Outreach Manual 12-10-12-FINALedit.6x9


Outreach Manual 12-10-12-FINALedit.6x9
Outreach Manual For Church Growth
Copyright © 2012 by Matt Maddix Motivations
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or
retrieval system, without written permission from Matt Maddix
Table of Contents
Introduction......................................................................... 5
The All Church Outreach Process....................................... 7
21 Action Steps for The Outreach Process ....................... 15
10 Things Outreach Directors Must Do To Succeed ........ 19
How To Teach A Bible Study........................................... 25
3 Styles of Teaching Home Bible Studies ........................ 29
Structuring an Effective Guest Follow-up Ministry ......... 33
Guest Follow-Up Passion ................................................. 37
The Power of Personal Connection................................... 39
Organizing The Guest Follow-Up System........................ 41
How To Actually Do Guest Follow-Up............................ 45
Train For Guest Follow-Up Success................................. 47
The Actual Guest Follow-Up............................................ 51
15 Action Steps For The Guest Follow-Up Ministry........ 53
How to Become A More Effective Soul Winner .............. 55
10 Action Steps to Personal Soul Winning....................... 61
How To Effectively Disciple A New Convert.................. 63
Seven Ways to Connect with New Christians .................. 69
Next Level Connection and Discipleship Ideas ................ 73
Final Word For Outreach Team Leaders .......................... 77
Out of the Box Ideas for Soul Winning Churches ............ 81
Resources .......................................................................... 83
All Church Outreach Form ........................................... 83
Guest Follow-up Connection Form .............................. 84
Soul Winners Top 12 Form........................................... 85
Author Bio ........................................................................ 87
There are over seven Billion people alive on this earth who
are in desperate need of the Gospel and the Church. Never
in the history of the world has there been more opportunity
to reach people. I’m so excited about the Mission of
Evangelizing the world. It’s my personal passion and
mission to help every Church in the world grow and reach
its potential. The primary thing that every church needs to
accomplish this mission is focus and a structured plan.
I’ve been privileged to learn from not only the Master,
Jesus Christ, but also from some of the greatest Church
leaders in the world. Experience has taught me what works
and what doesn’t. However, I’ve noticed that many
churches have a lot of Passion and no structure or a lot of
structure and no Passion. The churches that have a healthy
Balance of Passion and Structure are the fastest growing
After seventeen years of traveling across the Globe
motivating churches for Soul Winning and Discipleship,
I’ve decided to draw from my experiences and compile a
manual containing proven strategies to help any church
grow and get results. I’ve helped churches with thousands
of members as well as medium size churches, church plants
and churches that meet in living rooms. It’s been a thrill for
me to watch churches grow.
In 2005, after being a Pastor for five years and working as
an Outreach Director under four Pastors, I launched the
ministry of Soul Winners Boot Camp. To date we have
trained over 32,700 Soul Winners in 75 Soul Winners Boot
Camps. We’ve started four Churches and have organized
hundreds of Block Parties and Outreach events through this
ministry! God has blessed us to see thousands of people
receive the Holy Ghost and get baptized in Jesus’ name! To
God be the Glory!
I don’t claim to know it all or have all the answers.
However, I’m asking you to read this manual with an open
mind and a willingness to try new approaches and ideas. If
you follow the principles and recommendations in this
Outreach Manual, I can assure you that your Church will
grow. God bless you!
If you want further coaching or information about my
Ministry, visit mattmaddix.com. Follow me on Twitter and
connect with me on Facebook. I’m available and eager to
work with you and your church!
Matt Maddix
The All Church Outreach Process
We are racing the rapture of the Church. Jesus is coming
soon, and it is imperative that the Church becomes serious
about obeying Jesus’ instructions to “Go ye into all the
world, and preach the Gospel to every creature.” (Mark
16:15) The specifics for this Gospel directive were given
by Jesus in John 3:5.
“Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit,
he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.”
Unfortunately, many of our churches are still a little offbalance in their approach to soul winning and discipleship.
Over 80% of Jesus’ ministry was out in the public rather
than in the synagogue with believers. The book of Acts
describes a Church that primarily conducted its ministry in
the streets, in the homes, in prisons, and anywhere else they
could find an opportunity. Most of our churches meet
inside a church building an average of twelve times a
month. Very little of our ministry is conducted outside the
walls of our buildings.
We are commanded to be outreach churches, and until we
make the transition to become an outreach church or a soul
winning church, our Divine Mandate to preach the Gospel
to the whole world will not be fulfilled.
When I say the word outreach, what is the first thing that
comes to mind?
You think knocking doors or passing out flyers, right? That
doesn’t sound appealing to most people; consequently,
we’re not getting very many people to participate. In
reality, we are dealing with volunteers attending churches
who are already very busy with their involvement in Choir,
Sunday School, Youth Ministry, Bible Quizzing, Ladies’
and Men’s ministries, Sunday and Wednesday services,
Tuesday night prayer, etc. There is always something going
Outreach is not something we DO. It is what we ARE. It
should be our culture. I’ve spent hundreds of Saturday
mornings doing the traditional outreach routine in churches
across America. The typical schedule goes something like
1 - Show up at 10:00.
2 - People stand around eating doughnuts and
drinking coffee and chocolate milk.
3 - At 10:30 the Outreach Director stands up and
passes out flyers that give information
concerning the church address and service
4 - Instructions are given for the area of town that
flyers are to be passed out. The area of
ministry might be residential where flyers are
placed on doors of homes, or it might be a
commercial parking lot where flyers are placed
on car windshields. This approach involves
very little interaction with people unless they
happen to be out in their yard or getting in
their car in the parking lot.
5 - A short prayer is prayed for the success of this
endeavor, then everyone smiles, grabs some
flyers and leaves, pretending like they’re
having a good time.
The bottom line is that this is not effective. We are not
getting the results that we should. Here’s the reality. Riding
a dead horse is no fun. The way we’ve done outreach in the
past is dead. Those days are over. There is NO momentum,
NO excitement. When you have a church of 200, and only
10 people show up for outreach, your process and system is
faulty and needs an overhaul. I don’t know too many
people in churches who can give up another night every
week for the rest of their life or add one more thing to their
schedule. Nor will people give up their Saturday mornings
to do outreach.
Two things need to happen in order to keep volunteers
motivated and engaged. They need to do something they
enjoy and feel confident in their ability to accomplish. At
the end of the day, if they don’t like it, are not having fun,
or have no passion or confidence to perform the task, their
efforts will lead to failure, frustration, and ultimately the
death of an outreach church. We simply cannot have that.
After being involved in hundreds of such frustrating and
exhausting “outreach” endeavors, I sought God about this
matter and asked for an approach that would be effective
for all churches whether they were large or small. This
program that I have developed has given birth to my belief
that the entire church can and should be involved in
outreach. In the various areas outlined in this approach,
every member of any church should be able to find at least
one area they could be involved in.
I’ve discovered that having specific areas of Outreach that
people can focus on based on their passion and confidence
will produce the most results. When people are doing what
they love and feel capable of doing with success, they will
not need “motivation.” They will be inspired if the
Outreach is fun, practical, easy and most importantly,
successful. I’ve created, “The All Church Outreach” focus
that will help make this happen. There are ten areas of
Outreach that people can get involved in.
The areas of involvement are as follows:
1 - Guest Follow-up Visitation
2 - Aggressive Evangelism - going out and talking
to people about the Gospel and asking heaven
or hell questions
3 - Assembling gift bags or baking cookies, pies or
4 - Spiritual Warfare prayer team – those who stay
in the Church and pray while others are
winning souls
5 - A Plant and Water team - Those who pass out
flyers and door hangers
6 - Compassion in Action – A team of people who
serve the poor and those who are hurting or in
7 - Those who baby-sit small children for those
involved in outreach
8 - Bus Ministry visitation
9 - Send personal cards to backsliders or those
missing in action. Intensive care backslider
visitation – Go out and visit backsliders
10 - Teach a Home Bible Study
In order to implement this process, I recommend that
Monday nights be designated as outreach night because this
process is built around guest follow-up visitation. The
allotted time for the All Church Outreach is 1 ½ to 2 hours.
I’ve found that trying to do this on Saturday morning is not
the most effective.
Before beginning, every member of the Church should fill
out an outreach form and check off areas of interest to
them. I am persuaded that God won’t allow the church to
grow if we don’t follow-up on the Guests and New
Converts that He has already sent to us. Our endeavors
should be realistic, practical, effective, and produce results.
Once the outreach surveys are completed by all church
members, tally the results of the survey and divide the
church into four teams. Each team will meet once a month.
One night a month shouldn’t be too hard on anyone. Team
One will meet on the first Monday night of every month;
Team Two will meet on the second Monday; Team Three
will meet on the third Monday, and Team Four will meet
on the fourth Monday.
It is important to understand the flow and process of this
Outreach should start at 6:30 or not later than 7:00 each
Monday night. All participants should arrive promptly so as
not to waste valuable time.
During Tag in, the Team Leader will thank everyone for
coming and give information for that night’s work. He or
she will give out assignments for all the members for that
evening. After assignments are given out and discussed,
everyone prays together, and then departs in faith to their
assigned positions.
Here is an example of the type of assignments that would
be handed out.
1 - Those involved in guest follow-up will be
given names and contact information for
making phone calls and visits.
2 - The Plant and Water members will be given
flyers, door hangers, and an assigned area to
work in.
3 - The gift bag crew will bring baked goods or
other gifts that have been purchased for
placing in gift bags and will assemble them.
4 - The Spiritual Warfare team will stay at church
and pray for those involved in face-to-face
5 - The Compassion in Action members may
deliver two bikes to kids with no dad and bring
groceries to single moms. Others may visit bus
kids. Someone skilled in the art of
encouragement will write hand-written cards
to Backsliders or MIA’s. Others will visit
backsliders and bring baked goods.
This approach is exciting because now everyone is doing
what they like and are passionate about, and people are
involved who would never have considered outreach
ministry before. Soon momentum begins building because
people are serving and reaching their community. It’s
exciting and rewarding if you stay consistent with it.
Nothing great happens in life if you are not committed to it.
Don’t slack or faze out. Get in, get involved and make a
difference in your church and community.
21 Action Steps for The Outreach Process
1. Watch the 20 Training Videos given in the Outreach
Training Package.
2. Give each Member the All Church Outreach Form and
have them take 5 minutes and fill it out. They must check at
least one, but are able to do more than one.
3. Gather the forms and type the information in an Excel
4. Meet with Pastor to pick Three Outreach Team Leaders and
an Outreach Secretary.
5. Have a meeting with the Three Team Leaders and the
Secretary to explain the Process. (1) They need to
Communicate results. (2) They lead a team once a month.
(3) They need to Motivate and Communicate with their
6. Organize the Teams based on Connection and areas of
Outreach they signed up for.
7. Email the Outreach Training Video links to the Outreach
Team Leaders.
8. Set the Launch date for the First Monday night Outreach.
9. Email the Follow-Up Training Videos to those who will be
doing Guest Follow-Up.
10. Email the Home Bible Study Training to those who will
be teaching a Home Bible Study.
11. Meet with the Greeters to make sure that the Guest Cards
are handed to the Outreach Secretary each Sunday.
12. Make a Decision about the Focus for Compassion Action.
13. Make a Decision about the Gift that will be given to the
14. Print off enough Follow-Up Connection Forms for the
15. Set up a Conference Call with all of your Volunteers to
Cast Vision and communicate details.
16. Set a regular Communication date with your Outreach
Team Leaders and Secretary. The First Tuesday night of
the month. Conference call for 15 minutes at 9:15 (use
17. Order 500-1,000 Flyers, Business Cards or Door Hangers
all month.
18. Make a List of your Home Bible Study teachers. Have a
meeting with them and challenge each of them to partner
with someone they can train. Ask them to text you each
week with the names of the ones they taught a Bible Study
to and keep track of that in an Excel spreadsheet.
19. Complete the” Church Score” Report each week and keep
track of your results.
20. Set up a Group Page on Facebook to Communicate,
Inspire, Post Pictures and Connect with all of your
21. Use YouTube as a Means of Communicating with your
Team. Remember, your entire church is on your team. You
are the Coach! The leader! The manager! You must
continually communicate!
10 Things Outreach Directors Must Do To
As you know, Success doesn’t just happen without
intentional and clear focus. There are things that successful
people do that bring them more results than others. I really
believe that any Outreach Director can become less
frustrated and see more results by doing the following:
Primary responsibilities of the Outreach Director – Other
things may be assigned by the Pastor.
1 - Organize the Outreach Ministry – If you have gone through
my Outreach Director training at
“outreach.mattmaddix.com,” you’ve been given an Excel
spread sheet outlining the basic organizational flow to
keep the Outreach Ministry organized in church. The
Director should know every single number for the
following areas:
*Who the Team Members are
*What areas they are involved in
*Who is teaching Home Bible Studies
*Who wants to learn to teach Home Bible Studies
*How many Home Bible Studies are being taught
*How many Guests have visited the church
2 - Motivate the church to be involved in Soul Winning. We
need soul winning churches whose members are consumed,
passionate, and driven to win souls. We should be excited
about outreach and the prospects of winning family,
friends, and co-workers. There are many resources
available to help train the church at soul
3 - Train, communicate with and motivate the 4 Team Leaders
who lead the weekly Outreach teams. Find someone who
can be an Outreach Secretary who is gifted in keeping track
of details.
4 - Keep track of Home Bible Studies. If the church has a
Home Bible Study Director, communicate with him/her and
motivate. Channel everything through the 4 teams. Have
plenty of Home Bible Study supplies and generate
excitement for the Home Bible Study Ministry. Have
everyone purchase, “The Light of Truth” Home Bible
5 - Keep track of new converts. No soul should EVER be
dropped due to not tracking their progress. Outreach teams
are small groups which can be trained to track the
attendance of New Converts and monitor how they are
faring in their discipleship process.
6 - Keep track of Guest Follow-up results. Manage this
process. Keep it flowing smoothly. Know how many
Guests attended each month and the follow-up results of
each one.
7 - Communicate details with Team Leaders. Have a system of
communication. Do a monthly conference call with the 4
Team Leaders. I personally use freeconferencecall.com.
Reinforce values, focus, encourage leaders. Use group
Facebook pages to share reports and motivate. Encourage
results to be sent to each leader at the time of visits, Home
Bible Studies, etc.
8 - Communicate with the Pastor. God blesses structure,
organization and stewardship. Prepare a Monthly report for
him. Weekly report forms are also available. Send your
report at the same time each month. For example, you
should email a report to the Pastor on the last Sunday of
every month. I’ve learned that effectiveness comes as a
result of having established routines and consistency.
Example of the kind of information to report –
Team 1 had 13 people at Outreach.
Team 2 had 22 people at Outreach.
Team 3 had 11 people at Outreach.
Team 4 had 27 people at Outreach.
There were 42 first-time Guests this month.
62 Home Bible Studies were taught.
12 were baptized in Jesus’ Name.
19 received the Holy Ghost.
All teams followed-up on 50 people.
Of the 50, 22 are in Home Bible Studies.
9 - Be intentional in planning and scheduling all outreach
events for the church. Suggested events to schedule:
* Schedule a yearly Soul Winners Boot Camp.
* Block Parties can be held 2-4 times per year. Select a
different community for each of these events.
* Mike and Carol Hopkins have created a program called
“Community Connection,” which is a great resource
with ideas for teaching the church to become involved in
their community.
10 - Organize all Holy Ghost and Baptism certificates.
Frame them and present them in church so the church can
share in the honor conferred on New Converts. I always
scheduled this the first Sunday of each month and made a
huge deal with it. We created a PowerPoint with the Picture
and name of the person or family that was baptized or
received the Holy Ghost, brought them before the church,
introduced them and gave them a framed certificate, a new
Bible with their name engraved on it and held a special
dinner after church for them.
How To Schedule A Bible Study
Remember, this is an Outreach Manual for Church Growth.
Therefore, I strongly recommend that every church should
have a very focused and organized Home Bible Study
ministry. We need to have hundreds of Bible Studies being
taught each month in our churches. This is by far the most
effective tool for Evangelism and Discipleship that we’ll
ever use.
There are four very important things to remember when
scheduling a Bible study. Your body language, tone of
voice, confidence and level of certainty are important keys
to your success in getting a study scheduled. I am a strong
believer that there are millions of people on this planet who
would say yes they are interested in learning more about
the Bible.
Here’s the key to getting them to say yes. When you feel
the time is right with co-workers, friends, neighbors, New
Converts or with someone you have a good connection
with, ask this question: “Do you desire to know more
about the Bible?”
It’s either a yes or no. Either they do or they don’t want to
know more. Soul winning is very similar to closing in sales,
so if he or she says yes, your next words should be:
“That’s great! Here’s what we’ll do. We’ll get together
on Thursday night at 6:30 or 7:30 for a 30-minute Bible
study. What works better for you?” Pause and remain
silent until the person speaks. Most of the time, they will
choose one of the suggested times. If they say they can’t do
it Thursday, stay confident and smooth and offer another
day and time.
After you have scheduled a Bible study, do NOT call and
ask if the Bible study is still on. Make a confirmation call
and say instead, “Hey Mike. This is Matt. I just want to let
you know I’m excited about our Bible study tomorrow
night. I’ll be there at 7:00. I’m bringing refreshments. What
are your favorite drinks? Would you prefer wings or pizza
or cookies and coffee?” That’s how you confirm the Bible
In summary, three important keys to remember in
scheduling a Bible study:
1 - Let’s get together for a 30-minute Bible study.
(That lets them know you don’t intend to tie up
hours of their time.)
2 - Give them a day and two times to choose from.
(Ask, “What works better for you, 7:00 or 8:00
this Thursday?”)
3 - Never, ever try to talk them into it. Simply ask
a question, let them pick the time, and schedule
In scheduling a Bible study, an important Key is to tell
them the Bible study will only last 30 minutes.
Good luck, God bless, and I can’t wait to see the results in
your home Bible study ministry.
How To Teach A Bible Study
Most of you are familiar with Home Bible Studies. Some of
you may have even taught them. I will give you some basic
principles for teaching a Home Bible Study. Every single
believer needs to be involved in the Home Bible Study
process. It was what Jesus wanted us to do; it was the New
Testament Apostolic pattern practiced in the book of Acts;
and it is the most effective way to win souls and disciple
new converts. In addition to being fun and exciting,
teaching Bible Studies is a very effective way to retain the
Harvest that God gives us.
When it comes to Soul Winning, you will find that keeping
it simple and basic is key. Many average saints struggle
with longer Bible studies for various reasons. For the most
part, they need something shorter and easier to teach.
Starting in Genesis is not always the best strategy for Soul
Everyone needs to own a Home Bible Study. Some of the
more popular one-hour Bible studies include:
1 - A Place Prepared For You
2 - Into His Marvelous Light
3 - The New Birth Experience
If you are a relationship builder, you may prefer longer
ones like:
1 - Exploring God’s Word
2 - Search For Truth
3 - Search For Truth II with its beautiful graphics.
One of the most effective ways of teaching people is to
start out talking about Jesus. “The Light of Truth” Bible
study, which I authored, has seven 30-minute lessons and
comes with a link to download handouts for each lesson.
An instructional video and audio mp3 discussing how to
teach and have home Bible study breakthrough is also
included with this study. (You can order a copy of this
Bible study at mattmaddix.com on the store page.)
The first three lessons of “The Light of Truth” discuss the
life of Jesus Christ. All scriptures are already on each
handout. There are teaching boxes included in the
Teacher’s Manual which give additional teaching points.
The best place to meet is in someone’s home or a public
place like Starbucks or another restaurant or coffee shop.
Let your light shine by letting people walk by and hear
what you’re teaching. Jesus was always in public.
Start with small talk, and eat refreshments. Bring
something for snacking to the Bible study. When you’re
ready to begin the lesson, thank them for taking time out of
their busy schedule to study the Bible with you.
My preferred teaching style is that of facilitating a
discussion. If students are comfortable with reading, have
them read the scriptures and share their opinions on how
these Bible verses apply to their life. They learn more by
active participation. Allow them the freedom to ask
questions about the lesson, but avoid getting off-track by
spending time on random questions unrelated to the lesson.
Ask questions: What do you think God is saying? What can
we learn from this? Don’t do all the talking. Give them
time to share their thoughts on the scriptures read. Make
notes in your teacher’s manual. Read and discuss for 30
It is important to keep your Bible Studies no longer than 30
minutes. People are busy and time-conscious. Leave them
wanting more when you’re finished. If you keep it brief and
make an impact, you’ll have greater results and more
At the end of the Bible study, close by asking for comments
on what was learned and how they will apply that
information in coming weeks. Schedule the next Bible
study. Never leave it to chance or try to schedule it later in
the week. Begin and end with a short prayer.
Have small talk for another 10 minutes and let them know
you will be leaving soon so they don’t think you’ll hang out
for all night. Leave them wanting more. Be in and out of
the meeting in 45 minutes to an hour.
3 Styles of Teaching Home Bible Studies
After finishing a structured 1, 7, or 12-lesson Bible study,
additional informal studies can be arranged. Ask them to
buy a good study Bible, or if it can be worked into your
budget, buy one for them. Here are some ideas for
continuing studies.
Style #1 - Word studies. Schedule time for 10 word
studies. Each week, select one topic and print off 10-20
scriptures related to it, (ie worship, prayer, praise, sin,
forgiveness, love of God). For the first 10-15 minutes, read
the scriptures and have them write notes about the things
that stand out to them. Then for the final 10-15 minutes, go
through and discuss what was studied and written down.
Ask for their favorite scripture. What is God saying to
them? How can they apply that to their life? Do they have
any questions about the scriptures read? Share things the
teacher received from the scriptures.
Style #2 - Chapter studies. If working with a business
man or college student, take them through the book of
Proverbs. Cover 2-3 chapters per study. The same
principles apply as in style #1. There are so many different
chapters in the Bible for reflection and discussion. Take
them through the Gospels and the book of Acts.
Style #3 - Character studies or Favorite Bible stories.
(i.e. Joseph, David and Goliath, Daniel in the Lions’ Den).
You could have them read the story or character references
before the lesson and write down their thoughts. Then the
30 minutes together can be used to share thoughts with
each other.
These are simple, easy, and fun ways of getting people to
study the Bible. As long as you have a Bible, you can easily
become a Bible study teacher. With this style of studying,
you can also learn so much from those you study with.
Remember, always schedule the next Bible study and
encourage them to invite friends and family.
Action Steps for the Home Bible Study Ministry
1. Determine the Bible Study or Bible Studies that you
are going to use when you teach a Home Bible
2. Make a list of all those who desire to teach a Home
Bible Study in your Church.
3. Have them give you their availability and how
many Bible Studies they are able to teach each
4. Make a list of all of those who are READY to start
teaching a Home Bible Study now.
5. Make a list of all of those who are currently
teaching a Home Bible Study.
6. Appoint a Home Bible Study Director or your
Outreach Director to manage the Home Bible Study
7. Show the Home Bible Study Training Videos
(found in the Outreach Director Training Series) to
your Church or at least to those who desire to teach
Home Bible Studies – outreach.mattmaddix.com
8. Partner people up in your church. Make sure that
those who have a desire to teach a Home Bible
Study go with those who are teaching Bible Studies
so that they can be trained.
9. Communicate with your church the need for them to
text or email you each week with their Home Bible
Study results
10. Use freeconferenceall.com as a means of
Communicating with all of your Home Bible Study
11. Take 10 minutes and report the results to your
church on the last Sunday of the month.
12. Celebrate those who are teaching by having them
stand or come on the platform. Give them a reward
in front of the Congregation. ($5 Starbucks gift card
– just an idea) Create positive peer pressure.
13. Allow a few teachers to give testimonies of their
experiences. Show pictures and introduce new
people who came in through Home Bible Study.
14. Schedule a Home Bible Study training night once a
quarter. Show the Home Bible Study training video
or schedule a guest speaker to come in and
15. Set Monthly Goals and Keep a visual before the
church. You must become very goal oriented when
it comes to the Home Bible Study ministry.
Structuring an Effective Guest Follow-up
I recently read a staggering statistic that woke me up and
made me extremely passionate about Guest Follow-up. I
have a deep conviction and strong inner belief that every
church on this planet needs to have a very clear, focused,
aggressive, and effective Guest Follow-up Program.
Church Growth Analysts today say we have an 84% chance
of retaining Guests if we will follow-up on them within 36
hours of the person’s first visit. Think about all the energy,
money, focus and effort we expend in trying to get people
to come to our church. Churches spend thousands of dollars
trying to get people to come to their church, but if they
don’t follow-up within 36 hours of the initial visit, then
they’ve immediately lost the chance of retaining them by
84%. If the Guest visited on Sunday morning and a
personal follow-up visit hasn’t been made by Tuesday
night, then they’ve almost lost them.
I believe God has given me a very effective way to followup with Guests. The #1 thing that’s missing is the personal
touch. We need to commit to personal touch in everything
we do, whether it is Outreach, Soul Winning, Discipleship,
or Guest Follow-up. Make sure everything has a personal
Many churches send a letter thanking people for coming to
church, and they will list ministries that the church has to
offer. Then they close with a sentence that says, “If you
need us, or are interested in a Bible study, call the office,
and we’ll send someone out to teach you or minister to
your need.” If that is our only way of following up, then it
is no wonder we are not retaining our Guests. I’m a
revivalist and have been in many churches with a 100-soul
revival. The primary reason we are not retaining our Guests
has nothing to do with the devil, the fact that people are
busy, we are Pentecostal or have standards. The main
reason people don’t come back is because we are not
following up and haven’t yet made a personal touch.
A Pastor may give a guest card to Frank and ask him to
follow up on these people. Frank loves his Pastor, but he
gets busy, and days pass before he finally makes a call to
thank the Guest for coming. The bottom line is, if we don’t
close the back door, that door revolves, and the Guests will
go out without ever coming back.
I plan to give you information and techniques on the
following areas:
*What to say when you make phone calls
*What to do when you actually visit a Guest
* How to transition into Follow-up
* How to schedule a Bible study
It all boils down to training and preparation. We are the
best at making excuses or assumptions of what we’re not
good at. However, if you want what successful people
have, then you need to do what successful people do.
You don’t have to recreate anything. Every church which
has implemented this follow-up process has increased their
retention up to 60%. I’ve done this thousands of times, and
if you’ll take this information, role play it and practice it,
you will start seeing increased retention of your guests.
Those who are masters in any area have practiced and
studied the script thousands of times. The #1 secret to
effective follow-up is to stop referring to guests as visitors.
Not only ushers and hostesses should greet newcomers, but
also the whole church should involve themselves in
greeting and helping newcomers to feel welcome. Introduce
yourself and ask for their names. Make some personal
small talk with them. These personal touches greatly
impact guests.
My First Guest Follow-up Experience
Sometime ago I was preaching a lengthy soul winning
revival in a church with a membership of about 250. We
were winning souls and teaching 15-20 Bible Studies each
week. We were involved in outreach during the day and at
night. Hundreds of Guests were coming into the church.
Excitement was running high, and almost everybody that
breathed was being baptized.
During prayer one day, the Lord spoke the words “Followup” to me. I had never had done Guest Follow-up before,
but that very day I went into the Pastor’s office to get some
pens and noticed a grocery bag next to the pens. The Pastor
told me that the Guest Follow-up Cards were inside. I
asked if I could take them back to my hotel room for
That night I went through every card and read every detail
of what people had checked and written on the forms. As I
was going through then, I noticed there were 65 people
who had requested a Bible study in the past year. I was
I called the secretary and asked her to email me a database
of all the people who had visited the church in the past
year. She laughed and said they didn’t have that
information in the computer. So I stayed up that night till
5:00 am and put all this information into a database.
The next day I called the Pastor and asked him to meet me
for lunch. I told him I knew we were in a soul winning
revival, but after tallying the results of the Guest Follow-up
Cards, I felt it was urgent that we transition into putting all
our energy and focus into Guest Follow-up for the
remainder of the revival.
Most churches put about 80% of their time, energy and
money into getting people to church and about 20% into
follow-up and discipleship. When I pastored, our church
literally went from an attendance of 90 to 260 the day that I
transitioned and reversed those percentages. We began
putting 20% into evangelism and marketing and 80% into
discipleship. That’s how our church exploded.
Guest Follow-Up Passion
First Guest Follow-up Story Continued:
We met for lunch, and I requested doing nothing but guest
follow-up for the remainder of the revival. I had never done
guest follow-up before, so I didn’t know what I was doing.
I teach that we need to “learn of God” to improve our
efforts. We get so busy that we forget to STOP and ask
God for wisdom. The Bible says, “Seek and ye shall find.”
It also tells us that as long as Uzziah sought the Lord, God
made him to prosper. (II Chronicles 26:5) One of the
reasons we don’t find answers is because we don’t seek
God. There is POWER and assurance in the scripture that
says, “WITH God ALL things are possible.” (Matthew
19:26) We are laborers together with God. No matter what
situation we face, God will give us wisdom, favor,
breakthrough, and clear direction.
There’s an old saying that says, “When the student is ready,
the teacher will appear.” Instead of panicking because you
haven’t done Guest Follow-up, it’s important to learn the
power in being still and listening for God to show you what
steps to take. As you begin taking action on the ideas you
receive in prayer, you will learn from the process what
works and what doesn’t. During the process, God will give
you wisdom and in time, you will become a Master.
After my meeting with the Pastor, I took the challenge and
started calling Guests. My first call was to Todd. I
identified myself and told him I had two reasons for
calling. I immediately thanked him for coming to church
and told him that when people visit our church, we have a
custom of bringing them a gift. Then I said, “I’m going to
be in your area tonight and only have 10 minutes to bring
this gift to you. Will it work better for you if I come by at
6:45 or 7:15?”
He said to come at 7:00. When I hung up, the Holy Ghost
whispered to me to write that conversation down. So I
wrote it down, then went to Bath & Body Works to buy a
candle to present as a gift. As I prayed in the Spirit during
the drive to Todd’s home, the Lord whispered things for me
to say as I presented the gift. I was confident that I
wouldn’t fail because I was bringing a gift and asking a few
basic questions.
When Todd came to the door, I handed the gift to him, and
he thanked me. I told him, “It’s our pleasure, but before I
leave, I’d like to ask some quick questions about your visit
to our church. How did you hear about our church?” I
learned that they were committed members of another
denomination and really loved their church, but had
decided to visit as a result of an invitation from a friend
they worked with in Real Estate. Even though they didn’t
know much about Pentecost, they came because of a
personal connection. They also shared that they had been
frightened by the message in tongues and interpretation that
had taken place during the service they visited.
At the end of the Follow-up visit, I asked if they wanted to
know more about the Bible. When they said yes, my reply
was, “I didn’t come to get you to join our church. I realize
that there are lots of people who want to know more about
the Bible, so I tell you what I’ll do. Let’s get together on
Thursday night for a 30-minute Bible study. What time
works best for you?” They said to come by at 7:30 on
Thursday night. I thanked them for their time and said it
was great to get to know them a little better.
The Power of Personal Connection
Guest Follow-up is the center and primary focus of
everything that is done during the Monday night outreach
program. We must follow-up on EVERY Guest who visits
the church within the first 36 hours except for Wednesday
night Guests. If a volunteer wants to visit someone on
Thursday, that’s great; otherwise mid-week Guests will get
followed-up during the weekly Monday night follow-up.
First Guest Follow-up Story Continued:
I was excited with the results of my first ever Guest
Follow-up experience. Here is an important principle to
remember. If we had done standard follow-up of sending a
letter, they would have read the letter and thrown it away.
But a personal touch changed that.
During our first Bible study, Todd’s wife shared that her
grandmother had cancer and was in the hospital. I learned
what hospital she was in, and the next day I brought the
grandmother some flowers and a book called “Chicken
Soup For The Soul.” I read her a couple stories from the
book, along with a couple psalms from the Bible. I even
sang “What a Friend We Have in Jesus,” “Amazing
Grace,” and “What a Day That Will Be” with her. I
concluded the visit with prayer, and left. I never even told
the little lady that I had visited with her grand daughter.
The next Sunday Todd and his wife were in church. I was
so surprised because I hadn’t invited them to come back
after our Bible study. I ran off the platform, gave them a
big hug, and said I was so glad to see them. With tears in
their eyes, they announced that they had decided to make
our church their home church. When I asked why, they said
they had visited grandma, and she had told them about the
pastor who had visited her, prayed for her, and brought
beautiful flowers, and a book. They had been unsuccessful
in finding someone from their church to take time out to
visit her Grandma. Because of a personal touch, they left
the church they loved and began attending our church.
After some time of teaching Bible studies, they were
baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost. It all happened
because of a personal Guest Follow-up visit.
Here’s the process: Each of the four Monday night teams
will be composed of members who have confidence and
passion to do the guest follow-up. Set up your own system.
That team director will need to have in advance the contact
information about each guest who has visited the previous
week. Many guests don’t want to give their contact
information. Those who are doing visiting will make calls
at the Monday night meeting, then make the visit that night.
Never do guest follow-up alone. Develop a training
mentality. Always have people with you who are being
trained. The key to reproduction is to have someone
listening while you make the call as a training experience.
When done with follow-up, while backing out of the
driveway, have the partner text the outreach director the
results of the follow-up. If you make the personal contact
and schedule the Bible study, you must be the one to teach
If you are interested in getting your entire church trained
for Effective Guest Follow Up, go to guestfollowup.com
Organizing The Guest Follow-Up System
So many churches don’t have an organized system of
tracking Guests and following-up on them. I believe God
blesses churches that are structured and organized. Time
spent organizing a Guest Follow-up Program is never
wasted. If you will set aside one month to get this process
in place and train your people, things will begin flowing,
and you’ll start seeing results.
I have a 3-story home, and I teach my son to always put
things in the same place every time, so we never have to
lose time looking for them. If I take my wallet out while
I’m upstairs, it would be easy to lay it down there, but I’ve
built habits into my life that remove the frustration,
irritation, distraction and time wasted of trying to find
something that is out of place.
If we would develop processes in our churches, we would
flow so much better, and there wouldn’t be as much chaos
and distraction. People would be at peace and know exactly
what they’re supposed to do, and when and how they are to
do it. What are we doing with our new babies? Do we have
systems in place to Follow-up and Disciple them?
Everyone should know the process and each step in that
Each of the four Monday night teams will have some of its
members who have confidence and passion for doing Guest
Follow-up. Each Team Leader should prepare in advance a
list of each Guest who visited the previous week along with
their contact information. Many Guests don’t want to give
their contact information, so if contact information is
incomplete, the Leader should attempt to get that
information before the Monday night meeting.
Those who are doing the visiting will make the phone calls
at the Monday night meeting, and schedule the visit that
Never do Guest Follow-up alone. Husbands and wives can
go together, but if they’re both skilled, it’s better to
separate them and let them train others. If visiting a couple,
it’s good to send a couple. Women to women and men to
Develop a training mentality. Always have people with you
who are being trained. The key to reproduction is to have a
trainee listening and learning while you make the call.
When the follow-up visit is completed, while backing out
of the driveway, have the partner text the results of the
follow-up to the Team Leader. If you make the personal
contact and schedule the Bible Study, you must be the one
to teach it.
When doing actual guest follow-up, what should you do
when you only have three Guests from the previous week?
Always work back through the directory. Start with the
most recent guests, but understand that there will be
setbacks and challenges, people who won’t answer their
phone, or those who give you the wrong number. For
example, what if for several months, every Guest gives
wrong contact information or blows you off? If you can
report that you have literally called and made an attempt to
follow-up on EVERY Guest that visited, God will be very
pleased with the attempts. God is the one who gives the
increase. If nobody is home, work back through the
directory and call Guests from months ago. The same
principles apply with following up Guest visits from long
ago as they do from the previous week. Never be afraid to
ask if you can visit. Even though we have “ninety-nine” in
our fold, we must aggressively go after the “one” who is
still missing.
If you can’t schedule appointments, call backsliders or
MIA’s. If you still can’t make appointments, go into a room
and watch training videos, role play and sharpen your
outreach skills.
Tracking Results
The four Team Leaders can easily tally the results of each
Monday night Outreach because the team members send
their reports at the time of each visit. Then the Director can
compile those results and immediately have all the
information available for the Pastor. They can keep track of
all visits and Bible studies taught each month. You can
easily get to the place where EVERY Guest is followed-up
on because each team is responsible for the Guests who
visited the previous week.
As a church, we should make a commitment to ongoing
training, and transition into a mentoring, developing,
discipling, reproducing church which is always training
others to do Guest Follow-up and teach Home Bible
Studies. There should be a weekly Soul Winners class.
Follow-up Suggestions After a Large Event
Suppose you have an event like a Block Party with 500
Guests in attendance. It is not realistic to follow-up on all
those Guests. Ask these questions on the event registration:
1- “Would you be interested in someone coming to your
house for a Bible Study?” (Delete “free” home Bible
study from guest registration cards.)
2- “Do you have a church that you attend on a regular
3- “Do you plan on attending a church in the near future?”
After a large event, do the follow-up on the phone. Always
call those people who requested a Home Bible study first.
The only visits that should be scheduled are with someone
who was baptized, received the Holy Ghost, asked for a
Home Bible study, or is looking for a church.
How To Actually Do Guest Follow-Up
This section will give you a word-for-word script for
making the Guest Follow-up calls.
Commit to practicing this script 15 times every day for 21
days. Practice changing the inflection in your voice. Using
a mirror to practice will improve your body language,
confidence and level of certainty, and will make a huge
impact on your results. Some people, when asked to do
something uncomfortable, will say how nervous they are.
You cripple your results because of not applying proper
body language and confidence. You need to Stand up and
say something like, “I can do all things through Christ.”
This is easy. Remember, there is no failure in this. Mean
what you’re about to say and dial the number with
Sample conversation for scheduling a follow-up visit:
“Hey Mike, this is Matt Maddix from the Pentecostals
where you visited yesterday. How you doing bud?”
He may say, “I’m doing good. How can I help you?” He
may be a little guarded.
Your reply: “I’ve only called for two reasons. First of all, I
want to thank you for visiting our church yesterday, and
secondly, it is our custom that when people visit our
church, we bring them a gift. I’m going to be in your area
tonight, and I only have 10 minutes to bring this by. Would
it work better for you if I brought this by at 6:45 or 7:15?”
(Don’t say anything else. Memorize this word for word
until you can say it comfortably. Don’t add one single word
to this script! Be confident, smile and stay confident until
you get a response.)
He may say, “7:00 works better for us.”
Your reply: “Good. I’ll see you at 7:00. Let me confirm
your address. I have you at 1001 Myrtle Beach Drive. Is
that correct? Good I’ll see you at 7:00.”
The goal is to schedule an appointment that night. Always
have someone standing by you to listen as you make the
call. Do not ask if they are busy or if this is a good time to
There will be times when they don’t answer. Do NOT leave
a message. Call back in 10 minutes. If they don’t answer
the second time, do not leave a message. Call again in 10
minutes. Many people do not answer numbers they do not
recognize. On the third time you can leave a message, but
don’t give too much information. Strike interest in their
mind to call you back. Simply say something like this:
“Hey Mike, it’s Matt. Could you please call me back at
725-315-2489? Thanks.” Then hang up. When I get a call
like that, it intrigues me.
Leave no information and thank them. Do not say, “Thank
you and God bless.” Don’t say anything about the church
because your goal is to schedule an appointment.
Train For Guest Follow-Up Success
Successful Guest Follow-up results from prayer, training,
practice and experience. It’s not just passion and burden
that will get the job done successfully. It’s been said that
you don’t really master something until you’ve done it
10,000 times. We represent the Kingdom and need to
represent it with excellence. We need to be skillful in our
ministry. David played skillfully before the Lord. Imagine
if your son had to have brain surgery, and the Doctor had
never done brain surgery before, but he loved kids and
wanted to help them. You would not let anyone have
control of your life who was untrained and unprepared.
How much more should we be trained and skilled in our
handling of men’s eternal souls?
As soon as your follow-up call is made, grab a gift and
your partner and get in the car. Remain focused on the
Father’s business, and your hard work will pay off. Go over
your script with your partner while driving to the Guest’s
It’s so important to stress that you only have 10 minutes to
visit. When you have a structure in place, God trusts you
and gives the increase. He evaluates how you treat people,
and if you genuinely care about them, He will send you
When you pull into that driveway, you get the missionminded look in your eye, believing that God will give you
success. When they open the door, hand them the gift, and
they will say, “Thank you. That’s really kind of you.”
Remember to say, “It’s my pleasure. Before I leave I have a
few questions I want to ask you about your visit yesterday.
First of all, how did you hear about our church?” (Don’t
ask if it’s okay to ask a few questions. Have “Guest
Follow-up Connection Form on a clipboard.)
Listen to their responses! These questions are asked for the
purpose of getting them to open up, make a connection, and
apply the absolute most powerful relationship principle
from Dale Carnegie –
“You can win more friends in two months
by being interested in other people than
you can in two years by trying to get
people interested in you.”
The #1 reason churches are not growing is because we
haven’t trained, taught, and discipled people to recognize
the value of relationships and connections. I am an
effective Soul Winner not only because I love building
relationships with people, but I’ve also learned some
principles that will work in any culture or area of the
country. In addition, God has given me wisdom and favor
so that I can win souls anywhere. If you want to win
people, you must show them you are genuinely interested
in them. You cannot fake being genuine or authentic or
real. When you are real, people open up to you. Listen
when they talk; show interest, do not argue, debate, or give
long explanations.
Question – If you were looking for a church to attend, what
would you be looking for?
Don’t be tempted to get into a discussion with that. You are
not there to sell the church or talk about it. You are there
for two reasons. To connect with the Guest and to schedule
a Bible Study, which is the main purpose of the visit.
Imagine God looking at your church on Monday night and
saying, “They follow-up on every Guest. They convert.
They execute. They make it happen.”
There are no excuses. We are only asking folks to commit
to one Monday night for two hours per month.
Repetition, repetition, repetition is the key to successful
training and execution.
If you are interested in more training, there are 95 resources
on the soulwinnerstrainingcenter.com page and members
receive a weekly Tele-Seminar every Tuesday at NOON
The Actual Guest Follow-Up
Use the Guest Follow-up Connection Form like a chainsaw,
a hammer, or gasoline for your car. It has ten questions, but
you don’t have to use all of them. These are very basic
questions used for the purpose of getting people to talk.
You don’t have to take time to write down all the answers
while talking to the Guests. Once you leave and get into the
car, you can write down all the answers you can remember.
Question #8 – Is there anything in your life that you would
like us to help you pray about? If you pray for them, write a
note after the visit to let them know you’re praying.
The Golden question and main purpose for the visit is the
final one. Question #10 – Do you ever want to know more
about the Bible? There will be times when with all the
master techniques you’ve used, people will not want to
schedule a home Bible study. If he says, “No,” I will say,
“These are all the questions I have. Your answers have
been helpful to me, and they will be helpful to our church.
We always want to know how we can improve.”
Listen. Make eye contact. Smile. Nod. No debating. Don’t
argue. Don’t do a lot of explaining or justifying. Simply
say, “Thank you. I appreciate you sharing that. Thanks for
your honesty.”
Give a quick handshake when you are done and thank them
for their time. Do not oversell or over-talk it. You might
say a quick prayer, if appropriate. Upon leaving,
immediately text your team captain and give a report of the
visit. Remember, if a Bible study was scheduled, the people
who do the follow-up will need to be the ones to teach the
Bible study because they are the ones who made the
personal touch.
Continuously train. Always take someone with you.
Remember that the goal of follow-up is to schedule and
teach a Bible study. Most churches using this process are
retaining 40-60% of guests who visit.
I recently received a letter from a pastor in Seattle, who
after implementing this Follow-up program, now has a 48%
retention rate of guests.
Once I was speaking for a church which had sent some of
its members to one of my boot camps. They were excited
and began giving gift bags to all of their guests. They
showed me one of the gift bags, and I was stunned to see
that the only things in it were a church business card and a
church pencil. Surely we can do better than a business card
and a pencil.
Ideas For Gift Bags:
1- Bottle of water. You could even attach labels
with church information on them.
2- Gift card to a restaurant
3- Motivational book
4- Starbucks gift card.
5- Nice scented candle
If you want to learn more about Guest Follow-Up and train
to become a Master, visit guestfollowup.com
15 Action Steps For The Guest Follow-Up
1. Appoint a Guest Follow-Up Leader/Director
The Follow-Up Director must be, (1) Positive, (2)
Organized, (3) Communicator, (4) Committed and (5)
2. Appoint a Follow-Up Administrator/Secretary
The Follow-Up Administrator must, (1) Get the Guest
Cards on Sunday, (2) Email the information to the
Guest Follow-Up Leaders, (3) Keep track of the results
of the follow up each week and (4) Always make sure
that the follow-up teams have gifts to bring to the
3. Watch the Follow-Up Training Videos –
4. Schedule a meeting with all the Volunteers for Guest
5. Communicate the Vision of Follow-Up – (1) Follow Up
on EVERY guest with a personal visit and (2) Schedule
a Home Bible Study with guests
6. Make sure the Volunteers watch the Guest Follow-Up
Training Videos or at least read this Outreach Manual
7. Meet with Pastor to determine the Gift that will be
given to the Guest – (1) Starbucks Gift Card, (2) Case
of Water, (3) Homemade Cookies, (4) Gift Bags or (5)
New Book – Joy Haney has many good inspirational
books available. Check her website for ideas.
8. Meet with the Ushers/Greeters to make sure that the
Guest Cards are given to the Follow-Up Secretary each
9. Make sure that those that are doing the Follow-Up are
also the ones that will be teaching the Home Bible
10. Keep an Organized Excel spreadsheet of all of your
Guests and the Results of the Guest Follow-Up.
11. Make sure that you always send out 2 people to visit
people. There will always be one person doing the
Follow-Up and the other person who is training.
12. The moment the people leave a Follow-Up
Appointment, they must text the results to the FollowUp Secretary. This keeps the process organized.
13. Schedule a Training Night once a quarter and show the
Follow-Up Training Videos and do some Role Playing.
14. Make sure that your process of Gathering guest
information is smooth and effective. For advice on this,
invest in a 15-minute coaching call at mattmaddix.com
15. Print off at least 100 Follow-Up Connection Forms to
keep in the Office for the Follow-Up Volunteers.
How to Become A More Effective Soul Winner
Learn how to win friends, family, co-workers, neighbors
and people you already know. Every one of us has a
personal mission field. We don’t live in our neighborhood
by accident nor do we work with people by accident. Our
children’s school teachers are even ordained. Apply these
principles to your life. Learn to live an intentional, focused,
and balanced life. Don’t make excuses. Be encouraged. If
you feel you’re too shy, don’t have confidence, or think
you have to knock doors, remember that Jesus said over
fourteen times, “Follow Me.” Once He said He would teach
them to become fishers of men.
The secret is to become a person of faith and learn to allow
God to flow through you and do the work. God orders our
steps, gives us favor, gives us breakthroughs, gives
opportunities, leads us and gives us wisdom of what to say
and when to say it.
I’ve won atheists, 9 Trinitarian pastors, Methodists,
Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, and two college-age
Muslims in Washington, DC a block from the White
House. God flows through me and gives me words to say. I
have conquered fear and the fear of failure. The secret is to
realize that soul winning is a result of God flowing through
us. Wherever we are, God is going to flow through us, and
He will give us not only words to say, but also the wisdom
to know when to say them. Timing is everything.
Jesus said we are the salt of the earth and the light of the
world. Soul winning is not what we do; it’s who we are.
Jesus said, “You SHALL receive power after the Holy
Ghost comes upon you, and you SHALL be witnesses.”
(Acts 1:8)
Make a commitment that 1) We are a partner with God, and
2) We will learn the Soul Winners Top 12 Prayer Points.
It’s time to quit making excuses. We’re all at different
levels, and God doesn’t expect the same thing out of each
person. It is important to understand that God is looking for
a willing heart and an attitude that is willing to give Him
our best. Commit to being a person of faith, and God will
use you. Doing the work of God is a thrill.
Soul Winners Top 12 List
Make a list of 12 people you want to win to God. Put this
list where it’s visible; on the refrigerator, in the bedroom by
a mirror, or somewhere you will see it every day.
Start praying five very specific prayers over these 12
1 – Ask God to give you Wisdom. Wisdom is the primary
ingredient for anyone who wants to be an effective soul
winner. Don’t spend another ounce of time worrying
over saying something stupid. Soul winners believe that
when they have asked God for wisdom, He will give it
to them.
2 – Ask God for Favor.
Prayer For Favor Won a Couple to Jesus
I remember one time I was preparing to baptize a couple I
was working with. They called and said they had bad news
and wouldn’t be able to get baptized as scheduled. After
asking some questions, I learned that they had gone to a
birthday party the day before at Chuck E. Cheese. When
they told their family that they were going to get baptized
at the Pentecostal Church, their family said, “What? You
can’t get baptized there because those people are crazy.
They are a cult. You’ve got to swim in your skirt and can’t
go to movies.”
I was in state of faith while listening to their comments, and
I kept smiling. I’ve learned that regardless of how
circumstances look, God is at work. I gave them an answer
to their concern, and we ended the conversation.
The Holy Ghost whispered to me, “Ask Me to give you
favor.” So I started praying for favor with their family.
A day later they called and said, “Pastor we can’t explain
this, but we have decided that we will stick with our
original decision, and we will get baptized. We told our
family we love that church and trust that pastor.”
3 – Pray for Salvation and Deliverance. Set them free.
4 – Pray for a Spiritual Awakening in their life.
5 – Pray for a Breakthrough Opportunity.
Follow this pattern, and you will eventually see a
breakthrough with at least 1-6 of your people. Imagine if
we could get our church to list 12 names and pray these
specific prayers over them. A major key to success is
Focus. Often, soul winners don’t win souls because they
lack focus and are not intentional. It’s been said that Failure
to plan is a Plan to Fail. What would happen if we made
lifestyle evangelism a part of our weekly lifestyle?
Steps For Implementing the Soul Winners Top 12
Step 1 - Strategically, specifically pray 5 prayers over those
12 people everyday.
Step 2 - Every Sunday night, plan out your week.
Step 3 - Focus on common ground. Learn how to ask good
questions. Talk about things that interest them.
Step 4 - Make eye contact. Smile, be positive. Speak life
over people. Learn to give sincere compliments.
We all have 168 hrs each week. Each day we sleep 8 hours
and work 8 hours. What do we do with the other 8?
Busyness doesn’t necessarily produce results. We all get 21
meals a week. I'm persuaded that every Soul Winner should
give to God at least 1-2 of those meal times to connect with
a sinner or new convert.”
We are the salt of earth, and it’s time to get the salt out of
the saltshaker. Get out of the church and out of your
comfort zone into the world where the people are.
Set a personal goal of building a relationship with at least
one person on your list. Text, call, or email someone on the
list every week. Schedule as many appointments as you
can, but set a goal of at least one personal contact each
week. Build relationship. Get around people and let them
get to know you. Don’t assume you’re not a people person.
Everyone can be a people person. Just be real and
genuinely interested in people. They will open up and begin
to trust you.
When the time is right, after building a connection with
these 12 people, you will feel a Holy Spirit nudge. Ask the
question, “Out of curiosity, did you ever want to know
more about the Bible?”
“Yes,” they’ll answer.
“Then let’s get together this Monday night and have a 30minute Bible study. What works better for you, 6:00 or
After you’ve taught a Bible study over time and built a
trusted relationship, look for an opportunity to invite them
to church using this approach. “Is there anything that would
keep you from coming to church with me this Sunday
morning?” Eight out of ten times they will say yes. Arrange
to meet at Starbucks for coffee and ride together. You
won’t backslide for hanging out with sinners. We will
backslide if we don’t hang out with sinners. Remember, we
overcome by the word of our testimony.
Aggressive Evangelism Approach
“You know I’m a believer in God, and I don’t preach at
you. I have a curious question for you. If you had to
choose, would you want to go to Heaven or Hell? You
know, most everyone I ask this question says they want to
go to Heaven. The Bible says that except a man is born of
water and Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom. The
Good News is that it only takes a few minutes to ask God
to forgive us of our sins and less than 10 minutes to be
baptized in Jesus’ name. Is there anything that would
prevent you from taking 15 minutes of your time to make
sure you’re ready to go to Heaven?” (That’s a legitimate
question. How do you lose with that type of approach? If
they’re not ready to make that commitment, maintain the
relationship and let God do His work in their lives.)
Learn to live a balanced life. Spend time with your family,
read, exercise, and be a productive soul winner. You don’t
win souls because you don’t have a plan. If you aim at
nothing, you will hit it every time.
Challenge: Now you have a specific target. Don’t veer off
the path and try to do your own thing. Use these techniques
that have been proven time after time. We must be as wise
as serpents and as harmless as doves; he that winneth souls
is wise. We must use wisdom.
Study these techniques over and over, and write down
everything you’re told to do. Just do it, and the results will
take care of themselves. You’ll be happier. The Church will
grow. More people will miss Hell, and more people will go
to Heaven. There will be more excitement and momentum.
Remember, you can go to soulwinnerstrainingcenter.com
for more resources to help you become a more effective
Soul Winner.
10 Action Steps to Personal Soul Winning
1. Make a list of twelve people that you want to see saved.
They can be friends, family, co-workers, neighbors or
2. Start praying for all twelve of them everyday. Pray for:
(1) Wisdom, (2) Favor, (3) Salvation, (4) Spiritual
Awakening and (5) A Breakthrough opportunity.
3. Intentionally start spending time connecting with one or
more of your twelve each week.
4. Focus on connecting, building relationships and letting
your light shine when spending time with your twelve
5. Don’t be overly eager to schedule a Bible Study or
invite to church until the time is right.
6. When the time is right, schedule a Bible Study by
asking, “Do you ever desire to know MORE about the
Bible?” If they say, “YES,” then say, “That’s great,
here is what we’ll do, we’ll get together this coming
Thursday for a 30 minute Bible Study. What works best
for you, 6:30 or 7:30?”
7. When the time is right, invite them to church by asking
them, “Is there anything that would keep you from
coming to church with me THIS Sunday morning?”
8. Get your life balanced and structured. You get 168
hours a week and 21 meals. You should at least give
one or two meal times to connect with one of your
twelve. Manage your time well, and you’ll be a more
productive person.
9. Join the Soul Winners Training Center. You really
would benefit from the 95 resources on the site and the
weekly seminar. Go to soulwinnerstrainingcenter.com
10. Sharpen your Soul Winning skills by attending a Soul
Winners Boot Camp once a year.
How To Effectively Disciple A New Convert
We should be talking about discipleship. We’ve done over
75 Soul Winners Boot Camps across the country and have
trained over 32,700 Soul Winners. Revivals are breaking
out because there are lots of Apostolic harvesters and
people who know how to pray with others to receive the
Holy Ghost.
The Questions that most often come up are:
How many are you retaining?
What does discipleship look like?
Until we have a clear picture of the subject, we won’t be as
effective as we could be. Often we put our energy into the
goal of getting new people to church, then neglect
following-up to the next level.
New Convert Story
While ministering to a church in the US, the pastor and
youth pastor excitedly told me about a new guy, age 26,
who had just received the Holy Ghost. He was a wealthy
and successful businessman, owned his own business, and
was a person of influence in the community. (I believe in
reaching for the homeless and poor, but I also believe God
wants to give us successful people and influencers in our
So I met this young man and asked him how many of his
friends would come if we did a Bible study in his home. He
said he could get a lot. (The first way to disciple someone
is to get them involved in winning souls themselves.)
I asked this guy who he was eating with that Sunday, and
he said he was going out by himself. (Often new converts
are lonelier after getting saved because they’ve left their
old friends and need new ones. No new convert should ever
eat alone during the first several months of getting
converted. We need to be willing to let new people into our
lives and be willing to spend time with them outside of
services. Discipleship involves rolling up our sleeves and
building relationships with them.) I invited David to lunch
with us that Sunday, and surprisingly, the church people
didn’t know how to act with him. (Just relax, ask questions
and find common ground to get acquainted with people.)
After lunch, I gave up my nap and met the youth pastor at
Starbucks where I gave him specific instructions about
teaching David a weekly Home Bible Study and trying to
reach his friends.
(People are drawn to those who take time to listen and care
about them. Every new convert should be having a weekly
Home Bible Study after getting baptized and/or receiving
the Holy Ghost. It is IMPERATIVE that you learn to
become a scheduler of Bible studies if you are going to
disciple people.)
A month later I came back to that same church and asked
the youth pastor how David was doing. He said he hadn’t
seen him in church in several weeks and didn’t know what
was going on with him.
That was an unacceptable answer. Every church should
have an aggressive MIA or search and rescue ministry.
Don’t let people miss a week without hearing from the
church. Let them know they are missed. Are they ok? Give
them a free DVD of the service so they can see what they
missed. If they can’t be reached by phone, go by their
house to check on them and give them a DVD of the
service. The #1 complaint of backsliders is that no one
The Youth Pastor said he hadn’t scheduled a Bible study
with David because he was so busy planning the yearly
Easter drama. He reminded me that they had hundreds of
visitors that came to this event each year so it was a very
important undertaking. I asked how many people were
sitting on the pews that had visited the drama last year. He
couldn’t name any. I asked him why he was reaching for
the masses when he couldn’t even take time for one baby
that God had given them. Sowing seed to the masses is
important, but when God gives us a baby, He expects us to
take care of it!
Discipleship Techniques
1- We must make empowering and training New Christians
a priority. The #1 reason why 21st century churches are
not exploding is due to lack of training. Saul’s
conversion was so powerful because he immediately
was engaged in ministry. New converts are gifted and
have many abilities to bring to the table.
2- Caring for new Christians. There is an old saying which
says, “People don’t care how much you know until they
know how much you care.” Caring happens through
action. If you love someone, show them with your time.
Call them when they miss church, take them to lunch, or
invite them to cookouts at your house.
3- Build Relationships and Connect. It is absolutely
impossible to disciple people without building a
relationship with them. We won’t keep those with whom
we haven’t built relationship. Our highest priority is to
4- Empower Converts for Prayer. Teach them to fall in love
with prayer. My “Spiritual Warfare Prayer Guide” was
written when I was pastoring for the specific purpose of
teaching new converts how to pray. Schedule Bible
studies and prayer meetings. Walk them through the
levels of prayer on the phone. Take 1-2 minutes to be
thankful, 1-2 minutes to repent, 1-2 minutes for
intercession for others, 1-2 minutes for the Jabez prayer
for expanding our territory and to build faith in a new
Christian’s life, 1-2 minutes to pray in tongues, and 1-2
minutes to pray in faith. During this time, teach them to
speak into existence the things they have asked God to
give them. Finally, they should spend1-2 minutes to
listen and meditate. Prayer is not a difficult practice
when we show them how to pray.
You can order a copy of the Spiritual Warfare Prayer
Guide at mattmaddix.com
5- Empower and Train Them to Win Souls. To keep people
excited, soul winning must be going on all the time.
Take them with you to feed the homeless and observe
you teaching Bible studies.
6- Ministry Involvement – Use me or lose me. Don’t be
afraid to use new Christians although they don’t look
like us yet. They have talents and gifts that can be
plugged in immediately. The main reason we are losing
them is because they are not involved.
7- Empower Them to Study the Word. It is important to
take time and not only teach the Bible, but to also show
them how to study and use resource materials.
Obstacles to Discipling a New Convert
I think that some churches are not more effective at
Retaining new members because it does require time,
money and energy. It’s very important to know how to
overcome the Obstacles to Discipling a New Convert.
There will be challenges and setbacks. Here are a few that
you will experience:
1- Time. People are already busy and have to have a makeit-happen mentality.
2- Lack of Priority. Discipling hasn’t become a MUST.
Until it becomes something that is not an option to
neglect, New Converts will continue to slip through the
3- Lack of Vision. What is our vision for their Christian
4- Lack of Focus. There is too much distraction; we are not
living balanced lives. We need to have a weekly plan in
place to make sure babies are cared for each week. It is
more important to focus on individuals rather than mass
5- Lack of Training. People have no clue how to connect
and disciple people.
6- No process or system in place.
Discipleship of others causes church members to grow,
become more empowered, and energetic; their faith is
increased, and they will experience more of God’s
blessings on their life. When you take care of God’s
business, He will take care of yours.
Seven Ways to Connect with New Christians
It is important to have an intentional game plan.
1- Spending Quality Time. Fellowshipping involves
literally spending time connecting, socializing, playing
tennis, horseshoes, etc. How do you handle someone
who is “needy” and wants you around all the time?
Teach them the law of giving so they will eventually do
the same thing with others. Speak life over them and
convince them that they are a minister. We are all
servants and need to stress that serving is an important
characteristic of Christians.
2- Ask Questions and Show Interest. Randomly text or call
just to see how they’re doing. Show interest in their
family and other things that interest them.
3- Include Them in Ministry Opportunities. Men’s and
ladies’ conferences are excellent opportunities to
connect with them and allow them to connect with
others while hearing powerful teaching and preaching
outside of the local church. Let them visit hospitals with
4- Teach them a weekly Bible Study. You should spend a
minimum of six months to a year with each New
Convert. Study Bible Stories, Word Studies, or Subjects.
Teach them how to be soul winners by inviting family
and friends to their Bible studies. Referrals are a
powerful way to reach communities.
5- Eat meals together. Study the New Testament and use
the pattern demonstrated in the Early Church. Jesus
often ate with sinners and other people He was training.
Zacchaeus was a prime example of this pattern. We eat
21 meals per week. We should commit to sharing at
least one meal each week with a New Convert. Give one
meal per week to God for discipleship. Get everyone in
church involved in this ministry. Remember, this is
NOT a short time commitment you sign up for; this
should be the lifestyle of being a servant to others.
6- Encourage. The Ministry of Encouragement is so
important and needed. Learn to give affirmation, brag on
others, and help them feel a part of the church. If we
read more, we would have more ideas on how to affirm
others. The principles of positive reinforcement taught
in the book, “Whale Done” by Ken Blanchard can be
applied to discipleship.
7- Small groups. I am a huge believer in small groups.
They work and are effective. It’s important to have
small group networks for meetings, accountability, and
socializing. Have a meal, snack, discuss life, struggles,
weaknesses, building relationships. Practice unity and
love for one another. They can see these characteristics
demonstrated in interactions among other brothers and
sisters in the church.
Qualities of an Effective Discipler
1- Be prayerful
2- Be compassionate – People have struggles and flaws.
They need compassion.
3- Be understanding and wise – Understand and give them
time to grow in Christ. Don’t expect overnight growth.
4- Be patient – They are not matured at the end of 12 weeks
of classes. Christian development is a process that takes
time, even years.
5- Be a giver. It is impossible to out-give God. He will give
back to givers in many ways. Sow a meal, reap a meal.
The Law of the Harvest says, “As you sow and give,
God will give back to you.”
6- Be positive. New Converts must feel your positive
encouragement to them. No matter what their past is or
if they fall and mess up, pull them back up and let them
know they CAN make it.
7- Be authentic and genuine. Let them see your
shortcomings. Although we’ve been in church many
years, New Converts need to realize we still have
struggles in life.
Next Level Connection and Discipleship Ideas
The Church must make a commitment to focus on making
sure we connect and build relationships with ALL New
Members. We must be intentional and process-oriented
about exactly what we’re going to do with new ones.
My church exploded in growth when we started spending
most of our time and money in discipleship rather than
outreach and marketing. We poured cash into People,
Discipleship and Guest Follow-up. We had a weekly
Connect Dinner. It was a lot of work, but church growth is
a lot of work.
It is important to develop the right mentality to avoid burnout. Burn-out is the result of living an unbalanced life. We
don’t take care of our health; we get insufficient rest and
exercise, don’t have faith for God’s provision, and we
forget that we are serving others as unto the Lord. Even
without getting a return, our motive should be to serve and
give. It is impossible for others to take advantage of us in
ministry if we remember that we are doing everything as
unto the Lord. Do everything for Jesus. He knows how to
care for me and reward me. All blessings come from Him.
Discipleship Ideas
Here are some ideas that may spark other ideas, thoughts,
and creativity. These ideas can be implemented along with
other things already being done.
1- Connection Dinner – Organize 4 cooking teams. Have
Staff prepare a meal for Guests and New Members each
Sunday instead of taking people out to eat. New
Members could help serve, set-up, and tear down.
Although this involves a lot of work, almost all of Guest
Follow-up can be handled on Sunday.
2- Gender Small Groups – Men’s and Ladies’ groups can
be organized for socializing with a leader appointed for
facilitating discussion. Ladies groups could meet 1st and
3rd weeks of the month, and men could meet on the 2nd
and 4th weeks of the month. Babysitting can be done by
the other spouse or a babysitting team could be
developed. The Body of Christ must learn to get off the
pew and minister.
3- Monthly Pastor’s Retreat – This is a simple, low budget
idea consisting of a Barbecue With the Pastor on a
Saturday from 4-7. Selected Teams cook and set-up
either at the Pastor’s house or the church. This idea
gives the Staff and Pastor an opportunity to connect with
all the New Members in an informal setting. (I was
always strict about staff not visiting with the Pastor on
Sunday. Sunday was designated as a day to roll up our
sleeves and serve our people.) People are starving for
fellowship. Quarterly fellowships are suggested.
4- Dinner With the Pastor or Coffee With the Pastor. Oneon-one time with the Pastor for New Converts.
5- Welcome Home Party. This event can be held on the
first Sunday of each month. Celebrate with a
PowerPoint presentation for all those baptized or filled
with the Holy Ghost during the month. Show pictures of
their baptism, family, etc. Seat them on the front row.
Bring them to the platform and introduce them to the
church. Give them a framed copy of their Holy Ghost
and Baptism certificates along with an engraved Bible
that’s been signed by the Pastor. This is dependant on
budget. Give them 2-4 new Gospel CD’s so they have
good music to listen to. Tell how they came to church,
who brought them, a little about their family so church
can get to know them better. Everything we do should
be geared to reaching for the next level in involvement.
It’s time to get off the pews and be a servant. Have fun
working for God.
Final Word For Outreach Team Leaders
I want to share with you some key steps to increase
outreach momentum. High quality leaders hand-picked by
the pastor have what is needed to take this ministry to the
next level. I believe 100% that this process of “All-Church
Outreach” pleases God. Your system of consistently
following up on Guests, serving the poor, and reaching out
to backsliders and MIA’s pleases God.
1- Aggressive Evangelism may be one of the least
comfortable areas of Outreach, but if you can recruit
some who are good at starting discussions with
strangers, you can teach them to focus this strength on
taking the Gospel to people. I’m all about building
relationships, but there should be a place in every
Outreach program for Aggressive Evangelism.
Aggressive Evangelism involves going and talking to
people about the Holy Ghost and Heaven or Hell. This
approach still works in certain situations, is very
powerful, and also very Apostolic. Simply have your
recruits ask people if they had to choose, would they
choose to go to Heaven or Hell. We need to start
bringing people back to church to be baptized and
receive the Holy Ghost.
2- We need to get elderly ladies involved in baking cookies
and pies and making gift bags for Backsliders and
MIA’s. It’s time to step-up visitation to Backsliders and
3- Our motto should be “Making It Hard For People To Go
To Hell.” I had a large banner in the church I formerly
pastored which said, “The Most Aggressive Church In
Town.” We need to be aggressive in following up on
every Backslider and MIA.
4- We need to get people excited about Spiritual Warfare,
not only for our church, but also for Japan and other
countries of the world, breaking the spirit of Islam in
America, praying against crime in our city, and tearing
down the devil’s strongholds. It’s time to revive the
power of Spiritual Warfare prayer.
5- The Plant and Water team should make passing out
flyers fun. Make a list of coffee shops, Laundromats,
restaurants, and grocery stores. Then set goals to see
how many local businesses you can get permission to
place your flyers. Go ask, and then get those flyers out
where the public can see them. Make sure the flyers are
professional, colorful and eye-catching.
6- Compassion in Action is the hottest thing going. If you
remain creative, you don’t have to do it all. The more
you can give your team a voice and get input from them,
the more they will take ownership and be committed.
There are smart, administrative-minded people who
have great ideas. Start contests between the 4 Outreach
Teams and give a gift card to the Team Leader who has
the most outreach each month. The Team Leader’s job
involves soliciting creative ideas to keep members
motivated, then prayerfully selecting ideas that will
work and assigning members to execute those ideas.
7- Use a conference call line to connect with members.
Text and email team members to use conference calling
for brainstorming about new Outreach ideas. Leaders
don’t have to come up with all the ideas. Get fresh new,
out-of-the-box, radical ideas from team members. Try to
execute their ideas. Ask for a commitment on the phone
for future planning. Remind them that they are
committing to one Monday per month for the glory of
God and the cause of reaching the lost. Those nights will
be a blast, and they’ll impact lives for eternity, see
people pulled out of hell and saved.
8- Maintaining communication requires more than text
messages, email or Sunday morning reminders in the
bulletin. Leaders determine the temperature by the way
the thermometer is set. The leaders MUST set the pace
with fire, passion, and excitement! They can’t be
passive, average or non-involved. Leadership inspires.
Get people involved by doing things that interest them.
Make sure everyone who has signed up for different
areas are committed to being there.
9- Take pictures and video clips of activities within each
team. Use the power of Facebook to motivate. You need
to have one-on-one conversations with team members.
Leaders cast vision, and if people aren’t embracing it,
keep explaining the vision in other ways. Be like Martin
Luther King, a man on a mission, leading that team to
success, break-through and victory. Reports generate
excitement and motivation. These things will fire people
up and generate success.
Thank you for taking the time to read this manual. I trust
that God will use it to give you inspiration, direction, ideas
and strategies to grow your church and become a more
Effective Soul Winner. Please know that this Manual is just
a little tool to help you get started. However, you will need
to continue the training process. It’s best for you to attend a
Soul Winners Boot Camp once per year and also to join the
soulwinnerstrainingcenter.com so you can receive weekly
inspiration and training. May God Bless you and your
Out of the Box Ideas for Soul Winning Churches
1. Enroll your entire Church in the Soul Winners Training
Center – visit soulwinnerstrainingcenter.com
2. Take your entire Staff and Youth Group to a Soul Winners
Boot Camp once per year.
3. Host a Soul Winners Boot Camp – email
[email protected] if you are interested.
4. Start a Weekly Soul Winners Training Class – Have 12
people a month go through a Soul Winners Class during
your Mid-Week Service and rotate your entire Church
through the Class. You could train 144 Soul Winners in a
Year. There are 95 resources in the Soul Winners Training
Center to choose from. There are many videos to show the
5. Start Small Groups and Model them after Jared Arrango in
New Port News, Virginia.
6. Have a Monthly Dinner with the Pastor for ALL the new
people that join the church. Make it big! Invite the entire
staff and focus on connecting with the new people.
7. Apply the 80/20 principle in your focus on Evangelism and
Discipleship. Put 80% of your time, money and energy into
Follow-Up and Discipleship and 20% into Outreach and
8. Get a Church Facebook Page and Twitter account. Start
connecting with people daily and add value. Post content,
inspiration, prayers, scriptures and articles that add value to
people’s lives.
9. Make it a High Priority to get a High Quality Church
website and App. Every church needs to be focusing on
getting an APP for their church.
All Church Outreach Form
Guest Follow-up Connection Form
Soul Winners Top 12 Form
Author Bio
For the past two decades, Matt Maddix has served as a
pastor, evangelist, motivational speaker, life coach, and
community activist.
He is an international speaker and has had the honor of
speaking with NY Times Best Selling Author, Matthew
Barnett. He has also learned much from great men in his
life, including Rev. Kenneth F. Haney, former General
Superintendent of the United Pentecostal Church
International, Rev. Anthony Mangun, Pastor of the
Pentecostals of Alexandria, Louisiana, and his own Pastor,
Rev. Jack Cunningham, Pastor of Bible World Church in
Chesapeake, VA and District Superintendent of the United
Pentecostal Church of Virginia.
Matt Maddix is the author of “The Light of Truth Bible
Study,” a highly effective book on prayer entitled,
“Spiritual Warfare Prayer Guide,” a health and wellness
book entitled,” The Healing Power of Juicing,” and an
outreach manual titled “Outreach Manual For Church
As the CEO and Founder of Matt Maddix Motivations,
Soul Winners Boot Camp, and Compassion USA, Matt is
considered a 21st century innovator for church growth, life
coaching, weight loss, and healthy and successful
living. Since 2006 Matt has hosted 75 Soul Winners Boot
Camps, motivating and training over 32,700 people. In
2012, Matt and his team will travel into 10 more cities,
providing intense training sessions for church and local
leaders who are ready to impact their community and world
at the next level.
His humanitarian efforts have had a rippling effect across
the country and even the world. His heartbeat is to serve
the homeless, kids with cancer, and kids without a
parent(s). Matt’s efforts are well known in his hometown
of Tampa, Florida where several times a month he can be
found providing Bibles, sleeping bags, fresh fruit, water
and motivational speaking to those living on the streets,
visiting children in local cancer hospitals, and spending
quality time mentoring a child without a parent.
Matt Maddix is a highly sought-after motivational speaker
and life coach.
Matt’s legacy has had an amazing start in the heart of his
son Caleb. His philosophy of balanced living and training
up a child begins at home with Caleb. This dynamic duo
partner together to make a difference in the lives of those in
Additional Resources:
Matt Maddix Online
Matt Maddix’s Outreach Training Package
Soul Winners Training Center
Copyright 2012 Matt Maddix – All Rights Reserved