bulldog bugle 11-17-10 - St. Bartholomew Catholic Faith Community


bulldog bugle 11-17-10 - St. Bartholomew Catholic Faith Community
The Bulldog
Notes from Mrs. Volkenant
Thank you to all who participated in parent/student/teacher conferences last
week. As I walked through the halls, I observed many productive conversations
with students. Learning goals and expectations were clarified, and students had
opportunity to envision their “roadmaps to progress” for the coming months. As
always, I am grateful to the teachers for their dedication and extraordinary work
in preparation for conferences. They all strived to ensure that each and student
would be recognized for their schoolwork thus far, and inspired for the work
Thanks as well to the marketing committee, and volunteers for creating a lovely
open house on Monday evening. Families who visited had their own tour guides
to show them through our beautiful facility, and teachers were here to welcome
families and answer questions. Our mascot, the Bulldog, made an appearance
and a gorgeous slide show of our students played in the narthex. There were
flowers and balloons. We even had cookies in the school colors! Every detail of
the event was well planned and the families that attended were very impressed
with our school! We will have another Fall Open House for prospective families on
November 30, from 6:30-8p.m. I ask that you encourage friends, neighbors, and
relatives who are looking for a school, or who soon will be, to attend. It is a great
way to show off St. Bartholomew School!
November 17, 2010
Volume 2 Issue 12
of the Bulldog Bugle
Dates to Remember
November 17-19
Guest Artist in Residence-Kofi Appiah from
Ghana who will be
teaching our students
about African drumming
and dancing
November 18
1st Reconciliation–
7:00pm, 2nd grade
November 18-19
Picture Retakes
November 19
Science Museum Event
10:00-1:20 6th grade
November 20-21
Work of Human Hands
November 22
Pacer Puppets1st-3rd grades
November 23
Volleyball Games 2:00;
4th-6th grades
November 24-28
Thanksgiving Break
Physical Education and Monday Sports
Used Uniforms
There are still some spots available for Monday
Sports beginning November 29th.
A variety of used uniform pieces (pants, sweatshirts, jumpers, sweaters, dress shirts and
shorts are available through the PTO. A nominal donation is requested but not required.
Please contact Terri McCarthy
[email protected] to make arrangements to view what is available or have the
best items selected and sent home with your
child (you have a personal shopper!)
If you need a registration sheet see Mr. Miller or
Mrs. Otto.
Also, On November 23rd
from 2:00-2:45pm the 4th, 5th
and 6th grades will in a volleyball game vs. their peers.
Parents are welcome, although space is limited near
Kays Kitchen.
The children have shared prayers of Thanksgiving for the gifts God has granted them in our
abilities to see, run, jump and play.
Happy Thanksgiving!---Mr. Miller
November 30
Open House 6:30-800
December 1
Mass Advent-4H, 8:45
December 1
Feed My Starving
Children, 6th grade Life
Crusaders 11:30-2:45
December 3
End of 1st Trimester
December 3
Spiritwear Day
December 6
Old Log Theatre K-2
Save the date:
St. Bart’s K-6 Christmas Program
Thursday, December 16, 6:30pm
Preschool Christmas Program
Tuesday, December 21, 9:30am
December 6
PTO Meeting 8:30am
December 8
Mass-Immaculate Conception-3A , 8:45
December 16
K-6 Christmas Program
Shop the St. Bartholomew School:
Use Barnes & Noble
Scrip cards
at the Bookfair
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Barnes & Noble Ridgedale
Barnes and Noble Cards are
available in $10, $25 and $100
Check out the new Toy Department and the new “Nook”
Barnes & Noble is giving back
9% off all purchases made with
a Scrip card.
And don’t forget to stop by the Café
A percentage of all purchases benefit
the St. Bartholomew School Library
Visit BN.COM/bookfairs to support us online 12-12-10 thru 12-17-10
Contact Debbie Benson at
[email protected]
By entering Bookfair ID 10351427 at checkout
or Sara Welch at
[email protected].
Now through November 19th, St. Bartholomew School is collecting
food donations for Interfaith Outreach and Community Partners.
Our goal this year is to surpass the 2000 items collected in 2009.
Please send donations to your student’s classroom.
On the morning of November 22nd, the school will pray over the
food and deliver to IOCP.
Popping into the Holidays!
As a fundraiser, we will be selling Pop Crickle products from
November 15 – 29. 50% of the sales go back to the school!
Delivery is scheduled to be in time for Christmas break.
(For more information on Pop Crickle visit their website at
http://www.katerifoods.com )
Put a Little Sunshine
in Your Day!
And Earn Books
for Our School!
From now until November 30th we will
be collecting Sunny D labels for Free
Books for our School. Sunny D will
donate 20 books for every 20 UPC
labels collected. Labels must include
the UPC Code. Put your labels in the
container on the desk in the hallway by
the office or send them in with your
child. Thank you.
Your response to the Life Crusaders' request for donations to
Mobile Loaves and Fishes was overwhelming! With your
donations, we were able to assemble 44 complete toiletry kits
-- all of which included a disposable razor, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, dental floss, shampoo, conditioner,
and lotion AND 26 partial kits -- each of which contained a
toothbrush, toothpaste, and disposable razor. In addition, we
received $331.46, with which we were able to purchase additional items to create even more toiletry kits. The rest of the
kits will be assembled at our next meeting this Wednesday
and will be delivered to Mobile Loaves and Fishes in time for
The Life Crusaders plan to repeat
this fundraiser later in the school
year. Please save any of the
travel-size personal hygiene products you accumulate during your
holiday travels for our next collection.
Once again, thank you for your
generosity and for helping us help
our neighbors who are less fortu-
Christmas Break:
Staff Appreciation Dinner
Thank you to Laurie Koch, Maureen Wersinger and all
the fabulous cooks and bakers for a delicious dinner
during our evening conference break. It was a special
treat to have dinner ready for us after a busy day of
teaching and conferences. The school staff appreciates all the time and gifts you parents share.
December 22: early release 12:35; parents
December 23-31: no school
January 3: school resumes
A Hospitable Thank you!
Retakes are Thursday morning, November 18th
(Friday, November 19th for Preschool 4/5 year olds
Students/parents wanting retakes were to contact
the school office by today (Wednesday, November
17th). If you have not contacted the office, please
call immediately on Thursday morning.
On retake day, please
have your child bring their
complete original picture
packet so that it may returned to Lifetouch. Students getting retakes are
allowed to free dress.
We would like to thank the following parents who donated
their culinary talents by providing many great dishes for the
Fall Staff Dinner on November 11th. The teachers loved it
and it was a great dinner break for them during conferences! Thank you to: Anne Egan, Sheila Jones, Val
Fazendin, Marybeth Viers, Lynn Chevaliar, Sara Welch,
Barb Theis, Maureen Frank, Jessie Jungmann, Heather
Daubenberger, Mary Ortizcazarin, Terri Obermiller,
Jeannie Larson
If you have not already
picked up your dishes
please do so soon.
They are in the kitchen
off the Narthex.
If you are interested in
being on our list of volunteers to bring food for hospitality
please contact Maureen Wersinger 612-298-6551 or Laurie
Koch 952-472-6277. Thank you.
Thank you.
James J. Hill House Visited by Third Graders
Architects, historians, and photojournalists “disguised” as third graders visited the James J. Hill House in St. Paul on November 10. Students
prepared for their visit by researching the vocabulary and skills needed to be successful in each of these professions. They developed questions about James J. Hill, his family, and the house that were relevant to their field of study.
The young professionals excitedly took their questions on the field trip. Each group of
young professionals received a guided tour tailored to their professional area. They were
also given time to interview their tour guide. It was a great experience, as reported below.
“There was so much beautiful art work and rooms used for special occasions.”
Historian Stefan Anderson
“The house is five stories tall!”
Architect Mason Susssner
“The highlights were gold ceiling in the dining room, the lion in the fireplace, and the big
Photojournalist Caroline Egan
“James J. Hill liked to read. He had ten children and was known for being grumpy at work. The furnace was very big!”
Architect Hayden Ochs
“I learned that James J. Hill started a railroad in Minnesota and across the Midwest. He had two special safes in his house behind walls.”
Photojournalist Jack Hasper
“It took three years to build the house with 42 rooms on three acres of land.”
Historian Casey Stocking
“It took over 32,000 hours to carve the woodwork in the house. James J. Hill also built the Lafayette Hotel and the last book he read was “The
Heritage of Tyre.”
Photojournalist Grace Heying
“The girls slept on a lower floor and the boys slept on the upper floor because the boys made more noisy. Mr. and Mrs. Hill are buried at Resurrection Cemetery.”
Architect Madelyn Shafer