WelcomeNewMembers - Lake Canyon Yacht Club


WelcomeNewMembers - Lake Canyon Yacht Club
April 2012
Volume 44 – Number 4
Lake Canyon Yacht Club, Canyon Lake, Texas
Commodore’s Report Harold Simmons
pring has sprung and sailing couldn’t be
better. The J/22 Regatta is just completed
with two days of light wind, but intense
competition. Thanks to Fred Lindsey, Keith
Zars, and Honorary Member Brant Koepke
for organizing a challenging and delightful two
days of Canyon Lake racing. Our Race Chair,
Bubba Horner, will have more details, but a
feature of this regatta was Sunday’s Skipper
Exchange program where the top ranked skippers traded out with novice sailors to spread
the wealth of sailing knowledge. I appreciate the tips given by Keith Zars on getting
the most out of light wind. Thanks to Mary
Lindsey, Sandra Lindsey, Sue Radley, Barbara
Zars, VanEtte and Chris Christian and others
for the wonderful food and for registration.
The TSA Youth Regatta was run with March
wind as a lion. The 50 plus boats enjoyed some
great heavy wind racing both days. Thanks
to Kellie Terrell and Bill McVey for organizing this event and all the support of LCYC
volunteers as race committees and preparing
food for hungry racers.
The weather was rather poor for the first of
our spring series races, but the “Intro to Racing”
weekend made up for it. The heavy wind conditions provided some exciting sailing experiences
for our new racers. Thanks again to Bill McVey
for organizing this yearly event to encourage
our membership to get into racing at LCYC.
Thanks to VanEtte Christian and her Relay
for Life Team MABL (American Cancer Society)
for preparing a scrumptious Commodore’s
Breakfast March 11th for all to enjoy. Our next
Commodore’s Breakfast, on April 15th, will be
hosted by Gwen and Paul Cunningham.
Near term events include our annual Chili
Cook-off on Saturday March 31st, organized
by Pat Ketchum, followed by the second annual
Moon Shine Pursuit race. This is a double
header with appeal to both chili connoisseurs
and sailing adventurers. Our second spring
series keel boat races on Saturday April 14th
will be followed by Pat Ketchum’s Mexican
Fiesta. Our Spring Work day will be April 21st,
starts at 8:00 am and wraps up with lunch at
12:30 for all volunteers.
A newly formed Sunfish Sailing Committee
lead by Dave Sanford invites all Sunfish sailors
to a friendly, once a month race on the last
Saturday of each month starting April 28, 2012.
We will race from 6:30 pm to about 8:30 pm
and the program is open to all ages and levels
of experiences; Lasers and similar sized boats
can sail along as well. The first person to arrive
at the lake will set up a course.
The Safety Committee has started action
with a quick, but decisive meeting under the
helm of Pete Macler. Safety action issues to be
addressed include fire extinguishers and swim
ladders on the new dock sections, first aid kits
Welcome NewMembers
Gerardo Gala��������������� Spring Branch, TX
Ed & Naomi Nolan������ Canyon Lake, TX
Steve Comen������������������������������� Plano, TX
Mattia D’Errico������������������������ Kemah, TX
Brant Koepke�������������������������Seabrook, TX
for race committee boats, defining LCYC needs
for a rescue boat to be used during regattas,
and organizing member training in CPR, fire
extinguishers, first aid, and safe boat handling.
Our marina relocation is now complete for
this phase. There are a few finishing touches
like fire extinguishers, swim ladders, and another light to be installed, but all slips and
docks are usable. New sail lockers and Opti
racks for the youth sailors will be installed in
about another month. The first use of the new
youth dock was at the TSA Youth Spring Fling
regatta; the expanded leeward dockage was
clearly favored for launching Optis and Lasers.
The Board approved new Honorary
Members Steve Comen from the TSA Youth
program, Brant Koepke from the J/ 22 Sailing
Association and Greta Mittman from the
Flying Scot Sailing Association. The new
honorary members will provide LCYC with
the opportunities to gain some outside insight
and to foster our relationship with important
sailing associations.
Table of Contents
 April 14
BOG Meeting
Spring Series - Keel Boats
Mexican Fiesta
Activities Chair��������������� 3
Adaptive Sailing ������������� 8
Adult Learn to Sail ��������� 8
Classifieds��������������������� 11
Docks & Grounds����������� 2
Lifetime Service Awards����� 6
J/22 Regatta ����������������� 10
LCYC Origins����������������� 4
Longneck Multihull��������� 9
Race Committee������������� 9
Social Sailors������������������� 3
Spring Work Day������������� 8
Womens Sailing��������������� 9
Youth Sailing������������������� 7
 April 15
Commodore’s Breakfast
Spring Series - Board Boats
 April 21
Spring Work Day
HCYC Fiesta Regatta
 April 28
Founder’s Day & Lifetime
Service Awards
Farewell photo of old marina - wanted: photos of new marina !
ViceCommodore’sReport Pete Prados
he Marina Relocation Project is 95
percent complete and has resulted in
an outstanding marina configuration
that will benefit our members and guests for
years to come. Plans are being reviewed for
the final phase of the project which will be
completed later this year.
Commodore Harold Simmons
Vice Commodore Pete Prados
Rear Commodore Ray Leubner
Secretary David Lilley
Treasurer Renee Kizziar
Activities Chair Margaret McGill
Thanks to our crew and the many volunteers
who participated in this very successful project.
Race Chair Bubba Horner
Board of Governors
2011 - 2012
Docks&Grounds 2012 - 2013
Bob Middleton
Pete Prados
Lake Canyon Yacht Club
he crew has been working diligently to complete decking on the new Youth Dock and
they have succeeded. It took approximately seven working days to barge timbers from
the boat ramp to the new dock, cut, fit, and bolt them in place. They also installed
lighting on the dock. The new Youth Dock looks great thanks to our crew and the members
who volunteered their help.
Our staff has worked hard to prepare for the TSA Spring Fling and the J-22 Regatta and
they deserve to be commended for their efforts. The clubhouse, grounds and marina are
looking sharp.
On Friday, March 16, a squall with high winds blew through the lake area. The staff immediately responded and discovered that the mooring lines on a couple of boats parted and
caused damage to the boats. Reports were prepared and owners notified.
New American flags and poles donated by Sandra Walker were installed around the clubhouse. They replace several faded flags and rusty poles that are being retired. The clubhouse
bulletin boards (LCYC News and Member Center), adjacent to the restrooms, have been
refurbished by Jean Prados.
Marvin Arnold
Ed Miller
Pete Macler
Barry Parkoff
Betty Rourke
Lynn Simpson
Doug Toepperwein
Wayne Weston
Council to the BOG - Jim Kizziar
2012 Committee Chairs
Adaptive Sailing Bill McVey
Adult Sail Training Bill McVey
Audit Committee Richard Galloway
Board Boat Activities Lynn Simpson
Marila Middleton
Sylvie Mathis
Budget Committee Henry McGill
Cabana Owners Herb Eastwood
Club Historian David Bray
Docks &Grounds wısh
uring the year there are some unanticipated items that are needed and/or would
help the staff perform their work in a much more efficient manner. Also, there are
items that surface which can easily improve operations and enhance the appearance of our facilities. Following is a list of items that were not budgeted which I would like
members to consider donating to the club:
(12) American flags complete with poles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Donated by Sandra Walker
(1) Welding unit complete with spool runner. . . . . . . . . . Donated by Brian Mikiten
(1) View Sonic PJD 5123 SVGA DLP projector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $325.00
(1) Model B 96X96 Mw manual pull down screen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110.00
(1) Complete set of All Clad or Calphalon cookware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1500.00
(4) Restaurant grade stainless steel chafing dishes complete w/half pans. . . . . .350.00
(1) 2012 Honda TRX 250 TMC Recon (four-wheeler). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4500.00
The AV equipment will be helpful for teaching sailing courses & for special presentations.
The cookware will be used in the clubhouse kitchen, which is being remodeled.
The chafing dishes will be used for many of the activities that are held in the clubhouse.
The four-wheeler was purchased to replace a 10 year old-unit that was in constant need of repair.
Please contact D&G Chair Pete Prados or Commodore Harold Simmons
if you are interested in making a donation
2 THEDittyBag April 2012
Docks & Grounds Pete Prados
Emergency Task Force Josef Scherm
Keel Boat Activities Nancy Wickman
Long Range Planning Barry Parkoff
Membership Jim Garity
New Member Ambassador Lynn Simpson
Personnel Bob Middleton
PHRF Jim Garity
Safety Pete Macler
Slip Utilization Steve Edlund
Bob Weiss
Social Sailors Pat Ketchum
TSA Rep/Youth Race Team Clay Cassard
Wurstfest Regatta Pete Prados
Youth Sailing Kellie Terrell
Youth Sailing Instruction Chris Besch
Club Administrator Carolyn Cole
Property Manager Josef Scherm
Docks & Grounds Staff Brian Losee
Donny Ahr
Website & Ditty Bag Kathy Leubner
Copyright 2007-2012 Lake Canyon Yacht Club
SocialSailors Pat Ketchum
Activities C
Margaret McGil
April 14th — 5:30pm
ay!!! Only ONE Commodore’s Breakfast remains host-less for 2012 – that
one would be Mother’s Day (May 13).
Conventional wisdom is that “men of the club”
host the Mother’s Day breakfast to give the
mothers in their lives a break from the kitchen.
Are there any men out there willing and able
to direct a group of men to prepare breakfast
for the special women in their lives? If so,
call me at 210-365-4815 or e-mail me at
[email protected].
Thanks so much to VanEtte Christian,
Sandra Lindsey, Mary Lindsey, Kelly Weber,
Sarah Lindsey, and their families for hosting
the March Commodore’s Breakfast. They represented Relay for Life in honor of Michael
Lindsey, a cancer survivor.
The April Commodore’s Breakfast will be
hosted by Gwen and Paul Cunningham. Remember Gwen’s homemade scratch biscuits
last year? They were good.
About the Commodore’s Breakfast and how
it came about: Ruth Madorsky called to tell me
about the beginnings of the tradition, which
has morphed (as traditions sometimes do) from
a WEEKLY get-together on Sunday mornings
hosted by Mary Kressin to the current monthly
event. Mary, as Vice Commodore, wanted to
get to know club members. Sandra Walker and
Ruth would prepare breakfast – for a “buck a
person” – EVERY week to facilitate this fellowship among club members. They did this
for a couple of years. Ruth didn’t tell me why
they stopped the weekly get-togethers–I guess
that’s another story…
Don’t forget the Founder’s Day celebration
April 28. This is the occasion where we
announce Lifetime Service Award winners
for the year. I will prepare the meal, and would
appreciate help if you’re available.
See you on the water or in the kitchen–Margaret
2012 Upcoming Social Events
May 28. . . . . . Annual LCYC Memorial Day Fish Fry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carl Hawkins
June 9. . . . . . . Jimmy Buffet “Cheeseburgers in Paradise”. . . . . Pat Ketchum & Don Muir
July 21. . . . . . . Shrimp Boil & Any Which Way Regatta. . . Fred Kniffin & Harold Simmons
Aug 18 . . . . . . Summer Sizzler Cook Your Own Barbeque. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hosts needed
Sept29 . . . . . . Winefest & Harvest Moon Regatta . . . . . . . . . . Pat Ketchum & Harold Simmons
Oct 27 . . . . . . Halloween Party and Regatta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hosts needed
Dec 15 . . . . . . Annual White Elephant Party. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hosts needed
Contact Pat Ketchum to volunteer for a social events: 830-964-2464 or email: [email protected].
January 2012 Breakfast Crew
Paul Cunningham
[email protected]
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More info at http://www.vrbo.com/362786
More photos on our Facebook page.
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Canyon Lake TX 78133
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3 THEDittyBag April 2012
ienvenido Señors and Señoritas! Come and “Salsa
the night away” while you enjoy tasty south-ofthe-border foods at LCYC’s Mexican Fiesta Buffet.
Members and guests will delight in creating your very own
Tacos, Chalupas or Nachos at the build your own Mexican
Food buffet. LCYC will provide the main course and beer....
you bring all the delightful “Mexican” deserts!! Yummy! Can
someone please bring the “Caramelized Flan” and “Mexican
Sweet Breads”?? My mouth is already watering!
Voice/Fax: 830-964-2803
[email protected]
Copyright 2007-2012 Lake Canyon Yacht Club
many thanks to Bubba Horner & Leif Zars for their help
with this article and to Bubba for allowing me the use
of photos from his scrapbook - Kathy Leubner
Woodlawn Sailing Club 1941 — pre-Pearl Harbor
Bubba Horner, far left - Frank Riesenecker, 4th from left Leonard Adelman, far right
azing at our marina today, particularly
after the recent marina relocation
project, it’s hard to imagine Canyon
Lake without LCYC. And yet, in the not too
distant past, there was neither a marina nor
lake in this part of the Texas Hill Country.
With April being the month in which we
celebrate the founders of LCYC and bestow
Lifetime Service Awards, let us take a look
backward to the origins of our club.
Woodlawn Sailing Club
Long before the creation of Canyon Lake
Reservoir, there existed a group of avid sailors
at the Woodlawn Sailing Club (WSC) of San
Antonio. Formed in 1939 and home to one
of the earliest Sunfish Fleets (#32) in the U.S.,
WSC also had active Snipe and Windmill
sailors. Racing took place every weekend,
Mother’s Day included if Leif Zars had his
way, and if you knew the “bus schedule” you
were that much better off. Members obtained
a permit from the city of San Antonio to
construct a clubhouse. The structure was
built with all volunteer labor and a $100
contribution from each member, in exchange
for which the city levied no charges for rent,
water, or electricity. Life was good and WSC
was a hub of competitive sailing.
LCYC Marina - c1974
4 THEDittyBag April 2012
And then in 1960, due to recurrent flooding, the city decided to dredge the lake. The
idea was to deepen and enlarge the basin. Enlarged it was, however the overall depth was
actually reduced to about 4 feet; Snipes still
raced, but with their centerboards only partially extended. The construction of Canyon
Dam had begun in 1958, with impoundment of
the lake beginning in 1964, the year in which
Bubba Horner first purchased property on the
south shore of what would become Canyon
Lake. Bubba Horner, Willie Rotzler and Leif
Zars began to spend weekends doing drive-by
surveys of all possible shores in the hopes of
finding the best location for a sailing club.
Keep in mind that these scouting trips took
place well before there was a lake full of water.
Leif was convinced that the best possible spot
would be on the north shore, in a location not
battered by prevailing NE winds.
was destroyed by fire c1974.) Benton Davies, a charter member/lawyer, worked with
the county to negotiate an entry to the club
from the road rather than through Leonard’s
property. Leif Zars and Wally Walsdorf, with
papers spread over Leif ’s pool table and beers
in hand, worked out the original charter and
bylaws of the club, using the Fort Worth Boat
Club as a model. Women have come a long
way in LCYC as they initially were not granted
a vote! With a nucleus of sailors from WSC,
who in turn knew other sailors, word soon
spread that there was a deep water yacht club
on Canyon Lake.
Your back is our front....
Leonard Reip, a service manager at Gary
Pools, had some land on the north shore of
the future lake. In a conversation with Leif
Zars, Leonard indicated that he was interested in selling the back portion of this land.
Leonard’s back lot was a sailor’s dream, as it
fronted the future location of the lake. Leif
purchased the property for $30K and then
began gathering members who would buy
shares for the formation of a sailing club. The
twenty founding members of LCYC each put
up $3K, which entitled them to a share of ownership in the club as well as a private building
lot, the choice of which was determined by
the order in which they joined. Phil Shoop, a
charter member/architect, laid out the streets
& lots and designed both the original and
current clubhouse. (The original clubhouse
Regrading the boat ramp - 1985
Permit...what permit?
The largest remaining obstacle to be
overcome was a permit/lease from the Corps
of Engineers for construction of a private club
marina on one of their lakes. The application
process for requesting a lease began in Fort Worth,
traveled from there to St. Louis and then on
to Washington, D.C. Although the group
had political support from U.S. Representative
Henry B. Gonzalez, the contacts between
founding member Bill Pfeil and the Corps
of Engineers in Washington, D.C. proved
to be crucial. When the LCYC application
was languishing in D.C., it was the efforts of
– continued on next page
Copyright 2007-2012 Lake Canyon Yacht Club
Bill, a colonel in the army, and his contacts
within the Department of Defense that kept
the paperwork moving and ultimately resulted
in approval of the only private club/marina on
a Corps of Engineers lake in the United States.
Boats - ramps - docks
Believe it or not, the boat ramp used to
be even steeper! Frank Riesnecker, charter
member/contractor, regraded the incline to
create a “more gentle” slope and also built
the club’s first super dock. That structure was
put together at Jacob’s Creek, then towed
to LCYC and until recently served as the
LCYC Youth Dock.
The first boat slips were a group of 10,
which thankfully were insured under the club’s
recently acquired general liability policy. With
no breakwater yet in place, and after a series of
storms, the boat slips were destroyed and the
club fell back to tying boats up to moorings
constructed of old elevator cables. Our first
“state of the art” breakwater was constructed
of used telephone poles, strapped with banding
wire and chained together. Once the poles
started breaking apart, the next breakwater was
constructed of old tires inflated with foam;
Frank Head spent most of his free time keeping
the structure afloat by removing debris and
shells from within the tires. Frank was employed
by LCYC and singlehandedly kept the grounds
and marina in good shape fo many years.
The Lighthouse
The Boston Sea Party was a restaurant
with “all you could eat” seafood for $19
located on the south side of 410 just past San
Pedro. Perched on top of the restaurant was a
lighthouse. In the early 1980s the restaurant
went out of business; Benton Davies knew
the owner and told him that LCYC would
like to have the lighthouse. Permission was
obtained from the Highway Department to
place the structure on its side and transport
it to Canyon Lake. Frank Riesenecker built a
foundation by adding an extra 10 – 15 feet
to the base of the lighthouse and arranged
for a crane to position the structure where it
still sits today. Named Founders Light and
dedicated on March 6, 1986, the lighthouse
is dedicated to the charter members whose
foresight established Lake Canyon Yacht Club
on March 6, 1967.
The next time you walk the docks and
grounds of LCYC, remember the efforts of
those who made our club a reality.
5 THEDittyBag April 2012
1986 “Founders Light” Dedication
LCYC Charter Members
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Leif Zars
H. N. Walsdorf
Phil L. Shoop, Jr.
Neill Walsdorf
Frank Riesenecker
Joseph H. Jellerson
A. E. “Bubba” Harris
Leonard Adelman
James W. Finney, M.D.
B. G. “Bubba”Horner, M.D.
Benton Davies
Bovert B. Killian
Richard W. Adams
C. Scott Steward, M.D.
Ed Yerger
Taliaferro Cooper
James L. Mims, Jr., M.D.
H. Perry Gainer
William Pfeil
Fred W. Riley, M.D.
Copyright 2007-2012 Lake Canyon Yacht Club
Club Selects Lifetime Service Award Recipients
Jim Kizziar - Chairman, Lifetime Service Award Committee
he Lake Canyon Yacht Club Lifetime Service Award was established
to recognize members who have made
outstanding contributions to LCYC for twenty
or more years. The Lifetime Service Award
Committee reviews nominations submitted
by members and makes recommendations to
the LCYC Board of Governors. Nominated
members are considered based on their long
term volunteerism, support of Club activities,
effective service in elected or Club appointed positions, and demonstrated leadership,
sportsmanship and cooperation. At the March
meeting, the Board of Governors unanimously
approved Fred Am Rhein, Bill McVey and
Millie McVey as recipients of the 2011 LCYC
Lifetime Service Award.
Fred Am Rhein joined the Club in 1979.
In addition to his participation in and promotion of Club racing, Fred served for ten years
as LCYC’s volunteer treasurer. As the Club’s
“money man,” Fred spent countless hours in
the budget process, monitoring Club expenditures and preparing Club financial reports and
records. He also promoted the computerization of Club financial records. Fred continues
to assist the Club Administrator and current
treasurer in performing their duties.
Millie McVey joined the Club in 1992
and has provided continuous and cheerful
support of Club social activities ever since.
Millie is one of the Club’s “Kitchen Queens.”
She can always be found behind the counter,
cooking meals, serving members or cleaning
up after social events. As members, we all
enjoy the wonderful food prepared by Millie
and other kitchen volunteers. Our Club also
has an outstanding reputation among other
yacht clubs for meals served during regattas
and special events. Millie McVey is always
working “behind the scenes” to feed us and
enhance our club’s reputation as a great place
for a sailor’s feast.
Bill McVey also joined the Club in 1992
and has volunteered in almost every aspect
of the Club’s operations, including racing,
recreational activities, community outreach
programs and club administration. Bill has
served on the Board of Governors, as Vice
Commodore, Commodore (2005) and Rear
Commodore. In 2008, Bill received the Wally
Walsdorf Award for his service to the Club.
Bill assisted Dick Edwards in conducting the
Adult Learn to Sail and Learn to Race programs for many years and more recently has
taken charge of these programs. As a veteran,
Bill is keenly aware of the need for our nation’s warriors to rehabilitate from physical and
mental injuries suffered in the service of their
country. Bill initiated the LCYC Adaptive
Sailing program, which reaches out to both
veterans and others in the community with
physical or cognitive disabilities and provides
them a wonderful experience on the water.
Bill has also been instrumental in the growth
and development of the LCYC’s youth sailing
program. He has maintained and managed the
Youth fleet, served on the Youth Sailing Committee and helped organize eight LCYC Texas
Sailing Association Youth Regattas. He also
assists with the LCYC’s Youth Sailing School
and Youth Racing Camps. When Bill isn’t
providing volunteer services to the Club, he is
on the water sailing and racing his Flying Scott.
These Lifetime Service Award recipients will
be honored by the Club at the Founder’s Day
Celebration on April 28, 2012. The Lifetime
Service Award presentation will be held on the
McKown Youth Dock beginning at 5:00 pm.
Following the celebration, the award recipients
and members are invited to a Founder’s Day
feast being planned by Margaret Magill.
Please join the LCYC officers and Board of
Governors in congratulating Fred Am Rhein,
Millie McVey and Bill McVey as recipients of
the LCYC Lifetime Service Award.
Saturday, April 28
5:00 Awards Ceremony
6:00 Dinner
Please Join Us In Honoring
Fred Am Rhein – Millie McVey – Bill McVey
Margaret McGill will be serving a scrumptious dinner.
Please contact her if you can help in the kitchen.
6 THEDittyBag April 2012
Copyright 2007-2012 Lake Canyon Yacht Club
YouthSailing Kellie Terrell
LCYC hosted the TSA Youth Circuit’s
Spring Fling Regatta on March 17-18. This
was the 8th year for LCYC to host a TSA
regatta; our club has become a favorite on
the youth circuit because of our friendly
volunteers, delicious food, great camping,
and of course, our beautiful lake! This year
there were 60 sailors racing in 55 boats; in
Opti, Laser Radial, Laser 4.7, and Club 420
fleets. The Opti fleet was a bit smaller this year
(“only” 38 vs. 52 last year) due to a conflict
with the Opti National Team Practice, for
which quite a few Houston-area Opti sailors
qualified. However, the weather and winds
were perfect all weekend and everyone had a
great time! LCYC had just two competitors
racing this year, but wow, did they race well!!
Both sailors finished near the top of their fleets
and received trophies! Nia Clements finished
3rd in the Opti Green fleet, while Brandon
Cassard finished 5th in the Opti White fleet!
GREAT JOB, Nia and Brandon!!!
It takes a lot of volunteers to put on an event
this big! A total of 47 people participated to
make the Spring Fling youth regatta a great
success! Many thanks to our Galley Crew;
a total of 647 meals were served over the
weekend - WOW! Thanks also go to the folks
who worked as PROs, on Race Committees,
Chase Boats, Registration, Scoring, Protest
Committees, on the youth dock, and taking
care of all the business that goes with prepping
for and running a regatta! THANK-YOU to
Bill McVey, Sylvie Mathis, Ron Wilson, Bob
Taylor, Lynn Simpson, Scott Wells, Nicholas
Wells, Tyler Wells, Stacy Moore, Dave
Sanford, Bubba Horner, Bruce Dunn, Lee
Woodbury, Henry McGill, Ed Miller, Gwyne
Miller, Charlie Mayer, Jim Ritchie, Marvin
Arnold, Randle Moore, Harold Simmons,
Wayne Eckstine, Bob Middleton, Bryant
Bowington, Clay Cassard, Gary Bourgeois,
Bubba Harris, Chris Besch, CP Burke, Jeff
Progelhof, Ray Leubner, Gwen Cunningham,
Sue Radley, Mary Lindsey, Toni Dunn, Mary
Holmes, Diane Clements, Judy Ritchie,
Margaret McGill, Carolyn Harris, Elizabeth
Bentzen, Theresa Guenther, Terry Tomko, Jack
Tomko, Alice Tomko, Betty Rourke, Maureen
Simmons, Michelle Besch, David Bray, and
also Millie McVey, who baked brownies for
the regatta while recuperating from surgery.
And thanks to Docks & Grounds for having
our club and facilities in tip-top shape and so
pleasant for our guests; the new Youth Dock
is fabulous!! If I’ve left anybody’s name off
the list, my apologies and please know that
everyone’s support of youth sailing was much
Spring Board Boat series @ LCYC
April 15, 1:00 p.m. start
Spring Work Day @ LCYC ~ April 21
TSA San Jacinto Regatta
Lakewood Yacht Club ~ April 21-22
Youth Sailing School - May 19, 20, 26, 27
Registration is open - see the “Learn to Sail” page on the LCYC website for details and registration forms.
LCYC Summer Sailing Camp
Four 1-week sessions in June/July 2012
Registration is now open. Each week-long session is limited to 10 sailors; there are still spaces available for beginner/intermediate sailors
in Sessions I, II, and III and for advanced sailors in Session IV. Get your registration in early to ensure your spot and to take advantage
of the early registration discounted fee! Details and registration forms are available on the LCYC website on the “Learn to Sail” page.
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an excellent product
at a competitive price
Loft website: www.SchurrSails.com
Lindsey Marine - Texas Rep
Quotes: [email protected]
Voice/Fax: 830-964-2803
7 THEDittyBag April 2012
Copyright 2007-2012 Lake Canyon Yacht Club
AdaptiveSailing 2012 Bill McVey
ith many successful sailing activities
already accomplished so far, and many
more ahead, 2012 is off to a great start.
One of our favorites is hosting four outings
each year to invite special needs folks, along
with their families and aides, to our club to
provide them the opportunity to experience
sailing. LCYC has hosted this program for
the past six years and our guests thoroughly
enjoy it…many have attended multiple
times! The concept was originally presented
to us by the Director of Therapeutic Sports
for SA’s Parks and Recreation Department.
The first date this year is Saturday May
5, when we’ll have recovering wounded warriors coming via Operation Comfort. The
other three dates are Saturdays, June 16,
August 18, and September 15. Our guests
for these three will be from the Door in the
Wall program, as recommended to us by the
SA Parks and Rec folks.
Saturday, April 21st
The schedule for Saturday, May 5th and
each successive session will be:
8AM – Noon
11AM ������ Orientation to club & sailboats
11:30 �����������������Lunch provided by LCYC
LCYC Clubhouse
Sandwiches - Chips - Cookies - Drinks
12:00������������������������ Assign guests to boats
12:15 �����������������������������Go to boats - SAIL
2:45������������������������������������ Return to docks
3:00���������������������������������������� End of event
We like to line up 10 keelboats and skippers
and also 10 additional experienced sailors (in
case the skipper decides to go for a swim!) so
we can accommodate 20-25 guests. We also
need two volunteers each date to put out the
lunch and clean up afterwards.
If you are interested in helping on any of
these dates, please contact Bill McVey. It is a
wonderful experience; our volunteers always
enjoy it as much as our guests do! Thank you.
aturday April 21 is our semi-annual
work day and all members are encouraged to participate. With your
help and support, significant projects can
be completed and our facilities will look
much better.
The projects include: numbering slips
affected by the marina relocation project,
cleaning, painting, marking the parking lot
lines and landscape work.
Your support and efforts in completing manageable projects frees up the paid staff to work
on more sophisticated projects like the kitchen
remodel. Let’s get out and make a contribution!
Report on Adult Sail Training Classes Bill McVey
nce again LCYC hosted two adult
sail training classes this year. The first
was Introduction to Sailing held on
February 25-26 the second was Introduction
to Racing held on March 3-4.
We had a very large class of 25 students
for the first weekend, 10 of whom were club
members. We had 19 volunteers and used
11 members’ boats. It was great
to have Lynn Simpson and Pete
Macler help with the instruction
again this year, giving Bubba
Horner and Henry McGill a little
“time off”. Lynn and Pete, along
with Mike Stellato and myself,
taught the morning classes each
day, which included boat parts
and names, knot tying, ownership
responsibilities, sail trim, points of sail, and
basic right of way rules. As scheduled, we sailed
both Saturday and Sunday afternoons and
both days were nearly perfect weather, overcast
with 8-12 mph winds on Saturday and 7-15on
Sunday. By the end of the day Sunday, we had
25 very exuberant new sailors on our hands!
For the Introduction to Racing class we
had a group of 12 signed up, although only
8 THEDittyBag April 2012
8 attended. Six had taken the Intro to Sailing
the previous week and signed up for more!
The same instructors plus Bubba Horner and
Henry McGill taught the morning classes
which included preparing one’s self and
boat for racing, reviewing NORs, SIs, entry
forms, PHRF scoring system, tactics for starts,
upwind, and downwind legs, and the rules
of racing.
We sailed three practice races in
strong wind Saturday using boats
belonging to Pete Prados, Ray
Leubner, Pete Macler, and Lynn
Simpson. There was lots
of excitement when we
got back to the clubhouse,
wanting to work up the
PHRF scores! On Sunday
with winds in the 10-15mph range
we also used 3 J22s in a one-design
class. Using seven boats let us put
just one student on each boat and they got a
great work out, doing lots of helming and sail
trimming. Once back at the club we worked
up the scores. Pete Prados with LCYC crew
Scott Wells, Nicholas Wells, and student
Gloria Oatman corrected to first place in the
PHRF fleet, while Chris Christian and crew
VanEtte with student Ben Shub finished first
in the J22 fleet.
The best part of these classes is the enthusiasm they generate in new sailors. Three intend
to submit applications to join the club, and
several have already been in touch with Bubba
to help on RC!
Please thank all of the volunteers listed here
for giving their time and talents to represent
our club and make these classes successful,
many of these members helped during both
weekends; Bubba Horner, Dave Sanford, Doug
Toepperwein, Carl Hendrickson,
Mike Stellato, Bob Middleton,
Bruce Dunn, Henry McGill,
Carl Hawkins, Betty Rourke,
Rick Cioppa, Jack Carter, Ray
Leubner, Chris and VanEtte
Christian, Lynn Simpson, Peter
Macler, Marvin Arnold, Kerry
Klingborn, Pete Prados, Don Muir, Scott
and Nicholas Wells, Bryant Bowington, and
Harold Simmons.
Copyright 2007-2012 Lake Canyon Yacht Club
fter watching weather forecast for several days prior to Saturdays keel boat
races, seemed probably would not race.
Predicted low temperatures (forties) with
80% chance of rain, with chance of isolated
thunderstorms. At BOG meeting around
9:30 AM decided to cancel races. Attempted
to notify racers, but with some crews coming
from San Antonio, was to late to help.
Talked with Harold about notifying people
in advance , but very hard question to answer.
It is a judgement call, and as weather is so
capricious and weather forecasts are likewise,
probably better to err on cautious side.
Gerardo Gala & Brandon Cassard heading
for finish line - race 2.
A number of years ago, RC Chair was so
cautious, none other than Keith Zars, jokingly
suggested we sail only in clear weather. Sorry
that Bob Wickman’s crew had to come in
from San Antonio. Sometimes, his crew
comes from Midland, TX which is a real trip.
My suggestion would be to go out and practice
your tacks, jibes, spinnaker handling, etc. if
crew shows up and races cancelled.
Had same predicament on following day
for board boat races. Had similar forecast
early in day with clearing in late afternoon.
Did not happen. Cleared by 10:00AM with
nice breeze of 8-10 mph out of 245 degrees.
Forecast was for wind at 200 degrees backing
to 180 degrees as afternoon progressed. Again,
did not happen.
Chase boat set up for 245 degree windward
mark at 0.5 NM. Flying Scots started in 5-6
mph, but soon wind dropped to 1-2 mph.
Bill McVey was at right place at right time,
easily winning by 1/2 leg over rest of Scots.
Five minutes later, start by Sunfish proved
near disaster, as leader Chris Besch reached
windward in 58 minutes, 60 minutes being
the deadline. Both FS and Fish shortened
to a 2, instead a 4, so Wayne Eckstine, Bob
Middleton and Randle Moore picked up
right leeward markgate looking downwind
and placed it in Chase boat, flew S-Flag with
2 sounds as first boat neared finish line. Rule
says finish between gate marks. This is way
to insure it, although had a boat try to finish
between RC boat and closest leeward gate to us.
What little wind there was after last Sunfish
finished, was out of 315 degrees. Our anchor
windlass was not working, so had Chase boat
Women’s Sailing Program Lynn Simpson
Learn To Sail
July 7, 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
July 8, 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
This class will cover sailing basics, parts
of a boat, how a sail works, basic sail trim,
basic sailing directions, knots & safety.
Also, plenty of time on the water!
Advanced Sailing
July 21, 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
July 22, 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Sailing upwind, sailing downwind, more
knots, more safety, weather, sailing a
course, VHF 101, & outboard motor
101. Plenty of time on the water! Prerequisite for this course; completion of
the Learn to Sail class
Registration opens May 15. Classes are
limited to 10 – 12 students. Pencil in the
dates on your calendars and sign up early!
9 THEDittyBag April 2012
Bubba Horner
SEW-MAD Regatta
Sept 22, 12:30 pm
Come out and participate in LCYC’s
Women’s only Regatta! This is the event
that you do not want to miss. Guaranteed fun to be had by all.
pull our anchor. We moved RC boat where
it was now 315 degrees to windward mark.
Flying Scots (3) re-tired for day. Postponed
2nd race until start-finish line in place.
Were given a 2, so no leeward gates were
needed. Just start-finish line and windward
mark. Bill started but retired shortly after, as
Chase boat preparing to tow sailors back
home. Brandon in Sunfish #5.
wind continue to diminish both in velocity
and direction. After rounding windward
mark, wind continued to veer (clock) to
around 045 degrees. This was one horrible
weekend for RC as well as sailors. Don’t think
it could get any worse than this weekend.
Had around 40 degree swing in temperature
from Sat to Sun. Very little wind either day.
Chase boat manned by Wayne Eckstine, Bob
Middleton, and Randle Moore. RC boat by
Lee Woodbury, Dana H., who is working on
her Ph.D. at Texas Tech, and Bubba Horner.
Beer and chips in club house after races.
Longneck Multihull
Regatta Joe Monosmith
As I walk around LCYC I see
a lot of multihulls that never
seem to get on the water.
Well wait no more, Longneck
Multihull Regatta is your
event! On May 19th and 20th
there will be racing, dinner
and even a raffle. Bring out
your catamarans, trimarans,
outriggers, what have you and
join the fun. Don’t have a
multihull? Thats OK. Join us for dinner
and the famous Longneck raffle on
Saturday night. I guarantee you will have
a good time. Mark your calendar, May 19th
& 20th, the weekend after Mother’s Day.
See you there.
Copyright 2007-2012 Lake Canyon Yacht Club
J/22Regatta 2012 Bubba Horner
eems as if we are jinxed on our J/22 Circuit
Regatta as far as wind is concerned. This
is the second year in a row that we had
very little wind and had to move “Vulture”,
the LCYC RC Boat, between races.
After the 1st race was shortened to a 3, the
entire fleet was sent ashore to await wind. Race
started with a decent 6-8 mph wind out of 120
degrees, but midway to windward mark of first
leg, wind dropped to 1-2 mph. Continued to
decrease to near 0 wind , so decided to shorten
from a 5 to a 3. Mark Hudson and Tom Geis
were in charge of the windward mark and
offset pin, and took all finishes. Was really
blessed with such great help as they were dead
on all day in setting that windward mark. Fleet
sent home to await wind.
Fleet was to return if and when wind picked
up. While fleet was ashore, we detected some
wind at 330 degrees. Pulled anchor and moved
toward dam to set up for 2nd race. Almost exactly opposite of race one as Chase boat one and
Chase boat 2 changed position. Dave Sanford
and Gerardo Gala handled leeward gate marks
in race 1. Jake Mathis replaced Gerardo for race
2 in helping Dave. Sylvie Mathis assisted me
on RC boat and did fantastic job.
Close racing in race #1
After a couple hours postponement, race 2
started at 15:05:00. Again, as in race 1, had
decent wind around 6-8 mph and held enough
to get 5 legs completed. Wind completely died
near first part of leg 5. Keith Zars won the 1st
Calling All Sunfish Sailors
Starting April 28, 2012
Bring your boat and come join in the fun on
the last Saturday of each month. We will race
from 6:30 - 8:30PM. The first person at the
lake will set up a course. This is friendly racing,
open to all ages and all levels of experience.
See you there!
Dave Sanford, Sunfish Committee Chair
10 THEDittyBag April 2012
race; fellow LCYC sailor Wayne Peacock, with
old salt Fred Am Rhein as crew obtained a
bullet for race 2. Shortly after boats finished,
a steady wind out of 150 degrees arrived at
8+ mph that got everyone home. Thought we
were going to have to tow them back home,
but wind saved us.
Great meal served by ole reliables Mary Lindsey, Barbara Zars, Mary Bourgeois, Sue Radley,
Betty Rourke, Carol Harris, Sandra Lindsey,
Vanette Christian, Mo Simmons, Donovan
Besch and I probably left someone out. Yes, Carl
Hawkins was also spotted in kitchen.
Had good “chalk talk” on covered deck area
and also shorter windward leg. Lucky to get
2 races in, as wind start to drop from start of
around 6 mph to 1-2 towards end of 2nd race.
Meals served by same crew as yesterday.
Trophies awarded to winners.
B Koepke & C Lambert on opposite
jibes toward leeward gate marks
W Peacock - winner of race 2
led by Fred Lindsey and Keith Zars. There were
also pearls given by other great sailors - Brant
Koepke, Casey Lambert and others. Tomorrow
planning races involving top sailors in boats
that finished in bottom half of fleet. Prize will
go to boat. Should be a lot of fun and great
learning experience. Just hope we have wind.
Forecast not that great.
J-22s did something interesting and different on Sunday. Took the top sailors and crewed
for the newer sailors and used different boats.
Places went to the boats instead of the skippers. Had 2 races and everyone seemed to
enjoy the change of pace. Still had light winds
out of 305 degrees. Given a 3 , instead of a 5
Please refer to our web. site for results. Let
it be known that LCYC sailors won 3 out of
5 trophies. Keith Zars won Circuit, with Fred
Lindsey 3rd place. Wayne Peacock finished
4th, but won race #2. Keith also won a bullet
in race #1.
Others from LCYC to receive bullets, were
Scott Dunn and again, Wayne Peacock for
their boats on Sunday. Beautiful trophies were
provided by Keith Zars. 5 for sailors, 3 for
RC and Chase Boats, and a dozen bottles of
champagne for the kitchen helpers. What a
wonderful gesture by Keith, who has done
this many, many times in the past.
Eric, Wayne & Fred share a happy moment
BOAT U.S. Membership
Special Co-op Rate of $15.00
Half the regular annual dues!
To join call Boat US 800-395-2628
More info: Carolyn Cole 210-590-7100
Copyright 2007-2012 Lake Canyon Yacht Club
Notices • Subleases • Collectables
1987 Catalina 15, also called a
Coronado 15, with galvanized
trailer, man and jib. Boat, sails
and trailer in excellent condition.
Fun and fast Asking $2250 or
best offer.
Call Ed Maxwell 210-286-6577
1974 Coronado/Capri 15 Sailboat
Good shape with nice main/jib,
and a galvanized trailer. Seats 4
with a closed storage area in the
bow. $1250 OBO. Please call
Smitty Smith at 210-355-0196.
Mid 80’s Johnson Sail Master 6
long shaft. Acquired with boat,
ran the last time it was started.
If it doesn’t run I’ll take it back.
Call David 830-708-0992 or
[email protected]
Sunfish or Laser for Spring &
Summer Series - Charter/Buy.
Experienced Sunfish/Laser
Sailor needs boat(s) to race.
Call Bryant to discuss your
boat(s) and your needs.
916-212-1558 cell
e-mail: [email protected]
Ericson 29 175 Model
LOA 28’7”, Beam 9’3”, Draft
4’4” Good condition. Atomic 4
works well. Good old boat that
needs a little attention and work,
but is ready to sail any time. Sails
are in good condition roller furling
jib. Asking $6900.
Contact Mike 210-771-1142
C&C 25 - 1983 “Good Vibrations” [email protected]
This boat is sound but needs some
TLC and elbow grease. It has been ANCHORS & CHAINS
donated to the Canyon Lake Sail- FX16 10# Fortress Anchor $85
ing Foundation & with a little 10KGS 22# Claw Anchor $50.
work will make someone a great 5’3/8”Galvanized Anchor Chain $35
boat. Located at the Lake Canyon 10’ 3/8 Galvanized Anchor Chain $60
Yacht Club marina. Make us an 2 10x28” Fenders with lines and
offer we can’t refuse and it can be covers - $50 each. For additional inforyours. Contact Marvin Arnold mation, please contact Carl Hawkins.
at 830-237-6781 to schedule a 830-739-8483
Twin Vee 10’6’ Power Cat.
Fast boat for fishing, tube
running or just fast fun.
Yamaha 15hp motor and Big
Tex trailer. $3500.
Call 410-279-0248.
[email protected]
22 ft Chrysler with new 5hp
outboard. Nice cabin. Four wheel
tandem trailer. Can be seen at slip
C246. I am willing to sublet
the slip. $1000
Call Ed Silliman 512-353-0055
4,000 lb. Hydro-Hoist
Already set-up for a 12’ x 24’ or 28’
slip. It’s been a good and reliable
hoist for the last 12 years - $2,000.
I also have two 2,000 lb. fiberglass
tanks.Call Ray Leubner at:
830 964 2703 / 512 633 4434 Cell
Yacht Twin Motor 9.9 hp
1993 Evinrude. We have used it
on our J/80 since Spring 2001. In
Excellent condition. Great in high
wind. We never used the electric start
since my wife can start it
usually with 2 pulls. $825
George Hall -Home 830-278-3771
Lake 830-964-6475
Available to LCYC Member
12x24 leeward slip D362. Contact
Billie Williams
361-592-1921 or 830-708-3652
[email protected]
Laser Sailors for a Laser Fleet
LCYC Summer Series 2012
Want to race an Olympic Class
boat? Is that Laser of yours
sitting around rotting on the
dolly/trailer? Suffering of Dunlap
Disease? If any of these things
interest you call Bryant B.
916-212-1558 cell
e-mail: [email protected]
Free to LCYC Members. Short
classified ads are not available to
non-members. Please notify the
Ditty Bag editor when your ad has
been fullfilled at [email protected]
or call Kathy Leubner.
If you are looking for someone to
sublease your slip, or if you want
to sublease someone’s slip, call
Carolyn Cole at 210-590-7100.
Your name and contact information will be included on the
sublease contact list in the next
Ditty Bag. All subleases require
Board approval. Maximum term
of subleases is 6 months.
There is limited inventory of
LCYC polos available locally.
Please contact Linda or Marvin
Arnold for colors and sizes in
both ladies & mens shirts.
To place a business card ad or order an LCYC burgee, please contact Carolyn Cole at 210-590-7100.
11 THEDittyBag April 2012
Copyright 2007-2012 Lake Canyon Yacht Club