Fun family picnic games


Fun family picnic games
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Chain tag
This game can be played with three or more people.
1 Start by choosing a player to be 'the chaser'.
2With their eyes closed, the chaser counts to 10 while
the others move away from them. At '10' the chaser
opens their eyes and begins running after the other
players, trying to tag them.
3 When a player is tagged they must then hold hands with the
chaser to make a chain. Then they try to catch everyone else.
4The game ends when all the players have been caught.
The last person to be caught becomes the new chaser.
Follow the leader
This game can be played with three or more people.
1Start by choosing one player to be 'the leader'.
The other players get in line, single file, behind
the leader.
2The leader begins by doing whatever they want walking, skipping, hopping, running - and the other
players have to copy what the leader is doing.
3If any of the players makes a mistake or doesn't do
what the leader is doing, they are out of the game.
4The winner is the last player remaining. They then
become the new leader.
Make sure you play these games on grass, so if you fall you won't hurt yourself too much!
Three-legged race
This game can be played with four or more people
in teams of two. You'll need a scarf or large
tea towel for each team.
1Players need to pair up with a partner, stand
side by side, and put their arms around each
other's waist. The players' inside legs should be
touching. Tie the inside legs together so that each
pair of players has three legs rather than four.
2Mark up a start and a finish line with sticks or any objects you have to hand.
3All the players need to line up behind the start line. At the signal the pairs race
towards the finish line. The first pair to reach the finish line is the winner.
Bunny hop
This game can be played with four people in
teams of two. You’ll need a ball or a balloon
for each team.
1Mark a start and a finish line with sticks
or any objects you have to hand.
2One player from each team stands behind
the start line and one behind the finish line.
3At the signal the players at the start line
have to jump with a ball between their legs
to the finish line.
4When a player crosses the finish line, they
have to pass the ball to the other team
member without using their hands. The next
player has to hop back to the start line.
5 The first team to reach the start line wins.
Sack race
This game can be played with two or
more people. You'll need a sack or a
pillowcase for each player.
1Mark up a start and a finish line with
sticks or any objects you have to hand.
2Each player has to place both legs
inside their pillow case and line up
behind the start line.
3At the signal the players hop towards
the finish line.
4The first player to reach the finish
line wins.