P8-13 Chameleons.indd


P8-13 Chameleons.indd
A number of distinctive,
localised populations of panther
chameleon occur in Madagascar.
Females are much duller in
colouration than males.
females of all the locales are
typically very similar in appearance
and can be hard to distinguish as they
all tend to share a very uniform palette
of light fawns, greys, and pastel pinks
and oranges.
lthough panther chameleons
are typically more sensitive
than Yemens in their husbandry
requirements, particularly with regard
to temperature fluctuations and relative
humidity levels, the extra effort is
well-worth it. Dedicated keepers will
be rewarded by seeing the dazzling
rainbow of colours and fascinating
behaviours expressed by these particular
lizards when they are being housed
under optimal conditions.
Panther chameleons are a sexuallydimorphic species, meaning that mature
males and females have distinctly different
appearances. The colouration and patterns
of adult male panther chameleons also
vary significantly according to their locale,
which is the regional area of Madagascar
where their ancestors originated. The vast
majority of the locales are to be found
on or just off the far north of the island.
In contrast to the males, females of all
the locales are typically very similar in
appearance and can be hard to distinguish
as they all tend to share a very uniform
palette of light fawns, greys, and pastel
pinks and oranges.
yellow and red facial markings. One of
the first locales of panther chameleon to
become established in captivity and now
amongst the most commonly-kept and
bred in the UK, the Nosey Bé has been
selectively bred to create two recognised
colour types – the ‘true blues’ and a highgreen variant.
■ Ambanja panthers are also found in two
sub-varieties called the ‘red bar’ and ‘blue
bar’ according to the colouration of the
individual male. This is generally a light sky
blue, turquoise or lime green with either
deep royal blue or maroon red barring
on the body and yellow facial highlights.
These particular chameleons originate from
the Ambanja coastal district in Antsiranana
province and are another very popular
locale frequently bred in the UK.
■ Ambilobe panthers are also found in red
and blue bar varieties but typically display the
largest degree of individual differences and
colour variation seen in all the locales. They
often have similar barring patterns to those
found in the neighbouring Ambanja district
to the east - red bar Ambilobe males have
vivid red or violet barring on a bright yellow
or lime body, while the blue bar males have
sky blue barring on a green body and red or
orange highlights on the belly, face and legs.
Chameleons from this locale may sometimes
be sold under the designer name ‘Picasso’
being descended from a type of Ambilobe
discovered in the Sirama area by Olaf Pronk,
one of the first naturalists to establish
panther chameleons successfully in captivity.
Thanks to their stunning variation in colour,
Ambilobes are also a particularly common
locale in European collections nowadays.
Best-known locales
The three most commonly encountered
locales found in the European reptile
hobby are: ■ Nosey Bé (pronounced Nosy Bay),
named after the small volcanic island
which lies approximately 10km (6ml)
offshore from the northwest coast of the
Madagascan mainland. Adult males have
a stunning turquoise blue body colour
with light green and ivory highlights, plus
May 2010 9