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Charlene's Twournal
Nov 2009 - Oct 2011
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Optimized for web, not recommended for print.
i trawl style blogs. i love snakes. i worship rock & roll.
Copyright © Charlene 2011
the people who have put up with me,
Red_Aliss's Twournal
Thu Nov 19
04:51pm Great, now I feel like hugging him. Dammit
04:53pm i dunno that i care for the new 'ReTweets'. One can only absorb
so much random information. I'd rather they bugger off & leave me
Fri Nov 20
02:04pm One of MJ's less well-known songs -- a real gem. Feat. the
legendary SlasH!!
Mon Nov 23
10:18am @BeeNeefit what time do ya usually start at McCann? is it like
an 11am culture or u guys start pretty early?
10:19am a week's time to my tattoo appointment.
03:07pm @angelicshades i hardly ever game, but when i do i hv a
fondness for barbarians
03:09pm @BeeNeefit of course; i wouldn't leave it till a week left to
decide! it's a guitar - a Washburn PS2000
03:09pm im feeling strangely calm even tho i shd be panicking.
Everything is due on Wednesday. EVErything.
Wed Nov 25
09:41am bahhaha he is supposed to be here at 9.30am as promised
yesterday. Daniel, why u let me miss half hour of sleep for nothin :P
02:37pm @angelicshades sleep is indeed for the weak.
bahahaHAHAHA! *crazy evil insomnia-induced laughter*
07:45pm WtF studio is all empty. Somebody's bday today?
Thu Nov 26
12:17pm I cannot begin to describe how epicly fucked I am. Allow me to
introduce myself, world. My name is Miss Major Fail.
03:42pm i need you to kickstart my heart. plz.
03:43pm what if the other gangs got great ideas & we suck? it's killing
me slowly inside
Mon Nov 30
11:28am @BeeNeefit u'r gonna have a pole at home?? wow
11:29am Paul Stanley's guitar, immortalised on my skin. 29Nov 09
Red_Aliss's Twournal
Wed Dec 02
06:10pm hey how do u ReTweet stuff & be able to add ur own
comments? rite now whn i click RT, it just repeats d original exactly
Thu Dec 03
01:46pm office playing schmaltzy Xmas songs & now i dun feel like
working. it's like saying "Go home! u shouldnt be spending Xmas in the
Fri Dec 04
02:32pm Jam on d way bk 2 work, damn sian. Bludy scams nd 2 rush out
05:14pm finally got a few mins for twitter wtf. rushing out scams + real
jobs like mad. & leaving for DMAM awards later. gaaahh HOPE I WIN
05:43pm FUCK ME WITH A SPADE. awards tonite but i hv to
stay behind to check a stupid-ass print ad that is not even marginally
Sun Dec 06
09:34pm @sadyn this google search thing is a hoot. like this one: "Is it
wrong to....sleep with ur stepdad after ur mom dies?"
09:36pm my hair simply will not accept dye for long. i had it a nice green,
but now it's half-faded & i look like some strange tropical bird.
Mon Dec 07
10:59am I truly believe Aerosmith was put on this earth to make my emo
mornings happy. "Just Push Play -- Fuckin' A!"
than it was last Fri.
02:11pm Boss is on leave...the office feels DIFFERENT. i feel more
relaxed than i have in ages. haha
Tue Dec 08
10:22am Electric Eye - Judas Priest, Fuck YEAH xD xD xD
11:18am man, i can TOTALLy see this TVC in my head as I write it.
Complete w/ soundtrack too! Hope to god it happens
Wed Dec 09
01:04pm You have not lived life until you have been embarrassed in
various stupid/funny ways.
08:00pm bludy hell. suppose to hv recording session 2day but was
rescheduled due to miscommunication btwn us & the studio, now it's
tomorrow at 9am!
08:01pm i should totally tell em I Don't Get Out Of Bed Early For Less
Than RM[insert nuumber here].....
08:43pm Paul Stanley 1978 --> SEXINESS MELTS MY FACE OFF
Thu Dec 10
11:38am Our finance dept is so slooowww, by the time I get my expense
claim checks I don't even know what the hell they're for.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
03:17pm is sick of being art director as well as copywriter. I shd get paid
double. luckily the person making my life difficult is leaving da team
06:33pm 2day get 2 go home early yays
06:36pm I wan very badly 2 sell dis cld b 1 classy tvc! W/ a gr8
soundtrk! I saw it in my head n it was pfect
Fri Dec 11
01:24pm My mama jus bougt a hot leathr jackt w fuckin awsme zip dtails
04:11pm Intresting. And far too flattering. You Have an Inspired First Name #blogthings
08:45pm Gawd why is it so hard 2 make a good idea c the lite of day. Ive
sacrificed 2 many babies
11:51pm Listening to music, eating, typing this, reading comments on
devART, watching YouTube, AND reading an e-book!
Mon Dec 14
11:08am @Urfman Winter in Korea now?
11:09am @angelicshades "Knives & leathers" probably sound more
kinky than they really are.
11:21am My team keeps being MIA; we need to discuss this NoW becoz
we are out of time. After lunch I will not be free. God how i HATE
wasting time
11:22am my last update of not liking to waste time only applies to work.
at home i procrastinate as much as the next lazy joe.
Tue Dec 15
01:51pm i-Socks at Sg Wang has closed. Oh Noes D: wanted to go there
@ lunchtime 2day. too lazy to walk to Times Square
01:54pm It's GOOD to be single & not hv family responsibilities.
Prevents the "why am i @work & not spending Xmas w/ my kids"
depression =P
05:10pm hot tuna bun MmmMmm
07:55pm 2moro at Grey: i...wanna rock n roll all nite...& party evryday!
11:22pm This year has bn good 2 me ovrall. Plenty i stil ache 2 achiev,
but on a wide scale i hv no right 2 bitch :)
Wed Dec 16
11:44am Sposed 2 dress 4 our xmas party Rock theme, but either most
ppl copped our or they're changing later....(cont'd next Tweet)
11:45am ...which leaves me the only one walking around looking really
weird. Ah Shite.
Fri Dec 18
12:07pm Which othr modern band aside frm Muse has real guitar solos?
Giv a heads up if u know any
04:36pm Oh my fucking god. 8hrs to reach Penang frm KL jus coz of
public hol jam.
Sun Dec 20
11:56pm Dear YouTube copyright Nazis, kindly go fuck yourselves.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
Mon Dec 21
02:59pm Dont u jus HATE how photos using flash xpose underarm fat?
My xmas party-glam moments turnd out 2 b 1 big flabfest
Wed Dec 23
04:59pm @sadyn HOLY CRAP NOOOES (i hates that dastardly
05:00pm I Want the KISS Kompendium. Has anyone seen it at
Kinokuniya? If so give me a heads up. thank you thankyou (or better yet,
get me one. lol)
07:41pm Im like a character in a bloody musical. When i'm in love, i
sing...oftn wthout realising. Ftw
08:21pm Do Not eat at NZ, jln ampang. Service sucks arse.
Thu Dec 24
11:06am @Urfman Good to hear. Is it beautiful there w/ the Xmas lights
& all? Hope ur New Yr in Korea will be fun!
11:07am I wish the Year End would never, well, end. I want to continue
feeling this generous & good...
01:56pm is disappointed. wanted 2 get a few ppl GSC movie gift
vouchers, but office kept me waitng so long, ended up not bg able
02:26pm I....forgot the lyrics xD. Erm ok. "On the 3rd day of Xmas, my
true love gave to me......??"
04:11pm @sadyn (singalong cont'd) "On the 5th day of xmas my true
love gave to me, 5 Golden Rings..."
04:38pm Hey hey, i just placed my very first Amazon order wtf. This is
what i orderrred
07:01pm AAAHHH FACE IS MELtinggg. Live Wire - Motley Crue
07:01pm Yay, i got my bro into GnR! WOoooot
Fri Dec 25
04:37pm Jay Chou's obvious attempt 2 look bad-ass in Treasure Hunter
= Major FAIL
11:11pm Feast, diet, feast, diet. Xmas foodfests playing havoc with my
Sun Dec 27
02:18pm KILL me, Paul Stanley, i want to die in your arms
Mon Dec 28
06:18pm random poll: what is your fave M&M colour? Mine are red &
brown =P
Tue Dec 29
11:24am LOLLL a Youtube comment on a GnR show: "DUDE. PUT
SOME PANTS ON" (referring to Axl)
02:43pm I feel a Xmas tree is Incomplete without a top. I don't care
if it's a star or angel or Gene Simmons with his's gotta be
Red_Aliss's Twournal
06:51pm geez for 3 days in a row, Darian & I the only ppl left in the
whole Creative Dept. FtW. I suppose everyone else has a life.
Wed Dec 30
02:39pm @sherylhosulynn i prefer to usher it in with a bottle of
02:39pm After a whole day of researching musicals for a project, my feet
are itching to flash-DANCE!
Thu Dec 31
11:46am What's everyone doing for NYE? don't hv that much $$ so i'm
just hanging around town for the free street parties.
Sun Jan 03
06:35pm Saw a pair of gorgeous studded boots at Zara i would hv
committed murder for.
Mon Jan 04
11:02am Strange & Awesome. - 'Girl Anachronism' by Dresden Dolls
01:02pm ohgod this guy on FB is starting to SRSLY bug me. maybe i shd
just take him off my list. he's a nice guy...just a lil too persistent!!
01:02pm a bit of persistence is nice. too much is unattractive. especially
when i'm not even throwing him any bait.
03:05pm Waiting 4 client & startng 2 get hungry. Entrtaining thougts of
hot pies..
Tue Jan 05
Red_Aliss's Twournal
02:06pm @angelicshades what shd it be like? dramatic, still, in battle...?
i found a bunch just with GoogleSearch, but need 2 be more specific... =)
03:26pm @angelicshades good to hear that =)
03:26pm i need to be working but instead am writing loads of poetry
FtW >.<
06:13pm it's so hard to get a Twitter skin size right. tried designing my
Wed Jan 06
11:43am EVERYTHING IS GOING WRONG TODAY. i haven't felt a
suicidal urge in ages, but i could slit my wrists Right Now.
02:07pm confession - i'm listening to Whitney Houston XP XPPPP
"Must I imagine you there? Don't walk away from me." LoL
04:05pm Large ice blended double-choc on company tab, fck yEAh :D
ON SHIT *Note to inventor self: must invent non-tangle earphones* ....
07:06pm @evensteven929 yay! first sweet
Thu Jan 07
10:30am LoL >> "(The fame) helps get a foot in the door, but you can
still slam the door on my foot." - Paul Stanley of KISS on being a painter
04:54pm NOES Grey will not be the same without Shareena. >.<
Fri Jan 08
09:40pm @sherylhosulynn & 2moro we'l wear black 2 mourn the
torching of pagan 'witches' by the church :p
09:42pm I wish i'd had better ideas 2day. A raise might help greatly. Am
overdue for one...
Sat Jan 09
10:55am made an insensitiv remark ystrday coz of not reading the news.
Apologies 2 sheryl
10:58am I cringe mightily on behalf of sane muslims evrywhere. Allah
bless you. *gets shot*
05:25pm Word snobs want 2 ban 'Tweet' frm the language. R we gonna
let em? I say FUCK the snobs.
Sun Jan 10
09:22pm Slash is the type of man who can make well-groomed suburban
wives want to writhe naked in filth just by quietly standing half a mile
09:23pm @sadyn YES you should name them. Don't u know how fun it
is to name inanimate objects?? =D
Mon Jan 11
02:00pm @sadyn omg! that song = memories frm vault of childhood.
or teenhood, can't remember. who's it by? & apparently it's a 50s song
02:02pm is trying 2 make travel plans 4 a Vietnam vacation.
unfortunately i'm rly bad at making plans. 4 anything. i hv trouble
planning lunch...
04:46pm @sadyn the "ting ting bing bang" one. =P
Red_Aliss's Twournal
04:48pm i'm so out of touch with snail mail, i feel smwhat lost upon
walking into a post office.
Tue Jan 12
12:44pm finally have my KISS Kompendium! it's huge, heavy & filled
w/ lush colour pages. Can't wait to cuddle up with it when i get back frm
Thu Jan 14
10:45am owhhh won't you pleeease take me hoooooommmme
10:47am i guess Idol ratings will skyrocket thru the fuckin ceiling. if
it's our last chance to enjoy the wonderful Mr Cowell
07:52pm I feel beyond stupid. Train pulld up rite in front of me & i
missed it. Know why? Coz im SHIT TIRED & brain-dead
Fri Jan 15
11:17am Proofreading calendars seriously suck ...
02:03pm I expected KISS' Psycho Circus series to rock, but i never
expected it to hv so much...epic depth & poetry, both in words &
04:32pm peanut butter + chilli powder is good, try it.
06:44pm i have this hellish nightmare that i will be stuck here doing this
IDIOTIC brochure for all eternity.
Sun Jan 17
11:25am Is it posible 2 rmove ur womb wthout hormonal cnsequences? I
dun evr want babies & periods r a pain
11:30am Idk why but d thougt of hvg a baby is like... an alien in me,
invadng & changing my body
Mon Jan 18
03:38pm ...sitting next to me i felt his presence vivid as the day. i could
not stop watching his fingers.
07:46pm @sadyn i've more or less given up on girly shoes 'cept for
gladiator wedges. heels? strictly for evening-dress occasions.
Tue Jan 19
12:35pm Been a rush morning...heading 2 recording sesion now..
Wed Jan 20
05:05pm Today is Aerosmith day on my iTunes; i can't stop listening to
em. hell yeahs
Thu Jan 21
10:30am My 1st cnsumer focus group sesion 4 a tvc. I was totaly lost
upon walkng in coz i dint kno wat 2 do
01:57pm Wow 2 iceblend cofees in a row, on co. tab. Last time dis
hapened, i got indigestion 4 my greediness lol
Fri Jan 22
Red_Aliss's Twournal
10:56am @sadyn so how long did the rendering take? did u get any sleep
at all? :P
10:56am @angelicshades Killed by angels! what a way to go.
10:57am is rather antsy & restless today for no particular reason.
02:40pm Funny as heck. Although only KISS fans will get it... Give this
FB Group a try!
Mon Jan 25
10:10am Original version of the irresistible GLEE song - Don't Stop
10:40am HOLY SHIT my office email had a password screwup AGAIN.
I don't fancy getting yelled at by the head of IT...(again...)
01:58pm Does anyone else find finger-sucking to be 10x more erotic
than actual sex?
04:19pm jeezus does KL/PJ really need aNOther MALL?
Tue Jan 26
02:12pm Note to self: Stop downloading songs & get to work.
03:29pm @angelicshades the worst part has 2 b the urine sample. there
shd b a private corridor to bring ur lil container directly 2 the doc...
03:29pm @angelicshades spare u the embarassment. (had 2
continue my msg in another tweet! i HATE the 140-char limit)
05:15pm advice to myself: "better hide your heart, coz you're playing
with fire."
Wed Jan 27
10:39am I'm starting to think that I'm the only person in the world who
DOESN'T find talking babies cute....
07:45pm has been listening to jiwang songs nonstop, getting into da
mood for a film i'm scripting. =)
Thu Jan 28
11:39am Screw real-lifeism. I prefer to reflect your desires. People say
they want realistic ads, but what they really want is altered reality.
11:40am becoz Real Reality ain't pretty. You want your world to be
that lil bit different. & u won't buy what I'm selling u unless it changes
time is running out. i am ready for the gallows. my reputation is ruined.
09:23pm My weekend is shot. Hv a nice life, evry1.
Sun Jan 31
06:50pm Idk why some ppl insist on dressing like they've given up on life.
Mon Feb 01
10:40am Slash apearance on Grammy's was TOO FUCKIN SHORT.
Rock legends shd own d stage not make 30-sec cameos
10:43am OMFG Alice Cooper giving away Best Rock Album omg omgg
11:20am Awesome, the world chose Livin on a Prayerrr..! Bonjovi needs
2 get rockin hard again.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
Tue Feb 02
01:30pm is on a Gaga obsession now.
08:49pm Iv felt guilty for ages now. So much that guilt has bcome part of
my natural thot process
08:52pm I am indirectly responsible for emotional murder. I am a trap. I
am a bane.
08:52pm My existence was a mistake.
Wed Feb 03
10:59am It's you who's haunting me, warning me To be the stranger in
your life. Am I the beast you visualised? I'll be grotesque before your
03:15pm I am a storm. - - You Are a Stratus
Cloud #blogthings
05:19pm goddamn. now that Darian is leaving, i'm gonna have to do
ALL the Tiger stuff
06:12pm HOLYcrap I've been listening to Bad Romance on loop for 3
days now. It's such a powerful song.
Thu Feb 04
11:15am @mcr_rox idk who the 'else' are, but i dont think you're a
retard. :)
11:21am "The record goes frm blue to gold. So thank you for all your
help. Backstabber, Off-brusher, Failure has made you so cruel."
04:34pm idk why, but im suddenly emotional abt David F going. its not
like he's leaving the country. but...
04:57pm maaan, now we no longer have a fashionably fabulous male in
the Grey Creative dept.
Fri Feb 05
01:22pm FACEBOOK FAILED ME. I cannot PM my dear penpal. >.<
have my reply pasted in a wordpad till later.
03:02pm @sherylhosulynn erm. biological clock? what are u, 38? we are
young babe. & therefore immortal (for the next 10 yrs that is). =P =P
03:03pm wants to go & get junk food, but it's raaaiiiining. wtf it has to be
blazing, fuckin-A hot till the very day i actually need to go out!!
05:26pm It is that time of the year when you start shitting & peeing
oranges. i'm up to my ears in em. :P
Sat Feb 06
12:58am If Evan Stanley inherits his dad's skills,charisma &
pursues a music career...the world shall be blessed ^___^ http://
Mon Feb 08
10:25am Fuck you Facebook, I want my old layout back. What is this
noisy, information-overload shit? You trying to pull a MySpace?
07:02pm is upset & angry for no particular reason. it's not time for PMS
yet. i just want to cry & abuse something. or get drunk.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
07:31pm feeling better now thanks to doodling + GnR. man, i must get
GnR tattooed on meh smwhere! saved me frm anger so many times
Tue Feb 09
06:20pm @BeeNeefit huh u got white hair?
06:21pm it is not a good hair day. shoulda gone with the urge to wear a
headband. see, this is why u should follow your style instinct!
Thu Feb 11
10:05am Mentioned to our CEO during the sharkfin course dat
we shouldnt support killing of sharks. he just looked at me like
"...whatever" .. heh
04:24pm Vodka at 4.30pm in the office baby. Rock n roll all night and
party every day! Happy chinese new year, world.
08:16pm much Absolut have i had....? It goes well with Def
Leppard btw.
Fri Feb 12
10:40am boss said since CNY is upon us, if we've finished up we can
go home by lunchtime. Ha-ha-ha! Big joke of the yr. have u SEEN my
06:29pm WAAAaarrghh damm tired but goin home early yay.
06:32pm Oh & btw, hangtuah train station has a BIG population of sadly
unstylish ppl.
Sun Feb 14
05:53pm I wanna do a fashion log 4 CNY, but no one wants 2 pose 4 my
Wed Feb 17
10:18am weather so hot that i have to start da morning with iced coffee
instd of my usual steaming cuppa.
04:57pm The street is cool, autumnal/A leaf brushed by/Whispering
“Rain is here.” My boots rang on cobblestones/noon city stood still.
Thu Feb 18
11:01am I'm only dreamin'. Between the darkness & the light
05:01pm maaann.. can u have a srs crush on someone just coz you love
their style? i've even forgotten his name fer gods sake
07:42pm Hate it whn ppl overcook pasta. It shd be al dente, look it up in
the damn dictionary
08:01pm It's impossible 2 get perfect pasta here for less than RM15.
Fri Feb 19
09:58am my eyes looked dark & tired today so i made it look on purpose
with goth-style eyeshadow, lol
11:01am somebody help me, i'm SLEEPY & don't feel like doing shit. i
just want to close my eyes & let the world disappear
01:35pm has discovered that there's no civilised way to eat crispy
popiah... NOT a good desk food. LOL
Red_Aliss's Twournal
03:52pm @sherylhosulynn WAAARRGH. shouldnt u start with a
slightly easier song? hehe.
03:53pm T-shirt quote of the day (not mine) - "War Is Progress. Peace Is
Stagnation." lols
05:17pm "intense yet happy". not too far off... :)
ybqaku3 - You Are Intense Yet Happy #blogthings
08:40pm Its so wrong 2 love him, but "i would give Anything for my
08:42pm (ref: my last tweet) I rly should stop soul-baring on twitter,
Sat Feb 20
11:15pm Do u evr fall madly in luv w some words just coz of the sound?
My wordcrush of the day: Chalcedony
Sun Feb 21
01:05pm @angelicshades - i kno wat that feels like *hugs* did u get ur
wish 2 get away?
01:07pm A.Idol Lily Scott is style queen of this year. Luv d leggings, d
earings, d hair =D
06:45pm @angelicshades family dramas suck worse than any other kind.
Sory 2 hear dat. Jewelry makng, sounds good..!
08:15pm Yay it's FINALLY raining! Keep it hard & heavy, i get to wear
sleeves again....
Mon Feb 22
04:44pm LOL i love working with Jon Lim
07:10pm It feels weird leavg b4 my boss...
Tue Feb 23
12:05pm Anyone else hvg a lion dance in their office? near lunch hour;
good time for a loud fun distraction
01:31pm @angelicshades strangely mirrors the Osiris legend, doesn't it?!
i am so retweeting this
03:08pm crap...why are my drawing skills good but my sketches so damn
fugly? -___04:21pm "here's another mess i got myself in; and when you touch me,
you ain't helping." We say goodnight and go home.
04:23pm "I followed daylight right into the dark. What kind of trouble
am I in for? My kind of heaven lies in hell's back door"
06:21pm shit, it's gonna be sucky making my way to a place i don't even
know in THIS WEAther.. just has to rain at the wrong time, on the
wrong day.
Wed Feb 24
03:42pm @BeeNeefit OK that made me LMAO. "i'm a Bee, I'm a
Bee...." HAHAHA
03:43pm forbidden thoughts forbidden thoughts forbidden thoughts.
07:07pm interesting, & kinda true. What Part of the Morning Are You? - You Are the Alarm Clock #blogthings
07:47pm @sadyn u'r studying porn? i wanna go to ur college.
08:31pm Hope nothin major gets shot dwn 2moro. We hv other things 2
do with our lives
Red_Aliss's Twournal
08:41pm A 500pax KISS cncert, that's TiNy! D roof's gonna blow HELL
YEAH...london02, wish i was there
Thu Feb 25
12:06pm @angelicshades I KNOW... vines are fun as heck! & other
curling curvy thingies...
12:07pm Today's T-shirt Quote: "I KNOW KUNGFU, KARATE,..and 20
other Dangerous Words"
03:05pm I say, Joe Perry just introduced me to Twitlonger. yays
03:07pm My first Twitlonger tweet! First heard of it from Joe Perry of
Aerosmith when he first used it. Thank you Joe (cont)
07:55pm Must change curency, get spare cam bateries, top up visa many things 2 do over wkend b4 trip
08:03pm Im needed 2 make changes on d work but alrdy left...if they
wantd me on stndby shd hv told me leh. 2 bad, sorry...
09:37pm Alex lmbert's pformance was flat,flat flat. LOL at ellen's
unintentionaly(?) phallic reference
09:40pm My fav idol boys so far: john park & that awsme retro-rock guy
Fri Feb 26
04:02pm @Urfman how come u sudenly pop up outta nowhere. Y dun i
c u othrwise? N dun giv me those supershort zen replies
04:04pm Skipping dinner 2nite coz of heavy teatime. & skimpy lunch
2moro - post CNY diet finaly begins!
07:07pm I dont believ in wearing a band tshirt unless u actualy kNOW
some of thr songs. Band tees used 2 be a statement. Not a poseur-tool
Sat Feb 27
09:38pm sigh No i will not tidy my wardrobe. I am happy to live my life
with a pinch of chaos.
10:14pm And I subscribe to escapism And I deny vain puritanism And
I spit on sterile minimalism For I subscribe to rock n (cont)
Sun Feb 28
10:10am @sheryl - u got stoned? Where, party girl? Hehe well prayers r
good 4 hangovers im sure
10:11am Eyes swollen shut & chronically runny nose. Morning sinus kills
me evyrtime
Mon Mar 01
10:14am Jit, enough with the exaggerated exclamations lol...I cannot
deal with too much drama first thing in da morning.
12:30pm QUOTE OF THE DAY (Not mine) Some people are like
Slinkies. They're really good for nothing, but they still bring (cont) http://
12:31pm @BeeNeefit yes, nothing like a dose of Jit when life gets boring
01:44pm I Completely Don't Get techno - outside of a club, that is. It
just goes on and on pointlessly... (purely personal pref; no offense 2
06:12pm @BeeNeefit ...remove the ice?
06:12pm ...and then it's raining....
Red_Aliss's Twournal
07:26pm friggin hell i am finally becoming a Twiddict. ohhhh the
realisation of one's fears.... :P
Tue Mar 02
10:08am Worried & worn out trying 2 settle evrytg b4 flying off. Wtf
holiday = stress!
01:06pm @BeeNeefit chiang mai. =)
01:07pm @mcr_rox aww but we dun hate u
03:28pm @BeeNeefit i will if settling work & Cannes stuff by dis week
doesn't kill me first. thanks
04:13pm Ohshit i was singing 'Shandi' loudly in the pantry (louder than i
intended, that is). So embarassing -____05:47pm in the words of Miranda Priestly: "Oh by all means, move at a
glacial pace. You know how I love that" YOUTUBE IS (cont)
Wed Mar 03
12:57pm I hate running around & asking favours. It's on the top 5 of my
List Of Unfavourite Things.
02:49pm Loser tries to shoplift & fails. some shop in Wangsa Maju
03:55pm Got lots of work but wanna go home in time to watch Idol &
Glee.... :P
03:55pm I am a Sue Sylvester fan =P
05:48pm i wanna hold you but my senses tell me to stop.
07:55pm is at once stressed & elated (strelated?)
08:00pm @sherylhosulynn i agree. Animals do not exist 2 entertain us.
Hell, they were here b4 us
Thu Mar 04
03:13pm Amer Idol is suffering from blandness. Hopefully the girls lift
things up today; the boys were disappointing.
05:44pm i wonder how my doggy friend is doing now http://
07:48pm Symphony version of Shandi makes my insides gooey evrytime.
Also, i m bcoming a bludy TWIDDICT
09:29pm Ppl i dun know what America thinks, but Lily Scott is The One
4 me.
Fri Mar 05
10:27am Morning sinus is bloody undignified when u have to work. The
chronic runny nose alone makes me wanna claw my own (cont) http://
11:56am i have discovered my creative weakness, & it is humour. I can
do snarky funny, but apparently not ha-ha funny. I (cont)
07:08pm @angelicshades I KNOW! it's like..."Whyy? why cover up
my painstaking work & those beautiful muscles? if i know i wouldnt hv
Red_Aliss's Twournal
07:09pm TIREDTIREDTIREDTired. I want Cannes submission rush to
be over so I can get back to living.
Sat Mar 06
06:37am Off 2 chiangmai. Bye!
Sun Mar 07
12:07am is at a chiang mai pub trying to deal with a strange nonQWERTY keyboard. must be a thai thing. Havent slept in nearly 48hrs
Thu Mar 11
12:05pm Back & alrdy missing d peaceful bustle of chiangmai. U washd
away my restlessness 4 awhile. TQ
12:08pm Back & alrdy missing d peace of chiangmai. U washed away my
restlessness 4 awhile. TQ
Sun Mar 14
12:06am Yelling YAAAAM-SENGG at full vol aftr devouring 4 glasses
of wine made my head wan 2 xplode.
12:08am Haha 1st time seeing andrew fong inebriated. Aftr 3 yrs of
working w him! Congrats on d marriage
Mon Mar 15
08:55pm Had an ad idea inspired by a Runaways song lyric :D
Tue Mar 16
10:10am i was Googling insights on 'married malaysian women' & ended
up with links to How to Have An Affair with Married (cont)
11:23am is hooked on Adam's FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT...
Stripdance song of the year, people. Take it off!
04:54pm I know why writing for this account feels effortless. It's because
of all the fashion mags I devoured during adolescence
08:08pm so shit busy i'm going cross-eyed. i am bordering on hysterical
laughter just thinking of the mountainload of (cont)
09:07pm @sherylhosulynn Nuff is nuff. Stop doing 'charity' work & put
ur foot dwn. We'r behind u
Wed Mar 17
01:55pm Just as I was thinking of him, he called my name. Oh sweet
murderer is love!
01:56pm Holding on so tight, I'm afraid to let it go. Saying goodnight
when I should say goodbye. Tonight must last me forever
01:57pm Just talk to me. All I want is a little conversation. You turn my
head and make me dizzy
06:19pm is Jaded, Living On The Edge and needs to Get A Grip.
Thu Mar 18
10:43am @BeeNeefit wouldn't mind doing THAT for a living. :D
Red_Aliss's Twournal
10:45am Question, ppl: what's the soundtrack of ur adolescence? Mine's
'Teenage Frankenstein'. awkwardness + lack of social graces + bad
02:00pm @BeeNeefit heh i'm actually not rly a beer person..! i drink it
socially, or whn i've not had a full makes me feel bloated. :P
02:02pm @BeeNeefit im actually more of a spirits person... it's more
expensive for me to get drunk. i load up on co. tab whn i can ;P
05:41pm @BeeNeefit it means u smelt something joygasmically good?
on a subtle subconscious level that your conscious brain can't identify..?
Fri Mar 19
10:10am Tattoo appointment tomorrow; hope it turns out awesome
11:01am @BeeNeefit see my FB status =) =) it's a snake
11:02am The only people who would turn down fame and riches are
those who already have it.
11:39am What Drug Is Your Personality Like? -
- My Personality Is Like Acid #blogthings
03:59pm @BeeNeefit I LOVE MOCHA TOO. coz it's a combo of the 2
Most Perfect Things in Life: Coffee & Chocolate.
04:01pm When he talks to me, he makes me dizzy & clear-headed at
once. It's a kind of lucid intoxication.
04:05pm "There used to be a greying tower alone on the sea You became
the light on the dark side of me. I compare you to (cont)
07:48pm @sherylhosulynn treat yourself to smthing nice k. like a box of
chocs or a great movie or just resolutely being a slug for the weekend.
07:49pm OhGod Joe Perry's newest hairdo is SOOOOOO ROCKIN
Sat Mar 20
01:41pm Starting on my snake tatoo now..
02:14pm K its starting 2 hurt now. :p aaaah
02:33pm Fuck me. Oh fuck me god the pain holyshit wow. I think i need
a breathr very soon
03:51pm Yesss almst done
Sun Mar 21
11:42am - my new piece of skin art =D the one
i was cursing abt yesterday coz it hurt like hell. was worth it!
Mon Mar 22
01:49pm @BeeNeefit pole dancing still killing u ah?
01:51pm 3+ hours without music now (discounting lunch brk).
earphones spoilt. feel like i'm going mad...luckily am going out at 4.30
02:01pm 4 hours now. can't...breathe.... .
04:42pm @BeeNeefit LOL ... & sorry coz i shouldnt laugh at ur plight...
Try Counterpain, it's available at most pharmacies & d smell is less
04:42pm I Keep Reaching Out For Earphones That Are NOT THERE.
05:46pm @BeeNeefit can't seem to vote. the polestars site doesn't
indicate how...
Red_Aliss's Twournal
08:40pm I want to drive a sledgehammer through his head.
Wed Mar 24
09:48am I want 2 spit xquisitely nasty things abt sm1, but it would be a
career-wrecking move.
10:33am @BeeNeefit my mornings are seldom shiny. whatever bugs me
at any other time, bugs me double in the a.m.
Thu Mar 25
10:48am Last year's Swedish idol Erik Grönwall. highly enjoyable.. the
guy has great chops. Shout it out!
HATE MYSELF. I must be tired, keep making mistakes these past few
02:33pm And in the midst of nothing I was stricken with love so painful
it stopped me in my tracks and left me thirsting for the invisible.
03:14pm "I'll be a fool for you, I'm sure. You mean the world to me. And
you know, I found in you........"
05:12pm I am in my driven Sue Sylvester mode, buddy. And you ain't
stopping me going to that shoot. It is My vision, & help me God I will BE
Fri Mar 26
08:48am Mehh.. thought i wd b late but cams arent half ready 2 roll yet.
Gona go pee 1st
09:44am Man we r behind schedule. & STILL disagreemnts abt
wardrobe. Watever, 1st scene rolling now
10:37am is being a set monkey & running abt being annoyingly curious
12:18pm Feel like an intern again, so many things r new 2 me. Its great.
Shots r looking sexy
02:53pm Wow probs w lighting & blowers. We'll be here til midnite
02:55pm And i hv 2 come bck 2moro 4 big-ass regional project...sigh.
03:54pm GODDD. This simple shot has bn MURDER 2 get right. On d
bright side, i learnt how 2 make a fake sunrise...
06:32pm Great now it's raining. Its startg 2 feel lik we'll nvr get this film
08:37pm @BeeNeeFit Well, drama is wat hapens whn the elements - &
sm screwd equipmnt - cnspire against u.
11:50pm Shooting d all-important pack shot now. Btw it's steven tyler's
bday...! 62wow
Sat Mar 27
03:23pm Fire alarm disrupting our planned brainstorm. Should we get
out? it's just a test drill right....
08:29pm Who else is turning off d lights? 4 mor mins
Sun Mar 28
10:20pm Dance music always sounds tons better aftr a few drinks. Dave
Guetta's Sexy Chick esp is divine.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
Mon Mar 29
11:20am I'm probly gonna pay in my afterlife or next life for all the free
songs I download illegally. Maybe I'll be a starving musician. :P
Tue Mar 30
02:58am 3am Can't sleep for shit, and this ain't helping any. shouldn't
have clicked. but couldn't resist
01:04pm When someone practices arseholery behind a mask of niceness,
return the gesture with the same.
04:09pm i am starting to talk to myself -- out loud.
05:16pm "If this love goes up in flames, It's a fire I can't resist I was
crying when I met you Now I'm dying cause I (cont)
09:07pm is pleased about a rather flattering comment someone made =)
also, nice dinner on the hosue which makes working late a lot better
10:33pm Hoowww you doooiin' peopllle? still working, from home. feel
strangely un-tired; i think i'm running on adrenaline right now. boo-yahh
Wed Mar 31
12:32am now uploading pix of my shoot
01:05am LOL at all the "justin bieber must die"-type tweets
01:08am @_wINd_forward_ hehe i didnt post anything abt it on dA. its
a commercial my team & i hv been working on. the pix are frm the film
01:09am @_wINd_forward_ btw if u have me on ur list at FB, u'll be
able to see it.
05:03pm Omg can u say stupidville??
07:02pm @sadyn yummy. Good luck w the pan
07:06pm Brainstorming in d car, on d way bk. :p time is lik a box of
godiva chocs: a luxury
11:55pm the week after this i'm taking a BREAK. too many nights in a
row of backbreaking work. hell, i'd go on leave (cont)
Thu Apr 01
02:25pm WHAT?? my Classic Rock magazine is supposed 2 come w/ a
free CD but it's not in there. Have I been cheated?
06:02pm hurr why is it unusually cold today. oh well...that can only be a
good thing. (as long as we dun get hail next. u never know)
06:04pm @eujin2sides you on your techno rush again :P
07:26pm @eujin2sides mehh i didnt get pranked. feel left out -___- lol
07:27pm @Urfman you'll be turning pale as those koreans soon. so u'r
wearing like 4 layers of clothes rite now?
07:27pm hooray get to go off early today. =D
10:48pm Slash mega-album kicks d shit out of UK in May. Ltd edition
Apr 7! Doubt i can aford it
Fri Apr 02
11:57am Misused/Abused Ad Creatives, Read my Manifesto. I know
we've all swallowed a lot of shit. From a group of people (cont) http://
Red_Aliss's Twournal
12:02pm Is this a side effect frm working on Ncafe -- all the posts abt
coffeh? :P RT @BeeNeefit waiting for the coffee to kick in
12:03pm hungryhungryhungry. i can't think anymore. need food.
02:32pm But playing games gives us inspiration for interactive ideas.
04:15pm What on EARTH is a young 20-smthg doing being obsessed
with collagen??
08:00pm Sigh. All the things i could do...if i Had A Little Money!
Sun Apr 04
01:49am Awesome nite with lovely guy 4yrs younger than me. He says i
taste like strawberies
01:51am & just when i was telling anne i dun do younger guys...ah wel, i
guess he's special ;)
Mon Apr 05
10:20am @eujin2sides lovely song =D
11:47am how ah? brain dead. sleepy as fuck. in danger of zoning out. &
worn down frm arguing a single point over & over again.
01:15pm hey guys how come KL cabs dont accept bookings anymore?
i dun get it. why the fuck should i call u 10mins b4 i (cont)
05:53pm Bahh 2day alot of waiting in btwn recording. Also, watch my
own tvc til sian alrdy.
05:57pm @BeeNeefit i dun notice paprcuts til in d bath or washng
hands. Lol
Tue Apr 06
02:31pm Bought WWF tiepin as part of pledge 2 help double the
number of tigers. Join the cause! Tigers are awesome sexy beasts! http://
Thu Apr 08
02:39pm So hot that i hv 2 lift weights while sucking on an ice cube.
02:42pm @eujin2sides Hopping onboard d pirate ship! Just dwnloaded
new slash album. Yay 4 rapidshare xD
06:19pm Tim urban needs 2 Go Away
06:22pm Ah well, long as siobhan & crystal r in, i'm happy
06:43pm is still anti-Archuleta. He has that annoying, oh-gosh breathy,
Ms World way of talking.
Fri Apr 09
09:50pm MADtv clip frm 1996. Haha the kid is made of cuteness. http:// 'Blood not included.'
Sat Apr 10
09:37pm @Urfman wondering whethr 2 go 4 DP whn they cm here. R
09:38pm @eujin2sides low fat lattes r 4 pansies. Lol j/k
09:40pm Watching 'how 2 train ur dragon' 2moro. =D
11:23pm @eujin2sides mayb ur wise choice of clothing creates a
slimming effect. :p but good 4 u! I suport ur fitness mission
Red_Aliss's Twournal
11:31pm @sadyn meh univrsity is overratd. U dun need a degree 2 b a
stellar writer (or watevr creative whiz u plan on bcoming)
Sun Apr 11
07:22pm @sherylhosulynn u sure its panadol? Anyway since u dance
alot, i hv faith u'll lose it again soon. Suport sheryl's get fit mission!
Tue Apr 13
11:22am The endearing thing abt Jit is that even when he talks in a
whisper you can still hear him frm 5 cubicles away. lol
11:23am @sarah_kow A demonically sexy, kinky angel. yknow, like
Perverted Innocence. awesome (with furry handcuffs if u can get em)
12:11pm Shit shit shit what is wrong with my MIND???? i feel so
scattered today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE MYSELFFFFFFFFFFF
12:13pm yes thats right; multiple exclamation marks!!!!! i think the
occasion warrants it!!!! my brain is officially dead. prepare the obituary
02:16pm mehh can't wait for May issue of Classic Rock. just now i
walked all the way to Borders even tho i knew it wouldnt be out yet. am
11:52pm yahoo mail iz down. cannot attach anything
Wed Apr 14
12:40pm @chwizzle i knowww, i wish i was good with heels too. i do
wedges, but not the superthin ones. i need shoes i can run in (u never
12:40pm we have abt a month to fill up our appraisal & feedback forms.
i'm including a suggestion to paint the walls purple.
05:21pm YaY! xD @Sarah Kow sarah_kow @Red_Aliss @chrisoffertan
Ok kinky angel it is :D
05:23pm 'Greased Lightning' is still my fave song & scene. a young, hot
Travolta + assorted hunks draped over a hot set of wheels?? why not? xD
06:41pm must get home on time to watch Adam L on Idol.
09:08pm My american frens, could u pls help me vote Siobhan as idol.
Thank u thank u
Thu Apr 15
10:12am Waking up so tired it physically hurt 2 get out of bed. It passed
aftr my coffee tho, thank god
10:19am @angelicshades God of War has fantabulous graphics dont it
10:22am Shit, Sunny's hse got broken in2. He lost 2yrs worth of work in
his laptop. Lousy way 2 start his leave
11:49am @BeeNeefit i know T__T d thief entered while they were
sleeping. How creepy is dat.. I would feel so violated
04:19pm New coffee machine is up & working yay. Becoz god knows I
Need That Espresso
05:17pm why dont we have anymore wholemeal bread. Why god Why.
Peanut butter sucks balls on plain white bread
06:45pm "Days go by, I'm hypnotized; I'm walking on a wire. I close my
eyes and fly out of my mind, Into the fire"
07:35pm @BeeNeefit LOL at the stripping comment. dolts like that
were put on this earth to entertain us.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
Fri Apr 16
10:01am @sherylhosulynn is ur office strict abt coming on time? where
do u work btw
10:02am esssssspressssssso
10:48am @BeeNeefit well it's not like a PROper machine with fresh
beans or anythin. just a normal instant dispenser. im sure u guys have too
02:27pm I really shouldn't miss you, But I can’t let you go. You've got a
piece of me, and honestly: My Life Would Suck Without You. T____T
04:00pm Temptation, frustration; So bad it makes her cry. She wants him
so badly, knows what she wants to be. Young girl, (cont)
06:19pm @nglicia you r a stellar example of the Art Of Onsology. 4 Ons
in the last 1 hour
08:01pm Increasingly addictd 2 twitter damnit. D more frens i hv here,
more fun it iz
11:10pm @sherylhosulynn ...aaaand i'm checking in again! for no
reason! i also use twitlonger a lot when the blardy 140-char limit bugs
Sat Apr 17
11:21am Trying 2 bargain 4 2ndhand kancil car. Its a 13-yr-old machine,
fergodsake gimme a better price lah, aiyo
04:35pm I hv 2 b the laziest person in the world in paperwork &
procedures. Renewing driving licence & getting insurance=BIG pain
11:18pm Drinking whisky n exchanging true ghost stories
Mon Apr 19
03:36pm Something is WRONG with the fengshui of this place. 2
Spankin New coffee machines screwed up for dunno wat reason.
06:03pm he's usually a cool guy, but lately he's starting to pull all kinds of
'quai lan' comments..
07:27pm @sadyn it's good to be a young padawan. :) you get to say
things out of 'innocence', you get to ask stupid questions, & ppl buy you
Tue Apr 20
10:46am mehhh lazy to go studio but what to do. hehe.. this is the prob
with me: too long working on same project, d enthusiasm starts to go
11:27am aiyohhh why this job very the LUAN wan... mah kai
03:37pm @eujin2sides don't do either. I dont need d cmpetition =p
03:39pm Why lah. Tired of rushing to & fro frm studios. Half hr more hv
2 go off again! Getting sick of dis job
03:41pm By 'job' i mean a project, not my whole career. Dun
misunderstand ;p
05:43pm Cripes i hope dis VO turns out ok. Otherwise i shall be
embarassd in front of evry1 frm the director 2 my creativ team.
05:45pm Oh. Showdown btwn 2 archenemies
07:07pm Haha thai ambipur 'new' blurb looks like american idol logo.
07:11pm @eujin2sides dun make urself miserable w juiceless, joyless
chicken lar. It wil ony discourage ur diet
08:45pm Plz let 2moro be d last online at VHQ. 'Muak' aledi. Im gonna
be hearing d tvc in my dreams 2nite
Red_Aliss's Twournal
Wed Apr 21
12:04pm Writer needs help. What's a softer word for 'eliminate'?
(Suggestions will be met with much gratitude. Winner gets free art from
me hehe)
12:41pm @eujin2sides who, who? *starts scouring round for Reebok
01:58pm "Do the rattlesnake shake!!" enjoying my Motley Crue
collection xD Bring sleaze rock back, nowplz
04:53pm @BeeNeefit u goin 2 phuket? Hv fun =D
04:55pm Waitg at vhq 4 final mix. Audio engineer playin all my fav
songs. Clasic rock kaki!
Thu Apr 22
03:03pm @sadyn wow your desktop is So Neatttt. i mean neat in both
ways - cool-looking, and also super tidy!
03:32pm Collin has been shifted next to me. Either his keyboard is old or
he types realllyyy hard. lol
03:34pm transferring 2.8GB worth of music to my new external drive. a
long arduous process, but worth it. KISS & (cont)
05:58pm i think my folks are at war again
06:14pm OK, this is stupid. i am settling a cold war btwn my parents via
email. i need to Work, goddamnit
06:54pm and he wont talk to her. and i dont want to know. i want to be a
confused child, not a confused adult. i should be handling this better.
09:47pm AaAAAH seeing Slash on Idol just made my day bliss 4 a
moment. He's STILL SO SEXY OMfg girly fiiiit!!!
Fri Apr 23
02:51pm Hey Greyians, who is 'Auditory Therapy' on the iTunes Shared
libraries? His/her playlist is more diverse than a Tower Records store.
04:38pm hahahaha. our coffee machine's screen display says "thank you,
goodbye" after you're done.
04:39pm @sadyn job interview? i think it's probly not as bad as how you
see it. we always aware of our faults more than other ppl
05:37pm damn classic lah..solid beautiful album art. or mebbe i'm just a
sucker for black silver & red. it's my desktop now!
05:44pm Seeeee how sexy the Scorpions new album haz made my
desktop =D
07:45pm is guilty of a lazy brain. Did not get enuf done. Meaning i shall
pay the price on monday -___- wtf's wrong with me. Im never like this
07:53pm Once upom atime i teased @sadyn abt 'spamming' my twitter im addictively guilty of the same lol
Mon Apr 26
02:57pm Can you believe I didn't know what Donkey Kong is until half
an hour ago.
02:58pm @BeeNeefit too much mabuk fun? :P
Tue Apr 27
10:21am face itching so badly i can barely work. i know i oughta b
thankful that i have all my limbs & neurons, but life with eczema can
REally suck
Red_Aliss's Twournal
03:33pm Going cross-eyed just looking at my impossible workload.
Labour Day hols = Die for the remaining 4 days.
BUTTER???????? >.< i hate Planta. with the exception of roti canai
05:23pm LABOUR DAY IS A CURSE. Everything due by Thursday
becoz Fri is off. And there is a LOT of 'Everything' .. ...
07:23pm "Your pride has build a wall so strong That I can't get through.
I'll fight To win back your love again."
08:52pm My brain feels like fried baked beans. In gravy. That has also
been fried. Twice.
Wed Apr 28
11:29am @Urfman what is it with you & the machismo teasing .... is it
some thing u & @eujin2sides have going on?
11:30am Best news i've received today: one of my jobs just got put on
hold/TBC status. yeahhh!! more breathing space
01:12pm Didnt kno wat 2 eat so i walkd pointlessly til ended up at sg
02:04pm HAHAHAHA... 'Hitler rants
about the Hitler Parodies'
04:56pm @Urfman yknow, for some reason i keep forgetting he's gay!
he just doesn't have any aura of gayness! :P or maybe my gaydar is off.
04:59pm Writing too many rationales in a day. o____0
05:06pm tomorrow hv to go to Perodua office in Rawang. Haha if i didnt
have Eddy to go with, sure lost wan..the office in the mid of nowhere
06:29pm you have to see this =D
volcano_name from @oatmeal
07:42pm @eujin2sides They never do (share). errherm & you didn't hear
that from me....
07:42pm i think Adam L is on at 'So You Think You Can Dance' tonite
08:05pm You know suckishly prehistoric Microsoft Word is? It (still)
doesn't accept 'Facebook' as a word. That's how.
08:45pm Ergh, creepy dude with manboobs & awful hair was looking at
me weird. What.... *intestines shrink in revolt*
Thu Apr 29
10:32am i just dropped my cellphone & the whole office heard me yell
"AHh, FUCK!!!"
12:32pm @angelicshades LOL my colleagues are a cool bunch who
swear all the time anyway. my mom is even cooler, she let us watch Rrated films at 9
12:38pm @angelicshades Married?? Aww no. Game over =( hehe
12:40pm tweeting while shoving lunch into my mouth is kinda fun. if
only i didnt have to run off for presentation in 5 mins
02:34pm I rly am not crazy abt being in d middle of nowhere. Perodua
ofice in Rawang... Waaargh jauhnya & surounded by nothin but bleedin
palm trees
04:12pm Capital Fm playlist is awesome 2day. (88.9 in kl)
04:14pm The world does not need another condominium. Ppl die,
houses get disinhabited eventually.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
06:14pm Matthew Fang is a too-nice dude & he needs to stop getting
06:15pm @Urfman : that joke is gettin old -___- haha
07:48pm Happy Labour Day tomorrow, everyone. Long weekennnnddd
Mon May 03
10:00am Office aircond seems to be nonexistent this morn. Glad i wore a
tank top
10:16am you can forget how strongly someone makes you feel. until you
see the person again.
11:03am Wah, Polident can get finalist at AME Int'l Awards ah... it's
probly more the advantage of denture adhesives being a very new
11:03am @eujin2sides bunch of suits pissing you off recently?
11:45am need to stop quoting lyrics. "and i know it's Only In My Mind;
that i'm Talking to Myself and Not To Him. i love him....but only on my
01:48pm @BeeNeefit you think that's bad, my mom has been getting
spammed non-stop by porn peddlers -___01:49pm @BeeNeefit btw that massage centre sounds vaguely dodgy lol.
and Pandan Perdana, where the hell's that? lol
01:50pm #nowplaying Still Lovin' You, coz i'm revisiting the Scorpions
hit vault
02:57pm Jit, the whole office does not need to know every minute detail
of your brainstorm schedule =P
04:25pm i never asked for the power to bear life. periods suck. bits of
your womb coming out, when i never wanted one in the first place.
05:22pm @nglicia bye bye! have fun at ur next place!
Wed May 05
09:41am Sick ystrday n getting mc 2day b4 i pop in2 ofice. Duno if doc
will take my word dat i rly WaS sick, but lets hope so.
10:28am EMERGENCY:need 2 run 2 Sg Wang & get new nylons. there
is a run in the pair i'm wearing now. this is a fucked up way to start the
11:02am lunchtime plz come soon coz i need to go buy a pair of new
black nylons NOW.... the hole in my stockings = a big hole in my
01:18pm go out for quick lunch also kena bakar like hell. global warming
MEEEH. what kind of reward is this
02:51pm Important plz Help: if my taxes hv alrdy been deducted by my
employer, & i am earning below RM2500, do i sitll hv to submit any tax
06:53pm my colleague & i are emailing back & forth even though i can
just stand up & call to him.
06:54pm @nglicia thanks. shit lar but i dun remember getting any form
in my mail. should i go to the Jln Duta office & check
Thu May 06
11:15am #nowplaying Armageddon It - Def Leppard. idk why but my
iTunes Shuffle keeps going back to Def Lep for some reason
Red_Aliss's Twournal
02:03pm #nowplaying Let's Put The X In Sex!
03:09pm Grey is under attack by German mutant cockroaches! See this
email :P --- Guys, I’m afraid we have to put a (cont)
05:31pm I rly shouldn't be drinking tea. I'm so energetic today alrdy,
with the extra caffeine I'll be bouncing off the bloody walls.
06:40pm Its been a good day, ending w beer at la bodega w janice, surya
& phoecus
09:21pm Several mugs later, leaving Pavilion's pub strip & singing
Sheryl's "all i wanna do, is have some fun"
Fri May 07
10:31am turned up the vol 2 watch a vid, then forgot 2 turn it back down
when i put on my earphones. motley crue screaming at max vol =ears
10:35am anyone got CIMB / HSBC creditcard account? plz i'm lookin
for 15% off WestSideStory tix. (thinking of booking for 15May date.)
12:36pm @BeeNeefit that's becoz ur mind's orientation salah....wakaka
06:58pm you know that feeling when you absolutely FAIL to say
anything remotely clever/impactful/sparkling, jUst when you want to?
07:23pm hurrr....FINALLY got my last-year Kancil certs! now i just need
something to put em in....
08:07pm Some stupid girl kept leaning on d train pole when i needed 2
hold it, & i dug my knuckles into her ribcage as a gentle hint.
08:10pm @sadyn i think most asian kids face that prob, 4 sm
bginning 2 think i wil never be evn 80% satsfactory. Probly shouldnt evn
Sat May 08
11:21pm I'm sick of explaining what i do 4 a living. Art directing is much
easier 2 describe.
Mon May 10
10:35am crap, my 'laughing demon baby' phone reminder rang in
front of everyone, for like 2 long mins while i was out on a loo break.
11:00am @chwizzle oh, do tell. and don't forget to hide the bodies
11:02am crap, do i have a client preso today? coz if i do, i chose the
wrong day to wear ripped stockings...and neon-blue pumps....
12:22pm oh good news, i dont hv to go see client after all.
02:08pm #nowplaying FINE - Aerosmith. "It kinda keeps my ass li'l French kiss baby, that's my kinda trash!"
04:06pm @sadyn uh-oh, are u alrite? did ur asthma act up
04:07pm in the hunt for a few interesting points to put in my copy, i hv
absorbed a whole slew of facts i have no particular use for. hurhur
05:06pm I has no more money. Blown it on West Side Story this 16
May :P
07:00pm A load of work landing on my head starting 2moro. I'd go enjoy
this day of freedom with some booze, if only i had the money.
07:19pm Have you ever been so into a song that you feel married to it?
Red_Aliss's Twournal
Tue May 11
11:42am Last thing i said to a friend: "You are a bad girl and Mr Sixx
says to Bend Over coz he's gonna Spank You Good." (cont) http://
02:33pm Have you ever talked dirty to someone while the guy you have a
crush on is in the vicinity? it's just....weird.
02:50pm #nowplaying Sexy Chick - D Guetta. a song that is
IMPOSSIBLE not to move to, Damnit.
03:56pm SIgh. When got wholewheat bread, got no peanut butter. When
got peanut butter, no wholewheat bread. And when got (cont) http://
06:12pm WAAARRGGGHH *giant yawn in advance* for the tiring
days ahead. :P It's Pitchin' Time. also known as Bitchin' time.
07:22pm Was that his cologne I smelt? So intoxicating.
07:25pm #nowplaying Love Kills - Vinnie Vincent Invasion
Wed May 12
10:36am #nowplaying Talk Dirty To Me. why? coz it's insanely fuckin'
catchy. discovered it thru Guitar Hero
04:48pm Hot waffles & butter-slicked fingers on a cold day = joygasm.
04:49pm @BeeNeefit woiiii teleport some over here lah. :P unless theyre
alrdy gone
05:44pm @BeeNeefit the waffles are digested. i still got space for them
tarts..... ;P
05:49pm ah shit he remembered that. how lah. perhaps if the world does
me a favour & becomes unpaid actors in my video project....
07:15pm a mountain of clothes & nothing to wear. 512 songs & nothing
to listen to. :P
07:49pm Just realised i'd lost all my MJ songs, so am re-downloading
Thu May 13
10:26am LOL of the day - i found out my boss' fave lyrics: "“You're the
cutest thing that I ever did see; I really (cont)
12:03pm it'll be the world's least edited, cheapest ad. '48 hrs? Screw you,
i don't hv that much time. i'll do it in 10.' :P :P Look Out For It....
01:52pm is feeling vaguely anti-social no thanks to my face rash. Good
thing i decided to wear my hoodie tshirt
02:11pm is officially a compulsive tweeter. or maybe it's just my sexy
Slash backdrop that makes me keep checking in. & (cont) http://
05:01pm hahaha i'm working with 2 art directors & i'm the one doing the
scamps :P
08:04pm @BeeNeefit Yay 1st shoot! Lots of long waits in btwn scenes
tho. Try not 2 eat 2 much..shoots always got full-day junk food supply
Fri May 14
04:03pm is there a term called FTS? as in Fuck This Shit. almost none of
these ideas, brilliant or not, will actually see the daylight.
08:25pm Koyak lah. fought three battles in one night within the space of
an hour. some more didnt sleep much last nite
08:44pm someone is intent on killing us again.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
Sat May 15
12:13am Mehh 2 malibus & still not high. Gonna switch to whisky now
Sun May 16
08:00pm West Side Story in half an hour. =)
10:03pm Intermission -hot cofee break frm cold-ass auditorium. "When
Ur A Jet" stuck in my head now
10:06pm Rich hvg pastries & lattes at Delicious. Me hvg rm1.50 instant
nescafe :p
Mon May 17
11:32am Give the Roulette Kids some love. An animatic script I drew,
shot & edited all by meself for Cannes Lions '10!
04:44pm 129 views so far. i need moreplz! thanks
just click, it will take you 2 seconds. 3, if you'd be so kind as to 'Like'.
05:02pm btw, what is wrong with youtube today eh. can't post replies.
06:39pm i dont wanna touch this job with the arse end of a long stick.
bloody nightmare.
08:33pm @_wINd_forward_ ntg much, babe. I did manage 2 catch west
side story ystrday nite. D broadway show. How's you? Thanx 4 the hello
08:36pm Must try not 2 look like a lazy arse. Shd probly, nay definitely
make it 2 tomoro's preso.
Tue May 18
10:38am i just 'spammed' the inboxes of the entire office. for a worthy
cause tho. (hope everyone sees it that way & no one gets mad at me...)
12:28pm @BeeNeefit wahh how come Mr La Faber got shortcut into a
CampaignBrief feature, before the contest is even half over. :P anyway
kudos 2 him
12:30pm @BeeNeefit btw did you take part?? send me ur link if u did.
mine's here.
02:35pm Running late 4 preso coz my colleague cant find her parking
tickt, oh mannn
02:37pm Now she has 2 pay 50bucks 4 dat missing tickt. Bummer
06:01pm Stuck in jam on way bk 2 ofice, damN. Good thing i hv a bunch
of hot wedges in my stomach dis cold rainy evning
Wed May 19
04:38pm i've been alone with him inside my mind.
04:54pm 304 views now, with 20 votes. obviously i don't stand a chance,
but anyways. it was a good try
06:33pm hurrr shit why am I listening to Taylor Swift. "Can't you see that
I'm the one who understands you, Been here al (cont)
07:58pm i love working AND lepaking with Jon Lim. for
such a quiet dude he sure is funny.
08:18pm Must get home in time for Glee; end of story. The smashing &
strangely attractive Sue in 'Vogue', baby!
Thu May 20
11:47am busy on one of the most fun scam ideas i've ever worked on.
hope boss likes the stuff.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
02:43pm gaaaahh i wanna get Classic Rock's May issue, hopefully i have
time today if i knock off early (unlikely).
03:55pm people above the age of 16 should Not be allowed t0 TyPe LiKe
04:13pm ever heard a song so catchy it made your eyes water?
05:31pm My fingernails are blue. Blue I Tell Ya. Office is cold like fuck
on a rainy day
05:33pm @BeeNeefit you mean the 2 cyclopean things? i think theyre
kinda cute actually. but who's George?
05:34pm @BeeNeefit wonder wat the hell's with the rainbow tho. that
sort of rainbow animation should be reserved for tales abt pretty ponies.
07:13pm Say, i think i need a sample of that beer. Would help me write
abt it... I can write vividly abt food & drinks, but i need a taste first.
07:55pm @evensteven929 the mag is stil not here. I am sick of walking
there alrdy. When wil it come dammit...why does my country get things
late >.<
08:02pm Awards brainstorm 2mro again. Jus think, in an ideal world
we would b allowd 2 do awesme work evryday n submit 4 awards when d
time comes...
Fri May 21
10:11am Beach Day at GreyKL. I suggest turning off the aircond &
turning on the fans.. Can't walk round in a bikini or skimpy pareo if it's
03:43pm Grey Group KL is going to BALI end of July & staying at Hard
Rock fuckin Hotel, baby.
05:18pm does "elevates the fragrance concept" sound way too high for a
bleedin floor cleaner? lol :P
05:19pm @sadyn i have those days every...oh, 2 days. Hugs -- it will pass,
and become just another crappy day in the footnote of history.
10:00pm OK it's confirmed. Def Leppard is one of the best bands to
listen to when drunk. As far as your mind is still able top register music.
Sat May 22
09:21pm just got a nokia xpressMusic aftr my old phone died. It came w
a bunch of insanely lame songs, which i promptly deleted :p
Mon May 24
01:41pm that's riiight, i forgot! it's a 4-day week heheee.
03:23pm deviantART's layout keeps getting more Flash-y & complex.
What happened to the class of uncluttered design? And cutting dwn the
damn layers?
04:19pm #nowplaying Big Jack - AC/DC. mad head-boppin'!
08:01pm wow my phone has a whole plethora of features that i wil Never
Tue May 25
09:47am Which idiot was messin up my place? i come to work & find
one of my Hot Wheels cars toppled, & my computer disturbed frm its
Sleep mode
09:48am @angelicshades shite, i know! this is scary -- Dio passed on,
Paul of Slipknot too, and Bret of Poison having a near-death heart attack
Red_Aliss's Twournal
11:55am i like that girl's attitude. Just coz it's a minor job doesn't mean it
should be a shoddy piece of work. Keep crafting alive!
03:02pm @eujin2sides agreed! death to bieber (which is a lame name
anyways ha har)
03:03pm My mind is moving at a glacial pace today. if i'm lucky, this DM
will be done sometime before the next continental shift.
03:04pm @BeeNeefit that's just an excuse & u know it :P otherwise my
liver would be screwed frm writing abt beer all the time.
05:40pm yay yay, i heard there are no 'teambuilding' games at Bali trip.
more time to enjoy
07:09pm ˙uʍop ǝpısdn noʎ suɹnʇ ǝʌo‫ן‬
Wed May 26
02:28pm Proof that i learnt copywriting purely on the job: i don't know
technical terms like 'crosshead' (till now). (cont)
03:22pm Get with the program, dude. This industry is for the young
& the young at heart. Ergo, being old is no excuse. Go forth & live...&
06:10pm ˙ǝʌo‫ ן‬ɥʇıʍ sʇnu ǝɯ sǝʌıɹp ʇı ɹǝp‫ן‬noɥs ǝɥʇ
uo ʎ‫ן‬ʇɟos ǝɯ sdɐʇ ǝɥ uǝɥʍ
Thu May 27
11:33am i had a kiasu impulse and now i've signed my death warrant ____11:55am oh shit ohshit Alice Cooper is gonna be on Idol tonite?? *spaz
fit* How la...will have to go back early & cont. work frm home
03:06pm how to get my award stuff going, both team leaders on leave!!
05:45pm @eujin2sides ya lah, more money for petrol & you got less
money for tanni ... not that it seems to stop you :P
07:13pm Haha RT @eujin2sides Drink petrol la! Lol RT @Red_Aliss:
ya, more money for petrol & less money for tanni ... not that it seems to
stop you
07:14pm one thing good abt Grey, is that 7pm considered a normal time
to leave office. :P plus pre-Labour Day spirit
Fri May 28
02:12pm @eujin2sides so good ah you. when i think of the looong sleep i
had this late morn i almost feel guilty.. :P hope u didnt get burnt too bad.
02:13pm is on an Annoying Orange videothon. Also its companions, the
various 'talking foods' episodes.
Sun May 30
01:08am dancing all nite to retro beats... :p The only drawback is that its
hard to hit a decent high if u dont stop moving. Haha
01:11am dang if i could get a kick, this would b so much better. I luv
watchng disco lights on a couple of vodka shots
12:58pm hot like shit, lucky got abit of breeze. Some more got sinusitis,
in this fucking weather lagi sian
Mon May 31
Red_Aliss's Twournal
10:03am Why is everything SLOW today? My computer this morning
seems on the verge on dying even though it was fine last Friday.
12:18pm I Suck Today. I am good at shit. My self esteem is in shambles. I
am Not Myself. And I think I just blew my chances of a raise
02:00pm The coming of clarity. A slow rush of calm. No happiness but
acceptance, moving away from the edge. One song saved me & made me
see clearly.
03:47pm whole day so busy thinking/sketching ideas for various projects.
Havent had time to actually DO anything yet! i need to start crafting
04:33pm Today has been a bad day. A day where there is never enough
time for anything. Where everything around me threatens to break or
spill over.
07:33pm Man i have a cool interesting ad idea but client won't buy it &
it's off brief. (real job not scam!)
Tue Jun 01
09:59am come into the office & 'backstabbing bitch' is the first 2 words
(not to me) i hear frm him. haha ... a reference to an ancient rivalry.
03:42pm I have majorly embarassed myself. I don't *quite* want to die;
but I do want to disappear for a time till everyone forgets what a dolt i
Wed Jun 02
10:14am Oh. My. GOD. It is a Rhetorical Question, you dumb fucks.
Thu Jun 03
03:45pm is frustrated & exhausted. & why are my various team members
perpetually missing.
07:27pm ala, keep me & Kelvin company lah. :P RT @eujin2sides I
wanna leave the office now!! :((
07:27pm idk why i tweet to @eujin2sides when i can just turn around &
say it, haha
Fri Jun 04
12:26am watching Gaga videos back to back in chronic youtuber
mode. I am continually in love with her conceptual brilliance and art of
05:47pm in cinema, waiting 4 prince of persia 2 start. Hope its as good as
the game at least... :)
Sun Jun 06
11:51pm Rafael Nadal is not only a gorgeous man but an insane player 2
watch. Modest, too! Ok gdnite now
Mon Jun 07
04:23pm uninspired + my teammates forever not around due to bad
timing. (not rly their fault la)
04:26pm sigh, never written an infomercial before + subject matter is
boring +no help frm anyone coz noone is around. (indulging in some
04:49pm @eujin2sides hahaha larfing at the bimbo thing.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
04:50pm @nglicia i cant seem to load the isparade page. or rather, it
appears blank. want 2 make my own parade - how ah? :)
06:06pm hrngghh internet slow like shit, can't even do research.
(and by research i don't mean watching Annoying Orange vids on
Tue Jun 08
10:31am jeeeez, how bout starting the morning with Jit's mega dose of
kancheong-ness .... -____-"
10:33am @sherylhosulynn you should be earning free coupons frm
Starbucks, with the Foursquare coverage you're giving them.
Wed Jun 09
10:59am Dude, taglines do not drop out of the sky. Also, no proper job
timeline = no job. TQverymuch
01:07pm Geez, whenever i talk to Sunny time ends up flying by.
Dangerous when I have tight deadlines to meet :P
02:04pm HAHAha good one RT @eujin2sides And ah kua's speak softly
like u.. RT @Urfman: pondaan's think they are huggable
02:06pm maaaan, I Protest against our SAS (Slow As Shit) Internet
speed.... >:(
07:05pm @Urfman ah kua = pondan :P
07:06pm Double Decker Cheese Rings = JOY (and i usually demand
payment for advertising; this is a rare occasion lol)
Thu Jun 10
10:17am Congregation of KL's Most Unstylish People, at Wisma
Genting today babeh. (Shareholders' AGM.) Proof that money can't buy
03:07pm One of the coolest Gaga fan comments on youtube...the 'sexy,
hot alien' is my fave part. "OH MY G-D!!! SHE (cont)
06:12pm The office is Alejandro-mad! :D Little monsters unite
07:37pm we are united by a love for music. what kind of music, it only
matters to a certain degree. all that counts is the passion. Be Joyous :)
Fri Jun 11
09:58am Fuckin A, i missed the World Cup opener.
11:25am may latest poem: 'Smoke'
08:13pm wonder why i'm not enthusiastic abt world cup. Usualy i jump
on d bandwagon like nobody's biz...
10:06pm Bafana bafana!! Kickoff noww
10:25pm first yellow card to juarez of mexico; handball. Btw apparently
players cmplaining ball is too lite
Mon Jun 14
12:03pm Things went my way for once. GHANA 1-0 =)
02:18pm i know he's a visual guy & man of few words, but i wish he'd be
more communicative. and not get impatient when i actually explain an
11:22pm Cameroon is disappointing meh. Can plz kick some Jap arse fer
Red_Aliss's Twournal
Tue Jun 15
10:44am homg. picture of the day, dug up from the 1979 KISS vault:
Paaauuuulll Stannnleeeyyy SEXINESS! don't you just wish http://
01:07pm I feel like my every thought is ending with a "HOMG". LOOkit
this! KL (cont)
03:01pm it says i'm sharing my "first tweet with the world".
Aug. my life rocks!
06:54pm @DancELF not the illegal kind?
06:58pm @McNadia i am now Following you...which is like stalking, but
legal... :P :P i dig your profile page bkdrop.
07:08pm @McNadia imma gonna try to get them afterwards. at Victoria
Music Centre, Sg Wang. i know it's so early still, but i just gotta sniff
em! :P
Wed Jun 16
11:07am Announcement to the world: I am now Broke. Do not invite me
out for expensive lunches unless someone is picking up the tab ;)
11:13am May the gods put Cote D'Ivoire through to quarter finals. Sure
they had trouble actually putting a ball into (cont)
04:00pm it's the year of the Tiger, let's not forget to help save it when we
can. on #deviantart
04:55pm Homg got a booklet the size of an encyclopedia to proofread.
help...? 0____o
10:07pm VIVA ESPANA. Hell yeah!
Thu Jun 17
10:11am @eujin2sides =( both Spain & South Africa, two teams I'm
with, kalah in one go. tragic night for me
12:00pm stop calling, stop calling; i don't wanna think anymore.
07:27pm @_wINd_forward_ fine... albeit a bit broke...whats up with
you?? only see u once in a while, you pop up outta nowhere. haha
07:28pm Lum is real funny sometimes, i love him. haha
07:28pm @eujin2sides heyy....who's the bitch? :P
09:00pm fuck me... Left my googlemap printout at ofice. I duno the way
to GAB -____- hope home intrnet workg.
Fri Jun 18
01:57pm ohmygod trying to organise a FB group for a bunch of people
who are SO non-tech savvy, smbody kill me.
02:48pm @angelicshades yay for old S. King movies! :D
05:30pm have to buat-buat rajin...actually i planned to belah terus after
the preso.
09:23pm Yayyy Serbia! Nice goalkeeping too! Another upset of the
09:26pm @evensteven929 USA playing in half an hr, in case u'r
Mon Jun 21
10:21am Brazil killed Cote D'Ivoire good enuf, but I still feel they
couldve played with more flair. Anyway...gonna be sleepy later for
staying up
Red_Aliss's Twournal
11:52am homg the internet connection is slower than an old-school
zombie shuffle, homg WHYYYYYYYY.
05:43pm Spent 20mins discussing new ideas & 2 hrs laughing over
miscellaneous shite. It was that kinda brainstorm...
06:08pm @eujin2sides and I listening to the same Glee song on our
separate iTunes, simultaneously (Don't Stand So Close) nice coincidence.
07:30pm it's a mistake. it's not a 'horror'. dont be so melodramatic Jit.
07:30pm @BeeNeefit aww did you lose a fave pen? i hate it whn that
07:47pm #nowplaying Love Bites - Def Lep
Tue Jun 22
10:23am Equal portions of happy & envy. Cannes Lion envy, to be
11:04am jealousjealousjealous!! almost everyone around me has won
some big international award or other. :p
11:05am and i'm half-guilty for that envy since Sunny is my friend.
01:53pm face looks damn plain with my hair pulled back; i've the side
profile of a squashed waffle =P Beauty is but an illusion involving good
05:12pm yup.... - Deep Down You Are Fiery
05:14pm @sherylhosulynn i know how that is. "...and oh, that wonderful
feeling; that any moment, you may suddenly appear..." (My Fair Lady) :D
10:22pm @sherylhosulynn oh sorry. i thought it was smthg good
10:24pm @_wINd_forward_ i dont get the video on his page. the
one titled 'Sunsetoooo' & featuring three seconds of a kid going
10:30pm @_wINd_forward_ lol maybe you did. ok i will check out the
other vids
10:32pm i'm with South Africa, but feel sorry for France for the screw-up
they're goin thru....
11:58pm BAFANA BAFANA 2-1. Next: Slovenia 4thewinplz! English
boys r overrated (..feels the hate cmg her way)
Wed Jun 23
09:59am Hard Truth of Life: Parents may or may not remember your
achievements; but they will forever remember your (cont) http://
10:08am wow my cousin who is 4 yrs younger than me is engaged. why is
the world so keen on getting married
03:05pm @_wINd_forward_ sorry i dont get the connection. :P care to
04:22pm hahaha Phoecus has been calling me Chun Li the whole day,
04:30pm @Urfman do u even know why he called me that or are u just
wanting to say smthg half-heartedly smart? :P
04:30pm trying to write a headline that walks the fine line btwn "clever"
and "look what a clever wanker i am".
10:45pm U know a match is blah when u hv trouble keeping ur eyes on
the screen. Slovenia v Eng = yawnfest
Red_Aliss's Twournal
Thu Jun 24
10:19am @Urfman coz i tied my hair in 2 ponytail thingies & he said it
made me look like Chun Li.
01:13pm Less chances of getting arrested for drunk driving.... http://
02:33pm Surya googling for images of Japanese girls & kept getting porn
sites lol. It seems impossible to google 'japanese' and not get smthg kinky.
04:24pm @BeeNeefit it seems that your every fourth tweet is abt coffee
lol. or the lack of it. why, on a caffeine diet?
Fri Jun 25
10:12am @_wINd_forward_ what's the with the sudden spamfest of
tweets. lol
10:14am #nowplaying Eat Me Up Alive - Ratt (probly one of the
catchiest metal songs of this year that is not actually (cont) http://
12:08pm @_wINd_forward_ hehehe. yes, i think so :D ahh the
playground of the idle mind.
02:05pm @sarah_kow so sorry to hear bout that. sure you couldn't
recover the file?
02:46pm good day. silly love & silver spheres. i don't want the high to
08:32pm holyshite, playing drinking games with sunny & gang. Fun as
Sat Jun 26
02:04pm left work early yesterday to go tanni, so this morn crawled out
of bed (with a headache) to finish my work frm home :P
02:15pm @BeeNeefit mahalnya. on the house? :P
02:15pm why is it that when i come back to work on a saturday, i'm
ALWays the earliest & hv to wait for ppl to arrive.
11:16pm Fuckin Jabulani is too fuckin light; hits the air at the slightest
11:17pm also, the korean manager looks like he's shitting bricks. Hope
the best Asian team puts 1 in soon
Sun Jun 27
01:03pm at Eurasian looks kinda scrappy but in a cool way.
Rminds me of a school mesra nite, but with a bar
Mon Jun 28
11:08am double espresso. what can i say, i'm in a competitive mood.
11:30am during mabuk session last Friday night, smbody said that i'm
one of the three ppl he would fuck if the world was ending.
05:39pm feels so hopelessly moody & mad at the world. bloody fuckin
menstruation. did i choose to have the goddamn ability to give birth?
05:59pm why is it that when i'm moody as shit, everyone else around me
is damn chill & lepak. i feel so alonnnnne
07:14pm Ever tried writing for a brand that is headed by a bunch of
friggin lawyers?
Tue Jun 29
Red_Aliss's Twournal
01:38pm @eujin2sides ohnoes, did u lose money??
02:34pm Oatmeal cereal has to be the most unsightly, unsexy food everrr
02:55pm What Kind of Storm Are You? - - I
am a Thunderstorm #blogthings
03:50pm can any1 tell me if this is real? coz i want to be a guinea pig if
they're testing it Philips Electronic Tattoo
06:46pm omg, my desktop is at its most eye-bleeding EVER. can
you handle neon green & pink? Woot Jem/Misfits madness! http://
07:20pm wahh why everyone gone home so early. smthg on today? why
takda kerja
Wed Jun 30
01:46pm "Conversation has a time and place In the interaction of a lover
and a mate, But the time of talking, using (cont)
03:15pm @eujin2sides hiphop out liao, now is dancepop & electro :P
06:24pm He just walked away as i was in the midst of talking. ftw????
damn LCLY or what
06:54pm wanting to whisper venomous things but hvg to wait till that
person is out of earshot. & wishing u had the balls to, well, Not Wait.
Thu Jul 01
11:38am hahahahaha Collin Yeoh rocks.
03:13pm I doubt there is a human being Surya doesn't get along fab with.
except maybe a manic ex-girlfriend or two in his closet of skeletons haha
06:28pm AWESOME. yeah RT @eujin2sides like Manson would say,
06:30pm @BeeNeefit is junk food your idea of caffeine replacement
therapy or smthg..? whatever happened to baking. lol
Fri Jul 02
07:28pm @BeeNeefit sorry...what's bad abt being voted Hottest Girl??
07:38pm torn btwn trying to be more happening (as in party every Fri) &
not giving a fuck-all. it doesnt help that i'm (cont)
Sat Jul 03
10:55pm shit i was jumpin like a maniac, then realised it was a goddamn
offside! Argentina, pls cm back n fry those krautburgers!
Mon Jul 05
11:53am Gaga has the most awesome tweets ever. Hands-down nominee
Celebrity Tweeter of the year.
03:26pm Instant cool. Walk like the world is yours. Kohl-lined lids,
lowered eyes. Make your muscles like a cat's. Never (cont) http://
04:59pm @_wINd_forward_ hey i like your new profile pic. the top
seems to pop out from the box...what is it, tho?
06:46pm LMAO Of The DAYYY. "Edward...thinks Bella has died and
goes to Italy to commit suicide. He attempts to do this (cont) http://
Red_Aliss's Twournal
Tue Jul 06
10:10am you know the feeling when you wanna slam the door to release
your anger, and the Damn Thing Won't Slam but insists on going quietly?
01:00pm discussing tattoos with colleague Kelvin...he wants to get a big
piece on his arm with his daughters' names in it
01:40pm ...after all that ink talk, i wanna get another one myself.
thinking of 'Paradise City' on my back.
04:51pm Looking at this old Tom Petty pic, I can't decide if he
was strangely attractive or decidedly creepy. My mind says http://
04:58pm 'Good' kinda pervert: i wanna do bad things to you, things you
never dreamt of but would totally dig. 'Bad' (cont)
06:40pm "your a fag." gawwd those losers. haha
Wed Jul 07
10:33am OCTOPUS PAUL HAS SPOKEN. i never thought i'd get even
vaguely excited by a bloody cephalopod's random movements but...
06:34pm was suddenly on a rabbit-drawing frenzy
06:54pm was enjoying reading the live stream of tweets regarding Tiesto
Thu Jul 08
10:38am am gonna fall asleep frm 3 hrs sleep later but it waz worth it.
BZZZZZZZZ....celebrating defeat of the German machine!
11:32am hahahaha Surya joked that the world economy may collapse
because of one sotong.
01:29pm WAAARRGGHH rushing out a super-important award
submission script in less than 2 hrs.
03:16pm Sad fact of the day: coffee does not work on me. What the hell
do I need, caffeine pills??
Fri Jul 09
10:14am #nowplaying Accidentally In Love. because I am.
Mon Jul 12
12:02pm two words: I WIN.
05:51pm SO NEED to sleep right now. if i weren't so damn busy i would
take a 15min nap
Tue Jul 13
10:05am LOL RT @siva89 Can everyone fuck off & stop asking
@langfordperry when a Friends movie will happen? It's over & he's
moved on. So should you
10:07am wrong choice of shoes 2day. these relaxed-fit jeans shd go w/
more structured footwear. but then, they weren't relax fit till i lost weight
11:06am ohgod i hate techno
08:13pm OMG my favourite Judas Priest song in a grEAt mashup.
Wed Jul 14
Red_Aliss's Twournal
01:36pm RT @fmylife: Today, it was my co-worker's birthday but she
told me not to mention it. Feeling bad for her, I w... FML
06:58pm just checking to see if my tweets are protected now.
Thu Jul 15
11:43am @eujin2sides you have the most random playlist ever. wtf haha
04:11pm reading FFFUUU & Cyanide Happiness comics for a living,
04:12pm Hear, hear! RT @eujin2sides The most pariah internet
connection in KL is here at Grey..
06:35pm @BeeNeefit oh noes, why. smbody taking advantage of u?
06:36pm bumming Queen songs frm Jen as we analysed the meaning of
Bohemian Rhapsody...i now know who Scaramouch is...
07:42pm @BeeNeefit not the Gotcha? lol
Fri Jul 16
11:11am you know that wtf feeling when the songs are nothing like the
album art? it's a good thing i got it for free -____01:46pm so hard to get small change for rupiah at moneychangers!! NO i
dun wanna change at the airport. can you spell HASSLE
04:03pm The bottom of my keyboard is a DISGUSTING place.
06:19pm @eujin2sides the CIMB octo is cute!! :D
06:26pm #nowplaying Pretty Tied Up (& getting turned on uh-oh)
06:35pm popcorn frm suelynn, & now rambutan frm Uma. wootwoot
07:23pm i personally feel that labelling a floor cleaner 'romantic' is
asking too much of the user's perception.
07:27pm dudes get a life.the gay jokes are OLD wei RT @eujin2sides
dude that was u with my phone RT @Urfman hah. You tweeted that you
like boys wei.
Mon Jul 19
10:16am AWesome, finally there is someone else in the office who wears
blue stockings.
Tue Jul 20
11:34am Collin is playing God Gave Rock N Roll To You, & omg I feel
the mad urge to air-guitar nowwwww.
04:39pm RT @fmylife: Today, I begin work with a multinational oil
and gas corporation. Little did I know I was going t... FML
04:40pm @sadyn next time try writing it down the moment you wake
up? :)
04:42pm @Urfman...of rock n ro-o-OLLLL!!!!
06:26pm "If you put a 1987 Nikki Sixx on one side of a
brick wall and heroin on the other side, you will (cont)
07:35pm fuckin rain. Bcoz of that hv 2 take d monorail, which is horrible
at this time
Wed Jul 21
10:36am @Diouvx Sing with me, if it's just for today....Dream on
10:53am There's a whole generation that has grown up
thinking 'charity' is just a fancy word for "things Bono is involved in" LOL
Red_Aliss's Twournal
01:32pm @Diouvx Dream on...dream on...DREAM ONNNN!
AAAAAAAA.... (lol Steven Tyler impression= epic fail)
01:33pm MMMmm...cold, juicy sengkuang chunks after spicy meal. with
belacan sauce no less
04:14pm #nowplaying Vasoline - Stone Temple Pilots. also found out
that i really don't like Interstate LoveSong. But really dig Down.
Thu Jul 22
10:24am @JacSKK Cool! hope he doesn't get stressed out & die
though...he's cute! The CIMB Octo should have a Paul limited edition
10:26am He's a sweet-as-chocolate sugar-coated candyman....
11:19am @BeeNeefit that sucks. i hate it when ppl are late without
giving a reason. have the courtesy to call/text lar.....
12:11pm @BeeNeefit huhuu...lucky you
12:12pm TeeReei is wearing the exact same black lace leggings I was
wearing 2 days ago, AND she looks way better in em than me. :P
01:59pm hahahahaha epic malu-ation. "MOHD KHAIRUDDIN, THIS
06:01pm drama minggu in dalam ofis
Sat Jul 24
09:07pm This former dino geek going to Ice Age exhibition at Bjaya
Times Square 2moro =D
Sun Jul 25
05:48pm mehh, ice age exhibition was too short. Fantastic prehistoric
beast models tho
05:49pm @Diouvx u'r overseas rite now?
Mon Jul 26
10:29am #nowplaying Live & Let Die - GnR cover. i'm gonna be
listening to more & more Slash/GnR stuff as 5 Aug draws closer!
02:41pm @BeeNeefit hehehe ...(at you being too sleepy. luckily you
didnt get lost on d way to GSC) kesian. not getting enough, coffee,
06:37pm great, just found out i've been mispronouncing "meme" all the
while -____11:28pm people are so unable to live with uncertainty. why? true
freedom is knowing that nothing is certain.
Tue Jul 27
11:18am i like this. nice observation :D RT @Diouvx It's a whole new
kinda hot when a hot chick's walking with crutches.
11:20am plug it in & turn it up, the only cure for PMS.
02:29pm our travel packs came with condoms & HIV detection kit LOL.
also, i got to choose a bag in my fave colours yay (coz i'm childish that
03:50pm haha sweet. lookit this: thanks to
@sadyn for posting.
06:25pm #youlostmyrespect is a trending topic right now. so a
huge number of ppl are at this moment being relieved of their lofty
reputations ..
Red_Aliss's Twournal
06:25pm speaking of which, #nexttimewehavesex is also trending.
Wed Jul 28
10:33am Songs to listen to on the way to Bali: We're All Gonna Die
(So Let's Get High) - Iggy Pop; Paradise City - GnR; (cont) http://
11:37am I LOVE the word 'gunmetal'. Just saying it excites me to no
03:27pm @nglicia 'puke blood' comment reminds me of the sign u had
on ur desk here, lol. "I am not a screwdriver" to execute ur fugly ideas...
10:44pm am not gonna sleep much tonite. i never sleep when i have a
super early date to catch next day; no point ler.
10:45pm besides, i've discovered that i can function very well on like 3
hours of sleep.
Thu Jul 29
09:00am airport n talking 2 bryan au while waiting 2 check in. Ok time 2
check in now...c ya whn im back frm bali.
Sun Aug 01
12:03pm epic picture upload from Bali. Much sorting & cropping to be
done prior to FB upload :P
Mon Aug 02
01:30pm #nowplaying Def Lep's 'Rocket' -- becoz it was the last song
i remember playing before my mushroom trip, & brings back good
memories :D
Tue Aug 03
12:24pm #nowplaying Come Out & Play - Offspring. one of those
illegally catchy, party-hardy songs. i think it came out during my tweens
12:26pm ohgod i just thought abt it; Mr Saul Hudson aka Slash is
probly in Malaysia RIGHT NOW, setting up for Thursday. i get cold just
thinking it
01:32pm buying another fab pair of boots! At mega sale price.
02:08pm @sadyn hahaha i'm glad you went thru it smoothly. without
alerting the BS alarm
03:12pm They say they're giving out Free Beer, i'm asking Whennn. :D
04:29pm omg, listening to Poker Face makes me laugh when I think
of the drunken karaoke session in Bali. I sang it while dancing on the
07:25pm This is great! Hands up if you know at least one of these ppl...
@collegehumor Different Breeds of Tweets
Wed Aug 04
11:30am @BeeNeefit man, i used to have a green pen. i miss it now.
11:32am aaaAAAHHhh! RT @Slash Jakarta was brilliant! This tour of
Asia just gets better & better. Cant wait to see what Kuala Lumpur has in
Red_Aliss's Twournal
12:18pm @BeeNeefit sorry 2 hear that. i cherish colored pens coz they
made Sejarah notes interesting in school..& i had a silver pen 4 dark
12:19pm #nowplaying 'Neither Can I' by Slash's Snakepit. i'm obsessed
& i need to work out my obsession.
02:58pm i'd hate to look into those eyes and see an ounce of pain.
03:22pm Does anyone know why the typical American website INSISTS
on cramming EVERYTHING into 1 interface? it's the fuckin MySpace
06:31pm should i throw underwear at him? :D
06:49pm dunno if i shd take camera. coz my digicam is not the slim kind,
& it might weigh me down when i'm pogo-ing like a maniac
08:13pm EXCITED! EXCITED! EXCITED! ok am leaving now...bye
bye..... this time tomorrow i will be in the Snakepit waiting for my
Fri Aug 06
03:56am Let's go WAY BACK!! xD
10:15pm stiill high on Mr Hudson. the show is long over but obsession is
just beginning
Mon Aug 09
10:28am Omg my phone, home laptop & office PC wallpaper =
10:35am >.< need to change my front tyres, which are gonna cost a
bomb. All I can think of right now is, When the Hell are we getting our
03:50pm got potential opportunity frm another place....mannnn i wish i
had some cool-ass Flash portfolio but i don't.. lol
06:33pm @Diouvx got see doctor?
06:34pm going thru my work & wishing more of it had happened...some
of the best stuff never even saw the light of day
09:56pm i knowwwww rite...! ?>.< RT @eujin2sides It shows how
pariah ur office laptop is when you have to force quit microsoft word!
Tue Aug 10
11:53am @eujin2sides if you can recall all the numbers, then Yeah. :D
11:54am maaan my mind is scattered. one of those rare days when i'm
nOt tired in any way, but just Don't Feel Like working. :P
11:55am i should try jumping around & maybe working off excess energy
will help.
02:27pm Hahaha... "every once in awhile, (iTunes) will give you a
code to download a package of songs, most of which you (cont) http://
03:59pm #nowplaying Tesla's "Comin' Atcha Live" OMG I cannot
describe HOW INSANELY beautiful the shredding is, you just HAVE to
listen to it.
05:02pm Haha. the Pussies of Rock! who will make you want to
frantically grab your Motley Crue & Metallica shortly after:
Red_Aliss's Twournal
08:00pm omg pre-Puasa jam. Srsly guys, what's the deal. U can't drag
urselves to the grocery store while fasting & hv 2 do it NAOOWW?
08:02pm sorry if that comment is offensive. Feel free to justify the
madness.. I dont mind being corrected
Wed Aug 11
11:39am @sadyn Actually i thought you liked journ. Wasn't it always
your dream to write for a magazine?
11:41am LOL Slash & TimTams, wthell? RT @Slash I finally had a "Tim
Tam", now I know what everyone is talking about, they're evil. ]; { >
01:32pm Carb overload, wootwoot... what can i say, dried chillis + curry
leaves = appetizing as hell. Need to work out moar after this...
05:48pm @eujin2sides where u off to next dude? another agency?
07:36pm @eujin2sides wat, Zac told you is it. :P
07:39pm FInally all my important works are in one place. Phew!!
Organising stuff is always tiring for me
Thu Aug 12
11:49am @BeeNeefit hopefully it happens. :)
07:03pm @Urfman that's what he said, Urf. he wants to come back to
cover Thailand & China (and hopefully Korea...)
Fri Aug 13
12:04pm It went well & they're supposed 2 call me nxt week
02:46pm @BeeNeefit thanks for da support babe. anyway i'll try not 2
count my chickens just yet ... ^_____^
04:12pm i'm touched by Jit's amazing friendship. I dunno what i did to
deserve him
Mon Aug 16
10:23am @_wINd_forward_ Dude stop spamming my tweet wall. :P
10:24am @_wINd_forward_ oh sorry abt my earlier comment. i didnt
know ur API thing was outta control. How bout just quit/unsubscribe the
damn thing?
10:35am Jit, stop telling ppl how bloody brilliant i am. you are setting em
up for disappointment. i have good days like everyone else ...
11:20am Must go check out any puasa hawker food around...good, cheap
hearty chow. mmm
12:01pm @sherylhosulynn have fun in Viet, what are you gonna be
doing there?
12:02pm i'm the only chick i know who tries to work static INTO her
hair. how do u get that effortlessly messy look without overloading on
07:31pm never written one of these in my life before. well, 1st time for
everything. fussing over things like who to CC & whatnot
07:52pm fuck, hv trouble focusing & rmembering things. Thanks,
07:53pm @BeeNeefit skool? Rly?
Tue Aug 17
11:31am The Great Bandwidth Controversy.
07:42pm @eujin2sides Which one in ur opinion is the idiot?
Red_Aliss's Twournal
08:03pm Kinda true. :) - You Are Fencing
08:03pm @eujin2sides but dont you wanna fight for our freedom to play
games... :P
Wed Aug 18
10:54am wishes she had more money so Fri's beer & karaoke won't burn
a hole in her pockets
04:30pm @BeeNeefit at least better than cigarettes, which rly smell like
04:31pm @Diouvx nay, that's what those career personality quiz thingies
are for. hahah *roll eyes*
06:33pm @Diouvx Yeah man. One of those quizzes will probly tell you
"You're An Accountant!" o____o
06:34pm demonstrated beside me: classic case of client being
copywriter... after all, we can ALL write English can't we?
Thu Aug 19
10:29am #nowplaying Acoustic version of 'Sweet Child' feat Myles
Kennedy. The plucking is exQUISITE. + Myles gets to show off his great
vocal style
11:27am ME TOO..dang, my parents gave away our lego after my bro
stopped playing with it. lego is MAHAL nowadays, btw RT @nglicia i
love lego! xD
12:28pm It's funny how some people like me immensely despite the fact
that i never made any effort to ingratiate myself with em. at all.
03:53pm Hehe Zac Low just emailed me this.
05:10pm I'm so glad i had that talk & got it off my chest.
05:11pm @BeeNeefit ooh you're gonna be working in Indo??
05:24pm @Diouvx dude that's like my entire bank account LOL
05:26pm Kenny is apparently passionate abt me not leaving. :P aww i'll
miss him. i should go disturb his room for da nxt 2 mths
Fri Aug 20
10:54am @eujin2sides thanks u have a great one too! but then you
always do...Mr Happening...
10:56am @Diouvx London got, Paris got, New York not yet.
10:56am Kara-okay tonite with Sunny & gang! Let the methodical
slaughter of songs begin
12:31pm just on a happy high today. it's almost like shrooms, but without
the visions.
01:36pm brownies are a fuckin rich food. i can't finish even half of one.
should try it on an empty stomach next time
03:15pm @Diouvx i like printing coloured stuff and DRINking alcohol
(with someone else doing the shopping) hehee
Mon Aug 23
11:28am Bryan Au made a reference to my 'biker' bandanna. great, now i
feel like a pretentious bad-ass wannabe yuppie -____11:29am although actually i haven't worn a bandanna in ages. it was Axl
who inspired me to dig out this old thing frm my wardrobe
02:47pm @BeeNeefit say, what will you be doing in Bali? business or
02:47pm so sleepy i could cry.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
07:19pm @BeeNeefit WAAAHHH. SO NICE. enjoy :D
07:20pm Why is it that I only ever feel like sleeping when I'm not
supposed to? Story of my life, that.
08:00pm for 2 weeks now i've had chronic sinusitis 24/7. i hope if or
when it lets up, I still remember how to breathe normally.
Tue Aug 24
10:14am Loveline(a radio show) has 2 be the most misleading name
ever. It's rly a helpline for ex-druggies & troubled youth, NoT a dating
01:36pm @eujin2sides hey where are u going ah? u didn't mention d last
01:36pm Ton of initiative wortk to settle, & dying just thinking abt it.
06:28pm latest desktop...when he was young, crazy & beautiful, and
before he became a dick.
07:40pm fighting a losing battle. heck, not even fighting anymore. Things
getting outta ctrl
07:43pm @Urfman haha. I'd like 2 believe he was a decent person once;
too bad abt his sensitive ego
Wed Aug 25
10:10am ...sha-na-na-nanananana-knees, knees! xD
10:11am Really?? @AdmiralPerry Be sure to watch the sky on Aug. 27
12:30 am. It will look like the earth has 2 moons.(cont)
10:12am #nowplaying Girls, Girls, Girls!!! (ok, ok i'mma stop tweeting
now. promise. for the next half hr at least)
11:51am OMG i don't understand what he's saying. can some ppl pls
learn to write understandable English????????????
02:42pm Happy the true Malaysians
via @youtube Negaraku. Negara Siapa?
05:04pm oh hell, what can i say. i'm a sucker for alliteration
06:49pm "I want you to notice When I'm not around. Whatever makes
you happy, Whatever you want; You're so fuckin' special."
06:50pm "When you were here before, Couldn't look you in the eye.
You're just like an angel, Your skin makes me cry"
Thu Aug 26
11:08am I know my aunt is 'out of it' becoz she sends us fwded emails on
urban legends that went out of fashion like 10yrs ago.
02:08pm Do NOT join the Facebook group titled "Becoming a Father or
Mother was the Greatest gift of my life." It is a (cont)
03:19pm Quite true!- - You Are Chocolate
Pudding #blogthings
04:49pm OhMyFuckingGod.
04:50pm @JacSKK sorry may wanna turn off that YouTube
alerts thing if you dont wanna spam all our Tweet feeds! :P
05:54pm can't stop doodling. my mind & fingers insist on playing art
director today
Fri Aug 27
Red_Aliss's Twournal
10:16am @angelicshades as in Aliens vs Predators? & do Predators
actually have sexes/genders? I've always guessed they do but we can't tell
the diff
10:17am u'r welcome. HAhaha @angelicshades @Red_Aliss Thank you
for that article link, Charle. I was unmotivated to have children before,
and now...
01:37pm lunch at TonChan, evry1 push their xcess food 2 me lol. If i kno
i order plain rice can adi,free makan...
03:38pm @angelicshades i know, the Arnold one STILL rocks my socks!
(the rest paled in comparison!)
03:45pm how long since i joined Twitter? went from popping in every 2
days to every 2 hours (& smtimes minutes)
05:26pm quote of the day frm Mr THK: "Internet connection damn sor
05:32pm @eujin2sides OMG stop playing songs frm my dad's playlist ____- yknow in some karaoke bars they boo you if you sing "unchained
06:31pm @eujin2sides heehee. have a blast at ur next place! (u still
havent told me wherrrre)
07:36pm @eujin2sides ergh...jus found out its Kelvin's last day not urs.
Haha malu.
07:40pm dunno if i'll hv a blast or a bum-out this long wkend...guess i'll
let the flow dcide. !!!|: ),
Sun Aug 29
12:18pm just had a hilarious & interesting online diiscussion regarding
chest hair. lol Iii|; ),
12:21pm YAY :D @Slash Shoot a video w/ Fergie for "Beautiful
Dangerous" today. Concept is twisted; Fergie's idea. Iii|; ),
06:17pm can't stop reading Mark Walden's H.I.V.E...bloody addictive
I!!|: D,
Mon Aug 30
04:10pm @Diouvx i dont dig LV & Gucci either. i'm more of a Diesel
person. :P
04:16pm torn btwn KISS, Slash & Aerosmith wtf. all my fave men http://
Wed Sep 01
10:37am Wishing him & Perla happiness & all the best for the future..
@cbsnews: Slash Files for Divorce:
11:25am good song! =) @eujin2sides #nowplaying Like a stone by
11:26am #nowplaying Even Flow by P.Jam ... a song i really enjoyed
playing on Guitar Hero
11:37am omg i love just abt everything on his playlist xD
02:24pm jeezus, came bk frm lunch just now to find my comp had
mysteriously shut itself dwn. & my ext disk not working. now thank god
all ok again
08:58pm Sudden resurgence of interest in writing pointless stuff. Here! me new blog ^^
Red_Aliss's Twournal
Thu Sep 02
10:14am Excuse me while I salivate. Btw ladies, he's single again.
Not that I should be happy. But...**stops talkin & star http://
10:18am #nowplaying Smokin' In The Boys Room - M Crue. becoz
SlashFM has all my fave songs. won't need my iTunes for awhile ...? =D
10:24am Rose Chan lives o____o @Slash Brent is showing everybody
on our bus videos of asian girls sticking live fish in their asses on his
01:14pm i can't bear to be near him anymore.
01:47pm @eujin2sides hahaha, no. someone i like.
01:48pm anyone know a good, free Twitter customising site? i'm sick of
just tiling my background image :P
03:14pm Haha ur last few 4sq updates also at office lah. @szen I'm at
G2DI @ Wisma Genting w/ @justinecat.
03:45pm Tomorrow: lunch at Marco Polo on the tab. whose tab? not
mine! can you say "hellYeah"?? xD
06:55pm @szen yeah so you're the Mayor of Wisma Genting now
06:56pm beard too? + starving in the desert? ;P @Diouvx Gonna grow
my hair and get a tan, just like how Jesus did it.
06:58pm charcoal bread tastes exactly like plain white bread. it's just the
novelty of it being black...reminds me of uber dark chocolate :P
Fri Sep 03
10:05am #nowplaying Judas Priest 'Screaming for Vengeance' at
SlashFM. Jeezus, we really DO listen to the same songs!
10:07am @sadyn becoz we always want what we can't have @sadyn why
are all the hot guys gay.
02:38pm just had lunch with some of the loveliest clients one could ever
hope to have. Right now there is a warm glow of (cont)
02:51pm Stalking Made Legal:
05:19pm As the tagline says, This is Not Natural. And yet it happens. . . Go crazy.
10:30pm Dang, i have to say, Mario (left) is one good-lookin dude.
=P Regional CEO of Sara Lee during lunch at Marco Polo http://
Mon Sep 06
10:37am @sadyn old cartoons = win. for me, Thundercats can kick Ben
10's green arse anytime
10:44am i hate that sticky feeling on my fingers after eating smthing
sweet. bloody irritating...(any of u hunks wanna lick it off for me..?) ;)
02:11pm One of these days, I swear I'm gonna sucker-punch those flyerpushing mofos who refuse to leave me alone.
06:42pm Yay @eujin2sides iz blasting out one of my fave songs.
Tue Sep 07
10:58am OMG YAY. @angelicshades So, back from DragonCon. Seems
like I broke the $1k landmark for gross sales! *muppetarms*
11:00am "If you don't shut your mouth, you're gonna feel the floor. You
got some fuckin' attitude!" :)
04:18pm @eujin2sides hehee...what exactly is Nerd Rock anyway? :P is it
like an old-skool Fall Out Boy? (lazy to youtube; internet slo)
Red_Aliss's Twournal
04:19pm isn't it great when you're excited abt a job from the get-go? plus
i have the soundtrack in mind alrdy xD
04:48pm artistes need to stop using/abusing 'You Raise Me Up'.
especially when each new version seems more pussified (cont) http://
06:08pm truuuue..... - Your Karaoke Theme
Song is "Since U Been Gone" #blogthings
06:10pm hear,hear.. @chakfold: its the new rockers after 80s rock - e.g.
Weezer, Green Day, Wheatus...where they're nt rockstars but losers
06:11pm @chakfold except for Green Day. Green Day can occasionally
kick some ass.
Wed Sep 08
10:51am First & last one especially, haha
01:43pm Pinball! @Slash Delilah's in Chicago has an amazing Rock/
Metal playlist. Just sayin'. I was just playing pinball there. Badass! iii|; ),
01:49pm @Urfman stop reading the news, dude. there is good & evil in
this world; guess which one news sites prefer to publish.
02:01pm So horrifying it's funny. (real pic from BBC, far as i know...
Maybe someone had some Photoshop fun with it. but i http://
05:28pm kinda funny. seeing KK & realising that the last time i saw him,
he was full of shrooms & giggling.
Fri Sep 10
01:28am have u ever found sm1 both annoying & amusing, & kept them
around purely for your entertainment? coz...its kinda mean but thats
what im doin
01:04pm got lost on the way 2 puchong. Pay 3 tolls 4 nothing & nearly 2
hrs 2 reach. Fuck me w/ a spade
02:29pm New leather choker, for just rm10. Joy ^___^
Sat Sep 11
07:43pm hate it whn ppl inform me of dress code at last min, & i hv to
re-coordinate my outfit. Still,its a good test of quick overhaul skills
Mon Sep 13
10:12am VMAs tonite! Hope to see some of my favourite people in
music. Wonder what Gaga's wearing!
11:30am Don't say "we're running out of time" if you're not gonna do
anything about it.
04:17pm @evensteven929 i hate it that i'm missing the show!!!!!!
04:20pm Jeezus Fuckin Christ, i hate my damn computer. its nearly
nonexistent processing power gets things done at the speed of a
continental drift.
04:20pm i already missed the MTV Movie Awards, the fuckin
Grammies, now i'm missing the VMAs. Fuck you, country-in-the-wrongtimezone.
04:22pm i just spewed a whole shitload of motherfuckin expletives.
haha! but yknow what? i feel kinda better already. swearing's good for ur
Red_Aliss's Twournal
05:29pm wow my day has been so shitty, it's laughable. it's an epic story
of one dismality after another. (yes, dismality is a word.)
06:00pm @evensteven929 i still feel pissy. today has been shitty, Steve.
shitty shitty shittyyy.
06:00pm also, my injured finger means i can't type properly & that
means i can't WORK properly, and not being able to work makes be
07:11pm CURSE YOU injured finger. i am a WRITER goddamnit, i
need to type!
Tue Sep 14
10:02am #nowplaying Enter Sandman coz it's a great song to wake up
10:04am wimps! a lil electrocution never hurt anybody. @Slash They cut
us off due to lightning. Who's scared of a little lightning?!
04:41pm Pengumuman Raya. simple & strangely hilarious http:// via @youtube
04:43pm this Thursday: Resident Evil 3D, here i come. ZOMBIESSSSS!
1!!|: ),
05:15pm so hot it feels like the A/C ain't on. sky is burning up the world
Wed Sep 15
11:02am @BeeNeefit hahaha so cute lah you. enjoy your flower
11:03am god i hate how caffeine takes two hours to kick in. i want
alertness NAOWW
11:16am @evensteven929 i've booked my tix. 3D yayness :D hope you
get to catch it soon too.
11:16am @BeeNeefit LOL. it's a faux or real blossom? what flower izit
11:49am @McNadia ....socks?
12:03pm Every morning i find that SOMEONE has knocked my
miniature guitars askew. if i find u in the act, u have 5 Secs (cont) http://
02:13pm ah fuck, gonna be SO broke. i swear to god ANYONE who tells
me money can't buy happiness is gonna get some shit from me.
07:51pm One of my latest pics..of a moth that threw itself into a fan
blade on #deviantart
Thu Sep 16
12:54am I DARE you to NOT bop your head to the relentless beat. I
swear it never stops! 1!!|: ), via @youtube
Fri Sep 17
10:30am gonna Google now why Boston is called Beantown. learn
smthg new a day :P @Slash Goodnight Boston! Always a rockin' time in
10:31am Why does coffee get cold so fast, goddamnit?
12:06pm is now following NikkiSexx, i mean @NikkiSixx .. xD even his
tweets reek of hotness.
03:25pm PEOPLE Attn pls. Any1 hvg probs w/ New Twitter? I can't even
access my page or feed now. Help/advice, thanx
04:43pm btw my last tweet was via mobile. Can't access Twitter frm
my machine anymore; using Twitlonger here. WHY? idk. (cont) http://
Red_Aliss's Twournal
Mon Sep 20
12:31am ohmyfuckinggod. I am BACK ON TWITTER. i just needed to
upgrade my browser. at home now; next, have to upgrade my office comp
10:55am it's great to be back on Twitter, AND have a sexy new Firefox
02:19pm got money ah you...@sherylhosulynn OMG! The iPhone 4
is coming out in Malaysia and the plans from Maxis are already out! :)
07:16pm ah shit, wish i was there dude, i love claypot chicken rice
@Diouvx Made clay pot chicken rice and it's awesome!
07:38pm Is Velvet Revolver even capable of making a bad song? My ears
say no. Guys find a new vocalist stat; this show needs to get back on its
Tue Sep 21
12:38pm So funny. Alex asked me in sign language if i wanted to lunch
coz he thot i was on earphones. (THAt's how often i'm on em). haha
02:44pm i wish our co. would give me my claims in cash. i hate the hassle
of banking cheques unless the cheque amount has at least 2 zeros on it
06:45pm ate a beautifullycrisp, plump paha ayam goreng at lunch
lovingly fried in the fires of hell & dripping with artery-clogging stuff.
06:46pm ...and now i'm hungry again. dammit
06:47pm hey wait, this doesn't make sense. i JUST ate a slice of chunky
peanut butter toast. why am I hungry again?
09:42pm Blackout in Ampang jaya! Whats up ppl, thank god 4 texting &
09:44pm @BeeNeefit is ur twit feed ok now?
Wed Sep 22
10:17am Sigh, rock stars who read are so SEXXYYY. RT @NikkiSixx
Reading Echkart Tolle's "A New Earth" for the 3rd (cont) http://
02:01pm Yeah that's useful! hehe @BeeNeefit Just in case..."How to say
'Louis Vuitton' and other designers' names"
02:01pm @szen you are a sweetheart.
03:19pm got any left over?? @eujin2sides Awesome Haagen Dazs
mooncakes! Yum yum burppp
Red_Aliss's Twournal
05:39pm omg suddenly hungry for burger babi. there is a nice
porkburger place at Tropicana Mall but it's so far frm my place!
05:40pm stay pretty & full. :D @Melissa_Goh_ stay pretty/stay hungry
Thu Sep 23
10:43am i totally faved that tweet, man. I KNOw how that feels. xD
@sadyn @theseance
11:46am Glee Season 2 opens with a bang. Tight pacing, loads of LOLs
and a string of prize lines from Sue.
02:31pm ohmyfuckinggod yes. anyone up for a joygasm? i totally came.
Hard. via @youtube
03:47pm yea... u gotta let go smtimes. :) @Melissa_Goh_ lesson learned
today so far: dont give a crap!! and everything will be ok.
03:48pm omg thanks to @Jonnwith2ns for the sour strips. I LOVE
04:23pm i have nothing to say. i am stunned silent by stupidity. just to
spite them, i think i'll leave the typos uncorrected.
04:40pm "Double talkin' jive. Get the money motherfucker, coz I got no
more patience."
Fri Sep 24
12:43pm hehe have fun. (terpaksa pergi izit?) @McNadia Off to pd for a
radio scriptwriting workshop. there goes the weekend! ugh!
12:45pm Steven Tyler as judge might make it @Slash Yes,
I did AI once, Adam Lambert was great, but the show itself is a crock.
Iii|; ),
02:11pm i just realised that these shorts make my legs look great. & the
zip details rock hard with a simple black shirt & studded belt. xD
03:19pm Wait till you get to "Demon Bird Mothballs" HAHAHAHA. via @bleacherreport
03:38pm I am touched by the no of ppl who've asked me time & again
when's my last day so they can say farewell properly. AWWWness
04:16pm Only GnR fans will get this. So, this one's for you. "Music video
ideas" LOL (courtesy of
05:36pm @evensteven929 Omg to see you suddenly pop up on Twitter is
so...refreshing. :P
05:38pm QUEStion of the day: if alcohol actually causes u to lose heat,
why do u feel warm after a shot of good gold stuff?
06:59pm @szen enjoy ur quality girl time :)
07:00pm Lightning bolt!
07:37pm here comes the color. Goddamn it hurts. In 10mins i am gonna
be cringing like a pussy. Ho yeah -_____-"
Sat Sep 25
12:11am RT @Slash TwitLonger: In an era of complete & total
narcissism, which is cooler, getting banned fro..
12:21am Now on the left side of my chest.
06:06pm @Urfman I'm not even gonna stArt addressing the
fundamental issue. it's an issue that cannot be addressed in 140chars.
06:08pm So it's not saccharine stuff then? @angelicshades Guardians of
Gahool - I literally choked up, this movie was so beautifully animated!
06:09pm ok Twiddict, get off Twitter naoowww. *smacks self*
Red_Aliss's Twournal
Sun Sep 26
11:18pm gonna be a sleepless night again; so what's new. hi people of the
night, how ya doin'?
Mon Sep 27
10:30am Awesomeness of the day. In case you'd lost hope in
10:39am Read the comments on this, they're hilarious. http://
12:19pm A video that will make you wish you'd kept your old toy
soldiers. via @youtube
12:45pm Fkin' awesome food at GreyKL Raya open house. I've been
craving for kickass lemang & rendang, & i finally got it ^____^
04:47pm Good conversation is dangerous. It makes you eat more lemang
than you should.
04:48pm Then again, fuck it. Fine-ass lemang only comes around so
often; why not enjoy while you can.
07:04pm It's cool to declare your love for your mom. & you don't need
some special fuckin' day to do it. I LOVE MY MOM.
07:13pm FUNNY as hell; a brilliant TVC campaign:
Tue Sep 28
11:01am #nowplaying FREEDOM! via
11:10am KANE Fuckin' ROBERTS.
11:54am HELL yeah. (Desktop with my latest obsession, which as usual
is 20 yrs too late but hey.)
04:04pm Eye candy obsession i couldn't NOT blog about
04:20pm yeah man. probly not healthy to sit in that dark corner every
single day...very soon become pucat lol @Melissa_Goh_ @ewenLian
04:22pm Haha. RT @oatmeal Why you don't like changes to your design
- The Oatmeal
05:25pm @Melissa_Goh_ They must fight all the time then. just so they
can make out more. :P
06:24pm @Melissa_Goh_ kiss become slap, slap become smacks, smacks
become scratches, scratches become rough kinky makeup sex....
06:53pm I dig the snail one. @BeeNeefitThere are now 300 stories on by @bookxcess Which one is your favourite?
07:05pm My first Receipt Story is up, ppl. :) (it's abt my dog.) http://
Wed Sep 29
10:25am If your heart ain't on fire, baby it ain't worth it.
10:31am That was a joke, right? (or sarcasm?) :P @BeeNeefit awesome
awesome song...
10:51am hahaha. RT @raytoro In the desert, everyone can hear you
12:04pm My "Girl Named November" series is up on Receipt Stories. =)
02:34pm Holy shit, baby.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
02:35pm is he a hunk? oh, say he's a hunk, so i can pester you for
pictures. & a phone number. ;D @BeeNeefit ooh.. i have a new
bodyguard =P
02:37pm i know, man, i felt the same way when i was an asthmatic kid
@sadyn Oh yipee an oxygen mask. Sweet medicinal relief. I feel like an
04:02pm Hands up if being around a guy you like makes you feel
inadequate. (or conscious of the cookie crumbs btwn your teeth.)
06:52pm My poem is up.
07:28pm KL city at a standstill. Rain-slicked roads, lulling lights,
throbbing tempers.
Thu Sep 30
11:23am You may need to upgrade your browser to latest version,
babe. @sherylhosulynn MY GOSH! I still don't have the #newtwitter!!!
02:10pm Duke is back with his animated poodle friend http://
04:50pm #nowplaying Last Child - Aerosmith #SlashFM
04:53pm @sherylhosulynn u mean Google Chrome? idk abt that. i use
Opera & Firefox. Upgrading em to latest ver worked for me. Hope u find
an answr :)
05:04pm People, question for ya: what do u envision Hell's punishment
for copyright Nazis should be? >:(
05:34pm #nowplaying the Silent Hill game soundtrack. fascinating stuff.
05:34pm what's up???? @Melissa_Goh_ kill me kill me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
06:47pm @Melissa_Goh_ if i kill you supposed to tell me?? :P
06:48pm Every year the Kancil Awards has a different theme. Not
sure what the point is, since the theme is never reflected in the concept
Fri Oct 01
12:52pm Apparently going heavy on push-ups can trim the notoriously
stubborn underarm fat. So i'm gonna give it a try.
02:35pm @Melissa_Goh_ yay, lets do it :D actually it's alrdy part of my
workout but need to amp it up. (building muscle also burns fat better!)
02:37pm My chances for netting a Kancil this year is meagre at best.
Trying not to think abt it coz it's depressing.
10:10pm Mark's Place @ Plaza Kelana buzzing 2nite. Its 2nd
anniv...whisky promos = joy
11:15pm Aseana Percussion band @ Mark's Place is rockin'!
11:16pm @szen still hurting? Hope things will come 2 pass eventually
Mon Oct 04
11:34am YEAHH who's the man! :) @eujin2sides Rodent 0 - 1 the man
who smashed its brains out - ME!
11:37am or eat less, smoke less, chew more gum :) @Melissa_Goh_
gotta pay more for cigarettes now, so from now on, its eat less, smoke
more?? O.o
11:43am @Melissa_Goh_ only for a while, but then it'll get easier coz
you'll be healthier & enjoy food more & save more money =) i support u
Red_Aliss's Twournal
11:53am @BeeNeefit Heard u are on the McCann team for Receipt
Stories. you guys are so gonna win @ Kancils & i have nothing this
11:53am feels suicidal thinking abt Kancils.
02:45pm #nowplaying Charlie & The Chocolate Factory OST. the
Oompa Loompa songs LOL!
02:46pm @BeeNeefit only a meagre few made it. the rest failed to reach
final execution for various reasons. dun wanna talk abt it 2 much -____02:47pm *hugs* thanks. just that looks like barren year for me
@Melissa_Goh_ whoa......take it easy there ok! :)
Tue Oct 05
10:27am is awesome guys. those of you
who have money to spare, do support!
11:53am LMAO...quote frm an unnamed psychologist: “(Kids are) a
huge source of joy, but they turn every other source of joy to shit.”
01:51pm Amazing. & Jeremy Irons rocks ur ass. 'The Majestic Plastic
Bag' via @youtube
03:33pm @Melissa_Goh_ UNIQLO is OVERRATED. :P
03:34pm how amazing is the difference when you work with good suits.
03:35pm @zainamri is the shit. :)
03:52pm I am officially excited abt this project.
05:52pm @Melissa_Goh_ i think ppl love their ads & persona more,
rather than the clothes thmselves, which are pretty damn ordinary.
06:10pm Totally... our existence is SO validated. woot @Melissa_Goh_
this shows how important advertising + branding is huh? ;) hehe
Wed Oct 06
10:28am @sherylhosulynn what are you doing at a primary school
spelling bee? hehe
10:29am @eujin2sides becoz they have stale beef to get rid of.
10:32am Wanna pop over to Bjaya Times Square today to check out that
shop with the rock t-shirts
10:43am @JackAllTimeLow @Melissa_Goh_ if you wanna egg my
house pls cook the eggs first. we can all have a nutritious supper party
12:03pm Anyone else find this old Coppertone ad vaguely disturbing?
Nude 6-yr-old pinup girls, anyone?
12:30pm Facebook FAIL...can't share links right now. Too bad coz i
stumbled upon a funny-ass article:
02:04pm was reading/deciphering a message from someone who has the
eloquence of a monkey on crack.
02:05pm @Melissa_Goh_ @ewenLian ohgod me too. im gonna take a
short catnap now, see y'all in five...zzz ;P
02:38pm we need more art directors omGGGG.
04:09pm #nowplaying Green Manalishi. i only had the Judas Priest
version but the Pete Green original is totally awesome in a different way.
06:05pm @Urfman will do!! i love Black Magic Woman.
06:39pm @Jonnwith2ns hey is the iTunes playlist called Le Spiff yours?
06:39pm OMG Phoecus has on minyak kapak, & the smell damn strong.
My eyes are almost watering
Thu Oct 07
Red_Aliss's Twournal
10:30am #nowplaying The Phantom Of The Operaaaaa.... *cue epic
10:37am @7icia LOL at the uncle comment... using minyak kapak if u'r
below certain age inevitably brings the old-people jokes...
01:31pm My latest wallpaper MURHURHURRR. xD http://
05:05pm @BeeNeefit smbody gets impregnated by her bad-boy bf & the
mom is weeping & dad threatens to disown her...ohwait that's like hindi
drama xD
05:06pm @BeeNeefit and it hAs to take place in a living room with stiff
muslin curtains & tastelessly gaudy cushion covers...
05:08pm @BeeNeefit hahahaha. should ask Jit, got plenty of drama
idea...too bad he's not on twitter
05:09pm is now following @thekatvond . Man, she is so hot. if i were a
lesbian..... (hears the sound of blokey imaginations firing)
05:29pm @ewenLian u want some vaseline, i got
07:01pm BEST shampoo ad EVAH via @youtube
07:11pm smbody kena hantam kau-kau over the phone... :P
08:26pm It's Embarrassing Song night. Pull em out of your playlist, ppl!
Everything from Aqua to Barry Manilow!
Fri Oct 08
10:10am Mornin', ppl. #nowplaying Hell Frozen Rain by Mary Elizabeth
McGlynn :) beautiful song
10:14am @angelicshades i have those, babe! been listening nonstop! i'm
so into the SH world despite not being a gamer.
10:18am @angelicshades Can one consider oneself a Fan of a game
despite never having played it? i've watched the (cont)
10:25am Hey ppl, what the fuck is an Attachment Barbie? (a clingy
manipulative Barbie that comes with a lot of Ken's stuff?)
10:51am @angelicshades doesn't require as much 'work' in terms
of shoot-em-up action, yet gives you so much more in return
02:09pm LMAO yeah @eujin2sides GREY KL's Internet speed is
lightning fast (if we were living in Somalia)
02:10pm @angelicshades that movie is one of the top horror films of
07:00pm hey let's be boring & just go home & sleep. haha
07:01pm if it weren't for you, darlin', i'd be the dullest person i know.
07:21pm Having a beer in the office & recalling that Def Lep is the
BEST band to listen to when high. (not that i'm high...yet) Idk why.
08:21pm @Melissa_Goh_ understands & commiserates. I think we
expect 2 much of fridays.
08:22pm Dear gods of the universe, why am i so fuckin retarded?
Sat Oct 09
09:05pm who else loves the Lennon Google doodle? short but so sweet
Sun Oct 10
08:46pm i dig young kids that have their own fashion sense. A very
underrated life skill, imho
Red_Aliss's Twournal
Mon Oct 11
10:34am fire drill @ wisma genting. Roasting under sun now, but at least
it's morning sun
03:09pm youtube FAIL & i need it for work. enough w/ the bullshit
excuses. our internet speed is epicly slow & it's not coz of Mafia Wars,
fuck you
06:05pm I still don't like Shia LaBeouf, no matter how much i try.
Smthing abt his face annoys me. (could be the nose.)
07:24pm @eujin2sides what's RPM?
07:24pm is trying not to have that love-hate relationship with her body
most girls have. I do not want to count the (cont)
Tue Oct 12
11:22am DO it :D @angelicshades I have such an urge to sculpt one of
these into a necklace pendant lately! The monarch's elegant chrysalis
11:27am Our GM has a bun bakin'...thought she would've given up the
baby machine by now. she should be enjoying life & babies are hard
11:28am @angelicshades make it a one-off project then :) maybe if u can
find a sculpting material that isnt too expensive
03:31pm had a nice sushi lunch thanks to Remona... :)
06:57pm "You can’t give up. You are going to have times when you feel
there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. I (cont)
08:46pm my eczema is a waking nightmare. like the monsters in silent
Wed Oct 13
01:43pm #nowplaying Faith No More's EPIC. as in Epicly catchy!! xD
02:32pm thanks for the hug! @justinecat @Red_Aliss *hugs*
02:41pm one last pitch & one last brand plan 'fore i leave.
02:59pm HEY everyone, go bomb Sunny's FB wall with congrats naoww.
He got another Cannes award.
03:38pm @BeeNeefit Design award for a Q&E bag. Links not up
yet...him & KuiOnn got a Cannes National Diploma (whatever that is,
sounds impressive)
05:58pm Beers with Mr Cannes & the gang shortly....
05:59pm The world as we know it is at an end. Officially. @sadyn Bieber
and Ke$ha are both nominated for artist of the year for the AMAs?
09:04pm i just spilt a ton of glue & it's such a mess. I got glue evrywhere;
think it's on my butt too. I wanna cry.
Thu Oct 14
03:43pm what? WHAT?? HOW DARE you say my phone is not
important! **tears welling** @justinecat don't get phone wars. you
03:46pm been making bookmarks. coz, like, they're the easiest gift in the
world to make & hardly cost anything.
Fri Oct 15
11:02am For real?? @justinecat WHAT??? "403 Forbidden: The server
understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it."
11:04am @angelicshades YES, YES, YES. a new meaning of 'eye mask'.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
02:20pm Omg jiwang mood Omg.
03:43pm @willowhippo it wasn't a runny glue, but just that the faulty
cover popped open - TWIIICE. yknow what's better (cont) http://
04:38pm Beer with the gang @ Pallette later. Never been there before
but can't wait to check it out :)
05:12pm @justinecat well,we not confirm yet. rest of the guys need to
vote (we had a few options). but @McNadia sez their Oktoberfest promo
still on
11:16pm Went 2 changkat bkt bintang & then back 2 office area at
Carmen's. Good times with the gang
Mon Oct 18
02:17pm on a trip to pick up some necessities, i also snagged a new pair
of fingerless gloves( my fave old ones were kaput) + an amazing GnR
07:06pm @sadyn fuck those tactless people. oughta tell em to their face
that they ain't no Salma Hayek. bitch
07:07pm @justinecat too bad Justine, that's what i thought abt my dog
too. he's become my baby brother now. :P
07:09pm shit imma need another bag to haul back the 'mini pantry' in my
RE BeeNeefit: or you could just share off the goods =D
07:40pm @BeeNeefit hahaha, guess i could. it's actually just coffee,
creamer & some packs of pepper which i used to sprinkle on instant mee.
07:41pm So sweet, Jon got me a going-away present ^___^
Tue Oct 19
11:47am this made me LMAO @Urfman @eujin2sides UB in da house
featuring Superboy, Banglaboy and Pondanboy!
04:10pm l love you Greyians, goodbye! Keep rockin & rollin'.
08:37pm aww man thats great! @justinecat GOOGLE CAR DRIVES
ITSELF (aka reason #42 why i really want an
android phone)
08:41pm my mom has Slash's Godfather solo as her ringtone, hehe. cool.
08:55pm LOLOL facepalm, the new foursquare? @justinecat I'm in...
Sri petaling. /facepalm
09:45pm An Apocalypse Theory of Love
Wed Oct 20
03:50pm Awesome-sauce, man. Got a bunch of fab hand-me-dwns frm
my cousin, including a hip-hugging skirt w a scale motif
Thu Oct 21
11:20am maaaan where's my mouse. also, i feel strangely secluded with
this corner/wall thing after years of a super-open working space :P
11:47am hey @7icia, u in office rite now? i'm here in the Creative
dept...where do i find u?
11:54am hey we get Welcome Apples :D :D
RE BeeNeefit: how... healthy.. hehe. good luck babe you'll be awesome!
12:14pm @BeeNeefit thankss! still waiting for my mouse...haha. first
time i've been issued a laptop. guess this means i can work mobile... :)
Red_Aliss's Twournal
01:24pm just came bck frm lunch & got to explore a few makan places
that i wanna try next time. btw sorry guys, i know i been spamming ur
feed 2day!
01:56pm man, wish i coulda dragged my Grey office chair with me. i
loved that chair. :P btw why is this wall so high? it encourages falling
02:22pm shit man, i need to be better with names AND faces. (it seems
to be an either/or thing with me.)
RE justinecat: aiyo take it easy. first day what!
02:24pm thanks for da support, woman :) @justinecat aiyo take it easy.
first day what!
RE justinecat: muahaha you have at least 2 more weeks to screw up
names and faces ;) chill and enjoy
04:13pm @BeeNeefit the Reverse Application? haha yeah, true; for
everything that is demanded of us, we should demand smthg in return :P
RE BeeNeefit: now we just need to actually make that happen haha...
04:16pm @sherylhosulynn Rooney is indeed Retarded. you mean you
didn't know all the while? :P
06:03pm was abt to haul ass at 5.05pm (there being nothing to do)
& in comes a rush job. haha. so glad i bought a pack of biskits just
06:03pm btw, the internet connection here (compared to what i am used
to) is Win. WIIIIN.
RE justinecat: damn you...
06:09pm Whole day nothing & then now, 2 jobs inna row, both due
tonight WTHELL.
06:31pm One dastardly word: Standby. nice welcome eh. :P
08:35pm stayed back for nothing coz only BM copy was needed. only
found out during briefing 5mins ago. 0____0
RE justinecat: omg. why so cacat?
Fri Oct 22
10:08am Mornin', babes & boys. Still waiting for my mouse from da IT
Man. apparently there is a shortage of mouses(mice?) here.
RE justinecat: always did wonder what the plural for mouse!
10:42am @justinecat indeed! & i've never stumbled upon the plural in
Star In.Tech, which i read frequently. perhaps even their writers don't
RE justinecat: i think no one knows. i just use "mouses" to annoy
people :D
11:26am @angelicshades there will always be someone better than
you... :) oh well, it's what keeps us going.
02:37pm @eujin2sides yeahhh Rocket!
02:38pm pantry is so far i'm getting a workout just by getting some tea.
03:53pm our IT guy rocks. thank god... super nice dude.
Sun Oct 24
02:19pm I have monster-skin. I am not normal. I am a freak bitch. I was
#bornthisway. Deal With It.
Mon Oct 25
11:22am woke up with an ear infection that has blocked off my right-side
hearing completely. feels like half my world has been shut off.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
04:01pm @zainamri for some reason i really hate the word 'preggers'
hehe. Dunno why. anyway...maybe it's a good feng shui month?
04:02pm got the CIMB atm in da building what. @justinecat thanks for
@kellieong for paying me lunch first. y'know, since maybank sucks. -_-"
RE justinecat: i kiamsap can? ;p
04:02pm my art partner too loaded to brainstorm ...faster lah. got
interesting idea i wanna sharrre
06:26pm OMG i just faved this tweet.LMAO @justinecat "The
copywriter role is needed to amend sub headline" no one speaks english
anymore these days.
RE justinecat: I wish we could categorise tweets. This would go under
06:28pm this is the 4th office i've worked in where the A/C is moderate
in some spots & ridiculously sub-zero in others. fuck you central air-cond
06:29pm (ref: my last tweet) on the plus side, you can burn calories just
standing in one of those cold spots long enough.
Tue Oct 26
10:18am hahaha. shoulda realised it was a handy excuse @justinecat i
kiamsap can? ;p
01:36pm i love frozen-hard ice cream coz it melts slooowwly & you can
enjoy it at your leisure ^____^ Long drawn-out pleasure!
02:02pm Christopher Walken quote of the day: "Okie dokie artichokie."
07:26pm life is ever cruel to those who aim for more than is their lot.
Wed Oct 27
02:08pm @Jonnwith2ns just what sort of situation would necessitate
such sage advice, i wonder. -_____02:09pm that made me LOL... but i do feel for ya. @sadyn cb pr dept
gets to do phoner interviews. BRYAN GREENBERG WHY YOU SO
02:09pm gonna do a gothic-lolita for Halloween.
03:41pm Fire drill time @ Menara Olympia -_____RE justinecat: you'll be the best person to look for in the event of a real
fire :D
Thu Oct 28
10:12am @Jonnwith2ns hey i just met ur buddy Ray. he's in the Arc dept
10:14am @Sephora dark smoky eyes & soft velvet-plum lips. hints of
gunmetal glitter perhaps. classic. :)
10:51am #nowplaying Wicked Young Man - Alice Cooper. Brutal Planet
is among my top fave metal albums xD
12:04pm @angelicshades ohshit i'm so sorry bout your TV ... 0_____0
12:11pm is watching Kat Von D's makeup tutorials
RE angelicshades: No worries! It has been replaced by an even older TV
from the basement. The offending loose shelf has been destroyed!:O
06:33pm busy. happy. my life has purpose now.
06:33pm @7icia I LOVE those lego-mations.
06:35pm @eujin2sides there's a guitarist here too. & d place where i first
interned had a few guitars arnd too. maybe there's one at every agency :P
06:36pm @justinecat hmm? why WOULd i be the best person to look
for in event of a fire? :P
Red_Aliss's Twournal
06:36pm @angelicshades oh ok then. i hope it didn't cost you a blownout wallet/credit card.
07:06pm gosh, the Glee version of "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" is super
sad. Beautiful. I wanna cry now :P
Fri Oct 29
10:56am i guess so! xD wonder why. what abt art
directors :P@eujin2sides There's a rocker in every writer and vice verse
10:58am it amazes me how much i still have to learn. sometimes i still
feel like a damn junior. the consolation is there's nowhere to go but up....
12:09pm a half-assed rambling on the strange state of my mind: http://
12:11pm @angelicshades i gotta check out FF 4! or, well, watch the
gameplay. i'm sure it's as beautiful as the previous two if not more
03:35pm GOD i love curry-coated peanuts.
03:36pm @eujin2sides that's like the equivalent of AirAsia giving away
seats for the first 15 ppl that register :P
03:38pm i have been snacking nonstop since i started working here, wtf.
04:24pm HEY PPL. Got screening of Yasmin's Talentime at MENARA
MAYBANK happening shortly. Entrance is RM5 ONLY. Go, go...those
who are in town
04:26pm (ref my last tweet) coz i can't make it. so i'm shouting out to
those who r not still working like me. :P they need more ppl apparently
05:32pm thinks all my comments are spam, suddenly.
FUCK WHAT????????????
08:29pm ohgod help me. Smbody help me. I'm afraid of myself. Smtimes
i feel i could just fly off d edge
Mon Nov 01
10:05am @justinecat maybe u can borrow cash for today? i'm sure
someone is ok with lending u $$ for food & transport/parking, pay them
back tomoro.
RE justinecat: I turned back to get it. Season pass is in me wallet. FAIL. :
10:06am don't u love it how many laptop keyboards come w/ a host of
useless shortcuts u don't need, while missing the few that u do?
01:46pm Aircond so cold, i had to go stand in the sun with my jacket on
to thaw out. Now time for hot tea.
02:09pm ahhh two mugs of hot tea; nice & toasty now. let's hope it lasts
& i don't have to resort to jumping jacks, or smthg.
03:22pm u mean ur spam came back to u? hahaha @justinecat just
received some fucking SMS spam written by... me. this is whatchoo call
03:25pm @eujin2sides many happy returns, bro. wish you and the band
much happiness & success
03:32pm ohyeah. i've been there too, only it was an EDM that i wrote.
lol @justinecat tiger fc spam i wrote last week. hahahaha
RE justinecat: EDM i kena all the time. SMS... well, i guess i popped my
SMS spam cherry ;p
07:51pm "Keep your rosaries off my ovaries" has to be the best Pro-Life
slogan I've ever stumbled across. Ever. :D
Tue Nov 02
Red_Aliss's Twournal
10:06am man, i didn't know we were living with a superstar. Ng Choo
Seong, male lead of Sepet...who is also irritatingly modest :P
11:07am Holy shit. RESPECT. via @youtube
11:14am Sharing a Deepavali classic. Have a good Festival of Lights
everyone. via @youtube
02:47pm there had better not be any bad side effects frm drinking 2-3
cups of tea every damn day. if the A/C was a (cont)
04:11pm @justinecat ohnoes. try a cuppa steaming green tea, it smtimes
works for me. (at least it feels good.) unless you have meds handy
07:31pm Double talkin jive, motherfucker. make yourself clear or make
yourself disappear.
09:16pm having to deal with this client regularly is giving me 2nd
thoughts abt staying... or at least staying on this account.
Wed Nov 03
03:19pm i've learnt to put together a Powerpoint movie, with music. yay
03:20pm this will be the 3rd day inna row i'm bitching abt too-cold A/C.
plus some crazy mofo wanna turn on the fan some more
03:21pm also, my left sandal sole came out. the damn thing is now being
held together entirely with cellophane tape. :P
04:39pm "Say, where you going? What you gonna do? You want
satisfaction? Find yourself another piece of action. Coz YOU'RE
Thu Nov 04
11:13am CD got stuck in office MacBook. Trick: hold down mouse
button the moment u hear the ejecting sounds, & ur machine will spit it
RE justinecat: cipet! They gave you a macbook to use??
11:13am Fuckin' machines.
12:27pm You blinded arsehole. You murderer of ideas. You fuckin' egowhore. Don't smile & joke like you're a nice guy. (cont)
12:40pm best nyer! wish i was there. :D @szen I'm at Restoran Tangkak
Beef Noodles (Jalan Imbi, Kuala Lumpur).
RE szen: babe, where's ur office, maybe next time we could hv lunch at
restoran Tangkak together. Sorry for de late replied :p
12:41pm Seng Kiat of BBDO has just hit LB... Iska was introducing us &
we ended up talking abt music. :P
02:59pm URGENT...friend's dad in need. Pls RT > If you're in
Malaysia/Singapore & have B– blood, my best friend (cont) http://
Sun Nov 07
06:55pm sick of my skin making me miserable. Burning itch rite now
makes me want 2 shoot myself
Mon Nov 08
12:15pm @szen well if u know where the Telekom museum is, my office
is opposite it...on Jln Raja Chulan. where's this Tangkak place anyway :)
RE szen: the rest is at imbi babe. :)
12:23pm @angelicshades o____O as usual I Suck At Birthdays. hope you
has a smashing, sexy one. hugs to the Angelcrafter
Red_Aliss's Twournal
01:55pm @angelicshades sorry, i didn't get the 'special snowflake' thing.
(?) hehe
RE angelicshades: Oh it's just a way to say someone is being special for
no good reason XD
02:06pm @szen ok...well just lemme know next time you guys are
heading over there. :) bit far for me for lunch...if dinner easier. hehe
03:57pm choki-choki doesn't taste as good as my childhood remembers.
03:57pm are you kidding? you're kidding rite. @Diouvx How come
nothing makes me fat... it's so unfair.
RE Diouvx: I wish I was :(
06:03pm shd b dual body rite? since its like, 2 bits. (plus Dual Body
sounds sexy smhow.) @justinecat can a slider phone really be called
06:06pm Coconut biscuits rockin' my world. screw you avocados &
pomegranates; the coconut is the world's finest superfruit.
11:12pm FUCK YOU, ASTRO! Fuck you indiscriminating censorcunt!!!
11:16pm u cut off Linkin Park's performance but not Miley's. U let that
fuckin Bieber song run but cut SLASH'S SPEECH WTH???!
11:18pm I don't care abt ur time constraints, you DO NOT CENSOR A
ROCK GOD, DAMMIT. Have some goddamn respect.
Tue Nov 09
10:18am @angelicshades LOL! hope u dont find a hole in your closet
leading to a twisted dimension (& if u do, for gods sake dont b tempted
to go in)
RE angelicshades: could lead to Narnia too!
10:22am I is 24 today. frankly it doesn't feel like a lot. would rather be 21
again haha
RE angelicshades: (And happy birthday to you! Another November baby
in the lot :)
RE angelicshades: ahah I felt that way yesterday when I was wanting to
be 25 instead of 29. 25 is a nice moderate age to be XD
11:26am @angelicshades ^_____^ November babies rule. \m/ thank
you lady
12:17pm @justinecat thank you. i am still recovering frm the landslide of
bday wishes that pleasantly surprised me on FB... =) much love!
RE justinecat: which is why i'm doing it here! have a great day :)
02:22pm the best of hackneyed corporate-speak, as well as some
terrifying new additions.
06:10pm @justinecat LOLs. some retard wanting to add/follow u, who
will then spam ur feed with stupidity while acting like u'r actually friends?
RE justinecat: oh, i've never bothered with that pretense. ;) but wtf,
rejected her once already. requesting again. geez...
06:14pm 2 hours ago @Slash was getting bummed out watching CNN &
craving Spongebob. Bless you Twitter, for letting me stalk the man of my
07:55pm dad, i love you but you've ruined my birthday. thank you so
Wed Nov 10
10:15am #nowplaying Hold On To My Heart (W.A.S.P.). Coz i feel
Red_Aliss's Twournal
10:22am i'm suddenly glad for friends. (including colleagues, cousins, &
anyone who has lent me support in tough times.) i'll always love you.
12:10pm I love you LIA. For letting me view some of
the world's best ads for free. screw Cannes subscription fees... :P
01:07pm LB has a culture of ignoring fire drills, LoL.
RE justinecat: another one??
01:09pm @justinecat screw minimalism. It's just a fashionable way of
saying "i am making up for a lack of personality by being neater than u"
02:24pm Baru 2 weeks here, M&C Saatchi called. hehe. (when i told em
"ah sorry, i've just been taken" he was like "oh damn" & that flattered me
RE BeeNeefit: wah, someone's popular ;)
04:35pm u mean the fire drills? well they hv it 2x a mth here, & u can
actually choose which to take part in. funny rite! @justinecat another
04:39pm aww man, the love story btwn @thekatvond & @NikkiSixx is
sweeeet. ^___^
04:41pm Kat von D: "I carry a photograph that Nikki (Sixx) gave me of
him when he was seven years old in my wallet. He’s so cute." ... =D hehe
05:43pm me too. garlic bread owns ur soullll. @Diouvx I want garlic
05:44pm i am inspired by surrealism & the world of the odd. hoping to
bring smthing new to the table..
06:18pm Holy shit you guys. check out the animationnnn.
Thu Nov 11
10:37am my cellphone got one sliver of battery life left; hope no one
calls me unnecessarily. :P
11:16am can read 'The Gashlycrumb Tinies' for free at . 26 ways to kill little children, beautifully illustrated.
11:18am (ref my last tweet) Clearer version here.
01:14pm @angelicshades congrats congrats congrats. whatja win? (oh &
i hope u can throw together a fab outfit! be creative.)
RE angelicshades: Didn't win anything, but rather celebrated my
Grandpa having part of a memorial dedicated to him:)
01:15pm Went traipsing round the Little India near my office today.
(alone, coz most of my colleagues so malas to walk. heh) Love the colour
& chaos
07:55pm @eujin2sides damn lotta junk to take back right? or rather, to
be transferred to ur next workstation :)
10:48pm Guys, advice pls: is it ok to be friends with your very good
friend's enemy? even though this 'enemy' has purportedly hurt the good
Fri Nov 12
12:06pm @BeeNeefit no need 2 sort, just rEAD =) i know there must
be a few ur just dying 2 jump into
12:07pm on leave; woke up at noon. Ahh makeup sleep...for this
insomniac,it's a necessary luxury.
RE BeeNeefit: must. work... and if you're on leave, go to the big bad wolf
sale go go go so worth it
Red_Aliss's Twournal
12:43pm @BeeNeefit oooh idk if got time, hv 2 help w my cousin bro's
wedding this evening. Well, hv a gr8 end 2 ur workday with ur books,
later :)
12:45pm man, weight bearing has done such wonders 4 my fitness. &
thighs. Btw, pushups actually dOEs tone arms!
04:30pm @ewenLian hope u'r still in 1 piece :p
RE ewenLian: hmm hopefully =)
04:31pm Smtimes i think one of my dad's key purposes in life is to
criticize me.
04:31pm thankgod for my mom.
08:20pm @zainamri hehe the regular Grey tapau spot...i always ask for
the wings too. Nyum...good thing LB not far
08:23pm why chinese wedding restaurants gotta be so cold? I downed 4
glasses of wine just 2 keep warm dammit
09:05pm why are weddings so templated? If i ever get married, there wil
b no 10-course dinner w/ Barry fuckin Manilow.
09:52pm omg yam-seng was hilarious, we were the most 'kiasu' table
haha. Except 4 my uncle at d next table, he nearly beat us all
Sat Nov 13
12:24pm fuck, fuck, fuck. Wrong turning & late 4 tea ceremony. By time
i get there evrything will be ovr. Should hv fuckin left earlier
12:27pm @BeeNeefit 5 at once why not. I often alternate btwn 3
books :)
RE BeeNeefit: i think i'll settle for one book in my bag, one at home and
one in the office :P
12:28pm @BeeNeefit U'r going 2 sydney 4 CNY? I hate u. :p
01:21pm @BeeNeefit office? No need 2 work la like that :p
09:49pm @willowhippo treated me to a lovely, lovely belated bday
dinner. Angel-hair pasta w/ ebiko plus a joygasmic thai dessert
Mon Nov 15
12:50am @VRArmy shit i saw got the tweet abt the contest too late. i
just added u guys few days ago... :(
12:53am went totally nuts when i saw his drums at a Hard Rock
hotel. keep pounding Matt!! @VRArmy So on the 19th we all say
12:54am can't sleep so working on my TV scripts. goddamn i have a
problem emoting in my scripts. need to learn how to do 'heartwarming'
10:03am Time to get new friends? @sadyn Another meeting canceled!
Hi friends please stop bailing on me, one day my feelings might actually
be hurt.
10:05am hahaha, a noble effort on helping a colleague learn english
quickly devolved into a conversation on Bordeaux & tits.
10:15am Who else has discovered the band Murderdolls? give a holler...
they're amazing, refreshing & totally kickass.
DAMN DAMN why is this so harrrrrrrrrrd.
02:03pm all those things do is trap dirt. whatever happened to a nice
optical mouse, bro? @eujin2sides My mouse has got a mouse ball..nice!
02:04pm trying to strike a balance btwn sweet & schmaltzy. both also
outta my comfort zone... it's a good thing i guess. learn learn learn.....
Red_Aliss's Twournal
02:36pm Great new song to get pissed off to - Murderdolls'
"Motherfucker I Don't Care". Turn it up & work off your anger!
06:42pm collllddd. faster turn off aircond...faster
08:05pm @VRArmy maybe carry on the tradition of a single-word
name? smthg gritty & kinda ambiguous yet relatable...that (cont) http://
08:06pm omg i've actually done similar things b4...haha. @BeeNeefit hm
i'm stalking my cousin's facebook page in an (cont)
08:08pm so hard to find art directors to help me -_____-
Tue Nov 16
10:37am @eujin2sides errrggh, 5 banks? -____-" good luck bro.
10:38am @eujin2sides hey see you at Anne's Zouk bday tonite?
11:39am Corgis fuckin' rule. Even if they can't jump for shite. Cuteness
of the day for dog lovers:
01:31pm @BeeNeefit rly? i only ever do that phone thing when i'm w/
hopelessly boring ppl (hope this doesnt say anythg abt the company u'r
RE BeeNeefit: haha we put them away after a while.
01:31pm i hate it when i'm forced to abbreviate or retardify my words
just to fit the twitter limit.
01:33pm my colleague let me bum a morsel of a gorgeously tasty sundried tomato bread. the most delicious piece of flour i've ever tasted...
05:13pm Safari sucks. Gonna get Firefox.
06:12pm HANDS COLD. Dang, I always have to rub my palms together
quickly before shaking hands. (lucky that's not part of my job.) fuckin' A/
C! :(
06:21pm to the Grey gang who's getting wasted at Zouk tonite in honor
of a birthday gal, see ya there
10:30pm @sadyn haha awkward is right. How come u had the luck 2 sit
10:32pm dang. Waiting at zouk alone no fun. Doing the usual thing of
playing with phone 2 look less like a loser
10:36pm holy shit how do the party chicks walk (or dance) in those damn
spindly heels?
Wed Nov 17
06:46pm the extra phone credit i got frm Digi's bday promo is only
feeding my twiddiction. damn
Thu Nov 18
10:04am Nice one. I!!|: ), RT @Daniel_Moore my logo for VR army
10:05am @sherylhosulynn Starbucks is friggin' overrated. Gloria Jeans
makes better mocha.
RE sherylhosulynn: doesn't bother me. I'm just loyal to starbucks. Always
have been, always will be. :)
11:15am @sherylhosulynn any reason why? fond memories there,
perhaps? just curious. (since im in the marketing biz, after all) :)
RE sherylhosulynn: not really no. I just like their drinks, service and I'm
generally very loyal. Hehe :)
11:19am PLEASE RT. There is a cash scam going round by a caller
claiming to be frm Public Bank, asking u to sign up for (cont) http://
Red_Aliss's Twournal
12:37pm Simply awesome. (Altho i did laugh at the term "pussy
people"...not sure i'd wanna be called that.) xD @justinecat http://
RE justinecat: technically you and I ARE pussy people ;p
03:35pm LMAO yeahhh @justinecat technically you and I ARE pussy
people ;p
03:37pm addicted to coconut biscuits. wonder how many i'd need to eat
b4 i'm thoroughly sick of em. maybe enough to make me thoroughly sick,
04:00pm @BeeNeefit as long as the wolf ain't sparkly, i'm ok. -__04:04pm has the best rock podcast evah. great mix of
contemporary & classic, all of em hard-ass. (none of that overly clean U2
06:03pm Awesome-shit campaign of the day. via
06:52pm @sadyn fuck U-kiss. bloody K-pop invasion makes me want to
kill bunnies. that's how much i hate em
06:53pm hmm, heavy rain... must resist cold-weather urge to snack!!!!
Fri Nov 19
10:10am ohmygod, for a moment there my keyboard wouldn't work. i
couldn't type shit.. fuckin' scary. :P
11:02am i've wanted indigo hair like forever... sigh :P @thekatvond I
want indigo blue hair. Bad.
11:12am wants enough $$ for Bluetooth earphones. sick of getting wires
caught on my hair/wristbands/elbows
11:45am Gonna scope out Menara Maybank area for lunch later.
01:56pm update: Menara Maybank was dead, probly due to Hari Raya
Haji break. oh, & i almost got lost walking back to office :P
05:52pm @Slash loves iCarly & Spongebob. wtf. also, i love his
"muahahaha" laugh. Sexy as it sounds on Twitter, it's even better in real
life... ^^
Sat Nov 20
10:51pm @RagingEyeball who designed your profile pic? it's pretty
damn awesome
11:08pm Girls, let's tie a rock'n roll sex god to our beds & rape him.
Love this via @youtube
Sun Nov 21
05:51pm Reading Einstein's Dreams for 3rd or 4th time. Never tire of it
Mon Nov 22
10:26am @eujin2sides @BenLawFSA oh, some puny-minded idiot who
thinks having ink is a mark of DVD-peddling AhBengs?? :P
10:29am Woke up to dim skies heavy with November rain. Nearly went
back to sleep.
12:48pm Fucking spammer made my whole browser freeze & i had to
restart my comp. i am now BERSERK. not at any damage done but that
fucking spamcunt
01:48pm i want to slice the fingers off that spambot's creator and force
feed em to the spamcunt. dont believe me? gimme that knife now. i'll do
Red_Aliss's Twournal
02:02pm SOMEbody's running out of ideas. :P @justinecat Final
Fantasy creator's new game is called... Last Story? HAHAHAHA
02:02pm tomorrow gonna try that back alley fried rice. looks delish
03:29pm I'm sure that I'll eventually tire of 'Telephone'. But till I do,
it remains on my List of Songs So Insanely Catchy They Should Be
03:29pm "Coz I'll be dancing..."
04:01pm almost all the ppl here seem incredibly humble. it's really cool.
07:50pm gotta go to Shah Alam for preso tomorrow. yawwwn :P
07:51pm @ewenLian your last day?
08:06pm FUCK ME FOR BEING A CLUMSY ARSE. i dropped
my phone on a wet toilet floor. i am equal parts grossed out & upset.
RE angelicshades: At least it didn't land in the toilet! My dad's lost more
than one phone that way now XD
Tue Nov 23
10:59am @angelicshades oh, he encountered that toilet incident twice? i
had that once. good thing it was a flushed toilet at least. 0___0
11:00am god, that's 3 times inna row ppl i know have had their car
stolen. wtf. so glad my car is a piece of 2nd-hand crap.
11:13am haha, was having a nice debate with Phang in defense of the
Scorpions, whom he's not crazy abt.
12:11pm Shit, this game is sick. i mean sick in a way that makes Saw look
like a slow-paced arthouse film.
01:34pm thanks to Mr Neil Gaiman for sharing. The NO Button. http:// hahahaa
03:08pm holyshit, preso postponed 3 times in one day.
03:17pm Sucker Punch film looks epic. Tho i'm not crazy abt the
hypersexualised over-airbrushed teaser banners. that's old, they coulda
done better.
03:17pm (ref my last tweet) what i'm talkin abt: http://
06:43pm @sadyn Lingerie? Haha. Be creative. Loads of things can pass
off as sleepwear
06:45pm only 2nd time taking KTM; 1st time in shah alam. God this
place is quiet.
06:48pm at least got to see some of shah alam...but srsly, it's boring. No
offense to those of u who live there
08:11pm wow. KTM stations r srsly sAd. Makes me glad 2 be at a well-lit
rapidkl station now
Wed Nov 24
10:09am i don't dislike Archuleta anymore. Still not a fan, but i like that
'elevator' song. His voice has gotten better...the boy's grown up.
10:10am @angelicshades ooh. would have never taken you for a
German type.
10:11am Bless cellphone games, for without 'em I'd be forced to stare at
unattractive strangers during long waits.
10:31am IMPORTANT. Girls who go out alone in Malaysia: if you find a
child crying at the roadside showing his/her (cont)
10:34am In case u think u have money problems. poor girl. http://
12:25pm I Swear Too Fucking Much. :P
Red_Aliss's Twournal
02:27pm @justinecat ewww i had a similar encounter before in
WismaGenting lift. dunno if we're talkin' bout the same dude tho... o___o
RE justinecat: some uncle leering, undressing you with his eyes then
laughing to himself, leering some more. WTF!
02:28pm @angelicshades oh, i love the doll island! & the story behind it.
already seen this article, being the Crack(ed) addict i am. =)
02:29pm @angelicshades and Battleship Island. a place that is BEGGing
for a lovely documentary/film. (set to the Silent Hill soundtrack.)
03:27pm **pukes mightily** @justinecat @Red_Aliss some uncle
leering, undressing you with his eyes then laughing to himself, leering
some more. WTF!
03:28pm what a great guy, he makes me smile everytime ^^
07:14pm why don't you fuck off & die, bitch.
08:29pm sigh. why am i the only one having problems with my damn
Thu Nov 25
03:04pm Just Wait. I!!|B^ ), via @youtube
07:24pm haha a Rubik-whiz colleague spotted my Shell Rubiks cube &
went nuts... she insisted on solving it like right now. So cute.
07:24pm tiring but productive 2 days. i is life has a
purpose. :P
07:38pm on the other hand, i'm starting to wonder if that purpose
includes trying to please clients of the inhumanly unreasonable
07:56pm Thanksgiving? I feel like turkey ham now. Never was nuts abt
turkey -- just tastes like a big chicken -- but gawd it makes exquisite ham.
RE justinecat: can't do turkey ever since being served my family's turkey
pets. *traumatized*
08:56pm @justinecat turkeys as pets? But theyre not the most rewarding
companions... Sori abt ur trauma
RE justinecat: ya. Doubt they were very comforting ;p just that I petted
and fed the buggers before.
08:57pm Lum's last-day lunch 2moro. Must gatecrash...nyehehe
RE justinecat: man, you're so much more up-to-date about grey news
than I am :p
Fri Nov 26
10:02am @justinecat self-suffocating tendencies? :P
RE justinecat: much more mundane; they like sleeping, pawing, rolling
on 'em.
10:03am podcast plays all my favourite songs, it's almost
creepy. =)
10:35am #nowplaying Bad Reputation
10:35am @sadyn fuck yeah; wear it coz it feels good, who cares. it's IS a
Friday after all.
10:36am @sadyn in fact, i'm wearing fishnets right now. why? Coz I
Want To.
10:52am #nowplaying Shake Your Tailfeather. which i dwnloaded after
hearing it at Modesto's one evening, & rediscovering how catchy it is :P
11:41am @justinecat OMG. 0_____0"
11:42am Maori is such a pretty language.
12:16pm man, suddenly i wanna go to San Remo. Eternal spring,
foccacia cafes & all-round Mediterranea...! hmm
Red_Aliss's Twournal
12:30pm i am a copywriter. since when is it my duty to do research for u?
i string info together. i do Not hunt for info. that's your fuckin' job.
01:53pm @justinecat hehe, what's ur new color? the candyfloss pink u
were hankering for?
RE justinecat: nah, something bland and safe. my favourite pink is out of
production T_T
02:14pm @justinecat bland & safe...a coppery brown or smthg? midnite
black?? (i'd take some time to get used to thAt. haha)
02:14pm even flow; thoughts arrive like butterflies
03:54pm @zainamri celebrations? gerenti ade menang ke? =P
03:54pm @NikkiSixx Mehico! xD
05:08pm First Tim Tams, then Spongebob, then elephants. Gotta love
@Slash ...the man is adorable.
06:41pm haha, Lum played me out...supposed 2 go for last-day beer.
Nother time i guess...
06:45pm @sherylhosulynn ha! Yeah, it sounds friggin weird. "cerVYcal
cancer", wtf
RE sherylhosulynn: yeah like omg!
Sat Nov 27
12:15am @justinecat yours was the Free Beer campaign is it? gimme the
list of what u got accoladed for =D
RE justinecat: haha it was for work done in my ex-agency ;)
Mon Nov 29
03:56pm Leslie T_______T it'll be awhile before i can watch Naked Gun
& laugh instead of cry.
06:55pm Fingernails blue with cold. shoulda suggested a warmer
brainstorm place. its a friggin' wonder i can still type
08:14pm sinus attack that feels like fever. Fuck you, unreasonably cold
Tue Nov 30
10:04am My boss wants to add me on FB. but i kinda make it a habit
never to add mah bosses. dun wanna offend him, really, but....
11:31am are u fussy or are u a perfectionist?
01:27pm thought that virus would have me done for. so far i've kept it at
bay (like the true warrior i am, oh yeahh. hehe). feel ok now,but sleepy
01:29pm @szen @justinecat hehe. i was referring to someone i
suspected was just plain fussy. but really...smtimes u just need to make a
04:56pm Ever tried brainstorming with a chronic runny nose? NOT
FUNNY. Fuck my sinusitis
05:30pm i am so sick but i've got two ad campaigns to write. somebody
overdose me with antihistamines pleeeeeeeeeaaze.
Wed Dec 01
10:58am Cannot tahan working with a micro-perfectionist. Cannot tahan
when someone takes 100 years to decide on the point size of a subhead.
11:52am Cool donation campaign... "Buy Life"! Wish I was in the US of
A right now. RT @NikkiSixx is dead. NikkiSixx (cont)
02:37pm @justinecat you really are big on your gadgetry. :) is this still
the same iPhone or you upgraded recently?
Red_Aliss's Twournal
RE justinecat: WOMAN. you don't know your gadgets? itu bukan
iphone, itu punya HTC Desire Z :D
02:39pm thank god for hot tea, it always feels good. god i love tea.
(except for darjeeling becoz it smells faintly like playdoh.)
03:06pm @justinecat ...nnnope. everytime i worked on LG mobile i had
to go do research, hahaha.
RE Red_Aliss: @justinecat besides, u actively tweeted abt iphone stuff
before, so i assumed it was coz u had one that u were in love with.
03:07pm @Red_Aliss @justinecat besides, u actively tweeted abt iphone
stuff before, so i assumed it was coz u had one that u were in love with.
RE justinecat: i just tweet about cool stuff. but was actually never
interested in any iphone :)
03:09pm impressive spoof of a typical corporate video. it's subtle at first;
u think they're serious, until the jokes start coming.
05:18pm @justinecat haha...ok. well, anyway it seems that just abt every
other person has one. it's becoming default. wish u happiness w/ the
RE justinecat: thanks. i'm crossing my fingers too. heard a lot of people
aren't fond of android because of the steep learning curve.
05:20pm Kien's a real friendly dude. goes abt saying hi to ppl, everyone
frm Studio to probly the cleaning ladies. doesn't hv the 'CEO' aura...nice
05:22pm @eujin2sides @BeeNeefit LMAO at the Cheesecake Wars.
(hey that sounds like an idea for Bee's next award-winning campaign.)
07:14pm @eujin2sides @sagarparanjpe least u hv the option of
spacing out. the driver has the option of watching the lights & grinding
07:15pm @justinecat actually why bother. if New Android is only gonna
make things harder...then why not settle for lower tech but easier life?
RE justinecat: I love new tech and geeky challenges! In fact am gonna try
permaroot my phone tonight!
08:11pm wow good, means your social life very the active...@BeeNeefit
going for dinner with my parents for the first time in err... almost two
RE BeeNeefit: haha more like I've been working too late/ my parents
have a more active social life than I do
08:12pm i....have no idea what a permaroot is. :P @justinecat I love new
tech and geeky challenges! In fact am gonna try permaroot my phone
RE justinecat: permanent superuser privileges. :p go read up, I tell you
it's heaven. *geek*
Thu Dec 02
11:05am -___- badly written job req, frm a doofus who should learn the
basic art of communication before daring to command a white-collar
11:50am Writers, don't u hate it when someone gives u a Microsoft Word
document with screwed up formatting, wasting u loads of time just fixing
11:51am for gods' sake if you don't have a good command of the
program, stick to the fuckin basics! what's with the unnecessary tabs &
line spacing?
Red_Aliss's Twournal
02:14pm just learnt that ASSY is a (rather inappropriate) abbrev of
'assembly'. & nothing to do with ass.
02:15pm i mean, what abt ASBY? sounds good, looks good, and doesn't
make you think of all the assholes you ever encountered who were "assy"
to you.
02:47pm @BeeNeefit hehee sounds like a print ad, right? :P with an
'aspirational' type of picture.
RE BeeNeefit: I KNOW RIGHT!!! Well, at least they're trying.
02:48pm @justinecat yay u feel the same way (abt the fucked up
formatting). also, people who think multiple space bar is the same thing
as Tab..! :P
RE justinecat: omg... you poor poor thing. or people who actually type
out their lists numbering...
02:50pm doing deskercises...haven't been working out recently.
02:51pm @BeeNeefit yup yup...gotta salute the attempt. at least it
caught your attention & made u remember it. that's half the battle. =P
03:35pm @justinecat numbering. yes. omg you so read my mind (or
rather, document). senseless numbering when there's no need for
numbers. whattt.
03:37pm @BeeNeefit love green tea....well, guess you can microwave the
tea to make hot again.(is ur pantry damn far frm ur place, coz mine is.
RE BeeNeefit: not very but still had to walk... lol
03:38pm @eujin2sides @sagarparanjpe @ibivom9 @Urfman get your
own treadmill, it's worth like 20 gym subscriptions. =)
03:39pm Time For More Tea! I'm gonna be reincarnated as a damn
teabag in da next life.
06:31pm @sadyn lucky u! Ok, its not luck, its hard work. Hehe. Good
for u baby
06:32pm Guys what's the best cure 4 hiccups? d appendix, its a
useless annoyance
RE Diouvx: Try breathing orderly through ur nose, sometimes it works
sometimes it doesn't...
07:15pm @Diouvx heh sorry. what does "breathing orderly" mean?
RE Diouvx: consistent pace*
RE Diouvx: lol err.. breathe in a consistent, shit I took so long to reply
hope ur hiccup's already gone lol
08:06pm celaka babi. Car broke dwn 4 mysterious reasons.
08:09pm @Diouvx hehe thanx dude. Hicup gone now. Car broke dwn,
got bigger worries...sigh. TQ for ur concern :)
08:11pm @ewenLian so when u leaving then, & where to? PM us
kaypoh ppl ya. :p
Fri Dec 03
11:45am wants fast food. hope got time to walk out to McD or Burger
11:46am @justinecat are u effin' kidding? no custom ringtone allowed??
better go ask the outlet u bought it from. sure they can help u figure it
RE justinecat: no hon. i think it's the dreaded "so smart it's dumb"
syndrome. iphone had it from the start. ;)
06:11pm WTF... in a bout of desperate brain block, i started inventing
my own language. it sounds like a mix of French & Italian.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
07:24pm #nowplaying Living After Midnight - Judas Priest. Perfect,
feel-good song to start the weekend. Have a good one!
07:25pm @BeeNeefit really? do what i did, started inventing a bloody
fictional language. wtf ... anyway is it un-jammed now?
Mon Dec 06
10:04am Nothing like a spicy breakfast to wake you up & break out the
sweat on your forehead. Hellyeah.
11:44am how come in every Jap-anime game, there's always this
annoying/cutesy creature that looks like a floating pau? :P
12:59pm when i'm alone, i dig eating & tweeting simultaneously :)
Having a bk Whopper Jr
01:00pm enjoy walking & exploring streets 4 makan. Wish more of my
colleagues did too. Y so malas :p
01:46pm i'm convinced @adamlambert is the only person on earth who
can make the peace sign look not just uncliched, but sexy.
02:13pm Still classic. Love the song; so many different emotions within
it. Love the ppl, the story. via @youtube
03:10pm RT @justinecat @liy : open letter to parents of the 14 year old
03:11pm @BeeNeefit blaine blok again..?
RE BeeNeefit: yup. i give up being zen.
04:09pm @BeeNeefit then be the opposite of zen. be crazy & chaotic.
(muahaha, the sweet cookie-baking girl going all Ms's a nice
05:10pm idk why but i never react to cute kids in ads. or, well,never have
the desired reaction u'd want from putting a bunch of cute kids on stuff.
05:11pm i do smtimes find them funny & charming, but neve rin the
gushy "AWWSOoooooCuuuute" way. Puppies, now, are another thing...
RE justinecat: CATS too!
05:13pm @BeeNeefit i didn't feel anything on CNY. i didn't feel for
Raya ('cept for some delish food). & not this Xmas either. think i'm dead
RE BeeNeefit: jaded.
06:13pm @BeeNeefit indeed. although actually...i still love the Xmas
spirit. OK, need to hit a mall! the decor oughta put me in the mood. :P
06:14pm @justinecat and TIGER CUBS wheeee
06:27pm Cheezels Chilli Cheese Biskits are pretty amazing.
08:08pm late night thanks to FA. -________- and someone else's errors.
oh hey, Happy Awal Muharram all. yet another holiday before Xmas!
08:09pm @eujin2sides Glad you're happy there! hope you get to work
on some good, fun accounts.
Tue Dec 07
12:39pm @sadyn how'd the shoot go, Ms Director? Hope it turned out
12:40pm slept for 12 hrs straight. Seem 2 be sleeping a ton lately, wtF is
wrong with me
04:46pm spent the afternoon cleaning up my dog's vomit. -_____-
Wed Dec 08
10:20am @BeeNeefit don't eat em! there are no such things as
strawberry-toting angels. even on Xmas.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
10:23am for some strange reason i still hv not caught Deathly Hallows.
Will book tix for this wkend...Never missed one before, not gonna start
10:42am looking thru stock images, i realise that old people make
beautiful pictures. their lined faces hold tons of emotion without even
02:17pm just received a short but fabulous back-rub from colleague
Laurent. so sweet of him. we also discussed Hieronymus Bosch :P
02:20pm @BeeNeefit Black Swan looks set to be gorgeous. edgy, lovely,
with a solid meaty story that gets sweetly terrifying...
03:49pm @7icia idk, i wouldnt mind having a badass name like that. Or
OK, nickname. as an actual name it'd be hard to live up to ;)
RE 7icia: hahaha!!! :D
03:57pm The @DalaiLama haz Twitter. Some real sweet philosophies
on there... Buddhism rocks.
05:28pm pouring hot beverage down my gullet to ward off the winter
wonderland this office becomes when it rains. wishing for an A/C
breakdown now.
07:28pm Help RT if u know anyone who's looking:) > Grey needs
Writers urgently. Pref int'mediate/senior. also, Acct (cont) http://
08:39pm @justinecat lol! No, a predicament Jit caused when he got
himself promoted to group head :p
Thu Dec 09
11:55am a busy & hopefully productive day. "Everybody wants a thrill.
Some will win, some will lose. Some will only sing the blues..."
11:56am @sadyn **gives u warm hug**
11:56am @BeeNeefit oi. pick up smoking aledi ah, woman?
RE BeeNeefit: not yet
12:03pm @justinecat sounds very very good... lemme know if got any
T&C kay. =)
RE justinecat: sure typo right!
04:33pm @justinecat so roughly RM14 a month. not too bad i guess.
seeing as the average is RM20-25..?
RE justinecat: my previous bb bis plan was RM48 a month for 5MB.
RE justinecat: but only for BBM. ;)
08:31pm idk if brainwaves crossed or smtg, but Grey & LB both hvg
Mad Tea Party themes for our xmas bash. Alice is in the air, y'all
Fri Dec 10
09:37am everything is wrong this morning. 1 of those days when i feel
guilty for existing.
11:32am most stupid draggy checkup ever. Fuck me. Xray screwd up &
waiting 2 rescan now... Havent even had brkfast.
11:33am There will be a long angry blog later abt why i hate medical
12:58pm @justinecat it's just a celebration of cool colourful shit or
colour-related wonders. (unless it's rly a social-media mktg tool! ahaha)
03:44pm i am an AiryBerry. LOL. fiiine, i AM a scatterbrain after all.
"what's ur name again?" haha.
03:52pm Must must buy present for next Fri party....and also plan my
Red_Aliss's Twournal
03:54pm @BeeNeefit Ye shall pay for the Sins of devouring Greasy
Morsels fried in the Fires Of Hell! ...but srsly, hope u feel better soon.
RE BeeNeefit: haha thanks dear.
04:09pm Friggin' Twitter needs to notify me of my Direct Msgs in a
more...noticeable way. >__< It's not anywhere on the damn interface!
RE justinecat: saw this tweet then immediately checked my DM. hahaha
05:59pm @szen so are you foursquare Mayor of Wisma Genting now?
or Grand Monarch perhaps? xD
RE szen: babe, I wish! Seem so hard to get to be a Mayor of Wisma
Genting wei.
06:00pm finnne. we shall go away then... **is hurt & cries** hahaha
@BeeNeefit i need new friends.
06:01pm so early start Xmas party? LOL @ewenLian Beer in the
afternoon at Obar...
RE ewenLian: ya la... Not fun party lunch..
06:07pm @postsecret licking the flavoured cheese-dust you get at the
bottom of the snack pack, and loving it.
06:37pm @ewenLian then, tonite another round party...? xD lunch
being the warm-up
RE ewenLian: haha clap3x .. there's NO another round party..
Everyone's going back ..
06:39pm @justinecat browsing my Mentions & just saw ur RM48-a-mth
plan. either u'r earning more than i tot or you're Crazy, b*tch. =P
RE justinecat: hahaha to laymen it might be, but BB encrypts data
differently so even with surfing, twitter, bbm, my monthly usage is about
06:41pm @ewenLian awww. but anyway, not yet the official xmas bash
RE ewenLian: ahaha too bad .. it is the official xmas bash..
06:46pm @justinecat well ok...i guess if you use kau-kau & milk what u
pay for. (u realize it means ur Fingers Never Leave Your Phone. wow.)
06:46pm ffffuuuuu...!! need to get off Twitter alrdy. *wills self to press
the 'X' on the Tab*
RE BeeNeefit: yes, you're extra noisy on twitter today. lol.
Sun Dec 12
10:29am My bro is a food monster. Someday he will eat his way thru the
entire house. And then eat the house.
08:26pm shopping for stationery & metallic wrapping paper makes me
happy ^_____^
Mon Dec 13
10:01am @BeeNeefit hey i saw this awesome book set on cookie-baking
@ Petaling Street's Popular. reminded me of u
RE BeeNeefit: aww how sweet that cookies remind you of me. good
morning :)
10:45am Plugging my first venture as an author. or, well, co-author: (warning, adult images)
RE angelicshades: Congrats Charle! Very sensual stuff! Wish you success
with it.
11:07am @BeeNeefit THanks babe ^_____^
11:13am @justinecat *warmhugs* mwaxx. thanks
Red_Aliss's Twournal
02:49pm @angelicshades many thanks, woman! it was a fantastic collab.
& to think i've never even met him in person. was all done thru email &
PM :)
02:50pm @ViolajeqaBidch please don't spam people's Feeds with
rubbish, thanks. its a rather sad & ineffective way to get more 'friends'.
02:53pm thinking of doing a Puppy Bomb on Facebook for Xmas. cute
puppy pix on all my friends' Walls... (warn me in advance if u dun like the
RE justinecat: i wanna request a cute cat, please :D
03:19pm @justinecat heehee. i'll try & remember that ^^ kitty bombs!
04:53pm I should stop listening to SlashFM at work. the man's voice
turns me on so much I could just.... *insert your imagination here.*
04:56pm @Diouvx TQ for your honesty. We may get bombed for
'insulting fat ppl', but really -- pavement blockers ASK for it. Whatever
size they are.
RE Diouvx: *High five*
Tue Dec 14
10:14am Instant coffee sucks with milk. Dunno why. Doesn't bring out
the aroma & taste smhow... Attempt to get more calcium: fail. :P
11:20am OHMYGOD i dunno what is going on anymore. why people
aren't receiving my files or why the copy is all over the goddamn place.
it's crazy day
11:44am FUCK ME. the world is going mad. Guys please do not make
me look like a screwup, goddamnit
04:51pm My Christmas Wishlist! warning: contains the impossible.
05:26pm #nowplaying Sucker Train Blues.
05:41pm Great chorus. Just what u need to get in the spirit!
FASdgHt via @youtube
07:24pm @sadyn i saw beautiful swirls on a fistful of shrooms, it could
be those :p man,wish i had those now
07:26pm is in such a musical mood. Humming loudly in public...ppl
staring? Fuck if i care! I'm alive & u'r dead inside. Merry Xmas!
Wed Dec 15
10:22am Clients doing their own layout again. Thank you for paying us
and doing our job.
10:40am @justinecat haha. they built up a nice lil mountain of job reqs
to welcome u?
RE justinecat: nothing so symbolic. all on-going jobs. more like emails
postponing all discussions till i get back. wtffffff!
10:42am @justinecat bludy stupid. hurh. on the other hand, it makes u
sound sO important..... :P
RE justinecat: we all know how expendable we are, hence my conclusion
10:49am You want a great brand? You want us to sell some damn
products? Grow some balls -- & the brains to go with em. Can't help you
10:56am Oh, and suits: you need to learn how to Sell the work. I'm
pretty sure that's one of the basic job requirements.
11:07am @justinecat yeah totally. so we have friggin' options now? i can
choose to reject jobs? why wasn't i told. xD
Red_Aliss's Twournal
11:08am @szen ^^ i know u are one of those ppl who make an effort,
babe...i'm talkin abt those who don't! -___RE szen: I knew, just teasing you ;) have a good day babe!
02:20pm @BeeNeefit Fire & ice in a taste explosion bouquet. perfecttt!
RE BeeNeefit: tummy's happy but brain is slowing down... Zzzz
05:03pm @BeeNeefit woWW. what kinda product/service? haha. & do u
have to read ALL of it?
05:06pm not only is he a moron, he also has a stupid hairdo. what does
he part his hair with, a T-square?
06:49pm @BeeNeefit ive been trying nOt to discover it ....hope i'll hold
out longer than u do!
RE BeeNeefit: try hard.... the convenience of uploading is crazy!
06:50pm i seriously should diet in anticipation of Xmas feasting &
binging, but i'm like...Fuck It.
07:15pm DiGi FAILED for an hour there, stupid yellow cunt.
07:15pm @justinecat fight it! drink lots of water &...stuff. good luckkk
RE justinecat: am fighting desperately, can't afford to miss grey xmas
party! ;p
Thu Dec 16
10:04am a guy in the lift asked me if i was in modelling. WHAT. THE.
Hell..... =P
RE justinecat: nice pick up line. did it work? :D
10:27am @justinecat hey. so u more OK today? hope u got a good sleep
& all.
RE justinecat: aww thanks. i hope so too! wish you were going for the do
tonight. would have loved to see what hat you'd be donning. ;)
11:49am @justinecat tonight? wait oh, thought it was Fri. well i do have
a hat, actually! for our similarly Alice-themed do. where is the Grey
RE justinecat: little havana!
11:49am @justinecat naw, ewww, not a pickup line. some nice (but
apparently blur) 40-smthg uncle lah.
01:11pm @justinecat oh, great! Havana's a cool place. :D
01:13pm there is a lack of healthy food options around our place. loads
of awesome greasy/curry/fried stuff.
01:15pm and at the rate some of my colleagues are eating nasi goreng
every other day, they'll be dead by age 40. :P
03:57pm is on a happy Silent Hill trip. Free soundtrack preview
+downloads, no shit...
RE angelicshades: You should get the movie's ST from that site, if you
haven't yet. Lots of classics from all the games compiled there.
04:24pm SHIT. i hate it when i accidentally click smthing & hv to reload
my page ALL OVER AGAIN. there is a special kinda hell for this, i
04:53pm looking fwd to seeing who's my Secret Santa tomorrow.
06:06pm LB has a pretty interesting & unusual email culture.
07:28pm i personally hATe the words "deets" (details) &
"preggers"(pregnant). They annoy the hell outta me 4 some reason.
07:29pm @justinecat i say, what did u choose 2 wear? A Cheshire cat
hat? Lol
RE justinecat: BLING! hat
09:20pm @justinecat yay awesome. Hey any best dressd awards? =)
RE justinecat: not yet. Just finished giving out the achievement awards.
Now lucky draw.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
09:22pm Whoever invented gelato was a fuckin genius.
Fri Dec 17
10:37am @angelicshades that's what i was doing, woman! in fact i was
searching for this tune frm the film & SH1, "Laura Plays The Piano", &
found it
RE angelicshades: Oh glad you got it then! That's an awesome site.
10:38am @justinecat OK cool. i shall be trawling your FB wall for
pictures. btw i heard the band was kinda crap....?
RE justinecat: no la mana ada? :D probably some jealous guys.
10:51am La la la. Not in a working mood. Let's skip to the booze
already. Btw: meat pies for our Mad Tea Party! me loves meat pies.
12:50pm Moronic requests from LB's most moronic client threatening to
ruin my Xmas mood.
12:58pm @justinecat Sunny said the band played some acoustic/
unplugged shit & killed the party mood. :P
02:50pm hah! LOL :P @justinecat sunny was smashed. 'nuff said ;p
02:52pm finally getting used to a touchpad (started using it coz myy
mouse acts up smtimes). it's not too bad. MacBook's design is very
04:16pm Said it before & I'll say it again: IT IS NOT MY JOB TO DO
05:01pm @justinecat YEAH, stick it to 'im. haha
RE justinecat: GRRRRRRRR
07:10pm haha man, its only 7-smtg & heating up. Hope the party doesnt
end 2 soon!
08:29pm is the kinda person who likes 2 tweet/Fb while high. Dangerous
RE justinecat: tell us something juicy!
09:20pm @sarah_kow haha. But still kid, not so bad... when i was 3, ppl
tot i was a boy.
09:24pm managed to smhow get sucked into 2 drinking games in a row,
wtf. Hahaha
Sat Dec 18
09:46am i dont discriminate agst fat people until they block the damn
road. Move faster, blob!
06:19pm My cousin's hse has a fountain of cherubs w red rust streaks. I
call it the Fount of Bleeding Angels. Its awesome
Sun Dec 19
12:34am My cousin's slow-jazz Xmas songs are Driving Me Fuckin Nuts.
12:44am omg the Ramones just came on, thankyou god.Save me frm this
Perry Como / Bing Crosby shit
07:03pm My dad is a living reminder to me to NEVER GET
Mon Dec 20
10:55am @ewenLian get better soon....maybe aspirin will help? or green
tea. (heard it helps.)
10:56am Lyrics of the day: "Skydive naked from an aeroplane".
Red_Aliss's Twournal
02:33pm LOL...been tagging ppl nonstop in Xmas party albums.
02:55pm Office partial blackout...oh, too bad, fun is over. Power's back
on. :P
03:25pm If u get this smashed, don't drive...or have regrettable sex.
Counting-down-to-Xmas wallpaper!
05:19pm WORST CLIENT EVER .... dunno how long I'll last if I have
to deal with this kind of shit repeatedly.
05:35pm @justinecat hahaha. how does thAT math make any sense?
RE justinecat: i believe it's cos only their voice + sms rates are
competitive. data will cekik darah. and me = heavy data user ;)
06:17pm @BeeNeefit all those...numbers, right? :P i prefer "20Dec2010".
RE BeeNeefit: haha nope it's that i'm supposed to be on leave today.
Tue Dec 21
09:59am feels useless, depressed & confused. I am uninspired. I am in
shambles inside. If I ever lose my career i shall end it.
11:58am My latest heartwarming(?) love story. Enjoy.
02:16pm wonder how the two dots beneath my signature came to be.
funny how these things form thmselves...anyone got ideas how they got
their sig? :)
03:57pm "Sit here on the stairs 'Cause I'd rather be alone If I can't have
you right now, I'll wait Sometimes, I get so (cont)
04:37pm watching Johnnie Walker commercials. they have a great
website too.
04:38pm @justinecat - oooh, happy birthday
woman! someone left a nice surprise at ur desk? :D who was it
RE justinecat: and thanks for wishes! birthday ain't till sunday, this is our
early thingy before everyone rushes off ;)
RE justinecat: haha kellie and dom. it's my cat manja!
07:07pm Fuck this Boxbe shit.
07:09pm @BeeNeefit or a fab pair of boots, or a truckload of books?
"Emergency what; sale until this Fri only! faster..!" :P
RE BeeNeefit: haha i still have way too many books that i've yet to read.
the boots are tempting though. now all i need is the time to shop.
07:10pm @Diouvx yeah, but buying non-cheap labour products takes a
lot of hard labour to fill my wallet...
RE Diouvx: True tht... well... too bad for those poor bastards haha
07:14pm @BeeNeefit heehee let's go shopping together :D i'm starting
to get greedy, myself.
RE BeeNeefit: if work ever gets done. le sigh.
07:15pm @Diouvx yeah well. not saying it's the right or wrong thing to
do. and i'm no saintly shopper, hell.
RE Diouvx: Yeah I know what you mean lol
Wed Dec 22
11:49am Shit man, why doesn't FB let me post a Note without having
to Publish/spam everyone's Walls? i just wanted to put it up to show
12:22pm @eujin2sides @sagarparanjpe Must be peak season. didn't wait
that long when i was there
12:23pm Hyper and hungry, a strange combination that makes me feel
kinda dizzy.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
12:36pm Hey DiGi fellas, can pls tell ur client that their service kinda
sucks of late. Got problem receiving calls :/
01:19pm I've shared this b4 & i'll share it again, just Becoz, Dammit.
pure heavenly R'nR FUNNN. via @youtube
02:14pm @ewenLian dang dont i hate it when that happens! :( hope u
get ur claims $$ soon, babe.
RE ewenLian: WTF April - September claims...
02:59pm @7icia @ewenLian Chasing is undignified, why should we have
to? :( we're not a charity case. it's OUR money.
03:03pm Dear Santa, I would like for @NikkiSixx to make love to me
while reading me a bedtime story.
RE Urfman: he's taken by Denise la. RT Dear Santa, I would like for
@NikkiSixx to make love to me while reading me a bedtime story
03:10pm Fascinating article
index.html thanks to @justinecat for sharing.
RE justinecat: it's inspired me to... read more NYMag ;)
03:13pm @7icia @ewenLian haha dun even talk abt 'no longer there'.
even when you're there they alrdy take forever and ever. that's the killer
RE 7icia: @ewenlian lol!!! True... True... Damn pathetic
03:15pm @justinecat the period-elimination pill sounds awesome btw.
heard of it before, & now i'm reminded to look out for its debut...
03:18pm @Urfman dude, the guy still has sex drive spilling out his ears.
There is more than enough of him to go round...i'm sure ;)
03:43pm HILARIOUS.
05:35pm I still love him.
06:02pm T___T Shed a tear coz i'm missing you, but i'm still alright to
smile. I think about you every day now. T___T
07:02pm he understands me so well.
07:09pm hmm, i hv a few interesting lines & half-ideas. just Don't
Know what to Do with em. :P bludy hell what to do, partner not free to
10:38pm @sarah_kow stick to it! :)
10:56pm My bro & I are both online, surfing G'nR. Move To The City's
blasting frm his speakers, i'm watching some old 80s's great.
10:57pm tThere's a trending topic for Comic Sans hate & 'Are you a
Comic Sans Criminal?". awesome.
Thu Dec 23
10:10am Tomorrow is Eve. MERRY CHRISTMAS,
11:16am Why is it that almost ANY Google image search digs up porn
pictures? =P
11:17am @justinecat Same to ya, pimp-mamma!
01:57pm @ewenLian we should turn off the AC & go work outside,
rite?? since the weather is lovely & cool!
03:51pm I am excited abt this idea, i hope they like it too. some things u
just...can't explain but you can FEEL it
03:52pm @ewenLian where u goiiiinnn'? :)
RE ewenLian: hehe i'm going yogyakarta, indonesia
04:09pm @ewenLian biz or pleasure? =) have fun!! and a great
Yogyakarta Xmas/New Year
RE ewenLian: Of coz pleasure la.. U have a great x'mas and new year
too ..
Red_Aliss's Twournal
04:10pm Cute, weird, HILARIOUS. go make your
own (i wanted to but i refused to give my email address, so it wouldn't let
05:03pm Oh great; i was just googling Nikki Sixx to show a friend what
he looked like, and now my damn head is full of (cont)
05:51pm good for you! @sadyn Coolest company ever. :'D
06:00pm Jeezus. Is there no way to take some trivial fun quiz on
Facebook WITHOUT sharing it with the world? what is WITH this autopublish thing?
RE justinecat: pre-req so that you spam everyone then THEY WANT
06:51pm I dedicate the Runaways' "You Drive Me Wild" to this man.
07:43pm Make this a decade of decadence. Exercise your appetite
for destruction. And live like it's a permanent vacation. HAPPY
Fri Dec 24
07:43pm saw the most kickass leather boots, w/ spikes. Too bad didnt hv
my size :(
10:30pm ok i found my boots. Not kickass ones,but still very nice. Goes
well w/ evrything frm jeans to dresses
Sat Dec 25
10:13am @BeeNeefit thinking of a special sm1 keeping u awake? I know
how that feels...
10:15am Coffee & a good book is still the classic way to begin the
Sun Dec 26
12:07am @BeeNeefit weii...? Why u getting those questions alrdy? Is it
the 19th century, ppl? -_____- How bout we DONT marry,at all
01:19pm Loving & protecting someone doesnt give u the right to assume
they can't do shit without ur help.
01:41pm Stupid cow of an aunt kept staring at me. Yes, bitch, my
eczema's bad 2day. U gonna make it go away? Be my guest
07:32pm I was abt to continue my festiveness & Xmas spamming, but U
KNOW WHAT? Somebody has fucking ruined it THANKYOU VERY
07:36pm Becoz I am not 16 anymore and I cannot continue to let you
talk down to me.
07:37pm Look, if you could just start by Not putting me down At Every
Opportunity. Kay? coz, like, that would be a start. A good start.
RE BeeNeefit: oh dear sounds tough.. Hugs
08:40pm A Love That Lies
08:41pm @BeeNeefit thank you loads. *hugs back*
08:51pm he ruined my birthday, he's ruining christmas, and hey maybe
New Year as well. might as well continue the tradition, rite?
09:01pm But hey! who wants to get wasted on NY Eve? message me,
Tue Dec 28
Red_Aliss's Twournal
11:29am Is there no way to resize my twitter side bar? it's kinda
pointlessly wide, & includes info i don't particularly need.
11:49am Ah man, just discovered my iTunes bass booster wasn't on. no
wonder my metal songs all flat! #nowplaying Evanescence - Weight Of
The World
12:14pm wants curly fries. Salty sinful spiced intoxication in a box.
12:21pm Actually, it's abt a woman getting bored of her oh-soNew Yorker life & needs Stereotypically Asian Zen to (cont) http://
01:54pm @justinecat I love you. you are one of my most awesome
twitter-pals. *hug*
RE justinecat: awww *shy* <3
01:57pm #nowplaying Overdose Delusion by Akira Yamaoka. Heady,
grinding & strangely hypnotic stuff
02:29pm " he could take over the world while shouting bee-based
puns from atop his black and yellow-striped blimp" HAHAHA http://
02:44pm because i swear to god, i have vivid fantasies abt driving an ice
pick through their ignorant faces.
03:09pm haha i did it. "tell em to go screw themselves. and if they wanna
fight, they can come here & fight with me. to my FACE."
04:28pm BBQ Cheezels = WIN. Cheezels are my favourite junk food of
all time.
04:29pm I can relate to that. even did jumping jacks in there, to warm up
@sadyn Hiding out in the toilet because the office is freezing
04:55pm CUNTS!!!!!
04:56pm @justinecat haha thx...oh i dunno babe, you haven't met
THESE ppl. hv worked on so many accts @ Grey, & yet to encounter
this kinda idiocy.
RE justinecat: oooh who could this be? bank/insurance? fmcg? ;p
04:59pm K, imma delete one of my prev tweets coz...might come back 2
haunt my career. made my point for the few mins it was up. just needed 2
05:02pm @justinecat Not telling here la! maybe i PM you
05:40pm just had the most interesting conversation abt relationships.
turns out we hv a lot in common, being resolutely single & all.
05:49pm nope, nOt suits. or anyone in the office. :) @eujin2sides Wow!
Do u hate ur suits that much?
06:34pm Jeezus christ i'm going outstation tomorrow, & haven't bloody
packed yet. seeing as i'm horrendously disorganized, shoulda done it
07:40pm Woiii. FA faster come!!! :P
08:15pm pointless update # 1: Still waiting for FA. WTF mannnn!
08:26pm Fk me, no need to wait for FA after all. holy shit & i coulda
been home packing for tomorrow morn. is shitting rain
08:34pm #nowplaying Hollywood Bitch, one of the few Stone Temple
songs I rly like. & waiting for the sky to stop pissing rain so I can go
Wed Dec 29
12:23am @Diouvx course there is. but karaoke iz fun xD
Red_Aliss's Twournal
RE Diouvx: It is... it's just that... it's always karaoke or surprise party... so
12:23am anyone know someone who can score some pot? having a hotel
room party
12:27am @Diouvx haha if even surprises are becoming monotonous, u
know u gotta problem :P
RE Diouvx: Surprise parties are too predictable! lol...
Thu Dec 30
10:13am crazy man. Nationwide leave declared, haha...
10:14am At my grandfolks' place, a small town in Johor. A goddamn
rooster woke me up at dawn. Imma slaughter you soon, you bloody cock
09:42pm @BeeNeefit why, u no longer pole?
RE BeeNeefit: I still pole but had a month break so out of shape d from
all the year end piggery
09:45pm @eujin2sides coz, erm, his powers only extend to the mental
sphere? Jean Grey's the telekinetic one. Prof X doesn't do kinetic ( i
09:46pm picked a dead rat off the kitchen floor, & my aunt & mom
making me sound like such a goddamned hero hahaha
09:47pm book almost finished & the terror of boredom
encroaches ...luckily for da internetz!
Sat Jan 01
11:24pm Feel good times i'll never forget, thanks to some sweet photos.
+ thanks to Rae & Ash for roping me in
Mon Jan 03
11:30am is feeling fairly inspired this morning. Hope it's a good sign for
the year!
02:30pm @BeeNeefit attend one after another like the in-demand social
butterfly that u are. or just pick the most FAB one. u are a superstar
RE BeeNeefit: ahahah... i might do the party hopping thing. happy new
year babe.
04:26pm @sadyn There are some good places here, but idk bout S'pore,
sorry. Hope u find the help u need!
Red_Aliss's Twournal
04:49pm strangely true (the reptile part at least). & i thought these
things were stupid :P - You Were a Lizard
07:15pm 'Estranged' basically encapsulates everything that might be
wrong with your life & tells you that there is Hope. (and dolphins.)
Tue Jan 04
10:08am @sherylhosulynn Have u tried the KTM? THAT is scary. if i
never use it again it shall be too soon.
10:12am I say, when is Idol hitting M'sian airwaves? Screw the
contestants, lookin forward to my Man Steven! ;P
RE justinecat: but with steven comes... J LO!
10:22am FUCKING WINNN, MAN. :D via
11:39am @justinecat hahaha. well, never rly had a problem with J.Lo & i
hope not to. she's probly an OK person when not booking hotel rooms... __01:40pm Hmm, he is one of the most interesting persons I've ever
personally known.
03:51pm FOOD PORN. Culinary cunnilingus. Cuisinerotica.
Freshly cooked foreplay. This blog is simply sensual. http://
05:32pm was probably one of the last people to know YL is leaving LB
despite working here.
05:34pm man i am so bad with this grapevine thing... :P i am that person
who only finds out during the It's Official announcement
08:24pm shit shit shit ShIT SHIT. How stupid can i get? I am a useless
git smtimes, i swear
Wed Jan 05
10:39am - I Am a Red Pumpkin #blogthings
03:11pm Random fact of the day: young Al Pacino looked smokin' HOT
in "Dog Day Afternoon". What's my name baby? "ATTICA!"
04:26pm @randomyai I am Lungry!!
04:26pm Hungry + Lazy = Hazy. I am Hazy right now. xD
RE Uraccaish: i can imagine me too
04:47pm badly wants curly fries. badly.
RE Uraccaish: me too hahaha
RE BeeNeefit: haha i'm craving cheezy wedges. i think it's the weather.
damn cold.
05:04pm @BeeNeefit oooh isn't it?! gonna have to OD on hot tea
again. :P and i cant feel my fingernails.
05:32pm Holycrap, 'Advertising Space' by Robbie Williams is a great
05:43pm wants to watch Across The Universe again. =) =)
RE Uraccaish: whats that?
06:12pm @uraccaleow a movie. :)
RE Uraccaish: dear cousin m bored
06:13pm Living is easy with eyes closed.
06:16pm It's getting hard to be someone but it all works out.
06:16pm Nothing is Real.
Thu Jan 06
Red_Aliss's Twournal
10:17am Good morning, fuckers. This is your cherry bomb reporting frm
LB where it's freezing & imma OD on hot tea again. Wish we had some
10:26am Question of the day: someone asked me why I talk about sex so
much. Perhaps my answer should be, Why Not? :)
10:43am Listen up mofos. If you're feeling down & your morning sucks,
blast This. via @youtube
12:09pm Dream wallet. Hey, don't have to wait for my birthday... http://
12:14pm DiGi just sent me an invitation to a K-Pop party. Think I
should go? LOL .. So much for knowing your customer.
02:00pm @justinecat COOL. haha. on the other hand, it might mean
that writers in general need to up their sense of style .. xD
RE justinecat: not you ;)
02:40pm @justinecat *muka sombong* i know. LOL
02:41pm hahaha Ash is being 'needy' again. I find it irritating on other
people, but he makes it seem so endearing. lol.
04:16pm Maggi Hot Cup. i almost never take that crap, but GOD it's
good when you're hungry & cold & just need smthg with hot soup in it
04:18pm @justinecat by the view of the great legs, u mean?
RE justinecat: you're too too kind. hahahah
04:41pm I still dunno why but Shia LeBeouf irritates me. Something abt
the nose, maybe. And pop mags are painting him as sexy? Ermmm. If
you say so
05:46pm @BeeNeefit selling your house? :)
RE BeeNeefit: it would be nice, if i had one to sell.
05:54pm @BeeNeefit oh. what's with the wheeling & dealing in property
06:12pm @BeeNeefit ok sorry. moar misunderstanding. apologies ____-"
07:17pm I am scared & neurotic. My thoughts are all over the place.
Fri Jan 07
11:50am @BeeNeefit Unfriend him/her naoww! :P
RE BeeNeefit: haha well if i look at it postively, he was being brutally
honest, and there are not many of that kind of friends left.
11:52am wants to curl up & die until my stupid ruined skin gets better
02:25pm Thanks Iska & Michelle, for being so supportive. I don't have
to bend over backwards to get my initiatives done, yay
02:26pm @BeeNeefit yeah i guess so. :) haha... i guess he was concerned
for ur health, or at least the health of ur ass.
04:33pm Surprise: #nowplaying Dreamgirls' "Listen". (really.) complete
with dramatic-empty-auditorium imagery... xD
04:33pm @justinecat LOL! feel like asking u to PM me, tell me whoosit
06:27pm Ms Elaine Chew of Samsung, you are a helpful darling. bless
Sun Jan 09
04:48pm hmm shit, now i really am broke thanx to this fab leather jacket.
04:49pm @szen or find someone new who deserves that trust
07:03pm is confused. & neurotic again. I feel small & stupid & less than
myself. Its not true of course. :(
Red_Aliss's Twournal
Mon Jan 10
01:26pm @randomyai xD we can watch porn & call it research xD
01:27pm The only way to get a song unstuck from ur head is to listen to
it. Yup...
01:29pm Right now I'm afraid to go on Facebook coz I'd get sucked into
Cityville. So, no more FB till after work today! not even for 2 secs.
02:58pm Na, na na na, na na na, na-na-na-na-na-na na, na na na....
03:05pm @BeeNeefit yo girl... try smthg more 'kau' than green tea.
green tea got no caffeine. =P
03:05pm Our traffic manager Liz is damn nice. Idk what we do to
deserve her niceness. You're the best, woman
03:41pm anyone can send over some Cheezels? i badly need Cheezels
right now. :P
03:48pm Ash always puts me in a good mood ^_______^
04:32pm i know i said i shouldnta gone on FB, but i did -___- for bout 3
mins. & saw that Sunny finally got his freezing Korea trip, yay!
07:39pm @randomyai hurr..?? I'm not leading the way. *yawn*
07:42pm @randomyai is looking for kaki to join him for Deftones
(hitting Msia this Feb). Interested, go bug him
Tue Jan 11
11:19am one good thing abt working with a perfectionist: when you
finally manage to please them, you're like "YES! I ROCK" hahaha.
11:22am Interesting Trend-topic of the day: 'Roll Ducks Roll'.
11:50am Congratulations, StandChart, for not being able to tell if I'm a
Sir or Madam. -__02:25pm @BeeNeefit yes, go inject yourself with Wolverine healing
powers! & maybe some titanium bones to kick that pole's ass.
02:29pm BRILLIANT.
02:32pm Do you ever have a soundtrack to your clothes? Wearing this
jacket makes me NEED to listen to Motley Crue. xD
04:18pm @justinecat holyshit! it's You Against The World. what
epicness...can see the movie poster alrdy. And the crappy sequels too.
RE justinecat: GAH!
04:19pm Random question. If you had your own version of the Death
Star, what'd be its most special feature & what would you name it?
Wed Jan 12
12:32am can't sleep, frolicking in The Garden (my Cityville town). need
help staffing my post office :P
12:48am @angelicshades hope the frost wears off soon. before you turn
into popsicles. a whole week! got enough potatoes to survive?
12:50am 25mins of laptop battery to go. need to harvest my damn
strawberries & get off FB noww.
10:43am Today's makeup theme: Crushed Velvet. Hazy purples & greys,
smudge of kohl/eyeliner, just a hint of shimmer, & matte purplish lips.
11:18am @szen yeah...imho, it's not just job security tho. it's just having
some Purpose in life...having smthg to go to or do when u wake up. :)
RE szen: agreed. I would rather live with purpose.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
11:39am @BeeNeefit good idea what. makes time pass faster. imagine
jogging thru an entire CSI episode... yes to epic workouts =D
RE BeeNeefit: exactly! no running outdoors where there's wind and rain
and hills and whatnot.
12:08pm @BeeNeefit yes...those damn Hills, whose steepness you can't
02:20pm Chapati Philosophy. Some wonderful, existence-probing
conversation over Indian food ...
03:16pm #nowplaying Photograph. "Oh, look what you've done/To this
rock 'n roll clown."
03:27pm oh & guess what... the newspaper delivery man frm Grey
building saw me in the chapati shop during lunch & said hi to me. haha.
04:11pm It occurs to me, the Mat Rempit think they're our Hell's Angels
equivalent; but they couldn't be more wrong. (cont)
04:13pm Hey dudes and dames. Moby @thelittleidiot has immensely
interesting tweets. and a cool website, too (
04:49pm man, i shouldnta said imagination is a disturbing place
smtimes. i weird ppl out when i air too much of it. :P
05:02pm Ms Elaine Chiou is passionate abt her product. A bright
beautiful suit, & so helpful too.
06:07pm I am thinking of starting another Twitter account called
"Interesting Shit My Friend Ash Says".
06:25pm Nice spoof of the Make A Wish foundation (& it's purely a
parody, so no hate plz).
Thu Jan 13
11:23am AAAAAAHHHH busy day. need to make a list according to
urgency of deadline. :P
RE BeeNeefit: what if they're ALL urgent T__T
01:37pm i know that if i'm on the edge & i'm abt to jump, you will talk
me out of it. that is always a comforting thought.
01:39pm @BeeNeefit aHAHAha! that is the kicker, eh? there is no
heirarchy & therefore they're all competing to be the first.
02:58pm @justinecat cor! so we're gonna be hearing some interesting
thoughts from ya..?
RE justinecat: nah, it isn't a publishing tool. More of a social media feeds
hub + diary thing :p
03:00pm my favourite bird type is probly the falcon. it's small & strong &
fierce, & true. like a dagger well thrown.
04:51pm Working in the LB Bistro now coz the A/C vent above my place
annoys me so. plus it's warmer here.
07:29pm @BeeNeefit pretending he/she isn't your boss? LoL
07:30pm @BeeNeefit no. you're too young & brilliant to die. the ad
industry will keep u alive; even if it has to hook u to a damn machine,
07:31pm my next initiative idea: AUGMENTED REALITY,
motherfuckers. (will i get to work with exciting technology in this
lifetime? eheheh)
07:32pm audience interacting with a cinema ad. singing mousepads.
alternate realities that seem actually real. how's that....
RE BeeNeefit: I LIKE!
07:50pm @BeeNeefit hehe. i had an idea of projecting tweets onto the
side of a building or wall...but someone beat me to executing it. le sigh
RE BeeNeefit: lol I already had that thought too. Keep pushing!
Red_Aliss's Twournal
Fri Jan 14
10:15am @BeeNeefit yeah probly coz we're both twiddicts. ha
10:21am Morning, fuckers. #nowplaying "I Am The Spider". Sweet track
10:55am @BeeNeefit aww kesian =( i wish i could be there to give you
warm hugs. anyone can lend u a scarf or smthg?
RE BeeNeefit: haha no worries the coat calvary has responded. i have
options now =P
10:56am @justinecat i dog can give me the cutest "why are
you gooiiiinggg...?" looks. aww
RE justinecat: then you start thinking "should i take the day off?" XD
10:57am haz a half-formed story in my mind abt a girl being pursued by
hellhounds whenever she hits the road.
02:33pm @justinecat no no, must not sacrifice your career for your
'kids'. lol.
02:34pm @BeeNeefit whoa. Coat Calvary! epic. xD
05:35pm I guess smtimes, to save Earth, you gotta force humans to do
things. or in this case, to Not do smthing. : )
07:44pm "stick around now, it may show. I dont know; I dont
07:46pm It's funny. How u can never tell just who you'll fall for. Then
again, this one's not such a surprise.
Sat Jan 15
11:13am tired of struggling smtimes; can't imagine battling this 4 d rest
of my life, but i can't stop being a fighter.
12:40pm LoL @NikkiSixx totally insulted Dire Straits...or rather their
wives. Bad boy, you
12:42pm i shouldnt call u Baby, but i cant help it :p
Sun Jan 16
01:09pm The cherry blossoms at Pavilion rock. Great springy vibe,
especially w/ today's mild weather
04:48pm The toilet at A&W near Sogo/Campbell Plaza is disgusting.
Using it may ruin ur appetite
10:45pm Wow. My home internet connection continues to impress with
its epic shittiness.
Mon Jan 17
10:26am Good freezing morning. I'm wishing I had leather for my
fingers as well as my upper body. How was the Golden Globes? Loads of
lovely green..
11:28am Some insanely good stuff @ the Golden Globes style parade.
Sculptured figure huggers, old-world feminine charm, gossamer chiffon,
the works.
11:29am The best of couture detail, people. Idk if the Oscars can beat
02:43pm what your fave Wood Floor says abt you. what will they think of
next? :P - #blogthings
04:17pm Fathil's last day; & instd of us buying, he go & belanja us. haha.
You're The Man, Fath. hope your future career dreams come true
RE Uraccaish: nice of him..
Red_Aliss's Twournal
06:29pm @BeeNeefit HOLYFUCK you're going to Adfest? why,
winning Young Creative not enough for you ahhh... :D
RE BeeNeefit: =.= nola they are sending the young creatives.
06:32pm 6.30pm and the A/C is off. My blue fingernails will start
returning to their normal shade now.
07:32pm @BeeNeefit and you are... ..... ......?
RE BeeNeefit: part of the package XP
08:15pm Thank god for friends. Nuffsed.
Tue Jan 18
09:50am i felt like ending it. I rly did. Just too much. If i dont feel
successful, its like life means nothing.
09:52am i have frens & family, i have much compared to many ppl, yet i
am empty. Why?
RE Uraccaish: dont try to hard to fit yourself.u will love it. do
everything with thinking first
12:51pm sHIT, walk out 4 lunch & realize my wristband is missing. Plz
pls let it be in the office
05:10pm Recording done way earlier than expectd. Damn why heavy
rain? Otherwise can go Midvalley shopping...ahaha (dun tell traffic)
RE Uraccaish: hmm not meant to shop today i guess?
08:50pm @uraccaleow thanks for the comforting words.
08:51pm @uraccaleow heheh. anyway, window shopping only...bajet
membeli-belah sudah belah. :P
RE Uraccaish: ahahha..bagus la u punya pantun.saya banyak mengantuk
08:53pm Fucking Jialat cocksuckers are at it again. By all means be
pussies, but I will not pussify my copy in the name of ur stupidity
Wed Jan 19
10:25am Morning, lil fuckers. I'm Not Okay but i hope you are.
RE Uraccaish: y aren't u? btw yea is in host now
10:25am FuckWhat @NikkiSixx Someone just sent me a painting they
did to my office.Instead of paint they used menstrual blood.I love my life
10:44am Drink Jack Daniels. It's good for your genitals. http://
10:46am Painted in menstrual blood. SHIITTTT.
RE Uraccaish: euuwww but isnt no where near maroon either
02:29pm @uraccaleow maybe it was mixed with dark paint so as to look
less 'bloody'. :P idk. or maybe the photo is flawed.
RE Uraccaish: or maybe it's ntg like that at all :)
02:29pm @uraccaleow ya i know. my mom mentioned to me aledi.
RE Uraccaish: m so sleepy come save me
02:32pm Talk Dirty To Me. (on my friend Ash, not the song. we were
talking porn & roleplaying over a long slacker lunch)
04:22pm @uraccaleow LOL. saving you now... if u are awake to read
this, that is.
RE Uraccaish: what time was this ago? hmm well why doesn't twitter
have notifications
04:23pm @uraccaleow Anyway where are u now? at work? now is
ngantuk time , biasalah.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
RE Uraccaish: i am ngantuk again and u are nicely cuddling in your bed!
going to see yea today?
07:34pm I think i shall switch off my phone after 9pm. Change
headline...Why? You like to be writer mah. Change it yourself. Happy
RE justinecat: you da mannnnnnn
07:37pm xD @justinecat you da mannnnnnn
Thu Jan 20
06:52pm Slept at 3.30am, woke up at 1pm, & did absolutely nothing of
significance the whole day. Ahhh
Fri Jan 21
10:21am god, Kelvin names EVERYthing after his daughters. LOL...
btw, he has yet to get that tattoo! when u gonna get inked, Kelv?
10:47am @angelicshades AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH I <3
Hellequin. Like her very name isn't badass enough!! xD
RE angelicshades: I know right? She is one HOT clown! XD
10:48am wants to get Back In The Saddle again.
RE Uraccaish: what saddle? cycling? wow since when haha
11:09am @yygben (who is yygben, lol) Nay. It refers to getting back into
your mode, into top form after a blah period. also the name of a good
RE Uraccaish: ohhhh yygben is your cousin :) stand's for ben's sayang :P
11:11am OK, why the hell do I have to bend over backward to claim my
measly 15 bucks? that's petty cash. and it's been three fucking months.
RE Uraccaish: my gosh......3months pun hutang lagi?
12:12pm Hahaha I 'do my best to ignore my feelings'. Except when
blogging I guess. Or ranting.
12:13pm Actually I feel more comfortable with anger than sadness.
Anger gives you the illusion that u are doing smthg. Sadness is passive.
12:40pm PLEASE RT: a NEW PRIVACY setting called "Instant
Personalization" shares data with non-Facebook websites. It's (cont)
02:55pm "she wears high heels, i wear t-shirts" i am destined to be the
friend & never the girlfriend. T_____T
RE Uraccaish: the song right??
02:57pm @yygben yes, & more.
RE Uraccaish: ahh coz u said n more
RE Uraccaish: hmmm n MORE?
02:58pm Stop chasing girls who destroy you.
03:33pm @yygben yup. geddit?
RE Uraccaish: sort of.....hmm got isi tersirat wan this one
05:25pm Dealing with Client-cum-Copywriter...NEED A LITTLE
RE Uraccaish: hurmm....yes just smile and aherher aherher laugh
05:27pm There are days when I think: If this wasn't such a kickass
agency, I'd leave just because of the lousy account I'm on.
06:18pm So far, Idol quote of the week is "Did you eat a lot of paint
chips as a kid?" Looking forward to more gems. :)
07:10pm @justinecat yay! when's it coming out? :P so i can get my
personally autographed copy.
RE justinecat: sign it rockstar style? on your cleavage!
07:23pm Updating my hair tomorrow...
Red_Aliss's Twournal
Sat Jan 22
09:50pm @randomyai but the most important question is this: How do
we sign up as experiment volunteers? xD
09:51pm writing a story about a house rat named Paint Chips. but the
plot has reached a block & i dunno what shd happen to him next. Help. :)
RE justinecat: manja eats him. the end :D
10:41pm @szen Totally Agree. i just had an incident this noon involving
a major DISRESPECT of Personal Space and Privacy.
RE szen: is annoying right?! Gosh, the worst is they are so difficult to get
rid off.
Sun Jan 23
09:41am Old-fashioned chinese brkfast: char siu pao & steaming green
tea, on a lazy Sunday ^_____^
Mon Jan 24
10:02am Hello & good Monday. Song of the hour: Youth Gone Wild,
Skid Row. Tomorrow we'll do smthg easier-listening. But not today.
Today we kick ass
12:19pm It's kinda hard to listen to Janie's Got A Gun with a smile,
when you know what the lyrics are about.
04:37pm @justinecat LOL. Maybe for your bday, i will write a
personalised story starring you & Manja haha
RE justinecat: HAHAHAHAHAHA i'd LOVE to read that.
04:41pm #nowplaying Ozzy - I Don't Wanna Stop. Has one of those
great choruses you need to singalong to en masse. With fists & beer
bottles raised.
05:04pm I make it a principle never to add bosses on FB. But since it's
two days to YL's retirement bash, I accepted his request... :P
06:41pm @justinecat Omg the "gay slur"... LOL there is one is Every
Frigging YouTube commentbox, btw.
10:35pm is on free mobile internet til midnite, yay
10:36pm @justinecat ei there, hope Plastic Puking Kitty is ok now. That
sounds bad
10:38pm had an idea of having a cyber party, but need 2 get skype 1st :p
Tue Jan 25
10:51am can't believe how addicted to Cityville i am. dammit
12:07pm will be at Leonardo's tonight for
agenda/5944 with @randomyai & @willowhippo
12:07pm @angelicshades OMG OMG OMG. Company Of Wolves was
an amazing film.
RE angelicshades: I love the bit about the husband who leaves on their
wedding night and returns with murder on his mind. Amazing stuff!
12:22pm @angelicshades i love the surreal bits e.g. Gramma's head
evaporates into white milky splinters instd of (cont)
12:24pm @angelicshades altho, i am of the opinion that it should
hv ended there (werewolf Rose & her lover running off (cont) http://
02:19pm @justinecat u going? :)
Red_Aliss's Twournal
02:49pm Ah Beng Auto Attack. It exists in mat salleh land too. http://
02:50pm @justinecat Jail Time? those words roll off the tongue far too
mildly 2 be sufficient punishment. Eaten Alive By Dogs. THAT sounds
abt right
RE justinecat: people really suck. have you been following the poodble
case on fb? what sorry excuses for human beings.
06:10pm @justinecat No...don't think i want to. not unless i can do to
them what they done to the poodle. Plus i wanna retain some faith in
06:12pm oooh! hope to see a pic of u wearing it smtime soon. @szen
Just brought a red skirt. So classy!
06:20pm Shit shit shit. i hope waiting to sign that bloody digital proof
doesn't hold me back frm Leonardo's tonite
08:43pm @justinecat @kan53r no no! only Axl. the other guys still look
good for their age. Yeah, Mr Rose is hardly recognizable anymore...*sad*
08:43pm @BeeNeefit go go go... :D
08:44pm ah well. Leonardo's plan didn't happen after all. stupid proof
plus a ding-dong job with a stupid client.
08:54pm still waiting to sign proof. still waiting to sign proof. still waiting
to sign proof.still waiting to sign proof. still waiting
RE BeeNeefit: aiks missed your talk? It looked good..
09:04pm proof signed!! xD
Wed Jan 26
09:41am @BeeNeefit SAIGHS. yes babe. just to sign one stupid ad i
didn't even like (it had a moronic pic chosen by moronic client....hurhur)
09:42am Later today, I'll be good friends with the espresso machine.
RE Uraccaish: hmm......i think i need coffee although m not a fan but so
sleepy la
12:30pm Fashion strangeness of the day: Zaidi has the exact same
flower-motif shirt in like four different-coloured versions.
12:30pm Cold & fungry.
12:34pm How is this video not more famous?? Well it will be soon. WIN,
baby, win via @youtube
06:04pm YewLeong's goodbye bash in 10mins. Plenty of good foodsies,
though i doubt the 3 bottles of Jack (a kind donation) will last very long.
07:39pm there is a whole, full bottle left in the buffet room.
hmmmmmm. *itchy fingers* let's have another party!
08:29pm said it before and i'll say it again. Def Lep is the Best band to
be drunk to.
Thu Jan 27
10:43am @yygben urgh. i didn't know u can get sandflies here. where
were u
RE Uraccaish: i went to port dickson n freaggin itchy
10:44am Tonight & tomorrow: more Idol. Hoping for more Tylerisms.
11:48am ah damn; i can foresee that a decent radio script is abt to
be ruined by "Terms & Conditions Apply." when will this cliche be
12:26pm just realized my gang consists almost entirely of all McD
fellas...& they're going for CNY luncheon that i can't join. :( :(
02:10pm @Jonnwith2ns hey dude. you ever thought of changing your
username to HairOfYourButt or smthg?
Red_Aliss's Twournal
02:11pm @yygben oh. Sandfly bites itch like mad is it? why the hell so
many of em in PD...hmm must warn ppl.
RE Uraccaish: m so bored at work ,i think i am going to apply a night job
as well
RE Uraccaish: don't know le...i thought none so nicely wear shorts. i
think depends which part of the beach u go also....i heard uneven ground
02:19pm Collin had better not get the account that I've gotten when he
comes here. With his extremely low BS-handling threshold, he'll blow up.
RE justinecat: imagine phang on it!
04:36pm CAKE.
RE Uraccaish: i want....m so stressed
07:28pm @justinecat they were saying...'dye your hair purple next'? xD
RE justinecat: according to the box, my new colour is Volcano Red. :D
07:28pm Rewriting almost an entire corporate identity guide...whewwws
08:06pm @BeeNeefit LOL ... no, it's great chocolate scoops of fun
actually! -___- with rainbow-shitting ponies on top.
08:07pm Fuckin' drinks machine is outta water. Anyone know how to
handle a Nescafe dispenser?
08:45pm CNY coolness on our festive fanpage. Come, come! The app's
opening sequence is pretty trippy.
Fri Jan 28
RE Uraccaish: awww...wish i can help u
10:19am Check out @thekatvond 's new tat machine, it's pretty insane.
10:30am Time to get emo & appreciate yer folks. Happy CNY all! http:// via @youtube
03:02pm thinking of changing my Twitter username but dunno what it
should be. Have had so many alter-ego names throughout my online
life :P
03:02pm @sarah_kow not unless you're a dog lover! ^__^
04:22pm @BeeNeefit hahaha 'Littles'! yeah, the brand name happened
to be convenient. Sounds cute & quirky!
04:23pm i hv this thing abt not feeling like fruit when it's cold...meaning i
hv to wait for a day when A/C breaks dwn to eat my stash of mandarins.
05:24pm Semangat berdebar-debar! (or is it berkobar-kobar?)
RE Uraccaish: norm it's hati berdebar-debar n semangat kobar-kobar!!
05:31pm @lifesearching wah good....your BM is now more terer
RE Uraccaish: i have a malay partner :P
05:39pm @lifesearching ya i know, that's why lah.
RE Uraccaish: uhuh la.... m bored again..i hope cny eve can b around for
dinner la
07:17pm Our CEO Kien asked what i'm working on, & i wished badly
that i had a more impressive answer.
08:21pm I officially have proof: Human beings are the only species to
allow the Stupid Gene to survive. Stupid people (cont)
08:29pm Any moment now. The temper is gonna come, any moment
now... **takes long breaths** wish i had some weed or smthg.
09:37pm Maggi Xtra Delicious lies. it's not extra delicious. The only diff
is it comes with dehydrated veggies & 3 (i counted) dehydrated shrimps.
09:38pm have never had dehydrated shrimps before, btw. strange things.
Sat Jan 29
Red_Aliss's Twournal
11:15am my ma found a beautiful brown puppy, it got lost & we're
hoping to return it before we get too attached.
Sun Jan 30
12:45pm 2-mth old female puppy, a lovely healthy brown mixed-beagle,
up for adoption. If interested, contact me Within Next 2 Weeks. thanks
01:03pm This is her. the female mixed-beagle baby looking for a home
Mon Jan 31
10:09am It's not a great account, but god does it have a great suit on
board. SeeMun, you rock
10:09am Almost forgot i had recording on today. haha.
10:24am Morning babes & boys of all ages. All we need is Radio Ga Ga.
"So don't become some background noise. Someone still loves you."
10:50am According to, the Nazis were the first to coin the
term 'passive smoking'. How's that for health trivia.
12:00pm My fingers are freezing. Can I shove my hands in my jacket &
type with the power of my mind?
12:36pm feels like a life without career success is not worth living.
12:37pm Smtimes i wonder if i will ever be 100% happy.
RE BeeNeefit: I know the feeling...
02:07pm How exactly does donating a tweet work?
earthhour i am all for doing it, but just wondering what it...y'know...does.
03:49pm maluation, had to adjust my script last min coz timing out by
3secs. Never again...on the othr hand, sfx is turning out nicely
03:57pm Ida Nerina in da hse. Trying not to act like a fan...
RE justinecat: i was like that with... joe hasham -_08:28pm @justinecat lol. Joe is an awesome dude. i cherish moments
like these, it's shameless-bragging fodder for the next class reunion.
08:29pm @BeeNeefit oooohhh. who is da hunk, tell!
09:37pm @Diouvx u are evidently not in the same country....?
RE Diouvx: I'm back in KL :)
09:38pm it's so deliciously cool i am in my usually stuffy bedroom with
no fan on, & drinking hot green tea =D wheeee
09:52pm @Diouvx ok.'s so lovelily cool right now! unless
someone locked u in a box or smthg?
RE Diouvx: I dunno I was walking around imbi and I couldn't breathe..
dunno why.. lol
09:54pm shit, man, a totally hot guy just added me to his watchlist on an
art forum. xD
10:01pm did i mention he has an interest in chain mail? oh please be
single! :D
Tue Feb 01
12:21am Revisiting a childhood classic. Blood, guts & all. :D
12:27pm "Books should be judged on their merits. Speculations as to the
author’s intentions should not tilt the scale (cont)
Wed Feb 02
Red_Aliss's Twournal
11:21am Backstreet Boys' 'Everybody' is a really good song as far as
bubblegum pop goes. On that note, so is Britney's classic 'Hit Me Baby' ...
06:40pm @eujin2sides yay! Best nyer. Was wondering when i'd get 2
enjoy my fave kopi ais again
06:43pm Have a decadently yummy reunion, everyone. Happy
CNY...we're all wearing red here!
Thu Feb 03
10:16pm A friend of my cousin who only met me once last year instantly
identified me as the Drunk Cousin. Great... :p
Fri Feb 04
12:28pm never been a gambler. Evrytime that grand CNY tradition
comes around, i'm accused of being stingy :p
Mon Feb 07
10:09am My first day after a long hol. Discovered my laptop never shut
down properly (MAJOR OVERHEAT?) & my pen is missing. I hate my
10:10am Srsly, techxperts here, tell me: is it ok that my laptop was left
running for 10 days & nights straight?
RE justinecat: my laptop has been on since last April. ;)
10:42am @angelicshades ah, happily misleading DVD covers. the
designer of that cover art has been practicing his/her Evil Laugh...xD
11:48am @justinecat kaythanks for the reassurance ^^
11:48am Collin's 1st day here xD
11:56am What The Fuck, Google? I can no longer sign in to YouTube
w/ my Yahoo! username? does that mean my entire account under that
name is gone??
03:03pm Loh Sang & CNY merriment later on. And Nell says anyone
who brings "happy juice" is most welcome. You heard her....
03:57pm @sadyn if u were being honest, it was probly the right thing. it
shows you're not content with anything less than excellent ^___^
Tue Feb 08
10:37am Good mornin' fuckers. I Hate Myself For Loving Youu!!!
opening with a karaoke favourite. xD
12:04pm oh god. corporate identity booklets get really, really boring
toward the arse end.
12:05pm Brand statements are nice to write, design elements and copy
styles are grand...but then comes the nitty gritty measurements on 101
12:05pm Still, I am on the last page! Yes!
04:05pm finished a new story last night. working name - Song Of The
04:12pm Staying back for FA day, & hopefully won't be a nightmare like
last time.
04:25pm beauty of the day, by my unreasonably talented & irritatingly
modest ex-college matey.
06:38pm A hot guy was leaving comments on erotic poetry i wrote. this is
just the best thing that has happened to me today.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
07:21pm sigh. suddenly so sad coz imma miss someone. :(
09:04pm All of these ideas are uberfantastic, but especially the space
Wed Feb 09
02:30am Excerpt from my upcoming story... "I have not slept at all.
My eyes have become numb holes in my head. Only the (cont) http://
10:48am Fuckin' A, guys, this is Beyond Cool.
11:12am i badly want to sing Telephone out loud right now.
12:15pm Imma hit the streets for lunch with Ash & totally sing
Telephone out loud, i dont care. HELLO HELLO, BABY YOU
RE justinecat: nooooooooo
12:19pm i swear i must be manic-depressive becoz this morning my life
sucked balls & i was pissed. and now I'M KINDA BUSYYY, I'M KINDA
12:28pm @justinecat LOLLLL. Yeeeesssss.....
02:20pm @justinecat nyahaha. there is no escape from the little
monsters. next it'll be Alejandro-ing all over .... 0____0
RE justinecat: actually he's already Telephoning too. his parents trying
(unsuccessfully) to ban Bad Romance XD
02:20pm @Uraccaish why
02:21pm why do the health journals talk to death abt pre-menstrual but
not POST-menstrual syndrome. it happens! -___02:26pm Jiwang playlist on.
RE Uraccaish: was sleeping in work place at rest hour....n
my sister opened the door for the housekeeping to enter!!!!
04:23pm @Uraccaish LOL i've had naps at my workplace too before.
but not till terkejut like that :P :P
RE Uraccaish: mine was almost very...hmm
04:23pm @justinecat ban Bad Romance? but it's a perfectly good piece
of pop. :)
RE justinecat: LOL. not for a 7-year old methinks.
04:35pm @justinecat ahahaha i see. a "leather-studded kiss in the sand"
might not be quite right for the average playground sandbox...
04:36pm @sarah_kow who doesn't? the drums alone rock the shit outta
06:01pm @justinecat del Toro is SO fucking awesome
06:01pm About an amazing man
06:09pm and is it true that Del Toro is directing The Hobbit? because
RE angelicshades: It WAS true, but the movie took so long to OK that
Del Toro got busy and dropped it. It's back in Peter Jackson's hands now.
RE justinecat: i thought he pulled out?
08:34pm @justinecat it was Pete J who pulled out. Idk abt
Guillermo...say, is that film EVer gonna get made? SOmebody take it!
Jeez :p
Thu Feb 10
11:06am dig the song Accidentally In Love, even if i don't really get it.
Does anyone ever purposefully fall in love? :)
Red_Aliss's Twournal
11:07am @angelicshades It's stuck in epic Limbo. neither dead nor
alive :( :(
01:37pm word of the day: ManSpanx.
05:16pm For the nxt week or so, I'll be having a Facebook Friend
Feature daily - a status update dedicated to various people i love.
05:21pm Dedicated to all ad agency people...smtimes, it's better not to
take work too srsly. =)
06:12pm Love this. Like a Wikipedia explanation of metal, but more
07:07pm A Theory Of Monsters.
Fri Feb 11
01:33pm SHIT. i forgot i was wearing eyeshadow & swept my hands
across my face; & i don't have an emergency kit in my bag, So help Me
GOD. >.<
02:26pm @sarah_kow 2 days enough meh? :)
02:26pm dream until your dreams come true. (right now my dream is to
have time for a nice, desperately-needed nap.)
02:38pm wants to dance the samba
02:52pm Whoaa! my earphones suddenly hot for no reason. too many
fiery solos? :P
04:28pm Running here & busy but I Like It. :)
05:57pm OmG LB's angpow generous giler. :D :D :D
RE justinecat: eeeeeh berapa?
06:22pm hooked on my fave combination of Vodka + Def Leppard.
"What do u want? WHAT DO U WANNNT? I want Rock & Roll!!"
06:51pm I want y'all to ARMAGEDDON IT. whatever that means,
although I'll settle for"live like the world ends tomorrow."
07:35pm luckily three shots of on-the-rocks are blunting the frustration
of client's stupidity
07:42pm hvg said that, facing a difficult bloody account + late nites
doing it, results in bonding with my suits more. (it's us against them
08:30pm Baileys is my friend.
Sun Feb 13
01:17pm Dammit. I wish my bro & his friends would leave already.
There are like 12 of them and they're ONLY taking up our entire li'l
01:19pm there's literally no room for me to even park my ass. I'll be in
my bedroom until they get the hell out for their angpow-collecting trip.
01:35pm My bro & his gang are still eating up the house, & i'm escaping
to head-bang heaven. via @youtube
07:11pm Tomorrow is V-day, & i have no one to "complete me" except
myself. That's just the way it is; deal with it.
07:13pm Besides, right now there is only one man in the world i want
right now, and he ain't available. Tough luck but nothing i can't handle..
07:42pm holySHIT, this restaurant is freezing!! What the hell do u need
Arctic-style airconditioning? Keep the food fresh or smthg?
Mon Feb 14
12:56pm Fuck me. @NikkiSixx is gonna be at the Grammy's? The place
just got a whole lot sexier.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
12:57pm Also, @Slash is performing. I dunno what he's gonna play but
my brain is already crying from anticipating sheer awesomeness.
03:01pm You became the light on the dark side of me. My eyes become
large, and the light that you shine can be seen.
03:02pm i've been a non-believer all my life. i've been hard & lonely. but
i think i've found you. have you found me?
03:03pm **(sorry. rest of ya didn't need to hear that sap. ah well)**
03:54pm trolling forums, researching opinions, gathering wool, & eating
coconut biscuits
RE Uraccaish: coconut biscuit definetly not my favourite
04:02pm @Uraccaish oh too bad :D some days i can't stop eating em.
RE Uraccaish: good that i don't like....we don't have to fight for it :P
04:02pm @Uraccaish Idk. would love to :)
RE Uraccaish: so u come la right? if my friend comes will introduce to
04:07pm Running Free with Iron Maiden.
RE Urfman: they are playing in seoul next month! RT Running Free with
Iron Maiden.
04:43pm and if Astro censors anything unduly, i will be screaming bloody
fucking Murder right here, fouling up your feeds like no one's business. ;)
07:06pm Won't you Please Take Me Home??
07:52pm Fuck me. This is happening AGAIN. What is with the last-min
changes & late FAs? Worse than telco lah.
09:43pm Fuck This Stupid Account To Hell And Back.
10:39pm Tomorrow: roller-boogie with Ash, Cindy & my bro. Today:
tired as shit. Hey, how/s the Grammy's so far? My bro says it was kind of
a snooze
Tue Feb 15
03:45pm Rollerblading @ SgWang is great...but the music mostly sucks
today! Wtf :( killjoyyy man.
RE Uraccaish: ohhh u r? n u can?not bad
Wed Feb 16
10:30am Listening to Judas Priest helps me get in the mood to write
about fast cars. especially this rush job here :) ...good mornin' all.
04:15pm using my brain makes me hungry. xD
08:37pm FOOOOOOOD.
Thu Feb 17
10:45am @Uraccaish er...wearing? it's not a super special occasion
right? i know it's the grand opening la. why, we posing for pix?
RE Uraccaish: yes pic posing is for sure
10:46am @Uraccaish anyway we will probly be there by 12 or 12.15 i
RE Uraccaish: why so late? later no parking
10:47am Who wants Guitar Hero 5, my bro's giving his away since it
needs a PS3 & he only has a PS2.
11:46am wearing my favourite colours of red, purple & black. actually
just need some silver.
11:47am @eujin2sides hehe cool. if you are passing anywhere near LB
let me know....will pass it to you. or if you're around town.
01:45pm was researching 'circus poster' on google, and getting so much
awesome, interesting shit i'm in danger of being sidetracked.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
01:56pm been drinking a shit ton of tea for 4 years and counting.
somewhere in my stomach there is a Lipton Palace manned by hyper
Oompa Loompas.
06:02pm whoooaaaa. Brain SO tired. and stomach so hungry :P
08:34pm Brain is dried out. Insomniac in desperate need of sleep.
Fri Feb 18
09:53am my Lotus Notes email can be a rea bitch-diva smtimes. It not
only periodically refuses to shut dwn, but prevents everythg else frm
doing so.
RE Uraccaish: u working tomorrow? u want to go out?
11:11am Ohmyfuckinggod I'M BRAIN-DEAD
RE Uraccaish: u need me to electrocute u?
02:28pm @BeeNeefit Book. McAir is so fragile-looking. :P Bet it doesn't
last as long either
02:31pm singing out loud with Ash while walking into the building was
great. "Do you neeeeeed anybodyyy?" Ppl need to sing out loud more.
02:32pm 'Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song, and I'll try not to
sing out of key.'
09:23pm tired & sick of everything
Sun Feb 20
02:43pm Muhibbah Seafood @ Kg Sg Penchala is officially open. Good
affordable food + hillside the airy ambience
Mon Feb 21
10:48am ewww. dunno why but this grosses me out for some reason. still,
awesomely fascinating.
10:49am If anyone has the download link to the new MCR album, pls let
this music pirate know. thanks... ;) ;)
12:07pm @BeeNeefit keep sipping hot water. (or tea, but idk if there's a
thing as tea overdose.) and h2o is always good for the body, after all.
03:02pm @BeeNeefit okieee....good to know you have the day off. Have
a good recovery, love!
RE BeeNeefit: and that's after I went to admin to complain that the air
cond is too cold at my place lol
03:03pm SeeMun Pon is a sweet, amazing person & dedicated suit.
05:12pm @BeeNeefit which is why i hate centralized AC. not exactly
energy-efficient either; there are rooms kept freezing even tho nobody's
using em
05:13pm ah shit i feel nauseous for no reason
Red_Aliss's Twournal
05:41pm @eujin2sides ok...just replied. thanks. why does bludy Twitter
not have a DM alert....
07:54pm I swear, some ppl have an almost unholy compulsion to put
full-stops in front of EVERY damn line, whether they're needed or
not. :P
RE Uraccaish: swear?
Tue Feb 22
08:57am GOD, what i wouldnt do for some real coffee. Just the smell of
freshly brewed beans...My office location lacks a good cafe.
09:37am bought the cheapest item on the McD menu just to claim the
free coffee (with endless refills, hellyes). Pariah & proud of it
11:10am Been eating like a fkin' maniac recently. Pretty soon i'll start
devouring people like the plant in the Shop Of Horrors.
RE justinecat: been recently humming that theme song ;)
11:11am what do u do when u get opposing feedback frm 2 diff heads...?
RE Uraccaish: well...u judge on which one u think is...better?
RE justinecat: PANIC
01:45pm @justinecat ok.
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01:46pm @justinecat that's weird coz, on an unrelated note, i was talking
to someone abt that show/musical recently! hmm, predatory plants....
05:45pm @Uraccaish haha. too bad it's not for me to say which one is
better! otherwise I'd be the boss! :P
RE Uraccaish: welll u can be one,one day huh? aha
07:51pm @justinecat Luckily got ur phone with its mega internet
RE justinecat: yeah, was downloading games to play :D
Wed Feb 23
11:11am it's official i think; my brain lacks serotonin & is incapable of
shutting down. hello, yet another day of post-insomnia
Thu Feb 24
RE Uraccaish: papers fuck u? hahahah
11:55am @Uraccaish hahaha. i'd be laughing even more if i weren't
quietly panicking.
RE Uraccaish: need to panic la...stress don't go garu2 okay
11:55am *does a Darth Vader*
01:42pm @justinecat so Cute. xD
01:43pm the flour coating of my fried chicken tastes decidedly synthetic.
like Maggi Mi flavouring x 3
RE Uraccaish: to me it's yummmy...coz i love maggi noodles
05:49pm I know it's stupid but "camshaft" will always sound
pornographic to me. LOL
RE Uraccaish: camshaft....don't even know what's that
05:50pm @Uraccaish i like some flavours, depends. tomyam & kari
is nice. chicken not bad. i eat it in the office when malas to get proper
meal ;P
Red_Aliss's Twournal
05:52pm @Uraccaish its a car part. engine component
RE Uraccaish: ohh car to porno
05:53pm @Uraccaish lol very farney. cannot tahan his moustache -___haha
RE Uraccaish: lol....the song lyrics
08:41pm @Diouvx hahaha that's a good idea. & call it the LiLo Suite.
When she's out, other prisoners can rent it for a fee
RE Diouvx: Can rent it to all her druggies bff lol
08:43pm One of KL's mystery jams occurred half hr ago. Reasons
unknown; we have no closure. :p
Fri Feb 25
10:11am Tau foo fah breakfast! lovely silky tofu. wish they had brown
sugar syrup instd of white though. or even better, a dash of gula melaka
10:30am hahaha. downloaded 2 songs from my childhood: BSB's
"Everybody" & Spice Girls' "Wannabe". ok, let the teasing commence. xD
RE Uraccaish: lol...these too ahhahha our fav oldtime
10:41am @Uraccaish remember when we recorded ourselves singing it
LOL, in ur bedroom
RE Uraccaish: i wonder where that tape went.... when i have time...i will
go and search where is it
RE Uraccaish: yea....this i remember
11:49am @Uraccaish ok but i don't think u got cassette player
anymore...? haha
RE Uraccaish: that's the other part....hmmm i think nai2 maybe has one?
or her room...
06:39pm Update from last tweet: YES, i did it.
Sat Feb 26
03:19pm @randomyai weiii. Got party or what? Never invite :p
RE randomyai: heh, it was a boys nite out. And d activities were quite
Mon Feb 28
09:04pm havent been this sick for a long time. Damn! Hv to call in sick
for 2nd day. This is not fair to my dear trafic manager
RE Uraccaish: sometimes there are more important things in life, which
is yourself. be strong i know u can go through this
09:06pm & i had a review on that was a chance 2 impress my boss. Hope
2 push it 2 wedn. Damn!!
Tue Mar 01
05:09pm is being moved to another account. presumably life will get a
bit better now
stupid bloody email prob AND firefox crash, in tandem.
05:54pm shit shit shit shit shit. Panicking. just realized ALL my radio
scripts do not fit with the new promo info WHATTHEFUCK
Red_Aliss's Twournal
07:57pm @Uraccaish hey. thanks for all the support. love to you & your
07:57pm someone with too much time on their hands found out that Axl
Rose is an anagram for Oral Sex.
Wed Mar 02
01:44pm @justinecat Nicccce =) inspiring & a great morale boost.
RE justinecat: if only the boys were around to hear it!
Thu Mar 03
02:19pm Writers, don't u hate it when u have to cram a long (&
mandatory) event/promo name in a 20-sec script? damn thing makan 5
sec already -___RE justinecat: amen. -_- once, a client forced it into my 30-sec spot
THREE TIMES. beginning, middle, end.
02:33pm @justinecat ohmygod haha. nooo.... "If we say it often enough,
ppl will buy it!"
RE justinecat: actually it was "what if consumers miss the "beginning/
middle/end??" then i wanted to propose the promo name repeated 20
02:41pm @justinecat LOLLL you should have. or wait, make it into
a jingle. they might actually love it. (& you'll have doomed urself.
03:35pm aaaaaaaaahhhhH!! i know u guys r moving me off this acct
soon. if u could do it, like now....would be even better...please -____-"
08:10pm @justinecat they just wanted to give you hope & give you
smthing nice to put in your portfolio. :P
RE justinecat: then dash my hopes and dreams to help.
08:11pm Rae, Ash & I are doing a little survey on a colleague's
attractiveness rating. for some random reason i can't remember anymore.
Fri Mar 04
02:59pm we were early & talent is late. End up talking abt porn &
jackass with Mr Colin Chong
RE Uraccaish: u like that topic don't u?
04:32pm 2am: my favourite on-the-job lepak spot of all time
RE Uraccaish: 2am?
Sat Mar 05
09:38pm @eujin2sides BORING indeed! And overpriced! Huhh
09:39pm am gonna see if i can throw darts better than i can bowl.
There's gotta be sOMe sport i don't suck balls at :p
Sun Mar 06
08:26pm The rice at Uncle Jerry bakuteh is too awesome. (along
Kepong pasar malam)
Mon Mar 07
02:02pm saying goodbye to this crap soon. faster lah officialize the
reshuffled team/s, stat! cannot wait to leave this shitty acct
02:34pm 4 jobs kau tim in half an hour. sweeeet
Red_Aliss's Twournal
Tue Mar 08
11:02am Now beyond panicking & into the deep blue ocean of calm
RE BeeNeefit: the ocean of calm madness sounds like a nice place to go
09:20pm I just badly want to sleep for 2 days straight. And I mean, really
sleep. Like on anaesthesia.
Wed Mar 09
11:58am The day shall come when I no longer have to deal with stupidity
on a daily basis. YES.
RE randomyai: don't hold ur breath.
RE Uraccaish: very positive here,good
12:41pm @randomyai no, rly, dude. cannot get worse than this la. i'm ok
w/ stubbornness, occasional rush deadlines, (cont)
12:45pm RIP : Mike Starr (of Alice In Chains), an excellent bassist.
Never heard much of his work, but what I did hear was nothing short of
Thu Mar 10
07:00pm Some fat cow stood waiting rite next to me as i was using the
ATM. Rude cunt!
RE justinecat: I HATE THAT
Mon Mar 14
10:40am Anyone here has had some experience working @ O&M
(creative dept)? PM me. How's it
RE randomyai: andrew shee used to be a writer at onm.
RE Diouvx: O&M is quite fun I'd say, been there 3 months and I still
miss tht place haha.
11:20am James for Idol. James for Idol. James for Idol. Don't be deaf,
America. James for Idol. via @youtube
RE Urfman: Slash. Seoul. March 20. :)
02:29pm @Diouvx thanks dude. will keep that in mind :)
RE Diouvx: Oh yeah... O&M, be prepared for the politics, especially in
the Maxis account..
02:30pm @Diouvx stop looking for the catch & enjoy the moment
lahhhh. -__RE Diouvx: True true... shud just enjoy all the little things haha
03:52pm My keyboard is screwy. I have deadlines. 1-day deadlines.
Ohgod ohgod. *PANICS*
06:59pm why the fk do we need a 4-sec jingle, man? That's cutting my
radio dwn to 26secs. It'd better be a good jingle dammit :p
11:39pm @Diouvx thanks lots. anyway just asking ony...not actively
looking to move, yet. but i do hope that wherever i am, i dun hv to be on
Max! :P
11:41pm Damn, sounds like i'm developing a 'sexy' sore throat voice.
Keyboard Damage stress is not good for meh :P
11:41pm late nights typing from home till my office machine gets fixed?
dang i hope not!!
Tue Mar 15
01:58pm Wrecking my eardrums with classic metal podcast radio... Can't
help it. SUch a good de-stresser.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
02:22pm Art directors wanted. PM me if interested. Also: freelance
writer is looking for assignments (including outside advertising)..
03:59pm Shit busy. Hardly time to do things like go to the toilet. Just
enough time to breathe & type this tweet.
04:04pm Hmm. i think my temper may have gotten me in a wee bit o'
trouble...oh well.
04:05pm I'll face up to it like an honest person if i need to. And take the
consequences as they come. When it comes dwn to it, that's all u can do
08:03pm need ideas for a football-themed contest. maybe i can recycle
some of the old stuff from my previous workplace & account...hahaha
08:04pm woooo! shit-tiring day. if anyone would like to donate some
brain cells....
RE randomyai: kickin it with the blues, stamford bridge kick-off, chillin
with chelsea.
RE Uraccaish: i would but they might be uselsssss....u're home yet?
Wed Mar 16
10:24am @randomyai hey man...thanks for the help ;) will jot those
10:55am HardRadio is such a kickass station I wouldn't mind getting it
tattooed on my back. It's thAt good.
10:56am @Uraccaish Why, aircond at MCD rosak? hehe
RE Uraccaish: the aircon was sooooooo warm
11:50am i dedicate this to my buddy Ash, & his sexy manwhore ass. LOL via @youtube Great song
12:13pm Pathma told me KISS was shortlisted for Sepang F1 party, &
my HEART NEARLY FUCKING STOPPED; but then he added (cont)
12:17pm (ref my last tweet) & now the headliner act is RAin. What a
fucking downgrade. Well, BonJovi's playing, but BJ has gotten a bit tame
of late
12:19pm I mean, goddamn KISS. Don't got the money, but I would
happily have gone down on my knees & blown someone to get the tix.
02:22pm Does anyone know why the fuck Facebook uses the Enter key
as a Reply button?? what if i'm hitting Enter for a different paragraph,
04:07pm They managed to find me a spare machine (an old & heavy
one, but still a MacBook; goody). So I can stop borrowing me mom's ...
07:32pm @Uraccaish hope u managed 2 hook smthg u like! :)
RE Uraccaish: i dont know feels like a conn
07:34pm haven't had cheesy wedges in a while. Oh my. Forgotten how
good they are
Thu Mar 17
10:24am Someone told me got minor changes only to my script, so I
said OK. Now first thing in the morning got big changes & recording is
10:42am @eujin2sides @Urfman cool, the Pondan Dialogues are back
for our entertainment.
RE Urfman: guess who's seeing Slash this Saturday?!! Certainly not that
pondan @eujin2sides! Lol.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
11:21am @Urfman @eujin2sides oooooh that's mean. Have a rock-nfuckin-roll time on Saturday!
RE Urfman: oh yeah. backstage pass included. @eujin2sides oooooh
that's mean. Have a rock-n-fuckin-roll time on Saturday!
01:59pm @Urfman Really? Hmm. i take back what i said. I HATE
YOU, go fuck off. :( *sizzles in jealousy* *sulks* *hates the world* :P
RE Urfman: at least its not KISS or AEROSMITH!! @eujin2sides
02:59pm hey guys, why's my Firefox posting this error msg on certain
sites?"Could not initialize the security component.." & how do i resolve
it. TQ
04:12pm #ificouldiwouldbringback ?
04:25pm Sure they may not be the perfect clients. But they are so, so
much better. And decisive! Like an actual Marketing team
05:21pm OK, some god of computers NEEDS to control/standardize
the size of USB ports. this one is so loose my disk keeps disconnecting!
Fri Mar 18
09:53am McD Big Breakfast. Food actually looks real close to the
ads...nice :p
11:22am @justinecat Pass him my congrats. Wah~liauuuu.
11:23am Anyone got any caffeine pills??
11:46am Love the pearly sheen of digital proofs (the ones w that slightly
acidic smell). So much it's almost a fetish. Hell, occasionally I sniff em
01:31pm @randomyai you have a missus? since when u got married
without telling us? hmff =P
RE randomyai: haha, if i tell u guys, then all of u will bar me from any
exciting activities!
01:32pm what the fuck. i have to go for recording on Mon for a script
that I don't even like. do not put my name on this TQverymuch.
01:38pm All I Wanted To Do, was create a radio commercial that is Not
Annoying. But NOOOOO.
RE randomyai: i kept quiet in the studio all the time when they pulled
the same shit on me.
01:42pm Yknow, i think i could get very good at darts if i started
practicing right now. least i know what to stick at the centre.
01:59pm @Urfman @eujin2sides but it IS only one the sexiest & most
gifted men in rock & roll. SOOO was it??
04:34pm @randomyai actually, being the devil i am, i'll try to reserve a
special place for u at the most 'exciting' activities. coz u might need it.
RE randomyai: game on. As long as it doesnt include ash in a dress with
04:52pm @randomyai thats the thing, dude. do i do an epic sulk or just
not go? (i'm thinking Not Go.) :P
04:52pm @randomyai but...but.....How did you read my mind?!
04:53pm @randomyai & btw there is no dress, only fruits ..
05:47pm is miffed at someone for cancelling first breakfast then hiking
05:47pm i should apologize for sulking but i don't feel like it right now
05:52pm aND i do not like people telling me to "chill" when i'm miffed.
Tell me anything, even throw me a rebuttal, but do Not tell me to chill.
RE justinecat: I so fucking agree. it pisses me off even more (if possible).
05:55pm no, wait. i shouldn't sulk. i'm being childish. yeah, guess i'll go
apologize later. everyone has their flaws; not like i'm perfect.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
06:54pm @justinecat unless they're being sadistic on purpose. or just
don't realise how close they are to getting bitch-slapped.
06:55pm OK i was wrong to apologize. Difficult JERK.
RE randomyai: i know some guy who knows a guy who is friends with a
guy. U nid help?
Sat Mar 19
01:23pm ohmyGOD. My dad is THE most unromantic & unimaginative
person i have known in my 24yrs on this blessed earth. -____01:24pm @sadyn Nothing compared to what they did with Starworld.
Mon Mar 21
03:06pm What's the point of using pretty KPop stars to promote costly
home appliances? You're appealing to 16-yr-old (cont)
03:07pm @zainamri Yg bawah pokok tu lah paling best.
03:08pm @justinecat ....and that is something to boast abt, because...?
RE justinecat: lol. Cos it's auto-post :$
03:10pm @randomyai hehehe. i don't exactly need help, but if you have
someone good, sure. =P
Tue Mar 22
02:15pm I have a new keyboard for my beloved MacBook. I am so
happy. Bye bye dinosaur replacement-machine
04:25pm LOL at that...& why not? their bleedin logo is a 4. @sadyn
offended my boss when I refered to the fantastic 4 as F4 instead of FF.
Sorry bro
07:00pm @BeeNeefit *gasp* why ah? (obviously a very excellent
07:00pm Ending the day with Joan Jett & Judas Priest, back to back.
07:09pm While downloading Judas Priest's 'Hell Patrol', i see a banner
ad saying "Accept Jesus --he paid for you" hmm.
Wed Mar 23
10:15am good morning. waking up my favorite way: big mug of scalding
coffee & 80s rock. Today it's Alice Cooper's House Of Fire & GnR's
10:40am Some crazy motherfucker is still hot in this cold weather. Yeah,
you don't sit beneath a goddamn AC vent is why.
10:47am gawd i just remembered. now that i have my repaired comp
back, i got a bloody backload of timesheets to submit. hell....! -____-"
02:02pm i have received the same follower request 3x from the same
person. some ppl just won't take 'Decline' for an answer.
RE justinecat: don't reject or approve 'em. keep em in limbo :D
02:43pm @justinecat LOL ..the 4th time round, gonna do just that. at
first i was just being courteous, but that don't work for some folks i guess.
02:43pm @Diouvx 12 is abt just right. screw 'em. :D
02:45pm Internet suddenly Epic-Slow. except for Twitter, strangely.
RE justinecat: are you back in grey? ;p
04:24pm @justinecat hahaha, it was a deja-vu moment!
Red_Aliss's Twournal
04:26pm LOL. my group head reminded me to dress a little
more....formally for tomorrow's preso.
RE Urfman: remember to wear the KISS guitar pick earrings! RT my
group head reminded me 2 dress a little more formally for tomorrow's
04:55pm @Urfman oooh, i WAS saving em for a special occasion; will
do xD haha
08:26pm looking fwd to Sucker Punch movie nite this Fri. Hell i need it;
such a hard 2 weeks, goddamn
Thu Mar 24
10:31am no, really. the same person is requesting to follow me for the
fourth, or fifth, damn time. what is wrong with this biatch? :P :P
11:12am why does @IamStevenT perpetually tweet in all-caps? :P
RE randomyai: @IamStevenT cuz hes a loud person? Lol
12:23pm Bludy construction/ renovation works all round my place.
Lucky i got a laptop so i can move my ass smwhere else
05:40pm It's official: my machine is in love with Ash. Things somehow
start functioning again in his presence. ??
05:40pm StaybackForFA-day. Hopefully not a long one.
06:08pm @BeeNeefit or pole more :P
06:09pm Got my (free!) copy of LB's HumanKind Digest. It's a nice
hardcover book, and it's shinyyy. wheee *magpie mode*
06:09pm Also, i love the smell of new books. SNIIIFFF
Fri Mar 25
10:51am GnR, Aerosmith. they created an unmistakable sound &
identity, & Owned it. @NikkiSixx Greatest band of all time? My vote is
Queen. You?
10:51am I can't believe 'retail bank' is called 'bank runcit' (as in kedai
runcit) in BM. sounds so....cheapo. :P
11:56am @randomyai haha. actually one of my fave quotes from him:
"(Joe Perry), You are a colourful man; but I, motherfucker, am the
07:30pm Kamu menghisap...! (random translation moment, sorry.) did u
manage to get your anger out? @ewenLian You sucks!!
RE ewenLian: Nope.. still can't get my anger out..
07:31pm Let's go. It's Friday & I want to not think of work. *fills brain
with enjoyable crap*
Sat Mar 26
03:21pm Hot like a motherfucker. Want cendol. Want 10 bowls of
Mon Mar 28
11:11am @justinecat ....huuurh? no i guess not. who's that bugger? :P
11:12am Dammit Dammit Dammit my brain refuses to start. what the
fuck do i do now fucking deadlines
02:34pm ok, i know what my next karaoke song will be: Radio Ga Ga.
such an awesome melody.
02:35pm @justinecat yay! remember to say hi to Mr Collin Yeoh. (He's
still the same antisocial fella, haha.)
RE justinecat: what?? you won't be around??
Red_Aliss's Twournal
03:19pm @justinecat ermmmm...i wILL be around. just telling u to go
menjenguk collin, he's sitting at the Arc dept
RE justinecat: oh ok. *shy*
03:23pm Smtimes wonder if i shd try this whole attractive female thing
(i.e feminine, nice hair, wears heels etc). & other times i don't give a fuck
RE justinecat: what IS an attractive female? long hair, heels, whatever
makes you look like everyone else. just saying ;)
03:27pm @justinecat idk. just...pondering. ok fine, it's just this one dude
i'm into whose taste runs that way. but i shdn't change myself for him.
RE justinecat: heh. try a social experiment and dress up for a day?
03:34pm @justinecat maybe. :P though i feel like i should forewarn ppl
smwhat so they won't be shocked ..hahaha..
RE justinecat: must admit i when i joined grey. wanted to wear a long
chinadoll wig. just for fucks :D
03:44pm @justinecat heehee! i wanna borrow that wig? so i can erm, do
that thing where i flip my hair like a damned Pantene commercial
RE justinecat: it's very demure. long, black, bangs. HAHAHAHAH
when do you want it? i'll be around in may ;p
03:46pm @justinecat omg LOL at the Princess Disease. it made my toes
curl in disgust xD
RE justinecat: that boy's good right!
03:47pm @justinecat haha whenever you start lah. this should be fun.
dun worry i don't have lice.... :D
05:10pm Shit, corned beef is addictive. Dammit I only had one sandwich.
Where do I get another
05:12pm Savoury spiced minced goodness made frm what is hopefully
at least 40% cow. Just throw some pepper on it & u'r good to go. Ahh
Corned Beef..
05:16pm The only processed meat awesomer than corn beef is paté. Paté
is so awesome you almost forget it's mostly fat. That's why it's wicked
08:23pm yay, free internet frm DiGi means still got loads of phone
credit, & more twiddiction.
08:27pm If you're going thru tough shit that no one else seems to be
having, it probly means you're stronger than them.
Tue Mar 29
11:35am @BeeNeefit Didn't know you're into snowboarding =)
RE BeeNeefit: one day, one day.... >.<
03:23pm @justinecat that the name of a HTC model, Flyer? coz it
reminds me of badly designed things i get in the mail. with starbursts on.
RE justinecat: it's their tablet. terrible name, i know. but it has a stylus!
07:29pm I just realized there were a whole bunch of unwanted spammarketers 'following' me even though my acct is locked (cont) http://
Wed Mar 30
11:38am Office internet down. Cannot do research. (yyeeaaahh...rly)
Half day declared! no? :p
11:50am ah well. internet is up again.
RE Uraccaish: lol after an hour its back....dammit lol
06:05pm I can't believe they actually do ask you to eat paper. Tasty,
flavoured paper!
Red_Aliss's Twournal
Thu Mar 31
09:17am Last day of McD Big Brkfast attack. Full stomach & free coffee
08:06pm Super-severe eczema over whole body. In so much pain I
would drown myself in painkillers, but i'm out. Need to get more frm doc
RE justinecat: I'm so sorry, hon :(
RE BeeNeefit: painkillers ftw!
08:07pm I seldom talk abt my condition but i can't stand it anymore.
Everyday is a battle. I am so tired of fighting, & I don't get shit for sleep
08:08pm i am just sick & tired of my Every Waking Moment being
defined by itch & pain. Dammit.
08:14pm @BeeNeefit Yup! fuck it, i'm gonna pop another now.
Fri Apr 01
12:11pm To my fellow adpeople: some spoofy, classy case-study fun.
'Pink Ponies' via @youtube
02:03pm @justinecat love & hugs. TQ for support
08:32pm Epic LOL. Guys...Google 'Helvetica' now. Just do it!
08:34pm @justinecat MURhurhur. doesn't that make you feel so 'tarik
harga'. Be mahal, show em who's got the ball in the court ;)
RE justinecat: even if I didn't intend to play hard to get, uma's face
changes it all :p
10:13pm @justinecat mean. her face not that bad
what. :P she was always nice to me
RE justinecat: hahahahaha okok. She's always been horrible to me.
Horrible with a capital "H" @ewenLian will agree with me ;)
10:14pm Probly getting hospitalized on Monday, look fwd to getting
better. (Pls do noT visit me without calling first! heh)
RE justinecat: hope all goes well, hon /hugs
RE angelicshades: Geh, hope things are alright, Charle! Get better soon?
Sat Apr 02
10:08pm thank god for silicon iv tubes. Its bad enough hvg smthg stuck
in ur damn arm all day&nite. Least its not a needle
Sun Apr 03
03:55pm @justinecat thankyou ^___^ man, wish the hosp wiFi wasnt
down so i cn tweet on a proper screen & watch rubbish vids,&spam
twitter with em ;p
06:27pm @justinecat oh, no wonder my best buds at lb all blokes. :p
RE justinecat: no PMS, how awesome!
06:29pm is lovin' the quality of zany humor on cartoon network.
Watching Phineas & Ferb, crazy stuff. xD
Mon Apr 04
08:46am fell asleep watching old-school Bollywood hits bk to bk.
Bollywood, Spongebob & mr Bean reruns are great rcovery fare
05:34pm Feel hungry all the damn time. I blame the cocktail of drugs
they've bn injecting me with. Blame aside,the question is:do i give in or
RE Uraccaish: eat laa....what for diet:)
RE szen: hungry is good. Eating make me happy! do you?
Red_Aliss's Twournal
Tue Apr 05
07:24am fuckin meds playing havoc w my system. Am deliriously hungry
evry 2hrs, its mad. Tryin not 2 go ovrboard; i dun wanna leave here as a
07:28am @Uraccaish thats what i knew u wd say haha @szen, easy for u.
Miss Lanky ;)
RE Uraccaish: how was the choc cake? m hungry too!
02:45pm @Uraccaish thanks verymuch, will check it :)
02:46pm @Uraccaish choc cake was uber-rich & very good...i think my
bro finished the rest alrdy. haha
RE Uraccaish: ciittt..he can come over la :P let u enjoy it
02:55pm @Uraccaish its OK. i had two big pieces; let him hv the rest. he
can go get fat, i dun want to LOL :D
02:56pm Starbucks' promo Cocoa Cappucino is not all that great.Needs
a sprinkle of choc & cinnamon powder (free at the counters)to give it
some kick
03:43pm you will not believe the hundred inconveniences of an IV tube
in your goddamn arm. i am SO glad mine's bg removed at 6pm today!
03:44pm i basically hate ANYTHING that makes me even the slightest
bit 'cacat'. can't even use a damn laptop touchpad properly
RE justinecat: cos you're NOT SUPPOSED TO BE WORKING
03:45pm ...but it wont be long now, so i need to stop whining like a lil
bitch. ;P
04:36pm @justinecat well, was also PLAYING CITYVILLE ON FB xD
RE justinecat: YEAHHHHHHH
04:38pm the old lady nxt to me has disappeared for 4hrs now. Hope
nothing's ...happened.
RE Uraccaish: sounds creepy...she went for an op or what?
Wed Apr 06
05:58am Mornin', friends in a diff timezone. Hunger pangs kpg me up
again. Reading Paulo Coelho & eating vege crackers
02:35pm Fucking insurance procedure dragging things dwn as usual. Be
lucky if i can get out of here within the hour. More likely 2hrs. DAMMIT
RE BeeNeefit: that was a long stay... hope you're all better now :)
RE Uraccaish: just relax ler...
04:02pm @BeeNeefit thanx babe, i am. it wouldnt be as long a stay if not
4 waiting 4 the damn insurance claims! Assholes...sigh.
04:03pm @Uraccaish Relax & do what, meditate for 2 hrs? Hehe
RE Uraccaish: yea..........sleep more..i tell u since this job i don't know
why i feel sleepy early in the night..weird
Thu Apr 07
12:35pm @justinecat godDAMN that brings bk memories. He-Man &
She-Ra xD
12:36pm @Uraccaish ya, sleep is good. Sleep more, eat less...srsly i've
gotten gemukkk. Haha
08:34pm @BeeNeefit hey lady, a big virtual hug 4 the shit u'r going thru
recently..If it's abt a guy: u'r hot, smart, successful & u can do Better.
RE BeeNeefit: I'm only emo on twitter >.< thanks babe
Red_Aliss's Twournal
Fri Apr 08
03:56pm Guys, do not go to Basil Thai Nudle Bar @ bangsar village.
Service is godawful slow even at non peak time
RE Uraccaish: how da food tho?
09:51pm @Uraccaish ordered drinks only. the ice blended mocha is
actually quite good. but gosh, if try ordering during lunch/dinner hour
habis la
09:53pm @BeeNeefit cigs more expensive ler. once it becomes a habit
there goes RM7 to 8 a day. like daily life doesn't hv enough expenses....
09:55pm Haven't been to dance class in a long time....! Sure will be rusty
as hell. the rest will be twirling circles round me.
Sat Apr 09
09:18pm @Uraccaish Sure sounds like fun.
09:20pm Updating my hair tomorrow. I need smthg that gives my face
some definition, coz i don't have any goddamn cheekbones. :P
Sun Apr 10
07:57pm kesian my couz Avril. Hungry, phone rosak, &stuck in
unmoving jam @ Sepang becoz of bludy fucking F1.
Mon Apr 11
10:57am Kickstarted my post-meds diet+workout plan during the
weekend. Support me in my quest to shed the hamster-cheeks fat! :)
03:51pm Is the weather making anyone else hungry??
06:02pm What The Serpent Said today
07:06pm @justinecat eeeeee BEST NYER. enjoy your paradise
RE justinecat: I aaaaaaam thanks!
Tue Apr 12
angry morning. :/
11:09am (that was from the Murderdolls song. Titled, erm,
"Motherfucker I Don't Care." it involves a lot of good healthy screaming
& swearing)
11:13am Omg i randomly stumbled upon this pic of Emma Watson. SO
sexy. :D
03:28pm somebody was totally ignoring me & tuning his watch while i
was trying to talk to him abt a job we're on. So rude
04:37pm I don't listen to Avril much nowadays, but this is one of my fave
songs frm her. :) via @youtube
06:30pm @justinecat maaaan, the worst part of any holiday. the arse end
of the airport journey.
06:32pm @justinecat Shit...after you mentioned chili pan mee, i am
desperately lusting for some now. rIght now. *drools away*
RE justinecat: Hehe POP over to kin kin!
07:00pm #nowplaying Phantom Of The Opera :D :D Still epic. Still
Wed Apr 13
10:01am My fucking internet cable was LOOSE Again, WHY, YOU
OLD CUNT, WHY???????????
Red_Aliss's Twournal
10:17am Ahem. Am OK now. Irrational & disproportionate rage over. ___12:05pm @BeeNeefit Blood? where? (not in any alarming places, rite)
RE BeeNeefit: haha just my industrial piercing, it's being a real pain
(literally) today.
12:07pm Blur suit = blur creative -____-" At least try to sOUnd like you
know what you're talkin about, man.
02:18pm @eujin2sides vaguely supportive reply to this here tweet is
no indication of my hearty agreement. aHem. ...
03:57pm "One post, & all your social networks are updated." (of the new
Blackberry) a.k.a., Narcissistic MegaSpam. *DEFRIEND*
03:58pm @BeeNeefit Oooooh. Where's the new piercing & will you post
pic on FB? :)
RE BeeNeefit: lol posted adey
06:09pm @BeeNeefit AWESOME i love it, and your nails.
RE BeeNeefit: haha double showcase i get to show off my awesome
piercing and awesome nails.
RE BeeNeefit: i will love it slightly more after it stops throbbing.
07:06pm Funny like hell, you guys... latest bit of spoofy genius on the
08:18pm Malayas Bistro @ Capsquare: good food in tiny portions. Eat
slowwly. :p
Thu Apr 14
10:07am Don't let the gloomy skies get u down. Here's some feel-good
rock'n'roll. via @youtube
10:42am Everytime i hear 'The Power Of Love' (Huey Lewis), i wish i
had a skateboard.
04:50pm Racist Joke alert xD ~~'s definition of
"Explosion": the best part of any Die Hard movie, and the (cont) http://
06:59pm Twitter is down rite now (for me anyway). Only can access thru
07:01pm also, why the fuck does my macbook trackpad not work?? Its a
new keyboard dammit! Abt a mth old
08:11pm Schizo client
08:30pm @justinecat i HATE it that u have to fast before surgery. what
a bitttccchhh :( *hug*
RE justinecat: I know. I can put up with no food, but no drinks! Sigh.
Fri Apr 15
10:07am "Tight pants and lipstick/She's riding on razor's edge/She holds
her own against the boys/Cuts through the crowd just like a wedge" \m/
11:35am just spent 10 awesome mins debating with Ash over Beavis &
Butthead, Spongebob and Phineas & Ferb.
02:41pm had a real good authentic-Indian lunch consisting of interesting
dishes in little bowls. i had no idea they were. but i liked it.
03:13pm Why are all my art partners N/A? why?
05:38pm "Hard Nipples" is trending. hurh.
06:27pm A flawless & irresistible piece of pure power-pop.
E2Wv69a via @youtube
08:09pm @sadyn uh oh. Did u miss ur stop by far?
Red_Aliss's Twournal
08:11pm i rly am not sure how to react when a stranger starts chatting to
me randomly.
Sat Apr 16
11:04am This damn weather is slowing everything down. And i am
already motherfucking late.
11:11am im such a neurotic, man. The littlest thing will send me into a
spiral of irrational anxiety or pointless anger.
11:22am ohmyGOD. Motherfucking RAINNN. Nature chose to be a
bitch today. Ok ok, i sound whiny, i'll stop now.
06:11pm i find it both silly & hilarious that there's a bieber-dissing
comment on every Youtube metal video. like a strange running joke or
06:21pm Highest rated bieber insult on YouTube > Justin bieber: "I was
sent by God to make music." Alice Cooper: "I didn't send anyone."
09:32pm just rewatched the Jackass shit shake, showed it to my ma. She
was actually more disgusted by the guy vomiting than the poo :p
Sun Apr 17
12:44am i think i may draw again tonight (night? i mean morning).
haven't done so in ages.
Mon Apr 18
09:54am fried shallots make sucky foods suck a lot less, bless them.
09:55am Song of the morning: Billion Dollar Babies, live version. Where
the heads of babies (not real ones) are torn off & tossed to an eager
12:35pm Latest art thingy. I've gotten to really like colouring
with marker pens. Like paint, but with more control. http://
RE Uraccaish: nice,try picturing urself free in a beautiful place
02:30pm @Uraccaish ....what does "free in a beautiful place" have to do
with my drawing?
RE Uraccaish: suggesting you draw one like that :P coz i think u have
strong imagination.just wondered how would that turn out
02:31pm shit man, putting carbon fibre texture on smthg INSTANtly
makes it sexy. xD
RE Uraccaish: carbon fibre..on what u saw?cost a bomb tho
03:32pm @Uraccaish just a website bkdrop lar. But yes, it generally
makes things look expensive =p
RE Uraccaish: ic...i am pening..stresssed
05:48pm Do ppl ever use wrecking balls in real life? Nvr actually seen
one. Are they just too impractically awesome or what?
Tue Apr 19
10:09am Breaking my senses into a sweat with cili padi in the morning.
Gotta love it.
10:52am Semi-neurotic.
11:10am sometimes i think i am a walking disappointment to my dad.
every little screwup, minor or major, only contributes to that mental
Red_Aliss's Twournal
11:31am (2nd page) They call us "hardcore". AwRIIGGHHT! ;P http://
02:50pm @BeeNeefit I like watching reels. It feels like sitting back &
being entertained for a living while taking occasional notes.
04:08pm @justinecat Anime English dubs always suck major balls, right?
An exquisite blend of hilarious & retarded.
RE justinecat: and of course, they have the original japanese...
WITHOUT subs. *facepalm*
04:38pm @justinecat ah. crap. -___-" why are the Eng VOs for anime
shows so shitty anyway? do they just get the cheapest-ass talents they can
RE justinecat: apparently the VOs for doraemon are old tudung
aunties. :p
04:46pm @justinecat LMAO! even the two bullies?
RE justinecat: all of em :p
05:39pm ONE STUPID HEADLINE. i cannot crack One. Stupid.
07:41pm It took me several listens to rly get hooked on Maiden's "Run
To The Hills". I realized i just wasn't listening to it loud enough xD
08:08pm Idk why some iTunes users make their 'Shared' libraries
password-protected. Does your playlist feature clandestine cult chants or
RE justinecat: i know. and if it does, then why share it?
Wed Apr 20
03:13pm Free orthotic foot/spine test @ the office. My feet were more
screwed than i thought :p hopefully my back is better
RE Uraccaish: lol...who act comes to do this stuff in the office do
a write up i am guessing?
05:03pm @Uraccaish no, it's partly to sell their orthopedic products. not
that i bought any. quite mahal
05:16pm craves pastry.
08:39pm unwinding with my fave Rihanna song. :P http:// via @youtube
Thu Apr 21
12:47am i find Jackass dumb most of the time, but the PS game is
Awesome. Hilarious shit
09:59am abt the msg at the start: it was a rumor. Gaga did not in
fact disapprove it. A brilliant Weird Al spoof via
10:19am "At what point did you realize, Everybody loves your life but
10:19am "All that's left upon your face - Is advertising space."
11:14am Slow & impending sense of doom.
11:30am Do Your Fucking JOB, man!! why am i thinking of your visual
for you while you go fuck off?
01:47pm we had a nice xpensive lunch supposedly on our big boss, but
he hasn't turned up yet & now i may hv to pay RM25 for a damn pasta. :/
02:05pm @justinecat wah wthell, like from work ony
RE justinecat: heh no la. i left them some feedback about the appalling
nurses. they called to ask names :D
03:41pm most skittles i've ever had in one sitting. These things are good,
Red_Aliss's Twournal
07:00pm gonna be a long fucking night. Waiting for CEO to OK the
ideas,& he's in a damn meeting
07:02pm we have yet to execute shit, & our suits are panicking... Hey,
we're the ones doing the work for chrissake. Joyyy...
07:03pm Tomorrow iz doomsday.
10:37pm It happened, finally. I've been Kien-ed.
10:38pm I'm a Nandos fan, but they got my damn order wrong... -____-
Fri Apr 22
12:18am 12.20am. still here. working. the only plus point's that my team
is made of great ppl, especially one funny Frenchie who keeps making me
10:49am My friend @BeeNeefit 's awesome pole dancing stunts. I didn't
know you could do stuff like that on a metal cylinder.
RE BeeNeefit: Awh, thanks for the publicity babe ;)
03:42pm There's more tendency to rain when we have to go out for
preso (well, not me this time; thankyou god). It's called Murphy's Law of
Fuck You.
04:39pm Had less than 4 hrs of sleep after working till 2am last night -and still not tired (yet). Awesome.
RE BeeNeefit: it's the adrenaline >.<"
06:07pm @BeeNeefit ...nowww i'm sleepy. SRSLY sleepy. i could totally
& blissfully conk off on the spot :P
06:25pm @justinecat depends on whether you're going for a nice
scrumptious dinner after that. coz u won't be able to enjoy food while it
heals :P
RE justinecat: heh, yeah the reason i lost the last one was because i ate
without any restrictions. got infected really soon :p
Sat Apr 23
12:38pm I just toppled over a bunch of books & then swore loudly, in a
super quiet library. FML.
Sun Apr 24
12:37pm @justinecat uh ohh. sounds....bad. so, did u go for your 2nd bit
of tongue bling or not?
RE justinecat: nope. Thank god though. Surgery wounds acting up and
tattoo was more complicated (painful) than expected :p
12:39pm I am a sucker for cute guys with long hair. I'd like to bury my
hands in their hair when we kiss.
RE justinecat: mmmm long hair.
02:04pm More James Durbin epicness. Hear it to believe it. This man
shall singlehandedly save us all. via @youtube
Mon Apr 25
10:15am this is So weird.
05:25pm Another one of those days where 5 deadlines are due on the
same date. Tomorrow.
05:30pm @eujin2sides hey there, JWT still got vacancy? Another writer
looking for job. Lemme know :) thx lots.
05:52pm @eujin2sides thanks bro. PM me ur email add plz =)
Red_Aliss's Twournal
Tue Apr 26
04:04pm WWAAAAAAARRGGHHH writing an infomercial makan
damn lot of time.
04:22pm Somebody's been reporting that i don't dress professionally
enough. Wonder who.
RE randomyai: Hahah. No fucking way!? That's just plain rude. This is
ADVERTISING yo!!! Must be an old prune.
RE evensteven929: Well, I think you dress cool so keep dressing how you
always do. :)
RE justinecat: what's "professional" attire for creatives anyway? i never
got the memo.
05:36pm @justinecat replied via PM, coz not nice to say publicly :P
06:50pm @evensteven929 :) i love you *hugs* wow, you are actually
saying smthg on twitter. shite! do you just quietly stalk ppl rest of the
RE evensteven929: Love you too my friend! Actually I don't come here
often. Maybe 1-2 times a week.
07:21pm I'm not one of those Who can easily hide
08:23pm The 'morals' are kickass.
Wed Apr 27
11:31am i Hate it when ppl who miss part of a meeting/session/tutorial &
insist it be repeated Just for them. Screw you, bitches.
04:40pm "Saying goodbye and then walking in the same direction."
Thu Apr 28
11:52am @randomyai LMAO at your 'old prune' comment. (yours not
mine!) That is cruel, man. Cruel but funny. xD
12:37pm @justinecat So u went & bought an expensive-ass iThing
without the faintest clue why you wanted it? yup, u belong to the Apple
Cult alrite.
RE justinecat: haven't bought it yet. please give me more credit :) am
wondering what to do with it to justify me buying it!
02:17pm @justinecat The answer to your question is clear, o confused
one. Don't buy it :P
02:19pm @randomyai What the hell does this sentence even mean? xD
> "The patent-pending WVIL system takes the (cont)
RE randomyai: haha
02:26pm @justinecat having a nice trip?
RE justinecat: oh, no no. new tattoo healing :p
02:44pm @justinecat Cool! got pix? will check ur FB
RE justinecat: no pix on fb, will show you the week after, in person ;)
02:55pm @justinecat YAy. xD what is it btw & where?
RE justinecat: camera, left inner forearm. :D
03:17pm @justinecat camera? niiiice! look fwd to seeing u next week
03:18pm Those Korean models, pop stars & actors are All Starting To
Look The Same. South Korea must be a scary place.
07:23pm @Urfman You tell me dude. haha. IF you haven't become One
Of Them .........
Red_Aliss's Twournal
07:24pm Sometimes the best way to write headlines is just to shit them
out. Shitting stuff out: it works. (it's also what makes suits nervous.)
08:06pm If this campaign is successful, I want a goddamn raise.
Fri Apr 29
09:49am Good mornin'. #nowplaying Hit Me With Your Best Shot,
which i must sing the next time we go karaoke
RE Urfman: fire away!!!
10:20am "We got upfront fanatics Tearing down the barricade To reach
the stage; It's one-way ticket to midnight: Calling......
02:05pm I didn't know the old Tron poster was so kickass http://
02:06pm @sarah_kow Sephora is an awesome brand. wish i could afford
it. and M.A.C too.
RE sarah_kow: You shd go to the one at StarHill! It opened last week. I
love playing with all the stuff they have:)
02:07pm @Diouvx agreed
job, but for once i rly need to say, TGIF. fuck me.
03:46pm somebody went for nice goodbye lunch & tak ajak. hmpf
04:43pm Office Fucking Cold today.
05:07pm good fren just applied for an awesome job that's right up his
alley, i hope he gets it ^^^______^^^ (yes,that's a 3-eyed mutant
07:46pm @justinecat lol. Mayordom of our workplace oughta be on the
KPI list.
RE justinecat: woot! That'll be my objective at LB ;)
07:47pm @justinecat HELLYEAH ...hehehe
Sat Apr 30
09:08pm @justinecat kesian *hug* :p
09:10pm @randomyai that is so hot. Lol... So what did u buy for ur
woman? Tell tell... xD
RE randomyai: haha, wish i got her sumthin . Instead i sat on a couch
and kept my head down.
09:13pm i miss working near a mall. On the other hand, get 2 save $$
Sun May 01
06:29pm Our plans were screwed by the damn rain. Messy.
Mon May 02
06:57pm Rest in peaces, osama. The White House will be getting wasted
tonight in your honour. Raise your glasses motherfuckers , amen
07:00pm BlackEyed Peas' "tonight's gonna b a Good Night" seems like a
cornily fitting song. "lets burn the roof/lets shut it down"
10:00pm @sarah_kow after playing sure want to buy, & no money :(
Tue May 03
09:56am Generally speaking, friends are ready to believe the best of you,
while parents are ready to believe the opposite.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
09:58am your friends 1st knew you as you are. Either they accepted
you or they didn't. Your parents got stuck with you,& you are a work in
02:32pm I want the EvoMouse. :D :D
05:50pm No, motherfuckers, it has not been resolved.
t1BJCZc via @twitter
07:34pm is tired & j-j-jaded.
08:52pm these few mths,traffic mad even past 9pm on a mid-weekday. Is
evryone on advertising hours now?
10:39pm hmm,i can access twitter frm my home's crappy internet
connection, yet not my office's excellent one (w/ updated software & all).
what gives
10:40pm Trying to force-feed a celeb appearance into a damn
infomercial becoz client said so. Not going good. Feels like what it is:
10:46pm @justinecat For kicks i decided to try translate the page with
that quote in it, and got "Burst Man Wang" as an opening sentence LOL
RE justinecat: that's just freaking terrible. please tell me it wasn't google
translate... *fangirl mode*
10:52pm @justinecat it TOTALLY WAS Google translate ahahaha (kills
a fangirl, uh-oh) Was that a song lyric?
RE justinecat: i'll write a song about it. gah! why is google so bad at
mandarin translation?!
10:57pm @justinecat not just bad. Hilariously bad. i wish i could read
Chinese, then it'd be even funnier knowing the actual meaning
11:31pm @justinecat oh, i think becoz i translated a whole website. so a
lot of weird shit got thrown in maybe, from the rest of the content.
Wed May 04
11:04am no point hiring a well-known expensive agency & not giving us
the time to do quality work.
11:05am might as well hire smaller agency & use the money to give
ur staff bigger bonuses, or go somewhere fancy on ur company trip, or
12:04pm 'Lord Gaga' is trending. And the tweets are hilarious.
Apparently it started as a random idea involving Lord Voldemort (of
Harry Potter).
01:42pm An MTV commercial that actually makes sense. Awesome
one. Look closely & you can see the real nifty transitions, too.
02:11pm The people here are not big on answering emails. or maybe
even reading emails.
Thu May 05
11:28am Smartphones With Attitude
01:59pm movie quote of the day: "I was born to lead, not to read."
04:35pm Is schizophrenia contagious? it seems to have passed from one
client to another.
04:36pm @justinecat omg icccce-blennnnded coffeeeeeeeee
07:31pm @justinecat can't wait for you to come. dying. you in LB or Arc
07:50pm @justinecat ohgood! no worries, one extra writer will lighten
the workload for everyone... hope you get a good account.
08:21pm burn.out.
08:22pm twitter down again
Red_Aliss's Twournal
Fri May 06
02:02pm @McNadia i knoww! where hv u been?
RE McNadia: twitter takes up so much time + effort. need to constantly
tweet. with fb, you can just post something + be done for the day!
02:07pm @randomyai 's birthday tomorrow! everyone wish him a good
one! (even if u don't know him. doesn't matter...hahaha. be random)
03:28pm after weeks of mad churning, i've finally cleared most of my
stuff...and am pervaded by a feeling of light happiness. can u see me
04:11pm Go Wei Jiin! the guy is in his element today or smthg. Must be
the football jersey he's wearing
04:13pm ....why is Olivia Newton's "Physical" stuck in my head as of
15mins ago? I didn't even hear it at all today.
05:38pm looking at Cannes judge profiles makes me realize that having
a black-&-white profile pic makes u look smarter & more accomplished.
07:39pm i'm almst always the most dangerous looking person on the
train. Which is ironic & a pity, coz im actually quite nice (most of the
RE justinecat: my point being, maybe you're not as dangerous looking to
the general populace as you think :)
RE justinecat: i always thought i was the most unfriendly-looking person
in the vicinity, but people are always asking me for assistance.
Mon May 09
10:55am Happy Roger Hargreaves day. And Hello to all the Little Miss
Bad girls out there.
11:04am @justinecat hahaha. yup. anyway, not that i care. just a random
& bemused thought.
11:05am Was about to type some keywords for research but the Google
masthead(for R. Hargreaves day) totally got me sidetracked .... -____LoL
11:40am Buggery laryngitis.
RE evensteven929: You still have that mess? I hope it clears up soon. :)
12:08pm @ewenLian hey, sounds cute... post pix of ur new cut :)
RE ewenLian: hahaha i posted the other day ...
12:34pm I know it's Mr Tickle, but it looks more like Mr Surprise
Perverted Grope. :P
12:36pm @ewenLian Very chic! look like an edgy Asian model i saw in
my ma's Padini mag recently.
RE ewenLian: but look like tomboy tho..
01:03pm Walked into a restaurant & ordered a dish without knowing
exactly what it was, coz i was feeling adventurous.
02:19pm My menu adventure paid off. That thosai-thing i had was
freakin' delicious.
03:21pm @ewenLian but you don't dress or act like tomboy what. you're
petite, & with the short haircut it makes u look edgy & instantly stylish. :)
03:22pm @justinecat CiBai indeed. what is the test for
RE justinecat: lung function test. Gah. Of course its functioning.
Breathing ain't i?
03:23pm The problem with festive ads is there's no strat :P it's hard to do
an ad when you don't have shit to sell, & have to make up shit to say.
RE randomyai: yew can do it!
03:46pm Why on earth is a paperback more expensive than a hardcover?
Amazon, you confuse me.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
RE evensteven929: they are? I wonder the same thing. Kinda dumb...
03:51pm @justinecat ok but why did u have to go for the test? personally
i hate most medical procedures. so i know u'r not doing this for kicks.
RE justinecat: LB pre employment.
05:49pm @justinecat .....but....i didnt have to pay for shit. and there was
no stupid lung test. what is going on ? hmm
RE justinecat: ahhhh i'm asthmatic. :(
05:51pm my colleague Lolo is hilarious. There is no 2-sec window btwn
his brain and tongue. Or keyboard.
05:51pm He may be the most literally honest person i know who is not
an 8-year-old.
06:45pm @justinecat you're asthmatic, and they Make You Pay For It.
lovely. -___-"
RE justinecat: lol. that's EXACTLY what i was thinking!
07:29pm @justinecat only when checking for breast lumps. now i think
abt it, why DO we hv to strip so completely? why not just the necessary
RE justinecat: yeah, when she told me to take off my pants, i assumed
something was going to happen there? nah. nope.
07:31pm actually it's not like i'm uncomfortable with nudity. what i am
uncomfy with is they treat you like an object, (cont)
Tue May 10
10:15am I love him I love him I LOOOOVVVVVE HIM http://
RE randomyai: More Aerosmith songs for you during karaoke.
10:25am If a book is launched on Amazon and you're willing to wait a
few weeks, does the price go down eventually? (please say it does.)
RE randomyai: Quite rare. Unless it is a 'Penguin Classic Books'. Try
asking Iska. Apparently he's an ardent buyer on Amazon.
11:13am So check this. Mr Tyler and Johnny Depp are writing songs
together. How Much Hotness Can You Fit Into A Room?
02:05pm Man, i should totally write job reqs. xD l
02:06pm @randomyai which one which one i hate you i hate you
RE randomyai: hehe, it's the Tune in To Me campaign for UNICEF.
Finalist onli. :P
02:07pm @randomyai Noooo i don't want to desecrate too many of my
idols' songs xD
02:10pm @randomyai Ok thanks. i rly am not a natural online
shopper....usually like to touch & feel my stuff before i plonk down hardearned $$
02:30pm June 6 - June 24 ? That's a big estimate. Can't they narrow it
down a little?
02:35pm die lah my finances. some more i promised my ma a belated (or
week-lated) Mom's Day gift. but what the hell.
05:03pm @randomyai Incubus was always on the mellow side. They
have one of the most misleading band names ever.
07:11pm is on the verge of slipping into Unproductive Mode. (and this is
why you should keep your tweets Locked so your boss can't follow you.)
RE justinecat: agree 100%.
07:23pm I predicted that after a series of blistering dog days, there was
gonna be a shitstorm in the sky today. I predicted wrong.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
08:15pm strangely & startlingly accurate. surprise.
via @blogthings
Wed May 11
10:43am Awesome word of the day: Cyborgian.
11:04am Song of the morning: Come On, Come In ~Velvet Revolver
12:19pm @justinecat @McNadia HOLY FUCKING SHIT
RE justinecat: @McNadia WOOHOOOO
12:29pm @justinecat LOL kesian nyer. you want me to take u round? or
ask Hex?
RE justinecat: woman, lunch?
RE justinecat: lol. bloody hex is supposed to take poot forlorn me for
lunch. WHERE IS SHE?
02:13pm the famous laksa shop's ice coffee is good...but not *quite* as
good as last time. dun tell me standard drop aledi
RE justinecat: yeah, it's good but not as good as they were raving.
RE Urfman: ok. i'm telling you: standard drop aledi! :p
02:16pm @Urfman F off la you, menyibuk only. =P
RE Urfman: mafan. lol.
02:17pm FUck no WAY RT @NikkiSixx What a crazy
day...Schwarzenegger and Tyler on the same show...What is happening
around here? ...:)
02:23pm @justinecat i swear was better last time. this time it's a bit too
dilute & also the taste is missing smthg. maybe change 'barista' liao
RE justinecat: the barista was too busy playing matchmaker, no?
02:23pm @justinecat rubbish la. don't pretend to be self-deprecating :P
02:27pm @justinecat LOL. maybe.
02:58pm We Wish. @khairulnz "The brief is the lifeblood of any
campaign, and it should never be allowed to be anything less than
04:04pm @justinecat coool. who? aside frm Liang
RE justinecat: jerome and one more fella ;)
04:05pm YUp...smthg badass, becoz i refuse to wear that style-cramping
white thing @zainamri A Cobra commander mask would be perfect for
this haze!
07:08pm @sadyn what happened??
08:08pm @BeeNeefit i LOVE the scrappy-looking, poetic animation.
2D animation SERIOUSLY NEEDS to make a comeback, i am tired of
RE BeeNeefit: looks so gorgeous rite? i need to find a copy of that
08:08pm @sadyn u aint replying my question. what happened to make u
08:48pm also, several writer spots open at LeoBurnett. wow we are
hiring!! msg me if you need a job or just like our office's nice interior
Thu May 12
02:00pm @justinecat silly bitches! did you tell em to change it
a.s.a.p? in the meanwhile just use ur personal mail lah.
RE justinecat: hahaha i haven't dared send any emails to anyone since
yesterday! mailed HR.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
02:02pm the only thing saving me from going crazy with nonstop work is
tweet breaks.
09:05pm too many late hours on this job. Hope like hell it amounts to
Fri May 13
12:45am Gaga is an excellent mentor on Idol. She's spot on.
09:59am Good mornin'. Nowhere near enough sleep, but hell. When the
going gets tough, the tough Just Push Play.
11:23am Case D rocks. really dig working with him
11:23am @justinecat say, did you manage to locate your wallet & ATM
RE justinecat: yup. i'm a mess like that.
12:03pm @justinecat nyahaha...if you were really evil, you'd SHARE
THOSE MAILS*. the juicy ones. with pictures. (*disclaimer: i am
RE justinecat: i might have, but it's pretty damn heart-breaking. i died a
bit inside.
02:28pm @justinecat i've gotten that before too. love it everytime. xD
02:30pm pffffhhhheeeeewwwwwww. YES i am done with this job for the
day. now it can stop eating up the rest of my time & energy till next week.
07:01pm WOOHOO this post made my day @justinecat fact of the
week: @Red_Aliss is not the tiniest bit afraid of full-sized cockroaches.
fucking macho
RE justinecat: *kowtow*
07:51pm i swear if i get the chance, imma pound that motherfucker for
making me feel afraid. I'm only afraid til my boots are in your balls, bitch.
11:26pm My bro is a good person but he's way too emotional for his own
Sat May 14
03:20pm @justinecat any sexy old cats, or all 'uncles'? :p
RE justinecat: lots sexy old cats in leather and studs. Love to look like
them when I'm their age!
03:24pm felt a lil strange being assessor to students just few yrs younger
than me. Also,the other examiners couldnt make it, i was the only 1 :p
RE justinecat: which college you doing? I did one academy a couple of
times :p
10:45pm @justinecat ooooh mraorrrwww!! nice
10:46pm @justinecat Saito. :) how were the One A. bunch?
RE justinecat: first bunch was pretty good. Went the next year and
quality degraded badly. -_10:48pm it's amusing how Gmail refers to email threads as
'conversations'. even when it's between me and my e-bank's machine.
RE justinecat: lol
Mon May 16
10:28am I don't know what to do. If we can't deliver then die. i want to
cry but there is no suitable place to do it here.
10:30am boss just sent me a friend request on FB. sorry but no way....
you are an awfully nice dude & all. but i've learnt the hard way to be
Red_Aliss's Twournal
RE randomyai: lol, such a wise move.
RE justinecat: add him then put him in a super private list.
11:40am @justinecat there is a 'private list'? is it in the account settings?
RE justinecat: create a list, then customise the settings so wall, info,
photos etc. are all off limits. :D
12:25pm @justinecat ...OK i rly don't see the point of having someone as
a 'friend' & cutting em off from your stuff. haha..think i'll just decline.
12:26pm why today extra cold, is it raining?
01:25pm @justinecat kakaka you were hooked to SmartShop? :P
RE justinecat: you weren't?? :p
02:47pm @justinecat no, but i did enjoy seeing that orange mop thing
wiping up spilled egg yolks & various big messes. idk why.
RE justinecat: cos it was freaking amazing. Lol
03:14pm Been depressed since this morning. A feeling of hopelessness
that won't go away.
RE BeeNeefit: me too.
03:56pm @BeeNeefit *hugs of commiseration* heh.
RE BeeNeefit: *hugs* right back at ya.
03:57pm @BeeNeefit everything frm Barisan Nasional to woolly
headgear to buzzing insects.... xD
03:58pm glad i still have "xD" moments even during depressive bouts.
i'd boast abt my Resilience & Inner Strength, but more likely i'm just
05:12pm @justinecat 'Lau sai pills' made me LOLLLL.
RE justinecat: thanks for your sympathy. LOL. but really, what's in those
05:19pm @justinecat oh sorry! didnt realise the lau-sai victim was you.
what's in em? err....bits of frog & dubious herbs & some opium if u'r
RE justinecat: HAHAHAHAHAH been "lau sai-ing" over the whole
weekend ok. better google that shit ;p
07:30pm the more i look at Nicholas Tze's face, the more i don't like it.
It's a super-LCLY face.
RE justinecat: uhuh. At least Jay Chou just looks a bit "slow".
07:51pm @justinecat hahahahaha
07:54pm jokingly told Ash to cut down his cancer-sticks since he got
ill recently. He got snappy at me. -___- kayyy...maybe i was nagging too
10:29pm no hiking after all. Rain has dissolved all viable trails to Mud
Wed May 18
10:14am @Uraccaish no life la you, every damn thing also post. you
know my twitter feed is spammed to the max with your twitpic alerts :P
RE Uraccaish: hahaha....hey...that's just part of my life! if i upload
all...haha,i think u will just unfollow
10:14am today i shall die.
RE justinecat: don't die, we're going to sri lanka!
10:23am @justinecat i shall try to hang on. *cue semangat anthem*
RE justinecat: something GnR for you ;)
02:07pm hopes to be reacquainted with the concept of a proper, 1-hr
leisure lunch, outside the office building one of these days.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
05:18pm @Uraccaish thats why i told you first, so you won't continue to
bomb pics till i decide to Unfollow you :P haha
05:20pm reading the Ramayana for research purposes... Sita has to be
the most insipid, sickeningly subservient heroine of all time.
RE justinecat: Sita from the Last Vampire series was cool tho ;)
05:21pm Next to her, Stepford Wives look like Amazonian feminists.
05:32pm @justinecat The Last Vampire was soooo good. Favourite
bloodsucker epic from my teenhood. Christopher Pike wrote some real
haunting tales
RE justinecat: i regret throwing it out! ARGH!
05:40pm @justinecat you had the whole Last Vampire series? i see 1 or
2 of the books at sales now & then, but u can never get the whole set
RE justinecat: i did... and then i thought i was "too grown up" for it.
09:27pm i hate this. i hate my brain. i hate myself. we've been going at it
for the whole Fucking Day & Night & no solid idea.
09:27pm this job has become a fucking nightmare. no one's fault either.
just my bloody deficient brain.
RE justinecat: we all have days like that. Here's to cracking that shit
Thu May 19
10:01am @justinecat *hugs* for da support
RE justinecat: heh. Hope you'll return it when I start freaking out soon.
10:40am we'll always be together....together in electric dreeeeaaaams
10:52am #nowplaying Meatloaf - "I'd Lie For You". Probly the most
EPIC love song Ever.
01:32pm @motivationMY @sherylhosulynn would depend on the
degree of change we're talking abt, right?
RE sherylhosulynn: @motivationmy hmm. For me, it's more like what
kind of change. If it's drastic, he should give me time and for the better of
02:50pm @justinecat so sorry. if i knew u were craving meat specifically,
i'd have thought of someplace else. anyway imma bad lunch guide... xD
RE justinecat: LOL. it's ok. i'm only whining cos i can!
02:51pm Thermal mugs have spoilt me. Now i get miffed when my
coffee/tea goes cold in under 10 mins. "Call yourself hot water? You
08:22pm Gaga in the office, belting from someone's solid laptop
speakers. (needs more bass though.)
Fri May 20
10:26am @ladygaga 's Judas is a solid song. Even better than Born This
Way. Dig the video too
11:30am Also, FUCKING KOREANS.
12:49pm lovely malay-style beef soup in a hot, crowded backstreet stall.
Lorong food can yield great taste-gasms
01:17pm Dear art partner, please don't be so stubborn & emotional.
We're in advertising, not fine art.
RE justinecat: LOL
01:54pm @justinecat got your meds aledi or not?
RE justinecat: nope. pain's going away aledi~ toughen it up!
Red_Aliss's Twournal
02:30pm Weii Jiin shows his smarts again. a good hardworking suit
05:25pm @justinecat you're scaring me with this rapture shite. tell me
you're kidding -__o
RE justinecat: it's one of the many dates predicted by one of the many
Christian scholars. shhhhh...
05:25pm tak faham la client ni.
RE randomyai: fahamkan mereka sebelum mereka tak faham sendiri.
05:37pm @justinecat ...aaahahaHAHAHAHA *evil cackle + lightning*
(don't worry i won't share it here)
RE justinecat: hi darling I buy you lunch~
05:39pm @justinecat oh yeah. the awesomely mad, foaming-at-themouth site shared by Phang on FB? (in neon fonts in like 50 different
RE justinecat: LOL
05:51pm @justinecat deal! xD actually i havent got the mail yet. system
slow sikit. but i'm lookin forward to it
06:52pm @lookcheeheng is that a free calendar or smthg? (beside the
07:56pm @randomyai kalau macam tu, kita dah terlambat.
07:57pm I totally tried to 'manipulate' a friend to get things to go my
way. I iz a bad, bad person. (dunno if the fact that i failed counts.)
RE justinecat: you is a bad politician, maybe. bad friend... the jury is out
on that one ;p
08:07pm @justinecat nyahaha thanks a lot
08:08pm somebody's farewell email said that a"at leo burnett i
discovered the meaning of life." WAH liauu. :)
Mon May 23
10:44am What the FUCK: book AirAsia tix 1 YEAR in advance, & they
can tell me flights are sold out on that day??
RE justinecat: happened to a friend. completely fucked up ALL her
01:46pm @Diouvx wah laaaan. so in demand eh. can jack up your price
aledi ;P
RE Diouvx: (~_~)v
01:47pm once again i couldn't resist that artery-clogging deep-fried
chicken. Damn crispy curry leaves were my downfall...
02:15pm I hate when my face rash acts up. It turns me from Reasonably
Attractive In The Right Light to Walking Bloody Rash.
03:50pm in life there will be moments, big & little, where you Just Gotta
Make A Decision.
04:15pm @justinecat the Grey musang has moved to LB. ahaha. Hope
they didn't kill it. There's a hutan just outside where they can campak the
RE McNadia: made it to Sam's plc *grin* no reception, but they have
WIFI thankfully! Found a cozy spot inside :)
Tue May 24
10:37am Lolo pick up your phone DAMMIT >.<
12:53pm After a nice weekend, Mad Monday followed by Mad
Tuesday...ahaha. -____-"
RE BeeNeefit: madness indeed.
03:49pm ohgod im nauseous.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
06:09pm so fucking tired, & fucking hungry. Shd be the end of the
workday dammit. Except its not.
07:01pm Thank you Case, you saved my day.
07:19pm Simple & great.
RE sarah_kow: I swear I smelt the sea for a sec!
07:46pm @sarah_kow yay. good for ya :)
07:48pm @BeeNeefit welcome. i guess we were all in need of that,
seeing as how fast it caught on minutes after my FB friend shared it :)
Wed May 25
07:47am @Uraccaish happy la you, always complain hot :)
10:08am goddamnit. Somebody tell me in advance if we're going for
preso. Once again i am inappropriately dressed.
RE BeeNeefit: keep a spare change of 'client-approved' clothes in the
office? :P
02:16pm @IamStevenT i don't care. it's gonna be a boring finale & i'll
only watch if A'smith performs, which they won't :( country vs country.
02:17pm proofreading product specs is a pain. little letters, digits &
technicalities in tiny bullet points.
06:39pm i dun wanna stay back for this stupid FA dammit i wanna crash
early toniiiiite
06:39pm @randomyai i fucking hate you
RE randomyai: i love it when u do. Evil grin*
06:49pm Shit, one of my cousin's grown into this tall lovely creature
since i last saw her. And i'm still the plain Jane I am when she last saw
07:09pm learnt smthg new today. If you see a pointless print ad in the
papers, it may be coz someone's using up pre-bought, no-refund media
07:19pm @randomyai **puts curse on you using old job reqs with your
07:20pm taking a break & surfing for mental junk food while waiting for
bludy colour sep.
Thu May 26
12:09pm @randomyai now only u realize ah? xD
RE randomyai: I also realized I can leave at 5.30pm today... xD
12:28pm @randomyai they're paying you too much for the amount of
work you do, then. i deserve some of your salary bitch. xD
RE randomyai: naw, im just fast and efficient at doing muh work. Lol
01:52pm cold juicy raw turnip chunks with belacan sauce, nyumm
03:33pm @szen bring me some sashimi pleeeeez
RE szen: babe, salmon? Virtual delivery on the way!
04:51pm @szen virtual delivery, real product. :D just like when i order
pizza online...right? Right?
RE szen: hahah no babe, just like facebook poke.. :p
05:55pm @szen Facebook Poke out of fashion! Engagement with
real life benefits are the in thing! LOL (in advertising, what we call
05:55pm @ewenLian That quote just sums up Life, The World and
What Is The Meaning Of It All in one sentence. hahaha.
RE ewenLian: hahaha it's a song lyrics babe..
07:11pm @randomyai milo ais? nais
Red_Aliss's Twournal
RE randomyai: nein, white coffee ice. Mmmm..
Fri May 27
10:12am So kurang ajar it's hilarious. 'vintage' spoof ad http://
RE justinecat: wonder what today's man will say to an offer of "wifely
duties" ;p
12:31pm @justinecat i thought it was romantic.
RE justinecat: then what do you do after the break up?
12:32pm @justinecat but whatever u do just don't get the the significant
other's name. 10 yrs & a split later = ;P
RE justinecat: name's the worst case ya. but stuff that meant something
to the both of you is gonna suck too.
12:35pm @justinecat yeah i guess so. hey where wanna lunch ?
RE justinecat: i'm headed out for lunch with a friend. wanna join?
12:39pm @justinecat OK :) if he/she don't mind that iz
RE justinecat: should be fine la. beef noodles! wooo
02:40pm @NikkiSixx I agree 100% Nikki. Put the style and swagger back
into rock. please.
02:51pm i've decided that i need to check out Arcade Fire just becoz
every ad agency person's iTunes seems to have em (except mine). =P
RE justinecat: arcade fire is the bomb. rebellion. wake up. ready to start.
neon bible.
02:56pm @justinecat those are song names or album names? btw is ur
machine's iTunes Library on Shared? :) then i can browse ur songs
RE justinecat: song names. i haven't loaded my library though. lemme
bring you albums on monday.
03:00pm @justinecat oh uh...OK. hehe. checking out Neon BIble now,
dun like it. but i did like Ready To Start.
03:40pm wheee my shipment arrives 3 June.
04:08pm My Microsoft Word doesn't have 'Facebook' in its dictionary.
Ketinggalan zaman giler.
04:30pm website writing seems a to be a bit easier than ATL. (for me
that is. personal opinion.)
RE justinecat: definitely.
06:46pm So cool, this site...but the webcam feature doesnt seem to work
on my comp...
08:25pm Dont u just love a client who wants Options, Just BECAUSE.
Because we like to be spoiled. Because we like having lotsa stuff to pick,
08:46pm @Uraccaish can you stop posting every single pic, most of
which is not in the least interesting to the majority of ppl here? :P haha
08:48pm If i could drop my pride & walk into a store to buy cheap-ass
alcoholic plonk, i'd have a stress reliever at hand when i need it.
Sat May 28
06:22pm Name of the day: Bellamy. What are ur fave names that roll
nicely off the tongue?
Sun May 29
06:22pm Blading rink at Subang was playing good music, until we started
skating. FUCK this Techno Shit !!!
06:23pm can't move without a groove, is all im saying. I dont mind
whatever, but not motherfuckin techno plz.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
Wed Jun 01
10:15am yay free drugs.
11:05am sinusitis. want to sleep. i suspect leisure sickness--when ur
adrenaline stops working during a leave/weekend & ur body has time to
get ill.
11:20am Also a shoelace on my brand new boots just snagged. this day is
going perfect.
02:06pm This is GREAT.
08:39pm @justinecat i wore hitops alot in my teens, & i was as short as
im now. Dun recall looking that fucked up :) (or maybe my memory's
RE justinecat: i thought we all looked really fucked up in the 90s :p
08:41pm overly loud broadcasts of prayers annoy me when they're off
key (which is most of the time).
Thu Jun 02
10:23am Good morning KL. We're playing corporation games while
Marconi plays the mambo.
10:58am FUCK YOUR MOMMAS, TWITTER TEAM. What is with
the Email Notifications? Just turned off my notifications after receiving a
load of email spam
10:59am Also, the Famous Facebook Cunts responsible for email spam
& privacy issues have decided to start with the unnecessary email alerts
10:59am didn't i adjust my Notification settings already, bitches?
11:43am "Viagra: Put the magic back in your wand." http://
01:50pm "Every kitty needs a string, and every dog a stick; But all you
need is a bag of weed to really get a kick!"
01:51pm @justinecat get a pair of hands on ur boobs. i think i saw smthg
like that once. pretty cool xD kakaka
02:35pm @BeeNeefit ARSONNNNNN!!!!!!!!!
02:56pm ..dirty deeds, done dirt-cheap..
03:14pm I think it's completely shitty that Charmaine & co were crossed
out of the the trip becoz of the pitch. Hope they get reimbursed in some
04:28pm Laurent is fucking hilarious. I feel like following him to
04:34pm Christ someone's cologne is Damn Strong. :P
06:39pm Hi there @DanEvo. Just saw the series of tweets btwn u &
@Uraccaish. Can PM me if u got any queries? =) nice to meet u btw!
06:40pm @Uraccaish oh and thanks a ton for the recommendation. :)
08:04pm Man, when is this coming out alrdy? Full trailer out a year ago.
Fri Jun 03
12:29am Good one, Barca. I thought it was charming & funny that they
cut out & kept the goal net.
10:38am If they're such a stickler for timesheets they should make sure
the damn link doesn't break every 2 weeks.
RE justinecat: if they're such a stickler for timesheets, where is my login?
Red_Aliss's Twournal
01:48pm @justinecat idk. maybe your login ID tersangkut under Justin
02:04pm #nowlayaning Epic - Faith No More "You've got to share it,so
you dare it Then you bare it,& you tear it You want it all but you can't..."
03:51pm AAAaaggh i had a good line & it slipped awayyyyy. stupid
slippery brain.
03:52pm i'd join in the @motivationMY 'fun', but it just seems
so....unrealistically wholesome & un-edgy &, well, un-fun. :P
04:37pm i hate performance appraisals. especially when i haven't any
pitches or awards to throw on paper and say So There.
04:48pm in fact, the only time performance appraisals rock is when you
have an arsenal of evidence at your disposal that says Promote Me ;) ;)
04:57pm @BeeNeefit sweet. (is the plaster part of the design? lol)
RE BeeNeefit: lol for the rugged effect. And to cover up blister.
07:23pm i get damn scared when my phone battery threaten to mati. it's
the stuff that catalyses the panic in horror movies. :P
07:59pm @justinecat that's not the train, that's people. xD spoken from
experience ....
Sun Jun 05
12:26am Someone told me my cheap jacket looked like the T-Birds (of
Grease). Danny Zuko, baby. Totally made my fuckin day :D
02:05am few mths since i rly drank, alcohol tolerance went way down.
Ma haiii.
11:52pm Shit, man, my buddy Aloy has some Seriously graphic porn
involving mile-high...uh, squirting.
Mon Jun 06
11:35am Suan from WWF is super, uber nice. Ever so helpful &
appreciative, wah lannn. Good to have clients like this
11:35am =( wish i could make it home in time for MTV Movie Awards.
02:36pm Patrick is damn horny. Can't get thru 2 sentences abt football
players without a 69-ing episode thrown in. hahaha xD
02:37pm smart has the brains. stupid has the balls. smart thinks. stupid
does. #dieselbestupid
02:43pm smart tells the best jokes. but stupid gets the most laughs.
RE Uraccaish: fat eats alot but lucky eats and never gets fat!
05:40pm @Uraccaish nice one :D
05:45pm @justinecat wheeee scrolling! (similar jakun reaction)
06:07pm Shit man, 1 week more, i need to start packing. Should not
have frittered my weekend away.
RE BeeNeefit: Oo where to?
08:42pm @BeeNeefit colombo, sri lanka. company trip.
Tue Jun 07
11:38am been waiting for over half hr. Patient bfore me is taking bludy
long. Curse ur balls & hope they fall off
03:28pm Malaysian tweeters, go check out @OWCmalaysia & their
followers' #OWC tweets. First-Class Hilarious.
04:33pm Lynn Wan is so motherly. providing food for us hungry ppl
^_^ got to try her home-made pâté recently.
04:39pm The JLo song (On The Floor) is so terribly catchy, i've decided
to just listen on Repeat till I become tired of it. "NA,NANANA...."
Red_Aliss's Twournal
04:40pm 'Everybody put your drinks up!' (on that note, anyone wanna
put some Irish my my coffee?)
06:30pm @justinecat ah, but if one of the girls in a plain-Jane circle
suddenly becomes hot, she becomes COMPETITION. (supposedly.)
hurhur -__-"
RE justinecat: i guess that makes sense...
why are my entries not being registered?? Whatever;just don't blacklist
me, it's not my faulllllt
08:21pm the workday is over, now i can get to reading my new Amazon
buy! It arrived in the afternoon & not being able to read it was killing
09:55pm i take back what i said. client does not understand meaning of
advertorial. more changes needed. becoz no one fucking reads fucking
Wed Jun 08
10:03am Does someone here dislike me? There was a post-it note on my
laptop with "Pls Do Not Sing Anymore" scrawled on it.
RE randomyai: Obviously the fella should hear you karaoke. THAT
would change her/his mind.
10:26am @randomyai aww that's sweet. thanks, man. i'm still bugged
tho, i just wanna know who it is who wrote that!
12:04pm NOT A GOOD START TO THE MORNING. :( :( :( I want to
cry, except that my macho streak won't allow me to.
RE BeeNeefit: *hugs* hang in there
12:25pm @BeeNeefit thanksss *hug back* T___T
12:25pm This job is one of the worst & most painful ever. And tempers
are flaring.
03:46pm @justinecat @dominic_chin Wah lannn. So premium-sounding
ah, the GCB. Like some gourmet organic overpriced sandwich xD haha
08:06pm needs whisky. now plz.
Thu Jun 09
10:34am today's Google logo should come with sound laaa. The sweet
twangs of a Gibson.
RE ewenLian: Ehhh got sound la but it's only guitar sound.. Cool..
RE BeeNeefit: but it does come with sound!
11:04am @BeeNeefit @ewenLian Bugger lah why i can't hear it from
my machine. :(
RE BeeNeefit: @ewenLian i've already wasted like 20 mins this morning
playing with it.
11:20am @BeeNeefit @ewenLian so sad. i wanna playyyy. what the
hell's wrong with my google
11:21am oh wait @BeeNeefit @ewenLian i just found out i had to turn
off my background image. whoo hoo :P
RE BeeNeefit: hahahaha commence time wasting! @ewenLian
Fri Jun 10
10:02am Mornin', motherfo's. Wake-up song: "The Warrior" by Scandal.
In Malaysian slang, this ditty is 'layan giler.'
Red_Aliss's Twournal
10:43am @Uraccaish me tooooo. it was painful -- i mean it literally hurt
--to drag myself out of bed this morning. :/ huhu
RE Uraccaish: i wish i could sleep and sleep.dont know why am just so
01:45pm layaning "House Of Fire", from Alice Cooper during his hairrock phase. Sexy as hell, man. I would TOtally have banged him in the
05:46pm It is days like these that tempt me to pick up smoking.
06:50pm #Super8Movie sounds real interesting.
RE justinecat: babe, am gonna move first. see you later at 8. :)
06:52pm #nowplaying 'White Wedding' -Murderdolls. Nice &
sinister,great for graphic fantasies of doing things to people who make
your life difficult
09:37pm i know it's not the most kickass of brands, but Virginia Slims
are really good. It's one cigarette that does not taste like burnt paper.
Sat Jun 11
06:59pm @BeeNeefit you're a finalist? :D
RE BeeNeefit: yes I am. In two categories O.o"
Mon Jun 13
10:04am my colleague Charmaine & I are so Gen Y we had to ask for
help using a fax machine. "Do you put the paper facing up or down?"
10:42am XiaoYeen wearing a skirt today for a change, boss was teasing
her abt being a 'married woman' (she got hitched over the weekend).
12:34pm Reverend Sixx in the house of God, heavenyeah! @NikkiSixx
It's Sunday. Who's ready for church?
12:34pm @angelicshades 'seen' it? you mean there's a movie of the Hans
Christien story? :D
RE angelicshades: Not quite! It's a Korean horror movie inspired by
elements from the story, not so much an adaptation. Still cool though!
12:35pm hmm. how to cram three positionings into one ad?
12:41pm @randomyai i shall forward that tweet to Valerie. "Hey Val,
people are being under-utilized here. Help em out!"
01:29pm Devouring Mr Tyler's autobio has inspired me to check
out Aero's very 1st album. The bluesy gritty guitars, the raw dirty
03:36pm Gunning for a mojito party @ Lolo's place later to celebrate his
last day, aka i-don't-givva-fuck day :P
Red_Aliss's Twournal
11:08pm WWF sent me a packet of spinach seeds. Cool :) ok i live in an
apartment,where do i get some soil?
Tue Jun 14
09:51am aircond rosak today. :P
10:02am LOL, Pathma sure 'lau juak' wan. Normal day w/ aircond
already buka kipas. lagi habis
10:10am @justinecat park also check in ahhh. tsk tsk :P
RE justinecat: busted. accidentally linked it to twitter update :p
01:58pm If anyone is craving some popcorn, pop by my place. Lynn Wan
has left me a bucket.
06:20pm "please let me know if you've seen (my misplaced waterbottle)
and you can have the honor of naming my firstborn" < awesome email of
the day.
RE BeeNeefit: that person should meet the owner of @sharonnnsbottle
06:39pm @BeeNeefit LOL wthell! want to make a viral campaign out of
a missing bottle iz it. @sharonnnsbottle
RE BeeNeefit: lol it was this year's overly elaborate April fool's prank.
You should scroll to some of the photos :P
06:43pm @justinecat check out @sharonnnsbottle kheng, missing
bottle got own twitter acct. btw have you found it?
Wed Jun 15
10:44am a guy in a straight-looking, serious, Wall Street-worthy suit had
Dancing Queen as a ringtone. Most priceless bit of the morning.
07:37pm i deleted 2 tweets in a row because they sounded way whiny.
Especially when not accompanied by my snarky, bitch-attitude tone of
voice. :P
07:43pm New Worst Client Of The Year. Make that Decade. Make that
Ever. hurh
RE BeeNeefit: beat mine.
09:37pm May they be butt-raped in hell by red-hot pokers.
09:38pm Here's a toast to you, worthless arseholes. I hope you get raped
viciously in an alley and live to endure the trauma.
Tue Jun 21
11:02am @justinecat wheeeeeee.... I may have found my Plan B if my
copywriting career doesn't work out.
RE justinecat: i think it's a definite Plan B ;)
11:02am internet screwy becoz everyone uploading / viewing photos.
11:10am One of my favourite photos from Negombo, Sri Lanka :D :D
07:26pm What a diff in 2 letters.. Google 'beauty exposed' & you get
classy nudes and fashion photography. Google 'beauties exposed' & you
get porn.
08:55pm GOOD STUFF
Wed Jun 22
02:36pm i love being able to use the word 'soiree' without sounding like
an air-kissing snob
Red_Aliss's Twournal
04:41pm how do clients come up with project code names anyway? i've
seen some weird ones.
06:30pm Why nowadays our aircond doesn't go off at 6.15? I don't want
to wear a jacket all friggin' day.
RE justinecat: errr i think the MAS team ordered AC till late :$ sorry
07:53pm @justinecat hehe. it's OK lah. *examines blue fingernails*...
good luck on MAS! you guys're lucky to have Jovian at least
08:01pm my ride-less gang & i have a Friend With The Car, & in school i
was The Friend Who Helped Correct Your Essays.
Thu Jun 23
01:07pm @justinecat ohSHIT.
RE justinecat: OMG
04:09pm @BeeNeefit ohshit are your earphones OK
RE BeeNeefit: one-sided now, the left earpiece is silent :/ hope it'll be
okay after drying off.
04:45pm la, lalalala, lalalalalalalalalaaa...... again, that illegally,
ridiculously catchy ditty has its claws deep in my brain.
04:53pm now i'm checking out my colleague's 11 remix versions of
the song. ELEVen. what's wrong with her? is she obsessed?? =P
Fri Jun 24
10:26am "God of thunder! Of Rock 'n' ROWWOLLLLL!!!" Symphony
version, with a full orchestra. such gorgeous sounds in my ear this Fri
11:11am Suddenly it doesn't feel like Friday anymore.
11:14am it's been breakneck speed here for about 7 months straight now.
11:51am There's been some restructuring going on. I now have a superanal account added to my roster. YAY, i get to experience 1more circle
of hell!
12:25pm feel like a beautiful nasi lemak...........
03:09pm My bank account is damn pathetic.
04:42pm Hope we don't get KIen-ed! *cross fingers, touch wood, etc*
08:15pm @justinecat why do strat briefs come without STRATS? ahaha
09:13pm nyahAHAHA RT yer kosher cock can't be
that great, right? @andrewshee
09:22pm They don't appear to need me for tonite's pitch pow-wow. Yet...
Should i turn off my phone for da weekend? nyahaha.
Sat Jun 25
03:18pm @justinecat yay overtime party! -__- beeeeer!! (if anyone has
RE justinecat: i'm just getting a GCB ;p
03:28pm @justinecat i alrdy had lunch but still ordered a Fish O Fillet,
05:30pm Kien just said four reassuring words: "Don't stay too late." My
answer is: As You Say, Boss.
Sun Jun 26
12:57pm it's a lovely Sunday. as seen from the window of my office ____-
Mon Jun 27
Red_Aliss's Twournal
09:35am My wallpaper is made of hotness. a young @NikkiSixx to make
this early morning more bearable
RE Urfman: whats wrong with the 'old' nikki sixx? lol. RT a young
NikkiSixx to make this early morning more bearable
09:46am @neilhimself JUST found out he can Delete Tweets.
09:52am @Urfman ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. i'd do him then & i'd
do him now. Just put me there baby. xD
RE Urfman: wondering where you would go if paul stanely, slash, and
nikki sixx showed up at the same time! helter skelter baby!! lol.
10:00am @Urfman There're quite a number of things i'd love to do,but
they may not happen coz my head might explode from too much sexiness
in 1 room.
10:02am @Urfman alternatively, i could just throw myself in there & say
11:52am why are we still squabbling over images. damn luan ka liao
punya pitch :P
03:43pm recently i find myself thinking "Must be on model behaviour
coz review time is coming up" -___03:46pm ...while the other side is saying, "if there's no work by 6.30 today
i am fucking off Before They Catch Me!" :P :P
RE justinecat: well, you were in over the weekend so...
05:50pm must not cry. Must Not cry. MUST NOT CRY.. RT
06:14pm this wristband (actually a choker) is dangerous. nearly gouged
out my eyes once & came close to giving myself stitch-worthy scratches
Tue Jun 28
10:17am One of my favourite Disney scenes that makes me chuckle
more everytime i watch it
11:08am @justinecat i feel the temptation to RT that. xD
11:09am always thought of 'The Garden' by GnR & Alice Cooper
as a great trip song. listening to it & suddnly felt like things were
11:13am Just to help things along.
11:34am @BeeNeefit ...& no one to help translate that shit into a few,
understandable paragraphs? :( urgh
RE BeeNeefit: effies require me to use too much of the brain side that i
dislike to use. eww.
11:38am @BeeNeefit oh, effies. well at ;east you got a submission in!!
03:20pm Traxx FM has some nice surprises up its sleeve. This morn it
played "Beth", which I've never heard on local airwaves before.
04:21pm 5 full-visual options can kena reject, with no particular reason
given. Best nyer.
07:07pm @BeeNeefit OMG now i wished i lived near you! *drool*
07:10pm achievement of the day: i killed a roach by stomping on it.
AND picked up the mess. yay.
RE justinecat: wooooooooo! *swoons*
Wed Jun 29
10:57am half of this job seems to consist of waiting for my art director to
be free. :/
Red_Aliss's Twournal
11:01am proliferation of fan-made trailers for 2nd Silent Hill movie.
Only 1 or 2 good ones so far. most of them missing the point of the SH
02:18pm I just got Gene-bombed -- 43 posts INNA ROW. Now my feed
has an "over capacity" alert :P @genesimmons
02:18pm This is an awesomeshit idea, with 1 drawback: They NOW
04:12pm is officially among the best style blogs
Of All Time. and no, not everything on it is man-repelling. Go read. Go
go go.
04:19pm This sounds insane, but butter-raisin cookies topped with fried
onion-chilli mix is Really Good.
05:00pm XiaoYeen & I are both e-lepaking, scrolling thru fashion blogs
for no particular reason. Hey, it's that time of the day.
Thu Jun 30
01:23pm @Melissa_Goh_ Try with full cream milk, baru best. Anyway
since I discovered cocoa, it's hard to go back to Milo...sigh :P
RE Melissa_Goh_: hehhe, cos office only provide Milo. :p ya, if can have
cocoa is the best!!! :) ooo, next time ill milo+ full cream milk!
02:04pm "Fire in the ice, naked to the t-bone/It's a lover's disguise,
banging on the head drum/Swaying to the band, moving like a hammer."
02:33pm @Melissa_Goh_ yup! actually if u spot Van Houten cocoa
powder on ur nxt shopping trip, it's abt RM6.90 or RM7 per pack & can
last quite long
02:34pm @justinecat tsk tsk tsk. young people nowadays ;P
02:35pm IT guy is checking ppl's Internet usage after unusually long
string of heavy downloads. This is why I don't watch porn at work.
RE Uraccaish: so u do watch porn at home then?haha
RE justinecat: i reread that last tweet and i have to qualify that i'm not
watching porn. -_RE justinecat: whoops! is it me? :$
03:42pm @justinecat ...i won't judge you if you do. xD
03:44pm is on tumblr. what took me so long? i was just lazy at the idea of
juggling more social networks... May still drop it in the future.
03:44pm in ref to my last tweet.
Fri Jul 01
10:04am The Grey-to-LB exodus continues with the arrival of Ah Liang.
10:05am @BeeNeefit hehehee....I love lepaking at 2am. I think of it as
a 3rd home of sorts now. especially when Colin or Sam's in the hse, fun
12:20pm @BeeNeefit awww, what dwoes baby wanna nom-nom? :P
RE BeeNeefit: hahahah... you're having a noisy day aren't you?
02:14pm Looking at our co trip group photo. As always, there is one
unlucky bugger whose face is completely obliterated by some tall
fucker :P
02:21pm also, WeiJiin was the One Who Blinked At The Wrong
03:40pm @BeeNeefit fuck that. Organized Chaos RULES. :P
05:31pm Another exciting Patrick Hue drama, performed in front of a
live audience.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
05:33pm It would be even MORE exciting to have Patrick Hue & Tan Jit
Seng under the same roof...on the same account! KerPow! xD
08:14pm bunch of guys b-boying on the streets of masjid india. Nice
scene to have in troubled times; hope they dun get arrested.
Mon Jul 04
10:29am Anyone know where I can get a 'tea ball' (steel ball-shaped
thing you can put tea leaves/coffee beans in & take out when it's done
RE missanis: I got the tea ball from DIY store. I think daiso also got.
11:38am The new Xperia phones are gorgeous. the designs are sharp
with subtle curves, and do not look like generic oblongs
11:44am Which funny fuck invented the term 'dongle' for a USB
device? :P
01:01pm @missanis ok thanks! I could get a plunger o'course,but malas
to cuci ...haha
01:45pm @justinecat awwww-ness ^____^
04:31pm @randomyai you talkin bout yourself? ;P
RE randomyai: hey, which pitch?
04:32pm Weed. @motivationMY What's your simple pleasure?
04:35pm Officially addicted to hot chocolate. Specifically, Van Houten
cocoa which is both awesome and affordable.
07:57pm did not win the pitch. My KPI not looking good.
Tue Jul 05
10:11am A Face Unlined is a Life Unlived.
10:12am @randomyai i shalt inform thou through the discretion of a
10:52am For All Those Times you've felt Intensely In Love, & needed an
electric beat to express it. classic...
11:17am "accelerates skin exfoliation rate" doesnt sound too good to me.
sounds vaguely dangerous..making my skin shed faster than its natural
02:42pm too much 80s pop is making me seriously entertain the thought
of singlehandedly bringing the mullet back.
04:59pm wahliaoooou, HBO's Game Of Thrones has its own map &
backstory, like Lord of the Rings or smthg.
Wed Jul 06
10:05am Nice, sweat-inducing, chili-&-ginger spiced breakfast. :) Nothin'
like a hot start to the day!
10:37am @sadyn rly? what r u wearing? :)
01:16pm sampling music from Loudness, an insanely good Jap act
coming to KL 24 July (who's interested??)
03:05pm happy love affair with teeeeaaaaa. i'm so boring ^___^
03:06pm @Melissa_Goh_ Go! Run, Mel, Ruuun!! :P
RE Melissa_Goh_: but too sleepy to run home *yawn~*
03:36pm @NikkiSixx PURPLE!
04:12pm Interesting. Plus a bold, exquisitely simple site design. http://
Thu Jul 07
Red_Aliss's Twournal
10:42am the intense longing may have faded, but a deep fondness
11:55am LOVING @thekatvond 's latest sketch. I want this tattooed on
02:33pm Baskerville is a classic beauty. I have a fondness for exquisitely
shaped serif fonts.
04:59pm DAMN AWESOME debate. Go listen. Gooo
Fri Jul 08
10:28am We came to a general consensus that Transformers 3
was nothing more than the loud, obnoxious sound of Michael Bay
RE justinecat: YES. THANK YOU.
10:55am @justinecat i lost the plot completely midway thru. Yes, Mr
Bay, you cum explosively. Multiple times. So much that I lost count.
10:57am @justinecat like what does that even mean? -__- (Also, Dark of
the Moon? it was mentioned about once thruout the show.)
RE justinecat: just because the fucking pillars were on the dark side of
the moon? doesn't the moon rotate or something?
11:26am @justinecat ...the moon DOES rotate, right? hahahaha (No
srsly, it does. i checked.) :P
11:32am @justinecat Wow. That FAQ gave me the wonderful
entertainment that the DAMN MOVIE was supposed to give us.
12:24pm My face is fugly with eczema flareup. I have a goddamn dinner
gathering tonite. So help me god. Will it help if i OD on antihistamines?
01:47pm SEMANGAT BERKOBAR-KOBAR. A n MJ song for
troubled times...
Sat Jul 09
11:13pm i think the question after this is, can we look at this country the
same way again?
Sun Jul 10
10:47pm nyummy retail therapy with my best friend & sis, aka my
mom :) got a nice studded vest & Madonna-style fingerless gloves.
Mon Jul 11
02:22pm @justinecat Fuckin' get me close enough & i'll do it *growls*
Red_Aliss's Twournal
02:24pm Hello & good (hopefully) afternoon. Anyone had friends or
family at #TungShin Hospital who were affected?
RE Uraccaish: nope....m fine,coz i'm here :P
02:58pm The ending is depressing. Mating Habits of Salmon
05:01pm @justinecat @kellieong @dominic_chin @joycebox WHEEE i
could almost smell the soup!
05:17pm fuck you, soul-sucking skincare advertorial. Lines are beautiful,
and expressive, and proof that you've had cause to smile.
06:06pm to get to work with nice, talented people every so often is one
of life's blessings. (more so if some of their talent rubs off...)
06:13pm @BeeNeefit yeah Panasonic! :) (Sony, go screw yerself. your
earphones don't half live up to jackshit)
06:14pm thinking of compiling personal Bersih stories for an e-book
project; any well-written ones, do share links. :) #bersihstories
Tue Jul 12
10:21am @eujin2sides got any custom design masks? so as not to cramp
our style? :D
10:21am Gwen Stefani FtW. Revisiting 'Wind It Up'.
10:24am @andrewshee You've been owned dude. RT @justinecat I just
ousted Andrew S. as the mayor of Leo Burnett Malaysia on foursquare!
11:39am @eujin2sides hehehee Adi-colour! cool (but make sure nontoxic markers, kali breathe in the fumes & die
12:05pm Mizhael's the best! love you, man!
12:06pm @eujin2sides too much teargas liao, that's why -____-
12:47pm Last time i'm ever eating 3rd flr's mihun goreng tomyam. It
is Soggy. And GREASY. I need to clean out my gut with acid or smthg
after this
04:12pm performance review went pretty well ^___^
07:38pm aircond bukak lama sangat, ader pitch on ker? sejukkk
Wed Jul 13
06:21pm Who's going to Urbanscapes ?
06:51pm No matter how they try not to be, they're still cute. http://
Thu Jul 14
10:28am @midwest70sgirl your "nap time in kindergarten" comment is
my fave, hahaha @NikkiSixx
10:31am Internet trolls are sad attention whores who mistakenly think of
themselves as big bullies. They really should be put out of their misery.
11:02am Holy shit. The music for the Galaxy Tab demo video s-u-c-k-s.
What a killjoy. :P
11:05am HAHAHAHA LOL RT: @justinecat @thefeiy: "Blythe" becomes "Blibe"
11:12am @justinecat alrdy got my ticket frm a fren, also rm26. are you
going too? :)
RE justinecat: yup. bought mineon groupon a while back :D
02:43pm SINUSITIS. Sick, sniffling, suffering and sleepy. Whine, bitch,
02:52pm My brain is moving at the speed of molasses (although still can
type snarky comments, ahahaha).
Red_Aliss's Twournal
03:03pm wahh, Elaine Chiou's heels damn thin & towering. Looks
almost kinky, really. ResPECT because she can actually walk 0____0
05:10pm i nearly spewed snot all over myself. I am disgusting and
unsexy, and i wanna Go Home.
05:39pm @McNastyPrime @McNadia i volunteer! badass tight jeans &
muscle tee optional?
Fri Jul 15
10:34am Onn is a great guy but he's not much good for conversation.
Very quiet morning at the studio.
02:02pm i should be full. except i'm not. my appetite scares me
02:05pm excited abt an app idea.
02:25pm Guys, is there a DiGi reload for ppl like me who hardly spend
any money? I use abt 10-15 bucks a month so no point paying so much
02:52pm UPDATE > i subscribed to Super Long Life. for super cheapo
users like me. :P The guy on the line was very clear & helpful.
03:04pm I Need - world peace, some good weed, an award for being
brilliant, and leather pants. The rest will...
03:35pm I crave the el cheapo taste of Maggi goreng and Super Ring.
05:23pm @justinecat I KNOW Riiiiggghhht...? *grrrr*
05:33pm @justinecat SO COOL. i want.
RE justinecat: nyehehehe go create yours!
05:38pm How Twitter sees me @visually (true
except for the pink dress. I DO NOT wear babypink) Haha
05:42pm Me as a guy. I see @visually still insists on dressing me in gay
pink. ;)
08:24pm The 'Queen in yellow' photo has gone viral in a big way.
08:24pm @justinecat i thought you were becoming the Mayor of Menara
Olympia parking lot soon, seeing as you've been there long enough
RE justinecat: what do you mean "becoming"? I am ;)
Tue Jul 19
11:03am Photo: Yes, cursed are thou, Twitter! (Is this tweet getting
through? is it?? i have no idea.) Fail Whale...
02:33pm whoooo Twitter is back, and so are my annoying tweets!
03:05pm Metal fans! Who wants to go to Loudness gig this Sunday?
Reply asap, looking for concert kaki. Info:
04:50pm Video: “Social media has taken over pornography as the
#1 activity on the Web.” You mean porn was #1?
05:49pm Email spam can sometimes be a good way for people from
different ends of the office to know each other.
Wed Jul 20
10:07am No, Google, I will not give you even More personal information
for my YouTube account. Fuck you! haha. :)
10:09am screw it lah. i'll go the show alone. this song alone is convincing
11:36am @BeeNeefit i can never say 'bubble tea' without grinning. it
sounds so ridiculously kawaii & girly. :D jom teh buih!
Red_Aliss's Twournal
RE BeeNeefit: hehehe i just feel that it's so retro. it was 'in' when i was in
primary school and now the craze seems to be back in full force.
11:46am @BeeNeefit eh rly? i dun remember it much. my school days
were all plastic-tube popsicles & sour strips. xD hey, sour strips! gotta get
RE BeeNeefit: I have green apple sour worms in my cubicle. hah!
12:06pm @BeeNeefit my tongue is tingling just thinking of 'em. don't
the sugar crystals look absolutely delicious on the colourful rubbery
RE BeeNeefit: =.= so tempted to open them now, but it's almost lunch.
12:08pm Google is evil & keeps demanding my phone number. My
answer is Noooooo. ;P
01:29pm i hate my laptop internet cable. it falls out while pages are
loading and is looser than a flaccid cock in a 100-year-old cunt.
02:25pm these jeans make my legs look elephantine. I think I shall not
wear them again.
02:34pm Barely 10 posts in, this Tumblr semi-virgin was spammed. Spam always feels vaguely threatening even when...
02:45pm Attempted to read the most annoying blog post ever, with
shitloads of "OMGOSH"es and irrelevant "LOLs".
07:20pm @BeeNeefit maaan, i love the song! it gets strangely dark-ish in
some parts. notice it's in minor key despite having happy-looking visuals
Thu Jul 21
10:14am hahaha. the tweets under #lelakistressbila are pretty funny.
04:12pm Design-gasms. 30 in a row. via @speckyboy
Fri Jul 22
10:09am wheeee pretty hanging mobile!
10:34am good fuckin' morning! :D
10:36am #lelakisexybila he reads sexy awesome books, can cook, and
knows how to touch a woman.
11:33am why does the office smell of roasting belacan?
11:34am you're not talking abt yourself, right? RT @andrewshee What a
waste of Handsome Points.
11:39am #everybodyhasthat1follower who is completely self-absorbed &
never replies but expects the world to read their 20-inna-row tweets.
11:59am Conan answers your most pressing questions about Life. http://
02:24pm to wear women's undergarments? RT @Diouvx I
RE Diouvx: LOL!! If it comes with 10billion us dollars then it's
negotiable :D
02:28pm i do NOT like the new Old Spice guy. >:( >:( >:(
04:40pm @Diouvx wah-lannnnn. your body so mahal meh :P
RE Diouvx: It's my soul lol
05:21pm The thing abt Malaysia Day research is that the search results
are kinda sad & remind u of the sort of political shit M'sia has gone thru.
05:22pm dammit,why does everything the govt touch become tainted
with shit? it's like some kind of Reverse Midas (& no, that is not a sex
05:23pm (cont. frm previous tweet) Unless by 'sex position' you mean we
are getting fucked in the ass by the govt, in which case yes.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
Mon Jul 25
10:14am Horns raised - check. Face melted - check. Whiplash
aftereffects - check. To my Fellow METAL MOTHERFUCKERS, I
salute you. LOUDNESS \m/
10:33am Check out this great, classic-metal song frm one of our opening
bands. 'Surat Dari Hiroshima'
11:51am @sherylhosulynn have a good recovery. Green tea rocks. Stop
tweeting & go tidur
RE sherylhosulynn: haha. Will do :) goodnight!
02:30pm holy mother, feel so shit-tired now. :P it's taking forever to
write one bloody script. my fingers feel like stone
02:55pm OK how have i just found out that Amy has RIP-ed? it
happened two days ago. I feel so ignorant. and also rather sad. :(
03:32pm AirAsia takes off for good. And the comments are even more
interesting. via @asiasentinel
07:19pm @andrewshee what was it? what was your death wish?
07:22pm have you ever downloaded a song, found u didn't like it but
kept it Just Coz of the name? (it makes my playlist look awesome;
hellyeah!) -_o
Tue Jul 26
11:13am how come it seems easier for suits to get promoted. I want a
'Manager' in my biz card too
RE ewenLian: hmm 'Copywriter Manager'?
11:23am @ewenLian or Copy Director. xD
RE BeeNeefit: I wouldn't actually mind getting rid of the 'copy' bit some
ppl think we copy stuff for a living @ewenlian
RE ewenLian: This is more CUN.. LIKE* RT @Red_Aliss or Copy
Director. xD
12:04pm my ancient internet cable is getting worse. it's so loose & crappy
it makes me want to scream, cry, and kill hamsters.
02:03pm you can paint it anyway you like - …in a hundred intellectual
shades and analyze it till it’s dead and give...
06:32pm @justinecat that you're a sheep. but a cute one.
08:16pm the trending #top10favouritebands is just a great excuse for ppl
to show off their ever-so-excellent taste in music.
Wed Jul 27
10:34am I find the sentence "Like me/us now!" (as in fb) to be vaguely
ridiculous. As if i could go from being indifferent to liking you in a
RE justinecat: maybe a little pleading "Please like me/us now *sniffles*"
11:49am @justinecat awww, well maybe if it's accompanied by a cute
puppy pic LOL ^^
11:50am @ewenLian Indeed
04:20pm Bears are awesome. Bears are adorable. Save a bunch of bears!
Sign the pledge. Pls RT
RE randomyai: finally. U guys took notice of my existence.
04:59pm Photo: Oh, jeezus. -___- Look where my perfectly innocuous,
research-driven questions lead.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
06:42pm @randomyai shaddup & go sign for your bros & sisters. how
are you doing, terrorizing Naga & eating all their honey? ;)
RE randomyai: very the good. Its only been a month. Still in hibernation
Thu Jul 28
10:25am Stomach feels like it's been to hell & back. Serves me right
for doing shots on an empty stomach. hah... Now having some nice hot
orange tea
10:53am State Of The Web.
11:55am This illustration of the TumblBeast is so cute, I had to have it
on my desktop
12:16pm @justinecat wanna go for girls' lunch with Hex, & you can rant
to us :P
RE justinecat: nah, nothing to rant about. just feeling weepy. also, bapak
eaide ajak sg wang for lunch so... :P
12:20pm @justinecat can i join xD haha
03:17pm Western Union has got a pretty awesome website, for a
financial co.
03:18pm This is what we keep telling our clients. make your website
awesome & people will want to come back.
RE randomyai: do the other way around. tell the clients to make their
website even crappier than it is. If they dont like anything awesome.
03:32pm Who says you can't make maps & statistics sexy? - Western
Union really knows how to do things in style, as...
03:35pm @randomyai but what if they LOVE it, then die .. xD
RE randomyai: then tell them it was the art directors idea.
06:42pm @randomyai oh god that is EVIL on an Epic Level.
06:43pm in .......... cre .......... me ........... nt ........... :D
RE randomyai: noiceee
RE BeeNeefit:!
07:02pm @BeeNeefit ^__^
07:17pm Damn. How is 'mee' not a word? haha
07:17pm Sometimes, 'noodles' doesn't quite have the right ring. 'Mee'
10:17pm Shit. Qualifier
Fri Jul 29
10:25am yay. lovely nasi lemak for breakfast today. can eat more coz it's
a cold day (well, cool actually, but rain + AC = winter wonderland)
11:23am #SaveChristinaPerasso is trending for a reason. It is Insane.
insanely good, that is.
12:28pm Photo: These and other breathtaking, occasionally disturbing
pictures at the Tumblr site of this...
02:34pm when in doubt about the quality, go for quantity .......... ......?
04:50pm it constantly amuses me what a good christian boy David HK is.
he even brings his 'guide book' everywhere like a paperback novel.
06:53pm @randomyai i secretly have low self esteem. i just never let
on ... ; / (we're still friends, right? right...?)
RE randomyai: hahaha. your self esteem is good.
07:02pm @randomyai nooo! you have not seen into the dark corners of
my miinnnnddd xD
Red_Aliss's Twournal
RE randomyai: Aiya, I also got dark side one. :)
07:20pm @ChristinaP887 have they given you any food yet?
08:07pm I was pretty damn sure that this is the 2nd David Guetta death
rumor; then remembered No, it was DJ Tiesto :P
Mon Aug 01
10:05am @BeeNeefit hope the suspect turns out to be something else.
*sends good vibes to you*
RE BeeNeefit: thanks dear, I hope so too.
02:56pm Have a good Ramadhan, people. Blessings to you all
03:04pm PUPPIES!!!!!!!!
04:07pm A seriously, seriously awesome fashion/illustration/
allthingsconceptual blog.
Tue Aug 02
10:11am The worst thing about eating sweet or sugary stuff is not the
calories. It's the stupid, stubborn stickiness on your fingers. GOD i hate
10:11am Everything seems to be going wrong. Except that i'm blowing
things out of proportion. Except not. I dunno. I think I need help.
10:12am "when you're high, you never, ever wanna get sucked down..."
Wed Aug 03
10:03am Video: Have A Good Sexy Morning.
01:08pm @ewenLian aiyo. have u been thru it already? (i'm glad it
happened to me when i was v young, so i can't recall much of it..)
01:09pm i feel sorry for my art director having to do a food-related ad
while fasting. :P
06:34pm man, we need a timesheet no. for time spent on initiatives.
those ain't Slacker Hours there! think i'll charge it to one of our
accounts ;P
Thu Aug 04
10:13am Video: Screw the raves, the techno, the trance clubs. Let’s
dance. REALLY dance.
10:15am @Uraccaish @ZandraAziela hey hey! :) just saw these tweets
in my Mentions. what can i do for you, dear lady
11:21am Christel is awesome. Her visuals are so on. I love working with
an art director that can make even mediocre headlines look kickass xD
01:21pm that's you, right? @andrewshee A monkey with a music box.
03:39pm It's so freaking cold today that everyone's hogging Ting Lee's
hand-muff. The only catch it, how the Fuck do you Type In It?? xD
03:54pm mmmm hot tea, toasty inside. for awhile anyway.
04:21pm GOD i love this dress So Much. :)
RE justinecat: BUY IIIIIIT
05:34pm @justinecat gurrrhh but it's online & i don't get to try it. Yknow
how dastardly tricky dresses can be with my JLo ass..? :P no refund, abis
05:35pm it's not often i allow myself to wallow in self-satisfaction, but
Red_Aliss's Twournal
06:11pm CBLC = CiBaiLanCiau :P @sherylhosulynn CBL =
Challenge-Based Learning :) Have fun guys!
Fri Aug 05
10:08am I don't even love bread pudding. I probly just bought it because
the French guy behind the counter was So godawfully Cute -___0
03:53pm I believe Mother Nature created hiccups for no other reason
than to fuck with humans in a harmless, but incredibly annoying way.
07:16pm workit man! few more times & you'll be a lean bear
@randomyai Walked all the way from kelana square to kelana jaya lrt.
07:17pm @eujin2sides YES, i am not ashamed to admit it xD xD xD
Mon Aug 08
10:45am BITCH. >( @sarah_kow The first thing my colleague told me
in the morning was that I'M FAT. FML :(
12:30pm HAHA tumblr4men rocks the shit outta me
02:11pm I realised, sadly, - while looking at this AWESOME series,
that Barbie has gotten a lot thinner than when I...
05:42pm feel like ten shades of shit right now.
06:07pm My diaphragm is hurting from the violent sneezing. Leaving
now; workday's ending early for me. Over & out.
Tue Aug 09
10:02am Down with flu, not rhinitis. Bad news: may hv alrdy infected
some of u at the office frm yesterday's sneezing. Good news: what good
news? :P
Wed Aug 10
11:14am i hate it when you're genuinely frustrated over something and
some dolt friend of yours doesn't take u seriously
05:44pm @randomyai such a sexually stimulating haircut ah??
RE randomyai: Oh yeah. Dont look or you'll get turned on too!!
08:19pm @sherylhosulynn haha i operate on a similar logic. if i'm going
for a fatty lunch i usually walk to it
RE sherylhosulynn: makes logical sense right??
08:21pm @randomyai damn, can't find any pix yet :D so, how's the
RE randomyai: Puasa's ok. Still resisting the temptations. However, for
the picture, you have to ask Sin :P
Thu Aug 11
11:47am Pointless? Or philosophical? hmm. "The Make Everything OK
Fri Aug 12
12:21pm Must-Read of the Day
12:57pm After a while, all these festive ads start to feel kind of pointless.
RE randomyai: woah, waats up with the negativity ? :)
Red_Aliss's Twournal
12:58pm (ref previous tweet) Smtimes they're ur chance to write some
nice, poetic shit. More often they're a chance to polish some company's
Mon Aug 15
05:08pm if you don't like the first 30secs, Wait for it. At 1:04. That's
where the explosion starts. God bless Jani & the boys
06:51pm some fan-made trailers on YouTube really impress me. esp frm
ppl with very basic editing software, but an impeccable sense of pacing &
07:45pm Some end-of-the-day awesomeness for you. i wish i could make
my boobs move independently of my body
Tue Aug 16
10:19am "You're Letting The People You Hate Control What You Do" Great article.
10:29am And another bout of morning chuckles. - Happy Tuesday y’all.
Fun read, with prettily photoshopped spoof...
01:46pm It still failed to tell me what's really different abt the Grid Tab.
Plus the copy at the bottom is repeated. tsktsk
01:54pm do share. i want to laugh at them. @BeeNeefit These headlines
are making my skin crawl.
RE BeeNeefit: they're so bad they're not funny.
02:46pm @sadyn Ravenclaw rocks, don't be ashamed to flaunt the blue
& bronze ;D
Wed Aug 17
07:10pm "Oh, the weather outside is fright'ning...."
07:11pm "But since we've no place to go...Let it --" oh wait, we dO have
places to go. or lives to lead, anyway. Some of us. (not me, but...)
Thu Aug 18
03:50pm I've always wanted to do a film with a lovely, melancholy
opening scene. Of course, clients always want feel-good stuff. ;)
03:52pm @justinecat that's the awesome thing abt Sims. after awhile you
swear they've been doing things you (or the game) never programmed
thm to ;)
05:31pm @eujin2sides you just like the going-home-at-five bit of
banking, right
05:44pm @andrewshee @muchly i am disturbed by the fact that you'd
even envision killing a puppy. killing a human, sure; but puppies? :(
07:12pm it continually surprises me that platform sneakers aren't more
popular. Especially with the bell-bottom revival.
Fri Aug 19
10:28am 'Tis the Blog of the Day. - Stuff White People Like — title says
it all. Because stereotype humour rocks....
04:21pm If you needed any more convincing that the octopus is a
terrible, & terribly badass, creature.
06:44pm It is disturbing when girls 25 & below worry abt aging. There is
a time for that, but right now don't we have other things to do?
07:22pm I love Jerome to death for making my copy ad look sexy.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
07:22pm @Diouvx me too! i love a good meat pie. ahh PIEEEEE
RE Diouvx: Nice, n I just found out tht Deli France serves pies too, but
no idea if it's any good.
RE Diouvx: Dyu know anywhere i can find a good meat pie? Lol
Sat Aug 20
12:47pm @Diouvx well the nearest outlet is usually secret recipe...i like
their lamb black pepper pie & cornish pie.
Mon Aug 22
10:41am @Diouvx ooh. well, Delifrance pastries are generally A-OK, at
least from my experience. i ate my first ever croissant there :)
10:42am Hey anyone has problems with FB's Sims Social in the last 2
days? Seems it's down or under construction.
10:52am Man, if a guy you liked sang this to you, you would SO melt. :)
03:59pm i have a feeling that both Jiffy and Tomei are a bit unhinged.
Not in a dangerous way, luckily. :P :P
04:33pm i have no idea how to respond to that public declaration of
RE randomyai: hahahs
05:23pm sesame seed-coated greasebombs. mm.
05:51pm (can't find the Eng version, dang)
@BeeNeefit NANO-na-na-na-na-NANO!
06:14pm Shit, man. - This is mind-bending, eye-bending, and basically
makes you question Reality Itself. Naw...
Tue Aug 23
12:19pm Ever since Saturday night, banyak drama. And i dunno why.
12:42pm AND PUPPIES! xD @justinecat the brief: create a fluffy ad.
kapil's reaction: what? put a cat in it?
03:05pm LAWL. hmmm i'd like to know who. RT @justinecat the new
breed of advertising people are a seriously whiny bunch
RE justinecat: there are a few in timeline. going. to. hurl.
03:06pm @BeeNeefit you literally 'made' new friends! lol. make some
for me too xD
RE BeeNeefit: hahaah if only i had such talent.
Wed Aug 24
09:56am @randomyai @andrewshee i hate them for being geniuses.
And i shall congratulate them with bitter envy dripping frm my voice. :P
09:57am people should reconsider any decision that involves naming
themselves or their offspring after a fruit.
01:38pm What the fuck is wrong with Sims Social? it loads on Justine's
machine but not mine
01:39pm @sherylhosulynn what's with your craze for this
motivationMY / 1Malaysia thing?
RE sherylhosulynn: just a thing :) i find it very positive and i love the
cause <3
02:24pm @BeeNeefit So you can drop it on attacking moray eels while
RE BeeNeefit: unfortunately it's not a waterproof manual.
04:06pm Google Chrome is NOT noticeably faster than my Firefox. Or
maybe my machine hates me.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
05:36pm Photoset: Charlene’s Book of Desirables. Not an actual book.
A style scrapbook i’ve been compiling for abt 2...
05:40pm only 3 hashtag tweets under #hugacopywriterday ? let's add
more Hugs! @BeeNeefit @justinecat @randomyai @andrewshee
@eujin2sides @McNadia
RE BeeNeefit: so unloved, the copywriters of the world
Thu Aug 25
02:50pm Ladies, there be knives. Duck before saying no. Or pretend to
fumble while digging for the pepper spray
03:45pm HAHAHAHA @eujin2sides Singing it makes me wanna
pangsai damn! RT @ArmandAdnan: @freckss @eujin2sides Casey
ya'all! I love that song!
03:45pm Esquire always, always has such sexy cover layoutssss.
03:48pm I also notice the quality of women featured in Esquire are also
more kheng. gorgeous, classy, accomplished...
06:01pm Video: This video is so ridiculously, awesomely 80s. I am rewatching it for gods know how many times now....
Fri Aug 26
11:00am Have u ever had the sudden realization that someone is
immensely attractive, where prior to this you never thought of it at all?
11:01am @BeeNeefit @McNadia AWWWW i feel so huggly now.
Thanks BeeN.
11:02am @BeeNeefit is such a sweetheart. now my insides feel weirdly
fuzzy, like i've been playing with a puppy.
RE BeeNeefit: hehe, huggly. I like!
04:32pm @BeeNeefit and 'just' inviting us to your home to sample said
tarts? :D
RE BeeNeefit: hahah i'm not opening a pineapple tart factory
04:32pm Those balik-ing kampung, pls pls bring us some awesome
lemang/serunding :D :D happy Raya!
09:48pm @BeeNeefit but if you did, it would make the world a better
09:50pm @ManRepeller nowayyy. can u link us that article?
10:13pm Facebook Sims forever got bugs. Down & up, & down again.
10:29pm can't do jack on my home internet connection.
10:30pm whine whine whinnne. i am trying my bestest to sound like a
privileged bitch, apparently ;P
Mon Aug 29
10:16am this chick is awesome
03:24pm i didn't realise my tshirt had a band name on it until Iska
pointed it out. Now i feel like a damn POSER coz i don't even know the
03:25pm oh, & i've had the tshirt for like 4 years.
03:32pm girl next to me is not even pretending to work anymore. ;P
03:34pm i need to watch this while on acid. it would be so awesome
03:43pm @evensteven929 :) :) i was just watching the music vid. must go
see the VMA one now
03:44pm @evensteven929 Brian May eh. no wonder 'You & I' sounded
decidedly Queen-ish!
Red_Aliss's Twournal
RE evensteven929: Thats the 1st time I've heard the song. I was saying
'wow' when Brian May came out. A true living legend!
03:56pm now i feel like going out in a muscle tee & slicked-back hair,
and a cigar. but goddamnit i don't have the muscle tone to carry the
look :(
Fri Sep 02
10:56am I pity decent suits with silly clients. They have to convey the
most stupid comments to us & feel rather stupid themselves.
04:17pm LOL a bacon tattoo would be actually be
awesome. @paidtobenice The Girl with The Bacon Tattoo
04:35pm Our timesheet program is a motherfucking, cocksucking pain
in the ARSE. Can't edit entries once you save them. I FUCKING HATE
Sat Sep 03
05:51pm My brother has emotional fits like some countries have
volcanoes, only more frequently. I understand you're upset but pls don't
be so drama.
RE Uraccaish: can imagine....we're in the same situation atm :P
06:00pm Someone needs to learn some communication skills. Calling
people stupid to their faces solves nothing.
Mon Sep 05
11:15am @randomyai DROP EM. Time to change ;)
02:02pm This is one of those jobs that make you say "I don't wanna play
anymore. I don't care. Fuck you, shove it up yours, and have a good day."
Tue Sep 06
11:16am This watch is So Sexyyy.
11:57am i'm loving my army camo pants
04:22pm Glad i saved some rice frm today's breakfast; having it for tea
now. it is awesome
04:28pm Kakakaka.... btw, you can't make your Smurf swear apparently.
i had to use 'biatch' instd :P
Wed Sep 07
12:51pm uh-oh. one of them fried onion slices tasted
suspiciously...plasticky. 0_0
07:11pm No pitch today right? Why aircond still on??? My blue fingers
need a break wei!
07:47pm Fuck this job. Seriously, FUCK THIS JOB. If any friends come
work here, i would severely advise them NOT to accept being put on this
07:49pm BACK OFF, BITCH. You got some fuckin' ATTITUDE. You
07:51pm you do not appreciate anything people do for you. and because
of this, you've become an insufferable little creature.
07:53pm I hope someday you will learn to show appreciation & gratitude
not just to your superiors but to those who work for you.
Red_Aliss's Twournal
Thu Sep 08
01:06pm major job to kau tim + radio deadline by today, & i am sick.
Not just in a can't-run-around-much sick, but nose-dribbling-ridiculously
Fri Sep 09
08:41pm Swallowing anything, even my own saliva, has become a painful
Mon Sep 12
10:51am @Uraccaish waaaarghh so awesome. :D wonder if there's such
a Barbie
RE Uraccaish: i wonder too...
10:52am @andrewshee YOU TELL 'EM Ninja Shee.
10:53am I'm pretty sure it's illegal to be that good-looking. (dreadlocks
guy in the Glee Project)
12:04pm I am suspicious of anyone who lets God do their thinking for
them. Give God a break. Your skull has something in it for a reason.
12:51pm A rant on cupcakes & weddings - I don’t get girls’ obsession
with cupcakes. Sure, they’re pretty. There are...
01:55pm Can't stop layaning Know Your Enemy - Green Day
03:19pm if i hadn't passed Jovian's room at just the right moment,
wouldn't hv scored a double-yolk lotus mooncake...wheee! Thankyou
Alan Chong
08:24pm my Sim is being suicidal. kakakakah.
Tue Sep 13
MY COMPUTER HANG. CUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10:44am I FUCKING HATE TIMESHEETS!!!!!!!!!! curse the bastard
to hell.
10:56am hahahaha! holy shit! google fun.
12:28pm Our Traffic Dept is officially being paid to Not Do Jack.
06:14pm Free manga. Free kinky, bondage-oriented manga. hellyeah.
distracting web banner of the day
Thu Sep 15
10:52am What the fuck. "Will you have an Ugly Baby?" random web
banner of the day, while i was looking up a word on thesau
12:19pm my kind of romance film.
03:16pm BEARS.
03:17pm LOLLL been there @justinecat boss: do you want to come for
the meeting? me: can i come (dressed) like this? boss: no.
03:18pm i tried bleaching my hair to make it grey once, didnt work.
what's ur secret :P @BeeNeefit Aughhhhhhhhhhhhhh grey hairs!
RE BeeNeefit: actually i was just thinking how nice if it were all white,
then i could dye it whatever colour i wanted.
06:11pm Yes! aircond off. *fingernails go back to normal shade*
06:12pm @Diouvx LOL i faved that tweet
06:12pm @BeeNeefit i knoooowwwww rite. But instd we have to wait till
we get old
Red_Aliss's Twournal
06:50pm Bubblegum rock. Enjoy! Happy holiday to all the cherry pies
out there.
RE Diouvx: I wanted to tell him I wasn't thinking bout what he thought I
was thinking. But... Lol
Mon Sep 19
12:06pm maannn, i took the trouble to wear my nice shirt & the client
postpones to wednesday. :P
07:37pm hardly tweeted today at all. Since cutting out my phone
internet usage (except for free facebook), i've mostly weaned myself off
Tue Sep 20
10:34am eh...thinking abt what? @Diouvx I wanted to tell him I wasn't
thinking bout what he thought I was thinking. But... Lol
RE Diouvx: that I wasn't judging him lol, it was just a glance
11:02am suddenly found myself loving the Stones' "Under My Thumb"
after not having listened to it for ages. Simple yet beautiful.
11:03am i realise the lyrics (of Under My Thumb) are sexist in the
extreme, but goddamnit, why does the melody have to be so good?? -___11:40am There surely must be a special hell for certain clients where
demons pierce you in the back & demand copy options for all eternity.
05:30pm This is still classic. Stick this business-savvy quote on your door,
those of you who have a door.
06:28pm @BeeNeefit what flavvvoooouurrrrr...????
RE BeeNeefit: a strawberry cornetto
06:45pm Some of the names in #TerribleNamesForaVagina are actually
pretty good.
06:46pm @BeeNeefit ohh. i prefer the one with chocolate swirly bits
^^ & the nuts on top!
Wed Sep 21
11:04am the klia2 brand team is awesome. thumbs up for em.
RE justinecat: you're just smitten by @andrewshee looking so handsome,
11:57am @justinecat @andrewshee sigh, yes ;D ;D hahahaha
Thu Sep 22
10:19am Pretty damn in love with Gaga's "You & I". Has just the right
amount of Queen-ish epicness, thanks to a great melody & the Brian
Mays touch.
11:06am @Uraccaish yup :) she's an extraordinary person
03:11pm hvg said that, the reason I ain't quit FB is coz I love the people
& activities I get there. i do NOT love FB itself. At least, not anymore
04:53pm Maggi Xtra Delicious Mi Segera has improved smwhat. A lil
more spiciness + more fried onions. My un-nutritious treat of the day
Fri Sep 23
06:48pm I can tell from my Sim's house that my interior design sense is
rather screwy.
Mon Sep 26
Red_Aliss's Twournal
11:32am "You wanna antagonize me? Antagonize me, motherfucker.
Get In The Ring, motherfucker. I'll kick your bitchy li'l ass." http://
12:53pm I keep being distracted by my wallpaper becoz I Love Steven's
Pants. even though my thighs could never wear horizo
01:56pm There was about the original Thundercats that
the new 2011 series sorely lacks. :( :(
02:47pm All the slinky little dresses and spindly heels in the world don't
do jack if you don't have rock in your walk.
05:14pm My condition for loving pretty boys is that they be capable of
killing someone. In style.
Wed Sep 28
10:20am Today in Fashion: it's my self-declared Criss Angel Day, aka
Bling Overload day. Yes, I'm not a rockstar magician, No, I don't care.
10:54am electro retro song of the day: Def Leppard's PROMISES. It has
that ecstatic, elevating effect that the best Def Lep songs have.
02:18pm needs more cowbell.
06:29pm Facebook Sims appears to confuse BFF with BF, with the result
that my Sim has a lesbian relationship with another straight girl's Sim.
Thu Sep 29
10:33am @BeeNeefit One. More. Day.
RE BeeNeefit: fall asleep with the fishes at tioman.
02:24pm Zijill Tan was fun to hang with. Need more clientele like her
06:29pm Every time I'm hungry at 6-smthg pm, I unfailingly crave for
deliciously unhealthy, over-seasoned Maggi goreng.
06:45pm @Uraccaish hot, crisp french friessss??? D: omfg.
06:45pm Haven't listened to Enter Sandman in a long time. Listening
now. It's
Fri Sep 30
10:17am It's not a very good practice of our 'Humankind' philosophy to
place workers so close to the toilet. When u take a dump, they can smell
RE Uraccaish: they are trying to safe space?
01:30pm this the same Andrew Shee I know? @andrewshee Dear
God, I hope you're enjoying this great day you created as much as we
are.Thank you
02:00pm What The Serpent Said: An Encounter
02:48pm My brain is utterly, terrifyingly dead. Is this why zombies
Mon Oct 03
01:51pm i just gave Mell my tu-lan face, even though I probly shouldn't
have. Need to buy her chocolates one of these days, or smthg...
05:30pm Directors and Chairpeople have the most uninspiring, nonkickass opening statements that u have to plonk into the damn trade
booklet anyway.
06:08pm No one ever actually SAYS "yahoo." Any more than people cry
"boo-hoo." (I always hated the word boo-hoo. It sounds like a retarded
Red_Aliss's Twournal
Tue Oct 04
11:03am We are suffering shortage of art directors. Half the time work is
delayed coz my partner ain't around. >.<
11:07am It's one of those moments where everything is out of your
control & u feel like you're gonna fail becoz you're not a genius machine.
05:58pm @ewenLian MAAAAMEEEE!!! :D
06:02pm Haha nice, thnx. But too bad my eyes closed at wrong moment!
>.< @Uraccaish
RE Uraccaish: oh ya,that i forgot
Wed Oct 05
11:53am Once again, my Quarter Pounder plans have been thwarted :(
RE BeeNeefit: hahaha do you have Quarter Pounder plans too?
11:54am @DanEvo @Uraccaish what's going on & why am i in this
conversation? :)
RE Uraccaish: RT @DanEvo is asking who's that in the pic
12:24pm It's retarded, the sheer number of people who don't know how
to spell Duct Tape. Really, guys? 'Duck tape'? Go back to school, bitches.
RE Urfman: what about 'tap' when it should be 'tab'?!
RE justinecat: maybe it's electrical tape with ducks on it? :p i have Cat
Tape :D
04:03pm Everything Is Falling Apart. I Have Failed.
04:04pm @Urfman And i bet most of them spelling it that way are
goddamn Yanks, too. (Coz we Asians know our technology. haha)
RE Urfman: actually peeps from the Hub! Lol.
Thu Oct 06
12:24pm Guinness Stout: Baik Untuk Anda. Cubalah hari ini. http://
02:37pm "Even people who want to go heaven, don't want to die to get
Fri Oct 07
10:02am Look down, Steve, and see this.
10:24am Ewan has hacked into Facebook. Take that, motherfuckin'
RE Uraccaish: ppl can already use fb in china for sometime
02:47pm Our big regional server had a problem they called a 'Cluster
Critical Crash'. It was a sadly missed opportunity to use the word
03:25pm The PDF format has to be one of mankind's best inventions
since the dawn of the machines.
06:03pm random corny idea: if u'r a company specialising in Point Of
Purchase, name yerselves P.O.P Stars. (go pwn it before someone else
06:04pm Point number 13: "You're stupid." :D
Sun Oct 09
11:08pm The Supermoon. via @AddThis
Red_Aliss's Twournal
Mon Oct 10
10:32am @sherylhosulynn Except he alrdy played a famous digital-world
character, Mr Napster. Sorry to burst the bubble :/
RE sherylhosulynn: it doesn't matter. Separate movie altogether. And
plus, it's just a random suggestion.
10:35am was gonna make fun of the trending, sentimental Talking
To The Moon...but realised i was listening to Have U Ever Needed
Someone So Bad. -_10:52am It's a good thing my 'desk neighbor' Ting Lee is an unfussy
darling. Most ppl might be grossed out by my regular sinus-driven snotfits.
Tue Oct 11
02:03pm My day near fell apart when the inside of my bag got wet &
threatened to destroy my gadgets. My cam & flashdrives r fine...not my
poor phone
02:12pm Insanely addictive game. For typo & graphic geeks anyway.
03:41pm 81/100. Admittedly, it was on my second try....
Wed Oct 12
11:00am "The slide of my hand is now a quick-pulled trigger. I reason
with my cigarette, say your hair's on fire; you must have lost your wits"
Thu Oct 13
10:18am Google may not hire you unless you know how many golf balls
fit in a bus (or have a smart-ass answer for it).
10:29am Pumped Up Kicks is the best thing on mainstream radio right
07:38pm We need art directors. We need art directors. We need art
07:41pm fuckin-LMAO @andrewshee Everyday I'm grumbling and
mumbling. Pewpewpewpewpewpewpew.
07:42pm @randomyai Sin will be glad to know she is your Fountain of
Fri Oct 14
02:37pm Azmir's the best. I wish for his sake he was not stuck on such a
tough account.
03:30pm I hate flies. I Fucking Hate Flies. They make you feel filthy
even if you've just bathed.
03:31pm Do flies actually fulfill any ecological role aside from telling
you where shit is by circling around it?
Mon Oct 17
11:02am Internet speed here is going steadily downhill. And to think we
have two major broadband providers on our client roster.
RE justinecat: we obviously can't afford to use YES for the office. we'd
be broke before you can say Maxis Home.
05:44pm @justinecat kakakakakah. xD
Red_Aliss's Twournal
Tue Oct 18
07:35pm There's a playlist on our iTunes Shared library list called 'Music
to Encourage Unicorns to Mate.' It sounds so @andrewshee :P
Wed Oct 19
02:25pm Shit. I accidentally karate-chopped my pendant & the knife bit
has fallen off. Now all that's left is the little grinning skull.
Thu Oct 20
10:21am If i'm still as in love with November Rain two years later, I am
so getting the lyrics inked in.
10:49am MJ's "Jam" is an amazing wake-up song. don't believe me?
10:53am When a song makes you damn 'gian', you just need to listen to it
on repeat until you become jelak.
12:37pm Ahmad has gotten a lot smarter since i first worked with him.
Beardier, too.
12:39pm We've been making shit up since we were children, so it must
be a natural & right thing to do. @neilhimself Also it's really fun.
Fri Oct 21
11:33am When the cowbell hits at Just the right moment in a great song,
it totally hits my sweet spot. AAAHHHHHHhh
11:53am "Bring Me To Life" (Evanescence) is a lovely song that I am still
in love with, & have been since the very first time I heard it.
03:20pm "Harry Potter is about confronting fears, inner strength, &
doing what is right in the face of adversity. (cont)
Mon Oct 24
05:55pm @ewenLian same :/
05:56pm wants to sail away on a liveship.
07:18pm looking at the clear, concise fact sheet our client just mailed
over...& thinking "I COULD HAVE USED THIS INFO 3 WEEKS
AGO." thanks bitches.
07:23pm Just found out @Aerosmith is a legit word in Microsoft Word's
07:49pm Fuck Me With A Goddamn Spade. My door card is missing.
Now I can't come & go after 8pm. JHChrist. Hope it's in my jeans pocket
@ home.
08:46pm Malaysia's Trending Tweets are lame today. -____-
Tue Oct 25
11:17am it's even weirder for an agency to have traffic that doesn't traffic
anything. @Diouvx iI's just weird for an ad agency to not have traffic.
11:17am Talking to Case revived me a bit from my exhausted moody
02:10pm @lu_kenn @justinecat i wonder what the Hadiah-hadiah
Percuma are.
RE justinecat: @lu_kenn do you really? :p
03:29pm My Tweetbook. Latest adventure in attention-whoredom. at
Red_Aliss's Twournal
03:33pm so if you're a celeb (or just a Kardashian), you can sell a book
of your oh-so-awesome tweets. But why, when they're viewable for free?