December 2015+January 2016 - South Lakes Methodist Circuit


December 2015+January 2016 - South Lakes Methodist Circuit
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour,
which is Christ the Lord.
And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe
wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the
heavenly host praising God and saying,
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace,
goodwill toward men.
Luke Chapter 2 verse 11-14
The Grapevine - December 2015/January 2016
Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations
1. Radical Hospitality
Dear Friends;
In my last letter, I introduced you to the book by Robert Schnase whose title is above. This time, I want to look at Radical Hospitality.
'Hospitality' is something we can all identify with. Who hasn't been blessed by a welcome in a strange place or an
invitation to a meal in someone's home? We know what hospitality is, and I have no doubt that we could all say that our
church is an hospitable place as well. A welcome is a wonderful thing. At Ulverston, by the time you read this, we will
have held an evening called “Creating a climate of welcome” in which we would have looked at how we welcome people into
our fellowship, and discussed how we might do this better; and I am more than happy to run it again should anybody wish
Paul wrote “Welcome one another, then, as Christ has welcomed yourselves, for the glory of God.” (Romans 15:7, Moffat
Statistics show that more people come to faith because one person befriended them and invited them than ever came
through mass rallies and evangelistic programmes - in one study a few years ago, 86% of people said the major influence
in them becoming a Christian was friends and relatives.
So much for hospitality then, but what about the word 'radical'. The Cambridge dictionary has one definition of the word
as: "relating to the most important parts of something or someone; complete or extreme.” Five Practices says that
“Radical” means “arising from the source”, “drastically different from ordinary practise, outside the normal”.
Schnase says that “Christian hospitality refers to the active desire to invite, welcome, receive and care for those who
are strangers so that they find a spiritual home and discover for themselves the unending richness of life in Christ.”
I remember once getting a lift home from some friends. I said they could stop at the end of the road and I would walk
the 300 yards or so to my door. They wouldn't. “Oh, no” they said, “we're second milers” and they drove me right home.
That phrase has stayed with me, are we 'second milers'? Do we go out of our way to make people feel welcome and at
home? Churches who practise radical hospitality surprise visitors with the depth and the quality of their welcome, so
that newcomers sense that they are cared for, are more than a face or a number, not a 'bum on seat' but a persons, with
hopes, aspirations and needs which must be responded to.
And this culture of welcome extends throughout the church. Perhaps each of our organisations need to ask themselves
how they can best respond to the needs of those who attend their meetings. “All Churches offer some form of
hospitality” says Schnase, “but Radical Hospitality describes churches that strive without ceasing to exceed
expectations to accommodate and include others.”
Why not take a look at your building? Walk through it as if for the first time. Think about what you see, smell, hear;
about what you notice that is welcoming and inviting and helpful, and what you find confusing or uninviting or forbidding.
Try to leave behind preconceptions and look through strangers eyes. Try to look through the building from the point of
view of a child, a teenager, a mother with a baby, a person with a disability or someone suffering from dementia. See
what changes could be made to make the building, and the actions of the people, more welcoming.
Blessings to you all;
The Grapevine - December 2015/January 2016
December 1
December 2nd
December 4th
December 5th
December 5th
December 6th
December 8th
December 9th
December 9th
December 12th
December 15th
December 16th
December 19th
January 4th
January 5th
January 9th
January 11th
January 12th
January 14th
January 16th
January 18th
February 2nd
February 6th
‘Creating a Climate of Welcome’ - First Impressions Count at Ulverston Blackburn Room
Ulverston Choir Practice
Circuit Christmas Lunch at Hillthwaite Hotel Windermere
Ulverston Methodist Band Practice
Furness Bach Choir at Ulverston Methodist Church
Ulverston Methodist Church Gift Service
Churches Together in Ulverston Prayer Meeting at Ulverston Methodist Church
Ulverston Choir Practice
Local Preachers’ and Worship Leaders’ Meeting at Windermere Methodist Church
Ulverston Brigade Coffee Morning at Coronation Hall
Lunchlink Christmas Lunch by ticket only.
Ulverston Choir Practice
Messy Church at Ulverston
Ulverston Stewards in the vestry
Churches Together in Ulverston Prayer Meeting
Family Christmas Party at Ulverston
Ulverston Finance Committee in the vestry
Ulverston Missions Committee in the vestry
Ulverston Events Committee in the vestry
Messy Church at Ulverston
Ulverston Worship Committee in the vestry
Churches Together in Ulverston Prayer Meeting
Ulverston Methodist Band Practice
There is normally a short Communion service the second Wednesday of the month at Ulverston at 10.45am and everyone
is very welcome. Every Wednesday there is Coffee and Chat 10.00 to 11.30am at Neville Street where you will find a
warm reception.
There is a monthly prayer meeting run by Churches Together in Ulverston on the first Tuesday evening of each month at
7.30pm. It moves from Church to Church and the venues until Christmas are shown below. All are very welcome for a
time of fellowship and prayer for the Church, the Community and beyond.
8th Dec.
Ulverston Methodist Church Rev Graham Ransom
From Rev Graham Ransom
Inside this Issue
Letter from Rev Graham Ransom
Diary for December and January
News of Friends
Zimbabwe Victims Support Fund
From Coniston
From Swarthmoor
From Ulverston
Christmas Quiz
From the South Lakes Circuit
Services at Grange, Cartmel,
Westerley, Lowick Parish Church,
Ambleside Grasmere, Hawkshead
The Lectionary
From the District
Answers to Christmas Quiz
From Churches Together in Ulverston
From our Local Community
Ulverston Sunday Services
Our Safeguarding and
Mission Statements
First Impressions count; Creating a climate of welcome,
This will be an evening to help us think about the
welcome the Church gives to newcomers and strangers.
1) Creating a welcoming building
2) Being a welcoming people
3) Welcoming through inclusion
Everyone is welcome so please come along on
Tuesday December 1st at 7pm
In the Blackburn Room.
The Grapevine - December 2015/January 2016
Rev Les and Hann and his wife Jill, their daughter Charlotte and son-in-law Rob along with big brother Andrew
are pleased to announce the birth of Alastair. Thank you all for holding us in your prayers during the last year.
At Ulverston we welcomed by baptism on Sunday November 29 th Samuel, son of Ruth and Luke Green, grandson of Lesley and
Howard Thompson and great grandson of Brenda Romans.
From Nicky Diggle
I would like to thank all those who came and supported the Coffee Morning in aid of the Rosemere Cancer Foundation, which
was held on Saturday 24th October at the Reading Rooms in Swarthmoor. The total amount raised from the event is
£1079.88. A special thanks to Barbara Springthorpe, Katie and Barry Brooks, Ruth Howlett and Jean Lambert who came
helped out on the day. Thank you again – next year the Swarthmoor Coffee Morning will be in aid of ST MARY’S HOSPICE.
From Joyce Pickstone
Hello to friends at Ulverston Methodist Church - Greetings!
Thank you for all the ‘New Home’ cards and the good wishes, I appreciated them very much. We are settling in our new home
at Ackenthwaite Nr Milnthorpe. I have still to find a church to worship and a choir to sing!
I look forward to getting the newsletter and hope to visit Ulverston soon.
Our address is The Cottage, Ackenthwaite, Milnthorpe LA7 7DQ Telephone: 01539564716
From Liz Rice
I would like to thank all friends in the church for the cards, flowers, gifts, prayers, visits and good wishes during my recent
period of recuperation after the operation on my hip. Jack and I appreciate the kindness shown to us by everyone. I am well
on the way to recovery and am looking forward to seeing you all at church very soon.
Since Rev David Winwood visited Ulverston information about this fund is readily available.
Ruth Howlett shares this latest update from Pastor Albert.
In August 2015 some 300 families were evicted from their homes on the McDonald’s Bricks site near Bulawayo. This update
was recently received on 30 October 2015.
We greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus!
As previously advised we attended court on 22 October where Radar Industries (the owners of McDonald’s Bricks) were
defending their right to evict the villagers. The villagers were represented by a lawyer. The case was postponed to 27
October as the judge’s judgement was not ready.
The judge gave a lengthy summary of events and concluded by saying that Radar Industries did not get a legal court order to
evict people. The title deed the plaintiff presented were also judged as not relevant to this case. So they had no right to
evict the villagers.
There was joy in the courtroom after this judgement! The plaintiff’s lawyer sneaked out while the woman lawyer representing
the villagers stood up and clapped. However this may not be the end of it she warned, telling the villagers to be prepared for
any further arguments Radar might bring forth. I felt that the judgement was grace and mercy from the Lord. We thank God
for an honest judge.
According to the last Sunday News the city council is planning to formalize the six squatter camps around the city, including
Now that this judgement has been given the people, encouraged by the lawyer, believe it is now time to start rebuilding. As of
yesterday I was in the camp and there was much joy. No-one was sitting, everyone was busy cleaning and making mud bricks
using tin cans as moulds.. Now we need to use donated funds to buy roofing for these homes. The corrugated iron is at a good
price but treated poles are expensive. We need to move before the rains.
Thank you to all of you who have been praying with us and supporting us financially.
The Grapevine - December 2015/January 2016
OUR MISSION is to provide a Christian welcome to all
and to act as a witness to Christ in the local community.
Maureen Studholme
Senior Steward at Coniston
If you need to contact Maureen
you can do so by
Sunday December 6th
Sunday December13th
Sunday December 20th
Sunday January 3rd
Sunday January 11th
Advent 2
Dr John Biggs
Advent 3
Mr Alan Thomson
Advent 4
Rev Graham Ransom
Holy Communion
Christmas Day
At Parish Church Rev Tim Harmer
Christmas 1
Rev Graham Ransom
Friday December 25th
Sunday December 27th
Sunday January 17th
Sunday January 24th
Sunday January 31st
Sunday February 7th
Covenant Sunday
Mr John Hutchinson
Baptism of Christ
Rev Graham Ransom
Covent Service
Epiphany 2
Mr Mick Malkin
Education Sunday
Rev Graham Ransom
Epiphany 4
Mrs Gillian Ransom
Sunday before Lent
Rev Jim Needham
Ernest Abbott 1st January 1927 - 20th October 2015
New chapel members are mostly a delight and a blessing and so it was in 1981 when Ernie, with his
beautiful wife Joan, came to Coniston.
Their contribution to chapel life and also Christians Together in Coniston, was invaluable. Joan, sadly now
deceased, was an accomplished musician whilst her good husband worked as Honorary Secretary and Co-ordinator as well as
being a practical participant in most chapel work, Mission Out Reach being a high priority.
Ernie wrote in his memoirs,
“On the death of my mother, a lady doctor said to me , ‘I am sure your mother is in Heaven’. This was an important
turning point in my life!. From then on I started to read scripture avidly. Next came two Missions . One was in
Warrington led by Rev Dick Shepherd. The other was Mission England with Dr Billy Graham and under his ministry I
committed my life to Christ.”
In 1980, after 37 years in the glass container industry working at a senior level, Ernie was made redundant!, On the
bookmark inside his Bible were the following words from Philippians chapter 4 verses 6 - 7.
‘Be not anxious about any thing, but in every thing, by PRAYER and PETITION with THANKSGIVING present your
requests to GOD. Which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in CHRIST JESUS.’
This, Ernie wrote, was continually his experience. ‘NEW employment with Vickers in Barrow: NEWLY built house in Coniston:
NEW place of worship: NEW Christian friends and church fellowship.
Ernie encouraged scholars old and new approaching Bible study with the words of John Bunyan
‘This book will make a traveller of thee,
If by its counsel thou wilt ruled be
It will direct thee to the Holy Land.
If thou wilt its direction understand;
Yea, it will make the slothful active be;
The blind also delightful things to see.’
The pamphlet printed for Ernie's funeral reminds us that Jesus said, “Every one who lives in me will never die.”
John chapter 11 verse 26.
The Grapevine - December 2015/January 2016
Ann Thomson
Senior Steward
at Swarthmoor
If you need to contact
Ann you can do so by
e-mail: [email protected]
PLEASE NOTE: Service for December and January are all at 6pm except on December 20 th and January 17th,
when they are at 10.30am. Carols by Candlelight on Wednesday December 23rd is at 7.30pm
Sunday December 6th
Advent 2
Rev Jim Needham
Sunday December 13th Advent 3
Rev Graham Ransom Holy Communion
Sunday January 3rd
Covenant Sunday
Rev Jo Rand
Sunday January 10th
Baptism of Christ
Rev Graham Ransom Covenant Service
Sunday December 20th Advent 4
Mrs Lesley Thompson
Sunday January 17th
Epiphany 2
Rev Graham Ransom
Wednesday December 23rd
Rev Graham Ransom Carol Service
Sunday January 24th
Education Sunday
Mr Alan Thomson
Friday December 25th Christmas Day
At Ulverston Rev Graham Ransom
Sunday January 31st
Epiphany 4
Mrs Paulette Bissell
Sunday December 27th Christmas 1
Dr John Biggs
Sunday February 7th
Sunday before Lent
Rev Dr David Jackson
All women are welcome. Information from Brenda Horrocks on 01229 587891.
Tuesday 8th December 2.15pm: Bring and Share Christmas tea at Brenda’s house.
Tuesday 19th January 2.15pm: Meet at Sylvia Smith’s house.
Wednesday 23rd December at 7.30pm
led by the Rev Graham Ransom
Friends from the village and from other churches will be very welcome.
Seasonal refreshments will be available after the service.
We are always glad to welcome friends from Ulverston and other churches who join the
congregation at Swarthmoor. They often say they come because they feel at home and appreciate
the friendly, prayerful atmosphere.
The intimacy of a small space works especially well on occasions such as the All Souls service in
November. We are happy to fulfil that valued role; however departures and illnesses in recent
times have left us with few people fit and able to take on the routine jobs necessary to keep the
place going. The tasks are not as complicated as in a larger church, but they need to be done
reliably and with care. We now need to look for help beyond the immediate circle of Swarthmoor
At the end of March Ann will come to the end of her six-year term as steward. Are there any well-wishers out there
who could consider doing a stint in that role? Ideally there would be more than one person, and there are various possible ways of sharing the duties. If you would like to know what is involved, with no obligation at this stage, just get
in touch with Ann. Her contact details are above.
The Grapevine - December 2015/January 2016
During a church choir outing on the Yorkshire moors, one young couple slipped away from the group for a while. Their
colleagues made up a song mocking the amorous pair, and sang it to one of their favourite hymn tunes. The teasing words are
famous as ‘On Ilkley Moor ‘baht ‘at’. The tune appears in some old hymn books, called ‘Cranbrook’ and linked with ‘While
shepherds watched their flocks by night’. For most people, the tune ‘Winchester Old’ is the obvious companion to that
familiar Christmas hymn. Yet the words and tune followed separate paths for centuries.
The post-Reformation English Church – especially its Puritan wing – did not approve of ‘human hymns’ in worship: only the
Word of God would do. Metrical psalters, published for church use, adapted Psalms from the Bible into verses that could be
sung to tunes with a regular metre. (Examples still used today include ‘The Lord’s my Shepherd’, ‘O God our help in ages
past’, and ‘As pants the hart’.) The tune we know as ‘Winchester Old’, composed by George Kirkbye, was first printed in a
metrical psalter of 1592 and set to a versification of Psalm 84, ‘How pleasant is thy dwelling-place’.
A century on, A New Version of the Psalms of David, written by Nahum Tate and Nicolas Brady, appeared in 1696. The book
became standard in Anglican worship. A Supplement in 1700 added several original hymns, only one of which caught on. Like
the metrical Psalms it was closely based on a Scripture passage, in this case part of Luke’s Gospel chapter 2. We know it as
‘While shepherds watched their flocks by night’, and for many years it was the only Christmas hymn acceptable to the
Church of England. Outside the church context, in family gatherings and communal celebrations, traditional carols for
Christmas and other seasons still flourished, kept alive by oral transmission and later in published collections.
While Anglican congregations stuck to metrical psalms, dissenting religious groups often used hymns such as those of the
Congregationalist Isaac Watts (1674-1748). Methodism – famously “born in song” – encouraged hymn-singing for worship and
spiritual nurture, with prolific writer Charles Wesley (1707-1788) on hand to cater for the demand. Its hymn books were
dominated by Wesley compositions including ‘Hark, the herald angels sing’ (originally ‘Hark how all the welkin rings’) and
other hymns on the Incarnation. ‘Winchester Old’ was set to hymns on entirely different topics. Not until 1904 would
‘While shepherds’ appear in a Wesleyan hymn book (Primitive Methodists had it a little earlier), with a tune now long
Meanwhile Church of England parishes were taking steps to revitalise the singing of Tate and Brady’s metrical psalms.
“West Gallery” bands of singers and instrumentalists were formed to lead the singing. With local composers providing new
tunes - often elaborate ones with ornamentation, staggered entries and repetitions – parishes and localities built up their
own musical repertoires. Some of this material has been revived in recent times by concert groups such as the Lancasterbased Gladly Solemn Sound; but the church bands themselves eventually died out. The exuberant complexity of West
Gallery music was fun to perform, but could flummox ordinary members of the congregation. (Many present-day
worshippers who try to navigate tunes like ‘Lyngham’ may sympathise!) Industrialisation and population movement disrupted
local continuity. And, as we shall see, metrical psalms began to lose their dominant place.
In the nineteenth century, new movements within the Church of England prompted a drive for a wider repertoire of hymns.
There was plenty of choice: translations of early Latin hymns or of German texts from the hymn-loving Lutheran tradition;
devotional verses by English poets; hymns current in nonconformist congregations; plus newly-written material. All were rich
sources for the Anglican compilers of Hymns Ancient and Modern (1861) – now seen as a rather stuffy tome, but
ground-breaking in its time. Translated Latin texts (pleasing the High Church party) rubbed shoulders with items by
Congregationalists Watts and Doddridge and the Methodist Wesleys. In the 1840s Charles Dickens had published A
Christmas Carol and other Christmas Books, perhaps turbo-charging a rolling bandwagon if not, as some claim, “inventing” the
hearty celebration of Christmas. At any rate the editors of Ancient and Modern saw fit to include a sizeable section of
Advent and Christmas hymns Here, for the first time, ‘While shepherds watched’ was paired with the tune ‘Winchester Old’
- a combination copied by many later hymnals including Methodist hymn books from 1933 onwards.
As verse, ‘While shepherds watched’ is unremarkable. What makes it such a survivor? For a long time it was the sole
Christmas hymn available in parish churches. When West Gallery musicians worked their magic on the metrical psalms,
‘While shepherds watched’, as part of the same canon, received the full treatment. As the lively psalm arrangements faded
into the past, towns and villages proudly kept their rollicking tunes to ‘While shepherds’. Its ballad-like story form slotted
readily into the traditional repertoire of carols and other songs. Choir rehearsals in the warmth of local pubs doubtless
helped. There are said to be hundreds of tunes to ‘While shepherds watched’, some sung to this day, many forgotten.
With singing now rare as a family or social activity, a mobile population, the karaoke machine replacing the pub piano, folk
clubs out of fashion, even church congregational singing often hesitant, it’s little wonder local traditional song has struggled
to survive. Where is the succession of people willing and able to keep it alive and pass it on? Imagine football supporters’
clubs rediscovering their local versions of ‘While shepherds’ and singing them on the terraces… A change from ‘Abide with
me’ - why not?
Featured in Furness Bach Choir’s ‘Christmas Around Europe’ concert (December 5 th at Neville St) is a splendidly florid arrangement of ‘While shepherds watched’, described as “traditional in Sheffield and district”. If you read this in time, come
and enjoy it!
Ann Thomson
The Grapevine - December 2015/January 2016
If you need to
contact someone at
Ulverston these
are our two
Senior Stewards
Pauline Beeby
 01229 582505
A reminder that we have gluten
free bread available for Communion if required.
Please kneel at the Communion
Rail nearest to the Pulpit.
Mavis Posnett
 01229 587720
Tuesday December 15
at 12 noon Tickets £5
Tickets will be on sale from
Tuesday November 17th
Note: not every meeting is held weekly
Services 10.30am and 6.00pm (see pages 26)
A Crèche is available at the 10.30am service
10.00am Parent & Toddlers (during term time)
Treasurer - Lynne Higgs [email protected]
2.00pm Banner Group
Jane Shakeshaft 01229 585350
2.00pm Women’s Friendly Pat Moneypenny 01229 585869
12.00noon Lunch Link
Irene Jenkins  01229 585380
7.30pm Fellowship Group Jane Longton  01229 480961
held on last Tuesday of every month
10-11.30am Coffee & Chat
Brenda Horrocks 01229 587891
10.45am Monthly mid week Holy Communion
normally held on second Wednesday of each month
From 6.30pm Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Association
John Shakeshaft 01229 585350
7.30pm Choir Practice - practices held weekly
Brenda Horrocks 01229 587891
7.30pm Wednesday Group Susan Falvey 01229 869501
Meetings are normally held on the second Wednesday of
the month
10.00am Church Band & Ichthus Brass Practice
On the first Saturday of the month and also extra practices
called when necessary
Jean Lambert  01229 588571
2.00pm Messy Church
Carol Whiteley 01229 5838
normally on the third Saturday of the month.
The church buildings are available for a variety of
bookings. For more information contact
Prim Eves 01229 580853
To Richard Gillgrass
Richard has been the Lettings Secretary at Ulverston
Methodist Church for the last nine years. Recently he has
decided to tender his resignation from this post and Mrs
Prim Eves will take over from him on January 1st 2016. Her
details are at the foot of the What’s On at Ulverston
box on the right hand side of this page.
We welcome anyone who can play a brass or
woodwind instrument or even drums!.
We offer our grateful thanks to Richard for all he has
done in regard of lettings since 2006.
More details from Jean Lambert
01229 588571
The Grapevine - December 2015/January 2016
Meetings are monthly, on the second Monday of the month and start at 2pm.
December 14th
January 11
Carol Service
Communion Service with Rev Graham Ransom
February 8th
Jane Shakeshaft
Members discussion followed by ‘Scenes of the Lake District’ presented by
Everyone is welcome; if you would like to know more please ask
Joyce Farrell 01229 587113
A note from Joyce - Can the Women’s Friendly Survive?
Over the past year or two, attendance at the Women’s Friendly Meetings have dwindled, largely due to the increasing
age of our ladies. This year, having ended our year two weeks after Easter, instead of in June, it was
decided in the current Autumn session to meet monthly instead of weekly. This has improved attendances, and at our
recent meeting on November 9th, fifteen ladies came. These included several from the church who had not been before.
However, we urgently need people to take on the tasks needed to keep our group going.. Doreen Blantern struggled
valiantly to continue as Treasurer, and though one of our ladies kindly volunteered for this, it proved too much, so at
present we do not have a Treasurer. Also Pat, feeling she had to cut down some of her commitments, retired as
Secretary at the AGM (even though she had always enjoyed this role). I too, as President, am under a lot of stress (I
have been overseeing the finances recently), so any other volunteers to keep the Women’s Friendly continuing and
thriving, will be welcomed with open arms.
The Women’s Friendly was founded in 1918, so it would be tremendously sad if it couldn't persevere long enough to
celebrate its centenary in 2018
Meetings are normally held on the last Tuesday of the month
at Low Willows, Mayfield Road, Ulverston.
For more information please contact Jane Longton 01229 480961
Meetings are normally held at church on the second Wednesday of the month usually in the Bedford Room.
They are open meetings and we welcome everyone.
The December meeting is on Wednesday December 16th
when we shall all meet at the ’Hot Mango’ for our Christmas Meal.
The January meeting is on Wednesday January 13th
when we shall hold a social evening at the home of Joan Jeffreys
at Dow Crag, Lowick Green.
If you would like to know more about the Wednesday Group or any of these meetings
please contact
Susan Falvey 01229 869501
Jane Longton 01229 480961
Our October Meeting
was held in the church
when we all gathered to watch
Ros Harrison of Dodds undertaking
“Hands-on Flower Arranging”
The Grapevine - December 2015/January 2016
Tuesday 1st
Saturday 5th
Sunday 13th
Saturday 19th
Sunday 20th
Thursday 24th
Friday 25th
7.00pm ‘Creating a Climate of Welcome’
7.30pm Furness Bach Choir Concert
‘Christmas in Europe’
10.30am Christmas Gift Service
Coffee Morning at Coronation Hall for
Brigade Funds
10.30am Family, Parade and Carol Service
Christmas Messy Church
5.00pm Candlelight Carol Service
11.30pm Christmas Eve Communion
10.00am Christmas Day Worship
Saturday 9th
Saturday 16th
Sunday 17th
3-6pm Church Family Party
Messy Church
10.30am Family and Parade Service
Monday 8th
Sunday 14th
Thursday 25th
7.30pm Ulverston Church Council
10.30am Family and Parade Service
7.30pm Circuit Meeting at Coniston
Sunday 6th
Saturday 12th
From the Events Committee
An invitation to everyone to
Come and join the
at the
Ulverston Methodist
Family Party
Friday 4th - Sunday 6th
Circuit Away Weekend at Rydal Hall
Sunday 20th
10.30am Family and Parade Service
Thursday 24
Maundy Thursday
Friday 25
Good Friday
Sunday 27th
Easter Sunday
Sunday 17th
Saturday 23rd
On Saturday January 9th 2015
From 3-6pm
Foodwise this will be a
‘Bring and Share’ event.
10.30am Family and Parade Service
7.30pm Furness Bach Choir Concert
‘The Surround of Sound’
Sunday 15th
Friday 20th
10.30am Family and Parade Service
7.30pm Barrow Male Voice Choir Concert
Sunday 12th
Civic Service - venue to be confirmed
A list will be in the Concourse and the
Blackburn Room for you to sign indicating
whether you will be bring savoury or sweet
Ron Campbell is 94
on Saturday January 23rd 2016
We wish him many happy returns
GIFT DAY Sunday December 6th
We remember with affection Tom Bradley, Caroline and Steve's friend and a regular worshipper here at Neville
Street. Sadly he died earlier this year and has been greatly missed by many around the town. He was a staunch member
of the Wednesday Club which meets at the Coronation Hall every fortnight.
This year everything given on Gift Day will go to this Club in grateful memory of the part he played within our
There will be a box in the foyer for your gifts on Sunday November 29 th and Sunday December 6th.
The Grapevine - December 2015/January 2016
The last swimming session for this term is Wednesday December 9 th. As yet dates and times for the next group of
sessions still have to be finalised. Details will be printed in the service sheets when available.
Anyone is welcome to join us including friends from elsewhere in the circuit. After swimming you will be very welcome at
‘Coffee and Chat’ at Ulverston.
For more information contact Margaret Tooke  01229 584905
Action for Children
September House to House Collection
A big thank you from Barbara Pickthall to all the collectors and everyone who supported the Action
for Children House to House Collection held during September. A total of £1,412.35 was raised.
Barbara has been organising the House to House Collection in Ulverston town and some local villages since 1992 and she
and her collectors have been instrumental in raising over £34,000 for Action for Children. Until 2010 I helped with
organising the collections but since then, each year, Barbara has carried on alone. Regretfully, she has now stepped
down from her role and 2015 has been her last year organising the collection in Ulverston. If anyone feels that they
might be interested in taking over this role, please contact Barbara 01229 587434 and she will be happy to pass on
information regarding what is involved.
Action for Children is the children's charity of the Methodist Church and its 146 year history, from earliest beginnings
in the pioneering work of Rev Thomas Bowman Stephenson and friends in 1869 to the present day, is an on-going story
of bringing hope for vulnerable children, young people and their families. Today, in what are undoubtedly increasingly
difficult times in Britain, there is a profound commitment by Action for Children to go to those needing them most and
to bring hope by their continuing commitment of caring for the vulnerable in our societies.
On behalf of everyone at Ulverston Methodist Church I would like to thank Barbara for all her time, work and
commitment since 1992. Barbara, together with her band of faithful collectors, has helped in trying to achieve Action
for Children's vision of "a world where all children and young people have a sense of belonging, and are loved and
valued. A world where they can fulfil their potential, shape their destiny and experience the joy of life".
Thank you Barbara.
Susan Falvey - Church Steward
We would love to see more of you join us. We are open from 10.00 - 11.30am
and serve FREE Coffee or Tea (with biscuits)
We are constantly welcoming new friends and
whether you stay for the whole time or just five minutes you are very welcome
In December we shall not be meeting on December 23rd or December 30th.
On the second Wednesday of each month during ‘Coffee & Chat’ there is
a short informal communion service at 10.45am for those who wish to attend.
The Grapevine - December 2015/January 2016
FROM The Boys Brigade and Girls Association
It was pleasing to see so many of our families and friends attending
our Enrolment and Dedication Service.
Well done to Beth, Megan, Korie and Jasmine on achieving and receiving their
Silver Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards this year; they have now started working
towards their Gold Award and we are pleased that Hannah Ransom is joining
them. We wish them all well and look forward to seeing, and hearing all about it.
Speaking of awards, congratulations
to Harry Scott who received the
Williamson Trophy
and to Jasmine who
received the Chaplain’s Cup
and to Beth who received
the Audrey Lewis Trophy.
Thanks must also go to the many church members who give
us so much support and kind donations throughout the year.
Talking of which, on Saturday 12th December at the Coronation Hall we will be holding a Coffee Morning in aid of Company
Funds. We trust many of you will be able to come and support us. Our poster is on the page opposite.
We all hope you will think about what you could bake for the Cake Stall and will find us items for the Bric-a-brac stall as
you prepare for Christmas. And don’t forget the Brigade needs as many bottles as possible (unopened & full) water,
squash, lemonade, after shave, shampoo, perfume and anything else you can think of for the bottle stall
Tickets are now on sale at £1 and are available from Brigade members
Payment can also be made on the door.
Church will be open on Friday 12th December from 4pm - 6pm to accept items for the Coffee Morning. Articles can also
be brought to the Coronation Hall from 8.30am onwards
Offers of help and more information
contact Jane Shakeshaft  585350
The Grapevine - December 2015/January 2016
The Grapevine - December 2015/January 2016
Wishing everyone
a peaceful time this
Roger and Dorothy Aldus
Sam, Sharon, Henry and Greer Anderson
Margaret Ball
Maureen and Jack Barnes and family
Trevor and Pauline Beeby and family
Marian Bell
Doreen Blantern and family
Jean and David Booth
Gill de Bourcier
Kate and Barry Brooks and family
Robert and Edna Callanan, Keith, Ruth and family
Ron and Enid Campbell
Mary Chapman
Margaret Cole
Julia Daley
Mary and Keith Daniels
Jackie Dawson
Arthur Dickinson
Les and Evelyn Dixon
Margaret Eccleston
Olive Ellershaw
Prim Eves
John and Susan Falvey and family
Joyce Farrell
David and Janet Fellows and family
Doreen and John Fursey
Carol and Les Galloway
Jean and Garner
Joan and Alwyn Gee
Richard and Joan Gillgrass
All the Ginnever Family
Heather Gregson
Olive Haines
Bob and Sheila Henderson
Brenda Holden
Pam Hollows
Michael and Sheila Hopkins
Brenda and Don Horrocks
Ruth Howlett
Fred Jackson and family
Steve and Lindsey Jackson
Mary and Stephen Jeffry
Joan Jeffrey
Irene, Sandy Jenkins;
Kathrine, John and Chloe Williamson
Mary Kellett and family
The Kyle Family
Jean and Arthur Lambert
Ann, Mike, Adam and Frank Larbalestier
The Leech Family
Peter and Jacky Lingard and family
Russell and Jane Longton
Margaret Ludlow and family
Chris, John, Euan and Ailsa McArthur
Margaret McLaren
Elizabeth and Dorothy Manfield (Thirsk)
Marjorie Martin
Jude and Roger Middleton
Pat Moneypenny
Margery Moores
Phyllis and Steve Morgan
Kathleen and Alan Murray
Patricia Oversby
Bernard and Margaret Parker
Sheila and Graham Phillips
Rita Pilkington
Mavis Posnett and family
Lynn Pointon
Alma and Bill Postlethwaite
Sheila and Sam Price, Jason, Sarah, Harvey and
Tess Branton
June Quine
Graham, Gillian, Hannah, Sarah and Hayley Ransom
Gene Rice
Jack and Elizabeth Rice and family
Karen and Tony Rigby
Hal Robb and Rosi Jordal
David and Pauline Robinson
Brenda Romans
Christine Sanders
John and Carole Scott, David and Rachel
Irene and Steve Shakeshaft
Jane and John Shakeshaft
Boys and Girls of the 1st Ulverston Brigade
Campbell, Jean, Susan and Stuart Smith
Sylvia Smith
Chris, Tom and Jack Spencer
Barbara Springthorpe, and family
Ann and Alan Thomson
Lesley, Howard, Lauren and Mark Thompson;
Ruth, Luke and Sam Green
Barrie and Margery Thornley and family
Margaret Tooke, and family
David and Elizabeth Tyson
Rayment Tyson
Joan Wade and Ian Johnston
Phil and Margaret Walker
Eric and Sophie Ward
The Wells Family
Carol and Rob Whiteley and Family
Mike and Charlotte Wills; Simon, Tom and Nic Wills;
Rosie, Andrew and Sam Jackson
Kathleen Wilson
Doreen Woods
Jonathan, Helen, Catherine and Bart Wren
With thanks to everyone who has contributed, the current total stands at £753; 00 has been donated to
church funds, with one or two donations to follow, it will also increase once Gift Aid is added.
Jane Shakeshaft
The Grapevine - December 2015/January 2016
had a large increase in numbers at Messy Church in October and November.
Everyone enjoyed the sessions and Rachel Scott produced some wonderful Power Point presentations
which ran through the sessions.
In October we looked at the story of Samuel and how he was trained to listen to God with activities such as making
mobile telephones, identifying different sounds, biscuits with the children’s names iced on showing us how God called
Samuel by his name.
In November we studied Mary and Joseph and how they listened to God through his angels
and were obedient to his wishes.
Craft activities looked at Joseph’s life as a carpenter; both Mary and Joseph being visited by angels and then going on
a long journey in preparation for the birth of Jesus.
The worship sessions led by Mark Callaghan and Graham Ransom, were followed by pizza and Swiss roll in October and
tuna pasta bake and Jelly and ice cream in November.
Thanks go to all who helped in the preparations and clearing up and with the sessions themselves.
On December 19th we will celebrate Christmas and we would be very grateful for donations of cakes from
members of the Church.
You will all be welcome to join us for tea that day.
The next two Messy Church dates are
Saturday December 19th
and Saturday January 16th
A Christmas Quiz
Answers p20
Many quizzes can be found free on the internet and this is from quiz
1. What guided the three wise men to the infant
9. What was the name of Joseph's city?
10. What is the other name for the city of David?
11. Why was Jesus lain in a manger?
Where did the three wise men see the celestial
12. What did Mary wrap the baby Jesus in?
body? 13. What were the shepherds doing in the fields?
Who did the three wise men say they were looking 14. Who gave the shepherds good tidings of great
What country was Herod the king of?
15. Who did the angel refer to when he spoke to the
Where did Herod send the three wise men
shepherds - (Clue: For unto you is born this day...)
Why did Herod want to know when Jesus was
16. Who else appeared with the angel?
found? 17. Where did the angels go?
What reason did Herod give to the Three Wise
18. What gifts were given to Jesus by the Wise Men?
Men to explain why he wanted to know about the
19. Where did Joseph and Mary go to flee from
What was the name of the Roman Emperor who
20.How old were the infants that were slain under
sent out a decree that all the world should be
the orders of Herod?
The Grapevine - December 2015/January 2016
From Marjorie Martin,
Once again it is time to think about
decorating our church for Christmas.
From the Property Committee
Church Heating
You may have noted by now that the heating in the
church is not working as it should be.
If anyone would like to make a small donation
towards the Christmas Plant Scheme I would be
very pleased to receive it. I am sure you will all
agree that by remembering a loved one - your
donations make our church look beautiful over the
Christmas period. Many thanks for your generosity
over the past years.
It was installed when we had the church refurbished in
1991. Now the heater is of such an age that we are
unable to get replacement parts, so it means that we will
have to replace the whole of the heating unit.
In the mean time we will have to make alterative
arrangements. We are trying to secure some temporary
heating, but it will not be as good as the previous source
and sometimes we may have to use the Blackburn Room
for services, as we did on Sunday November 22nd.
Please let me have the details as soon as possible
and no later than Sunday December 13th.
After 17 years of organising Church Flowers I have
decided to hang up my secateurs and retire in
January. Many, many thanks for the very generous
donations everyone has made over the years. I hope
someone will follow in my foot-steps and continue
with Sunday flowers as they are so much
We are hoping to be
able to carry out the
works as soon as
possible in the New
Many thanks, once again,
Marjorie Martin
Our Grateful Thanks: After all these years we do
need to thank Marjorie Martin for all she has done
in respect of the Church flowers. She has led her
team in a most quiet and competent way and the
effort Marjorie and her ‘Flower Fairies’ all put into
the flower arrangements in church during the past
years is very much appreciated.
As and when we
know more about
when the work is
to be carried out
we will let you
To Marjorie Martin, Queen of the Flower Fairies, a
heartfelt thank you from us all.
John Shakeshaft
The 2016 calendars (which include the pictures below) are now available.
As usual I am asking for a minimum donation of £8 that will enable me to give
something to the causes that I support. These include St Mary’s Hospice,
Christian Aid, Oxfam as well as the Church.
I am very grateful to those who support me buying cards, calendars and
canvases. It meant that I could give over £800 to charities last year.
Gill de Bourcier
The Grapevine - December 2015/January 2016
From Grange Methodist Church and Grange URC
Journey to Christmas
Grange URC and Methodist Churches are working together to create a special space for all ages to explore the
Christmas story.
Drop in to ‘Preparing for the baby’ on the day of the Christmas Extravaganza - the doors of the Methodist Church will
be open on Sat 5th Dec from 10am.
Later in December, ‘Journey to Christmas’ follows the story of the shepherds and angels, Mary and Joseph, as their lives
are changed for ever. We’re invited to take some time away from the shopping and the tinsel as we wonder what this
ancient story offers us today.
Drop in at the Methodist Church any time: 11am-4pm Tuesday 14th to Saturday 19th December; evening opening 6.30-8pm
Tuesday and Thursday; or join us for prayers at 10.30am each day.
The Grapevine - December 2015/January 2016
At Grange United Reformed
on December 22nd at 7.30pm
A United Service for
store opens in Grange
The Longest Night
For those who find Christmas
difficult or who appreciate a more
reflective time.
The new Superstore in Grange was opened on the 5th
November by a past member of the Circuit Choir Norman Critchley. Brian McCann, Grange Agent for Age
UK, thought that being 100 years young made Norman an
ideal candidate for the ribbon cutting ceremony. He was
pleased to be asked, and took it in his stride, as this
photo outside the store with members of the Age UK
team shows.
Led by Rev Martyn Coe
and Rev Jo Rand
Everyone is welcome to join us at the
at Hillthwaite Hotel, Thornbarrow Road, Windermere
On Friday December 4th 2016 12.30pm for 1pm
£19.95 per person
The choice of menu is
Home made Salmon Gravalax with brown bread and
butter, lemon jelly
Westmorland Vegetable Broth - hearty soup, pearl
barley, black pepper croutons
Chicken Parfait - crisp melba toast, red currants,
lambs leaf salad
Pearls of Compressed Melon - forest fruits compote,
ginger syrup, orange sorbet
Traditional Christmas Fruit Pudding - steamed fruit
pudding, white rum sauce
Baked Blueberry Cheesecake - warm fudge sauce, blue
berry compote
Raspberry Sherry Trifle - sherry soaked sponge,
English custard, raspberries
Lemon Meringue - smooth lemon curd, crisp meringue
and chocolate
Roast Norfolk Turkey - pigs in blanket, sage and
walnut stuffing and roast gravy
Braised Daube of Beef - rich red wine gravy, roasted Followed by coffee and mints
shallots, truffle mash potato
Gateau Pithivier - roasted vegetables bound in tomato
sauce, encased in filo pastry, watercress cream sauce
More information from
Mrs Angela Pratt
Yew Grove
015394 33304
The Grapevine - December 2015/January 2016
Below are the services for Grange-over-Sands, Cartmel and Westerley as well as Ambleside, Grasmere, Hawkshead,
Windermere and Carver URC Windermere. We include them to give you a flavour of services throughout our circuit. Please note the dates
and times of services if you are considering attending any of these, as not every church has a service every week.
Services at Grange-over-Sands
November 29th
Rev Jo Rand
December 6th 10.30am
Rev Les Hann Holy Communion
December 13th
Rev Jo Rand Nativity Service
6.00pm Rev Jo Rand
December 20th
Rev Jo Rand/Rev Martyn Coe
Carol Service United Service at Grange Methodist
December 24
8.30pm Rev Jo Rand Rev Martin Coe
Holy Communion United Service at Grange Methodist
December 25
Rev Jo Rand
United Service at Methodist Church
December 27th
United Service Grange URC
January 3rd 10.30am
Rev Jo Rand Covenant Service
January 10th 10.30am
Rev Dr David Jackson
6.00pm Rev Jo Rand
January 17th 10.30am
Rev Jo Rand United Service Grange URC
January 24th 10.30am
Mr John Hutchinson
6.00pm Mr Stan Lewis
February 7 10.30am
Mrs Dorothy Reilly
Services at Cartmel
November 29th
11.00am Mrs Paulette Bissell
December 6th 11.00am Rev Jo Rand Holy Communion
December 13th
Mr Mick Malkin
December 20th
11.00am Mr Dare Holland
December 27
Mr Stan Lewis
January 3rd 11.00am Mr Alan Thomson
January 10 11.00am
Rev Jo Rand Covenant Service
January 17th 11.00am Mrs Gillian Ransom
January 24 11.00am Mrs Paulette Bissell
January 31st 11.00am Rev Jo Rand
February 7th 11.00am Rev Graham Ransom Holy Communion
Services at Westerley
November 29th
2.15pm Rev Martyn Coe
December 6th 2.15pm Rev Dr David Jackson Holy Communion
December 13
2.15pm Rev Jo Rand
December 20th
2.15pm Mr John Hutchinson
December 27
2.15pm Rev Graham Ransom
January 3
2.15pm Rev Jo Rand Holy Communion
January 10th 2.15pm
Mr Alan Thomson
January 17th 2.15pm
Rev Les Hann
January 24th 2.15pm
Mrs Lesley Thompson
January 31st 2.15pm
Rev Graham Ransom
February 7th 2.15pm
Mrs Yvonne Needham
Services at Lowick Parish Church
December 27th
9.30am Rev Graham Ransom Holy Communion
January 24th 9.30am Rev Graham Ransom Holy Communion
Services at Windermere
Services at Ambleside
November 29th
11.00am Mr John Hutchinson
December 6th 11.00am Mrs Susan Varty
December 13
Mr Bryan Bucknell
December 20th
11.00am Rev Les Hann
December 25
Rev Les Hann
December 27th
Mrs Dorothy Reilly
January 3
11.00am Rev Les Hann Covenant Service
January 10 11.00am
Rev Pauline West
January 17th 11.00am Mr Paul Rand
January 24 11.00am Mr Dare Holland
January 31st 11.00am Mr Mick Malkin
February 7th 11.00am Rev Les Hann Holy Communion
November 29th
11.00am Dr John Biggs United Service
December 6th 9.30am Rev Pauline West Holy Communion
December 13th
9.30am Mrs Paulette Bissell
December 20th
9.30am Mr Bryan Bucknell
December 27th
11.00am United Service at St Marys
January 3rd 9.30am Rev Les Hann Covenant Service
January 10th 9.30am Mr Dare Holland
January 17th 9.30am Dr John Biggs
January 24th 11.00am United Service at St Marys
January 31st 9.30am Rev Les Hann
February 7th 9.30am Rev Les Hann Holy Communion
Services at Carver Uniting Church Windermere
November 29th
Rev Martyn Coe
December 6th 10.45am
Gina Dennison
December 13
Rev Martyn Coe
December 20th
Pam Carpenter
December 24
11.30pm Rev Martyn Coe
December 25
Rev Sarah Moore
December 27th
Rev Carole Marsden
January 3
Laurence Moore
January 10 10.45am
Rev Martyn Coe
January 17nd 10.45am
Rev Les Hann
January 24 10.45am
to be announced
Services at Hawkshead
November 29th
11.00am Rev Pauline West
December 6th 6.00pm Rev Les Hann Holy Communion
December 13
11.00am Dr John Biggs
January 3rd 6.00pm Rev Les Hann Holy Communion
January 10 11.00am Mrs Dorothy Reilly
January 31st 11.00am Mrs Paulette Bissell
February 7th 6.00pm Rev Les Hann Holy Communion
The Lectionary is printed below for the next nine weeks.
Advent Sunday
November 29th
Advent 2
December 6th
Advent 3
December 13th
Advent 4
December 20th
Christmas 1
December 27th
Jeremiah 33 v14–16
1 Thessalonians 3
Luke 21 v25–36
Malachi 3 v1–4
Philippians 1 v3–11
Luke 3 v1–6
Zephaniah 3 v14–20
Philippians 4 v4–7
Luke 3 v7-18
Micah 5 v2–5a
Hebrews 10 v5–10
Luke 1
v39–45 (46–55)
Isaiah 9 v2–7
Titus 3 v4–7
Luke 2 v(1–7) 8–20
John 1 v1–14
1 Samuel 2 v18–26
Colossians 3 v12–17
Luke 2 v41–52
January 3rd
Baptism of Christ
January 10th
Epiphany 2
January 17th
Epiphany 3
January 24th
Epiphany 4
January 31st
Sunday before
February 7th
Isaiah 60, v1–6
Ephesians 3 v1–12
Matthew 2 v2–12
Isaiah 43 v1–7
Acts 8 v14–17
Luke 3 v15–17, and
Isaiah 62 v1–5
1 Corinthians 12
John 2 v1-11
Nehemiah 8
v1–3, 5–6, and 8–10
1 Corinthians 12
Luke 4 v14–21
Jeremiah 4 v1–10
1 Corinthians 13
Luke 4 v21–30
Exodus 34 v29–35
2 Corinthians 3
v12–4, 2
Luke 9
v28–36 (37–43a)
The Grapevine - December 2015/January 2016
Circuit Weekend 2016
An exploration of what it can mean to each one of us to be a Christian disciple today,
based on the much-loved Iona hymn of the same name.
Following the great success of previous events,
we return to Rydal Hall, just outside Ambleside,
4 – 6 MARCH 2016
The whole weekend will be prepared in the Circuit for the Circuit
to encourage the warm fellowship we already have within the Circuit
and to find help and support as we move forward in our Christian journeys.
It’s fun. It’s uplifting. The food’s great. It’s unbeatable value.
Don’t miss out on a wonderful opportunity
Starts Friday evening and finishes with lunch on Sunday
Day visits possible on Saturday
Cost of full weekend £140 per person
Day visits @ £25 per person
A time to work and a time to relax
Paul R am Ransom
by J th Grah
ns led
Sessio Devotions
hip cr
om it all
g away fr
erful settin
In a wond
ated b
y ever
A time to think and a
time to share
YOU come?
There’s room and a welcome for all.
Enquiries and Bookings to Dare Holland, phone: 015394 41594
or email: [email protected]
The Grapevine - December 2015/January 2016
Cumbria District
Marriage and Relationships
The Methodist Conference invites members of the Methodist Church to share
in a conversation to discuss
A Christian Understanding of Family Life, the Single Person and Marriage
The conversation on Tuesday 17th November at Ulverston Methodist Church was well attended
and a most interesting and informative meeting
If you have one of these following dates free you are very welcome to attend
and we would love to meet with you
Thursday 3rd December: 7pm – 9.30pm at Stricklandgate Methodist Church
Saturday 23rd January 2016: 10am – 12.30pm at Penrith Methodist Church
Saturday 6th February 2016: 10am – 12.30pm at Cockermouth Methodist Church
The meetings will include opportunity to explore both the history and changing context of marriage
and also scriptural and theological context and will be led by
Rev Rachel Williams and Mr David Kendrew
Further information is available at
[email protected] Tel: 01229 770071
[email protected] Tel: 01768 892992
Answers to Christmas Bible Quiz on p15
1. Star
2. In the East
3. The King of the Jews
4. Judaea
5. Bethlehem
6. So he could kill him.
7. So he could worship him.
8. Caesar Augustus
9. Nazareth
10. Bethlehem
11. Because there was no room for them in the
12. Swaddling clothes
13. Watching their flocks
14. The angel of the Lord
15. For unto you is born this day in the city of
David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord
16. The Heavenly Host
17. Heaven
18. Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh
19. Egypt
20.Two years and under
The Grapevine - December 2015/January 2016
Dickensian Service
This will be held at the Market Cross at 4pm on
Sunday November 29th.
Below, we reproduce the leaflet to be handed out by
CTU at Ulverston’s Dickensian Festival this weekend.
A service of worship, witness
and solidarity for victims and
survivors of domestic abuse
Carlisle Cathedral
2 December 2015
Dickensian Christmas
reproduced by kind permission of Pauline Smith
Real candles on the tree, holly boughs in the hall,
roaring fires, carol singers in the snow …….Christmas
isn’t what it was 150 years ago. Things change.
Except for one thing, the baby at the heart of it all,
Jesus, son of Mary, laid in a manger.
So now, as then, Christians remember His coming at
We remember the story of His birth
We rejoice that God sent his Son into this
broken world to share our life and bring us the
help we need
We rejoice that He is still our Friend and
Why not meet Him in Church this Christmas
“Domestic abuse
crosses all boundaries”
Carols at the Cross
This very popular event at the Ulverston
Market Cross. will take place on the
Saturday before Christmas, Saturday
December 19th at 10.30am.
The Annual General Meeting
of Churches Together in Ulverston
will be held at Ulverston Parish Church on
Sunday January 17th 2016 at 6pm.
“I cried to you for help when my heart
was overwhelmed. Lead me to the
towering rock of safety,
for you are my safe refuge.”
Psalm 61:2-3
The Grapevine - December 2015/January 2016
North Lonsdale History Society
At Ulverston Methodist Church
2015 - 2016
The aims of the society are to encourage an interest in local history and to help promote and preserve the beauty,
character and traditions of the district.
Meetings are held from September through to May in the Blackburn Room at the Methodist Church, Neville
Street, Ulverston on the second Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm
During the Months of June, July and August guided walks/visits are organised,
please note the different meeting times.
Annual Membership is £7.00
Visitors £2.00
Refreshments are included.
December 8
Waiter, Butcher, Spy - Germans & Austrians in Cumbria
during World War 1 (mince pies & cakes will be provided )
Rob David
Shells, Ships and Submarines - Barrow's role in the Great War
Bill Myers
John Bolton, Ulverston's last slave trader
Peter Wilde
January 12
February 9
March 8
“It should have been stopped” - Decisions affecting the Lake District
Maurice Steele
300 years of schooling - Satterthwaite and Rusland
Susan Tiplady
Short AGM followed by - History of the Coronation Hall
Gordon Crayston
April 12
May 10
June 14
July 12
August 9
Urswick Parish Church
Meet 7.00 pm at the church
John Imlack
Lancaster Castle
Details to follow
Official Guide
Furness Abbey
Meet 11.00am at the Abbey
Official Guide
Further information available from, Mr & Mrs D Miller 01229 869229 Mr J Rice 01229 585854
and Mr D Fellows 01229 583565
Music Director: Anthony Milledge
Accompanist: Sue Quarmby
by Gordon Jacobs
sic Director:
Deborah Milledge
Accompanist: Margaret Harrison
Christmas Music
and Community Carols
Baptist Church Hall
Abbey Road
Monday 14th December at 7.30pm
on Friday 18th December 2015 at 7.30pm
Available at the door
or from Mrs P Gillman on 01229 716321
Charity Number: 500372
Tickets available from Choir Members £6
The Grapevine - December 2015/January 2016
Furness Bach Choir
Another date for your diary Our 2016 spring concert will also be
on Saturday April 23rd at 7.30pm
when we shall perform
More information and tickets from
Furness Bach Choir members
Mike Larbalestier 01229 584917
and Ann Thomson 01229 588031
The Grapevine - December 2015/January 2016
More information from Nicky Diggle  01229 580140
Rev Graham Ransom
Mrs Susan Varty
Rev Graham Ransom
Epiphany 4
January 31st 10.30am
Sunday before Lent
February 7th 10.30am
Week of Prayer Christian
Rev Jo Rand
Mrs Gillian Ransom
Mrs Lesley Thompson
Epiphany 2
January 17th 10.30am
Education Sunday
January 24th 10.30am
Dr John Biggs
Rev Graham Ransom
Holy Communion
Rev Graham Ransom
Rev Dr David Jackson
Rev Graham Ransom
Family Service
Baptism of Christ
January 10th 10.30am
Covent Sunday
January 3rd 10.30am
Christmas 1
December 27th
Christmas Day
December 25th
Rev Graham Ransom
Holy Communion
Mr Paul Rand
Advent 4
December 20th
Christmas Eve
December 24th
Rev Graham Ransom
Family Parade & Carol
Rev Graham Ransom
Holy Communion
Gift Service
Advent 3
December 13th
Advent 2
December 6th
Mavis Posnett
Barbara Springthorpe
Audio Steward
John Shakeshaft
Chris McArthur
Susan Falvey
Audio Steward
Pauline Beeby
Barbara Springthorpe
Audio Steward
Mavis Posnett
Bob Henderson
Audio Steward
Gill de Bourcier
Joyce Farrell
Ray McIlroy
Gill de Bourcier
Margaret Walker
Prim Eves
Irene Jenkins
Carole & John
Robert Callanan
Carol Galloway
Liz Rice
Rachel Scott
Susan Falvey
Barbara Springthorpe
Audio Steward
Mavis Posnett
Chris McArthur
Audio Steward
Joan Jeffreys
Not required
Mary Daniels
Ruth Howlett
Trevor Beeby
Yaa Kwateng
Carol & Rob
Pauline Beeby
Barbara Springthorpe
Audio Steward
Bob Henderson
Susan Falvey
Audio Steward
Bob Henderson
Susan Falvey
Audio Steward
Mavis Posnett
Chris McArthur
Audio Steward
am Mike Larbalestier
Pauline Beeby
Mavis Posnett
Audio Steward
Chris McArthur
Bob Henderson
Audio Steward
Stewards on Duty
Jane Longton
David Tyson
Carol & Rob
Jeanne Rogers
Russell Longton
Margery & Barrie
Jackie & Peter
Ruth Howlett
Liz Rice
Joan Jeffreys
Jonathan Wren
Not re
Ann & Mike
Jane Longton
David Tyson
Carol & Rob
Vestry Helpers
Ruth Howlett, Ann Kyle,
Helen & Jonathan Wren
Kate Brooks
Prim Eves
Joyce Farrell
Steve Jackson
Door Stewards
Prim Eves, Ann Kyle
Margery & Barrie Thornley
Trevor Beeby,
Steve Jackson
Jane & Russell Longton
Kate Brooks, Ruth Howlett
Elizabeth & David Tyson
Prim Eves, Joyce Farrell,
Helen & Jonathan Wren
Trevor Beeby, Ann Kyle
Margery & Barrie Thornley
Ruth Howlett,
Steve Jackson,
Jane & Russell Longton
Kate Brooks, Prim Eves,
Elizabeth & David Tyson
Joyce Farrell
Ann Kyle
Ann & Mike Larbalestier
am Jane & Russell Longton
Trevor Beeby, Ann Kyle,
pm Janet & David Fellows
Margery & Barrie Thornley
Jackie Dawson
Susan Falvey
Jean Booth
Liz Rice
Margery &
Barrie Thornley
Carol Galloway
Lynn Pointon
Carole & John
Kate & Barry
Not required
Not required
Rita Leech
Doreen & John
Jackie Dawson
Coffee Rota
Margaret Tooke
Karen & Tony
Jackie Dawson
Ruth Howlett
Helen &
Jonathan Wren
Margaret Tooke
Karen & Tony
Helen &
Jonathan Wren
Not required
Not required
Margaret Tooke
Jackie Dawson
Ruth Howlett
Karen & Tony
Flower Fund
i/c Margaret
Jean Garner
i/c Marjorie
Flower Fund
Carol Whiteley
The Grapevine - December 2015/January 2016
The Grapevine - December 2015/January 2016
We continue to remember our friends and members
who are unable to take part in church activities
because they are in residential care, are housebound or
have difficulty with mobility.
Some do come to church but we would not want any of
them to think we had forgotten them Mr Rayment Tyson
Mr Dennis Scott
Mrs Nina Lambert
Mr Les Dixon
Mrs Anthea Jackson
Mrs Edith Ball
Mrs Barbara Woodend
Mrs Joan Carter
Miss Mary Chapman
Mrs Olive Haines
Mrs Nina Ladds
Miss Gene Rice
Mr Arthur Dickinson
Mrs Margery Moores
Mrs Molly Newman
Mrs Dorothy Shepherd
Abbey View
Abbotsfield Residential
Care Home, Barrow.
Elmhurst Ulverston
Kirkstanton Care Home
Marsh House Ulverston
Risedale Barrow
Staveley House Dalton
Staveley House Dalton
Staveley House Dalton
Staveley House Dalton
Staveley House Dalton
Swarthdale Ulverston
Ulverston Abbeyfield
Ulverston Abbeyfield
West Acres Care Home,
Newton Mearns Glasgow
At Home
Mrs Doreen Blantern on the Wirral
Mrs Enid and Mr Ron Campbell
Mrs Evelyn Gammack
Please let the Pastoral Co-ordinator, Carol Whiteley
 01229 583848, know if we have left anyone out.
Richard Corrie welcomes advance
information of faith group events in the
To get publicity for your event email information
to [email protected]
or you can send a hard copy to
Richard Corrie
Sunday Breakfast BBC Radio Cumbria
Annetwell Street
Carlisle CA3 8BB
Grapevine welcomes articles relating to the life of
Methodist churches in the South Lakes Circuit. The editor
cannot guarantee publication of any articles submitted to the
Grapevine and those not relating to the life of the church may
not find immediate publication. Any article
submitted may be edited for publication. If you would like
births, special birthdays, wedding anniversaries, exam
results, thanks etc. reported in ‘News of Friends’ please let
Graham Ransom and/or the editor know in good time,
especially if you have a photograph. If we do not know about it,
we cannot publish it!
Anything sent in for publication which has been copied and is
not already in the public domain must comply with copyright
laws. Extracts must acknowledge where they have come from;
anything else should have permission to be published in The
Grapevine material may be copied and used but it must be
acknowledged that it has come from The Grapevine.
Everyone is very welcome at any of our services of worship, but you may like to
make a special effort to come to one of our Christmas services which are as follows:Sunday December 6th
Sunday December 13th
Saturday December 19th
Sunday December 20th
Tuesday December 22nd
Thursday December 24th
Friday December 25th
Sunday December 27th
Sunday January 3rd
Sunday January 10th
Ulverston Gift Service Rev Graham Ransom
Ulverston Parade and Family Service Rev Graham Ransom
Ulverston Town Cross Carols Churches Together in Ulverston
Swarthmoor Mrs Lesley Thompson
Ulverston Mr Paul Rand
Ulverston Carol Service Rev Graham Ransom
Coniston Parish Church Carol Service Rev Tim Harmer
Swarthmoor Carol Service Mrs Brenda Horrocks
Ulverston Christmas Eve Communion Rev Graham Ransom
Ulverston Christmas Day Family Worship Rev Graham Ransom
Coniston Parish Church Rev Tim Harmer
Ulverston Morning Service Rev Dr David Jackson
Coniston Morning Service Rev Graham Ransom
Ulverston Annual Covenant Service Rev Graham Ransom
Coniston Annual Covenant Service Rev Graham Ransom
Swarthmoor Annual Covenant Service Rev Graham Ransom
We wish you all joy and peace this Christmas.
The Grapevine - December 2015/January 2016
Volume 53 number 7
December 2015/January 2016
Minister & Superintendent of South Lakes Circuit
Coniston Church Council Secretary:
Swarthmoor Church Council Secretary:
Ulverston Church Council Secretary:
Circuit Safeguarding Officer
Rev Graham Ransom
21 The Drive,
Ulverston LA12 0DT
Tel: 01229 583198
e-mail: [email protected]
Mrs Mary Jeffrey
46 Park Road
Ulverston LA12 0HH
Tel: 01229 587661
e-mail: [email protected]
Mrs Joyce Holland
How Head Cottage
LA21 8AA
Tel: 015394 41594
e-mail: [email protected]
Mrs Ann Larbalestier
1 Ford Park Crescent
LA12 7JW
Tel: 01229 584917
e-mail: [email protected]
Mrs Jane Shakeshaft
6 Parkhead Road
Ulverston LA12 9NX
Tel: 01229 585350
e-mail: [email protected]
Mrs Ann Larbalestier
1 Ford Park Crescent,
LA12 7JW
Tel: 01229 584917
e-mail: [email protected]
This magazine can also be read on line at our circuit website - Adobe Reader is required to
access it. This can be downloaded free of charge if you have not already got it.
The cost for the production of this magazine is £1. Contributions towards this expense are very much appreciated.
Many thanks for all donations received.
Please note:
The next copy of the Grapevine will be for the two months of February and March 2016. Copy for this edition
should be sent to the editor before Sunday January 24th 2016. Inclusion of articles depends on space
Publication date will be Sunday January 31st 2016.
The church takes its safeguarding responsibility seriously –
We are committed to: The care and nurture of all children, young people and adults.
 The safeguarding and protection of everyone when they are vulnerable.
 Maintaining a safe and caring environment where there is vigilance to the dangers of abuse
 We will respond without delay to every complaint made which suggest that an adult, child, or young person may
have been harmed.
 We will seek to work with anyone who has suffered abuse whether recently or in the past.
If you want to discuss any issues further please contact – Rev Graham Ransom or Jane Shakeshaft
We are called to be The Church in this place:
to love and serve God and to celebrate His presence in the midst of our lives
to love and serve others, of all ages and circumstances
to seek justice and resist evil, in our neighbourhood, in Britain and throughout the world
to proclaim Jesus crucified and risen; our judge and our hope.