Análisis comparativo de instrumental, dispositivos de


Análisis comparativo de instrumental, dispositivos de
Comparative analysis of instruments, access devices and
learning curves in LaparoEndoscopic Single Site Surgery
on physical simulator
Ana Maria Afonso de Matos Soares de Azevedo
Departamento de Medicina Animal
Conformidad de los Directores:
Fdo. Francisco M. Sánchez Margallo
Fdo. Idoia Díaz-Güemes Martín-Portugués
Surgery, gaining much from the general advance of knowledge,
will be rendered both knifeless and bloodless.
(John Hunter, 1972)
A mis padres, a quién todo debo.
A mis hermanos, que siempre se queden a mi lado, y yo al suyo.
A los que han llegado conmigo a este lugar en el tiempo.
Y a los que empezaron a vivir otro tiempo demasiado temprano,
y que siempre serán parte de mi.
Esta va por vosotros dos.
Al Dr. Francisco Miguel Sánchez-Margallo, Director de esta tesis y Director Científico del CCMIJU. Gracias por haberme concedido el privilegio de hacer parte de la institución que es el CCMIJU
y de llevar a cabo este trabajo, y por su ayuda durante los últimos cuatro años.
A la Dra Idoia Díaz-Güemes Martín-Portugués, Directora de esta tesis y Coordinadora de la Unidad de Laparoscopia. Gracias por su constante confianza y apoyo a lo largo de estos cuatro años,
haciendo del trabajo en la Unidad de Laparoscopia una misión de equipo, y por la paciencia en los
momentos más duros. Muchas Gracias.
Al Dr. Jesús Usón Gargallo, Presidente de Honor de la Fundación CCMIJU, por su ejemplo de
vida, de que la perseverancia y el trabajo duro siempre dan bellos frutos al final.
A la Fundación Pascual y al Dr Salvador Pascual, por la beca concedida desde su Fundación, y
que me permitió desarrollar de la mejor forma las labores que me fueron atribuidas.
Al Instituto Carlos III, por la ayuda FIS 2013 concedida al proyecto que permitió llevar a cabo
este trabajo.
A todos los que habéis participado voluntariamente en este estudio: Ana, Vanesa, Helena, Alejandra, Maria, Chusma, David, Raquel, Marcos, Juan Alberto, Rocío, Sandra, Juan “Maestro”, Idoia,
Silvia, Belén, Laura, Lau, Blanca, Miguel, Álvaro, Fran y Paco. Sin vuestra buena voluntad, vuestras ganas y la sonrisa en todas las sesiones, este trabajo no hubiera sido posible.
A mi madre, Maria Filomena. Gracias Mãe, porque todo lo que soy te lo debo a ti. Gracias por
conocerme como nadie, te quiero!
A mi padre, João, por su presencia y apoyo en todos los momentos. Te quiero!
A mis hermanos, Nuno e Pedro, por el apoyo y orgullo constantes, por los silencios cuando en
silencio queríamos estar, por las bromas y las tonterías, por las discusiones... por ser mis hermanos,
de sangre, de cabeza y de corazón.
A mis sobrinos, Manuel, Maria, Francisca, Madalena e Miguel. Deseo que encontréis vuestro
camino, inicio de un viaje en el cuál podréis siempre contar conmigo.
A Francis Navarro, por la descubierta de sentimientos que creemos que desaparecen mientras
crecemos. Gracias por todo tu amor y tu apoyo. Nuestra historia apenas ha empezado…
A Sofia, porque nunca dejaremos de estar juntas, por tu apoyo, tus risas, tus tonterías, tu capacidad
de escuchar, nuestros cafés de cerveza, tus visitas. Gracias, y siempre contigo.
A Carolina, por la paciencia, los desentendimientos y las risas... por haber estado a mi lado en
todos los momentos de este nuestro pasaje por tierras españolas.
A Rita, Madalena, Ana y Carlos, por la amistad demostrada, aunque separados por la distancia.
A mis compañeros de la Unidad de Laparoscopia, Álvaro, Silvia, Blanca, Miguel, Laura Webbers,
Laura Cookie, Marina, Belén, y Ángelo. Gracias por estos años que tuve el privilegio de compartir
con vosotros.
A Fran, por la persona que eres, por estar siempre pronto a ayudarme cualquiera que sea el problema, que tantos momentos de desesperación has aguantado, y que tantas alegrías has compartido.
A Helena, Maria, Alejandra, Chusma y a todos los compañeros del área quirúrgica, por su trabajo
extraordinario sin el cual no existiría CCMIJU.
A Patricia, Irene, Sara y David, por todas las mañanas de “que haces aquí tan temprano”, y por la
constante disponibilidad en todo momento.
A Luis y a todo el personal de Animalario por su trabajo y amistad durante estos cuatro años.
Al Dr. Elisardo Bilbao y Dra. Mari Carmen Tejonero, profesores y compañeros. Gracias por vuestro apoyo dentro y fuera del CCMIJU.
Al Dr. José Antonio Fatás, al Dr. Cristóbal Zaragoza y al Dr. Francisco Alba Mesa por su amistad
y apoyo incuestionable.
A Julia, por su ayuda en el design y preparación de esta tesis.
A Mario por su ayuda inestimable en la realización de este trabajo, pero sobretodo por los momentos de relax “en su balcón”, que me permitieron conservar algo de sanidad en mañanas de noches
mal dormidas.
A Thai, compañera de todos los momentos, buenos y menos buenos.
A todo el personal de CCMIJU, que a lo largo de estos cuatro años y medio me hicieron sentir en
casa, fui una más. Fue un placer trabajar con vosotros!
Muchas gracias a todos
I. Introduction1
1.1 Objectives2
II State of the Art3
2.1 LaparoEndoscopic Single Site Surgery3
2.2 Instruments5
2.3 Access Devices9
2.4 New LESS Platforms, Systems and Robotic Tools
2.5 LESS on experimental in vivo models
2.6 Ethical introduction of LESS surgery
2.7 Current Clinical experience
2.8 Training in LESS 16
2.9 Interest of the Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre Jesús Usón
in this Line of Research
III Material and Methods
3.1 Material
3.2 Methods
3.2.1 Method Justification
3.2.2 Method
IV Results
V Discussion
VI Conclusions
VII Abstract
VII Resumen
VIII Bibliographic References
IX Appendix
X Relevant published works and performed research
Minimally Invasive Surgery / Minimally Invasive Surgical (approaches)
LaparoEndoscopic Single-Site Surgery
Robotic LaparoEndoscopic Single-Site Surgery
Mobile Adjustable-focus Robotic Cameras
Magnetic Anchoring and Guidance System
Single port Transvesical Enucleation of the Prostate
Operating Room / Operating Theatre
Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery
Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria
Adapted Global Rating Scale
Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skills
SILS SILSTM Port, Covidien, USA
GelPOINT Advanced Access Platform, Applied Medical, USA
XCONE, Karl Storz GmbH, Germany
Dynamic articulating single use LESS instrument
Pre-bent reusable LESS instrument
Straight laparoscopic instrument
Introduction 1
I. Introduction
Over the past decades, minimally invasive
surgery (MIS) approaches have gradually become a plausible alternative for the great majority of surgical interventions, with laparoscopy
already representing the standard of care in most
scenarios. From the continuous development of
the numerous available strategies and the growing demand for scarless results, Laparoendoscopic Single Site (LESS) surgery has emerged
to constitute the nowadays most rapidly evolving option. Among its potential advantages we
find the decrease in postoperative pain, lower
incidence of wound complications and better
cosmetic outcome when compared with laparoscopy. However, and due to entailed technical
difficulties derived from nowadays limitations
of available equipment and surgeons’ ability to
guarantee patients’ safety, it has yet to be applied to daily clinical practices worldwide.
Although many surgical teams have been attempting to benefit their patients with this theoretically less invasive alternative, surgeons are
still confronted with various technical drawbacks related to the proximity of instruments
through single entry ports that allow access to
the abdominal cavity: lack of triangulation, reduced quality of field exposure and tissue traction, external and internal clashing of instruments, limitations to procedural safety, among
Simultaneously, and since its early beginnings, many laparoscopic training models and
resources have been adapted, or directly used,
for the learning and acquisition of LESS skills.
Several specialized teams in training centres
and hospitals are now guided by a consensual
White Paper on LESS published in 2010, and
apply a stepwise program in their courses on
this demanding new approach. Herein, and preferably including surgeons with extensive experience in other alternatives like laparoscopy, attendants are initiated by expert tutors on simple
tasks on box trainers and follow on to carry out
entire procedures on the most adequate animal
model, according to their specialty. Afterwards,
surgeons assist on procedures performed by
their course tutors on real human patients to
observe the constraints entailed by LESS on a
true clinical scenario. Once all these steps are
completed, the now trained professionals are
accompanied on their first cases, until attainable proficiency is achieved.
After decades of experience in surgical training, our centre applies the same training method. Its first phases constituted the basis of this
preliminary study, and are here subject to compartmental analyzed. It is our group’s belief that
only a specific training program in LESS will
progressively allow for optimal operative times
and maintenance of standard minimal invasive
procedural safety for the patient.
While developing this work at our research
centre equipped with dry and wet laboratory
facilities, we further hypothesized that, with
regulated training and validated learning methods, laparoscopic surgical skills could in fact be
translated to LESS, without the need to acquire
expensive aiding devices or the use of any additional ports. The abilities could later be applied
to real surgical scenarios, in an effort to maintain operating surgeons’ comfort and patients’
2 Introduction
initiating their training in LESS surgery;
We hope that the results obtained with this
work will shed light on the means to safely apply LESS surgery with the current available
technical resources, along with the identification of the limitations and the advantages of
such means, and we will further be able to contribute with experimental scientific evidence
regarding the amount of training necessary to
gain proficiency in these physical simulator
2. Establish the differences regarding instrument-dependent learning progress, hopefully providing insight into the most easily adoptable LESS access device, which may influence
not only training and simulation performance,
but also the applicability of this approach in the
clinical setting. Herein, we expect to be able to
compare the ease of use of three different LESS
access devices in the same controlled experimental tasks and provide information on which
of the available access device alternatives will
better fit the needs of surgeons in all specialties;
With this hands-on simulator experimental
study, we aimed to:
3. Analyze the learning curve for pure
LESS intracorporeal suturing on box trainer;
1. Assess the relative technical difficulty
and performance benefits of the use of dynamic
articulating and pre-bent instruments, combined or not with conventional laparoscopic
tools, during the completion of basic and intermediate skills simulation tasks by surgeons
4. Complete our analysis with a comparison between the different levels of previous
experience in minimally invasive surgical approaches and its influence on the performance
of LESS manoeuvres.
State of the Art 3
II. State of the Art
2.1 LaparoEndoscopic Single-Site Surgery (LESS)
In the field of minimally invasive surgical
(MIS) approaches, laparoscopy has established
itself in the last decades as a less traumatic alternative and even as the gold standard for many
therapeutic interventions1. This MIS strategy
presented excellent results over the years in
terms of patient recovery and reduction in surgical trauma. However, the will to further improve post operative outcomes has led surgeons
to develop new tactics to enter the abdominal
cavity, simultaneously stimulating technological developments for its safe application.
LaparoEndoscopic Single-Site Surgery
(LESS), which consists in the reduction in the
number of trocar incisions to a single incision
in the abdominal wall, requires the introduction
of both instruments and vision systems through
a single access device or through conventional
trocars placed in different close fascial incisions under one single skin incision of about
2-3 cm.2 Usually, and in the search for “scarless” results, the most common point of entry
is at the umbilicus as it allows for nearly undetectable reconstruction, being in itself a natural
“scar”. Although this field has lately experienced great evolution, initial reports on single
incision surgery appeared as early as 1972 in
Gynaecology3, 4, or in General Surgery with the
first reported cholecystectomy in 19975, carried
out without the need for extra entry ports. The
prompt recognition of such procedures has nevertheless been impaired by the amount of acronyms and terms (SPA, SILS, NOTUS, OPUS,
etc.) attributed over the years to the single inci-
sion technique6. In 2009, a group of dedicated
expert surgeons formed LESSCAR2, a specialized consortium that, among other aspects, determined the acronym LESS as the most accurate to characterize the broad aspects of the
On its White Paper2, and alongside with the
distinction between the two single-access strategies (use of single access specialized device or
the introduction of multiple laparoscopic trocars
through one single skin incision), another practical distinction that should always be reported
on published studies relates to the resources
used for the establishment of abdominal access
and for the completion of surgical manoeuvres.
In this manner, LESS can be considered pure,
if no aiding port or percutaneous instrument is
introduced to restore triangulation or favour tissue retraction; or hybrid or assisted, when small
diameter instruments (2-3mm, 5mm) or other
devices are placed to reduce the ergonomic and
functional impairments of LESS surgery6.
Despite evident difficulties, early reported
experiences have varied in the different medical specialties, which forced a classification of
the several surgical procedures in terms of feasibility and suitability when completed through
Extirpative procedures are usually considered feasible and perfectly suitable, especially
if linear staples can be used (appendectomy,
gastric sleeve resection, left pancreatectomy,
splenectomy, left colorectal resections, ovariectomy and nephrectomy).7-10 Cholecystectomy,
as with Laparoscopy, constituted the most com-
4 State of the Art
mon performed procedure in the first years of
LESS, and is therefore considered to be highly
feasible through single-site surgery, although
with limitations in severe inflammatory or perforated cases. Adhesiolysis is also found to be
suitable through this approach as long as adhesions are not too complex, and hernia repair
techniques have been regarded as feasible by
transabdominal techniques1.
Concerning reconstructive procedures,
surgeons’ experience is limited and has been
determined by the development of different
suturing11, 12 or robotic tools13, or the use of additional transabdominal trocars for the completion of advanced intracorporeal manoeuvres.
Fundoplication as well as gastric bypass procedures are considered of limited feasibility and
suitability through pure LESS surgery.1
Since its early beginnings, LESS surgery has
been regarded as an approach that entails several potential post operative advantages, namely
the reduction in pain scores and in the incidence
of wound infections, faster recovery with consequent decrease in hospitalization times, and
improved cosmetic effect. Among the different published studies, the true benefits of LESS
remain to be confirmed as superior to the established advantages of laparoscopy, the latter
being better in every aspect with the exception
of improved cosmetic results10, 14-18, which result directly from the decrease in number of
incisions and placement of one single incision
at the umbilicus, a naturally hidden site that
avoids muscle lesions. Furthermore, and although some authors have published reports on
improved pain scores19, 20 and faster recovery21,
there is still a gap in what concerns controlled
randomized studies with longer follow-up periods. These are absolutely needed to prove
that LESS provides further reduction of surgical trauma compared to laparoscopy, hopefully
overcoming its ergonomic difficulties in the
process, and providing expectable improvements in patients’ healthcare.
Working in line with the vision system
through either multiple ports placed in one incision or through specialized single access devices, LESS forces the surgeon to face several
intraoperative ergonomic constraints: crossing
of the tip of the instruments with consequent
inversion on the monitor’s image and need for
surgeon’s total ambidexterity, external and internal clashing between instruments and optical axis, loss of surgical field, image instability,
lack of triangulation leading to incapability of
tissue retraction or elaborate manoeuvring, and
access device torque with consequent loss of
pneumoperitoneum1, 6, 22-26.
Additionally, other aspects1 render the widespread use of LESS surgery a difficult event, as
this approach demands for greater economic investment due to the use of expensive disposable
single access devices and instruments (expense
that can be reduced with reusable alternatives27,
, or homemade single access devices29), increased operative times with overall increment
of surgical costs, and indirect as well as direct
costs for the surgeons who need to accomplish
a new learning curve in order to safely carry
out these procedures. Curiously enough, Lee
et al27 published one study with an improvised
single port for appendectomy, where the added
operative and post operative costs were reduced
compared to laparoscopy. In any case, further
evidence is also needed on the economic balance of the application of this approach on
health services.
As mentioned before on the first paragraph of
this review, technological evolution has accompanied the application of LESS surgery from its
early beginnings, stimulated by the ergonomic
defaults of the single-site approach. New developments try to provide the surgeon with
safer and more comfortable means to complete
LESS surgical procedures, and include instruments and cameras that aim to prevent crowding and inadvertent torque, as well as specialized access devices adapted to 2-3cm incisions
and equipped with multiple entrance cannulae.
State of the Art 5
Moreover, new purpose-built LESS articulating
platforms and robotic strategies have emerged
over the years, to ease the passage from laparoscopy’s commodities to existing LESS constraints. The development of suitable technology, apart from the verification of feasibility
and safety of the technique, constitute key steps
necessary for the broad application of LESS
surgery.7, 30
2.2 Instruments
In order to surpass conflict of instruments,
loss of triangulation and difficult tissue retraction during the performance of single-site
procedures, dedicated industry companies and
experts worldwide worked together to develop
new tools providing solutions to these problems
(Table 1, and Figures 1 and 2).7, 23, 30
In LESS, there are three basic instrument
possibilities available for operating surgeons30,
: dynamic articulating or wristed instruments,
curved or pre-bent instruments, and straight or
standard laparoscopic instruments, the latter
usually used in combination with the first two
sets of tools9, 32, 33. Surgeons are also presented with the possibility to combine instruments
and optics of various lengths, preferably with
discrete profiles, in order to achieve separation
and decreased crowding near the single-site access.31 In fact, all purpose-built LESS alternatives have longer shafts than the instruments
available for laparoscopy, although usually
their length does not vary within the same tool
design line.
Dynamic articulating instruments are single
use tools, which in the most recent versions present 85° shaft working angles that can be turned
in all directions. These are commonly equipped
with locking mechanisms and maintain the 360º
rotation at effectors’ tip. Until the angle is activated, either by wrist positioning or by specific manual controls, these instruments appear
as standard laparoscopic tools, and thus can be
introduced through all 5mm cannulae. They
do, however, demand a learning curve7 due to
right-left crossed triangulation, and low stability when strong tissue retraction is required.
Figure 1. Examples of different single use LESS purpose-built instruments. A, SILSTM Hand, (Covidien, USA); B, Realhand HD®, (Novare Surgical, USA); C, AutonomyTM Laparo-AngleTM, (Cambridge
Endo, USA).
Figure 2. Available reusable alternatives in the LESS surgery armamentarium. D, ROTATIPTM (Karl
Storz GmbH & Co. KG, Germany); E, S- Portal pre-bent instruments according to Leroy (Karl Storz
GmbH & Co. KG, Germany); F, HiQTM LS (Olympus Co., Japan).
Wristed/Dynamic articulating.
Wristed/Dynamic articulating.
Wristed/Dynamic articulating. 85°
articulation and 360° tip rotation.
Pre-bent displaceable shaft, with
different shapes according to the
developer's line.
Pre-bent shaft, single shape, rotating
tip and displaceable shaft.
Pre-bent on one or two areas,
independent shaft and tip rotation.
Curved, angulated distal and proximal
ends, and rotator action.
Realhand HD®
AutonomyTM Laparo-AngleTM
S-Portal Pre-bent standard, and acc.
Leroy, Cushieri, and Carus
KeyPort DuoRotate and InLine
Olympus Co., Tokio,
Richard Wolf GmbH,
Knittlingen, Germany
Karl Storz GmbH &
Co. KG, Tuttlingen,
Karl Storz GmbH &
Co. KG, Tuttlingen,
Covidien, Mansfield,
Cambridge Endo.,
Framingham, MA,
Novare Surgical,
Cupertino, CA, USA
Size (mm) Manufacturer
Independent jaw rotation, versatile shafts for the
left or right hand, a low-profile handle design.
Scissors, hook, cautery connection, both Maryland
and 90ºangle dissectors, and multiple graspers.
Atraumatic grasper, scissors, Maryland dissector
and 90º angled dissector
Independent jaw rotation, versatile shafts for the
left or right hand, one type of handle with
laparoscopic-type design. Scissors, dissector,
cautery, atraumatic graspers.
Scissors, dissector, cautery, hook, atraumatic
graspers. Three types of handles are available for
Clinch, dissectors, hook and scissors available. Tip
rotates independently and angle of shaft is in
tandem with hand deviation from instrument’s axis.
SILSTM Stitch available for intracorporeal suturing.
Graspers, needle holders, dissectors, cautery, and
scissors available. Equipped with axial rotation
knob and locking mechanism.
Graspers, needle holders, dissectors, cautery, and
scissors available. Provides tactile feedback.
Description / Comments
Table 1. Descriptive list of the different available instrument alternatives for LESS surgery.
LESS adapting strategy
6 State of the Art
State of the Art 7
Some authors recommend that at the beginning of the learning curve, a novice uses either
one dynamic articulating instrument with a
straight laparoscopic on the dominant hand, or
two of these purpose-built instruments.30
Reusable pre-bent instruments entail a decreased need for crossing and better force distribution on their shaft. Surgeons experience a
steeper learning curve31 with these tools due to
nonadjustable angles, as the shaft is built following a specific design for each procedure.
The different designed lines aim to place the
hands in the same axis as the instrument’s tip
inside the patient, making surgical manoeuvres
more intuitive once the surgeon gets used to
its design. First generation curved instruments
were more cumbersome than the most recent
versions, as they also lacked effectors’ tip rotation and as such forced the surgeon to twist
their hand in order to perform the adequate
surgical manoeuvres, leading to the loss of any
ergonomic benefit brought by inline images.
These alternatives are said to be more cost effective despite of the necessary initial investment34, and have been reported to reduce operative times once the initial learning curve is
Both flexible or articulating, and pre-bent or
curved LESS instruments require time to master and entail an evident learning curve.36
In all surgical approaches, and more so during the performance of MIS, the achievement
of proper haemostasis control constitutes a
constant concern for the operating surgeon. Although “single-site rescue” should always be
present, reflected on the everlasting possibility of conversion to multiple port or even open
surgery as a valid option for stopping uncontrollable haemorrhages, several thermal energy
delivery systems, staples, clips and mechanical sutures are available, and most can be used
through a single access device. Nevertheless,
friction and multiple exchanges of instruments
through the access cannulae limit LESS procedures, and therefore efforts should be pursued
in the development of new strategies to reduce
repetitive instrument introduction, leading to
decreased instrument deleterious interaction,
and maintaining adequate surgical exposure
as well as minimizing surgeon distraction and
enhancing operative efficiency2. Virtually all
5mm thermal or ultrasonic ligation devices
(LigaSure AdvanceTM, Covidien, CT, USA;
HarmonicTM, Ethicon Endo-Surgery Inc., OH,
USA; among others) can be used in LESS surgery, as long as they fit through the access cannulae. Stapled suture systems can also be used
(Endo-GIA RoticulatorTM, Covidien, CT, USA),
as long as the single access device allows for
at least a 12mm entrance, and the assistant is
prepared for the loss of field exposure which
can be caused by the manoeuvring of a large
instrument in a confined space.
Due to the lack of surgery-enabling tissue
retraction, and in an attempt to avoid any extra scars on the patient’s abdominal wall, numerous aiding exposure strategies have been
reported, among which we find: fixation percutaneous sutures that, in turn, may increase the
risk of vessel or nerve injury in the abdominal
wall22, 37, devices like the EndoGrabTM, a portfree organ anchoring and traction system developed by Virtual Ports Ltd. (Caesarea, Israel)10,
30, 38
, and the resource to minilaparoscopic assistance2. The latter consists in the introduction of
ancillary 1.9-3mm instruments through a simple skin puncture which does not require closing of the wound, leaving no scar and causing
minimal to no morbidity. This form of hybrid
LESS enhances patient safety, increases operative dexterity in tissue traction and intracorporeal advanced manoeuvres, and favours the
expansion of LESS array of possibilities. On
the down side, most of the needle instruments
available nowadays require improvements in
terms of tensile strength and reliability.
When we consider the desired technological
improvements, we observe that special focus
Bending tip and camera head
Rigid shaft with special vision tip.
Alternates between rigid and flexible
In line design
EndoEyeTM Flex HD
IDEAL EYES HDTM Articulating
Eyemax CCD EndoscopeTM
Description / Comments
Richard Wolf
GmbH, Knittlingen,
Stryker Endoscopy,
San Jose, CA, USA
Karl Storz GmbH &
Co. KG, Tuttlingen,
0°-30°, keeps off the instrument axis.
Over 100° in all directions.
Range of vision from 0° to 120°, adjusted with a
special knob.
Olympus Co., Tokio, Forward viewing angle (0º), 100º degrees bending
of the tip in any direction. CCD at the end of the
scope, high image quality. Working length of
37cm. Only compatible with Olympus video
platform system. Can be associated with robotic
camera drivers.
Diameter (mm) Manufacturer
Table 2. Detail of available optical systems for LESS surgery.
LESS adapting stategy
8 State of the Art
State of the Art 9
Figure 3. Optical systems for LESS surgery. M, HOPKINS® Telescope 5mm, 30º (Karl Storz GmbH
& Co. KG, Germany); N, EndoEyeTM Flex HD (Olympus Co., Japan); O, EndoCAMeleonTM (Karl
Storz GmbH & Co. KG, Germany).
has been given on optic systems. Commonly,
when performing LESS surgery, practitioners
opt by a versatile 5mm 30º rigid laparoscope,
operating out of axis with the instruments. Entering side by side with right and left instruments and at times with a fourth instrument
placed through the single access device for retraction purposes1, improvements and purposebuilt designs have centred on various strategies.
Among these, we find slimmer profiles and
extended lengths (up to 50cm), which reduce
the transmission of light and convey poorer surgical view30, in line configuration or right angle
adapters for light cables, and angled camera
heads, but also more complex digital platforms
equipped with bending tips like the EndoEyeTM
Flex HD (Olympus Medical, Tokio, Japan), or
even optics inherently equipped with dynamic
vision axis modifications as the EndoCAMeleon® (HOPKINS® Telescop, Karl Storz GmbH
& Co. KG, Tuttlingen, Germany).39 The use
of special laparoscopes increases costs and
requires extensive experience in camera assistance.1
2.3 Access Devices
sified into three broad categories: according to
access30 (gel, multiple channels or structural access), wall retracting technology30 (sleeve, soft
structural retraction or rigid structural retraction), and on the basis of use (multiple use or
reusable, or single use devices).
The use of a special single-access trocar
usually leads to an approximate minimum of
300€-350€ of extra costs in the case of disposable devices1. A few cases have reported the use
of homemade devices29, a cost effective strategy compared to commercialized alternatives.
Complete description of all available access devices can be consulted on tables 3 and 4.
Among the most used disposable ports we
find the Quadport® (Advanced Surgical Concepts/Olympus, Ireland)40, 41, SILSTM Port (Covidien, MA, USA)10, 42, 43, and the GelPOINT
Advanced Access Platform (Applied Medical,
CA, USA)44, 45. The AirSeal®25 has not been
widely accepted and the readjustment regarding its field of application followed close after
its launch, although it provided reports on the
reduction of intraoperative times by 15%46.
No advantageous differences have been reported to this day between the different purpose-designed access devices for LESS, with
the surgeons’ preference usually conditioning
the choice between the different available alternatives.
On the other hand, one of the newest available options is the OCTO-PortTM (Dalim Surgnet, Seoul, Korea) which, after initial positive
reports47, 48, is becoming very popular among
general surgeons for its versatility in the use of
instruments of various diameters and the provided advanced manoeuvrability.
Available single-access devices can be clas-
The use of rigid sterilizable alternatives has
10 State of the Art
also played an important role in the last years,
as low cost options for LESS procedures despite of the necessary initial investment, as reported by Schwentner et al49 with the use of the
XCONE (Karl Storz GmbH & Co. KG, Tuttlingen, Germany) for the performance of several
urologic procedures in 52 patients.
Recently, the KeyPort23 (Richard Wolf
GmbH, Knittlingen, Germany) has additionally
been used as a possible single access system
for the teaching and the acquisition of skills
in LESS surgery. Also, in Urology, Greco and
colleagues successfully completed a series of
partial nephrectomies on 33 oncologic patients
with the ENDOCONE (Karl Storz GmbH &
Co. KG, Tuttlingen, Germany)50.
2.4 New LESS Platforms, Systems and
Robotic Tools
In 2009, when Kaouk and colleagues51 started their trials with robotic-assisted LESS procedures, a promising path for single-site surgical approach was set6. Several platforms have
since then been designed and developed for Robotic LESS (R-LESS), and include Da Vinci S
VeSPA (Da Vinci System, Intuitive, Sunnyvale,
CA, USA)52-55, and the SPIDER Surgical System (TransEnterix, Morrisville, NC, USA) 56-58 .
Benefits of da Vinci S59 include superior
ergonomics, optical magnification of the operative field, enhanced dexterity, and greater
precision. The robotic platform allows for the
crossing of the instruments inside the patient
without any consequence for the surgeon, who
can just invert the controls and operate as if
there was no crossing.30
The SPIDER platform is constituted by an
18mm cannula with four working channels
(two are flexible and allow for 360º movements,
and the other two are rigid), and three distinct
ports for insufflation or smoke evacuation. The
steerable tubes through which the instruments
are introduced can be bent in such way as to
restore triangulation.30 At least one study on
porcine model has established the feasibility of
cholecystectomy with the SPIDER platform,
Figure 4. Three of the nowadays most common single use LESS access devices. G, SILSTM Port (Covidien,
USA); H, GelPOINT Advanced Access Platform (Applied Medical, USA); I, OCTO-PortTM (Dalim Surgnet,
Figure 5. Various options regarding multiple use single access devices. J, XCONE (Karl Storz GmbH & Co.
KG, Germany); K, ENDOCONE® (Karl Storz GmbH & Co. KG, Germany); L, KeyPort (Richard Wolf GmbH,
5mm, 15mm, 2x10mm
3x5mm, or 2x5mm,
Maintains a cone-like structure outside of the
incision, allows for the insertion of curved and
straight instruments. Additional port for gas
These devices vary in number of available ports,
but the same plastic wound protectors are used for
abdominal wall retraction. The Quadport allows
for enhanced movement freedom when the same
number of instruments is inserted. Equipped with
a blunt tip introducer tool for safe and easy
insertion into the abdominal cavity. The retraction
sleeve provides wound protection and favours
specimen removal. It self-adjusts to different
incision lengths and accommodates abdominal
wall thicknesses up to 10 cm.
Description / Comments
Covidien, Mansfield, MA, Foam structure, with small cannulae insertion
holes. Maintains pneumoperitoneum by naturally
adapting to the incision. It admits up to four
instruments and optics, if the insufflation channel
is removed (CO2 can enter through one of the luerlock equipped cannulae).
Pnavel Systems, NJ, USA
Wicklow, Ireland
Advanced Surgical
Wicklow, Ireland
Advanced Surgical
Incision Manufacturer
size (cm)
Table 3. List of available single use LESS access devices, and its main characteristics.
2x5mm, 12mm
State of the Art 11
5-12mm (ports can
adapt to different
instrument diameters)
not applicable
3 and 5
SurgiQuest, Connecticut,
Dalim Surgnet, Seoul,
Applied Medical, Rancho
Santa Margarita, CA, USA
Incision Manufacturer
size (cm)
Built with no physical sealing mechanism, but
maintaining pneumoperitoneum by creating an air
vortex inside (noise pollution in the OR).
Technology currently adapted to regular trocars of
5mm, 8mm and 12mm.
Detachable soft silicone cover, varying from one
to four channels. Two sizes: 30 and 50mm.
Performs smoke filtration during insufflation. Cap
can be levered or rotated.
Any trocar can be introduced through the gel cap.
Pseudoabdomen platform, with minimal resistance
to external mobility and adequate maintenance of
pneumoperitoneum. Newer versions of this access
device are available: GelPOINT Mini Advanced
Access Platform (5-10mm trocars), for smaller
incisions (1.3-3cm) and smaller specimen
extraction; and GelPOINT Path Transanal Access
Platform (5-10mm trocars), for transanal resection
of distal benign and malignant lesions. It is
relatively expensive compared to SILSTM Port and
Description / Comments
Table 3 (cont.). List of available single use LESS access devices, and its main characteristics.
Advanced Access
12 State of the Art
5mm, 10mm, 15mm
4x5mm, 10mm
5x5mm, 2x10mm
size (cm)
Karl Storz GmbH & Co.
KG, Tuttlingen, Germany
Karl Storz GmbH & Co.
KG, Tuttlingen, Germany
Richard Wolf GmbH,
Knittlingen, Germany
More than three operating channels can be
considered for use, through a metallic lid with
sealing plastic valves. Separate valve for
insufflation inserted on metallic structure. 360°
anchorage to internal abdominal wall.
Three operating channels on a detachable plastic
cover. Separate valve for insufflation inserted on
metallic structure. Diametric anchoring to internal
abdominal wall.
The seal is made of high-tech silicone, extremely
flexible, very resilient and reusable. There ia a
fourth port built-in the seal cap, available for
perforation by an instrument if necessary.
Description / Comments
Table 4. List of some of the most common multiple use LESS access devices, and its main characteristics.
State of the Art 13
14 State of the Art
Figure 6. New surgical platforms and devices that favour LESS procedural. P, Radius® surgical system
(Tuebingen Scientific Medical GmbH, Germany); Q, EndoGrabTM (Virtual Ports Ltd. Israel); R, SPIDER Surgical System (TransEnterix, USA).
with less tissue trauma when compared with
the four-port laparoscopic procedure.57 Other
reported procedures include colectomy and adjustable gastric banding.58
The use of instruments or devices that take
advantage of magnetic forces is gaining popularity nowadays. In the Magnetic Anchoring
and Guidance System (MAGS)60, 61, instruments are delivered intracorporeally through
the single entry site, and are anchored and manipulated externally by magnetic devices. This
platform, still under development, will in the
future allow for continuous adjustable positioning of available camera, hook and graspers,
reduction in collisions, improvements in visualization and renewed triangulation. However,
magnetic systems are inevitably limited by
abdominal wall thickness and distance to the
surgical field, as well as limited illumination of
surgical field, aspects that are currently under
amelioration. Similar internally deployed systems include Mobile Adjustable-focus Robotic
Cameras (MARC) and mobile biopsy graspers.
Other robotic-type tools can also be introduced
through the port but maintain a base that exits
through the same port which results uncomfortable, requiring wireless control improvements
for better intraoperative ergonomics. These
tools also lead to fewer instrument collisions,
improve surgical space and provide an image
comparable to the 5mm laparoscope60. Applications for these tools are still limited and new
developments are focused on increasing battery
life and manoeuvrability31, 62, as well as devel-
oping cleansing and wireless mechanisms63.
Among simpler alternatives, we find the Radius® surgical system (Tuebingen Scientific
Medical GmbH, Tuebingen, Germany) which
represents an intermediate stage of development
between conventional laparoscopic instruments
and electromechanic robotic systems. Although
these instruments need further refinement, they
have been successfully applied in the clinical
practice, and reported as ergonomically adequate64.
Future perspectives for LESS instrumentation look promising, despite the excessive costs
of some of these devices which may limit its
application, regardless of the benefit that they
might entail for the patient and healthcare system.30
2.5 LESS on experimental in vivo models
Feasibility studies on experimental models
are essential to understand the limitations of
LESS and its resources before its routine application to clinical patients.2, 65
Stolzenburg and associates performed nephrectomies on porcine animal models with
the aim to clarify effectiveness and manoeuvrability of the different available instruments
for LESS.35 Similarly, in order to test different sets of reusable instruments and access devices, Autorino et al34 performed a total of 12
nephrectomies in swine, objectively comparing
State of the Art 15
their results by measuring device insertion and
operative times, and carrying out a subjective
assessment of the different technological resources by evaluating freedom of movements,
CO2 leakage, and triangulation, among other
Cáceres et al66 used 20 porcine models to
complete the second level training of hands-on
animal model practice. A single-access device
(KeyPort, Richard Wolf GmbH, Knittlingen,
Germany) was introduced in all animals at umbilical level to complete lymphadenectomies,
bilateral total nephrectomy, cystotomy and cystorrhaphy, and uterovesical anastomosis.
The use of intralumenal magnets was also
subjected to numerous trials60, 67-69, some on
porcine animal models like in the case of Leroy
et al70, who used these tools to assist in singleport sigmoidectomy. Also, in 2011, Cusati and
colleagues71 performed multiple laparoscopic
procedures to compare the available single access devices, electing the swine model to do so.
Regarding robotic LESS (R-LESS), Haber
et al52 explored the feasibility and efficiency of
VeSPA, a new modification of the Da Vinci S
robot, on 4 female swine through the performance of 16 extirpative and reconstructive renal procedures.
2.6 Ethical introduction of LESS surgery
The concept of LESS surgery awoke uncertainty among the members of the scientific
community in a variety of essential aspects.72
Should we use one big incision instead of multiple small almost undetectable trocar entrances? Does this new approach represent a truly
advantageous alternative compared to the already established laparoscopic standard? Other
questions orbit around aspects like the safety
of LESS procedures performed by trained surgeons, or if this approach is appropriate for
every case of cholecystectomy for example, or
does patient and procedure selection condition
its application31.
Larger incisions compared to laparoscopy
may imply increased risk of incisional hernias
(especially if placed at the umbilicus where the
muscle layer is thinner), increased pain due to
fascial dissection, and higher chances of infection. Regardless of complication risks, advantages of LESS must be clearly defined by prospective randomised trials before its worldwide
acceptance as a superior approach17. And if,
at the end, better cosmetic results are the only
proven benefit, this should be clearly stated by
surgeons’ and it should be adequately explained
to patients.72
A primary focus on safety must be attained,
and the practicing surgeon should be aware of
the idea of LESS rescue at all times, simply
achieved by conversion to multiport laparoscopy or open surgery. Another essential priority
should be the development of trainable and attainable techniques.26, 30 The patients’ wish for
“scarless” surgery should not be disregarded as
irrelevant, but not at the cost of increased risks
and complications.73
2.7 Current Clinical experience
Numerous clinical cases and multiprocedure
series have been published in all surgical specialities. Patient inclusion criteria have been defined in human medicine and initially focused
mainly on BMI, acute inflammation and registry
of previous abdominal surgeries1, 22, although it
has lately been used for bariatric surgery with
a BMI>4010. One consensual idea that should
be present at all times for the operating surgeon
is the need to consider a low threshold for the
introduction of one or two extra trocars or convert to open surgery, always keeping in mind
the best interest and the safety of the patient74.
In Urology, Raman et al75 and Desai et al76
provided the first reports on single incision
multiport nephrectomy and single-port transumbilical pyeloplasty, respectively. After
16 State of the Art
comparing these procedures with its laparoscopic and conventional surgery registries, they
stated that a high selectivity for oncological and
partial nephrectomy procedures is essential,
and that the LESS technique is feasible, with
low conversion and complication rates. Studies
published afterwards17, 21, 77 showed no significant benefits of LESS over other approaches in
terms of post operative analgesia requirements,
length of stay or operative time. One of these
studies did notice an increase in operative time
attributed to the learning curve, and less pain
after oncologic extraction of partial nephrectomy specimen through the umbilicus instead of
using a low pfannenstiel incision.21 Among the
different MIS urologic procedures performed
by LESS surgery, we find simple prostatectomy
(with or without ancillary ports, and/or robotic
assistance), STEP (transvesical enucleation of
the prostate), pyeloplasty, donor78, partial, radical and simple nephrectomies, and renal cryotherapy.31, 79
Described procedures for General and Gynaecologic Surgery include the first single incision tubal ligation in 19724. Afterwards, other
gynaecologists followed Wheeless footsteps
and carried on to perform advanced techniques
such as total abdominal hysterectomy80. Other
procedures include cholecystectomies, appendectomies, upper gastrointestinal (GI) surgeries, few hepatopancreatobiliary procedures, adrenalectomies, colorectal surgeries, as well as
bariatric interventions.5, 10, 25, 30
In Veterinary Medicine, some professionals
have adapted the knowledge acquired with the
human experience, and benefited their patients
with single access or single port ovariectomy,
promoting better recovery and virtually no scar
in spayed dogs and cats81-84. Other “LESS”
techniques applied in Veterinary patients include thoracoscopic and laparoscopic exploration, lung, liver, pancreas and intestinal biopsy,
gastrectomy, among others85.
2.8 Training in LESS
In 2009, it was unanimously recommended
by the LESSCAR2 that each surgeon should
possess standard laparoscopic experience and
should have undergone a certain amount of
training in LESS. Like our centre’s training
program65, 86, their White Paper2 states the necessity of a stepwise training, starting with inanimate box trainer hands-on sessions where
the surgeons gets acquainted with all available
instruments, access devices and purpose-built
vision systems. Attendants should then proceed
to hands-on training on animal model86, if possible, and carry on to the observation of live
clinical LESS procedures followed by tutoring
and guidance during the initial elected cases.
On box-trainer or physical simulator, tasks
should be successful in favouring the development of ambidexterity, depth perception, handling materials, manipulating instruments and
access devices, and completing the required
basic and advanced manoeuvres in a fluid and
rhythmic manner87.
Several programs have been instated for
LESS training, as some authors considered
that previously validated programs for laparoscopy88 may eventually be inappropriate for adequate skills acquisition in single-site surgery89.
Most current programs thus include several
coordination, cut and dissection tasks handson box trainer86, 89, and even ex-vivo suturing
models90, whilst some add live animal surgery86,
89, 91
and video sessions89, with the aim to understand both technique and technical resources of
Although there is still no validated standard
curriculum for LESS skills acquisition, or a full
extent analysis of the learning curve for this
approach, extensive preclinical training both
ex vivo on box trainer, and in vivo on animal
model are highly recommended, with a gradual
transition to clinical patients afterwards, preferably with the use of minilaparoscopic hybrid
State of the Art 17
LESS approaches74, 86, 87.
Regarding the most adequate exercises for
correct skills acquisition in the first steps of
training, and whatever the choice might be, the
program should include tasks with both face
and construct validity. Each exercise should
focus on one or two different abilities. As an
example, coordination exercises focus on the
combined use of vision and hand movement,
and cut tasks focus more on bimanual dexterity and tissue handling. More advanced exercises like intracorporeal suturing further build
bimanual dexterity, depth perception and handeye coordination. All the mentioned tasks have
shown transferability of abilities to real clinical
situations, which is another important factor to
take into account when considering any training program.92
Only a specific training program in LESS
will allow for optimal operative times and
standard safety for the patient. As it is a more
demanding approach from a technical point
of view, the learning curve will probably vary
according to the surgeons’ skills and previous
MIS experience66, 86.
2.9 Interest of the Minimally Invasive
Surgery Centre Jesús Usón in this Line of
The MISCJU is a centre specialized in research and training of minimally invasive surgical techniques. With over 20 years of experience, the centre has made several efforts to
perfect and disseminate emerging techniques
in this field. Following this ideology, the Laparoscopy Unit of the MISCJU opened a research
line focused in LESS and Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES) and its
technological developments, as well as technical feasibility of procedures by the pure forms
of these new MIS tendencies.
On the other hand, the professional quality
of its personnel, the modern facilities, and the
efficient management strategy make the MISCJU a reference centre for the learning of these
techniques. Our yearly statistic data concerning
our training and result dissemination activities
can be resumed as follows:
- Over 100 hands-on courses for different experience and skills’ levels, of which more
than 60% are related to Laparoscopic Surgery,
and at least 4 activities are already exclusively
focused on LESS and NOTES approaches.
- Around 40 personalized training stays,
of which more than 85% are dedicated to Laparoscopic training.
- Participation on and organization of national and international congresses and seminars.
During these activities and collaborative projects, our group maintains constant contact with
several experts from various areas of Spain,
that share with us their concerns regarding the
difficulties and lack of technological solutions
for LESS surgery. From this exchange of ideas,
we decided to determine the exact limitations
of the most probable LESS surgical scenarios
and designed a project in which this thesis’ objectives are included. As so, we fulfilled the requirements to win the national research grant
for the project PI12/01467 attributed by the Institute of Health Carlos III - FIS of Spain.
This study intends to set the base standards
for an ideal definition of LESS surgical setup
on surgical simulator. The second phase of the
granted national FIS project will use the knowledge gathered in this initial phase, and further
tests will be performed on porcine animal model, this turn including newly developed ancillary robotic tools.
At the end of the FIS project, MISCJU hopes
to have set the standards for the ideal LESS and
robotic aiding instruments, most convenient
18 State of the Art
access device for each port, and the exact pre
clinical learning curve for single-site dissection
and suturing manoeuvres. Hence, with generated knowledge, we aim to design more adequate
technological resources for LESS surgery, and
define universal guidelines for its training and
the attainment of proficiency in this approach.
Material and Methods 19
III. Material and Methods
Operating Theatre Setup (Figure 7)
For the different tasks that constitute this study
we used the following material:
Physical simulator and task templates:
- Validated physical simulator93 SIMULAP® (MISCJU, Cáceres,
Spain), set on an operating table adjusted for individual height;
Articulated metallic arm for optics stabilization;
Coordination wells plate, with
chickpeas and thumbtacks (®MISCJU,
Cáceres, Spain);
Figure 7. Operating theatre setup, prepared for linear intracorporeal suturing task with the use of GelPOINT Advanced
Access Platform (Applied Medical, California, USA).
21ʺ HD Wide View monitor
(Karl Storz GmbH, Tuttlingen, Germany).
Level 1 cut template (®MISCJU, Cáceres, Spain);
Ex-vivo organs: porcine half
stomach and porcine male bladder and
-SILSTM Hand, Covidien, Mansfield, USA;
Laparoscopic Tower:
-S-PortalTM CLICKLINE, according to Leroy, Karl Storz, GmbH &
Co, Tuttlingen, Germany.
- 10mm, 0º rigid laparoscope
(Karl Storz GmbH, Tuttlingen, Germany);
3 CCD HD1 Camera head (Karl
Storz GmbH, Tuttlingen, Germany);
Laparoscopic xenon light source
(Karl Storz GmbH, Tuttlingen, Germany);
LESS instrument lines:
LESS access devices
-SILSTM Port, Covidien, Mansfield, MA, USA;
GelPOINT Advanced Access
Platform, Applied Medical, CA, USA;
20 Material and Methods
XCONE, Karl Storz, GmbH &
Co, Tuttlingen, Germany.
Other material:
ShowviewTM, DolbyTM RDR-GX2200);
Multifilament sutures (PolysorbTM 2/0 (CL-883), Syneture, Covidien, Mansfield, USA).
Validated objective performance assessment scales:
Adapted-Global Rating Scale (aGRS) for coordination and cut tasks94;
- Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skills (OSATS)95;
Task specific Checklist 1/096 for
intracorporeal suturing tasks.
3.2.1 Method justification
Study subjects and groups according to previous MIS experience level
In previous published works, the definition
regarding a minimum number of subjects per
group was set at 9, in order to obtain significant differences with an α of 0.05 and a study
power of 0.80 when using objective assessment
scales97. In this study, we were able to recruit
a population of 24 subjects among the MISCJU’s personnel. We were however limited in
what concerns availability of subjects for each
experience level. As such, we complied to Palter et al97 determination of minimum number of
subjects for both novice and laparoscopic experienced participants. This condition was nevertheless impossible to achieve with the LESS
experienced group, due to continuous nature
of the study and the short evolution time of the
Use of a physical simulator and elected tasks
The acquisition of surgical skills using simulators has gained momentum in recent years due
to important time and economic limitations that
compromise training in the operating room98, 99,
along with ethical and medical concerns about
patient safety.98, 100 The SIMULAP®, a physical
simulator developed at our centre, has been previously validated93, and is thus adequate for the
training and acquisition of skills in MIS.
Regarding the elected tasks, we based our
choice on the extensive training experience acquired by the MISCJU in the last 20 years of
activity. Among the available possibilities, we
selected those that could favour a better demand of specific skills and transferability of
learnt manoeuvres92. In this manner, we chose
a basic coordination task to focus on eye-hand
coordination, and a cut task as an intermediate
difficulty level exercise, which favours the enhancement of bimanual dexterity and the improvement of tissue handling. More advanced
tasks combine several other essential skills and
help to distinguish between experience levels.
For this study we chose two intracorporeal sutures of increasing difficulty thus analyzing the
improvement of dexterity and depth perception
of each subject.
Choice of Instruments and Access Devices
For this study we considered the most readily available instrument alternatives for LESS
surgery at the time of the beginning of the trials.
Once the comparisons between different instruments were completed, and based on available literature9, 32, 33, 101 and experts’ advice, we
opted for combining purpose-built tools with
conventional laparoscopic instruments, standardizing the performance of each task for access device comparison and intracorporeal suturing analysis. The use of the same tools on
more demanding exercises favours subjects’
Material and Methods 21
adaptation to the LESS approach and platform
stability during the completion of the aforementioned trials.
Concerning the LESS access devices, we
chose three of the most commonly used, and
sampled each from one of the attributed classes30. Thus, we were able to carry out a comparative analysis between the main characteristics
of the available alternative for single access
At the beginning of the study we established
a subject-specific random rotation, in order to
prevent biased outcomes resultant from acquired task knowledge. The trials were distributed over time but the intense training schedule
was intended to build enough self confidence
on the newly acquired skills, and favour translational passage of this knowledge.102
perception of the single access devices, as
well as the training tools used in the structured
learning program. All these constitute influential factors for the general population of LESS
practicing surgeons when faced with the question of choosing the most adequate single-access device and the best process for the learning
of basic necessary operative skills in order to
perform safe patient interventions.
Objective assessment scales for performance
scores determination during the different tasks
have previously shown validity94-96, and herein
been used to obtain significant differences between the different assessed parameters.
Assessments were performed over DVD
video recordings of the different trials, which
enable multiple raters to perform a reliable
evaluation within a shortened period of time
whilst adapting time for assessment observations to their daily routine103.
Assessment Methods
Subjective assessment questionnaires allowed us to establish contrast between the objective performance scores and the subjects
Comparative analysis
Technological setups
Coordination trials (Ti, Tf)
Completion time
Cut trials (Ti, Tf)
Completion time
Cut Trials (W1-W9)
Completion time
Linear intracorporeal suturing
Summative Score
Completion Time
Circular intracorporeal suturing
Summative Score
Completion Time
Linear intracorporeal suturing
Summative Score
Completion Time
Circular intracorporeal suturing
Summative Score
Completion Time
LESS access devices
LESS learning curves
Subjective Assessment
on Technical
Questionnaire on training method and resources
LESS instrument alternatives
Assessment trials
Table 5. Different elements of the study design, defined according to each comparative analysis. ART-ART: two dynamic articulating instruments; ART-STR: one dynamic articulating instrument combined with a straight conventional laparoscopy tool; PRB-PRB:
two reusable pre-bent instruments; PRB-STR: one pre-bent instrument used in combination with a straight laparoscopic tool; SILS:
SILSTM Port (Covidien, USA); GPN: GelPOINT Advanced Access Platform (Applied Medical, USA); XCN: XCONE (Karl Storz
GmbH, Germany); Ti: initial trial, Tf. final trial; W1: first week of project; W9: last week of project; W2-W7: from week 2 to week 7
of trials; a-GRS. adapted global rating scale.
22 Material and Methods
Figure 8. Randomized schedule for simulator hands-on sessions. Trials were set a fortnight apart, during a total of 18 weeks
and thus constituting 9 assessment sessions. Each subject completed the requested tasks three times with the three elected
LESS access devices. SILS: SILSTM Port (Covidien, USA); GPN: GelPOINT Advanced Access Platform (Applied Medical,
USA); XCN: XCONE (Karl Storz GmbH, Germany); EL10 to EL33: code designation for each of the 24 study participants.
3.2.2 Method
Study groups
with over 50 completed surgeries.
Study Design
In this study we included a total of 24 subjects, recruited from the personnel of the MISCJU’s surgical area. These were divided in
three groups according to their degree of MIS
On Table 5, the project’s task distribution
throughout the different phases of execution is
- Group 1 – NOVICE: 10 subjects with
no experience at all in MIS;
A subject-specific randomized schedule
(Figure 8) was established for this study. Following this order, each subject completed a total of 9 hands-on sessions, during the course of
18 weeks, thus performing one trial each fortnight.
- Group 2 – LAP Experienced: 10 subjects, with over 50 laparoscopic procedures
performed as first surgeon. None of the participants in this group had any previous experience
in LESS surgery;
- Group 3 – LESS Experienced: 4 subjects, with vast experience in Laparoscopy
(over a 100 procedures completed as first surgeon) and some experience in LESS approach,
Subjects had no permission to access the
operating theatre outside the pre established
schedule. However, short explanatory videos
were made available for voluntary consult in
order to allow for concept reviewing of essential manoeuvres between training sessions.
Material and Methods 23
For the comparison of the three
elected LESS access devices all the
nine hands-on sessions were included,
resulting in a total of three assessments per surgeon with each access
device. These were compared on the
basis of the performance scores obtained during intermediate (cut) and
advanced skills’ tasks (linear and circular anastomoses).
Figure 9. LESS single access devices. A. SILSTM Port (Covidien, Mansfield, MA, USA). B. GelPOINT Advanced Access
Platform (Applied Medical, CA, USA). C. XCONE (KARL
STORZ GmbH & Co. KG, Tuttlingen, Germany).
In order to oblige to the objectives planned
at the beginning of this study, different evaluation times were considered for each analytic
1. Regarding the comparison of
the different LESS instrument setups,
two mandatory assessment trials were
carried out on week 1 and on week 9,
constituting Ti (initial assessment) and
Tf (final assessment) with a training
period of fourteen weeks completed in
between. In each of the accessory training sessions, subjects were randomly
assigned to either setup II (ART-STR)
or setup IV (PRB-STR) according to
the attributed LESS access device. On
Ti and Tf, we completed the objective
assessment of coordination and cut
tasks performance.
For the analysis of LESS intracorporeal suturing learning curves, we
initially established that in each trial
from week 2 to week 8 (7 consecutive
assessments), subjects should perform
extra linear and circular anastomoses
with the SILSTM Port (Covidien, Mansfield, USA). Results assessed on these
hands-on sessions were used to describe the degree of skills’ acquisition
over time.
Instruments and Single Access Devices
(Figures 9 to 12)
The elected LESS Access Devices for this
study were:
The single use SILSTM Port (Covidien, Mansfield, MA, USA) - SILS;
The single use GelPOINT Advanced Access Platform (Applied
Medical, CA, USA) - GPN;
And the multiple use XCONE
Tuttlingen, Germany) - XCN.
The choice regarding the different available
instruments was defined according to each task
and assessment objectives.
As such, in the coordination task and for the
comparison of different LESS instruments, we
combined the purpose-built single use dynamic
articulating, the reusable pre-bent and the con-
24 Material and Methods
articulating Maryland dissector (SILSTM Hand, Covidien, Mansfield, USA)
and one straight laparoscopic dissector;
(; AutosutureTM, Covidien, Mansfield,
Figure 10. Dynamic articulating LESS scissors SILSTM Hand Shears (Covidien, Mansfield, USA).
Setup III – PRB-PRB: two pre-bent
instruments, a curved dissector and an
atraumatic grasper (S-PortalTM CLICKLINE, according to Leroy, Karl Storz
GmbH & Co, Tuttlingen, Germany);
Setup IV – PRB-STR: one pre-bent
curved dissector (S-PortalTM CLICKLINE, according to Leroy, Karl Storz
GmbH & Co, Tuttlingen, Germany)
and one straight laparoscopic atraumatic grasper (AutosutureTM, Covidien,
Mansfield, USA).
Figure 11. Pre-bent LESS atraumatic graspers
S-PortalTM CLICKLINE, according to Leroy (Karl
Storz GmbH, Tuttlingen, Germany).
Figure 12. Straight laparoscopic 5mm scissors
(EndoShearsTM, Covidien, Mansfield, USA), 5mm
atraumatic grasper (EndoGraspTM, Covidien,
Mansfield, USA) and 5mm axial handle needle
holder (Karl Storz GmbH, Tuttlingen, Germany).
ventional laparoscopic tools, and established
four different tools setups described below:
Setup I – ART-ART: two dynamic articulating Maryland dissectors (SILSTM
Hand, Covidien, Mansfield, USA);
Setup II – ART-STR: one dynamic
Cut task assessments were used both for the
comparison of different instruments and the
comparison between LESS access devices. In
the first case analysis, the LESS SILSTM Hand
Shears (Covidien, Mansfield, USA) substituted
the dominant hand dissector on setup I. Similarly, on setup III a pre-bent scissors (S-PortalTM CLICKLINE, according to Leroy, Karl
Storz GmbH & Co, Tuttlingen, Germany) was
used. For setups II and IV, attendants recurred
to a conventional laparoscopic scissors (EndoShearsTM, AutosutureTM, Covidien, Mansfield,
USA) also as a dominant hand tool.
The choice of instruments on the second
case analysis was preconditioned by the single
access device scheduled in each hands-on session. In his manner, when using the single use
devices SILS and GPN, all participants handled one dynamic articulating Maryland dissector (SILSTM Hand Dissect, Covidien, Mansfield, USA) on the non dominant hand, and one
straight laparoscopic scissors (AutosutureTM,
Covidien, Mansfield, USA) for the dominant
Material and Methods 25
hand (setup II). In the trials performed with
the XCN, subjects used one pre-bent curved
dissector (S-PortalTM CLICKLINE, according
to Leroy, Karl Storz GmbH & Co, Tuttlingen,
Germany) and one straight laparoscopic scissors (AutosutureTM, Covidien, Mansfield, USA)
(setup IV).
During the intracorporeal suturing tasks, the
above mentioned setups were also used with the
corresponding LESS access device, by replacing the conventional laparoscopic scissors of
setup II and setup IV with a laparoscopic needle holder (Karl Storz GmbH & Co, Tuttlingen,
Simulator Tasks
Before the start of the training program, subjects were given a step by step demonstration
of each task, with specific guidelines as on how
to use the different instruments, how to place
the LESS access device through the simulator’s
2.5cm opening, and how to carry out each specific task.
When starting the trials and exclusively for
the instrument comparative trials, a hollow single access device structure was inserted through
the opening on the simulator’s cover. This was
not a commercial device, nor was it equipped
with access cannulae, so that there was no interference with the use of the different instrument
Coordination task: The first task focused on
basic coordination abilities, where participants
had to transfer six objects in three consecutive
trials onto predetermined wells. This task was
completed at two levels of difficulty according
to the characteristics of the object itself: rough
(chickpeas) or irregular (thumbtacks) (Figure
14, A and B).
The coordination task was carried out only
on the first (W1 - Ti) and on the last week of
trials (W9 - Tf).
Cut task: This second task was completed
on a specific template with drawn straight and
curved patterns, developed and registered at our
centre, and amply used on our basic surgical
training courses. This exercise assesses intermediate dexterities and demands higher care in
tissue handling and improved combined use of
both instruments (Figure 14, A and B).
So as to be able to complete the analysis of
the different instruments available for LESS
Figure 13. A. Performance of LESS coordination tasks with two dynamic articulating dissectors (SILSTM Hand, Covidien, Mansfield, USA). B. Detail of the
coordination well plate.
26 Material and Methods
and also evaluate the different single access devices, the cut task was established in two different time frames. This task was performed once
on the first (W1 - Ti) and on the last week of
trials (W9 - Tf), with each of the instrument setups. Also, subjects completed a cut task on each
hands-on session for the comparison between
LESS access devices.
Linear intracorporeal suturing task: on
this exercise subjects had to complete six intracorporeal interrupted sutures. These were
previously drawn on a straight line on the seromuscular layer of an ex vivo porcine stomach,
each separated by 1 cm (Figure 15, A and B).
The stomach was placed in the distal half of the
internal cavity of the box trainer, and always at
the same distance to the entry port.
Circular intracorporeal suturing task: to
complete the urethrovesical anastomosis on ex
vivo male porcine bladder and urethra, subjects
were asked to carry out a maximum of eight
intracorporeal sutures, half placed on the posterior side and the other half on the anterior
side of the anastomosis (Figure 16, A and B).
The ex vivo specimen was placed on a reduced
“pelvic” area inside the simulator. In order to be
able to reach the anastomotic junction with the
different instruments, we were obliged to place
the simulator’s cover 5cm further from the surgeon. This distance was appropriately marked
and standardized in each trial.
A maximum completion time of 15 minutes
was set for both intracorporeal suturing trials.
All sutures were performed with a multifilament material, mounted on a 26cm taper needle
(PolysorbTM 2/0, Syneture, Covidien, Mansfield, USA).
Subjective Assessment
At the end of the nine weeks of trials, all subjects were handed a subjective evaluation questionnaire (Appendix 1). In these, participants
had to score technical aspects of the access devices (dimensions, shape and length of access
cannulae, surface and materials, and weight),
as well as port-related questions concerning
the learning process and the practice of LESS
skills on simulator, which included ease of use,
triangulation and working space. Moreover, we
determined each subject’s perception regarding
the usefulness of the cut and intracorporeal suturing tasks for the acquisition of LESS specific
skills, as well as the benefits of the SIMULAP®
(MISCJU, Cáceres, Spain) in the performance
of these tasks.
Figure 14. A. Performance of LESS cut task with two pre-bent instruments (S-PortalTM
CLICKLINE, according to Leroy, Karl Storz GmbH, Tuttlingen, Germany). B. Detail of
the cut template number 1 (MISCJU, Cáceres, Spain).
Material and Methods 27
The first questions of the subjective questionnaires were divided in technical (questions
1 to 5) and functional (questions 6 to 8) aspects
of the single access devices for better result
interpretation. All items were scored on a 1-5
scale, except questions related to the global assessment on the use of physical simulators for
the acquisition of intermediate and advanced
LESS skills, which were scored on a scale from
1 to 10.
Additionally, a demographic survey was
carried out to characterize the study’s subject
population (Appendix 2).
Objective Assessment
Objective performance analysis was performed on every trial and assessed by two independent expert surgeons over video recordings
of each session. The expert raters were blinded
to subject and study week.
The considered parameters for objective assessment were total or partial task completion
times required for each suture, and performance
assessment scores calculated on the basis of
specific validated scales.
As mentioned earlier, for the comparison of
the different LESS instrument alternatives, we
considered coordination and cut tasks. Execution quality was rated on a specific global rating
scale (a-GRS), adapted from a previously validated assessment tool.95, 104 The adaptation of
the GRS took into account the essential aspects
necessary for the completion of task specific
manoeuvres, and scored on a 1-5 Likert scale,
with detailed objective assessment anchors. According to the specificities of the task itself, the
maximum summative score for coordination
was set at 10 points, and in the cut task, subjects
could achieve a maximum of 20 points (Appendix 3). These a-GRS emonstrated construct validity during these trials.94
Performance assessment scores for the intracorporeal suturing tasks were based on an OSATS (scored on a 1-5 Likert scale) (Appendix
4) associated with a 1/0 suturing checklist (Appendix 5).95, 96 Due to the nature of the study, we
eliminated two of the parameters of the assessment tool reported by Martin and colleagues95:
knowledge of instruments, as this was set for
each task before the beginning of the trials; and
use of assistants, which did not apply to the performance of the considered tasks on simulator.
Thus, the maximum achievable score on the suturing task OSATS rating scale was set at 25
Statistical Analysis
Figure 15. A. Image of the completion of a linear anastomosis on ex vivo porcine stomach. B. Representation of an interrupted suture pattern on porcine stomach.
28 Material and Methods
Figure 16. A. Performance of the circular anastomosis task. B. Correct placement of the 8
sutures to complete the urethrovesical anastomosis.
All data are expressed as mean ± standard
deviation, and analyzed with Statistical Package for Social Sciences (IBM SPSS Statistics®
v20.0, Chicago, USA) software. Statistical significance was set at p<0.05 for all tests.
Inter-rater reliability was assessed as a measure of scale consistency by calculating Pearson’s correlation factor between registries, as
previously described by Vassiliou in 2006 105.
The results were evaluated for all subjects as
a whole regardless of their experience level for
the comparative analysis of LESS technological resources (instruments and access devices),
as we consider this as the ideal setting to obtain
a representative sample of the population able
to apply these techniques. However, a comparison between the different levels of experience
was pursued afterwards and again when we
analyzed the acquisition of skills by means of
learning curves.
To determine the statistical behaviour of the
obtained data, performance scores and completion times in each task were initially tested with
the Kolmogorov-Smirnov for normality determination.
Comparative analysis of LESS instrument
For this comparison, we included the 20
participants grouped in Novice and LAP experienced. Parametric statistical comparisons of
the four instrument setups were determined for
each time point, with a factorial design which
considered two independent variables (tool and
expertise), with four (instrument setup) and two
levels (novice and expert on laparoscopic surgery) for each, respectively. For significances
determined without interaction, a one wayANOVA variance analysis followed by pairwise comparisons was conducted with the Bonferroni criterion.
For all non parametric variables, Wilcoxon
signed ranks test was used to compare each
pair of instrument settings, and between study
weeks. A Student T-test or a Wilcoxon signed
ranks test were used to compare between both
study times -Ti and Tf, depending on the normality of the variables.
Comparative analysis of LESS Access Devices
On this section, the number of participants
used was the same as on the comparison of
LESS instruments. Parametric statistical comparisons were determined for each time point,
Material and Methods 29
with a factorial design which considered two
independent variables (access device and expertise), with three (access device used) and
two levels (novice and expert on laparoscopic
surgery) for each, respectively. When statistical significance was determined without interaction, a one way-ANOVA variance analysis
followed by pair-wise comparisons conducted
with the Tukey criterion was performed for
each access device. A Student’s T-test was used
for the comparison between first (W1) and last
(W9) weeks’ results.
For non parametric variables, a KruskalWallis test was used to compare between the
different access devices followed by pair-wise
comparisons with Wilcoxon signed ranks test.
The latter was also applied to compare between
first (W1) and last (W9) study weeks for each
of the devices.
Regarding the intracorporeal suturing tasks,
we determined the frequencies of completed
knots in the allowed 15 minutes. In order to normalize and combine the scores obtained with
both objective scales, we first determine the
Spearman rho correlation between both. The
mathematical combination of both CL and GRS
scores, using the formula SUM = (GRS/50) +
((CL*1,724)/100), determined the summative
score (SUM), as a new performance assessment
variable for each trial. Obtained SUM values
range between 0 and 1.
For parametric variables, an ANOVA variance analysis was completed, followed by pairwise comparisons conducted with the Tukey
criterion for comparison of the different access
devices, and with the Bonferroni method for
comparison between trial weeks. To compare
the results from first to last week, a pairedsamples Student’s T-test was applied. For non
parametric variables, a Kruskal-Wallis test was
applied, followed by pair-wise comparisons
whenever significant differences were identified, using Wilcoxon signed ranks test or a
Mann-Whitney U test according to the depend-
ence of variables.
Determination of LESS intracorporeal suturing learning curves
For the determination of learning curves and
parameters, data from each suture was considered as a single trial and used to produce a
learning curve for each experience group, and
for the whole of the subjects’ population, using
a nonlinear regression model (Y=a-b/x). The
generated curve was then used to define two
values, the ‘‘learning plateau” (asymptote)
and the ‘‘learning rate’’ (number of trials required to achieve 90% of the learning plateau
and calculated as 10*b/a106, 107. As such, learning
rate conveys a proportional value to the curves’
slope and develops in inverse proportion with
the asymptote.
Comparisons between levels of MIS experience
This last analysis was performed on data obtained during the comparison of the different
LESS instruments and access devices, where
the differences between each level were determined for each objective parameter.
For parametric variables, an ANOVA variance analysis was completed, followed by post
hoc Tukey test. In the case of non parametric
variables, a Kruskal-Wallis test was applied,
followed by pair-wise comparisons with MannWhitney U test.
30 Material and Methods
Results 31
IV. Results
Demographic data
Among the 24 subjects included in these trials, 63% were female and 37% male. Concerning dominant hand in daily activities, 22 were
right-handed and 2 were left-handed. Regarding simulation experience, 42% (n=10) declared to have no previous experience on physical simulator and 8% had little experience with
this tool, against 50% which stated to have used
the physical simulator extensively on their previous period on surgical training. Considering
virtual simulation and experience with videogames, 37% and 17% of the subjects had no
experience with either tool respectively. 63%
stated to have practiced at least once with the
virtual simulator, and 66% had little to average
experience playing computer videogames (Figure 17).
Subjective Assessment
Regarding the results of the subjective evaluation (Figure 18), and focusing on technical
(Tec) and functional (Fun) characteristics of the
trocars which included dimensions, weight, ease
of use, triangulation and working space among
other aspects, the XCN was considered to be
significantly inferior to both disposable LESS
access devices (SILS Tec 4.18 ± 0.83 and Fun
4.09 ± 0.82, GPN Tec 3,79 ± 1.04 and Fun 4.21
± 0.82, XCN Tec 2.27 ± 0.99 and Fun 2.39 ±
0.99, XCN < SILS, GPN, p<0.001.). Additionally, regarding the assessment of ports’ technical parameters, SILS was deemed significantly
superior to GPN (SILS 4.18 ± 0.83, GPN 3.79 ±
1.04, XCN 2.27 ± 0.99, SILS > GPN, p=0.004).
All aspects regarding the usefulness of coordination, cut and intracorporeal suturing tasks
for the acquisition of LESS skills, were considVideogames
Dominant hand
No experience
Medium experience
Extensive experience
No experience
Medium experience
Extensive experience
No experience
Medium experience
Extensive experience
Figure 17. Graphical representation of demographic data regarding gender, dominant hand and simulation, as well as
videogames previous experience of all participants.
32 Results
Single Access
GelPOINT Adv Acc Platform
Mean Subjective Score
Figure 18. Subjective assessment scores.
1. Dimensions; 2. Shape and length of access cannulae; 3. Surface and materials; 4. Weight; 5. Ability to allow for the practice and
learning of LESS skills on simulator; 6. Ease of use; 7. Triangulation; 8. Workspace. 9. Usefulness of the coordination tasks as a
basic level LESS exercise; 10. Usefulness of the cut tasks as an intermediate level LESS exercise; 11. Usefulness of intracorporeal suturing of ex vivo porcine stomach as an advanced LESS skills exercise. 12. Usefulness of intracorporeal suturing of ex vivo
porcine urethrovesical anastomosis as an advanced LESS skills exercise. 13. I believe that the training in basic LESS skills before its
application in the clinical practice is necessary, regardless of previous minimally invasive surgical experience level; 14. I believe that
the SIMULAP® and proposed tasks are a useful tool to assess skills in LESS; 15. I believe that simulation offers a safe environment
for the training in basic LESS skills. 16. I believe that the continous practice of LESS tasks under controlled environment will help
develop the necessary abilities to overcome the technique’s constraints; 17. Final assessment for the coordination task, 18. Final assessment for the cut task; 19. Final assessment for the linear suturing task; 20. Final assessment for the circular anastomosis task.
ered of high to very high value, especially the
latter (coordination: 4.20 ± 1.06, cut task: 4.12
± 0.90, linear suturing task: 4.88 ± 0.61, and
circular anastomosis 4.63 ± 0.89). These tasks
also scored very high on global assessment concerning its ability to favor LESS skills development: coordination task: 7.83 ± 1.52, cut task:
8.00 ± 1.22, linear anastomosis: 9.50 ± 0.83;
and circular anastomosis: 9.58 ± 0.65.
Almost all subjects considered that regulated
training in LESS is highly essential regardless
of previous minimally invasive surgical experience level (4.96 ± 0.20), and that the use of
box trainers offers a safe environment for the
practice of these new techniques (4.92 ± 0.28).
Furthermore, participants considered that the
continued practice would render easier the improvement in the handling of LESS technical
constraints (4.96 ± 0.20).
Page 1
Results 33
Validity of Objective Assessment Tools and
Regarding construct validity of the objective
assessment tools designed for cut and coordination tasks’ performance, expert surgeons (E)
showed significantly superior performance (aGRS) when compared with novices (N) on the
first week (coordination task: N 7.18±1.02 vs.
E 9.35±0.87, p<0.001; cut task: N 12.35±1.84
vs. E 16.83±1.81, p<0.001), establishing a high
degree of accuracy in the measurements of intended scores.
ance in scores can be attributed to a ‘‘true’’ difference between participants.
Concerning LESS suturing tasks, we obtained a good correlation value between both
global rating and checklist scales of 0.724
(p<0.01), enabling the application of the summative score variable for standard objective assessment in these trials. More specifically, we
determined the SILS CLvsGRS correlation:
0.706, the GPN CLvsGRS correlation: 0.702,
and the XCN CLvsGRS correlation: 0.724, all
significant at p<0.01.
A high-very high degree of inter-rater reliability was determined (0.830), indicating scale
consistency and that more than 95% of the variCoordination
1st week (Ti)
I < II, III, IV (p<0.001);
II < IV (p=0.001);
III < IV (p=0.011).
9th week (Tf)
I < II, III, IV (p<0.001);
II < III (p<0.001);
II < IV (p=0.002);
III > IV (p=0.001).
1st week (Ti)
I > II, III, IV (p<0.001).
9th week (Tf)
I > II (p=0.005);
Significant differences
(p value)
GRS score
Time (min)
I > IV (p=0.02)
Table 6.Objective assessment parameters for the coordination task registered during the first and last sessions of
the training program.
34 Results
Figure 19. Graphical representation of a-GRS and completion time during coordination task for each of the
instruments setups. Asterisk represents statistically significant differences between Ti and Tf.
Comparative analysis of LESS instrument
Overall, 120 coordination trials and 20 cut
task templates were assessed for each of the
established LESS instrument setups. In both
coordination and cut tasks, the effects of tool
and expertise on total completion time and aGRS score showed significance, which was not
encountered when we analyzed the interaction
between both factors.
Coordination trials
As detailed on Table 6, we observed that
on the coordination task and before the training period (Ti), the combination of a multiple
use pre-bent Maryland dissector and straight
laparoscopic grasper (setup IV) obtained the
highest GRS score with significant differences
compared to all other LESS setups, whereas
the use of two dynamic articulating instruments (setup I) obtained the lowest significant
score (p=0.001). Regarding total completion
time, subjects carried out this task with similar
speed for all instrument sets with the exception
of the combined use of two dynamic articulating grasper and Maryland dissector (I), which
required a significantly higher amount of time
(p<0.001) to complete the coordination trials in
both difficulty levels.
At Tf registries, we observed that the ARTART setup (I) continued to show significant
lower scores compared to all other combinations (p<0.001), and higher completion times
compared to setups II (dynamic articulating
tip and conventional laparoscopic instruments)
(p=0.005) and IV (pre-bent Maryland dissector combined with conventional laparoscopic
grasper) (p=0.02). The highest significant aGRS score was obtained with the use of two
Results 35
Cut task
(p value)
1st week (Ti)
9th week (Tf)
I > II (p=0.037);
GRS score
time (min)
1st week (Ti)
I > IV (p=0.023).
9th week (Tf)
I > III (p=0.001).
Table 7.Objective assessment parameters for the cut task registered during the first and last sessions of the training program.
pre-bent grasping instruments (setup III). However this did not constitute the fastest combination. Subjects performed faster on the last assessment week (Tf) with the combination of a
dynamic articulating tip dissector and a straight
laparoscopic grasper (setup II), without statistical significance compared to all other setups
with the exception of setup I (p=0.005).
As detailed on figure 19, in the cases of
ART-ART (setup I) and PRB-PRB (setup III),
a significant a-GRS score improvement was
observed (p<0.001). Also, at Tf, subjects significantly improved their execution times when
completing the coordination trials with two
dynamic articulating tip instruments (setup I)
(p<0.001), not reaching however speed levels
of other tool setups.
Cut trials
On the cut task (Table 7), obtained results
were more homogeneous between the various
instrument setups, with no observed significant
differences in objective performance scores.
Nevertheless, the combination which obtained
the best scores on both assessment times was
setup III, in which subjects used two pre-bent
instruments to cut the appropriate template. The
worst scores were observed with the use of two
dynamic articulating tip Maryland dissector
and curved scissors (setup I).
During this second basic task, subjects cut
faster in the first assessment trials (Ti) when using a pre-bent Maryland dissector and straight
laparoscopic scissors (setup IV), although this
difference was only significant when compared
with setup I (two dynamic articulating instruments) (p=0.023). Moreover, the use of two
36 Results
Figure 20. Graphical representation of the a-GRS and completion time on cut task for each of the instruments setups. Different symbols represent distinct statistically significant differences between Ti and Tf.
single use articulating instruments (setup I) favored the slowest performance also with statistical significance with regards to the alternative
combination of one LESS designed instrument
with a straight conventional laparoscopy scissors (setup II p=0.037, and setup IV p=0.023).
After completing the 7-session training program (Tf), setup III (two multiple use pre-bent
instruments) still constituted the fastest combination with statistical significance compared
only to the two dynamic articulating tip instruments (setup I) (p=0.001), which was once
again the slowest instrument setup.
In the cut task assessment at Tf, we observed
significant improvement in a-GRS scores compared with Ti (Figure 20) only for instrument
setup III, i. e. the combination of two pre-bent
instruments (curved tip Maryland dissector and
straight tip scissors) (p=0.036). Nevertheless,
all setups favored a non significant increase in
assessed scores at Tf. Additionally, all instrument combinations showed a decrease with
variable statistical significance concerning total
completion times at the end of the training program (Tf).
Comparative analysis of LESS Access Devices
Overall, 60 cut task templates were assessed
for each of the established LESS single access
device. Concerning the intracorporeal suturing
task, each subject had the possibility to complete, at the end of the nine hands-on sessions,
a maximum of 18 completed sutures on the linear and of 24 completed sutured on the circular
anastomoses, per access device.
Results 37
Figure 21. Graphical representation of total completion time and average a-GRS score for the cut task registered during the
nine weeks of training. Asterisk represents statistically significant differences between initial and final week.
Week 1
Week 9
Average score
p value
Cut Task Results
Total Completion Time
Comparison between
(p value)
a-GRS score
Comparison between
(p value)
Table 8.Objective assessment parameters for the cut tasks, registered during the first and last weeks of the study. Average
values were obtained from a total of three trials carried out with each access device.
38 Results
Cut task
Regarding the cut task (Table 8 and Figure
21), and focusing on total average completion
time, after the nine weeks of practice, SILS represented the fastest LESS port for the participant surgeons, without significant differences
when compared to the other devices (total completion time: SILS<XCN<GPN). The use of the
GPN entailed a significantly faster performance
for the study participants when compared with
the time needed to complete the cut task with
the XCN on week 1 (GPN 2.36±0.51 min vs.
XCN 3.55±0.67 min, p=0.006), and week 6
(GPN 2.54±0.49 min vs. XCN 3.48±0.51 min,
p=0.013). Participants showed improvement
with all devices from first to last week of the
program, and significantly so with the use of
SILS (W1: 2.97±0.96 min vs. W9: 1.89±0.47
min, p=0.017).
On the global average a-GRS, SILS obtained
the highest score, followed by GPN and lastly
the XCN, without statistical significance for all
devices. When we consider the acquisition of
cut skills between the first and the last week
of the program, we observe that the only port
that favored a non significant improvement in
performance was the XCN (W1: 13.42±1.50
vs. W9: 14.08±0.80), with the SILS and the
GPN decreasing their a-GRS scores (SILS W1:
14.50±1.41 vs. W9: 13.81±1.75), the latter with
statistical significance (GPN W: 14.92±1.36 vs.
W9: 12.75±1.37, p=0.002).
Linear intracorporeal suturing task: ex vivo
porcine stomach
On the linear intracorporeal suturing task
completed on an ex vivo porcine stomach (Table 9 and Figure 22), and regarding the time
necessary to complete each interrupted suture,
SILS resulted to be the fastest LESS access device on the overall assessment during the nine
weeks of practice. XCN constituted the access
device with significant longer completion times
when compared to SILS (XCN 4.00±2.37 min
vs. SILS 3.18±1.85 min, p<0.001) and with
Figure 22. Graphical representation of mean total completion time and mean summative score for the linear intracorporeal suturing task registered during the nine weeks of training. Completion time refers to the minutes needed
to complete one simple interrupted suture. Different symbols represent distinct statistically significant differences
between initial and final week.
Results 39
p value
Week 1
Week 9
Average score
Linear Suturing Task
Total Completion Time
Comparison between
devices (p value)
Summative score
Comparison between
devices (p value)
*Maximum time allowed for task completion. N: number of completed sutures
Table 9. Objective assessment parameters for the lineal suturing task, registered during the first and last weeks of
the study. Average values were obtained from a total of three trials carried out with each access device. Number
of complete sutures performed is also noted.
GPN (XCN 4.00±2.37 min vs. GPN 3.40±2.16
min, p<0.001). Similarly to previously analyzed
parameters, there was significant improvement
on performance times from the first to the last
week with SILS (W1: 8.47±1.82 min vs. W9:
2.29±0.68 min, p=0.003), GPN (W1: 9.76±3.68
min vs. W9: 2.34±0.88 min, p<0.001), and
XCN (W1: 15.00±0.01* vs. W9: 2.77±1.03
min, p<0.001).
We obtained no statistical significant differences on mean summative score of sutures per-
formed over a linear incision on ex vivo porcine
stomach with the different LESS access devices.
During the first week, SILS performance was
significantly better than the one observed with
the GPN (SILS 0.75±0.02 vs. GPN 0.60±0.11,
p=0.014), whilst none of the participants could
complete any suture with the XCN. Differences
between LESS access devices diluted towards
the end of the program, with the XCN surpassing all other devices (XCN 0.85±0.05 > GPN
0.82±0.09 > SILS 0.81±0.09, NS) in what concerns assessment of performance quality. As
40 Results
Figure 23. Graphical representation of mean total completion time and mean summative score for the circular anastomosis task registered
during the nine weeks of training. Completion time refers to the minutes needed to complete one simple interrupted suture. Different symbols
represent distinct statistically significant differences between initial and final week.
expected, we observed a significant improvement in performance with all LESS access devices from the first to the last week of training
(SILS W1 (4 sutures):0.75±0.02 vs. W9 (46
sutures):0.81±0.09, p=0.003; GPN W1 (5 sutures):0.60±0.11 vs. W9 (33 sutures):0.82±0.09,
p=0.001; XCN W1: no suture was completed
vs. W9 (30 sutures):0.85±0.05, p<0.001).
Circular anastomosis: ex vivo urethrovesical
On the circular intracorporeal suturing task
for the completion of an anastomosis on ex vivo
porcine urethra and bladder neck (Table 10 and
Figure 23), and regarding the time necessary to
complete each interrupted suture, SILS constituted the fastest LESS access device when we
consider the total number of trials. Once again,
XCN constituted the access device with significant longer completion times when compared to
SILS (XCN 5.56±2.83 min vs. SILS 4.89±2.24
min, p=0.019) and with GPN (XCN 5.56±2.83
min vs. GPN 5.26±2.62 min, p=0.032). Also in
these trials, we observed significant improvement on performance times from the first to
the last week with SILS (W1: 10.71±0.92
min vs. W9: 3.47±1.15 min, p<0.001), GPN
(W1: 12.04±0.33 min vs. W9: 3.37±1.12 min,
p=0.001), and XCN (W1: 15.00±0.01* vs. W9:
3.97±1.46 min, p<0.001).
We obtained no statistical significant differences on mean summative score of sutures performed to establish urinary excretory patency
on ex vivo porcine urethrovesical anastomosis.
During the first week, only 3 sutures were carried out with both disposable access devices
(SILS and GPN), whilst none of the participants
could complete any suture with the XCN. There
were no observed differences between LESS
access devices during the entire duration of the
hands-on trials in what concerns assessment of
performance quality. As expected, we observed
a significant improvement in performance with
all LESS access devices from the first to the
last week of training (SILS W1 (3 sutures):
0.67±0.11 vs. W9 (32 sutures): 0.80±0.13,
p=0.001; GPN W1 (3 sutures): 0.62±0.04 vs.
W9 (23 sutures): 0.85±0.07, p=0.001; XCN
W1: no suture was completed vs. W9 (20 sutures): 0.82±0.06, p<0.001).
Results 41
p value
Week 1
Week 9
Average score
Circular Suturing Task
Total Completion Time
Comparison between
devices (p value)
Summative score
Comparison between
devices (p value)
*Maximum time allowed for task completion. N: number of completed sutures
Table 10. Objective assessment parameters for the circular suturing task, registered during the first and last weeks
of the study. Average values were obtained from a total of three trials carried out with each access device. Number of complete sutures performed is also noted.
Determination of LESS intracorporeal suturing learning curves
Linear intracorporeal suturing task: ex vivo
porcine stomach (Table11, and Figures 24 and
For the group as a whole, the mean ± standard deviation observed starting score for linear
intracorporeal suturing was 0.72±0.13, which
evolved to 0.81±0.08 on the last week (p=0.042)
(NOV Ti: 0.59±0.11 and Tf: 0.77±0.07;
LAP Ti: 0.74±0.09 and Tf: 0.82±0.08; LESS
Ti: 0.82±0.09 and Tf: 0.87±0.07; Ti vs. Tf,
p<0.05). At first, participants took an average
of 4.30±3.17 minutes to complete each suture,
finishing with 2.21±0.91 minutes at the end of
the seven training sessions (p<0.001) (NOV Ti:
7.50±4.43 min and Tf: 2.57±1.09 min; LAP Ti:
3.66±1.85 min and Tf: 2.09±0.67 min; LESS
Ti: 2.56±1.11 min and Tf: 1.69±0.55 min; Ti
vs. Tf, p<0.001).
42 Results
Linear Suturing Task
Summative Score
Learning Rate
All Groups
LAP Experienced
LESS Experienced
Linear Suturing Task
Suture Completion Time
Learning Rate
All Groups
LAP Experienced
LESS Experienced
Table 11. Descriptive values of the learning curves for the 24 study participants as a whole, and divided by experience level,
for the lineal intracorporeal suturing tasks and regarding objective assessment scores and total completion time. Goodness of
fit and curve significance are shown.
Considering the performance of the 24 participants, average assessment values obtained
during the seven training sessions for the linear
suturing task were 0.82±0.90 for summative
scores and 2.75±1.76 minutes for suture completion time.
Estimated learning plateau in terms of summative score for the 24 participants was 0.83,
with an estimated learning rate of 4.05 trials to
achieve 10% higher score than the best potential (NS, p=0.659). However, for suture completion time, the learning plateau was calculated as 2.71 minutes, with a learning rate of 20.80
sutures (r2 0.018, p<0.001).
Circular anastomosis: ex vivo urethrovesical
anastomosis (Table 12, and Figures 26 and 27)
The mean ± standard deviation summative
score observed for the entire group of participants on the first training session during the cir-
cular anastomosis task was 0.66±0.63, which
evolved to 0.78±0.12 on the last week (p=0.003)
(NOV Ti: 0.48±0.13 and Tf: 0.69±0.10;
LAP Ti: 0.69±0.11 and Tf: 0.73±0.11; LESS
Ti: 0.79±0.08 and Tf: 0.89±0.09; Ti vs. Tf,
p<0.01). Participants started with average
times of 6.07±3.91 minutes per suture, and took
3.60±1.89 minutes on the last of the seven training sessions (p<0.001) (NOV Ti: 9.38±5.01 min
and Tf: 4.55±1.68 min; LAP Ti: 5.48±2.77 min
and Tf: 3.84±1.95 min; LESS Ti: 3.75±1.62
min and Tf: 2.11±0.94 min; Ti vs. Tf, p<0.001).
Assessment values obtained for the group
as a whole during the seven training sessions
for the end-to-end circular urethrovesical anastomosis were 0.73±0.13 for objective performance scores, and 4.33±2.67 minutes for completion of each suture.
Estimated performance score for learning
plateau of the 24 participants was 0.73, with an
Results 43
Figure 24. Inverse curve fit for performance of 1008 suture repetitions in a linear anastomosis on simulator. For each experience level
group, the suture axis was reduced to a maximum of 150, so that the initial line of the curve could be more clearly depicted. A. Curve
for all 24 participants. B. Curves adapted to the performances of the different experience groups.
Figure 25. Inverse curve fit for total completion time of 1008 suture repetitions in a linear anastomosis on simulator. For each
experience level group, the suture axis was reduced to a maximum of 150, so that the initial line of the curve could be more clearly
depicted. A. Curve for all 24 participants. B. Curves adapted to the completion times per suture of the different experience groups.
estimated learning rate of 4.00 trials (r2 0.011,
p=0.014). In turn, for each suture on the circular anastomosis completion time, the learning
plateau was calculated as 4.29 minutes, with a
learning rate of 17.60 trials (r2 0.018, p=0.001).
General aspects of the obtained fitted curves
There was significant intragroup variability,
which led to poor fit (r2<0.07) of the inverse
curve in all evaluated parameters. Furthermore,
and regarding statistical significance, the fitted
curve for the summative scores on linear suturing was not significant (p=0.659), along with
the curves fitted to the performance assessment
scores for both suturing tasks and completion
times on the circular anastomosis for the different experience level groups. The LESS experienced group was the exception to this evidence,
with all significant fitted curves and the highest
quantification of fit goodness (r2), although this
never reached fair quality values.
44 Results
Circular Suturing Task
Summative Score
Learning Rate
All Groups
LAP Experienced
LESS Experienced
Circular Suturing Task
Suture Completion Time
Learning Rate
All Groups
LAP Experienced
LESS Experienced
Table 12. Descriptive values of the learning curves for the 24 study participants as a whole, and divided by experience
level, for the lineal intracorporeal suturing tasks and regarding objective assessment scores and total completion time.
Goodness of fit and curve significance are shown.
Curiously, we observed that LESS experienced group presented a slower learning rate
on every task when compared with the other
groups. On the contrary, when we consider
learning plateau for each parameter, their stabilization level was always higher than the other
two groups, with the exception of the summative score obtained during the linear suturing
task, which was lower than the laparoscopic
experienced group.
Additional comparison between levels of
MIS experience (Tables 13 to 19)
Comparison of LESS instrument setups
On the first week of the coordination trials,
and for the different studied instrument setups
of purpose-built tools combined or not with
straight laparoscopic instruments, we observed
significant differences in all performance scores
during the coordination trials between the different experience levels (Figure 28). Regarding
total completion time for the same trial week,
there were significant differences between novices and laparoscopic experienced subjects for
setups II, III and IV, and between novices and
LESS experienced participants on setup III
(Figure 29).
On the last week of trials, the LESS coordination abilities of the participants showed
improvement at almost all experience levels,
reflected on the significant decrease in total
Results 45
Figure 26. Inverse curve fit for performance of 1344 suture repetitions in a circular end-to-end anastomosis on simulator. For each
experience level group, the suture axis was reduced to a maximum of 150, so that the initial line of the curve could be more clearly
depicted. A. Curve for all 24 participants. B. Curves adapted to the performances of the different experience groups.
Figure 27. Inverse curve fit for total completion time of 1344 suture repetitions in a circular end-to-end anastomosis on simulator.
For each experience level group, the suture axis was reduced to a maximum of 150, so that the initial line of the curve could be more
clearly depicted. A. Curve for all 24 participants. B. Curves adapted to the completion times per suture of the different experience
completion time (Table 14). However, when we
consider the parameter of performance quality,
there was only evident improvement with setup
I (two dynamic articulating grasping instruments), and the differences between experience
levels were maintained.
During the cut trials no statistical significance was observed with any of the instrument
setups between the different experience levels
in what concerns task execution time. Never-
theless, and regarding objective adapted global
rating performance scores, there was variable
significance in all setups between levels, especially between novices and the other two
groups. (Figure 30). These differences were
not reduced after the nine weeks of training in
During both basic tasks, LESS experienced
subjects obtained a higher average performance
score than the other two groups, although with
46 Results
Coordination task
LAP experienced
LESS experienced
a-GRS score
Ti vs Tf
(p value)
Ti vs Tf
(p value)
Ti vs Tf
(p value)
Ti vs Tf
(p value)
Table 13. Mean objective performance scores for each level of previous experience in MIS, during the completion of basic coordination tasks when comparing between different LESS instrument setups at first and last study
Figure 28. Graphical representation of mean total completion time and mean
a-GRS score for the coordination task registered during the first (Ti) training
session, according to previous experience levels of the participants. Different symbols represent the various statistically significant differences found
between the different experience levels for each instrument setup.
Results 47
Figure 29. Graphical representation of mean total completion time and mean
a-GRS score for the coordination task registered during the last (Tf) training
session, according to previous experience levels of the participants. Different symbols represent the various statistically significant differences found
between the different experience levels for each instrument setup.
LESS experienced
Coordination task
Total Completion
Ti vs Tf
(p value)
Ti vs Tf
(p value)
Ti vs Tf
(p value)
Ti vs Tf
(p value)
*Total completion time expressed in minutes.
Table 14. Mean total completion time for each level of previous experience in MIS, during the completion of basic
coordination tasks when comparing between different LESS instrument setups at first and last study trials.
48 Results
setups II, III and IV they took longer to complete the consecutive coordination trials, evidence also observed with setups I, II and IV on
the cut task.
Comparison of LESS access devices
On the cut trials during the nine weeks of
hands-on sessions, we observed significantly
different performances between different expertise levels for all access devices, although
these variations were not manifested with similar statistical weight in what concerns task completion times (Figure 32).
Concerning both intracorporeal tasks, statistical significant differences were observed between all experience groups for all assessment
parameters and regardless of elected single access device (Figure 33 and Figure 34).
Results 49
Cut task
LAP experienced LESS experienced
a-GRS score
Ti vs Tf (p value)
Ti vs Tf (p value)
Ti vs Tf (p value)
Ti vs Tf (p value)
Table 15. Mean objective performance scores for each level of previous experience in MIS, during the completion of intermediate level cut tasks when comparing between different LESS instrument setupsat first and last
study trials.
Figure 30. Graphical representation of total completion time and mean a-GRS
score for the cut task registered during the first (Ti) training session, according
to previous experience levels of the participants. Different symbols represent
the various statistically significant differences found between the different
experience levels for each instrument setup.
50 Results
Figure 31. Graphical representation of total completion time and mean a-GRS
score for the cut task registered during the last (Tf) training session, according
to previous experience levels of the participants. Different symbols represent
the various statistically significant differences found between the different
experience levels for each instrument setup.
Cut task
Total Completion
Ti vs Tf (p value)
Ti vs Tf (p value)
Ti vs Tf (p value)
LAP experienced LESS experienced
Ti vs Tf (p value)
*Total completion time expressed in minutes.
Table 16. Mean total completion time for each level of previous experience in MIS, during the completion of intermediate level cut tasks when comparing between different LESS instrument setups at first and last study trials.
Results 51
a-GRS score
Cut tasks
a-GRS score
Total Completion Time*
a-GRS score
Total Completion Time*
Total Completion Time*
LAP experienced
LESS experienced
p value
p=0.034; other
p=0.014; other
p=0.004; other
*Total completion time expressed in minutes.
Table 17. Mean objective performance scores and mean total completion time for each level of previous experience in MIS, during the completion of intermediate level cut tasks when comparing between elected LESS access devices.
Figure 32. Graphical representation of total completion time and mean a-GRS score for the cut task
registered during the nine training sessions, according to previous experience levels of the participants.
Different symbols represent the various statistically significant differences found between the different
experience levels for each studied single access device.
52 Results
Linear intracorporeal
Total Completion Time*
Summative score
Total Completion Time*
Summative score
Total Completion Time*
Summative score
3.75±3.07 min
3.05±1.97 min
p=0.037; other
*Total completion time expressed in minutes.
Table 18. Mean objective performance scores and mean total completion time for each level of previous experience in MIS, during the completion of advanced level lineal suturing tasks when comparing between elected LESS access devices.
Figure 33. Graphical representation of total completion time and mean summative score for the linear
suturing task registered during the nine consecutive training sessions, according to previous experience
levels of the participants. Different symbols represent the various statistically significant differences found
between the different experience levels for each studied single access device.
Results 53
Circular intracorporeal
Total Completion Time*
Summative score
Total Completion Time*
Summative score
Total Completion Time*
Summative score
p=0.009; other
*Total completion time expressed in minutes.
Table 19. Mean objective performance scores and mean total completion time for each level of previous experience in MIS, during the completion of advanced level circular anastomosis tasks when comparing between elected LESS access devices.
Figure 34. Graphical representation of total completion time and mean summative score for the circular
end-to-end anastomosis task registered during the nine consecutive training sessions, according to previous
experience levels of the participants. Different symbols represent the various statistically significant differences found between the different experience levels for each studied single access device.
54 Results
Discussion 55
V. Discussion
The concept of LaparoEndoscopic SingleSite surgery gained shape in the search for
further reduced invasiveness5 and is presently
being applied to general, urologic and gynaecologic surgery. LESS surgery has nowadays
attracted the attention of the surgical community and its advocates still promote it as the
next evolution in minimally invasive surgery.2,
Apart from the obvious ameliorated cosmetic
effect resulting from decreased extent of total
incisional trauma (97% improvement on surgeons’ subjective assessment108), early reported
impressions among general surgeons showed a
subjective belief that LESS leads to 25% decreased post operative pain and 18% faster recovery. This approach emerges along with added difficulties, recognized by professionals and
reflected on the 97% which considered LESS to
be a more demanding approach, with a subjective assessment of a probable 73% increase in
complication rates108. Although some authors
have published objective evidence of reduced
post operative pain and faster convalescence19,
21, 42
, not all practitioners are ready to implement
these techniques.
Despite the initial drawbacks that this approach implies, most surgeons are willing to
foster its safe adoption after appropriate training108. Robust simulation methods are thus
advised by many authors11, 86, 87, 89, 91, 109-113, for
training and promotion of skills acquisition and
retention, through repetitive controlled practice
and verification of proficiency to such a level
that safe adoption of the technique can be fostered.
Careful patient selection, increased number
of more experienced surgeons and improved
instrumentation have also led into further clinical investigation in LESS.114 Nevertheless, it is
common sense that it is in the patients’ best interest to be able to convert early in order to prevent serious morbidities, thus improving procedural safety. As experience with this surgery
rises, we will hopefully observe improvements
in exposure techniques and available purposebuilt instruments.22
With this project, we tried to establish the
bases of differentiation between the different
purpose-built LESS technological resources, simultaneously establishing proficiency training
guidelines for the different essential surgical
manoeuvres. The dry laboratory setting allowed
us to control and safeguard several aspects, including the use of standardized tasks analyzed
with objective assessment metrics.
Since the very dawn of the new minimally
invasive approaches of LESS and NOTES, tangible effort has been made by the main manufacturers and collaborating expert surgeons
in developing the most adequate instruments,
vision systems and single access ports.62, 115,
These led to expectedly longer instrumentderived learning curves compared to the more
conventional MIS alternatives. Although many
comparisons have been made focusing on specially developed LESS instruments33, 34, 117-120
and robotic systems and platforms with multiple degrees of freedom121, 122, on this study we
chose to compare the most clinically probable
instrument combinations, according to availability, surgeons’ preference between single use
56 Discussion
and multiple use tools, ergonomics and adaptation to the most common LESS access device.
To determine the ideal instrument set for
the development of abilities on single site surgery, and observe if the initial performance levels for basic laparoscopic simulator tasks could
be ameliorated after training, we used two basic
tasks: coordination and cut tasks. In other minimally invasive surgical approaches the completion of adequate training has always been
considered of extreme importance65, 123, 124, and
the use of box trainers or virtual simulators advocated as a safe and reliable method to do so65,
. The coordination and cut tasks are introduced to novices in minimally invasive surgery
as the early steps in hand-hand and hand-eye
training, and constitute initial skills’ acquisition
demands in the laparoscopic learning curve65.
Gaining from our centre’s extensive experience
in MIS training courses and its validated methods93, we chose these two tasks in order to determine the early instrument derived obstacles
to the development of LESS basic skills. Notwithstanding, the coordination task manoeuvres, similar to peg transfer task included in the
FLS program11, 107, 128, entail low clinical applicability and its translation to real LESS skills
should be carefully considered.
The cut task performed on MISCJU’s basic
cut templates has similar skill demands as the
ones included in other training programs91, 129,
and is considered an intermediate level exercise130, teaching the importance of a coordinated action of both dominant and non dominant
hand for the creation of adequate workspace. In
order to assess the performance, we registered
both completion times and a developed scoring
reference (a-GRS) based on the particular features of each task94.
Completion times constitutes an easy, valid
and practical parameter for objective task assessment131, and is nowadays one of the most
used tools for performance analysis and evaluation either on simulator, experimental or clini-
cal settings, whilst the search for the perfect
universal objective assessment tool continues.
Among other available methods104, 132-134 it is
possible to find the use of objective score assessment scales that, when adequately adapted
to the task at hand, provide a more complete
tool, by allowing for extended data registries
by evaluation task performance quality and not
only execution times. In this study, we combined the score of both general global rating
scale and checklist scores to determine a new
summative score. The formula developed to obtain a thus normalized value is easily applicable to other studies and may help to standardize
similar assessments.
In order to be able to use the adapted GRS,
we initially demonstrated its construct validity, with expert surgeons showing significantly superior performance when compared with
novices, and establishing a high degree of accuracy in the measurements of intended scores.
Furthermore, with the registered assessments
completed by the two blinded expert raters, we
were able to obtain a high degree of correlation
(0.830) between their individual scores, which
further supports the consistency of the elected
a-GRS anchors for objective assessment of
both coordination and cut tasks105.
The two dynamic articulating tip instruments
statistically proved to be the worst instrument
set for the coordination trials. These tools provide a more unstable and less intuitive tool, and
although they are commonly the first choice
for surgeons performing LESS procedures and
laboratory trials75, 108, 117, 135, their configuration
causes a “mirror effect” on the monitor, with
the operators’ right hand appearing on the left,
and the left hand moving on the right side of
the monitor image. The crossed image on the
monitor constitutes another technical difficulty
which novice surgeons and those at the beginning of their LESS learning curve must encounter, making it harder for users’ to adapt to these
purpose-built tools.
Discussion 57
Moreover, and during the hands-on trials,
the dynamic articulating single use instruments
showed a deficient grasping ability, with many
slipping errors occurring in all experience levels. This aspect, combined with the abovementioned image crossing, justifies the increase in
performance times for all subjects during the
first week’s trials. This slower performance was
partially compensated by training, as evidenced
by the reduced differences when compared with
the other instrument setups in the final assessment. Moreover, the observed improvement
with training was greater with the two dynamic
articulating tip instruments (setup I: 16.50% vs.
from 2.25% up to 8.54% for the other setups),
although its performance did not reach quality
levels comparable to the other LESS instrument
From our results it can be particularly inferred that, on the coordination task, the use of
pre-bent tools combined with conventional laparoscopic instruments showed a superior performance tendency on the first week when compared to all other combinations. At the end of
the training period, setups that included the use
of pre-bent instruments, whether exclusively or
combined with straight laparoscopic graspers
remained the highest scored setups. Pre bent instruments evidently benefit the surgeon with a
very adequate grasping strength (comparable to
multiple use laparoscopic instruments), as well
as a marked stability of the shaft, which constitutes them as advisable surgical tools. Considering the nature of the coordination task (grasping and transference of objects), the inherent
features of multiple use LESS tools probably
led to the observed ameliorated results.
As other authors previously reported 33, 34,
multiple use pre-bent instruments represent a
less time consuming and manoeuvrable alternative for the initiation in LESS surgery, which
may also be extremely cost-effective due to its
durability. Although it is true that the specific
design line of pre-bent instruments used in this
study, and in those carried out by Miernik and
colleagues33, lacks effectors’ tip rotation, we observed that this did not represent a handicap for
the purpose of performing basic coordination
tasks on simulator. At this time, manufacturers
have already made more advanced multiple use
instruments available, which present a design
with rotating tips66 that will probably lead to
higher comfort and better surgical results.
Regarding task completion time, we observed that this was reduced with training for
all instrument setups, and significantly so with
the use of the two dynamic articulating grasper
and dissector in the coordination trials. Significant reduction in completion times was also
verified for all instrument combinations during
the cut tasks. The observed increase in speed
was expected due to knowledge and habit acquired during the learning program completed
by all attendants. Although significantly improved with training, we observed that the use
of two dynamic articulating instruments still
presented the highest challenge, which is probably, as stated before, mainly derived from the
loose grasping ability of these commercially
available instruments, the low stability of effectors’ tip and the building of mirrored images on
the monitor.
For the completion of the cut task, the grasping strength of the instrument tips becomes a
variable of minor influence, as it is not a highly
dependable factor needed to complete the exercise. Nevertheless, the use of pre-bent Maryland dissector and scissors still maintained the
highest GRS scores before and after training.
Although this difference was not significant
when compared with the remaining tool setups, this indicates that choosing multiple use
instruments with a bent shaft that avoid external clashing and draw effectors’ tip closer,
may constitute a valid alternative for surgeons
worldwide who are able to make the necessary
monetary investment. Furthermore, after the
completion of the training program, setup II
(dynamic articulating dissector combined with
straight laparoscopic scissors) obtained the
58 Conclusiones
second highest non significant a-GRS score,
presenting itself as the most adequate setup
whenever disposable instruments are preferred
by the surgical team or hospital management.
Regarding time necessary to complete this task,
setup II was surpassed by the use of two prebent Maryland dissector and scissors (setup
III), probably due to the inherent characteristics
of these pre-bent instruments, as they do not
cross once introduced through a single incision,
maintaining a similar eye-hand coordination as
with conventional laparoscopy, and facilitating
the learning process.
On the cut tasks, similarly to Santos et al.109
in their comparison between different LESS
and laparoscopic instrument configurations, we
observed no statistical differences on performance scores between the various instrument
combinations. Thus, it is possible that this task
provides a more stable learning curve, with
fewer oscillations than the one corresponding
to the object transfer ability. Also, as all cutting
manoeuvres are usually carried out with the use
of the surgeons’ dominant hand, the importance
of an auxiliary instrument is reduced exclusively to tissue traction, decreasing between-instrument interactions and facilitating the completion of the task.
At the beginning we were unsure if the comparison between instruments could provide truly unbiased results, as during the seven weeks of
the training program, on which different LESS
instrument combinations were not assessed,
we attributed one specific instrument setup per
session for each participant, and opted only by
the ones that combined LESS specific tools
with conventional straight laparoscopic instruments32, 33. However, this does not seem to have
affected the learning process or biased final assessment trials, as the chosen setups (II and IV)
did not show significant improvement from Ti
to Tf, observed only in the “pure” LESS instrument setups. To this effect, it also indicates that
the initial adaptation to LESS and laparoscopic
combined instrument setups is easier for the av-
erage user, as its initial performance levels were
maintained throughout the program.
Another of our proposed objectives was to
demystify the fixed ideas regarding single-access device superiority over another. In order
to be able to choose the most adequate LESS
access device, we decided to compare one reusable and two disposable LESS access devices
readily available for surgeons around the world.
These did not present strong differences in
terms of performance quality or total completion time in any of the included cut and intracorporeal suturing trials. The lack of distinctive
advantages between LESS access devices was
also reflected on a review published by Carus
et al.1
Each access device has its own limitations
and advantages, which can be related to the results obtained in these trials. Few comparisons
have been made between GelPOINT Advanced
Access Platform, SILSTM Port and other disposable LESS access devices128, 136. With the first,
surgeons’ are usually very comfortable due to
the flexible structure of the wound retractor and
the device’s gel cap, which allows for reduced
impairment in freedom of movement.
The SILSTM Port is nevertheless easier to insert, and although it does not adapt to thick abdominal walls, it constitutes one of the most demanded access devices. Based on our results, its
use entails more clashing between instruments
and camera compared with the GelPOINT Advanced Access Platform. However, it seems to
facilitate performance in the beginning of the
LESS learning curve for intermediate and advanced simulator manoeuvres. Both alternatives are readily available, and do not present
significant differences in what concerns performance quality or total completion time during
cut and intracorporeal suturing manoeuvres.
Regarding total completion time during the
cut task, we observed that there were no significant differences between the access devices,
Discussion 59
probably due to the reduced need to actively
coordinate both operating instruments when
compared with more advanced surgical skills,
which leads to a decreased influence from the
access cannulae on task performance. It is, nevertheless, odd that there are almost no statistical significant differences between the different
LESS access devices in the cut task, contrary to
the results obtained with the suturing tasks. We
consider this may be due to the evident difficulty differences between the two tasks, which
demand higher coordination and more attentive
practice from the surgeon during the performance of the latter, and which probably allows
for greater contrast among technical and ability
for the use of specific pre bent instruments. Although cumbersome and hard to get used to, this
access device is not difficult to insert through a
single incision. It is nevertheless limited by abdominal wall thickness, as is the SILSTM Port.
Associated pre bent instruments are very stable
and allow for similar handling as conventional
laparoscopic graspers, with the more recent
versions of these tools already equipped with
tip and angle rotation66. The acknowledged stability of the reusable instruments and the need
to proceed slower due to friction and clashing
during the completion of the hands-on simulator trials most likely justifies the increased end
quality of the cut manoeuvres and, albeit to a
lower degree, of the intracorporeal suturing.
On our trials we noted an improvement tendency in almost all objective assessment parameters after the completion of a regulated training program. This improvement was observed
with the three LESS access devices and on all
assessed parameters, with the exception of the
a-GRS score on the cut task carried out with
the two disposable devices which decreased,
although not significantly for the SILSTM Port
(Covidien, Mansfield, MA, USA). This apparent inconsistency can be attributed to the faster
and more careless completion of the cut template by the study subjects, which progressively
and expectedly become more at ease with less
demanding tasks. Also, and as detailed before,
the disposable dynamic articulating instruments
gradually lose their shaft and tip stability, with
the consequent decrease in performance end
On previously published laboratory trials on
LESS suturing manoeuvres, most authors focused on techniques to overcome the problems
generated from entering the abdominal cavity
or the simulator from one single 2 cm opening,
and mostly used extracorporeal137 or special
knot tying techniques138. On the trials included
in this study, we tried to apply the principles
of laparoscopic intracorporeal suturing as far
as possible. In laparoscopy, a triangulating configuration is highly advisable in manoeuvres
such as intracorporeal suturing. This allows the
surgeon to work with the instruments set in a
manipulation angle ranging from 45 to 75 degrees, which correlates with improved task efficiency and enhanced performance quality.139 As
manipulation angles below 45 degrees increase
tasks’ difficulty, we tried to apply these same
principles to LESS simulator trials by choosing
the adequate instruments94 without causing excessive wrist stress140, and establish the correct
distance of the access device to the target tissue
with maximum angle of the effectors’ tip.
On the other hand, and although we did not
observe any benefit of the disposable devices
over the XCONE (KARL STORZ GmbH &
Co. KG, Tuttlingen, Germany) on the cut trials,
in the intracorporeal suturing tasks the latter
conveyed a significantly slower performance
for each completed suture. The reusable LESS
access device XCONE is a heavy port with a
plastic cap covered with entry valves of various
diameters that cause friction, and which demand
The knot-tying technique applied in this
study differed from conventional laparoscopy
only in the inevitable crossing of instruments
when these are introduced through a single access device. Thus, the subjects had to suture as
if they were using their non dominant hand, de-
60 Discussion
spite handling the needle holder and driving the
needle and the different loops with the dominant hand. To carry out the surgeons’ square
knot, we taught each subject how to perform
the adequate manoeuvres following an objective checklist. Additionally, subjects were advised to avoid lateral movements of the needle
holder when forming the different loops, and
rather execute in and out depth variations of
its tip over a static dissector placed on the non
dominant hand.
Both intracorporeal suturing tasks were
elected as advanced complex tasks which
award skills absolutely necessary for the operating surgeon.13 Without aiding strategies, surgeons have constantly avoided the use of these
manoeuvres due to the high technical difficulty
entailed. Compared to the linear intracorporeal
suturing, the urethrovesical anastomosis demands even more ability from the participant
surgeons. This was reflected by the number of
completed sutures on this last task, which was
inferior to the linear suturing task in every case.
Once again in these trials no statistical significant differences between single-access ports
were determined, rendering it impossible to
objectively determine the most adequate device
for the completion of LESS surgical manoeuvres.
However, in most of the considered variables in this study, we observed that the access device to which the surgeons more readily adapt during the completion of intermediate
and advanced level LESS tasks is the SILSTM
Port, which was the fastest option on week 1 of
the suturing trials (although in the cut trials this
“champion” status was rather only observed on
the last week and on average time), and which
afterwards showed a significantly reduction in
completion times after nine weeks of practice.
This was also the single access device with
consistently the higher number of completed
sutures. Although surgeons should acquire
LESS simulator skills with the access device
they are most likely to use on their patients, we
must reflect on the possibility of the reduction
of the necessary learning curve with the SILSTM
Port86, 137, probably due to its ease of use and
adaptable structure.
On the distributed questionnaires, subjects
confirmed the general opinion regarding the
main technical and functional strong and weak
aspects of each platform45, 101, 128, 137. The participants considered the SILSTM Port to be the
best device in terms of weight but observed that
it was hard to triangulate through its cannulae
during the hands-on sessions. On the contrary, the GelPOINT Advanced Access Platform
provided satisfactory triangulation but was
criticized for its large dimensions and weight.
Overall, the reusable device XCONE received
low to very low subjective evaluation on all
technical and functional aspects and on average score, in the ability to allow for the learning
of LESS intermediate and advanced skills. Our
observations sustain the impression previously
stated by Khanna et al.136, that surgeons’ preferences are nowadays surpassing the technical
and functional demands of the LESS access devices when it comes to making the choice between the available alternatives. Lately it has
become clear that, in order to ensure safety,
surgical teams should adapt their choice to the
specific characteristics of the procedure and the
patient itself71.
Regardless of chosen access device or instrument setup, we observed that advanced
LESS manoeuvres like intracorporeal suturing
can be learned and the necessary skills progressively acquired, as evidenced by the significant
improvement in performance score as well as
suture completion time after nine consecutive
training sessions.
For the evaluation of the learning curve in
more advanced manoeuvres, we excluded the
first and last sessions, as these were overloaded
with assessment objectives. Thus, and after a
series of seven consecutive training sessions
we were able to observe significant develop-
Discussion 61
ment on pure Laparoendoscopic Single-Site
surgery hands-on simulator intracorporeal suturing skills. Moreover, we saw that for the four
experts the initiation of their learning process
was set at an already high level of expertise,
although they had not developed any LESS intracorporeal suturing abilities beforehand. This
has led us to believe, as Lewis et al. stated in
2012141, that extensive previous experience in
Laparoscopic procedures and LESS basic and
non reconstructive manoeuvres awards the necessary preparation for the acquisition of these
advanced MIS abilities.
The difficulty of the tasks is evident in the
increase of summative score as quality parameter, which evolved in a less steady way than
the suture completion time. This was more
marked on the circular anastomosis task, which
inherently requires better technical knowledge
and additionally forces the surgeon to work in
a more confined space than when the subjects
completed the ex-vivo linear suturing task on
porcine stomach. We advanced the box trainer’s
cover, drawing it near to the ex vivo bladder, in
order to reduce the clashing of the instruments
with the fixed laparoscopic camera, but there
were still moments when the manoeuvres could
not be completed without confliction with the
laparoscope and between both hands outside
the box trainer. Surgeons learned to adapt to
these restrictions throughout the seven training sessions, but we however believe that these
would be harder to overcome if the subjects
were working on a live patient with further impairment due to the interaction with a camera
driving helper.
In the analysis of the obtained scores and
completion times in each training session, we
observed that registered values varied with no
apparent technical reason during the various
weeks of the training program. However, the
participants in these trials were obviously subjected to their every day routine prior and, most
of the times, after these trials. As no change in
setup conditions was reported, we can only at-
tribute the punctual score reductions to exerted
external pressures, probably leading to fatigue
and loss of concentration during the completion of the demanding intracorporeal suturing
tasks142, 143.
As advised by Santos et al. in 201111, we
wanted to study the learning curve for LESS
surgery using objective standardized tasks and
validated metrics to assess the performance of
subjects with different previous MIS experience levels. As it was not practicable to complete this analysis with all available instrument
sets and access devices available in the market,
we elected one of the most accessible single
ports SILSTM Port (Covidien, MA, USA) and
one purpose-built dynamic articulating dissector combined with a straight laparoscopic needle holder. Although we could not, at the beginning of the project, corroborate our choice with
herein presented data, the SILSTM Port has been
extensively used over the years in the clinical
practice and on experimental trials11, 42, 137, 144-148,
described as easier to place, allowing for reduced leakage of pneumoperitoneum, and easier to reinsert when necessary, by comparison
with similar single use LESS access devices144.
There is no standard method for the analysis of surgical learning curves. Furthermore,
most published statistical methods are considered insufficient for the characterization of the
learning process and ultimate performance levels.149-152 Ramsay et al.153 described a method
of curve fitting useful for the estimation of the
learning curve that was later applied by Feldman et al.106, and Sodergren et al.107, to handson simulator trials which provides a determination of the learning plateau and learning rate of
different subjects.
Herein we used the same method for the
continued data assessment obtained during
the performance of both intracorporeal suturing tasks. Nevertheless, obtained curves, albeit
with variable statistical significance, did not
provide r2 values in adequacy with an average
62 Discussion
or good fitting to registered data for the different assessed parameters, whether we considered all participants as a whole or divided in
groups determined by previous MIS experience
levels. In our opinion, this can be justifiable by
an excessive dispersion of valid cases due to
the unstable performance of the trials by each
participant. The fact that the curves fitted best
to scores and completion times of the LESS experienced surgeons, reflecting the highest goodness of fit in each task, supports our assumption. Moreover, we verify that the performance
of these more experienced subjects was in itself
insufficient to assume their proficiency in the
techniques, and it is unlikely that the theoretical
plateau of their individual learning process was
reached with this training program.
Other possible proficiency assessment methods can be based on expert-derived performance goals used as end points in simulator
training to help trials’ participants to achieve
their learning needs154. In this manner, a 90%
proficiency limit could for example be empirically described as a reference for efficient performance of the designated tasks after a training
schedule of seven weeks.
LESS remains a more challenging approach
than standard laparoscopy, but the surgeons’
personal previous experience in MIS approaches influences performance11. Regarding
the study sample herein defined, we aimed to
provide balanced groups in what concerns previous MIS experience levels. The three groups
were defined according to number of completed
procedures in both laparoscopy and LESS techniques. Novice and laparoscopy experienced
groups obliged to Palter’s condition97, but we
could not attain to it when grouping LESS experienced subjects, because it is a very recent
approach and the availability of experts is,
therefore, reduced. Moreover, the four elected
expert surgeons reported to have performed
more than 100 laparoscopic procedures before
the beginning of these trials, evidently superior
to the level of experience of the subjects in the
laparoscopic group. This is a desirable condition, although strange from an analytical point
of view, as we believe that the inherent technical and procedural difficulties of LESS surgery
demand a higher degree of previous experience
in order to be able to truly distinguish between
levels on dry laboratory trials.
In this study, we observed that obtained objective performance scores allowed for the distinction between the different MIS experience
levels on every assessed trial and for each used
purpose-built access device and instrument
setup. We also observed that mean total completion time at the end of the training program
presented a lower number of significant differences between levels on the basic and intermediate difficulty tasks.
Some authors believe that the fact that the
novices start their training without any preconceived notion of the appropriate surgical
technique should lead to a faster skills’ acquisition process109. Herein, we have become in
agreement with this assumption as we found
that novices did not present the highest learning rates, which would reflect a slower learning process. This also supports the adequacy
of an early stage surgical education in these
techniques117 for the prompt development and
implementation of new surgical alternatives
among operating teams.
To summarize, the results of this study show
that there are differences in the performance of
basic LESS tasks on physical simulator, when
combining different sets of market available
instruments, independently of the preference
regarding available single port devices. The
results of these trials also suggest that there is
no clear objective performance benefit of one
LESS access device over the other. Nevertheless, we observed that it is easier for a surgeon
to adapt to the available disposable alternatives
of LESS access trocars, when performing cut
and suturing manoeuvres with dynamic articulating instruments, than to the more stable
Discussion 63
structure of a reusable multichannel device and
its specific tools.
Furthermore, our results show that the ability to perform LESS intracorporeal suturing can
be acquired and developed with the practice of
these manoeuvres on consecutive training sessions. Although we recognize that these are demanding skills in what concerns intraoperative
time, as well as surgical team coordination and
extensive training, we believe that these data
shed new light on this approach’s range of application.
Nonetheless, there are some limitations to
this study. The first resides in the simulator
setup, in which we worked with a non operator
driven external camera. This optical system further hinders the ability of the simulation trials
to emulate LESS inherent instrument-camera
clashing occurring in clinical scenarios.
Also, regarding the study’s protocol, this
was designed in a way to provide only minimal
to absent guidance during the different handson sessions, with the exception of the first and
last tutored trials. It can be considered that with
more attentive assistance by experts in the field,
participants would have performed better and
developed more accurate and shorter learning
curves. Also, participation was voluntary and
time consuming, and many times scheduled on
busy days, with the consequent influence in obtained results.
A possible third limitation for the correct
evaluation of LESS learning process can be
due to the high degree of difficulty of the intracorporeal suturing task. In these tasks, performance results forcefully derive from multiple
factors155 apart from technical abilities, which
include previous performed tasks, amount of
effort either physical or mental before the beginning of the trials, rest hours among others.
These weekly changes were less evident when
we focus on the time needed to complete each
suture, which showed a relatively constant
decrease from the beginning to the end of the
training program. Although completion times
are the most used objective parameter to analyze and evaluate performance, we believe that
it must be complemented with other parameters,
as the one used in this study. We combined the
score of both GRS and checklist scores to find
a summative score with an end result between
0 and 1. The mathematical formula developed
to combine objective scores into a normalized
value is easily applicable to other studies and
may help standardize similar assessments.
This newly determined assessment parameter leads us to a fourth limitation. Although
this objective score system resulted extremely
useful for double scale objective assessment of
skills, the correlation obtained in order to develop the summative scoring system (0.706,
significant at p<0.01) was only moderately
high. This might be overcome with increasing
the experience of the two expert evaluators during the use of both scales. This can, however, be
due more likely to the difference in type of parameters classified by each tool, as the checklist
focuses on technical suturing aspects, and the
general OSATS concentrates on tissue handling
and general surgical gestures.
In view of possible conclusions and clinical
application of our results, our study presents an
additional limitation. In this study, there were
important device characteristics not considered,
including an actual report on the clinical use of
each access device and instrument setup, as we
limited our research to simulator trials on a controlled environment. Moreover, aspects like access device durability, cost of the platform and
associated instruments, and specific procedural
applicability were disregarded as objectives of
the hands-on simulator trials, but will be included in future studies carried out on animal
model and clinical contexts.
Future work developed in this line of research
is intended to overcome this study’s limitations,
and simultaneously give solution to unanswered
64 Discussion
questions. As mentioned beforehand, the results
included in this study constitute the first phase
of a larger project which will carry on the learning process on porcine model surgery, where
we expect that the specialized training course
leads to the improvement of specific attainable
single-port laparoscopic skills such as time and
motion, instrument handling, and operative
workflow.91 We hope that if we reproduce the
same learning assessment methods, these will
lead to more significant results.
We will follow on the results obtained in
these trials by continuing our work on experimental animal models, in which complete surgical procedures demanding cut, dissection
and suturing abilities will be carried out. This
will also allow us to evaluate and favour the
retention of ability over-time156, 157, after the
completion of an intensive training program.
Finally, and although we observed significant
skills improvement especially on the advanced
LESS manoeuvres, we consider that the learning curve of the 20 included subjects with different experience levels was not completed, and
would demand more hands-on tutored sessions,
as it was demonstrated by Supe et al.158. At this
point we are limited by time and subject availability, and we will request of the interested subjects to carry on this learning process on animal
model during the project’s next phase.
Reduced iatrogenic trauma to the abdominal
wall is essential in all surgical approaches, benefiting patients’ recovery by preventing wound
complications, reducing hospitalization periods and minimizing costs.159 Nevertheless, the
risk of inferior performance compared to other
MIS approaches should be balanced against
potential benefit for the patient, as poorer performance also results in longer operative times,
and greater risk of inadvertent injuries or other
misadventures, which increase costs and conversion rates.11
Although we are sensible to the training
needs required to perform these advanced ma-
noeuvres86, we hope to be able to awaken interest in the idea of LESS as a safer and liable
approach for reconstructive procedures without
the need to recur to expensive robots54 or other
technical resources64, 69.
Thus, important questions still remain concerning the true benefit of promoting this technical modification of laparoscopy, taking risks
of suboptimal workspaces and vision as well as
instrument angles. Our study supports evidence
that LESS skills can be acquired, and performances improved, albeit on surgical simulator.
We believe that, until more experimental and
clinical studies can obtain scientific objective
proof that this new surgical approach favours
better recovery and pain scores for the patient,
single-site surgery should be adopted with extreme care, focusing towards patients’ safety
and well-being. Moreover, the technological innovative input that has been launched to
overcome LESS surgery constraints will most
definitely benefit global endoscopic surgical
approaches, improving the more traditional and
implemented MIS techniques, as well as rendering possible progressive adoption of LaparoEndoscopic Single-Site Surgery.
Conclusiones 65
VI. Conclusiones
1. The most adequate instrument sets for the initiation in LESS surgery are the ones that combine specially designed instruments (single use articulated tip or pre-bent multiple use tools) with the
more familiar straight conventional laparoscopic instruments, as these have obtained the most stable
results. Multiple use instrument alternatives with a pre-bent shaft presented very positive results, and
constitute a reliable option for those able to invest monetarily in these techniques.
Sanchez-Margallo FM, Matos-Azevedo AM, Perez-Duarte FJ, et al. Performance analysis on physical simulator of
four different instrument setups in laparo-endoscopic single-site (LESS) surgery. Surg Endosc. 2014 May;28(5):1479-88.
doi: 10.1007/s00464-013-3337-1.
2. We conclude that the studied LESS access device alternatives present no objective significant
benefit over a similar port. Nevertheless, from a subjective point a view and reflecting an easier adaptation to more advanced manoeuvres, the SILSTM Port appears to be the best access device for LESS
procedures, regardless of objective assessment metrics on dry laboratory.
Matos-Azevedo A, Díaz-Guëmes Martín-Portugués I, Pérez-Duarte F, et al. Comparison of single access devices during cut and suturing tasks on simulator. Subjective and objective assessment of available ports. Sent to Journal of Surgical
Research (February 2014).
3. The learning curves obtained do not reflect the entire learning process for the included subjects. A longer training program is necessary to determine the true learning plateau for surgeons of
different experience levels. Other methods for evaluation of the learning process of the expert surgeons included in this study showed that the ability to perform LESS intracorporeal suturing can be
acquired and developed with the practice of these manoeuvres on consecutive training sessions.
Matos-Azevedo A, Díaz-Güemes Martín-Portugués I, Pérez-Duarte F, et al. Analysis of LESS intracorporeal suturing
learning curve for linear incisions and urethrovesical anastomosis. Evaluation of experts’ skills progress on a controlled
environment. Sent to Surgical Endoscopy and Other Interventional Techniques on 13th March 2014.
4. Previous MIS experience level has influence over the acquisition of basic, intermediate and
advanced skills in LESS surgery, and appears to be increase with the difficulty’s degree of the task at
Abstract 67
VII. Abstract
Over the past decades minimally invasive surgery has experienced continuous development due
to the demanded need for scarless results, with LaparoEndoscopic Single Site (LESS) surgery constituting one of the nowadays most cherished alternatives. In this study, we aim to assess the relative
technical difficulty and performance benefits of the different technological resources of LESS (instruments and access devices), and also present a preliminary analysis of the learning curve and its
parameters on single-site intracorporeal suture manoeuvres.
Twenty four surgeons were included and performed four simulator tasks: basic coordination, intermediate level cut task, and two advanced intracorporeal suturing tasks. The study was divided in nine
different training sessions carried out a fortnight apart. Assessment took place at several distinct time
points according to the specific objective at hand. Performance data was objectively analyzed over
video recordings by two blinded expert raters, by means of validated global rating scales, OSATS and
chekclists. Total completion time for each task was also registered. Participants were also subjective
evaluated by means of a questionnaire rated on Likert scales anchored on 1-5 or 1-10 detailed scores.
The two dynamic articulating tip instruments also constituted the most time demanding setup on
both assessment trials. They showed however significant improvement with training in all measured
parameters except for performance in the cut task, in which the increase in a-GRS score was not significant. Participants showed improvement with all devices after the nine weeks practice. Nevertheless, we were unable to detect any objective significant differences in registered scores. The learning
curve for each level of expertise and for the whole of the participants was drawn, although our results
are not able to accurately determine the exact learning plateau and rate necessary for a surgeon to
achieve in order to reach proficiency in LESS surgical maneuvers hands-on simulator.
We conclude that the least adequate instrument set for the initiation in LESS surgery is the one that
combines two dynamic articulating tip instruments, as this has consistently obtained the worst results
on all trials. Further data on more complex tasks and on a complete learning and skills acquisition
program must be obtained to confirm these findings. Although we advise surgeons to focus on the
specific procedures and patient characteristics to select the most adequate access device to maintain
procedural safety standards, single use devices appear to confer an easier adaptation to LESS surgery.
We were able to observe significant development on pure Laparoendoscopic Single-Site surgery intracorporeal suturing skills hands-on simulator. However, these are demanding manoeuvres which
probably require a higher investment in intraoperative time as well as surgical team coordination and
training than the length of training proposed in this sudy.
68 Abstract
VII. Resumen
En los últimos anos, la Cirugía Mínimamente Invasiva ha experimentado un desarrollo continuo
y gradual debido a la cada vez más presente necesidad de resultados quirúrgicos acicatriciales. La
Cirugía Laparoscópica de Incisión Única (LESS) surge de esta manera como uno de los abordajes
más desarrollados. En este estudio, quisimos analizar las dificultades técnicas inherentes a los recursos tecnológicos (instrumental y dispositivos de acceso) actualmente disponibles en LESS, bien
como determinar que beneficios en la ejecución quirúrgica aportan unos y otros. Presentamos además
un análisis preliminar de la necesaria curva de aprendizaje en sutura intracorpórea, bien como la
medición objetiva de los parámetros de la misma.
Se incluyeron 24 participantes, con diferentes grados de experiencia en Cirugía Mínimamente Invasiva. El programa de entrenamiento contaba con 4 tareas en simulador físico: coordinación, corte,
y dos tares de sutura intracorpórea (lineal y de anastomosis circular). El estudio se distribuyo por
nueve sesiones de entrenamiento, una cada dos semanas. Las evaluaciones se realizaron de forma
oportuna acorde con el objetivo del estudio, por 2 evaluadores independientes, ciegos, y a través de
grabaciones de video en formato DVD. Los evaluadores tenían, como herramientas de determinación
de la performance, escalas objetivas y validadas (GRS, OSATS y Checklists 1/0), y el registro del
tiempo total de realización de la tarea. Se realizó además una evaluación subjetiva del programa y de
los dispositivos de LESS a través de un cuestionario clasificado en 20 cuestiones valoradas bien de
1-5 o de 1-10 en escalas Likert.
Las dos pinzas de articulación dinámica y de un solo uso constituyeron el conjunto más exigente
en ambas las pruebas de coordinación y corte. Observamos sin embargo que con estas pinzas los participantes mejoraron significativamente al final del programa de entrenamiento. Fuimos, sin embargo,
incapaces de detectar diferencias objetivas entre los diferentes dispositivos de acceso LESS. La curva
de aprendizaje en sutura intracorpórea por incisión única en un simulador fue determinada para los
24 participantes, y en cada nivel de experiencia, sin lograr determinar de forma fiable el nivel estable
de competencia y la tasa de entrenamiento para ahí llegar.
Concluimos que el peor conjunto de pinzas para la iniciación en LESS es la combinación de dos
pinzas desechables de punta articulable, ya que este obtuvo los peores resultados en las pruebas.
Son necesarias más pruebas de mayor complejidad y a lo largo de un mayor periodo de tiempo para
confirmar estos hallazgos. Aunque aconsejamos cada cirujano a iniciarse en LESS con un dispositivo
que mejor le convenga de forma a mantener la seguridad del procedimiento, los dispositivos de acceso desechables o de un solo uso parecen aportar una más fácil adaptación a LESS. Para allá de la
naturaleza exigente de las maniobras de sutura intracorpórea en simulador físico, pudimos observar
un desarrollo gradual y estable de esas habilidades en los participantes en este estudio, lo que nos
lleva a considerar que un plan de entrenamiento estructurado como el que aquí se presenta aplicado
durante más tiempo, aportará gradualmente más capacidades y beneficios al cirujano capaz de invertir
su tiempo en ese formación.
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Appendix 79
IX. Appendix
Subjective Assessment Questionnaire: Sheet nº 1
80 Appendix
Subjective Assessment Questionnaire: Sheet nº 2
Appendix 81
Subjective Assessment Questionnaire: Sheet nº 3
82 Appendix
Subjective Assessment Questionnaire: Sheet nº 4
Appendix 83
Subjective Assessment Questionnaire: Sheet nº 5
84 Appendix
Demographic Questionnaire
Appendix 85
Adapted Global Rating Scale for Objective Assessment of LESS Coordination Tasks
Adapted Global Rating Scale for Objective Assessment of LESS Cut Tasks
86 Appendix
Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skills (OSATS) used in LESS Suture Tasks
Appendix 87
Checklist 1/0 for Intracorporeal Suturing Tasks used in this study on LESS skills
88 Appendix
Participants’ Self Registry Form – Compulsory on every trial
Appendix 89
Independent Raters Registry Form for Assessment Scores I
90 Appendix
Independent Raters Registry Form for Assessment Scores II
X. Relevant published works and
performed research
Participation in Research Projects
Single-Port Surgery and NOTES in Gynaecology 2009-2010 Project Collaborator in the OR
Study of the performance of Nissen Funduplication by Single Port approach January 2011 Project
Collaborator in the OR
Movement captation system for 3D recreations 2010-2013 Collaboration through reference research and consultation
Study to evaluate an inguinal mesh implantation procedure and its tissue tolerance - Comparison
of inflammatory reaction to different mesh materials pre peritoneal implanted surrounding the spermatic chord 2011-2012 Execution of all experimental trials on animal model and human cadaver.
Collaborator on post trials’ dissemination plan.
Experimental Study on NOTES techniques Applied to Biliary Surgery Feb 2012 Project Collaborator in the OR
Applied Ergonomics to Single Port Laparoscopic Surgery. Feb-Sept 2012
Chief of Project
All knowledge gathered here is being applied and constituted the first phase of project PI12/01467
carried out with a grant awarded by the Institute of Health Carlos III - FIS of Spain (2013-2015):
“Definition of ergonomic guidelines in Laparoendoscopic Single Site surgery (LESS), and establishment of technical and functional criteria for LESS tools.” (Head of Research: Francisco Julián Pérez
Duarte; Research Team: 9 participants).
Comparative study in LESS: advantages and disadvantages of TERUMO robotic tools compared
with commonly used LESS instruments.2013 Collaborator on OR hands-on simulator trials
Feasibility and surgical outcomes of low rectal resections through the use of transanal single access devices and abdominal mini laparoscopic assistance. Experimental study on animal model.”
(FAECP Grant 2013). Sept 2013-Sept 2014 MISCJU Chief of Project
Hernández Hurtado, L; Díaz-Güemes Martín-Portugués, I; Sánchez Hurtado, MA; Pérez Duarte,
F; Enciso Sanz, S;Moreno Naranjo, B; Soares Azevedo, AM; Carrero Gutiérrez, A; Sánchez Margallo. Evaluation of different minimally invasive surgical approaches for the creation of ureteral obstruction models for training purposes. LXXVI National Congress of Urology, 8th-11th June 2011,
92Relevant published works and performed research
Málaga, Spain Robotic, Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Surgery
Video and Poster Communications
Sánchez Margallo, F. M.; Pérez Duarte, F. J.; Sánchez Hurtado, MA; Soares Azevedo, A. M.;
Díaz-Güemes Martín-Portugués I.Retroperitoneal nephrectomy: feasibility of NOTES and LESS approaches. LXXVI National Congress of Urology, 8th-11th June 2011, Málaga, Spain Robotic, Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Surgery
F. Pérez, MA Sánchez, I Cano, A Azevedo, I Díaz-Güemes, FM Sánchez-Margallo. Unilateral orchiectomy in porcine animal model through single incision laparoscopic surgery. National Paediatric
Surgery Congress16th-19th May 2012, Córdoba, Spain.
M Lucas Hernández; AM Matos Azevedo; FJ Pérez Duarte; JB Pagador Carrasco; FM Sánchez
Margallo. Training in Laparoscopic surgery: effect of instrument in the surgeon’s muscle activity.
XXX CASEIB, 19th-21st November 2012, San Sebastián, Basque Country, Spain.
Ana Maria Matos-Azevedo, José Antonio Fatás Cabeza, Cristóbal Zaragoza Fernández, Juan Marín, Francis Navarro, Francisco Miguel Sánchez-Margallo Experimental preliminary study on the
anatomic and histological effect of a 3D shaped mesh implant for inguinal hernioplasty. 36th Annual
Congress of the European Hernia Society, 28th-31st May 2014, Edinburgh, UK
Sanchez-Hurtado MA, Matos-Azevedo AM, Fatás JA, Díaz-Güemes I, Sánchez-Margallo FM
An Analysis of Advanced Laparoscopic Skills Acquisition in an Intensive Laparoscopic Colorectal
Training Program. 14th World Congress and 22nd EAES International Congress, 25th-28th June,
Paris, France
Oral (International Congresses)
Ana María Matos-Azevedo, Silvia Enciso Sanz, Laura Hernández-Hurtado, Francisco Miguel
Sánchez-Margallo. Evaluation of the learning curve in laparoscopic intracorporeal suture hands-on
physical simulator. ESSR 47th Annual Congress, 6th -9th June 2012, Lille, France
F. Pérez, MA Sánchez, I Cano, A Azevedo, I Díaz-Güemes, FM Sánchez-Margallo. Unilateral orchiectomy in porcine animal model through single incision laparoscopic surgery. European Society
for Surgical Research 47th Annual Congress, 6th-9th June 2012, Lille, France
Sánchez Margallo, Francisco Miguel, Pérez Duarte, FJ, Azevedo, AMA, Sánchez Margallo, JASM,
Sánchez Hurtado, MA, Díaz-Güemes, IDG. Effectiveness of a training program in laparoendoscopic
single-site surgery (LESS surgery). 20th International Congress of the EAES, 20th - 23rd June 2012,
Brussels, Belgium
Ana María Matos-Azevedo, Francisco Julián Pérez-Duarte, Francisco Miguel Sánchez-Margallo.
Preliminary comparison of three single access trocars during cut manoeuvres on simulator. 24th International Conference of the Society for Medical Innovation and Technology (SMIT), 20th -22nd
September 2012, Barcelona, Spain
Marcos Lucas-Hernández, Francisco Miguel Sánchez-Margallo, Ana María Matos-Azevedo,
Francisco Julián Pérez-Duarte, José Blas Pagador.Workload during the use of single port acess lapa-
Relevant published works and performed research 93
roscopic trocars. 24th International Conference of the Society for Medical Innovation and Technology (SMIT), 20th -22nd September 2012, Barcelona, Spain
M. Lucas-Hernández, F.J. Pérez-Duarte, A.M. Matos-Azevedo, J.B. Pagador, F.M. Sánchez-Margallo.Ergonomics during the use of LESS instruments in basic tasks: 2 articulated VS. 1 straight and
1 articulated graspers. XIII MEDICON, 25th-28th September 2013, Seville, Spain.
AM Matos-Azevedo, B Fernández-Tomé, JM Asencio Pascual, FJ Pérez-Duarte, S Enciso Sanz, L
Hernández Hurtado, E Bilbao Vidal, I Díaz-Güemes Martín-Portugués, FM Sánchez-Margallo Laparoscopic Intracorporeal Suturing Skills acquisition during a Basic Laparoscopic Course. 49th Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research, 21st-24th May, Budapest, Hungary.
AM Matos-Azevedo, B Fernández Tomé, MA Sánchez-Hurtado, FJ Pérez-Duarte, A Carrero
Gutiérrez, I Díaz-Güemes Martín-Portugués, FM Sánchez-Margallo Intracorporeal Suturing Skills
Comparison and Development for Novice and Expert General Surgeons. 49th Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research, 21st-24th May, Budapest, Hungary.
A. M. Matos-Azevedo, L. Hernández-Hurtado, I. Díaz-Guëmes Martín-Portugués, F. J. Pérez-Duarte, M. A. Sánchez-Hurtado, F. M. Sánchez-Margallo Comparison of three commercially available
single access devices during hands-on simulator cut and ex vivo intracorporeal suturing maneuvers.
49th Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research, 21st-24th May, Budapest, Hungary.
A. M. Matos-Azevedo, I. Díaz-Güemes Martín-Portugués, F. J. Pérez-Duarte, B. Fernández-Tomé,
F. M. Sánchez-Margallo Performance of experts in LESS surgery intracorporeal suturing 49th Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research, 21st-24th May, Budapest, Hungary.
F. J. Pérez-Duarte, B. Fernández Tomé, A. M. Matos-Azevedo, J.A. Sánchez-Margallo, M. LucasHernández, I. Díaz-Güemes, F.M. Sánchez-Margallo Ergonomics in LESS surgery: use of 1 straight
and 1 articulated instruments.49th Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research, 21st24th May, Budapest, Hungary.
F. J. Pérez-Duarte, B. Fernández-Tomé, I. Díaz-Güemes, S. Enciso, A. M. Matos-Azevedo, M.A.
Sánchez-Hurtado, L. Hernández, F. M. Sánchez-Margallo Validation of a Training Program for Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy. 49th Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research, 21st24th May, Budapest, Hungary.
Pérez Duarte FJ, Matos-Azevedo AM, Sánchez Margallo JA, Díaz-Güemes I, Sánchez Margallo
FM. Use of a Motion Capture Data Glove for Hand and Wrist Ergonomic Analysis during Laparoscopy. 14th World Congress and 22nd EAES International Congress, 25th-28th June, Paris, France
Sánchez-Margallo FM, Pérez-Duarte FJ, Sánchez-Hurtado MA, Azevedo AM, García M, DiazGüemes I. Laparoendoscopic Single Site Surgery: Ovariectomy in the Canine. Argos magazine
(2011), 133, pp. 40-42.
A. M. Azevedo, J.-Y. Francois, Z. Marinkovic, F. Perez-Duarte, M. Brouziyne. Eight-year followup for inguinal hernioplasty performed with a commercial low-weight polypropylene implant. Le
94 Relevant published works and performed research
journal de Coelio-Chirurgie (2013), 85, pp. 43-47.
FM Sánchez-Margallo, FJ Pérez-Duarte, AM Matos-Azevedo, JA Sánchez-Margallo, MA SánchezHurtado, I Díaz-Güemes Martín-Portugués. An analysis of skills acquisition during a training program for experienced laparoscopists in Laparoendoscopic Single-Site Surgery (LESS). Epub Dec
2 Surgical Innovation (IF: 1.537)
F J Pérez-Duarte, M Lucas-Hernández, A Matos-Azevedo, J A Sánchez-Margallo, I Díaz-Güemes,
F M Sánchez-Margallo. Objective analysis of surgeons’ ergonomy during Laparoendoscopic SingleSite Surgery through the use of surface eletromyography and a motion capture data glove. Surgical Endoscopy and other Interventional Techniques. April 2014; 28(4): 1314-1320. (IF: 3.427)
DOI 10.1007/s00464-013-3334-4
Francisco Miguel Sánchez-Margallo, Ana Maria Matos-Azevedo, Francisco Julián Pérez-Duarte,
Silvia Enciso, Idoia Díaz-Guëmes Martín-Portugués. Performance analysis on physical simulator
of four different instrument setups in Laparoendoscopic Single Site (LESS) Surgery.Surgical Endoscopy and other Interventional Techniques 2014 May;28(5):1479-88. (IF: 3.427) DOI 10.1007/
F Panaro, AM Matos-Azevedo, JA Fatás, J Marin, F Navarro, C Zaragoza-Fernández. Endoscopic
and histological evaluations of a newly designed inguinal hernia mesh implant: Experimental studies
on porcine animal model and human cadaver. Accepted for publication Hernia (IF: 1.693).
F. J. Pérez-Duarte, B. Fernández-Tomé, I. Díaz-Güemes, S. Enciso, A. Matos-Azevedo, M.A.
Sánchez-Hurtado, L. Hernández, F. M. Sánchez-Margallo Development and Initial Assessment of a
Training Program for Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy. First Module: The Urethrovesical Anastomosis. Accepted for publication March 3 2014 Journal of Endourology (IF: 2.074).
F M Sánchez-Margallo, F J Pérez-Duarte, J A Sánchez-Margallo, M Lucas-Hernández, A MatosAzevedo, I Díaz-Güemes. Application of a motion capture data glove for hand and wrist ergonomic
analysis during laparoscopy. Accepted for publication March 2014 Minimally Invasive Therapy &
Allied Technologies (IF: 1.186)
Ana Maria Matos-Azevedo, Idoia Díaz-Guëmes Martín-Portugués, Francisco Julián Pérez-Duarte,
Miguel Ángel Sánchez-Hurtado, Francisco Miguel Sánchez-Margallo Comparison of single access
devices during cut and suturing tasks on simulator. Subjective and objective assessment of available
ports. Sent to Journal of Surgical Research (IF: 2.018), 27th February 2014. Reviewed 30Th April
Ana Maria Matos-Azevedo, Idoia Díaz-Güemes Martín-Portugués, Francisco Julián Pérez-Duarte,
Blanca Fernández Tomé, Francisco Miguel Sánchez-Margallo Analysis of LESS intracorporeal suturing learning curve for linear incisions and urethrovesical anastomosis – experts’ adaptability and
skills progress on a controlled environment. Sent to Surgical Endoscopy and other Interventional
Techniques (IF: 3.427),8th March 2014