
J a m e s T. D e m o p o u l o s , M . D . ,
John E. Eschen, C.P.O.
T h e m a n a g e m e n t of patients with lower-limb
deficiencies that p r o d u c e gait abnormalities has
u n d e r g o n e c o n s i d e r a b l e evolution during t h e last
d e c a d e . C u r r e n t c o n c e p t s in lower-limb orthotics
include the d e v e l o p m e n t and use of plastics, cre­
ation of a new functional n o m e n c l a t u r e , introduc­
tion of t h e multidisciplinary a p p r o a c h p r o v e n so
valid in prosthetics, and the use of instrumenta­
tion and d a t a s y s t e m s to monitor results.
T h e application of the a b o v e c o n c e p t s to the
field of " l o w e r - l i m b b r a c i n g " is a rather recent
d e v e l o p m e n t , d e m o n s t r a t i n g new trends as re­
viewed b y L e h m a n and his colleagues (8, 9).
O t h e r investigators, including C o r c o r a n (1),
(14), have utilized plastic materials and technol-
1Director, Rehabilitation Medicine, Hospital for
Joint Diseases and Medical Center, 1919 Madison
Ave., New York, N.Y. 10035.
Eschen Prosthetic and Orthotic Laboratories Inc.,
156-158 East 116th St., New York, N.Y. 10029.
ogy in prescribing lower-limb o r t h o s e s . Addi­
tionally, the a u t h o r s have prescribed and fabri­
c a t e d o v e r 200 lower-limb plastic o r t h o s e s for a
wide range of musculoskeletal defects found in
adults and children (2, 3, 4).
T h e principle of using t h e patellar-tendon and
c o n d y l a r areas of the tibia for weight-bearing in
the below-knee a m p u t e e w a s successfully trans­
ferred to t h e discipline of orthotics by
the d e v e l o p m e n t of the V A C P patellar-tendonbearing " b r a c e . " T h e early design c o m b i n e d a
pretibial plastic shell and conventional metal up­
rights to " u n l o a d " the tibia and the foot-ankle
(5), Simons
(15), reduction
L e h n e i s (10,of 11), and S a r
p l e x . In an effort
to achieve
weight, to i m p r o v e c o s m e s i s a n d comfort, and to
provide more physiological motion, the a u t h o r s
h a v e d e v e l o p e d an all-plastic patellar-tendonbearing o r t h o s i s .
This paper relates o u r e x p e r i e n c e with the plas­
tic p a t e l l a r - t e n d o n - b e a r i n g o r t h o s i s a n d d e ­
scribes the details of fabrication.
T A B L E 1.
T h e patient-study population consisted of ten
patients w h o were evaluated and provided with
plastic patellar-tendon-bearing o r t h o s e s .
O u r initial experience dates to July 1972 and
our follow-up e x t e n d s o v e r an 18-month period.
Chronologically, our youngest patient was 7
years old; the oldest, 72. T h e study g r o u p in­
cluded three females and seven males. T h e diag­
noses of the population are listed in Table 1.
T h e completed orthosis w a s delivered and both
patient and d e v i c e w e r e s u b j e c t e d to a final
analysis, with attention focused o n relief of pain,
comfort, fit, a p p e a r a n c e , alignment, degree of
deformity c o r r e c t i o n , and total overall functional
i m p r o v e m e n t . Both static and loading conditions
w e r e used in our d e t e r m i n a t i o n s . Finally, serial
reexaminations were c o n d u c t e d o v e r a period of
m o n t h s , o u r longest follow-up being 18 m o n t h s .
Eight of the ten patients w h o received a plastic
patellar-tendon-bearing orthosis were referred to
us by t h e s t a f f of t h e D e p a r t m e n t o f O r ­
t h o p a e d i c s , and therefore had the benefit of c o m ­
plete o r t h o p a e d i c e v a l u a t i o n s , including radio­
graphic d e t e r m i n a t i o n s , prior to prescription.
T h e m e m b e r s of the Orthotic Clinic T e a m of
the D e p a r t m e n t of Rehabilitation Medicine, in­
cluding the physicians and allied health profes­
sionals, m e a s u r e d and r e c o r d e d data relating to
muscle strength, joint motion, p r e s e n c e of con­
t r a c t u r e s , gait, elevation ability, spasticity, sen­
sation, joint stability, and the degree of e d e m a if
p r e s e n t . T h e unit's orthotist provided the techni­
cal expertise n e e d e d to formulate the final pre­
scription. As required, pre-orthotic and postorthotic physical t h e r a p y was prescribed. In ad­
dition, the patients' psychosocial and vocational
characteristics were m e a s u r e d .
Our e x p e r i e n c e with the plastic patellartendon-bearing orthosis in ten patients indicates
that many musculoskeletal defects of the lower
limb can be managed with this d e v i c e , offering
many a d v a n t a g e s o v e r conventional designs. T h e
a d v a n t a g e s are:
• Superior c o s m e s i s
• Lighter weight
• I m p r o v e d comfort
• Superior alignment
• I m p r o v e d biomechanics
• F a v o r a b l e strength-weight ratio
• E a s e and c o n s t a n c y of application
• Minimal m a i n t e n a n c e
H o w e v e r , not all a d v a n t a g e o u s features were
present in e a c h c a s e . Disadvantages included the
considerably higher cost of the plastic orthosis.
Problems w e r e e n c o u n t e r e d with growing chil­
dren w h o required frequent r e p l a c e m e n t . It was
most important to o b s e r v e carefully those pa­
tients with vascular and sensory problems since
t h e p l a s t i c o r t h o s i s is a p p l i e d s n u g l y . E d e m a o f
T h e a l t e r n a t i v e o r t h o s i s r e q u i r e d for m o s t of t h e
the foot-ankle area had to be carefully controlled
disabilities listed w o u l d be a h e a v y , b u l k y , ischial
w e i g h t - b e a r i n g o r t h o s i s ( F i g . 1).
T h e various disabilities that are a m e n a b l e to
T h e lighter, m o r e c o s m e t i c , plastic
t e n d o n - b e a r i n g o r t h o s i s is s h o w n in F i g u r e s 2 a n d
p a t e l l a r - t e n d o n - b e a r i n g o r t h o s i s a r e listed b e l o w :
3 . T h e o r t h o s i s is d o n n e d p r o p e r l y w i t h e a s e ; t h e
Congenital d e n e r v a t i o n of ankle joint
A c q u i r e d d e n e r v a t i o n of a n k l e j o i n t
s e r t e d w h e n t h e k n e e is f l e x e d at 9 0 d e g . T h e
D e l a y e d or n o n u n i o n of fractured tibia
of tibia, s e c o n d a r y
o r t h o t i c f o o t - a n k l e s e c t i o n is m o l d e d s o t h a t it is
tumor, bone atrophy and development de­
highly c o n g r u o u s
with the patient's
a n k l e ; a n d the position of t h e p a t i e n t ' s a n k l e c a n
b e f i x e d in t h e d e s i r e d a t t i t u d e . A s p e c i a l
D e g e n e r a t i v e d i s e a s e of a n k l e j o i n t
h e e l is u s e d ( c o m p a r a b l e t o a p r o s t h e t i c
I n f l a m m a t o r y d i s e a s e of a n k l e j o i n t
heel), together with a rocker assembly when " u n ­
T r a u m a of foot-ankle j o i n t
l o a d i n g " o f t h e p o s t e r i o r a s p e c t o f t h e f o o t is
Failed foot-ankle
d e s i r a b l e . In o t h e r i n s t a n c e s , a n o r d i n a r y
Infectious d i s e a s e of foot
D i s e a s e of t r a u m a of sole of foot
A n u m b e r o f c a s e d i s c u s s i o n s will i l l u s t r a t e t h e
c r i t e r i a u s e d in p r e s c r i b i n g the
b e a r i n g o r t h o s i s ; fabrication details a p p e a r at the
e n d of the p a p e r .
Fig. I. C o n v e n t i o n a l is­
chial weight-bearing or­
t h o s i s is h e a v y a n d
Fig. 2. F r o n t view of
the plastic patellartendon-bearing ortho­
Fig. 3 T h e r e m o v a b l e P T B section is easily d o n n e d .
Case N o . 1. F . G . is a 9-year-old boy with con­
genital a b s e n c e of intra-articular innervation of
his knees and ankles (Fig. 4). Functionally, the
left knee and right ankle c r e a t e d considerable
difficulties in ambulation and elevation activities.
In our initial experience with patellar-tendonbearing o r t h o s e s , we adhered to the original con­
cept of using plastic materials for patellar and
tibial c o n d y l a r weight support and conventional
metal uprights attached to a molded leatherc o v e r e d footplate; the uprights were extensible
and the ankle-joint position was adjustable (Fig.
5). A plastic quadrilateral socket, attached to
c o n v e n t i o n a l u p r i g h t s , w a s u s e d to r e d u c e
weight-bearing forces at the left knee and ankle
( F i g . 6). C l e a r l y , t h e right p a t e l l a r - t e n d o n -
Fig. 4. Congenital absence of intra-articular innerva­
tion produced severe deformities of left knee and right
ankle. Case No. 1.
Fig. 5. The early design combined plastic and metal
bearing orthosis w a s more a c c e p t a b l e to the pa­
tient. As we evolved the all-plastic PTB o r t h o s i s ,
we substituted this device for the original or­
thosis. A 65 percent weight reduction w a s a c ­
complished, with more efficient alignment of the
foot and ankle, with resultant reduction of t h e
a b n o r m a l l y high i n t r a - a r t i c u l a r forces at t h e
C a s e N o . 2. L . H . is a 54-year-old w o m a n with
severe deformity of the tibia following malunion
of pathological fractures. Figure 7 illustrates the
original P T B o r t h o s i s ; the n e w e r plastic P T B or­
thosis p r e v e n t e d r e c u r r e n c e of fractures for an
11-month period, until t h e patient s u c c u m b e d t o
metastatic d i s e a s e .
Fig. 6. An "early" PTB orthosis is used to reduce
trauma to the right ankle. Case No. 1.
Fig. 7. Use of a PTB orthosis prevented recurrence of
pathological fractures of the tibia. Case No. 2.
C a s e N o . 3. A . S . , a 58-year-old mechanical
engineer, was admitted to our hospital with a
h i s t o r y o v e r s e v e r a l y e a r s of p r o g r e s s i v e
C h a r c o t ' s a r t h r o p a t h y of both ankles. T h e right
foot required a below-knee amputation secon­
dary to intractable osteomyelitis. In an effort to
prevent a similar process in the aneural left ankle,
Fig. 8. The patient's functional level
was significantly improved with pro­
vision of a PTB orthosis. Case No. 3.
we prescribed a plastic patellar-tendon-bearing
orthosis. T h e patient was able to return to work
as an engineer, with a below-knee prosthesis and
a P T B orthosis (Fig 8). Figures 9 and 10 a r e ,
respectively, front and lateral views of the patient
wearing the P T B o r t h o s i s . N o t e the removable
panel in Figure 10.
Fig. 9. The PTB orthosis
articular forces and pro­
vided mediolateral knee
stability. Case No. 3.
Fig. 10. The PTB panel is inserted
with the knee flexed to 90 deg.
Case No. 3.
Case N o . 4. H . S . , a 61-year-old individual em­
ployed as a truck driver, sustained a chronic sub­
luxation of his subtalar joint with increasing pain
and inability to walk more than a few s t e p s . T h e
abnormalities are s h o w n on the radiograph in
Figure 11. A plastic patellar-tendon-bearing or­
thosis prevented further malalignment, reduced
the pain considerably, and permitted resumption
of relatively unlimited a m b u l a t i o n .
Case N o . 5. M.R., a 48-year-old w o m a n , sus­
tained severe b u r n s of t h e plantar surface of her
foot, with multiple grafting that repeatedly failed
b e c a u s e of i n a d e q u a t e o r t h o t i c m a n a g e m e n t .
Figure 12 depicts the pathology, while Figure 13
d e m o n s t r a t e s use of the plastic P T B o r t h o s i s .
Fig. 11. Subtalar subluxation produced considerable
pain and limited ambulation. Case No. 4.
Fig. 12. Multiple grafting of the plantar surface was
required prior to prescription of a PTB orthosis. Case
No. 5.
The cast is t a k e n in two sections. T h e first
section includes the foot-ankle to the mid-calf
areas. T h e second section includes the mid-calf
area to a point a b o v e the femoral c o n d y l e s .
First Section
(Fig. 14)
1. Patient is seated on a plinth or chair with the
foot held in 5 deg. of dorsiflexion on the properly
selected last.
2. S t o c k i n e t t e , sewn at the t o e s , is placed on
the leg and brought a b o v e the k n e e .
3. T h e leg is brought into 5 deg. of dorsiflexion
relative to the floor.
4. With the indelible pencil the patella is lo­
cated and its b o r d e r s m a r k e d ; tibial tubercle,
crest of tibia, head of fibula, lateral flare of tibia,
medial condyle flare, both medial and lateral mal­
leoli, first and fifth metatarsal h e a d s , and any
Fig. 13. The plastic PTB orthosis effectively elimi­
nated contact between the orthosis-shoe unit and the
ground. Case No. 5.
T w o rolls of elastic plaster bandages
C o t t o n stockinette 3 in. wide, to place o v e r
knee d o w n to and including the foot
Indelible pencil
W a t e r in basin 6 in. d e e p
Surgical tubing o r webbing strip
C a s t cutter
Bandage shears
Tape m e a s u r e
Ritz stick
M e a s u r e m e n t chart
Casting lasts for matching heel height of shoe
to orthosis
Fig. 14. The major bony landmarks are outlined on the
cotton stockinette; elastic plaster-of-Paris bandage is
used to wrap the foot while it is positioned on a last.
other pertinent bony p r o m i n e n c e s . T h e midpoint
of the patellar tendon is also marked (Fig. 14).
5. A strip of surgical tubing is placed along the
medial side of the knee and down the anterior
midline of the leg, extending to the t o e s , to permit
removal of the cast later (Fig. 15).
6. Elevate the foot and w r a p with elastic plas­
ter bandage going to the mid-calf level.
7. Replace the foot on the last and hold in the
correct position until plaster has hardened (Fig.
4. After t h e p l a s t e r has h a r d e n e d , several
horizontal orientation lines are placed along the
outline of the surgical tubing. Removal of the cast
is now accomplished by cutting down the outline
of the surgical tubing with a cast cutter (Fig. 15).
T h e hash lines are used to reestablish the cast,
which is then filled with plaster of Paris (Fig. 15).
The plaster bandage is stripped off in the c o n v e n ­
tional m a n n e r .
1. After the foot-ankle cast has hardened suf­
ficiently, extend the knee to 30 deg. of flexion.
2. W r a p from t h e mid-calf area to a point
a b o v e the femoral c o n d y l e s with t h e s e c o n d
plaster-of-Paris b a n d a g e .
3. L o c a t e the patellar tendon and popliteal
fossa, and c o m p r e s s as is done regularly for any
PTB casting p r o c e d u r e .
The m e a s u r e m e n t s required are:
• Calf circumference
• Ankle circumference
• Femoral condyles width
• Malleoli width
• Height from floor to mid-patellar-tendon
• A n t e r o p o s t e r i o r w i d t h of k n e e at midpatellar-tendon level
Fig. 15. The negative wrap has been removed. Note
the patellar-tendon indentions and cast reference lines.
Fig. 16. The completed negative wrap is ready forfilling
with plaster of Paris.
1. T h e proximal section of the cast is modified
in the same m a n n e r r e c o m m e n d e d for the con­
ventional PTB down to the mid-leg level (Figs.
17, 18, and 19).
2. E x t r a relief is given to the medial and lateral
malleoli and any o t h e r prominences as appro­
3. A metatarsal arch is cut into the sole of the
foot—located 1/2 in. behind the apices of the
metatarsals, the high point being u n d e r the sec­
ond metatarsal and extending into a triangular
shape under the shaft of the metatarsals (Fig. 20).
4. T h e longitudinal a r c h is defined further
(Fig. 21).
5. T h e cast is then s m o o t h e d and prepared for
lamination in the conventional m a n n e r (Fig. 22).
Fig. 17. The negative wrap has been stripped away,
and reference lines outlining bony prominences have
been reinforced on the crude positive model.
Fig. 18. Plaster has been removed in the area of the
patellar tendon, under the medial condyle, and along
the proximal part of the tibia and fibula.
Fig. 20. Finished p l a n t a r surface of positive mold; note
formation of m e t a t a r s a l and longitudinal a r c h e s and
relief for base of fifth m e t a t a r s a l .
Fig. 19. Plaster of Paris has been a d d e d o v e r the head
of the fibula, lateral tibial c o n d y l e , proximal tibial shaft,
and the tibial t u b e r c l e . P o s t e r i o r l y , the popliteal area is
built up and flared for the hamstring t e n d o n s .
Fig. 2 1 . The finished positive mold is r e a d y for the first
lamination p r o c e s s : note relief for malleoli.
T h e lamination process is carried out in t w o
(Figs. 22, 23, and 24).
1. A layer of P V A foil is placed o v e r the mod­
ified c a s t .
2. F o u r layers of Perlon stockinette are ap­
plied to the distal section.
3. F o u r layers of fiberglass stockinette are ap­
4. O n e layer of reinforced fiberglass matting is
5. F o u r additional layers of Perlon stockinette
are applied.
6. T h e second PVA bag is then applied.
7. A mixture of 80% L a m i n a r H a r z * and 20%
Degaplast* with 4% color and 3 % catalyst is lami­
nated u n d e r suction (Fig. 25). A batch of 300g is
usually a sufficient quantity.
8. T h e lamination is removed taking care not
to damage the anterior section of the cast.
Fig. 22. The completed positive mold has been lacquered and sprayed with silicone; the first
PVA foil has been applied and the pipe cast drilled for the suction attachment.
*Otto Bock Industries, Duderstadt, West Germany
Fig. 23. The positive mold has
Fig. 24. The prepared positive
been wrapped with 4 layers of
Perlon mold,and
3 layersby
of fiberglass
a second stock­
inette; a single layer of fiberglass
foil, is ready for lamination.
stockinette has been applied to the
anterior mold surface.
Fig. 25. Laminar Harz (dark
area) is flowing through a PVC
tube, impregnating the stock­
inette and fiberglass areas of
the proximal knee section.
9. The anterior section is marked and trimmed
(Fig. 26) according to the following criteria:
a. mid patella anteriorly;
b . going p r o x i m a l l y at least 2-2 1/2 in.
a b o v e the mid-patellar tendon medially and
c. at mid A-P of the leg, two vertical lines
are d r o p p e d and the lamination trimmed to
this line;
d. the distal edge is a horizontal line any­
w h e r e b e t w e e n the proximal third to proxi­
mal half of the leg.
10. T h e anterior section is reapplied to the cast
after all edges have been s m o o t h e d .
1. A strip of Dacron webbing is placed d o w n
the c e n t e r of the anterior section (Fig. 27).
2. T h e hindfoot section is built up to a thick­
ness b e t w e e n 3/8 and 1/2 in. with a material such as
S A C H foot rubber to allow relief during weightbearing (Fig. 28).
Fig. 26. The first lamination has been completed; the
anterior insert (shell) has been marked prior to its re­
moval from the cast.
Fig 27. The anterior PTB shell is placed on the cast. A strip of 1 in. Pelite is placed on the shell
prior to the second lamination process.
3. A PVA bag is placed o v e r the cast and the
anterior section.
4. W h e n patient weighs less than 175 lb, four
layers of Perlon stockinette are applied to cast.
For heavier patients, two layers of fiberglass are
5. O n e piece of fiberglass mat a b o u t 2 in.
wide is placed u n d e r the medial flare of t h e tibia
running distally along the medial side under the
sole of the foot, going proximal along the lateral
side of foot and ending u n d e r head of the fibula.
6. A T-shaped fiberglass mat is placed under
the sole of the foot cupping the heel and going
proximally halfway up the medial and lateral
7. T w o layers of fiberglass stockinette are
8. F o u r additional layers of Perlon stock­
inette are applied.
9. T h e second PVA bag is applied.
10. L a m i n a t i o n is t h e n a c c o m p l i s h e d with
700g of resin - 8 0 % L a m i n a r H a r z - 2 0 %
than 175 lb., an additional fiberglass mat is placed
under the medial flare and under the sole of the
foot to neck of the fibula.
11. L a m i n a t i o n is carried o u t u n d e r a v a c u u m
of 20 kg/sq c m .
12. Lamination is removed by cutting through
the anterior part of the shank section, taking care
not to cut through the first section.
13. T h e trimlines of the shank section are then
d r a w n (Fig. 30).
Fig. 28. The hindfoot section of the cast has been built
up with hard SACH-foot rubber to allow relief of the
hindfoot during weight-bearing.
Fig. 29. The second lamination process is begun fol­
lowing the addition of layers of Perlon, fiberglass stock­
inette, fiberglass matting, and a PVA foil.
Fig. 31. During donning of the orthosis, the patient
inserts the anterior PTB shell; final fitting and "check­
out" complete the process.
don and medial flare of tibia. If the orthosis is
fitted correctly, the patient should experience a
c o n t a c t of the sole on the footplate of the orthosis
but no weight-bearing.
Fig. 30. Following completion of the second lamina­
tion, the orthosis is marked for cutting away from the
1. A length of stockinette is applied to the
p a t i e n t ' s leg.
2. T h e shank section is d o n n e d by spreading
apart the patellar-tendon g r o o v e and sliding the
foot through (Fig. 31).
3. T h e section is applied by sliding in from the
anterior section until the section keys into the
s h a n k section.
4. Velcro is placed a r o u n d the patellar-tendon
a r e a and the mid-point of the anterior section.
5. T h e p a t i e n t ' s shoe is placed on the orthosis
and the patient is asked to stand.
6. Normal c h e c k o u t for the P T B is performed
making sure weight-bearing is on the patellar ten-
O u r e x p e r i e n c e with plastic p a t e l l a r - t e n d o n bearing o r t h o s e s in ten individuals with varying
musculoskeletal defects of their lower limbs has
been p r e s e n t e d . We concluded that several dis­
abilities of the lower limb can be successfully
managed with this d e v i c e , affording superior
c o s m e s i s , reduced orthotic weight, more com­
fort, and improved physiological and anatomical
a l i g n m e n t . D i s a d v a n t a g e s included i n c r e a s e d
cost, frequent replacement in children, and po­
tential skin problems in those individuals with
impaired vascular and sensory a r e a s .
O u r preliminary 18-month e x p e r i e n c e led us to
the conclusion that the plastic patellar-tendon
orthosis is a valuable tool in the care of disabled
adults and children; we are continuing our clini­
cal trials and will publish a s u b s e q u e n t paper
outlining o u r e x p e r i e n c e s with n e u r o m u s c u l a r
8. Lehmann, J. F., B. J. DeLateur, C . G . Warren,
and B.C. Simons, Trends in lower extremity bracing.
Arch. Phys. Med. Rehabil.
1. Corcoran, P. J., Evaluation of a plastic short leg
brace. A thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Uni­
versity of Washington, May 1968.
2. Demopoulos, J. T., and A. Cassvan, Experience
with plastic orthoses in children: preliminary observa­
tions. Bull Hosp. Joint Dis. 32:148-167, October 1971.
3. Demopoulos, J.T., A. Cassvan, and J. M.
51:6:338-353, June 1970.
9. Lehmann, J.F., and C . G . Warren, Ischial and
patellar-tendon weight-bearing braces: function, de­
sign, adjustment, and training. Bull Pros.
10-19:6-19, Spring 1973.
10. Lehneis, H . R . , Brace alignment consideration,
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