Dra. Luz del Alba Acevedo - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales


Dra. Luz del Alba Acevedo - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales
E-MAIL: [email protected]
[email protected]
Ph.D., Department of Political Science - Public Policy Analysis, University of Illinois at
M.A., Latin American Studies, Political Science major, Economics and Sociology minors,
University of Liverpool, England.
B.A., Political Science, University of Puerto Rico.
Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras.
2003 - 08
Chair, Department of Political Science, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras.
1998 - 04
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, UPR, Rio Piedras.
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, UPR, Rio Piedras.
1993 - 95
Assistant Professor, Department of Latin American and Caribbean Studies and
Department of Women's Studies, University at Albany, SUNY.
1991 - 92
Lecturer, Department of Latin American and Caribbean Studies and Department of
Women's Studies, University at Albany, SUNY.
1984 - 87
Instructor, Women's Studies Program, Department of Sociology Northeastern Illinois
University (part-time).
Outstanding Book Award for the book Telling to Live: Latina Feminist Testimonios
(Duke University Press 2001) coauthored with the Latina Feminist Group. From the
Gustavus Myers Center for the Study of Bigotry and Human Rights, Boston,
Visiting Scholar at the Institute of Policy and Social Research, University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, for the Latino Workshop and Quantitative Methods Program (post doctoral
program). Fellowship from the Inter-University Program I Social Science Research
Council (IUP/SSRC), June-August.
Acevedo Gaud
NYS/UUP Professional Development and Quality of Working Life Award. University at
Albany, State University of New York (Summer and Fall).
Outstanding Faculty Award. Fuerza Latina, University at Albany, SUNY.
1986 - 90
Illinois Council for Educational Opportunity Fellowship.
1987 - 88
Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship. University of Illinois at Chicago.
University of Illinois at Chicago.
2012 - 2014
2006 - 2008
"Participacicn y Representacion Politica de las Mujeres en el Gobierno Municipal de
Puerto Rico". FIPI- UPR (FIPI1380013.00 - $34,900.00)
"Obstaculos a la participacion de las mujeres en Puerto Rico. Oficina de la
Procuradora de las Mujeres, Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico ($20,000).
National Endowment for the Humanities NEH Grant Award (HR-20242 - $24,000.00),
research project "Politics and Gender Identities: Puerto Rican Women Legislators
Beyond Numbers."
1998 - 2000
National Science Foundation NSF Grant Award (SBR-9731159 - $17,000.00). research
project "Data Base For the Study of Gender Inequalities in The Labor Market."
"Genero y Procesos Electorales en Puerto Rico". Ambito de Encuentro, Vol. 6,
Num. 1, pp. 269 - 302.
Feminism in High Heels? Sila Maria. Calderon, the First Woman Governor of
Puerto Rico, book chapter in Cynthia Barrow Giles (ed.), Women in Caribbean
Politics. Jamaica, Ian Randle Publishers, pp. 169 - 182.
"Caucus de mujeres legisladoras." EI Nuevo Dia, November 23, p. 77.
"Participacion por genero en las elecciones
suplemento "Como votar" pp. 8-9.
de 2004."
October 30, EI Nuevo Dia,
"Mujeres, politica y carnparia." EI Nuevo Dia, October 4, p. 71.
"Las mujeres y las primarias del 2003." Dialogo, December, pp.16-17.
"De la parttcipacron a la representacion: el reto de la mujer en la politica puertorriquena."
Dietoqo, March, pp. 16-17.
"Palabras, testimonios y metodologia feminista." Dialogo, February, p. 19.
Telling to Live Latina Feminist Testimonios (co-author with The Latina Feminist Group).
North Carolina: Duke University Press.
Acevedo Gaud
"Genero, politica y primarias: hara el genero la diferencia en las elecciones del 2000?"
Panorama 21, Vol 2, No.2, pp. 46-51.
"La cara multiforme del sexismo en la contienda electoral del 2000." Dialogo,Octuber,
"Genero y trabajo en Puerto Rico: desafios para una polltica laboral." Book chapter in
Francisco Martinez (ed.) Futuro Econ6mico de Puerto Rico. Rio Piedras, Editorial de la
Universidad de Puerto Rico, pp. 189-218.
Book Review, "La lucha porel sufragio femenino en Puerto Rico 1896-1935, Maria de
Fatima Barcelo." Revista de Ciencias Sociales, No.4, January 1998 .
"Genero y trabajo en Puerto Rico: desafios para una politica laboral." Boletin de
Economia, Unidad de Investigaciones Econornicas, Vol. II, No.3, January - March 1997.
(Summary of Research Project.)
"Feminist Inroads in the Study of Women and Development." Book chapter in Edna
Acosta-Belen and Christine Bose (eds.) Women in the Latin American the Development
Process. Temple University Press.
"Genero, trabajo asalariado y desarrollo industrial en Puerto Rico: la division sexual del
trabajo en la manufactura." Book chapter in Maria del Carmen Baerga (ed.), Genera y
trabajo: la industria de la aguja en Puerto Rico y el Caribe. Rio Piedras, Editorial de la
Universidad de Puerto Rico.
"Industrialization and Employment: Changes in the Patterns of Women's Work in Post-War
Puerto Rico." Book chapter In Cheryl Johnson and Margaret Strobel (eds.), Expanding the
Boundaries of Women's History, Essays on Women in the Third World. Indiana University
"Industrialization and Employment: Changes in the Patterns of Women's Work in Puerto
Rico." World Development, Vol. 28, No.2, February.
"Polltica de industrializacion y cambios en el empleo femenino en Puerto Rico: 19471982." Homines, Social Science Journal of the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico.
(San Juan), Vol. 10, No.2, February.
"The Role of Women in Puerto Rican Society." Women of Color, Summer.
Living to Telling: Rethinking Latina Feminist Testimonio for the 21st Century in the Age
of Globalization with the Latina Feminist Group. Plenary Session II at The Fifth Biennial
IUPLR Conference Siglo XXI: Intra--Latinos/as: Entre Latinos/as: Reconceptualizing
Nations, Regions, and Disciplines, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, April 24.
"Perspectiva y Transversalidad
de Genero en la Politica Publica" Conferencia
Acevedo Gaud
Magistral, Asociacion de Estudiantes Graduados de la Escuela de Administracion
Publica. Universidad de Puerto Rico - RP, March 9.
"Gender and Race at the Crossroad of Municipal Government in Puerto Rico" Paper
presented at the Race, Ethnicity and Place VII Conference, Dallas, Texas,
October 24.
"Derechos Politicos y Particlpacion: de la Mujer en la Vida Publica". Paper presented to
the Association of Political Science Students (AECIPO), Universidad de Puerto RicoRecinto de Mayaguez, March 20.
"Las mujeres entre siglos: parttcipacion y representacion politica en Puerto Rico".
Paper presented at the Segundo Coloquio de Investigacion de Historias de Mujeres,
celebrado en la UPR Recinto de Utuado, Puerto Rico, March 8.
''The Geography of Women's Political Representation in Puerto Rico's Legislature".
Paper presented at the Race, Ethnicity and Place Conference VI, San Juan, PR,
October 23 - 28.
"Reconstruyendo el techo de cristal ... desafios de genero a la representacion politica e
en Puerto Rico". Paper presented at the Panel De Primeras Damas a Gobernadoras:
el Transite entre Participacion y Representacion Politica de las Mujeres en Puerto
Rico, Annual Conference of the Puerto Rican Studies Association held in the Centro
de Estudios Avanzados de Puerto Rico y el Caribe, San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 2.
"Can Women Rule? Gendered Power Structures in Puerto Rico." Paper presented at
the Session Gender Equity and Feminisms in Times of Neoliberal Globalization,
Economic Integration and Technological Development at the XXVI International
Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 15
"EI desarrollo historico de la economia de Puerto Rico desde la realidad de la mujer
puertorriquena." Paper presented at the Proyecto La participacion de la mujer en la
historia de Puerto Rico, DECEP, UPR - Rio Piedras, March 25.
"La Participacion Politica de la Mujer en Puerto Rico y las Elecciones de 2004." Paper
presented at Red de Empresarias y Mujeres Profesionales de la Camara de Comercio
de Puerto Rico, Hotel The Water Club, Isla Verde, Puerto Rico, October 21.
"Primary Elections in Puerto Rico: The Challenge of Political Representation." Paper
presented at the 29th Annual Conference of the Caribbean Studies Association St.
Kitts, May 31 - June 5.
"De la participacion a la representacion: la mujer en la potltica puertorriquefia." Paper
presented at the forum Discrimen contra la mujer en Puerto Rico, University of Puerto
Rico, Rio Piedras, College of Social Sciences, March 5.
Acevedo Gaud
"Locating Gender in the Study of Puerto Rican Politics: a Critical Reflextion." Paper
presented at the Conference of the Puerto Rican Studies Association. Chicago,
Illinois, October 4-6.
"Gender-and Political Identities: Women in the Puerto Rican Legislature." Panel F2,
Democracy in the Caribbean. Paper presented at the 27th Annual Conference of the
Caribbean Studies Association. Nassau, Bahamas, May 27-June 1.
"Daughter of Bootstrap." Paper presented at the the conference Practicing
Tansgression Radical Women of Color for the 21st Century. University of California at
Berkeley, Berkeley, February 8.
"Retos socio-politicos de la mujer." Paper presented at the conference Dialogo Sobre
tos.Retos Para la Mujer en el Siglo XXI sponsored by the Centro de Apoyo a la Mujer
en el Ministerio (CAAM). Seminario Evanqelico de Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, March 8.
"Expanding the Boundaries of Citizenship: Women in Puerto Ricos Legislature." Paper
presented at XVIII International Congress of Political Science, Quebec, Canada,
August 5.
"Sexismo en la contienda electoral del 2000." Paper presented at the FORO Genera
e identidades en el proceso electoral: perspectivas de la sociedad civil y la prensa no
tradicional. University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, October 18; and at the Cicio de
Conferencias Libres, Colegio Regional de la Montana, Universidad de Puerto Rico,
October 31.
Latin American Studies Association (LASA)
Caribbean Studies Association (CSA).
a] To the University of Puerto Rico
2009 - 15
Personnel Committee, Department of Political Science, UPR.
Grantsmanship Training Seminar. Part I San Juan, Puerto Rico, Office of the UPR
President, September 25-26; Part II Washington, D.C., Federal Grans Division, Puerto
Rico Federal Affairs Administration Office (PRFAA), October 29-31.
UPR President's Steering Committee
Econ6mico de Puerto Rico.
on Proyecto
Adhoc Committee to draft a proposal for a master program
Department of Political Science, UPR.
Sobre el Futuro
in political science,
Acevedo Gaud
b) To the Profession
Chair to the panel 829 - Reimagining Democracy and Citizenship, XXXII/International
Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico. May 29.
2006 - 08
Research Director to the Project Obsieculos a la Perticipecion Politica de las
Mujeres en Puerto Rico. Sponsored by the Office of Women Affaire (Oficina de la
Procuradora de las Mujeres, Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico), San Juan,
Panel Chair and Discusant at the Seminar Governance in the Non-Independent
Caribbean: Challenges and Opportunities. Sponsored by the British Academy and
the University of West England. Bristol, England. November, 22 - 23 .
Panel Participant and Discussant at the Seminar Governance in the Non-Independent
Caribbean. Sponsored by the Political Science Department at the University of Liverpool,
England. November 25.
National Endowment for the Humanities. Reviewer for the Faculty Research Award
competition, Social Sciences and Humanities Panel. July 8.
2002 - 2006
Referee, Revista de Ciencias Sociales, University of Puerto Rico.
1995 - 2000
Series Editor, "Puerto Rican Studies Book Series," Temple University Press.
Referee for Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, World Development, Temple
University Press, and SUNY Press.
Member of the Latina Comparative Feminist Group, IUP/SSRC.
1993 - 96
Editorial Board member of the NWSA Journal.
Evaluator for the National Women's Studies Association Scholarship Award for the
category "Pergamon-NWSA Scholarship in Women's Studies." Albany, New York, May.
Consultant to the "Chicana-Riqueria Feminist
IUP/SSRC, Monte Rey, California, June 19-23.
Group," sponsored
by the
Consultant to the Latina/Gender Research Planning Meeting, Social Science Research
Council, New York, February 16.
Referee for World Development and Temple University Press (book manuscript).
c) To the Community
Radio talk in radio program Decision Puerto Rico host by Laura Candelas in Radio
Universidad. University of Puerto Rico, Recinto de Rio Piedras. October 28.
Organizer and discussant at Hilando Fino desde las Ciencias Sociales radio program with
Acevedo Gaud
students talking about Women Heads of States in Latin America. Radio Universidad.
University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus. June.
Discussant in Voto 2008, Election Day Program in Radio Universidad. University of Puerto
Rico, Recinto de Rio Piedras. November.
2005 - 2006
Organizer and discussant in "Politica desde una Perspectiva Academica" a 20 minute
secction of Buenos Dias Puerto Rico a weekly radio program at WIPR.
2004 - 2006
Participant and discusant at Hilando Fino desde las Ciencias Sociales radio program at
Radio Universidad.
Radio talk Las eleciones de 2004 sorpresas y oportunidades. Las Noticias Hoy, radio
prqgram for Radio Universidad.
University of Puerto Rico, Recinto de Rio Piedras.
Noviembre 9.
Radio talk Perticipecton por genera en las elecciones de 2004. Las Noticias Hoy, radio
program for Radio Universidad.
University of Puerto Rico, Recinto de Rio Piedras.
Octuber 28
Radio talk in radio program Decision Puerto Rico host by Laura Candelas in Radio
Universidad. University of Puerto Rico, Recinto de Rio Piedras. July 18.
TV show Asociaci6n de Periodistas Puertorriquelios
Radio talk EI poder y la suborainecion.
November 22.
Radio Vida, Carolina, Puerto Rico. October 25.
Radio talk La Mujeren la Politica. Las Noticias Hoy, radio program for Radio Universidad.
University of Puerto Rico, Recinto de Rio Piedras. March 2.
Radio talk Testimoniando, discussion with the authors of award winning book Telling to
Live Latina Feminist Testimonios at Hilando Fino desde las ciencias sociales, radio
program for Radio Universidad.
University of Puerto Rico, Recinto de Rio Piedras.
August 23.
Radio talk Mujeres en el Caribe. Hilando Fino desde las ciencias sociales, radio program
for Radio Universidad. University of Puerto Rico, Recinto de Rio Piedras. May 23.
Radio talk Mujeres encorvadas.
Radio Vida, Carolina, Puerto Rico. March 9.