
Hello Brothers! What an amazing term it has turned out to be!
It has been a privilege to serve you all as your president and an even greater honor to be able to
call myself a brother of Rho Rho. Thank you for all your time and energy, for all your support
and dedication and for all the memories and experiences we have all shared. Together, we have
accomplished so much this past term and have been true to our principles, Leadership Friendship and Service.
We successfully supported the Haitian relief movement through our funds raised at Talent Show 2010. We willingly took a step closer to a more perfect fraternity through the participation and efforts of "Rho Rho Brotherhood." We selflessly reached out to UNLV and welcomed
a new chapter, Alpha Zeta Upsilon, to our Section 2 Family by conducting the ceremony and
pinning our newly introduced brothers. We humbly accomplished another victory at Dance
Comp 2010 through the hard work and dedication of our talented dancers, along side the support, presence and pride of our brothers. We rightfully guided and welcomed Rho Class to our
Rho Rho family.
"Not many people can say they do what we do… not many people can actually DO what
we do… pursuing an education on a collegiate level, maintaining jobs, earning internships, dealing with personal obstacles of friends, family, etc… AND on top of all that, we are all actively
involved in NATIONAL COED COMMUNITY SERVICE FRATERNITY, selflessly dedicating our
time and efforts to our campus, community, fraternity, and nation. Take PRIDE in what you are
achieving here in this brotherhood. Take pride in what you will achieve in the future, what you
are accomplishing in the present and what you have already overcome in the past… and when
you are feeling a bit lost, just think about why you are here… why you continue to participate in
this fraternity. Go back to the basics and not only rediscover your motivations, but in addition,
put such motivations to good use. Do NOT let it go to waste. Use it to put meaning back into
everything that you do… don’t merely “go through the motions” because going through the motions submits to mediocre actions, mediocre feelings, mediocre accomplishments. Do not settle
for average when you have the potential to be so much more... I believe in each AND every one of
you, please open your eyes and allow yourselves to see the potential and greatness I already see.
Be open for change, embrace it, do not be afraid of it… change doesn’t always have negativity attached to it. Let’s work TOGETHER to make Rho Rho even greater than we already are. I know
my aspirations and visions seem unreal and idealistic, and yes, they may be for the time being.
However, please realize it is NOT IMPOSSIBLE. Aspirations and dreams that are worth fighting for take time to achieve, but in the end they prove to be MORE than worth it. BE GREAT,
DREAM BIG!" (an excerpt of what I wrote in a past newsletter! haha)
Inside This Issue
President & Advisor
ExComm & NEOs
Shout Outs
(Pledge Experiences)
Graduating Seniors
To S.ExComm 2010, I would like to thank you from the very bottom of my heart
for all that you have done! You all have gone above and beyond my expectations and I am so grateful to have collaboRho Rho Superlatives
rated with such an accomplished, dedicated and driven Ex53
ecutive Committee.
To actives and alumni, keep up all the great work!
You all have truly been my inspiration to stay active in the
past terms; thank you for the unforgettable memories!
(LFS in Japan)
To the Rho Class, WELCOME! I am glad to have the
opportunity to officially call you brothers of Alpha Phi Ome54
ga, Rho Rho. You are the future of this chapter and I cannot
wait to see what you will accomplish.
To ALL of my brothers, words cannot describe what an
AMAZING experience Alpha Phi Omega has been these past
years, I am forever grateful for what you have all taught me
and I will miss you all dearly.
Karen Castillo
Top 3 Brothers
APO Panoramic
Advisor Ed Chang’s How to Win a DSK in 11 Ways
Having pledged the Rho Pi chapter of Alpha Phi Omega in January of 2004, chances are I became involved with APO
when most actives were still in middle school. The most important advice I can give to everyone is to have a passion
for what you do. This not only applies to APO, but also to work and life. For active brothers graduating this June or
readers of this article, I remind you that graduation doesn’t have to mean an end to your relationship with APO. I
found graduation as an opportunity to do new things I couldn’t do as an active, continue my personal development,
lend variety to life, and give back to the community and fraternity. So, I encourage everyone to find enjoyable ways
to stay involved and want to share with you how I stay involved as an APO alumnus for the past 4.5 years. Give it a try!
1. Attend annual events from your home chapter
As an alumnus of UCSD and Rho Pi, I initially made it my annual tradition to attend major Rho Pi events such as
sib revealing, activation, year-end banquet, Project Mataguay, DanceComp, Spring Youth Service Kid’s Fair. My
record has been pretty good to this day. I have gone to all five annual Project Mataguays since its inception in 2005,
all DanceComps since I activated, all Kid’s Fairs until it stopped last year, all year-end banquets since I pledged,
and most revealings and activations. Fortunately, my line tree, has expanded since I pledged, so I also look forward to attending my greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgrandlittle’s activation ceremony this September.
2. Check out other chapter’s interchapter events, other section’s sectionals, regionals
and national convention
It is easier to attend these events once I started working, had some extra spending cash, and looked for a
reason to getaway for the weekend and travel APO-style! The first Section 4 Conference I went to was memorable because a dozen of us from Rho Pi road tripped to San Francisco State. Section 4 (Bay area) conferences are awe-inspiring because the brothers there are so much more spirited and hardcore compared to the
brothers down here, but Regional and National conferences bring out the cream of the crop. Can you imagine half a ballroom of brothers stepping to Soulja Boy in Berkeley or 2000 brothers from across the nation
(95% of them Caucasian) singing the toast song in Boston? I also met a lot of national figures such as National
APO President Maggie Katz at these events and even played a game of Apples to Apples with her at one conference. I am starting to lose count, but I’ve been to two Section 4 conferences, three Section 1 conferences,
seven Section 2 conferences, four Fall Fellowships, two Region X conferences, and one National convention.
Rho Pi’s Project Mataguay and Zeta Omicron’s bonfire are highly recommended too. Atlanta 2010 or bust.
3. Complete all five APO LEADS courses
I went to my first Regionals in 2005 at San Diego, which is where I took my first APO LEADS Launch course
presented by Ping Huang. I finished my last APO LEADS Explore course at the 2009 Regionals in UC Davis.
Here is my shameless plug for APO LEADS since I’m a Launch Director. APO LEADS is APO’s series of five
leadership development courses: Launch, Explore, Achieve, Discover, and Serve. They are all free except Serve,
which is $50 for a weekend leadership development retreat that includes food and hotel. I bonded with a lot
of cool brothers from other chapters from San Jose, Stockton, and Fairbanks, Alaska, to name a few. As an
aside, please don’t call it just LEADS because I am taught that name is trademarked by Stanford University.
4. Get adopted by another chapter
I moved back home to the city of Orange after graduating from UCSD. My interchapter buddy from Rho
Rho, Jeremy Thacker, which some of you probably know, referred me to the Kappa pledge parents Sarah
Huh and Bryan Imoto after I expressed interest in getting involved with my local APO chapter at UCI. They
paired me as an adopted little with Rho Rho alumnus Wendy Tanami from Zeta class during Kappa revealing. This is how I became a member of Cool family’s Tao Line. Planning a couple Cool family fellowships
like Kayaking and LAN parties, helping with Rho Rho’s Sectional committee, serving as an Alumni Chair
with Jonathan Cheung, and contributing a third of Cool family’s points one term were all fun and memorable experiences. Getting nominated my third time for a Rho Rho chapter DSK this term is priceless. Yea Cool!
5. Obtain two Bronze Level Presidential Volunteer Service Awards
A person qualifies for the Bronze level of the Presidential Volunteer Service Award if he or she completes 100 hours of service over the course of a year through an official certifying organization such as
the Rho Rho chapter of Alpha Phi Omega. This is a nationally recognized award that the President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation established in 2003. I received one from Rho Pi during my last year
as an active and one from Rho Rho as an alumnus when Cindy Nguyen and Kang Hur were Service VPs.
6. Become Advisory Chair at two different chapters
I officially inducted as the Advisory Chair of Rho Rho on June 5, 2007 and Advisor Chair of Omega Sigma on
April 25, 2009. As an advisor, I do backend stuff most people don’t see like sign off on chapter paperwork such
as the annual AAMD and financial audit, write letters of endorsement for the chapter’s grant applications, preside over pledge parent decision forums, participate in activation ritual, install newly elected officers, and advise the executive committee. The great thing about coming from another chapter is being able to share ideas
from other chapters. I’d like to claim that the Cha interview fellowships started because I gave the idea to the
Kappa pledge parents. We did interview parties at Rho Pi. Other things Rho Pi did which we tried at Rho Rho,
but didn’t survive officer transitions include awarding Presidential Service Awards, fundraising with Aramark,
and applying for service grants to host an annual Rho Rho youth service project called Summer Reading Fair.
7. Serve on Section Staff
David Wilson, who was Section 2 Chair three terms ago, appointed me as his Treasurer. Since then, I initially pushed
for a Section 2 Fund at the 2008 and 2009 Section 2 Conferences, and it finally passed at the 2010 Section 2 Conference
this year. Currently, I serve under Section 2 Chair Kent Lee as Vice Chair of Operations, in which I will primarily assist
with coordinating the Southern California bid to host the 2012 National APO Convention in Anaheim. Meetings start
this June. If you are interested, then talk to me. There are also competing bid teams in San Francisco and Oakland.
8. Re-charter a chapter
In September 2007, four students from CSU Fullerton expressed interest in bringing Alpha Phi Omega back to their campus. Michaele Garcia, an Alpha Delta Theta alumnus, and I co-sponsored them. After a long and rewarding 20 month process, we saw the initial four member interest group grow to a founding class of 22 brothers who re-chartered the Omega Sigma chapter on April 25, 2009. Today, Omega
Sigma has just activated its Gamma pledge class and will pledge its 100th brother with the next pledge class.
9. Pick up two littles at a chapter you didn’t pledged
It still amazes how this happened. Xi pledge class was huge (over 100 pledges) and there were not enough bigs to
go around. Everyone who wanted twins got twins and a few alumni like me Cherish Chin, and James Boley picked
up as alumni this way, but I think my case is most unique since I never pledged at Rho Rho. I am lucky person to have
Christina Lam (Xi) and Kevin Hsu (Xi) as littles, Joie Fong (Omicron) and Lorraine Ng (Omicron) as grandlittles,
and Raymond Zhang (Pi) and Abby Yusam (Rho) as greatgrandlittles. Maybe one day I will have a g9little here too.
10. Present APO LEADS courses
As a senior in high school, my knees quivered when I stood in front of class for an oral presentation in AP English. By now, I have presented about 10 Launch courses to groups of similar sizes at various chapter functions
and am much more comfortable speaking in front of a group. This is one of my commitments to personal development. But first, I had to get certified by passing content training courses at the 2008 National Convention
in Boston. Then, I co-presented my first Launch course with MIT alumnus Ping Huang at Rho Rho on January 31, 2009. In May 2009, I accepted a promotion to Launch Director, which meant I can present solo and
save the guys from up north from having to come down to Socal all the time to present. During 2009, I was
the only Launch presenter available in southern California since all the other closest presenters live in Norcal. Now I work with Corbett Zebierek, an alum from Texas, to offer Launch and Discover to Socal chapters.
11. Win a Section Level DSK (Distinguished Service Key)
Screw the chapter level DSK, I got one from Section 2. :) Just kidding. I’m honored really. 4-peat? Thanks to all
my supporters and for reading!
Brother Edward Chang is a full-time merchandising specialist and analyst at Nien Made
Enterprise who merchandises window blinds at Home Depot and Wal-Mart, part-time
MBA candidate concentrating in Marketing at Chapman University, co-founder of
TutorLeads Inc., and alumnus volunteer of Alpha Phi Omega. Some of his immediate and
future APO goals include joining the Orange County APO Alumni Association started by
Crystal Quiroga, bidding for the 2012 National APO Convention at the 2010 National
Convention in Atlanta, becoming an APO LEADS Achieve presenter, re-chartering the
defunct Sigma Tau chapter at his alma mater Chapman University, and serving as Section 1 Chair or Section 2 Chair (whichever comes first). Ed’s other interests and hobbies
include starting a non-profit organization, computers, military and aviation history,
oldies music, Chinese culture and language, hanging out with friends, online dating,
watching movies, jogging, hiking, playing tennis, golfing, kayaking, and traveling.
From your ExComm & NEOs
Service Vice Presidents
This term has been a RHOller coaster (I know, I’m a genius). There literally was so much going on, I can’t believe
that Week 10 is already here. I mean, being as this is my last term/quarter at UCI (I hope), I guess I tried to make
the most of it and do what I can. Service Vp was no exception to this. With a chapter of over 300 members and
continually growing, coordinating services and tracking everyone’s hours with my amazing Co, Tracy Villages,
was not an easy task. At first it was kind of overwhelming, but the more you adapt and get things rolling the
easier it becomes. Without Villages, I would not have been able to accomplish such a huge responsibility. She
is dedicated and always on top of her work. Thanks Co, you made my life easier and more enjoyable. :]
I just want to throw out there that regardless of what you do or why you’re doing it, ultimately, doing Community
Service is to help out someone who needs a lending hand. Alpha Phi Omega is a National Service Fraternity: We
don’t just help out one cause, we help them all. While it is hard to see the immediate benefits of your help at an
event, it does makes a difference. I want to thank every Brother and Pledge that have helped make our Campus,
Community and our World a better place. (That was extremely corny. Ah well, if you read up to this point then you
deserve to hear such epic and enlightening words.)
iLFS, Paul Yagi
If someone asked me what’s the rst thing that would come into my mind if someone mentioned Rho term, I would
denitely say BUSY. But busy in a good way. Rho term was denitely the term I stepped up as an active because it
was during this time that I decided to take the plunge and go for two leadership roles. If we go back in time to Xi term
while I was still a pledge and someone told me that 3 terms from now I would be Talent Show chair and Service Vice
President, I’d probably think that person is out of his/her mind because back then, I did not have the balls to run for
anything. But now that I think about it, being Talent Show Chair and SVP has been two of the best experiences I’ve
ever had, no matter how stressful it got.
This year’s Talent Show was one of the few accomplishments I’ve made in my life. I could not have made it happen
without my awesome Cos, LINDA NGUYEN AND ANDREW NGUYEN! I seriously could not have asked for better Talent
Show Cos and I’m really proud of the show we put on this year and how much money we raised! (On a side note, I’m
not sure if you two know but I was a major dog phobe before. I want to thank you two for helping me get over that
just by having our meetings at Andrew’s place where I had to get used to being around Butters, Mochi, and Tygger!
Lol). I’m also grateful for having such an awesome TALENT SHOW COMMITTEE! Talent Show would not have run as
smoothly as it did without your guys’ help!! =)
As one of this term’s SVPs, I really hope that you guys enjoyed the services we put up for you to do this term. Yagi
and I really tried our best to nd services that would be meaningful and fun and we hope that we accomplished what
we said we’d do. The only thing I regret not being able to achieve was the service project we wanted to carry out this
term. I suppose we underestimated how much work it takes to be SVPs and didn’t realize how hard it’d be to plan a
service project. Hopefully future SVPs can step up and carry out what we couldn’t or even have someone else chair
Rho Rho’s very own service project. *HINT new leadership position anyone? HINT* Thank you to those who tried to
help us out with the service project at the beginning of the term and thank you to those who came to our committee
meetings and gave us some input on how to improve the service aspect of our fraternity! Lastly, thanks to PAUL YAGI!
You are an excellent Co and I’m happy to be Rho SVP along with you! =)
Before I end my rambles, I just want to advise all of you to really consider taking on a leadership role while being
active in AphiO (that is, if you haven’t already). Remember, leadership is one of our cardinal principles and I really
hope you guys take that to heart. Although being a leader may mean having to do a bit more work as an active, I can
guarantee you that it’s worth the experience.
And now, without further ado, I’m going to end my rambles by saying it was a pleasure being your SVP! =)
iLFS, Villages
Fellowship Vice Presidents
Of our three cardinal principles, friendship has always been the most important to me. Because
of this reason, I consider it a great privilege to have served as one of Rho Rho’s Fellowship VPs this
term. I feel that, through this experience, I have gained many positive experiences, lessons and friendships. I learned more about teamwork, patience and planning successful events. Not only this, I was
blessed with the company of my fellow Excomm members, as well as my Co, Linda. (<3) I really got to
experience brotherhood through the countless people that helped out whenever we were in need.
Thank you guys for making this position so worthwhile & always being so supportive of us. Thank
you for camping out at the beach to save the pits, for picking up the veggie dogs when I forgot to, for
sitting around at the basketball courts to reserve the court for dodgeball, for being willing to chair at the
last minute and for being understanding whenever I made a mistake. Your help will not be forgotten.
=] Thank you Linda for picking up my slack and being such a wonderful Co. I’m really thankful that you
were my Co this term, not only because you were so easy to work with, but also because I got to know
you better as a person. (I’m corny =[ )
YAY FELLOWSHIP! (this is the best ending that I could think of… yeah…)
Susan Kim, Xi Term
To my wonderful co
I just thought you should know
Working with you was lots of fun
You brightened up my days just like the sun
You’re always so full of energy
Sometimes it even rubs off on me
I couldn’t have asked for a better co
Together we are a fellowship combo :)
Have fun in studying abroad!
I hope they don’t think you’re weird and odd
I’m definitely going to miss you
But you gotta do what you gotta do!
<3 Linda Nguyen
Membership Vice Presidents
Dear Edna aka Erma aka Cobag,
Dear SEXXXcom,
Thanks for putting up with me :] Although I will deny this if you were
to ask me, I secretly enjoyed working with you. I also secretly like, I
mean can tolerate, you. Thanks for making this such a fun experience!
Ahaha we’re SO productive together…remember our 3 hours trying
to find the perfect song for our video? YAYYY for Edgie (I think the
only time we ever used this was in our election video). Congrats on
winning Service VP! That was some pretty stiff competition, I almost
didn’t vote for you :P ahahah jaykay. By the way, your eHarmony account is about to expire, but don’t you fret! I have already paid for the
next 5 years, so date away my wonderful CO heehee
Eeeh we made it guys!! I’m so proud of
you ALL! Thanks for making me feel
comfortable enough to voice my opinions. I loved our chemistry!! I’m so
impressed by our ability to find a solution to any problem; YAY for fresh ideas!!
Thanks for making Excomm seem like
less work & more play :] I am SO lucky to
have worked with such a talented group
of individuals :]
Angie Vu
y Team oordinator
The (P
rer &
Thanks to my Co Angie Jin, I had so much fun being the
Treasurer for Rho term! It’s the best position everrrrrr!!!
Denny Yeh
I am really thankful that I had the opportunity to be a part of Excomm and even more honored to
be a part of the money team. Honestly, I did not have any sort of experience directly dealing with money
and fundraising. I had no idea of what to expect and I was terrified of messing things up. But as the
term went on and as I gained more knowledge of the ins and outs of Excomm and planning fundraisers,
I began to become more comfortable in my position. A big help came from Becky Rodstein and David
Dalpino; them being the previous terms fundraisers understood everything and assisted me with any
questions or issues I would have. I really appreciate them for being there when I needed some support
and guidance. Thanks guys!
They weren’t the only ones to help either, I would not be able to name them all but I’m truly
grateful for all my brothers who were there for me to help make food, pick up things, carry stuff, and
even stay longer than they had signed up for at services. They made my job a heck of a lot easier, I don’t
know what I would’ve done without them.
Last but not least, I really wanna thank my co and treasurer, Denny Yeh. Without him, I would
not have been able to do half of the fundraisers that we did. Whether it was picking up the boba or
keeping all the fundraising stuff at his place, he was always there when I needed him. He did a great
job as treasurer and as my co; keeping his cool in any stressful situations. Thanks a lot Denny for
everything you did and please don’t get a big head from reading this. ;] Being fundraising coordinator and being on Excomm has taught me a lot of things about AphiO and about my own personality.
I encourage everyone to try to run for positions because even though the work is hard, the reward is
priceless. Thanks again everyone!
Angie Jin
Corresponding Secretaries
Being this term’s Corresponding Secretaries has been a tremendous pleasure and honor for us
both. We’re glad to have met new friends and attend so many interchapter events! We believe that Corresponding Secretaries is one of the most rewarding Excomm positions because you have so much creative freedom. Getting the chance to work with other chapters is always fun. We highly encourage our
Active brothers who are eligible to run for this position to run! It is a worthwhile position that not only
strengthens our core values of LFS, but it’s fun too! We thought the toughest challenge in our position
was promoting new events! We think our chapter has gotten to the size where we are self-sufficient and
we’re constantly meeting new people within our own chapter that going out to other chapters isn’t as
appealing. We hope other people will run for Corresponding and hopefully they can get the same enjoyment we have gotten from it. :)
Shout Outs!
-S’Excommm!! It has been such a pleasure working with you all. We’ve both gained so much experience
being apart of such an esteemed group of people! We can only hope following terms can come to learn
and grow with each other as much as we have. Thank you for all the memories!
-Our Littles (Caroline Hua and Eunice Yuan)! Thank you to the pledge parents for our wonderful littles!
We couldn’t have asked for more spirited and fun addition to our family and in the future we have high
hopes that they both become leaders in APO!
--Reya Guanzon & Sean Cao
Recording Secretary
I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE THIS SO FAR. :] Being Rho term’s Recording Secretary has allowed me to
view APhiO in a whole new light. (A good light!) I am happy that I was able to work with such an amazing ExComm as well as an even more amazing active body. Thank you for making my last quarter here
at UCI RHOdiculously good. Muahahaha. I can only hope that I have achieved what I said I would do
for my brothers, which was to make this newsletter freaking awesome, have nice, neat (color coded!)
minutes for you all to look at and go beyond what this position is required of me to do. Every brother in
this chapter is so completely awesome I don’t think you guys even know it! Live & Let Live and please
push each other to be better and move our chapter forward. <3
--Thai-Binh (Bonnie) Tran
[bet you didn’t know that was my real name. hah!]
Shake Yo BonBons (my faves)
What do you call a nosy pepper?
How does Snoop Dogg keep his whites whiter?
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Being an SAA was never a position I pictured myself doing, but I am so happy that I have had this experience.
Most people see me as soft-spoken and quiet, but I this position has helped me speak up more and make my voice
heard. I was able to see how much work Excomm actually does to maintain APO and its principles. Standing
around at GBMs, shushing people and running voting is actually harder than it looks. I have two amazing co’s:
my tri-tips. Edgar aka Gaga, you are like the godfather of Parli Pro and Bylaws. I know you will make an amazing
president and I am here to support you always, except when your voice cracks. Also, your hip thrusting and “nobody nobody but you (clap clap)” dance makes you my favorite tri-tip. (JK, maybe) JohnMai, sometimes you are
so annoying always flaunting how well you can body rholl (JK, don’t hate me). Seriously, it was an honor to work
with you and Sigma kiddies are blessed to have you as a pops. You can definitely break the ice with your amazing
icebreakers. Your FOB-yness makes my day. For future SAAs, you have quite the legacy to uphold, because both
of my co’s can bust a move. S.Excomm you are all amazing at what you do regardless of what is thrown at you or
how much we are tested. Thanks for teaching me that no matter what, do the right thing.
--Indi Singh
A Word from Your Historians …
Sadly, Rho term is coming to an end. However, there are a number of memories I will denitely take along with
me. Being Historian was lled with quality time with my Coco Bean, Michelle Fong and our favorite Apple application, iMovie. Michelle and I have come a long way since the beginning of the term. We both realized that
neither of us knew how to edit. We panicked, but learned. This whole term has been a learning process for us. We
learned how to time manage, organize, edit, and be patient (mostly because we had to deal with Matt & Kim).
This time around as Historian, I did not slave away by cutting and gluing paper. Instead, I had the honor of spending hours upon hours watching the same video clips over and over. As weird as it sounds, it was actually fun-lled!
McDao couldn’t have made our videos without our stars. I would like to thank:
Michelle Fong – One of the most fun Co’s I had! You made editing a blast. Also, thanks for the nuggets (you are
the BBQ sauce to my nuggets). I know we’ll spend more quality time together … you’re stuck with me. Matt & Kim – Matt, our unofcial Co … We have such a wonderful friendship! We always make fun of you, but
you keep coming back (true friendship, hehe). Moreover, as much as we don’t want to admit it, your acting was
pretty good and we really appreciated your help. Ari Gold, FTW!
McDao would like to thank:
Jason Kathy Lee, Mario, Timmy, Jonawang, Josh, Phil Lee, Yagi, Kimoto, Ryan Smell Lee, Jeromiah, Alan Nguyen,
Susan Kim, AJ, Edna, Kristina Barela, Erin Dong, Sheila, Sean Cao, Patrick, Annie, Villages, Mangie Vu, Vanessa,
Edgar, Lindsay, Yen, Mike Yeung, Bryan, and everyone else who helped us!
Shout out to my littles … Terry-Yaki & Parth Vader
We did what we set out to do, we made history.
Jenn and I have lived and breathed Historian for a good while now, so much that we catch ourselves noticing how
well the music they play at D&B’s aligns with the sports playing on their tvs. It’s been a journey and we’ll miss it for
sure. There are a couple things I am grateful for though, rst thing is my co, second is our committee (yes, MattKim
included) and third are all the beautiful Brothers who have been awesome enough to appear in our videos, kept
our secrets, and played their parts well. I’ve never worked so well with someone- where I can shoot out a crazy
idea and they’ll reciprocate in an equally absurd way. Our routine of brainstorming, lming, and editing over
nuggets has become a form of comfort for me, and when I imagine the future with out it, my heart lurches.
I love my co. I love my committee. I loved Historian.
I hope the next generations of Historians & Brothers hear McDao and remember the legacy we created.
It has and always will be for…... RHO RHOO`!
<3 Mcfong
Rho Rho (Rho term)
Spring 2010
Executive Committee
PEACE to my bRHOs!
First off, BIG congratulations to Rho class! It’s heartwarming to see so
many new and motivated faces out there! You are the future to this fraternity and
we hope you continue to represent the spirit of Alpha Phi Omega. Forge ahead on
your journey as an active member of this brotherhood. Never forget that you’ve
worked hard to be where you are now—so don’t let your accomplishments go to
waste! Step up! Run for a position! Show the next incoming pledges of Sigma term
who we truly are and what ideals we fully encompass. Here’s to LFS!
To all of Alpha Phi Omega: It has been a wonderful pleasure to serve you.
Thank you for giving me an experience that I will never forget. Even though the
seniors will be graduating this year, please keep in touch with us--and I’m talking
to ALL of you! It is a comfort to hear what goes on in the brotherhood because it
will remind us what college life was like…
Do us proud! Carry on the legacy of Alpha Phi Omega, RHO chapter!
Darlene V., Rho Term - Crazy Family Head
Melissa Lucar | Crazy Family Head
Sexy Royal Family
I am so grateful to be a part of such an amazing family.
Thank you to every one of the Royals for the experiences
as well as welcoming me into the family! I am looking
forward to the Royal adventures next year :]
Biggie! Thank you so
much for taking care of
me! I love you I love you
I love you! I want you to
know you’re an amazing
Big Judy! Thank you for
being there for me! I love
your parents and I love
you! Thank you for all
those hearty dinners and
fun nights :D Big Ray!
Thank you for adopting
me as your pseudo little
:]! Thank you Thank you!
I’ll miss you!
Big! We’ve shared so much…even though you barely
know what to say when I need to talk and all I get is a “uh
huh” or you’re probably not listening to me, but I know
you love me! I can’t ask for anyone better, and I’m sorry
how I walked away from you at revealing haha. I feel so
lucky to have gotten you and so sad that you’re graduating
so you won’t be around as often :[, but let’s take amazing
adventures this summer with twin! I love you BIG!
Twin: I love you twin! I’m glad you’re my twin and hoping
to get to know you more! We have to take care of each
other next year!
--Julie Pham
Sexy Family Head
The responsibility of family head consists of creating fun events alongside with the Fellowship VPs
and to promote family spirit. Cool family has been notorious for our relax nature and having the
least family spirit of the three. However, slowly but surely, the family attitude has begun to change
ever since Omicron term. We have grown to be more active, spirited, and competitive. Hopefully we
can carry this momentum and move out of third place and into the spotlight. Regardless, it has been
an honor serving as family head for Cool Family. Shout out to EAR line for being very active despite
our small size!! Thanks to Carmen Truong for being an awesome co! Also to the amazing senior
members of Cool family for their advice, tips, and
support! Yea COOL!!
--Steven Yee
TFC!!!!! The best family!!! Cool Family!!!
The best little Richard!!!!! Thank you for helping
me out when I need it the most!!
The best grand Grace!!!!! <3 you!
The best co Steven Yee!!! Thank you for pulling
the slack!!! You are the best!!!! Family Heads!!!!
My Pseudo Big Lucy and Thao!!!!!
Welcome to all the new addition to the family!!!
-- Carmen Truong
Cool Family Head
All I can say is that I am glad to have been spirit chair Rho term and I hope everyone enjoyed or at least
got something positive out of it. Spirit chair definitely wasn’t a position I ever saw myself doing but it
surprisingly suited me pretty well. It’s the one position that is super flexible, and the one position that
has to do purely with just having fun, no business, and promotes enjoyment of being a part of APO. This
position was also another great learning experience, it taught me something new about myself and a
little bit about others. I’d like to thank everyone for laughing at my stupid jokes or my awkwardness. At
the very least I felt relieved that you guys could at least laugh at something. I definitely wish I could’ve
done more, especially make some interactive videos for
GBM. But I do plan to stay involved so I will see everyone around. Again thanks for having me as your spirit
chair this term!
Timmy Do
P.S. Sorry if my monotone voice put you to sleep.
And here is a last YOU LAUGH YOU LOSE for the
–lav leedo
Dearest Babies,
We can’t even begin to tell you how proud and lucky we
feel to be your pledge parents. Everything you’ve accomplished this term has been above and beyond any other
pledge class (or at least we think so!) and you constantly
amaze us. Your dedication to being the best pledge you
can be is incredible and we constantly brag about you to
everybody. You found your own services, had a meaningful 100% service, made TONS of your own fellowships, embraced being in a Rho Boat Crew and bonded
with your newly found pledge bros. Your instant bond
as pledge bros, from pinning night, was endearing and
instantly calmed any nerves we had about being your
pledge moms. You made each other feel welcome and
you made us feel welcome to be your parents. Each one
of you is special and such an important addition to Rho
And on top of all those accomplishments which were already more than we could ever have asked for, you have
shown us that you have great potential. Potential to be
amazing brothers, but even further, potential to be the
future leaders of Rho Rho. Your participation in your
committees shows the potential to be leaders in any
situation, whether it be on ExComm one day, as a chair of a major Rho Rho event, a NEO, or even a
committee member once again. There are countless leadership opportunities in APhiO and you all have that leadership
quality within you. We’ve seen it! So please never doubt that
it’s there. We hope to come back in a year and find that you
are all still very active in our fraternity and better yet, have
DOMINATED ExComm. Seeing that would definitely make
us feel like the proudest mommies ever. But no matter what,
we will still always be proud of you. :]
Always remember the precious time you spent pledging.
You’ve made amazing friends and made such special memories. Remember how hard you worked to become an active
brother and cherish your letters, you deserve them. We’ll
ALWAYS be here for you. We’re your pledge moms forever
and it doesn’t matter how far we may be from UCI, we’ll always be just a text or phone call away. Thank you so much
for being the most amazing pledge kids any pledge parents
could have asked for. We heart youuuu!
Forever and Always Your Mommies,
Becky Rodstein and Yenlan Li
P.S. WoOooOoOOoOoOOOooo! Hehe. :)
Aenon Karen Casllo:
I’ve already thanked you and Paul for being my pledge parents but that aside, I just wanted to let you know that
you are the sole reason I am in Alpha Phi Omega right now and am enjoying it so much. I hope you remember
that I called you, explaining how I couldn’t come out to info night. That was the beginning for me. I inially
sought out a yer and tried calling Paul because I thought it’d be easier to talk to a guy, but of course he didn’t
pick up. So I ended up talking to you and I could tell just by the way you talked to me that you possessed all those
qualies necessary for leadership (no pun intended) but were sll a fun person at the same me. I just got a really good vibe and I gave you bonus points because you had an aracve over-the-phone-voice. I’m sure you can
tell my brother has a lot of inuence over me but despite his encouragement I was very skepcal about coming
out and joining. Upon geng to the agpoles for the bracelet event I was having my doubts, on top of being considerably inmidated by the sea of strangers. Out of all the unfamiliar people, the moment I saw you, I knew you
were the person I had talked to over the phone with because you were radiang with this aura of awesomeness
and it was just so clear you were in charge. Because of that it was easy for me to approach you, you gave a good
handshake, and it was super easy to talk to you. During the event you came to me in case I had quesons and
as always you were so outgoing and fun and seemed down to earth. You were basically my rst impression of
AphiO in all ways. Everyone knows rush week is there to see if AphiO is right for you or if it’s something you’d be
interested in becoming a part of. You were someone who I found interesng and felt compable with. I thought
if someone like you is in this fraternity then it can only mean good things. In essence you embodied AphiO, you
represented it, and when I thought AphiO I thought Karen Casllo. So when I thought about whether or not to
pledge, it included deciding whether or not I would take my chance to get to know you. And asked myself why
the fuck not? All I can say is that I am so glad it was you who picked up the phone. You were the factor that
pushed me over the edge and convinced me to pledge. I’ve said this before, but if it was anyone else but you, I
probably wouldn’t have met so many people and had so many great experiences. I can never express my gratude enough, but just always remember that you have changed my life in nothing but posive ways.
Thank you mother =]
To Paul Yagi:
Thanks for not picking up your phone.
To Paul and Karen:
You guys asked the pledges what LFS meant to us aer pledging and I wrote what I thought down back then, so
I wanted you guys to know.
Leadership: Stepping up, making sacrices, being part of something bigger than yourself.
Friendship: Enduring hardships together, always supporng each other, bonding with people you never thought
you’d get along with.
Service: Being a part of something bigger than yourself with your friends.
Timmy Do
9 Reasons Why Ma Kim is Prey Acve..
1. Paul and Karen: I would like to thank you guys for everything, you guys are the best pledge parents ever. I owe
you guys so much for always being there for us and helping us all become great brothers. I bet you guys felt like I
would not be as acve as I am now, but you guys were a great inuence on me to become a more acve brother.
Aer we crossed you guys treated us like your brothers and friends not as your pledge kids which was prey cool
and made it a lot easier for me to get to know you guys a lot beer and become great friends with you guys I
wish you guys luck aer you graduate and I beer see you guys around GBM. THANK YOU.
2. Jon Wang, Mario Chacon, Phil Lee, Steven Kimoto, and Timmy Do: when I came to Irvine I felt I would not have
my boy from home to have my back and to kick it with, but aer meeng you guys I know I got my boys in Irvine,
so thank you guys for making my transion to Irvine easier.
3. Angie Vu: Thank you Angie for always being a great friend to me, and always being there to talk. You always
have been a posive person and encouraging me to do more for this fraternity. I really appreciate your friendship
and looking forward to geng to know you beer next year.
4. Jennifer Dao: co… I am really happy I got to know you this year, and consider you one of my best friends. You
are always the person down to kick it and helped me get my mind o of things with your word vomits… thank
you for being my friend. Hahaha. I look forward to living with you next year.
5. Michelle Fong: even though you thought I looked boring and refused to interview me… I sll enjoy our friendship. You introducing me to people while pledging and telling them im not boring made it easier for me to come
out of my shell and become the acve brother I am now. It is truly hard to nd a best friend like you that I can
always come to and talk and just kick it. Thank you for everything and making my pledging a million mes beer.
6. GOLDEN LINE: my family away from Torrance, having a family like you guys makes me more excited to go to
apo events and hang out with you guys aer. Thank you for being the best family to me. Special shout outs:
Sheila thanks for talking to me at info night… cause without you… I think I would have le and never done this at
all. Annie, I will never forget you coming to me at pinning and talking to me when I was standing all alone. You
were my rst friend in APO and probably at UCI and I will never forget that or you.
7. Grand: many brothers don’t really get the chance to know their grand very well, but I am the lucky few that
have goen to know their grand well. Your aempts on wanng to hang out and get to know me and even
monica mean a lot to me and encourages me to be a beer big and a beer brother. I couldn’t imagine having
another grand. Thank you and you owe me a bag of rice.
8. Lile: even though ive known you a couple of weeks, I feel like you are the lile sister ive always wanted. You
are the perfect lile for me, and if anyone tries to mess with you I will break their face. Connue to make me
proud and I am very excited to see how close we become!!!
9. BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG!: thank you for being the best big ever. I would not be as involved if it wasn’t for you. I think if I
had any other big I probably would be inacve by now. You have been the best big to me and the best friend as
well. I really cherish our relaonship and would not trade it for the world. thank you so much big!
(aer reading this… don’t expect me to say this stu again and don’t talk to me about it)
Dance Comp is usually seen as an event where each
chapter is determined to prove itself as the best. However, if we put all this competitive attitude aside, we see that
there is more to Dance Comp than winning. It is a chance
for brothers, both within each chapter and among them,
to bond and share their interest or passion for dance.
With long practices that run late into the night, you have
the opportunity to build better relationships with those
whom you may not usually talk to. As a coordinator this
year, I did not know many of my teammates during the
first few practices. It was difficult to remember everyone’s
name and face. However, in these past few months, I have
made many new friends; in fact, we became somewhat
like a family. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to
meet all these new people and to have seem them evolve
into such great dancers. Although I am glad we won, it
was the journey and my teammates that made this experience so memorable for me. To all the members of Instant Rhoplay, thank you for making this year’s Dance Comp one that I will cherish forever. I hope you guys have
the confidence to keep dancing because you are all amazing and inspiring. To those of you that have not had this
experience yet, I highly encourage you to try it. I can guarantee that you will enjoy it, and it will be worth everything you fear you will need to sacrifice for it. Dance Comp is definitely one of the best experiences I have had as
a member of Alpha Phi Omega.
With love, Diana
HOLLA! My name is Luz Aquino and I pledged Nu Class (p.s YEAHH COOL!). As one of the dance comp coordinators this year, I was able to witness 40+ brothers dance their hearts out, and grow to become these crazy good
dancers with so much passion. For a little over two months, each dancer committed him or her self to putting
together a performance for the sake of charity as well as for the love of dance. This season could not have been any
more perfect. I cannot even express how grateful I am for everyone who contributed to the set, whether a dancer,
choreographer, supporter, or music editor. This was definitely a
team effort. For all of you dancers though, I wanted to thank
you personally for bringing your
all to each and every practice, as
well as putting faith in Peng and
my efforts. You all made my experience as a coordinator memorable and a constant reminder to
why I love dance so much. I really don’t want you guys to stop
dancing. All of you are awesome,
and I can only hope you guys
remember that in any occasion,
moments of stress, happiness, or
sadness, to “Just dance.” <3
Luz Marie Aquino
Around this time three years ago I was getting ready for one of the most defining moments of my college career.
Final interviews, double checking hours, and singing off my pledge bros was the last little set of chores I had
to handle. Showcase was done, everything was turned in and we were set to go. I felt so proud for what I had
accomplished and all I could think about was the potential for the future.
Now here I am three years gone and the point is I’M STILL HERE. The typical/average length of a brother’s
active status after they cross is two terms. TWO. That’s a year. A third of what I’ve served. I’ve seen seven
terms of pledges and brothers interact, witnessed monumental arguments, seen paradigm shifts, and paid into the
exponential growth of our chapter.
After all of that there are a few tips I’d like to leave with those who are going to be the last to witness my active
1) Never lose your voice. If you have an opinion about something, create a dialogue about it and never lose
touch with why you believe in what you do. The best changes that have been made, in my opinion of
course, have come from people who were dead set on an idea and gathered up the courage to hold their
ground and share their thoughts with their brothers.
2) There is no set definition of brotherhood. In seven terms I have struggled with how to convey the idea of
brotherhood onto the incumbent class of pledges but I’ve come to realize that “brotherhood” is something
that one must GROW into. It certainly involves respect, showing appreciation, tolerance, opening yourself
to new experiences, and sharing yourself while inviting others to share themselves. The amounts of each
are just different for everyone.
3) Do service because it is right. I don’t mind when pledges answer my question of why they’re joining APO
with “I like service” but it is my hope that after being active and growing into your letters, you will come
to see that service must be done simply as an act of humanity.
4) Find service, leadership and friendship in every area of your life and every area of your brotherhood.
Limiting your experience of these prevents you from ever figuring out what your letters really mean to
you. Just open up your mind and practice some flexibility.
5) Know your roots. Look up the history of APO and actually understand what was going on around the time
that our fraternity was founded. If that doesn’t start you on the path to finding deeper meaning in APO I
don’t know what will.
6) Be the Change you want to see in the world. Okay so I’m quoting the Dalai Lama but he has it right. If
you find something that doesn’t make you happy about APO or something that you feel could be better
for you and your brothers be the one who initiates discussion and change. You can do it, I believe in you.
I really hope that all of you stay with APO as long as possible and that you find deeper meaning in your brotherhood
than what you have so far. Goodluck and stay in touch. APO can lead to so many opportunities so keep your eyes
open and stay in tune.
Thanks to my APO family and friends whom I’ve come to love, respect and care about. You’ve all impacted my
life for the better and I wish you the best of luck in your future within and without APO.
Sami de Castro
From One Brother to Another...
A Rho Experience
This term was rather eventful one for me. Even though I didn’t pick up, I enjoyed spending time with my active
brothers and the new pledges. I bonded more with my amazing little, Megan Chang. <3 She’s great and it’s been fun
being an active with her as well as having my Rho Boat meet her.
Oh my Rho boat is another story. They are truly a great group of pledges and people that I am excited to
have as brothers! When our little boat was formed we spent the entire time exchanging names and numbers only
to realize we hadn’t come up with our boat name. So when it was our turn to announce our name we were left with
“come back to us!” It was in this short span of time that they decided to be named Captain Rhogan. To make a
little clarification it is not referring to Rogaine, like a lot of people have thought. We then acquired the pose as well
which instantly cracked me up! I was surprised to see them spirited but loved their enthusiasm. I, shortly after our
meeting, noticed that two of the five seemed rather quiet. However, to my surprise that was not the case. I ended
up having service with a couple of these wonderful people and realized that they were very energetic. I instantly
knew that I definitely needed to get to know them better. have become my favorite Rho’s, of course I’m being bias
:]. I was super excited to find out that they had all been placed with wonderful families. I can’t express how much
I love them and hope that everything they do exceeds their expectations.
When I first signed up to be a Rho boat captain I thought that I would only be bonding with my boat.
However, I got to bond with some fellow actives that I had not really talked to before. It was pleasant and refreshing to share the experience of being a Rho boat captain with actives whom I didn’t normally talk to. It all started
with by simply taking the shuttle back to VDC/N together. It reminded me that, despite our large number, we are
a brotherhood and it is possible to bond with different people :]
I am really happy with the new experiences I had this term. YAY RHO! <3
- Jaimie Otzoy
Shout Outs
My beautiful ladies… you guys have made this
year so wonderful. I’m so happy we’re BFF’s!
Meow meow, you and you’re crazy witty remarks
and Jamie…you’re just so silly and wacky. I’m super excited that we’re going to be roommates next
year! Thank you loves for being there with me
through tough and good times. I love you guys!
Let’s take a trip together over the summer :]
Julie Pham
Dear UNG Fam,
You guys are more than I could have asked for. There is never a dull
moment when we’re together and I’m SO thankful for all the laughs
thanks for laughing WITH me & not AT me ahaha I can’t wait to
celebrate John Mai’s 18th again!! Welcome to our family RHO babies!!
You’re stuck with us no matter WHAT :P and also to our newest addition: ALEX ALEJO!! We expect you at ALL of our family gatherings,
no excuses :]
Angie Vu
To the active body: For all the hours put into services, meetings, fellowships, interviews – no matter who you are,
each and every one of you really made a difference to this fraternity. Make a difference to your brothers as well.
Don’t be afraid to go out there and hang out with those you’ve never talked to. We’re all familyyyy <3!
To S.Excomm & NEOs: This fraternity could never have gotten far without you. Each one of you had set
an example for all of us. We appreciate the hard work you’ve invested into this fraternity. Excomm is there to
keep our brotherhood alive, so I would like to personally thank them for being the ones to step up and take initiative.
To the Family Heads (Crazy! Sexy! Cool!): It was great working with all of you. Bringing out family spirit
wasn’t just a stroll through the park…BUT we did our best and managed to pull through. Good work you guys!
And to anyone considering running for Family Head—I highly recommend it! It’s quite fun. You get to go up during
GBM and make a fool out of yourself (well, in my case! Haha). I’m passing down the red bull to the next Crazy
family heads of Sigma term. It’s a new tradition so you BETTER wear it! :] And someone plan CTF next term,
To all of Crazy family: Thank you for putting up with me! No really.. thanks for your support and showing
CrAzY family spirit! We wouldn’t have accomplished ANYTHING if it weren’t for each and every one of you. If I
decide a random visit (and I PLAN TO), I better see all the Crazies wearing whatever ridiculous outfit the spirit
chairs come up with.
PS. Have fun with those awesome keychains!!
To my pledge class (Pi class): Love you guys, it’s as simple as that. You’ll always have a place in my
heart. Stay in touch pleeease! :)
To my family line (Crazy – Fire Line & Dark Side): OHANA! Thank you for welcoming me into the family
and putting me on the hot seat that one time and having David Dalpino sing the most embarrassing song that
I can’t quite remember but I know is not appropriate for this newsletter. But anyways, DAMNNNN HOT!!! Keep
up with the family traditions and all of you better invite me to the family events. Even if I happen to be a country
away, I’d still like to know what’s up! By the way, can someone be the next photographer for the family?! :P
To my big (Ben Vu): Big Ben.. remember when you PIE’d me in the FACE the first day we met? I’ll be
returning YOU the favor one day ^^
To my twin (Christine Wang): You better pick up at LEAST 4 littles. Thankssss <3
Darlene V., Rho Term - Crazy Family Head
Babycow/Baby penguins
I would just like to say welcome to the family all you new rho babies! I’m really glad that each and
every single one of you got placed into this wonderful family and I can’t wait to get to know you guys better! Good job with pledging so far… almost there! Woohoo! Can’t wait till you guys become actives! and
keep up all the family events.. I do feel we’re becoming a stronger family! Haha yay rho class! Love you all
veryyy much! =)
Bowie Ho
To the S.ExComm and NEO’s : we talk too much. Lol. Nah, but it has been a
great time kickin and enjoying your company.
To my Fams: I think this term was our turning point and I look forward to
what our family will become from now on. Don’t worry, I should be around.
To my Nu’s: Long live the Great Nu Dynasty!
To my Brethren: Don’t let the Sun set.
To my Pi’s: I just have to say, I am glad that I was able to stick around to
watch you guys grow in Aphio and show the new pledges what it means
to be a Brother. People have always asked me if I was ever going to pick
up again. I mean, after you guys, I think I’m set for life. I’m going to make
sure they make it rule that you add me to every single one of your Family Trees. But on a more serious note, I know that in due time, you will be
the one’s up there running meetings and being there on Monday nights
teaching the meaning of LFS to others. Don’t forget your roots and strive
to become the change you want to be.
To my Lil: You have always been there for me ever since I picked up (well,
I guess that part can’t be helped). I can’t say thank you enough for the number of times you have helped me out
with everything. You are very kind…yep. It was just yesterday that I was like WTF, when we had the same thing on
the torch. We’ve gone through a lot together and am glad that you have been there through everything. Well I’m
probably sitting right next to you as you read this anyways. Hello!...and thanks!
--Paul Yagi
To my Royal Family,
I love all of you so much and you
guys all mean so much to me. I am so happy to be part of this amazing family with
such an awesome big (Kathleen), Littles
(Nikita and Jonathan), and Grand Little
(Marissa) !!! Thank you for always being
there for me FAM!
Kevini =)
Welcome to the family Rho
Royals. I haven’t met all
of you yet but hopefully
we can all bond together
during family events. Just
wanted to give a shout out
to my great grand little,
Janice you are amazing and
I’m glad you are part of my
Jenny Li
Hey Biggie :)
I just wanted to write to you to let you know how wonderful you are
Among all the actives, you shine like a star
People shout ‘You got a good one’ left and right
When I tell them that you’re my big, even when you’re not in sight
Thanks for being such a wonderful big and friend
I’m condent that the friendship we have will never end
Because guess what? It’s not because I love you
It’s because you will always be my big and I will always be your lil, there’s nothing you can do
Just kidding, I couldn’t have asked for a better big
No one cares, welcomes or appreciates me as much as you do…ya dig?
Ok, maybe they do, but this thing is suppose to atter you
Your heart is as big as your stomach, if you didn’t eat, I don’t know what you’d do
Words can’t express how excited, scared and nervous I felt during the nal revealing
But when we found each other in the crowd, it gave me a tingly feeling
I didn’t know what to feel or how to react
I just remember seeing you and your black backpack
From the food to the pokemon cards, as useless as it was, I love it
I love that you’re so random/confused all the time and I can honestly say your personality is legit
I’m sorry if this rhyme is really random
My thoughts come and go before I can catch them
Late night snacks like hot pockets…so unhealthy yet so tasty
Can you say it’s the perfect kind of food when you’re feeling a little toasty
Remember that this lil will always be here to take care of you when you get sick
Whenever that may be…since you know, my strong big doesn’t ever admit…
Come to my place anytime you need medicine or tea
A spoon full of medicine makes the temperature go down, that’s why you have me.
Thanks for all the times you came out to the tents to help me with my interviews, I appreciate it all
I hit triple digits…thanks to you, Paul (it is weird not calling you biggie, but it has to rhyme)
I think that we are the best big/lil pairing ‘evarrr’
Well, I think I’m just biased, but when do people ever talk bad about us? Neverrrr.
All I wanna say is I love you as my big and I hope you’re happy to have me as your lil
Well, it’s not like you have a choice, but still.
Congrats on completing college
I hope our bond will last forever and never be damaged
<3 Love,
Your wonderful LiL
Villages’ Shoutout to Graduating Seniors
Most of the time I get pretty excited when summer’s about to roll around but this year is different. This
year, it’s bittersweet for me because the seniors whom I’ve gotten to know and become close to since
pledging are about to graduate and join the real world. I know you guys are all probably scared to leave
the comfort of college life and start growing up into full-fledged adults but I want the following seniors
to know that while you were at UCI, you left a mark on me somehow and I’m grateful to have gotten to
know you guys!
First off, SARAH CHONG: I always like to give you credit for being
the one to “recruit” me into pledging for APO. I seriously do not know
what the rest of my college life would have been like had I not met you
the summer after my freshman year. I’m glad to have worked with you
at ECEC and aside from recruiting me, I’ll always remember you as
one of the TAs who trained me at my first job ever. Thanks for getting
me interested in APO, Sarah; otherwise, I probably never would have
become the person I am now! =)
To my pops, DEREK LEE: I guess I forgive you for not being there
when I finally turned in my interview sheet and finished my reqs but I
suppose school DOES come first. LOL. But seriously thanks for doing
such a great job with Tanya as my pledge parent!!!
My favorite Chinaman, MICHAEL (XI) LEE: YEAHHH XI!! I’m sooo
glad you’re my pbro Mike! I think I would’ve been scared to interview
you if I had pledged after Xi but of course now I realize you’re just a big TEDDDDDDYYY BEARRR!!!
And YAY for being a big superhero cartoon fan too!!!! =) <3 your favorite Mexican!
ERIC CHOW, my OG G-cuz!!! I think it’s sooo
awesome that you and I ended up in the same
family, even though our family was separated
back in the day. I think we would have had a
harder time reuniting the family if you weren’t
in Party Line with me! I’ll never forget how we
met before Xi Pinning and how you, me, and
Sheila all had the same phone and in different colors!!! Hahaha. I hope to watch more
superhero cartoon movies with ya! =)
My doppelganger, RYAN LEE: YAYYYY for
being Half Filipino and Half White!!! We are
To Ms. Presidente, KAREN CASTILLO: I didn’t realize how much we had in common until I thought
about you while writing this. We both have majors under the School of Social Ecology, we’ve worked at
ECEC, and we both want to be occupational therapists. I feel like you’re my big sister and I’m following in your footsteps. As sappy as this sounds, I really look up to you because you are one of the most
driven and strong-willed people I’ve ever met!
To the awesome Recording Secretary who’s creating this Rho-book, BONNIE TRAN: I’m so proud of
you fam!!! You really stepped up as recording secretary by trying to make the newsletter more than just
a newsletter! I’m really happy you decided to run for an excomm position when you did. I can’t imagine
being on excomm without you and Denny! And Thanks for stepping up when it comes to planning family
stuff, otherwise, I feel like we wouldn’t really be doing much as a
family without you! =)
My co- SVP, PAUL YAGI: Hey Foo!! If you had never asked me
to run with you, I don’t think I’d ever have the guts to run for an
Excomm position, much less SVP. Thanks for believing in me and
I appreciate the fact that you trusted me to be a good CO before
you even knew me. By the way, you’re not such a bad CO yourself, Mister! =)
My lovely co-Big, SHEILA HWE: Don’t leave meeeee!!! OMG
Sheila, I don’t know what I’m going to do my senior year without you! You have been there for me since pledging; you’ve listened to my rants and rambles, helped
me with my little’s box up until 4 AM, drove me to services/fellowships/god knows where and I’m so
grateful to have known you these past two years. I definitely consider you one of the best friends I’ve
made during college! I still remember how we met right before Xi pinning. Even though we waited
for what felt like hours, we were pretty much starting to get to know each other then! I seriously don’t
think I would’ve enjoyed pledging so much if you weren’t my pbro! I’m glad that you and I share our
littles and I couldn’t have asked for a better co-Big! I hope you come back to visit a lot!!! And hopefully I can visit you sometimes in LA!!! =) AHHHHH is there any chance that you could just live in my
closet so you won’t have to leave Irvine? LOL jk. But seriously, I really hope that you and I stay really
good friends even after we’re both done with UCI!!! By the way, I think you’re going to be an awesome
pharmacist someday and remember to hook it up when I need my medications when I’m old! LOL!
iLFS, Villages
Just a few snapshots of why Casey Redublo loves APhiO
Shoutouts to:
the inhabitants of the Castle
all the amazing people in Instant RhoPlay
i love you Diana, Emily, Carl and Andrew
and Tao Lin (yee FreakNasty)
Mu Class aka the best class ever
Carol Lee
Herro. This is your captain speaking. HAHAHA! I thought
that was funny =/ Anywhos, our crew started out with ve
members, but we unfortunately lost one member. Tis very
sad, but we still gots each other so no worries :) Although
you guys have been placed in your own families, don’t forget
that you started out as Armadirhos rst, which by the way is
the BEST CREW EVER :D Armadirhos FTW! <3<3<3
Your captain,
Carol Lee
P.S. Hi Littoe! ^_^ and oh yea, hi big... lol :D
Kimmy Chia
YAY! Mad love for the angry RHOad Rage kiddos
Lessly Negrete
Well my little crew =] I love you guys sooo much and you have no
idea how proud i am of you guys =[. I’m going to miss you guys a
lot but im super happy that i got to know you all a little better =].
Good luck and Welcome to this awesome Fraternity. Don’t forget
about me =].
Linda Nguyen
RHObolicious! Hello my little seamen! :)
I’m happy to say that having you as my little ones was my PLEASURE ;)
The laughs we shared will forever be memories that I will always
Carmen Truong
I must say, you guys make me one happy CAPITAN
<3 Herhoines!! You guys are the best Rho Boat ever!!! I
I hope you feel the same way, that’s the plan
am so glad to be your captain!!! I <3 you guys!!!! You guys
I’m always here for you
made me want to go pledge meetings to see your guys’ smilIf you ever need help or simply don’t have anything to do
ing faces. I hope we are able to hang out soon!!! Girls rule!!! Give me a call
I promise I won’t mind at all
Cristan Villanueva
From the long meetings to the endless interviews
Super HeRHOs,
You guys are done! Phew!
It has been an amazing experience being with you through
I hope you give everyone the chance to know you the way I do
your pledging. Seeing you at services, the tents, and in pledge Because you guys are wonderful seamen, this is true! :) <3
meetings makes me proud to be your Cap’n! We still have
many adventures to look forward to together, but for now,
Ps. I LOVE YOU TOO PI POD PIMPIN’ <333 you guys are the
welcome to APhiO! HeRHOs, RHO-ll out!
best grasshoppers ever! I’m one lucky SENSEI :)
Indi Singh
Hey ladies!!! Yah Rhollacoaster (waving my hand). Pledging
is over, but I hope you always remember the pledging process
and the memories you’ve made. I’ve seen each of you grow
and you’ve never really needed my help. Sorry for not being
at the tents a lot. I hope we can still meet up in the future to
grab lunch and catch up. Don’t forget your Rhoboat once
you become active. I miss going to your meetings and surprising you with goodies! I hope you had an amazing pledging experience. Even though it’s over, there’s a lot more APO
has to offer and I’ll always be here if you need help with
anything. YAAH RhollaCoastas.
Jaimie Otzoy
To my ve favorite rho’s, I wish you the best in everything
you do! I
love you guys and I’m always here for you :]
Jennifer Nguyen
Josephine Yao
Patrick Nguyen
RHOBOAT TITANIC! I’m proud of you guys for becoming active!
All your time
and hard work has paid off and I hope you all had a fun pledging
I may be graduating this year but I’ll come back to visit you guys.
Rhoboat Titanic is forever UNSINKABLE!!
P.S. Thanks Jesse for not sinking your rhoboat jk :)
Vanessa Tran
To my beautiful FunRHO Cakes babies, Caroline Hua, Christina
Chan, Jeffrey
Jue, Ryan Masuda, and Tracy Lui:
I love each and every one of you and am so glad that we got
grouped together
through carnival foods. I’m so happy to see you guys support each
other like
ice breakers or helping each other out with interviews. Now that
you guys
have your bigs, I hope you guys don’t forget me. Woot, woot, woot.
Your Captain,
Vanessa Tran
Will Lu
Congrats to all my Rho Boat kids for all of their hard work! I’m
very proud of y’all! I know you guys have the best bigs ever, but
don’t forget about the best rho boat ever... Rhodiculous!
super heRHOs
captain RHOgan
RHOad rage
RHO Boat Titanic
sushi RHOs
Pledge RHOflections
Pledging for Alpha Phi Omega has been a great experience and definitely something that I will never forget. I
have met so many great people and made many lifelong
friendships. I want to take this moment to thank all of
my fellow PlexComm members, especially my
COs Brandon and Linda. I also want to thank the
pledge parents for helping all of us out through
this whole process and always being supportive.
To my Big, Tiff P. Tran: Thank you for always being there for me. I'm so glad that we got matched up
together and I couldn't have asked for anyone else in
a Big. I love you! Finally, a shout out to the best pledge
class ever, RHO CLASS!!!!
Andrew Baiady
Hey guys!
Andrew Tapia here!
Woo Golden Line! A shout out
to my big, Nikki Mina, and Plexcomm!
Hmm…It’s hard to remember everything that happened
this quarter while pledging for APhiO. Honestly, when I
look back from that first Rush Week to the first pledge meeting, from Revealing to Showcase, I think of the different
ways that everything blended together. Not only that, but
how they all brought different feelings and recollections
to pledging as whole. In the end though, I wouldn’t trade
these memories for anything. I seriously look forward to
being a larger part of this fraternity next year, and upholding the principles of Leadership, Friendship, and Service.
The friends I've made, the experiences I've had, and the memories I have shared cannot be replaced because Alpha
Phi Omega has led me to live, in a sense, a new life. The time and effort given to the pledge class and the fraternity
was not so much as a sacrifice as it was an unforgettable part of my life. Actives would tell me that pledging was
always one of the most fun times in the fraternity and I always kept that in mind. I can confidently say that with
the way my life is going now, I can agree with what these people said. I have met a number of individuals that I
can see as lifelong friends and still have yet to know many pledge bros more. The spirit and the chemistry in the
Rho pledge class has grown and I wish it would remain strong as the lifetime that our class is a part of Alpha Phi
Omega. Services, fellowships, and long showcase practices have helped unite us as a class and it is something that
we may bring forth in the future terms to come. I am very proud to be a part of Rho class in Alpha Phi Omega
and cannot wait to cross with those very same people and share new experiences with them. I regret to say that I
have yet to truly meet everybody in the pledge class or at least as much as I would like to. But I hope that through
the upcoming pledge retreat, I will be able to get to know these unacquainted
pledge bros and even better my pledging experience. My future time in this fraternity I anticipate very much and I am very happy at the direction my life has
turned because of A Phi O. Congratulations pledge class for being great pledge
brothers and making it this far. Let's stay strong with our hands with 69 in the
air and rep Rho class until the end!!
Brandon Jimenez
The Beginning of the Journey
It has been a long road. Each step we have taken has brought us closer as friends and as a pledge class. Remember
that one night where we blindly held on to each other’s shoulders and somehow ended up in BS3?? I do. On that
chilly cold night, our paths crossed and we were linked together. Even if we have received multiple causalities during our pledging process, I hope that we will remember everyone we’ve met.
And I must apologize to Dana for stepping on her shoe multiple times, which caused her to lose her shoe too.
David Chan
I was very close to not pledging for Alpha Phi Omega. I remember just lying in bed just relaxing when my roommate, Andrew Tapia, asked if I was going to go to the Mother’s Day gift basket rush event. I thought about it and
was very close to saying no. I didn’t attend the info night either so I had to go to three of these events. With only
12 units and no job spring quarter, I had literally nothing to do this quarter. I eventually gathered the energy
to make it out to the rush event. Fast forward 9 weeks later and I am very glad that I decided to go to that rush
event. Pledging has certainly become one of the highlights of my college career. I must admit, I was a bit skeptical about it at first, especially the night we got our binders. I was quite overwhelmed by all the requirements
needed to become an active brother. I am sure the whole pledge class was. So there was some doubt at the beginning. As time progressed, the pledging process definitely became more enjoyable. Week after week, we would see
each other for hours in ICS 174. A room that I am sure we have all grown to hate. But through these meetings we
became closer. I know all the actives say our pledge class is small but who cares. Our pledge class has grown so
close in such little time that it amazes me. Our pledge class is also full of potential. Everyone is so energetic and
outgoing. I can definitely see a lot of Rhos running for ExComm positions. I am currently a third year so I could
have easily pledge as early as Mu and any other term after that. But I am very glad to have pledge during the Rho
term. There is no other pledge class I would rather be a part of. I want to say one more thing before I end this:
We are all placed into families now. We all represent our families with much pride, which is awesome. But always
remember, before you were crazy, sexy or cool, you were a Rho pledge. Never forget that. I would spend time giving shout outs to all you Rho brothers out there that I am close to but it would be too long. You know who you
are. Peace and one love! =]
-Denny Bui
Hey FunRHO Cakes!!
I must say, you guys are pretty awesome and I’m so grateful to be put in such
a great rho boat! I’m going to miss seeing
your faces pretty much everyday and seeing our little yellow boat in the lead!
Thanks for being such an awesome
captain, Vanessa, and for all the goodies!
OH and thanks for the pizza, Matt Kim!
Christina Chan
Shout out to the sweetest big in the WORLD, MELISSA LAU!
Biggie, Thank you so much for everything you've done for me throughout this pledging process. I can't
explain how much I appreciate you :] You've definitely made this experience smoother, enjoyable, and
memorable for me. I'm so glad that you're my big...You're more than I ever asked for!
Thanks for all the encouragements, presents, food at pledge meetings, little notes/cards, rides, shopping trips, late night snacks, and mostly being there for me. OLIVE YOU (really.)
You are the Peanut Butter to my Jelly (;
From the world's luckiest LITO,
Eunice Choi
Lessons learned
There are three things I’ve learned through pledging and being on
PlexComm as the Fundraising Coordinator. Lesson 1, there are 24
hours in a day, most of which were probably wasted doing absolutely nothing. You’ll realize that the hours you used to spend being bored have been completely replaced by all things related to the
Rho Class.
Lesson 2, always hope for the best but expect the worst. Try and
try as you might to be fully prepared, but expect the unexpected.
When things don’t work out, never be discouraged and try harder
next time! Honestly, the effort you put in does not go unseen…
people can tell the difference. Keep at it, whether it is for others or
yourself and never settle for anything less than 200%.
Lesson 3, trust your Brothers: not just the pledge bros, but also the
Actives. They will be there when you need them and I have been
really blessed to be able to witness this first hand. Every fundraiser
would not have pulled through were it not for them. Every volunteer no matter how small the task played such a critical part to
the process. Most of all, their encouragement to me just by raising
their hands or asking if I needed help was what made this term,
Rho term, an unforgettable and enriching experience for me. It
was heartwarming to see how proactive the members of our chapter are.
To my Co, Treasurer Tapia: thanks for being there whenever I
called you. It really made a difference to have you there. It’s great
that you’re so calm and composed all the time because it helps keep
me anchored when I’m on one of my freak-out phases. I really appreciate everything that you’ve done! Now, let’s find some time to
get your reqs done, buddy!!
To my committee, MONEYMITTEE: thanks for all the hard work
guys. It wasn’t easy being short, but you guys were great. I couldn’t
have asked for a better bunch of cuties. :)
Last but not least, thank you, Alpha Phi Omega, for training me in
time management, to strive for the best and more, and to trust the
Brotherhood of this Fraternity.
Grace Guu
Fundraising Coordinator
"Who Am I?
My name is C-don,
I look like B-don,
Pledging was lot of stress,
It made me look like a mess
Every day I had watery eyes,
As if I were going to meet my demise,
Then I met Tran,
She is the man,
I'm sure you solved the riddle,
I am her little."
-Jesse Chen
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
My big is Alyssa,
And your little loves you
- Jeffrey Jue
I have been trying to nd the right words to describe how I feel about APhiO for a long time now. Putting
off writing this article until the very last day, I still cant think of the perfect way to describe my experiences as a pledge. So I guess Ill just start off my answering the popular interview question of why did you
decided to join APhiO? To answer this question, I would have to go back to high school. In high school, I
was a very active part of my campus. I had sports, music, key club, CSF, NHS, etc. Outside of campus, I
had club basketball and girl scouts. These all kept me busy, but I felt like I was a part of something. Then,
I came to UCI and all of that was gone. During my rst year, I felt lost and without purpose. I was looking
for something to do with my time. Going from being a very active and involved person, to being just a student was really hard for me. I was considering joining circle k, but I did not want to join by myself, as I am
a little bit of a shy person. Then, I heard about APhiO. It seemed like a fun idea, and I talked to one of my
friends about it and she said she wanted to pledge too, so we went out during Pi term, but unfortunately
we both had Monday night classes, and were told to try to pledge in the spring. During the spring time, we
went out again, Monday nights free, and became pledges. I love giving back to the community, and I really
love all the amazing people Ive met throughout this process. This really has been a great experience and
I cant believe its coming to an end! (well, pledging at least =) )
Pbros:As much fun as being a part of Pi class would have been, I am so glad to be apart of this class. You
guys are all such amazing people, and I really cant say thank you enough for everything! Love you guys!!! <3
Mama Becky and Mama Yenlan: Thank you both soooo much for everything youve done for us! I know that
youve both sacriced a lot to be our mamas, and we all love you for it! Thank you!!! <3
High School Buddies: Its so weird that our group from home are all pledging APhiO! Weird! Anyways, I
guess community service brings us together. We got close through Key club in high school, and now APhiO!
yay =) Love you guys!
Thank you sooo much for pledging with me. I really dont know if I would have done it without you! <3
I <3 you and miss you girlie! I wish I saw you around more this year, but I <3 you anyways :) (I dont know
if you remember this or not…but MERRILY. =) )
Twin: I love that calling you twin confuses people :) Thank you for really being like a sister to me. I also
wish I saw you around more this year, but thats ok. <3 you twin :)
GOLDEN LINE:I AM SOOO EXCITED TO BE APART OF THIS LINE! Thank you all for being soooo nice
and welcoming! I cant wait to meet/ get to know you guys! Yay! =)
Matt and Michelle:You guys are soo much fun! I think you were the rst actives I actually hung out with,
and OMG that car ride was fun =) Honestly, you guys made me sure of my decision to pledge, so thank you!
And Matt, thank you for all the rides! SEXY BACK AND DIRTY POP. LOL
G2: OMG. Its so weird that you play basketball with my roomie! And that I played against you in the Tomo
Ballin tournament!
Grand and Great Grand:Thank you for the bucket full of fruit snacks, the giant pen and the scrapbook supplies! You denitely saved me this weekend as I have absolutely no scrapbook materials!
BIG <3
I am really sooo happy to have you as my big. I couldnt have asked for anyone better. But then again we
have so much in common, it had to happen right? I remember the rst time we actually talked. Before this
I had just recognized you from the arc =) But yah, after talking to you a couple times, I could see how
much we had in common and was pretty sure you were going to be my big. Im really really really sorry that
I missed revealing, and I promise Ill make it up to you one day, but then again, if I hadnt missed it, you
would have had to wait until Saturday to nd out like everyone else, yah? =) Well thanks for telling me on
Saturday, even though I wasnt there. I know when you asked me about what I asked for in a big I didnt
say much, but I really did ask for a Norcal Baller who was older than me =) I just wasnt 100% sure you
were going to be my big, so I didnt want to say it =) Anyways, Im also sorry that Im so very indecisive,
and that I can be really girlie about some things, but I promise Ill try (key word being TRY) to make more
decisions and hey, at least I dont have any pink basketball shorts, right??? :)
<3 Lindsay Yamauchi =)
There are a number of things I could say about my experience pledging Rho term for APhiO. But, there
are a few that have struck me in such a way that I can’t help but put it on paper for not only future terms
to look back and see how the fraternity has grown over time, but for the sake of having something my
own pledge brothers and I to look back on to see how far we’ve come since.
As a pledge, I’ve witnessed people grow from the most timid of people to the most outgoing of people.
I’ve witnessed people who were afraid to speak out grow to be comfortable with such. I’ve witnessed
people who couldn’t even muster the courage to say, “hello,” to an entirely new person dozens and
dozens of times. My point is, I’ve seen people grow and evolve for the better. Whether or not all of us
stick around long enough to pass on our experiences to future classes, it’s comforting to know that as a
whole, each of us have grown in the inside.
As a member of Plexcomm, one of the Showcase chairs, I’ve had the pleasure of not only seeing one
of the best Showcases ever unfold, but seeing people conquer their fears of performing on stage. Even
more closer to my heart was watching a number of people, who all thought they could never dance, let
alone in front of an audience, actually do so during Showcase. The look on some of their faces when
they realized they really were able to dance is something I won’t forget. In fact, I believe the Rho term
Showcase is something nobody will forget anytime soon. Along with my co-chair, Robert Lin, I feel like
all the work and stress of putting a great Showcase together in such a limited amount of time was definitely worth it. If by chance future Showcase chairs read this article, if there’s only one thing that you
learn from past Showcases, let it be this: “Start early, have fun, believe in yourselves, and remember
you can’t please everybody.”
There are so many more things I could put in this article, but all of it can be said in one word. As a
brother of APhiO, we have the core values of “leadership, friendship, and service.” However, all three
are not values we only exhibit within APhiO. Each value is present in our lives in some form or another
whether we notice it or not. A person could experience any of all of the three in everyday life; it could
be taking the lead and cooking a dinner or planning a party, it could be hanging out with your friends,
comforting them in their time of need, it could be helping out a co-worker at work, or helping someone
carry their groceries to their car. With this in mind, everything I’ve learned, and experienced, in APhiO
can be wrapped up into a single word: “Live.”
Krystofer Rosales
Showcase Chair, Rho Term
Here are a few haikus to sum up
my experience so far in APhiO.
A Day at the Park
Waiting at flag poles
Bigs and littles introduced
Love Jess Ly and TAO!
Practice makes perfect
Life of Rho pledge ain't easy
Forever the best
FunRho Woot Woot Woot
Once featured Matt Kim
Now Rhoing to lead the rest
FunRho Woo Woo Woo
Journey to Cross the Sea
Sixty-five children
Rhoing along, lost at sea
Moms to the rescue.
HEY RHO CLASS (: I’m really thankful for my time here at APhiO.
Pledging’s been crazy but I wouldn’t take it back for anything (well, if I
could exchange it for a 4.0… hahah jk). Being a part of Plexcomm was
a tad stressful at times, but rewarding all the same. Everyone was so
hard working, and I think we collectively pushed each other to strive
for more than we needed to. It’s too bad we didn’t get to hold that
paintball event but the bonfire was amazing. I hope we stay close as a
pledge class for the years to come and remember what brotherhood is
all about… because it’s easy to forget in a fraternity as large as APO.
- Sameena Sharieff
Making Our Own History
Serving as a Historian during our pledging process at Alpha Phi Omega
has been one of the greatest experiences I've ever had. Not only do we
get live through every momentous service, fellowship, and occasion,
but due to our scrapbooking efforts and process of documentation, we
get to preserve each moment so we can relive the magic whenever we
want to. We, as a pledge class, are forging our own paths, and it is
wonderful to have an opportunity to map out the journey along the
way. We are making our own history, and although our story may have
never been taught in a class or written about in a book, these moments
shall remain near and dear to our hearts forever.
- Troy Butcher
-Ryan Masuda
Pledging in a President's Perspective
As I started pledging for Alpha Phi Omega, I knew that I wanted to be involved and make the most out of the
term. Besides being a regular pledge, becoming PlexComm President meant that I had more responsibilities and
a role model figure to maintain. It also meant more time and late nights. Pledging is a test of time-management
overall, and although I have struggled with balancing school, an internship, pledging, and a social life, I believe
that I've gained more.
As I've overlooked a group of people such as my pledge class, I am intrigued by the fact that strengths and talents
can be combined in the interest of the group. I love that, during the time that Rho Class has spent together, we
all get along and are able to work together. I think my pledge class is a very talented and motivated group. While
some are dancers, some are into martial arts, some are into foreign languages, and some are into drifting.
Rho Class isn't just about PlexComm or what PlexComm delegates and sets; without the committee members
(which is every pledge) and the enthusiasm of Rho Class, PlexComm this term would not have been as productive
as it has been. 100% Services and Fellowships are not the accomplishment of just the chairs and PlexComm – it
is the accomplishment of each of my pledge brothers.
Forever: Rho in 3P!
Victoria Lin
Pledging has been one of my best college experiences ever. I wish I could do showcase over again; it
was tiring and time consuming, but the end result was amazing. RHO CLASS, you guys are so talented!
;] Shoutout to every single RHO BRO, I LOVE YOU GUYS. You guys made spring quarter SO FUN. 65
STRONG!!! <3 <3 <3
Kathy Truong
As a first year, I would like to say that pledging for Alpha Phi Omega is one of the best decisions I have made
so far. I have been able to make many memories as a
pledge and I hope to make many more as an active.
– Linda Luu
Ten weeks is passing by so quickly ): Thank you Rho
class for making the late monday night meetings, sleeping in the parking structure, cramming for quizzes,
waking up super early for services, pulling all-nighters, and plus more. Completely worth it (: I have never
been so tired and yet at the same time, had so much
"The holy passion of Friendship is of so sweet and fun. I don't think I would have made it this far without
steady and loyal and enduring a nature that it will you guys, I love you RHO BROTHAS! 65 strong!
last through a whole lifetime, if not asked to lend
money. - Mark Twain"
-Monica Yip
I recognize true friendship by becoming a part of
APO (if not asked to lend money).
YEAH? Mickey for Life! :)"
- Rachel Tsai
- Yen-tso Kuo
A dare of eating two aloe vera pieces in a row using only a straw. Bowie Ho, Tiffany Tran, & Cynthia
Ear: my inspirations. Anonymous: "I need some meat in me" & "I don't like small things." First official member of Julie Nguyen's Woo Committee. Winning Fellowship Vice President along with the
best co in the universe = David Chan. Victoria's insane driving to UCLA. The realization that I need
to practice my bowling skills. A nasty, yet memorable story about praying to the porcelain god. Rho
Boat Rhodiculous FTW. Everyone mistaking me for Carmelita Gallardo. Then finding out my Filipino
pledge bros thought I was Mexican all this time. Late-night dance practices with the infinite amount
of bags of chips, courtesy of my big. Early 6am services, pointing the way to victory (and to check
out crazy mansions). My numb hands from clapping after each of the 24 comedians finished their
set at the Last Comic Standing taping. Trying to piece together a long name at Revealing = frustrating. Aftermath of being silly-stringed 'til my Big and Grand Big's hearts' desire = priceless. Getting
hyped up for a BSB reunion in the making. Getting sad that the boy band members had irreconcilable
differences (hah). Water balloon making is one of the best services I've done. I love Panera Bread's
Chipotle Chicken Sandwich and green tea (hint hint). Committee meetings with the best committee
members ever; I am so grateful for all of your help. Studying for quizzes have now reached its climatic
peak: the final; bring it. R is for ROYAL; I love my family. Me: "I was on the wrestling team." Big: "Oh
really?! ...I was in badminton." Thank you Ben Quach and John Jonson for that egg-cellent entertainment during the SAA's icebreaker. Free food including Wienerschnitzel and pints of New Zealand ice
cream at March of Dimes. Receiving an odd text from my big, asking someone else about a gift (don't
worry, I'm not traumatized). Late-night assignment of fellowship chairs. Meeting Jennifer Love
Hewitt's son on Ghost Whisperer. Opening my email account and having a mini cardiac arrest due to
the cornucopia of emails from Plexcomm (but loving it, of course!). Kudos to Chris Pomar for designing our pledge shirts (he's "da bomb"). Successful ice cream social and the lack of root beer floats in
my belly. Getting to know my pledge brothers from here on out. Rho class forever and ever. SEXXXY
FAMILY, Royal line love. <3
Showcase. What an experience. A bunch of actives told me about showcase, but I still didn’t know
what to expect out of it. I have mixed feelings about the whole showcase process. In the beginning,
everyone seemed fairly excited for showcase. I heard mostly positive chatter about it. Soon, after
my co wrote the script and rehearsals started, everything seemed to change, though not necessarily
in a bad way. The timing of rehearsals could’ve been better; they happened to land around midterm
season… Lots of people had lots of things to do, sudden conflicts would arise, and rehearsals would be
delayed. I know it wasn’t the most efficient thing, but we tried to run it as smoothly as possible. Skip
forward to the week of. This week was a rollercoaster. I would be stressed out one night, then totally
fine the next. I would worry about the progress of showcase, and then someone would comfort me
about it. It wasn’t until it was the day of, till I realized it was crunch time. Skip to during showcase.
Once the show started, I just let it roll. There was no more trying to fix anything here and there; I just
wanted everyone to have fun and for the actives to enjoy our show. The reaction from the crowd was
amazing. I know it wasn’t perfect, and a lot of things came up, but in the end, the smiles on everyone’s faces assured me everything would be alright. I felt as though a huge burden was lifted off my
shoulders. I know I owe apologies to many people for how things were run or situations that arose
and for that, I apologize. On a lighter note, I also owe a great deal to people who helped me with the
whole process. You know who you are; I should’ve thanked you already. If not, THANK YOU! Also,
thanks to everyone for cooperating and GOOD JOB! It was a great show and I hoped you all enjoyed
it. One less requirement we have to worry about now! Hope you enjoyed the cookies! GO RHO!
-Robert Lin
FROM your Recording Secretary,
TO my dearest bRHOthers:
This experience has been AMAZING. [: We’ve made it through so much together: the first trust walk, the insanely
long pledge meetings, the excitement of “Bi-Annual Park Day”, the success of Showcase, and all those other unforgettable memories! No matter what we did, you guys were the BIGGEST part of this unforgettable pledging
experience. Even though there have been so many surprises along the way, you guys were the biggest surprise of
all. YOU always surprise me with all your BEAUTIFUL personalities and the WONDERFUL things that you do.
I know that I could not have this same AMAZING experience with
any other class but YOU! So THANK YOU, for everything. [: I’m so
happy and PROUD to be a RHO RHO brother! <3
TO my Rho MAMAS:
Mama Becky + Mama Yenlan! Thank you SO MUCH for everything
that you do for us! We would all be lost babies if you weren’t here to
help us along the way. ;] You are both AMAZING MAMAS! I LOVE
you! <3
TO my BIG and
BIG, thank YOU so much for everything! Especially to you my dearest BIG! Thank you for always feeding me delicious foods! You always know what I like best. ;] I would be a lonely, lost, HUNGRY
little without you. I LOVE YOU! <3
FAMS, you are all so SWEET! Thank you so much for SURPRISING
me on my BIRTHDAY. As my first parking structure birthday celebration, it was definitely an unforgettable night! Thank you for the
PERFECT night to start off a WONDERFUL year. ;]
TO my 5 favorite LOVELY ladies:
through my crazy emotional ROLLER COASTER with me. [: I wouldn’t have been able to make it through any of
this without you girls! You’re my COMFORT ZONE; you make me BRAVER when I’m feeling shy. ;] I ADORE
YOU! <3
Even though it’s the end of our pledging process together,
It’s only the BEGINNING of our active brotherhood!
Sixty-five strong! This bRHOmance was made to last. ;]
Oh, herrho, RHO CLASS!!!
I must say I am so proud and happy to be a fellRHO pledge bro! Although we’ve all been stressed about getting
our reqs done, let’s not forget that we’ve still had an amazing time together. Sadly, I haven’t gotten to really know
each and every one of you, but I’m really hoping I get to!
And good job everybody, showcase was a blast!! I’m sure we all miss those late night, intense rehearsals now…
heh heh. I’m so stoked for retreat, banquet, activation, etc. Don’t let our bonding ever stop! “Rho Rho oo la la,
want your good brhomance.”
Even though we’re in separate families now, don’t forget that we’ll always have a special connection as Rho class.
And once we’re active, let’s keep leadership, friendship, and service strong!
Here’s a thank you to all of you who welcomed me as I pledged alone :) Rho class, you guys are all awesome, and
I love you!! As long as we’ve got each other’s backs, we can make it through. Plus, we got insanely lucky to have
the best mamas ever! They’ve raised us well.
P.S. Hi, big! :D
Shoot for the stars,
Rachel Cherng the butter
michelle nguyen
I definitely had a hard time finding my big…that’s strange because I’ve
interviewed a lot of the active body, so you’d think I’d find them just like that. However, it turns out that I had
never asked this particular person what movies they liked and the first hint I got said that they enjoyed going on
random spontaneous adventures…Now that’s general information. Many people like to do that so it was hard
to narrow it down. I got the letters W-aldo, G-olfball, M-ickymouse, E-lephant, A-pple, Y-oshi,and N-emo. I
couldn’t figure out how to put it as Amy Weng lol. Good thing she found me though and I gave her the common
cold :D Present for big!!! Yay!! So she lead me to the tents and gave me my presents….and boy did I enjoy them.
See them on my facebook page :D. All the stuff I wanted to get and more! I got condems xD you never know when
I’d ever use them…maybe when I grow a penis… LOL jk. I don’t expect to use them anytime before marriage but
eh you never know who my heart will fall for. My ninja shirt is the best ever!!!
Family dinner was awesome too! Lots of food and lots of bonding time :D. What happened is classified because
what happens in family bonding time stays in the bonding time :D. It’s kinda funny how my big Amy Weng and
that makes my grandbig Tony Dang and his little my aunt Kim Yee. Henry Ta is like my cousin now. I know them
all too LOL. I love this :D
However!!! I do hope Rho class as a whole does not forget each other because we’re in families now. We still have
to stick together and hang out! I feel that I just started to get to know and bond with some pbros, and since we’re
small, we should continue with the pbro love. So everyone, still stick together and show us your LOVE!
Shout OUT to Kim Yee for being an awesome auntie. :D, I've never felt like I got along with anyone as quickly as
You know how you got friends, but sometimes you don't remember how you guys started hanging out in the first
place? It's like one of those things where suddenly you guys became friends and it fell into place. :3 those are nice.
Less Than Three
*A Good Friend*
by Michelle Nguyen
by Michelle Nguyen
Less than three
Is something more than what the eye can see
Be it hinted, hidden or obvious
A thought quite dubious
Sometimes you are hard to read
An open book you are not
Unknowing of where your path will lead
Following the rules you yourself taught
Between him or her
A decision unsure
A moment come true
A path full of hue
Less than three
How torrent can you be
An endless conversation
Ending quickly in an abruption
Full of heart
Full of positivity
Nothing can tear you apart
From all the good activities
Sometimes gold at the end of a rainbow
Sometimes droplets falling down below
After an internal storm
Undergoing an eternal reform
Less than Three
Quite understanding
Very different
As a person outstanding
Less than three
When are you free
To skip along the path of flowers
After a midsummer nights shower
I await for your return
From the far places where you learn
You were there when I was down
You made me smile when I frown
Less than three
How important you are to me
Our long talks of the night
Our memories took flight
Gone almost like the wind outside
What we had will never subside
It rests within me good and sweet
For that one day we will once more meet
Motto "All people search for love, whether it's a passion, companionship,
materialistic, or random thing."
Becky and Yenlan, thank you so much for the wonderful experience. I truly appreciate you guys and am glad to
have you as pledge parents.
Last but not least ... Pledges,Who was the most
influential brother to you this past term?
Brandon Way - I met him recently and re remindeed me/reassured me that in the end, we are a
brotherhood. Good to keep in mind :] I feel like APhiO is so big that sometimes we roget.
Besides my Big, a Brother that has inuenced me the most has been Sean Cao, Michael Yeung and
William Tien.
The brother that inuenced me the most would be Becky Rodstein because through her love and
dedication of APhiO, I am able to appreciate it more too.
Benjamin Vu because he is so spirted and dedciated to everything he does.
Ryan Lee has inuenced me the most. He is very courteous to others and is very easy to get along
Jason Lee - He has been there to give me lots of advice and has continuously given me tons of supper
since day 1. loving strangers turned Brothers. :]
Thomas Way - He is always there for me when I need someone to talk to. he always comforts me
when im depressed and he has become one of the few persons who I can be really honest with. he
always encourages me to be active in APO and takes APO really seriously.
Jonathan Wang & Michelle Fong - They bwere both very motivational but moer importantly they
were very friendly and approachable which was an important quality for early interviews.
The most inuential brother that has inuenced me the most would have to be Becky Rodstein and
Yenlan Li (I can’t choose one because you both are so great). They’ve taught me to strive for things
i would never have been motivated to do. They’ve put their heart and soul into Alpha Phi Omega,
and that’s just what i want to do and what i want to be remembered for.
What do Leadership, Friendship and Service
mean in Japan?
For those of you in Rho class wondering who this is, and those who thought I disappeared forever, I’ve been abroad this
term in a small town a few hours outside of Tokyo called Tsuru. Life is quite different out here compared to Irvine where there are
more students than Tsuru’s entire population. Jack in the Box and Cha have been replaced by mom and pop ramen shops, the hills
turned into mountains, shopping malls are nonexistent, and instead of Turtle Rock there’s Mt. Fuji towering above,. Now that the
snow has finally stopped, the rice fields have been flooded. But, aside from the menus, geography and seasons, there are some familiar aspects of Japan that we know quite well, namely Leadership, Friendship and Service. Though they may not have “services” per
say, fellowships take the form of karaoke or tempura parties, and the word “Excomm” is as foreign here as Mexican food; these three
values are manifested in their own Japanese way.
Once upon a time in Tsuru, the word “service” meant your loyalty to the local lord, Takeda Shingen. These samurai would
dedicate their lives to protect their lord and those of the kinship (imagine if we had to defend a castle as a service req). Though presently Shingen and his samurai can only be seen in festivals, there remains a well cited sense of service and loyalty to one’s kinship
that persists from medieval Japan. The kingdoms of the Daimyo, like Shingen’s land of Kai, have been replaced by corporate camaraderie, school clubs, family and the unified society as a whole. This sense of service manifests when company associates help fellow
coworkers on projects, or work grueling overtime hours, when kohai (juniors) frantically prepare club activities and pay respect for
their sempai (seniors), and people in general maintain polite and courteous demeanor. This sense of service is quite different from the
times that we drive hours to plant trees, or compete with the rest of the school to sell Korean BBQ, rather, in Japan, service is understood to be woven into the cultural fabric.
When it comes to fellowship, life at Tsuru is very similar to that at Irvine, especially comparing the Tsuru Karate Circle and
APO. In Karate, and most other groups, there is a rigid structure with the kohai–sempai relationship as the basis. The sempai are like
our bigs, they help out the kohai, or littles, as they learn the ropes and welcome them in like family. The sempai can, at first, be very
intimidating as they are in a position of superiority and respect (unlike Denny, kidding big I respect you!), but after going through
bukatsu, club activities, similar to our reqs, they become good friends. The karate club meets for practice every day of the week
and just about every day there is some sort of social event afterward. Similar to our fellowships the karate club will go eat yakiniku
(BBQ) or nabe (hot pot), sing karaoke, or other late night events… (all of which the sempai pay for, of course, like our ballin’ bigs)
Even though there is a lot of pressure for kohai to show respect and try hard in Japanese kinship, at the day’s end, everyone usually
gets together to celebrate.
Leadership starts at an early age in Japan. While abroad I’ve had the good fortune to be able teach English at a local elementary school. I had imagined that I would be standing in front of a posy of rowdy fourth graders trying to teach English greetings as
chalk and paper airplanes flew past my face, but I was quite surprised to find that as early as first grade Japanese kids take on important responsibilities at school. The first time that I stepped on the campus, I saw kids dressed in aprons and chefs hats carrying around
pots of food that would become lunch in a few hours. As I journeyed into the classroom I found that the students made the morning
announcements as well as leading the class in greeting and bowing to the sensei. At the end of class, four students grabbed my partner’s and my hands and led us down the hall to our ride. This placement of responsibility is intended to foster leadership in the rest of
a stressful school career and later in the work place.
While not every person in Japan will have the experiences mentioned above, they are generally accepted as part of the
culture. Having pledged Alpha Phi Omega and then gone abroad to encounter this culture, I have noticed a surprising amount of
similarities between the two experiences. If I hadn’t been a good pledge and already drilled the fence in the selection of our three
principles of Leadership, Friendship and Service.
ᑟ཭௙ Written by Shawn Ridgeway
-Top 3 Brothers of Rho Rho-ServiceSean Cao | 62.26 hours
Justine Dela Cruz | 48.25 hours
Ben Vu | 43.75 hours
-FellowshipBen Vu | 26
Sean Cao | 25
Will Lu | 23
The Rho Book
was compiled by
Bonnie Tran
& brought to existence by
Josephine Yao,
Serene Lin, and Jenn Dao.