Reverse Oil Painting


Reverse Oil Painting
Reverse Oil Painting
self portraits
Art 3
Students will create original self portraits using
the reduction painting techniques
Students will understand the properties of Oil
paint and oil painting techniques
Student Work
How do I Paint in reverse?
First……… have to draw in
White pencil on black paper
Painting Surface
You will be painting on Gessoed Masonite (pressboard)
Paint Gesso on smooth side of Masonite
You will sand your Gesso (when dry) between coats (3 coats for a silky
smooth painting surface)
While you wait for
Gesso to dry…….
On black paper, draw your
portrat using white colored
Start with highlights
Use photo as a reference
No grids
Reverse Painting
1. Select a dark color oil paint
2. Cover entire board with medium thick layer of paint
3. Use cotten balls and Q-tips to remove oil paint in
highlighted areas
Warning: This process is extremely messy
Clean work area well after working

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