Leo Kormanik DC, MS, CCSP Ohio Sports Chiropractic


Leo Kormanik DC, MS, CCSP Ohio Sports Chiropractic
Leo Kormanik DC, MS, CCSP
Ohio Sports Chiropractic
Been running at a high level for 15
2012 Olympics Trials qualifier in the
marathon and 6-time All-American in
Owner of Ohio Sports Chiropractic in
Cleveland, OH.
75% of our practice is runners.
Novice to Olympic level. Sprints to
Ultra marathons.
These tests we perform on all
runners regardless of injury.
The Bunkie test is a functional performance test consisting of
5 test positions (performed bilaterally).
It is used to assess aspects of muscular function. This
includes long chain muscle imbalance, instability, and
activation issues.
The test is carried out on a bench (25-30 cm high). The
athlete lifts the body up into neutral position, and then takes
off one foot to test the specific fascia line.
The position is held for 20-40s depending on the athlete.
Scores: (0)pain/inability to do test. (1) holds for 0-10s.
(2)11-20s. (3)21-30s. (4)31-40s.
Any sensation of burning, cramping, pain or strain in the muscle
indicates diminished mobility/tensegrity of fascia on that line.
Immediate pain indicates an area of ‘locked-long’ fascia on the line.
The muscles in that area will be inhibited and not able to contract to their full
expected ability, often resulting in injury.
Only if a test shows up 100%, with perfect pain-free positions held
on all lines, will the athlete be able to train or compete on full
No athlete should be allowed to do high-intensity, sport-specific
training if they cannot achieve a score of 20 (bilaterally tested).
Posterior Power Line (PPL)
Anterior Power Line (APL)
Medial Stabilizing Line (MSL)
Lateral Stabilizing Line (LSL)
Posterior Stabilizing Line (PSL)
◦  To test for neural tension of the posterior
How to Perform?
◦  Have athlete lay on back and flex hip to
45 degrees while maintaining full knee
extension. Note any pain, discomfort, or
even tension. Then bring foot into dorsal
!  *If patient is unable to get leg to 45 degrees
have place legs onto wall and anteriorly tilt
pelvis to see where tension lies*
Positive findings:
◦  Increased pain into the distal extremity.
◦  Increased tightness in hamstring (may be accompanied by calf
tightness) or vague tension in posterior chain.
Contributing Injuries
Chronic hamstring/ calf tightness or strains
Pain into buttock, hamstring, and/or calf
Leg weakness
Peripheral sciatica, tibial nerve or common peroneal nerve
◦  A positive finding could be related to chronic PF/tarsal tunnel
(via Baxter’s nerve, the first branch of lateral plantar nerve
near deep fascia of abductor hallucis)
◦  Tests for superficial front and lateral
fascial line mobility.
◦  The patient should be able to do this
stretch. If they cannot, then break it
Breakouts. Look for imbalances.
Modified Thomas.
Thoracic rotation.
Knee flexion.
Supine with knee bent hip int/ext
How to preform Test
◦  To test for muscle imbalance between the gastrocnemius and the soleus
◦  Begin single leg calf raise through full range of motion.
◦  Go to the point of fatigue (tiredness/point at which they feel LA.)
Positive findings
Common Injuries
◦  Inability to preform 20 comfortable reps on a single leg
◦  Soleus dominance over gastrocnemius
!  MTSS (shin splints)-> Tibial Stress fracture
!  Chronic soleus strains.
◦  Peroneals over recruited
!  Tendonitis, fibular stress fracture,
◦  Posterior tibialis tendonitis
◦  FHL tightening! Big toe restriction.
How to preform:
◦  Lateral movements of the pinky toe allows for more of the force to
be spread out throughout the forefoot and allows a greater push
off force during gate.
◦  Isolation of the 5th digit from the other 4 toes by abducting toe.
Positive findings
If positive findings, at risk for:
◦  Inability to separate and preform abduction of the pinky toe from
other toes on own.
◦  Plantar fasciitis
◦  Tarsal tunnel.
◦  Metatarsalgia
◦  To be performed on every runner to establish glaring
imbalances and movement restrictions.
Ways to test
◦  1) Deep squat, evaluate ankle dorsiflexion closed chain.
◦  2) Open chain dorsiflexion, plantar flexion, eversion,
inversion, full dorsiflexion with passive 1st MTP
◦  3) External/Internal tibial rotation.
◦  4) Forced dorsiflexion with hand on talar ligaments to
assess abnormal talar glide.
Running cadence is the number of repetitions the
foot strikes the ground in a single minute.
!  Proper running mechanics states that 175-190
steps per minute is best with the average of 180 is
ideal for easy/relaxed pace.
!  For chronic knee pain increase cadence 5-10%.
!  For chronic hip pain increase cadence by 10-15%.
Leo Kormanik, DC, MS, CCSP
Ohio Sports Chiropractic
148 E. Aurora Rd.
Northfield, OH 44067