earning your chat license


earning your chat license
Before you can chat with others in Whyville, you need to take a
“digital citizenship” quiz by getting your chat license. Many
Whyville games require the use of chat commands to work
properly. Getting your chat license allows you to interact with other
Whyvillians. Earning your chat license provides safety guidelines
for how to behave in Whyville.
How to Get There:
You can get your Chat License at the Welcome Lounge.
Go to the Teleport Menu —> *Welcome Lounge and click on the
“Earn your Chat License” poster on the wall to begin.
Whyvillians will ask you a series of questions – click on the speech
bubble (right hand column) that you feel is the most appropriate
response. Once you’ve received your Chat License, you are
considered a registered citizen of Whyville! Now you can chat in
social rooms and use chat commands for games.
Quiz Tips:
1) ASL or A/S/L stands for Age, Sex, & Location.
2) City Workers are adults that work for Whyville. Their job is to make sure everyone on Whyville is safe, and
they monitor all chat, forum posts, and Ymail . You can identify City Workers by their red CW beanie hats.
(Only City Workers have a CW beanie hat.)
Managing your class:
Make sure that your students get their chat licenses too. They’ll
receive 150 clams for completing the chat license quiz. As a safety
feature, you can prevent your students from chatting with anyone
outside of your class. Go to your Satchel —> Class Roster —> and
scroll down. There is an option that says “I want my class to only chat
with other members of my class.” Select that option!
WhyPaks v1.0 © 2014 DaVinci Minds. Whyville © 2014 Numedeon, Inc.