

Temple Torat Emet
Nov/December 2015
Issue 1215 Published Monthly
5776 Kislev-Tevet
Shalom Rav
Rabbi Edward C. Bernstein
Hanukkah means dedication. The eight-day festival of lights that we celebrate this month commemorates the
rededication of the Temple after the Maccabees had redeemed it from Antiochus nearly 2,200 years ago. Our
main ritual of Hanukkah, lighting the menorah, is typically accompanied by an old hymn that is familiar to many
of us, Maoz Tzur. The first two lines read:
Ma'oz Tzur Yeshu'ati, lekha na'eh leshabe'ah.
Tikon beit tefilati, vesham toda nezabe'ah.
For the English, we may be familiar with one translation set to the same melody that begins, “Rock of Ages, let our song…” For the
purpose of this column, let me offer a more literal translation of the first two lines:
“My refuge my rock of salvation! 'Tis pleasant to sing to your praises.
Let my house of prayer be restored. And there we will offer You our thanks.”
The song speaks specifically about beit tefilati, my house of prayer. Indeed, Maoz Tzur speaks about Hanukat ha-mizbeah, the dedication of
the altar at the Temple in Jerusalem. However, it also celebrates the dedication of a house of prayer. We no longer have the Temple, but
we still have prayer. The synagogue of today is our mikdash me’at, our “mini-Temple.”
Temple Torat Emet is our beit tefillah, house of prayer. There are many opportunities to engage in meaningful worship experiences in our
congregation. Our weekly Shabbat services on Friday night and Shabbat morning are times to reconnect with one another as a community and create a fitting end to the week. This year, in an effort to serve a maximal number of congregants, we are offering two services
each Friday night. During the winter months, we are holding a Friday evening minyan at 5:00 pm to allow our community to usher in
Shabbat at the traditional time of sunset, after which congregants can enjoy the rest of the evening for a relaxing Shabbat meal with
family and friends. In addition, for those who wish to attend Friday night services but cannot attend at 5:00, our Ritual Committee is
launching in December a new 8:00 pm service (December 4, 11, 18). Once a month there will be a community dinner (the 18th in
December) before services (reservations required) that will enhance our community atmosphere. In addition, we now have “Shabbat
Shabang,” our musical successor to “Shabbat with a Twist,” that is held monthly at 7:00 pm (November 20). And that’s just Friday night!
For Shabbat morning, we welcome Howie Zimmerman who will be leading Junior Congregation (November 21, December 12 and 19). I
also continue to lead Shabbat B’Yahad, an interactive Shabbat service for all ages (next SBY is Saturday, December 5, 10:00-11:30 am, in
the Wasley Chapel).
Through all of these opportunities to experience our beit tefilllah, I hope that we will create a stronger, more cohesive community. As a
result, we will be a true mikdash me’at.
A Joyous Hanukkah to All!
November - December
1:00p Tikkun Olam 7:00p Fundraising
Committee Meeting
7:00p Leil Iyun Bat Kohain/Levi
7:00p Torah Study
7:00p WFTT
7:00p Torah Study
Hanukkah 2nd
Hanukkah 3rd
7:00p Ritual
Committee Meeting
Hanukkah 4th
5:30p Temple
7:00p Fundraising
Committee Meeting
Hanukkah 1st
Rosh Hodesh
8:15a Shacharit
Hanukkah 8th
9:30a Men’s Club
Breakfast &
General Meeting
Hanukkah 8th
6:00p Budget &
7:00p Torah Study
Finance Meeting
7:00p Executive
Committee Meeting
7:00p Bar/Bat
Mitzvah Committee
7:00p Torah Study
7:00p Torah Study
Upcoming Events
Thanksgiving Day Administrative
Administrative Office Office Closed
5:10p Candle
6:00p Shabbat
12:30p Bereavement
1:00p Sisterhood
Board Meeting
7:00p Men’s Club
Board Meeting
7:00p WFTT
Hanukkah 5th
Committee Meeting
7:00p Board of
Directors Meeting
Office Closing Early
7:30p Avi Hoffman
9:00a Shabbat
6:00p Maariv/
12:45p Judaic
5:00p Minchah/
Maariv Services
5:09p Candle
8:00p Speaker
Shabbat Services
9:00a Shabbat
Parashat Vayeshev
10:00a Shabbat
Hanukkah 6th
Veterans Day
5:00p Minchah/
Maariv Services
5:11p Candle
8:00p Simcha
Shabbat Services
Hanukkah 7th
9:00a Shabbat
Rosh Hodesh Tevet
Parashat Miketz
6:05p Maariv/
5:00p Minchah/
9:00a Shabbat
Maariv Services
5:13p Candle Lighting Parashat Vayigash
6:00p Shabbat Dinner
8:00p Shabbat
Admin. Office Closed
5:00p Shabbat
5:17p Candle Lighting
9:00a Shabbat
Parashat Vayechi
6:10p Maariv/
Administrative Office
Closing Early
7:00p New Years Eve
Upcoming Holidays
7 - Bereavement Group
January 1 - New Year’s Day 22 - Shabbat Shabang
Administrative Office Closed
23 - Tu B’Shevat Seder
January 25 - Tu B’Shevat
25 – ESARS Plus Tu B’Shevat
January 27 - Holocaust Remembrance Day
February 2 - Groundhog Day
January 29 - Bar Mitzvah of Travis Grzelak
February 15 - Presidents Day
January 29 - Kabbalat Siddur
February 5 - ESARS+ Shabbat
February 6 - Bat Mitzvah of Alana Kugel
November/December Tekiah 2
meeting dates
subject to
New Temple Website is Live!
In the past few months, many of you have, no doubt, linked to
the Temple’s familiar website only to find that same mindnumbing sign that we often find in our travels around South
Florida, UNDER CONSTRUCTION. What was under
construction, you might have asked. Well, the answer is the new
Temple Torat Emet website. After much discussion and planning,and through the untiring efforts of our member Adam
Cohen under the auspices of the Communications Committee, the new website, with a totally different look and design,
“went live” on November 6. The design is simpler than that of the previous site, yet it will provide much more information
in a much more facile way. The URL, or address, of the new website is Anyone linking
to the previous website will be automatically directed to the new site.
Your leadership is looking for the new website to signal a shift in focus and a cultural change for our congregation. Many
of our members, even though they have computers, are still inclined to rely on paper copies of many documents (for
example, Tekiah), because that’s what they’re comfortable with. But, as some of our computer-literate youth might say,
“That’s oh, so, 20th century!” We are hoping that, with the easy look and feel of the new site, many of you will begin to
rely increasingly on it. For example, it will be an easy way to view the Shabbat Bulletin, the Temple calendar, flyers of
upcoming events, and many more items that currently are mailed to our membership or are otherwise published in hard
copy. We will also be putting copies of Tekiah on the site, and at some point will only mail the newsletter to our members
who are unable to use the website. The bottom line is that our members will not only be able to take advantage of this
expansive capability instantaneously from the privacy of their homes, but the results will also be seen in a reduction of
expenses through fewer monthly mailings and postal costs.
So go onto the new website and explore its features, with a caution that this site is also “under construction.” While most
of the basic features of the site are there, we are still developing the content for the various pages. As that content is
introduced over the next few weeks and months, we will also be adding features to make the site more functional and
user-friendly. For example, we will be adding capabilities to make donations and, at some point, to pay bills online; to
register for Temple events; to view video and audio tutorials of prayers, rituals, and services; to purchase items in the
Sisterhood Judaica Shop; and to participate in members’ forums for community discussions, among others.
The Webmaster for the new site is Adam Cohen, who is responsible for
maintaining and updating the site, introducing enhancements and
updates, as required, and ensuring its security. With assistance from the
Communications Committee, Adam will also serve as the Web Editor,
who will be responsible for standardization of the site’s content. If you
have questions about the website, you may contact Adam at
561-206-ADAM (2326), or by e-mail at [email protected].
Irv Jacobs, Editor
Rabbi Bernstein,
Stuart Boxerman and
Anna Jacobs unveil
the new Temple Torat
Emet Website on
November 6, 2015.
November/December Tekiah 3
Ritual Matters
With Hanukkah just around the corner, we want to briefly review this holiday season just past and bring you up to date on what
you can expect in the future in terms of ritual matters.
The Holidays
The Ritual Committee sent out an electronic survey regarding the High Holidays. We sincerely appreciate the feedback that we
received, and we intend to use it in planning next year’s High Holiday services.
The holiday season ended with a lovely “sukkah hop” on Sunday, October 4, and Simchat Torah was a very joyous event with a
luncheon honoring Paula and Mel Gervis, Shirley and Ira Jaffee, and Judy and Larry Moskowitz. Cantor Berkovitz began his
cantorial duties at the beginning of the holidays, treating the congregation to his beautiful melodies, davening, and sense of ruach.
There’s something new in the works for Friday evenings! In response to many requests for a later Shabbat service, we will be
initiating, on December 4, a variety of services:
• 1st week of the month – Speaker Shabbat (in lieu of a sermon) at 8:00 pm followed by an Oneg/social hour.
• 2nd week of the month – Simcha Shabbat, honoring all those with birthdays and anniversaries that month,
followed by a special Oneg/social hour.
• 3rd week of the month – Dinner (at 6pm) followed by services at 8pm; dinner only for congregants.
• 4th week of the month – Shabbat Shabang at 7:00 pm, sponsored by the Religious School.
• The outside community is invited to attend all services. There will also be a 5:00 pm minyan on Fridays from
November to March (EST). Watch for more details on our Friday night services.
Educational Workshop
There will be an educational workshop on December 1, led by Rabbi Bernstein, on the subject of Bat Kohain/Bat Levi. Get
the background on this and how it fits into our Shabbat services while staying true to our traditions.
Havdalah on the Beach
Coming up this winter at Boynton Beach.
Watch for details.
Anschel Weiss and Kathy Porges, Co-Chairs
At Shabbat morning services on
December 5, Temple Torat Emet will
honor Gordon Meyer and his High
Holiday Honors Committee and Sarah
Sandler and her High Holiday Seating
Committee for all their hard work in
helping to make our 2015/5776
services so meaningful. A special
Kiddush is planned.
Special Service Schedule
November 2015 – Heshvan/Kislev 5776
28th – Maariv/Havdalah, 6:00 pm
December 2015 – Kislev/Tevet 5776
9th – Temple Community Hanukkah Celebration and Menorah
Lighting, 5:30 pm
7th to 13th – Hanukkah, Shacharit, 8:15 am (13th is also Rosh
Hodesh Tevet 2)
12th – Maariv/Havdalah, 6:05 pm
26th – Maariv/Havdalah, 6:10 pm
Late Friday Evening Services
December 4 – 8:00 pm
December 11 – 8:00 pm
December 18 – 6:00 pm, Dinner; 8:00 pm, Service
November/December Tekiah 4
Fundraising Update
As most of you know, Temple Torat Emet's Kol Nidre campaign raises a significant portion of the funds needed to provide
for our warm and welcoming services, our youth and adult education programs, and many other activities for our multi-generational congregation. With the tremendous efforts of Carolyn and Larry Garter and their committee, we received contributions from over 80 percent of our congregants. We graciously thank all who participated. Their names appear in this issue
of Tekiah, but it is not too late to make a contribution. Additional names will be listed next month, and we would be grateful
for your contributions.
There are still some seats available for the Avi Hoffman show on December 24, but tickets are selling
quickly. Tickets are priced at $35 each, so you can reserve now at or by phone, 1-800-838-3006.
By this time, you should have received the flyer for the gala New Year's Eve celebration
to be held here at Temple Torat Emet. The evening will feature an elegant dinner,
which includes prime rib as one of the entrée choices and sumptuous hors
d'oeuvres, plus dancing, favors, and festive decorations. Get your tables
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There are still a few slots left with the $300 credit on ocean view and higher
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if you are interested.
Jeffry Charnow, Temple Member
Finally, thanks to Bonnie Gerchick and Margot Banke and their committee
[email protected]
for planning a wonderful evening of square dancing on November 1. A
good time was had by all.
Paula Gervis and Sarah Sandler, Co-Chairs
Membership Matters
The Membership Committee is planning to host a Havdalah Open
House in February, although we are still exploring the exact date for
this service. It will be a service for all of our new members. After our
plans are firm, we will provide more information.
We will also be working on an advertising campaign to attract new
members to Temple Torat Emet, and, with that in mind, we are in
need of someone with past advertising experience to help us design our
media. If you can help or know someone who can, please contact me
at 734-2299 or [email protected].
Lynn Doctor, Co-Chair
November/December Tekiah 5
Thanksgiving and Hanukkah – and Sukkot?
As an educator, I often try to find similarities between American holidays and Jewish holidays, especially when they are close
together in time. In a nutshell, Hanukkah and Thanksgiving are holidays of gratitude after facing adversity. In the year 164
BCE, the Jewish people were elated that their conflict with the Hellenistic Seleucid Empire came to a halt, thus having
Hanukkah as a perfect time to be thankful for religious freedom. Hanukkah is one of the few Jewish holidays not mentioned in
the Bible. The story of how Hanukkah came to be is contained in Books 1 and 2 of the Books of the Maccabees.
Thanksgiving, on the other hand, began as an appreciation of a bountiful harvest. The American Thanksgiving resembles our
holiday of Sukkot in the Torah, because both holidays contain the theme of giving thanks for a bountiful harvest. It could very
well be that the Pilgrims thought that their experience was very similar to that of the ancient Israelites. Ultimately, they learned
to thank God for their harvest based on the stories they read in our Torah.
Hanukkah is also aligned with Sukkot. When the Jews rededicated the Holy Temple (Beit Hamikdash), they celebrated for eight
days, because the one vessel of oil that they found should have lasted for only one day, but instead it kept the menorah lit for
eight days. This is certainly reminiscent of Sukkot that is celebrated for eight days. Our Sages believe that Hanukkah was
celebrated as a late Sukkot, connecting a feeling of Thanksgiving from the harvest with the cleansed and rededicated Temple.
Culinarily speaking, both Hanukkah and Thanksgiving deal with potatoes: Thanksgiving’s sweet potatoes and Hanukkah’s latkes
(levivot in Hebrew). Having said that, may your Thanksgiving be full of meaning, and may you celebrate Hanukkah with great
pride and appreciation for religious freedom.
Estee Gold, Education Director
November/December Tekiah 6
November/December Tekiah 7
2015 Kol Nidre Campaign
Arlene & Arnold Barad
Isabell Adler
Carole & Meron Levitats
Blanche & Herman Samick
Barbara & Jeffrey Golden
Neil Omenn
Wilma Turk
Sheila & Burton Aaronson
Steven Ackerman
Frieda & Solomon Behar
Cantor Joseph & Edith Birnholtz
Faye & Allen Borowsky
Janet Chaikin
Susan & David Corn
Dr. Barry & Selma Dash
Gary Eichenwald
Lillian Fingerhut
Harriet & Michael Gere
Norman Goldfarb
Lois & Norman Gordon
Shirley & Murray Gottlieb
Dawn & Doug Haven
Susan & Irwin Hutten
Helen Kahme
Laurie Koen & Leslee Simon
Rabbi Asher & Erma Krief
Sandra & Arthur Landes
Anna Levin
Marcia & Alan Levitzal
Harold Ludman
Michael May
Andrea Olkin
Doris Perlmutter
Vicki Plumer
Nathan Rosen
Sandra Sand
Anita & David Schick
Marcia Schulman
Rosalee Brauer
Gail & Bennett Bakst
Judith & Lawrence Moskowitz
Aaron Wishnoff
Willard Bernstein
The Magness Family
Andrea & Alan Schoen
Barbara & Hesh Weingard
Nellie & Valentin Abelhouse
Claire Aizenstadt
Raphael Berdugo
Myra Block
Estelle Brown
Seymour Chertoff
Jan Courte & Ira Brandell
Deborah Diamond-Lite
Susan Farber
Joan Fundiller
Paula & Melvyn Gervis
Elaine & Sidney Goldstein
Marlene & Gerald Gordon
Ellen & Jerry Grynspan
Janet & Herbert Hodus
Ruth Jatkoff
Charlotte & Nathan Katz
Sandra & Jerome Koffler
Victor Kweller
Elaine & Seymour Langer
Ruth Levine
Michael Listick
Janice & Morris Magin
Marcia & Paul Merlin
Ronnie & Eliot Ostrow
Barbara & Alan Pickholtz
Judith Price
Evelyn Rosenstein
David Sapiro
Jack Schlessel
Barbara & Paul Schwartz
November/December Tekiah 8
As of October 16
Rosalind Kaplan
Selma & Leonard Baruchin
Samuel Okun
Barbara & Jay Wiston
Terry Bloom
Shirley & David Oltchick
Robert Schrier
Roberta & Eugene Zinbarg
Heidi Abrams & Steve Zwisohn
Joan Baganz
Rabbi Edward Bernstein & Ariella Reback
Jean & Irwin Bomser
Alice Bushinsky
Linda Cohen
Debra & Gary Dalin
Karen & Daniel Dress
Sheryl & Arthur Feuerstein
Carolyn & Larry Garter
Libby & Seymour Glick
Dr. Jack & Sylvia Goldstein
Cantor Max & Evelyn Goren
Steven Hager
Rene & William Hulkower
Robin & Allen Kachel
Sam Kessler
Melvin Krel
Rose Landa
Michelle & Barry Leventhal
Diana Leviter
Annette Lubow
Alan Marshall
Marilyn & Casey Neuman
Lila & Henry Paticuff
Jan Pitcher
Albert Reet
Hope & Harry Saltzman
Selma Schacher
Jeanette & Endre Schneider
Mary & Leon Schwartz
Glorine Schweitzer
Judi & Murray Silk
Michele & Paul Sosnick
Shirley Strauss
Marilyn & Sam Taub
Diana & Bruce Treitler
Roberta & Emanuel Weiner
Iris Werber
Mary Alexander
Bernice Bender
Rosalee Brauer
Greta & Josef Cohan
Cheri & Charles Deutch
Erin & Peter Feldman
Ferne & Steven Flaxman
Francine & Michael Frank
Lewis Friedman
Rita & Alan Gitter
Deeva & Barry Goldblatt
Cynthia Gordon
Ellen &Arnold Gruber
Myron Hirsch
Claire & Henry Jur
Leo Kinigson
Pamela Knopman
Susan & Alan Kreitzman
Miriam Laudon
Ellie Levine
Haina & Gordon Meyer
Roberta & Mark Moses
Bette & Jay Nissenberg
David Pester
Randi Rabiner
Barbara & Meredith Reahl
Alyce Rosenthal
Ruth Rubin
Lenore & Lawrence Schwartz
Frances Shavin
Bernard Strauss
Polly Wasserman
Merle Weiss
Eugene Wetstein
David Zelig
Contributors cont’d.
Irene Sholk
Phyllis & Gary Smith
Ruth & Martin Sperber
Lee Taylor
Sharon & Elias Teller
Hilda Trueheart
Sherry & Milton Weiser
George Young
Honorable Menschen
Florence & Sam Abolofia
Philip Andler
Renee Blumenthal
Sanford Browde
Harry Colton
David Dicker
Sheila & Alan Feller
Isaac Fleishon
Rita Frenkel
Marilyn & Leo Friedman
Judith & Arnold Glass
Toby & Charles Goldenberg
Lois & Maurice Greenfield
Shephard Hack
Charlotte Hoffer
Phyllis Karp
Robert King
Herbert Kofsky
Barbara Kupferman
Diane & Irwin Lender
Janice Levine
Esther & Barry Minars
Ellen Moss
Marilyn & Herbert North
Jean & Louis Port
Barbara & Harry Raucher
Max Rechtman
Janice Rottenberg
Sylvia & Joseph Russo
Hazel & Elliot Seidman
Shirley & Sam Shefts
Susanne & David Sussman
Carl Waxman
Barbara & Martin Weissman
Shirley & Marvin Wolf
Paula & Marvin Zigman
November/December Tekiah 9
Shirley & Sidney Siller
Larry Solomon
Frances & Leon Springer
Sol Tepper
Fran & Richard Townes
Roberta Waters
Allen Weiss
Irma & Murray Ziegler
Jean Abramowitz
Selma & Leonard Baruchin
Isabel & Mark Bratter
Gerald Bruskin
Nancy & Elliott Danto
Rhonda Falk
Rita Fingold
Helen Forrest
Reuben Fried
Marilyn Getzoff
Carol & Stuart Goldberg
Jack Goodman
Alice Grossman
Harriet & Karl Harris
David Horowitz
Risa Kiam
Marjorie & Stanley Klein
Lillian Kohn
Joyce & Myron Langer
Natalie & Leonard Levin
Gladys Levinson
Grace Moses
Stella Myones
Sharen & Neil Novick
Myra & Ira Quint
Frances Raymer
Judith Rock
Davida & Mark Rubel
Emily Scharf
Rabbi Sidney & Gloria Shanken
Joseph Sterman
Bernice Volaski
Carol & Bruce Weiss
Gloria & Fred Weitz
Anita Zaffos
Carole & Harold Zipkowitz
Michelle & Larry Auslander
Ellen & Herschel Berris
Marlene & Nathan Chazin
Marilyn & Herbert Cohen
Freme & Leonard Epstein
Sol Friedman
Daniel Geffen
Roberta Gordo
Hilda & Martin Hainer
Anna & Irwin Jacobs
Dolores Kiel
Barbara & Bob Levy
Miriam & William Marder
Tobie & Gabriel Nemeth
Doris & Morton Reiner
Carla & Harold Schafer
Reta & Sidney Spring
Bernice & Kenneth Tillman
Joan & Anschel Weiss
Iris & Ezra Wohlgemuth
Sheila & Phillip Avruch
Susan & Stuart Boxerman
Adelle & Harold Cohen
Lynn & Richard Doctor
Karen & Pablo Esteves
Nina Frisch
Bonnie & Michael Gerchick
Jennifer & Steven Gross
Rabbi Howard & Elaine Hoffman
Shirley & Ira Jaffe
Fran & Charles Lehrhaupt
Sandra & Benjamin Levy
Beverly & Alan Morgenthal
Marilyn & Casey Neuman
Barbara & Lee Rogers
Gloria Schancupp
Helen & Martin Tarlow
Betty & Jim Wachtel
Arlene & Martin Weistrop
Mary & Lowell Zeid
Margot & Abe Banke
Gloria & Merle Bruskin
Florence & Murray Cohen
Carol & Ben Donow
Joan Feuerstein
Joan Fundiller
Rona Ginsburg
Gail & Benjamin Gurman
Susan & Irwin Hutten
Elaine Katz
Cecelia & Eugene Levine
Michael Listick
Linda & Joel Moses
Laura Penn
Sarah & Richard Sandler
Joy & Robert Schwartz
Janet Eskolsky Taubin
Dianna & Martin Weinbaum
Claire Widensky
Thank you all for your continued support.
November/December Tekiah 10
Please join us with your children for a special last day of Hanukkah
bagels and sufganiyot (donuts) breakfast and book signing
by our very own congregant and Board member, Alyssa Rudinsky
DATE: Sunday December 13, 2015
TIME: 9:30am - 10:30am
PLACE: Temple Torat Emet Ballroom
We look forward to seeing you there.
561-369-1112 x107
Youth Group Happenings
Our youth groups have participated in some major events during the past month.
All three United Synagogue Youth (high school USY) Board members attended their first USY convention – the fall Arvot
subregional convention of the HaNegev region – and what a blast it was! We arrived at Beth Torah Benny Rok Campus in
North Miami Beach on Friday afternoon, October 16, and spent the weekend – until Sunday afternoon –making friends, singing
songs, observing Shabbat, participating in LTI (Leadership Training Initiative) and LIMMUD (Jewish learning incorporating
religion, social action, and discussion), and generally enjoying the ruach associated with these activities. All of the participants
walked away with new pieces of themselves and a whole lot of amazing memories. One day, we hope to host a USY convention
here, at Temple Torat Emet, to showcase how our youth can lead all Shabbat services with new tunes and lots of spirit.
On Friday, October 23, our Kadima group (middle school USY) arrived at Camp Gold Coast in Greenacres for their fall
convention. This activity is run completely by USY regional and subregional Board members, preparing these young sponges to
become future USYers. As with the high school USY convention, there were plenty of ice breakers and socials, including a
casino night to meet new and old friends. It was like a Camp Ramah reunion! We had lots of beautiful and energetic prayer –
Kadima-style – and Havdalah around a bonfire.. TTEUSY (your chapter’s USY) is resurfacing and getting the attention it
On November 8, Kadima and USY joined together to conduct a social action scavenger hunt in the Wellington Green Mall.
Teens were grouped to work together to purchase books, clothes, toiletries, and gifts for the needy with a specified budget. It
proved to be a great opportunity for these youngsters to learn teamwork, the Jewish value of Tikkun Olam, comparison
shopping, budgeting, and how much fun USY is! All purchases were donated. We also have some important upcoming events:
• On November 22, USY has a cluster program with two other temple chapters at Beth Tikvah in Greenacres
from 1:15-3:00 pm.
• On November 22, Noar – grades 3-5, pre-Kadima – will meet at the Temple from 12:30-2:00 pm for Game Day!
• On November 25, USY will reunite with the Arvot subregion in Margate for the annual Turkey Trot Dance in a stylish
Onesie. They will dance the night away, PJ style, with a full breakfast bar and DJ.
• And on December 25, we plan to host a family movie and Chinese meal event. Details to come soon…
In addition, our entire Youth Group is gearing up for the December 9 evening Hanukkah celebration with the whole Temple. All inquiries about membership or events of the Youth Group should be directed to Stacey Ripin at [email protected] or
Stacey Ripin, Youth Director
November/December Tekiah 12
Thanksgiving Is Not Only for Adults, You Know!
The children in Wiston Family Torah Tots are beginning to feel the excitement of their upcoming celebration of Thanksgiving.
For most of us, this is a holiday that is connected with family and food, and, at least to us transplanted northerners, the beautiful colors and smells of the season. What better opportunity is there to bring these very same concepts into the early childhood classroom!
This year we will be “changing up” our Thanksgiving activities a bit, as all of the children, from the youngest 18-month-olds to
the “veteran” 4-year-olds, prepare for a Thanksgiving feast. The 3’s and 4’s will be celebrating together, with each class bringing
a seasonally appropriate dish which they have prepared, as well as costumes and table decorations. Our younger children will be
celebrating in their classrooms, dressed as Pilgrims and Native Americans, with food, friends, and songs.
Delicacies such as pumpkin muffins, corn bread, and cranberry sauce are sure to be on the menu. Examining a variety of
gourds and noticing differences in size, shape, color, and texture is always fascinating to young children. The holiday of
Thanksgiving naturally lends itself to a multitude of child-friendly activities (corn-cob prints, artwork with feathers, patterning
the beats of a drum) and singing songs. And then, before we have paused to take a breath, the bright light of Hanukkah will
begin to shine upon us.
We wish you a wonderful holiday, filled with friends, family, food and, as
the name implies, much to be thankful for.
Sharon Feinberg, Director, Wiston Family Torah Tots
Facilities Help Needed
I have started making rounds of our Temple Torat Emet complex, building
and grounds, to develop a listing of items that need attention. After the initial
list is completed, my plan is to divide it into categories such as Maintenance,
Code Compliance, Financial Support, Capital Renovations, and the like.
To complete this initial assessment, I need some help in three
primary areas:
1. Volunteer(s) to assist with the tour and assessment. Training will
be provided.
2. A listing of major items that need attention. If you observe
deficiencies in our Temple facility or are otherwise aware of them,
please submit your thoughts to me. Nothing is too big or too
small. The items do not have to be new, and indeed should also
include old items that were never addressed in the past.
3. A listing of any building physical modifications that are on the
horizon, such as expansion of schools requirements, etc. You can contact me at (561) 734-2299, or [email protected].
Rick Doctor, Chair, Building and Grounds Committee
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November/December Tekiah 13
37th World Zionist Congress
The World Zionist Organization (WZO) prides itself on its
commitment to working equally with all streams of Judaism
in intensifying the Jewish identity of Diaspora Jews and strengthening their bond to the state of Israel. To this end, the 37th
World Zionist Congress met in Jerusalem from October 20-22, 2015. The theme for this conference was “Non-Stop Zionism.”
The Conservative/Masorti delegation to the Congress consisted of close to 150 people, along with our partners of Yesh Atid,
the political party that seeks to represent the secular middle class of Israeli society. Conservative/Masorti was among the
largest delegations at the Congress, with its delegates traveling from Latin America, Europe, North America, Australia, Russia,
South Africa, Uganda, Ukraine, as well as from within Israel. The world movements of Conservative/Masorti were also
represented by such groups as the Cantors Assembly, Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs, Marom Olami (the young adult
branch of Masorti), the Rabbinical Assembly, Ramah, and Women's League for Conservative Judaism.
The assembly voted electronically on the resolutions so all could see the results immediately. There were more than 90
resolutions that came to the Congress from the various committees, among them: Non-Stop Judaism, WZO involvement in
Israeli society, protecting Israel’s water supply, the state of Israel’s relationship with U.S. Jewry, aliyah promotion, and establishment of an egalitarian prayer space at the Western Wall, to name a few.
Kol HaKavod to all the delegates for coming to Israel during these difficult times. The delegates embodied the values of
Zionism – standing up for Israel in their own countries and setting a personal example.
For more information, the WZO offers a variety of resources, publications, programs and educational opportunities through
local synagogues, religious bodies, and community institutions. It implements these activities through its center for Zionist
Religious Affairs in the Diaspora and the international umbrella bodies of the major religious movements.
Gloria Cohen, Delegate to WZO, Past President of National Women’s League, and Member of Temple Torat Emet
November/December Tekiah 14
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In memory of
Fred Alexander
Vera Alexander
Aaron Altman
Matilda Aronowitz
Stasia August
Fred Baganz
Charlotte Bakst
Samuel Bakst
Leonard Bazerman
Phil Berger
Harriet Graf Berger
Rosalie Berliner
Simon Blatman
Rose Brecher
Bea Bremer
Joel Cadoff
Philip Cohen
Rose Cohn
Vivian Cushner
Morris Diamond
Sadie Diamond
Mary Alexander
Carol Donow
Sheila Altman
Bea Sussman
Jane Wechsler
Joan Baganz
Bennett Bakst
Bennett Bakst
Mark Bazerman
Judith Berger Kublin
Haina Meyer
Irving Berliner
Ana Blatman
Sidney Brecher
Ethel Goldstein
Sharon Cadoff
Arnold & Charlene Spalter
Zane Gubman
Barry Wolfe
Helen Forrest
Helen Forrest
In memory of
Bernard Dicker
Joseph Epstein
Richard Fein
Joseph Feldman
Minerva Geffen
Janet Goldberg
Ruth Goldfarb
Hyman Goldstein
Max Goldstein
Paul Goldstein
Mike Gottesman
Ruth Grumer
Irving Hainer
Erwin Hirsch
Lilly Hofer
Anna Jaffe
Herman Jancolowitz
Ilene Kan
Michele Karp
Helen Sher Katcher
William Katcher
November/December Tekiah 15
David Dicker
Bonnie Geltner
Nadine Fein
Lucille Spector
Daniel Geffen
Seymour Goldberg
Glorine Schweitzer
Sydell Goldstein
Helen Kahme
Richard Projain
Pearl & Israel Gottesman
Eugene Grumer
Martin Hainer
Grace Moses
Sheila Adler
Fred Jaffe
Marilyn Bernstein
Ana Kan
Phyllis Karp
Sol Freedman
Sol Freedman
In memory of
Pauline Katz
Isidore Kimmel
Harry King
Joseph Klein
Joseph Klein
David Kofsky
Marilyn Kofsky
Murray Kohn
Claire Kosacoff
Jack Kugel
Murry Kweller
Jean Lambert
William Lambert
Ethel Lemberger
Kalman Leviter
Sol Leviter
Israel Levy
Gregory Lieberman
Louis Liebowitz
Constance Lippa
Sylvia Lite
Beatrice Marder
Isaac Markowitz
Bernard Marlowe
Frances Megdal
Baruch Meilik
Samuel Milefsky
Mayer Miller
William Minars
Norma Moser
Sam Moskowitz
Shirley Nemeth
Tillie Nutik
Mindy Petersel
Augusta Petruck
Rae Putterman
Edna Raphael
Etta Raucher
Alyce Rosenthal
Morton Kimmel
Judith Berger Kublin
David Klein
Sarah Klein
Herbert Kofsky
Herbert Kofsky
Lillian Kohn
Phyllis Karp
Shirley Strauss
Victor Kweller
Roberta Zdatny
Roberta Zdatny
Harold Schafer
Frances Shavin
Diana Leviter
Marney & Allen Levy
Deborah Diamond-Lite
Phyllis Freedman
Judith Berger Kublin
Deborah Diamond-Lite
Miriam & William Marder
Arlene Baron
Arlene Baron
Jerry Kravitz
Paul Meilik
Teddy Wasley
Jean Port
Barry Minars
Barry Moser
Arlene Weistrop
Gabriel Nemeth
Bernice Bender
Andrea Pampillonio
Claire Herschaft
Rita Kimmel
Alan Raphael
Barbara & Harry Raucher
I would like to thank all of the
congregants for all of the
birthday wishes.
Phil Lefton
In memory of
Benjamin Resnick
Louis Rosen
Morton Aaron Rosen
Pauline Rudoy
Eric Sand
Michael Sand
Max Sanerteig
Henry Saruya
Eugene Schafer
Harold Schechter
Stanley Schrier
Bertha Schwartz
Victor Schweizer
Agnes Scuderi
Bertram Edward Seide
Channa Shapass
Helen Shapass
Frimi Sheinkopf
Allan Shopack
Archie Silverstein
Reva Silverstein
Simon Smalheiser
Sylvia Smalheiser
Eli Stone
Elias Strauss
Evelyn Strauss
Fran Traum
Carol Wasley
Diane Weinbaum
Lester Weinberg
Rose Weinberg
Bernard Weldt
Bella Werber
Edwin Werber
Harry Yelsky
Rose Zeid
Eva Zinaman
Beny Zweben
I would like to take this opportunity
to thank everyone who came out to
support me on my special day. The
Man of the Year is an amazing
honor, and I am so humbled that all
of my family and extended family
came out to support me… You are
all the reason I do what I do.
Charlie Deutch
November/December Tekiah 16
Sandra Green
Janet Harris
Selma Rosen
Eugene Rudoy
Sandra Sand
Sandra Sand
Jeanette & Endre Schneider
Rosalind Kaplan
Harold Schafer
Bettina Schechter
Robert Schrier
Mr. & Mrs. D Schwartz
Susan Iadarola
Mary Zeid
Sam Kessler
Betty Wilson
Nadine Fein
Ina Koota
Helene Freedman
Bonnie Silverstein
Bonnie Silverstein
Paula Gervis
Paula Gervis
Roz Witty
Shirley Strauss
Bernard Strauss
Sima Malat
Joe Wasley
Martin Weinbaum
Judith Brodkin
Judith Brodkin
Rita Gitter
Iris Werber
Iris Werber
Sheila Siegel
Dr. Lowell & Mary Zeid
Betty Wilson
Marlene Chazin
Dear Friends,
We gratefully acknowledge your
kind expression of sympathy in
memory of my sister, Ilse Rothman. It is very comforting to be
a part of the Temple Torat Emet
Lilly and Harold Felsen
Esther & Simon Adler Fund
In memory of Esther Aronoff
Kathy & Donald Porges
Howard Sasson
Gloria & Sid Shanken
In memory of Ilse Rothman
Esther Adler
Joan Feuerstein
Karen Knauf
In memory of Goldie Rudoy
Kathy & Donald Porges
Thank you
Nathan & Ethel Bornstein
Muriel & Myron Strober
TOV Team
In memory of Esther Aronoff
Bette-Jewel & Jay Nissenberg
Get well wishes to Cantor Joseph
Phyllis & Gary Smith
In memory of Julian Chazin
Phyllis & Gary Smith
In honor of Charlie Deutch
Phyllis & Gary Smith
In memory of Ilse Rothman
Phyllis & Gary Smith
George Young
In memory of Roslyn Zigman
Marty Aronoff
Get well wishes to Iris Zimmerman
George Young
March of the Living
In memory of Esther Aronoff
Kathy & Donald Porges
Howard Sasson
Gloria & Sid Shanken
In memory of Ilene Kan
Ana Kan
In memory of Ilse Rothman
Malka & Fred Benoff
Kathy & Donald Porges
Jeanette & Endre Schneider
Chuck Rosen Jewish
Educational Fund
In memory of Esther Aronoff
Natalie & Leonard Levin
Murray & Rosalyn Kamen Israel
Youth Scholarship Fund
In memory of Goldie Rudoy
Phyllis Karp
Camp Ramah Scholarship
In memory of Esther Aronoff
Haina & Gordon Meyer
In memory of Toby Bander
Phyllis Karp
In memory of Ilse Rothman
Anna & Irv Jacobs
Ruth Jatkoff
Joan & Anschel Weiss
Thank you
Elaine Tepper
Etz Hayim Fund
In memory of Nat Katz’s 90th birthday
Margot & Abraham Banke
Myra Block
Elayne & Burdge Diamond
Natalie & Leonard Levin
Zeta & Morty Sudler
Wiston Family Torah Tots
Scholarship Fund
In memory of Gail Chamock
Barbara Reahl
Sol Turk Youth Program Fund
Prayer Book Fund
In memory of Esther Aronoff
Wilma Turk
George Young
In honor of Fred Jaffe
Eileen Kelman
November/December Tekiah 17
General Fund
In honor of Gertrude Ansel’s 96th birthday
Milly & Stan Thalblum
In memory of Esther Aronoff
Margot & Abraham Banke
Lilly & Harold Felsen
Paula & Mel Gervis
Florence Goldstein
Deborah & Alan Pransky
Roberta Ritchie
Florine & Jack Rosenfield
Florence & Jerome Sosnik
Bea Sussman
In memory of Chana, David and Tojba Avner
Leon Avner
In honor of Rabbi Edward Bernstein
Marty Aronoff
Lilly & Harold Felsen
In memory of Herbert Boxerman
Stuart Boxerman
In memory of Janet and Joseph Chamock
Barbara Reahl
In honor of our grandchildren Ezra, Miriam,
Charney, and Hananni
Lois & Dennis Charney
In memory of Julian Chazin
Joan Feuerstein
In memory of Florence and Solomon Goodman
Helen Mann
Get well wishes to Greta Hersh
Lee Brauer
In memory of Gertrude Hirsch
Grace Moses
In honor of Anna & Irv Jacobs
Lilly & Harold Felsen
In appreciation of Michael Klein
Lilly & Harold Felsen
In memory of Hirsch Kofsky
Herbert Kofsky
In memory of Martin Lederman
Vic Kweller
In appreciation of Haina & Gordon Meyer
Lilly & Harold Felsen
In honor of Larry Moskowitz’s 85th birthday
Paul & Barbara Natkowitz
In memory of Ilse Rothman
Margot & Abraham Banke
Susan & Stuart Boxerman
Paula & Mel Gervis
Nancy Levine
Haina & Gordon Meyer
Sarah & Dick Sandler
Tobie & Gabe Nemeth
Gladys Simon
Betty & James Wachtel
Barbara & Hesh Weingard
Carole & Harold Zipkowitz
Mazel Tov on Mark Rubel’s 80th birthday
Sarah & Dick Sandler
In memory of Aaron Rubenstein
Leon Avner
Get well wishes to Harriet Sacks
Lee Brauer
In memory of Seymour Schmutter
Milly & Stan Thalblum
In memory of Rose Stein
Sarah & Dick Sandler
Thank you Zeta & Morty Sudler for your hospitality
Paula & Mel Gervis
Sarah & Dick Sandler
In honor of Joan & Anschel Weiss
Lilly & Harold Felsen
November/December Tekiah 18
10:30AM TO 11:30AM
Join me for a special
Hanukkah Shabbat Israeli style.
December 12, 2015
I look forward to greeting you!
West Palm Beach, FL
Permit No. 1115
Temple Torat Emet, Inc.
8600 S. Jog Road
Boynton Beach, FL 33472
Edward C. Bernstein, Rabbi
[email protected]
Lori Charnow, President
[email protected]
Michelle Kantor, Temple Administrator
[email protected]
Irv Jacobs, Editor
[email protected]
Daily Services Schedule
Sunday - Friday
8:30am in the Chapel
Sunday - Thursday
5:00pm in the Chapel
Friday Evenings
5:00pm unless
otherwise noted
Cheryl Goldstein, Managing Editor
Saturday Morning
Office Phone: 561-369-1112
Torah Tots Phone: 561-572-2381
ESARS Phone: 561-400-1631
Saturday Afternoon