The Light - Home: Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of


The Light - Home: Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of
The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge
Free and Accepted Masons
of Maryland and its Jurisdiction, Inc.
“The Light” |
Maryland’s Prince Hall Family Newsletter
February 2015
70th Edition
A Message from The Honorable Lee A. Taylor,
Most Worshipful Grand Master
Acceptance Speech from
MWGM Lee A. Taylor
The Honorable Lee A. Taylor,
Most Worshipful Grand Master
Let us pray. "O God, our heavenly Father, we thank you that you have expanded our love for each other. We
praise you for all the joys of our homes,
families and organizations. Help us to
practice love instead of hatred, to reconcile rather than retaliate, and to exemplify all that is Christ like in our
homes and organizations, through
Christ our Lord. Amen"
I would like to thank you my Brothers,
for your confidence in me and electing
me as your 25th Most Worshipful
Grand Master. It is an honor and I
thank each of you for the support you
have given me throughout my Masonic
"Let's be strong men in
our communities, supporting our churches,
youth programs, community activities, and
being honest."
My Brothers, "Wisdom is the principal
thing, therefore we must get wisdom,
and with all our getting, we must get
understanding." We know that there
will be storms waiting for us as we assume the responsibility of this Grand
Lodge. We also know it will be an
awesome task but as long as we trust in
the Lord with all our hearts, and lean
not unto our own understanding, in all
our ways acknowledge Him, He shall
direct our path. If we believe this while
making decisions we can accomplish
the plans we have for the coming year.
As we are seen wearing something Masonic in the public we are asked if we
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“are a Master Mason or if we are a
Prince Hall Mason?” The answer is
yes but our communities have not heard
from us since we stopped practicing
what we were taught while kneeling at
the altar during our initiation, passing
and raising. These questions will remain about us until WE become visible
in our churches and communities. Let
us work together to keep our communities viable and strong. Let us build the
structures of our Lodges and Grand
Lodge upon the foundation of Masons
of TODAY by getting back to the roots
of what influenced us as well as Masons of today to join. We. as seasoned
and young Masons. joined because of
our close relationships with family
members in Masonry or men that were
respected and known to be Masons.
Let's be strong men in our communities, supporting our churches, youth
programs, community activities, and
being honest. We must teach the principles, and not be afraid of changes we
would like to implement.
Live today, plan for tomorrow, but
don’t let worry and anxiety steal our
joy. The issues of the day can be cumbersome, and the weight seemingly unbearable; but "if we wait on the Lord,
he shall renew our strength." We
Must Stay firm and have Faith .
A Message from The Honorable Lee A. Taylor,
Most Worshipful Grand Master (cont.)
The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called Failure, a loop called
Confusion, speed bumps called Friends, red lights called Enemies, and caution
lights called Family. We will have flats called Jobs. But, if we have a spare called
Determination, an engine called Perseverance, insurance called Faith, A driver
called JESUS, we will make it to a place called Success!
The Honorable Lee A. Taylor,
Most Worshipful Grand Master
As the Grand Lodge moves onward and upward, I will be asking MWPGME Shelton D. Redden, MWPGM LeRoy A. Lassiter, MWPGM Paul A. Smith, Sr.,
MWPGM LeOtha N. Hull, MWPGM Marion Barkley, MWPGM Melvin M.
Thorpe, and MWPGM Steven G. Collier to be available to provide advice and assistance when called upon. With their assistance and the support of the membership, we can make plans for the future of this great Grand Lodge. We need you
and the members, even those that are not present to accomplish the mission. This
is not MY Grand Lodge, it is OUR Grand lodge. SO, "Let us not grow weary in
well doing. As long as we are walking with God, we are on the right path." We
want the public to say, “Prince Hall Masons are BACK in business, how can I become ONE.”
I pray that I will bring honor to the office of Most Worshipful Grand Master. I
will do my best and I know that God will do the rest.
"Faithful service. Remember the past as we look TO the future by building a
stronger jurisdiction through Commitment and Purpose"
"ASAP - Always Say A Prayer"
Fraternally submitted,
Lee A. Taylor
Most Worshipful Grand Master
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The Honorable Lee A. Taylor, Jr., Most Worshipful Grand Master
Vision Statement
"Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom; and with all thy getting, get understanding." Proverbs 4:7
“Let us plan for tomorrow upon the roots of what influenced us to join this great Grand Lodge and our Lodges.
Do not let worry and anxiety steal our joy. Let us continue to practice Freemasonry as a charitable, benevolent,
educational organization, adhering to the Landmarks of Freemasonry. We must be strong men in our communities, supporting our churches, youth programs, community activities, and being honest law enforcers. Let us
direct our attention to relief of the poor, sick and distressed. We must teach the principles, and not be afraid of
the changes we would like to implement. The issues of the day can be cumbersome, and the weight seemingly
unbearable; but when we wait on the Lord we shall renew our strength. ”
Grand Lodge
Mission Statement
The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, Maryland and its Jurisdiction,
Incorporated, is a fraternal organization dedicated to the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man. Our
fraternal organization takes good men, builds and develops them, to be better men. We dispense charity, promote good and solid family values and endeavor significantly to aid in the uplifting of humanity.
Grand Lodge
Vision Statement
“Our vison is focused on community stewardship, activities to benefit society, and a commitment to building
Brotherhood making Prince Hall Masonry in Maryland sustainable while inculcating and exercising the Principle tenets (Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth) by our words and actions for the betterment of our brothers and
all mankind.”
. The issues of the day can be cumbersome, and the weight seemingly unbearable; but when we wait on the Lord we
shall renew our strength. et us plan for tomorrow upon the roots of what influenced us to join this great Grand Lodge and
our Lodges. Do not let worry and anxiety steal our joy. Let us continue to practice Freemasonry as a charitable, benevolent, educational organization, adhering to the Landmarks of Freemasonry. We must be strong men in our communities,
supporting our churches, youth programs, community activities, and being honest law enforcers. Let us direct our attention to relief of the poor, sick and distressed. We must teach the principles, and not be afraid of the changes we would
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MWPHGLMD Amnesty Program
Sometimes you have the good fortune to witness history. A few of us are even more fortunate to be a part of that
history. The 167th Annual Communication of the MWPHGL of Maryland was historical for so many reasons. We
witnessed the changing of the guard in Maryland Masonry, and we celebrated and honored some of our most esteemed brothers in a weekend filled with brotherhood, friendship, and memories to last a lifetime.
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Deputy Grand Master’s Corner
RW DGM Emanuel J. Stanley
To the Brothers & Sisters of the Mary-
RW Emanuel J. Stanley
Deputy Grand Master
“As a stone Mason carefully prepares both brick
and mortar for the construction of an edifice so
should we prepare for the
building of a Freemason”.
pression upon his mind. Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. A canland Prince Hall Family I greet you in
the matchless name of the Supreme Ar- didate who witnesses a proficient degree
chitect of the Universe and bid you and team will most likely be more inclined to
your families a most joyous and prosper- emulate his teachers and work hard to
become proficient himself. However,
ous 2015!
shoddy, sloppy and poorly delivered deI am ever so humbled and grateful to the gree can have the opposite affect; a canmembership of this grand lodge for en- didate will be disillusioned, disenchanted and discouraged. Inside and outside
trusting me to serve as your Deputy
the lodge be a living example, a personal
Grand Master. It is my sincere prayer
that I will be able to live up to the high example of the ideal Mason. If we hold
ourselves accountable and others we will
office to which you have elected me to
make this grand body stronger and enserve.
sure that it will survive for generations
Our Grand Master, the Honorable Lee
to come.
A. Taylor, Jr., has given us his vision for
Once again, thank you for electing me
this year and it inspires us to be strong
men, supporting our churches, our youth and most especially thank you for allowand activities in our communities. As we ing me the privilege to be your Brother.
move forward with fulfilling his vision Until we meet again and give each other
that warm and friendly grip may God
let us remember that we only get one
first impression - so let's ensure that our Bless & keep you and your families.
words, our actions and our deeds are
With Sincere & Fraternal Love I remain,
consistent with the high character of a
Maryland Prince Hall Mason. At all
Your Humble & Obedient Servant,
times the world at large should know
Bro. Emanuel J. Stanley, DGM
that a gentlemen is in their midst. Our
deportment, manner of dress and the
cleanliness of our language identify us
as men of distinction possessing the
A MARYLAND PRINCE HALL MAhighest of moral character.
In the lodge room, here too we only have INSIDE AND OUTSIDE THE
only have one first impression. In our
preparation for the initiation of a candi- DIGNITY TO THE REPUTATION
date we must take great pride in the
memorization and resuscitation of the
Masonic ritual. Let us remember that the
speculative art which we practice today
is based upon an even more ancient operative science. Candidates entering a
lodge for the first time are filled with
mystery and wonder about the world's
greatest fraternity. As a stone Mason
carefully prepares both brick and mortar
for the construction of an edifice so
should we prepare for the building of a
Freemason. When properly delivered our
Masonic lectures not only inspires the
candidate to become a better man but it
also leaves a lasting and favorable imPage 5 of 72
Senior Grand Warden’s Corner
RW Noel C. Osborne, Sr.
Brothers all; I thank each and every one of you for your trust and
confidence in my knowledge, skills and ability and for electing
me to this position as your Senior Grand Warden for this, our
Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland for the
third consecutive year. As previously stated I fully acknowledge
that to serve in this capacity is indeed a privilege and honor. I remain humbled at the opportunity to serve in this capacity and will
continue to render maximum support to our great jurisdiction, the
Honorable Lee A. Taylor, Jr., Most Worshipful Grand Master,
and to you, our membership as a whole.
RW Noel C. Osborne, Sr.
Senior Grand Warden
“Our Membership - is
our greatest asset;
Partnership - is the key
to our success, and Integrity, teamwork and
leadership - form our
Masonic foundation.”
The chief attractiveness about time is that we cannot waste it in advance. The next
year, the next day, the next hour are lying ready for each of us, as perfect, as unspoiled, as if we had never wasted or misapplied a single moment
in all our lives. We can turn over a new leaf every hour if we
choose to do so. However – we must respect the time allotted for
our purpose. God’s purpose for each of us precedes our plan for
ourselves. We must take the opportunity to collaborate in the spirit of time for it is written in Matthew 24:36; “But of that day and
hour, no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father
I look forward to continue working with each of you in our many
endeavors. I solicit your ideas to assist our jurisdiction in strengthening our programs,
policies, processes, procedures and systems. Please know that: The Community - is our
focus; Service - is our business; Professionalism - is our hallmark; Our Membership is our greatest asset; Partnership - is the key to our success, and Integrity, teamwork
and leadership - form our Masonic foundation. If there is anything that I can do to assist you in our Masonic travels please do not hesitate to contact me. After serving 21
years in the United States Army I adopted a personal Motto, FIDELIS ET VERUS
(Faithful and True).
I close by citing Romans 12:1-21; I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of
God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is
your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the
renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is
good and acceptable and perfect. For by the grace given to me I say to everyone
among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think
with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned. For
as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same
function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one
of another.
Respectfully & Fraternally
RW Noel C. Osborne, Sr.
Senior Grand Warden
[email protected]
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Junior Grand Warden’s Corner
RW Kevin Barney, Junior Grand Warden
RW Kevin L. Barney
Junior Grand Warden
“We as Masons are all
brothers in one body
and are all equal in that
body. We should share
our many gifts with our
fellow man and be gracious for what our
brothers’ share with us
in return.”
To the Brothers & Sisters of the Maryland Prince Hall Family I am deeply
honored and extremely grateful for the
trust you have seen fit to bestow in me
and the opportunity you have given me
to serve you as your Junior Grand
Warden. The responsibilities that you
have vested in me are not taken lightly,
and I assure you that I will, to the utmost of my ability, execute my duties
as Junior Grand Warden in a manner
that will reflect positively on the Grand
Lodge of Maryland and those eminent
men who have held this office before
me. I look forward to working with
each of you to bring Peace and Harmony to our great Fraternity.
Brethren, today our concern must be
for the future of this great fraternity. I
believe these times demand innovation
and imaginative thinking while retaining our principles. We need to demonstrate our transparency and to regain
our enviable reputation in society. Let
“US” establish the public’s understanding of Freemasonry rather than leaving
it to our critics to establish. To do this
we have to show how and why we are
relevant and to concentrate on the positive aspects of Freemasonry, in particular our generous tradition of benevolence and giving to a wide variety of
causes. Masons have always stood as
examples of what is good and what is
right. According to legend, Hiram
Abiff was a Maser Mason and a master
of his craft, honored and respected as a
leader and a teacher of the workmen. A
master of the working tools which we
are taught to apply figuratively to our
morals, our development and deportment. Hiram Abiff was a builder, and
we are urged to follow his example and
master the lessons of Freemasonry
building ourselves, our Lodges and our
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Let “US” remember our obligations
and practice living by them.
Personal Responsibility:
What can Masons do to help improve
our Fraternity, our Leaders and Members? I think it is well worded in the
twelfth chapter of Romans, verses
three through eight, which stresses personal responsibilities for all of us.
“For by the grace given me I say to
every one of you. Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but
rather think of yourself with sober
judgment in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you. Just as
each of us has one body with many
members, and these members do not
all have the same function, so in Christ
we who are many form one body and
each member belongs to all the others.
We have different gifts, according to
the grace given us. If a man’s gift in
prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith; if it is serving, let him
serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; if
it is encouraging, let him encourage; If
it is contribution to the needs of others,
let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is
showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully.”
Junior Grand Warden’s Corner
We as Masons are all brothers in one body and are
all equal in that body. We should share our many
gifts with our fellow man and be gracious for what
our brothers’ share with us in return. Encourage one
another, in all that we do, be slow to criticize others
and recognize the good in each of our brothers’ efforts. I pledge to you that I will do my best. Because
a man’s best is all that any man can do.
Poem: The Builder
I conclude with a short verse that epitomizes my
own philosophy of our work as Craftsmen:
I saw them tearing a building down –
A team of men in my hometown.
With a heave and a ho, and a lusty yell,
they swung a beam and a sidewall fell.
I said to the foreman, “Are these men
skilled like the ones you’d use if you had to build?”
And he laughed and said, “Oh no, indeed!
The most common labor is all I need,
For I can destroy in a day or two
What takes a builder years to do.”
So I thought to myself as I went on my way,
Which one of these roles am I willing to play?
Am I one who tears things down
As I carelessly make my way around?
Or am I one who builds with care,
to make the world better… because I was
{José N. Harris}
Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! {Psalm 133}
GOD Bless each of you and your families. GOD
Bless the past, present and future men and woman
who are serving our great nation. GOD bless our
beautiful Fraternity and may God Bless America.
R.W. Kevin L. Barney
Junior Grand Warden
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Grand Inspector’s Corner
GI’s Office Activities and Staff for Masonic Year 2014–15
“Standardization through Accountability and Consistency”
By RW Stephen B. Bush, Grand Inspector
First and foremost, I would like to give all honor, respect,
praise, and thanks to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,
Who continues to bless me, my family and our great Fraternity tremendously. To The Honorable Lee A. Taylor
Jr., MWGM, and all brothers and sisters, I pray that The
Great “I Am” continues to bless each of you.
I am truly humbled to be appointed as the Grand Inspector (GI) for this great Jurisdiction by The Honorable Lee
A. Taylor Jr., MWGM. I thank the MWGM for my appointment and for his approval of my GI staff recommendations.
The primary objective of the GI’s office is to assist the
MWGM in achieving his vision throughout the jurisdiction and to fulfill the responsibility of inspecting and reporting on the overall operation of all Constituent Lodges, concentrating most of our efforts on the Constituent
Lodges’ administrative procedures. To that end, the GI’s
office continues its work to improve procedures and
practices to assist Lodges in fulfilling their ritualistic and
financial recordkeeping and accountability responsibilities.
The GI’s office is realigned, this year, to be more effective and efficient to support the MWPHGLMD. We plan
to have Secretaries and Treasurers workshops, at the district level, to maximize our training efforts. We will continue to support the Lodge of Instruction with inputs for
the administrative modules and teaching, as needed.
The GI or staff will periodically visit Constituent Lodges
in the MWPHGLMD to inspect Lodge records and
recordkeeping and will ascertain that Lodges in the jurisdiction are following established procedures in reporting
The Office of the GI will, at the request of the Grand
Lecturer, inspect Lodges conferring degrees to ascertain
whether Lodges are following the established laws, rules,
regulations and customs and usages of the
The GI’s office will also perform lodge/district inspections and audits when directed by the MWGM or requested by the District Deputy Grand Masters (DDGMs)
throughout the jurisdiction. We will provide written feedback on all audit reports submitted and inspected to the
DDGMs and will provide a list to the MWGM of Lodges
that did not submit audit reports for a given quarter.
As in the past, the GI will report his findings and recommendations from Lodge visitations at the Annual Communication of the MWPHGLMD.
The Office of the GI will move forward with last year’s
staff, with the exception of RW Stanley Jordan, who is
taking time off this year for a needed rest. We thank RW
Jordan for his service. We also welcome the addition of
RW Harold Robinson to the staff.
Following is the list of Deputy Grand Inspector and Assistant Grand Inspectors for Masonic Year 2014 - 2015:
RW Albert D. Adams, Jr., DGI
RW George McCann, Jr., AGI
RW Donald Bell, AGI
RW Johnny Moore, AGI
RW David Crawford, AGI
RW Walter Pauls, III, AGI
RW James E. Jackson, AGI
RW Charles Purnell, Jr, AGI
RW Jeffrey Jones, AGI
RW Harold Robinson, AGI
RW Mike Jones, AGI
RW Kevin Stephen, AGI
RW Ervin Kelly, AGI
RW Henry Ward, AGI
RW Gerald Matthews, AGI
The Office of the Grand Inspector is here to help you!
Take advantage of this valuable resource.
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MWPGM Thorpe Attends Funeral of
MWPGME (Dr.) William O. Jones
By MWPGM Melvin M. Thorpe
The weekend of January 23 – 25, 2015, I had the
distinct honor and privilege to attend the homegoing
of a stalwart member and broken pillar of this great
fraternity representing the Honorable Lee A. Taylor
and the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge
of Maryland, celebrating the Life and Legacy of
Most Worshipful Past Grand Master Emeritus (Dr.)
William Oliver Jones, Most Worshipful Prince Hall
Grand Lodge of Alabama. The Family Hour and
Memorial Services of all fraternities and concordant
bodies to include the Ancient Craft Services was
conducted on Friday, January 23, 2015, at the People’s Funeral Home Chapel, Tuskegee Institute, Alabama. The Homegoing Service was held at 11am,
January 24, 2015, at the Tuskegee University Chapel, Tuskegee University. Reverend (Dr.) Gregory S.
Gray, Dean of the Chapel at Tuskegee University
presiding. Reverend E. Baxter Morris, Right Worshipful Grand Chaplain, MWPHGLAL conducted
the Eulogy.
The family was overwhelmed and appreciative of
the numbers of brothers and sisters that assisted in
and attended the Celebration of Life for MWPGME
(Dr.) William Oliver Jones.
May the Great Architect of the Universe wrap his
loving arms around Brother Jones and give him his
just reward. So mote it be!
The celebration of life was attended by a number of
dignitaries, which included Dr. Brian Johnson, University President, the Honorable Johnny Ford,
Mayor City of Tuskegee, the Honorable Louis Maxwell Chairman Macon County Commission, together with Most Worshipful Grand Masters Deary
Vaughn (OK), Wilbert M. Curtis (TX), Dr. Ralph
Slaughter (LA), Cleveland Wilson (AK), Arvin W.
Glass (TN), Bruce James (GA) and MWPGM’s
Robert Wheeler representing (DC) and Melvin M.
Thorpe, representing (MD). Sovereign Grand Commander Deary Vaughn along with the Elect Nine of
the United Supreme Council, AASR, Southern Jurisdiction. Several Most Illustrious Commander-inChiefs (Deputies of the Orient) of the Southern Jurisdiction, Sovereign Grand Inspector Generals,
Grand Inspectors Generals from both the Southern
and Northern Jurisdictions, sisters of the Order of
the Eastern Star, Elected Grand Lodge officers,
Worshipful Masters, Wardens and brethren of Alabama and several jurisdictions and a host of relatives
and friends.
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Grand Master Honors For
MWPGM Steven G. Collier
Most Worshipful Past Grand Master Honors at the 167th Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall
Grand Lodge of Maryland, Ocean City, MD.
On Sunday, December 7, 2014, prior to the election of Grand Lodge Officers at the 167th Annual Communication of
the MWPHGL of Maryland, the Honorable Melvin M. Thorpe, Most Worshipful Grand Master instructed Right Worshipful Steven G. Collier, Past Deputy Grand Master, E. Jerry Williams Lodge No. 141 to approach the altar. After
reflection and acknowledgement of the many contributions and accomplishments in this great jurisdiction and to Masonry itself by RW Collier, MWGM Thorpe proceeded to bestow the honor and title of “Most Worshipful Past Grand
Master” upon him to the excitement and affirmation of the brethren in attendance. Amidst the cheers, numerous members of the craft congratulated and comforted MWPGM Collier at the altar as he was visibly overcome with emotion,
humility, and appreciation. “I am overcome by this awesome honor and thank you all. Since my early days as a
Grand Lodge Officer some 16 years ago as an LOI Instructor all I wanted to do was to contribute to the forward progress of this great jurisdiction. If there is anything that I can do masonically or personally to assist you, please do not
hesitate to let me know”…MWPGM Collier stated. While reflecting over the past few years MWPGM Collier further
stated that…“while we are all brethren of this craft, there is nothing wrong with us being friends and brothers, May
God Bless you all.”
Most Worshipful Steven G. Collier (141),
Past Grand Master, MWPHGL of MD
The following are MWPGM Collier’s Masonic, concordant, appendant and affiliated
E. Jerry Williams Lodge No. 141, 4th Masonic District, M. W. Prince Hall Grand
Lodge of Maryland – Past Master, served M.Y. 1997-1998.
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry, PHA, Southern Jurisdiction
2001 – Elevated to the honorary 33ᴼ degree, Grand Inspector General, United Supreme
Council, A.A.S.R., S.J., PHA, USA in Winston-Salem, NC.
2001 – present. Member of the William A. Jones Commanders of the Rite, State of
2005 – Past Commander in Chief, James A. Mingo Consistory No. 334, Valley of Accokeek, MD.
York Rite Masonry
Holy Royal Arch Mason, member of Corinthian Chapter No. 20, Bryans Road, Maryland
Myra Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star
T. Lancaster
Order of by
On November 1, 2014, our then–
M. Thorpe
was honored
and members
of the
craft for his dedication and service to Masonry. The evening was full of glitz and glamour starting with theSouth
“red carAmerica, Inc.
pet treatment” to the superb dinner
and dancing
and hospitality!
Past Illustrious
Misr Temple No. 213. Served in “2K2” Class.
Many presentations were made,
the honoree,
and although
he did notInc.
a tear, 2003you could
Past Imperial Deputy of upon
the Desert
of Maryland,
tell how much MWPM Thorpe
Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, F&AM of Maryland & Juris., Inc.
1998-2007 – Appointed as a Regional Grand Lecturer and Chief Assistant to the Worshipful Master for the Lodge of
Instruction, Southern Region.
2007 – Elected as Junior Grand Warden. 2007 – Knighted into the Peter Hassel Council No. 6, Order of the Knights
of Pythagoras.
2007 - Grand Lodge Officer of the Year.
2008 – Received the Fullwood Foundation’s “Valued Hours” Award for community service
2010 – 2012 Elected as Deputy Grand Master. Served as Strategic Planning Committee Chairman that developed the
initial GL Long term Strategic Plan.
2012- Present. Served on Strategic Planning Sub-Committee on Leadership Development.
2014 – Bestowed honors and title of “Most Worshipful Past Grand Master” at the 167th Annual Communication of the
MWPHGL of Maryland.
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R.W. Nicholas Padilla receives award for Masonic
Excellence from MWPGM Melvin M. Thorpe
Congratulations to R.W. Nicholas Padilla
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MW Prince Hall Grand Lodge of
Maryland Lodge of Sorrow
Lodge of Sorrow
MY 2013-2014
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God’s Presence was felt
John 14:1-4:
“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many
rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I
go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare
a place for you, I will come again and will take you to
myself, that where I am you may be also. And you
know the way to where I am going.”
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Historical Moment
During Masonic Year 2013-2014 our lord and
savior called 45 of our brothers from labor on earth
to that everlasting happiness in the world to come.
We continue to pray that the peace of our Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ comfort the families of our
dear brothers and that the Grand Architect of the
Universe places a hedge of protection around each
of them. We will keep them in our prayers.
Congratulations to the office of the Grand Lecture and Grand Chaplain of the Most Worshipful
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland who delivered an outstanding rendition of the Lodge of Sorrow Ceremony during the 167th Annual Communication in Ocean City Maryland. Under the direction and leadership of R.W. Jonathan Goode-Bey,
Grand Lecturer and R.W. Nicholas Padilla, Grand
Chaplain the ceremony was absolutely flawless.
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Grand Lodge of Maryland
Celebrating its 228th Annual
RW SGW Noel C. Osborne, Sr.
On 14 November 2014, the Most Worshipful Prince
Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland traveled to the
Grand Lodge of Maryland to join in celebration of
their 228th Annual Communication. Under the leadership of MWPGM Melvin M. Thorpe the delegation
had in excess of 50 brothers. The Annual Communication was phenomenal. MWPGM Gerald E. Piepiora was thoroughly thrilled.
The visitation culminated in a delicious meal
provided by the Grand Lodge of Maryland attended
by many members of the Most Worshipful Prince
Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland.
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AF&AM Annual Communication
November 2014
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AF&AM Annual Communication November 2014
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AF&AM Annual Communication November 2014
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AF&AM Annual Communication November 2014
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AF&AM Annual Communication November 2014
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Myra Grand Chapter
GWM Carol D. Simon and
GWP Kevin Cunningham
triving For Excellence: Caring more than others think is Wise, Risking more
than others think is Safe, Dreaming more than others think is Practical, and
Expecting more than others think is Possible.
 Keep an open channel of communication between Most Worshipful Prince
Hall Grand Lodge and Myra Grand Chapter to achieve our common goal.
 Open the awareness of Love Respect and Accountability due to our Sisters and
Brothers. Increase membership in the Jurisdiction.
 Enhance the knowledge of our leaders
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength: They shall mount up with wings as eagles; they
shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31)
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Myra Grand Chapter Prayer Breakfast
Grand Princess Matron of Grand Youth Fraternity Whitney
Folkes, GWM Carol D. Simon , Grand Prince Patron Ferguson , GWP Kevin Cunningham at the Myra Grand Chapter
Prayer Breakfast held Jan. 17, 2015 at Elks Club Gambrills,
Members of Amulet Chapter No. 85. Home of GWM to include GWP far right.
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Marjorie T. Lancaster Chapter #84
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Marjorie T. Lancaster #84 (Cont.)
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Marjorie T. Lancaster #84
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Marjorie T. Lancaster #84
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Truth Chapter #19
Truth Chapter #19 in Charles County were extremely busy during the fall. They supported the commu-
nity by donating Thanksgiving baskets, ran their annual Toys for Tots/Clothing Drive, and supported
their Brother lodge with their new healthy walk initiative. WM Alana Smoaks and the Sisters of Truth
are definitively Charles County’s “Star in the East”!
Thanksgiving Basket Drive
Clothing Drive / Toys for Tots
Truth 93rd Anniversary
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Testimonial Dinner for
MWPGM Melvin M. Thorpe
By R.W. Ivory G. Traynham
On November 1, 2014, our then– MWGM Melvin M. Thorpe was honored by his family, friends and
members of the craft for his dedication and service to Masonry. The evening was full of glitz and glamour
starting with the “red carpet treatment” to the superb dinner and dancing and hospitality!
Many presentations were made, and tributes lauded upon the honoree, and although he did not shed a
tear, you could tell how much MWPM Thorpe genuinely loved the evening and how much he really appreciated the sacrifices made by so many people on his behalf, starting first and foremost with his family.
The evening really gave all who attended a real perspective on just how large a role Masonry and its tenets have played in his life and how much Maryland Masonry is indebted to him.
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Testimonial Dinner for
MWPGM Melvin M. Thorpe (cont.)
By R.W. Ivory G. Traynham
MWPGM Thorpe congratulated by GWM
Simon and GWP Cunningham
MWPGM Thorpe with the Past Grand Masters of
MWPGM Thorpe with MWGM Gerald Piepiora
This young man’s voice blew the audience away!
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Emancipation Proclamation
By R.W. Ivory G. Traynham
On JANUARY 4TH, The Prince Hall family gathered for its annual Emancipation Proclamation Celebration. As it was the first official public Ceremony under the tenure of MWGM Lee A Taylor, Jr., there was a
huge turnout despite the bitter cold temperature. Brothers, Sisters, visiting dignitaries and friends nearly
filled the balconies to capacity as well as most of the lower sanctuary. As it should be, the ceremony was a
stirring reminder to us that we have not always enjoyed total freedom in this land , and the recent tragedies
in Missouri and other locations in our country seemed to add to the day’s message. The mood of the audience was apprehensive at times, as if they were waiting for the right moment to express themselves; to let
their frustrations be known as well as their hopes for an opportunity to make a change.
Our youth presided over the ceremony, presented the day’s welcome and response, the reading of the
Emancipation Proclamation, and expressed what it meant to them.
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Emancipation Proclamation
The audience was treated to ministry in song by Mrs. Tammy Padilla as well as the brothers from the Victoria Lodge #71 Men’s choir. There were greetings from Masonic visitors , community leaders and elected officials , including the Honorable Peter Franchot, Comptroller for the State of Maryland. Mr. Franchot briefly spoke on the importance of Prince Hall, and how he worked, in his own way, to emancipate
and improve the conditions of his fellow citizens during his lifetime.
Once the
speaker of the
hour, Rev.
(Bro) Larry McCray, Sr. Pastor, Mount Calvary Missionary Baptist Church, ascended to the podium, the
audience was ready for a message to uplift them, and Rev, McCray did not disappoint. He reminded us
that the reason we were here in this place, at this time, was because our ancestors “kept the faith” and that
we needed to do the same. Even though events are happening in America which are disturbing and upsetting to us, we have to remember that “weeping may endure for a night because punishment is not permanent” He explained that in Prince Hall times and even in slavery, our ancestors bodies may have been imprisoned, but the not imprisoned in their hearts, and that we have to lean on and call on God for our salvation. He reminded us that “If you make a call to heaven, He will make a visit to you”. He exhorted the audience to keep the pressure on the elected officials, the law enforcement community and each other to do
the right thing and to continue to speak “truth to power” because that is the only way we will see a positive
change in the situation.
Greetings were then presented by MWGM Taylor, who expressed his thanks to all who attended the ceremony, he was grateful to see so many people come out and he hoped to keep the momentum of today’s
program going. And as always, he thanked the wives and significant others of the Brothers for their
continuous support.
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Prince Hall Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters
State and Jurisdiction of Maryland
By Ill. Comp. Ivory G. Traynham
attendance. Royal and Select was, and has been
On January 17, a record number of Royal Arch inunfortunately
a degree not pursued by many brethMasons descended upon Rising Sun Lodge to receive the degrees of Royal Master, Select Master,
and Super Excellent Master. These ceremonies
completed the ancient “Circle of Perfection” and
ren. Once most brothers enter York Rite Masonry
they complete the Royal Arch degree but typically
go no further in the Rite. A few become Knights
Templars but there is no rule or regulation requiring
deemed these 33 brothers to be formally known as
Royal and Select Masters (R&SM). Grand Thrice
Illustrious Master Christopher Charles remarked that
it had been many years since this many brothers had
joined the Royal and Select Masters and that he was
looking forward to the energy the new members
would bring to their respective Councils. His sentiments were echoed by all the Grand Council officers
a brother to become a Royal and Select Master prior
to becoming a Sir Knight. So to have so many
brothers join at once was very encouraging and the
degree team was very surprised to see so many
brothers become R&SM. There are plans for more
Councils to be opened in the jurisdiction so if you
are interested in R&SM or any of the York Rite degrees, please see any of your ‘well informed broth-
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Prince Hall Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters
State and Jurisdiction of Maryland (cont.)
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MWPHGL 167th Annual Communication
Of course we took care of our mandatory administrative details, received visiting delegations and held workshops
provided to deepen our brothers’ knowledge within the craft. We also took the time to once again honor our brothers
who transitioned to their eternal reward in a beautiful and stirring lodge of sorrow conducted by the Office of the
Grand Lecturer. Then we celebrated the final chapter in the tenure of MWGM Melvin M. Thorpe as he removed his
name from consideration for possible re-election, clearing the way for a new leader of Maryland Prince Hall Masons.
And we strengthened our fraternal bonds along the way, making new friends and reacquainting our relations with
those we have known for some time. Once the business was completed, we returned safely to our homes, looking
forward to a year from now we will hopefully reconvene once more!
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167th Annual Communication (cont)
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167th Annual Communication (cont)
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167th Annual Communication (cont)
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First Masonic District
Right Worshipful Harold E. Norris, Assistant District Deputy Grand Master
The first Masonic District has an established awards program to recognize the work of the brethren
within the district. Throughout the masonic year the district officers pay particular attention to those
who do outstanding work in the lodge and those who deserve recognition for the work that they have
done on behalf of the lodge and the district. The district also recognizes those that saw fit to serve
their lodges in any way when called upon. For the year 2013 -2014 the following award and citations
were issued:
Enterprise Lodge No.3
Worshipful Master Timothy Battle was designate as the District “Worshipful Master of The Year”
Zion Lodge No4
(1) Brother Reginald Howard was named the “District Mason if the Year” for is work within the
lodge and his Willingness to serve wherever and whenever asked within the lodge
(2) Worshipful Master Kip R. Hall was presented with a “Recognition of Service Citation” for his
Continual service to the lodge and his willingness to assume the leadership of the lodge when
(3) Right Worshipful Kevin L. Barney, Jr. the District Deputy Grand Master was named “District Pillar of Masonry” for his work within the lodge and his leadership of Zion Lodge No.4 and the First
Masonic District.
Federal Lodge No.9
Past Master Norman I. Mullin received a “Recognition of Service Citation” for his willingness to
serve the lodge in whatever capacity asked. Pat Master Mullins served as Junior Warden for over two
years until a line of succession was established.
King David Lodge No.18
(1) Right Worshipful Jeffery L. Mullen, Sr., Assistant Deputy Grand Master received a “Recognition
of Service Citation” for his work as twice serving as Worshipful Master of the Lodge and for his
Service as Assistant Grand Secretary and District Deputy Grand Master of the First Masonic District.
(2) Past Master Randall Craig received a “Recognition of Service Citation” for his willingness to lead
the lodge when called upon without hesitation.
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Fourth Masonic District
RW Randolph Smith, DDGM
Bee Hive No. 66
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News from the Hive
Bee Hive No. 66 (4MD)
RW Ivory G. Traynham
Once Again, The brothers of Bee
We also supported our Sisters of
Truth Chapter #19 with their Toys
for Tots and Clothing drive in December by making a donation for
the toys and cooking the food for
the women and children from the
local homeless shelter, who arrived prior to the public crowd,
and we stayed throughout the day
to help, aid and assist wherever
possible.. We even received a visit
Hive #66 are showing that they
mean business when they say they
are about uplifting and supporting
their community. With our new
WM Aaron Smoaks leading the
way, we continue doing what we
do best! We started this Masonic
year by hosting our Annual Senior
Citizen’s Dinner, serving over 300
of our neighbors and friends with
good food and better friendship
throughout the day! We do this
every year right before Thanksgiving to help show our community
that we care about them and it offers us an opportunity to bring
them into our “house” and let
them see first hand what the
“BUZZ” is all about!
from Santa (Bro. Jody Davenport)!
The Annual Spiritual Feast was
held in December to honor our
departed brethren and their widows. We filled up on that good
Bee Hive cooking, heard a good
word from Minister William
Coates from Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church and some
down home singing from Harmony of Faith Band.. We even received a visit from our new (and
African-American) Sherriff Troy
Brown of Charles County, Maryland
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News from the Hive
Bee Hive No. 66 (cont.)
Even though we are known as a lodge that can
‘cook” we also realize that we must do all things in
moderation. This year Bro. Chester Waters has challenged the brothers to start living healthier so we
have started a “Healthy Walk” initiative to make
sure we can be here for a long time. The first walk
took place on the Woodrow Wilson Memorial
bridge between Maryland and Virginia. We were
accompanied by our Sisters from Truth Chapter #19
on the walk.
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News from the Hive
Bee Hive No. 66 (cont.)
Bee Hive #66 held our Martin L. King Prayer Breakfast on Jan 19th at Bee Hive. As in past years, we enjoyed a great morning fellowshipping; enjoying the Word brought forth from Rev. (R.W.) Joshua Slack, Asst.
grand Chaplain; listening to great gospel music from the Sons of God; and the “I Have a Dream Speech” delivered by Bee Hive’s own, Deputy Grand Lecturer, RW Oliver L. Willis. Every year it seems it can’t get any
better, but each year it does. We are so thankful to the Great Architect for his blessing upon the Brothers of
this great and distinguished lodge, and we look forward to all this year, and every year.
Rev . Slack delivering the Word
Sons of God bringing it!
MWGM Taylor and Grand Staff
Rev . Slack delivering the Word
Crowd enjoying a song
The crowd giving it back to them!
MWPGM Doles (D.C) and others
enjoying the service
More Sons!!
WM Diggs, WM Smoaks , PM
Pittman (O.E.S.)
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News from the Hive
Bee Hive No. 66 (cont.)
More Pictures from the Martin Luther King, Jr. Prayer Breakfast
More Sons!
Everyone was captured in the
WMs McDonald, Morton and
guests enjoying the program
RW Willis performing the ‘I Have
A Dream’ Speech
RW Randy Smith, DDGM Fourth
MD, offering greetings
DGM Emanuel Stanley offering
greetings and remarks
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Bee Hive brothers listening to
every word
WM Aaron Smoaks, WM Alana
Smoaks & RW Willis
MWGM Lee A. Taylor, Jr.
bringing the day’s greetings
Roscoe C. Cartwright Lodge No. 129
4th Masonic District
entertained with holiday gospel music by the lodges very own "The Cartwright Singers". The Sheriff of
Prince George's County, Melvin High, was a special dignitary guest that came by to speak with the senior
citizens thanking them for his successful second term election. The Sheriff had his top commanders with
him and they actually helped serve the citizens along with the sheriff cadets.
The sisters of Marjorie T. Lancaster Chapter No. 84 under the direction of Worthy Matron Latia Jones-Diggs
were critical in the operation of the luncheon. Under her direction the sisters prepared the meals, and gave
direction to many of the young people that were assisting in helping serve the Seniors their meals and beverages. The brothers of Roscoe C. Cartwright Lodge No. 129 under direction of Brother Andre Hancock help
in all capacities in every position required to make this another successful event. When the thanksgiving
meal and gospel entertainment came to a close the senior citizens were given brown goody bags containing
fruit and candy as they exited for the day. It was a fun filled day for everyone involved and everyone's Holiday spirit we hope was uplifted.
Acco Bus company and Keller Bus company donated free time and provided free transportation to the senior
citizens as a way of giving back to the community. Macedonia Missionary Baptist church donated cooked
turkeys for the luncheon and provided servers as well. We thank them for their continued support. Several
members of the Waldorf chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority also helped serve meals to the seniors.
Fraternally submitted,
Marshall Jones, Worshipful Master
Bryan Simmons
H. Wesley
No. 147 had
another outstanding Thanksgiving Basket Delivery Event. We had 7 brothers and
5 1/2 Youth Knights attend to perform community outreach.
The day started with breakfast and fellowship at the home of Bro. Raymond Fefee and his wife Fredricka.
The Youth Knights then packed the boxes and we headed out. This year, we actually had one family in Bowie, and 4 in Fairmont Heights. Each family really did seem in need and were appreciative of our outreach.
There was a mix up with one family, as the recipient no longer lived at the address that Social Services pro-
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Shelton D. Redden Lodge No. 139
4th Masonic District
SDR 139 Thanksgiving and Christmas Activities 2014
The brothers of Shelton D. Redden Lodge #139 (SDR 139) had a very busy and successful holiday season.
Service, brotherhood, and fellowship were all on display as they participated in a number of different activities. Some of activities were in support of Rollingcrest Commons which is an apartment community established to meet the needs of active senior citizens. It is also where SDR 139 holds its regular communications. So the brothers of SDR 139 were very happy to assist with the celebrations
SDR 139 during Thanksgiving 2014
On Friday, November 20, 2014, SDR 139 supported Rollingcrest Commons with its annual Thanksgiving
potluck. The event was held round 3 PM. Eva Gibson, Rollingcrest Manager, oversaw the event. Brothers
Melvin Pitt and D’Andre Phillips assisted with the event. The event was a success with numerous residents
attending and a substantial variety of dishes that were prepared for the day.
On Saturday, November 22, 2015, the brothers of SDR 139 delivered food baskets to needy families in the
Hyattsville area. Participants included Brothers Anthony Summers, Terence Clegg, Mike Nabinett, Ronald
Raiford, and Kevin Stephen.
The brothers acquired $280 worth of food baskets from the SHARE Food Network. SHARE (Self Help And
Resource Exchange) is a non-profit, community-based organization dedicated to moving healthy groceries at
roughly a 50% discount into all homes in the DC area; this is accomplished through high-volume purchasing
and thousands of volunteer hours. Each month, SDR 139 typically delivers SHARE food baskets that the
residents themselves purchase.
For Thanksgiving, the lodge itself purchased and distributed the baskets to seven (7) families. They had a
great time doing this community service and the families appeared very appreciative. The brothers were
proud to have brightened these good people’s day with Thanksgiving baskets full of food items.
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Shelton D. Redden Lodge No. 139
4th Masonic District (cont.)
SDR 139 Christmas Party
A great time was had by all on Saturday, December 13th when SDR#139 held its First Annual Holiday Dinner at the home residence of Lloyd Shanklin. It was a wonderful turnout that included Anthony Summers,
Terence Clegg, Gary Byrd, Gerard Weaver, Isa Hakima, John Mason, Cameron Fitzpatrick and Shawn
Kersh. Five Past Masters were also in attendance: Brent Hughes, Brooke Cawley, Jamie Dawson, Kevin
Stephen, and Armstead Williams. The members of the committee gave unyielding dedication and displayed
tireless energy to ensure this event was a success…and their efforts paid off!
There was an abundance of food and drinks. Many items were homemade and all were delicious. There was
an Ugly Sweater Contest that resulted in a dance off between John Mason and the son. A gift exchange game
was played. And even though it was a soiree for brothers of the lodge and their families, it was also proper to
focus on the community service aspect of the holidays by providing for children in need. As such, many
brothers brought toys for the Toys for Tots program.
The brothers appreciated the opportunity to give thanks for great personal fortune and to belong to such an
esteemed organization and the brotherhood it represents. The Inaugural Holiday Party Potluck was a huge
success and the brothers are already looking forward to planning next year’s event!
Annual Seniors Thanksgiving Luncheon
On Tuesday November 25, 2014, the brothers of Roscoe C. Cartwright Lodge No129, with support from
the lodge's sister chapter Marjorie T. Lancaster Chapter No. 84, hosted its annual Senior Citizens at the Accokeek Volunteer Fire Department Activities Center located at 1611 Livingston Road, Accokeek, Maryland
20706. It was a joyful occasional filled with the Holiday spirit and joy. Approximately 400 Senior Citizens
that were selected from designated local senior citizen centers, were fed a traditional thanksgiving meal and
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Shelton D. Redden Lodge #139
Fourth Masonic District (cont.)
ers Isa Hakima and Terence Davis assisted with
setting up. Brothers Terence Clegg and Kevin Stephen also attended the event.
Overall, the party was a huge success. Over 50 residents attended along with many guests. The DJ was
excellent, playing a wide variety of songs from different eras. Several of the residents and guests
danced and pictures were taken in front of the
Christmas tree that had been put up.
SDR 139 Christmas 2014 Weekend of Service
SDR 139’s Christmas 2014 Weekend of Service
started on Friday, December 19, 2014, with calling
Bingo for the elderly residents of Rollingcrest. The
following morning the brothers dropped off
SHARE packages for the residents of Rollingcrest
like they do each month.
Also on December 20th , after the SHARE food
drop off, SDR 139 supported Rollingcrest Commons with its annual Christmas Celebration. The
event commenced around 11 AM. The party consisted of a breakfast provided by The Omelette
Guys and music by a DJ. Eva Gibson,
Rollingcrest’s Manager, oversaw the event. Broth-
That same day, Shelton D. Redden Lodge #139
collaborated with the Zeta Tau Sigma chapter of
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated, to deliver teddy bears and toys. The toys were donated
to the Family Crisis Center of Prince George’s
County’s (FCC). The FCC’s mission is “to promote and facilitate the elimination of abusive behavior in family relationships.” The recipients of
the toys were the children of the women who are
staying at the shelter. Brothers Kevin Stephen and
Isa Hakima represented SDR 139. Marie Warrick
of Sigma Gamma Rho (SGRho) was the primary
contact for this effort. Also representing SGRho
was Sharon Royster and Jeannine Bulbulia.
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Charles H. Wesley Lodge #147
4th Masonic District
vided us with. Since we were close to Fairmount
Lodge, we stopped by to fellowship during their coat
drive. They were very pleased to see us stop by. In a
discussion I had with Bro. Greg Payne during that
time, it was determined that there was an elderly
woman that they were working on food relief for. So
the Brothers of Wesley decided to donate our extra
basket to her.
We then returned back to Bro. Fefee's for food, fellowship and football. The Youth Knights said that
they really enjoyed the work, and learned from the
outing how fortunate they are in their lives, and are
looking forward to the Christmas deliveries.
First of all, I'd like to thank Bro. Al Perrine for coordinating the event. Unfortunately, a death in his
family prevented him from joining us. I want to
thank Bro. Fefee for offering his home; Brothers
Phillip Coles, Anthony Hill, Obadiah Johnson,
Deron Pittman, and Sean Schwartz. Along with
Youth Knights Jabari and Juwan Anderson, Maury
Johnson, Donald Mooring, Jr., Miles Simmons, and
"Honorary Youth Knight" Aiden Schwartz for their
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Charles H. Wesley Lodge #147
4th Masonic District (cont.)
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Deer Creek Lodge #103
6th Masonic District
Deer Creek Lodge Donation to the Sarah House
Deer Creek Lodge No. 103 recently partnered with Baltimore Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS)
to assist Sarah’s House in feeding the local community. Sarah’s House is located at 2015 20th Street Fort
Meade, MD 20755. We delivered a total of $600.00 worth of food: can goods, dry pasta, and Turkeys. With
the donation they were able to feed the homeless and replenish their food bank. It is WM Tinson and mem-
bers of Deer Creek Lodge No.103 to make this an Annual event.
Food donated by Deer Creek Lodge No. 103
and Baltimore MEPS
TSgt Samantha Bryant is a volunteer at the Sarah
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Deer Creek Lodge #103
6th Masonic District (cont.)
Sixth Masonic District Annual Thanksgiving Day
Donation to Village of Lakeview Community
On 27 November 2014, Team Six along with District seven OES travelled down to Baltimore City to
the Bea Gaddy Foundation. It is an annual event to
provide Thanksgiving dinner for Harford County
residents. We were able to provide 150 hot meal and
150 bags of perishable food items for the member of
Village of Lakeview Community Center located in
Edgewood Md. This partnership has grown to an
excellent relationship with the Lakeview residents
WM Tinson packing and separating food items
and the community of Edgewood. It is our leadership of DDGM Wayne B. Smith and Team Six to
keep this annual event for years to come.
Worshipful Master Calvin Tinson and Marianne
Cernosek Administrative Assistant
Volunteers at the Lakeview Community Center
Left to Right DDGM Wayne B. Smith, Team Six
and OES Sisters of District Seven
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Deer Creek Lodge #103
6th Masonic District (cont.)
Word was delivered by Rev Darius Butler
Pastor of John Wesley United Methodist
His delivered an outstanding message on
Spreading Brotherly Love. His text was taken from 1st Corinthians 13 Chapter, verses 1
-13. He stated that we should “ Love each
other devotedly and with brotherly love;
and set examples for each other in showing
Left to Right (below) WM Adele Osborne Evening
Star No.20 and daughter and DDGM Rebecca Setters
Once the sermon was concluded Worship
leaders RW Rev Joshua Slack, Assistant
Grand Chaplain asks DDG M Rebecca Settle
of OES Seventh District, ADDGM Clarence
R. Miller Jr. and SGW Noel C. Osborne offer
closing remarks.
ADDGM Miller stated in the absents DDGM
Smith, we would like to thanks you and the
members of John Wesley United Methodist
Church for allowing the Sixth Masonic District the opportunity to host the St. Johns day
at their church. He especially thanked WM
Tinson III and Team Six for putting program
The service was able to raise over $500, in
proceed all with was turn over to the
Sixth Masonic District Annual St. John’s Day
The Sixth Masonic District celebrated St
John’s Day Service on Sunday 13 Dec 2013
at John Wesley United Methodist Church in
Abingdon Maryland. The host Lodge for this
event was Deer Creek Lodge No.103, Bro
Calvin Tinson III, Worshipful Master. The
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Thomas H. Kiah Lodge #101
Pride of Cambridge Lodge #50
7th Masonic District
At their last regular lodge meeting in December, Thomas H Kiah Lodge # 101 of Rock Hall MD, in the Seventh Masonic
district, prepared and distributed 6 Christmas Food Baskets to needy families in the area. They also gave fruit baskets to the
widows of the lodge. This is an annual event sponsored by the lodge annually at Christmas time.
Present are (left to right)
Past Master James
Thompson, Harold
Braden, Senior Decon
James Sampson ,
Lamonte Cooke, Senior
Waarden Elbert Hicks,
Worshipful Master Elmer
Wheeler Jr., Past Master
Orlando McElroy, Senior
Steward Earl Taylor,
Junior Deacon Hayward
Lunn, Past Master Melvin
Shorter (DDGM 7th District) .
MWPHGLMD Scholarship Recipient Graduates
Ms. Jaleesa Young, who was a recipient of the
MWPHGLMD Masonic Scholarship, graduated December 19, 2014 from Morgan State University
Magna Cum Laude; Jaleesa earned a bachelors of
arts degree in sociology with a certificate in criminal justice. She was also inducted into several honor
societies including the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society and
Golden Key International Honor Society. As a new
undergrad, she is anxious to get her career underway and she would like to thank the Maryland Masonic family in helping her achieve this most noteworthy milestone in her life.
Ms. Young, flanked by parents, WM William
Jackson (Pride of Cambridge #50) and Gloria
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St John’s Day
Seventh Masonic District (cont.)
The Seventh District's St. John's Day celebration was sponsored by Easton Lodge #16 of Easton, Maryland. The services were held Sunday December 14, 2014 at 3:30pm at Scott's United Methodist Church ,
in Trappe, Maryland. Seventh District Deputy Grand Master Melvin J. Shorter Jr. server as Worship
Leader. The preacher for the day was Rev. Lucille Nichols, Pastor of Scott's United Methodist Church.
Music was provided by the Scott's United Methodist Church Mass Choir.
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St John’s Day
Seventh Masonic District (cont.)
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Seventh Masonic District (cont)
Black History Month Program Co-Sponsored by Seventh Masonic District
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The William T. Wallace Lodge #134
10th Masonic District
By WM Stacy L. Merriwether
On behalf of the Brothers of WTW134, I would like to personally wish all a Happy New Masonic Year!
Permit me a few moments to introduce the newly elected officers of the Lodge for the ensuing Masonic
Year: Bro Stacy L. Merriwether, Worshipful Master; Bro Roderic Mauldin, Senior Warden; Bro Danelo
Sobers, Junior Warden; Bro Kenneth Bradley, Secretary; and Past Master Dennis Graham, Treasurer.
Although we have entered into a new year, the work of the Lodge remains the same as previous years.
Our first community service endeavor was held Saturday, November 15, 2014, at the Anne Arundel County Food Bank (AACFB) in Crownsville, MD. Approximately 23 Lodge members, PHAmily, family, and
friends assisted the staff with sorting, boxing, and storing 12 pallets and five (5) huge baskets worth of
food in about three (3) hours. To all of our supporters, we give you a heart-felt THANK YOU!
Continuing in the work of community service, the Brothers of WTW134 was able to deliver food donations received from the AACFB, others within and without the Lodge, to Van Bokkelen Elementary
School in Severn, MD, Tuesday, November 18, 2014.
On Thursday, November 20, 2014, several members of the Lodge and volunteers from Amulet Chapter
No. 85 (OES) handed out enough food to feed at least 10 families in our area of operation.
Again, to all of our supporters, we give you another heart-felt THANK YOU!
One of the unfortunate responsibilities of the Worshipful Master of any Lodge is to bury one of his members, when he is called to sit at the right-hand side of the Great Architect of the Universe.
Bro Donald A. Beasley, Jr. was called from labor to reward Wednesday, November 12, 2014. He is survived by his wife Nicola, and two (2) children Brianna and Connor. It is important to note that Bro
Beasley was sent on to Glory the same day we previously scheduled to hand out food at Van Bokkelen
Elementary. The plan was to reschedule, but Mrs. Beasley did not want us to forgo our other obligations
and demanded that we do what her husband would have wanted us to do. Bro Beasley was a very humble
man, who loved everything about being a Mason. His wife is just as passionate about our work as her
husband was. Rest in Peace Brother!! Your name will forever be recorded in the annuls of our hearts!
In more spirit of Charity, several members of the Lodge assisted our Brother Lodge, Maceo Boston, Jr.
Lodge No. 145, with their community service efforts in Howard County.
Due to this collaborative endeavor, close to 800 families were able to enjoy a hearty and healthy Thanksgiving meal. When the cement that unites us all into one band of Brothers sets, the rest of the Jurisdictions in the country will be in T-R-O-U-B-L-E!
Well, it’s official. The fruits of our labors have bared a juicy and succulent award. The William T. Wallace Lodge No. 134 was named as LODGE OF THE YEAR for Masonic Year 2013-2014 during the 167th
Grand Communication (see photo below).
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The William T. Wallace Lodge #134
10th Masonic District (cont.)
Photo courtesy of Bro Michael Bertty II
Photo courtesy of Bro Michael Bertty II
Sadly, there were a number of Brothers who felt
that the award was “given” due to our donation to
the Grand Lodge, which happened to be furniture
hand-crafted by one of our dearly departed Brothers.
Normally, those comments would not be dignified
with a response. However, to let the “hate” go
without being addressed would be uncharacteristic
of Dem Wallace Boys. The Lodge of the Year
award was first and foremost EARNED based on
the path set forth by PM Dennis L. Graham and the
work of a Prince Hall Mason being done by the
members of the Lodge. No one GAVE us anything.
Enough said!
A true testament to PM Graham’s leadership, vision, and devotion to Masonry is that he was named
as Worshipful Master of the Year for Masonic Year
2013-2014 during the 167th Grand Communication.
Are you truly to believe that a Lodge would receive
so much hardware because of furniture? Don’t
bother answering – that was a rhetorical question.
The Brothers of William T. Wallace Lodge No. 134
would like to congratulate our very own RW Lee A.
Taylor, who was nominated and elected as the 25th
MWGM of the MWPHGLMD. This may be a historical event because the Honorable Lee A. Taylor
is believed to be the first person in Maryland to
serve as Grand Master and Grand Worthy Patron.
Thanks to RW Jeff Jones for making this known.
We would also like to congratulate the other elected
Grand Lodge Officers: RW Emmanuel J. Stanley,
Deputy Grand Master; RW Noel C. Osborne, Sr.,
Senior Grand Warden; RW Kevin Barney, Junior
Grand Warden; RW William B. Davidson III,
Grand Secretary; and RW Carroll Martin, Grand
It is important to note that the leaders of the
MWPHGLMD and Myra Grand Chapter (OES)
come from under one roof. Namely, THE William
T. Wallace Lodge No. 134 and Amulet Chapter No.
85 (OES), our SiStar chapter, respectively. This
too may be a historical event. Thanks to SW Roderic Mauldin for pointing this out.
Once again, “Club 134” was the talk of the town
and the place to be during the 167th Grand Commu-
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The William T. Wallace Lodge #134
10th Masonic District (cont.)
nication. There were a number of imitators, who attempted this year to do what we did last year. Yet, they
all were still out done by a standard that was too high to overcome. It will be simply stated that our hospitality game is unmatched because we will always hit you with something different.
There is an old adage that goes something like this – “Imitation is the best form of flattery.” Ralph Waldo
Emerson quipped, “Imitation is suicide.” Words have never rang more true.
You know your Hospitality Suite is jumping when others leave their own suites to hang out in yours. It is
difficult not to want to hang out in a warm, welcoming, and very accommodating atmosphere, which is
what was established by Dem Wallace Boys!
A special thanks go out to JW Danelo Sobers, his staff, and all the Brothers that were instrumental in ensuring the Hospitality Suite was well above par.
In closing, the friendly competition gauntlet that has been thrown down in a number of newsletters (and in
this one) is in the spirit of Brotherly Love and Affection. The aforementioned word “hate” was used in jest.
If you cannot have fun doing something you love, while smack talking, then you are not doing it right…
The members of Maceo Boston, Jr. Lodge #145, William T. Wallace Lodge #134, The Columbia Shrine of
Maryland and the I.H. Clayborn Consistory #363 were honored to humbly assist in providing Thanksgiving
baskets (with everything including turkeys) to over 800 families in need. "Community service is what we
are all about...regardless of the community. Faith in God, Hope in man and Charity to all" says the Worshipful Master of William T. Wallace#134 Stacey Merriweather. As lines started to form at 8am for an
11am distribution, it was another indication of how difficult times have become for many (including many
working families who have unfortunately been thrown into the "working poor" category through no fault of
their own). "It's a beautiful thing anytime we can come together to serve the community; it's very humbling
to do God's work" says the Worshipful Master of Maceo Boston, Jr. Lodge#145 Delvin Wright. As the
Commander - In - Chief of the I. H. Clayborn Consistory #363, Leroy Dingle states, "we are indeed blessed
to be able to do God's work for God's people." And while the Masonic Family's labor in service is truly a
labor in love, the representatives of The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland and Its Jurisdictions, Inc. (under the auspices of the Honorable Melvin M. Thorpe, Most Worshipful Grand Master)
only wish that they could serve more families in need during this holiday season. Carroll Martin, a representative of the Columbia Shrine Club of Maryland, captures the Prince Hall sentiment by simply quoting
Matthew 25:40. "Our Lord and Savior gives us direction when he says, "...Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done unto me." "
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William T. Wallace #134
Maceo Boston, Jr. #145
To paraphrase, may we all remember that "there are promises to keep and miles to go before we sleep."
Brothers of William T. Wallace, Maceo Boston, Jr., I.H. Clayborn Consistory and Columbia Shrine Club putting in
that community service!!
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Mt Lebanon Lodge #22
16th Masonic District
By WM Everitt Smith, Jr.
It has been said that a thousand mile journey begins with one step, and in October 2014 it was a great honor
to present to Past Master Adolph Motley, his certificate for “50” years of service as a Freemason with the
Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland. Past Master Motley was raised in Mount Lebanon
Lodge #22, and has been a constant piece of good timber throughout his Masonic travels. You can count on
Past Master Motley, to be one of the first members to greet you, when you arrive at the Temple for our regular communication. Always smiling, and never hesitate to assist in any way possible. It is a pleasure to
have him in our Lodge, and I implore more Brothers to model their Masonic careers like his.
Also on October 23, 2014, Mount Lebanon Lodge #22 celebrated its 146th anniversary of existence, another
milestone and major accomplishment. As Worshipful Master, I greatly appreciate the support from the
Craft, and the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, the Most Worshipful Melvin M. Thorpe, Grand
Master; and the other Grand Lodge Officer. Without the Grand Lodge, we would not be a Lodge, and without the Craft, we could not operate as a Lodge. In speaking for the Officers and members of Mount Lebanon Lodge #22, our goal is to sustain the Lodge’s high standards, and keep the Lodge functioning so that
other generations may follow our paths. So again, I thank all that have supported Mount Lebanon Lodge
#22, and I hope that we can count on your continuous support in the future!
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Mt Lebanon Lodge #22
16th Masonic District (cont.)
By WM Everitt Smith, Jr.
Extending the Hand of Brotherhood
As the recognition of Prince Hall Masons is occurring from State to State, among the different
Grand Lodges, Mount Lebanon Lodge #22 has taken advantage of this opportunity by reaching out to our
Brothers from the Grand Lodge of Maryland Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. On November 20, 2014,
the Brothers of Mount Lebanon Lodge #22 travel to Amicable St. Johns Lodge #25 to attend their regular
communication. We were formally received by Worshipful Master Rex Gordon, who also presented us
with gifts, as tokens of appreciation for coming out. Although, the pleasure was all ours, for we witness
how truly it is for Brothers to dwell together in unity. I think we have truly solidified a bond of “Brotherly
Love,” between our two Lodges, and pray to the Grand Architect of the Universe that these actions cross
over to the rest of the world.
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Mt Lebanon Lodge #22
16th Masonic District (cont.)
By WM Everitt Smith, Jr.
4th Annual Veterans Appreciation Day
Every November, the Brothers of Mount Lebanon Lodge #22 gather up at the VA Medical Center,
located in Baltimore, MD, and show our appreciation to the men and women who have served this country
valiantly. A small but thoughtful gesture, we honor our Veterans by handing out coffee, donuts, juice, and
waters at the outpatient clinic of the VA Medical Center. We listen to the stories of those that want to tell
them, and we simply say, “Thank you,” to all the Veterans who have served this country. Some members
of our Lodge are Veterans themselves, so we have no trouble getting the manpower or donations to complete the task. This event has become a constant fixture on the Lodge’s agenda, and we only hope that it is
enjoyed by the Veterans we served, as much as it is enjoyed by us.
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Siam Military Lodge #30
DDGM Sylvester Cash (At Large)
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Siam Military Lodge #30
DDGM Sylvester Cash (At Large)
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Veterans Connection
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The Honorable Lee A. Taylor
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Lee A. Taylor
Lee A. Taylor, Jr
MW Lee
A. Taylor,
Lee A.
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Most Worshipful Prince Hall
Grand Lodge of Maryland Building Renovations
would like to purchase a brick to be installed in the area checked below
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Platinum Area 500
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The MWPHGLMD reserves the right to accept or reject any wording it deems unacceptable. Once the brick is purchased there will b e no
refunds. There will be a 35 fee imposed for any dishonored check.
Please complete this form along with your check or money order and mail it to:
1307 Eutaw Place
Baltimore, Maryland 21217
Attn: RW Bill Davidson, Grand Secretary
Page 70 of 72
Maryland’s Prince Hall Family Newsletter
Article Submission Guidance
To All Maryland Prince Hall Masonic Family Members,
To facilitate the production of our newsletter, I respectfully offer the following guidance on submitting items for publication.
The MWPHGL of MD and its Jurisdiction uses the Maryland PHA Family Newsletter to communicate historically
meaningful topics of interest to its constituent bodies, including:
 MWPHGL Initiatives
 Upcoming GL-sponsored Events
 Our Success Stories
 Historically significant items of interest
 Human interest stories of a Masonic nature
 Constituent Lodge and other Masonic Family Member events (e.g. anniversaries, celebrations, community
engagements, and galas).
Writing Style
 Whatever topic you choose for your article, there are some basic guidelines to follow:
 Try to include as much of the who, what, where, when, why, and how in your opening sentence.
 Keep sentences short and to the point – concise.
 Though it may be tempting to save the best for last, give the most interesting bits of information up front.
 Make the information interesting so your reader will want to read on.
Submission Constraints
 It is the responsibility of the submitter to follow any internal management requirements for submitting/
approving articles prior to their publication (local approval authorities include: DDGM, Worshipful Master,
Worthy Matron, Worthy Patron, Commander in Chief, High Priest, Potentate, etc.).
 Include the point of contact (name, title, email address, phone number), organization and article approver.
 Copyrighted material must include written authorization or approval by the copyright holder.
Microsoft Word with 12 point font is preferred, however PDF files are acceptable.
All photos must have captions and if practical, include the names of each person shown, as appropriate.
Photo file formats: JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, and PDF.
The Editorial Staff will endeavor to preserve the essence of an author’s original submission; however, we reserve the
right to abbreviate, append, delete, or otherwise edit all articles to enhance readability, or to engender clarity, succinctness, or suitability.
Please email your inputs directly to the Editor at [email protected].
Most Respectfully,
RW Ivory G. Traynham— Editor
RW DDGM Steve C. Isom —Deputy Editor
Page 71 of 72
Lee A. Taylor, MWGM
Emanuel J. Stanley, DGM
Noel C. Osborne, Sr., SGW
Kevin L. Barney, JGW
Carroll Martin, GT
William Davidson, III, GS
Carol D. Simon, GWM
Kenneth Cunningham, GWP
LeRoy A. Lassiter, Deputy of Orient (AASR)
Faye H. Williams, SGLLR
Michael Taylor, MEGHP
Judith Williams, MAGM
Samuel Henry, MGWJ
Christopher Charles, GTIM
Larolyn Young, LOCOP
Thomas W. Russum, RGCA
George H. Williams, Sr., MEGC
Shirley Singleton, MRGC
Gerald Matthews, MRGCE
Newsletter Committee
MWGM Lee A. Taylor, Editor- n-Chief
RW vory G. Traynham , Editor
RW DDGM Steve C. som, Deputy Editor
Article Submission Deadlines: 15 Dec, 15 Mar, 15 Jun, 15 Sep
Articles and inquiries should be sent to:
Newsletter Editorial Team
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
1307 Eutaw Place, Baltimore, MD 21217
Phone: 410-669-4966 Fax: 410-462-4622
“ASAP—Always Say A Prayer”
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