Round up - Swiftsure Ranch


Round up - Swiftsure Ranch fly without wings
Round Up
November 2012
“Sidney provides Christian the
companionship he deserves…no
judgment, no agenda. They simply
enjoy each other’s company and
that is how it should be!”
Brienne - Instructor
To provide equine-assisted activities and
therapies which encourage the physical, mental
and emotional well-being of children and adults
with disabilities.
To provide a positive, healing environment for
all who participate in our programs and for all
to leave feeling better than when they arrived.
Through mutual participation in our program
we empower our riders, volunteers and staff to
experience more fulfilling lives.
Non-Profit Org .
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hailey, ID
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114 Calypso Lane
Bellevue, Idaho 83313
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“We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.” - Sir Winston Churchill
Welcome Home
The Therapeutic Equestrian Center at
Swiftsure Ranch opens our gates for riders
of all ages at no charge for the services we
provide thanks to the overwhelming support from donors and volunteers like you.
Our funding for the program comes from
Cowboy Ball attendees who generously
donate about half of our annual operating
funds that evening. Grants and individual
gifts throughout the year provide another
quarter of our income. The balance of
operating requirements comes from your
generous gifts at the end of the year.
Mark your calendar for next year’s
Cowboy Ball on July 11, 2013.
Your end-of-year generosity is the lifeblood
to continue to provide equine assisted
therapy to over 300 individuals who benefit
from our program each year...So, thank
you for your continued support.
Happy Holidays!
Program Stats
Weekly Riders
Special Program
Age Range
of Riders
Blaine County
School Classes
Volunteer Hours
Cowboy Ball
Camp Rainbow Gold
Junior Rodeo and
Swiftsure Stampede
Veteran’s Programs
Idaho School for the
Deaf and Blind
This is a not-to-be-missed
fun filled party! Not your
average fundraiser, this
year’s event at the new
ranch was enhanced by
the open, natural setting
and horse kisses during
the silent auction. Everyone was immersed in the
spirit of the night. Looking forward to gathering
around the Great Willow
Bar with you next year.
Each summer Swiftsure
Ranch staff, volunteers
and horses join the team
at Camp Rainbow Gold
to give children diagnosed with cancer, who
are either undergoing
oncology treatments or
are in remission, an opportunity to enjoy trail
riding and show off their
newfound skills astride
a horse.
At the end of each summer Swiftsure Ranch
hosts an adaptive rodeo
and horseshow. Riders
of all ages compete in
events such as equitation,
barrel racing, pole bending and cow sorting. The
event attracts riders from
other programs from
around the state of Idaho
and culminates with a
BBQ and live music.
Through partnerships
with Higher Ground
and the Veteran’s Affairs
office in Boise, veterans
with physical disabilities
and emotional challenges can experience
the therapeutic benefits
of equine-assisted activities. We provide a safe,
healing place for those
struggling with the
traumatic experiences of
Swiftsure Ranch proudly
hosts a summer camp for
participants of the school
who have visual and/or
hearing impairments.
These riders enjoy sensory driven experiences
while astride a horse.
These camps focus on
enhancing the feedback
from external stimuli and
sensory input.
Students come to the ranch from Hailey, Bellevue, Carey and Woodside Elementary,
Wood River Middle and High School special education groups.
Horse Power
You, the donors and volunteers, continue to
make the story of Swiftsure Ranch possible.
All of our riders’ successes and milestones are a direct result of your continued generosity. Every dollar
spent is a donated dollar and your support allows us
to continue to provide our services at no charge to all
Swiftsure Ranch offers equine-assisted activities that
focus on teaching riding skills with a broad range
and combination of disabilities. These lessons are
considered “therapeutic riding” and are specifically
designed to meet each individual rider’s needs. In addition, each horse is specifically picked for the lesson
based on their movement and gait, as the input of the
horse is crucial in assisting the rider in meeting his/
her goals.
Classes for riders with physical disabilities focus on
using the input of the horse to affect muscles, bones
or nerves. Activities specific to the rider’s needs help
improve strength, balance, and coordination.
Cerebral Palsy
Autism Spectrum
Developmental Delay
Down Syndrome
Sensory Integration
Multiple Sclerosis
Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder
Traumatic Brain and
Spinal Cord Injury
Classes for riders with cognitive impairments focus
on learning skills that address the many processes of
the mind which include; planning, judgment, memory,
orientation, concepts, attention, and language.
Riders who have sensory processing impairments
participate in activities on the horse to improve the
brain’s ability to take in, analyze and respond to
information from the body’s five senses. The primary
goals of these classes are to improve body awareness,
sequencing and judgment skills, attention span, cause
and effect, motor coordination, spatial awareness, and
early learning skills.
“This riding program is such a unique and amazing opportunity with immeasurable benefits to
Diesel’s development, social growth and self
confidence. Now in his fifth year riding, his extended family at Swiftsure has helped to expand
his world tremendously. We, as a family, feel so
fortunate to be a part of such a special place.” Kory Ward, Diesel’s mom
Regardless of why a rider joins our program the benefits of therapeutic riding also increase self confidence,
self esteem and a greater sense of independence.
Most therapeutic riding centers require a fee to
provide services. At Swiftsure Ranch, the cost of an
hourly riding lesson would be approximately $120
and an annual student cost would be $5,600. This
includes the care and support for our 16 horses, certified instructors, skilled and trained volunteers, and
the operating cost of the facility.
The students are why we do what we do–the horses are how we do it; our volunteers, staff and board members are
intimately familar and completely understand the feelings of freedom, both mentally and physically, horses provide.
Board of Directors
Ann Leonardo, President
Leslie Benz, VP of Development
Lynn Kaplan, VP of Governance
Elizabeth Bunce, Secretary
Esther Ochsman, Past President
Ken Pierce, Treasurer
Mary Ahern
Kate Berman
Liz Brown
Pam Goetz
Ray Mello
Kristin Orr
Susan Passovoy
Scott Porter
Miren DuPont Sanchez
Jay Sfingi
Jeffra Syms
Penny Weiss
Marji Woodward
Thank you to John McDonald for his many
years of service and ongoing assistance with the
master planning process.
Big welcome to our new directors Jay and Kate.
Cheryl Bennett, Executive Director
Tim Bennett, Ranch Manager
Lindsey Jameson,
Advanced Certified Instructor
Brienne Mabry, Certified Instructor
Robert Olson, Instructor Assistant
Trudy Peterson, Certified Instructor
Kate Ristow, Certified Instructor
Salvador Ruiz, Maintenance
Lisa Scales, Advanced Certified Instructor
Shelli Schroeder, Administrative Assistant
Andrea Stutz, Program Coordinator
Booga Sutton, Maintenance Assistant
Kristy Wood, Instructor in Training
Volunteer Staff
Hugh Blue, Certified Instructor
Mimi Crocker, Certified Instructor
Cally Galpin, Certified Instructor
Judy Grigsby, Certified Instructor
Bill Postlewait, Maintenance
Pete Stephenson, Instructor in Training
From the Director
“Much like our students, my life has been fuller and richer because of horses. “
The saying “what a difference a year can
make” has a new meaning for all of us at
Swiftsure Ranch. In 2011 we were determined to identify and purchase a facility
so that we could be in control of our destiny for years to come. Well, destiny is here,
in the form of Swiftsure Ranch. We have
come from a shared equine facility on 9
acres to our own home on 191 acres. Swiftsure Ranch was already an equine facility
with arenas, stalls, pasture and hay fields.
That, in itself was an incredible find, but
the true gem is the location and serenity of
the ranch. The facilities are buffered from
the outside world by trees, open space, the
Big Wood River and public lands.
cesses from astride a horse. Many times
there are no words to quantify the special
moments between our riders, volunteers
and horses. It can be the joy and excitement of a rider with Down Syndrome as
she rides by a nest at eye level and breaks
into song about a bird, or a veteran who
wipes away a tear after telling us the horses
gave him a reason to get out of bed today.
Mental health studies have shown that
horses can cause people to emote faster
than many other therapies and if there is
emotion attached to the action, retention
and improvement can be astounding. The
horse’s movement also moves the rider’s
body in ways that sometimes they cannot do themselves. The combination of
trained, certified staff, amazing volunteers
and willing horses allows us to truly make
a difference in many individual’s lives.
None of this would be possible without
the incredible support from our many donors and foundations. We thank you all
for making Swiftsure Ranch a truly special place.
Riders can be more fully engaged by using
the natural sights and sounds abundant
on the ranch as well as the varied terrain
of our acres of trail systems that help us
build on the fundamental skills required
for equine-assisted activities. The opportunities are endless to create riding lesson
activities that focus on the many processes
of the mind which may include; planning,
judgment, memory, orientation, concepts,
attention and language, as well as the many components of physical movements
that affect the muscles, bones and nerves.
It is easy to see the progression of our rid- ers with their physical and cognitive suc-
All the best!
Cheryl Bennett
Executive Director
“Everybody who comes here feels good when they leave whether watching, participating or riding. It makes your
day better no matter what your role is here...there should be more of that in the world.” Teresa Hukari – Swiftsure Ranch rider
Our Programs
EQUINE Assisted activities: Students participate in weekly riding sessions focusing on utilizing the multidirectional movement of the horse to improve strength, balance, and coordination. In addition, the students experience
improvements in cognitive processing, confidence and social
BLAINE COUNTy SChOOL PROGRAM: : Swiftsure Ranch provides an equine-assisted learning class for students in a special education classroom or on an IEP (independent educational program). We have over 40 students from
7 schools participating in weekly therapeutic riding lessons.
RANCh HANDs: Summer work/study program for teenagers. This program fills a hole in the community for teens
who may have social or behavioral issues or need direction
and support in a safe environment. Teens learn proper social
interaction skills, responsibility and accountability, through
structured work projects and team building exercises. Each
teen establishes personal goals and partners with our horses
to achieve these goals. Upon successful completion of this
summer program, the teens will have completed a resume to
assist them in finding a job, and will be paid a small stipend.
YOUTh HORSEMANShIP: Modeled after 4H project
based activities, riders from age 9-18 are assigned a horse and
required to meet established goals to compete in an end of the
year horse show. Each participant is required to complete a
presentation, community service project, and complete a record book of their project. The goal of the program is for the
riders to compete in the Blaine County horse 4H show.
expelled Blaine County School students are referred to perform community service at Swiftsure Ranch. These students
learn life skills and improve accountability in a safe, positive
environment by assisting with therapeutic riding lessons and
performing maintenance chores.
Sensory Trail
It has always been our dream
to provide an enhanced rider
experience through trail rides.
Now, just steps from our indoor
arena, we can offer this experience
through the multitude of trails available in the natural setting. We are
in the process of constructing an
innovative sensory trail, thanks to
the generosity of The Wattis Dumke
Foundation and The Idaho Horse
Board. This trail system will include
sensory stations that engage all five
senses while addressing physical
challenges. In September we had
our official ground-breaking partnered with The Mission Continues
and Corp. Jason Sellars, in fellowship with the Sun Valley Adaptative
Sports Higher Ground program.
Fifty volunteers pitched in to clear
and prep the trails in readiness for
the installation of the sensory stations which will be completed in the
spring of 2013.
Thank you!
Madeline Amend
Linda Anderson
Caldwell Banker
Aurlie Bayer
Ann Beaumont
Jeannie Bell
Hannah Belloli
Cheryl Bennett
Bodie Bennett
Payson Bennett
Tim Bennett
Leslie Benz
Jonathon Blacher
Hugh Blue
Roberta Blume
Randy Borchending
Teresa (Tree) Bosch
Taylor Bosch
Bobby Boyer
Jill Bradburn
Kate Brittingham
Jeff Brown
Devon Brown
Liz Brown
Rufus Brown
Elizabeth Bunce
Sindy Burke
Ellen Campion
William T. Caton
Jeanne Carty
Sarah Carty
Beth Chandler
Franny Cheston
Gene Cheston
Dorothy Chinella
Conner Ann Clark
Riley Clark
Francis Cobb
Erin Cole
Michael Colen
Marc Corney
Erin Crawford
Mimi Crocker
Daniel Cruz
Sarah Curtis
Sid Darling
James Dean
Janet DeBard
Denise DeLisser
Ari Drougas
Sofia Drougas
Penelope Eagan
Gale Elkins
Lisa Emerick
Tori Emerick
Nina Erickson
Meghan Faherty
Judy Ferries
Natalia Ferries
John Flattery
Sandra Flattery
Eric Flattery
Jennifer Flattery
Kaedi Fry
Addy Gage
Cally Galpin
Bert Gillette
Kathy Gliva
Pam Goetz
Tanya Goodman
Betty Grant
Jena Greaser
Judy Grigsby
Adriana Gutierrez
Lauren Halstead
Lori Hansen
Tom Harvey
Mariya Haslam
Brooke Irby
Sarah Hayden
Lorna Hazelton
Eve B. Heart
Dawn Hofheimer
Chad Howard
Lewis Isbell
Barbara Isbell
Lindsey Jameson
Steve Jasso
Maggie Johnson
Chrissy Johnson
Judy Kaiser
Bruce Kaplan
Lynn Kaplan
Nancy Kern
Easton Kimball
Lina Klump
Rick Koffey
Vicky Kotiga
Gene Korby
Kirsti Lambert
Toby Lambert
Ann Leonardo
John Leonardo
Keith Lickteig
Jen Liebrum
Patti Lindberg
Annie Mabry
Brienne Mabry
Tyra Macguffie
Emma Macguffie
Susan Mahoney
Stephanie Marquis
Robyn Marrelli
George Martin
Rodrigo Martine
Jaye Martinez
Susan McCarthy
Joe McDonald
John McDonald
Sean McEntee
Bronwyn McGary
Faith McKee
Kara McNamara
Karen McNary
Gary McStay
Mari McStay
Jodi Mills
Kat Mistick
Keith Myers
Myers Excavation
Hetty Morgan
Tamara Mortensen
Jeanne Mowlds
Kim Nalen
David Nauman
Candice Newmyer
Louise Noyes
Ryan O’Hara
Robert Olson
Jack Oostings
Kristin Orr
Esther Ochsman
Sylvia Osenga
Jim Paisley
Eileen Parmentier
Susan Passovoy
Kelly Patterson
Pamela Perry
Trudy Peterson
Carrie Philbrick
Lily Phyler
Ken Pierce
Lindsay Pierce
Johanna Pletcher
Scott Porter
Brian Poster
Bill Postlewait
Steve Powers
Joyce Pratt
Kate Ristow
Rob Rheinschild
Olivia Roche
Barbara Rognlien
David Romero
Lois Rosen
June Rouse
Larry Rouse
Derek Ruhter
Andy Ruiz
Jennifer Ruiz
Salvador Ruiz
Chris Russo
Susie Rutkowski
Derek Ryan
Debbie Sanders
Lisa Scales
Devon Sherrerd
Helen Shim
Rosemary Sluder
Felicia Soares
David Soares
Judy Sparks
Mary Speck
Diane Steffey
Pete Stephenson
Andrea Stutz
Kurtis Stutz
Kraig Sundberg
Kein (Booga) Sutton
Swenke Landscape
Jeffra Syms
Kelsey Syms
Alexa Szombathy
Ali Taylor
Rod Tatzono
Laura Todd
Barbara Thrasher
Leslee Treshow
Bryson Van Every
Haley VanLieshout
George Venters
Danielle Versis
George Versis
Larry Wangberg
Robyn Watson-Hayes
Kory Ward
Webb Nursey
Del Webber
Ally Weike
Penny Weiss
Barb Wentzel
Kendra Wheeler
Gina Wolcott
Mary Jo Woods
Marji Woodward
Mari Worthington
Don Yeager
and Bob Kaplan
Linda and Bill Potter
Miren and Luis Sanchez
Rosewood Resorts
SPEAR Tactical
Silver Creek Outfitters
Peggy and Parry Thomas
Penny and Richard Weiss
Cowboy Ball
Alejandro Anedo
Anderson Asphalt
Larry Anderson
Audio Visual
Michael Nelson
Brent Barsotti
Jim Cimino
Clear Creek Disposal
Copy & Print
Jeff Bertz and
Patty Lewis
Juan Garcia
Hayseed Photography
Casey McGehee
Lava Lake Lamb
Live Audio Production
Craig Campbell
Gary McStay
Nick Purdy & Crew
Pixel Bakery, The
Nancy Glick
Silver Fox Catering
David Fox
Sue Bridgeman
Danielle Ruiz
That’s Entertainment
Kristen Farrell & Crew
Susan Witman
Cowboy Ball Live
Interior Design
Auction Donors
Susan Witman
Leslie Benz and
Peggy Richards
Vince Baertschi
Webb Nursery
Liz and Rufus Brown
Windy City Arts
Elizabeth and Jack Bunce Carson Johnston
Bar and Grill
Cowboy Ball
The Carlyle
Silent Auction
Reinstein Ross
AC Houston Lumber
Cristina’s Restaurant
Adrica Salon
and Bakery
Juliette Gutierrez
Pam Goetz
Ann and John Leonardo
Idaho Rocky
Ann and Phil Puchner
Mountain Ranch
Ann and John Leonardo Armstrong-Root
Esther and
Michael Ochsman
Backwoods Mountain Kristin Orr
Susan Passovoy
Barb Wentzel
Barbara Thrasher
and Rick Koffey
Barry Peterson Jewelers
Bart and Candy Burnap
Best Western Kentwood Lodge
Bigwood Bread
Bigwood Golf
Bigwood Grill
Linda and Bill Potter
Bill and Sharon Shubin
Bird & Company
Bob Kaplan
Boca Restaurant
Brenda Powell
Brienne Mabry
Catherine Mayer
Cava Cava Restaurant
Chapter One Books
Chicken Lipps
CK’s Restaurant
Company of Fools
Danielle Anspach
Vertu Salon
daVinci’s Restaurant
Debra Drake
Move Studio
Desperados Restaurant
Diana and Steve Strandberg
Dick Couch
Dick Hare and Patty Duetting
Doro Lohmann
Dr. James Hodge
Dr. Maggie Acker
Sun Valley Animal Center
Elle Rose
Erin Smith and
Lennie Barshack
Far & Away Adventures
Five Springs Wellness
Galena Lodge
George Maurtua
Globus Restaurant
Governor Butch and
First Lady Lori Otter
Idaho Lumber
In & Out Nail Salon
Jack Sept
Custom Leather Design
Jaime Sharp
The Valley Club
James Dean
Jane Wooster Scott
Janet and Roger DeBard
Jeannie Bell, LuminEssence
Jeffra Syms
Jensen Stern Jewelers
Jo Murray and Chuck Abramo
Jorunn (Ue) Coe
Judy Whitmyre
Kathy Hansen
Kerri Melynn
Ketchum Kitchens
Kimberly Koch
Kristy Johansen
L/T Denny Jewelers
Lauren Street
Linda Bushell
Linda and Bill Potter
Lizano Hair Design
Local Color
Lolabell Jewels
Lory Rainey, Zumba
Lost River Outfitters
Maggie Blair, LAC
Maggie’s of Sun Valley
Magic Lantern
Maison et Cadeaux
Marcia Morris
Nourishing Roots
Mari and Gary McStay
Marjorie Woodward
Marvin and Maureen Brown
Maryanne and
Gerry Whitcomb
Metropolitan Theatres
Mitch and Gwynn August
Moose Girls Café & Bar
Moss Garden Center
Mystic Saddle Ranch
Esther Ochsman
Kristin Orr
Pam and Lawrence Goetz
Susan Passovoy
Paula Bonner
Cosmic Canine Dog Camp
Perry’s Restaurant
Pet Grooming by Debbie
Pioneer Saloon
PK’s Ski & Sport
Linda Potter
Primavera Plants & Flowers
Raspberry’s Restaurant
Penny and Richard Weiss
Rico’s Pizza and Pasta
River Herrin
Sun Valley Massage
River Sage Stables
Rob Beck
Robin Leavitt and
Terry Friedlander
Rolling in Dough
Sandra and Jim Figge
Sawtooth Equine Services
Sawtooth Tack & Feed
Scott Boettger
Wood River Land Trust
Shannon Christensen
Sheepskin Coat Factory
Shellie & Melissa
Third Floor Salon
Silver Creek Outfitter
Simply Skin, Diedre Piper
Skin by Leslie St Laurent
Smith Sports Optics
Smoky Mountain Pizzeria
Sports Connection
Stoecklein Photography
Sharon Stone
Sturdos Cyclery, Sturtevants
Sue Bridgeman Florist
Sun Valley Company
Sun Valley Eye Works
Sun Valley Garden Center
Sun Valley Wine Company
Swept Away
Professional Chimney Sweeps
Tater Tots Children’s Boutique
Teri Schwartz, Freestyle
The Bluebird Day Café
The Cellar Pub
The Elephant’s Perch
The Grill at Knob Hill
The Ketchum Grill
The Kneadery
The Knob Hill Inn
The Open Room
The Valley Club
The Wine Company
Towne and Park Jewelry
Tranquility Teahouse
Trevor Thompson
T’s & Temptations
Victor Bernstein
and Gail Landis
Vintage Restaurant
Webb Landscaping
Willow Papery
Zou 75
All donors as of November 1, 2012 – we
sincerely apologize if we have omitted any
names, if so please let us know so we can
correctly list you in our annual report
625FI Foundation, LLC
Ahmanson Foundation
Susan Alban
Holly Anderson
Maryann and Paul Andonian
Anonymous (3)
Argyros Foundation
Jill Ballard
Jackie and Howard Banchik
Nancy and Steve Bareilles
Aurelie Bayer
Kathleen and Brian Bean
Ann and Fritz Beaumont
Becky and Tom Bentley
Leslie Benz and
Vince Baertschi
Susan Blair
James Blandford
Kathleen and Hugh Blue
Roswitha and Don Boss
Barbara Boyer
Jill Bradburn
Cindy and Rex Bradshaw
Toni and Peter Breck
Brezzo Family Foundation
Bonnie and John Brezzo
Betsy Brooks
Geri and Harold Brown
Liz and Rufus Brown
Elizabeth and Jack Bunce
Billy Burak
Janne and Henry Burdick
John (Stoney) Burke
Capital Group Companies
Christina Carroll
June and Bill Carson
Joan and Peter Challman
Lisa Chambers
Beth Chandler
Elsie and Gene Cheston
Frances Cheston
Martha Clements
Penny and Buzz Coe
John Conner
Sandra and Greg Cooke
Denise Cordovano
Julia and Dick Couch
Tom Crais
Mimi Crocker
Betsy and David Crosswhite
Susan Crowe
Suzanne and Robert
Barbara Dahl
Courtney and Terry Daniels
Gigi and Jim Daniels
Amanda and Matt Dastrup
Judy and Don Davison
Debard Johnson Foundation
Janet and Roger Debard
Beverly and Michael
Craig Delagardelle
Denver Foundation
Lynn Campion
Debra and Lyman Drake
Draper Family Foundation
Dry Nest Bedding
Miren DuPont and
Luis Sanchez
Linda and Bob Edwards
Ilene Eisenberg
Michael Erickson and
Tom Rollerson
Nina Erickson
Ellen Fastow
Scott Featherstone
Christine and Eric Fehr
Diane and Danny Feldman
Joan and William Feldman
Christine Ferguson
Judith Ferries
Joanne and Paul Firstenberg
Sandra and Chip Fisher
Janie Flammer
Jackie and Chris Flanigan
Sandra and John Flattery
Susan Flynt
Freilich Living Trust
Cecilla Freilich
Joyce and Norman Friedman
Carolyn and RW Frye
Annie Fuller
Feli and Wolfe Funke-Riehle
Pam and Chris Gammon
Tim Gardiner
Jill and Colin George
Suzanne and Francis Gerlits
Donna and Jon Gerstenfeld
Peter Giacobazzi
Nancy and Josh Glick
Pam and Lawrence Goetz
Cheryl and Joe Goitiandia
Jen and Mike Goitiandia
Deana and Morley Golden
Rita and George Golleher
Elizabeth Gray
Susan and Ron Green
Cynnie and Wayne Griffin Jr.
Lisa and Tom Griffin
Colleen Gullickson
Jennifer and Mick Halverson
Susan and Richard Hare
Harriet E. Pfleger Foundation
Suzanne Hausner
Lori and Ron Hayes
Geraldine Herbert
Margaret Dewey Hicks
Jim and Sheri Hodge
Rea Hook
Margaret and Bob Houston
Robert Houston
Elaine and Bob (Henry) Hughes
Melissa Humphries
Idaho Community Foundation
Idaho Horse Board
Idaho Lumber
Marsha and Kip Ingham
Pam Irby
Martha Jennings
Tish and Tm Jochums
John F. Smiekel Foundation
Kathy Jones
Eileen and Bob Judell
Jennifer Judge
Randi and John Kanellitas
Lynn and Bruce Kaplan
Joy Kasputys
Joan Katz
Nancy Kern
Cherie and Richard Kessler
Ketchum Rotary
Charlotte and Dick Klapheke
Diane Kneeland
Emily and Tayt Knowles
Kim and Chris Koch
Sherry Nelson and Larry Kray
Lallman, Felton, Peterson
and Pierce
Toby Lambert
Deborah and Robert Law
Courtney and Christopher Lee
Terrill and Richard Lafaivre
Ann and John Leonardo
Penny and Norm Leopold
Robin Leavitt and
Terry Friedlander
Patty Lewis and Jeff Bertz
Marcia and Don Liebich
Patty and Robert Lindberg
Elise Lufkin
Jaan Lumi
Kathy Lynn and Carl Bontrager
Annie and Phillip Mabry
Jennifer and Lars Magnusson
Susan Mahoney
Karin Martin and Jim Kuehn
Mather Capital Corp
Margaret McCann
McCrea Foundation
Rain and David McDonald
Lois and John McDonald
Lisa and Wilson McElhinny
Charles Mcnamee
Nichole and William
Mari and Gary McStay
Nadine McWilliams
Sabine and Guido Meier
Deborah and Ray Mello
Gerry Moffatt
Marilyn and John Moran
Moss Foundation
Melinda Moss
Richard Mull
Sarah and Luke Mullendore
Cynthia and Kingsley Murphy
Terry and Mike Murphy
Sara and Scott Nelson
Network for Good
Roland Nickerson
John O’Conner
Ochsman Foundation
Esther and Michael Ochsman
Bing Olbum
Margie and Jack Oosting
Kristin Orr and Jason Lynch
Tish and Edwin Outwater
Monica and
Brady Panatopoulos
Mary Lou and
Greg Panatopoulos
Susan Passovoy and
Bob Kaplan
Marilyn and Stephen Pauley
Joyce Pearson
Sally and Donald Peck
Trina and Jake Peters
Candice Peterson
Pfizer Foundation
Barbara and John Phillips
Ken Pierce and
Jody Goitiandia
Valerie and William Pihl
Constance and Richard Porter
Maria Reeser and Scott Porter
Linda and Bill Potter
Mollie and Peter Prekages
Ann and Phillip Puchner
Alice Pulos
Sharon and Nick Purdy
Laura and Michael Raffetto
Stephanie and Bob Rand
Eleanor Reed
Jo and Bill Reynolds
Kirk Riedinger
Lee Ritzau
Pamela Ritzau
Barbara and David Rognlien
Amber and Kenneth Rohl
Jamie Rollerson
Lois Rosen
Sharon Rosen
Brian Ross
Rouse Family Foundation
June and Larry Rouse
Gail and Tommy Sanderson
Kathy and Roger Sanger
Cheri and David Schenkar
Larry Schoen
Jeannie and Paul Shakstad
Shapiro Family
Charitable Foundation
Devon Sherrerd
Sharon and Bill Shubin
Tracy Silver
Naomi and Art Sloan
Bruce Smith
Judith and Richard Smooke
Marlys and Perry Solberg
Sue and Steve Spafford
SPEAR Tactical
Carol and Robert Stevens
Gail and Lon Stickney
Deborah Strachan
Jane and Peter
Jeffra and Kevin Syms
Teri and
Sandor Szombathy
The Bark Family Trust
The Curtis W. McGraw
Penny and Ted Thomas
Danny Thornton
Jan and Jerry Todd
Thrasher Koffey Foundation
Barbara Thrasher and
Rick Koffey
Doris Tunney
Debra and Ray Vadalma
Linda and Pete VanDerMeulen
Collen Coyne and Ron Vernia
Megan and Erik Vorm
Nancy Crandall and Steve Wall
Jenny and Will Walton
Candy and Jay Walton
Shirley and William
Robyn Watson and Dick Hay
Wattis Dumke Foundation
Penny and Richard Weiss
Cheryl Welsh
Sharon and John Wellsandt
Jill and Zane Wengliskowski
Lita West
Joanne and Richard Wetherell
Patricia and Richard Wheeler
Catherine Whinnery and
Neil Zussman
Judy Whitmyre
Lorriane and Ron Wilcox
Jaci and Mason Wilkins
Sally Crevier and
Mike Williams
Christine and Wayne Willich
Nancy Winton
Candace and Theodore Witt
Gina and John Wolcott
Wood River Extreme Ski Joring
Wood River Middle School
Sarah and Dave Woodward
Marji and Woody Woodward
Esther and Richard Wooley
Anna Yates
Anne Zauner
Thank you all for
your continued
support. We
could not do it
without you.