February 4, 2012


February 4, 2012
Registration Form
 I have enclosed the $60 (per team member) or $70 (individual skier)
minimum pledge to make me eligible to participate in the Nashoba
Valley CSC Jimmy Fund Ski Challenge, which includes a lift ticket.
 Sorry, I am unable to join in the Nashoba Valley CSC Jimmy Fund Ski
Challenge but want to support the Jimmy Fund. Enclosed is my tax
deductible gift towards cancer research and treatment.
make checks payable to: The CSC Jimmy Fund Ski Challenge.
_____________________________ ______ _____________
State Zip
BEFORE THE EVENT: Bring this form and all pledges to your local
CSC Jimmy Fund Ski Challenge Committee member or to Didier Putzeys
_______________________________________ _________
(781.290.1447). Pre-register and/or make a contribution online.
 Male
 Are you participating on a team?
 Female
Team Name ________________________
Name of Contributor
DAY OF THE EVENT: Bring this form to the registration desk anytime
between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. at Nashoba Valley on Saturday,
February 4. All pledges are due on the day of the event.
Release Form
Please enter me in the CSC Jimmy
Fund Ski Challenge. I agree to assume all
responsibility for any and all risk of damage or
injury that may occur to me as a participant in
the event. In consideration of being accepted as
an entrant in this event, I hereby, for myself, my
heirs, executors, and adminis-trators, release
and discharge the DFCI and its Jimmy Fund,
Nashoba Valley Ski Area and any and all
sponsors of the CSC Jimmy Fund Ski Challenge
from all claims, damages, rights of action,
present or future, whether the same be known,
anticipated, or unanticipated resulting from or
arising out of, or incident to my participation in
this event. I hereby certify that I am physically
fit, and have sufficiently trained for this event. I
grant permission for the use of my name and or
picture in any broadcast, photograph or other
account of this event. I agree that the CSC
Jimmy Fund Ski Challenge is not a race and
that I will abide by the Skiers’ Responsibility
Code and ski in control at all times.
Participant’s date of birth (if under 18)
Parent’s signature (if under 18)
All pledges and contributions collected benefit the Jimmy Fund.
Total Amount
How to Get There
CSC Jimmy Fund
February 4, 2012
at Nashoba Valley
Westford, Massachusetts
Nashoba Valley
Westford, MA
Boston or Route 95/128:
Rt. 2 West to Concord Circle, then West on Rt. 2A about 6 miles
to Powers Road (on your right).
North of Boston:
Rt.495 South to Exit 32 (Westford), left off exit, first right onto
Rt. 110, then left on to Powers Road.
North Shore:
Rt. 128 South to Rt. 3 North to Rt. 495 South, Exit 32 (Westford),
left off exit, first right onto Rt. 110, left on to Powers Road.
South of Boston:
Rt. 495 North to Exit 31 (Littleton Common), then East on
Rt. 2A/119 about 2 miles to Powers Road (on your left).
The CSC Jimmy Fund Ski Challenge
Whether you race or contribute pledges,
the Jimmy Fund wins!
The CSC Jimmy Fund Snow Challenge at
Nashoba Valley Ski Area on Saturday,
February 4, 2012 is a charity event to raise
money for the Jimmy Fund. CSC invites
everyone to contribute. The Jimmy Fund
supports the fight against cancer in children
and adults at Boston’s Dana-Farber Cancer
Institute, helping to raise the chances of
survival for cancer patients around the
world. We all know someone who has been
touched by cancer. Your tax-deductible
contribution to the Jimmy Fund will help
make a difference for those fighting cancer,
now and in the future.
Skiers, snowboarders, and fans are all
welcome to spend a fun-filled day at
Nashoba Valley while raising money for
the Jimmy Fund. Form a team, race
and raise money for a good cause.
During last year’s Snow Challenge,
we had many heated rivalries!
Please be sure to pre-register
your team as soon as you can!
Don’t miss out on this exciting
event. Sign up NOW! To
pre-register your team,
contact Didier Putzeys at
781.290.1447 or send an
email to [email protected].
We will need your team
name, a team captain,
and team members.
How You Can Participate
Have a Fun Day in the Snow
Want to help? Here’s how!
Enjoy Skiing, Snowboarding, Auctions and More!
Auction at the End of the Ski Event
Gather a team of four and choose a captain. Each team must raise at least $240
($60 per team member) in pledges to be eligible for the race. No athletic ability is
necessary. In fact, you can “BUY your way to the winners stand.” For every $150
over the registration fee, you will have one second deducted from your team time.
Any team can win if you raise enough money for the Jimmy Fund! Included in
your registration are a lift ticket for the day, a barbecue lunch and two timed
races on a slalom course.
fBid on dozens of cool items and relax in the lodge
fTeam raising the most money
f1st, 2nd, and 3rd place team prizes (best net times)
Event Schedule
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Not a racer? Then just enjoy a day of skiing. A $60 minimum pledge gets you a
lift ticket and lunch.
f1st, 2nd, and 3rd place team prizes (best gross times)
fBest 1st and 2nd male and female times
9:00 a.m. Registration and
open skiing
Bid on auction items in our live auction after the event. Unwind in the Nashoba
Valley ski lodge restaurant with family, friends, and guests and bid for one of the
many auction items. Be a sponsor. Even if you are unable to attend the event, you
can participate by sponsoring a friend, relative, or co-worker or by donating a
prize or monetary donation. Please send your contribution to:
fBest youth team time (max. one adult)
11:30 a.m. Outdoor barbecue
The CSC Jimmy Fund Snow Challenge
404 Wyman Street, Suite 355
Waltham, MA 02451
fBest snowboard times
fBest CSC team
Contact Information
Didier Putzeys (Event Chairperson)
[email protected]
The Jimmy Fund
Kelly See
[email protected]
Nashoba Valley Ski Area
Chris Kitchen
[email protected]
Additional information can also be found at
Find us on Facebook!
12:00 p.m. Team races
3:00 p.m. Live auction in the
lodge area
3:30 p.m. Awards and raffle prize
CSC Jimmy Fund
February 4, 2012
at Nashoba Valley
For information, please contact Didier Putzeys at 781.290.1447 or [email protected]