Mu Iota Messenger Mu Iota Messenger


Mu Iota Messenger Mu Iota Messenger
Mu Iota Messenger
Mu Iota Chapter, Texas State Organization
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Area II, 297
Dayton, TX.
Volume 26, Issue 6
February is the month of love.
Valentine‟s Day takes center
stage and with it all the things
you associate with love. Date
night, getting sweets,
CHOCOLATE, sending flowers,
grandparents babysitting for youngsters, ballads,
and giving and receiving cards. There are many
more individual rituals that some people might
have for this special holiday. I have long associated the date with a romantic spaghetti dinner out
with the significant other. Why spaghetti? Well,
I think it reaches back to my youth group in the
church appropriating Valentine‟s Day to make a
special night out for couples and raise money for
projects at the same time. Of course, spaghetti is
a fairly cheap food to serve along with salad and
bread sticks when you are having a fund raiser.
We youth had romantic music filled candlelit dinners for patrons where we served as waiters. I
have very fond memories of the couples that we
What are the loves in your life at the moment?
For many it will be the big three: God, family,
and country. There are other lesser „loves‟ that all
people have from time to time. I find that hobbies
poke themselves into my „love arena‟ at the oddest of times. For years, I can go without crocheting, and then…BAM…I have to crochet every
day to relax. Many of you have extraordinary
hobbies that deserve to be shared with the rest of
fro a...
Mission Statement
The Delta Kappa Society
International promotes
professional and personal
growth of women educators
and excellence in education.
Donna McClaugherty
[email protected]
First Vice President
Cynthia Miller
[email protected]
Second Vice President
Mechelle Perkins
[email protected]
Recording Secretary
Leanne Strickland
February 2013
us. Hmmm-Perhaps this might become a program
next year. Most educators seem to have unique and
creative hobbies. I think the creative spirit goes
hand in hand with the educational spirit. Many of
you are musicians, writers, painters, crafters, wreath
makers, bow experts, sewing divas, singers, and
dancers. The list of talents that we women educators
possess is endless. Look to your talents and your
lesser loves to give your life a sense of completeness that is often missing from a work environment
or family environment alone.
Do you bring that love of job with you when you go
to work? Jobs often give us a sense of accomplishment that other things cannot. Delta Kappa Gamma
women educators sing it truly when they say “…to
the calling, Firmly rally never falling…”. Love of
job. What does that mean to you? Do you approach your profession with a true sense of commitment and love? Effective educators deal so closely
with the personal aspects of their student‟s lives that
they must open theirs hearts and share some of that
love with those around them. I am reminded of the
training called “Capturing Kids Hearts” and all the
ways it teaches us, as educators, to open our own
hearts in order to win the hearts of the students.
Have a wonderful and romantic Valentine‟s Day
Donna McClaugherty, President
Monday, February 11, 2013
Administration Building Boardroom @ 6:30 p.m.
[email protected]
Communications Secretary
Education Latin American Style
Kaye Porter
[email protected]
Laura Ressler
[email protected]
Amy Ripkowski
Meditation: Alisa Miller
One Liners: Legislative Committee–Sonia Santos and the Communications Committee-Suzanne Chachere
Agenda: Member Ana Maria Beltrami will expose the members to a life of teaching in Latin American
Reports: Recording Secretary's Report, President's Report, Treasurer's Report, Second Vice President's
Report, Communications Secretary's Report, Membership Committee, Achievement Committee Report,
Scholarship Committee Report
[email protected]
Hostesses: Ana Maria Beltrami, Mary Burke, Diana Campbell, Alisa Miller, Charlotte
Peterson, Cheryl
Regrets: If you are unable to attend February‟s meeting, kindly complete the regrets form on our website Click the Programs tab.
Page 2
Valentine’s Day Instructional Strategies
Written by: Dr. Jessica Johnson
Meeting at a Glance
“Be Mine”- Do you remember the classic heart-shaped candy with messages on them? For a
little more than a century, the NECCO sweetheart conversation hearts have been used in a variety
of ways to say “Be Mine”. In 1847, Oliver Chase invented a machine that would cut lozenges from
wafer-like candy. Almost twenty years later, Oliver‟s brother started the candy messages and they
were mostly used for wedding presents. Then in 1901, the heart-shaped conversation candies, as
we know them (sweethearts), were created. Throughout the years, changes to the classic sweethearts have been made such as altering the colors and updating the messages. Some updated
messages include “Tweet Me”, “Stir My Heart”, and “PURRFECT”. As one reflects on the
ever-changing classic Valentine candy, it makes educators think about how these conversation
message candies can be seen in our classrooms daily - called instructional strategies.
One of the latest messages on the sweetheart candy is “Tweet Me” aka “Write, Pair, Share”.
Effective teachers incorporate this particular strategy in all subject areas and all classrooms.
Research has shown this approach in the classroom will increase think time, vocabulary, writing
skills and reflective skills. This strategy which is modified from the traditional “Think, Pair,
Share”, also enhances student interaction yet at the same time builds individual academic learning.
As an extension, the “Write, Pair, Share” can be used anytime in a lesson- as a pre, during and/or
post activity.
In 2009, a new message was put on the conversation message candy which read “Stir My
Heart”. Studies overwhelmingly confirm that teachers who get to know their students will see
academic success in their classrooms. Capturing Kids Hearts and Love and Logic are two
programs that train educators to first capture students‟ hearts then reach their minds. Getting to
know each student through cooperative learning, learning inventories and engaging activities are
all important in the classroom. After teachers build a relationship with their students, “No Opt
Out” from the book Teach Like A Champion is the instructional strategy that is vital for student
success. Using this instructional strategy, teachers with high expectations refuse to accept a student‟s answer of “I don‟t know”. Rather, the teacher expects and facilitates questions to engage all
students in the lesson. “Stir My Heart” teachers are stubborn and never give up on students. This
can be observed through effective questioning or “No Opt Out”. Allowing other students to assist
and/or give hints to the struggling learner with the answer, the teacher then asks the struggling student the original question again. This technique builds confidence, increases respect, and allows
for higher level questioning to occur in the classroom.
Another updated message was written in 2007 and was simply “PURRFECT”. Doug Lemov,
the author of the previously mentioned book Teach Like A Champion, introduced the instructional
strategies “Right Is Right” and “Stretch It” to help students get “PURRFECT” answers in the
classroom. “Right Is Right” technique does not allow teachers to accept half answers, but demands
for complete and correct answers to questions. This technique really ensures that students do not
have misunderstandings but rather have clear, concise knowledge of the lesson‟s concepts. “Stretch
It” strategy pushes the teacher to take the correct answer and increase the students‟ knowledge on a
much deeper level. Effectively using these two instructional strategies in a classroom will lead to
“PURRFECT” learning.
Other messages on the updated sweethearts can also be found in successful classrooms including “Table 4 Two” (partner pairing activities), “Text Me” (incorporating technology-BYOD), and
“Heat Wave” (Socratic Seminar debates). The NECCO Company now allows for “custom-made”
conversation messages to be created (Differentiated Instruction). So, what message do your classroom instructional strategies send to your students? Have you kept the traditional “Be Mine”
message (sit and get, drill and kill)? Are you updating your techniques and classrooms? If not, I
challenge you to “Spice It Up” if you “Get My Drift” so that both your classroom and “You
Happy Valentine‟s Day to you and to your classroom instructional strategies!
M u Iota Chapter, Texas State Organization
Page 4
Education Latin American Style
Our guest speaker this month is Ana Maria Beltrami. She was born in Caracas, Venezuela
on January 9th, 1953. Her dad was Robert McQuattie, born in Dundee, Scotland and raised
in Canada. Her mother is Maria Baïz and she was born and raised in Venezuela. Her given
name is Ana Maria McQuattie Baïz. She is the second of six children; three boys and three
girls. She was raised catholic and attended catholic schools the majority of her life. Her dad
went to Venezuela in the forties, met her mom, loved the beautiful tropical, warm country
and stayed until his death in 1995. He worked for Mobil Oil and Ana had the opportunity
of living in several parts of Venezuela as she was growing up. When she was 12 years old
she was sent to a boarding school in Canada where she studied for 2 years. While she was
there, her dad was transferred to Peru and she lived in Lima for about a year and a half. She
graduated from high school in Caracas and started college at that time but she had to drop
out when her dad was given early retirement. She had to go to work to help the family out.
She married her college sweetheart Hector Beltrami when they were both 22. When he
finished college they went to England where he obtained his doctorate degree. They then
returned to Venezuela where they stayed until they came to Dayton in 2003. She has three
children; two daughters, a son and three grandchildren.
Thank you to all of our members who took the time to help out with the MuIota Mentoring Tea. Benjamin Franklin once said, “Tell me, and I forget. Teach me, and I may
remember. Involve me and I learn.” Thank you for taking the time to get involved.
Thank you…
…you make a difference!
M u Iota Chapter, Texas State Organization
Page 3
Thank you to the Hostesses for the January meeting
who provided a variety of desserts and beautiful table
decorations. Pictured above are the hostesses with our
guest speaker: Cynthia Miller, Suzanne Chachere,
Amy Ripkowski, Kevin Ladd, Linda Harris, Caroline
Wadzeck, Mary Ellen Conner and Sonia Santos.
M u Iota Chapter, Texas State Organization
Page 5
Birthday Invitation
On March 14, 1988 Mu Iota Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma was
That means that we are twenty five years old. Where did the time go?
Mu Iota was installed by Mrs. Carolyn Larrison, Miss Dorothy Stallings
and Mrs. Lou Ayers, all state presidents, in a very formal ceremony at
the Liberty Country Club. Did you know that we did not choose our
name, but that name was assigned to us by the state organization? The
whole idea of a new chapter was a very big deal! You will hear how we
were formed and why we were so excited about this new chapter.
Mu Iota began with twenty charter members. Five of that group are
still active members. The remaining charter members and other members who have moved away are all invited to the March party. They will
be sharing some of their thoughts about the beginnings of Mu Iota.
The March 4 meeting will be held a week before our normal meeting
time due to Spring Break coming the next week. Please make note of
this on your calendars and make every effort to attend this special occasion.
So, you are invited to a birthday party---a special twenty fifth event.
We will be served dinner instead of just desserts. Come for good
food, good company, and good luck to Mu Iota.
Please join us for our Necrology Ceremony honoring
Ms. Bonnie Rigby at our February 11th meeting. It
will be a sweet time to remember Bonnie. She was a
precious and faithful member of The Delta Kappa
Gamma Society International from 1968-2013.
Don’t forget that members can bring a door prize!
Please let Cynthia Miller or Donna McClaugherty
know if you are interested in donating a door prize.
M u Iota Chapter, Texas State Organization
Page 6
Caroline Wadzeck is
now re-employed until
the end of the school
year at the Barbers
Hill High School library
as librarian.
If you would like to share any fun and exciting events/
experiences in your life with the rest of Mu Iota, please
email me and I will gladly include your information.
[email protected]
Mechelle Perkins’ daughter, Taylor Turner, has
been accepted at McNeese State University in
Lake Charles, Louisiana. She is majoring in Athletic
Training/Sports Medicine and minoring in
Psychology. Geaux Cowboys!
Mechelle Perkins’ son, Ty Turner, has been accepted
at Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas. He is
majoring in Mechanical Engineering. Go Cardinals!
Suzanne Chachere has been asked to be a
presenter at the Skyward International
Conference in Orlando, Florida, February 27 March 1, 2013!
Amy Ripkowski will be a panelist at, TCEA
this week, presenting “Online Staff Development Planning and Implementation.” She will
be sharing how Dayton ISD planned and
developed online professional development
for their teachers and staff.
February Birthdays
Dani Nations
Mary Burke
Mindy Goff
Diana Campbell
M u Iota Chapter, Texas State Organization
February 6
February 14
February 26
February 27
Mu Iota Messenger
Kaye Porter
Dayton Independent School District
PO Box 457
Dayton, TX 77535-0008