Page 1 ` ·.. . NEWS t,. 9 9~ LETTER JUNE 1937 Editor, Ruth K


Page 1 ` ·.. . NEWS t,. 9 9~ LETTER JUNE 1937 Editor, Ruth K
NEWS t,.
Editor , Ruth
9 9~
Wakeman, 2821 Hillside Drive, Eurlingame , California
99 TAXI - Last year some enterprising 99's decided they could
help their fellow members by furnishing transportation to visiting
~omen pilots whenever possible, so they registered at the home
airport leaving name and telephone number. Pleasant contacts and
new friendships resulted. With summer here and the girls flying
about the country more, it would be ni ee if traveling members
could know what other 99 1 s are near them; so a membership list is
now available at cost for the personal use of members. If you
wish the list, send 10¢' to the secret ai~y. Alice Hll!JUDond,
15011 Glenfield Ave<», Detroit, .Michigun.
WEDDING(' - Dorothy "Pressler, Governor of the South Central Section,
wus married to Merrill Morgan, Tulsa pilot, on lday 15th.
Mr. and
Mrs. Morgan are at home at 1601 s. Knoxville Ave., Tulsa.
Rclen ~·-a.cClosko y, Airmarking Pilot with the D.. of Co was married
to Hov1::i.rd Rough. Assistant Director of the Bureau o:f Air Commerce,
lla;r 27th in Pit ts burg. Mr. a nd Mrs. Rough will be at home after
July first at 2929 Connecticut Ave., V/nshington, D. c.
Louisa 'rhaden set a new speed record for women at St.
Louis May 28th by flying a 100 kilometer course at a speed of 197.9
mi les ":ln hour. The former record was 1'75 miles an hour, held by
Amelia Ea.rh::-.rt.
NON SCHEDUIED TNS'.rRUlIBUT R..:~TINGS were avmrded two more women in
April, thus making a total of four women who hold this high award.
The two newest
holders of the rating a:re Florence Bosvrnll of
Cleveland , Ohio , and Uurgare t Dorst of Atherton, California. The
other two are Ilargaret Kimbo.11 and Amelia Earhart ..
Mrs. Boswell began flying less than a year ago and in that unbelievably short time ho.s received her · pri V.' ~ P J,. c., Transport and
Radio Transmitter rs licenses and now the highest of all, her NonSchedu.lcd Instrument Rating .. . She took her test April 23rd in her
new co.bin Cessna from Inspector William Robertson.
Florence says, ur don 1 t plun to go in·to storms, but when I do get
into themt I con come through on my blind fl;ving ancl not ha.,.re to .
Sit down at a. Podank: o..11·port and wait for fair wea:ther.," Abbie Dill
testifie s to her nbili ·i;y at instrument fl;ring, as recently on o.
trip from Chicago i,o Cleveland they were f0rccd to fly blind most
of the vmy, landing at Cleveland. when mos·c of the ships v1erc put
a\'JaY in .. Flying isn't ~lorence 1 s only accomplishment by
any ·means • .::i.s besides running h0x household, she acts as anosthetist
for her husband, who is a surgeon.
11rs . Dorst, formm."lY Nargnret Fuller ~nd member of the well-known
flying Fuller Paint family has been flying for some years and has
t.:i.ken extensive aerial trips about the United Stutes. She has o~ned
a 6 place Travel Air, a Wright-powered Beechcraft end now has a
Wright j_:>Owercd co.bin Waco in r;hich she took her instrument rating
test April 29th from Inspector Robert Bodinger.
ANNOUNCID:IBNT of interest to the 99 1 s is the axri val of John · III to
1~. and Ml"S.- John Smith Hammond at Harper Hospital, .Detroit> April
30th. Mrs. He.mmond, or in other words, Alice Hirschman Hammond,
is national secretary of the 99 1 s.
Why I le~rned to fly isn't very exciting , but I'll try to tell it
in as few word~ as no"sible.
At one time in my lif'e I was the most nervous. irri to.ole person in
1.110 wo-.. ld 1 or "'O r1;r mother said. I just simply didn't know ·1hat to
do with my"clf. Th" latter part of Se::;>tcmber 1935 I rode up to the
'li Tport and tolrl Bill CraiG tho.t I v1anted to learn to fly,
;,. m;\·10:...· was. "Come right aho"d, you can ta1 . .o your first lesson nov1. 11
I "'Ot out o.i.: th0 C2.. ' r e:;cci ted--~- a little frightened, but nevertheles~ determined io co throuCTh with it.
Ono duy ·; en Bill was out of tonn Frank Hulse fle\17 around with me.
1 t \','US en icleo.l cl n;,r for flying.
I v;ent o..1·ound the field in tho
Taylor Cub Ii th ;1ranl\. in the front seat and mcde the usual bumpy
1P.m1 inr· .iur t hofo1·0 soloing. \'/hile we were at the end of the runt"Juy
.t1£:uu cot out at1d told me to truce it around by myself. I took off
and ho.vo never socn such a bi8, empty seat in all my life. I don't
~1cliovc, however, that I ever made a better landing.
From that d.ay
on I was completely "sold'. In Ap:ril 1936 I passed my test for an
Amateur license ~nd in July 1936 received my Private. A short
nhile before I received my ::_:irivate my mother said that she wanted
to be my first passenger. The D. of c. Inspector, Jimmy Neill, ~as
really my fi.l~st, because directly after he had given me my test he
took the stick out and let me fly him around the field.
Last anC. best of all on November 14, 1936, I was married to w. A.
Stephens, Transport and A&.E. I think this will be a flying family
from now on.
----Zoe Stephens
CL!ITR 'lL S~C....:1i1ION - IlJ.inois Chapter - Flo1"onco Bosr.1 ell. Sect 1 y
'.i.•roa::;. o1G110 rio:i.·tn Central Boction, i.J re.pidly becoming one of the
Illinois Chaptc~c 1 s steady customer::;, and rrn 1 ro fln.ttorit.g our~elves
that our moo tings cJrc so in tores ting that whenever she th:tt a
mooting is on, nothinu less than zero-~ero ~eather Rould prevent
hor hopping into her Cor;cna in Cleveland and v1inging her wc.y to
Chicago. .ve r1ere delighted to have Florence present at the Jiro.£ch
meeting when Helen Col ton ;:ind Vi Crosbie nere co-hostesses o.t liclcn 1 s
: ~:
home at the Lincoln Park West Hotel. Other guests were Mr. Patrick,
instructor in instrument flying and Mary Winstanley, all from
'The Chicago Municipal Airport restaurant was the scene of the Illinois
Chapter 1 s May meeting. Mabel Shermun and Doris Langher wero
hostesses at a charming breakfast to the girls. The place cards
were diminutive menus, the girl 1 S name and club insignia t:iorked
out in silver. After consuming fruit, cereal, ham and eggs, toast,
rolls and coffee----no we're not dieting----~e took over a corner of
the airport offices for a meeting, which was called to order by
Jane Ray, ohairman •••••• oWe were delighted to have as our guests
Jeannette Lempke, Governor of North Central Section, who flew her
Davis in from Bay City, Michigan, and Florence Bosnell, who hopped
from her ship spic and span, even to the point of a gardenia corsage.
Abbie Dill was Florence' coihi)anion on this jaunt o The local talent
prsent ·were: Alice DeWitt, Helen·:sudwash, Helen Colton, Eleanor
Domack, Doris Langher, Jane Meyer, Jane Ray, Dorothy Ring, Emma
Sprague, Mae 't:ilson 1 Ruth Haupt, Mabel Sherman, Martha Stadler and
1Iaxine Bennett •••• o .. Jane Ray turned the meeting over to Jeannette
Lempke, who discussed the election of National Officers in September.
President, Vice-President and Secretary will be elected and changes
in tho constitution i;Vhich will be taken up in tho sectional meeting
May 30th ............. I,ake Wawaseo or South Bend were suggosted for
tho mooting. It was hoped that by selecting Indiana as the state
for the meeting it v10uld serve to interest women flyers of Indiana.
in forming a chapter and joining tho 99 1 s. Illinois members were
I~vorable to the location.
Chit Chrit : Some of our gals must be fai1.. weather :pilo·~n,, Only
three ·howod up for the April meeting, due to a local deluge. Many
of the gals are planning a flying week-end to South J3end ov-er tho
30th. The rest trekking toward St .. Louis for the Air Races •• •••
Holen Colton is expecting to be in Arizona and California for the
..Lir t two weeks in Juneo Unj_i;ed Air J.. ines will carry her there ......
Jane Meyer is flying to St. Louis to ncover" the air races fox her
paper. She 1 ll fly Chicago and Southern Air Lines.
Jane Ray, her health regained after a siogo of illness, is her
cheerful self again, and we were all delighted to have her among us
once morea She is ta.lking about a trip to Germany this summor, and
June Kraft is Europe bound too. She left on a two month's vacation
trip Qith her fathera
Dorothy Ring is mo.king 1 em sit up and take notice at Chico.go Muni.:.
cipal Ai1·:port. She 1 s hopping passengers, o.nd the news reels have
been doing her up flying high 9 taking off and landing---thrce pointers,
you can bet! ••••••• our Rod~Air-0 movies have been in demand. They
were shorm o:t the April mooting of tho Illinois Air Pilot 1 s Ass.
and tho Lavmdulo ]'lying Club ..
1WRTH C~NTRAL SECTION - 1lichigan Chapter- The lln;v meeting of the
Michigan Chapter was held atthe Detroit CJ.ty Airport Mo.y 2nd. A
delicious luncheon \70.S enjoyed ~:.ri th Faye :K:i_rk 0.3 L.os tess, o.f'tor which
the lmsincss meeting wns held. It ws.s decided to hold a hard-t imes
party at the Detroit Airport on the evening of May 22nd with dancing
: :
~ 19~1
and games of all sorts to raise money for the Chapter •••••• A lovely
blanket was presented Florence Swanson, i~ho is being· married May
1'7th to Robt. Pasineau of Detroit, and a whito silk scarf and
matching hnndkerchie:f of parachute silk to ll'orothy Carpenter, who
recently completed the work for hor Ph .. D degreo at tho Uni vcrsi ty
of Michigan •••••• wo have two now members; Ethel Nikrant and Roberta
Lupton, both holders of private licenses and both of Detroit. Bobby
Lupton recently journeyed out to San Diego to bring back her new
Ryan S-T· It was her first cross country trip of any length and she
flew it back alone, a right smart feat J •••••• ~orothy Carpenter
gave a brief account of her experiences in the Aeroncu cruise from
Cincinno.ti to Miami and return, duTing the winter, and after the more
format. part of the meeting, Ray Baker showed sevor<:J. reols of
colored film to the group ••••• Jounnette Lcmpke 1 s Warner Davis is
now finished and wus tost-hopped Thursday after a vacation since
la::it September.
---~orothy Carpenter
:Dorothy Cro"'penter has bought a lor1.:..w-ing Aeronca in \'"Jhich she will
fly to Colorado Sprin~s June 12th. From there as headquarters, she
and a fellow.:..r10rker in Botany tlill spend the summer collecting and
classifying cacti in Colorado, .Al"izona, New Mexico and Texas.
HORTH CENTRAL SECTIOtf .:.. Northern Ohio Cho.;pter - is having a round-up
r1Co.tinCT and too. iit-tlie rtomenxs City Club on S~aturday, May 22nd at
3:00 .P.1;. Arnone HJ o is in this vicinj ty is welcome. The purpose
of tho mcetinB is to G:1th0r together nll of tho r10men nho arc
s tnd:ri nr, any of aviation, and. plan for their participation in
tho e11tertainmeut o..L out-of-town rJOmen flyers du1·ing tho Ai:c Racos
n.nd in tho Air Deforu:c IJay at tho Exposition sponsored by tho
Clovcland Womon 1 s Chapter of tho l~o A. A..
Tho .ffo rthorn Ohio · group
covers all of this part of the ·S as far south as Columbuo, but
qt this mootingp o..11 of Ohio vlill be represented.. Some of these
girls will compete in the Air RacesP and most of them v1ill perform
on Air Defense Day at the E~~posi tion. Tea will be served in the
French Court and J1;b.~. Don Patrick of Cleveland \7ill speak on "New
Licenses in Aviationn. Jeannette Lempke, Governor of the Section ,
will fly in'from Bay City, Michigan, fo:r the meeting.
Florence Boswell has been taking a number of trips to other chapter
meetings and business meetings and ahff.ys takes some of the less
fortnnatc flyers with hor. She is most generous with her Cessna
and helps tho other girls to practice flying on instruments. I
personally have learned a lot in tho past few ncolrn • Last week we
went to Chicago and she had a ch~ncc to prove how well she learned
her lesson.. I can guarantee she sure can fly blind, because we
flew that way most of the way back from Chicago.
If acy of you c an plan to come a day or so early for the Races this
yeur ~ Septom: er 3-6, rrnuld like to have you pn.rtic ip~to 1 n the
Air Defense Pro(;Tam at the Great Lakes E.Aposition on Sept. ls ts just
Jll'ior to the r<.'..coi::. You may get in touch ni th mo ut 13419 Harlan
Ave., La.kerrnod 1 Ohio.
----Abbie Dill
Leor a Stroup of tho Northern Ohio Chapter sends ulonG some ne s bits.
Clovoland N.A.A. go.vo o. luncheon for Florcuco Bosnoll in celebration
<'L..- _
. .of her receiving her Non-scheduled Instrument Rating and presented
her with a corsage. Florence gave an interesting radio broadcast
recently and in addition talked to the Cleveland Air Mail Service
Club etc •••••••.••• Mary King, Transport, thinks nothing of interstate flying. She flew to Wichita ~ Kansas, to help fly back a
new Cessna for the Willoughby Field, then took off for a week-end
in Virginia and recently made a round-trip to New York City •••••••
Almn Arlene Davis surely makes use of her Beechcrnft too. She gave
a talk Saturday at the airport t-0 a group of wide-eyed.Girl Scouts
of Lakewood and she opens her most lovely tulip gardens to frequGnt
purties ••••••••••••• Mary Winstanley proudly owns her Private License
now. She flies from Sk'rJ Haven Field in a Great Lakes.Your correspondent, who likes slow ships (so as to see the scenery) has
developed a devotion to a new T~lor Craft at Willoughby Field.
Hedge-hopping h3.s gotten to be a passion at present.
The Cleveland 99 1 s have sponsored a new Cleveland Heights Aviation
Club of High School girls. They are studying airplane construction
and traffic rules and as a matter of courtesy ( ana. future business
for Willoughby Field) rides were arranged in the Cessna last Saturday.
Clevleland Airport is the world 1 s biggest and best nov1. The 1080
acres has o. finished macadam o.sphal t landing mat of 85 acres, which
is blaclc and can be seen for miles. All this is to make Cleveland
the place for the National Air Races Sept. 3-6. Entertainment plans
are> also plans for the National 99 meeting.
--Leora Stroup YORK - N:-SVI JERSEY Once again members gathered for the monthly
mee tint; on Mn.y 3rd af the Hotel Pennsyl vani ~.. Ora May Luscombe was
proposed for memoershi:p and voted in as a ,junior membe::..· of thin
sectiono 1:Velcome...... To avoid any fmrther misunderst~nding, it
was decided that applications for junior membership should. have a
certification of the solo time of the applicant. To ~)ecome a junior
~ember of this section it is necessary to have had 10 hours of solo
time, and inasmuch ns the application blank does not differenti~te
between d.ll<ll and solo time, some girls have ap~lied for membership
rJi thout stating whether they have had the requisite solo hours. By
the foregoing ruling, 1'1e hope to avoid this in the future., ••••••
rt w<:is also decided that delinquent members should pay the $1 inj, tiation fee, r>lus the usual membership dues, i.n order to be roin:3ta.ted •
• • • :Due to tho fact tho.t there arc aui to o. fe w New Jersey members and
they have very boon coming to Now York for the monthly
meetings, there was some discussion about holding a meeting in Jersey
and i·eve1·sing the proceedings.. However, tc:.lking n.bout it was as far
as we got and it was decided to postpone such o.n event until fall ••••
But, the next meeting will be held June '7th at Alma. Harwood rs pl a ce
in Rye. I really shouJ.dn 1 t call it a meeting, t houe;h r a s it is really
a party and anyone iTJho rms there last year G till remembers it.. 1.le
all ho.d such a [;Tnnd time and look forward to it eagerly ••• ~ .... Air
Service POSL No. 501 invited the 99ers of tbis section to be th8ir
r,uc st"' at their meeting on 1:1ny 12th at Mnrt a r o in Greenwich Villo,ge.
From the re t iorts I have had, mem;Jors who tmiok advnntnge of this
invitation had a grand time •••• That 1 s all now. See you next month.
--Kay Tisza Traulson
o. o.
Added news of the New-York-New Jersey sec ti on states that Margaret
Cooper and Amy Andrews flew in Amy 1 s Stinson to Ypsilanti , Michigan,
may 10th to visit Mabel and Harry Britton.
SOUTHWEST S3CTION - Los Angeles· Section - Wilma Fri tschy flew up to
3akersfield and oYer the surrounding territory to see the ~ild
flowers while they were at their loveliest. She didn 1 t get low
enough to l)ick e.. bouquet, but she ·g ot plenty of them from her
passenger for her skillful navigation •• ~ •••• o Della Lawhorn flew
to Santa Barbare~ in a Monocoupo recently, bont upon both business
und ploasuro ••• ·-···· At tho May mouting of the Club, William
McCormack, who was with Commander Byrd in Little America on his last
trip told us something of the vicissitudes of an Antartic expedition.
rt was a f~scinating narrative , but r,ndcd, all too soon ••••••• • •
Tony r.evero, a friend of Mr. J:i! oCormack' s? vms a dinner guest the same
evening ••••••• ~he Los Aneeles Chapter girls were guests of the San
Diego Jr. Chamber of Commerce over the week-end o:f May 8 and 9th.
Genevieve Savago entertained the girls at a cocktail and swimr..1ing
party on Saturday P.M. This was followed by a dinner dance at the
San Diego Club. A few hours of sleep were sandwiched in before the
Sunday activities started. Severei girls attended the races. The Jr.
Chamber of gommerce was assiduous and. untiring in its efforts to show
the girls every courtesy. ~here were fifteen members of the 99ers
present and all report and extra. good timoe •••••• Margaret Blair and
Bessie Owens flew down in o Stinson and Ethel Sheehy saddled her
trusty Greo.t Lakes and galloped over for the hoc-down...... Jl!Iary
Alexander is back in otJ.r fold after proselyting among the San
..:rancisco ga,ls for the past year •••••• Clema G:cangox 1 s recant house
pru.·ty at Palm Sp.rings 1aas a ['T c.nd. succo s s • The proverbial loaves
c:md fishes turned into huge hampers of fo.o d and ample sleeping
accommodations for the crowd. Joy reigned unconfined, but we hope
not unrefi ned, for Cloma 1 s hospitality knows no bounds. There was
s1·1imming, a. stage coach ride, dinner on the mesa and possibly a few
other feutures that the degree of freedom of the press does not
warrant our telling (I wasn 1 t there, worse luckl) •••• Everyone attended the Avi~tion Club Breakfast at the ~esert Inn on Sunday
morning and took a final swim in the hotel swimming pool before
starting the trek home.
---Ga~rle Stewart, pinch hitting for
Hilda Ja.rmu th
SOUT ~·;~sT
SJC'.rION - Bay Ci ties Chepter - The monthly meetings of the
3a.y Ci tieG Chapter are getting more and more interesting. our May
meeting \'JaS held at tbe lovely new home of Ruth Wakeman in
Burlingni110. Those present were Maxine i!'ullcr, Pansy Bowen, Huth
Rueckert, .\fton Lcmis, Vilma Johnston, Harriet Is a n.cson, Beatrice
Nadon, Janot Knight, Phyllis Birchfield, Nolda Anderson and Maude
Miller. After the ~:msiness mooting games wore played follo r1ing
which a delicious repast was served (Jiffy, my, is your roportor going
h ich~) :i.·ow in this tiJ.ows :i tom?·
Woll, aft or visiting Hu th ' s homo 1 it
ju:, t c c.n 1 t bo helped, t ho pl.ace is so nice} Any visiting 99or c hould
t z-..1::0 ,mta.go of the 1ico biB wol·como thut i so a::;>pa.r o nt in this
ch.:i.r ming home •••••••• .Bossie owon, of Santa Bo.rbo.ra, vms a th1·co aay
vioi tor in our fair city recently • ififo v:1ish you would come of to.nor
and stay longer, ::Scssio, so o.11 of us could got u chance at hearing
: 6:
first-hand about that grund trip of yours ••••••••• We n.rc most
happy to wolcomo into this Chapter n now member, Nolda Anderson o~
02.kl2.nd. Until recently l!iss .Anderson li vcd in Los Angeles •••••
The rummage salo hold on May 22nd netted some $15.00 for tho
troa.sury •••
Ruth o.nd Fred Ruockort flow to Modesto in J[mot
Knight 1 c Fleet ovor tho 30th ••••• Ruth Ho.komun commuted betvwon Sun Frc..ncisco i::.nd So..cro.monto, m<J.ldng fi vc trips there
during the month in her Fo.irchild. Sho also acted c.s chauff ..,ur
c:..nd flew her husband dovm to . :&-:-.lrnrsfiold.
--U~udo Miller
Tho 20th of tho r.10nth is tho dc<J.dline for nows i toms for tho
Tho l e.s t two letters ho.Vo been lnto due to delay in
rocoiving itoms from tho scctiona.J. reporters. Romcmbor, that the
ncr1s must be in. 1Jy tho 20th, o.nd reporters or members -;ii th interesting
contributions must ho..vo their reports in by tho..t or such ne\'IS
c;:nmot be included in the issue.
- Editorlfor1s ·Lotter.