Santiago Sentinel - Orange Unified School District


Santiago Sentinel - Orange Unified School District
The Santiago PTSA Monthly Newsletter
Santiago Sentinel
April, 2013
A Note from Mr. D’Agostino...
As we prepare for Spring Break, both our students and staff are looking forward to a restful few weeks and returning fully focused on doing our best on the upcoming CSTs. Our teachers have been diligently teaching the content standards all year to each student and we are con@ident that our students will excel in all areas. I expect this to be our highest achievement year to date, thanks to student, staff, and parent commitment! On March 31, I will be leading 50 Santiago students and parents on a trip to Europe! We will be visiting France, Switzerland, and Germany. Our students are very excited about this opportunity to put into use two of the languages they have been learning in our Santiago Language wheel (German and French) and to see @irsthand what each of these cultures entail. The opportunity to travel abroad allows students to break down language, cultural, and geographical barriers. Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Shukla, and Ms. Ekdale are chaperoning this trip and all have very unique contributions to offer based on their experience and expertise. There really is no better way to understand the culture of another country than to visit and explore. I have led nearly a dozen international trips throughout my time in education and I can tell you that many students consider travel opportunities like these the experience of a lifetime. I am honored to be bringing so many of our school community members on this exciting adventure and I look forward to exploring these fun destinations through our the eyes of our student’s.
I would like to wish all of our students and their families a safe Spring Break and encourage students to show your true Santana spirit by doing something nice for someone else during the break. Become a “Beacon of Hope” by doing a good deed or two that will make another person’s life a little bit better. Enjoy your time and please, be safe Santanas. Jim D'Agostino
"There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul
than the way in which it treats its children"
The Santiago PTSA Monthly Newsletter
Curriculum Corner
Welcome Back! We hope everyone enjoyed their Spring break. As we head
into the “testing season” we are reminding all families to continue encouraging
your student to keep their academic skills sharp by visiting
ta/tg/sr/css05rtq.asp and taking the practice California Standards Tests available in
Math, Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies. The actual California Standards
Test will be in early May. The more comfortable the students are with the test, the
better they will do.
Last month, our students participated in a wide variety of events both on and
off campus. 7th grade students participated in the Renaissance Salon.. Fifteen of
our most musically gifted students participated in the district Honor Band. Also,
approximately 40 Santiago students participated in the Science Olympiad and over
30 students competed in the Academic Pentathlon. Again this year Santiago
participated in “Read Across America.” This year each teacher chose a favorite
children’s book to read to their Prime time class. And of course the annual
Students v. Teachers softball game rounded out our very busy month.
Have a wonderful vacation!
The Curriculum Managers
Marisa Mallory and Kristi Peckham
Please continue to collect and turn in your
Box Tops for Education. This is a great way to
collect some “free money” for our school.
The Santiago PTSA Monthly Newsletter
Counseling Spotlight
with Ms. Patel
Responsibility is something we as adults try to instill in our students. It can be very challenging and
frustrating when everything we do and say to help students does not work.
Here are some rules, from the website Edutopia, to help guide middle school students to becoming more
Number One: Be your own advocate. Stake a claim in the classroom by making sure the teacher knows
who you a good way.
Number Two: Ask lots of questions....and show confusion appropriately.
Number Three: Communicate your struggles to your teachers. What is going on that affects your work?
Number Four: Think of school as your office in training. Are you a good co-worker?
Number Five: Dress for success, but don't panic, you don't have to wear a suit to be taken seriously.
Number Six: At least do the minimum so you aren't creating gaps that are harder to bridge later. Better yet,
do more.
Number Seven: Sweat a little. School is your brain gym. You have to work out your muscles, make them a
little sore, if you're going to lift a heavier load later on.
Number Eight: Find ways to relate to your reading and writing. What original thoughts and experiences can
you bring to the lesson to make it come alive for yourself?
Number Nine: Be in class. Don't jeopardize your own training.
Number Ten: Surround yourself with other students who can help you. You don't have to be best friends
with everyone you seek advice from, but find friends or acquaintances that are rooting for you, the best of
NOTE TO PARENTS: Do you or someone you know have an interesting career? Looking to gain some
service hours? Consider speaking at our 3rd Annual 8th grade Career Day on Friday, June 7th. Please
contact Miss Patel at (714) 997-6366 or at [email protected] for more information.
Visit my new website:
Miss Roshni Patel, Counselor
[email protected]
The Santiago PTSA Monthly Newsletter
Email our Volunteer Coordinator if you have any questions:
Maria Fahey
[email protected]
✦PTSA Meeting will earn you one service hour for each meeting. They are usually held on the 4th
Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the library.
✦Helpers are needed for the Spring Dance on Friday, May 10th. Please contact Debbie Carter at 714-421-1563
[email protected] if you would like to donate baked goods, drinks, money to help
pay for pizza, or to chaperone.
✦Parents are always needed to help in the cafeteria anytime between 9:00 AM-2:00 PM. No need to
call; just show up and report to Arturo Vallejo.
✦Office/clerical work is available in the office, but needs to be scheduled with Cathy Ruddy by
calling the school at 714-997-6366.
✦Our Librarian can also use help from time to time. Please call 714-997-6366 and ask if you can
help out.
✦Attending Charter Board Meetings is another way to earn a service hour. These meetings are
typically held on the third Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM in the Library.
✦ Saturday Clean-up is the second Saturday of the month from 8:00 AM-Noon. There is NO
NEED TO CALL; just show up and meet in the amphitheater. Please do not bring young children as
supervision of young children has become a problem. Workers must be 15 years or older.
Thank you very much to those who volunteer, your time is greatly appreciated!
Please continue to support the
8th Grade Promotion Party by
buying $1.00 ice cream after
school every day.
Type to enter
textA BIG thank you to Yong
Davidson for all your hard
work selling the ice cream.
You are Awesome!!
Recycling (Plastic Bottles & Aluminum Cans)
Help our environment & our school by recycling your
beverage bottles & cans.
Look at the label for the
universal recycle symbol and the words CA CASH REFUND or
Containers with these markings are good to go in
our recycle bin.
Black recycle bins can be found in some
in the office & library.
The Santiago PTSA Monthly Newsletter
What’s Happening
Around Campus?
Whew!! What a month!! With so many
amazing campus activities, projects,
fundraisers, and clubs March was a
whirlwind of learning and fun on
campus! Here are just a few of the events
that took place in March!!
Texas Hold Em’
Once again our Texas Hold Em’ event was a success! What a
great night filled with games and prizes!
Thank you Mrs. Mallory for facilitating this event and thank you to
all the teachers who volunteered their Saturday night to serve our
Hold Em’ players as well as those who donated items for the silent
auction. And a special Thank you to Mr. D who, as usual, did not
disappoint in the dinner department!
We had 2 big fundraisers
this month as well as some
ongoing ones, Texas Hold
Em’ and our 5th annual Staff
v. Student Softball game.
On behalf of all Santiago,
thank you to all those who
participated; students,
parents, and staff, your
support is amazing!
Staff v. Student
Softball Game
What a great day! Students enjoyed an extended lunch on the field,
many in free dress, while watching the 8th graders and the 7th
graders try to beat the staff! Only the 8th graders succeeded!
7th grade teachers
Thank you Mrs. Grewal for all your hard
work in creating this great fundraising
8th grade teachers
Mr. D
The Santiago PTSA Monthly Newsletter
Seth Watkins, a current 8th
In the News grader, is featured in the OC
register for his efforts to
raise money to reconstruct
the enclosure for Spirit, a
bald eagle at the Santa Ana
Zoo. Below is an excerpt
from the article.
Reduce, Reuse,
Ink & Toner Cartridges
Our Academic Clubs together with our school
library are asking our community for support to
raise needed funds. We are not selling anything but
are collecting items that would otherwise be thrown
away. Help our environment and our Santanas!
“So rather than sitting around watching television, playing
video games, strolling a mall or doing what a lot of 14-yearsold do, Seth Watkins is on a mission to raise $9,000 to
rebuild Spirit, the bald eagle's, exhibit at the Santa Ana Zoo.
As of Friday, he had already raised $2,060, and he has
plans to speak before Rotary Clubs and to e-mail everyone
he knows to raise the rest.
Also, he has launched The Spirit Project website at, and has
identified and worked with a stainless steel manufacturer in
Arizona that would fabricate the mesh. He also found,
through his church, a landscaping company that will donate
new drains and plantings for the exhibit.
"This is going to be really cool," Watkins said in an
interview at his home. "I wanted to do something really
interesting with this."’
Shoe Drive
Turn in gently used shoes (especially athletic shoes).
Collected shoes are made affordable and available
to people domestically and internationally who
might otherwise be unable to afford new clothing.
We will be collecting through the end of this school
year. You can drop off the shoes at the school
library or give them to Mrs. Shukla. Thank you for
your support!
E-Waste Drive
We will be collecting e-waste items through Friday,
April 19th. All electronics are accepted except
major appliances (such as refrigerators, washers &
dryers, etc.), light bulbs, & alkaline batteries.
**Important - if dropping off CRTs (older, larger,
bulkier kind), a form MUST be filled out. Please
see Mr. Peter Nishimoto or call Mrs. Davidson at
714-926-0632 to arrange for drop off of CRTs.
For a more detailed list on what we can take, please
see the school website.
If you want to donate to
Seth’s project, please
visit his project website
On March 27th Santiago
OUSD All Distr
hosted the OUSD All
District Band. Students
from all over the district
tried out for this performing
band and Santiago was
heavily represented!
Congratulations to all the students who participated
in this year's OUSD All District Honor Band and
Honor Orchestra! After many hours of practice, the
concert was wonderful. The students worked very hard
and it definitely showed. Thank you for making
Santiago proud!
~Mr. Lorbeer
The Santiago PTSA Monthly Newsletter
Our History department had a huge month in March. The teachers went to a National
HIstory Conference, our 7th graders had their Renaissance Fair, they received a new
grant, and they were able to incorporate their new iPads into their project-based
learning! Way to go History Gurus!
Our Teachers
Mrs. Peckham, Mrs. Hale, Mrs. Gonzales & Mrs. Mallory
"As part of the SCRIBES grant that Mrs. Mallory wrote for the
History Department, some of our 7th and 8th grade teachers
were able to go to a National History Conference for three days
in Richmond, Virginia. They were able to tour Thomas Jefferson's
home in Monticello, visit the Confederate White House and
Confederate Museum, and listen to some wonderful sessions to
further their classroom teaching."
The Renaissance Salon
Seventh grade students participated in the annual Renaissance
Faire on Wednesday, March 27th. On this day, all seventh
graders met in the library to share the research they conducted
on their historical figure from the Renaissance or the
Reformation. Within this group project, students practiced their
technology skills by creating a PowerPoint, expressed their
creativity by building an artifact and shared their discoveries
through their group presentations. This yearly event is always a
highlight of the seventh grade history curriculum, and we're proud
of our students' creativity! Thanks to all families that volunteered
time and snacks to make this event a success. We appreciate you!
action! 7
The Santiago PTSA Monthly Newsletter
$7,000 =
35 New Laptops!
In continuing our campus wide effort to expand our
technology and technology use the history
department, due in large part to Mrs. Mallory’s tireless
efforts, had received a grant for $7,000 to buy 35
new google chrome lap tops! Way to go history
department! The history department already received
a grant buying them a full class set of iPads which they
use regularly. See the pictures of students using the
iPads during their Renaissance presentations.
Foundation Games
The Following athletes competed on Friday,
April 12th in The Orange County Foundation
Games at Fred Kelly Stadium. They
competed in various Track and Field events
against other school athletes from Orange
County. They did an amazing job and we
will be posting their official results in the
May Newsletter.
June 7, 2013
"There are still a few yearbooks left! Get
yours before they sell out. The price
will be increasing in a few weeks so
purchase now to lock in your
discounted price! See Ms. Barron in
the front office for an order form or
order online at"
Team – Steven Booher, Axel Bravo, John Carr, Sydney Carr, Jenna Conine, Zack Crabtree, Madison Craw, Darren Fan, Francisco Flores-­‐
Villscan, Hannah Habibi, Lizandro Hernandez, Karla Herrera, David Ibrahim, Julianna Janes, Ian Jaramillo, Brooke Killeen, Marissa Kulda, Derron Lopez, Kaitlyn Meeder, Brayden Metoyer, Taylor Menke, Baily Moore, Lorena Moreno, Danny Perez, Eric Rivera, Ashley Rock, Emily Rodriguez, Ruben Romeo, Alan Sanchez, Sophia Sarmiento, Elena Sternlicht, Colin Swan, Sydni Swayzer, Andrew Urch, Armando, Villascan, Emily Wagenbrenner, Keomalu Wilson, Armando Zavala, Carisa Zurbuchen
• Annual Notification to Parents:
“In accordance with the Federal asbestos regulations, our
school maintains a file with the results of asbestos inspections
of various building materials at our school. The file is
available for review with prior appointment.”
• Our attendance phone number has changed:
The students were given the opportunity to write the new
number in their agendas as well, but just in case you didn’t
The new phone number to report absences will be
714-633-4366 ext 8501.
te F
The Santiago PTSA Monthly Newsletter
Friday, May 24th
Saturday, May 25th
Both performances will begin at 7:00pm and will be performed in the Drama Room 501. Cost is a suggested donation of $5.00 per person but larger donations are greatly appreciated. Spring
& Variety Show!
Thursday, May 2nd
Tickets on sale April 29th @ 7:15 in cafeteria
Thursday, May 30th
$5 per ticket
ALSO!!! Don’t forget to bring spare change
to vote for your favorite teacher starting
Monday, April 29th at lunch!
Come see your fellow Santana’s and your
favorite teachers, SHAKE THEIR GROOVE
STAR Testing May 7th-15th
Please note these dates as it is important
your student is in attendance!
The Santiago PTSA Monthly Newsletter
May = Integrity
Next Month’s Theme:
Be aware, Teachers and Staff will be
leading by example and looking for
INTEGRITY on Campus.
This month at Santiago we would like to focus on
forgiveness. As the great Mahatma Gandhi said,"The
weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the aribute of
the strong." So what we can learn and improve on is
forgiving. By forgiving we will be the strong people of
our community. To forgive means to excuse or pardon
the fault of someone else. So this month at Santiago
let’s all be stronger people and forgive and forget! GO
Chloe’s Corner
The teachers and staff at Santiago would like the
students to focus on having more empathy this
month. Having empathy for someone means that
you understand their situation and feelings. A few
ways we can work on our empathy would be;
listening to others when they open up to you,
giving them advice or feedback, and showing them
you care by a simple “hi” or even a text message
asking how their day was. So this month at
Santiago let’s show everyone that we not only
care about ourselves but also care about how the
people around us are doing. GO SANTANAS!!!!
The Santiago PTSA Monthly Newsletter
Employee of the Month
Each month one certificated staff member (teacher) receives an award of
excellence, given to them by the previous month’s winner. Santiago is so
proud of each acknowledged staff member, who by the way scores a great
parking spot, we thought we would share how lucky we, and your
students, are to have them! Keep up the good work Santanas!
The Golden Apple
Mrs. Flores, as given by Mrs. Hunsberger
Luci Flores de Apodaca! Luci has been a fabulous
addition to this year’s Santiago teaching staff. She has
enthusiastically participated in a variety of school
activities including the Auction, the 6th Grade Tours and
the Student/Faculty Softball Game. Luci has also shared
her educational expertise by helping the faculty with the
school’s new Reading Counts program, and she has been
instrumental in guiding the staff towards learning about
and implementing the Common Core standards. But most
importantly is the fact that Luci is a positive mentor and
teacher to her students, always working closely with
teachers in making sure her students are succeeding to the
greatest extent of their capabilities. Santiago is very lucky
to have Luci as a part of our family.
Staff Spotlight!
Meet Mr Lorbeer! Our resident, all things music
related, expert! Mr. Lorbeer conducts our choir,
band, advance band, and orchestra in addition
to Director of our Drama/Musical Theater
program. He hosts the OUSD All District bands
and is responsible for running our multiple
concerts and theater productions! Mr. Lorbeer
makes certain our Santanas leave Santiago with
more the just the musical “basics.” They leave
here with a musical talent and experience! Our
students perform at every school event from
STRIVE assemblies, fundraisers, and back to
school/open house nights! You deserve a nap
Mr. Lorbeer!
The Santiago PTSA Monthly Newsletter
Print and Sign
Student Name:________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name:_________________________
Any Comments/Feedback:_______________________
We want you to be informed on what
is happening around campus. If you
print and sign this page AND your
student turns it in to Mrs. Barbas in
Room 801, they will receive 2 thank
you cards!
Thank You
Next Sentinel deadline:
April 26th
Attendance - 714-633-4366 ext 8501.
Articles may be edited for clarity and as
space availability demands
Natalie Barbas, Sentinel Editor [email protected]
Mark Your Calendars
Mon 1-Fri 12
Spring Break!! No School!!
Thur 2
Dancing with the Teachers @ 6pm
Mon 15
School Resumes
Fri 3
Minimum Day & Mid Tri 3
Wed 17
Late Start, (Bell Rings at 8:40), Charter
board meeting @ 6:30pm
Mon 6- Fri 10
Teacher Appreciation Week
Thurs 18
Promotion Party Meeting
Tues 7-Wed 15
STAR Testing
Sat 20
Saturday work day 8am-12pm
Fri 10
Spring Dance 3-4:30
Wed 24
Late Start, (Bell Rings at 8:40), PTSA
Meeting @ 7pm
Tues 14
PTSA Meeting @ 7pm
Fri 26
Minimum Day, school ends a noon
Wed 15
Late Start, (Bell Rings at 8:40), Charter
Board Meeting @ 7pm
Tues 30
Jeans for perfect attendance!!
Wed 22
Late Start, (Bell Rings at 8:40), PTSA
Board Meeting @ 7pm
Fri 24 & Sat 25
Minimum Day & Spring Musical @7pm
Mon 27
Wed 29
Late Start, (Bell Rings at 8:40), Wall of
12Thur 30
Fri 31
Spring Concert
Jeans for Perfect Attendance