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May 2005
Editors's Letter
Gallery of Distinguished Astuiians - PartThree
ArchivoGeneralde Protocolosde Camaguey
Leaders of the Independence War
Copyright© 1993by:
Cuban Genealogical Society
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Salt Lake City,Utah 84110-2650
Yearly: $20.00
Copies ofbackissuesof theREVISTA maybe purchased for $8.00 each
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I would like to thankLourdes del Pino and Jose A. Tavel for theirhelp
with this issue of REVISTA.
There has been some family histories submittedthat willappear in the
nextissue. Ifyouhave any histories thatyou would Uke to submit,we can
have them an in the same issue and make it a special one.
We also need help with the website. Ifanyof the members knows about
websites and is willing to give us a hand, please contact me.
Mayra Sanchez-Johnson AG
Gallery of Distinguished Astuiians
Brief Biological sketches
Part three
Translated by Lourdes del Pino
Among the most popularand highlyreputable Astuiians in Cuba,
this enthusiastic Commander of the 4th Batalldn de Cazadores of La
Habana,D. Miguel DiazAlvarez deserves special mention.
He was born in Cervera on September 29th, 1854, and came to this
countrywhile veryyoung. From a veryyoung age he demon
strated a greatcapacity for work andhis high moralsand initiative
haveearned hima very respectable fortune. He enjoys an excellent
reputationas a fervent patriotand distinguished citizen.
He joined the Institute de Volunteersin 1874 and has steadilyrisen
throughthe ranks,havingservedin all capacities and contributed
with generous donations when needed.
As reward for his services he has received a cross ofMilitary
Merit, Amadeo and Constancia medals with two ribbons, a Merito
rious Award and a vote of appreciation fromthe Senate.
As a civilian he hasoccupied a variety ofpositions, and is now
Speaker ofthe Board ofDirectors ofthe Unidn Constitucional
Party and honorary President ofvarious committees of the same
party, hi addition, he is Executive Vice-President ofthe Atares
neighborhood, President ofthe Center for Owners ofCarriages,
Buggies andMoving Trucks, and 5th Lieutenant Mayor ofthe City
Council of La Habana.
He is a very active and practical man, and is well liked for his
honesty, goodness and steadfast ideas. He is a key element in the
prosperity ofthe country he loves.
He was bom in 1848 in Pola de Siero and at 20 years ofage joined
the 3ri Battalion ofLaHabana. He hasserved enthusiastically and
is now Lieutenant Colonel 2nd Chief ofthe 4th Cazadores.
His distinguished personal services have been parallel to his cash
donations, always generous and spontaneous. He is also well
respected as patriot and citizen.
Him impeccablepublic and private conducthave earned him two
crosses ofMilitary Merit, Amadeo and Constancia medals with
two ribbons, two Meritorious Awards from the Co-Legislative
Bodies and more that one vote ofappreciation from the Senate.
He has belonged to and been the Speaker ofvarious corporations,
among them the Board ofDirectors ofthe Casino Espanol,
Beneficencia Asturiana, Union Constitucional Party and Board of
Tax Assessments.
This modest, hard-working Speakerofthe BeneflcenciaAsturiana
was born in the beautiful valley ofNaveces, situatedon the coast,
one league from the town ofAviles.
He arrived in Havana early in 1859 and hasworked as a represen
tative ofveryimportant national businesses, including matofD.
Gerdnimo Castanon, an Asturian established in Paris since 1879.
For the last twelveto fourteen years he has belonged to the Insti
tute ofVolunteers, but his most importantcontributionis to the
Hispanic-American coalescence. He has facilitated communica
tion and commercial ties between Cuba and the otherRepublics of
Spanish origin by always making sure that any news about novel
products in one country immediately reaches the others.
His enthusiasm and curiosity are such that whenthe splendid
festivities commemorating die Centennial ofColumbus were
verified, he immediately collected allpublications that described it
andsentthem as a collection to ailoftheHispanic-American
He saved some ofthese collections and placed them in an ornate
box, which he will leave as a legacy to his descendants. They are
entrusted to pass along the legacyso that in the next Centennial
peoplewillknowhowthe immortal discoverer ofthe Virgin ofthe
World was honored by this generation.
This, is the quality that bestdescribes this patriot andfervent ad
mirer ofthe achievements of his nation, and enthusiastic friend of
this noble American country.
He is Lieutenant Colonel 1stChief ofthe 1st Battalion ofVolun
teers of Saguala Grande.
He was born in San Esteban de Molleda, Aviles, on November
25* 1855.
He cameto this Island in February 1871 andjoined the Volunteers
on March 15th 1872,in the infantry ofthe town ofCifuentes.
From the moment he joined the Institute until the end ofdie war,
he performedall services assigned to him, such as guards, patrols,
ambush and other operations. He participated in various attacks,
including that ofthe "No Name*' sugarmill and the one in San
Juan de Amaro in 1875, whose insurgency was commandedby the
mulatto Rivas. On several occasions he was posted at the
Manzanares sugarmill, owned by the Count ofCasa More\
He has been awarded the medal ofConstancia with one ribbon,
was given a Meritorious Award in July of 1876, as a member of
the Defenders ofCuba, was given a vote ofappreciation from the
He suffered the lottery of5 and 10% on the mobilization ordered
by His Excellency Governor General D. Joaquin Jovellar. He
contributed to all donations, especially while he wasa Captain of
the Third Company, in the purchase ofthe building that now
houses the Battalion. He also purchased uniforms and belts for
many in his company.
This Battalion has an excellent musical band, and very well ap
pointed quarters according to all militaryauthorities that have
visited. In the January 1893 revisionthis battalion with capacity
for 1038 men boasted 500 to 600 well-uniformed and armed men
that could be seen in correct formationthe first Sunday ofeach
As a civilian he holds the following positions: Provincial Con
gressman for his district, President ofthe Casino Espaflol, VicePresident ofthe Board ofPatrons ofthe San Jose" Hospital as well
as Vice President ofAlumbrado Electricode Sagua. He was
President ofthe local committee ofthe Uni6n Constitucional for
the past 4 years and until this past December,he was President of
the society ofLicenciados del Ej&cito, one of the best organized in
the Island.
He was elected President ofthe Casino Espafiol on threedifferent
occasions, which means this is his fourconsecutive year in that
In 1883 he was Regentin the Amaro(nowCifuentes) City Council
but resigned his post when he moved to Sagua.
He is a landowner, businessman and a humble man of great merit
and virtues.
This meritorious Lieutenant Colonel Second in Command ofthe
Chapelgorris RegimentofGuamutas is one ofthe few veterans of
the original InstituteofVolunteers.
Born in Infiesto in 1823, hetraveled to Cuba when he was very
young. By 1850he volunteered to defendourmother country
.against the lobbying efforts ofNarciso Lopez in Cardenas. This
ringleader disembarked in Las Pozasin 1852, at the time when the
very first Squadron ofChapelgorris was formed under the com
mandofthe gallant D.Jose M. Fortun. Mr. Fernandez Joglar was
one ofthe first to respondto die call ofthe motherland. He has
continuedto servewith constant loyalty in allrespects. As a
civilian, he has enthusiastically contributedwith all donations
called for by his country.
Mr. Fernandez Joglar's military recordis one ofthe most brilliant
ever among the veterans to head the Institute.
He has served for forty-one years, three months and twenty days of
immaculate service. He served in campaigns for ten years and a
few months, assisting in more than one hundred armed confronta
tions. He always distinguished himself and in many occasions
earned praise forhis serenity andvalorin combat, in Sinu, Galdos
and in Manuel Diaz's horse ranch in 1869.
Not only has he served brilliantly and at timesheroically, but he
has also contributed a large amountofhis fortune to armament and
maintenance ofhis squadron.
He was named honorary Colonel ofthe Militias byhisExcellency
the CaptainGeneral in 1875, afterhisheroic capture of the insur
gents in the Pedroso sugarmill,verified on February 13th ofthat
year. He received two crosses of Military Merit,two L L. C.
commendations, the medals of Amadeo y Constancia withseven
ribbons; twoMeritorious Awards, a voteofgratitude from the
Senate andcountless otherauthorities andsuperiors.
Thismeritorious man hasnottaken a single day of leave andhis
reputationas a militaryman is deservedly excellent As a civilian
he hasdemonstrated great aptitude asanenthusiastic Mayor.
Mr.Fernandez Joglar is an honor to Spain andAsturias, theland of
his birth.
Thisgallant commander of the Chapelgorris deMacagua Squadron
is oneof ourmost distinguished veterans and one who hasper
formed manyservices in war.
Bom in 1844 in Rubiera, council ofBimenes, he arrived in Cubain
1859. He joined theChapelgorris ofGuamutas Squadron in 1868
(nowa Regiment), leadbythe gallant Commander D. Claudio
Herrero, who is now a Colonel.
He served in this Squadron from '68 to "75 as a lieutenant and
today he leads it Hisservice has been exemplary, even heroic at
Along with hismany brilliant services in war, hehas made many
monetary contributions to feed his troops as well as to purchase
materials and to provide fortification. Since 1885, hehas provided
his squadron witha house without asking for retribution.
For all his contributions he has been awarded the medal of
Constancia with three ribbons.
He hasbeen regent oftheCityCouncil of Macagua, for the past
four years,two ofthose as Receiver.
His public service hasbeenbrilliant andenjoys a well-deserved
excellent reputation.
This Commander ofthe 1*Battalion ofLigeros ofLa Habana, was
born in Santiago in 1854. By 1874 he was alreadya Volunteer of
the Institute.
Since then he has performed all servicesrequired ofhim with
enthusiasm and intelligence,andhas been generous in his dona
He has received a medal of Military Merit, a medal ofConstancia
with two ribbons, a Meritorious Award, a vote ofgratitude from
the Senate and another from the Corp for good behavior as a
This hard-working and intelligent secretary ofthe CentroAsturiano ofLa Habana wasbomin Aviles on May 8th, 1853 and arrived
in Cubawhenhe was 17years old.
Heis a dedicated and honorable businessman with a strong affec
tionforliterature thatlead himto create thebusiness journal "El
Dependiente" in 1870. Through thisjournal he promoted the need
forthe association of businesses thatlater produced excellent
He returned to his nativetownfrom 1885 to 1887 and frequently
contributed articles to "La Luz de Aviles".
At his return to Cuba he headed "El Heraldode Asturias", a wee
kly regional that has wagedmany battlesfor the Centro Asturiano.
Mr. Santa Eulalia, withhis affable personality, his knowledge and
perseverance, has been a valuable asset for the Centro Asturiano.
Born in SanEsteban de Sogrendio in 1842, at 30years old,he was
ready an Artillery volunteer. Herosethrough theranks and is now
a Lieutenant Colonel in the first degree of theMounted Artillery
Brigade ofLa Habana.
He is an illustrious andvirtuous working manwho has intelligently
managedthe sumptuous Hotelde Inglaterra, the most elegantand
well situated ofHavana hotels, and one ofthe best in Latin Amer
ica. It possesses the most modernamenities in a refinedand
Heis a straightforward man, gregarious, extremely generous and
veryenthusiastic. His lovefor thiscountry has earned himthe
affection ofhis people.
As a civilian he has held many honorable positions. He hasbeen
awarded two Military Merits and M.I.L. andI.L.C. crosses, Amadeo and Constancia medals withtwo ribbons, two Meritorious
Awards and a vote ofgratitudefromthe Senate.
This young man is the Fiscal Commander ofthe Iberian Volunteer
Hunters Regiment stationed in Guanajay. Hispatriotism and
virtues make himan asset to Asturias andhis country.
He was born in AvUes in 1855 and at 14 he was already in Cuba
servinghis country in the Cazadores of Guanajay Battalion. He
ascended through theranks firstas a corporal, then Sergeant in the
secondclassbetween February 23ri 1870 andNovember 1876, and
now he is the Battalion's Commander.
Hehas served hisRegiment well and has made many monetary
donations. He has been awarded the Amadeo and Constancia
medalswith two ribbons, the Military Merit cross 1st class,a
Meritorious Award and a vote ofgratitudeform the Senate.
His wonderful personality and modesty have earned him many
loyal friends and admirers.
Hewas born in Riveras, very close toPravia, the Noega ofthe
Romans. It was thecourt ofking D.Silo andhiswife D.Aldosinda, commonly known asHenda. She was the daughter ofAlfonso
I the Catholic and granddaughter ofD.Pelayo.
Inspite ofcoming from awealthy family, Mr. Garcia Corujedo
followed the path ofthe immense amount ofyoung Asturians who
wentto Cubaandwithinitiative andhard work, made theirown
Whenhe got to Havana,he worked at the famous "El Gallo" store
inthe historic street ofMuralla. He first worked as a salesperson,
thensupervisor, associate and eventually became its owner.
He isanastute businessman and co-owns the Nueva Paz sugar
mill, which can produce 50,000 bags ofsugar each year. He is a
great patriot as well. When the conflict with Germany began asa
result of incident oftheCarolina's, heorganized a drive atthe
Casino Espanol ofHavana that raised 5000 gold pesos. He then
went toPravia and donated land where a hospital was built
Mr. GarciaCorujedo is Commander of the 7th battalion ofVolun
teers ofHavana, Mayor ofthis City Council, speaker oftheBoard
of Taxation. Heis also speaker oftheBoard ofPorts andofthe
Executive Board ofthe Uni6n Constitucional Party. He isspeaker
and treasurer oftheCasino Espanol, speaker and Vice President of
theBeneficencia Asturiana, and speaker oftheChamber ofCom
merce. He is a consultant to theBanco Espanol andofmost busi
nesses, railroads and refineries.
We will not speak at length ofhis tenure as Mayor, as he received
the postin a very sorry state and has triedto diffuse the many
conflicts that have surfaced.
Wehave notforgotten thesad but very eloquent funeral of Decem
ber 14th, 1892 for the unforgettable Lieutenant Colonel inthe 2nd
degree ofthe 1st Battalion ofVolunteers of Havana who had per
ished the day before.
It is onlyfitting thatwe honor thevirtues of this patriot who was
born in Llanes on October 18lh, 1839.
He cameto this Island while veryyoungand with his hard work
and moral rectitude wasable to amass a respectable fortune. His
affable characterearned him manyfriends.
In 1855 hejoinedtheVolunteers and contributed notonly with his
service, but also with generous donations even to causes that were
foreignto him such as the war in Africa, the flood victimsofMur-
cia, and thevictims ofthestorm ofVuelta Abajo among others.
He continued his services for37years until his passing. He had
earned Military Merit and I.L.C. crosses, medals of Amadeo and
Constancia with three ribbons, three Meritorious Awards and a
vote of gratitude form the Senate.
As a civilianhe served in manydistinguished posts such as found
ing memberand Speaker of the Board ofthe Lonja de Vfveres
He has left a brilliant legacy and will not be forgotten.
As his successor, we now have his nephew, D. Ricardo Garcia
Alvarez, an enthusiastic Captain ofthe Institute, also from Llanes.
He distinguished himselfin Mexico as a virtuous man in his pri
vate life and as an enthusiastic promoter of strongties between
Mexicans and Spaniards. He nowdistinguishes himselfin Cuba
with his cultured,enthusiastic andgenerous ways.
He has been awardeda Military Meritcross and has receiveda
vote ofgratitude form the Senate.
As he continuesto follow his uncle's example, he will become one
ofthis society's most valued personalities.
Colonel ofthe Battalion ofvolunteers of Santiago de las Vegas, he
is an especially qualified leader andan accomplished military man.
A modest man by nature who maynot even realizethat he is as
gifted, butthisauthor, without presuming to bea master in theart
of war, cansaywithout a shadow ofa doubt thathe is deserving of
this praise. He is an example of good conduct andmerit Thiswas
expressed to him the daythis battalion was sworn in, in the pres
enceofthe highest representatives ofthe Military, Volunteers and
townspeople. We wereall ableto admire die exemplary job of
reorganization accomplishedby its illustriousleader.
Hishistory as a patriot, volunteer and active citizen is very similar
to thatof thousands of Spaniards that have made theircountry
proud, defending it withtheweapons of warandsupporting it with
theirhard workandvirtues in peaceful times.
He wasbom in Pravia in 1843 and in 1868 was already in the
Island performing as avolunteer in what istoday the 1st Company
ofthe Battalion he commands.
He has offered all sorts of personal services, andcontributed
monetarily in the amount of$12,840.40 gold He is a knight ofthe
Order ofMilitary Merit, has been awarded with the medalsof
Amadeo andConstanza with two ribbons, and has received a vote
of gratitude from the Senate.
He is President ofthe Casino Espanol ofSantiago de las Vegas,
and a philanthropist by nature. He is a brilliant businessman who
is in great part responsible forthe hugesuccess ofthe tobacco
industry in that jurisdiction.
His name, Don Gumersindo is rightfully uttered withgreat respect
Archivo General de Protocolos de Camagiiey
Transcribed by Jose A. Tavel
The extractions for the years 1627 to 1785 werepublished in
previous volumes ofREVISTA.
The following standard phrases willbeabbreviated as shown:
Testamento, (will) = t
no fue casada/o (was not married) = nfc
casado/a (married to) = cc
tuvieron porhijo/s (had as offsprings) = tph
hijo/a legitimo (legitimate child) = hi
hijo/a natural( Legitimate child) - hn
no tuvieron hijos(did ntohave children) - nth
poder para testar (power ofattorney) - ppt
Inorder to receive a print our ofthe extraction as it appears inthe
notes, please write to CGS and wewill send it to youfora nominal
YEAR OF 1786
Rodriguez- T ofMaria Rodriguez, hiofNicolas Rodriguez Pina
and Leonor delaRosa, cc the Capitan Cristobal deZayas, tph:
Pedro Nolasco, Maria Josefe, Lorenzo and MariaDolores. 10Jan
1786 134:7
Velazco - Ppt ofTomas deVelazco given by the Capitan Cristobal
deVelazco, his father, declared cc Margarita Gerardo, tph: Maria
Mercedes, Eulalia and Josefe. 16 Jan 1786 134:8
Villavicencio - PptofFrancisco Villavicencio, givento Maria
Teresa Alvarez, his wife, declared tph: Josefe, Ana,Francisco and
Maria Teresa.
10 Feb 1786 134:9
Borrero - T of Maria Mercedes Borrero, hi ofAntonio Borrero
andMargarita Heraldo, cc the Licenciado Pedro Veles, tph: Carlos,
Margarita and Pedro. 15 Mar 1786 134:10
Morel - T of Jose* Morel, hi ofBartolame Morel and Damiana
Basulto, cc MariaLoreto Porro, tph: Francisco, Jose, Manuel and
Antonio. 2 Apr 1786 134:11
Pardo- T ofBemarda Pardo, hi ofCristobal Pardo andMargarita
Garcia, first cc Juan de Acosta, nth; second cc Felix Rodriguez,
Ysleflo, tph Juan CristobaL 5 Apr 1786 134:12
Garamey-Tof<^delariaGaramey,hl ofPedro AgustinGaramey andJacinta Pardo, cc Agustin Garcia, tph Maria Josefe de
Jesus. 5 May 1786 135:1
Guerra - T ofthe Licenciado Jacinto Guerra, hi ofToribio Guerra
and Maria Gertrudis Recio, cc Maria Borrero, tph: AnaMargarita
and Mariana. 12 May 1786 135:2
Serrano- T of Caridad Serrano, hi of Andres Serrano and Petroni-
laMarques, ccMiguel dela Torre, tph: Juan de Dios, Jose* Miguel,
Luis Antonio, Maria Petronila, PedroAndres, Jose Rafael and Jose
Vicente. 16 May 1786 135:3
Soto- T of Juan Antonio de Soto, hi ofHipolito de Soto andLuisa
Morel, cc Maria Lorenza Guzman, tph: Jose" Maria delasNieves,
Juan de Dolores, Mariade la 0, Andres, Enrique andJuan Bautista. 6 Jul 1786 135:4
Borrero - T of Mercedes Borrero, by pptgiven to the Licenciado
Pedro Veles, her husband 20 Jul 1786 135:5
Socarras and Zaldivar- T ofEusebia deSocarras, hiofJoaquin
de Socarras and Ana Medrano, and her husband ofNicolas Zaldi
var, declared tph: Francisco andJose* Nicolas, she declared first cc
Francisco Pabia andtph: Juana and Antonia. 3 Sep 1786 135:6
Varona - T ofJose* de Varona, hi ofJose" de Varonaand Maria de
la Torre, ccAna Geronima deSocarras, tph: Luis and Maria. 22
Oct 1786 135:7
Napoles - T ofTomasa deNapoles, hiofPedro Napoles and Maria
deAcosta, ccJose Alonso Ramos, tph: Maria Bernarda and Pedro
Alonso. 1 Nov 1786 135:8
Medrano - T of Ysabel Maria Medrano, hi of Manuel Medrano
and Ysabel Parada, ccFrancisco Almanza, tph: Jose* Manuel, Pedro
Nicolasco, Maria Mercedes, Francisco Antonio, Urbano Gerardo,
Ana Ysabel and Pedro Estebam. 4 Nov 1786 135:9
Ruis- T ofJose* Ruis, hi ofJos6 Salvador Ruiz deAguilar and
Leomor Ramirez, ccLuisa de laTorre, tph: Maria del Pilar, Maria
Nicolasa and Paula Maria. 9 Nov 1786 135:10
Olazabar - T of Francisco Olazabar, hi of Juan Manuel Olazabar
and Bernardina de Estrada, cc Bernardina de Napoles,tph: Rosa,
Maria Merced and Jose Maria. 13 Nov 1786 135:11
Cisneros - T ofTrinidad de Cisneros, hi ofthe licenciado Jose
and Maria de Cisneros, cc theCapitan Bernabe* de la Torre, tph:
Ana Maria, Salvador,Dolores,BernabS Jorge and Esteban. 15
Dec 1786 136:1
YEAR OP 1787
Miranda - T of Brigida de Miranda, hi ofJavier de Miranda and
CatalinaFerrero, both natives ofSantigo in SantoDomingo, first
cc PedroMehdez, nth; second cc Pablo de Cisneros, tph:Juan,
Tomasa and Maria Mercedes. 22 Jan 1787 136:2
Ramos - T ofJuan Ramos, hi ofDomingo VicenteRamos,from
Spain, andAngela Jimenez, first cc Merced Olazabar, tph: Juan
Manuel, Domingo, Francisco, Josefe, Bernardina andAngela;
second cc Beatriz de Una, nth 11 Feb 1787 136:3
Socarras and Gregori - T ofUbaldode Socarras and Rosa
Gregori, hehi ofdieCapitan Gabriel deSocarras andAgustina
Castellanos,she hi ofJose" Gregori, Genoves, and Maria de la
Concepcion Castellanos, declared hi the unborn child. 9 Mar 1787
Guerra - T ofJuana Guerra, hi ofSalvador Guerra and Nicolasa
Garcia, cc Diego de Miranda, tph: Salvador, Bemab6, Pedroand
Maria delos Angeles. 20 Mar 1787 136:5
Borges- T of Francisca de Borges, hiof Baltasar de Borges and
Ysabelde Moya, cc NicolasFernandez, Trinitario, tph Ysabel
Maria. 29 Apr 1787 136:6
Garcia and Gonzalez - T ofLuis Garcia and Antonia de la Cruz
Gonzalez, hiswife, he hi of Juan Garcia and Maria Rodriguez, she
hi ofDiego Gonzalez, from Spain, and Fabiana de Napoles de
clared tph: Diego, Antonio, Agustin, Fabiana, Juan, Luisand
Manuel 10 May 1787 136:7
Guerra - T ofManuel Guerra, hi ofAscencio Guerra and Teresa
Macias,cc RosaBocio, tph PedroFernando. 2Junl787 136:8
Alvarez - T of Catalina Alvarez,hi ofJose Alvarez, nativeof
Habana, and Francisca Marrero, cc theCapitan Francisco de
Armas, Yslefio,tph: Rosalia and Agueda. 26Junl787 136:9
Basnlto - T ofAna Antonia Basulto,hi of Salvador Basulto and
Mariade Jesus Esquivel, cc Juan Aguilar, tph: JosedeJesus, Juan
de Dios, Maria Mewrced, Maria del Rosario and Maria Antonia.
23 Aug 1787 137:1
Estalen - T of Jose Estalen, hiofJaime Estalen and Maria Estalen,
natives ofBarcelona,nfc. 26 Oct 1787 137:2
Castellanos - T ofLeonor Agustina Castellanos, hi of the Teniente
Nicolas Castellanos and Josefe deOlazabar, ccJose" Lopez de
Cordova, native of Campeche, tph Maria de la O. 3 Nov 1787
Aguero - T ofMaria Leonor deAguero, hi ofPedro deAguero
and Bernarda deAguero, ccJose* delaCruz Betancourt, tph:
Angela Josefe, Ysabel Antonia, Luisa Josefe, Maria Merced, Juana
de Dios de la Cruz, Maria de la Conception and Jose Saturnino.
14 Nov 1787 137:4
Morel and Basulto - T of Marcos Morel and Tomasa Basulto,
married couple, tph: Francisco, Rosa, Juan, Petronila, Maria, Maria
Loreto and Juana.
10 Dec 1787 137:5
YEAR OF 1788
Agramonte and Cisneros - T ofthe Regidor Manuel Nazario
Agramonte and his wife Francisca Javiera de Cisneros, tph Francis
ca. 6 Jan 1787 137:6
Perdomo - T ofFernando Perdomo, hi ofFrancisco Perdomo and
Ysabela Recio, cc Mariana del Risco, tph Jose Fernando, Maria
Gertrudis, Ana Maria, Ysabel and Francisco. 23Junl788 137:7
Ramirez and Ramos - T ofSebastian Ramirez and Margarita
Ramos, marriedcouple,tph: PedroNolasco,Maria de la Soledad,
Jose" and Francisco; he hi of Cristobal Ramirez and Rosa de Leon,
both natives ofSan Lucas de Barrameda, Andalucia and she hi of
Domingo Ramos and Angela Jimenez, both of this town. 3 Jul
1788 137:8
Serrano and Urra - T ofCristobal Serrano and Catalina de Una,
married couple, he hi ofCristobal Serrano and Maria Altamirano,
she ofthe AlferezLorenzo de Urraand Juana de Acosta,tph:
Francisco, Cristobal, Maria Olalla, Catalina, Trinidad, Beatriz and
Juana, deceased, leaving hers Jose" Consuegra. 17 Sep 1788 137:9
YEAR OF 1789
Aguero - T of Barbara de AgQero, hi of Juan de Agueroand Juana
Guerra Molina, cc Nicolas Alvarez, tph: Aguedaand JuanaAgusti
na that died leaving her hi: AnaMaria, Miguel and Ana Josefa by
her marriage with Miguel deArrieta. 11 Feb 1789 138:1
Mojarrieta - T ofTeresa de Mojarrieta, hi of Bartolo Mojarrieta
and Maria Figueroa, nfc, tph: Maria de Jesus and Jose* Antonio. 9
Mar 1789 138:2
Ramirez and Ramos - T of Sebastian Ramirez and his wife
Margarita Ramos. 1 Jun 1789 138:3
Mufioz and Moronta - T of Jose Manuel Mufioz and Soledad
Moronta, married couple, he hi of Bernardo Mufioz and Juana
Contreras, she hi of Agustin Moronta and Vicroria Basulto, tph:
Juan Nepomuceno, Margarita, Maria Agustinaand Maria Ramona.
Mufioz declared he was married first to Maria Rufina Rivero and
tph: Ysabel, Jose Manuel, MariaAntonia,Buenaventura, Trinidad
and Jose Antonio, and secondcc Juana Cordovi, nth. 2 Jun 1789
Olazabar and Castellanos - T of Pedro de Jesus Olazabar and
JuanaCastellanos, married couple, hehi of the Capitan JuanOlaza
bar and Bernardina de Estrada, she hi of the Teniente Nicolas
Castellanos and Josefa Olazabar, nth. 6 Nov 1789 138:5
Quintanilla - Testamento deTomas Quintanilla, hi of Juan
Quintanilla andMaria Mata, ccMaria de Jesus Alarc6n, tph: Juan
Manuel, Maria Gertnidis, Maria de la Merced, Maria de Jesus and
their unborn child.
16 Nov 1789 138:6
Velazco - T ofJuana de Velazco, free mulato, hn ofAgustin de
Miranda and Maria Antoniade Velazco,cc Felix Rodriguez, nth.
17 Dec 1789 138:7
YEAR OF 1790
Melendez - T of Agustina Melendez, hi of Bernardo Melendez
and Ynesde Ojea, cc Leonardo Perez,tph: Ana Dolores,Maria
Caridad, Leonor, Barbara, Jose* Loreto and Antonio. 8 Jan 1790
Risco - T of Victorino del Risco, hi of Pedro del Risco and Maria
Guerra, cc Juana SebastianaChavez,tph: Juan Jose, Facundo,
Pedro Nolasco, Jos6 Joaquin and Tomas Victorino. 15 Mar 1790
Jimenez and Ferrer - T ofJuana Tomasa Jimenez with ppt ofher
husbandJuan Ferrer,hi ofGuillermo Ferrer and Juana Marquez,
natives ofMayorca,nth. 22 Apr 1790 138:10
Barrera - T ofMaria de Jesus Barrera, hi ofTomas Barrera and
Maria Gonzalez, nfc. 23 Jun 1790 138:10
Napoles and Acosta - T ofPedro Napoles and Maria de Acosta,
her wife, he hi ofRoque Napoles and Andrea Garcia, she hi of
Patricio de Acosta and Juana Rodriguez,tph: Pedro, Teresa and
Tomasa who died leaving hi: Maria Bernarda and Pedro Ramos. 1
Aug 1790 139:1
Benavides - T ofFrancisco Benavidez, hi ofAntonio Benavidez
and JuanaZaldivar, cc AnaFlorencia del Risco, tph: JoseRam6n
and Ana Ysabel. 28 Oct 1790 139:2
Castafieda - T ofJuanaCastafieda, hi of Miguel Castafieda and
Ynes Guzman, nfc, imposed a mass. 31 Oct 1790 139:3
Fuche - Ppt ofJuan Fuche, hi Juan Fuche and luisa Bacalin,cc
Ana Amu, tph Pascual. Givento Isabel de la Vega. 3 Feb 1791.
Rodriguez - T ofGertnidisRidniguez, hi Francisco Rodirguez and
Mariade Rojas, cc Francisco Navarro, of bias Canarias, tph Jose,
deceased and cc Agustina de Fuetes, Francisco,Mercedes, and Ana
Josefa. 23 Nob 1791 139:5
Reyes - T ofAntoniade los Reyes,hi Gil de los Reyesand Maria
Albarado, cc Domingo Alvarez, tph Esteban, Rosa, Antonia, Gil
Alvarez. 8 Dec 1791
Cordero - T of Miguel Corcero, hi Nicolas Cordero de Zayas and
Paula Castafieda, cc Paulade Zayas, tphIsabel, Diacano Miguel
Antonio, Juan Agustin, Maria de la Cruz, Isidro, jose Manuel. 28
Dec 1791. 139:7
YEAR 1792
Estrada - T ofJose Manuel Estradaand Mariade la Paz Alvarez,
married; he hi Antonio de Estrada and Ana del Risco; she hi
Vicente Alvarez and Concepcion Yriarte, declared as their heirthe
childshe is carrying. 22 Feb 1792 139:8
Benitez - T of Jose Manuel Benitez, hi Valentin Benitez and Juana
Perdomo, fiom Bayamo, cc Maria de la Cruz Garcia, tph Juan
Agustin Brito and Jose Pablo. 30 Apr 1792 139:9
de la Torre - T of Captain Bernabe de la Torre, hi Esteban dela
Torre and Faustina de Arteaga, cc Trinidad de Cisneros, tph Ana
Maria, Salvador, Maria Dolores, Bernabe,Jorge, Esteban, Jose
Manuel, Gaspar, Maria de la Trinidad, Maria de Jesus. 5 May
1792 139:10
Rosa Rodriguez - T of Lorenza de la Rosa, given to her son Nico
las Rodriguez, declared cc Nicolas Rodriguez de Pina, tph Nicolas,
Juan, Maria, Soledad, Maria Jacinta, Maria Teresa and Bias Maria.
1 Jul 1792 140:1
Castillo - T of Teresa del Castillo, hi Jose del Castillo, and Catali
na de Aranda, cc Pedro de la Cruz Castro, tph Rafael, Trinidad,
Serapio, Antonio. 28 Aug 1792 140:2
Agosto - T ofCatalina de Agosto, h; Carlos de Agosto and Nicolasa Nunez, cc Miguel Antonio Glnzalez, from Tenerife, tph Rosa,
Nicolasa, Fray Francsico Antonio. 2 Sep 1792 140:3
Acosta Yzquierdo - T of Ursula de Acosta, by Antonio Nolasco
Yzquierdo, her husband, nth. 9 Seo 1792 140:4
Mufioz - T of Maria de la Mercedes Mufioz, hi Bernardo Mufioz
and Juana de Contreras, cc Antonio Urbano de Napoles; tph Jose,
Serapio, Gregorio, Antonio, and Manuel Fernando de Jesus. 9 Dec
1792 140:5
Pelaez - T of Fernando Pelaez, hi Simon Pelaez and Maria de la
Candelaria Alvarez, cc Teresa Camba, tphPedr, Eusebio, Angel,
Mariadel Rosario, Jose Fernando, Remigio, Marfia Ines, Ana
Francisca and Nicolas. 17 Dec 1792 140:6
YEAR 1793
Aguero - T ofJuanaTeresa de Aguero, ccJuan Calletano Ramos,
tph Jose Alonso. 13 Jan 1793 140:7
Valverde- T ofClara Valverde, hi JuanValverde and Juana Porto,
cc Antonio Gonzalez, tph Salvador, Bias, Jose Antonio and Maria
Antonia. 18 Feb 1793 140:8
Cabrera y Victoria - T ofSantiago Cabreraand Barbarade la
Victoria, married, he hi Lorenzo Cabrera and Ysabel de los Reyes;
she hi Bernardo de la Victoria andMaria Salguedo, tphCristobal
Lorenzo, Ysabel, AnaandMaria delaConcepcion Cabrera. 8 Apr
1793 140:9
Carmenates - T ofMicaela Carmenates, hi AndresCarmenates
and Catalina Miranda, cc Francisco Alvarez, tph Maria de las
Nieves,Mariade la Concepcion, Francisco, Francisca and Eusebia
Alvarez. 21 May 1793 140:10
Canes - T ofJaime Canes,from Cataluna, hi Juan Nazario Canes
and RosaNavas, cc Catalina dela Rosa, tph RosaMaria, Mariade
Jesus,JuanVicente, Maria de la Caridad, Maria de la Soledad,
maria dela Merced, Antonio Marcial and Fmacisco Canes. 26May
1793 140:11
Rodriguez - T of Nicolas Rodriguez, hi JuanRodriguez andAntoniaHernandez, cc Maria delRosario A,manza, tphJoseGabriel,
Silvestre, Mria de los Dolores, Manuel Jacinto, and Casimira
Rodriguez. 14 Jul 1793 140:12
Suarez y Estrada - T of Manuel Saurez and Francisca de Estrada,
married; he hi Jose Suarezand Ana Herrera, from Cadiz and was
married to Angela Rodriguez tph Antonio; shehi Joaquin de Estra
da and Francisca Nunez and nth. 23 Jul 1793 140:13
Zayas - T ofLuis de Zayas, hi Regidro Fernando de Zayas and
Magdalena Sanchez, nc Founded Capellania. 10 Ago 1793 140:14
Pelaez- T ofTelmo Pelaez, hi Telmo Pelaez and Ciriaca Napoles,
cc Soledad Gonzalez, tph Maria Micaela. 12 Ago 1793 140:15
Napoles - T of Antonio Urbano de Napoles, hi Juan de Napoles
andEmeteria Ceballos, cc Maria Mufioz,tph Serapio, Gregorio,
Manuel Fernando. 19 Ago 1793 141:1
Leon - T of Jose de Leon, from Corufia, hi Antonio de Leon and
Maria Josefa Fernandez, cc Maria del Rosario Prooro, tph Teresa,
Jose Manuel, Trinidad and Lucas. 24 Aug 1793 141:2
Garcia Acosta - T ofPedro Celestino Garcia and Ysabel Maria de
Acosta, he hi Juan Agustin Garcia and Antonio Maruqez, she hi
Ylario de Acosta and Antonio de Salas, thp Rafael, Josefa, Pedro
Agustin,Manuel de Jesus, Salvador, Jose de laTrinidad. 6 Sep
1793 1413
Perez - T ofPablo Perez, hi Andres Perez, from Canary Islands
and Maria Asuncion de Varona, cc Calletana Barrera, tph Andres,
Pedro,Ygnacio and Jose. 16 Sep 1793 141:4
Sanchez - T of Bias Sanchez, hi Antonio Sanchez and Maria
Basulto, cc Maria EulaliaAlvarez, tph Mariade los Dolores,Jose
Maria, Ana, Josefa and Manuel. 9 Sep 1793 141:5
Aguero - T of Concepcion de Aguero, cc JuanAntonio Garrio, tph
Brianda, Francisco andJose. 20 Sep 1793 141:6
Napoles y Castellanos - T of Eusebio deNapoles and Mariade la
Soledad Castellanos, married, he hi Alejandro Napoles and Beatriz
Serrano; she hi NicolasCastellanos and Josefade Olazabar; tph
Juan Bautista, Francisca Maria, Josefa Marai, Ana Margarita and
mariade la Merced 20 Sep 1793 141:7
Basulto - Ppt Rosa Maria Basulto given to Jose Antonio de la
Bega, her husband, tph Maria Francisca and Juana de Dios. 14 Oct
1793 141:8
Napoles - T ofRoque de Napoles, hi Jose de Napoles and Manuela
Vasconcelocc MariaLuisade la Victoria, tph Ygnacio Antonio,
Maria de la caridad, Jose Ramon and mateo de Jesus. 15 Nov 1793
Morciego - T ofSantiago Morciego, hi Alonso Morciego, from
Spain, and Sabina Maria,cc Maria Merced Castellanos, tph Maria
del Socorro, Ventura,Juana, Jose and Rosa. 12 Dec 1703 141:10
Leaders of the Independence War
by Mayra Sanchez-Johnson
The following listsare taken from an article published in a
magazine called Cuspide. The copy had no date of publica
tion and the list might have been part of a larger article.
Unfortunately there is no publication date, but the latest
death date given is October of 1938.
Major Generals of the Independence War
Those who died in combat
Aguirre Valdes, Jose Maria
Borrero Lavadi, Francisco
Crombet Calderin, Fk>r
Maceo Grajales,Antonio
Jarico, Habana
29 Dec 1896
Altagracia, Camaguey 17 Jun 1895
Palmarito, Guantanamo 10Apr 1895
San pedro, Palma Brava7 Dec 1896
Maceo Grajales, Jose
Loma del Gato
Martin, Perez,Jose
Moncada, Gufllermo
DosRios, Palma Soriano 19May 1895
Yorutito, AltoSongo 5 Apr 1895
5 Jun 1896
Sanchez Valdivia, Serafin
Paso de las Damas
18 Nov 1896
Those who died after the war
Betancourt Davalos, Pedro
Capote Sosa, Jose Manuel
La Habana
Carrilio Morales, Francisco
La Habana
11 Mar 1925
Cebrero Sanchez, Agustin
La Habana
Cisneros Betancourt, Salvador La Habana
19 Dec 1924
28 Feb 1914
Marques de Sta. Lucia
19May 1933
]1Sep 1934
Diaz Molina, Pedro
Garcia Iniguez, Calixto Estados Unidos
Gomez y Gomez, jose Miguel Estados Unidos
Gomez y Baez, MaximoLa Habana
Hernandez Rioz,Salvador
Santiago de Cuba
Maso Marquez, Bartolome
15 May1924
11 Dec 1899
13 Jun 1921
17Jun 1906
23 Jan 1928
14Jun 1907
Perez y Perez, Pedro A
Rius Rivera, Juan
Ceiba, Hoduras
Rodriguez Velazqauez, Alejandro La Habana
Rodriguez Rodriguez, Jose Maria La Habana
RoloffMialofsky, Carlos
Sablon Moreno, Jesus
13Apr 1914
20Sep 1924
27 Feb 1915
24 May 1903
17May 1907
6 Dec 1915
Sanguily y Garrltt, Julio
La Habana
23 Mar 1906
Suarez Delgado, Manuel
Torres Mora, Mariano
Varona Gonzalez, Francisco
Vega Basulto, Javier de la
Las Tunas
7 Jan 1917
4 Feb 1930
23Aug 1899
22 Nov 1934
Still living (at publication time)
Garcia Menocal, Mario
Division Generals
Those who died in combat
Fernandez Ruz, Juan
23Dec 1896
Those who died after the war
Aleman y Urquia, Jose Braufio Rancho Boyeros
15Jan 1930
Banderas, Quintin
Campamento del Cano22Aug 1906
Cardenas Benitas, Rafael de
La Habana
11 Jul 1912
Castillo Duany, Demetrio
Castillo Zuniga, Jose Rogelio
Estrada Estrada, Francisco
Feria Garavalde, Luis de
Gonzalez Planas, Jose
La Habana
27 Nov 1922
La Habana
21 Sep 1925
19May 1913
30May 1901
LacretMorlot, Jose
La Habana
Leyte Vidal, Francisco
Santiago de Cuba
13 Nov 1928
24 Dec 1904
30 May 1928
Marques de Casa Vldaly &Conde de Wipe
Lora Torres, Satumino Baire
Lorente De la Rosa, Juan
La Habana
MiroArgenter, Jose
monteagudo, Jose de Jesus
Amaro, Las Villas
Las Canas, Artemisa
Nodarse Bacallao, Alberto
Nunez y Rodriguez, Emilio
La Habana
Portuondo Tamayo, RafaelMaria Mayari
Ramos Gonzalez, Maximiliano Camaguey
Redo Loynaz, Lope
RodriguezAguero, Rafael
29Sep 1921
22Aug 1934
2 May 1925
14 Dec 1914
25Aug 1924
5 May 1922
15 Jul 1908
13 Jul 1914
24 Jul 1927
5 May 1905
Rosas AveBno
Salcedo Torres, Florenck)
25 Oct 1931
17 Dec 1902
24 Jun 1905
Sanchez Echevarria, Francisco Santiago de Cuba
VegaAleman, Matias
Santiagode Cuba
Still living (at publication time)
Ducasse ReevemJuan Efigio,
La Habana
Rajos Cruzat, Carlos Maria de
La Habana
Brigadier Generals
Those who died in Combat
Bermudez Lopez, Roberto
He was killed by order of Maximo Gomez
12Aug 1898
Castillo y Sanchez, Adolfode
Chorrera de Managua 25Oct 1897
Ducasses Reeve, Vidal
Garcia, Clotilde
SanJose de los Ramos
19 Feb 1898
19 May 1896
she was 20 years old
Goulet y Goulet, Alfonso
13Jul 1895
Guerra y Porro,Angel
St Ritade Baro
9 Mar 1896
InchausteguiyCabrera, Federico Manzanillo
JuncoyCruz Mufioz, Enrigue
Rodriguez, Alberto
7 Sep 1895
15 Aug 1897
6Aug 1897
Sanchez Vaillant, Mariano
El Cobre
17 Mar 1897
Tamayo, Esteban
Combatede Motembo 21 May 1896
Vargas y Sotomoayor, Pedro
Zayas y Alfonso, Juan Bruno
Bahia Honda
Nov 1896
30 Jul 1896
Those who died after the war
Acevedo Villamil, GuiHermo
La Habana
Alfonso Seljas, Dr. Manuel
La Habana
Benites Dominguez, Juan Ramon
Betoso Cardoso, Juan
Bonne y Bonne, Luis
Boza y Sanchez, Bernabe
Bravo y Perez, Juan
Castillo Lopez, Joaquin
Castillo Duany, Joaquin
24 Feb 1913
31 Jan 1924
23 Aug 1901
La Habana
11 May 1912
Santiago de Cuba
La Habana
18 Jun 1917
16 Mar 1908
19 Sep 1925
11 Jun 1920
21 Dec 1903
Santiago de Cuba
Camacho Olazagasti, Bernardo Santiagode Cuba
Cebreco Sanchez, Juan Pablo Santiago de Cuba
9 Apr 1918
11 Apr 1930
Collazo Tejada, Enrique
CollazoTejada, Tomas
DantinFeBx, Clemente
DelgadoCarache, Pedro
13 Mar 1921
30 Mar 1924
La Habana
San Cristobal
La Habana
Dubois Castillo Carlos
Espinosa Socarras, Fernando Camaguey
Esquerra Rodriguez, Higinlo Cienfuegos
Fernandez de Castro y Cespedes, Jose La Habana
4 May 1904
27 Nov 1912
21 Sep 1906
19 Nov 1901
19 Nov 1914
10 Jan 1916
Freyre de Andrad, Dr. Fernando
La Habana
Gil y de la Rosa, Dionisio
Gomez y Diaz, Clemente
Gomez Cardoso, Jose Ambrosio Ciego de Avila
Gonzalez Clavel, Carlos
La Habana
Hernandez Perez, Dr. Eusebio La Habana
Lora Torres, Mariano
La Habana
MarreroAlvarez, Remigio
Martinez Achevania, PrudencioGuantanamo
Mendez Capote, DrDomingo
La Habana
Miniet Ginarte, Vicente
Monzon Lopez, Juan
O. Jay, Manuel de la
Padro Grinzn, Tomas
Peraza Delgado, Francisco
Santiago de Cuba
Santiago de Cuba
Santiago de Cuba
Los Palacios
Planas Ulloa, Joaquin
Santiago de Cuba
DepL Cauca
he was assassinated by Gral Avelino Rosas
Perez Garoz, Francisco
Pedro Betancourt
Perez Mufioz, Lino
Pujals Fuentes, Vicente
Santiago de Cuba
Ramos Hernandez, Victor
Rego Alfonso, Alfredo
Campo Florido
Robau Lopez, Jose Luis
Sagua la Grande
Rojas Hurtado, Cornelio
Riva Hernandez, Armando
La Habana
Saenz Yafiez, Pedro
La Habana
Sanchez Agramonte, Armando Vedado
Sanchez Agramonte, Dr. Eugenio
La Habana
Sanchez Figueras, Silverio
La Habana
Santana, Julian
He was 102 years old
Salazar Feria, Tomas
Sartorio Leal, Ricardo
Torres Gonzalez, Martin
Valiente, Francisco de Paula
24 Jan 1929
29 Dec 1899
4 Dec 1917
24 Apr 1902
14 Dec 1938
24 Nov 1933
5 Feb 1930
20 Aug 1916
30 Jan 1919
16 Jun 1934
20 Dec 1928
18 Jun 1918
22 Jul 1924
11 Aug 1931
17 Feb 1912
11 Oct 1918
30 Oct 1908
29 Mar 1901
21 Sep 1937
12Sep 1930
12 Dec 1909
18 Jan 1921
3 Jul 1913
31 Aug 1908
9 Oct 1938
9 Mar 1933
20May 1915
Las Tunas
31 Jul 1931
3 Aug 1915
16 Sep 1918
La Habana
Santiago de Cuba
La Habana
27 Jul 1906
29 Oct 1937
Valiente del Monte, Porfirio
Santiago de Cuba
19 Apr 1900
Varona y Miranda, Antonio
Vazquez Hidalgo, Pedro
Vazquez Martinez, Higinio
He was 103years old
La Habana
La Habana
6 Oct 1935
Santiago de Cuba
Still living (at publication time)
AgQero Garcia, Carlos
Enamorado Cafixto
La Habana
Unites States
La Habana
La Habana
La Habana
Garcia Velez, Carlos
Gispert y Garcia, Dr.Daniel
Hernandez Vargas, Jacinto
Loynaz del Castillo, Enrique
Machado Morales, Gerardo
MofinetAmoros, Dr. Eugenio
Montarvo y Morales, Rafael
Mendlzabal Aleman, Federico
Reyes Arencibia, Jose
Roberts Fernandez, Dr. Hugo
Rodriguez Fuentes, Manuel
Sanchez Valdivia, Jose Joaquin
Miami, U. S.
La Habana
La Habana
Jlguan, Oriente
La Habana
La Habana
Sancti Spiritus
2 Sep 1929
3 May 1937