Mapping Craters at the Archimedes Crater in the Mare Imbrium


Mapping Craters at the Archimedes Crater in the Mare Imbrium
Mapping Craters
at the
Archimedes Crater
in the
Mare Imbrium
Archimedes Crater
Moon. Sinusoidal Projection.
Location of Red Bank High School's Project Area at the Archimedes Crater in the Mare Imbrium
Bright Craters
Dark Craters
Heavy Eroded Craters
Light Eroded Craters
Graph that shows the diameters of craters mapped.
These craters were then used in the Trask Method
(see below) to help in determining ages.
Rim Wall of Crater
Diameters of the craters collected during the Project.
Students collected 77,000 craters in 3 weeks.
Diameters of the craters used were comuted in
ArcGIS. Diameters and crater types were used to
Archimedes Crater
LROC Imagery with LO Imagery shown as a reference. Imagery has been rotated
90 degrees. LO (Lunar Orbiter) imagery was taken in the 60's during the Apollo
Missions. LROC () IMagery is still being collected today. LROC Imagery shown is