Signing up for MCU Account Alerts


Signing up for MCU Account Alerts
Signing up for MCU Account Alerts
Have a question about your accounts? Sign up for MCU’s Account
Alerts through NYMCU® Online Banking and you can have email or
Sign up for
email when certain activity occurs within your account.
You can set up alerts for:
Electronic Deposits: Receive an alert every time an electronic deposit, like your
paycheck direct deposit, is received on the selected account.
Any Deposit: Get an alert whenever a deposit is made to your account.
Debit Card Purchases: Get an alert every time your debit or check card is used for
a purchase.
Account Activity Summary: Receive an alert every morning with a total amount of
the prior day’s deposits, withdrawals and ending balance.
Account Balance Change:
account is over or below the set amount.
amount is recorded on the selected account.
Check Stop Payment Expiration: Get an alert 10 days before the stop payment
becomes void.
Check Cleared:
receive alerts when these checks have cleared.
Timely Reminders: Schedule reminders to pay bills or make payments on time.
Custom Message: Set up a one-time customized message to be delivered on a
* Standard text message rates apply according to your plan. Delivery of alerts may be delayed for various reasons.