Cross Gates Family Fitness Presents: Alignment, Faith + Flow: A


Cross Gates Family Fitness Presents: Alignment, Faith + Flow: A
Cross Gates Family Fitness Presents:
Alignment, Faith + Flow: A Vinyasa Intensive Weekend +
Meditation Workshop
with Teacher and Author Rolf Gates
September 25th-27th, 2009
September 19-20, 2009
200hr Vinyasa Teacher Training with Rolf Gates at Cross Gates
begins January 2010! Accepting Applications Now!
Don’t miss this opportunity to study with Teacher and Author Rolf Gates
Recently named in Travel and Leisure’s Top 25 Yoga Studios Around the World.
Rolf Gates, author of the acclaimed book on yogic philosophy Meditations from the Mat: Daily Reflections on
the Path of Yoga conducts Vinyasa Intensives and Teacher Trainings throughout the US and abroad. His
workshops are a synergy of the freedom of a powerful vinyasa flow and the structural integrity of
therapeutic alignment principles. Rolf and his work have been featured in numerous magazines that
include Yoga Journal, Natural Health and People Magazine. A frequent conference presenter, he was the
Keynote Speaker at the Midwest Yoga Conference, IL 2009. A former social worker and US Airborne Ranger
who has practiced meditation for the last sixteen years, Rolf brings his eclectic background to his practice and his
teachings. He will also be teaching a 200hr Vinyasa Teacher Training (7 weekends) at Cross Gates begining January 2010.
This intensive will be a blending of dynamic asana practice and self study. We will use this time together to clarify the
relationship between what we love, what we believe in, and what we do. Come prepared to challenge yourself. The
intensive is open to all who wish to explore yoga as an evolutionary journey - The only “requirement” is that you…
“show up, do your best… and let your best be good enough.”
Being Still with Skill: Meditation Workshop
See Description on back
Friday, September 25th, 6-9pm Vinyasa Intensive Session
Saturday, September 26th, 1-4pm: Vinyasa Intensive Session
Sunday, September 27th, 9-12pm: Being Still with Skill Meditation Workshop
Sunday, September 27th, 1-4pm: Vinyasa Intensive Session
Early Registration pricing - through Sept. 4th!
VINYASA INTENSIVE: (3 Sessions): $175
$65 if taken individually
$120: Any 2 Sessions
($200 after Sept. 4th)
($75 after Sept. 4th)
($140 after Sept. 4th)
($240 after Sept. 4th)
Cross Gates Family Fitness
200 N. Military Rd., Slidell
Contact: [email protected]
Being Still with Skill - Meditation Workshop
Sunday, September 27th, 9-12pm
Yoga is the cultivation of inner space and the ability to use it
well. In this 3hr session, Rolf will describe the opportunity
presented to us in the teachings of the Buddha and
Patanjali. Explore how these great contributions to
consciousness weave beautifully together to enhance the
quality of our daily lives. This will be in lecture discussion
form and guided meditation experiences. This workshop is
for advanced and beginner students.
In praise of Meditations from the Mat (Random House)
“…Rolf guides us… to finding the appropriate balance between standing firm and
surrendering to flow—the key to peace of mind.”
– Beryl Bender Birch
“These meditations are a friend on the path to anyone who is in the soil of their life and
cultivating liberating change through yoga. Rolf is a heartfelt, wise and inspiring companion
for the yogic journey.”
-- Shiva Rhea
“An utterly different book... this book comes highly recommended.”
Upcoming Events:
• INSPIRED: A Vinyasa Intensive at Kirpalu, Lenox MA - Nov 27-29th, 2009
• NSPIRATION + FLOW: A Vinyasa/Kirtan Retreat with Rolf Gates + Girish,
• Yoga Life Coaching: One on one sessions with Rolf Gates available