April 17, 2016 - Basilica of Regina Pacis


April 17, 2016 - Basilica of Regina Pacis
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Brooklyn, New York
St. Rosalia Church
6301 14th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11219
Monsignor Ronald T. Marino, E.V.
Email: [email protected]
Parochial Vicars
Father Juan Ruiz
We are a Catholic faith community
who believes in God
– Father, Son, and Holy Spirit –
and who follows Christ’s teaching
of love and service.
As a parish founded by immigrants,
we recognize that we continue to be
a multi-ethnic parish.
We welcome everyone
by ministering to their various needs
and provide all with the opportunity
to grow intellectually in Christ.
Through our sacramental life,
we are empowered to build up
the Body of Christ
and to become a more vibrant
and faith-filled community.
Mass Schedule
St. Rosalia Church
7:30 am
8:30 am
Regina Pacis Rectory
1230 65th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11219
Phone: 718-236-0909
Fax: 718-236-5357
Email: [email protected]
8:30 am [in St. Joseph Chapel]
5:00 pm
7:30 pm (Spanish)
8:00 am
9:15 am (Spanish)
10:30 am
12:00 pm
7:00 pm
Administrative Office Hours:
Monday Friday: 9:00 am to 12 noon
1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
9:00 am (Italian)
10:30 am (Chinese)
Email: [email protected]
Basilica of Regina Pacis
Father Marco Brioschi, PIME
Monday - Friday:
Email: [email protected]
Monsignor Joseph Grimaldi, E.V.
Email: [email protected]
In Residence
Mr. John Dolan
Email: [email protected]
Holy Days
Faith Formation Directors
Mrs. Jackie Tepedino
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Valentin Canales
Email: [email protected]
Pastoral Ministry
Sister M. Clara Wang, SMIC
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 347-249-6283
Youth Ministry—Mr. Louis Nunez
Email: [email protected]
Music Director—Mr. Jonathan Fields
Email: [email protected]
Facility Manager—Mr. Walter Astudillo
Phone: 347-645-5750
Basilica of Regina Pacis
1230 65th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11219
Please consult the bulletin.
Regina Gift Shop
Inside the Basilica
Conference Center
(enter through the Church lobby)
Phone: 718-234-0140
Fax: 347-492-0217
Website: www.reginagiftshop.net
Business Hours:
Monday: Closed
Tuesday - Saturday:
10:00 am to 4:00 pm
10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Website: www.basilicaofreginapacis.org
For an appointment with a priest, call
the Rectory at any time.
Office of St. Joseph Chapel
and Columbarium
(located in the Lower Basilica)
Office Hours:
10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Call for an appointment with
Theresa Landy
who will handle all requests.
718-236-0909 Ext. 1013
Are You New to the Parish? WELCOME!
APRIL 17, 2016
Please stop into the rectory office and register!
Confessions: Every weekday morning after Mass in the Basilica.
Saturdays from 4-4:45 p.m. in the Basilica.
Marriage: Couples must arrange their wedding ceremony at least 6 months
beforehand. Every couple must attend a Pre-Cana meeting. Log on to:
www.pre-cana.org for dates and registration.
Sacrament of the Sick: If you know you are going to be hospitalized,
Novena in honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous
Medal: Mondays after the 8:30 a.m. Mass.
Novena in honor of St. Anthony: Tuesdays after the
8:30 a.m. Mass.
consider receiving the Sacrament of Anointing beforehand at any weekday
Mass. Ask the priest before Mass in the sacristy.
In Jesus Name Prayer Group: Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m.
in the Basilica of Regina Pacis.
Communion to the Homebound: Our Eucharistic Ministers are happy to
bring Holy Communion to the homebound. To arrange this, please call the
Divine Mercy Devotions: every Wednesday at
8:00 a.m. in the Basilica of Regina Pacis.
Baptism: Parents wishing to celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism with their
children must attend a "Registration and Instruction Session" on the First
Saturday of any month at 11 am in the Basilica Conference Center. At
these sessions it will be necessary for both parents to attend, and to bring a
copy of the baby's birth certificate. Necessary registration forms will be
completed, the required instruction will take place, and the Baptism will be
scheduled. Remember, both Godparents must be Catholic, 16 years old, and
must have received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Godparents may attend
these sessions but are not required to do so. Baptisms are celebrated in
English on the third Saturday of each month at noon in the Basilica.
Once this session is completed, you may schedule the ceremony for any
Those who speak Spanish and wish to have a Spanish language ceremony,
will have their registration and instruction session on the First Saturday
of each month after the 7:30 pm Mass in the Basilica. Spanish Baptisms
are celebrated at the Spanish Mass on Saturdays at 7:30 pm in the
It is no longer necessary to come to the Rectory Office to set up a
Baptism celebration.
You may call the rectory for Chinese or Italian Baptisms.
Prayers for Peace to Our Lady Queen of Peace:
Wednesdays after the 8:30 a.m. Mass.
The Legion of Mary: Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. in the
Basilica Conference Center / Room 1.
Prayers for Vocations: Thursdays after the 8:30 a.m.
Prayers to St. Peregrine-Patron Saint of Cancer
Patients: Fridays after the 8:30 a.m. Mass.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in honor of the
Sacred Heart: First Fridays after the 8:30 a.m. Mass.
St. Padre Pio Prayer Group: First Saturdays 8:30 a.m.
for Mass and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
The Holy Father speaks…..
It is my great hope that, during the course of this Extraordinary Jubilee of
Mercy, all the baptized may experience the joy of belonging to the Church
and rediscover that the Christian vocation, just like every particular
vocation, is born from within the People of God, and is a gift of divine
mercy. The Church is the house of mercy, and it is the “soil” where
vocations take root, mature and bear fruit.
The call of God comes to us by means of a mediation which is communal.
God calls us to become a part of the Church and, after we have reached a certain maturity
within it, he bestows on us a specific vocation. The vocational journey is undertaken together
with the brothers and sisters whom the Lord has given to us: it is a con-vocation. The
ecclesial dynamism of the call is an antidote to indifference and to individualism. It
establishes the communion in which indifference is vanquished by love, because it demands
that we go beyond ourselves and place our lives at the service of God’s plan, embracing the
historical circumstances of his holy people.
APRIL 17, 2016
Year of Mercy Pilgrimage from
St. Helen’s on April 8, 2016 to visit
the Holy Door at Regina Pacis.
April 8, 2016
Dear Dave,
I want to personally thank you and your team for caring for us so graciously
today. Everyone was very impressed by the way we were greeted and taken
care of during our pilgrimage to your most beautiful Basilica.
I will forward group pictures.
God Bless you all,
Agnes Cummings
St. Helen Rosary Ministry
We thank our
Regina Pacis
Year of Mercy
who helped to
welcome the
pilgrims to our
APRIL 17, 2016
Confessiones: Los Domingos después de la Misa de la 9:15 de la mañana en la Basilica de Regina Pacis o con cita contactando Padre Juan Ruiz.
Matrimonios: Favor de contactar la rectoría por lo menos 6 meses antes del Matrimonio.
Bautismos: Se celebran el Segundo Sábado de cada mes. Favor de contactar a Valentin Canales.
Instrucción Religiosa para los Niños: Los padres que quieren inscribir sus niños a las clases de catecismo, llamen a Valentin Canales a
Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos: Los que necesitan recibir el Bautismo, Comunión y Confirmación por favor de contactar Valentin
Canales a 347-560-6876.
Hora Santa Lectio Divina: Todos los Martes a las 7:30 de la noche en la Iglesia de Santa Rosalía - 6301 14th Avenue.
Clases de Iniciación Cristiana: Todos los Miercoles a las 7:30 de la noche Centro de Basilica - 1201 65th Street.
Clases de Teologia Biblica: Todos los Jueves a las 7:30 de la noche Centro de Basilica - 1201 65th Street.
Grupo de Jóvenes -Jornada: Todos los Jueves a las 7:30 de la noche en Centro de Basilica - 1201 65th Street.
Centro Familiar: Todos los Viernes a las 7:30 de la noche en Centro de Basilica - 1201 65th Street.
En Sintonía.
Cuarto Domingo de Pascua, Jesus es el Buen Pastor.
Jesús es el Buen Pastor anunciado en las Sagradas
Escrituras del Antiguo Testamento, El es el Mesías
ansiosamente esperado, el liberador, el que viene a
perdonar, a sanar, a bendecir, a enseñar, a advertir y
santifica a todos los que le escuchan. El es el prometido.
El Pastor: Yo buscaré a los perdidos y traeré de regreso
a los extraviados. Sanaré los heridos y fortaleceré los
débiles, pero a los sagaces y fuertes destruiré. Yo
pastorearé el rebaño con Justicia. El pastor es la
persona mas importante en la vida de las ovejas. Por
naturaleza, las ovejas son distraídas, se pueden perder
fácilmente, no tienen sentido de orientación, parece que
siempre están mirando hacia abajo y no se preocupan
de su bienestar. Si no se les muestra donde encontrar
pasto, pueden morir por falta de comida si caen a un
hueco, ellas no son inteligentes para liberasen, si se
hieren, nos sanan rápidamente y necesitan mucho cuidado, sin un pastor están perdidas. Jesús mismo asume
el nombre de cordero y va aún mas adelante en dar su vida por nosotros en sacrificio por el perdón de nuestros
pecados, en las palabras de San Juan el Bautista, El es el cordero de Dios que quita los pecados del mundo, su
condición es humilde con respecto a su Padre, pero El es el líder del rebaño de Dios, El es el Rey y el que lava
nuestros pecados con su Preciosa Sangre. Por sus heridas somos sanados. Con su cetro nos reprenderá, con
su callado el traerá aquellos se extravíen, en su misericordia el perdonará a los que hacen el mal, en su ternura
sanará a todos los que estén heridos, con su palabra, su carne y su sangre alimentará a todos los hambrientos,
porque el cuida de nosotros. Su Reino no es de este mundo, es el Reino de nuestros corazones, donde
nosotros tenemos la opción de amar a Aquel que cuida de nosotros al guardar sus mandamientos.
Bautizos en Espanñol, son el Segundo Sábado de cada mes. Para mayor información Pueden contactar a Don Valentín
Canales los Sabados y los Domingos.
Fechas de Instrucción:
Instrucción: Sábado, Mayo 7 – 2016– Después de la S. Misa
Bautizos: Sábado, Mayo 14 - 2016 –7:30pm.
Instrucción: Sábado, Junio 4 – 2016– Después de la S. Misa
Bautizos: Sábado, Junio 11 - 2016 –7:30pm.
Instrucción: Sábado, Julio 2 – 2016– Después de la S. Misa
Bautizos: Sábado, Julio 9 - 2016 –7:30pm
Monday, April 18
7:30 am Franzone Family
8:30 am Salvatore, Carolina & Rosina Bruno
Tuesday, April 19
7:30 am Louis Guidone
8:30 am Pasquale D’Ambrosio, Giuseppa Scimonetti,
Luigi Patruno & Loredana Scimonetti
Wednesday, April 20
7:30 am Rose Tomasulo
8:30 am Members of Regina Pacis Perpetual Mass Assoc.
Thursday, April 21-St. Anselm
7:30 am Francesca & Giovanni Sarcona
8:30 am In Honor of the Sacred Heart
Friday, April 22
7:30 am Mary Cao
8:30 am Salvatore Friscia, Sr.
Saturday, April 23-St. George, St. Adalbert
8:30 am Angelo & Angela Chiarelli (Memorial Mass)
5:00 pm Vincenza Tapino
7:30 pm Lizbeth Castillo [Living] (Spanish)
8:00 am Philomena Flanagan
9:15 am Pedro Parrilla & Mauricio Lantigua (Spanish)
10:30 am Angel Luis Rivera
12:00 pm Francesco & Yvette Russo
7:00 pm Intention Available
9:00 am Giuseppe & Calogera Messina and
Concetta & Giuseppe Brucculeri (Italian)
10:30 am (Chinese)
APRIL 17, 2016
World Day of Prayer for Vocations
Sunday April 17, 2016
Prayer for Vocations
Lord of the Harvest, we petition you as you
have instructed us to ask for more laborers
to serve in the vineyard of Your Church.
You have told us that the harvest is rich
and laborers are few and we experience
this great need in the face of the
challenge of the New Evangelization.
We ask the Holy Spirit to inspire young
men and women to seriously consider
vocations to the priesthood and religious
life. Help all of us to be effective
instruments to encourage and support
those whom you are calling to serve and
lead the Church of Brooklyn and Queens
in the future.
Lord, you told the Apostles to put out into
the deep. We ask for the grace and
courage to respond to your call as we
pray and work for an increase in vocations
to the priesthood, diaconate and religious
We ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ, the
Great High Priest, Amen.
Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio
Bishop of Brooklyn
The Sick of the Parish
Vincent A. Aurigemma,
Baby John Paul Munoz,
Baby Arthur William Norris,
Baby Jayden Alfredo Tlatenchi,
Erlinda Borg,
Maria Concetta Conte Bedessi,
Frances Caridi, Vincent Castaldo,
Judy Cragnolin,
James Essman, Mary Essman,
Rose Essman, Vincent Giordano,
Phyllis Guadagno,
Angelina Jose, Carmencita Jose,
Zenaida Jose,
Frank & John Lacarrubba,
Mary Lamanna,
Anna Lanza, Mark Malloy,
Patricia Mayo,
Chloe Melina, Jean Menna,
Eva Meza,
Catherine Mary Moncello,
James Carlos Moncello,
Vincent Moncello,
Vito Moncello,
Howard Passman,
Marisa Schiavello,
Rita Sciavello,
Michael John Staubitz,
Valerie Ann Staubitz,
Tom Vilardo
A beautiful way to pray for a loved one
(living or deceased)
is to have a Mass celebrated for them.
There are Masses available ,
especially on Sundays, throughout the year.
Please visit the rectory to reserve your Mass.
Andres Uguna
Andrew Arthur Passione
APRIL 17, 2016
What does it mean to be a Carmelite?
Please join Our Lady of Angels Lay Carmelite Community and their special guest speaker,
Br. Robert Chiulli, O.Carm.on April 23, 2016 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm
in the Msgr. Cavanagh Room at Our Lady of Angels Church
7320 Fourth Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11209 as we listen, pray,
and discuss the call and meaning of Carmel.
Discover how even a lay person can participate in the life of this ancient religious order to
which famous saints, Teresa of Avila, Therese of Lisieux, and John of the Cross belonged.
Carmelite books will be available for purchase.
Light refreshments will be served.
St. Joseph Chapel News
The Chapel is open everyday for visits
and prayers from 7:30 am until 4:00 pm
and/or whenever the Basilica is open.
The Blessed Sacrament is exposed for
silent adoration every Friday from 9:00
am until 4:00 pm. Feel free to visit the
Chapel and to pray there.
As we have already said, please consider sponsoring
chairs in memory of a loved one or as an outright gift from
your family. The requested offering is $500 per chair. A
small engraved plaque will be placed on each chair with
your dedication. These and other gifts are all tax
To order chairs simply call the rectory and leave your
name and number and someone will get back to you to
accept your engraving request and payment.
Please note:
Join Bishop DiMarzio
June 18, 2016
The Shrine of The Divine Mercy
Stockbridge, Massachusetts
$55 per person
The Shrine offers opportunities for inspiration and
devotion, silent prayer and contemplation.
Buses will leave at 7:00 a.m. from:
St. Patrick’s Church
9511 Fourth Ave, Bklyn, NY 11209
St. Thomas Aquinas
1550 Hendrikson St, Bklyn, NY 11234
Pilgrims should pack snacks/drinks for the day.
A boxed lunch will be provided.
The trip will proceed rain or shine.
Please dress for the weather.
To reserve your place, contact Alison at
[email protected] or call
APRIL 17, 2016
First Holy Communion Practice
Attendance is necessary at all practices
Thursday - April 21, April 28, May 5
Banners are due!
First Holy Communion is Saturday, May 7, 2016 at 11:00 am
Please arrive in Conference Center at 10:00 am
@ St. John’s University
Saturday, April 30, 2016
All Junior High Students are required to attend 8:00 AM Buses Leave
Basilica / 5:00 PM Buses Return
Permission slips and fees are past due!
Don’t miss this exciting day of Retreat!
Upcoming dates for Confirmation Class:
4/30 BCYD Brooklyn Catholic Youth Day at St. ohn’s
University at 8:00 am
Practice for Confirmation students on 5/15, 5/22 at
1:00 pm
Tuesday, 5/24 at 7:00 pm Practice for all students and
adult Confirmandi, sponsors are encouraged to attend
Confirmation Ceremony celebrated at the Basilica of
Regina Pacis by Most Rev. Witold Mroziewski on
Friday, May 27 at 3:00 pm - please meet at 2:15 pm
Confirmation Service Hours
Every Sunday after 12:00 pm Mass
Confirmandi are asked to help straighten
out rooms in the Basilica’s Conference
Do not forget about the hours you can
receive for being a lector, usher, altar
server and choir member.