Mckenzie Knapps
Jaelyn Knighten
Alexis LeBlanc
Lucas Lecoq
Sarah LeDuff
Kathryn Mancuso
Emily Martin
Kamron Mayeux
Leah McCarty
Zachary McLain
Katelyn Melancon
Ross Melton
Hope Michelli
Chloe Mouton
Amy Newsom
Noah Nichols
Landon Nicolosi
Christopher Nijoka
Kenyetté Nixon
Thatch Norton
Ashley Norwood
Brooke Olinde
Charley Ourso
Devante Parker
Taylor Paternostro
Joseph Pattan
Torin Perkins
Michael Petsch
Ben Pezant
Chauncey Phillips
Brantley Pike
Katelin Polar
Ainsley Miller
Stephanie Pourciau
‘Like” Central City News
Daniel Pulliam
JonRoy Pulver
Sarah Pursifull
Miles Raggio
Nia Ragland
Katelyn Rains
Guadalupe Ramirez
Brutus Rayburn, II
Continued on Page 25
24 CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016
Valarie Hodges
Sen. Bodi White
Congratulations to the
Class of 2016
You have a great future ahead!
Don’t Be Afraid to Grow and Change.
I did! After all, I wasn’t always the
“mature statesman” you see in the
photo at right. No, I was young
once — a long time ago — and
had a lot of growing and
changing to do, as the photos
from the Central Wildcat
yearbook of 1974 reveal!
Sen. Bodi White (R-Central)
Central’s Bodi White Named All-State
Congratulations to Class of 2016!
Central High Most Athletic
Kaitlyn Cooke and Caleb Moore
Central Private Most Athletic
Landon Bryson and Lauren Bihm
CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016 25
Photos by Expressions Photography
Central Graduation at 6 p.m. Friday, May 20
Courtney Reed
Kamron Richard
Tad Richard
Katelyn Riddle
Randy Roach
Joel Robinson
Kaylee Robinson
Malik Robinson
Taylor Rogers
Creselda Rodriguez
Dylan Sanders
Mason Savant
Kaitlin Schlatre
Kellie Scott
Jayde Sibley
Austin Smiley
Griffin Smith
Elizabeth Soileau
Christian Steele
Joshua Stevens
Kierstyn Sutherland
Joshua Tanksley
Madaline Tarver
Keondra Taylor
Margaret Terrio
Logan Thames
Kade Thode
Morgan Thomas
Taylor Thomas
Dalen Tidwell
Sydney Tillman
Chance Truett
Congratulations, Graduates!
10% Off for Graduates in May!
Applies to repairs and accessories
Keely Tullier
Aubrie Watson
Christoher Vito
Dylan Verbois
Marlenana Watts
Mary Weber
E-pear Phone & PC
Christopher Walker
We replace broken parts
• Screen, Digitizer,
Battery, Antenna & more
• We also sell accessories
Cameron Wethey
• Computer Repair
• Data Recovery
• Network set up
• PC tune up
• Virus removal
Jordyn Wittington
Elizabeth Wicker
Christina Williams
Donté Winding
• We also work on
Water Damage Devices
• Get extra cash for your old and broken devices!
Erinesha Winding
Jonathan Wingrey
Woolie Hanna
Lindsey Wright
Kylie Yglesias
@ 225-478-8856
26 CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016
Congratulations Class of 2016
Trade Construction is a business founded here in Central in our dad’s backyard
more than 30 years ago. Through hard work, perseverence, and the help of
many great employees, friends, suppliers, and clients, Trade Construction has
grown tremendously, now with more than 250 employees. We believe in the
American free enterprise system, the people of Louisiana, and especially the
people of Central. We want to encourage all of our graduates to pursue your
dreams with all your heart! Keep our nation free and strong and be a role
model for all who come after you. You can and will achieve success in this
Land of the Free and Home of the Brave!
— Brennan Easley, President/CEO, Trade Construction
17043 Joor Road, Zachary, LA 70791
T 225-654-7741 F 225-654-7763
Pipe fabrication, pipeline equipment,
and industrial construction. Quality
work that meets your expectations.
Brennan Easley, CPS Class of 1991
Brennan Easley today
As an employer, we find that one of the most important factors in success is
dependability. 80% or more of life is about showing up and doing what you are
supposed to do — showing up at school, showing up at work, showing up to
vote, meeting deadlines, paying bills, and fulfilling commitments to your clients,
business associates, spouse, children, and loved ones. Dependability is about
character, and character is absolutely essential to building a successful life.
We want to honor these four students who have been recognized as their
school’s Most Dependable Students. Congratulations on being a role model!
Central Private • Most Dependable
Allison Flurry and Cody Lewis
Central High • Most Dependable
Sarah Jones and Johnathan Anderson
CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016 27
Sid Gautreaux, Baker High
Congratulations on graduating as a
member of the Class of 2016! This is an
important milestone in your life! In the
years ahead, we at the East Baton Rouge
Sheriff’s Office look forward to serving
you. If we can be of assistance, please
contact us at the Central substation at
13016 Gurney Road, call the Substation at
389-5177, or in case of emergency, call 911.
And if you are interested in a career in law
enforcement, please contact us.
Many thanks for your kind support
of this office and your deputies!
Central Private’s Most School Spirit
Rebecca Armanini & Jesse Stone
Central High’s Most School Spirit
Micah Fontenot and Tad Richard
28 CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016
13921 Joor at Core Lane
14447 Denham Road
9150 Joor at Lovett
Class of 2016
Central High
Central Private
from Romero’s
and the
Romero Family!
Central Private Class of 2016
Class Quote: “All that really matters is that the people you love are happy
and healthy. Everything else is just sprinkles on a sundae.” - Paul Walker
CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016 29
Central Private School • Class of 2016 Bryan Andes
Gavyn Andre`
Trevor Andre`
Rebecca Armanini
Madison Ashford
Alayna Averette
Reagan Baggett
Gillian Barroios
Emily Bernard
Lauren Bihm
Isaiah Breaux
Natalie Broussard
Nathaniel Broussard
Landon Bryson
Hunter Buxton
Zane Byland
Cameron Callihan
Connor Callihan
Jared Chutz
Kristen DeFreitas
Amber Dougherty
Allison Flurry
Logan Ford
Victoria Foret
Tanner Fritts
Jeremy Gajan
Alton Harrison
Olivia Hart
Dylan Iueli
Molly Keel
Dylan Larid
Alyssa Landry
Morgan LeBlanc
Payton Lee
Rachel Lessard
Steven Lewis
Alec Martin
Trent Myrick
Kacie Nijoka
Matthew Lanoux
Continued on Page 31
The Best Price In Roofing
& Sheet Metal Services
Blanco’s Roofing
& Sheet Metal
Serving Central and
the Surrounding Area
Since 1990
Our Top Priority Is Your
Complete Satisfaction
Fax 262-1981 •
[email protected]
13653 Devall Road • Central, LA 70818
30 CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016
The Remarkable Story of the
Greg Calihan / Central Title
Redemptorist Wolves
Who Became
Central Private School Rebels
Central Private Class of 2016
Rachel Lessard, Alyssa Landry, Stephanie Tassin, Gillian Barrios, Hunter Harris, Todd Watson Back Row: Hunter Todd,
Jeremy Gajan, Connor Callihan, Cameron Callihan, Dylan Iueli, Trent Myrick, Matthew Lanoux. Not shown: Tyler Donaldson
When the Diocese of Baton Rouge unexpectedly closed Redemptorist High School last year,
it seemed like a disaster for Redemptorist’s close-knit senior class. They could have scattered to schools throughout the Baton Rouge area. Instead, they decided to stay together
and attend Central Private School. The new students were welcomed with open arms by CPS’
administrators, teachers, and students. The new students were integrated into the life of
Central Private, and they excelled! Old friendships continued but new friendships were made.
Those students who came from Redemptorist to CPS have experienced two quite different cultures, and they will always proudly be both Redemptorist Wolves and Central Private Rebels!
You Made It!
Law Firm LLC
Central Title & Closing
Cameron and Conner Callihan were two of the
students who started at Redemptorist and moved
to CPS this year. They love both schools!
14465 Wax Road
CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016 31
Central Private School • Class of 2016 Kristen Nijoka
Lauren Norwood
Landon O’Quinn
Jena Pocorello
Gabe Ragusa
Dylan Restivo
Brielle Ricca
Thomas Richardson
Jesse Stone
Stephanie Tassin
Canaan Thomas
Todd Waton
Nicholas Williams
Graduation Ceremonies for Central Private Seniors Will Be Held at
7 p.m. on Monday, May 23 at Greenwell Springs Baptist Church
Bethany Christian School • Class of 2016
Lauren Albington
Madison Batarseh
Aaron Green
Samuel Gray
Jacob Hecht
Kayla Keller
BAKER — Madison Batarseh was
named valedictorian, and Malori LaPorte was named
salutatorian during
graduation cremonies at Bethany
Christian School
May 9 at Bethany
Church in Baker.
Central Home School Seniors to Graduate
Malori LaPorte
Will Hardy
Josiah Marshall
Anna Jolibois
Joshua Norwood
Haily Latting
Julian Shorts
Lydia Stucky
Taylor Beth Lloyd
Hannah Turner
Graduation Ceremonies for 60 BR Area Home Schoolers Will Be Held
at 2 p.m. on Saturday, May 21 at Istrouma Baptist Church
32 CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016
Congratulations to Class of 2016!
Commencement = A Beginning
To the graduates of 2016: As you walk across the
stage and receive your diploma, you will commence a
new chapter in your life. Our schools in Central have
well prepared you for the next step. Once your formal education is complete, you will get a good job or
start a business. Hopefully, you will become a property owner, and that will bring you into contact with
the Assessor’s office. Our job is to assess property
fairly and equitably in accordance with law. We want
you to know that when you become a property owner,
our door is always open to assist you! Thank you so
much for the opportunity to serve you!
— Assessor Brian Wilson
Brian Wilson (left) at Redemptorist High School; Brian and younger
brother Scott in elementary school; and at right as a teenager.
Central Schools Supt. Mike Faulk with seniors Cameron Clement (4.387 GPA), Kathryn
Jenkins (4.346 GPA), and Student Government President Sarah Jones
Some of Central High, CPS Favorites
CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016 33
Central High School’s Most Couteous
Sarah Dame and Jonathan Ryder
Central High School’s Most Talented
Jared Anders and Meg Terrio
Central High School’s Most Photogenic
Mason Evans and Emily Martin
Central High School’s Class Comedian
Josh Bogan and Toni Guerin
Central High School’s Most Talkative
Hannah Brown and Kade Thode
Central High School’s Whittest
Molly Anderson and Will Aaron
Central Private School’s Most Likely to Succeed
Gabe Ragusa and Payton Lee
Central Private School’s Most Intellectual
Gillian Barrios and Zane Byland
Central High School’s Most Attractive
Kade Kepper and Seremity Lanclos
Central High School’s Best Personality
Kyle Kennedy and Anne Marie Evans
Central High School’s Campus Flirt
Austin Smiley and Adrianna Austin
Central Private School’s Friendliest
Tom Richardson and Emily Bernard
34 CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016
CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016 35
2016 Central High Academic Awards
Cameryn Austin
11th Grade ACT Score 28
Caitlin Benoit
Top 11th Grade GPA 4.368
Caden Blouin
11th Grade ACT Score 27
Sarah Boswell
11th Grade ACT Score 28
Kelsie Bourgeois
11th Grade ACT Score 27
Jacob Coates
12th Grade ACT Score 29
Kelsey Cooke
12th Grade ACT Score 27
Brooke Demoulin
12th Grade ACT Score 28
Jace Eisworth
Top 9th Grade GPA 4.375
Grant Falcon
12th Grade ACT Score 27
Samantha Fox
12th Grade ACT Score 28
Shae Frugé
12th Grade ACT Score 28
Joseph Furr
11th Grade ACT Score 27
Kyla Golden
Top 10th Grade GPA 4.50
Caroline Heyl
Top Scoreer on Explorer Test 21
Dylan Holmes
11th Grade ACT Score 28
Brianna Huber
9th Grade GPA 4.25
Top 9h Grade Explore Score 25
Brianna Huber
9th Grade GPA 4.25
Top 9h Grade Explore Score 23
Destiny Manzella
Top 9th Grade GPA 4.50
Mary McPhate
11th Grade ACT Score 27
Joshua Miles
Top 9th Grade GPA 4.375
Sarah Norwood
Top Scoreer on Explorer Test 25
Madison Nunnery
11th Grade ACT Score 28
Jo-Jo O’Conner
11th Grade ACT Score 28
Matthew Pourciau
Top Scoreer on Explorer Test 23
Morgan Starkey
Top Scoreer on Explorer Test 24
Hannah Wall
Top 10th Grade GPA 4.416
Top Scoreer on Explorer Test 24
Abigail Williams
Top Scoreer on Explorer Test 21
Raegan Weillis
Top 10th Grade GPA 4.541
36 CITY NEWS Thursday, May 19, 2016