Dangerous Goods Handling, Vol.6 (Issue 13-14)


Dangerous Goods Handling, Vol.6 (Issue 13-14)
Issue 13, Volume 6, 2013
Dangerous Goods Handling
Manage Your Anger
Risiko Kasut Tumit Tinggi
Lifting and Carrying
Book Review
Newspaper Cutting
Issue 13, Volume 6, 2013
Basic information on
Dangerous Goods Handling
Issue 13, Volume 6, 2013
Basic information on
Dangerous Goods Handling
Emergency Chart
IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY SUPERVISOR and implement local company emergency
→ Identify substance(s) involved by reference to documentation or package
→ Isolate the package by removing packages or property.
→ Isolate the area and advise emergency services as per local procedures
(airport, fire department, etc.).
→ Avoid contact with package contents.
Do not load.
Unload packages.
(expect Class 6,7 and 8, segregate other packages from them)
Inspect other packages in consignment.
Approach leaking substances with caution.
(i.e. avoid inhalation and touch)
Basic information on Dangerous
Goods Handling
Source Info: IATA/dangerous goods pamphlet
Issue 13, Volume 6, 2013
EVERYONE feels anger. Traffic snarls,
unsympathetic colleagues, playground bullies;
we all have our triggers. The problems start when
anger boils over into hostility and aggression,
behaviours that cause harm as we often read in
the newspapers these days.
Are you having anger management problems
but do not know how to resolve it? Well, here are
some simple, yet effective ways on how to deal
with anger to improve the quality of your life,
before it turns into violence.
1. Breathe deeply - If your heart hammers with
rage, slow it down by controlling your breathing.
Count to three as you inhale, hold the breath in
your lungs for three more seconds, and count to
three again as you exhale. Focus on the numbers
as you do this, and not to think about whatever is
angering you. Repeat as many times as
2. Relax - It sounds easy, and it is. Practice
relaxation by visualising a soothing place, and go
to that place in your mind. Feel the breeze, feel
the sand under your feet, breathe deeply and
slow down your mind. Affirmations may also be
helpful in relaxation. Repeat words and phrases
that make you feel relax.
3. Walk away - If you are involved in a
confrontation with someone, it is easy to get
agitated and stirred up. In this case, learning how
to deal with anger means to step away from the
situation. Staying around only makes matters
worse, including inflaming your anger even more.
Walking away allows you to cool down and
remind yourself to calm down.
exercise can also help you calm down, and
provide a physical outlet for your rage. Try
activities such as running, cycling, yoga,
swimming, martial arts, weight training etc. to
release stress positively.
stress by clearing all thoughts except for a single
task or activity. Whether it is driving, being at your
work desk, or having lunch; by simply
concentrating on the task at hand, you release
stressful thoughts from your mind.
5. Restructure how you think about your life Cognitive habits are the hardest to break, ask
yourself if you see everyone and everything as an
adversary or an obstacle. Chances are, the
world isn't exactly that way - but you think it is. Try
these tips to change your worldview:
8. Listen to music - Listening to music is another
way to deal with anger. Whether it is your
favourite CD, or something specifically relaxing
like classical music or ambient music, music can
make you feel relaxed, joyful, excited, happy
and everything in between.
- When you wake up in the morning, resolve that
you are going to greet every person, or
experience as if it is brand-new to you. Shed your
preconceived notions and give everything a
fresh start.
9. Laughter - As they say, laughter is the best
medicine. You can use humour to release all the
anger and underlying tension that you feel in a
positive manner. Think of something that
happened which is amusing, or find a comedy to
watch. If you like jokes, get a joke book and read
from it and laugh along with it.
- When you find yourself falling into the same
mental rut, say "Stop it" out loud. Consciously
change your line of thinking to something else.
- Try on different point of views. Instead of
focusing exclusively on how you are affected by
a situation, ask yourself how it affects the other
people involved. Think about the obstacles they
are dealing with, and how they are responding.
10. Take up a hobby - Find a creative outlet such
as writing, drawing etc., where you can expend
your energy. Hobbies help elevate your mood
and allow you to channel the energy you usually
spent on issues that you can't resolve. Imagine
what you can do, if you channel it to something
6. Do something proactive - If the situation
persists, take a pen and paper and start writing
down your feelings. Identify what is triggering the
feelings. You can also write down ways that you
think will alleviate the triggers.
11. Be positive - What you say to yourself impacts
the present and creates your future. Love yourself
and use the power of positive words, pleasing
thoughts, and affirming beliefs to live your life to
the fullest.
7. Meditate - One of the most effective ways to
reduce stress and frustration is to incorporate
meditation into your daily routine. Take a few
minutes a day to clear your mind, center yourself,
4. Be active - Incorporating some type of physical and concentrate on your breathing.
activity, whether it is exercise or just moving
around can help relieve the built up energy
Meditation can do wonders to ease stress on
inside you. The endorphins that come from
your body and mind. Mindful meditation reduces
Source Info: NST; Jul 1, 2013; Pg. 032
Byline / Author: Compiled by 1Klassified Team
Issue 13, Volume 6, 2013
12. Anger management course - If you still have
anger problems after dealing with the situation
on your own, then perhaps you need to take an
anger management course. Some people find
this method to be particularly effective, since
they have the opportunity to interact with others
who suffer from the same challenges.
Issue 13, Volume 6, 2013
Hampir semua wanita gemar
pada kaki setiap kali memakai kasut tumit, bukannya di belakang kaki
memakai kasut tumit tinggi kerana ia tinggi.
seperti yang sering ditonjolkan
Selalunya peminat tegar kasut tumit
dianggap mampu membuatkan
beberapa jenis kasut.
tinggi terpaksa mendapatkan
mereka tampak lebih seksi dan feminin 1. Tidak sesekali membeli kasut
pelbagai rawatan termasuk di bilik
di mata orang sekeliling, terutama
menerusi dalam talian
Jika tapak tumit bagi kasut tinggi yang bedah bagi memulihkan masalah kaki
dipakai berada jauh di belakang
yang mereka hadapi akibat
Kasut perlu dicuba terlebih dulu
tumit, ia akan menyebabkan
pemakaian kasut tinggi setiap hari.
Namun, sekiranya dipakai lama atau sebelum pemakai membuat
seseorang berjalan dengan tidak
memilih kasut yang agak sempit,
keputusan membelinya. Mereka perlu seimbang dan mudah jatuh.
Namun, terdapat juga penyelesaian
bukan saja kaki menjadi sakit, ia
tahu sama ada saiz dan potongan
tanpa pembedahan bagi masalah
memberi kesan jangka panjang yang kasut benarbenar sesuai dengan kaki.
kaki antaranya meletakkan kusyen
boleh menjejaskan postur tubuh dan
3. Tidak terpedaya dengan kasut yang tapak kaki yang mengandungi gel
Saiz yang sepatutnya dipilih adalah
dijual terlalu murah
lembut bagi mengurangkan kesan
kasut yang muat sebaik disarungkan,
hentakan pada tapak kaki terutama
Kajian terbaru dijalankan College of namun masih memberi ruang untuk jari Jika boleh, elakkan diri daripada
sekiranya tapak kasut yang dibeli itu
Podiatry, London, membabitkan 2,000 kaki bergerak bebas dan tidak
membeli kasut yang terlalu murah
responden mendedahkan lebih 20
terhimpit sehingga menyakitkan.
kerana besar kemungkinan ia
peratus daripada mereka
diperbuat daripada plastik. Kasut
6. Segarkan kaki dengan
menyatakan kesakitan mula timbul
Apabila kasut terlalu sempit, kaki boleh sebegini akan membuatkan kaki
meletakkannya pada ais batu
selepas 10 minit memakai kasut tinggi. melecet dan lama-kelamaan bentuk berpeluh dan kasut terasa seperti
Lebih satu pertiga pula menyatakan tulang jari kaki akan berubah dan
`mengikis' kaki.
Selepas berjam-jam mengenakan
kaki mereka terasa amat sakit ketika menjadi cacat, atau dikenali juga
kasut tinggi hingga kaki bengkak dan
keluar berhibur sehingga mereka
dengan jemari `hammer'. Jika mahu Di bahagian tumit pula, ia selalunya
kesakitan, rendam kaki dalam air sejuk
membuka kasut dan sanggup berjalan memilih kasut yang tajam di bahagian bergeseran sehingga menyebabkan dipenuhi ais bagi mengurangkan rasa
pulang berkaki ayam.
depan, lengkungannya perlu bermula tumit dan beberapa bahagian kaki
sakit seterusnya melegakan kaki.
selepas ibu jari, namun lebih baik
melecet. Sebaiknya, kasut dilapik
Memakai kasut tinggi memang sering sekiranya memilih hujung kasut yang dengan kulit lebih lembut, selesa dan Bagi mendapat kesan maksimum,
mengundang pelbagai masalah padaberbentuk bulat.
tidak menyebabkan melecet.
rendamkan kaki kirakira 15 minit untuk
kaki. Antaranya, ia membuatkan kulit
mengurangkan bengkak.
keras pada tapak kaki hadapan,
2. Pilih kasut yang memberikan posisi 4. Bagaimana mengelak kasut
lebihan tulang yang terbonjol di
betul kepada kaki
daripada terus bergeseran pada kaki Sebelum tidur pula, sapukan sedikit
bahagian ibu jari kaki dan sakit
krim kaki yang bukan saja
Biarpun ada yang percaya kasut
Sekiranya kasut anda jenis yang agak melembutkan kulit, malah mencegah
tapak tebal lebih baik berbanding
keras dan sering menyebabkan tumit kulit kaki daripada pecah dan
Mengapa masih ramai yang
kasut bertumit tinggi, sebenarnya
melecet, cuba letakkan pelapik
mengenakan kasut tinggi biarpun tahu kepercayaan itu tidak benar. Ini
daripada jenis fabrik suede yang
risikonya? Ada tanggapan
kerana kasut bertapak tebal tidak
banyak dijual di pasaran, di bahagian
menyatakan mereka yang memakai fleksibel dan menyebabkan
belakang kasut.
Source Info : Harian Metro/ Jun 15,
kasut tinggi bertumit melebihi tiga inci pemakainya perlu mengangkat kaki
2013, Page number: 012
membuatkan si pemakai berasa lebih dengan tinggi supaya tidak mudah
Ada pula jenis yang dijual dalam
Byline / Author: Faizatul Farlin Farush
yakin dengan diri sendiri.
gulungan dan boleh dipotong
mengikut keperluan dan ditampal di
Apa pun, tidak adil untuk menyuruh
Ia juga lebih berat dan meletakkan
mana-mana bahagian kaki yang
seseorang menukar gaya fesyen yang beban pada kaki. Paling penting
sering bergeseran dengan bahagian
dirasakan menggembirakannya.
adalah posisi kasut berkenaan selari
kasut, seterusnya mengelak ia
Justeru, disenaraikan beberapa
dengan tapak kaki bagi memberikan daripada melecet.
panduan yang boleh digunakan
keselesaan. Tumit kasut sepatutnya
wanita untuk mengurangkan rasa sakit berada betul-betul di bawah tulang 5. Penyelesaian tanpa pembedahan
Issue 13, Volume 6, 2013
Lifting and carrying
Power warm-ups
You work hard at your job. Part of the work you do
requires lifting and carrying. When you do them right,
lifting and carrying are power jobs. When you lift and
carry the wrong way, you can hurt your back.
Warm-ups for Strength
Winners at any sport play better and win better when they
warm up. You will work better if you start each day with slow
stretches. These warm-ups let you ease comfortably into your
workday. They help you avoid injuries, too.
Always use the proper personal protective equipment.
Protecting your head, eyes, hands and feet is a must for
all lifting jobs.
This booklet will show you the right way to lift and carry,
so you can put more power into your work. You will also
learn how to keep your back strong and healthy. This will
let you work better and live better, with more energy to
enjoy what you do.
Read this booklet carefully, then follow what you learn
here. If you do, you will learn the proper way to lift and
Leg and Back Warm-up
 Prop one foot on a chair or a stool for support.
 Ease forward slowly. Keep your back slightly curved.
 Stay forward for 7 counts.
 Repeat 7 times.
 Switch and do the same with the other foot.
 Stand with your feet about 12” apart.
 Support the small of your back with your hands.
 Arch backward. Bend your head and neck as you go.
 Stay back for 7 counts.
 Repeat 7 times.
How Your Back Works
The Spine
The most powerful back is one that is flexible, healthy and
straight. This lets you stand tall and work strong. Every strong
back has three natural curves:
 Neck curve
 Middle back curve
 Lower back curve
Back Muscles
These three curves need support from strong, flexible muscles to
keep your back in a straight line. The way your back lines up is
called posture.
 Power posture helps prevent back strain and pain. It means
your back muscles are strong and healthy.
 Weak posture can lead to pain and injury. Slouching,
slumping posture means your muscles are weak and lazy.
Issue 13, Volume 6, 2013
Power lifting tips
Power Carrying Tips
Protect Yourself
 Use the right hand protection.
 Wear safety shoes to protect your feet.
Your Checklist
 Is your footing firm?
 Is there enough clearance at doorways to keep your
hands and fingers safe?
 Check your route for hazards.
 Take extra care at platforms, loading docks, ramps and
 Carry long loads on your shoulder, with the front end high.
 Make sure the next person has a firm grip before you hand
off a load.
 When you carry with others, everyone should carry the
load on the same shoulder. Walk in step and put the load
down as a team.
Size Up the Load
 To see if you can carry it comfortably, tip it on its side.
 Get help if the load is too big or bulky for one person.
 Check for nails, splinters, rough strapping and sharp edges.
Lift it Right
 Make sure your footing is solid.
 Keep your back straight, with no curving or slouching.
 Center your body over your feet.
 Get a good grasp on the object and pull it close to you.
 Lift with your legs, not your back.
 Move your feet to turn. Do not twist your back
Winning Back Care
Power Exercises for Strength
Oversized Loads
 Don’t try to carry a big load alone. Ask for help.
 Work as a team. Lift, walk and lower the load together.
 Let one person call the shots and direct the lift.
High Loads
 Use a step stool or a sturdy ladder to reach loads that are
above your shoulders.
 Get as close to the load as you can.
 Slide the load toward you.
 Do all the work with your arms and legs, not your back.
Half Sit-Ups
 For strong stomach muscles:
 Lie flat on your back, knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
 Keep your arms at your sides or cross them on your chest.
 Pull your head, chest and shoulders off the floor. Hold for 10
 Repeat 5 times.
Wall Slides
 For strong backs and legs:
 Stand with your back against a wall and your feet 12”
 Slide down into a crouch. Keep your back against the wall.
 Hold for a count of 5.
 Slide up again, still with your back against the wall.
 Repeat 5 times.
Low Loads
 Loads that are under racks and cabinets need extra care.
 Pull the load toward you, then try to support it on one
knee before you lift.
 Use your legs to power the lift.
Issue 13, Volume 6, 2013
Other Back Basics
Back Safety Tips
Nutrition for Weight Control
Eat right to stay slender. Extra weight adds extra strain to your
back. Pick foods that are high in fibre, low in salt. Cut down
on fats and sugar.
 Wear the right personal protective equipment for lifting
and carrying.
 Lift with your legs, not your back. Pivot, do not twist.
 Get help with tough lifting jobs.
 Spend a few minutes each day before work on power
 Exercise regularly to keep your back strong and healthy.
 Eat right, stay slender and cut down on stress to avoid
back injuries.
Sleep Right for Fitness
 If you sleep on your back, put a pillow under your knees to
support your back.
 If you sleep on your side, bend your knees to reduce back
 Put a small pillow under your head and neck for support.
Cut Down on Stress
Worry and stress can cause tense and weak back muscles.
Learn how to deal with stress to stay healthy physically and
mentally. Look for books and learning programmes on
relaxation techniques, exercise programmes and good
A strong, healthy, powerful back is vital to your job. It also
helps you enjoy life. Make it a full-time job to take care of
your back!
Source info: National Safety Council booklet
Issue 13, Volume 6, 2013
Book Description
Assallammualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
First and foremost, I would like to congratulate the
Programme Development Division (PDD) for its effort to
produce a publication entitled Practical Guide to OSH
Risk Management : Understanding, Evaluating and
Implementing Effective HIRARC at the Workplace. This
publication is intended to further complement the
Guidelines for Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and
Risk Control (HIRARC) published in 2008 by the
Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH)
I am confident with the expertise and experience
shared in this book will spark the interest of many
employers and provide guidance to the employees in
complying with the Occupational Safety and Health
Act (OSHA) 1994. In the field of occupational safety and
health (OSH), the concept of risk is used to decide
which of the many hazards in the workplace require an
immediate attention, resources and effort by the
amount of risk each hazard presents.
Risk is concerned with likelihood of harm happening
and the responsibility for OSH in the workplace rests
equally on those who create the risks (i.e. employers) as
well as those who have to work with the risks (i.e.
workers). Therefore, the first step in managing OSH is to
identify hazards as comprehensively as possible.
The information gathered about each hazards identified
will then is used to assess the likelihood and severity of
the hazard and produce a qualitative risk table. The risk
table is used to translate the assessments of likelihood
Product Details
and consequences into levels of risk. The control of
risky activities may require procedures which need to
be strictly followed such as the implementation of safe
work procedures as well as the provision of personal
protective equipment.
It is no longer possible to merely provide work
instructions to workers without supplementing them
with the appropriate education and training to help
them understand the rationale for minimizing risks to
their safety and health. As workers are becoming
more aware of their rights to a safe and healthy work
environment, there is a need to provide information,
education and training to the workers so that they
know best how to protect themselves.
I hope that this publication will help to further equip
employers and employees with the necessary
knowledge to effectively identify hazards, assess and
control the risk at the workplace.
Soft cover: 119 pages
Publisher: National Institute of Occupational Safety
and Health, Malaysia (2013)
Language: English
ISBN: 978-983-42714-9-7
Product Dimensions: 7.0 x 0.8 x10.0 inches
Author : Mohd Rafee Baharudin
**Book for reference only : More details of this book,
please refer to NIOSH Library and to browse list of
collection please visit; http://www.niosh.com.my
Executive Director
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
(NIOSH), Malaysia
Issue 13, Volume 6, 2013
Byline / Author
2 July 2013
Ramp Collapse Report Ready Soon
Looi Sue-Chern
7 July 2013
Wujud Kecuaian Kes Jambatan Kedua Runtuh
Kuching: Jabatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (DOSH)
mengesahkan wujud unsur kecuaian oleh kontraktor dalam runtuhan
penyambungan susur keluar Jambatan Kedua Pulau Pinang pada 6 Jun
The investigations into the Second Penang Bridge ramp collapse by the
Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) is now in its final
Ketua Pengarahnya, Datuk Dr Johari Basri (gambar), berkata siasatan
mendapati berlaku kecuaian dari segi prosedur dan teknikal dalam kerja
pembinaan oleh syarikat kontraktor terbabit.
Its Penang director, Annuar Embi, said the investigation papers on the
June 6 incident were expected to be ready within the week.
"Kecuaian prosedur dan teknikal antara penyebab kejadian itu dan kertas
siasatan mengenai runtuhan penyambungan susur keluar Jambatan Kedua
Pulau Pinang sudah siap dan sudah diserah kepada penasihat undangundang Kementerian Sumber Manusia.
He said investigations into the collapse, which killed a passing car driver
and wounded several others, went on smoothly.
Annuar said once the investigation papers were completed, he would
submit them to the department's legal adviser and the Human Resources
Ministry for review and further action.
"We will wait for instructions. If we are ordered to proceed with
prosecution, we will then take this to court," he said after launching the
5th Occupational Safety and Health Conference in Seberang Jaya
Asked if the papers would be made public, Anuar said it would be up to
DOSH to decide.
"We are preparing investigations papers, not reports and this is not a
public inquiry," he said, adding that the incident could also be considered
as a criminal case under the Occupational Safety and Health 1994 Act.
He also said DOSH was keeping a closer watch on the five contractors
working at other sites of the bridge. The workers were subject to more
stringent requirements set by DOSH. These include submitting weekly
safety and health reports to the department.
Annuar said DOSH had also implemented similar stringent approach at
other construction sites deemed high risk.
"Engineers and contractors working at high-risk construction sites will have
to brief DOSH of their building activities, occupational safety and
maintenance procedures.
Kertas siasatan
"Kertas siasatan itu sedang diperhalusi dan akan diserahkan kepada
Timbalan Pendakwa Raya (DPP) minggu depan," katanya kepada
pemberita selepas menghadiri Majlis Penyerahan Cek Kepada PekerjaPekerja Sanmina - SCI Corporation (M) Sdn Bhd di sini, semalam.
Semua 876 bekas pekerja Sanmina - SCI Corporation (M) Sdn Bhd yang
diberhentikan kerja tahun lalu, menerima pampasan berjumlah RM2.6 juta
daripada bekas majikan mereka.
Penyerahan cek pampasan disempurnakan Menteri Sumber Manusia,
Datuk Richard Riot Jaem.
Majlis turut dihadiri Menteri Muda Pembangunan Perindustrian
(Pembangunan Estet Perindustrian) Datuk Peter Nansian Ngusie dan Ketua
Pengarah Jabatan Perhubungan Perusahaan, Fong Khei Por.
Dalam kejadian 6.40 petang 6 Jun lalu, dua bahagian konkrit iaitu 180 tan
konkrit keras dan 100 tan konkrit lembut di susur keluar Jambatan Kedua
Pulau Pinang yang dalam pembinaan di Lebuh Raya Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu,
runtuh, menyebabkan seorang terbunuh.
Sementara itu, dalam majlis berasingan di sini, Menteri Kerja Raya, Datuk
Fadillah Yusof, berkata kementeriannya akan turut menggunakan hasil
siasatan DOSH itu untuk menambahbaik perjalanan sektor pembinaan di
negara ini.
Byline / Author
4 July 2013
Tiga Buruh Asing Maut Tertimbus
Hardi Effendi Yaacob; Safeek Affendy Razali;
Fitri Nizam; Muhammad Mustakim Ramli
Issue 13, Volume 6, 2013
Hulu Klang: Tiga pekerja binaan mati tertimbus, manakala seorang lagi
cedera dalam kejadian tanah runtuh di sebuah taman perumahan baru di
Ukay Perdana, di sini, pagi semalam.
Sani ketika mengulas lanjut, berkata punca sebenar kejadian sedang
disiasat dan pihaknya akan memanggil syarikat pemaju perumahan itu bagi
mengenal pasti punca sebenar runtuhan.
Dalam kejadian kira-kira jam 11.25 pagi itu, kesemua mangsa warga
Myanmar sedang menjalankan kerja penyelenggaraan tebing di taman
perumahan baru berkenaan sebelum ia tiba-tiba runtuh.
Henti kerja pembinaan
Seorang mangsa patah kaki
Mangsa terbunuh dikenali sebagai Mohd Alam Yusuf Ali, 30; Kow Rim, 34;
dan Romza Ali Sodiullah, 30; manakala rakan mereka, Zaw Ko Reya, 25,
dilaporkan patah kaki dan menerima rawatan lanjut di Hospital Ampang.
Penolong Pengarah Operasi Bomba, Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat
Selangor (JBPM), Sani Harul, berkata ketika kejadian, lapan pekerja sedang
menjalankan kerja penyelenggaraan di tebing setinggi dua hingga tiga
meter itu.
"Kami dimaklumkan kerja pemasangan cerucuk baru saja selesai dijalankan
di tempat kejadian bagi tujuan pembinaan rumah. Bagaimanapun, tebing
itu tiba-tiba runtuh sebelum menimbus keempat-empat mangsa, manakala
empat lagi rakan mereka berjaya menyelamatkan diri," katanya.
Beliau berkata, tiga jentera bomba bersama 15 pegawai dan anggota dari
Balai Bomba dan Penyelamat Ampang dikejarkan ke lokasi sejurus Pusat
Gerakan Operasi Bomba dan Penyelamat Selangor dimaklumkan mengenai
kejadian, kira-kira jam 11.29 pagi semalam.
"Ketika tiba di tempat kejadian, dua mangsa yang tertimbus sudah ditarik
keluar oleh pekerja lain di tapak pembinaan itu, dengan salah seorang
daripadanya disahkan meninggal dunia di tempat kejadian.
Sementara itu, Timbalan Ketua Polis Daerah Ampang Jaya, Superintendan
Nazri Nawawi, yang turut berada di lokasi kejadian berkata, pihaknya
mengarahkan kerja pembinaan di tempat kejadian diberhentikan
sementara bagi memberi laluan kepada Jabatan Keselamatan dan
Kesihatan Pekerja (DOSH) menjalankan siasatan terperinci untuk
menentukan tahap keselamatan.
"Kita akan mengawasi dan memastikan kerja pembinaan dihentikan untuk
sementara waktu sebelum kebenaran untuk meneruskan semula pembinaan
diberikan, namun setakat ini tempoh masanya bergantung kepada pihak
DOSH," katanya.
Sehingga petang semalam, pemaju kawasan perumahan terbabit
mengawal ketat laluan masuk ke kawasan pembinaan bagi mengelakkan
kejadian itu diketahui umum.
Sementara itu, Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya (MPAJ) mengeluarkan
notis pemberhentian kerja terhadap pemaju projek perumahan Sierra Ukay,
di Hulu Klang, selepas tiga pekerja warga Myanmar maut dalam kejadian
tanah runtuh, semalam.
Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, berkata arahan itu dikeluarkan
kepada pemaju bagi membolehkan siasatan membabitkan kejadian itu
dapat dilakukan.
Bukan bencana alam
"Seorang lagi mangsa yang tercedera dikejarkan ke Hospital Ampang untuk
rawatan lanjut. Kami dimaklumkan mangsa patah kaki kiri dan mengalami
trauma, namun keadaannya dilaporkan stabil," katanya.
"MPAJ memang melakukan pemantauan di kawasan itu. Kali terakhir
mereka memantau kawasan itu adalah pada Isnin lalu, tetapi ketika itu
tiada pergerakan tanah dikesan.
Bertindak atas maklumat saksi di tempat kejadian, gerakan mengesan dua
lagi pekerja tertimbus dilancarkan sebelum mangsa ditemui dalam keadaan
tidak bernyawa kira-kira jam 12.30 tengah hari.
"Kejadian pagi tadi (semalam) bukan akibat bencana alam, sebaliknya
berlaku ketika kerja pembinaan sedang dijalankan," katanya yang ditemui
selepas sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Selangor ditangguhkan,
"Hasil siasatan awal yang dijalankan mendapati empat lagi pekerja lain
yang turut sama bersama-sama mangsa melakukan kerja membina tebing
cerun terselamat selepas sempat lari menyelamatkan diri," katanya.
Issue 13, Volume 6, 2013
8 July 2013
CAP: Check Bridges Being Built
George Town: The Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) has called for public confidence to be restored over the safety of bridges.
In welcoming the statement by the Occupational Safety and Health Department (DOSH) that the Second Penang Bridge's ramp collapse was caused by
the contractor's negligence, CAP president S.M. Mohamed Idris said DOSH should also inspect other bridges being built.
"Regular checks should be carried out on bridges undergoing construction.
"DOSH should make sure that contractors adhere to safety requirements.
"Bring back the people's confidence.
"Assure them that the bridges are safe," he said yesterday.
Director-General of DOSH Datuk Dr Johari Basri said on Saturday that the department had "more or less completed its investigations and identified the
shortcomings caused by the contractor's negligence".
He said it was preparing the charges and would discuss the case with deputy public prosecutors on the next course of action.
Byline / Author
10 July 2013
Zon berbahaya
Fazurawati Che Lah
Kuala Lumpur: Tapak pembinaan boleh dikategorikan sebagai zon
berbahaya bukan saja kepada pekerja, malah juga orang awam di sekitar
atau berhampiran kawasan terbabit.
Sementara itu bagi kes maut di tempat kerja bagi keseluruhan perusahaan
dan perkhidmatan seluruh negara menunjukkan peningkatan sehingga 9
peratus iaitu 192 kes bagi tahun 2012 berbanding 176 kematian pada 2011.
Pengarah Jabatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Wilayah
Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur dan Putrajaya Abdul Kahar Husain berkata, ratarata pekerja di tapak pembinaan terdedah kepada bahaya atau risiko
kemalangan sewaktu pengendalian kerja bina.
"Berdasarkan rekod berkenaan kematian di sektor pembinaan antara yang
paling ramai berbanding sektor perkhidmatan lain dan kita merasakan aktiviti
pembangunan yang pesat antara faktor kes itu meningkat.
Menurutnya, antara risiko yang biasa berlaku ke atas pekerja seperti
disebabkan ketinggian tempat kerja, barang yang dikendalikan, elektrik,
motor, objek tajam yang bergerak, lif, bahan kimia, habuk, bunyi bising dan
ruang yang terbatas.
Katanya statistik bagi kejadian maut di tapak pembinaan seluruh negara
pada tahun lalu menunjukkan peningkatan sebanyak 31 peratus iaitu 67 kes
berbanding tahun 2011 iaitu 51 kematian, manakala sehingga April tahun ini
adalah 14 kemalangan jiwa.
"Tapak pembinaan bukan saja menjadi zon bahaya kepada pekerja tetapi
orang awam yang berada di sekitarnya seperti tapak pembinaan jalan yang
perlu membenarkan trafik menggunakan laluan," katanya selepas
merasmikan Minggu Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Peringkat
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur (WPKL) anjuran Felda Global Ventures
Holding Bhd, di sini, semalam.
Menurut Abdul Kahar, bentuk bahaya di tapak pembinaan termasuk tempoh
kerja pembinaan dijalankan perlu diambil kira di samping pembinaan pagar
keselamatan atau ciri lain yang boleh mengelakkan kemalangan.
Issue 13, Volume 6, 2013
5 July 2013
Majikan Gagal Utamakan Aspek Keselamatan
Kota Bharu: Siasatan awal kes tanah runtuh yang mengorbankan tiga pekerja binaan di sebuah taman perumahan di Ukay Perdana, Hulu
Klang, mendapati kemungkinan majikan gagal mengutamakan aspek keselamatan.
Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (JKKP), Datuk Ir Dr Johari Basri, berkata pihaknya mendapati kemungkinan
ada persediaan keselamatan yang tidak mencukupi diambil oleh majikan.
Ambil tindakan undang-undang
"Kita akan ambil tindakan undang-undang jika siasatan mendapati majikan lalai dalam aspek keselamatan," katanya di sini, semalam.
Beliau berkata demikian pada sidang media selepas mewakili Timbalan Menteri Sumber Manusia, Datuk Ismail Abd Muttalib merasmikan
Program Kesedaran Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan di Sekolah Peringkat Negeri di Kolej Vokasional Pengkalan Chepa, di sini, semalam.
Tiga buruh asing warga Myanmar maut tertimbus berikutan tebing runtuh ketika mangsa sedang menjalankan kerja penyelenggaraan,
6 July 2013
Tebing Runtuh Akibat Kecuaian
Kuala Lumpur: Kejadian tebing setinggi 3.5 meter yang runtuh di tapak
pembinaan Taman Sierra, Ukay Perdana, Rabu lalu, tiada kaitan
dengan kegagalan struktur atau runtuhan cerun.
Ia disahkan Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya (MPAJ) selepas
lawatan segera dilakukan bersama Lembaga Pembangunan Industri
Pembinaan Malaysia (CIDB) pada jam 1 tengah hari, hari sama.
teknikal berkaitan punca berlaku kegagalan ketika aktiviti
pengorekan dilakukan, menyediakan cadangan tindakan
penyelesaian meliputi kajian kestabilan dan reka bentuk serta jadual
perancangan kerja bagi penyelenggaraan kawasan kemalangan
dan mengarahkan pelaksanaan penyelenggaraan di kawasan tapak
pembangunan bagi mengelak kacau ganggu di kawasan sekitar
sepanjang tempoh berhenti kerja dikeluarkan," katanya.
Pengarah Jabatan Perancangan Korporat MPAJ Rosliza Mohd
berkata, sebelum ini notis memberhentikan kerja serta-merta kepada
pemaju, Sierra Ukay Sdn Bhd dikeluarkan bagi memudahkan siasatan
Selain itu, turut disenaraikan ialah pemilik tanah perlu
bertanggungjawab terhadap sebarang masalah dan kemungkinan
atas kegagalan memelihara dan menyelenggara premis miliknya
hingga menimbulkan kejadian yang mengorbankan nyawa.
"Pemerhatian mendapati kemalangan berlaku kemungkinan akibat
kecuaian selain tiada pengurusan keselamatan ketika pelaksanaan
kerja," katanya menerusi kenyataan media yang dikeluarkan,
Insiden mengejutkan itu membabitkan empat pekerja dengan tiga
daripadanya maut manakala seorang cedera parah akibat tertimbus
dalam runtuhan.
Beliau berkata, bagi menangani isu sebegini, MPAJ sudah
memaklumkan hasil siasatannya kepada CIDB dan Jabatan
Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerja untuk tindakan lanjut.
"Notis jelas menyatakan pemaju perlu mengemukakan laporan
Issue 14,Volume 6, 2013
Issue 14,Volume 6, 2013
Tip untuk majikan dan pekerja
Persekitaran kerja selamat
• Pastikan tempat kerja senantiasa kemas.
• Pastikan tempat laluan tidak terhalang. Jika perlu,
1. Apakah kepentingannya?
tandakan garisan kuning untuk menunjukkan
• Sebagai pekerja, kebanyakan kita
laluan kecemasan.
menghabiskan masa hidup di tempat kerja di
• Gunakan bahan lantai yang tidak licin untuk
mana kita akan terdedah kepada berbagai
mengelakkan dari tergelincir dan jatuh.
punca bahaya. Tempat kerja yang kurang
• Bersihkan sebarang tumpahan dengan segera.
selamat boleh mengakibatkan kemalangan dan
• Pastikan peredaran udara yang baik dan efektif
penyakit yang berkaitan dengan pekerjaan
bagi mewujudkan suhu bilik yang selesa.
yang akan memudaratkan kita dan keluarga
• Pastikan tahap pencahayaan yang mencukupi.
dari segi sosial dan juga kewangan.
• Stor hendaklah disusun dengan teratur dan
semua barang mestilah dilabelkan. Hindarkan dari
2. Apakah faedah mempunyai tempat kerja
menyimpan bahan kimia atau racun serangga
yang selamat?
bersama-sama dengan makanan atau minuman.
• Melindungi aset terpenting-iaitu pekerjanya
• Paparkan tandakan keselamatan seperti jangan
• Meningkatkan produktiviti
merokok, laluan kecemasan dan yang berkaitan.
• Mengurangkan kemalangan dan penyakit di
• Alatan, mesin dan tempat duduk hendaklah yang
tempat kerja
ergonomik dan selesa untuk digunakan.
• Mengurangkan pembayaran insurans
• Berikan kemudahan tandas, tempat cuci, tukar
pampasan pekerja
pakaian, surau, tempat rehat dan sebagainya.
• Mengurangkan perbelanjaan perubatan
• Meningkatkan moral pekerja
Keselamatan Kebakaran
3. Bagaimana cara untuk mewujudkan
tempat kerja yang selamat?
Tahap Pentadbiran
• Sediakan polisi atau Dasar Kesihatan dan
Keselamatan untuk organisasi anda.
• Lantik Ahli Jawatankuasa Keselamatan dan
Kesihatan yang terdiri dari pihak pengurusan
dan juga kakitangan.
• Berbincang selalu mengenai isu-isu keselamatan
yang terdiri dari pihak pengurusan dan juga
• Mencatat setiap kemalangan dan kemalangan
nyaris dan seterusnya membuat penilaian untuk
langkah pencegahan.
• Berikan pekerja latihan dan pendidikan
mengenai amalan cara kerja yang selamat
• Sediakan peti kecemasan yang diisikan dengan
keperluan-keperluan perubatan kecemasan.
• Pasangkan alat pemadam api dan hos di tempat
kerja dan pastikan ianya selalu diperiksa.
• Tandakan tempat berkumpul semasa
• Paparkan pelan pengungsian semasa
• Lakukan latihan kebakaran dengan bantuan
pihak bomba.
Penggunaan bahan kimia dengan selamat
• Gantikan bahan kimia yang berbahaya dengan
yang lebih selamat jika boleh.
• Tanda semua bekas bahan kimia.
• Simpan data perlindungan keselamatan diri yang
disyorkan jika perlu seperti penutup mulut, sarung
tangan, kaca mata keselamatan dan
• Sediakan pencuci mata dan tempat mandi
kecemasan jika diperlukan.
Penggunaan peralatan dengan selamat
• Berikan latihan kepada pekerja tentang
penggunaan mesin dengan selamat.
• Alat pengadang mesin hendaklah dipasang
kepada mesin yang ada risiko terjadinya
• Hindarkan dari membuat pembaikpulihan,
pengubahsuaian atau pemeliharaan sesuatu
mesin tanda kebenaran.
• Gunakan alat perlindungan keselamatan diri
yang bersesuaian jika perlu.
Penggunaan alat perlindungan keselamatan diri
yang betul
• Jika boleh, hindarkan punca bahaya di tempat
kerja. Alat perlindungan keselamatan diri
hanyalah digunakan jika punca bahaya tersebut
tidak dapat dikawal.
• Sentiasa menggunakan alat perlindungan
keselamatan diri yang bersesuaian dengan tugas
dan tegaskan penggunaannya.
• Alat perlindungan keselamatan diri hendaklah
dipelihara selalu. Ganti alat perlindungan
keselamatan diri yang sudah rosak.
Issue 14,Volume 6, 2013
Staying heart healthy?
Early warning signs
Did You Know?
Our bodies often send out signals to let us know we‟re at risk of a heart
• About 1-1/2 million Americans suffer a heart attack each
• More Americans die from heart attacks than any other
• The odds are 50-50 you will die or of a attack or a stroke.
• The arteries in the hearts of 75 percent of American adults
already show traces of dangerous fat. This fat can clog
arteries and contribute to a heart attack.
The good news is that heart attacks are almost entirely
preventable.This booklet gives you important information on
heart attacks. You will learn who is most susceptible to heart
attacks. You will learn how to recognize warning signs. Most
importantly, you will learn how to prevent a heart attack that
could kill you.
Read the information carefully and follow the suggestions
contained here. They could save your life.
Angina is a short-term feeling of pain or discomfort. Stress is often the
cause of angina. Angina signals that the blood flow to your heart is
partly blocked. Angina symptoms include feelings of tightness, fullness,
aching and burning, and a sharp pain. These symptoms may radiate
pain to your left shoulder or arm, jaw, neck and back.
Heart attack symptoms
A heart attack is different from angina. The pain does not stop right away. It
continues until the heart attack is over. The pain or discomfort is usually
centered in your chest. Or it may radiate to your left arm, back or jaw. It may be
accompanied by:
• Sweating and shortness of breath
• Nausea or vomiting
• Weakness, dizziness or fainting
• Palpitations or rapid heart beats
• These symptoms can last from 30 minutes to several hours. They may let up
and then return.
They signal that part of your heart is dying from lack of oxygen. If you do not
get medical help, you could die.
Act Fast
Half of all heart attack victims wait more than two hours before they seek help.
More than 300,000 people a year die of a heart attack before they reach the
If you have chest discomfort lasting more than two minutes, call the emergency
medical service immediately. Perhaps you can get to a hospital faster on your
own. If so, have someone drive you there.
The good news is that heart attacks are almost entirely preventable.
Issue 14,Volume 6, 2013
Unavoidable risk factors
Some people are more at risk of a heart attack. Some risk factors cannot be
avoided. But many can. The risk factors we can’t control include:
Being related to someone with coronary heart disease will increase your risk of a
heart attack. You also have a higher risk of a heart attack if you’re AfricanAmerican.
Fifty-five percent of all heart attack victims are
age 65 or older
Male Sex
Men have a higher rate of heart disease than women. Men have heart attacks
earlier in life. After women reach menopause, their risk increases. But it is still not
as great as men’s.
Fifty-five percent of all heart attack victims are age 65 or older. Eighty- percent of
those who die of heart attacks are over 65. At older ages, women who have heart
attacks are twice as likely as men to die from them within a few weeks.
More than 80 percent of people with diabetes die of some form of heart or blood vessel
disease. One reason is that diabetes affects cholesterol levels. Diabetes appears most
often in middle age and among overweight people.
Avoidable risk factors
Being overweight increases the strain on your heart. If you’re more than 30 percent
over your ideal body weight, you’re more likely to develop heart disease. This is true
even if you have no other risk factors.
The factors most likely to put you at risk of a heart attack are all influences you can
change. They include:
Cigarette Smoking
Smokers’ risk of heart attack is more than twice that of nonsmokers. Cigarette
smoking is also the biggest risk factor for sudden cardiac death: Smokers have two
to four times the risk of nonsmokers. A smoker having a heart attack is more likely
to die from it. He or she is also more likely to die within an hour than a nonsmoker.
High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure increases your heart’s workload. It can cause your heart to
enlarge and get weaker over time. High blood pressure increases your risk of heart
attack and other diseases.
Physical Inactivity
Lack of exercise increases your risk of heart attack. Inactivity combined with overeating
can cause overweight. It can also raise your blood cholesterol level.
Excessive stress over a long period may create health problems in some people. If you
are a perfectionist who is intensive and competitive, you may be more at risk of a heart
attack. Remember: These risk factors can be reduced or eliminated by making a few
simple changes in your lifestyle. Let’s find out how.
High Blood Cholesterol Level
Your risk of coronary heart disease rises as your blood cholesterol level increases.
When combined with high blood pressure and smoking, high cholesterol level
increases your risk of heart attack.
Issue 14,Volume 6, 2013
Handling stress
Lifestyle changes
Fortunately, the major heart attack risk factors can be reduced or
eliminated by following these suggestions:
Don’t Smoke, Avoid Smokers
Smoking is dangerous to life and health. Here are some smoking facts:
• Cigarette smoke accounts for 300,000 deaths every year. Smokers
themselves are not the only ones affected.
• Cigarette smoke contains about 3,800 chemical compounds, including
benzene and other carcinogens.
• The U.S. Surgeon General has labeled second-hand smoke as a major
health risk for nonsmokers.
• Ten years after quitting, the risk of death from heart disease for people
who‟ve smoked a pack a day or less is almost the same as for people
who‟ve never smoked.
What To Do
Stopping smoking is the most immediate and effective way to help prevent
a heart attack.
• Join a “Stop Smoking” class or other professional programme.
• Exercise regularly to burn off nervous energy.
• When you feel the urge to smoke, take 5-10 deep breaths.
• Do not think about it. Keep your mind on other things.
• Change your habits. For example, after a meal, brush your teeth or take a
• Get angry at the habit, not at yourself.
A sensible programme of regular exercise can lower your risk of heart
attack. It can also increase your stamina, improve your circulation, lower
your blood pressure, reduce stress and lower your heart rate. Aerobic
exercise is best for heart health. Aerobic exercise includes walking or
jogging, biking, swimming and rowing. Other kinds of aerobic exercise
include cross- country skiing, climbing and rhythmic calisthenics, such as an
aerobics class.
Excess stress happens when you are angry, excited, rushed or worried.
Prolonged or overwhelming stress is hard on your heart. Here are some ways
to reduce stress:
• Keep life in perspective. Do not build small concerns into big worries.
• Stay away from situations, people or conversations that upset you. You do
not have to win every argument.
• Learn to talk about your worries, fears and feelings. Discuss them with a
person who is understanding and receptive.
• Practice relaxation techniques and learn to laugh. It‟s the best medicine
for stress and worry.
Other prevention techniques
Here are other ways to prevent stress and lower your risk of heart attack.
• Keep your alcohol intake at a moderate level.
• Keep your blood pressure under control. If your physician prescribes
medication for high blood pressure, take it as prescribed.
• Keep your weight close to the suggested average for your age.
• You might also enroll in a CPR class. With the knowledge you gain, you
could save someone‟s
• life.
Your Exercise Programme
Try to exercise at least three times a week for 20 to 45 minutes. Exercising five
to seven times a week is even better. Check with your doctor before you
begin any exercise activity.
Issue 14,Volume 6, 2013
Eating right
Eating right can help you lose weight and lower your blood
cholesterol level. The most important change you can make in your
eating habits is to cut your fat intake. Only 20 to 30 percent of your
daily calorie intake should come from fat
Eating Out
• Avoid foods that are fried, breaded, creamed, sauteed or heavily
sauced. Ask for dressings and sauces on the side. Use them sparingly.
• Choose foods that have been steamed, stewed, baked or broiled.
• Opt for plain potatoes, rice or pasta. Stay away from butter and
cheese sauces.
• Choose egg-white omelets cooked without butter or shortening.
• For dessert, choose fresh fruit, sherbet or angel food cake. Stay away
from pudding, custard, pie, pastry and baked goods.
An active life free of concerns about heart attacks is worth the effort of
developing heart-healthy habits. You are in charge of your own heart
health. If you follow these prevention suggestions, you can improve your
chances of living along and healthy life.
Eating at Home
• Replace high-fat dairy products with skim milk, low-fat or non-fat
cheese and other non-fat foods.
• Cut out rich salad dressings. Mix your own dressing with vinegar,
spices and a small amount of olive oil or canola oil.
• Replace red meat with small amounts of chicken and fish. Trim
visible fat from all meat and fish.
• Increase the percentage of your diet that comes from beans,
legumes, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, potatoes and pasta.
• Avoid butter and other products high in saturated fats. Limit your
fat intake to margarine made with vegetable oils and
polyunsaturated fats.
• Restrict your intake of salt. A high salt intake can contribute to
coronary artery disease in salt-sensitive people. Be aware of the
salt content of prepared foods.
• Lower your intake of soft drinks, such as colas, that contain caffeine
and sodium. Limit yourself to two rims of caffeinated coffee a day.
**Source info: National Safety Council handbook
Issue 14,Volume 6, 2013
Introduction to Health and Safety at Work [Paperback]
Phil Hughes (Author), Ed Ferrett (Author)
Book Description
Publication Date: August 10, 2011 | ISBN-10: 0080970702 |
ISBN-13: 978-0080970707 | Edition: 5
Learn more about health and safety with this NEBOSHendorsed textbook, written and designed specifically to help
you pass your course.
• Matched to the NEBOSH National General Certificate in
• Practice NEBOSH questions and sample answers based on
recent examinations at the end of each chapter allow you to
test your knowledge and increase your understanding
• All relevant legislation is summarised for quick reference
Introduction to Health and Safety at Work, 5th edition covers
the basics of occupational safety and health. The book is the
definitive handbook to the National General Certificate in
Occupational Health and Safety from NEBOSH with each
element of the syllabus explained in detail. To make studying
easier, each chapter starts with learning outcomes and ends
with questions taken from recent NEBOSH examinations.
Specimen answers and a study skills chapter aid exam
New in this edition:
• Fully restructured in line with new 2010 NEBOSH syllabus.
• Inclusion of a summary of the Report on Health and Safety
„Common Sense Common Safety‟ by Lord Young.
• Gives particular regard to changes in legislation relating to
the Site Waste Management Plans Regulations, the Control of
Artificial Radiation at Work Regulations, Chemicals (Hazard
Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations (CHIP4)
and the European Classification, Packaging and labelling
• A chapter with guidance on searching the internet with a
range of significant Occupational health and Safety
Websites. There are dozens of internet references throughout
the book.
• Since the Practical Application NGC3 has been significantly
revised, Chapter 20 includes a sample practical application
based on the new scope and format.
A companion website with downloadable tutor and student
support materials, including editable PowerPoint slides and a
set of full colour electronic „spot the hazard‟ inspection
exercises is available at: www.routledge.com/cw/hughes
Phil Hughes MBE, MSc, CFIOSH, is a former Chairman of
NEBOSH (1995-2001), former President of IOSH (1990-1991) and
It is highly illustrated with over 60 new diagrams and runs his own consultancy. He received an MBE for services to
photographs in full colour making learning easy for all. There is health and safety and as a director of RoSPA, in the New
a companion website with editable training slides and Years Honours List 2005.
illustrations to help tutors deliver health and safety courses.
This book is a handy reference for managers and directors Ed Ferrett PhD, BSc (Hons Eng), CEng, MIMechE, MIET,
dealing with the day-to-day issues of health and safety and is CMIOSH, is a former Vice Chairman of NEBOSH (1999-2008)
also of great value to those studying for level 3 N/SVQ and and a lecturer on NEBOSH courses at Cornwall Business
the IOSH Managing Safely Award. It covers all the essential School of Cornwall College. He is a Chartered Engineer and
elements of health and safety management, the legal a health and safety consultant.
framework, risk assessment and control standards and
includes checklists, report forms and record sheets. In
addition, useful topics outside the syllabus have been
included and an additional chapter to cover other aspects
of health and safety and related topics that many readers
will find helpful on completion of the course – construction
activities, environmental considerations and international
Issue 14,Volume 6, 2013
Editorial Reviews
"This new edition is bigger, better and brighter than its first incarnation and is highly
recommended for anyone embarking on the NEBOSH National General
Certificate. But don‟t just confine it to the back of the bookcase once you‟ve
passed the exams. It should form the basis of an expanding health and safety
library for those just starting out on the road to becoming a health and safety
professional, or those for whom health and safety is not their main role."
Nick Cornwell-Smith, Safety & Health Practitioner (SHP) Magazine
Learn more about health and safety with this NEBOSH-endorsed textbook, written
and designed specifically to help you pass your course.
•Matched to the NEBOSH National General Certificate in Occupational Health
and Safety.
•Practice NEBOSH questions and sample answers based on recent examinations
at the end of each chapter allow you to test your knowledge and increase your
•All relevant legislation is summarised for quick reference.
Introduction to Health and Safety at Work, 5th edition covers the basics of
occupational safety and health. The book is the definitive handbook to the
National General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety from NEBOSH
with each element of the syllabus explained in detail. To make studying easier,
each chapter starts with learning outcomes and ends with questions taken from
recent NEBOSH examinations. Specimen answers and a study skills chapter aid
exam preparation.
It is highly illustrated with over 60 new diagrams and photographs in full colour
making learning easy for all. There is a companion website with editable training
slides and illustrations to help tutors deliver health and safety courses.
This book is a handy reference for managers and directors dealing with the dayto-day issues of health and safety and is also of great value to those studying for
level 3 N/SVQ and the IOSH Managing Safely Award. It covers all the essential
elements of health and safety management, the legal framework, risk assessment
and control standards and includes checklists, report forms and record sheets. In
addition, useful topics outside the syllabus have been included and an additional
chapter to cover other aspects of health and safety and related topics that many
readers will find helpful on completion of the course - construction activities,
environmental considerations and international issues.
Product Details
•Paperback: 624 pages
•Publisher: Routledge; 5 Edition (August 10, 2011)
•Language: English
•ISBN-10: 0080970702
•ISBN-13: 978-0080970707
•Product Dimensions: 1.1 x 8.4 x 11.8 inches
•Shipping Weight: 4.1 pounds (View shipping rates and
•Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars See all reviews
(1 customer review)
•Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #508,910 in Books (See Top 100 in
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**Book for reference only : More details of this book, please refer NIOSH Library and to
browse list of collection please visit; http://www.niosh.com.my
Issue 14,Volume 6, 2013
7 July 2013
Wujud Kecuaian Kes Jambatan Kedua Runtuh'
Kuching: Jabatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (DOSH)
mengesahkan wujud unsur kecuaian oleh kontraktor dalam runtuhan
penyambungan susur keluar Jambatan Kedua Pulau Pinang pada 6 Jun
Byline / Author
Zon Berbahaya
Fazurawati Che Lah
Kuala Lumpur: Tapak pembinaan boleh dikategorikan sebagai zon berbahaya
bukan saja kepada pekerja, malah juga orang awam di sekitar atau
berhampiran kawasan terbabit.
Ketua Pengarahnya, Datuk Dr Johari Basri, berkata siasatan mendapati
berlaku kecuaian dari segi prosedur dan teknikal dalam kerja pembinaan
oleh syarikat kontraktor terbabit.
Pengarah Jabatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Wilayah
Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur dan Putrajaya Abdul Kahar Husain berkata, ratarata pekerja di tapak pembinaan terdedah kepada bahaya atau risiko
kemalangan sewaktu pengendalian kerja bina.
"Kecuaian prosedur dan teknikal antara penyebab kejadian itu dan kertas
siasatan mengenai runtuhan penyambungan susur keluar Jambatan Kedua
Pulau Pinang sudah siap dan sudah diserah kepada penasihat undangundang Kementerian Sumber Manusia.
Menurutnya, antara risiko yang biasa berlaku ke atas pekerja seperti
disebabkan ketinggian tempat kerja, barang yang dikendalikan, elektrik,
motor, objek tajam yang bergerak, lif, bahan kimia, habuk, bunyi bising dan
ruang yang terbatas.
Kertas siasatan
Katanya statistik bagi kejadian maut di tapak pembinaan seluruh negara
pada tahun lalu menunjukkan peningkatan sebanyak 31 peratus iaitu 67 kes
berbanding tahun 2011 iaitu 51 kematian, manakala sehingga April tahun ini
adalah 14 kemalangan jiwa.
"Kertas siasatan itu sedang diperhalusi dan akan diserahkan kepada
Timbalan Pendakwa Raya (DPP) minggu depan," katanya kepada
pemberita selepas menghadiri Majlis Penyerahan Cek Kepada PekerjaPekerja Sanmina - SCI Corporation (M) Sdn Bhd di sini, semalam.
Semua 876 bekas pekerja Sanmina - SCI Corporation (M) Sdn Bhd yang
diberhentikan kerja tahun lalu, menerima pampasan berjumlah RM2.6 juta
daripada bekas majikan mereka.
Penyerahan cek pampasan disempurnakan Menteri Sumber Manusia,
Datuk Richard Riot Jaem.
Majlis turut dihadiri Menteri Muda Pembangunan Perindustrian
(Pembangunan Estet Perindustrian) Datuk Peter Nansian Ngusie dan Ketua
Pengarah Jabatan Perhubungan Perusahaan, Fong Khei Por.
Dalam kejadian 6.40 petang 6 Jun lalu, dua bahagian konkrit iaitu 180 tan
konkrit keras dan 100 tan konkrit lembut di susur keluar Jambatan Kedua
Pulau Pinang yang dalam pembinaan di Lebuh Raya Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu,
runtuh, menyebabkan seorang terbunuh.
Sementara itu, dalam majlis berasingan di sini, Menteri Kerja Raya, Datuk
Fadillah Yusof, berkata kementeriannya akan turut menggunakan hasil
siasatan DOSH itu untuk menambahbaik perjalanan sektor pembinaan di
negara ini.
Sementara itu bagi kes maut di tempat kerja bagi keseluruhan perusahaan
dan perkhidmatan seluruh negara menunjukkan peningkatan sehingga 9
peratus iaitu 192 kes bagi tahun 2012 berbanding 176 kematian pada 2011.
"Berdasarkan rekod berkenaan kematian di sektor pembinaan antara yang
paling ramai berbanding sektor perkhidmatan lain dan kita merasakan aktiviti
pembangunan yang pesat antara faktor kes itu meningkat.
"Tapak pembinaan bukan saja menjadi zon bahaya kepada pekerja tetapi
orang awam yang berada di sekitarnya seperti tapak pembinaan jalan yang
perlu membenarkan trafik menggunakan laluan," katanya selepas merasmikan
Minggu Keselamatan dan KesihatanPekerjaan Peringkat Wilayah Persekutuan
Kuala Lumpur (WPKL) anjuran Felda Global Ventures Holding Bhd, di sini,
Menurut Abdul Kahar, bentuk bahaya di tapak pembinaan termasuk tempoh
kerja pembinaan dijalankan perlu diambil kira di samping pembinaan pagar
keselamatan atau ciri lain yang boleh mengelakkan kemalangan.
Issue 14,Volume 6, 2013
11 July 2013
Pengusaha IKS Perlu Jawatankuasa KKP
Kangar: Peranan sektor industri kecil dan sederhana (IKS) dalam
menjana ekonomi negara sememangnya tidak dapat dipertikaikan,
namun kepesatan industri ini turut menyumbang kepada risiko
keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan (KKP).
Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (JKKP)
Datuk Dr Johari Basri berkata, jawatankuasa KKP perlu diwujudkan
pengusaha IKS khususnya bagi majikan yang mempunyai lebih
daripada 40 pekerja.
"Sehingga kini, kesedaran mengenai KKP ini dalam kalangan mereka
masih di peringkat awal disebabkan kekangan modal yang kecil selain
kekurangan pakar serta pekerja kurang mahir dan kami berusaha
menganjurkan pelbagai program kesedaran ini.
"Ini kerana jawatankuasa KKP ini sangat penting kerana berfungsi
sebagai platform di antara majikan dan pekerja bagi membincangkan
aspek keselamatan di tempat kerja, sekali gus meningkatkan
kesedaran mengenai risiko KKP di kalangan mereka ketika bekerja,"
katanya pada sidang media di Seminar KKP IKS, semalam.
Turut hadir, Pengarah JKKP negeri Rukairulaizam Abdul Rahman.
Johari berkata, kemalangan di tempat kerja boleh memberikan
implikasi dan imej buruk kepada organisasi terbabit khususnya negara
kerana kos yang perlu ditanggung sekiranya berlaku kemalangan lebih
tinggi nilainya.
"Kos ini sudah tentu lebih tinggi berbanding kos yang perlu dikeluarkan
bagi memastikan keselamatan di tempat kerja kerana membabitkan
kos rawatan, ganti rugi serta pampasan kepada keluarga mangsa,"
Byline / Author
12 July 2013
Utamakan Keselamatan
Noor Azimah Md Yasin
Jempol: Jabatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Negeri Sembilan
menyarankan setiap majikan di sektor pertanian mengambil kira faktor
keselamatan pekerja serta mengurangkan risiko kemalangan di tempat
Pengarahnya Ahmad Kahar Abu Bakar berkata, kemalangan di tempat kerja
lazimnya berlaku akibat sikap individu itu sendiri yang tidak mengambil berat
berhubung aspek keselamatan.
Katanya, bulan lalu terdapat dua kes kemalangan maut di sektor pertanian
akibat tidak mematuhi serta tidak menitikberatkan aspek keselamatan.
"Sekiranya kemalangan berlaku, kos yang perlu ditanggung pula agak tinggi
berbanding kos yang perlu dikeluarkan oleh majikan untuk menyediakan
peralatan keselamatan di tempat kerja.
"Majikan terbabit akan kehilangan pekerja terlatih, gangguan terhadap
pengeluaran, kerosakan jentera serta imej majikan itu sendiri akan terjejas,"
katanya ketika menghadiri Seminar Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan
Sektor Pertanian di sini, baru-baru ini.
Beliau berkata, bagi mengurangkan kadar kemalangan, majikan perlu
melaksanakan Sistem Pengurusan Kesihatan dan Keselamatan Pekerjaan
yang lebih berkesan seperti OHSAS 18000 atau MS 1722 yang bukan saja
memastikan tahap keselamatan malah petunjuk prestasi lain
"Ia adalah sistem selaras yang diiktiraf secara sistematik selain mereka diberi
kelayakan oleh badan berkaitan seperti Institut Piawaian dan Penyelidikan
Perindustrian Malaysia (SIRIM) dan Institut Keselamatan dan Kesihatan
Pekerjaan Negara (NIOSH) mengikut tahap keselamatan yang terjamin,"
Sementara itu, Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Bertindak Pertanian, Sumber
Manusia dan Kampung-kampung Baharu negeri L Manickam berkata,
sekiranya majikan tidak mengambil serius berhubung keselamatan dan
kesihatan pekerja, pihak berkaitan akan menyiasat perkara itu sebelum
tindakan diambil.
Issue 14,Volume 6, 2013
: 19/07/2013
: 006
: Rent Defaulters To Blame For Lift Death
Kuala Lumpur: City Hall is not to be blamed totally for the accident which
killed an 11-year-old boy in a low-cost flats lift on Wednesday.
Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Abdul
Rahman Dahlan said low-cost flat dwellers usually did not pay their rent,
what more maintenance costs, which is handled by City Hall.
"My heart goes out to the family of the victim. But residents in the flats should
also be responsible as it would not have happened if the fees are duly paid
so that maintenance checks can be done.”
Real Estate and Housing Developers Association's Johor chairman Koh Moo
Hing echoed Lee's sentiments, saying regular maintenance of lifts in
buildings was crucial to ensure public safety.
He advised residents to form residents' associations, which he said could
help promote awareness.
"If the flat residents' association had done something to educate the
residents, such a tragedy could have been avoided."
"Please do not point the finger at the government all the time when a
mishap happens. Please see the cause of the problem first and try to find a
solution for it," he said after launching Ops Raya at the Sungai Besi toll plaza
here yesterday.
Khairul Amir Azri Lani, 11, died after his head and neck got stuck between
the elevator ceiling and the building's third floor at Block 8 of the PPR Desa
Tun Razak flats.
When asked about the ministry's part in the incident, he said the ministry's
role ended after building and providing the residence.
"We only do that. After that, City Hall is responsible to get tenants and
handle maintenance.”
"We have our officers who will be looking into the progress of this case
though, as the family of the deceased are considering taking action against
the local authorities."
In Johor Bahru, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Chairman Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye said the incident was a grim reminder to the
authorities to review the maintenance culture of lifts.
Calling it a sad case of "one life lost is too many", he said the poor
maintenance culture had to change.
Lee, a former member of the City Hall advisory board, said the company
that installed the lift should have conducted regular checks.
"Lifts in low-cost flats are usually subject to heavy usage, so regular
maintenance is essential."
Issue 14,Volume 6, 2013
19 July 2013
Henti Salahkan Pihak Lain
Kuala Lumpur: Jangan ada tuding menuding, sebaliknya semua pihak
perlu mengambil iktibar di atas kejadian kanak-kanak maut tersepit lif di
Projek Perumahan Rakyat (PPR) Desa Tun Razak, kelmarin.
"Kita sudah pergi ke lokasi kejadian bagi menyiasat punca sebenar dan
DBKL akan memberi bantuan sewajarnya kepada ibu bapa mangsa yang
masih bersedih.
Sambil mengucapkan takziah kepada keluarga mangsa, Menteri
Kesejahteraan Bandar, Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan, Datuk Abdul
Rahman Dahlan (gambar), berkata penyelesaian perlu dilakukan bagi
memastikan kes sama tidak berulang.
"Selain menyiasat kejadian yang dipercayai berpunca daripada
kegagalan lif berfungsi dengan baik, saya minta supaya penduduk
pangsapuri di bawah selenggaraan DBKL jangan melakukan vandalisme
hingga menyusahkan penduduk lain," katanya.
Sehubungan itu, katanya, Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) dengan
kerjasama penghuni PPR berkenaan wajar digembleng supaya kualiti
kemudahan terutama lif di dalam keadaan memuaskan.
"Takziah kepada keluarga Khairul Amir dan saya harap ia tidak berulang
lagi. Keselamatan tidak wajar diperlekehkan tanpa mengira masa, kos dan
- Sejumlah 523 lif di 86 Perumahan Awam (PA) dan PPR sekitar bandar raya.
"Justeru, bagi memastikan penyelenggaraan berkala dilaksanakan
terhadap semua lif di PPR, DBKL perlukan dana hasil kutipan yuran
penyelenggaraan bulanan yang perlu dilunaskan penghuni.
Lif perumahan awam / rakyat
- 262 lif diganti baru dan 90 lif lagi akan diganti bermula 2014 sehingga 2019
dengan kos RM31.5 juta
"Dana ini penting supaya jika ada keperluan segera untuk menyelenggara
lif, tidak timbul masalah kewangan," katanya semalam.
Sementara itu, Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur, Datuk Seri Ahmad Phesal Talib,
semalam berkata lif yang menyebabkan mangsa tersepit itu akan ditutup
sementara menunggu siasatan Jabatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan
Pekerjaan (JKKP) yang dijangka selesai dalam tempoh sebulan.
Diselenggara 4 Julai
"Kerja penyelenggaraan lif itu dibuat kali terakhir pada 4 Julai lalu oleh
kontraktor dilantik dan ia masih baru selepas diganti tiga tahun lalu.
"Berdasarkan rekod, aduan kerosakan lif di terima dari penduduk pada
minggu lalu akibat pintu lif terhalang oleh objek menyebabkan ia
tersangkut," katanya.
Sebagai tindakan susulan lain, DBKL akan menukar lif yang lebih berkualiti
dan jarang rosak berbanding jenama sedia ada.
Sementara itu, Menteri Wilayah Persekutuan, Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan
Tengku Mansor, berkata DBKL sudah menubuhkan jawatankuasa khas bagi
menyiasat punca kerosakan lif itu.
Issue 14,Volume 6, 2013
25 July 2013
Majikan Ingkar Mencarum PERKESO Kena Tindakan
Masih terdapat majikan ingkar dengan gagal mendaftar dan mencarum
kepada Pertubuhan Keselamatan Sosial (PERKESO) untuk pekerja mereka.
Apakah usaha pertubuhan ini bagi memastikan nasib pekerja terbela.
Pandan Indah, Selangor
28 July 2013
Buruh Ajal Dihempap Runtuhan Dinding
Arau: Seorang pekerja kontrak maut selepas dihempap runtuhan
dinding dan siling ketika melakukan kerja-kerja membaik pulih dinding
di Dewan Utama Pusat Giatmara Jejawi, di sini, tengah hari semalam.
Dalam kejadian jam 1 tengah hari, Zaki Ibrahim, 27, berasal dari Jalan
Stadium, Alor Setar, maut di tempat kejadian selepas cedera parah di
Kita akan melancarkan kempen penguatkuasaan secara besar-besaran
terhadap majikan yang gagal mendaftar dan mencarum mulai 1
September ini. Tarikh akhir mendaftar pada 1 September dan selepas itu,
tindakan akan diambil terhadap mereka yang gagal berbuat demikian.
Sebelum itu, mangsa melakukan kerja membaik pulih dengan
mengetuk satu bahagian dinding di dewan sejak jam 8 pagi.
Namun, PERKESO akan memulakan program pendidikan keselamatan sosial
selama dua bulan berakhir Julai untuk mewujud kesedaran di kalangan
majikan mengenai faedah dan jenis perlindungan ditawarkan kepada
pekerja mereka.
Isteri mangsa Nasirah Ahmad, 23, yang tiba di tempat kejadian,
pengsan selepas melihat suaminya ditindih runtuhan bongkah konkrit
dan kepingan siling.
Pada masa ini, kita tidak mengambil tindakan terhadap majikan jika
mereka secara sukarela mendaftarkan pekerja dengan PERKESO sebelum
tarikh akhir berkenaan. Bagi memastikan tindakan itu dilaksana dengan
lebih berkesan, kira-kira 300 pegawai akan pergi dari `pintu ke pintu' premis
untuk mengenal pasti majikan yang gagal mendaftar, mencarum dan
melindungi pekerja mereka dengan PERKESO.
Majikan yang ada sekurangkurangnya seorang pekerja atau lebih, perlu
mendaftar dan membayar caruman setiap bulan kepada PERKESO.
Mereka mesti mendaftar dengan PERKESO dalam tempoh 30 hari daripada
tarikh pekerja pertama diambil bekerja. Kegagalan berbuat demikian,
majikan boleh dipenjara sehingga dua tahun atau didenda hingga
RM10,000 atau kedua-duanya sekali.
Difahamkan, ketika mangsa mengetuk dinding, tiba-tiba dinding dan
siling runtuh lalu menghempap mangsa.
Sebaik sedar semula, Nasirah dalam nada sedih memberitahu,
suaminya tidak menunjukkan sebarang perubahan sebelum ini.
"Kali terakhir saya berjumpa suami ketika bersahur pagi tadi (semalam).
Selepas itu dia bersiap untuk pergi ke Perlis bagi melakukan kerja baik
pulih dewan.
"Namun tengah hari tadi (semalam) saya terkejut menerima panggilan
mengatakan suami saya terbabit dalam kemalangan di Pusat
Giatmara," katanya.
Pasangan berkenaan berkahwin hampir dua tahun dan belum
dikurniakan cahaya mata.
Datuk K Selvarajah
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif PERKESO

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