2012 Annual Report - Waltham Fields Community Farm


2012 Annual Report - Waltham Fields Community Farm
We promote local agriculture and food access through our farming operations and educational
programs, using practices that are socially, ecologically, and economically sustainable. We encourage
healthy relationships between people, their food supply, and the land from which it grows.
Dear Friends,
2012 marked the first year of implementing a new strategic plan for Waltham Fields Community Farm, one
that focuses on maintaining a diverse array of food access strategies, bringing people to the farm for handson agricultural-based experiences, exploring opportunities to reclaim farmland for sustainable vegetable
production, and continuing collaborations with coalitions that promote community food security,
responsible land management, and farmer training. Specific accomplishments along these lines include
distributing over 70,000 worth of vegetables to Greater Boston residents in need of food assistance,
providing on-farm programming to 2,000 individuals of all ages and backgrounds, partnering with the
LexFarm coalition to plan for a new community farm on the Busa land in Lexington, taking on a new lease
with the Danforth/Hyde family in Weston to revitalize their historic farm property, serving on the Steering
Committee of the Beginning Farmer Network of Massachusetts, and serving as a Mentor farm in the first
year of the Beginning Farmer Mentoring Program started by the Massachusetts Chapter of the Northeast
Organic Farming Organization (NOFA/MA).
Our farmers and educators take a lot of pride in knowing that their hard
work has had extensive community reach, and those of us behind the
scenes - doing the bookkeeping, organizational management, and
fundraising - see the results of our efforts as well. We are so thankful for
the support and involvement of our members and program partners and
look forward to working together with you all to make positive societal
contributions in 2013!
Claire Kozower, Executive Director
Distributed over $77,000 worth of vegetables to individuals and families
in need through our hunger relief/food access programs – surpassing our
goal by 50 percent!
Reached over 2,000 youth and adults through our Learning Garden
education programs, volunteer opportunities, and public events.
Completed a new 20’x40’ barn on the UMass property for storage and
seasonal CSA distribution.
Increased output and expanded acreage by signing a three-year lease with
a family in Weston to bring their Gateways Farm property back into
agricultural production. Our first ever multi-year lease!
Board of Directors
Rebecca Nesson
Vice President:
Janet Yeracaris
Nathan Weston
Jay Rudolph
Meryl LaTronica
Jay Luker
Sophia Mansori
Margaret Post
Moshe Weitzman
Chris Yoder
We began and ended 2012 in good financial standing, making annual
contributions to our reserve accounts for capital purchases and emergencies.
Our net operating surplus was $8,865.
We are pleased to continue working with accountant John M. Monticone,
CPA, of Medford, MA, who completes our financial audits in accordance
with nonprofit accounting regulations. Copies of our Financial Statements
and 990s are available upon request. Our 2012 audit will be available in
August 2013.
Financial Statement for FY12
Operating Revenue
Agricultural income
Grants and contributions
Annual fundraiser - Sprout
Service/program fees
Total revenue:
Operating Expenses
Wages and benefits
Agricultural expenses (non-salary)
Organizational infrastructure
Facilities, fees & insurance
Total expenses:
2012 Farm
• The average summer CSA
share, which cost members
$625 and takes into account
average amounts of pickyour-own crops, totaled 376
pounds of produce valued at
$810 retail. The average
winter share, costing $200,
weighed in at 129 pounds of
produce valued at $227.
• The purchase of a refrigerated
box truck greatly helped with
vegetable transport to the
Outreach Market – we were
able to keep produce cool and
increase the volume of
produce transported, cutting
down on repeat trips as in
previous years.
• Top five crops for donation
were carrots (6,000 lbs),
cabbage (5,000 lbs), tomatoes
(5,000 lbs), zucchini and
summer squash (5,000 lbs),
and cucumbers (4,000 lbs).
Total Produce
Produce for
Food Access
Food Access
as Percent of
207,794 lbs.
42,903 lbs.
2012 Total Farm Income: $401,105
CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Revenue = $379,267*
Restaurant/Retail Produce Sales = $4,431
Seedling Sale Revenue = $12,110
Income from Food Access Sales = $5,297**
*Our own harvests account for the large majority of our agricultural revenue,
with 20% of our CSA revenue obtained through share partnerships and a la
carte sales of local farm products.
**Most of the value of produce distributed through our food access programs
is fundraised for and provided for free, but a small amount of income is
made by offering produce at subsidized prices through our farm-to-school
sales, ½ price CSA shares, and Outreach Market, where low-income
customers that don’t have vouchers can pay $5/bag with cash or SNAP/EBT.
Average Value per Acre: $37,761
CSA Program - Community Supported Agriculture
Number & Type
of Shares
Ave. Retail Value Ave. Pounds
Provided per
Provided per
500* Summer
Shares – 20 wks.
376 lbs
200 Winter
Shares – Nov/Dec
129 lbs
CSA Farm Partnerships:
* Picadilly Farm provides produce for 100 of our summer
shares, excepting pick-your-own crops.
** Retail Value above includes $37 per share of winter squash
and potatoes grown by Picadilly Farm, and $11 per share of
corn from Verrill Farm and Brigham Farm.
We had a record-shattering year for food assistance in 2012. Thanks to a good growing season and
dedication from our staff and program partners, we distributed over $77,000 worth of fresh organic
vegetables, more than $27,000 over our goal.
Waltham Fields Outreach Market: The Outreach Market for low income individuals/families grew
tremendously in its fifth year of operation. In 2012 we were forced to move to a new location, but the City of
Waltham worked with us to provide an alternative space that proved to be shadier and more accommodating
to our clientele. 1,400 bags of produce were distributed - a 44% increase from last season and more than twice
as many as were being distributed only two years ago. Overall, 56% of market clients paid $5 for their bag
(which they fill themselves with their choice of vegetables), 40% redeemed free vouchers they received
through one of our partner organizations, and 4% used their SNAP benefits. The average bag value was $30.74,
up from $27/bag last season, with a total of $43,035 worth of produce distributed. Voucher distribution
increased by 26%, with a total of nine agencies distributing our free vouchers to their clientele.
Bulk Donations: Over $28,000 worth of our vegetables were provided to food banks, pantries and meal
programs in 2012. The largest percentage of these donations ($20,500 worth) were made to Food for Free, our
longtime partner who picks up vegetables fresh from our farm cooler each Wednesday from April through
November and delivers them to numerous assistance programs in Boston, Cambridge, and Somerville. Several
donations were also made to The Greater Boston Food Bank and Boston Area Gleaners throughout the season.
Food For All ½ Price CSA Shares: Ten low-income households participated in our CSA program at a
subsidized rate in 2012. This program was completely supported by the charitable donations of full-paying
CSA shareholders who chose to donate funds in support of these special shares.
Farm-to-School and Nutrition Education Initiatives: Collaboration with the Waltham Public Schools
Food Service Department continued, with produce from our farm supplying the Vegetable of the Month in
school meals from September through November. We also supplied Healthy Waltham and Jewish Family &
Children’s Service with donations for use with cooking/nutrition education programs, healthy food
demonstrations at public events, and the Waltham Family School’s annual Thanksgiving meal.
Field Manager Dan Roberts, who oversees our
Food Access work, shared this story after the
final week of our 2012 Outreach Market for
low-income community members:
Food Access Produce Distribution by Program
Goodbyes at the market are bittersweet. I often
find myself saying "See you next season!" while
truly hoping that people won't be in need of our
services next summer. On the final week, we
asked people if they'd like to leave an email
address to be notified when the Market re-opens
next year. One of our regular customers declined
and said that she hoped that she wouldn't need it
next year as she was finishing up nursing school
and expecting to find a job that could fully
support herself and her child.
This was a wonderful illustration of one of the
functions that our Market can serve at its best; to
bridge a gap for people during a time when
things are difficult and to help facilitate a family
finding firm ground again.
Learning Garden Programs & Workshops: In total, our Learning Garden programs reached 496 children and
112 adults with after-school and summer programs, Farm Visits for school and community groups, practical
skills workshops for adults (soil testing, urban homesteading, Indian cooking, seed saving), and Little Sprouts
Family Programs for preschoolers with their caregivers. We continued strong partnerships with the Waltham
Recreation Department and Cambridge Adventure Day Camp to provide afterschool and summer
programming for low-income youth, in addition to maintaining our own scholarship program.
“We were really impressed with the different ways the kids
learned to use the farm – foraging, making scrambled eggs,
watermelon sorbet, bringing home onions and squash they’d
picked, painting with beet juice – a unique and educational
camp experience we’ll be recommending to others.”
- Nem and Stephanie Hackett, Camp Program parents
“My child is no longer scared of bugs! She’s also showing a lot of interest in gardening
and is always asking where food came from.”
– Nell, Mother of Stella, Little Sprouts Spring Family program
Service Learning: We had many volunteers return from previous years to assist the farmers in the fields and
greenhouses, work on office projects and help with education and public events. In total, 60 groups from local
companies, high schools, universities, and community-based programs volunteered their time. Individuals
from these groups, together with our drop-in volunteers, totaled 909, contributing 3,149 hours of work.
Our 2012 Volunteer Recognition Award went to Leah Alpert, an exceptional
twelve year old who worked tirelessly among our committed Saturday
morning crew.
“Visiting Waltham Fields really inspired me to get a little more serious about
growing my own vegetables as well as trying to be a little more in sync with the
seasons when buying fruits and vegetables.”– Chapel Hill/Chauncy Hall freshman
Farmer Training: Our two new participants in the farmer training program this year, Sutton Kiplinger and
Zannah Porter, made tremendous contributions to our farm operation. Both are returning for a second year in
2013 to broaden their training. Careful planning and communication amongst senior farm staff led to a well
run orientation and training process.
Assistant Growers Sutton and Zannah spoke at our Food Day dinner
in October at The Elephant Walk. They highlighted what they've
learned through our farmer training program, and talked about how
it connects to the wider field of community food security. Table
conversations ranged from agricultural policy issues to backyard
chickens to local hops production for beer-making!
Public Events: Our annual Waltham Farm Day continues to bring hundreds to the farm to celebrate local
agriculture. Combined with our Harvest Potluck/Annual Meeting, we engaged nearly 500 community
members and people from partnering organizations!
The food access and education programs of Waltham Fields Community Farm
are made possible through both financial and in-kind donations from
hundreds of individuals, businesses, community organizations and foundations.
We are grateful to everyone who contributed to our work in 2012
through donations and participation in our fundraising events.
Local Business Heroes
AlphaGraphics - Cityside Subaru - Earth, Inc. - Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation –
The Elephant Walk in Waltham - Flatbread Company - Fresh Pond Capital - Gravestar, Inc. Hobbs Brook Management - LeBlanc Mechanical - O'Connell & Rudolph - Pioneer Investments Reynders, McVeigh Capital Management - Stanton Insurance Agency -TD Bank –
Watertown Savings Bank – Whole Foods Market, Fresh Pond & Newtonville
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Additional Business & Community Support
7th Son Tattoo - 80 Thoreau - AMD Foundation Employee Giving - American Repertory Theatre - Ames Hotel - Appalachian Mountain
Club - Arbella Insurance - Armsby Abbey- Artefact Home/Garden - ArtsEmerson - Atwood's Tavern - Autumn Hills Orchard - Back
Pages Books - Berklee College of Music - Bistro 5 - Blue Cloud Gallery - Blue Rider Stables - Bob Slate Stationer - Bodywise Therapeutic
Massage - Bookcase Factory Outlet - Boston Area Gleaners - Boston Early Music Festival - Boston Philharmonic Orchestra - Burlington
Marriott - Cambridge Brewing Company - Cambridge Naturals – Cambridge Savings Bank - Cantata Singers - Celebrity Series of
Boston - Chapel Hill/Chauncy Hall - Charles River Canoe & Kayak - Chestnut Farms - Christopher's Restaurant - Clown Shoes Beer Coastal Vineyards - Colin Smith Architecture - Coppa - Craigie On Main - Creative Expressions Salon - Cuisine en Locale - Cutty’s Cyprian Keyes Golf Club - Dave’s Fresh Pasta - Deluxe Town Diner - Elizabeth Grady - Fallon Community Health Plan -Fedco Seeds –
Feet of Clay - FEI Theaters - Finale's Desserterie and Bakery – Flatbread Somerville - Flora – Flour Bakery – Fruitlands Museum –
Garden at the Cellar - Gardener's Supply/Dutch Gardens - Gaslight - Genzyme Corporation – Grafton Soup – Handel and Hayden
Society - Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation – Harvest Moon Timber Frame - Helmand Restaurant – Henrietta’s Table – Henry
Bear’s Park - Highland Kitchen - Hoblitzelle-Waitsfield LLC – Holiday Inn Express – Hotel Indigo –Huntington Theatre - Hyatt
Harborside – Hyatt Regency Boston – Hy-Line Cruises – IBM - Il Capriccio – In Your Ear Records – Irving House – Island Creek Oyster
Bar - Jewish Family & Children's Services - Johnny D's – Jones and Bartlett Learning - Kingston Station Restaurant - Kitchen on
Common - Larz Anderson Auto Museum - Lizzy's Ice Cream – LuLus Owl – Magpie – Mathworks - McKesson Foundation - Microsoft
Matching Gifts Program – Millipore - Mass MoCA – Maxima Art Center – Mind’s Eye Yarns – MSCI - Mystic River Watershed
Association – Nashoba Valley Ski Area - Never Too Late Basketball - New England Wild Flower Society - New Repertory Theatre Nourish - Old Sturbridge Village - Pansy Maiden – Peabody Essex Museum - Petsi Pies - Pico Restaurant – Posto - Real Pickles Redbones – Rendezvous – Robinson Farm - Rockland Trust Charitable Foundation - Rotary Club of Waltham Inc. - Russo's – Season to
Taste Catering – Sheraton Boston Hotel- Shire Human Genetic Therapies Inc. - Solea – Soloff Space Solutions – Sophia’s Greek Pantry –
South Slope B&B – Stanton Insurance - Stone Hearth Pizza Co. - T.W. Food – Tags Hardware – Taranta Restaurant - Taza Chocolate Tempo - The Druid – The Essex Resort and Spa - The Fireplace - The Paint Bar – Tory Row - Tomasso Trattoria - Tower Hill Botanic
Garden – True Bistro - Upstairs on the Square – Urban AdvenTours - Vanguarden CSA - Waldorf School of Lexington - Watch City
Brewery – Westin Waltham - West Side Lounge - When Pigs Fly Bakery – World Music/CRASHarts – Yestermorrow Design/Build
School - Zocalo Cocina Mexicana
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Foundation & Corporate Grant Support
Adobe Foundation – CHNA18 - Cedar Tree Foundation - Clipper Ship Foundation - Draper Laboratory – Frederick E. Weber Charities
Corporation - Foundation for MetroWest - Foundation M – Fullen-Smith Foundation - Genzyme Corporation – Green Leaf Foundation
- George A. Ramlose Foundation - Harpley Foundation – IBM – Intuit Foundation -Middlesex Savings Charitable Foundation - Orville
W. Forté Charitable Foundation - Project Bread – Ramsey McCluskey Foundation - Shire Foundation - TD Charitable Foundation Waltham Community Foundation
Individual Support above $25 Organizational Membership
Marty Ahrens and Gary Madison - James and Miriam Alandydy - Maria Lucila Scimone and Ezequiel Alvarez-Saavedra
- Susan Amsel - Gretta Anderson and Paul Bay - Mary Sue Ankner - Elizabeth and James Apgar - Victoria Arthur & Tom Cloherty Rebecca Stover and Jared Baker-Lara Balian - Lynda Banzi-Sponholtz and Todd Sponholtz - Brad Barber - Dudley Wyman & Nicole
Barna - Wendy Barret and Alisa Wolf - Molly and Peter Baskette - Jake Beal & Ananya Sen Gupta - Mike and MaryLou Beermann - July
Belber and Stan Yen - Elizabeth Pratt & Jeremy Bell – Judith Bennett - Jethro Berkman - Jessica Brown & Rob Berridge - Laura Bethard
and Jack Greene - James & Nicole Biggins - Frank Bingham - Judy and Jerry Blaine - Peter and Sallye Bleiberg - Ellen Bloom-Fields &
David Fields – Meryl Brenner - Heather Bodman and John Pyper - Jill Bogosian and Pam Greene - Alice and Nelson Bolen - Lucinda
Brandt - Jonathon and Katherine Bridges - Catherine and Hillel Bromberg - Elizabeth & Nathaniel Brooks - Brian Madsen and Beth
Brown - Zula Broyles - Elizabeth & Hugh Buchan - Eliza and Doug Burden - Noreen Burke - Eric Hughes and Patti Butler - Steve and
Ellen Bzomowski - Catherine Cabrera and Joel Patterson - Wendy Cadge & Deborah Elliott - Faith Calhoun - Marianne & Rachel
Cameron - Sarah Carothers - Deborah Carr & Leslie Everett - Jeannie and Jeromy Carriere - Elisabeth Carter - Kendra Michaud and
Clayton Carter - Carrie and Daniel Cashmore - Andrea Shapiro and Chris Cassel - Paul Martenis and Susan Cassidy - Don and Mary
Cather - Kimi Ceridon & Oivind Brockmeier - Julie Chamberlin - Angela Chang & Christopher Sokolowski – Holly Chin – Mindy Chin
- Michelle and Bob Christman- Samuel Christy & Jane Katz -William and Anna Clark - Katherine and Jim Coburn - Ann and Aaron
Cohen - Beth Cohen - Dan and Kimiko Cohen - Martha Cohen and Marc Wolman – Laurie Coiley-Massing - Katie and Philip Cole David and Kathryn Coletta - Cathleen Finn & Carey Conkey – Neva Corbo-Hudak - Sue and Chris Corvi - Valerie Courville - Meg
Coward and Sarah Schwartz Sax - Ellie and Walter Creedon - Leo Keightley and Martha Creedon - Xuemei Li and Peter Cuddihy James Dailey - Andy Dannenberg & Glenn Rosen - Angela Davis - Ethan Winn and Anaar Desai-Stephens - Matthew Deveaux - Kathy
and Richard Diamond - Michele DiPalo and Graeme Williams - Bob and De Dixon - Murtaza and Durriya Doctor - Reva Dolobowsky &
Jeff Howe - Brett and Priscilla Donham - Carroll Eastman and David Dorfman - Martha Dorsch - Kelley & Jennifer Doyle - Rebecca
Leong and Mark Drews - Sarah Dunagan – Geoff Dutton - Rachel Dutton - Eyal Dvir - Marcia Dworkind and Charles Merzbacher Amy Eastwood - Julia and David Elvin - Melissa Emrey-Arras & Mark Hickernell - Carrie Endries - Ellen Epstein and Ian Brownell David and Jennifer Erbe - Rebecca Evans & Robert Mark - Sara Irwin and Noah Evans – Phyllis Ewen -Beth Ewy - Carolyn Jordan and
Harry Fair - Judith Fallows and Adrian Gropper - Helene Newberg and Emily Farmer - Benjamin Kozower and Nikki Fedoravicius Allen Feinstein and Andrea Campbell - Tania & Ben Fersenheim - Sarah Trilling & Lou Fiscarelli - Theresa and John Flaherty - Rebecca
Flynn-Falconer - Christine Foot and David Granger - Louise Forrest & Leslie Horst - Scott and April Forst – Cheryl Forte - Bobbi Fox
and Daniel Dern - Michelle Frayman and Scott Preston - Alyssa Freden & Jairam Ramanathan - Rachel Kaplan & Andy Friedberg Marian Friedman - Charlene Galarneau & Don Tucker - Rohit Modi & Meghal Gandhi - Jocelyn Gardner - Patrick Gaspar - John
Gawoski and Beverly Seavey - Sabine Gerbatsch - Will Tenney and Susan Gerould - Ira Gessel – Greg Ghazil - Donald and Allison
Girod - Kathleen Knoble & Doug Goldman - Carol Goranson -Betty and Bruce Green - Philip and Vera Gross - Matthew Grygorcewicz
& Sara Ellison - Amanda Gutowski - Max Kozower and Jane Guttenberg - Deb Guttormsen - Gina Hahn and David Truog - Peter
Hamel and Sarah Link - Martha Hamilton – Nan Hamilton - Terese Hammerle - Melissa and Frank Hanenberger - Lydia and Rob
Harris - Eric and Kristin Harvey - Alicia Harvie - David Hatch & Carol Leicher Hatch - Ezra and Allison Hausman - Natasha Hawke Diane Herosian - Sue Hickey - Elise and Ethan Hoblitzelle - Kerri Hoffman - Ruth Hopkinson - Mariann and Nick Horgan - Carolyn
Ruppel & Jonathan How – Tammy Inman - Erica Zissman and Dr. Morton Isaacson - Blair Roberts & Caren Jacobson - Laura and Geoff
Jarbeau - Diab Jerius and Sherry Winkelman - Brita Jessen - Deborah Jose - Marcy Kagan - David Wittenberg and Cynthia Kagno Barbara Kalinowski - Anwar and Cate Kashem - Robert Kelliher - Julie Kerner and Will McFarland - Dan Kirschner - Jonathan
Kirschner - Chris Klein and Kristin Newton - Claire Kozower & Charlie Knoble - Meena and Murali Kothandaraman - Dr. and Mrs.
Kozower - Joan Kraus - Donna Kray - Dee and David Kricker - Sue Kriegsman and Hitesh Trivedi - Ben and Renee Krikorian - Andrew
Kuklewicz - Griffin and David Lamb - Henry Leitner & Catalina Laserna - Alison and Brian Lasiewski - Meryl LaTronica - Rebekah Lea
- Elizabeth Lear & Dan Ritter - Randy and Tiffany LeBlanc - Kenneth and Marina Lehn - Martha Leibs-Heckly - Elizabeth Levin - Persis
and David Levy - Henrietta Light - Joseph Lindenfeld - Melissa Linkert - Corinne Lofchie & Noam Shore - Nils Sorensen & Rebecca
Logiudice - Christine Lojko - Arwen Warlock & Michael Longfritz - Jay Luker & Jennifer Zacharis - Karina Lundahl - Mindy and Sean
MacLeod – Brian Madsen - Sophia Mansori - Audrey Mardavich - Corinne Mark - Al Maroun - Alison and Jason Marshall - Rebecca
Nesson and Wayne Marshall - Jane Martin - Martha Martin - Brenda Mathieu & Kesel Wilson - Marisa and John McBrine - Leigh &
Martin McCarthy - Greg McClellan - Kathryn and Derek McCowan - Colleen McKiernan and Jason O'Brien - Elizabeth McQuaid - Julie
Johnson McVeigh and Patrick McVeigh - Esther Moroze & William McVey Davis - Dan Melnechuk - Marion and Abraham Menzin Rachel and Jay Mepani - Rachel Milgroom - Charles and Heather Miller - Andrew Mirsky - Laura and Chuck Mock - Barbara Model Joyce Mohr - John Monticone, CPA - Allison Mooney - Patricia Moran - Paul Morganthall - Julie Munro & Anders Naar - Lindsay
Murphy - Julie Murrell - Ruth Nelson – Rebecca Nesson - Ben Noeske - Rick Oches - Saskia Oosting and Andrew Ward - Lou and Jay
Paap - Monica Pacheco-Tougas and David Tougas - Rekha Paleyanda - Constance Parrish & Bill Vogele - David and Larisa Pazmino Jennifer Peabody and Scott Menhinick - Anne Peretz - Bob and Geraldine Perry - Alison Peterson - David Petty - Katie Piattelli &
Nathaniel Reden - Joan Pic - Peter Pinch & Catherine Yu - Samuel Plimpton and Wendy Shattuck - Debra Poaster & Brent Whelan Jennifer Poole - Dr. and Mrs. Martin Post - Jeannette Post - Margaret Post - Kavitha Prakash - Laura Prickett and Jared Rice - Dan and
Teresa Raizen - John Reinhardt – Marla Rhodes - Erik and Brooke Rieth - Ana Rivera and George Snell – Dan Roberts - MariaLuiza and
Jason Rodriguez - Charles Rogers - Gail Rogers - Robert and Nancy Rooney - Deborah Rosene - Barbara G Rothstein - Mark Simmons
and Laurie Rothstein - Susannah Rowe - Tim and Amy Rowe - Sharon Rubrake - Ruthann Rudel - Jay Rudolph - Frank Sama Rosemarie Sansone - Larry and Amanda Sawires Yager - Jane Schaeffer - Susan and Stephen Schmidt - Susan Schonhoff-Sloan and
Kevin Sloan – Andy Scherer - Jacob Schwartz - Jonathan Schwartz and Marcy Fischer - Cynthia Scott - Hamish & Melanie Sherlock Sara Shostak – Jesse Simmons - Dorothy and Richard Slade - Barbara Sleeper-Hulsizer – Ellie Smerlas - Nancy and Jim Smith - Sarah
Smurr - Alison and David Soccodato - Nancy Sokol - Mikayel Sukiasyan and Marietta Simonian - David Stokes - Katherine Stover Heidi Strauss – Rigel Stuhmiller - Jen and Steve Sulewski - Diane & Candice Sullivan - Lucia and Kevin Sullivan - Martha Sullivan Amy Sutherland – Martha Sweet -David Taberner - Will Tenney -Victoria Thatcher and Mayhew Seavey - Kathryn Their - Rebecca
Thompson - Helena Thornley - Dan & Lindsay Torgersen - Mary and James Tracy - Rick Treitman - Mary Werowinski and Bruce
Tsiknas – Ted Tucker - Ingeborg and Arthur Uhlir - Cristina and Andrew Ullmann - John Unsworth - Donna and Bill VanderClock Laura VanderHart & Jarrod Goentzel - Holly Vestal - Debbie and Moritz von Rechenberg - Severine von Tscharner Fleming - Jim
Walker - Leland and Linda Walter - R Bruce and Toby Klang Ward - Peter Warren - Fan and Peter Watkinson – Lauren Weinberg Susan Weitzenkorn - Amy and Moshe Weitzman – Wessland family - Nathan and Joanna Weston – Verena Wieloch -Lucia Wille and
Tim Carney - Laurie Williams and Andrea Seek - Eric Wlodyka - Cheryl Wolfe - Tim and Sara Wondolowski - Arthur Wood - Lori
Yarvis - Janet and Anthony Yeracaris - Chris Yoder - Diana Young - Weilan Zeng
Plan a visit!
Opportunities abound for people of all ages and income
levels to get involved with our programs.
Volunteer in our fields or with special projects – we have individual
drop-in hours for all ages and available dates for groups ages high
school and up.
Schedule a Farm Visit for your school and/or community group - for
those in pre-K through 8th grade or for family groups. Activities
include farm explorations, learning games and farm-to-table fresh
snack preparation.
Take a stroll around the farm.
Our main farm site is located on leased
land owned by the University of Massachusetts. You are welcome to
walk around the farm anytime during daylight hours to enjoy open
space, and observe wildlife and the rhythms of the agricultural season.
Please stay on the farm roads and keep pets on leash.
Waltham Fields Community Farm
2013 FREE PUBLIC EVENTS ~ All are welcome!
Waltham Farm Day: Saturday, Oct. 5, 2-5pm
Harvest Potluck/Annual Meeting: Thursday, Nov. 7, 5:30-7:30pm
Please check our website for a full listing of events & programs
240 Beaver St. Waltham, MA 02452 (781) 899-2403