
October 22n 19B3.
I£r. Cohen inforiasd me the.'*;
l>ed spoken vdth Ur. Zupraner of OPBJ nho Is nost
interested in having his agenoy participate in the training proci*®"^
be avraitlng my phone oall to-morrow.
In'an effort to olwlfy oertain other problems nhloh alioTit whioh the PSJt nii^
hsvfi sopw iiifori'ril.J r>»ij Z rotst-i fhe following questions t the status of Mile
hYeooalSne Bloob, vho status of lime Folnow-Sohfr&b, the proposed poreonnel
changes in 03E.- alnos all of these matters play a part in determining the oholoe
of oandldatea for the supervisory and in-servioe training programs.
Following is a Evssnery of the InformetJon Kr. Cohen gave ine i
1) Although there has been muoh baok and forth with referenoe to the hiring of
!illle ^oh to replace Mle Sorkln in the FSJU, it appearo that both she and the
agency are sonoi'Vial hcsltLri't dV.out this step. Aooording to Ur. Cohen, Miss
Blooh is Tery reluctant to gi've v>p 'he dirmit vork with oliente ia *rtiloh she is
particularly interested and for which she feels equipped, and oould not, In sAy
oaae, Imediately leave her present position. The FSJU has, therefore, been
o6Ztt«i^l*tlng the idea of retaining Ulss Volff and the part-^lne serrioes of
lillse Odetiwald for the "Sooial Service" aspecrt, and hiring another person who
would tabs over the aooounting and statistioal parts of the job. He is planning
to re-dlsouss this with Ulss Blooh but in Liy case, ho felt that she would be
able to and should undertake the supervisory training. In this oonneotloa, he
talked al3o about Uiss Volff's very great Interest la the tral)iln^ and her
desire to participate, but questioned whether this would be poJi-ible in terras
of the heavier rasponslbHities she will have to undertake if they reorganised
the FSJTJ Sooial Snrjloe branch as described above.
PolncM-Sohwab i He confirmed that Une Schwab Is being terminated by the F8JD,
tnat sKe Will probably be going to OSE Medical with supervisory grade although
she may not Inwdlately have supervisory functions.
3) Froa the point of view of the FS^, he stressed, in all oonfldence, their interest
in seeing the following people trained as supervisors In terns of their IXiture
role in Jewish sooial work i
a) Mile Francellne Blooh S6J
b) Une Polnow-Sohwab
oj Mile Odette Sohwab
CBIP (This candidate he felt was important beoause
of the great need for the Instituting of sound professional prantldes'in her
( The BSJU is, of course, interested In the training of U. Georges UlcheL).
4) In reference to the In-servioe training program, FSJU sees the need as most
urrant In i
a) Q68,'CPBJ. Mr. Cohen felt that both of the directors would be willing to
work out the possibility of joint training. I dlscMSsed with Kr. Cohen Mile
Wolff's recoBnendatlon that we wait until the seoond training period beoausa
of U>e iunluoat oliaugos ia y«raoai>el.
Cohoii ww rath«r iuolined to
«av* this Asido e&yine that thie L&utnann has b«en suppossdly leavlag tha
agsuoy for wall over a year now. Afi for as tha dopartura of line Roo^ue
Ifl oonoarnad, he thought lir. Job would be hirine as inmadiata raplaoament
so that thie parson would sliortly be able to partloi^>ata in tha traiuiue
aa wall, Wltliout ttUclng a poeltion one way or tlio other, I did aaprasa
•y serious question about the Talua of a pro^uu In a small staff la
of li drifted in aud out at different noosnts.
b) CBIF - It has already beea ssntioned that F.S.J.?, is awws that they
hare only begun to sat up a serious Soolal Serrioe departaent and would
ueed a great deal of help. I let kr. Cohan know that Hiis Sahwidi had
already loforMd d» that she will be absent froa NoTeaber S through the
23. whiob may be souewhat of adraiiba<^.
I inXuraed lir. Cohan that tlia candidates would be salaoted by a oomlttee ai^
that I hoped to be able to let hin and. the agenolea 'knam by the aiddla of uext
week whoa we would take on and in whioh other agenoy we would begia, as wa
hoped to get the full progran uoder way as qulokly as possible.
One of tha other purposes of this meetiug was for Ur. Coheu to let ae know
wiiat problens tha F8JI7 would suggest for disoussioa in the different trailing
prograaa. Ih«y are, for the aonsiit at any rate, in the order of inportano*
as follcFws t
Inter-ageuoy relationships oa>the laTel-of the ohiaf sooial workers. These
seen to be aarjcad by a laok of understaudiug and syi^thy of eaoh others
functions and problsas, by an often stubborn inslstanoa on their own aganoy's point of vim and ri^ts. whioh Tery moh ooi^lioates the neoessary
oollaboratlon anong the dlffereut Jewish agsnolea. The FSJU has tried,
to the extent that this is possible, to define and dellait the area of
funotion of eaoh agenoy but very often there are border-line oases wtiioh,
aooordlng to Ur. Cohea, could be easily handled if tha ohief woi'kara were
really ready to work together on a profesaio&al basis. He oited as two
of the nost frequent examples the diffioultles between the SSJ and the
ohild plaoeaeat agenoiaa xho neoessarlly work together a great deal, and
06& nedioal and all the agianoies. The FSJ? would feel that ttu sohool had
contributed a great deal if the Tarlous head workers oould see these^
probleM in a nore professional aad nutually u&derstaifdiug way.
Z) It is ifr. Cohea's iiq^esslon , although be is not certain of its aoouraoy,
that the ohief soolal workers have not sufficiently dafiued, dallmitad and
deoentralised their Jobs. By rirtue of the fact that they atta^ to do
too Duoh and to carry too mtiy responsibilities, oartain vital reports and
deoisious on oases are soa«ti»as held up. Is this a question of orgaaiia>
tion or is it a question of too nuoh work aud too little personnel T The
saae question can also be applied in a nore general sens*. Do tha agauoles,
partioularly Q6E Uadioal, have sr suffioi*!.'; sooial work personnel on a
nlniMM lerel to perMlt tb«k to handle their jobs effioiently 1 Again,
' aj:«
dlTflottltlos oa tho job due to serioua uadvr-staffing or io poor
orcitaicktloa t Ur. CoiieD w&a uot sure about wh«th«r m would li«cr* an opportunl*
ty to observ* •aough of tba norlc la tho &g«Dol«s to get auy OIMU* li^raealon
< of thiB probl«n but •uc8«st»d that
would b« IntereatAd iu what*Ter obsorTatlooA M Blgbt bavo to aalca after aom months of int»nslTa ooutaot. It vm
left then that He, Cohen will speak with Hiss Blo^ and with lir. Job (to
olarlfy the replaoeae&ts to be nade at CSS) and will let as know vAiat final
daoisions have bsen taken oa these natters in the F8JU« We also will phone
' his aiid then oonflra la writing to iafora FBJIT of the final deolslons about
oa&dlfi^tesi etOt Ur. Cohen suggasted also that we Biight seat again at sone
later date as the fSJU would like to oooslder further whether ttiere are
crth*r adainistratlTe problems suolt as statietios, ageaoy reports, eto., with
wliioh we might possibly help by our training*
hlrlw Eelle&braod.