

ISSN 1845-2086
Uvodna rijec
ory word
U vrijeme kada svjetskim velegradovima vlada trend napuštanja gradskog središta i naseljavanja
predgrađa, u Hrvatskog se događa nešto sasvim suprotno. Nedavno predstavljeni projekt “Cvjetni
prolaz”, nastao u suradnji dvojice vizionara, investitora Tome Horvatinčića i arhitekta Borica Podrecce, najavljuje nam novi trend – centar grada je ponovno “in”.
Vizija je to oplemenjivanja zapuštenih gradskih prostora u samom središtu grada, na jedan moderan način, koji bi se u potpunosti uklopio u zagrebačku urbanističku tradiciju.
Ako projekt zaživi, u zapuštene prostore u unutrašnjosti bloka unijet će se ne samo život nego i
sadržaji kakvi nedostaju užem centru grada – nova knjižnica, kino i kazališna dvorana, dječji vrtić,
igraonica, luksuzne trgovine, poslovni prostori, stanovi...
Sadržaja svakako ne nedostaje Grand hotelu Lav. Investicija vrijedna 80 milijuna eura vratila je stari
sjaj hotelskom kompleksu koji je bio omiljeno okupljalište Splićana, a tradicija se nastavlja već u
prvim danima nakon otvaranja.
U ovom vam broju donosimo mnoštvo korisnih savjeta koji će vam pomoći pri prodaji nekretnine.
Često se neka kuća ili stan prodaje godinama, a razlog tome ne mora biti nužno kvaliteta nekretnine, nego dojam koji ona ostavlja na kupca. Zato, dobro proučite naše savjete i uz malo dobre
volje i kreativnosti stvorit ćete očaravajući ambijent.
Nadalje, vodimo vas u St. Moritz, mondeno švicarsko skijalište, čiji je zaštitni znak sunce koje prosječno grije 322 dana u godini. Ako vas zanima kako izgledaju poznate svjetske face, poput Brada
Pitta ili Hugh Granta, St. Moritz je idealno odredište za vas.
Ljubitelji putovanja i umjetnosti nikako ne bi smjeli zaobići Berlin. “Muškarci, rat i mir” naziv je izložbe u
kojoj su se ujedinila tri velikana fotografije: Helmut Newton, David LaChapelle i James Nachtwey.
I na kraju, izdvojili smo za vas najljepše hrvatske nekretnine. U našem bogatom oglasniku, svatko
će pronaći nešto za sebe.
The current trend in world mega cities is moving from the centre to suburbs; still in Croatia is happening something quite opposite. Recently presented project “Cvjetni prolaz” (“Flower passsage”),
created by two visionaries, Tomo Horvatinčić, an investor and Boris Podrecca, an architect, introduces the new trend – the city centre is once again “IN”.
It is about the vision to ennoble ruinous city parts in the very centre in one modern way, which
would completely fit into the Zagreb’s urban tradition. If the project lives, in neglected spaces of
the inside of the block will be brought features that are lacking in the city centre – new library, cinema and theatre hall, kindergarten, play-room, luxury shops, commercial facilities, flats...
Grand hotel Lav is not lacking in features. An investment worthy 80 million euro brought back the
old splendour to the hotel complex which ones was favourite gathering spot of Split people, and
tradition is continuing from the first opening days.
This issue brings also plenty of useful advices, which will help you in selling real property. It is very
often that some house or flat is on sale for years, and a reason for that is not necessary a quality of
the property but an impression that the property leaves on the buyer. Therefore, study our advices
and with little effort and creativity you’ll create an enchanting ambience.
Furthermore, we are taking you to St. Moritz, jet-set Swiss ski resort, which brand mark is the sun with
an average of 322 sunny days a year. If you like to see how celebrities like Brad Pitt, Uma Thurman
or Hugh Grant look in ski suits, ST. Moritz would be an ideal destination for you.
Those who are fans of travelling and art should not miss Berlin. “Men, War and Peace” is the title
of an exhibition which united three great photographers: Helmut Newton, David LaChapelle and
James Nachtwey.
And at last but not least, we chose for you the most beautiful Croatian real properties. In our rich
advertisement section, everyone will find something for him or her.
Ana Perišin
DAL’CASA d.o.o.
Put Supavla 1
21000 Split
tel.: +385(0)21 332 725; +385(0)21 332 726
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Predsjednik uprave/Chairman of the Board:
Jakša Mrčela
[email protected]
Članovi uprave/Members of the Board:
Goran Križanec
[email protected]
Stephen John Hartnup
[email protected]
Glavna urednica/Editor-in-chief:
dipl. ing. Ana Perišin
[email protected]
Grafički urednik/Graphic editor:
dipl. ing. Marija Tomljanović
Marketing i prodaja oglasa/Marketing and advertising:
Dijana Uglešić, dipl. oec.
[email protected]
Kontakt telefon: +385 (0)98 326 178
Ivana Radeljić Vrdoljak
[email protected]
Kontakt telefon: +385 (0)99 230 5973
Prijevod na engleski/English translation:
Zdenka Grgić, Ivan Mladina
Nataša Bodrožić, Kristina Fazinić, Srećko Horvat, Toni Ilić, Ira
Knežević, Martina Kocijan, Hajdi Mihanović, Ivan Mladina,
Aleksandar Vrtarić, Aurelija Vukušić
Tisak d.d., Distripress, Tim Press, Slobodna Dalmacija, Glas Istre
Tiskara Meić / Rotooffset
Mali savjeti za brzu prodaju nekretnina / Little
Advices for Fast Selling of Property
Tomo Horvatinèiæ: Želim sagraditi novi Manhattan u Zagrebu / Tomo Horvatinèiæ: I Want to
Crate New Manhattan in Zagreb
Le Meridien Lav: najsjajnija zvijezda dalmatinskog turizma / Le Meridien Lav: the Brightest Star
of Dalmatian Tourism
St. Moritz - Top of the World
Mirisni jazz bar skriven od vreve velegrada /
A Smelling Jazz Bar Hidden From the Flurry of
the City
Oldtimer za 21. stoljeæe / 21st Century Oldtimer
Izložba fotografija u Fondaciji Helmuta Newtona u Berlinu / The Photography Exibition in the
Helmut Newton Foundation in Berlin
Savršena ravnoteža / Perfect balance
Korzikanski hedonistièki hram /
Corsican Hedonist Temple
Egg chair – baš poput jajeta / Egg Chair –
Exactly Like an Egg
U boji èokolade / In the colour of a chocolate
Piše: Aleksandar Vrtariæ
Foto: Arhiva Dal’Case
Tema broja
Mali savjeti za brzu
prodaju nekretnina
Bez obzira radi li se o skupoj nekretnini, luksuznom stanu ili novoizgrađenoj vili,
prigodom prodaje je najbitniji dojam koji će određena nekretnina ostaviti na kupca,
odnosno ambijent koji u njoj vlada
ez obzira jeste li se odlučili na prodaju nekretnine
prvi put ili želite svoj sadašnji prostor zamijeniti većim, manjim ili, jednostavno, promijeniti lokaciju
na kojoj se vaša nekretnina nalazi, prodaja nekretnine je veliki izazov. Ona mora biti što ažurnija, brža,
a jasno je i da želite dobiti cijenu koju ste postavili kad
ste se odlučili na prodaju. Nije rijedak slučaj da se neki
stan prodaje godinama, no razlog tome ne mora nužno
biti sama kvaliteta stana, nego upravo dojam koji on
ostavlja na kupca, a dojam je ono najvažnije. Bez obzira radi li se o skupoj nekretnini, luksuznom stanu ili novoizgrađenoj vili, prigodom prodaje je najbitniji dojam koji
će određena nekretnina ostaviti na kupca, odnosno
ambijent koji u njoj vlada.
O ukusima se ne raspravlja
O ukusima se, naravno, ne isplati raspravljati jer svaka
roba ima svog kupca, no prodaja stana ili kuće će trajati puno kraće ako kupci budu očarani ambijentom
koji vlada u prostoru. Usporedo s tim, lakše i sigurnije će
se dobiti i postavljena cijena. Dakle, prije same prodaje
stana ili kuće, važno je postići taj ambijent, a uz malo
kreativnosti i dobre volje to može biti doista lagano i zabavno. Pravog vremena za plasiranje nekretnine na tržište u pravilu nema, no osoba koja prodaje nekretninu
mora biti svjesna činjenice da je tržište uvijek prepuno
novih nekretnina i da se ponuda uvijek obnavlja, stoga
je vrlo bitno učiniti upravo vaš stan posebnim, neodoljivim i poželjnim. Postizanje ugodnog i toplog ambijenta
Tema broja
Prodaja stana ili kuće će trajati puno kraće ako kupci budu očarani ambijentom koji vlada u prostoru / Selling a flat or a house will be
quicker if a buyer is enchanted by the atmosphere of the space
koji će očarati svakog kupca ne iziskuje neke velike preinake ili znatna preuređenja, dapače, radi se o sitnicama koje puno znače. Psihologija kupca će učiniti svoje,
no na vama je da to osigurate pa evo nekoliko savjeta
kojih se valja pridržavati prigodom prodaje nekretnine.
Dojam čistoće
Dakle, nakon formiranja cijene slijedi uređenje za prodaju, a upravo kod uređenja mnogi ljudi griješe. Prvi korak je bojenje zidova. Prije prodaje boja mora biti svježa i nova. To ostavlja dojam čistoće i na kupca djeluje
osvježavajuće. Odabir boja mora biti pažljiv i ukusan,
a same tonove treba prilagoditi svjetlosnim uvjetima u
stanu. Tamne boje i zagasiti tonovi će bolje odgovarati na zidovima na kojima se nalaze prozori, dok na suprotnim možete kontrirati sa svjetlijim bojama koje će
otvoriti prostor i ambijent učiniti ugodnim. Nova boja
iza sebe ostavlja ugodan miris koji asocira na urednost,
a lijepo odabrane boje će kupca asocirati na sklad i
harmoniju. Ako na nekim zidovima ima tragova vlage ili
kondenzacije, uklonite to kako god znate bez obzira na
troškove. Miris vlage će otjerati svakog kupca, taman i
da mu se stan jako svidio. Iako mnoge vaše stvari mogu
djelovati otmjeno, nastojte ukloniti svu nepotrebnu imovinu, od umjetničkih slika do raznih antikviteta ili skupih
ukrasa. Naime, psihologija kupca funkcionira tako da
već na prvi pogled zamišlja sebe u novoj nekretnini, a
ako u njoj ima previše vaših stvari, to definitivno neće
ostaviti dobar dojam na kupca. Ista stvar vrijedi i s pokućstvom. Osoba koja prodaje stan mora misliti na kupca i mora biti svjesna činjenice da kupac kupuje stan,
a ne pokućstvo i stvari koje se nalaze u njemu. To znači
da se sav suvišni namještaj treba ukloniti, a cilj toga je
predstavljanje svake prostorije, odnosno njezine svrhe.
Tako će kupac s lakoćom dobiti viziju onoga što on želi.
Ako se radi o kući koja ima podrum i potkrovlje, svakako
treba napraviti “generalku” i ukloniti sve suvišne stvari
tako da prostori budu pregledni, uredni i čisti. Obiteljske
Cvijeće i vrtno bilje uvijek ostavlja dojam mira i topline, pa dvorište
mora biti lijepo uređeno /
Carefully chosen flowers and garden plants will leave the impression
of serenity and warmth; the courtyard should be arranged well
Novo posađeni travnjak pomladit će
svaku starinu i učinit će je neodoljivom / A
new sod will make every old house quite
younger and irresistible
imati na umu da se ovdje ne radi o prodavanju stana
u zgradi, nego o prodaji cijele kuće koja mora izgledati
lijepo, toplo, uredno i skladno. Velike kuće koje imaju koju godinu nije uvijek tako jednostavno prebojiti, a
starija fasada često može otežati prodaju.
Naravno, to ne mora biti veliki problem. Uređenje dvorišta i okućnice će biti puno povoljnije, a kuća će zablistati u punom sjaju iako je fasada starija. Pažljiv odabir
cvijeća i vrtnog bilja uvijek ostavlja dojam mira i topline, pa dvorište mora biti lijepo uređeno. Novo posađeni travnjak pomladit će svaku starinu i učinit će je
neodoljivom. Ulazna vrata moraju biti lijepa i moraju se
zatvarati savršeno, bez ikakvih iritantnih zvukova. To su
ipak prva vrata koja otkrivaju ostatak kuće, a nezgodno zatvaranje sigurno neće ostaviti dobar dojam na
kupca. Ako se ipak odlučite za novu boju fasade, pažljivo je odaberite. Sklad je ono što očarava svakog kupca pa treba dobro pregledati susjedne kuće. Ako se
vaša kuća previše ističe nekom bojom, to će djelovati
preagresivno i ambijent oko kuće neće biti ugodan.
Dakle, ako sumnjate oko odabira boje nove fasade,
nastojte je prilagoditi okolini tako da se ne ističe previše
od ostalih kuća. Ako ste dobri sa susjedima, slobodno
ih predstavite mogućim kupcima jer nema osobe koja
ne voli imati dobre susjede koji će im pomoći prigodom
useljenja u novi prostor i koji će uvijek biti dragi i ljubazni.
Uglovi i kutovi ponekad mogu djelovati prenapadno i
hladno zbog svoje oštre i jasno definirane strukture pa
nastojte ukloniti ili barem umanjiti njihovu napadnost
postavljanjem nekog lijepog cvijeta koji će umiriti taj
efekt. Šiljate police s pravim kutovima će puno hladnije
izgledati od onih koje imaju zaobljene rubove jer takve
police djeluju nježnije i toplije, pa ako imate potreban
alat, volje i vremena, pokušajte prepraviti takve elemente, a rezultat će se definitivno isplatiti.
Akvarij s ribicama
Dnevni boravak je središte svake nekretnine, pa njemu treba posvetiti posebnu pažnju. Pretpostavimo da
se radi o boravku koji je lijepo osvijetljen, pa samim tim
imamo veliki plus kod prezentacije. Biljke moraju biti lijepe pa nije loše odabrati neke sorte koje cvjetaju i zimi
jer će dati kontrast koji će dati potreban sklad. Voda
po mnogim drevnim vjerovanjima omogućava protok
energije, pa to treba imati na umu. Neki mali akvarij s
hladnovodnim ribicama može se dobiti već za stotinjak
kuna, a ako se postavi na pravo mjesto, on će dočarati
život i pokret u prostoru. Što se tiče ostalih kućnih ljubimaca, njih treba držati podalje tijekom prezentacije.
Iako mnogi ljudi vole pse, puno je više onih kojima smeta pseći miris i moguće skakanje kao dobrodošlica.
Dječje i spavaće sobe moraju biti uredne, također sa
što manje nepotrebnih stvari. Dječja soba mora djelovati nevino, pozitivno i veselo, pa boje na zidu treba
prilagoditi da bi se postigao željeni učinak. Razbacane
dječje igračke mogu asocirati na nemir, pa svakoj treba
naći svoje mjesto. Stoga surađujte s djecom i objasnite
im koliko vam je važno da njihove sobe budu uredne.
Spavaća soba predstavlja oazu za svakog novog kupca. To je mjesto gdje se spajaju mir, harmonija i intima,
što znači da prostorija tako mora i izgledati. Umjesto nepotrebnih sitnica koje držite u sobi, postavite neku lijepu noćnu lampu, kakvu zgodnu figuru koja predstavlja
zagrljaj dvoje ljudi i, naravno, lijepu posteljinu u toplim i
nježnim tonovima. Paketić s laticama mirisnog cvijeća
Razbacane dječje igračke mogu asocirati na nemir,
pa svakoj treba naći svoje mjesto / Toys, scattered
all around, could evoke feelings of restlessness so
they should be put in their proper place
će učiniti svoje, a takva spavaća soba će svima izgledati neodoljivo.
Ugodan miris
Bez obzira radi li se o stanu ili kući, miris je ono što će
očarati svakog kupca. Stoga se valja pobrinuti da prostor uvijek ugodno miriše. Eterična ulja i mirisni štapići
su najbolji izbor jer se radi o ugodnim i prirodnim mirisima. No, treba obratiti pažnju i na to da prostor uvijek
bude prozračen i pun svježeg zraka. Svjetlost je “glavni
krivac” kod prezentacije stana, a nema ničeg ljepšeg
od prirodnog, odnosno sunčeva svjetla. Zavjese i zastori trebaju biti što prozračniji kako bi propuštali što veću
količinu svjetla. Osvijetljene prostorije uvijek djeluju zavodljivo pa to svakako treba i iskoristiti. Zato pokušajte
dogovoriti prezentaciju nekretnine prije nego što padne mrak, a idealno bi bilo ako vam i vrijeme ide na
Ako prodajete nekretninu u zimskom razdoblju, prije nego kupac dođe pobrinite se da je prostor dobro
ugrijan jer ćete time kupcu pokazati kako je stan topao
i kada je vani temperatura ispod ništice. Nitko ne voli
hladne prostorije, a ugodna temperatura u stanu će
imati samo pozitivan učinak. Naime, parketi, drvenarija
i zidovi u stanu djeluju otmjenije kad ih obogati topli narančasto žućkasti ton sunčeva svjetla. S novoizgrađenim
stanovima je puno lakše jer su prazni i novi. Kupac koji
dolazi u takav prostor odmah stvara vizije i prostor mu se
gotovo automatski svidi. No, stanovi i kuće u kojima je
neka obitelj živjela više godina prije same prodaje, zahtijevaju male preinake.
Zato nemojte zaboraviti na neke stvari koje provjereno
i zajamčeno utječu na brzu i uspješnu prodaju nekretnine. Vi ćete biti ponosni jer ćete znati da ste prodali lijep
Osvijetljene prostorije uvijek djeluju zavodljivo pa to svakako treba i iskoristiti / Good lighting always looks attractive and it should be richly applied
Parketi, drvenarija i zidovi u stanu djeluju otmjenije kad
ih obogati topli narančasto žućkasti ton sunčeva svjetla / Parquets, wooden parts and walls always look
more stylish when enlighten by warm yellow-orange
beams of the sun
i ugodan prostor, a kupac će biti ponosan jer je kupio
posebnu nekretninu koja ga je osvojila na prvi pogled. I
za kraj, nemojte zaboraviti da je puno toga i na vama.
Budite srdačni, nasmijani i ljubazno odgovorite na svako
pitanje, pa i sami pokušajte osvojiti kupca svojim stavom
i ugodnim nastupom.
Vlasnici kuća moraju obratiti pozornost na to kako njihova
kuća izgleda izvana, koji će dojam ostaviti na kupca koji
ugleda kuću pri dolasku / Owners of houses should pay
some attention to the outer appearance of their house
Cover st
Little Advices for Fast
Selling of Property
Nevertheless if it is expensive property, luxury flat or newly built villa, its atmosphere
will make the difference. The impression is what counts the most
Written by: Aleksandar Vrtariæ Photo: Dal’Casa archive
evertheless if you are selling the real estate for
the first time or you are planning to replace
your living space with a bigger one, or a smaller one, or simply change the location, this is altogether a big challenge. The selling should be more effective, quicker, the price achieved. It is often that a flat
is for sale for years. The reason is not the flat by itself but
rather the impression it leaves on a buyer. The impression
is what counts the most. Nevertheless if it is expensive
property, luxury flat or newly built villa, its atmosphere will
make the difference.
Tastes are not argued about
It is pointless to discuss tastes because there is a buyer
for any good, but selling a flat or a house will be quicker if a buyer is enchanted by the atmosphere of the
space. And of course, the price will be much easier
So, before selling a flat or a house, it is important to
create such ambience, put some effort and good will,
which altogether could be easy and bring some fun.
There is no such thing as a proper time for selling on the
real estate market. Still, the seller should be aware that
there are always too many new properties for sale; that
the supply is always renewing. It is absolutely necessary
to make your flat special, irresistible and desirable.
To achieve cosy and warm ambience, which will enchant any buyer does not involve huge costs or renovations, rather it is about small things that mean so
much. The psychology of a buyer will perform its job,
but you should ensure that to happen. Here are some
tips for successful selling, which should be kept.
Impression of Purity
Well, after forming the price, arrangements for selling
are to follow. This is the very spot where people often
make mistakes. The first step would be painting of walls.
Before selling, the paint on walls must be fresh and new.
That leaves a sensation of cleanness and has a refreshing impact on a buyer. Colours should be chosen carefully and with good taste, and shades of colours should
be adjusted to the light in the flat.
Dark colours and deep shades of colour will better suit on
the walls with windows, while the opposite ones could be
painted in light colours, which will open the space and
make the ambience more pleasant. New paint leaves a
nice smell, which evokes associations on cleanness, and
nicely fitted colours on harmony and balance.
If there is any trace of humidity or condensation on the
walls, you should remove it at any cost, however you
know. The smell of humidity will chase any buyer out,
even if he or she likes the flat very much. Although your
things may look stylish, try to remove all unnecessary
property like paintings and various antiques or expensive decorations. Namely, the buyer’s psychology functions so that he or she imagines himself or herself in the
flat from the very moment; too many things will prevent
the process.
The same is true for the furniture. The person who is selling
the flat should think about the buyer being fully aware
that the buyer is buying the flat, not the furniture. Therefore all excessive furniture should be removed; the main
aim is to present each room and its purpose.
The buyer will, thus, get the vision about what he or she
wants. If you are selling a house, which has an attic or a
basement, first you should thoroughly clean them and
ensure the space to be easy-to-survey, clean and tidy.
Of course, family photos mean a fortune to you, but for
a buyer have no meaning at all.
Family photos as well as personal belongings, paintings
and decorations leave the same impression. The am-
Cover st
Šareno i raznoliko voće ima predivne boje koje uvelike pridonose ugodnom
i toplom ambijentu / Various fruits with their wonderful colours will contribute
to the cosiness and warmth of the place
bience should be neutral for the buyer; overcrowded
walls will not help it.
Perhaps you should think about renting some additional
space for storing those excessive things and furniture.
Plants, on the other hand, are welcomed. Almost every
person likes flowers, which make impression of nature
and create a sensation of tranquillity and cosiness. But
still, it is not good to overreact. Too much flowers can
spoil the impression.
It is not wise to shelter bright parts of the flat by big, unattractive plants. Whenever expecting new buyer do not
forget to put a bowl of fresh fruits on the table. Various
fruits with their wonderful colours will contribute to the
cosiness and warmth of the place. All artificial plants
and fruits should be removed; simply they do not look
Nice Private Plot
Owners of houses should pay some attention to the out-
er appearance of their house. Here we are not referring
to a flat in the building, but the selling of a house which
has to look nice, cosy, tidy and harmonious. Big houses,
particularly old ones, are not easy to paint; older facade
could significantly make the selling difficult.
But it does not need to be a problem, at all. Arrange a
plot of land around the house and this will make house
to shine in spite the facade. Carefully chosen flowers
and garden plants will leave the impression of serenity
and warmth; the courtyard should be arranged well. A
new sod will make every old house quite younger and
Entrance door should be nice and perfectly in order,
without any annoying sounds. After all, these are the first
doors, which reveal the rest of the house, and annoying
opening and closing will not please the buyer.
Still, if you decide to paint the facade, choose the colour carefully. The harmony is what really enchants the
buyer, so you should take a good look of neighbour-
Dječja soba mora djelovati nevino, pozitivno i veselo / Children room should leave the impression of
innocence, positive energy and joy
Biljke u stanu su uvijek dobrodošle jer svaka osoba voli
vidjeti cvijeće / Plants, on the other hand, are welcomed. Almost every person likes flowers
Treba ukloniti sve suvišne stvari tako da prostori budu
pregledni, uredni i čisti / You should tide all undesired
things and ensure the space to be easy-to-survey,
clean and tidy
ing houses. If your house is standing out by its colour, it
could be aggressive and make its environment unpleasant. So, try to be in harmony with your neighbourhood. If
you are in good relations with your neighbours, you may
freely introduce your prospective buyer to them. There
is no person who will not like to have good neighbours
who may help them when moving into the new home
and who will always be at service and so kind.
Corners and angles could sometimes be cold and striking because of their sharp and defined structures so try
to remove the impression by putting some nice flower
there to calm down tensions. Shelves with sharp edges
will look colder than those with curved edges, which
look more tender and warmer. So, try to fix such elements, put some effort and time, and at the end it will
pay off.
Fish in Aquarium
Living room is the centre of every property, so it deserves a special attention. Let’s presume that the sitting room is a nice space with lots of light, which will
be a significant plus. Plants should be beautiful and, if
possible, of a kind that blossoms during the winter. This
will provide the sense of harmony. Water is believed to
enables a flow of energy, so it should be bore on mind.
A small aquarium with cold-fishes could be purchased
for some hundred kuna, and if settled in the right position, it could evoke a life and movement in the space.
As for other pets, they should be kept away from pres-
entation. Although many people like dogs, there
are still many, who dislike dog’s smell and eventual
jumping all over them.
Children rooms and sleeping rooms should be tidy,
also with minimum furniture and things. Children
room should leave the impression of innocence,
positive energy and joy; the walls should be painted accordingly. Toys, scattered all around, could
evoke feelings of restlessness so they should be put
in their proper place. Therefore, cooperate with
your children and explain them how it is important
that their rooms should be kept tidy. The sleeping
room means an oasis for any buyer. This is the place
of united peace, harmony and intimacy, and the
room should look like that. Instead of lots of unnecessary little things, put a nice lamp, some figure
which represents two people hugging each other
and, of course, nice bedlinen in warm and tender
colours. Little bag of nice smelling herbs will do the
job; such sleeping room will be just adorable.
Pleasant Smell
Nevertheless if it is about the flat or the house, the
smell is what will enchant every buyer. Therefore
make effort that your space always smells good.
Ethereal oils and smelling sticks are the best choice
because they smell naturally and pleasantly. The
space should be always aired and filled by fresh
air. The light is the big “reason” at the selling of the
flat; there is nothing more beautiful than natural, sun
light. Curtains and blinds should be as transparent
as possible to let more light into the room. Good
lighting always looks attractive and it should be
richly applied.
Always try to arrange the presentation before dark.
If the weather is favourable it is even better. If you
are selling during the winter time, take care that the
space would be heated well that the buyer gets
the impression that the flat is warm, even if the outside temperature is below zero. No one likes cold
rooms. Parquets, wooden parts and walls always
look more stylish when enlighten by warm yelloworange beams of the sun. Newly built flats are more
convenient for selling because they are new and
The buyer who is coming into the newly built flat immediately creates his or her own vision and he or
she almost automatically likes the space. But, flats
and houses in which families have been living for a
longer time, need to undergo some changes and
adaptations before selling. Therefore, do not forget
these things, which were proven and acknowledge
for influencing quick and successful selling of the
real estate. You’ll be proud because you’ll know
that you sold a wonderful and pleasant space, and
the buyer, on the other side, will be proud because
he bought a special real estate, which got under his
or her skin at the first sight.
And at least but not last, you are very important.
Be warm-hearted, smiling and kindly answer every
question, and try to charm the buyer with your attitude and pleasant behaviour.
Cover st
Nužno je da kupac osjeti taj neutralni ambijent, a pretrpani zidovi tu nimalo ne pomažu /
The ambience should be neutral for the buyer; overcrowded walls will not help it
Osoba koja prodaje stanmora biti svjesna činjenice
da kupac kupuje stan, a
ne pokućstvo i stvari koje
se nalaze u njemu / The
person who is selling the flat
should be fully aware that
the buyer is buying the flat,
not the furniture
agrebački poduzetnik na pragu šestog desetljeća
života, radom i projektima koje pokreće djeluje kao
da je tek zakoračio u more života. Zaljubljenik u nautiku, rođeni Samoborac, po struci inženjer prometa, u svijetu biznisa pronašao se već u petnaestoj godini.
Bavio se prodajom, ugostiteljstvom i gastronomijom vodeći vlastiti restoran Babylon, a od 90-ih godina graditeljstvom. Danas je na čelu vlastite tvrtke, Hoto grupe, prve
u Hrvatskoj koja po načelima projektnog menadžmenta
svojim korisnicima omogućuje dobivanje “ključa u ruke”,
od projekta do gotovog rješenja. Sa 60 zaposlenih, većinom inženjera i arhitekata, poput svakog pravog kapetana, kormilari vojničkom disciplinom.
Hoto grupa
Graditelji su to koji osim zgrada žele graditi i budućnost
– tako je Tomo Horvatinčić opisao tvrtku iza koje stoji. Djela koja je stvorio danas govore umjesto njega, a njegovu
gradu i domovini ostavljaju u naslijeđe graditeljsku baštinu kojom će se ponositi naši potomci.
Projekti Hoto grupe
Moto jedne od najvećih tvrtki u Hrvatskoj “Poštujemo tradiciju – gradimo budućnost“ predstavlja ih kao graditelje
koji čuvaju baštinu. Njihov prvi projekt Centar Castellum
bio je prenamjena dviju trošnih jednokatnica iz 19. stoljeća u poslovno središte. Spajanjem najsuvremenije infrastrukture i reprezentativnoga graditeljstva devetnaestog
stoljeća nastao je vrijedan objekt, priznat od Grada Za-
stvoriti novi
u Zagrebu
Tomo Josip Horvatinčić, vodeći graditeljski investitor u Hrvatskoj, vlasnik izrazito
uspješne Hoto grupe, govori o novom projektu “Cvjetni prolaz”, vrijednom 100 milijuna eura, te o bivšim i budućim poslovnim
Razgovarala: Martina Kocijan
Foto: Kristina Faziniæ
greba. Palača Zrinjevac, nekadašnja palača Kulmer iz
19. stoljeća, još je jedna reprezentativna zgrada hrvatske
povijesti koja se ističe svojom izvornom zlatno-oker bojom
pročelja. Obnovljena je za 100 dana u suradnji sa Zavodom za zaštitu spomenika. Hoto business tower poslovni
je toranj s 22 etaže i 350 parkirališnih mjesta. U unutrašnjosti prednjače najmodernija tehnološka rješenja: od klime i
rasvjete pa sve do sustava dizala i kontrole elektroničkim
karticama. Titula koja mu sa sigurnošću pripada je – jedna
od najimpresivnijih veduta hrvatske metropole. Hoto Ville
su prvo hrvatsko zatvoreno stambeno-poslovno naselje
nedaleko od Zagreba. Zamišljeno je po uzoru na slična
naselja u SAD-u, s odlikama modernog življenja i sigurnosti stanovanja. U 157 kuća živi oko 2500 ljudi na površini
od 120.000 četvornih metara. U samom naselju na raspolaganju su trgovački i sportski centar, vrtić, ambulanta,
banke i ostali poslovni prostori. Specifičnost uređenja vila
jest u naglasku na kontaktu s prirodom – pregršt zelenila,
staklene stijenke umjesto klasičnih zidova i obilje svjetlosti.
Novi projekt - “Cvjetni prolaz”
Cvjetni trg i kino Zagreb uskoro će postati svakodnevno
mjesto rada arhitekata, graditelja i brojnih radnika. Gradit će se novi trgovački centar na nekoliko razina, s wellnessom, dječjim vrtićem, podzemnim garažama sa 700
novih parkirališnih mjesta na šest razina, elitnim uredima,
malim centrom kulture, kinima, tribinama za predavanja,
galerijom, knjižarom, VIP apartmanima i vilama s bazenom. Prema mišljenju investitora, sve što jednom prosje-
Novi projekt - “Cvjetni prolaz” / The new project
- “Cvjetni prolaz”
čnom građaninu uvijek treba. Prenamijenit će se ukupno
45 tisuća kvadrata prostora kako bi se uredio jedan od
najljepših zagrebačkih trgova. Cijena – vrtoglavih 100 milijuna eura.
Kao graditelja budućnosti, koja je glavna ideja Vašega
novog projekta “Cvjetni prolaz“ na Cvjetnom trgu?
Najkraće rečeno, misao vodilja je bila da revitalizacijom
zapuštenih prostora Donjega grada Zagreb postane kvalitetnije, ugodnije i ljepše mjesto za život. Dakle, projekt
uključuje uređenje unutrašnjosti bloka, koja je trenutačno
zapuštena i derutna. Želimo pridonijeti stvaranju Zagreba
21. stoljeća.
Iako ste do sada, po uzoru na svjetske velegradove, gradili suvremeno, a naselje Hoto Ville je prezentator zravog
života, izgradnjom “Cvjetnog prolaza“ povećat će se
broj automobila u samom središtu grada, što razvijene
zemlje izbjegavaju. Kako ćete to objasniti budućim naraštajima?
Prema idejnom rješenju, projekt predviđa izgradnju podzemnih garaža za 700 automobila. Tim će se potezom
riješiti prometni kolaps već godinama prisutan u Gundulićevoj ulici, a dodatna pogodnost je i prostor predviđen
za izletničke autobuse. Sadašnja praksa je da se oni parkiraju ispred katedrale, a to nikako nije adekvatno rješenje
s obzirom da je zagrebačka katedrala jedna od najvećih
i najljepših u čitavoj Europi, te na taj način gubi dio svoje
reprezentativnosti. Izgradnjom kompleksa, automobili koji
se parkiraju na ulicama i na mjestu predviđenom za pješake, bit će smješteni u podzemne garaže. Tako ćemo svi
moći mirnije šetati središtem grada.
U čemu je, po Vašemu mišljenju, privlačnost prihvaćenog projekta bečkog arhitekta Borisa Podrecce, te što će
nakon izgradnje najviše privlačiti građane?
Žiri je prepoznao njegovu viziju oplemenjivanja zapuštenih gradskih prostora u samom središtu grada, na jedan
moderan način, koji se u potpunosti uklapa u zagrebačku urbanističku tradiciju, te sam uvjeren da će projekt
dobiti potporu svih Zagrepčana. Fokus je na oživljavanju
zapuštenih prostora u unutrašnjosti bloka. U njih ćemo unijeti ne samo život nego i sadržaje kakvi nedostaju užem
centru grada – nova knjižnica, novo kino i kazališna dvorana, dječji vrtić, igraonica, luksuzne trgovine, poslovni
prostori, stanovi...
Kako biste odgovorili na kritike da je Zagreb hiperizgradnjom dobio bezličnu korporacijsku arhitekturu i da su
zgrade jednolične i dosadne?
Nažalost, činjenica je da dio investitora teži jedino maksimalizaciji profita i takva težnja za što više kvadrata
dovodi do situacija u kojima se zanemaruju estetika, funkcionalnost, okoliš... Zbog toga smo svjedoci stihijske gradnje koja ne odgovara zahtjevima moderne metropole
kakvom Zagreb teži postati. Prednost centra “Cvjetni
prolaz” leži upravo u činjenici da se od samih začetaka
projekt provodi planski, a da se pritom uzimaju u obzir svi
relevantni čimbenici koji utječu na izgradnju: od zagrebačke urbanističke tradicije, očuvanja gradskog štiha, uvođenja novih sadržaja, pa sve do revitalizacije zapuštenih
dijelova grada, do koje neizbježno dolazi provođenjem
ovakvih projekata.
Možete li usporediti našu arhitekturu s onom izvan Hrvatske? U čemu je razlika, a u čemu sličnost gradnje na Floridi, u Kaliforniji i Hrvatskoj?
Možemo govoriti po čemu se hrvatska arhitektura razlikuje od one izvan Hrvatske, ali za mene je to nešto potpuno
neusporedivo. Hrvatska arhitektura ima predugu tradiciju
Hoto Ville - prvo hrvatsko zatvoreno stambeno-poslovno naselje nedaleko od Zagreba / Hoto Villas - the
first Croatian closed housing-commercial development near by Zagreb
i relativno je stara u odnosu na arhitekturu u Floridi i Kaliforniji. Za mene je hrvatska arhitektura nešto posebno,
nešto čega nema nigdje u svijetu. Čak i kad je riječ o modernoj arhitekturi, ona mora biti uklopljena u zagrebačku
U Hrvatskoj, po mišljenju mnogih, ima premalo eksperimentalnih i tehnološki suvremenih poslovnih zgrada kao
što je, primjerice, ekološki neboder Pearl River Tower u
Kini. Što mislite o takvim projektima i biste li ih gradili?
Pearl River Tower je svojevrsna znanstvena fantastika za
naše pojmove. Što drugo reći o tornju koji ima više od 300
metara i koji sam proizvodi više enrgije nego što može potrošiti i kao takav je potpuno u skladu s okolišem. A briga
za njegovo očuvanje mora biti jedan od prioriteta u budućnosti graditeljstva. Koliko god da su takvi projekti napredni i rezultat vizionarskih ideja, bojim se da je za sada
prerano govoriti o takvim projektima u Hrvatskoj, barem u
takvom opsegu. Hoto grupa nadilazi uobičajene granice
pa vidite koliko imamo problema!
se iskoriste mogućnosti rijeke Save. Kako biste osuvremenili Zagreb na Savi i bi li se na njoj mogao naći neki
Vaš suvremeni most?
Sava je još jedno neiskorišteno blago Zagreba i pitanje
je vremena kada će se Zagreb vratiti na obale Save. Cilj
bilo kojeg projekta vezanog uz Savu mora biti da rijeka
koja danas razdvaja sjeverni i južni Zagreb postane njegova prostorna poveznica i okupljalište građana. Urbani
sadržaji moraju pronaći svoje mjesto na obalama rijeke,
a mostovi su svakako jedan od segmenata koji će tome
pridonijeti. Ako bude prilike, naravno da bih volio sudjelovati u projektiranju novoga, suvremenog mosta.
Koja je arhitektura nametljiva i kako je izbjeći?
Mišljenja sam da se svaka arhitektura koja nije usklađena
s okolinom može smatrati nametljivom. Uzaludna je svaka
dobra ideja koja se ne stapa s okolinom u kojoj se nalazi.
Jedini ispravni način izbjegavanja nametljive arhitekture
jest pažljivo planiranje.
Vaš san je stvoriti novi Manhattan u Zagrebu. Kada bi postojala ta mogućnost, koje biste projekte osmislili?
Pri osmišljavanju bilo kakvog projekta za Zagreb, ponajprije se mora sagledati zagrebačka vizura i identitet.
Tako bismo najprije morali voditi računa da ne narušimo zagrebački sklad. Projekti ovakve vrste bi morali biti
reprezentativni i vrijedni Zagreba, što znači da bi morali
imati maksimalan broj sadržaja koji mogu koristiti Zagrebu
i Zagrepčanima. Govorim o sadržajima koji ujedinjuju nekoliko segmenata; poslovni, stambeni, društveni i kulturni
– baš kao i projekt na kojem trenutačno radimo. Manhattan se ne može kopirati u Zagreb. Zagreb mora ostati
originalan koristeći svjetske dosege u arhitekturi.
Uređenje interijera često je vrlo važno za život ljudi; poznata je i feng shui metoda uređivanja prostora. Što mislite o tome, kakav interijer preferirate u svojim građevinama i u kakvom interijeru osobno najradije boravite?
Potpuno se slažem da je interijer vrlo važan. Svi bismo mi
najviše vremena željeli provesti u svom domu, sa svojom
obitelji i prijateljima, pa je razumljivo da ga želimo lijepo
urediti. Nažalost, ja najveći dio dana provodim u uredu pa sam svoj radni prostor uredio tako da mi u njemu
bude što ugodnije i jednostavnije. Kad sam na gradilištu
kao sada, najugodnije se osjećam. Moram priznati da mi
je najdraža kombinacija tradicionalnog i modernog, ali
uvijek ću dati prednost interijeru koji je lijep, ugodan i topao bez obzira na metodu kojom je uređen.
Poznata nam je Vaša fasciniranost mostovima i želja da
Vaš moto je “Poštujemo tradiciju – gradimo budućnost”,
a Vi ste čovjek koji cijeni povijesnu baštinu. Postoji li razdoblje gradnje u povijesti koje Vas nadahnjuje za nove
Svaki je dio povijesti za mene jednako važan jer svako
povijesno razdoblje ima svoju posebnost koja nas može
nadahnuti za stvaranje nekog novog djela. Iz svakog se
dijela povijesti može nešto novo naučiti i ja upravo to činim. Nastojim iz svakog razdoblja uzeti ono najbolje.
Za uređenje naselja Hoto Ville posadili ste drveće iz San
Rema i Mađarske. Koliko je hortikultura danas važna i je
li dovoljno razvijena?
Jedan od bitnih elemenata urbane strukture i kompozicije grada jest njegova hortikultura. Upravo je ona odlučujuća u formiranju slike grada i oblikovanju njegove
prepoznatljivosti. Bi li London bio ono što jest da nema
svojih velikih i brojnih parkova?! Pri gradnji naselja Hoto
Ville predvidjeli smo što više prostora za zelene površine.
Uostalom, i ulice u tom naselju nose imena drveća jer smo
na taj način htjeli naglasiti važnost hortikulture. Kad je riječ
o hortikulturi u Hoto naselju, moramo se pohvaliti da smo
dobili nagradu za najljepše uređenu ulicu za 2006. godine od Hrvatske turističke zajednice. Ulica se zove Ulica
Hoto business tower
Kako izgleda održavanje naselja Hoto Ville tijekom jednog dana? Kako je organiziran zeleni plac Mali Dolac?
Hoto Ville su pravi mali grad, sa svim hortikulturnim i infrastrukturnim obilježjima. Kao što smo i najavljivali tijekom
gradnje, zaposlili smo veliki broj radnika koji rade na održavanju naselja. Apsolutno ništa ne prepuštamo slučaju,
vodeći računa o kvaliteti života svakog stanovnika koji
stanuje u naselju Hoto Ville.
Jesu li Hoto Ville uspjele u onome što ste isticali kao svoju
želju: da ljudi žive kao ljudi, a ne kao duhovi jedni pokraj
Mislim da smo u tome uspjeli. Naselje Hoto Ville uvelo je
novi i kvalitetniji način stanovanja jer je osim udobnosti
svojim stanovnicima pružilo potpunu sigurnost. U Hoto Villama su se rodila nova prijateljstva, ljudi se druže, sretni
su i zadovoljni svojim načinom života. To je ono što smo
priželjkivali, a što se i ostvarilo.
O svojoj kompaniji uvijek govorite u množini. Jesu li ljudi
koje zapošljavate vizionari poput Vas?
Ljudi s kojima radim za mene su najbolji suradnici na svijetu. Bez njih ne bih uspio realizirati projekte kojima se danas
zajedno ponosimo. Oni svakako jesu vizionari jer samo zajedničkom vizijom možemo ostvariti velike rezultate. Uostalom, u svim našim materijalima se ističe važnost mašte.
Bez mašte nema ni kreacije ni gradnje.
Imate li u planu neki novi projekt, za buduća vremena?
Moram priznati da sam trenutačno maksimalno koncentriran na projekt “Cvjetno”. Tom projektu sam trenutačno
posvetio većinu svog vremena jer Zagrebu želim ostaviti
još jedan reprezentativni projekt koji će se Zagrepčani
moći ponositi. Projekt revitalizacije Donjega grada prevažan je za Zagreb i jednostavno ništa ne želim prepustiti
slučaju. Međutim, u budućnosti od nas svakako možete
očekivati nove projekte.
Zagreb entrepreneur in his early sixties seems like,
regarding his work and projects he initiates, he
has just stepped into the sea of life. Being a fan
of nautics, born in Samobor, traffic engineer by
its education, he stepped into the world of business when
he was only fifteen. He used to deal with selling, catering and gastronomy in his own restaurant “Babylon” and
from 1990s with construction business. Today he manages
his own company, Hoto Group, the first in Croatia which
operates according to the principles of project management that to its clients enables “on a turn-key basis”, from
the project to the final product. He, like any real captain,
with his sixty employees, mostly engineers and architects,
steers with a military discipline.
Hoto group
They are builders who apart buildings want to build future
– this is how Tomo Horvatinčić describes his company.
Works that he created speak instead of him, and to his
home town and country leave construction heritage that
our descendants will be proud of.
Projects of the Hoto Group
A motto of one the biggest companies in Croatia “We
respect tradition – we build future” represents them as
builders who keep the heritage. Within the project Castellum Centre, they transformed two ruinous two-storey
buildings from the 19th century into the business centre. A
valuable edifice came into existence through the mixture
I Want to
Create New
in Zagreb
Tomo Josip Horvatinčić, a leading construction investor in Croatia, the owner
of very successful Hoto Group, speaks
about his new 100 million euro worthy
project “Cvjetni prolaz“ (“Flower Passage”) as well as about past and future
business undertaking
Interviewd by: Martina Kocijan
Photo: Kristina Faziniæ
of the modern infrastructure and representative architecture of the 19th century, which is recognized by Zagreb
City Government.
Zrinjevac Palace, the former palace Kulmer from the 19th
century is another representative building of Croatian history, which stands out by its front side in original goldenochre colour. It is renovated in only 100 days in cooperation with Institute for Monuments Protection. Hoto business
tower is a commercial tower of twenty two storeys and
350 parking lots.
Interiors are equipped with the hi-tech solutions: from
the air condition and lighting to the system of elevators
and electronic cards management. The title which rightly belongs to it is – one of the most impressive sights of
the Croatian metropolis. Hoto Villas are the first Croatian
closed housing-commercial development near by Zagreb. It is designed on the model of similar developments
in USA with all features of modern living and secure dwelling. In 157 houses around 2500 people live on the surface
of 120,000 square metres. Within the development there
is a shopping and sport centre, kindergarten, surgery,
banks and other commercial facilities. The main characteristic of villas is their stress on the contact with the nature
– abundance of greenery, glass walls instead of classic
walls and abundance of light.
The new project - “Cvjetni prolaz”
Cvjetni trg (Flower Square) and cinema “Zagreb” soon
Prvi projekt Hoto grupe - Centar Castellum / First project of Hoto group Centar Castellum
will become a daily construction site with architects, builders and labourers, who will build the new commercial
centre on several levels, with wellness, kindergarten, underground garages with 700 new parking lots on six levels,
exclusive offices, small culture centre, cinemas, lecturing
halls, galleries, bookshop, VIP apartments and villas with
swimming pools. According to the investors everything
what one might needed at one place. Forty five thousand
square metres will change their purpose in order of renovation of one of the most beautiful Zagreb squares. The
price – dizzy 100 million euro.
As a builder of future, what is the leading idea of your
new project “Cvjetni prolaz” (”Flower Passage”) on
Cvjetni trg?
Shortly, the leading idea was to revitalise neglected parts
of Zagreb’s Downtown, which should become more quality, pleasant and beautiful place for living. Therefore, the
project includes renovation on the inside of the block,
which is at the moment neglected and ruinous. We want
to contribute to the creation of Zagreb of the 21st century.
Although until now you have built modern architecture,
on the model of world mega cities, the development
Hoto Villas is a representative of healthy living, still the
construction of “Cvjetni prolaz” will increase the number
of automobiles in the very city centre, which more developed countries try to avoid. How you will explain that to
the future generations?
According to the preliminary design, the project foresees
a construction of underground garages for 700 automobiles. This will resolve the traffic collapses which has been
occurring in Gundulićeva Street for years, and an additional advantage would be a space purposed for tourist
buses. Current practice is that the buses are parked in
front of the Cathedral, which is not appropriate if you
bear on mind that the Zagreb Cathedral is one of the
largest and most beautiful cathedrals in Europe; that is
bad for its appearance. When the complex will be built
up, automobiles which are usually parked on the streets
and places purposed for pedestrians, will be parked in
underground garages. So, we all will be able to walk
much relaxing across the city centre.
What in your opinion makes the accepted design of Viennese architect Boris Podrecca attractive to citizens
and what will attract them the most?
The jury recognized his vision to ennoble neglected city
spaces in the very city centre in the modern way, which
would be completely fitted into Zagreb urban tradition. I
am convinced that the project will gain the support of all
Zagreb’s citizens. The main focus is on revival of ruinous
spaces on the inside of the block. We will bring into them
not only the life but features that the centre is lacking in –
new library, new cinema and theatre hall, kindergarten,
play-room, luxury shops, commercial facilities, flats...
How would you answer to the critics that Zagreb, through
the hyper construction, got impersonal corporative ar-
Prema idejnom rješenju, projekt “Cvjetni prolaz” predviđa izgradnju podzemnih garaža za 700 automobila
/ According to the preliminary design, the project “Cvjetni prolaz” foresees a construction of underground
chitecture and that all buildings are uniform and dull?
Unfortunate fact is that majority of investors aims only
to a maximum of profits and such aiming for more and
more square metres causes the situation when aesthetic, functionality and environment are neglected. This is
the main reason why we are witnessing the construction
without any plan, which is not appropriate for metropolis
which Zagreb desires to become. The advantage of the
“Cvjetni prolaz” centre lies within the fact that the project
execution is planned from the very beginning, that all relevant factors are taken into consideration, starting from
Zagreb’s urban tradition, keeping the city atmosphere,
introducing new features to the revitalisation of poor
parts of the city, which is unavoidable by-product of such
Would you, please, compare our architecture with the
architecture outside Croatia? What are differences and,
yet, what are similarities of construction on Florida or in
California and Croatia?
We may talk about what makes Croatian architecture
different from the architecture outside Croatia, but for
me, this is something quite incomparable. Croatian architecture has very long tradition and it is relatively old
in comparison with the architecture of Florida or California. For me, Croatian architecture is something special,
something you can’t find anywhere else in the world.
Even if we are talking about modern architecture, it has
to be incorporated in Zagreb’s tradition.
According to the opinion of many, in Croatia there are
too little experimental and in sense of technology modern commercial buildings like, for instance, ecological
skyscraper Pearl River Tower in China? What do you think
about such projects and would you build them?
Pearl River Tower is a kind of science fiction in our view.
What else could we say for the tower which is over 300
metres high and which alone produces more power
than it could consume and is completely fitted with its
environment. Environment protection should be one of
the priorities of future architecture. Notwithstanding how
much these projects are progressive and result of visionary ideas, I am afraid that it is too soon to talk about such
projects in Croatia, at least in that scope. Hoto Group
regularly overcomes conventional boundaries and you
may see how many problems we already have!
Your dream is to create new Manhattan in Zagreb. If you
would have an opportunity, which projects you would
When you design any project for Zagreb, you need to
understand Zagreb’s vista and identity. Therefore, we
should pay attention not to ruin the Zagreb’s harmony.
Project of that kind should be representative and worthy
of Zagreb, which means maximum features useful for Zagreb and its people. We are talking about features which
unite several segments: commercial, housing, social and
cultural – as it is the case with the project we are working on. Manhattan can not be copy-paste to Zagreb.
Zagreb has to stay genuine in using achievements of the
world architecture.
We are familiar with your enchantments with bridges and
desire to exploit possibilities of the river Sava. How would
you modernize Zagreb on Sava and would it be possible
to have your modern bridge across the river?
Sava is another unexploited wealth of Zagreb and it is only
matter of time when Zagreb will return to its shores. The
main goal of any project in connection with Sava must be
that the river which makes apart north and south Zagreb
becomes their link and a place where citizens will come
together. Urbane features must find their place on the river
shores, and bridges are, for sure, segments that will contribute to it. If there would be a chance, of course I would
like to participate in designing the new, modern bridge.
Which architecture is intrusive and how to avoid it?
In my opinion any architecture which is not adjusted to
the environment could be considered to be intrusive. Any
idea however might be good is in vain if it does not suit
the environment. The only way to avoid intrusive architecture is careful planning.
Impresivan projekt bečkog arhitekta Borisa Podrecce / An impressive project of of Viennese architect Boris Podrecca
Design of an interior is very important for living of people;
for instance, a method of Feng Shui is well known. What
do you think about it, what interior do you prefer inside of
your edifices and which interior do you like to dwell in?
Of course, I agree that the interior is very important. All of
us would like to spend most time in our own home, with
our family and friends, so it is no wonder that we want to
arrange it nicely. Unfortunately, I spend most of the day
at office so I arranged my working space in a cosy and
simple way. But, I feel the best when I am on the site, like
right now. I have to admit that my favourite style is the
combination of traditional and modern, but I’ll always
prefer the interior which is beautiful, cosy and warm regardless designing methods.
Your motto is “Respecting tradition – building the future”,
and you alone are the man who appreciates heritage. Is
there any history period of construction which is inspiring
for you in new projects?
Every part of history has same significance for me because every history period has its particularity, which can
inspire us in creation of new work. From each part of history you may learn something new and I am exactly doing so. My intention is to take the best from every period.
When building the Hoto Villas development you planted
trees from Sanremo and Hungary. How much is horticulture important and is it developed enough?
One of essential elements of structure and composition of
the city is his horticulture. It is the horticulture which plays
a main role in forming the image of the city and shaping its recognition. Would London be what it is without its
big and numerous parks?! At the construction of the Hoto
Villas development we planned more space for green
surfaces. By the way, streets within the developments got
their names after trees, thus we wanted to emphasise the
importance of horticulture. When we speak about the
horticulture in the Hoto Villas development we have to
boast a little that we were awarded by the Croatian Tourist Community for the most beautiful street in 2006. The
street is called The Plane-trees Street.
How does the maintenance of the Hoto Villas development look like during one day? How is the green market
Mali Dolac organised?
The development Hoto Villas is the real small town with
all horticultural and infrastructural features. As we have
been announcing during the construction, we employed
great number of workers on maintenance. Absolutely
nothing is left to the accident having on mind the quality of living of every dweller who abode in the Hoto Villas
Did Hoto Villas succeed in that what you pointed out as
your wish: that people should live as people, and not like
ghosts one besides others?
I believe we did. The Hoto Villas development introduced
new and more quality way of dwelling and apart comfort it provided full security. In Hoto Villas new friendships
started, people are coming together; they are happy
and content with their way of living. This is what we wanted, and this is what came through.
When you speak about your company you always speak
in plural. Are people who you are employing visionaries
as you are?
People I am working with are the best associates in the
world. Without them I would have never succeeded to
realise projects we are now proud of. They are certainly
visionaries because only through common vision we may
achieve great results. After all, in all our materials we point
out the importance of an imagination. Without imagination there is no creation and no construction.
Is there some new project, for future times?
I have to admit that at the moment I am maximally focused on “Cvjetni prolaz”. I devoted most of my time to
this project because I want to leave to Zagreb another
representative project that Zagreb people will be proud
of it. The project of revitalisation of the Downtown is too
important for Zagreb, so i don’t want to miss anything.
But in the future you may expect from us new projects,
of course.
Piše: Aurelija Vukušiæ
Le Meridien Lav:
Najsjajnija zvijezda
dalmatinskog turizma
Arhitektonska rješenja rimskoga studija Lorenza Bellinija počivala su na pretpostavci da
bogomdani smještaj hotela s pogledom na Brački kanal treba iskoristiti, pa gotovo nijedan javni prostor hotela nije ostao bez pogleda na jug, na more. Suptilno minimalističko
uređenje čini savršen kontrapunkt intenzivnom “velikom plavetnilu” s druge strane staklenih stijenki
amo mjesec dana nakon otvaranja, za Grand hotel Lav čuli su i oni koje inače ne zanima hrvatska
turistička ponuda. Investicija vrijedna 80 milijuna
eura, hotelski kompleks kategoriziran s pet zvjezdica, koji se prostire na impozantnih 50.000 četvornih
metara i posluje pod jednim od najcjenjenijih svjetskih
hotelskih lanaca – Starwood/Le Meridien, činjenice su
koje moraju impresionirati, posebno stoga što ovako vrhunski resort dosad nije postojao u Dalmaciji. Sve atraktivnije splitsko područje posljednjih je godina patilo
od nedostatka hotelskog smještaja, a Le Meridien Lav,
smješten tek nekoliko kilometara od središta grada, u
Podstrani, više je nego uspješno utažio žeđu gostiju s
profinjenijim ukusom. No, ne samo njihovu: nekadašnji
Lav, na čijim je temeljima izgrađeno novo zdanje, bio je
omiljeno okupljalište Splićana, a tradicija se u novome
Lavu nastavlja već u prvim danima nakon otvorenja,
za što su najzaslužniji investitori koji su se hrabro upustili u
ovaj megaprojekt – Ivica Kurtović i Slavko Bošnjak.
A kad posjetitelj prvi put uđe na glavni ulaz, postaje mu
jasno zašto se već sada traži “mjesto više” za kavu, ručak ili wellness tretman u Le Meridien Lavu. Fantastična
arhitektonska rješenja rimskoga studija Lorenza Bellinija (uz angažman uglednih splitskih arhitekata, poput
Nene Kezića i Emila Šverka) počivala su na bazičnoj
pretpostavci da bogomdani smještaj hotela uz obalu, s
pogledom na Brački kanal, treba maksimalno iskoristiti.
I doista, gotovo nijedan javni prostor hotela nije ostao
Grand Hotel Lav, koji se prostire na 50.000 četvornih metara / Grand Hotel Lav, extended on
impressive 50.000 square metres
bez pogleda na jug, na more, pogleda od kojega doista zastaje dah. Suptilno i nenametljivo minimalističko
uređenje, u kojemu dominiraju bež i boja čokolade, prevladava interijerima barova, restorana, lobbyja, čineći
savršeni kontrapunkt intenzivnom “velikom plavetnilu” s
druge strane velikih staklenih stijenki. Posebno je inovativno zamišljen Champagne&Oyster bar, spušten u odnosu na ostatak razine poda, kako bi gosti koji sjede mogli
u potpunosti uživati u pogledu, dok je udobni Art caffe
mjesto diskretne rasvjete omeđeno ostakljenim kubusima koji “udomljuju” umjetnička djela. Luksuzni materijali
korišteni u uređenju dostojanstvena su kulisa raznovrsne
ponude hotela, te se s njom udružuju u doživljaj kojemu
je teško naći konkurenciju u Hrvatskoj.
Posebno je atraktivan prostor wellness i spa centra nazvanoga Diocletian spa, jedan od najvećih i sadržajem
najbogatijih u zemlji. Rješenje ostakljenog oktogonalnog prostora potpisuje Studio Kušan iz Zagreba: na gotovo 5000 četvornih metara na tri razine razmješteni su
veliki otvoreni i zatvoreni bazen, jacuzzi, rimske kupelji,
solarij, sauna, brojne prostorije za najrazličitije beauty
tretmane, sobe za meditaciju, relaksaciju, pedikuru i
manikuru, fitness centar, liječnički tim i, konačno, Laguna bar namijenjen posebno korisnicima wellness
centra, sa širokom ponudom zdrave i ukusne lagane
hrane, voća, salata i vitaminskih koktela. Oni koji žele
uživati u ozbiljnijoj gastronomiji, poći će u Spalatum
galeriju, a la carte restoran s vrhunskim domaćim i internacionalnim specijalitetima, dok Spalatum Brasserie
nudi i pogled na današnji meni, s otvorenim mjestima
Odabir toplih boja te dominacija fotografija s morskim motivima učinili su prostor domaćim i ugodnim /
A choice of warm colours in interior designs, domination of photographs with maritime motives and make
rooms domestic and cosy
za kuhanje. Rustikalna pivnica, kao nekoć kultno mjesto za okupljanje u Lavu, zadržala je izvorni izgled te se
u njoj možete prepustiti neobveznim zalogajima pizze i
maštovitih tjestenina.
Duga obalna linija koju Lav zauzima također je potpuno podređena uživanju gostiju hotela, pa uz marinu za
60 brodova i plažu nudi i grill restoran-bar “7 palms”. Tu
je i dječji Penguin club, svojevrsna aqua igraonica, u
kojemu školovano osoblje brine o najmlađima, a kad
smo već kod ponude “outdoor”, valja spomenuti i ra-
Ugodne ležaljke za opuštanje u
wellness i spa centru / Comfortable lying decks for relaxation in
wellness and spa centre
U uređenju su korišteni samo luksuzni materijali / In
decoration are used only luxury materials
zrađen program ponude vodenih
sportova – od ronjenja do jedrenja
na dasci i skijanja na vodi (uz mogućnost izleta brodom na obližnje
otoke) te četiri velika teniska terena ispod kojih je smještena garaža. Fantastičan izgled vanjskih
prostora, kojim dominiraju velike
zelene površine, osmislio je slavni i
višestruko nagrađivani hortikulturni dizajner Jim Nicolay, a borova
šuma, koja djelomice skriva pogled s ceste na Lav, daruje ovom
“it” mjestu i neusporediv mirisni
doživljaj – doista, prolaskom kroz
glavni ulaz Le Meridien Lava, već
prvi udisaj podsjeća vas na savršenu oazu mira i uživanja u koju ste
upravo kročili.
U tržišno vrlo potanko promišljenom
hotelu, posebna je pozornost posvećena kongresnome turizmu, koji
je u svijetu među vodećim izvorima
prihoda ozbiljnijih hotelijera: na gotovo 2900 četvornih metara nalazi
se devet tehnološki savršeno opremljenih kongresnih
dvorana i soba za sastanke, a najveća od njih može
primiti do 800 osoba.
Gosti više platežne moći (i ne samo oni) rado će se
zabaviti i u kasinu i noćnome klubu na najnižoj etaži,
također vrlo sofisticirano uređenima prema projektu
tvrtke Principal Casino&Hotel Design.
Na koncu, sobe – 381 smještajna jedinica u četiri glavne hotelske zgrade, s prosječnom veličinom od 40 četvornih metara – primjer su kako veliki hoteli ne moraju
nužno zračiti otuđenošću i hladnoćom. Odabir toplih
boja u uređenju interijera, dominacija fotografija s morskim motivima i, nadasve, udobnost i prostranost, učinili
su prostor domaćim i ugodnim, a najveći, predsjednički
apartman zauzima čak 120 četvornih metara. Dakako,
sve su sobe opremljene svim servisima standardnim za
kategoriju od pet zvjezdice – LCD ili plazma TV prijamnikom, brzom internet vezom s punjačem za laptope,
odvojenima kadom i tuš kabinom, kabelskom TV, mini
barom, sefom, individualnim upravljanjem klima-uređajem, balkonom, a neke imaju i jacuzzi u sobi te su
posebno opremljene za osobe s invaliditetom.
Bogomdani smještaj hotela uz obalu, s pogledom na Brački
kanal, maksimalno je iskorišten / A God given location of the
hotel with a view of Brački kanal (Brački Channel) is maximally
Le Meridien Lav: the Brightest
Star of Dalmatian Tourism
Architectural design of Lorenzo Bellini’s studio in Rome are based on a presumption that a
God given location of the hotel with a view of Brački kanal (Brački Channel) should be well
exploited; there is almost none public space of the hotel left without a view on the south, of
the sea. Subtle minimalist design makes perfect counterpoint to the “great blueness” on the
other side of glass walls
Written by: Aurelija Vukušiæ
nly a month after its opening, for the Grand
hotel Lav heard even those who do not care
about Croatian tourist offer. An investment
heavy some 80 million euros, a hotel complex
classified with five stars extended on impressive 50.000
square metres and one of the most appreciated world
hotel chains – Starwood/Le Meridien , are facts that must
make an impression, especially because such a high
quality resort has not existed in Dalmatia before.
More and more attractive Split area has suffered from
lack of hotel accommodations during the past several
years; Le Meridien Lav situated only few kilometres from
the town centre, in Podstrana, has more than successfully satisfied a desire of guests with more subtle taste.
But, not only theirs: former Lav, on which foundations
new edifice is built up, used to be a favourite gathering
spot of Split people; the tradition is going to continue in
Atraktivan wellness i spa centar nazvan Diocletian spa, jedan je od najvećih i sadržajem
najbogatijih u zemlji / An attractive space of wellness and spa centre, called a Diocletian’s
spa, is biggest and richest in the country
the new Lav from its very opening. This is owing to its
investors Ivica Kurtović and Slavko Bošnjak, who courageously entered into this mega-project.
When a visitor enters through the main entrance for
the first time, he or she will understand why people are
waiting for a free coffee table, lunch or a wellness treatment in La Meridien Lav. Fantastic architectural designs
of Lorenzo Bellini’s studio in Rome (with engagement
of Split architects like Neno Kezić and Emil Šverko) are
based on a presumption that a God given location of
the hotel with a view of Brački kanal (Brački Channel)
should be well exploited.
And really, there is almost none public space of the hotel left without a view of the sea, a view that takes a
breath away. Subtle and discreet minimalist design with
its beige and chocolate colours prevails in interiors of
bars, restaurants, lobbies, making thus a perfect counterpoint to the “great blueness” on the other side of
glass walls.
Especially innovative is a design of Champagne & Oyster bar, lower than the floor level, while the cosy Art café
is a place of discreet illumination framed by glass cubes
“housing” works of art. Luxury materials which are used
in construction are prime scenery of hotel’s offer that
enables an experience, which can hardly be found in
A space of wellness and spa centre, called a Diocle-
tian’s spa, is particularly attractive and the biggest and
richest in the country. A design of glass octagonal space
is signed by Studio Kušan from Zagreb: big indoor and
outdoor swimming pool, Jacuzzi, Roman baths, solarium,
sauna, numerous beauty treatments, rooms for meditation, relaxation, pedicure and manicure, fitness, medical
surgery, all arranged on three levels, and at last but not
least the Laguna bar aimed for users of wellness centre,
with its wide offer of healthy and tasty light meals, fruits,
salads and vitamin cocktails. Those who want to enjoy
more sophisticated gastronomy will go to the Spalatum
gallery, a restaurant a la’ carte, that offers domestic and
international specialties, while Spalatum Brasserie offers
a view of preparing the food in open cooking spaces.
Rustic cellar, former cult gathering place in the Lav, kept
its original look so that one may enjoy in pizza and imaginative pastry.
A long coastal line along which the Lav extends is also
fully submitted to the enjoyment of guests; besides Marina for 60 yachts and a beach, there are grill restaurantbar called “7 palms”. There is, also, a children’s Penguin
club, a kind of aqua-playground in which animators
take care of the children. Outdoor offer includes even
an array of water sports – from diving to surfing and water skiing (along with boat excursions on nearby islands)
as well as four large tennis courts with a garage situated
under it.
A fantastic landscaping dominated by large green
surfaces is a design of famous award-winning horticultural designer Jim Nicolay; a pine forest, which partly
hide the Lav from the view from the road, gives to this
“it” place an unforgettable smelling experience – really, when you enter through the main entrance of Le
Meridien Lav, your very first breath will remind you that
you’ve just step in a perfect oasis of peace and pleasure.
In the very detailed marketing planned hotel, a particular attention is paid to a congress tourism, which is
among the leading profit sources of serious hoteliers in
the world: on almost 2900 square metres there are nine
technologically perfectly equipped congress halls and
conference rooms. The biggest among them can receive 800 people.
Guests with deeper pockets (but not only them) will
enjoy in Casino and night club on the lowest floor, designed by Principal Casino & Hotel Design Company, in
a sophisticated manner.
And last but not least, rooms – 381 accommodation
units in four main hotel buildings of an average surface
of 40 square metres – are an example of how big hotels
do not emanate coldness and alienation. A choice of
warm colours in interior designs, domination of photographs with maritime motives and, above all, comfort
and spaciousness, make rooms domestic and cosy.
Rješenje ostakljenog oktogonalnog prostora potpisuje
Studio Kušan iz Zagreba / A design of glass octagonal
space is signed by Studio Kušan from Zagreb
The biggest, presidential apartment occupies even
120 square metres. Of course, all rooms are equipped
with all amenities standard for four stars hotel – LCD or
plasma TV set, fast internet connection with a charger
for lap-tops, bath-tube and shower enclosure, cable TV,
mini bar, safe, individually managed air condition, balcony; some rooms have a Jacuzzi and some are specially equipped for disabled persons.
Maèka u Detroitu
Prošlomjesečni detroitski autoshow pokazao je Jaguarovu revoluciju: odustavši od dosad dosljednog retro-izgleda, famozni je proizvođač automobila predstavio svoj
koncept C-XF, opremljen 4,2-litrenim motorom V8. 420
konjskih snaga više bi pristajalo lavu nego jaguaru, a snaga moćne mačke ogleda se i u mnoštvu naprednih tehnoloških dostignuća. Inovativni dizajn potpisuje tim koji
je stvorio i nagrađeni XK, a
nama su se
najviše svidjela električna
plava svjetla
A Cat in
An automotive
exhibition held last month in Detroit showed a revolution
in the Jaguar: a famous automobile producer gave up a
retro-style and presented its new concept C-XF with a 4,2
litres engine V8. 420 horse powers would be much more
adequate for a lion than a jaguar; a power of a mighty
cat is well obvious in a plenty of advanced technological
achievements. Innovative design is signed by a team that
created already award-winning XK, and what we like the
best are blue lights in the inside.
Selo s pogledom na grad
Nizozemska arhitektura oduvijek je obilovala inovativnošću, što dokazuje i projekt “Urbani kaktus”. Vizualno dojmljiv, koncept nebodera smješten na jednom od oboda
Rotterdama, još je ingeniozniji po svojoj ideji da stanarima pruži vrtnu idilu na visokim katovima s pogledom na
urbanu konglomeraciju. Proučavajući navike mladih, stručnjaci
iz studija UCX Architects došli su
do zaključka da sve više građana u potrazi za zelenom oazom
odlazi na selo, ali tamo im nedostaju prednosti urbane sredine.
Kako bi spojili nespojivo, u Urban
Cactusu projektirali su prave “viseće vrtove” velikih površina, u
samome gradu, koji dolaze uz
stanove veličine od 65 do 110
metara četvornih. U prizemlju
je standardna urbana ponuda
trgovačkih centara, u podrumu
prostrana garaža, a na vrhu “kaktusa” restoran s panoramskim
Dok se filmofilski svijet smije Kazahu Boratu, a manje upućeni među njima vjeruju u autentičnost priče britanskog
komičara, u Kazahstanu pušu neki sasvim drugi vjetrovi.
Ovih je dana u Astani (novoj prijestolnici Kazahstana)
predstavljen megaprojekt zabavnoga centra Khan Shatyry na nevjerojatnih 100.000 metara četvornih i s visinom od
200 metara. Riječ je zapravo o golemom “šatoru“ koji je u
sredini učvršćen na jarbol, ali pruža otvoren pogled i ulaz
svjetlosti. Sasvim prozaični razlozi, oni klimatski, natjerali su
projektante na ovako megalomanski projekt: zaštićeni od
oštre klime, građani Astane će u Khan Shatyryju moći uživati u velikom zatvorenom parku s mnoštvom zabavnih i
kulturnih sadržaja, aquaparku te šoping-centru.
Borate, gdje si?
Borat, Where Are You?
While the world film public is still laughing to British comedian, Kazah Borat, and minority among them still
believe that his story is authentic; other winds are blowing in Kazakhstan. Recently, in Astana, a new capital of
Kazakhstan, a new mega project of entertainment centre, Khan Shatyry, has been presented on the surface
of amazing 100 000 square metres and with height of
200 metres. It is about a huge “tent”, which is centrally
fixed to the mast, but transparent, allowing the view and
a light. The reasons for such mega project were quite
practical; protected from harsh climate, citizens of Astana will be able to enjoy in Khan Shatyry huge closed
park with many entertainment and cultural venue, aqua
parks and malls.
A Village Viewing a Town
Architecture in the Netherlands has always
abounded with innovations, which is well proven
by the project “URBAN CACTUS”. Visually impressive, the concept of a skyscraper situated on the
brim of Rotterdam is far more ingenious by its idea
to enable the residents a pleasure of a garden
while viewing the urban conglomeration from high
storeys. Experts from the UCX Architects studio concluded, after studying a young generation that
more and more citizens move to villages searching for green oasis, but still lacking of advantages
of urban living. In order to mix these two, they, in
the “URBAN CACTUS” designed true, large “hanging gardens”, in the city centre, each belonging
to a flat of 65 to 110 m2. The ground floor of the
tower comprises standard urban offer of malls, underground garages, while on the cactus top there
is a restaurant with a panoramic view.
Radost perilice
Da bijela tehnika ne ostane zauvijek tako dosadno bijela, pobrinuli su se inovatori u korejskoj
multinacionalki LG. Suradnja s udrugom dizajnera rezultirala je zanimljivim rješenjima na jednom
tako običnom kućanskom uređaju kao što je perilica, a LG zasad nudi četiri varijante: Cloisonné,
s leptirima i cvijećem na crnoj matiranoj podlozi,
Imperial Flower, s crvenim cvjetnim uzorkom na
bijeloj podlozi, Sevillu, na kojoj se isprepleću zeleni cvjetni motivi i bijela podloga, te Ribailaguu, u
veseloj narančastoj i očito inspiriranom šezdesetim godinama prošlog stoljeća. Prije koju godinu
Electrolux je krenuo u sličan koncept, no njihova
“ne-bijela” tehnika nikada nije došla do kupaca, dok je LG hrabro
krenuo u novu eru.
Zaha u Kölnu
Pripremila / Edited by: Aurelija Vukušiæ
Sredinom prošloga mjeseca održan je kölnski sajam namještaja, a
kako bi bio još atraktivniji, organizatori su zamolili Zahu Hadid i Naotoa Fukasawu da predstave svoje zamisli o idealnom stanovanju
budućnosti. I, dok je Fukasawa svoj koncept življenja nazvao “supernormalnim”, eksperimentima sklona Hadid vidjela je narudžbu
kao prostor istraživanja. Očekujući od budućnosti stvaranje “inteligentnog” okruženja koje prepoznaje emociju i komunicira sa stanarom, vizija Zahe Hadid predstavlja zaštitnu “školjku” za čovjeka
budućnosti, niz lukova s otvorenim pogledom k nebu u kojima su
sve sadašnje konvencije stanovanja dovedene u pitanje. Kritična
prema današnjici, britanska arhitektonska zvijezda ocjenjuje da se
nove tehnologije uvode u sferu svakodnevnog življenja “nedopustivo sporo”.
Zaha in Köln
Organisers of International Furniture Fair, held last month in Köln,
in order to make it more attractive asked Zaha Hadid and Naotoa Fukasawa to participate and present their ideas about ideal
dwelling in the future. And, while Fukasawa called his concept
of living “supernormal”, Zaha Hadid, always inclining towards an
experiment, saw the opportunity for researching. In the future
she expects an “intelligent” environment to be created, which
will recognise emotion and communicate with a resident; the vision of Zaha Hadid is a protective “shelf” for the man of future,
a line of arcades with an open view towards the sky in which
all conventions of dwelling has been questioned. Critical toward
present times, British architectural star thinks that new technologies are “impermissibly slowly” implemented into the sphere of
everyday life.
A Joyful
Washing Machine
Innovators from Korean multinational
company LG made efforts to produce domestic appliances, which
would not be so boring. Their cooperation with associated designers resulted in interesting designs of one, such
a common appliance as a washing machine. LG,
at the moment, offers four variants: Cloisonné with
butterflies and flowers on the black, matt background, Imperial Flower with red floral pattern
on the white background, Seville with interlaced
green floral motives and white background and
Ribailaguu in vivacious orange colour, obviously
inspired with 1960s of the last century. Electrolux
has started a similar concept a year ago, but their
“not-white” domestic appliances never reached
buyers; LG courageously step into the new era.
Montažne kuæe još dostupnije
Zbog povoljnih cijena i jednostavnog dizajna, svima prihvatljivog, montažne kuće proizvođača
“Krivaja” su pravi hit među ljubiteljima montažne
gradnje. Predstavništvo tvrtke odnedavno je i u
Zagrebu, na adresi III Ravnice 10, a stručnjaci Krivaje na licu mjesta mogu pronaći rješenje za kuću
vaših snova, povoljno i brzo.
Prefabricated Houses even more available
Prefabricated houses produced by “Krivaja”, due
to their favourable prices and simple, acceptable designs, became a bestsellers among those
who prefer modular construction. The company
recently opened its Branch in Zagreb, at the address of III Ravnice 10, where the experts on the
very spot may find convenient and fast solution for
your dream home.
Ispravak netočnog navoda iz broja 19.
U tekstu pod nazivom “Kuća za gušte i dušu” krivo je navedeno ime arhitekta – kao
Oliver Grgić. Točno ime je Oliver Grigić.
Ispričavamo se gospodinu Grigiću i čitateljima zbog nenamjerne pogreške.
A correction of wrong quotations from edition No 19.
In the article under the title “The House for Pleasure and Soul” a name of the architect was wrongly stated as Oliver Grgić. The true name is Oliver Grigić.
We apologize to Mr Grigić and out readers for accidentally mistake.
St. Moritz - Top of the World
Ako, osim skijanja, zamišljate sebe i kako se izležavate na ležaljkama okruženi prekrasnom
prirodom, St. Moritz vas sigurno neće ostaviti ravnodušnim. Osim toga, ako vas zanima kako
izgledaju svjetski poznate face, poput Brada Pitta, Ume Thurman ili Hugha Granta, u skijaškim
odijelima, St. Moritz je idealno odredište za vas
Piše: Ira Kneževiæ
t. Moritz je švicarsko skijalište pri čijem vam spomenu, umjesto snijega i skijališta, prvo na pamet
padnu blještavilo, glamur i poznata filmska lica.
No, St. Moritz ipak je puno više od razvikanoga skijaškog odredišta.
Jedno je od najpoznatijih svjetskih skijališta i tu vrijednu
oznaku bez premca nosi već desetljećima, a početak
skijaškog turizma na ovom području seže u daleku 1864.
godinu. Iako je tada u St. Moritzu bio razvijen samo ljetni
turizam, poznat po ljekovitim izvorima vode, jedan tada-
šnji hotelijer došao je na ideju razvoja zimskog turizma.
Ponudio je okladu nekolicini turista iz Engleske koji su boravili u St. Moritzu ljeti da dođu u St. Moritz zimi, a on će im
platiti sav smještaj ako bude manje sunčanih dana nego
ljeti. Naravno, četiri engleska turista okladu su izgubila, a
ostalo je duga povijest skijanja u St. Moritzu. Zbog toga
nije ni čudno što upravo St. Moritz nosi pridjev rodnog
mjesta skijaškog turizma iz kojega je sve krenulo.
Ovo ekskluzivno mjesto smjestilo se na švicarskoj granici
s Italijom, na 1856 metara nadmorske visine. Središte je
Staze su odlično pripremljene, tako da će
i najzahtjevniji skijaši biti zadovoljni / Terrains are perfectly prepared so that the
most demanding skiers will be satisfied
U St. Moritzu sunce prosječno grije čak 322 dana u godini / In St. Moritz, an average, there are 322 sunny days a year
pokrajine Engadin, a osim savršeno pripremljenih skijaških staza, prekrasne prirode, ekskluzivnih hotela i trgovina... ono čime se St. Moritz posebno ponosi, a što je
njegov zaštitni znak, jest sunce koje prosječno grije čak
322 dana u godini. Ako, osim skijanja, zamišljate sebe i
kako se izležavate na ležaljkama okruženi prekrasnom
prirodom, St. Moritz vas sigurno neće ostaviti ravnodušnim. Osim toga, ako vas zanima kako izgledaju svjetski
poznate face, poput Brada Pitta, Ume Thurman ili Hugha Granta, u skijaškim odijelima, St. Moritz je idealno
odredište za vas.
No, St. Moritz nudi i mogućnost odličnog skijanja. Na raspolaganju vam je 350 kilometara staza, tri vrha viša su
od tri tisuće metara, skijalište ima 56 gondola (ovdje se
nalazi najviši vrh do kojeg stiže gondola u ovom dijelu
Alpa) te veliki broj ostalih žičara. Ovo se skijalište može
pohvaliti i najdužom stazom za noćno skijanje u Švicarskoj. Iako je broj staza vrlo velik, nalaze se na pet skijališta (Furtschellas, Corvatsch, Corviglia, Marguns i Diavollezza) te nisu međusobno povezana, pa to ponekad
stvara probleme. No, to i nije neka velika zamjerka kada
pogledate sve ostale ljepote St. Moritza.
St. Moritz je inače “podijeljen” na dva dijela: St. Moritz Bad
i St. Moritz Dorf. Za početak skijanja možete odabrati skijaški vlak koji kreće iz st. Moritz Dorfa ili dvije gondole koje
prema skijalištima kreću iz St. Moritz Bada. Corviglia je najveće od svih skijališta i nalazi se iznad samog St. Moritza.
Ako vam se neće dati autobusima voziti do ostalih skijališta (koji su inače besplatni), i ovdje ćete naći dovoljno
izazova na 80-ak kilometara staza. Većina njih su crvene,
uz poneku plavu ili crnu, tako da je skijalište savršeno za
većinu skijaša (srednje teške staze). No, imajte na umu da
su se ovdje održavale utrke Svjetskog kupa, tako da vas
staze koje su označene crveno mogu iznenaditi težinom.
Priroda u St. Moritzu svojom ljepotom iz godine u godinu
privlači veliki broj ljudi. Žičare i staze mogu vas odvesti i
do najvišeg vrha – Piz Naira (3057 m). Na njegovu je vrhu
uređen i vidikovac s kojeg se pruža veličanstven pogled.
Ovaj je vrh poznat po najstrmijemu startu muškog spusta.
Skijaše početnike ili one koji se ne snalaze najbolje na
Središte grada sliči nekom modnom središtu / The town
centre looks like some modern fashion centre
skijalištima koja su isprepletena brojnim žičarama i gondolama, oduševit će označavanje staza. U St. Moritzu se
zaista o svemu vodi računa. Staze su odlično pripremljene, tako da će i najzahtjevniji skijaši biti zadovoljni. Kolika
je briga oko skijaša, najbolje pokazuje činjenica da su
Švicarci prokopali tunel ispod staze na kojoj se održavaju
utrke Svjetskog kupa jer bi bez tunela u vrijeme održavanja utrka skijalište bilo prepolovljeno.
Središte grada sliči nekom modnom središtu. Okruženi ste trgovinama najpoznatijih modnih imena: Cartier,
Prada, Gucci, Calvin Klein, Versace, DKNY, Ralph Lauren, Bulgari...
Osim razgledavanja luksuznih trgovina, u St. Moritzu se
možete okušati u novim izazovnim zimskim sportovima:
kriketu i polu na ledu, bobu, a prvo je skijalište koje ima
igralište za golf. Zabaviti se možete i gledajući utrke konja
na zaleđenom jezeru.
Iako zvuči kao da je rezerviran samo za bogataše, boravak u St. Moritzu i nije toliko skup. No, to ne znači da
na cesti nećete sresti skijaše koji ne šetaju u uobičajenim
debelim pernatim jaknama, nego u bundama, našmikani... Ali isto tako, u St. Moritz dolaze svi željni malo luksuza,
prekrasne prirode i svega onoga što skijaši žele: snijega i
dobre organizacije skijališta.
Ako vas je sve ovo natjeralo da razmislite o putu u St.
Moritz, do toga nadaleko poznatog skijališta trebat će
vam oko osam sati vožnje. Za one koji su za skijanje odabrali talijanski Livigno – a veliki broj Hrvata već godinama
upravo to mjesto odabire za skijaški godišnji odmor – napomena da je St. Moritz od ovog skijališta udaljen samo
oko sat vremena vožnje, pa ga nikako nemojte zaobići.
St. Moritz je dva puta ugostio Zimske olimpijske igre, kao
i veliki broj skijaških, bob i hokejaških natjecanja. Godine 2003. tu se održalo i Svjetsko skijaško prvenstvo. Samo
ime St. Moritz postalo je toliko poznato da ga je njihova
turistička zajednica posebno zaštitila, kao i njihov logo i
slogan: Top of the World. Dakle, ako se nađete u njegovoj blizini, nikako nemojte propustiti provjeriti zašto mu je
dan ovaj slogan.
Trgovine najpoznatijih modnih imena / Shops of most
famous fashion names
St. Moritz - Top of the World
If you imagine yourself, besides skiing, lying on deck chairs surrounded by magnificent
nature, St. Moritz will not leave you indifferent. Moreover if you like to see how celebrities
like Brad Pitt, Uma Thurman or Hugh Grant look in ski suits, ST. Moritz would be an ideal
destination for you
Written by: Ira Kneževiæ
hen someone says the name of St. Moritz, a
Swiss ski resort, the firs thing one might think
of is glamour, chic and celebrities. But, St.
Moritz is much more than that.
Ski tourism in St. Moritz began in 1864, and for decades
St. Moritz has been one of the most famous ski resorts. In
the beginning St. Moritz was summer tourist resort known
by its curative water springs, but one of hoteliers came
up to an idea to start the winter tourism.
He bet with some of English summer tourists that if they
came in the winter on his expense, they’d have no less
sunny days than during the summer. Of course, four tourists lost the bet, and the rest is a long history of skiing in
St. Moritz, which rightfully may be considered as a birth
place of skiing tourism.
This exclusive place is situated on the border between
Switzerland and Italy, 1856 metres above sea level. It is
the main town of Engandin valley, and besides perfectly
prepared ski terrains, magnificent nature, exclusive hotels and shops, St. Moritz is especially proud of its sun,
which is in the same time its brand mark– an average of
322 sunny days a year. If you imagine yourself, besides
skiing, lying on deck chairs surrounded by magnificent
nature, St. Moritz will not leave you indifferent. Moreover
if you like to see how celebrities like Brad Pitt, Uma Thurman or Hugh Grant, look in ski suits, ST. Moritz would be
an ideal destination for you. St. Moritz offers a possibility
of excellent skiing. There are 350 kilometres of ski terrains,
three mountain peaks over three thousand metres, 56
gondolas (in this part of Alps there is the highest peak
U St. Moritz dolaze svi željni malo luksuza, prekrasne prirode
i svega onoga što skijaši žele: snijega i dobre organizacije
skijališta / In St. Moritz come those who like luxury, beautiful
nature and, after all, what all skiers like most – snow and
good organisation
that gondolas reach to) and great number of other skilifts. This ski resort can be proud of the longest ski terrain for night skiing in Switzerland. Although the number
of ski terrains is really big and all distributed over five ski
terrains (Furtschellas, Corvatsch, Corviglia, Marguns and
Diavollezza) which are not very well connected among
each other. Sometimes this creates problems, but still
not something to complaint about if you bear on mind
other beauties of St.Moritz.
St. Moritz is “divided” in two parts: St. Moritz Bad and
St. Moritz Dorf. For the start of your ski season you may
choose a snow train which is off from St. Moritz Dorf or
two gondolas start from St. Moritz Bad. Corviglia is the
biggest ski terrain situated above St. Moritz. If you are
not fond of buses, although free of charge, to get to the
other ski terrains, here you’ll find enough challenge on
some 80s kilometres of ski terrains. Majority of them are
marked red, some blue or black, so that ski terrains are
perfect for majority of skiers (middle-heavy ski-terrains).
But, bear on mind that St. Moritz hosted World Ski Cup,
so that terrains marked with the red may surprise with
their heaviness.
The beauty of the nature attracts more and more people in St. Moritz every year. Ski lifts and ski terrains can
take you to the highest peak – Piz Nair (3057 m). There is
an observation deck with a magnificent view. This peak
is also known for the steepest start of downhill for men.
Ski-beginners or those who are not well in orientation
among all these ski-lifts and gondolas will be thrilled with
marking of ski terrains. They in St. Moritz really care about
every detail. Terrains are perfectly prepared so that the
most demanding skiers will be satisfied. How much they
Priroda u St. Moritzu svojom ljepotom iz godine u godinu privlači veliki
broj ljudi / The beauty of the nature attracts more and more people
in St. Moritz every year
care about skiers proves the fact that beneath the ski
terrain for the World Cup races they built a tunnel without which the terrain would be otherwise cut in half.
The town centre looks like some modern fashion centre
with shops of the most known fashion designers: Cartier, Prada, Gucci, Calvin Klein, Versace, DKNY, Ralph
Lauren, Bulgari...
Besides walking around luxury shops, in St. Moritz you
may try some new challenging sports: cricket and polo
on the ice, bob, and ski-golf course. Also, you may have
fun watching horse racing on the icy lake. Although it
sounds meant only for rich people, staying in St. Moritz
is not so expensive; but still, it does not mean that you
won’t meet people walking around in fur coats and
complete makeup on their faces instead of usual parkas. In St. Moritz come those who like luxury, beautiful
nature and, after all, what all skiers like most – snow
and good organisation.
If anything of this makes you thinking over the trip to the
St. Moritz, well known ski resort in the world, you’ll need
some eight hours to get there. For those who chose Lavigno for skiing – and many Croats regularly do for their
vacations – please note that the St. Moritz is only one
driving hour away, so do not miss it.
St. Moritz hosted Olympic Games two times as well as
a great number of skiing, bob and hockey championships. Also, World Ski Championship was held there in
2003. The very name of St Moritz became so popular
that Tourist Community protected the name, logo and
motto: Top of the World. Therefore, if you are somewhere near by do not miss to check the credibility of the
Prostor nazvan “Priroda i društvo” / The space
called “Nature and society”
Mirisni jazz bar skriven
od vreve velegrada
Lounge bar i restoran Škola jedno je od onim mjesta u koje se uvijek poželite
vratiti. Cijeli interijer, u stilu kasnih 50-ih i ranih 60-ih, uređen je s namjerom
da se gosti osjećaju opušteno
Piše: Aurelija Vukušiæ
Foto: Kristina Faziniæ
Veliki šank dominira prostorom / Big bar dominates over the space
Bogovićevoj ulici, skriven od vreve središta Zagreba, na drugom katu zgrade, “skrio” se lounge bar i restoran zanimljivog naziva – Škola.
Odmaknut od gradske špice, ovaj lokal uređen
u stilu kasnih 50-ih i ranih 60-ih nudi pravo dokono opuštanje (lounge – znači ljenčarenje) uz opuštajuću jazz
glazbu i prvu jutarnju kavicu. No, Škola je puno više od
Istodobno, Škola je i lounge bar i restoran s vrsnom kuhinjom. Ovaj zanimljivi prostor, zamišljenom crtom odijeljen u četiri zasebna prostora, središnje vijugave stube
povezuju u jednu zajedničku cjelinu. Cijeli interijer je uređen s namjerom da se gosti osjećaju jednako opušteno
tijekom poslovnog ručka ili obiteljske večere.
Ovdje je i dobra večernja zabava zajamčena. Ljubitelji
jazz svirke opuštat će se uz vrhunska vina, a malo tko će
ostati zavaljen u udobnim sofama ili naslonjačima kada
se iz zvučnika začuju i ritmični zvukovi bossanove, acid
jazza ili housea.
Upravo je ideja “da svakome bude po volji” bila i ideja
vodilja vlasniku Škole Borisu Gregoriću, koji nam je rekao:
– Ovaj smo prostor počeli preuređivati prije tri godine,
a lokal smo otvorili prije godinu i pol. U početku smo bili
vrlo “in”. No, bez lažne skromnosti, nikada nisam želio da
ovo mjesto postane glamurozno kako su ga neki voljeli
nazivati. Da, u početku, kao što se i dogodi većini tek
otvorenih kafića ili restorana u Zagrebu, ovdje su se okupljale poznate i slavne osobe iz našega javnog života.
Ipak, želim da se u Školi jednako ugodno osjećaju svi, i
oni s dubljim i oni s plićim džepom, i poznati i nepoznati.
Do lounge bara i restorana na drugom katu u Bogovićevoj vode široke stube. U prvi mah se čini da odlazite
nekome u kućni posjet. Jer, stubišni uspon zgrade je preuređen za put do Škole. Iako će vas pri ulasku zabljesnuti bijela boja zidova te veliki kožni jastuci boje pijeska, odmah ćete osjetiti i svježinu zraka. Ovdje su prozori
zatvoreni vjerojatno samo kada jako kiši ili pada snijeg.
Prostor u koji ulazite je golema ostakljena soba, svježa,
prozračna i već odiše nekim drugim tonalitetom. U sredini se nalazi 80-ak godina stara maslina, a nad njom
stakleni krov. Taj je prostor nazvan “Priroda i društvo”. S
desne strane prostire se “Glazbena slušaonica” s udobnim foteljama, dok je s lijeve veliki šank ili “Filozofija”.
Škola je uređena u stilu kasnih 50-ih i ranih 60-ih / Škola
is designed in the style of 1950s and early 1960s
– Pa, za šankom se obično puno filozofira, zar ne? – pojasnio je vlasnik Gregorić.
Sav dekor, dizajnerske fotelje i stolice, te oslikane zidove
i druge dijelove interijera kao i eksterijera, u dogovoru
s vlasnikom, radio je arhitekt Damir Radaković, jedan
od onih arhitekata koji je stalno u pokretu. Puno putuje
i proučava kako se i u kojem smjeru “kreće” arhitektura
lokala izvan naše zemlje, te svoje ideje usmjeruje i spaja
na svojstven način. Stalno traži novo i ne libi se naučiti
nešto novo. Upravo spoj njegovih i vlasnikovih ideja rezultirao je, nakon dvije godine renoviranja prostora, gdje
su prije zaista i bile škole (osnovna, ugostiteljska, ritmička,
baletna, te škola šaha), u današnji lounge bar i restorana Školu. Upravo stoga, Gregorić je zadržao ovo ime, za
koje ga mnogi nebrojeno pitaju odakle i zašto.
Zavojite stube vode na drugi kat, do galerije na kojoj se
nalazi restoran ili “Školska kantina”, a s desne strane “Čitaonica” koja zapravo izgleda kao veća dnevna soba
s puno kaučeva, sofa i fotelja. Cijeli drugi kat je uređen
nenametljivo i svatko se u ovakvom prostoru osjeća sigurno, spokojno i neopterećeno.
Oni koji su već posjetili Školu imaju samo riječi hvale za
njezinu kuhinju. A u kuhinji glavnu riječ ima kuhar Igor
Kozmić. On je u Zagreb stigao iz rodne Opatije, nakon
nekoliko radnih godina provedenih u susjednoj Italiji.
– Kako i stranci koji posjete našu zemlju već znaju da se
ovdje oduvijek dobro jelo, ne smijemo zanemariti dobre
korijene. Hrvatska kuhinja je pod utjecajem zemalja koje
nas okružuju, ali mi smo od svih uzeli najbolje. Naša kuhinja u Školi je zaista raznolika. Znamo pripremiti grdobinu,
losos, bracin, rižoto s kozicama i škampima, raznu tjesteninu, juhe, salate, ali i pašta fažol, sarmu, grah, kao i gulaš ili punjenu papriku – gorljivo nam je kazao Igor, koji je
Restoran nazvan “Školska kantina” / The restaurant
called “School Cantina”
sjajan i u spravljanju deserta, naročito torti. Omiljena mu
je čokoladna torta koja se radi bez brašna i s kremom
od 75 posto čokolade. Osim glavnog kuhara, u kuhinji
jednako dobro “brode” i Ante Stegić, Nataša Pereković
i Boris Škorić.
Osim fine kuhinje, u Školi se svaki tjedan može doživjeti
predstavljanje slika mladih autora iz cijele Hrvatske, ali
i promocije zanimljivih knjiga, kao i projekcije filmova
mladih autora s obližnje Akademije dramskih umjetnosti.
Međutim, ovdje su i velikani jazza Stjepan Jimmy Stanić
ili Dražen Boić imali svoje večeri, te uveseljavali okupljeno mnoštvo.
Mnogi lokali diljem Lijepe naše čeznu za pretrpanošću,
no ovdje to nije slučaj. Iako u prostor površine oko 550
metara četvornih stane petstotinjak ljudi, sam vlasnik je
najsretniji kada ih je za 200 manje. Jer, kaže nam, tada
svi mogu jednako uživati u ambijentu, posluzi ili u društvu prijatelja. Osim toga, ne sviđa mu se kada vidi da
neki ljudi u masi ne poštuju prostor, koji je i uređen – za
U Školi su se poklopili najvažniji čimbenici: ugodan ambijent, dobra hrana, uslužni konobari i nenametljiva glazba. Ovaj restoran i lounch bar “na kat” u isto vrijeme je
i raznolik i jednostavan. Ova je Škola, bez straha od loših
ocjena, najugodniji mirisni prostor za opuštanje.
A Smelling Jazz Bar Hidden
From the Flurry of the City
A Lounge bar and a restaurant, Škola (the School), is one of those places you always want to
be back to. The whole interior designed in the style of 1950s and early 1960s has only one
purpose, to make its guests feel relaxed
Written by: Isabella Mikulek
Photo: Kristina Faziniæ
lounge bar and restaurant of interesting name
“Škola” (the School), is hidden on the second
floor of the building in Bogovićeva Street,
far from flurry of the city centre. This facility,
moved away from city centre peak, designed in the
style of 1950s and early 1960s offers real leisure relaxing
time (lounge – exactly means to be lazy) while drinking
first morning coffee and listening relaxing Jazz. But still,
Škola is much more than this.
Škola is in the same time a lounge bar and a restaurant with excellent cuisine. One invisible line divides this
interesting interior into four separated spaces, but still
united by curved staircases in the middle. The whole
interior is designed with only one purpose, to make its
guests feel seemingly relaxed either during a business
lunch or a family dinner.
Here, good evening entertainment is guaranteed. Jazz
fans will relax while drinking high quality vines, and only
a few will remain sitting in comfortable sofas or armchairs when Bossanova, acid Jazz or House tacts are
being heard.
Boris Gregorić, the owner of Škola, had primary idea
“that everyone gets what he or she wants”, as he put it:
“We started to re-decorate this interior three years ago,
and opened it a year and half ago. In the beginning
we were “in”. But, without any false modesty, I have
never wanted this place to be glamorous, as some
liked to call it. Yes, in the beginning, as it usually happens with newly open coffee bars or restaurants in Zagreb, celebrities and well known persons from our public life came in. Still, my wish is that in Škola all would
feel pleasant, both those with deep and not so deep
pockets, whether known or unknown”.
A wide stairways lead to the lounge bar and restaurant on the second floor in Bogovićeva Street. You may
have a feeling that you are going to visit someone. The
stairways were renovated for the purpose of Škola.
Although white walls and huge leather pillows in the
colour of sand will glitter at you when step into the
space, still you’ll immediately notice the freshness of
the air. Windows are closed probably only when it is
heavily raining or snowing on the outside.
The space you are entering in is a huge fresh airy glass
room that has different atmosphere. Eighty years old
olive tree is situated in the middle of it with a glass roof
This interior is called “Nature and Society”. On the right
side there is a “Music Listening Room” with comfortable
armchairs, while on the left is a big bar called “Philosophy”.
“Well, at the bar is always lot of smart talking, isn’t it?”
the owner Gregurić explains.
Sav dekor, dizajnerske fotelje i stolice, te oslikane zidove i druge dijelove interijera kao i eksterijera, radio je arhitekt
Damir Radaković / Entire decoration, designer’s armchairs and chairs as well as illustrated walls and other parts
of both interior and exterior, is work of Damir Radaković
O gastro ponudi brine se kuhar Igor Kozmić / The chef
Igor Kozmić cares about a cuisine
Entire decoration, designer’s armchairs and chairs as
well as illustrated walls and other parts of both interior
and exterior, is work of Damir Radaković, one of those
architects who are always in moving. He travels a lot
and studies how and in what direction architecture of
restaurants outside the country is “moving towards”.
He links his ideas in his own way, always searching for
something new, always ready to learn new things.
And just the mixture of his and the owner’s ideas resulted in two years of renovation of prior real educa-
tional facilities (there used to be a primary school, tourist school, dancing and ballet school and chess school)
in the current lounge bar and restaurant – Škola (the
School). This is the main reason why Gregorić kept the
name Škola (the School), which many wonders about
Curved staircases lead to the second floor, to the gallery with the restaurant or “School Cantina”, and on
the right side there is a “Reading Room” which looks
like big living room with couches, sofas and armchairs.
Osamdesetak godina stara maslina nad kojom je stakleni krov / Eighty years old olive tree iwith a glass roof
The whole second floor is subtle decorated and makes
every one in this space to feel safe, serene and easy.
Those who have already visited Škola have only words
of commendation for its cuisine. In the kitchen the main
chef is Igor Kuzmić. He came in Zagreb from its home
town Opatija, after he had spent several years in Italy.
“Croatian couisine is under influence of neighbouring
countries from which we took only the best; so we should
not neglect our good roots. Even foreigners who visit our
country know that they will eat well here. Our cuisine, in
Škola, is really diverse. We know how to prepare a frogfish, salmon, sea-bass, risotto with shrimps and scampi,
various pasta, soups, salads, but even bean-and-pasta
soup, stuffed cabbage leaves, beans and beef stew or
stuffed peppers”, passionately says Igor, who is especially good in desserts, particularly cakes.His favourite
cake is a chocolate cake made without flour and with
a crème 75% made of chocolate. Along with the main
chef, in the kitchen are also equally good Ante Stegić,
Nataša Pereković and Boris Škorić.
Središnje vijugave stube povezuju prostor u jednu cjelinu / The space united by curved staircases in the middle
Besides good cuisine, there are promotions of pictures
of young artists from entire Croatia as well as promotions of interesting books and projection of movies
produced by young authors from near by Academy
of Theatrical Arts. Great men of Jazz like Jimmy Stanić
and Dražen Boić had their nights performing for a multitude.Many restaurants all over our country like to be
overcrowded, but here this is not the case. Although on
some 550 square metres about 500 people can come
together, the owner likes it better when there are some
200 less. Because thus, he says, everybody can enjoy in
ambience, service or in a company of their friends. He
surely dislike to see that some people do not appreciate the space, which is created for – guests.
In Škola the most important factors came together:
pleasant ambience, good food, kind waiters and subtle music. This two storey restaurant and lounge bar is
in the same time diverse and simple. This School (Škola)
without bad grades is the best smelling place for relaxation.
Prvo što na Aeru 8 upada u oči jest njegov prednji kraj,
koji ne nalikuje ničemu dosad viđenom / Probably the
most noticeable thing about the Aero 8 is its front end. It
looks like nothing anyone has ever seen before
Oldtimer za 21. stoljeæe
Navodno su, kad je prototip Aera 8 prvi put bio testiran na BMW-ovoj tvorničkoj pisti,
poslovično hladni njemački inženjeri bili toliko oduševljeni njegovim performansama da
je jedan od njih uzviknuo: “Konačno automobil vrijedan mog stroja!”
Piše: Ivan Mladina
današnje doba prosječnoga životnog vijeka
modela automobila od pet godina, činjenica
da je Aero 8 Morganov prvi novi model u pet
desetljeća, zvuči poput nekog vica. Pa ipak,
Aero 8 je Morganov oldtimer za 21. stoljeće.
Njegov prethodnik Morgan Plus 8, unatoč redovitim
dotjerivanjima tijekom desetljeća, ostao je negdje na
razvojnom stupnju VW “bube” i više se nije mogao nositi sa suvremenim sigurnosnim i ekološkim standardima.
Čuvena manufaktura iz Malvern Linka u Engleskoj našla
se pred velikim problemom – trebalo je napraviti sasvim
moderan automobil koji će ujedno ostati vjeran načelima 100-godišnje obiteljske tvrtke s malom, ali čvrstom
bazom fanatičnih klijenata spremnih na višegodišnja
čekanja na svoga skupocjenoga, anakronog limenog
ljubimca. Ujedno, novi automobil je trebalo prilagoditi
i za Sjedinjene Države, još uvijek najveće svjetsko tržište
skupocjenih sportiva. Kao rezultat, nastao je automobil
koji svojim oblikom nikog ne ostavlja ravnodušnim.
Prvo što na Aeru 8 upada u oči jest njegov prednji kraj,
koji ne nalikuje ničemu dosad viđenom, i sigurno je najkontroverzniji i najuzbudljiviji prednji kraj automobila u
proteklih desetak godina. “Razroki” farovi posuđeni s
VW New Beetlea. Razlog – mali proizvođači automobila
u pravilu nemaju dovoljno novca da razviju svoja vlastita
rasvjetna tijela, pa je uobičajena praksa “posuđivanja”
tuđih. Ništa loše, pogotovo uzmemo li u obzir da svjetla
na zanosnoj stražnjici legendarnog Aston “James Bond”
Aero 8 je oblikovan u iznenađujućoj kombinaciji starog
i modernog / Aero 8 is shaped in a surprising combination of old and modern
Martina DB5 iz 60-ih zapravo potječu s prvih serija Land
U nastavku te prominentne “njuške”, automobil je oblikovan u iznenađujućoj kombinaciji starog i modernog.
Na prvi pogled se vidi da oblikovanjem nimalo ne prati gotovo ni jedan suvremeni aerodinamički trend, pa
ipak uspijeva ostaviti dojam brzog i sposobnog automobila. Nizak, kratak i vrlo širok, unatoč tome što djeluje da ima aerodinamiku prosječne cigle, uspijeva izvući
koeficijent otpora 0,39. Skromno naspram koeficijenta
0,26 jedne Toyote Prius, ali ovaj automobil ionako nije
prvi izbor ljudi koji vole grliti stabla. S druge strane, aerodinamika je diskretno optimizirana pa je otpor zraka
sličan i s podignutim i sa spuštenim krovom, a ravna podnica i blagi Venturijev tunel u stražnjem dijelu poboljšavaju prianjanje na cestu pri velikim brzinama. Raskošni blatobrani omataju se oko velikih kotača, a gotovo
okomito malo vjetrobransko staklo, koje se nastavlja
na beskonačno dugačak poklopac motora, s velikom
dozom nostalgije podsjeća na davna vremena. Stražnji
kraj je prava vježba iz “stečenog ukusa” - manje upućenima mogao bi se čak činiti i ružnim. Kao i prednji
kraj, uostalom.
No, da sve ne ostane u plačljivo-reminiscentnom tonu,
brine se potentan 4,4-litreni BMW-ov V8 motor, transplantiran s modela serije 5 i terenca X5. Morgan se nikad nije
bavio proizvodnjom svojih pogonskih strojeva, a ovo je
njihova prva suradnja s bavarskim divom. Sočnih 286 KS
iz vrhunskog stroja, kojeg odlikuje veliki okretni moment,
s lakoćom se nosi s jedva tonu teškim roadsterom, ubrzavajući ga od 0 do 100 metara u manje od 5 sekundi,
uz vrlo upečatljivu zvučnu kulisu. Šeststupanjski mjenjač
marke Getrag prenosi snagu na stražnje kotače, a napredan ovjes je dovoljno sposoban za ozbiljne nastupe
na pisti, uz zadržanu priličnu dozu komfora. Gotovo savršena raspodjela težine po osovinama čini Aero 8 iznimno
sposobnim trkačem. Navodno su, kad je prototip Aera
8 prvi put bio testiran na BMW-ovoj tvorničkoj pisti, poslovično hladni njemački inženjeri bili toliko oduševljeni
njegovim performansama da je jedan od njih uzviknuo:
“Konačno automobil vrijedan mog stroja!”
Morgan Aero 8 počiva na sofisticiranoj kombinaciji aluminijskih nosača koji se spajaju na “kadu” kokpita. Velika
čvrstoća i mala težina glavne su odlike ovog koncepta.
Međutim, Morgan se od drugih automobila oduvijek razlikovao po tome što njegovo aluminijsko odijelo počiva
na potkonstrukciji izrađenoj od vrhunskoga belgijskog
jasena. Osim što upotreba drveta pridonosi smanjenju
težine, u crash testovima je do izražaja došlo i njegovo
izvrsno upijanje energije.
U unutrašnjosti se nastojalo zadržati klasičan Morganov
interijer. Premda pomalo skučen, dovoljno je komforan
za dvije osobe, a vrhunska koža Mulberry kojom je obložen, rukom rađeni drveni umeci i detalji od brušenog
metala, prava su poslastica. Zanimljivo, baš svi prozori
u Aeru 8 su električno grijani – zbogom strugalici za led
u pretincu za rukavice. To je i logično, jer bi strugalica
za led izgledala neprilično u pretincu za rukavice koji se
može izvaditi i nositi poput aktovke u koju stane laptop.
Prtljažnik je, po običaju, dovoljno velik za torbu s palicama za golf.
S Aerom 8, Morgan pokazuje da je započeo novo poglavlje svoje čudesne priče. Jedinstven sklop tradicije i
suvremenosti, s izvanrednim pogonom i još boljim voznim
svojstvima, najavljuje da će se njegov krug obožavatelja
jako pomladiti i proširiti daleko izvan granica Otoka. Za
Morganove pojmove, golema proizvodnja od dvjestotinjak primjeraka godišnje to i potvrđuje.
21st Century Oldtimer
When the Aero 8 prototype was tested on BMW’s test track, proverbially cold-blooded German engineers were so impressed by its performance that one of them supposedly exclaimed: “Finaly a car worthy of my engine!”
Written by: Ivan Mladina
n today’s era of average car model’s lifespan of five
years, the fact that the Aero 8 is Morgan’s first all-new
model in five decades, sounds like some kind of joke.
Still, Aero 8 is Morgan’s 21st century oldtimer.
Its predecessor Morgan Plus 8, despite receiving regular updates throughout the years, remained about as
modern as a VW Beetle and it couldn’t cope with modern safety and emmision standards anymore. This put
the legendary car manufacturer from Malvern Link in
England in a very delicate situation - how to make a
completely modern car that will at the same time remain devoted to basic principles of this 100-year old,
family-owned company with small but very fanatical
client base that doesn’t mind a high pricetag and several years long waiting lists for their anachronous metal
Also, the new car had to be able to meet United States
regulations, since it is still the biggest exclusive sportscar
market in the world. As a result, Morgan has created a
car that leaves no-one aloof.
Probably the most noticeable thing about the Aero 8 is
its front end. It looks like nothing anyone has ever seen
before, and is by far the most exciting and most controversial front end in the last ten-or-so years. “Crosseyed”
headlights are borrowed from VW New Beetle. The reason - many small manufacturers normally do not have
enough resources to develop their own headlights, so
a practice of “borrowing” is not uncommon. Nothing
wrong with that, given the fact that even the taillights
on the legendary 1960-s Aston “007” Martin DB5’s comely rump are actually 1st generation Land Rover.
Behind that prominent snout, Aero 8 is shaped in a surprising combination of old and modern. Its shape explicitly shows it follows no modern aerodynamical trend, yet
it gives the impression of a fast and a capable car. Low,
short and very wide, despite the apparent aerodynamics of a brick, it manages to pull off the drag coefficient
of 0,39. Modest, compared to 0,26 drag coefficient of a
Toyota Prius, but this car is not tree-hugging people’s first
choice anyway. On the other hand, the aerodynamics
has been discreetly optimized so the coefficient is similar
with canvas roof up or down, and flat underside with
small Venturi tunnel in the rear, increase the grip at high
Voluptuous fenders wrap around the huge wheels and
a nearly vertical, small windshield behind the infinitely
long hood, nostalgically reminisces the long-past days.
The rear end is a true exercise in “acquired taste” - to
the less adept it might seem plain ugly. Well - just like the
front end, anyway.
The best thing for keeping from dwelling in somber reminiscenses is a potent 4,4-litre BMW V8 engine, transplanted from the 5-series and the X5. Morgan never made its
own engines, and this is their first cooperation with Bavar-
Gotovo savršena raspodjela težine po osovinama čini Aero
8 iznimno sposobnim trkačem / Near-perfect axle weight
distribution makes the Aero 8 a very capable racer
ian giant. Hefty 286 HP produced by the torquey engine,
easily cope with barely a ton heavy roadster, propeling
it from 0-100 km/h in less than 5 seconds, accompanied
by a very distinct sound. 6-speed Getrag gearbox transfers the power to the rear wheels and a sophisticated
suspension is capable of some serious racetrack time,
while still maintaining a fair ammount of comfort. Nearperfect axle weight distribution makes the Aero 8 a very
capable racer. When the Aero 8 prototype was tested
on BMW’s test track, proverbially cold-blooded German
engineers were so impressed by its performance that
one of them supposedly exclaimed: “Finaly a car worthy
of my engine!”
The Aero 8 rests upon a sophisticated combination of
aluminum bars that are connected to the “bathtub”
of the cockpit. The main attributes of this concept are
its high rigidity and light-weight build. One characteristic that always separated a Morgans from the others
though, is that its aluminum body panels are mounted
on the premium Belgian ash subframe. Apart from the
weight reductions achieved, crash tests proved excellent schock-absorbing qualities of the wood.
The interior is designed in classic Morgan style. Although
somewhat cramped, it is comfortable enough for two
occupants, and top Mulberry hide trim, handmade
wood inserts and sandblasted metal details are a real
treat. Interestingly, all of the windows in the Aero 8 are
electrically heated - that’s goodbye to the ice-scraper
in the glove compartment. That makes sense, since an
ice-scraper would look quite inappropriate in a glove
compartment that can be pulled out and carried
around like a briefcase large enough to fit in a laptop.
Needless to mention, the trunk is large enough to carry
golf clubs.
With the Aero 8, Morgan begins a new chapter in its
amazing story. A unique blend of tradition and modern,
with outstanding propulsion and even better handling, it
will attract younger clients on a market reaching far more
than the Island itself. In Morgan terms, a huge year production of 200 cars is a best testament to that.
Morganovo aluminijsko odijelo počiva
na potkonstrukciji izrađenoj od vrhunskoga belgijskog jasena / Morgans aluminum body panels are mounted on
the premium Belgian ash subfram
Vrhunska koža Mulberry, rukom rađeni drveni umeci i detalji od brušenog metala, prava su poslastica / Mulberry hide trim, handmade wood
inserts and sandblasted metal details are a real treat
Samo za
snježne kraljice
Zima nas je izdala, ali ako ne možete bez luksuznih zimskih asesoara,
neće vam smetati ni neznatna
činjenica da je prosječna siječanjska
temperatura u Hrvatskoj iznosila između 10 i 15 stupnjeva. Hrabro obucite
snježnobijele Diorove “buce”, oboružajte se pripadajućim satom (koji
kao da je izišao iz bajke o Snježnoj
kraljici) i molećivo pogledajte prema
nebu. Ako se vrijeme ne umilostivi i ne
pošalje koju pahuljicu, put pod noge pa
u sjeverne krajeve. Uostalom, bila bi šteta
ne stopiti se s okolinom u Dioru...
Fine st
Only for Snow Queens
So, winter has betrayed us, but if you can’t
live without luxury winter’s accessories, you
won’t be bothered by the fact that an average
temperature in Croatia was between 10 and 15 degrees. So, courageously put on Dior’s snowwhite boots, arm yourself with appropriate watch (which is like one coming
from the Snow queen fairy tale) and
pleadingly look towards the sky. If the
weather shows no mercy, let’s go to the
northern regions. It would be a pity not to
get united with the surroundings in Dior...
Loeweovi individualci
Ekskluzivna marka elektroničkih uređaja Loewe pridružila se tvrtkama koje su
shvatile da ne vrijedi za svaku tehniku ona
krilatica “tehnika narodu”. Loewe je u
seriji od 1000 komada proizveo dva
ekskluzivna tipa “Individual” LCD TV
prijamnika – crni i bijeli – ukrašenih kristalima Swarovski. Osim što vas tjera
da gledate u sjaj kristalića umjesto
u loš TV program, Loewe obećava
vrhunsku sliku, zvuk te sve najnovije
performanse za svoju klasu. A integrirali su i recorder koji ide izravno na
hard disk ugrađen u prijamnik.
Retro iPod budilica
U jednome od prošlih brojeva na ovim smo stranicama predstavili iPodov “noćni ormarić” koji služi kao
punjač, budilica i zvučnik, te je, naravno, diz-ajnom
dostojan glavnog junaka. iPodova budilica koju
predstavljamo sada, manje je pretenciozno rješenje,
ali itekako služi svrsi: tvorci su se odrekli drugoga LCD
displaya, pa iPodov i dalje igra glavnu ulogu,
a oblik ovoga uređaja – punjača i budilice – neodoljivo podsjeća na mrske
nam metalne budilice
koje su cijelu noć kuckale, kuckale, a ujutro nas
budile nepodnošljivo
prodornim metalnim
zvukom. IPod buđenje uz
omiljenu pjesmu, puno je
Loewe’s Individuals
Loewe, an exclusive brand of electronic devices, joined to companies
which had understood that it is not
for all techniques meant to be “the
technique for the people”. Loewe
produced a series of 1000 pieces of
two exclusive type of “Individual” LCD
TV set – black and white – ornamented
with Swarovski crystals. Besides the fact
that it makes you to look into the glittering of crystals and not to watch bad
TV programme, Loewe guarantees hitech image and sound, as well as the
most current performances in accordance with its class; moreover, there is
a recorder integrated directly to the
hard disc incorporated into the set.
Retro iPod Alarm-clock
In one of the past editions we introduced iPOd’s “night
bedside cabinet” that is serving in the same time as a
charger, alarm-clock and loudspeaker, and is worthy of
a hero status by its design. iPod’s alarm-clock which we
introduce now is a less pretentious solution but still very
effective: creators renounced
the second display so that
iPod’s display plays the main
role; the form of this device
– charger and alarm-clock
– irresistible resembles to
those awful metal alarmclocks with their annoying
ticking throughout the night
and than awaking us with
unbearable metal screaming.
iPod awakes us much more gently, with our favourite song...
na livadi
Golf je šik, golf je zdrav,
ali igrališta za golf u Hrvatskoj kronično nedostaje. Ništa zato: ako
vam se kojim slučajem
posreći pa dođete u
posjed ovog ultramodernog seta za golf s potpisom Caroline Herrere,
svoju tratinu s 18 rupa
pronaći ćete, makar i u
Dubaiju! Kombinacija nježne teleće kože i tkanine s
logotipom dizajnerice, uz
mnoštvo nužnih pretinaca
i elegantnim štapovima za
sve uvjete (a tu je i kišobran
u slučaju kiše), jamče vam
divljenje okolnih golfera.
Caroline on a Meadow
Golf is chic. Golf is healthy, but in Croatia there
is a lack of golf courses. Nothing to it: if you accidentally get into a possession of this ultra modern golf set signed by Caroline Herrere, you’ll
find your course of 18 holes even, if necessary,
in Dubai! Combination of tender calf leather
and textile with a designer’s logo, with
plenty of necessary pockets and elegant
clubs for all weather conditions (there is
an umbrella, too) an admiration of other
golfers is guaranteed.
A Lady in the Black
Dama u crnom
Kao i mala crna haljina, i male crne salonke
moraju biti obvezni dio svakoga ženskog
ormara koji drži do sebe. Ove na fotografiji potpisuje Pedro Garcia i osvajaju
na prvi pogled: saten, mašna od pliša,
svjetlucava aplikacija Swarovski, detalji od lakirane kože, na potpetici one
neodoljive visine u kojoj možete prehodati
svijet... Garcijino malo remek-djelo sigurno
je i vas natjeralo na uzdah divljenja. Da, one
koji kažu da obuća nije umjetnost, trebalo bi
poslati u zatvor...
Od zloupotrebe izraza “brijanje”, već
smo gotovo smetnuli s uma da taj
mali muški privatni ritual može biti vrlo
zabavan i relaksirajući. U moru jeftine
i ekološki neprihvatljive plastike,
Acqua di Parma je odlučila vratiti
dostojanstvo muškarcu i stvoriti elegantan set za brijanje od prirodnih i
skupocjenih materijala namijenjen
džentlmenu koji čuči u svima. Set
je inspiriran art decoom, drške su
od drveta wenge, a ima i poliranog
mesinga, stakla...
Pripremila / Edited by: Aurelija Vukušiæ
As well as a small black dress, even a small
black court shoes must be in every woman’s
cupboard. These on the photo are signed
by Pedro Garcia and conquer at the
first sight: satin, bow of plush, glittering Swarovski application, details of
lacquered leather, high heels on which
height you may step around the
world... This Garcia’s small
piece of art makes
you sighing, for
sure. Yes, those
who say that
footwear is not
an art should be
“big shaving”
The abuse of the term “shaving” makes us to forget that this
small man’s private ritual could be
funny and relaxing. Within the sea of
cheap and ecologically unacceptable
plastics, Acqua di Parma decided to
return a dignity to a man and create an
elegant set for shaving made of natural
and precious materials purposed for
bring put a gentleman that is hiding in
all men. The set is inspired with art deco;
handles are made of wenge wood,
and there could be found polished
brass, glass and so forth.
David LaChapelle,
The House at the End of the World / 2005.
Piše: Nataša Bodrožiæ
Izložba fotografija u Fondaciji
Helmuta Newtona u Berlinu
“Muškarci, rat i mir” naziv je unutar kojega su se sučelila tri velikana fotografije: Helmut
Newton, David LaChapelle i James Nachtwey. Svaki iz svoga ugla govori o mogućnosti i
snazi fotografije da progovori univerzalnim jezikom čovječanstva
ko se slučajno nađete u Berlinu, sve do 20. svibnja ove godine, nikako ne biste smjeli propustiti
aktualnu izložbu u Fondaciji Helmuta Newtona,
nedaleko od famoznog Kolodvora Zoo. Radi se
o konceptu koji je spojio tri kralja fotografije: Amerikance Davida LaChapellea i Jamesa Nachtweya, s jedne,
i možda najprepoznatljivijeg fotografa uopće, rođenog
Berlinčanina, Helmuta Newtona, s druge strane. “Muškarci, rat i mir” naziv je okvira unutar kojega su se ova
tri velikana sučelila, to jest postavila svoje radove tako
da, svaki iz svoga ugla, govori o mogućnosti i snazi fotografije da progovori univerzalnim jezikom čovječanstva.
Još otkad je utemeljio svoju fondaciju 2003., sam Helmut
Newton je inzistirao na tome da to ne bude “mrtvi muzej”, nego “živa institucija”, prostor sučeljavanja različitih
umjetničkih estetika, te da uz njegove, vječno intrigantne
radove, budu izloženi i oni drugih fotografa, dopuštajući
da njihova djela uđu u dijalog s Newtonovima.
Helmut Newton je drugo ime za kinky glamur. On je
glorificirani umjetnik koji je prevario samu smrt poginuvši u automobilskoj nesreći u osamdeset četvrtoj godini života. Rođen je 1920. u Berlinu, a tridesetih godina
iz Njemačke odlazi u Australiju gdje snima vjenčanja.
Godine 1956. se vraća u Europu i počinje raditi za engleski Vogue, a sljedeće godine se seli u Pariz. Ostalo
je povijest.
Krajem pedesetih, Newton upada u letargični prostor
tadašnje modne fotografije i, shot by shot, počinje
graditi crno-bijeli svijet osobne fantazije. Stvarnost je
ostavio drugima, dok je iza elegantnih pariških fasada
stvarao parastvarnost na bijelim, krznenim tepisima.
Profesionalni teaser igrao se nagonima, proizvodio želju, dok je sam objekt želje oduzimao promatraču, činio
ga hladnim i nedostižnim. Na njegovim fotografijama,
hladne žene, gotovo lutke iz izloga, sjede u raskoši svoje golotinje, zadovoljne, samodovoljne, zadovoljene.
Dodir umjet
Helmut Newton, Luciano Pavarotti /
Monte Carlo 1993.
“Tjelesnost iza tjelesnosti, fetiš iznad fetišizma, uživanje
kroz želju, što je i bit samog uživanja baš zato što je želja
fizički neostvariva”, Newtonova je ideja erotizma koja
se provlači na njegovim fotografijama. A to je samo
jedna strana priče.
U okviru izložbe “Muškarci, rat i mir”, Newtonovi portreti
muškaraca izloženi su uz široku selekciju radova dvaju
američkih fotografa, upravo da bi se podcrtalo da nisu
samo žene i seksualnost, ili bolje rečeno erotika, ono
što ga je u okviru fotografije zanimalo. (Ili barem da mu
to nije bio jedini interes.) Odjeveni muškarci, uglavnom
slavni, celebrityji poput Micka Jaggera, Jude Lawa,
Johna Malkovicha ili Luciana Pavarottija, poziraju pred
objektivom jednako slavnog fotografa, čije oko nalazi
posebnu perspektivu, odgovarajući dekor, često pun
simbolike, i sasvim se predaju njegovoj viziji. Rezultat su
poznata lica zaustavljena u vremenu i prostoru, ali i cijela priča isprepletena oko tih “nadljudi”, fotografska beatifikacija, kompozicija koja odaje dojam preciznosti,
smisao za detalj i nesvakidašnju maštu. Ne izostaje tu ni
prepoznatljiva Newtonova sklonost “iščašenju”, ovdje
suptilno umotana u dojam sasvim obične, gotovo “pri-
Helmut Newton, Mick Jagger /
Paris 1978.
Helmut Newton, John Malkovitch /
Berlin 1995.
Helmut Newton, Robert Englund /
Hollywood 1989.
rodne” situacije u kojoj, i inače, egzistiraju superstarovi.
David LaChapelle također “operira” u glamuru: Paris
Hilton, Pamela Anderson, Madonna, Britney Spears, Elton John i uopće svaka zvijezda koja imalo drži do sebe
pozirala je pred objektivom ovog fotografa, predajući
se u potpunosti njegovoj volji, zahtjevima i imaginaciji. LaChapelleovu stilsku bazu čine opsesivno izrađeni
scenariji koji se zasnivaju na ekstremno artificijelnoj scenografiji, često i gomilanju detalja među kojima sjede,
leže ili stoje neki od najvažnijih proizvoda američke tvornice snova: glumci, pjevači, starlete, koji su svi jednom
krenuli popločanom, žutom cestom po svojih petnaest
minuta slave. Njegovi radovi su i vrišteći, predapokaliptični pejsaži Hollywooda, vizualno agresivni prikazi hedonizma u svojoj finalnoj fazi.
Počeci umjetničkog rada Davida LaChapellea vezuju
se uz medij modne fotografije, baš kao i Newtonovi,
odakle je skrenuo u sferu umjetnosti koristeći sva sredstva suvremene tehnologije u procesu stvaranja. Upravo tu se razlikuje od svoga njemačkog prethodnika
koji je svoje savršene crno-bijele prikaze razvijao pod
crvenim svjetlom, u skromnosti tamne komore. Mnogi
upravo u LaChapelleu vide Newtonova nasljednika.
Unatoč očitim razlikama, moguće je spoznati i njihovu sličnost u tretmanu subjekata, senzibilitetu i zajedni-
Helmut Newton, Jude Law /
Monte Carlo 2001.
čkom shvaćanju toga što fotografija zaista jest. U tom
smislu svakako je zanimljivo njihove radove vidjeti kako
stoje jedan uz drugi.
Treći dio priče o muškarcima, ratu i miru nastavlja se radovima Jamesa Nachtweya. Izbor upravo ovog fotografa, u ovom postavu, mnogi su ocijenili kontroverznim
jer uvrštavanje njegovih gotovo nadrealnih, ali bolno
stvarnih prizora strahota rata u kombinaciji s frivolnim
hollywoodskim zvijezdama smatraju neprikladnim. Kritičari izložbe mišljenja su da suprotstavljanje ovako
različitih sadržaja umanjuje važnost i težinu koju imaju
Nachtweyeve fotografije. Još od studentskih dana fasciniran slikama Vijetnamskog rata i američkog pokreta
za ljudska prava, Nachtwey se posvetio fotografiji, dokumentiranju ratova, sukoba i kritičnih socijalnih prilika.
Od Salvadora i Nikaragve do Bosne i Kosova, bio je
prisutan, bilježio je svojom kamerom, svjedočio slikama
o ostacima nečega što se nekad zvalo – ljudski život.
Izrazito snažne, makabristički lijepe, njegove fotografije
toliko su savršene da je teško povjerovati da se tu ne
radi o namještenoj sceni, prizoru iz filma.
Newton, Nachtwey, LaChapelle, tri velikana na jednome mjestu, u Berlinu, gradu u kojem se prošlost i sadašnjost prožimaju izvanrednom snagom, slikom progovaraju o ljudima, životu i smrti, rušeći zid koji ih razdvaja.
Touch of art
David LaChapelle,
Paris at Gradma Hilton’s House
The Photography Exibition in the
Helmut Newton Foundation in Berlin
“Men, War and Peace“is the title under which three great photographers are facing
each other: Helmut Newton, David LaChapelle i James Nachtwey. Each of them speaks from his very point of view about possibility and power of photography to communicate a universal language of humanity
Written by: Nataša Bodrožiæ
Touch of art
James Nachtwey,
New York 11. September 2001.
f you happen to be in Berlin until the 20th of May this is acclaimed artist who tricked the death alone being
year, you should not miss the current exhibition in the killed in the car accident in the age of eighty-four. Born
Helmut Newton Donation, near by the famous Zoo in Berlin in 1920, he left Germany and went to Australia
railway station.
in 1930s, where he was shooting weddings. In 1956 he is
It is about the concept which united three kings of pho- back to Europe and starts to work for British Vogue; next
tography: Americans David LaChapelle and James year he moves to Paris. The rest is history.
Nachtwey on one side
At the end of 1950s,
and on the other one
Newton enters the
of the most represenlethargical space of
tative photographer
current fashion phoin general, native
tography and, shot
Berliner, Helmut Newby shot, he begins to
ton. “Men, War and
build up a black and
Peace” is the title unwhite world of personder which those three
al imagination. He left
great men faced
the reality to others,
each other, speaking
while he, behind eleeach from his point of
gant Parisian facades,
view about the poscreated a parareality
sibility and power of
on the white, fur carphotography to compets. A professional
municate a universal
teaser, he played with
language of humaninstincts, produced deJames Nachtwey; Ramallah 2000.
sire, while in the same
From the very fountime, he took away
dation of his Donation in 2003, Helmut Newton insisted the object under the reach of observer, making it cold
that it should not be “a dead museum” but “living insti- and distant. On his photographs, cold women, almost
tution”, a space for confronting diverse aesthetics, that like dolls in the shop-windows, are sitting in the splendour
beside his, always provocative photographs, other pho- of their nakedness, pleased, self-sufficient and satisfied.
tographers could exhibit their works thus entering into a “Flesh behind the flesh, fetish above fetishism, pleasure
dialogue with his work.
through desire, which is the very essence of the pleasure
Helmut Newton is the other name for kinky glamour. He itself, because the desire is physically impossible.” Erotic,
Touch of art
David LaChapelle,
Heaven to Hell
David LaChapelle,
Forgotten Doll
within the photography is Newton’s idea, but this is only
the one side of the coin.
Within the exhibition “Men, War and Peace” Newton’s
portraits of men are exhibited along with wide section
of works of two Americans, just to highlight that not only
women and sexuality, that is, erotic, is what he was interested in photography. (Or, better to say not his only interest). Dressed men, mostly celebrities like Mike Jagger,
Jude Law, John Malkovich or Luciano Pavarotti, posed
in front the photo camera of equally famous photographer; his eye finds a special perspective, appropriate decoration filled with symbolism and objects that
are fully surrendered to his vision. Results are well known
faces frozen in time and space; a whole story is interlaced around those “supermen”, a photographical beatification, a composition which leaves the impression
of precision, sense for details and unusual imagination.
Of course, here is also Newton’s recognisable affinity toward “twisting” subtle wrapped into the impression of
common, almost “natural” situation in which superstars
already exist.
David LaChapelle also “functions” within glamour: Paris
Hilton, Pamela Anderson, Madonna, Britney Spears, Elton John and any other celebrity that means something
posed to this photographer, surrendering completely to
his will, requests and imagination. LaChapelle’s stylish
base is made of obsessive scenarios erased on extremely
artificial scenography, often on piles of details among
which are sitting, lying or standing some of the most important products of American dream factory: actors and
actresses, singers, starlets, those who had ones started
the yellow road aiming for their five minutes of fame.”
His works are screaming, pre-apocalyptic landscapes of
Hollywood and visually aggressive images of hedonism
in its final stage. David LaChapelle started his work as
an artist in the world of fashion photography, similar like
Newton, from where he turn aside to the sphere of art,
using all means of modern technology in the creative
process. And here is found the main distinction from his
Germany predecessor who was developing his white
and black photography under the red light in the simplicity of a dark chamber. Many see in LaChapelle a
Newton’s heir. In spite their obvious differences, it is possible to see their similarities in how they treat the object,
sensibility and shared understanding what the photography really is. In that sense it is certainly interesting to
see their works standing side by side.
The third part of the story about men, war and peace
is James Nachtwey and his photographs. The choice of
this particular photographer for this exhibition many see
as a controversial one because his almost surrealistic
and painfully real pictures of war horrors in combination
with frivolous Hollywood’s stars they consider being inappropriate. Critics of the exhibition think that the confrontation of such diverse contents lessens the significance
and meaning of Nachtwey’s photographs. Nachtwey
devoted himself to the photography, documentation
of war and critical social situations since he was as a
student fascinated with the Vietnam War and American
Movement for Human Rights. He was present from Salvador and Nicaragua to Bosnia and Herzegovina and
Kosovo shooting with his camera, testifying with his pictures about the leftovers of something that once had
been called – a human life. His photographs remarkably
expressive and dreadfully beautiful are so perfect that
is hard to believe that these are not artificially arranged
scenes from some movie.
Newton, Nachtwey, LaChapelle, three great men together in Berlin, the town in which past and present
are interlaced in such a powerful way, communicate
through their photos about people, life and death, tearing down the wall that separates them
Savršena ravnoteža
Oblikovno se podjednako oslanjajući na sjajnu ostavštinu čuvene “zagrebačke
moderne”, kao i na suvremene dosege arhitektonskog promišljanja, uz golemu
dozu arhitektove umješnosti i duhovitosti, postojanje ove kuće u diskursu današnje sjevernozagrebačke stambene gradnje, jedan je od (pre)rijetkih kurioziteta
Piše: Ivan Mladina
Budući da je viši volumen obložen trespa-pločama tamnijeg tona, noću mijenja svoj karakter solida “nestajući” u
mraku / The higher volume is panelled with trespa-panels of darker shade of colour, at night it changes its character of solid structure “disappearing” in the night
rhitekt Nenad Fabijanić već godinama uživa
kultni status među hrvatskim arhitektima i ima
reputaciju jednog od najboljih interijerista.
Izvanredno uspjeli kompleksi mjerila, motiva,
boje i materijala, virtuozna kontrola osvjetljenja, scenografska darovitost i velika ljubav prema detalju, svako njegovo djelo čine pravim leksikonom suvremenog
arhitektonskog izričaja, destiliranog do rijetko viđenog
Villa G je nova iterakcija stvaralačkog procesa ovog višestruko nagrađivanog arhitekta.
Smještena u tipičnu vernakularno-urbanu okolinu padina brežuljaka zagrebačkog Sjevera, zasićenu instinktivno oblikovanim i stihijski obojenim građevinama, kuća
nepogrešivo odaje svoju prisutnost već samim vanjskim
oblikovanjem. Koncipirana je kao obiteljska kuća na tri
etaže, s dnevnim boravkom i blagovaonicom na srednjoj (ulaznoj) etaži, roditeljskom spavaonicom na katu
i dječjim sobama u donjoj etaži, koja ima izlaz u vrt.
Osnovna kombinacija dvaju dominantnih kuboidnih
volumena različitih tretmana pročelja, reducirana je u
najvišoj zoni kuće, onoj prema ulici, gdje u kombinaciji
s gotovo skulpturalnim oblikovanjem predvrta, kolo-
rističkim intervencijama i vrlo uspjelim spojem stereotonskog karaktera pročelja sa stupovima i tektonikom
plohe nadstrešnice, stvara uravnotežen output prema ulici, blagotvorno djelujući i na sam karakter ulice.
Noću, pak, do izražaja dolazi fascinantna mogućnost
preobrazbe ovog pročelja. Budući da je viši volumen
obložen trespa-pločama tamnijeg tona i u većoj mjeri
je zatvoren, noću mijenja svoj karakter solida “nestajući” u mraku, promišljeno ostavljajući samo sjaj osvijetljenih ploha koje na maestralan način i dalje zadržavaju uravnoteženost kompleksne kompozicije uvodeći u
nju nove plohe kao oblikovne elemente. U isto vrijeme,
dnevni polutransparentni karakter nadstrešnice se noću
mijenja u translucentnu lebdeću ravninu, dubine definirane kratkim, ali jezgrovitim ritmom fluo-cijevi, danju
nevidljivih iza polikarbonatne plohe.
Razvijajući se dalje od ulice niz padinu, kuća postaje
sve kompleksnija i rahlija, pojavljuju se izdanci novih
volumena, otvaraju se velike staklene stijenke, sve dok
stražnje pročelje ne poprimi potpuno drukčiji i otvoreniji
karakter od onog uličnoga, prožet sinergijom unutarnjeg prostora s vanjskim plohama i volumenima. Vješto
ostakljenje blagovaonice kontrolira elegantan prijelaz s
Legendarna Miesova kolekcija Barcelona krasi dnevni boravak /
Legendary Mies’ collection Barcelona adorns living room
najvišeg volumena kuće na padinu, omatajući staklom
granice volumena tamnih tonova superponirane na
volumen obložen granitom, praktički jednim potezom
uravnotežujući odnose masa kuće i nagiba terena. Ploha zaštite dnevnog boravka od sunca, jedina eksplicitno konzolna ploha na kući, nježan je podsjetnik na horizontalne napone čije se protruzije iz oblikovnog jezika
kuće stalno mogu naslutiti. Oblikovno se podjednako
oslanjajući na sjajnu ostavštinu čuvene “zagrebačke
moderne”, kao i na suvremene dosege arhitektonskog
promišljanja, uz golemu dozu arhitektove umješnosti
i duhovitosti, postojanje ove kuće u diskursu današnje
sjevernozagrebačke stambene gradnje, jedan je od
(pre)rijetkih kurioziteta.
Interijer kuće je očekivano sjajna studija materijala, osvjetljenja, opreme i boja. Funkcijski je iznimno jasno riješen, u centralnoj zoni neobično i hrabro naglašenog
prostora kuhanja i blagovanja, koji sugerira obiteljski,
“životni” karakter prostora. Nemoguće je ne zamijetiti
apsolutnu tehničku perfekciju detalja na ovoj kući. To se
pogotovo odnosi na interijer gdje zasigurno ne postoji
ni jedan detalj koji nije promišljen u mjerilu 1:1. Počevši
od vrata na klin izvanredno uparenih s konstruktivnim
stupovima reduciranih praktički do teoretskih postavki, preko hrastova parketa čije diskretne faze formira-
ju tanku perspektivnu mrežu, preko dvokrakog stubišta
konzolno upetih drvenih gazišta i tamno obojenih zidova, sve do fascinantne krivulje furnirane zidne obloge u
roditeljskoj sobi, svojom finoćom i nenametljivošću oduzimaju dah. Legendarna Miesova kolekcija Barcelona
krasi dnevni boravak, a reprezentativna maska kamina
od egzotičnog furnira upravo hipnotizira svojom bogatom teksturom. Vertikalni prodori prirodnog svjetla kroz
kuću nenametljivo su iskorišteni u svrhu stvaranja ambijentalnih senzacija. Umjetna rasvjeta je upotrijebljena
ponajprije u svrhu nenametljivog osvjetljenja scene, s
obzirom da nije bilo potrebe uvoditi nove prostorne elemente u ovoliko rafiniran prostor. Priznatome majstoru
scenografije i osvjetljenja, to je svakako odavno poznat
teren. Ugradbene stropne lampe podesivog nagiba
snopa smišljeno su postavljene da naglašavaju, navještaju, ili samo osvjetljuju prostor.
Diskretnog, ukusnog i duhovitog eksterijera i interijera,
u izvedbi dovedena do savršenstva koje graniči s total
designom, Villa G spada među šačicu hrvatskih obiteljskih kuća koje mogu bez kompleksa stajati uz bok najsuvremenijih svjetskih ostvarenja. Pokazni primjer uspješne
suradnje investitora i arhitekta budi nadu u bolje sutra
za suvremenu hrvatsku reprezentativnu stambenu arhitekturu.
Dream home
Korišten je hrastov parket / Oak-parqut is used
Perfect Balance
The very existence of this house in the sense of current northern Zagreb housing
construction represents one of (too) rare curiosities; the form of the house is leaning
on excellent heritage of famous Zagreb “Moderna” as well as on current achievements
of architectural philosophy along with a huge dose of skilfulness and humour of its
Written by: Ivan Mladina
n architect Nenad Fabijanić enjoys for years
a cult status among Croatian architects and
has the reputation of one of the best interior
designers. Extraordinary successful complexes
of measures, motives, colours and materials, mastery illumination control, stenographical ingenuity and great
love for every detail, altogether makes his work a lexicon of current architectonic expression distilled up to
the rarely high level. Villa G is the new reiteration of
creative process of multiply award-winning architect.
Situated in typical vernacular-urban surrounding of
hill slopes of Zagreb’s North, impregnated by instinctively shaped and spontaneously painted buildings,
the house impeccably reveals its presence even by its
outer shaping. Planned as a three-storey family house
with living and dinning room on the middle (entrance)
floor, parental room on the first floor and children room
on the lower floor with an exit to the garden.
The main combination of two cube-like volumes of
different treatments of the facade is reduced on the
highest level of the house, the side which is turned towards the street, where in combination with almost in
sculpture-way shaped garden, by colouristic interventions and successful mixture of stereo tone–like character of the facade with peers and tectonics of the
surface of eaves, create balanced output towards the
street, having a beneficial impact to the very character of the street.
At night the fascinating possibility of transformation of
this facade is fully expressed. The higher volume is panelled with trespa-panels of darker shade of colour and
in greater part closed, at night it changes its character
Interijer kuće je očekivano sjajna studija materijala, osvjetljenja, opreme i boja / The house interior is expected to be an excellent study of materials, illumination,
equipment and colours
of solid structure “disappearing” in the night, leaving
behind only a radiance of surfaces which in mastery
way keep the balance of complex composition, introducing new surfaces as shaping elements. In the same
time, daily half-transparent character of the eave is
changing at night in translucent flowing surface, which
depth is defined by brief, but concise rhythm of fluorescent-tubes, invisible by day behind polycarbonate
The house in its development further from the street
down the slope becomes more and more complex
and loosened with extensions of new volumes; big
glass walls are opening until the back facade gets
completely different and more opened in character
than the street side. This is permeated by synergy of the
inside with outside surfaces and volumes.
Skilfully glazed wall of the dinning room controls an elegant transition from the highest volume of the house to
the slope, wrapping thus in glass edges of the volumes
of dark shades of colour which are oriented towards
the volume coated in granite, thus, let say, in one
stroke balancing relations between two volumes – the house and the slope of terrain. The
surface, which protects living space from the
sun, is the only explicit console in the house, a
gentle reminder on horizontal tension whose
protrusions may be continuously sensed from
the shaping language of the house.
The very existence of this house in the sense
of current northern Zagreb housing construction represents one of (too) rare curiosities;
the form of the house is leaning on excellent
heritage of famous Zagreb “Moderna” as well
as on current achievements of architectural
philosophy along with a huge dose of architect’s skilfulness and humour.
The house interior is expected to be an excellent study of materials, illumination, equipment and colours. In the middle of the house
a space for cooking and dinning is functionally clearly designed, unusually and bravely
accentuated, standing for family, a “living”
character of the space.
It is impossible not to see absolute perfection of details of this house. This is especially
valid for the interior where there is for sure
no any detail which is not well thought of in
proportion 1:1.Starting from the extraordinary
doors with a wedge, with constructive peers
reduced almost to a theorem, across the
oak-wood parquet, which discrete phases
form tiny progressing net, across two-wings
staircases with in the console tighten wooden steps and walls painted in dark shades of
colour, to the fascinate curve of veneer wall
panels in the parental room, are detail which
take a breath away.
Legendary Mies’ collection “Barcelona”
adorns living room, and a representative
mask of the fireplace made of exotic veneer
just hypnotises by its rich texture. Vertical penetration of light through the house is humbly
exploited in order to create sensations in the
Artificial lighting is used primarily for discrete
illumination of the scene, because there was
no need for introducing new space elements
in so refined space already. To the acknowledged master of scenography and lighting
this terrain has been well known for long. Fitted ceiling lamps with adjustable light beams
installed according to the plan to accentuate, foreshadow or just illuminate the space.
By its discreet, tasteful and humorous exterior
and interior, perfect in its performance, which
is almost the total design, Villa G belongs to a
handful of Croatian family houses, which can,
without any complex, stand side by side with
the most current world design creations. This
is a milestone of successful cooperation of an
investor and an architect, awaking a hope in
for Croatian representative housing architecture better tomorrow.
Dream home
Villa “G” - kioncipirana kao obiteljska kuća na tri etaže / Villa “G”
- conceptualized as a three-storey family house
Korzikanski hedonistièki hram
U potrazi za svim nijansama plave, Jean Francois Bodin, koji arhitektonski potpisuje hotel Casadelmar, shvatio je da je njegov osnovni cilj stopiti se s kulisom Porto
Vecchia, a ona je “čista, bistra, jasnih i nježnih boja, s fantastičnom kuhinjom i
stvarnim ljudima”. Ti su se sastojci umiješali tvoreći idealni produžetak prirodne
ljepote kojom ovo mjesto obiluje
Piše: Aurelija Vukušiæ
Između plavetnila i Casadelmara smješten je i raskošni mediteranski vrt prepun mirisa poljskoga bilja, djelo
dizajnera Jeana Mussa, te kaskadni bazen / between
the blue and Casadelmar there is a luxury Mediterranean garden full of perfume of wild flowers, a design
of Jean Muss. And a cascade swimming pool, too
Eksterijer i interijer doista dišu kao jedno / Exterior
and interiors breathe together as one
Casadelmar se prostire na čak dva hektara usred
netaknute prirode / Casadelmar occupies even two
hectares in the middle of untouched nature
lava, crvena, ljubičasta, zelena... osnovne su
boje oko kojih se vrti dizajn Casadelmara, novoga boutique hotela na mediteranskom otoku
Korzici, koji se prostire na čak dva hektara usred
netaknute prirode. S pogledom na nestvarno modar zaljev Porto Vecchia, gradića na jugoistočnoj obali otoka,
Casadelmar otvara svoja vrata u travnju ove godine,
i, ako je suditi po izgledu i ponudi, zasigurno će postati
jedno od najpopularnijih korzikanskih odredišta za goste
sa stilom. Hotel je svojim iznimno promišljenim i odmjerenim uređenjem, koje savršeno korespondira s okolicom,
već zaslužio svoje članstvo u udruzi dizajnerskih hotela.
Jednostavni luksuz – tako tvorci Casadelmara u najkra-
ćem objašnjavaju principe na kojima je hotel nastao.
U potrazi za svim nijansama plave, Jean Francois Bodin, koji arhitektonski potpisuje ovaj skroviti hedonistički
hram (a u karijeri je kreirao butike Yves Saint Laurenta, Thierryja Muglera, urede za Karla Lagerfelda, Lacosteovu tvornicu...), shvatio je da je u Casadelmaru
njegov osnovni cilj stopiti se s kulisom Porto Vecchia, a
ona je “čista, bistra, jasnih i nježnih boja, s fantastičnom
kuhinjom i stvarnim ljudima”. Ti su se sastojci umiješali
tvoreći idealni produžetak prirodne ljepote kojom ovo
mjesto obiluje.
Šarmantni, prostrani apartmani i sobe, njih tridesetak,
okrenuti su prema moru i okolnim planinama, a njihov
interijer s detaljima u intenzivnim bojama poput plave,
crvene, narančaste ili ljubičaste, stvara posebno ozračje opuštanja. Kupaonice s tikovinom na podu, bijelom
keramikom i elegantnim mozaicima na zidovima, mjesto su gdje ćete uživati u malim radostima: svi su materijali prirodni, a moderne, ali smirene linije namještaja
uklapaju se u opći dojam nepretencioznog luksuza. Naravno, i javni i privatni prostori hotela cijelom su jednom
stranom od veličanstvenog okoliša odvojeni samo staklenom stijenkom, pa eksterijer i interijer doista dišu kao
jedno, a mijene dana stalno stvaraju nove vizure unutar hotela. U službi opuštanja i ugađanja su i brojni spa
sadržaji – turska kupelj, uljne masaže, fitness dvorana
i sobe za relaksaciju, koji su usmjereni ponovno prema moru i kreirani prema istančanim principima feng
shuija, a između plavetnila i Casadelmara smješten je i
raskošni mediteranski vrt prepun mirisa poljskoga bilja,
djelo dizajnera Jeana Mussa, te kaskadni bazen.
O tome koliko se ovdje brine o dobrobiti i zdravome
uživanju svakoga gosta, govori i činjenica kako su svi
Šarmantni, prostrani apartmani i sobe, njih tridesetak, okrenuti su prema moru i okolnim planinama /
Charming, spacious apartments and rooms, some
thirty of them, are overlooking the sea and surrounding mountains
specijalni tretmani i programi rađeni u skladu s istočnjačkim učenjima, poput primjerice tečajeva tai-chija i
joge, mnoštva tretmana za uljepšavanje koji koriste
jedino prirodne sastojke, te, konačno, kuhinje koja se
temelji na ekološkim namirnicama i mediteranskoj gastronomskoj filozofiji.
U Casadelmaru i okolici može se pronaći i niz dodatnih
zabavnih i sportskih programa. Na trideset kilometara
od hotela smješten je i golf teren Golfosperone s 18
rupa koje se prostiru po začudnom i prekrasnom korzikanskom ambijentu, te je dva puta proglašen najboljim
na cijelom teritoriju Francuske, a s uzletištem za helikoptere, gostima će na raspolaganju biti i panoramski letovi duž otoka.
Naravno, tu je i nezaobilazna ponuda vodenih sportova te trekking, jahanje, botaničke ekspedicije... Sve
namijenjeno opuštanju, zdravom životu i bijegu od civilizacijskih bolesti. U trenutku kad se čovjek poželi vratiti
samome sebi, teško je zamisliti bolje mjesto od Casadelmara za polagani povratak.
A Corsican Hedonist Temple
Searching for all shades of the blue, Jean Francois Bodin, who signed the architecture, realised that his main purpose in Casadelmar is to melt into the Porto Vecchio’s
scenery, which is “pure, bright, of clear and gentle colours, with a fantastic cuisine
and real people.” These ingredients mixed together make an ideal extension of natural beauty with which this place abounds in
Written by: Aurelija Vukušiæ
Jean Francois Bodin arhitektonski potpisuje ovaj hedonistički
hram / Jean Francois Bodin, signes the architecture of this
hedonist temple
Svi korišteni materijali su prirodni/
All used materials are natural
Prekrasan pogled na zaljev Porto Vecchia / Beautiful view on bay of Porto Vecchio
lue, red, purple, green... are basic colours of design of hotel Casadelmar, new boutique hotel
on the Mediterranean island Corsica, which occupies even two hectares in the middle of untouched nature.
With a view of unreal blue bay of Porto Vecchio, a little
town on the southeast coast of the island, Casadelmar
opens its door this year in April; as far as its image and
offer is concerned it’ll become one of the most popular
Corsican destinations for guests with a style. The hotel
is exceptionally and subtle designed in perfect relation
with its surroundings and is already won its membership
in the community of designer’s hotels.
Simple luxury – this is how creators of Casadelmar define principles of its origin. Searching for all shades of the
blue, Jean Francois Bodin, who signed the architecture
of this hidden hedonist temple (during his career he designed boutiques for Yves Saint Laurent, Thierry Mugler,
offices for Carl Lagerfeld, a Lacoste factory...) realised
that his main purpose in Casadelmar is to melt into the
Porto Vecchio’s scenery, which is “pure, bright, of clear
and gentle colours, with a fantastic cuisine and real
These ingredients mixed together make an ideal extension of natural beauty with which this place abounds
in. Charming, spacious apartments and rooms, some
thirty of them, are overlooking the sea and surrounding
mountains; their interiors with details in intensive shades
of colours like blue, red, orange or purple, create special atmosphere for relaxation.
Bathrooms with teakwood floors, white ceramics and
elegant mosaics on the walls, are places for you to enjoy small pleasures: all materials are natural, and modern and serene lines of furniture fit within the general
impression of unpretentious luxury.
Interijer s detaljima u intenzivnim bojama / Interiors with details in intensive shades of colours
Of course, both public and private spaces of the hotel
are separated from its magnificent environment with
one entire wall made of glass, so that exterior and interiors breathe together as one, and changes of the day
constantly create new visions inside the hotel.
For relaxation and pleasures there are numerous spa
amenities – Hammam, oil massages, fitness and rooms
for relaxation, again overlooking the sea, created according to the subtle principles of Feng Shui; between
the blue and Casadelmar there is a luxury Mediterranean garden full of perfume of wild flowers, a design of
Jean Muss. And a cascade swimming pool, too.
The fact that all special treatments and programmes
are created in accordance with Eastern philosophy
speaks for itself how much they in Casadelmar care for
wellbeing and healthy pleasure of their guests; there
are courses of tai-chi and Yoga and many beauty
treatments with uniquely natural ingredients. And at
last but not least, there is a cuisine based on ecological food and Mediterranean gastronomical philosophy.
In Casadelmar and its surrounding numerous entertainment and sport programmes may be found. A golf
course Galfosperone with 18 holes, some thirty kilometres away from the hotel, extends over amazing and
beautiful Corsican ambience; it is already twice declared as the best golf course in France. There is also
an aerodrome for helicopters, which will enable guests
a panoramic view of the island. Of course, there is unavoidable offer of water sports, trekking, riding, botanical
excursions... Everything is aimed for relaxation, healthy
life and an escape from civilisation deceases. For the
moment when one wants to find himself or herself a
better place for returning than Casadelmar could be
hardly imagined.
Kuhinja se temelji na ekološkim namirnicama i mediteranskoj gastronomskoj filozofiji / Cuisine is based on
ecological food and Mediterranean gastronomical
Egg chair - baš poput jajeta
Jajastu stolicu dizajnirao je Arne Jacobsen 1958. godine; na njoj je vidljiv
njegov tipični stil koji karakterizira određeni minimalizam (u obliku, ali i u
korištenju materijala), oblasti oblici i jasna metaforičnost
Piše: Sreæko Horvat
Jajasta stolica je navodno inspirirana Womb chairom Eera Saarinensa / The
egg-like chair is allegedly inspired by Womb chair designed Eer Saarinens
ni komad
ierre Bourdieu je u svojoj knjizi La Distinction
(1979.) – uz središnju analizu francuske kulture
ukusa, habitusa i “fine razlike” među socijalnim
klasama – među ostalim opisao i razvoj novih stilova namještaja (doduše, ograničavajući se na Europu
i bez pretjeranog fokusiranja na dvadeseto stoljeće),
pa tako spominje i činjenicu da su se francuska stilska
razdoblja nazivala po imenima monarha (primjerice,
stil Luja XV.). Premda je danas odnos moći i namještaja
i dalje konstanta (roba s potpisom ipak zahtijeva neki
kapital), pa se u tom smislu i može govoriti o “kultnim
predmetima”, uloga aristokracije je odavno već izgubila svoje originalno značenje. Bez obzira na to nazivamo
li da danas novu klasu tehnokratima ili meritokratima
– ono što Bourdieu podrazumijeva pod pojmom habitus (objektivno i subjektivno kondicioniranje pripadnika
određenih socijalnih skupina za reproduciranje odnosa
moći) – činjenica je da danas postoji mnogo veća mogućnost izbora namještaja i uređenja vlastita interijera.
Habitus zapravo potječe iz terminologije biologije u kojoj
on naprosto označava vanjsko “biće” nekog organizma, a upravo u tom smislu valja razumjeti i interijer. Iz
svakog interijera mogu se iščitati znakovi i značenja o
onome tko u njemu obitava. U tom se smislu trend oblikovanja stolica po uzoru na svijet prirode, koji je počeo
i zavladao 20. stoljećem, možda može shvatiti kao neka
vrsta alternative vladajućim obrascima uređenja interijera o kojima je govorio Bourdieu.
Kao što znamo, stolice koje su postale “kultni predmeti”
u 20. stoljeću svoju su inspiraciju najčešće imale u svemu samo ne u “standardnim” znakovima koji bi se onda
inkorporirali u vanjski izgled proizvoda. Nelsonov Coconut, Saarinensov Tulip chair, LoveSacove Beanbag itd.
govore o tome da je među arhitektima i dizajnerima zavladao trend oblikovanja predmeta po uzoru na općepoznate prirodne fenomene, što treba pripisati i njihovoj
želji – najviše prisutnoj kod pripadnika funkcionalizma
(Mies van der Rohe) – da dizajn postane dostupan široj populaciji. Kokos, tulipan... taj niz sigurno ne bi bio
kompletan kad ne bismo spomenuli Arnea Jacobsena
(1902.-1971.), danskog arhitekta i dizajnera, pripadnika takozvanog danskog modernog stila, koji je postao
poznat po “mravljoj”, “labuđoj” i “jajastoj” stolici. Sve su
one dizajnirane za Radisson SAS Hotel u Kopenhagenu
(dovršen 1960.), prvom neboderu u tom danskom gradu
u kojem se Jacobsenovi predmeti mogu naći i danas.
Jajastu stolicu Arne Jacobsen je dizajnirao 1958. godine, a kao i na spomenutim drugim stolicama, vidljiv je
njegov tipični stil koji karakterizira određeni minimalizam
(u obliku, ali i u korištenju materijala), oblasti oblici i jasna
metaforičnost (mrav, labud, jaje, itd.). Jajasta stolica je
navodno inspirirana Womb chairom Eera Saarinensa,
Naslovnica magazina “Alt” iz 1968. godine /
The cover page of “Alt” magazine from 1968
finskog arhitekta koji je inspiraciju za svoj dizajn također crpio iz prirode (uz Womb chair,
vjerojatno je najpoznatija njegova stolica “Tulipan”). Druga inspiracija koja se u pravilu uvijek
navodi su, dakako, Charles i Ray Earnes. Karakteristika Jacobsenovih stolica je, uz inspiraciju
koju je uglavnom crpio iz prirode, njihova kompaktnost i lakoća, što ih i danas čini poželjnim
komponentama interijera. Jajasta stolica je,
kao i labuđa stolica, također bila dizajnirana i
kao fotelja, no dok se labuđa fotelja proizvodi i
danas, jajastih fotelja je proizvedeno tek nekoliko. Neke se mogu pronaći u Radisson Hotelu,
a njihova je cijena bila čak 60.000 dolara (osim
želje za ekskluzivnošću razlog je zasigurno i teškoća izrade). Nasuprot tome jajasta stolica – u
svom originalnom obliku – proizvodi se i danas,
pedeset godina nakon što ju je Jacobsen osmislio, a cijena se kreće oko 30-ak tisuća kuna (još
od 1952. proizvodi je danska tvrtka Fritz Hansen), dok se – za one koji nemaju toliko dubok
džep – reprodukcija može kupiti već za 10-ak
tisuća kuna. Egg chair je, kao i drugi dizajnerski
predmeti (dovoljno je sjetiti se Starcka o kojem
je već bilo riječi u Dal Casi), zaživio i u popularnoj kulturi, pa smo je tako mogli vidjeti u filmu
Ljudi u crnom, a prije toga – doduše, samo nakratko – u drugom nastavku Povratka u budućnost. Jacobsenov dizajn odabrao je i Kubrick
za kultni film Odiseja u svemiru, a Jacobsenova
stolica Model 3107, poznata i kao “Stolica broj
7”, zasigurno je najpoznatija stolica u povijesti danskog dizajna, koju je – kao i Egg chair
– proizveo Fritz Hansen. Radi se o stolici koja je
doživjela najviše kopija na svijetu, a prodana je
u više od pet milijuna primjeraka. Pritom je zanimljivo da je stolica koju je Lewis Morley koristio
za poznatu fotografiju Christine Keeler također
bila imitacija Jacobsenova originala. Indirektnu
kopiju, odnosno nastavak jajaste stolice, danas
predstavlja modPod Egg chair, koja možda još
više podsjeća na jaje, ali istodobno na još poznatiju “Kuglu” finskog dizajnera Eera Aarnija. U
taj niz svakako treba ubrojiti Garden Egg chair, vrtnu stolicu po uzoru na Jacobsena, koju je
1968. dizajnirao Peter Ghyczy. Dokazujući da
novi dizajn doista može poboljšati stari, Ghyczy
je osmislio stolicu koja je otporna na vodu, pa
se sukladno svom imenu, poput jajeta, ovisno o
vremenskim uvjetima može zatvarati i otvarati.
Na kraju, da se vratimo Bourdieuu, unutrašnji
dizajn i “kultni predmeti” danas i dalje predstavljaju distinkciju između ljudi, njihovih ukusa i financijske moći. Međutim, kao što dokazuje Jacobsen, promijenio se odabir izvanznakovnih
fenomena (u ovom slučaju to postaje priroda
– jaje, labudovi, itd.) koji se transferiraju na svijet znakova, odnosno namještaja i onda tvore
specifičan habitus. Ako ništa drugo, to barem
govori u prilog originalnosti i unošenja živosti
u semiologiju svakodnevice. Da jedna fotelja
može stajati 60.000 dolara, to je ionako već neizbježna pojava našeg doba.
“Egg chair” bio je pravi hit šezdesetih godina /
The “Egg chair” was a real hit in 60’s
A piece of cult
Written by: Sreæko Horvat
Egg Chair Exactly Like an
Arne Jacobsen jedan je od najpoznatijih danskih arhitekata i dizajnera / Arne Jacobsen is one of the most
famous danish architects and designers
Arne Jacobsen designed an egg-like chair in
1958 in his typical style quite obvious in particular minimalism (shape and materials), round
forms and clear metaphor
ierre Bourdieu in his book La Distinction (1979)
along with central analysis of French culture of
style, habitus and “fine difference” among social
classes, among all other things, described a development of new styles of furniture (although only for
Europe and without express focus on twentieth century)
mentioning that French style periods were called after
French monarchs like Luis XV.
Although nowadays this relation between power and furniture still exists as a constant (products with designer’s
Danas tvrtka Fritz Hansen proizvodi jajastu stolicu u različitim bojama, uzorcima i materijalima / Nowadays, the company Fritz Hansen produces the
egg-like chair in various colours, patterns and materials
signature still require certain amount of capital) and
in this sense it could be spoken about “cult products”,
the role of aristocracy has lost its original meaning long
Nevertheless if we call the new class as technocrats or
meritocrats – that what Bourdieu understood under the
term habitus (an objective and subjective determination of members of certain social groups for reproduction of relations of power) – is the fact that nowadays
there are much wider offer of furniture and therefore
possibility to decorate own interior.
Habitus as a term origins from biology and means outer “being” of some organism in which sense an interior
should be understood, as well. From every interior could
be well read signs and meanings which speak about
the person who lives in it. So, in that direction we could
see the trend of designing chairs according to the patterns found in nature, as a kind of alternative to the ruling models of interior designing about which Bourdieu
had written.
As we all know, chairs which became “cult products” in
the twentieth century were a result of inspiration found
mostly in everything else but “standard” symbols, which
would later incorporated in outer image of the product.
Nelson’s Coconut, Saarinens’ Tulip chair, LoveSac’s
Beanbag and so on, point out that in designing objects
according to the well known natural shapes became
the main trend among architects and designers as a result of their desire - mostly of functionalists like Mies van
der Rohe – that design should be available for broader
Coconut, tulip... that line would not surely be complete
without Arne Jacobsen (1902-1971), a Danish architect
and designer, a member of so called Danish modern
style, which became famous by “ant-like”, “swan-like”
and “egg-like” chair.
All those chairs were designed for Radisson SAS Hotel in
Copenhagen (completed in 1960), the first skyscraper in
Danish town where Jacobsen’s objects can be found
even today. Jacobsen designed the egg-like chair in
1958, and as well as other chairs, it was designed in his
style obvious in particular minimalism (shape and materials), round forms and clear metaphor (ant, swan, egg
and so on).
The egg-like chair is allegedly inspired by Womb chair
designed by Finish architect Eer Saarinens who was inspired by nature (along with the Womb chair, the most
popular was his other chair called “Tulip”).
As a second inspiration for the Egg chair always has
been considered Charles and Ray Earnes. A main characteristic of Jacobsen’s chairs besides by nature inspired
pattern is their compactness and lightness, which make
them even today desirable elements of an interior.
The egg-like chair as well as the swan-like chair, was designed also as an ease chair; the swan-like ease chair is
still in production while of egg-like ease chairs are produced only few items. Some of them could be found
in Radisson Hotel. The price was 60,000 dollars a piece,
which is quite a price (besides exclusivity, the reason
was probably complex production).
On the contrary the egg-like chair – in its original shape
– is still in production, fifty years after Jacobsen had designed it. Its price is around some thirty thousand kuna
(since 1952 Danish company Fritz Hansen has been producing it), while those who can’t afford it, may purchase
a reproduction for some ten thousand kuna.
Egg chair as well as other designer’s objects (just remember Starck, we have already written in Dal’Casa
about him) is present in popular culture like in the film
People in the Black, and prior to that – only for a brief
moment – in the second part of Return into the Future.
Kubrick also chose the Jacobsen’s design for its cult film
A Space Odyssey. The Jacobsen’s chair, Model No 3107
A piece of cult
Stolice “Jaje” i “Labud” - uspješnice Arnea Jacobsena / Chairs
“Egg” and “Swan” - bestsellers of Arne Jacobsen
well known as the “Chair number 7” is the most popular
chair of Danish design, which is – as well as egg chair
– produced by Fritz Hansen. It is about the chair with the
largest number of reproductions in the world, more than
five million items sold of it.
It is interesting that the chair used by Lewis Morley for
the famous photography of Christine Keeler was a reproduction of Jacobsen’s original. Indirect reproduction, that is, the continuation of the egg chair today
represents the modPod Egg chair, which probably more
resembles the egg but also even more popular “Ball”
designed by Finish designer Eer Arno. Here we should
include Garden Egg chair, a garden chair designed by
Peter Ghyczy in 1968.
Proving that old design can be improved by the new
one, Ghyczy, created the chair resistant to water, which
can be, depending on weather conditions, opened
or closed like an egg. At the end, we should return to
Bourdieu. Interior design and “cult objects” show even
today a distinction among people, their taste and financial power.
But still, as Jacobsen did prove, the choice of outer symbolic phenomena change (here we have nature – egg,
swan and so on); those phenomena are transferred into
the world of symbols and furniture thus create particular
habitus. If nothing else, this at least contributes to the
genuineness and vivaciousness of the everyday semiotics. The fact that one ease chair may cost 60,000 dollars
is already unavoidable phenomenon of our time.
Kolekcija “Safari Kohl” / Collection “Safari Kohl”
If you belong to those who adore chocolate, than
there is a real solution for you. The brown is eternal,
most stable colour and the only one that could be
safely applied in every room.
The best combination is with earthy shades of colours. A choice of material depends on your personal
style. Leather is always an excellent choice because
it will give the room a comfort and style. If you want
to combine several brown pieces of furniture than
choose simple lines without excessive details in order
to avoid too much darkness in the space.
Notwithstanding the style you prefer in decorating,
the brown could be well adjusted into any ambience and you can be sure that it will be modern next
Jastuci različitih uzoraka za poseban šarm dnevnog prostora /
Pillows of various patterns for a special charm of living space
DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA,
Kožni stalci za novine unijet će u prostoriju
dašak luksuza / Leather newspaper stands
will bring in a tiny breath of luxury
Čokoladna posteljina “Tanja Brodyr” / A chocolate bed
linen “Tanja Brodyr”
Ako ste i vi jedan od onih sladokusaca kojima se na
spomen čokolade stvaraju zazubice, onda je naš izbor
pravo rješenje za vas. Smeđa je vječna i najpostojanija
boja te ujedno jedina koja se sigurno može koristiti u
svim prostorijama.
Najbolje ju je kombinirati sa zemljanim tonovima, a
odabir materijala ovisi o osobnom ukusu. Koža je uvijek odličan izbor, jer će prostoriji dati komfor i stil.
Ako biste htjeli kombinirati više smeđih komada namještaja, pripazite da su jednostavnih linija, bez suvišnih detalja, jer ćete tako izbjeći efekt pretamnog
Bez obzira kakav stil u dekoriranju volite, smeđa boja
se može uklopiti u svaki ambijent i možete biti sigurni
da sljedeće sezone neće izići iz mode.
Pripremila / Edited by: Ana Perišin
U boji cokolade
In the colour of a chocolate
Vaze iz kolekcije Ball, prava mala
remek-djela / Vases from the “Ball
collection”, little masterpieces
Kutije Lyckeby najbolji su izbor za uredan dom /
Lyckeby boxes – the best choice for tidy home
Zelena biljka i smeđa vaza - izvanredna kombinacija / A green plant
and brown vase – an extraordinary
Tepih iz kolekcije “Reggae” / A carpet from “Reggae” collectiontion
Prugasti tepih “Punk” u toplim zemljanim
tonovima / A Striped carpet “Punk” in warm
earthy shades of colour
DOMA Namještaj d.o.o.,
salon CASA,
Baš kao bombonijera, pouf
u boji čokolade / Like a
candy, pouf in the colour of
Vaze “Mag
ma” u dvije
nijanse sme
ses “magm
đe / Vaa” in two sh
ades of bro
wn colour
ch ena ww
“H stolic .pa
a rr
pla “H ides
oo ign
pla .it
SA, www.d
mještaj d.o / Baskets of various
ičitih velič
Košare razl
Skandinavska jednostavnost, vrč “Soft chocolate” / Scandinavian simplicity, a jug “Soft
Moderan vrč od aluminija i plastike, dizajn Maria
Berntsen / A modern jug of
aluminium and plastic, designed by Maria Berntsen
sen na
itzh izrađe
ww itude” ten
NSE a “Att jn Mor a
FRIT ge stol že, diz ir “Attit ,
th r
međ lounge wn lea rten
f br
Vos made o ned b s
Osječka 9, Split
Tamnosmeđo drvo odličan je izbor u dnevnom prostoru /
Dark-brown wood as an excellent choice for a living room
Vaza za cvijeće od ručno puhanog stakla /
Flower vase made of hand blow glass
Savršeno udobna sofa “Bird”, dizajn
Michiel van der Kley / Perfectly
comfortable sofa “Bird”,
designed by Michiel
van der Kley
Nova kolekcija Calm, dizajn Defne Koz /
A new collection Calm, designed by Defne Koz
Trg Hrvatske bratske zajed. 4, Split / Ilica 185, Zagreb
Boja čokolade pridonijet će dodatnoj toplini spavaće sobe / A colour of chocolate
contributes to a cosiness of a bedroom
Prodaje se kamena kuća površine 140 m u izgradnji u blizini Rovinja. Kuća se sastoji od prizemlja i prvog kata s
prekrasnim pogledom. U prizemlju je predviđen veliki dnevni boravak s kuhinjom i kupaonicom, ispred je terasa površine
cca 25 m2. Na prvom katu su tri spavaće sobe i dvije kupaonice. Ispred ove prekrasne kuće je vrt površine 90 m2 i dva
parkirališna mjesta.
For sale, a stone house near Rovinj under construction, total surface area 140 m2. The house consists of the ground floor
and first floor with beautiful open sea view. On the ground floor will be living room with kitchen and bathroom, in front of
the house there is terraces surface of 25 m2. On the first floor there are three rooms and two bathrooms. On the front of
the house there is a garden with surface of 90 m2 and two parking spaces.
Cijena / Price: 160.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U malom bračkom mjestu poznatom po najljepšoj plaži na Mediteranu nalazi se apartman u prizemlju vile te ima sve
potrebne sadržaje za ugodno provođenje ljetnog odmora s obitelji ili prijateljima: 2 spavaće sobe, dnevni boravak,
kuhinja i kupaonica, ostava. Posebnost je 30 m2 vrta ispred apartmana koje se može lijepo urediti i ozeleniti kako bi
se uživalo u ljetnim večerima i prekrasnom pogledu na more i otoke. Ukupna površina apartmana je 54 m2, okućnica
30 m2, i parking mjesto 30 m2. S terase se pruža pogled na more.
For sale an apartment in a small place on the island of Brač known for its most beautiful beach on the Mediterranean.
The apartment is situated on the ground floor of a villa and there are all the necessary facilities for comfortably spending summer vacations with family or friends: 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bathroom, lumber room. There is
also a 30 m2 garden enriched with a beautiful view of the sea and the islands, ideal for summer nights. Total surface
of the apartment is 54 m2, surrounding area of 30 m2 and a parking space of 30 m2. There is a beautiful sea view from
the terrace.
Cijena / Price: 90.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U malome mjestu na otoku Braču, samo 300 m od trajektne luke, nalaze se tri apartmana u prizemlju površine 18 m2,
33 m2 i 50 m2 na parceli od 700 m2. Dva apartmana su u prizemlju kuće, dok je jedan u dvorištu pokraj kuće. Apartmani
su kompletno uređeni i namješteni.
In a small settlement on island Brač, only 300 metres from the ferry port, there are three apartments on the ground floor
of 18 m2, 33 m2 and 50 m2 on the plot of land of 700 m2. Two apartments are situated on the ground floor while the third
one is in the courtyard by the house. The apartments are completely renovated and furnished.
Cijena / Price: 110.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Predivna kamena vila smještena je na sjevernoj strani otoka Brača, na vrlo atraktivnoj lokaciji. Vila obuhvaća 450 m2
stambene površine te 430 m2 okućnice. Pri gradnji su korišteni visoko kvalitetni materijali, posebice bijeli brački kamen
kojim je obložena cijela fasada vile, kao i svi ostali vanjski dijelovi (zidovi, stubište, ograda itd.). Vila se sastoji od tri
etaže: prizemlja, kata i potkrovlja. Na prve dvije etaže protežu se po dva stana koja se sastoje od: dvije spavaće sobe,
hodnika, kupaonice i terase. Stanovi imaju zasebne ulaze i potpuno su namješteni. Potkrovlje je jedinstven prostor koji
obuhvaća 150 m2 površine. S bočne strane kuće nalazi se ljetna kuhinja površine 30 m2 s kaminom i roštiljem. Najveća
dragocjenost ove kuće je blizina mora, odnosno udaljenost od plaže je samo 150 m, kao i brojni drugi sadržaji (teniski
tereni, restorani...).
A beautiful stone villa situated on the north side of island Brač, on very attractive location. The Villa has total surface
of 450 m2 and surrounding of 430 m2. Its built up with high quality materials, especially white Brač stone that covers
the hole facade and the other outside parts (walls, stairways and the fence). The villa comprises three floors: ground
floor, first floor and the loft. On the ground and first floor there are two apartments which comprises two bedrooms,
hall, bathroom and terrace. Apartments have separately entrances and are completely furnished. The loft has surface
area of 150 m2. On the sideways of the house there is summer kitchen (30 m2) with fireplace and grill. A particular
advantage of this house is nearness of the sea, only 150 m far from the beach, and many other facilities (tennis, restaurants…).
Cijena / Price: 1.000.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Na Bjelolasici, najvišoj planini Gorskog kotara, nalazi se planinska kuća od 170 m2 stambene površine i sa 1000 m2
okućnice. Smještena je u neposrednoj blizini Hrvatskog olimpijskog centra i skijališta na Bjelolasici, na području netaknute prirode, s desecima kilometara uređenih pješačkih i biciklističkih staza, kao i mnogim drugim prirodnim vrednotama.
Kuća se sastoji od tri etaže: prizemlja, kata i potkrovlja. U prizemlju, koje je jednim dijelom pod zemljom, smješteni su
garaža i spremište. Vanjske stube vode do viših etaža uređenih kao dvoetažni stan. Na prvoj etaži je dnevni boravak s
kuhinjom i toaletom, dok su na gornjoj etaži dvije spavaće sobe s toaletom i još jednom manjom kuhinjom. Sam vrh potkrovlja iskorišten je i uređen kao manje spremište. Zimi je planina idealno skijaško odredište jer je prekrivena snijegom
koji se obično zadržava do sredine proljeća.
On Bjelolasica, the highest mountain in Gorski Kotar, there is a house of 170 m2 of living area with plot of land of 1000 m2.
It is situated near Croatian Olympic center and ski resort on Bjelolasica, on the area with untouched nature with 10 kilometers arranged foot and bike paths and many others nature values. The house consists of three storeys: ground and first
floor and a loft. In ground floor which is in one part under ground, there is garage and storage. Outside stairways leads to
the upper floors arranged like two storeys apartment. On the first storey there are living room with kitchen and toilet, while
on the upper storey there are two bedrooms with toilet and small kitchen. The loft is arranged as small storage. During the
winter, the mountain is ideal ski destination because of the snow which is retains till the middle of spring.
Cijena / Price: 150.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U malome mjestu u Istri prodaje se kamena kuća udaljena 8 km od mora. Kuća ukupne površine 200 m2 sastoji se od
prizemlja, prvog kata i potkrovlja. U prizemlju su veliki dnevni boravak, kuhinja, hodnik i kupaonica. Na prvom katu su
dnevni boravak, kuhinja, hodnik i kupaonica, a u potkrovlju su dvije sobe i terasa s koje se pruža prekrasan pogled na
more. Kuća je potpuno renovirana te je zadržala svoj autentičan vanjski izgled. U blizini se nalazi velika zelena površina
koja se može koristiti za parkiranje te maslinik površine 2300 m2.
In small Istrian village there is a stone house for sale 8 kilometres from the sea side. The house has total surface of 200
m2 and comprises of the ground floor, the first floor and attic. In the ground floor there are large lounge, kitchen, hall and
bathroom. On the first floor there are lounge, kitchen, hall and bathroom, and at the attic there are two rooms and terrace
with wonderful view unfolding itself towards the sea. The house is completely renovated so that its authentic outside look
has been preserved. Near by, there are large green surface, possibility of parking there, and olive-grove of 2300 m2.
Cijena / Price: 250.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Na mirnoj lokaciji u blizini Buzeta, prodaje se predivna novoizgrađena kuća površine 300 m2. Smještena je na parceli
površine 622 m2. Sastoji se od dvije etaže: prizemlja i kata. U prizemlju se nalazi ugostiteljski objekt koji ima ulaznu
salu, hodnik, kuhinju s potrebnom opremom i stražnju salu. Unutarnje stubište iz stražnje sale vodi na kat, a isti se
sastoji od tri dvokrevetne sobe i jedne jednokrevetne sobe. Sobe imaju svaka zasebno toalet. Na katu je poseban
prostor koji izlazi na veliku terasu (50 m2) s koje se pruža prekrasan panoramski pogled.
Near Buzet, on a peaceful location there is a marvellous newly built house of 300 m2 for sale. It has a private plot of land
of 622 m2. It comprises two floors: ground and first floor. The ground floor comprises a restaurant with a front and back
main room, hallway, kitchen with equipment. Inside stairways lead to the first floor, which comprises three bedrooms and
one single-bed room. Each room has a toilet. On the first floor there is a special space open to the terrace of 50 m2 with
a wonderful panoramic view.
Cijena / Price: 199.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U mjestu udaljenom pet kilometara od Pule prodaju se vile s bazenima, u izgradnji, svaka na parceli od 600 m2, stambene površine 170 m2. Vile se sastoje od prizemlja i prvog kata. U prizemlju se nalaze kuhinja, blagovaonica, dnevni
boravak, spavaća soba s kupaonicom i terasa s prekrasnim pogledom na more. Na prvom katu su dvije spavaće sobe
od kojih svaka ima kupaonicu. Objekti će biti pod videonadzorom te je predviđen vrtlar i kućni majstor.
In the settlement five kilometres away from Pula there is a development consisting of villas with swimming pools, each on the
plot of land 600 m2 and each has a living space of 170 m2. Villas comprise of ground and first floor. On the ground floor
there are kitchen, dinning room, lounge, bedroom with bathroom and a terrace with wonderful sea view. On the first floor
there are two bedrooms each having its own bathroom. Units will be equipped by video-monitoring system and gardener
and janitor are planned.
Cijena / Price: 312.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Prodaje se građevinsko zemljište na Hvaru, u mjestu Sveta Nedilja, površine 7500 m2.
Build-able land for sale on the island of Hvar in a place called Sveta Nedilja, of total surface area of 7500 m2.
Cijena / Price: 165 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
ni komad
Egg chair - baš poput jajeta
275,00 kn
Jajastu stolicu dizajnirao je Arne Jacobsen 1958. godine; na njoj je vidljiv
njegov tipični stil koji karakterizira određeni minimalizam (u obliku, ali i u
korištenju materijala), oblasti oblici i jasna metaforičnost
Piše: Sreæko Horvat
ierre Bourdieu je u svojoj knjizi La Distinction
(1979.) – uz središnju analizu francuske kulture
ukusa, habitusa i “fine razlike” među socijalnim
klasama – među ostalim opisao i razvoj novih stilova namještaja (doduše, ograničavajući se na Europu
i bez pretjeranog fokusiranja na dvadeseto stoljeće),
pa tako spominje i činjenicu da su se francuska stilska
razdoblja nazivala po imenima monarha (primjerice,
stil Luja XV.). Premda je danas odnos moći i namještaja
i dalje konstanta (roba s potpisom ipak zahtijeva neki
kapital), pa se u tom smislu i može govoriti o “kultnim
predmetima”, uloga aristokracije je odavno već izgubila svoje originalno značenje. Bez obzira na to nazivamo
li da danas novu klasu tehnokratima ili meritokratima
– ono što Bourdieu podrazumijeva pod pojmom habitus (objektivno i subjektivno kondicioniranje pripadnika
određenih socijalnih skupina za reproduciranje odnosa
moći) – činjenica je da danas postoji mnogo veća mogućnost izbora namještaja i uređenja vlastita interijera.
Habitus zapravo potječe iz terminologije biologije u kojoj
on naprosto označava vanjsko “biće” nekog organizma, a upravo u tom smislu valja razumjeti i interijer. Iz
svakog interijera mogu se iščitati znakovi i značenja o
onome tko u njemu obitava. U tom se smislu trend oblikovanja stolica po uzoru na svijet prirode, koji je počeo
i zavladao 20. stoljećem, možda može shvatiti kao neka
Jajasta stolica je navodno inspirirana Womb chairom Eera Saarinensa / The
egg-like chair is allegedly inspired by Womb chair designed Eer Saarinens
vrsta alternative vladajućim obrascima uređenja interijera o kojima je govorio Bourdieu.
Kao što znamo, stolice koje su postale “kultni predmeti”
u 20. stoljeću svoju su inspiraciju najčešće imale u svemu samo ne u “standardnim” znakovima koji bi se onda
inkorporirali u vanjski izgled proizvoda. Nelsonov Coconut, Saarinensov Tulip chair, LoveSacove Beanbag itd.
govore o tome da je među arhitektima i dizajnerima zavladao trend oblikovanja predmeta po uzoru na općepoznate prirodne fenomene, što treba pripisati i njihovoj
želji – najviše prisutnoj kod pripadnika funkcionalizma
(Mies van der Rohe) – da dizajn postane dostupan široj populaciji. Kokos, tulipan... taj niz sigurno ne bi bio
kompletan kad ne bismo spomenuli Arnea Jacobsena
(1902.-1971.), danskog arhitekta i dizajnera, pripadnika takozvanog danskog modernog stila, koji je postao
poznat po “mravljoj”, “labuđoj” i “jajastoj” stolici. Sve su
one dizajnirane za Radisson SAS Hotel u Kopenhagenu
(dovršen 1960.), prvom neboderu u tom danskom gradu
u kojem se Jacobsenovi predmeti mogu naći i danas.
Jajastu stolicu Arne Jacobsen je dizajnirao 1958. godine, a kao i na spomenutim drugim stolicama, vidljiv je
njegov tipični stil koji karakterizira određeni minimalizam
(u obliku, ali i u korištenju materijala), oblasti oblici i jasna
metaforičnost (mrav, labud, jaje, itd.). Jajasta stolica je
navodno inspirirana Womb chairom Eera Saarinensa,
Top of the
St. Moritz -
Prostor nazvan “Priroda i društvo” / The space
called “Nature and society”
a okruženi
na ležaljkam ako vas zanima kako
i kako se
. Osim toga
u skijaškim
išljate sebe
ha Granta,
rman ili Hug
skijanja, zam sigurno neće ostaviti
Piše: Ira Knež
, Ume Thu
Ako, osim
face, pop
ja zimskog
tski poznate
odredište za
na ideju razvo Engleske koji su boizgledaju svje
je idealno
došao je
a iz
licini turist
a on će im
šnji hotelijer
St. Moritz
St. Morit
pri čijem
Ponudio je
dana nego
da dođu u
Mirisni jazz bar skriven
od vreve velegrada
Moritzu ljeti
ila, a
manje sunč
prvo na pam
ravili u St.
t. Moritz je
štaj ako bude turista okladu su izgub toga
a i skijališta,
filmska lica.
sto snijeg
ti sav smje
zu. Zbog
i engleska
ur i poznata kanoga ski- plati
menu, umje
vno, četir
u St. Morit
tavilo, glam
bar i restoran Škola jedno je od onim mjesta u
v rodn
ljeti. Nara
est skijanja
padnu blješ ipak je puno više od
duga povij vo St. Moritz nosi pridje
lo. vratiti. Cijeli interijer, u stilu kasnih 50-ih i ranih 60-ih,
ostalo je
No, St. Morit
tu vrijednu nije ni čudno što upraa iz kojega je sve krenu
rskoj gran
skijališta i
sejegosti osjećaju opušteno
mjesta skijaš o mjesto smjestilo
od najpozna
visine. Sred
već dese
ku 1864.
Jedno je
premca nosi području seže u dale
ljetni Ovo m, na 1856 metara
Piše: Aurelija Vukušiæ Foto: Kristina Faziniæ
oznaku bez
a na ovom
razvijen samo
- s Italijo
Moritzu bio
skijaškog turizm
je tada
ima vode
godinu. Iako at po ljekovitim izvor
turizam, pozn
koje se uvijek poželite
uređen je s namjerom
• 12 brojeva za SAMO 275 kn
• BESPLATNA dostava
• i NAJVAŽNIJE, nikad više nećete
propustiti primjerak vašeg
omiljenog časopisa za nekretnine
 Da, želim se pretplatiti na 12 brojeva Dal’Case
po cijeni od 275,00 kn
MATIČNI BROJ (za tvrtke)
 Pošaljite mi uplatnicu / predračun (za tvtke)
 Prilažem kopiju o uplati općom uplatnicom
DalCasa d.o.o., žiroračun: 2491005-1120004343, svrha uplate: DALCASA pretplata
275,00 kn
ISSN 1845-2086
ISSN 1845-2086
ISSN 1845-2086
ISSN 1845-2086
ISSN 1845-2086
Općom uplatnicom uplatite iznos na navedeni žiroračun. Potom ispunite kupon i pošaljite
ga na adresu redakcije:
21000 SPLIT
Na južnim obroncima otoka Hvara nalazi se građevinsko zemljište površine 961 m2. Zemljište je smješteno u uvali
Jagodna, mirnom zaselku u kojem se nalazi nekoliko kamenih tradicionalnih dalmatinskih kuća. Do zemljišta vodi
makadamski put. Od mora je udaljeno 600 m, a okruženo je kultuviranim vinogradima i starim maslinikom. U neposrednoj blizini zemljišta nalaze se svi potrebni priključci. Posebnost ove lokacije su predivni zalasci sunca.
On the south slopes of island Hvar there is construction plot of land of 961 m2. The plot is situated in Jagodna bay,
peaceful settlement with only few traditional Dalmatian stone house. The macadam road leads to the plot. Distance
from the sea is 600 m and it’s surrounded with cultivated vineyards and old olive trees. In vicinity of the plot there is all
necessary infrastructure. A beautiful sunsets makes this location unique.
Cijena / Price: 300.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U starom dijelu Kaštela, u blizini rive, nalazi se kamena kuća na tri etaže koje obuhvaćaju 142 m2 stambene površine.
Kuća je smještena drugi red od mora u mirnoj i tihoj uličici. U prizemlju se nalazi tradicionalna dalmatinske konoba s
vlastitim ulazom. Do gornjih etaža vode vanjske stube. Na katu se nalaze dvije spavaće sobe i kuhinja, dok je potkrovlje
uređeno kao jedan jedinstven prostor. Kuću je potrebno kompletno renovirati, te je moguće prenamijeniti u stambeno–poslovni objekt.
In the old part of Kaštela, near the waterfront, there is a three storey stone house of 142 m2 of living space. The house is sited
in the second raw to the sea, in a peaceful and tranquil street. On the ground floor there is a traditional Dalmatian wine-cellar
with own entrance. Outside stairways lead to the upper floors. The first floor comprises two bedrooms and kitchen while the
loft is arranged as unique space. The house needs a renovation and could be transformed into housing-commercial object.
Cijena / Price: 171.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U predivnom istarskom mjestu, smještenom na južnom dijelu Istarskog poluotoka, nalazi se kompletno renoviran nekadašnji župni dvor koji je danas prenamijenjen u mini hotel. Hotel obuhvaća 350 m2 površine, a sastoji se od četiri
spavaće sobe s kupaonicom i četiri studio apartmana. Sve sobe/apartmani imaju balkone i kompletno su opremljeni u
starinskom stilu. Hotel je okružen prostranom i kultiviranom okućnicom koja obuhvaća 500 m2. Na okućnici se nalazi i
predivna kamenom popločana terasa (površine 150 m2) s kaminom. Postoji mogućnost i najma cijelog posjeda. Hotel
je 6 km udaljen od mora te je idealan za kombinaciju seoskog i morskog turizma. Mjesto je od središta Pule i predivnog
nacionalnog parka Brijuni udaljen oko 15 km.
In a lovely Istrian settlement in the south part of Istrian Peninsula there is completely renovated former rectory. The
rectory is nowadays assigned to be a mini hotel. The hotel has surface area of 350 m2 and it comprises four bedrooms
with bathroom and four studio apartments. All rooms/apartments have balconies and are completely furnished and
decorated in antique style. Hotel is surrounded with spacious and cultivated courtyard surface of 500 m2. On the courtyard there is beautiful stone terrace surface of 150 m2 with a fireplace. There is possibility to rent the whole estate.
Distance from the sea is 6 km and it is ideal for agro and sea tourism. The settlement is around 15 km far from centre
of Pula and from beautiful national park Brijuni.
Cijena / Price: 550.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Na jednom od najljepših otoka prodaje se kuća na dvije etaže ukupne stambene površine 120 m2. U prizemlju je stan površine
60 m2 dok su na katu dva studio-apartmana svaki površine od 30 m2. Kuća je na zemljištu površine 300 m2. Udaljena je samo
150 m od kristalno čistog mora i pješčanih plaža. Ispred kuće je kultivirani vrt, a dio dvorišta se koristi kao otvoreno parkiralište.
S obzirom da se kuća nalazi na uzvisini, s nje se pruža prekrasan pogled do najvećeg kornatskog otoka - Kornata.
On one of the most beautiful islands there is a house consists of two floors, total surface of 120 m2. On the ground floor
there is a flat of 60 m2 while on the first floor there are two studio-apartments each of 30 m2. The house is situated on the
plot of land of 300 m2. It is only 150 metres far from the crystal clear sea and sand beaches. In front of the house there is
a cultivated garden and a part of the courtyard used as a car park. The house, being built on the hill, has a magnificent
view on the biggest island of the Kornati archipelago – Kornati.
Cijena / Price: 250.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Na polovici puta između Splita i Omiša, u malome turističkome mjestu, prodaje se građevinsko zemljište površine 900 m2.
Zemljište je na atraktivnoj lokaciji, 100 m udaljenoj od mora, s koje se pruža predivan pogled na obližnje otoke i veliki
dio obale. Za zemljište je već izrađen projekt za izgradnju stambenog objekta kaskadnog tipa za koji su već obavljeni
iskopi. Sva potrebna infrastruktura nalazi se na zemljištu (cesta, struja-rasvjeta, voda, telefon).
On the halfway between Split and Omiš, in tourist settlement, there is construction plot of 900 m2, for sale. The plot
is on very attractive location, 100 meters from the sea, with a wonderful view on the islands and coasts. The plot has
already project for construction of cascade housing facility and the scoops are already performed. All necessary infrastructure is on the plot (road, electricity, water and phone).
Cijena / Price: 150 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Na omiškoj rivijeri prodaje se renovirana atraktivna kuća površine 160 m2, s prekrasnim pogledom na more i obalu. Smještena
je na zemljištu površine 330 m2. Sastoji se od dvije etaže, svaka po 80 m2. U prizemlju se nalazi trosoban stan, a na prvom katu
su dva nova potpuno opremljena apartmana. Smještena je samo dvadesetak metara od mora i prekrasne pješčane plaže.
There is for sale a renovated attractive house of 160 m2 on the Omiš Riviera, with a marvellous view of the sea and coast.
It is situated on the plot of land of 330 m2. The house comprises two storeys, each of 80 m2. On the ground floor there
is a three bedroom apartment, and on the second floor there are two new, fully furnished apartments. The house is sited
only some twenty metres from the sea and beautiful sand beach.
Cijena / Price: 320.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Tulipa Viola predstavlja pet urbanih vila, locirane na veoma atraktivnoj lokaciji, svega nekoliko minuta udaljenih od
prekrasnih Novaljskih plaža. Svaki apartman ima prekrasan pogled na more i susjedne otoke. Na raspolaganju je 36
apartmana različitih veličina od 48,23 m2 do 101,99 m2.
Tulipa Viola are five urban villas, all set in a very attractive location, only a short walk from the beautiful beaches of Novalja. Every apartment offers stunning views of the sea and the neighbouring islands. There are 36 available apartments
ranging in size from 48,23 m2 to 101,99 m2.
Cijena / Price: 105.000 - 182.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Šest kilometara od središta Poreča, nalazi se obiteljska kuća koja obuhvaća 120 m2 stambene površine. Ova predivna,
novoizgrađena prizemnica smještena je u mirnom okruženju, na zemljištu površine 700 m2. Sastoji od: tri spavaće sobe,
dnevnog boravka s kaminom, kuhinje, dviju kupaonica, ostave s kotlovnicom i terase koja ima izlaz iz dnevnog dijela
kuće. Okućnica se sastoji od vrta i kamenom popločanog dvorišta. Pojedini detalji na kući (svodovi terase, rubovi i unutrašnji lukovi) izrađeni su od rukom klesanog kamena.
Six kilometers from center of Poreč there is family house with total living area of 120 m2. This beautiful newly built single
house is situated in a peaceful environment on the land of 700 m2. It comprises three bedrooms, lounge with a fireplace,
kitchen, two bathrooms, closet with heating unit and terrace with an access from lounge. The courtyard has garden and
stone causeway court. Some house details (terrace arches, borders and indoor vaults) are handmade of chisel stone.
Cijena / Price: 250.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Prodaju se dvije kamene kuće izgrađene po izvanrednim standardima, s bazenima, ukupne stambene površine 158 m2.
Smještene su u neposrednoj blizini Poreča na parceli površine 500 m2. Svaka kuća ima svoju garažu.
For sale, two stone houses built by high standards, complete with pools, just outside the busy tourist resort of Poreč.
The houses come with an integral garage. Each house is in its own grounds of 500 m2. Both houses have 158 m2 living
Cijena / Price: 290.000 € / svaka / each
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Na zapadnoj obali Istre, u blizini Poreča, nalazi se luksuzan stambeni kompleks u prirodnom okruženju, s prekrasnim
otvorenim pogledom na more i plažama u krugu od 10 km. Kompleks se sastoji od 12 zgrada s bazenom koje su
podijeljene svaka na pet stanova i to po dva stana u prizemlju (55 i 56 m2) i na prvom katu te jedan komforniji stan
od 72 m2 na drugom katu. Stanovi u prizemlju imaju kuhinju s blagovanicom, dnevni boravak, dvije sobe i kupaonicu.
Posebnost prizemnih stanova je ograđeni i uređeni vrt s grillom. Na drugom katu je stan od 70 m2 koji ima kuhinju,
blagovaonicu, dnevni boravak, dvije sobe, dvije kupaonice i dvije terase.
For sale, on the west coast of Istria, near Poreč, a luxurious residential complex in natural surroundings with beautiful
open sea view and beaches in 10 km radius. The complex consists of 12 buildings with a pool and each is divided into
five apartments, two apartments in ground floor (55 and 56 m2) and on the first floor and one comfortable apartment
of 72 m2 on the second floor. The ground floor is divided in two apartments of 55 m2 and there is a separate apartment
placed on the first floor. Apartments on the ground floor have a kitchen with dining room, living room, two bedrooms and
one bathroom. Each ground floor has a separate, cultivated garden with a grill. The second floor consists of an apartment
of 70 m2 that has a kitchen, dining room, living room, two bedrooms, two bathrooms and two terraces.
Cijena / Price: 72.000 € - 135.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Sedam luksuznih vila smještenih u slikovitome mjestu udaljenom 13 km od Poreča, s otvorenim pogledom na zelenu
dolinu. Vile sadrže visoko i nisko prizemlje. Visoko prizemlje je površine 95 m2. Obuhvaća prostrani dnevni boravak s
kuhinjom koji izlazi na balkon s pogledom na bazen, dvije spavaće sobe, kupaonicu i zatvoreno parkirališno mjesto.
Nisko prizemlje je površine 25 m2 te se sastoji od garsonijere s izlazom u vrt. Ove kvalitetno građene vile idealne su za
obiteljski dom i miran život.
Seven luxury villas situated in picturesque settlement 13 kilometres from Poreč, with an open view toward the green valley.
Villas comprise of high and low ground floor. High ground floor is o surface of 95 m2. There is a spacious lounge with kitchen
and access to the balcony with a view on the pool, two bedrooms, bathroom and closed parking place. Low ground floor
has a surface of 25 m2 and comprises of one bedroom apartment with access to the garden. These high quality built up villas
are ideal for family and peaceful life.
Cijena / Price: 235.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U mirnom dijelu Poreča nalazi se luksuzna vila površine 480 m2, smještena na zemljištu površine 1200 m2, udaljena
samo 250 m od mora. Vila se sastoji od dvije etaže: prizemlja i galerije. Na velikoj stambenoj površini nalazi se osam
spavaćih soba, pet kupaonica, dnevni boravak s kuhinjom i blagovaonicom, biblioteka i radna soba. S predivno uređene
verande pruža se jedinstven pogled na more i obližnju šumu. Uz vilu se nalazi još jedan dvosoban apartman, dok je uz
sam rub posjeda još jedan jednosoban apartman izdvojen u potpunoj osami.
Na posjedu su teren za badminton, boćalište, otvoreno parkiralište, podzemna garaža, dok ostatak posjeda čine travnate
površine zasađene mediteranskim kulturama.
There is a luxury villa of 480 m2, situated in the peaceful part of Poreč, on the plot of land of 1200 m2, only 250 metres
away from the sea. The villa comprises of two floors: ground floor and a gallery. Within the large living space there are
eight bedrooms, five bathrooms, lounge with the kitchen and dinning room, library and study room. From the very beautiful
veranda there is a unique view to the sea and adjacent forest. Just by the villa there is another two bedroom apartment
and along the very border of the property there is yet another one bedroom apartment, in the solitude.The property has
badminton play ground, bowling play ground, open parking place, underground garage, while the remaining part of the
property is composed of lawns and Mediterranean plants.
Cijena / Price: 690.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Na brežuljku iznad Primoštena nalazi se novoizgrađena apartmanska zgrada sa šest apartmana različitih kvadratura.
Apartmani su luksuzno uređeni i svi imaju izlaz na prostrane terase s predivnim pogledom na more. Na raspolaganju
su ostala još dva apartmana, i to: jednosoban površine 61 m2 i dvosoban površine 87,86 m2. Na lijepoj i kultiviranoj
okućnici nalazi se i veliki bazen koji je na rasplaganju svim stanarima zgrade.
On the hill above Primošten there is newly built apartment building with six apartments different surfaces. Apartments are
luxury arranged with an access on spacious terraces with a beautiful sea view. There are two apartments for sale: one bedroom apartment of 61 m2 and two bedroom apartment of 87,86 m2. On the cultivated garden there is a large pool which is
on disposal to all owners.
Cijena / Price: 3000 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U predivnoj uvali udaljenoj 1,5 km od središta Primoštena, počela je izgradnja moderne apartmanske zgrade s četiri
apartmana. Zgrada je smještena na blagoj uvisini s koje se pruža jedinstven pogled na more od kojeg je udaljena
samo 50 m. U prizemlju su dva apartmana, svaki s vrtom površine 50 m2, površina 46,30 m2 (dvosoban) i 42,30 m2
(jednosoban). Apartmani na katu imaju izlaz na balkone, a obuhvaćaju površinu od 50,58 m2 (dvosoban) i 41,95 m2
(jednosoban). Svi apartmani sastoje se od spavaonice (1-2), dnevnog boravka, kuhinje i kupaonice, a od opreme imaju:
prozore s duplim staklima, blindo vrata, dizajnerske pločice, hrastov parket, klima-uređaj (grijanje/hlađenje), potpuno
opremljenu kupaonicu i parking mjesto. Završetak svih radova predviđen je do kraja svibnja 2007. godine.
In the wonderful bay 1,5 km from center of Pula, a construction of modern apartment building with four apartments just
started. Building is situated on the mild hill with a unique sea view. Distance from the sea is only 50 meters. Ground floor
comprises two apartments surface of 46,30 m2 (two bedroom) and 42,30 m2 (one bedroom), each having garden of 50 m2.
Apartments on floors have surface of 50,58 m2 (two bedroom) and 41,95 m2 (one bedroom) with an access to balconies.
All apartments consists of bedroom (1 or 2), lounge, kitchen and bathroom, each having windows with double glass, security
doors, designer’s tiles, oak parquet, air condition (cooling/heating), completely equipped bathroom and parking place.
Completion of construction is planned till the end of May 2007.
Cijena / Price: od 1900 €/m2 do 2320 €/m2 / from 1900 €/m2 to 2320 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Na otoku Rabu nalazi se novoizgrađena i kompletno uređena obiteljska kuća koja obuhvaća 315 m2 stambene površine
i 468 m2 okućnice. Kuća se sastoji od četiri etaže: suterena, prizemlja, prvog kata i visokog potkrovlja. U suterenu su
garaža i kotlovnica, a u prizemlju: kuhinja, blagovaonica, dnevni boravak s predivnim kaminom i terasa s koje se pruža
pogled na more. Na prvome katu su tri spavaće sobe, te jedna velika i jedna mala kupaonica. Na zadnjem katu, koji ima
zaseban ulaz iz vani, nalazi se: dnevni boravak, kuhinja, dvije spavaće sobe, kupaonica, toalet i tri balkona s predivnim
pogledom na more. Pokraj kuće je mali voćnjak i vanjski kamin. Kuća se nalazi na mirnoj lokaciji, od mora je udaljena
1000 m i prodaje se kompletno namještena.
On the island Rab there is newly built and completely furnished family house total living area of 315 m2 and the plot of land
of 468 m2. The house comprises four storeys: subterranean level, ground floor, first floor and high loft. In subterranean level
there are garage and heating unit, in the ground floor there kitchen, dining room, lounge with a wonderful fireplace and a
terrace with a sea view. On the first floor there are three bedrooms and one small and large bathroom. On the last floor with
separate entrance there are lounge, kitchen, two bedrooms, bathroom, toilet and three balconies with a marvelous sea view.
Next to the house there is small orchard and outdoor fireplace. The house is situated on very peaceful place, distance from
the sea is 1000 m. For sale, completely furnished house.
Cijena / Price: 500.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Tri kilometra od središta Raba, nalazi se manja stambeno-apartmanska zgrada sa šest apartmana. Zgrada je smještena
100 m od mora, a sastoji se od tri etaže: prizemlja, kata i visokog potkrovlja. Svi apartmani obuhvaćaju 53,66 m2,
kompletno su namješteni, a uređeni su kao dvosobni (dnevni boravak s kuhinjom, kupaonica i toalet). Svi apartmani
imaju izlaz na prostrane balkone s kojih se pruža pogled na more, osim iz apartmana smještenih u prizemlju, te svi imaju
parkirališno mjesto i SAT/TV.
On the distance 3 km from center of Rab there is small apartment house with six apartments. The building is situated
100 meter to the sea and comprises three storeys: ground floor, first floor and a high loft. All apartments have surface area of 53,66 m2, they are completely furnished and arranged like two bedroom apartment (lounge with kitchen,
bathroom and toilet). All apartments have access to spacious terraces with a marvelous sea view, except apartments
situated on the ground floor. All apartments have parking place and SAT/TV.
Cijena / Price: 110.000 € svaki stan / each apartment
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Prodaje se novouređena kompletno namještena kuća površine 210 m2 s okućnicom 545 m2. Sastoji se od dviju etaža:
u prizemlju su dnevni boravak, kuhinja, tri spavaće sobe, dvije kupaonice, toalet i velika terasa, a na katu je jedan
dvosoban apartman s terasom i jedan jednosoban apartman s terasom. Kuća ima garažu površine 30 m2 i parkiralište.
Okružena je prekrasno uređenim vrtom s fontanom i kaminom. Udaljena je samo 50 m od mora i ima mogućnost
veza za brod.
There is a newly built, completely furnished house for sale, 210 m2 with private plot of 545 m2. It comprises two storeys:
ground floor comprises lounge, kitchen, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, toilet and large terrace, and the first floor
comprises one two bedrooms apartment with a terrace and one one-bedroom apartment with a terrace. The house has
a garage of 30 m2 and a parking lot. It is surrounded by cultivated garden with a fountain and a fire place. It is only 50
metres far from the sea and has a prospective berth.
Cijena / Price: 500.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U predivnoj i mirnoj uvali udaljenoj 8 km od Šibenske Rogoznice smještena je vikend-kuća. Kuća je podignuta u prvom
redu do mora, na udaljenosti od 60 m i ima otvoreni pogled s obiju etaža (prizemlja i kata). U prizemlju je stan površine
62 m2 koji se sastoji od: dvije spavaće sobe, velikog dnevnog boravka, kuhinje, kupaonice i natkrivene terase površine 40 m2. Na katu su dva jednosobna apartmana (cca 30 m2) s terasama od 10 m2. Kuća je podignuta na zemljištu
površine 348 m2 na kojem se nalazi predivno uređen i održavan vrt s fontanom i grillom. Iza kuće je podignuta i jedna
novouređena kućica uređena kao zaseban gostinski apartman.
In beautiful and peacful bay, 8 km from Šibenkska Rogoznica there is a cottage. The cottage is built up in the first row to
the sea (60 m) and it has open sea view from both storeys (ground and first floor). In the ground floor there is apartment
of 62 m2 which comprises two bedrooms, large living room, kitchen and covered terrace surface of 40 m2. On the first
floor there are two one-bedroom apartments (approx. 30 m2) with terraces of 10 m2. The cottage is built up on the plot of
land of 348 m2 which has well cultivated garden with fountain and grill. Behind the cottage there is one newly built small
house arranged as separated guest apartment.
Cijena / Price: 340.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U starom dijelu grada, pitoresknom Varošu, smještena je stara kamena kuća, primjerak autohtone dalmatinske
arhitekture. Kuća ima 64 m2 stambenog prostora koji se proteže na tri etaže: prizemlje i dva kata. U prizemlju je
smještena spavaća soba s pripadajućom kupaonicom; na prvom katu je isti raspored, a na trećem su smješteni
dnevni boravak i kuhinja. Stambeni prostor je namješten i opremljen klimom i ostalim modernim sadržajima. Kuća
ima orijentaciju S – I. Blizina centra grada, samo nekoliko minuta pješice, uz ostalo, čini ovu kamenu kuću idealnim
domom u slikovitom predjelu sa svim prednostima velikog grada.
In the old part of the town, Varoš, old stone house is located, a typical exemplar of authentic Dalmatian architecture. This
beautiful house has 64 m2 of residential area divided into three floors; the ground floor and two upper floors. Bedroom
with bathroom is on the ground floor; the first floor has the same arrangement of rooms while the last floor is occupied by
living room and kitchen. The entire residential area is furnished and equipped with air conditioning, other modern conveniences. The house has N – E orientation. The advantage is the vicinity of the city centre, few minutes on foot, making this
house ideal home in this picturesque zone with all the advantages of a big city.
Cijena / Price: 200.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U elitnom dijelu grada, na predivnoj lokaciji, prodaje se stan površine 91,52 m2 s uređenim travnjakom površine
100,72 m2. Stan je luksuzno opremljen, a smješten je u visokom prizemlju četverokatnice. Sastoji se od dnevnog
boravka, blagovaonice, kuhinje, dviju spavaćih soba, dvaju hodnika, toaleta s tuš-kabinom i kupaonice. Stan ima
veliku terasu s južne strane s koje se pruža prekrasan pogled na rivu i ACI-jevu marinu. U cijenu je uračunata garaža površine 18 m2.
In the residential part of the town, on a stunning location there is a flat of 91,52 m2 with cultivated sod of 100,72 m2.
Luxury equipped flat occupies the high ground floor of a four storeys building. It comprises sitting room, dinning room,
kitchen, two bedrooms, two hallways, toilets with shower enclosure and a bathroom. On its south side there is a large
terrace with a marvellous view of the waterfront and ACI marine. The price includes a garage of 18 m2.
Cijena / Price: 390.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
izgradnji u urbanim vilama u Splitu - Duilovo
Prodaju se stanovi u izgradnji u luksuzno uređenim vilama na izvrsnoj lokaciji u
Duilovu. Kompleks se sastoji od pet zgrada i u ponudi ima 19 stanova različite
kvadrature. Raspored vila je izuzetan s obzirom na prisutnost zelenih površina. Svi
stanovi su orijentirani jug-sjever, a među ponuđenim kvadraturama su jednosobni
stanovi od 29 do 47m2, dvosobni od 51do 72 m2 i trosobni od 84 m2. Formira
se interesna lista.
Beautiful villas in Duilovo for sale on excellent location away from city traffic and
high density living. Community will have five buildings with 19 apartments available. Placement of villas are wonderful with green areas present. All apartments
are placed north-south. We offer one bedroom apartments from 29 - 47 m2, two
bedroom apartments from 51 - 72 m2 and three bedroom apartments of 84 m2.
Interest list now forming.
New development in Duilovo, Split – apartments in urban villas
Put Supavla 1
21000 Split, CROATIA
T : +385(0)21 332 725
+385(0)21 332 726
F : +385(0)21 380 852
U malom gradiću u neposrednoj blizini Splita nalazi se kuća površine 260 m2 na zemljištu od 811 m2. Kuća se sastoji od
prizemlja i prvog kata. Prizemlje se može koristiti kao stan ili poslovni prostor. Na prvom katu se nalazi stan s četiri spavaće
sobe, dvije kupaonice i dva balkona. Kuća ima centralno grijanje, električna vrata i alarm te je okružena prekrasnim vrtom
sa sustavom za navodnjavanje. U cijenu kuće je uključena i garaža površine 25 m2.
In the small town close to Split there is a house of 260 m2 on the plot of land of 811 m2. The house has ground and first
floor. The ground floor could be used as an apartment or an office. On the first floor there is four bedrooms apartment,
two bathrooms and two balconies. The house has central heating system, electrical doors and alarm. It is surrounded
by beautiful garden with water-pipe system. The garage of 25 m2 is included in the price.
Cijena / Price: 350.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Na zemljištu površine 1100 m2 počela je izgradnja apartmanskog kompleksa koji se sastoji od dvije zgrade. Kompleks je
od prvih plaža udaljen 500 m, a dva kilometra od Šibenika. Veća zgrada se sastoji od šest apartmana, a manja od tri.
Apartmani su gotovo identičnih površina, cca 85 m2, a sastoje se od: dviju terasa, dviju spavaćih soba, velike kupaonice,
hodnika, dnevnog boravka i kuhinje. Gotovo svi apartmani imaju pogled na more. Rok završetka radova predviđen je
za veljaču 2007. godine.
On the plot of land of 1100 m2, a construction of apartment complex of two buildings just started. Distance from the first
beaches is 500 m and 2 km from Šibenik. The bigger building comprises six and smaller building three apartments. Apartments have almost identical surface of 85 m2 and consists of: two terraces, two bedrooms, large bathroom, hall, lounge and
a kitchen. Almost all apartments have sea view. Completion of construction is planned for February 2007.
Cijena / Price: od 1700 €/m2 do 2000 €/m2 / from 1700 €/m2 to 2000 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Nedaleko od Šibenika nalazi se prekrasna i luksuzno uređena obiteljska kuća. Podignuta je na zemljištu površine 300 m2,
koje je od mora i prve plaže udaljeno stotinjak metara. Kuća obuhvaća 120 m2 stambene površine podijeljene na dvije etaže. Sastoji se od velike kuhinje, blagovaonice s dnevnim boravkom, dvije kupaonice, dvije spavaće sobe i terase. Dio fasade
obložen je ručno obrađenim kamenom, dok se u uređenom i popločanom dvorišnom prostoru nalazi i mali bazen.
Not far from Šibenik there is beautiful and luxury family house. It is built on the plot of land of 300 m2. Distance from the
sea and beach is only 100 meters. The house consists of 120 m2 living area divided on two storeys. It comprises living
room, two bathrooms, two living rooms and a terrace. The part of the facade is covered with hand treated stone, while in
arranged and causeway courtyard there is small pool.
Cijena / Price: 235.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U malom istarskom selu Šumberu nalazi se samostojeća kamena kuća čija ukupna stambena površina iznosi 80 m2. Mjesto
je od Rapca, poznate turističke destinacije, udaljeno 17 km. Posebnost ovog posjeda čini idilično okruženje, kao i prekrasna
okućnica površine 8000 m2, od koje se oko 1000 m2 nalazi unutar granica građevne zone. Cijelo imanje je ograđeno kamenim suhozidom, a na njemu se nalazi i nekada neizbježna, u kamenu ozidana štala, koja se također može prenamijeniti
u stambeni prostor. Kuća je nekada imala priključak na struju, dok je voda u njezinoj neposrednoj blizini.
In the small Istrian village Šumber there is a stone house with a total living space of 80 m2. The village is 17 kilometres far away
from the well known tourist destination Rabac. Particularity of this property is an idyllic environment and beautiful plot of land of
8,000 m2 of which around 1,000 m2 is within construction zone. The entire property is fenced in a dry stone wall. There is, also in,
the past necessary stone stable, which is likely to be transformed into a living space. The house used to have a power supply. The
water supply is near by.
Cijena / Price: 135.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Devet prekrasnih vila u unutrašnjosti Istre, u izgradnji, prodaje se. Vile su smještene u blizini mirnoga mjesta Tinjana,
petnaestak minuta vožnje od Poreča. Pažljivo su dizajnirane tako da svaka vila ima kamenu fasadu i okružena je s
puno zelenila. Svaka vila će imati bazen i prostrani vrt. Naselje se prostire na površini od 9795 m2. Do vila se dolazi
cestom, ali kroz samo naselje nema ceste, tako da su mir i tišina zajamčeni. Cijelo zemljište je podijeljeno na parcele
površina od 696 m2 do 1224 m2. U središtu naselja bit će izgrađeno dječje igralište. Površina vila bit će od 128 m2 do
173 m2, te će imati po tri spavaće sobe. U ovoj fazi izgradnje kupac ima mogućnost sam kreirati vilu prema vlastitim
A new development of nine very beautiful villas situated in the hinterland of Istria, is for sale. Development is near peaceful place Tinjani, fifteen minutes of driving from Poreč. Villas are very thoroughly designed, each having a stone facade
and surrounded by rich greenery. Each villa will have its own swimming pool and spacious garden. The development
occupies 9,795 m2. The road is leading to the development but inside of it there is no road so that peace and tranquillity
are guaranteed. Entire plot of land is divided into plots of 696 m2 to 1,224 m2. A playground will be built in the centre of
the development. Villas will have living space from 128 m2 to 173 m2, and three bedrooms. In this stage of construction
a prospective buyer has an opportunity to design his villa as he wishes.
Cijena / Price: 380.000 € svaka / each
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U lijepom turističkom mjestu Tribunju, u novoizgrađenoj višestambenoj zgradi, prodaje se jedan apartmana površine
47,47 m2. Apartman je smješteni u visokom prizemlju. Apartman se sastoji od kuhinje s dnevnim boravkom, predsoblja,
spavaće sobe, kupaonice i terase sa zajedničkim dijelovima zgrade. Pri izgradnji i uređenju apartmana korišteni su najkvalitetniji materijali. Apartman je klimatiziran, ima protuprovalna vrata, interfon… U cijenu apartmana je uključeno i po
jedno pripadajuće parkirališno mjesto.
In the fine tourist settlement Tribunj, in the new development there are one apartment for sale surface of 47,47 m2. Apartment is located on the high ground floor. Apartment comprise of a kitchen with a lounge, hall, bedroom, bathroom and
a terrace altogether with common parts of the building. Materials of high quality were used for building and furnishing.
Apartment has an air condition, security doors, interphone... The price of apartment includes one parking lot.
Cijena / Price: 1800 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Na sjevernoj strani otoka Čiova, na blagoj uzvisini s otvorenim pogledom na more, nalazi se zemljište koje obuhvaća
753 m2. Prema prijedlogu GUP-a koji bi trebao biti usvojen u ožujku 2007. godine, zemljište se nalazi u građevnoj
zoni. Sva potrebna infrastruktura nalazi se u neposrednoj blizini zemljišta. Postoji mogućnost kupnje i susjednog zemljišta površine 300 m2.
On the northern part of island Čiovo, there is a plot of land of 753 m2, on the mild slope with wonderful view of the
sea. According to the General Urban Plan, which should be adopted at the end of 2006, the land is sited within the
construction area. All necessary infrastructures are close to the plot. There is a possibility of buying a neighbouring plot
of land of 300 m2.
Cijena / Price: 100 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Na sjeverozapadnom dijelu otoka Ugljana, u jednoj od najljepših pješčanih uvala, nalazi se stambena vila, smještena
uz samo more na zemljištu površine 897 m2. Vila predstavlja dvojni objekt podijeljen vertikalno na dva dvoetažna stana.
Predmet prodaje je lijeva polovica vile, čije prizemlje obuhvaća 68,80 m2, a sastoji se od: predsoblja, dnevnog boravka,
kuhinje, blagovaonice, ostave, dviju spavaćih soba, kupaonice i stubišta. Gornji kat obuhvaća 41,90 m2, a sastoji se
od: dnevnog boravka, čajne kuhinje, spavaće sobe, kupaonice, hodnika i terase. Posjed je ograđen zidom obloženim
kamenom. Na njemu se nalazi garaža, ljetnja kuhinja s terasom i spremište. Okućnica je hortikulurno uređena, a dvorište
i sve pristupne površine popločane su kamenom. Vila je klimatizirana, ima ugrađeno solarno i centralno grijanje.
On the northern side of island Ugljan in one of the most beautiful sandy bays close to the sea there is villa situated on the
plot of land of 897 m2. Villa represents dual object vertically divided on two two-storeys apartments. For sale is the left
side of the villa. Ground floor has surface of 68,80 m2 and comprises lobby, living room, kitchen, dining room, closet,
two bedrooms, bathroom and stairways. Upper floor has 41,90 m2 and comprises living room, tea kitchen, bedroom,
bathroom, hall and a terrace. Estate is fenced with stone wall and it has garage, summer kitchen with terrace and closet.
The courtyard is well cultivated and court and all approach surfaces are made of stone. Villa has air condition, solar and
central heating.
Cijena / Price: 325.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Prodajemo 47 sunčanih i prostranih stanova s balkonima u moderno dizajniranom komleksu zgrada. Budući stanari će
također imati ekskluzivno pravo krovne terase s bazenom i otvorenim pogledom.
For sale, 47 bright and airy apartments and penthouses with private balconies, in a modern and stilish complex. Residents
also have exclusive use of a private rooftop, swimming pool and roof terrace with open view.
Cijena / Price: od / from 145.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Na jednoj od najatraktivnijih lokacija u Umagu, na kojoj se mogu izgraditi atraktivni objekti za prodaju (stanovi i poslovni prostori), gradi se stambeno-poslovna zgrada RIVA s 30 stanova različite veličine (40 - 107 m²), oko 1000 m2
poslovnog prostora u prizemlju i s parkiralištima u podrumskoj garažnoj etaži. Svi stanovi će imati pogled na more, kao
i ugrađene klima uređaje (grijanje i hlađenje). Nekretnine se nalaze u Umagu, u povijesnoj jezgri grada, uz samo more,
s prekrasnim pogledom na stari grad Umag. U blizini su šetališta ugostiteljski i drugi sadržaji. Svakom stanu pripada
parkirališno mjesto u garaži.
In one of the most appealing locations in Umag on which buildings may be built (apartments and commercial space). The
residential-commercial building RIVA is being constructed with 30 apartments of various sizes (40-107 m2), approximates
1000 m2 of commercial space on the ground floor, and underground storey parking space. All apartments will have a sea
view, built in air conditioners (heating and cooling). The realty is located in Umag in the historical core of the city seafront
with a beautiful view of the old city of Umag. In the vicinity there are promenades, caterers and other amenities. Each
apartment has a garage parking space.
Cijena / Price: 2200 - 2600 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Na predivnoj lokaciji u blizini Poreča, s pogledom na more, prodaju se četiri kuće u nizu, u izgradnji. Kuće su međusobno
odvojene kamenim zidićem i zelenom ogradom. Prva kuća u nizu je površine 128 m2. Kuća se sastoji od dvije etaže:
prizemlja i kata. U prizemlju su kuhinja, dnevni boravak, ostava, garderoba, kupaonica i hodnik. Na katu su tri spavaće
sobe, dvije kupaonice i dvije terase. Na okućnici površine 278 m2 nalazi se garaža, dvorište, kao i zelene površine
vrta koje imaju podzemno navodnjavanje. Ova kuća ima mogućnost izgradnje bazena (koji nije u cijeni) za koji je
ishodovana potrebna dozvola.
On marvellous location near Poreč, with a sea view, there are four houses in the row under construction. Houses are
detached to one another by small stone wall and green fence. The first house has a surface area of 128 m2. The house
comprises of two storeys: ground and first floor. On the ground floor there are kitchen, lounge, storage, wardrobe,
bathroom and hallway. On the upper floor there are three bedrooms, two bathrooms and two terraces. On the plot of
land of 278 m2 there are garage, courtyard and green area of garden with underground watering system. The house has
a possibility of construction of pool (not included into the price), permit issued.
Cijena / Price: 250.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Veli Kosi
Prodaje se građevinski teren površine 634 m2 s prekrasnim pogledom na more i otok Cres. Na terenu postoji mogućnost
izgradnje kuće površine 146 m2 na tri etaže, za što je ishođena građevinska dozvola. U suterenu je predviđena konoba
od 25 m2, u prizemlju garaža, ulaz, hodnik, dnevni boravak s kuhinjom, ostava, kupaonica i terasa, a na prvom katu
dvije spavaće sobe, kupaonica i balkon. Zemljište je samo 4 km udaljeno od mora.
A construction terrain of 634 m2 with a beautiful view of the sea and island Cres is for sale. The terrain has a possibility
of building a house of 146 m2 of three storeys; the construction permit issued. The house preliminary design comprises
of a vine cellar of 25 m2 in the basement, a garage, entrance, hallway, lounge with a kitchen, closet, bathroom and a
terrace on the ground floor, and two bedrooms, bathroom and a balcony on the first floor. The land is only 4 kilometres
far from the sea.
Cijena / Price: 85.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U malome i mirnome turističkome mjestu, udaljenom od Vodica tri kilometra, nalazi se predivna novoizgrađena kuća s četiri
apartmana. Kuća se sastoji od dvije etaže s ukupno 270 m2 stambene površine i lijepo uređene okućnice. Podignuta je na
zemljištu površine 495 m2, u trećem redu od mora. Pri izgradnji i uređenju kuće upotrijebljeni su visoko kvalitetni materijali.
Kuća ima pogled na more, kompletno je uređena i odmah je useljiva. Posjed je u potpunosti ograđen i jednim dijelom
okružen zelenilom.
In a small and peaceful tourist settlement, 3 km from Vodice there is a beautiful newly built house with four apartments. The house
has two storeys of total surface area of 270 m2 and cultivated garden. It is built up on the plot of land of 495 m2 in the 3rd row to
the sea. The house is built up and arranged with high quality materials. It has a sea view, it’s completely furnished and habitable
immediately. The estate is completely fenced and it is partly surrounded with greenery.
Cijena / Price: 470.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U predivnome malome ribarskome mjestu nedaleko od Vodica, nalazi se novoizgrađena apartmanska zgrada na tri etaže.
Zgrada je od središta mjesta udaljena 300 m. Trenutačno su na raspolaganju tri apartmana, i to: prizemni apartman površine 66 m2 s 23 m2 podruma i 100 m2 vrta, apartman na prvom katu površine 62 m2 i visokom potkrovlju površine 35 m2.
Svaki apartman ima izlaz na balkon, klimu, dimnjak (za peć na kruta goriva) i parkirališno mjesto.
In a small fishing settlement near Vodice there is newly built apartment building on three storeys. Distance from centre is
only 300 m. At the moment there are three apartments for sale: ground floor apartment surface of 66 m2 with basement of
23 m2 and garden of 100 m2; apartment on the first floor surface of 62 m2 and apartment in the loft surface of 35 m2. Each
apartment has access on balcony, air condition, chimney (for rigid fuel oven) and a parking place.
Cijena / Price: od 1600 €/m2 / from 1600 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Na zemljištu površine 800 m2 podignuta je novoizgrađena luksuzna kamena kuća s bazenom. Kuća se sastoji od dvije
etaže i podruma s ukupno 256 m2 površine. Podrumski dio sastoji se od salona za zabavu, prostorije za fitness, kupaonice i spremišta. Prizemni dio sadrži predvorje, kupaonicu s hidromasažnom kadom i podnim grijanjem, spavaću sobu s
terasom (40 m2), veliki dnevni boravak i kuhinju s blagovaonicom. Na galeriji su dvije spavaće sobe i kupaonica sa svim
sadržajima kao i ona u prizemlju. Cijela kuća je klimatizirana mitsubishi multisplit-sistemom sa sedam unutrašnjih i dvije
vanjske jedinice, dok je za zimsko razdoblje dodatno opremljena centralnim grijanjem. Na prostranoj okućnici nalazi se
vanjski grijani bazen dimenzija 4x10 m te hortikulturno uređen i ograđeni vrt s mediteranskom vegetacijom. Prema želji
vlasnika, na zemljištu je moguće podignuti i garažu.
On the plot of land of 800 m2 there is newly built luxury stone house with pool. The house has 256 m2 living area and it’s consist
of two storeys and basement. The basement comprises saloon for fun, fitness, bathroom and storage. The ground floor comprises
lobby, bathroom with hydro-massage tub and floor heating, bedroom with terrace (40 m2), large living room and kitchen with dining room. On the gallery there are two bedrooms and bathroom with all contents like the bathroom on the ground floor. All house
has Mitsubishi multi-split system air condition with seven indoors and two outdoors unit, while for winter period there is additional
central heating. On spacious courtyard there is outdoor heating pool (4x10 m) and well cultivated fenced garden planted with
Mediterranean plants. There is possibility to build up garage on the property land.
Cijena / Price: 435.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U malome i mirnome ribarskome mjestu, idealnom za opuštanje i odmor, u blizini Vodica, poznate turističke destinacije, nalazi se obiteljska kuća s apartmanima. Kuća se sastoji od tri etaže: prizemlja, kata i visokog potkrovlja, s ukupno
350 m2 stambene površine. Podignuta je u prvom redu od mora, na zemljišu površine 480 m2. Kuća se sastoji od pet
kompletno uređenih i opremljenih apartmana. Ispred kuće su vrt te lijepo uređeno i ograđeno dvorište s grillom. Kuća je
opremljena centralnim i solarnim grijanjem te je idealna za iznajmljivanje i tijekom zimskih mjeseci.
In a small and peaceful fishing settlement ideal for relaxation and vacations, near well known tourist destination Vodice,
there is family house with apartments. The house comprises three storeys: ground and first floor, and high loft, total
living area of 350 m2. The house is situated in the first row to the sea on the plot of land of 480 m2. The house consists
of five completely arranged and equipped apartments. In front of the house there is garden and nicely decorated and
fenced courtyard with a grill. The house is equipped with central and solar heating and it is ideal for rent during summer
Cijena / Price: 550.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U turističkome mjestu nadomak Zadra nalazi se novoizgrađena apartmanska zgrada na tri etaže. Na svakoj etaži smještena su po dva apartmana, od kojih svaki obuhvaća 55,50 m2 površine. Svi apartmani su klimatizirani i imaju izlaz na
natkrivene terase površine 10,60 m2, s kojih samo apartmani na katovima imaju pogled na more. Apartmani u prizemlju
i na katu uređeni su kao dvosobni, dok su oni u potkrovlju uređeni kao jednosobni. Jedan od apartmana u prizemlju
i u potkrovlju kompletno je namješten te ima priključak na SAT/TV. Jedan od apartmana na katu je prodan. Svakom
apartmanu pripada jedno parking mjesto te dvorište na kojem se nalaze vanjski tuševi i grill. Od prvih plaža zgrada je
udaljena 250-300 m.
There is newly built apartment building on three storeys situated in a tourist place close to Zadar. On each storey there are
two apartments, each of 55,50 m2. All apartments have air condition and access to covered terraces of 10,60 m2. Only
apartments on the floors have sea view. Apartments on the ground floor and on the floors are arranged like two bedroom
apartment, while apartments in loft are one bedroom apartments. One apartment in the ground floor and in the loft are
completely furnished with SAT/TV. Apartment on the floor is sold. Each apartment has own parking place, courtyard with
outdoors shower and a grill. Distance from the beach is 250-300 meters.
Cijena / Price: od 125.000 € do 134.000 € / from 125.000 € to 134.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Na atraktivnoj lokaciji prodaje se kompletno namještena apartmanska kuća površine 400 m2 s okućnicom od 495 m2.
Kuća se sastoji od tri etaže. U prizemlju se nalazi stan od 66 m2 površine, konoba i ljetna kuhinja. Na prvom katu su dvosoban apartman od 60 m2 i jednosoban apartman od 40 m2. Na drugom katu je dvosoban apartman površine 80 m2 i studio
apartman. Kuća je izgrađena vrlo kvalitetno i modernističkog je stila. Udaljena je samo 100 m od mora.
On the attractive location, for sale completely furnished apartment house with a living area of 400 m2 with garden plot of
495 m2. The house has three floors. On the ground floor there is apartment of 66 m2, wine cellar and summer kitchen.
The first floor comprises of one bedroom (40 m2) and two bedrooms apartment (60 m2). On the second floor there are
two bedroom apartment and one smaller studio apartment. The house high quality built up in modern style. Distance from
the sea is only 100 m.
Cijena / Price: 730.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U privlačnom turističkom mjestu poznatom po brojnim plitkim i pješčanim uvalama i plažama, udaljenom 12 km od
Zadra, nalazi se obiteljska kuća površine 150 m2. Kuća je u bloku, a sastoji se od dviju etaža i kultivirane okućnice
površine 300 m2. Prizemlje je podijeljeno na dva dijela. U prvom dijelu su: dnevni boravak s kuhinjom, spavaća soba,
kupaonica i hodnik, dok se u drugom dijelu nalazi spavaća soba, kuhinja i kupaonica. Do gornje etaže vode vanjske
stube. Stan na katu ima vlastiti ulaz, a sastoji se od dviju spavaćih soba, dnevnog boravka s kuhinjom, kupaonice i
dviju terasa. Kuća ima podrum s dvije prostorije. Posjed je ograđen i na njemu je parkiralište za tri vozila, od kojih su
dva natkrivena.
In attractive tourist place known by many sandy bays and beaches on a distance 12 km from Zadar there is family
house with surface of 150 m2. The house is in block and comprises two floors and cultivated garden plot of 300 m2. The
ground floor is divided in two parts. The first part comprises of living room with kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and hall,
while in a second part there is bedroom, kitchen and bathroom. Outside stairways lead to the upper floors. Apartment
on the first floor has own entry and it comprises of two bedrooms, living room with kitchen, bathroom and two terraces.
The house has basement with two rooms. Estate is fenced and it has parking for three cars. Two places are covered.
Cijena / Price: 135.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U Zadru, jednom od najljepših gradova naše domovine, prodaje se kuća na tri etaže ukupne površine 405 m2. Kuća je orijentirana J-Z s prekrasnim pogledom na Zadarski kanal. Na prvoj etaži je poslovni prostor, stan u prizemlju i podrum. Druga
etaža obuhvaća jednosobni i dvosobni stan s terasom. Na trećoj etaži je stan u potkrovlju s dvije terase. Dio okućnice služi kao
parkiralište s pet parkirališnih mjesta, a ostatak je travnjak. Ako je kupac zainteresiran, postoji mogućnost kupnje i namještaja,
čija vrijednost ulazi u kupoprodajnu cijenu.
In Zadar, one of the most beautiful towns of our country, there is a house for sale, comprises of three floors, and total
surface of 405 m2. The house is oriented south-west with a beautiful view on Zadar channel. There are business premises
on the first floor, an apartment on the ground floor and the basement. The second floor comprises of one single bedroom and one two bedroom apartment with a terrace. On the third floor there is one apartment with two terraces. A part
of courtyard has parking places for five cars and the rest is a lawn. If purchasing together with furniture, the price of it is
included within the offer price.
Cijena / Price: 550.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U poznatom ljetovalištu i odredištu brojnih turista, smještenom između dvaju povijesnih gradova, Nina i Zadra, nalazi se
apartmanska zgrada na dvije etaže. U prizemlju se nalaze dva apartmana: dvosoban površine 48 m2 i jednosoban površine
52 m2. Na katu se nalaze tri apartmana: dvosobni površine 48 m2 i 49 m2 te jednosoban površine 52 m2. Zgrada je od mora
udaljena 400 m, a pri njenoj gradnji i uređenju korišteni su visokokvalitetni materijali.
In well know seaside resort and destination of many tourist between two historical towns, Nina and Zadar, there is apartment
building on two storeys. In ground floor there is two apartments: two bedrom apartment of 48 m2 and one bedroom apartment of 52 m2. On the first floor there is three apartments: two bedroom apartment (48 m2 and 49 m2) and one bedroom
apartment of 52 m2. Distance from the sea is 400 metres. At the construction prime materials were used.
Cijena / Price: 1.700 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
nine - Exclusive apartments in Šestine
- at the foot of Sljeme zone
VINDEX d.o.o.
Zagreb - Ekskluzivni stanoviNekret
u nine
podsljemenskoj zoni - Šestine
Prodaje se samostojeća kuća površine 206,50 m2 na zemljištu površine 871 m2. Sastoji se od podruma, prizemlja i potkrovlja. U podrumu se nalazi kotlovnica i odvojena prostorija s mogućnošću uređenja u saunu ili teretanu. U prizemlju je
kuhinja s prostorom za blagovanje, dnevnim boravkom, kupaonica s toaletom i ostavom. Na katu su dvije spavaće sobe
s izlazom na terasu i jedna soba s verandom, kupaonica s toaletom i ostava. Ispred kuće je uređeno dvorište s roštiljem.
Kuća ima predivan pogled na Sljeme.
There is a single house of 206,50 m2 on the plot of land of 871 m2. It comprises basement, ground floor and loft. In
the basement there is a boiler room and separated room, which can be arranged as a sauna or a fitness room. In the
ground floor there is a kitchen with dinning room, lounge, bathroom with toilet and closet. On the first floor there are two
bedrooms with an exit to the terrace and one room with veranda, bathroom with toilet and closet. In front of the house
there is arranged courtyard with a grill. The house has a wonderful view of Sljeme.
Cijena / Price: 360.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Na lijepoj i atraktivnoj lokaciji u neposrednoj blizini Zaprešića nalazi se prekrasna obiteljska kuća površine 210 m2 na
imanju od 4700 m2. Kuća je građena tijekom 70-ih, a adaptirana je 2000. godine. Sastoji se od dviju etaža: prizemlja
i kata. U prizemlju su veliki dnevni boravak, kuhinja s blagovaonicom, kupaonica te velika terasa, a unutrašnje stubište
vodi na gornji kat gdje su sobe. Kuća ima predivno uređenu okućnicu – zeleni travnjak i vrt. Imanje je pogodno za
ranč, ladanjsku kuću ili poljoprivrednu djelatnost. Udaljeno je samo 15-ak kilometara od Zagreba.
On attractive and beautiful location close to Zaprešić there is marvelous family house of 210 m2 situated on the plot of
land of 4700 m2. The house is built during 70’s and it is renovated in 2000. It comprises two storeys: ground floor and
first floor. In ground floor there is spacious living room, kitchen with dining room, bathroom and large terrace. Inside
stairways leead to the upper floor where are the rooms. The house has a beautiful arranged courtyard – lawn and garden.
The property is suitable for cottage, ranch or farm. Distance from Zagreb is only 15 kilometres.
Cijena / Price: 280.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726