January 2014/5774 - Sharei Chesed Congregation


January 2014/5774 - Sharei Chesed Congregation
January 2014
Rabbi Avraham
Bernie Miller
Terry Schwartz
Gregory Gittsovich
Dmitry Gringauz
Immediate Past
Sol Awend
Board Members
Berek Awend
Sol Awend
Madalyn Braufman
Jerry Berkowitz
Bruce Cohen
Dr. Martha Cohen
Roz Ettedgui
Dr. David Feldshon
Nina Furman
Aaron Geller
Boris Gerber
Judith Ingber
Gail Kenton
Leo Kudishevich
Francelyne Lurie
Jacob Mars
Jack Moskowitz
Cindy Neff
Gail Nord
Dr. Sheldon Pinsky
Naomi Salloway
Irving Smith
Anya Solodkina
Corrine Toretsky
Richard Woldorsky
Shelly Zien
Dear Members and Friends of Sharei Chesed,
It has been cold outside, but not inside our little shul. We
have celebrated B'nai and B'not Mitzvah, anniversaries and
birthdays. We have also welcomed new members and
enjoyed Divre Torah offered by members of our
A recent Pew survey gave a bleak view as to the future of
the American Jewish community, citing the increase in
interfaith marriages and the declining number of those who
view religion as an important component of being Jewish.
In this issue you will find two articles describing two celebrations we had in
our congregation recently of a Bat Mitzvah and a Bar Mitzvah. Both events
were most inspiring and demonstrated the staying power of the Jewish spark
in individuals who have made extraordinary efforts to keep Judaism alive and
Will this Jewish light continue into the future? It will all depend on the family’s
commitment to continue to invest in their children’s Jewish education and in
providing Jewish Living experiences throughout the coming years.
Our congregation recently conducted an end-of-the-year campaign for funds
needed to install a stove (hood and all mechanicals) in our kitchen, and in
supporting on-going synagogue activities. Our thanks and appreciation to all
those who responded.
We can use your help at the daily minyan. Please help us if you
can. Monday through Thursday at 5:45 p.m. and Sundays at 8:30 AM.
If you have not been at a Shabbat service recently, I will tell you that you are
missing a most important part of being Jewish, celebrating Shabbat. Our
Shabbat service is egalitarian, the Parasha discussion is interactive, with
excellent contributions from the congregation, and there is singing and
enjoyment in the Kiddush that follows.
Come and celebrate Shabbat with your friends at Sharei Chesed.
January 2014
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Shalom Aleichem, everyone!!
The year 5774 is off to a great start at Sharei Chesed. We’ve already had a Bar
Mitzvah, a Bat Mitzvah, a Kabbalat Shabbat, a Klezmer concert, and a terrific
Hanukkah party. And, we’re actively working on our next Kabbalat Shabbat,
scheduled for Friday evening January 17th. We hope you can make it.
By the way, if you’re doing your final tax planning for 2013, we hope you will
consider a charitable contribution to Sharei Chesed. Your donations help to
support our educational programs, our special events throughout the year, our
building, and our congregation as a whole. And remember that you can donate
online at our website, www.shareichesed.org Thank you in advance, and may G-d
bless you for your generosity.
As many of you know, not only did this past Hanukkah (first day) and Thanksgiving
fall on the same day, but also that it will not happen again for over 70,000 years!! If
you are a student of mathematics and find things like this fascinating, there is a
book which you may find equally fascinating – “The Jewish Calendar” by Rabbi
David Feinstein (Mesorah Publications, copyright 2003). It goes into great detail
about the making of our calendar, starting with G-d’s pronouncement at the time of
the exodus that “This renewal [of the moon] shall be for you the beginning of the
months, it shall be for you the first of the months of the year,” (Exodus 12:2) to the
time of Hillel and his astronomical calculations resulting in synchronizing the lunar
and solar years, and the formulas we use for the Jewish calendar today, allowing
us to celebrate the holidays and festivals at their appropriate times and in their
appropriate seasons. How blessed we are as a people to be given this means of
appreciating the precision of G-d’s handiwork.
May we all continue to enjoy celebrating together as we approach the secular new
year of 2014. May it be a year of health and happiness, peace and prosperity for
us all.
Bernie Miller and Terry Schwartz
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January 2014
“One of the things I love about Joy Gordon’s Kabbalah class,” says Sandra
Shmikler, “is the way she makes it come alive by using examples from everyday
life to drive home the meaning of the Sefirot. She relates it to each student’s
personal experiences to show how the energies are affecting us. We have fun,
we laugh, we cry – it is very insightful with lots of ah-ha moments.”
This class is a continuation of the basic six-week class that covers concepts of the cosmology of
Kabbalah as well as the energies of the ten Sefirot (energies) and the Four Worlds. These
energies are a road map for personal growth and development. As each one explores their
personal relationship to the energies, they expand their consciousness of what is available to
them as they travel on their journey.
Each class is also grounded in the Torah portion of the week. Exploring the interplay of Torah
and Kabbalah enhances our understanding of each to see how they are different dimensions of
each other.
“I was able to more closely identify with the different Sefirot and apply the wisdom from each to
various aspects of my life,” says Cindy Neff. “I found that having a definition of each helped me
to shift my awareness into a proactive mindset. If I am being too much into Chesed (lovingkindness), I can look to its opposite, Gevurah (restraint and boundaries), and try to adapt those
characteristics to myself to achieve greater balance. Practical Kabbalah is the ability to apply
the mystical to the mundane bringing it down to the level we are operating in most frequently.”
“This class has had a huge effect on my personal perspective of life,” says Trudy Burstein. “My
awareness of the subtleties of ordinary things has become greatly heightened. My sense of who
I am and how I connect to situations in life has been enhanced. I now approach life more
calmly. What might have caused me distress in the past, I now meet with greater equanimity,
and I look for the larger message it might be revealing.”
Sharei Chesed has been a warm and welcoming place for us to meet and learn. We are
grateful to have this sacred space to share and grow together.
We will be continuing our class Monday nights – January 6, 13, 20 and 27 from 7:00 – 8:30 at
Sharei Chesed, 1712 Hopkins Crossroad. Others are welcome to join us. We will be studying
the Sefirot of Keter, Da’at, Chochma and Binah and finishing with a review of all ten Sefirot. This
four week series is $48.
A new beginning class of Practical Kabbalah will run Monday evenings February, 24
through March 31st. All are welcome. No previous knowledge of Jewish mysticism is necessary.
The cost for this series is $72. See a description of the class on the Sharei Chesed web
site, www.shareichesed.org. To ground your journey in Jewish mysticism and Torah, please join
us. Call Joy Gordon at 763-559-7029 to register for classes.
January 2014
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On Shabbat, October 19, Daniel Grinberg celebrated his Bar Mitzvah at
Sharei Chesed Congregation.
He led the Torah service and read from the Torah Parashat Vayerah.
His parents Alex and Tania Grinberg and his grandparents Chezar and
Mina Grinberg came to America from the Former Soviet Union and
never had their Bar/Bat Mitzvah, since practicing Judaism was
forbidden under the Communist regime.
The family decided to have a three-generation Bar Mitzvah on the
same day. Daniel’s parents also learned and read an Aliyah from the
Torah. This extraordinary Bar Mitzvah inspired Sol Awend, past
president of Sharei Chesed, to write the following essay. - AE
Joe Stalin would have rolled over in his grave had he known
what occurred in our synagogue a few weeks ago… In his effort to
eradicate Judaism in the Soviet Union, one of the Jews got away. Not
only did they get away, but flourished beautifully. The Grinberg family came to America in 1988,
Chesar Grinberg and his wife Mina along with his son Alex and his wife Tanya. They settled here in
Minneapolis. They could have continued their lives being ignorant about their Judaism thereby
letting Joe Stalin having the last laugh. Instead, they joined our synagogue. Little by little they came
to understand what their obligation was, as Jews as well as Americans. They worked and
succeeded, creating families and understanding the importance of what being Jewish meant.
Until the time they came to the U.S., Alex hadn't seen a prayer book or even the form a Hebrew
letter. That's how strong the fear of being Jewish had been instilled into the Grinberg family.
Alex and his wife Tanya flourished. Their family blossomed with three children two daughters and
son. As Alex became more aware of his Jewish surroundings he understood the importance of the
Jewish rite of passage for his children.
The time came for his son to be Bar Mitzvah. The day of the service came amid the buzz of
excitement about what was to happen. And what happened was truly amazing.
Alex's son Daniel was called to the Torah and recited the blessing; then proceeded to chant from
the Torah by himself. For those who know, it's not an easy thing to do. Daniel is a slender, quiet lad
that goes about his business with an understated determination. He sees, he understands and
moves forward to complete the task. He doesn't strike you as a person who whines.
Continuing, he recited Torah passages for other members of his family. Standing there, facing the
Torah, reciting from the Torah he defied the odds. He was a Jew: Stalin lost. Not only that, Alex
came and took his place and recited Torah, thereby becoming a Bar Mitzvah as well. Then came
Continued on page 6...
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January 2014
On Shabbat, October 5, the Geller family observed the Bat
Mitzvah of Julia Geller at Sharei Chesed Congregation. I have
known the Geller family for many years, going back to the time
when I served as a visiting rabbi to the Fargo Hebrew
Congregation in Fargo, ND. Samuel and Toba Geller, of blessed
memory, were pillars of the Fargo Jewish community. It was
wonderful to celebrate the Bat Mitzvah of a granddaughter whose
family now lives in St. Cloud, MN and who have been active and
involved members in our congregation.
Family members and friends came from near and far, and our
synagogue was filled to capacity.
Julia did a great job in leading the Torah service and chanting
Parashat Noah. She also gave a beautiful D'var Torah. The entire
congregation was moved by the inspiring and most meaningful
'charge' that Julia's mother, Mary gave to her daughter on this
occasion. With Mary's permission we are sharing her words with you. We believe that her words
can be an inspiration to us all, as we continue to live as Jews and practice Judaism and Jewish
living. - AE
Julia Rose:
Mazel Tov and felicidades on your Bat Mitzvah. We are proud of how hard you have worked to
reach this day. We hope that you now realize that with hard work and focus you can accomplish
your goals. We recognize all the things you have given up so that you could pursue your Jewish
studies, especially sleepovers and sleeping in Sundays!
We have calculated that we have traveled the strip of I-94 between here and St. Cloud from the
time you started Hebrew school until today to be approximately 351 trips, 1,755 hours in the car
or in class and 49, 140 miles on our vehicles (round trip). That’s a lot of snacks, videos,
homework and family time in the car. And that doesn’t count coming down for all the holidays
and for Shabbat services. Julia, you can count on getting that high mileage car when you are
old enough to ask for the keys!
We want to thank Rabbi Ettedgui and Uri Koppel for assisting you in your studies. Rabbi, thank
you for taking Julia in with open arms. I’m sure your good friend Sam Geller (of blessed
memory) would have considered your care of Julia a great mitzvah. Uri, you have taught her
well and for this we are grateful. We’re just curious Uri, did she get up and spin and dance while
she chanted Torah or was she just doing this at home?!
Continued on next page...
January 2014
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Tanya, the mom, and she read from the Torah and also became a Bat Mitzvah. And that is not
all, then came Chesar and Mina, the grandparents, and recited the blessing over the Torah,
also becoming B’nai Mitzvah.
Three generations standing before the Torah and fearlessly announcing their commitment to
being Jewish. You had to be there to understand the greatness of the moment. Yishar Koah to
you Rabbi Ettedgui and to Uri Koppel who worked with Daniel and the parents in teaching them
their parts.
Happiness ruled the day at Sharei Chesed.
Julia, we hope you realize that while today may mark the end of your Bat Mitzvah studies, it
also marks the beginning of taking personal responsibility for your faith formation and your
relationship with Hashem.
Today you affirm your Jewish faith and culture. We hope that beginning today and throughout
your life you continue to cultivate your faith in G-d and the Jewish people through Sabbath
prayer, Torah study, holiday celebrations and personal prayer.
You come from an interfaith family. We chose to raise you as a Jew. This is our gift to you just
like our parents gave us our gift of faith. You have often asked Mom why she doesn’t convert to
Judaism. Faith is a gift given to you by your family and your community that instructs you how to
live in the world. It’s not a commodity, like a dress or a pair of shoes, to be set aside for the
newest fashion or abandoned when it no longer “fits” or meets your needs. Faith is a lifelong
deeply personal process. It is the way of expressing our love of G-d to the world. You
understand that there are many faith filled paths and that you don’t have to lose your faith in
order to honor someone else’s.
Hold onto the gift of your Jewish faith Julia. Let it guide you in times of great joy and deep
sorrow. Let it be a constant presence in your life. May you continue to take great pride in being
Jewish for you come from an ancient and rich tradition. Let the Torah be the foundation on
which you build a good life, a grace-full life. Let your life be your prayer honoring Hashem and
his covenant with your people. Then Julia, G-d will look down and indeed see a woman more
precious than rubies.
Our love for you knows no bounds. May you never forget how much we love you and may G-d
bless you and keep you always.
January 2014
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Sofiya Tzukerman, a member of our congregation, is a nurse with another healing passion and is
certified as a Healing Touch Certified Practitioner. We are pleased to share with you a very
generous offer on her part that she recently made in the following letter:
Dear Rabbi,
To give back to the community that welcomed me and my family to this country more than 20
years ago, it is my Mitzvah, honor and privilege to offer complimentary 30-minutes Healing
Touch sessions to the members of our congregation.
My life-long interest in Natural Health motivated me to create a dynamic approach to well-being
based on my 20-year experience as a licensed medical professional along with a Master’s
Degree in Education, and as a Healing Touch Certified Practitioner. Through my own healing
journey and working with others I have gained a deep appreciation and heartfelt compassion in
assisting and supporting others on their way to a better life – and better health. Along with other
complimentary health approaches, such as massage, chiropractic, Yoga, homeopathy and
acupuncture, Healing Touch therapy benefits people of all ages and all states of health or illness.
It compliments conventional care and may be used as an independent approach to self-care. My
Energy Medicine practice is based on more than 30 Healing Touch techniques that allow me to
tailor the therapy to the needs of a specific individual. It is aligned with the model of integrative,
holistic and natural medicine.
First, it strengthens the person’s overall energy system; and then works with specific energies
that are involved in the problem. Our bodies have an amazing ability to heal themselves when
their natural energy is flowing freely to the organs, tissues, cells and create a vibrant and
healthier you. I also help my clients to learn self-care techniques to reduce risk of developing
chronic diseases and their dependence on prescription medication as well as to avoid the
medications’ side effects by supporting body’s natural ability for detoxification.
During the session client relaxes on either a massage table or a regular chair, fully clothed, while
I gently place my hand either on or slightly above the body to balance the energy flow that
supports client’s physical, mental and emotional well-being. The effect of Healing Touch therapy
may be manifested immediately after treatment or during the period of integration over the
following days.
For physical and mental relaxation; Stress management, anxiety, depression; Insomnia, back
problems, and migraines; for high blood pressure, weight control, and pains. For many other
symptoms and conditions. There are answers in medicinal traditions. Resilience, dedication, and
compassion. I offer clients every healing session.
I would be happy to answer any questions you may have or to schedule a session for you at
Sharei Chesed. I can be reached every Tuesday from 6 until 8 pm by either phone (763-5673471) or e-mail ([email protected]). I am available for sessions every other Saturday for 3
hours after Shabbat, starting January 4th.
January 2014
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January 2014
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Chanukah Party a
HUGE Success!
We had a full house for the Annual
Chanukah Party. Our special thanks to all
the individuals who participated in the
talent show including:
Dr. Sasha Truskinovsky and his
children, Mark, Leah, Rachel, and
Rich and Theo Kronfeld
Lev & Eli Gringauz
Daria Gittsovich and Reina Kronfeld
...and everyone else who participated!
A very special “todah rabah” to Francelyne
Lurie, our Past President, for decorating,
preparing the food, and providing all the
gifts and prizes.
January 2014
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JULY 18, 2013 — DECEMBER 31, 2013
Elka Arshanskaya
Sue & Sol Awend
Sharon & Jerry Berkowitz
Cindy and Momy Benzaquen
Martha Cohen - couch and credenza
Rabbi Avraham & Linda Ettedgui
Mary & Mark Geller in appreciation
of Uri, Francelyne, Momy, Cindy,
Lee, and all others who helped
with Julia’s Bat Mitzvah
Nella Goldis
Joy Gordon
Bruce Greene
Jane & Dmitri Gringauz
Raisa & Lazar Gringauz
Margaret Guralnik
Deanie Lerner
Hinda & Tom Litman
to the discretionary fund
Linda and Stephen Mars
Bonita & Michael Noyman
Donna Morales & Matthew Schwartz
Jack Moskowitz
Annalee & Arnie Odessky
Phyllis & Berle Richman
Nancy & Irving Smith
Raisa & Gennady Shteyn
Suzanne Weinstein & Danny Levey
- donation of lox
Sarah & Phillip Wilensky Family
Helen & Leo Wolk Philanthropic
Yelena & Gennadiy Yantsev
Alexandra Zvonova
Rabbi Avraham & Linda Ettedgui
Elena & Boris Gerber
Lyudmila & Gregory Gittsovich
Dr. Michael Appleman
- in appreciation of taleisim for
Phyllis Appelbaum
- in honor of the anniversary of
Rabbi Avraham & Linda Ettedgui
Naomi & David Balto
- in honor of the 90th anniversary
of Chaim & Belle Cohen coming
to the United States
Dr. Joel Feder
- in honor of Rabbi Ettedgui
Lori, Arne & Rebecca Fogel
- in honor of Sally & Mort Leder’s
Julia Geller
- in honor of her Bat Mitzvah
Rivia & Red Goldberg
- in honor of Terry & Robert
Ganser’s anniversary
Joy Gordon
- in appreciation of use of space
for her Kabbalah class
Rita & Azriel Grinberg & Rakhil &
Moisey Zilberman
- in appreciation of the special
Kiddush honoring their 60th
wedding anniversary
Jane & Dmitry Gringauz
- in honor of Rabbi Ettedgui
Carolyn & Uri Koppel
- in honor of the birth of Aya
Sally & Mort Leder
- in honor of Gail Nord’s special
Rose Naiman
- in appreciation of her aliyah
Avrum Peysman
- in appreciation of Rabbi Ettedgui
& the congregation for their
prayers for his speedy recovery
Corrine & Morris Toretsky
- in honor of Peggy & Ira
Denenholz’ 45th anniversary
Corrine & Morris Toretsky
- in honor of Momy Benzaquen’s
Corrine & Morris Toretsky
- in honor of the anniversary of
Mr. & Mrs. Marv Aaron
Freda Paper
- in appreciation of Rabbi Ettedgui
Jane and Dmitri Gringauz
- in honor of Uri Koppel
Marcy & Bruce Barrick
Sharon & Jerry Berkowitz
Kathy & David Cooper
Drs. Archelle Georgiou & David
Gail & Greg Kenton
Sally & Mort Leder
Phyllis & Berle Richman
Aileen & Sonny Snyder
Cynthia & Terry Schwartz
Corrine & Morris Toretsky
Dr. Martha Cohen
Bill & Frances Skolnick
Rabbi Avraham & Linda Ettedgui
- in honor of Fern Badzin’s
Sue & Mark Wasserman
- in honor of Fern Badzin’s
Sue & Sol Awend
Avraham & Linda Ettedgui
Irwin Ketroser
Uri Koppel
Marilyn & Duane Paulson
January 2014
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JULY 18, 2013 — DECEMBER 31, 2013
In Memory Of
Chester Beto
Zelda Beto
Rabbi Avraham & Linda Ettedgui
Harvey Fishman
Alla Furman
of her father, Yakov Shmunik
Rivia & Red Goldberg
Libby Epstein
Judith & Jerome Ingber
Leonid Kaganovich
Moris Kaganovich
Ryva & Anatoly Lipnik
Masha Lipnik
Irina Kigelman
Enta Galperina
Adam Lurie
Richard Lurie
Sherri & Gordon Rutman
Polya Kotlovskaya
Richard Siegel
Harvey Fishman, Rick Siegel &
Teri Specktor
Corrine & Morris Toretsky
Joseph Brochin
Toots & Ruben Vodovoz
Harvey Leifman
Sue & Mark Wasserman
Tuck Thomas
Norma Wilensky
Michael Goldberg
Natalya & Vladimir Zabezhinsky
Miriam Zabezhinsky
Clara Margolis
Karen & Laurence Margolis
Dara & Dr. Jason Brody
Ron Margolis
Linda & Avraham Ettedgui
Irving Margolis
Rabbi Avraham & Linda Ettedgui
Joyce Ettedgui
Morris Hoffman
Freda Paper
Joseph Paper
Renee Aaron
Sybille Aaron
Michael Abramov
Marina & Yakov Aleynikov
Amanda & Berek Awend
Sue & Sol Awend
Irina & Zinovey Belyavin
Rosalyn Bernstein
Marina & Boris Bershadsky
DeeDee Bolter
Maddy Braufman
Don Bukstein
Mary & Shep Cohen
Kathy & David Cooper
Maria & Boris Davydov
Rabbi Avraham & Linda Ettedgui
Bonnie & Harry Farb
David Feldman
Sima & Mark Feldman
Rene Fishman & Harvey Fishman z”l
Stella & Simon Fishman
Lyubov & Solomon Fridland
Nancy & David Fursetzer
Nadezhda Gelbukh
Mary & Mark Geller
Lyudmila & Gregory Gittsovich
Rivia & Red Goldberg
Nella Goldis
Joy Gordon
Jenny & Ephraim Grinberg
Raisa & Lazar Gringauz
Eva Gross
Marina & Mark Guterman
Rosalee Hulse Larson & Swede
Susan Jurisz
Nadya & David Kaganovich
Gail & Greg Kenton
Howard & Barbara Kirschner
Linda & Martin Kleinbaum
Deanie Lerner
Karen & Laurence Margolis
Mariya & Mikhail Melamud
Bernie Miller & Sonja Hauter
Julie Miller & Ron Scholder
Sandy & Morey Miller
Jack Moskowitz
Art Nettis
Annalee & Arnie Odessky
Larisa Palant
Freda Paper
Alex Perelman
Avrum Peysman
Emiliya & Dmitry Pogorelsky
Judith & Moshe Razieli
Sarah Reininger
Marilyn & Dean Renstrom
Phyllis & Berle Richman
Maureen & Eddy Rubinstein
Naomi Salloway
Regina Sandalovsky & Kazimir
Beverly & Burt Shacter
Liya & Emma Shapiro
Yakov Shmunik z”l
Anastasiya & Dmitry Shtulman
Lou Jane & Vitaly Shtulman
Faina Shulman
Yosef Semanduyev
Galina & Nakhamya Simanduyev
Aileen & Sonny Snyder
Eduard Sosunov
Alex Sumetsky
Corrine & Morris Toretsky
Takako & Dr. Sasha Truskinovsky
Nesya & Aron Tsukerman
Sofia & Yefim Tsukerman
Sally Velick
Toots & Ruben Vodovoz
Sue & Mark Wasserman
Walter “Skip” Wenda
Norma Wilensky
Michael Winikoff
Harriet & Art Wiss
Ruth Wong
Felice Zeitzew
Sofia & Moisey Zhuravel
Shelly & Steve Zien
Rakhil & Moisey Zilberman
Alexandra Zvonova
January 2014
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JULY 18, 2013 — DECEMBER 31, 2013
Mary & Shep Cohen
- for their son, Matt
Phyllis & Barry Cytron
- for Rebekkah Haya Mazel
granddaughter of Berta &
Nahum Kipnis
Rabbi Avraham & Linda Ettedgui
- for Michael Geller
Rabbi Avraham & Linda Ettedgui
- for Dan Berdass
Berta & Nahum Kipnis
- for their granddaughter
Rebekkah Haya Mazel
Corrine & Morris Toretsky
- for Betty Lasman
Sybille Aaron
Robyn & Josh Awend
Sue & Sol Awend
Sharon & Jerry Berkowitz
Dara & Jason Brody
Myra Chazin
Kathy & David Cooper
Nina Dain
Avraham and Linda Ettedgui
Robin Doroshow & Rich Kronfeld
Bonnie & Harry Farb
Archelle Georgiou & David
Lyuboc & Solomon Fridland
Rivia & Red Goldberg
Nancy & Marshall Golden
Nella Goldis
Jane & Dmitry Gringauz
AJ Josefowitz
Marina & Sasha Kerbel
Berta & Naum Kipnis
Ray Lazar
Karen & Larry Margolis
Jack Moskowitz
Micki & Mort Naiman
Larisa Palant
Alex Perelman
Galina & Nakhamya Simanduyev
Aileen & Sonny Snyder
Sally Velick
Sue & Mark Wasserman
Norma Wilensky
Renee Aaron
Sybille Aaron
Esfir Ablyzalova
Rimma & Semon Aleynikov
Elka Arshanskaya
Sue & Sol Awend
Svetlana & Valeriy Babushkin
Barbara & Lee Bearmon
Rakhil & Michael Bershteyn
Olene & Larry Bigelow
DeeDee Bolter
Maddy Braufman
Linda Brody
Bronya & Nick Bryants
Shura & Yefim Budilovskiy
Bonnie Cutts
Robin Doroshow & Rich Kronfeld
Jan Edelstein
Tatyana Estrina
Bonnie & Harry Farb
Rachel & Michael Feldberg
Mariya Feldman
Sima & Mark Feldman
Renee & Harvey Fishman
Stella & Simon Fishman
Nina Furman
Luiza & Anatoly Galbinsky
Vladimir Galeyev
Elena & Boris Gerber
Berta & Adolf Gerbuz
Galina & Shulim Gitelman
Lyudmila & Gregory Gittsovich
Rivia & Red Goldberg
Marianna & Leonid Grichener
Mina & Chezar Grinberg
Rita & Azriel Grinberg
Eva Gross
Irwin Hershkovitz
Liza & Abram Ilyevskiy
Rita Isakova
Heidi & Charles Johnson
Sandra Johnson
Michael Kagan
Nadia & David Kaganovich
Lilly Kamenir
Nicolay Kamenir
Morris Kaswen
Angelika & Leonard Kats
Fay & Mitchell Kaye
Adela Kazaniuk
Marina & Sasha Kerbel
Berta & Nahum Kipnis
Samuil Khokhlovich
Inna Kotlyar
Simona & Leo Kudishevich
Lois Kulinsky
Ardyce Kwatek
Minna Hudson
Rosalee Hulse Larson & Swede
Kim & Barry Libson
Lois Liss
Maya & Alex Malamudman
Karen & Laurence Margolis
Ron Margolis
Lilya & Lenard Mayzel
Leonid Melamud
Mariya & Mikhail Melamud
Bernie Miller & Sonja Hauter
Lewis Miller
Morris Miller
Dolores Naiman
Art Nettis
Annalee & Arnie Odessky
Larisa Palant
Freda Paper
Iirina Penchansky
Alex Perelman
Galina Perelman
Maya & Yefim Peskin
Avrum Peysman
Fred Phillips
Dr. Sheldon Pinsky
January 2014
Sofia & Oleg Pisarenko
Emiliya & Dmitry Pogorelsky
Randall Prowizor
Gertrude Rappaport
Lois Rein
Phyllis & Berle Richman
Grace RIchter
Regina Rubenstein
Ellen & Eugene Ryaboy
Harold Saks
Lori & Elliot Scherling
Cynthia & Terry Schwartz
Mariay Shafranskaya
Liya & Emma Shapiro
Alex Shifrin
Svetlana Shuster
Galina & Nakhamya Simanduyev
Nancy & Irving Smith
Dan Snyder
Rosalyn & Bert Strimling
Adrienne & Paul Tanick
Sondra Tenner
Ita & Shmil Teyvel
Nesya & Aron Tsukerman
Nadya & Gennadiy Ustyev
Sahra & Abram Vaynberg
Rebecca & Yuzik Vayner
Carolyn & Marvin Wilensky
Norma Wilensky
Harriet & Art Wiss
Nekha & David Zelikman
Luba Zevelev
Luba & Alex Zevelev
Sofia & Moisey Zhuravel
Shelly & Steve Zien
Rakhil & Moisey Zilberman
Mila Zolotonosov
Jeanette Zoss
Minnie Zweigbaum
Joel Aaron
Sybille Aaron
Bess Alyshmerni
Liba bat Ana
Fern Badzin
Kathy Broms
Don Bukstein
Yefim Budilovskiy
Martin Bush
Page 13
Moshe Cohen
Kelly Davis
Tyrone Erickson
Maurice Ettedgui
Mikhail Friedman
Marty Fiterman
Natalie bat Michael
Nina Furman
Sonya Hauter
Irina bat Yaakov
Gina bat Lazar
Jerome Geller
Michael Geller
Esther Geller
Annette Glass
Rebecca bat Glick
Harold (Red) Goldberg
Rivia Goldberg
Miriam Goldberg
Steven Goldfarb
Gail Greenberg
Azriel Grinberg
Rita Grinberg
Bob Guffan
Sharon Guffan
Rebekkah Chaya Mazal
Uri Koppel
Lazar bat Lipa
Mort Leder
Sally Leder
Carolyn Levin
Jonathan Lurie
Francelyne Lurie
Alex Malamudman
Maria bat Lisa
Lewis Miller
Morris Miller
Kendall & Cameron Moskowitz
Jack Moskowitz
Daniel Neff
Annalee Odessky
Esther Olliesky
Bob Pearl
Raisa bat Moshe
Fanny Rubinstein
Igor Sagalov
Sarah bat Frida
Sara Sheindel baat Tamya
Yakov Shmunik
Irving Smith
Alexander Teplitski
Nesya Tsukerman
Norma Wilensky
Art Wiss
Harriet Wiss
Shawn Vrum
Yanit bat Yakov
Yelizaveta Zeveleva
Boris Zhuravel
Rakhil Zilberman
Alexandra Zvonova
Leah bat Pesha
And all who need healing
Moshe Cohen
Harvey Fishman
Enta Galperina
Morris Hoffman
Moris Kaganovich
Masha Lipnik
Mark Shmorgoner
Yakov Shmunik
Mira Zabezhinsky
Raisa & Lazar Gringauz
Galina & Leonid Shteyman
Leo & Lauren Zabezhinsky
Lisa & Scott Gad
Gaby & Michael Greenberg
Drs. Valda & Keith Kaye
Gaby & Michael Grinberg
Bill & Frances Skolnick
Lisa & Scott Gad
January 2014
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Hinne Mah Tov Umah Na-eem Shevet Achim Gam Yahad…
As the well known verse and song goes, “How good and wonderful it is to celebrate together”.
We at Sharei Chesed Congregation, take pride and pleasure in getting together to celebrate as a
family our members’ and friends’ special days and occasions.
 Eva Gross, for sponsoring the Kiddush lunch on December 7th on the occasion of her 86th
 Cantor Neil Schwartz on the occasion of the anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah. Thank you to
Miriam Clark for sponsoring the Kiddush lunch in his honor.
 Dr. Jason Brody and Dara Brody for sponsoring the Kiddush lunch on the occasion of the
first Yahrzeit (anniversary) of their grandfather Irv Margolis, of blessed memory.
 Leo Wolk on the occasion of his 97th birthday. Thank you to his children Michael and
Sandra Wolk, Joyce and Alan Branfman, and his grandchildren Jonathan and Benjamin
Branfman for sponsoring the birthday celebration on January 4th.
 Helen Wasserman on the occasion of her 95th birthday. Thank you to her children Mark
and Susan Wasserman for sponsoring the Kiddush lunch on January 11.
 Nancy and David Fursetzer in honor of their anniversary.
 Mary and Mark Geller in honor of Julia Geller’s Bat Mitzvah.
 Simona and Leo Kudishevich for the 60th anniversary of Rakhil and Moisey Zilberman
and Rita and Azriel Grinberg.
 Mort and Sally Leder in honor of their birthdays and again in honor of their anniversary.
 Corrine and Morris Toretsky for the Toretsky Family Reunion.
 Sue and Mark Wasserman in honor of their 35th wedding anniversary.
 Norma Wilensky in memory of her son, Frank Wilensky.
 Alex and Tanya Grinberg for sponsoring Kiddush in honor of their son Daniel Grinberg’s
Bar Mitzvah.
 Alexander & Rita Grinberg and Moisey & Rakhil Zilberman on the occasion of their 60th
wedding anniversary and to Leonid and Simona Kudishevich for sponsoring Kiddush.
 Truskinovsky Family on the birth of their daughter, Aya.
January 2014
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Join us for Kabbalat Shabbat on Friday, January 17, 2014, as we
welcome guest speaker Carla Vogel, a wonderful storyteller, into our
congregation. Services begin at 6:00 PM, followed by dinner and our
esteemed speaker.
$10 for adults, $5 for children (max. $50/family). To RSVP, contact Lee
in the office.
About Carla Vogel:
For over 20 years acclaimed Storyteller Carla Vogel has been bringing
to life the rich Jewish oral and written tradition to communities both
locally and nationally. She performs with Klezmer musician - Judith Eisner in Tsimmes - a music
and storytelling program of Eastern European Yiddish Culture. She is presently a teaching artist
with Kairos Alive! an intergenerational dance company and is the Legacy Letter Coordinator at
Sholom Hospice
Sharei Chesed is pleased to announce a Fall Trip to Israel
from November 9-20, 2014. Led by Rabbi Ettedgui, you will
enjoy a unique experience of journeying through Israel in a
luxurious bus, with a professional guide. Optional two-day
extension to Eilat and Petra. Watch for details in the coming
weeks, describing itinerary, costs and synagogue co-chairs.
Don’t miss the annual Tu Bishvat Seder to be held on Saturday, January
18th, 2014. Welcome this Hag Haeelanot, Festival of Trees, with various
Israeli foods and fruits with songs and readings from the Kabbalah
thanking God for the gifts of nature.
As we celebrate Tu Bishvat, we extend our thanks and appreciation to
our own volunteer landscapers and grounds keepers, Richard Woldorsky and Terry Schwartz.
Find the following great
items and more online at
Rabbi’s weekly D’var Torah
This newsletter
Shabbat Candle Lighting Times
Events and Happenings
Links to various Jewish and Israeli
Donate to Sharei Chesed via website
1712 Hopkins Crossroads
Minnetonka, MN 55305