2 - CareTracker


2 - CareTracker
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
Table Of Contents
Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 1
Overview .......................................................................................................................... 1
Applications ............................................................................................................................. 3
Demographics...................................................................................................................... 3
Overview .......................................................................................................................... 3
Name................................................................................................................................ 6
Addresses ........................................................................................................................ 8
Phone Numbers ............................................................................................................. 10
Chart Number................................................................................................................. 12
Date of Birth ................................................................................................................... 13
Social Security Number .................................................................................................. 14
Gender ........................................................................................................................... 15
Notes .............................................................................................................................. 16
Active Status .................................................................................................................. 17
Patient Category............................................................................................................. 18
Patient of Practice .......................................................................................................... 19
Providers ........................................................................................................................ 20
Responsible Party .......................................................................................................... 23
Insurances...................................................................................................................... 25
Attachments ................................................................................................................... 30
How to Use the DocketPort Scanner .............................................................................. 31
How to Use the MedicScan ............................................................................................ 31
Employers ...................................................................................................................... 33
Printing Patient Demographics Report ........................................................................... 36
Other.................................................................................................................................. 38
Overview ........................................................................................................................ 38
Active Patient Providers ................................................................................................. 39
How to Add a Provider to a Patient's Record ................................................................. 39
Active Patient Schools.................................................................................................... 42
How to Add a School to a Patient's Record.................................................................... 42
Active Patient Pharmacies.............................................................................................. 45
How to Add a Patient Pharmacy..................................................................................... 45
Active Patient Cases ...................................................................................................... 48
Active Patient Attorneys ................................................................................................. 53
How to Add an Attorney to a Patient's Record ............................................................... 53
Referral/Authorization (Ref/Auth) ....................................................................................... 56
Overview ........................................................................................................................ 56
How to Add a Referral/Authorization .............................................................................. 57
Details ................................................................................................................................ 61
Overview ........................................................................................................................ 61
Family ................................................................................................................................ 63
Overview ........................................................................................................................ 63
How to Add/Link Family Members.................................................................................. 65
Log On ............................................................................................................................... 69
Table Of Contents
Overview ........................................................................................................................ 69
Patient Log......................................................................................................................... 70
Overview ........................................................................................................................ 70
Summary............................................................................................................................ 71
Overview ........................................................................................................................ 71
Credit Card Tracking.......................................................................................................... 73
Overview ........................................................................................................................ 73
How to Add a Credit Card............................................................................................... 74
Patient Module Overview
The Patient Module in CareTracker is where you register patients and save
important patient information. The information stored in this module includes
the patient's basic and detailed demographics, health insurance information,
and referrals and authorizations. Entering accurate patient information is
essential as CareTracker pulls the information from the ‘Patient Module’ to print
insurance claims for billing purposes.
Within the Patient Module there are nine applications: Demographics, Other,
Ref/Auth, Details, Family, Log On, Patient Log,Summary, and Credit Card
Application Summaries:
Demographics- In this application, patients are registered and added into
the CareTracker system. Each patient’s record contains basic identifying
information, i.e., full name, address, phone number, gender, Social Security
number, date of birth and health insurance information.
Other- A patient's active providers, schools, pharmacies, cases, and
attorneys can be entered and saved in this application.
Ref/Auth- This application is where patient referrals and authorizations for
treatment are stored, and multiple referrals and authorizations for a patient
can be saved. Referrals can be out-going, as in the case of a primary care
office tracking to whom they refer patients, or inbound, as in the case of a
specialist tracking from whom he is getting patient referrals.
Details- Additional demographic patient information can be entered in this
application, including the patient’s primary language, race, religion, and
ethnicity. It is also within this application that you can choose to hold a
patient’s statement.
Family- This application allows a practice’s family members to be linked
together, as well as other family members who may serve as the patient’s
emergency contact.
Log On- This is a future enhancement to CareTracker.
Patient Log- An audit trail of every action that has been performed on a
patient's record can be viewed in this application. The log shows show the
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
date and time of the action that was performed and the operator who
performed it.
Summary- In this application you can view and print a summary of the
patient's information. Each patient summary includes their basic
demographic and insurance information, their next and last appointment,
active diagnoses, and any outstanding balance they owe.
Credit Card Tracking- An option can be turned on by group that allows
your practice to track patient credit cards. In the CC application of the
Patient Module, you can view active patient credit cards saved in
CareTracker, edit active patient credit cards, add a new credit card a
patients account, and delete credit cards saved in a patient's account that
are no longer active
Patient Module
The Demographics application in the Patient Module is where new patients are
registered and added into the CareTracker system. A patient’s record will
contain basic identifying information, i.e., full name, address, phone number,
gender, social security number, date of birth and responsible party (self or
another individual). The Demographics application is also where a patient’s
pertinent health insurance information is captured. This information includes
the insurance company and insurance plan, the claims mailing address, the
subscriber’s name and number, group and member numbers, effective policy
dates, and co-payment amounts.
When entering a patient's demographics in the Demographics application, the
[Tab] key on the keyboard is used to navigate from field to field. When tabbing
through the application fields, the active field that is entered will always be
highlighted in pale yellow. When used, the [Tab] key is quick and efficient, as
the information that is entered is automatically formatted according to the
specific field in which the information is being entered. For example,
regardless of how a patient’s first name or last name is entered, when tabbing
out of the name fields, CareTracker will automatically format the name so that
the first letter of the name is a capital letter, and the remainder of the letters are
in lower case. In addition, the [Tab] key will format SSN and phone numbers
with appropriate hyphens, and DOB numbers with appropriate slashes.
If you need to navigate back to a field that you have already
tabbed through, use the mouse to click into that field. Once
you have added or edited the appropriate information in that
field, continue to tab to the next appropriate field.
When using the [Tab] key, CareTracker will alert you if it appears that a
duplicate patient record is being created. For example, if a duplicate SSN is
entered in the SSN field, a pop-up window will display a warning stating that
the record that is being created may be a duplicate of a record already entered
in CareTracker.
The Demographics application also features drop-down lists that help to speed
data entry. If a drop-down list is available for a field, there will be a black
triangle inside a grey box at the right end of the field. The drop-down list will
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
display options for selection. For example, to the right of the "Referred By"
field, there is a drop-down-list containing the names of the physicians who
frequently refer patients to the practice. From this drop-down list the
appropriate physician can be selected.
There are two ways to select an option from a drop-down list. You can use the
mouse to click on the black triangle and select an option from the list, or you
can continue to use the keys on the keyboard instead of the mouse. When
tabbing into a field with a drop-down list, you only need to enter the first letter
of the option. For example, in the “Gender” field, you can type the [F] key on
the keyboard once you have Tabbed into the “Gender” field. This will populate
the “Gender” field with 'Female.’
The search button (...) is a feature of the Demographics application that allows
you to enter data with greater ease and efficiency. If there is a search button
next to a field, you can search the CareTracker database to find the
information necessary to complete the field. For example, in the "PCP" field
you will find a search button as well as a drop-down list. The patient’s primary
care provider may not be an option offered in the drop-down list, but clicking on
the search (…) button will generate a window that allows a search for the PCP
by last name, first name, city, state, or UPIN. When the Search button in the
pop-up window is clicked, a list of the providers matching the entered
information displays. You can select the appropriate PCP from this list, and
the physician’s name will be pulled into the "PCP" field and added as an option
in the drop-down list for future use.
Next to the Addresses, Phones and Insurance sections of the Demographics
screen, there is a Deactivate button and a More button. If a patient's address,
phone number, insurance, or employer is no longer valid, click the Deactivate
button. This will highlight the information in red, indicating that it is no longer
active and will change the Deactivate button to Activate. You can re-activate
the information by clicking on the Activate button. Having information
deactivated rather than deleted from a patient's demographic allows you to not
only re-activate information, but also to track an old insurance claim, should
there be a discrepancy with a previously-filed claim.
To add new or additional information, click the More button. A new line of
information will appear on which address, phone number, or insurance
information can be entered. There is no limit to the amount of deactivated or
additional patient information that can be saved in the Demographics
The minimum requirements to create a patient record in CareTracker are the
patient's first and last names. CareTracker will allow you to save this
information and navigate away from the Demographics application. However,
whenever this patient is pulled into context in the Name Bar, an alert will pop
up indicating that the patient's record is missing necessary information. While
appointments may be booked for the patient with only the name fields
populated, insurance claims cannot be processed until the remainder of the
Demographics information is complete.
To register a new patient, click on the New button in the Name Bar. When the
New button is clicked, the Demographics screen will be displayed as a pop-up
window on top of the application you are currently using. You can edit any
patient's demographic information by either pulling the patient into context and
clicking on the Edit button in the Name Bar, or clicking the Edit button at the
bottom in the Demographics screen. The Edit button in the Name Bar allows
you to edit the patient's demographic in a pop-up window.
To save a patient's demographic information, click on either the Save button,
or simultaneously hit the [Cntrl] and [S] keys on the keyboard. If duplicate
patient records are mistakenly created, those records must be combined into
one account. This can be done from the Combine Account link under the
Medical Records heading in the Administration Module.
See: Name, Attachments, Addresses, Phone Numbers, Chart Number, Date of Birth,
Social Security Number, Gender, Notes, Active Status, Patient Category, Patient of
Practice, Providers, Responsible Party, Insurance, Employers, Printing a Patient
Demographic Report
Related Topic: How to Combine Duplicate Patient Accounts (Administration Module)
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
Patient Module
Registering a new patient begins with entering the patient’s name in the Name
section of the Demographics application. The first name field is "Title."
Entering a patient’s title is not required; however, a title such as Mr., Mrs., or
Dr. can be entered in this field. It is only necessary to enter a patient’s title if
the practice would like the title to appear on form letters and statements printed
from CareTracker. This policy applies to the “Suffix” field as well. While
whether titles or suffixes are to be printed is the decision of the practice, it is
important that patient registrations be consistent.
When entering a patient’s first, middle and last name there is no need to
capitalize the first letter of the name, as the action of tabbing through the fields
will automatically capitalize the first letter of each name.
If a patient’s name includes a hyphen, it can be included when
entering the name.
Some patient's prefer a nickname to their proper name, and this can be
entered in the "Nickname" field. The nickname will always be displayed in
parentheses next to the patient’s proper name whenever it appears in
CareTracker; however, a patient’s nickname will not appear on form letters or
statements generated in CareTracker.
The Previous Name line should be used to enter a patient's previous name;
most commonly this is a woman's maiden name. Clicking on the C button at
the end of the Previous Name line will pull the name entered in the "First,"
"Middle," and "Last" name fields in the Name line into the corresponding fields
in the Previous Name field. You would then only have to ammend the patient's
current name, typically her last name, with her previous last name. If the
patient’s name has not changed, the Previous Name fields do not have to be
You cannot search for a patient in your
database based on previous name.
Next to the "Nickname" field is a Save button to be used when doing a miniregistration. A mini-registration involves saving just the patient’s name to
create a patient record. Some practices save only a new patient's name in
order to book an appointment and complete the remainder of the demographic
information when the patient comes into the office. When only the patient’s
name is saved in Demographics, an alert will pop up each time the patient is
pulled into context, notifying you to obtain the patient’s missing demographic
See: Attachments, Addresses, Phone Numbers, Chart Number, Date of Birth, Social
Security Number, Gender, Notes, Active Status, Patient Category, Patient of Practice,
Providers, Responsible Party, Insurance, Employers, Printing a Patient Demographic
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
Patient Module
The first field in the Addresses section of the Demographics application is the
"Type" field. From the "Type" drop-down list, select the type of address you are
adding. The first line of the patient's address will default to 'Home’, Some of
the other address types include 'Billing’, 'Vacation’, and 'Summer.’ After
selecting the appropriate address type, enter the patient's address.
The "‘Line 1" field is for the number and street of the patient's address and
"Line 2" is for an apartment or condominium number. Use the "Zip" field to
populate the "City," "State" and "Country" fields. This is done by entering the
patient's zip code in the "Zip" field and then [Tabbing] so that the search button
(...) is highlighted. When you hit the [Enter] key on the keyboard, CareTracker
will populate the city, state and country in which the patient lives, based on the
zip code you have entered.
If a patient's address is no longer active, click the Deactivate button at the end
of any address line that needs to be deactivated. By clicking the Deactivate
button, the address will be deactivated but will remain in the patient’s record.
As a reminder that the address has been deactivated, CareTracker will
highlight the address line in red. After a line has been deactivated, the
Deactivate button turns into an Activate button. If you need to reactivate the
address, click the Activate button. Re-activating an address will remove the
red highlight.
A More button in the Addresses section of the Demographic application allows
the operator to enter and save as many addresses as necessary in a patient's
record. When the More button is clicked, a new address line is displayed.
Select the type of address needed and fill in the remaining fields.
Unless a different 'Billing' address is entered as a "Type" of
address, the patient's 'Home' address will default as the
'Billing' address. If the 'Home' and the 'Billing' addresses are
the same, you do not have to enter the 'Billing' address.
However, if a patient's statements are going to be sent to a
different address, add a new address by clicking on the More
button. Select 'Billing' from the "Type" field and then complete
the remaining address fields.
See: Name, Attachments, Phone Numbers, Chart Number, Date of Birth, Social Security
Number, Gender, Notes, Active Status, Patient Category, Patient of Practice, Providers,
Responsible Party, Insurance, Employers,Printing a Patient Demographic Report
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
Patient Module
Phone Numbers
Entering a patient’s phone number into CareTracker is very similar to entering
a patient’s address. A phone number can be deactivated at any time, and as
many phone numbers as necessary can be added and saved in the patient’s
From the "Type" drop-down list, select the type of phone number to be entered.
Some possible types are ‘Home’, ‘Mobile’, and ‘Work.’ Once a type of phone
number is selected, enter the area code in the "Area Code" field. As soon as
three digits have been entered into the "Area Code" field, the "Number" field
automatically becomes the active field and the cursor moves to it. The phone
number can then be entered in the "Number" field. It is not necessary to use
the hyphen in a phone number. When you hit the [Tab] key to move to the
next field, the phone number will automatically be formatted with a hyphen. If
the phone number entered requires an extension, enter it in the "Ext" field. If
the patient prefers to be contacted at a home e-mail address, enter the
patient’s e-mail address in the "E-mail" field on the same line as the patient’s
home phone number. The e-mail address needs to be entered exactly as
though you were sending an e-mail. A patient's 'Home' and 'Work' phone
number will print on the appointment list.
Many practices have the local area code as a default in the
‘Area Code’ field. If no default exists in this field but one is
desired, send a To Do request to Support.
If a patient's phone number is no longer active, click on the Deactivate button
at the end of the phone number line in order to make it inactive. By clicking on
the Deactivate button, the phone number will be deactivated but will remain in
the patient's record. As a visual reminder, when the number is deactivated,
CareTracker will highlight the phone number line in red. If you need to reactivate the number, click on the Activate button. When the phone number is
re-activated, the red highlight is removed.
A More button in the Phones section of the Demographic application allows the
operator to enter and save as many phone numbers as necessary in a
patient’s record. When the More button is clicked, a new phone number line
displays. Select the type of phone number from the "Type" field and complete
the remainder of the phone number fields.
See: Name, Attachments, Addresses, Chart Number, Date of Birth, Social Security
Number, Gender, Notes, Active Status, Patient Category, Patient of Practice, Providers,
Responsible Party, Insurance, Employers, Printing a Patient Demographic Report
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
Patient Module
Chart Number
When registering a patient, you do not need to enter or assign a chart number
to the patient in the "Chart Number" field. If a practice has converted from
another medical management system to CareTracker, and chart numbers were
previously used, they will appear in the "Chart Number" field. This makes it
possible to search the database for established patients from the previous
system. When new patients are registered in CareTracker, the chart number
becomes the same as the ID number that is automatically assigned by
The "Chart Number" field can be used by a practice that files
charts numerically rather than alphabetically. Should this be
the case, CareTracker can be set up to automatically
generate chart numbers to coincide with the practice's medical
record numbers.
See: Name, Attachments, Addresses, Phone Numbers, Date of Birth, Social Security
Number, Gender, Notes, Active Status, Patient Category, Patient of Practice, Providers,
Responsible Party, Insurance, Employers, Printing a Patient Demographic Report
Patient Module
Date of Birth
Displays the patient's date of birth. You can enter the date of birth manually in
MM/DD/YYYY format, or use the Calendar box located next to the field. If by error
you enter a future date in the 'Date of Birth' box an error message prompts to
notify you that a wrong date is entered.
See: Name, Attachments, Addresses, Chart Number, Social Security Number,
Gender, Notes, Active Status, Patient Category, Patient of Practice, Providers,
Responsible Party, Insurance, Employers, Printing a Patient Demographic
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
Patient Module
Social Security Number
Enter the patient’s nine-digit social security number in the "SSN" field. [Tab]
through the Demographics application fields and CareTracker will automatically
format the hyphens in the Social Security Number.
It is important to use the [Tab] key as it will instruct
CareTracker to alert you if the SSN just entered is already
saved in another patient’s record, thereby creating a duplicate
record. If you do not use the [Tab] key, CareTracker cannot
alert you of this possibility.
See: Name, Attachments, Addresses, Phone Numbers, Chart Number, Date of Birth,
Gender, Notes, Active Status, Patient Category, Patient of Practice, Providers,
Responsible Party, Insurance, Employers, Printing a Patient Demographic Report
Patient Module
The "Gender" field drop-down list in the Demographics application contains
three options, 'Male’, ‘Female’, and ‘Undeclared.’ If a patient’s gender is not
entered in the "Gender" field, claims for the patient will not be electronically
transmitted to the insurance company. Any claim lacking a specified gender
will become an unbilled claim and will remain as such until an operator
specifies a gender and re-bills the claim.
See: Name, Attachments, Addresses, Phone Numbers, Chart Number, Date of Birth,
Social Security Number, Notes, Active Status, Patient Category, Patient of Practice,
Providers, Responsible Party, Insurance, Employers, Printing a Patient Demographic
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
Patient Module
In the "Notes" field, you can free-type any important patient information to
which users may need to be alerted. For example, if a patient was hearingimpaired or did not speak English, you could type that information in the
"Notes" field, and the note would be saved in the patient’s demographic. Next
to the "Notes" field is a small box that has the word Flash next to it. Click in this
box, and a check-mark will appear. Each time the patient is pulled into context,
an alert box will pop up displaying the note. The note will also be displayed in
the "Notes" field in the Details application of the Patient Module.
See: Name, Attachments, Addresses, Phone Numbers, Chart Number, Date of Birth,
Social Security Number, Gender, Active Status, Patient Category, Patient of Practice,
Providers, Responsible Party, Insurance, Employers, Printing a Patient Demographic
Patient Module
Active Status
The "Active Status" field in the Demographics application is where a patient’s
status is indicated. The field defaults to ‘Active’ meaning the patient is an
active patient of the practice. When the patient is no longer a patient of your
practice, you need to change their status to the corresponding inactive status.
Inactive statuses include, 'Deceased', 'Moved out of Area' and 'Followed by
Another MD'.
If a patient is registered into CareTracker more than once,
the status in one of the patient’s accounts can be changed to
'Duplicate.' Account activity for duplicate accounts can be
consolidated into one patient account number by using the
Combine Accounts application in the Admin Module under
the Medical Records heading.
The not patient of practice’ status is assigned to responsible
parties and subscribers that you add to the system. In the
event an appointment is made for a responsible party in the
system, the default status will automatically change to
‘patient of the practice’ for that person.
See: Name, Attachments, Addresses, Phone Numbers, Chart Number, Date of Birth,
Social Security Number, Gender, Notes, Patient Category, Patient of Practice, Providers,
Responsible Party, Insurance, Employers, Printing a Patient Demographic Report
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
Patient Module
Patient Category
The "Patient Category" field in the Demographics application of the Patient
Module should be used to categorize active patients. Customized patient
categories for your practice can be created from the Patient Categories link
under the Admin section of the Administration Module. When a customized
category is created and your practice has multiple groups, the category can be
linked to all groups or only to one specific group. The category the patient has
been flagged as in the "Patient Category" field will display next to the patient's
name in the Patient Search pop-up window and in the "Name" field of the
Name Bar when the patient is in context.
See: Name, Attachments, Addresses, Phone Numbers, Chart Number, Date of Birth,
Social Security Number, Gender, Notes, Active Status, Patient of Practice, Providers,
Responsible Party, Insurance, Employers, Printing a Patient Demographic Report
Related Topics: Patient Category Overview (Administration Module); How to Build a Patient
Category (Administration Module)
Patient Module
Patient of Practice
Because all responsible parties and subscribers linked to actual patient
accounts are themselves registered as patients in CareTracker, the "Patient of
Practice" field allows you to indicate whether the person is an actual patient.
When a responsible party or subscriber is added to a patient's record, the
system will default the "Patient of Practice" field to be deselected. When this
field is not selected, the patient is not automatically included in search results
for any patient searches you perform. Should you decide to include those
people registered in CareTracker that are not actual patients in a search you
perform, there is a "Pat of Practice" filter set in the Patient Search pop-up
window that can be changed to accomplish this.
In the instance that a person becomes a patient of the practice, her
demographic can be edited by selecting "Patient of Practice." When an
appointment is scheduled for anyone currently not registered as a patient of
the practice, CareTracker will automatically populate this field without anyone
having to edit the patient's demographic.
See: Name, Attachments, Addresses, Phone Numbers, Chart Number, Date of Birth,
Social Security Number, Gender, Notes, Active Status, Patient Category, Patient of
Practice, Providers, Responsible Party, Insurance, Employers, Printing a Patient
Demographic Report
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
Patient Module
The "PCP" field is where you select the patient’s primary care physician.
Again, there is a "PCP" field drop-down list that includes the most frequently
used PCP’s for the practice. If a referring provider or a PCP's name is not
available on the respective drop-down list, you can search CareTracker's
provider database and add the provider to the appropriate list. Search buttons
(…) are located next to both the "‘Referred By"’ and "PCP" fields.
Claims will not be transmitted if a referring provider is not
selected in the "Referred By" field. If there is no referring
provider, select either the patient's PCP or the group provider
that the patient is seeing.
The "PCP" field is where you select the patient’s primary care physician.
Again, there is a "PCP" field drop-down list that names the most frequently
used PCP’s for the practice. If a referring provider or a PCP's name is not
available on the respective drop-down lists, you can search CareTracker's
provider database in order to add the provider as a referring provider or PCP.
Next to both the "‘Referred By"’ and "PCP" fields are search buttons (…).
When the search button is selected a pop-up screen will be display. In this
screen you can enter the provider’s first name, last name, the city or state in
which the provider practices, the provider’s UPIN, or the provider's NPI to
search CareTracker’s provider database. A list of all of the providers that
match the information entered will display. If needed you can click on the Ins
Plan # button and pop-up window displays with all of the provider's insurance
numbers saved in CareTracker. Click on the appropriate provider’s name, and
the provider’s name will be populated in the appropriate field. When you add
a provider’s name to the "Referred By" drop-down list the provider’s name will
also be added to the "PCP" drop-down list. However, if you add a provider to
the "PCP" field drop-down list, the provider’s name is not automatically added
to the "Referred By" drop-down list. A provider’s name added to the "Referred
By" or "PCP"’ drop-down list will be permanently stored in the patient’s
demographic application, as well as in any other application having the
referring provider or primary care provider drop-down list.
If a provider cannot be found in CareTracker's provider
database, send a To Do to Support with the provider's
information, and the provider will then be added to the
“Group Provider” is the last of the three provider fields in the Demographics
application. While not a mandatory field, it is often employed by multi-provider
group practices as it can be used to indicate the provider in the group who is
treating the patient. If a group provider is not selected, the system will
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
automatically populate the "Group Provider" field with a provider’s name when
a patient schedules an appointment.
When checking eligibility on a patient, the system will send the
provider information to the insurance company from the
"Group Provider" field. If this field is not populated, you may
receive an error.
See: Name, Attachments, Addresses, Phone Numbers, Chart Number, Date of Birth,
Social Security Number, Gender, Notes, Active Status, Patient Category, Patient of
Practice, Responsible Party, Insurance, Employers, Printing a Patient Demographic Report
Patient Module
Responsible Party
A patient’s responsible party is the individual who is responsible for any private
pay balances. Patient statements are addressed to the person indicated in the
"Responsible" field, and ‘Self’ is the default option for the "Responsible" field in
the Demographics application.
Patients over the age of 18 are considered responsible
parties. For patients under the age of 18, parents or
guardians are usually the responsible parties.
If you select 'Search' or ‘Family Members’ from the "Responsible"’ drop-down
list, the Patient Search pop-up screen displays. When another patient of the
practice serves as a patient’s responsible, he can be listed as such in
In the Patient Search screen, you can search the practice’s database to find a
particular patient who serves as the responsible party for the patient in context.
Do this by filling in any of the search fields, then hititng the [Enter] key on the
keyboard. A list of all of the patients who match the information entered will
display in the lower frame of the Patient Search pop-up window. Each
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
patient’s DOB and SSN will appear beside the names to assure that you are
selecting the correct person as the responsible party. There is also a
"Relationship" field, and from the "Relationship" field drop-down list you can
select the patient whose demographic information is being completed. When a
relationship is selected, the patient’s name is displayed in the ‘Responsible’
To enter a responsible party that is not a patient of the practice, select 'Add
New‘ from the "Responsible" field drop-down list. Once ‘Add New’ is selected,
several more fields will be displayed on the Demographics application in which
you can enter the responsible party’s basic demographic information.
If the responsible party’s information matches the patient’s, click the Copy
button, and the responsible party’s last name, phone number and address will
be populated to match the information that is entered for the patient. You are
then required to enter the responsible party’s first name, DOB, SSN, gender,
relationship to the patient, and employer information.
See: Name, Attachments, Addresses, Phone Numbers, Chart Number, Date of Birth,
Social Security Number, Gender, Notes, Active Status, Patient Category, Patient of
Practice, Providers, Insurance, Employers, Printing a Patient Demographic Report
Patient Module
Entering a patient’s insurance information accurately in the ‘Insurance’ section
of the Demographics application ensures that insurance companies will pay
claims in a timely manner. CareTracker simplifies this processs by having
drop-down lists of the practice’s most frequently accepted insurance
companies and plans, and by allowing you to search the database for an
insurance plan that is not available in the drop-down list.
The first step in adding insurance information is to select the Subscriber. ‘Self’
defaults as the option in the "Subscriber" field. You can also select
‘Responsible Party’ from the drop-down list, if the individual listed in the
"Responsible Party" field is the subscriber of the insurance entered.
If an individual other than the patient or the responsible party is the subscriber,
select 'Add New’ from the "Subscriber" drop-down list. Before adding the
individual as a subscriber, search the practice’s database. This is done by
clicking on the search button (...) next to the "Subscriber" field. When the
search button (...) is clicked, the Patient Search pop-up window will display and
allow you to search the database by the subscriber’s first and last names. If
the subscriber is found in the database, select the appropriate patient
relationship. When the appropriate relationship is selected, the name will
appear in the "Subscriber" field.
Searching the patient database is only necessary if there is a
possibility that the subscriber was once a patient of the
If the subscriber is not found in the practice's patient database, select ‘Add
New’ from the "Subscriber" drop-down list. When ‘Add New’ is selected
several new fields will come into view. Complete the basic demographic
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
information for the individual who is the subscriber. A Copy button is available
if the subscriber shares the same last name, home address, and phone
number as the patient, but you will need to enter in the subscriber’s SSN, DOB,
relationship to the patient, gender, and employment information.
Insurance Company/Plan
After entering the subscriber in the "Subscriber" field, select the subscriber’s
insurance company. The "Company" and the "‘Plan"’ field drop-down lists
contain the practice’s most frequently accepted insurance companies and
plans. First select a company from the "‘Company" field drop-down list, and
then select the appropriate insurance plan from the "Plan" drop-down list. Once
a company has been selected, the ‘Plan’ drop-down list will be populated with
insurance plans specific to the insurance company entered. For example, if
you select Tufts as the insurance company, only Tufts insurance plans will be
available from the "Plan" drop-down list. The address for each plan appears
next to each insurance plan’s name. It is imperative that you choose the
correct insurance plan, and seeing the plan’s address helps ensure accuracy.
If the subscriber’s insurance plan is not listed in the "Plan"’ drop-down list, click
on the search button (…) next to the "Plan"’ field to allow you to search
CareTracker’s insurance plan database.
When the search button (…) is clicked, the Insurance Plan Search window
pops up. There are several fields on the Plan Search that you can use to help
filter the search, e.g. "Plan," "Keyword," "Address," "Company," and "State."
Depending on the information entered, you can use the "Match" field to search
for matches to both the insurance plan and address,, or for matches to either
the insurance plan or the address. When you have entered the search filters,
click on the Search button, and all of the matching insurance plans will display
in the Insurance Plan Search window.
While all of the fields in the Plan Search pop-up window can be used to locate
a plan, one of the easiest methods is searching by P.O. Box number. Enter
the insurance plan's PO Box number in the "Address" field, including the words
'PO Box,' and click the Search button.
When the Search button is clicked, only the insurance plans with that particular
PO Box number in their "Address" field will display. Click on the appropriate
insurance plan listed in the Plan Search pop-up window to populate the
insurance company’s name in the "Company" field and the insurance plan’s
name and address in the "Plan" field.
If the insurance plan being searched does not exist in the
CareTracker database, send a To Do to Support requesting
that the new plan be added to the database. Include the
insurance company name, complete address, and telephone
The "Sequence" field indicates whether insurance plan entered for the patient
is the primary, secondary, or tertiary insurance. The number of insurance
plans entered on a patient’s demographic determines the numbers that display
on the "Sequence" drop-down list. If there is only one insurance plan, then ‘1’
is the only option in the "Sequence" drop-down list. However, if three
insurance plans have been entered, numbers ‘1’, '2’, and ‘3’ are available from
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
the "Sequence" drop-down list. The sequence numbers default based on the
order in which the insurance plans are entered, but you can use the
"Sequence" drop-down list to reorder the sequence of the insurance plans. For
example, the secondary insurance plan saved on a patient’s demographic may
become the primary insurance. You would then change the plan’s sequence to
‘1’ instead of ‘2’ and then click the Save button at the bottom of the
Demographics screen. The former secondary insurance plan will then be
changed to be the patient’s primary insurance.
Insurance #'s
"Subscriber #," "Group #" and "Member #" are the next three fields in the
Insurance section of the Demographics application. The subscriber number
refers to the insurance policy number. Group numbers often identify the
employer, and member numbers are usually assigned to individual family
members on the policy. Enter the subscriber number in the "Subscriber #"
field. Next to the "Subscriber #" field there is an SS button. If the subscriber
number is the same as the subscriber’s social security number, click on the SS
button, and the subscriber’s SSN will be populated in the "Subscriber #" field.
The use of group and member numbers varies among insurance carriers, but
be sure to enter the numbers in accordance with each carrier’s numbering
policy. For example, many insurance companies require the member number
to append to the subscriber number.
Eligibility Dates
The "Eligible Date From" and "Eligible To" fields indicate the subscriber’s
effective dates of coverage with a particular insurance carrier. Often the date
entered in the "Eligible Date From" field will match the patient’s employment
start-date if the patient is covered through that employer. The "Eligible To"
field remains blank until the patient changes insurance plans. To complete the
eligibility fields, you can either enter the dates manually in MM/DD/YYYY
format, or you can use the Calendar boxes located next to each field.
If the subscriber is required to pay a co-payment, enter the co-payment amount
in the "Copay Over" field found below the "Eligibility To" field. Entering a copayment amount does not require using the dollar sign ($). When charges are
entered for the patient, CareTracker will automatically calculate and carve out
the co-payment amount for private pay (the amount for which the patient is
responsible). Note: The carve-out occurs only if the amount is entered into the
"Copay Over" field.
Adding/Deactivating Insurances
To add additional insurance plans, click on the More button, and complete the
fields in the same manner used for the original insurance plan. If an insurance
plan is no longer active, click on the Deactivate button next to the plan to be
deactivated. Clicking the Deactivate button will deactivate the insurance plan
and highlight it in red to indicate that the plan has been deactivated. It is very
important to keep track of deactivated insurance plans, as the information can
be useful in resolving unbilled or denied claims.
See: Name, Attachments, Addresses, Phone Numbers, Chart Number, Date of Birth,
Social Security Number, Gender, Notes, Active Status, Patient Category, Patient of
Practice, Providers, Responsible Party, Employers, Printing a Patient Demographic Report
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
Patient Module
An additional feature of CareTracker allows you to scan and permanently
attach a copy of the patient’s insurance card to the patient's medical record.
Attaching insurance cards is completed in the Demographics application in the
Patient Module. Once an insurance card or license is saved in CareTracker,
you will be able to view the patient’s insurance card whenever the patient is
pulled into context. This is very helpful if questions arise regarding the
patient’s insurance information. For example, if a claim is denied or the
system is saying that the patient is not eligible for the insurance listed in the
demographic, you can view the patient’s insurance card and verify that the
correct subscriber, group or member number is accurate. In addition, scanning
a copy of a patient’s insurance card in CareTracker is time-saving, as it
eliminates the need for photocopying the insurance card.
Even though a patient’s insurance card is scanned and saved
into CareTracker, the insurance information must be entered
into the insurance fields.
A scanner linked to the computer is needed to attach a patient's insurance card
to the patient’s record. When a patient checks in, run the insurance card
through the scanner. To attach the scanned card file, click on the Add link in
the Attachments section of the Demographics screen under the insurance
section, and the Add Attachment File screen will display. By clicking on the
Browse button, you can locate the file containing the patient’s insurance card.
Once the file is selected, click the Upload File button, and the file containing
the insurance card will be uploaded and saved in the patient’s demographic
information and medical record.
A number is displayed next to the Add link once the operator uploads the file to
the patient's record. If one insurance card has been attached to a patient’s
record, the digit '1’ will appear next to the Add link in the Attachment section. It
is possible to have multiple insurance cards attached to a patient’s record, and
if a second insurance card is attached, the digits ‘1’ and ‘2’ will appear next to
the Add link. Each digit is a link, and when you click on one of the numbers,
the corresponding attachment, i.e., the insurance card, will be displayed on the
computer screen in a pop-up window.
Once an attachment is saved in a patient’s record, it cannot be deleted.
However, it can be made inactive in the Attach application in the Medical
Records Module. In this application, you can edit and view any attachment, or
deactivate an attachment so that it is no longer active in a patient's record.
Any scanner will work, however, we recommend the use of
How to Use the DocketPort Scanner
How to Use the MedicScan
1. Open ID OCR program (MedicScan) before logging into CareTracker.
2. Once the ID OCR program is opened and you have logged into
CareTracker, you can begin scanning insurance cards. Scan a card by
inserting the card, face-down into the scanner.
3. Once it has scanned, flip the card over and re-insert face-up.
4. Name the image. The actual name given to the file is to be decided by the
practice, but most practices use the patient’s initials as the file name. Once the
file is uploaded into CareTracker, the name of the file is of less importance.
The first time you use MedicScan, you will need to create a
Scanned Cards folder under My Documents, and this is the
folder where the images will be saved.
5. Pull the patient to whom you are going to attach the file into context.
6. Click on the Demographics application in the Patient Module.
7. To attach an insurance card click on the Add link in the Attachments section
of the Demographics application.
8. Once the Add link is clicked, the Add Attachment File screen will display as
a pop-up window.
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
9. Click on the Browse button. This will allow you to browse through all of the
files saved on your computer.
10. Open the ‘Scanned Cards’ folder you created in ‘My Documents’.
11. Double click on the appropriate file in order to attach it to the patient’s
demographic. This will display the file name in the "Select File" field.
12. Once the file name appears in the "Select File" field, click the Upload File
button, and the card file will be uploaded into CareTracker.
See: Name, Addresses, Phone Numbers, Chart Number, Date of Birth, Social Security
Number, Gender, Notes, Active Status, Patient Category, Patient of Practice, Providers,
Responsible Party, Insurance, Employers, Printing a Patient Demographic Report
Patient Module
The ‘Employers’ section of the Demographics application is where a practice
can track patient employment information. Often, the patient's employment
history and insurance history go hand in hand. In addition, having a patient's
employment information is essential for any work-related injuries covered by
Worker's Compensation, as the patient's employment information is needed to
complete paperwork necessary to have the claim paid.
The first step in entering a patient’s employment information is to select the
employer. A list of the practice's most common patient employers is available
from the "Employer" field drop-down list. Select the appropriate employer
choice from the drop-down list. When an employer is selected from the list, the
employer’s work address information will be populated in the "Work Address"
fields. If the patient’s employer is not an option in the "Employer" drop-down
list, search CareTracker's employer database. This can be done by clicking
the search button (…) next to the "Employer" field.
Enter the name of the employer in the "Employer Name" field. In addition, you
can narrow the search by entering the employer’s city and state. Click on the
Search button to display a list of the employers that match the information
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
By clicking on the appropriate selection, the employer’s name, address, phone
number and fax numbers are entered into the respective fields.
If a patient's employer is not located in CareTracker's
employer database, send a To Do to Support that includes the
employer's name, address and phone number.
The next fields in the Employer section are "Occupation," "Start Date" and
"End Date." The patient's occupation should be entered in the "Occupation"
field, e.g. 'Teacher.’ Enter the start and end dates in the "Start Date" and "End
Date" fields. If the patient is presently an employee, no ending date is entered.
A date can be entered into either of the fields manually in MM/DD/YYYY
format, or by clicking on the Calendar box and selecting the appropriate date.
If the employer’s phone number and fax numbers were saved when the
employer was entered into CareTracker's employer database, these fields will
be automatically populated when the patient’s employer is selected,. An
employee may have an extension number that can be entered next to the
"Work Phone" field. If applicable, enter the patient’s employer number into the
"Employer Number" field.
An "E-mail" field is also available in the Employers section of the
Demographics screen. If a patient wishes to be contacted at work, enter the email address in the "Email" field. The last field in the Employer section is
"Notes." Any notes in the "Notes" field are displayed in the Demographics
screen only, yet important information about a patient’s employer can be
helpful when processing Workers Compensation cases.
A Deactivate and a More button are also located in the Employers section. To
add an additional employer, click on the More button and complete the
additional employer’s information in the same manner in which the information
was completed for the initial employer. When a patient is no longer employed
by a particular employer, make this inactive by clicking on the Deactivate
button located next to the former employer. Employment history usually begins
with the patient’s current employer(s). To track previous employers, click on
the More button. If a previous employer was added, click on the Deactivate
button for that employer to save the inactive employer for tracking purposes.
See: Name, Attachments, Addresses, Phone Numbers, Chart Number, Date of Birth,
Social Security Number, Gender, Notes, Active Status, Patient Category, Patient of
Practice, Providers, Responsible Party, Insurance, Printing a Patient Demographic Report
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
Patient Module
Printing Patient Demographics Report
A Patient Demographics report can be printed for the patient in context by
clicking on the Print icon in the top, right-hand corner of the Demographics
application in the Patient Module. This report will include all of the
demographic information you have entered in the Demographics application,
some of the more detailed demographic information you have entered for the
patient in the Details application of the Patient Module, the patient's next and
last appointment, any active diagnoses that have been entered into
CareTracker for the patient, balance information (patient, insurance, and
unapplied), and any active authorizations entered in the Ref/Auth application
for the patient.
The Patient Demographics report cannot be printed from the
Demographics pop-up window that displays when you click on
the Edit button in the Name Bar.
Click here to see a sample PDF Patient Demographics report.
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
Patient Module
The Other application is used to enter pertinent patient information that is not
saved in the demographic information, but that may be needed to have on
record. In the Other application a list of the patient's active providers, schools,
pharmacies, attorneys, and cases can be saved. You can add, edit, deactivate,
and delete any patient information that is stored in this application. In order to
enter information in the Other application, the patient must be in context in the
Name Bar.
The Add button under the Active Patient Providers heading
allows you to build a new provider that is not in the database,
whereas the Add buttons under the Active Patient Schools,
Pharmacies and Attorneys do not. If a school, pharmacy or
attorney is not found in the database, send a To Do to Support
with the information that is to be added.
See: Active Patient Providers, Active Patient Schools, Active Patient Pharmacies, Active
Patient Cases, Active Patient Attorneys
Patient Module
Active Patient Providers
It is not unusual for a patient to have multiple health care providers that are
seen for specialty services. Communication among a specific provider or
providers may be necessary. By looking in the Other application, you can gain
easy access to the names and phone numbers of the patient’s other providers.
Additional patient providers can be added by clicking on the Add button under
the Active Patient Providers section of the Other screen and completing the
provider fields.
How to Add a Provider to a Patient's Record
1. Click on the Patient Module icon.
2. Click on the Other application.
3. Click on the Add button located under the Active Patient Providers heading.
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
4. When the Add button is clicked, the Add Provider screen displays. Select a
provider to add to the patient's record from the "Provider" field drop-down list.
If the provider is not listed in the drop-down, you will need to search
CareTracker's provider database which can be done by entering the provider's
last name in the "Search" field and clicking the Search button.
5. All providers that match the last name entered will be listed in the Provider
Search pop-up window. Click on the appropriate provider or use the "First
Name" and "State" fields to narrow your search, click the Search button, and
then click on the appropriate provider's name.
6. When a provider is either selected from the "Providers" drop-down list or by
searching the database, the provider’s name, address and phone number are
automatically entered in the appropriate fields. You can add the provider’s email in the "E-mail" field, or a particular note regarding the provider in the
"Notes" field, indicate whether or not this provider is still active for the patient,
and if the provider is currently the patient’s PCP.
7. Click on the Save button when the provider's information is complete.
8. The Other screen displays with the provider added under the Active Patient
Providers Heading. An Edit button is available if you need to edit a provider's
information and a Delete button is available if you need to remove a provider
from the patient's record. Any provider removed from the patient’s record can
be viewed by clicking on the Inactive button.
See: Active Patient Schools, Active Patient Pharmacies, Active Patient Cases, Active
Patient Attorneys
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
Patient Module
Active Patient Schools
Schools that your patients attend can be entered and saved under the Active
Patient Schools heading of the Other application in the Patient Module.
How to Add a School to a Patient's Record
1. Click on the Patient Module icon.
2. Click on the Other application.
3. Click on the Add button located under the Active Patient Schools heading.
4. When the Add button is clicked, the Add School screen displays. Select the
patient's school from the "School" field drop-down list. If the school is not listed
in the drop-down list, you need to search CareTracker's school database which
can be done by entering the school name in the "Search" field and clicking the
Search button.
5. When the Search button is clicked, the School Search pop-up window
displays with a list of schools that match the school name you entered. Click on
the appropriate school's name, and the school's information will be pulled into
the appropriate fields.
If a patient’s school does not exist in the database, send a To
Do to Support with the school's information, and it will be
6. When a school is selected, the School Search pop-up window closes and
the school's information displays on the Add School screen. In addition to the
school’s address and phone number, you can also enter the degree the patient
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
received or is expected to receive, the year of graduation, and any other notes
in regards to the patient's school you need to add.
7. Click on the Save button when all the school information is entered.
8. The Other screen displays with the school added under the Active Patient
Schools Heading. An Edit button is available if you need to edit a school's
information and a Delete button is available if you need to remove a school
from the patient's record. Any school removed from the patient’s record can be
viewed by clicking on the Inactive button.
See: Active Patient Providers, Active Patient Pharmacies, Active Patient Cases, Active
Patient Attorneys
Patient Module
Active Patient Pharmacies
Communication between a provider and the patient’s pharmacy is necessary
for prescribing and refilling prescriptions. All of the pharmacies that a patient
uses for filling and refilling prescriptions can be stored in the Other application
of the Patient Module. When a provider uses CareTracker's prescription writer
in the Rx application of the Clinical Module to write a prescription for the
patient, the pharmacy that will fill the prescription is pulled from the pharmacies
saved in the Active Patient Pharmacies section of the Other application and
prescriptions can also be electronically transmitted to a patient's pharmacy.
How to Add a Patient Pharmacy
1. Click on the Patient Module icon.
2. When the Patient Module opens, click on the Other application.
3. Click the Add button under the Active Patient Pharmacies.
4. When the Add button is clicked, the Patient Pharmacy Assignment pop-up
window displays and you can search the pharmacy database saved in
CareTracker by clicking on the search button next to the "Pharmacy" field.
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
5. When the search button is clicked, the Choose Pharmacy pop-up window
displays on top of the Patient Pharmacy Assignment pop-up and from this popup window, you can set search criteria for selecting a patient's pharmacy.
Select 'Pharmacy Name/Address' from the "Search By" field or 'Pharmacy
Phone Number' to search the pharmacy database. When searching by
'Name/Address' use the "Name" and "City" field drop-down list to Indicate
whether the pharmacy name and the city the pharmacy is located in 'Begins' or
'Contains the letters entered in the "Name" and "City" fields. The state
abbreviation should be entered in the "State Code" field. When searching by
'Phone Number' use the "Area Code" and "Phone" fields to indicate the
pharmacy's phone number.
6. Click on the search button next to the "Search By" field when all of the
pharmacy search criteria have been entered.
7. When the search button is clicked, all the pharmacies saved in the
database that match the search criteria you entered displays, and the
appropriate pharmacy can be selected from this list by clicking on it.
8. When the appropriate pharmacy is selected, the Choose Pharmacy pop-up
window closes and the pharmacy's name is pulled into the "Pharmacy" field on
the Patient Pharmacy Assignment pop-up window. A note in reference to the
pharmacy can be added in the "Notes" field. "Active" should remain selected
and you should select "Preferred" if this is the patient's most preferred
pharmacy out of all the other pharmacies also saved in their record.
9. Click on the Save button when the Patient Pharmacy Assignment fields are
complete, the pop-up window closes, and the newly added pharmacy is listed
under the Active Patient Pharmacies section of the Other screen. If you added
a "Preferred" pharmacy, that pharmacy will be listed first.
If the pharmacy needed is not in CareTracker's pharmacy
database, send a To Do to Support. Include the pharmacy’s
information, and the pharmacy will be added to the database.
See: Active Patient Providers, Active Patient Schools, Active Patient Cases, Active
Patient Attorneys
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
Patient Module
Active Patient Cases
If a patient is involved in a legal settlement or a Worker's Compensation case,
the provider treating the injuries will need to track the patient's treatment and
medical expenses. Treatment and medical expenses linked to a legal matter
should be kept separate from services rendered that are covered by the
patient's insurance. If it is necessary to link particular appointments and
charges to a case, enter the case information in the Other application under
the Cases heading. A case is given a descriptive name and is linked to a
specific insurance company, attorney, employer, and diagnosis. Select the
appropriate case when booking appointments and entering charges for the
Each patient in CareTracker has a 'Default' case set up in the Other
application. To add specific case information, click the Edit button next to the
'Default' case.
In the Add Case Record screen, enter the pertinent case information. A
description of the case, i.e., ‘Auto Accident’, can be entered in the "Description"
field, and the case number should be entered in the "Case Number" field. A
start date and ending date for the case can be entered manually, or you can
use the Calendar function to select a date for each field. For a legal case, the
patient will have an attorney. All patient attorneys are saved under the Active
Patient Attorneys heading in the Other application. Each patient’s active
attorney is listed in the "Attorney" drop-down list on the Case Record screen.
From this drop-down list, select the attorney who is handling the patient's legal
case. If the case is work-related, select the employer from the "Employer" field
drop-down list. Only the active employers saved in the "Employers" section of
the patient's Demographic will be available from the "Employers" drop-down
Select the insurance company being billed for all charges linked to the patient's
case from the "Insurer" drop-down list. Any active insurance saved in the
insurance section of the patient's Demographic will be available from this dropdown list. A diagnosis can also be linked to the case, and any active patient
diagnosis is listed in the "Primary Diagnosis" field drop-down list. From this list
select the diagnosis that is to be linked to the patient's case. If claims need to
be held for charges incurred from this case, change the "Hold" field to ‘Y’
instead of ‘N’. Notes regarding the case can be typed in the "Notes" field, and
when the case information is complete, click the Save button.
In order for some insurance companies to pay claims, specific case details are
needed on the HCFA form, i.e., injury date, etc. These details can be saved in
the patient’s record by clicking the Addt'l Claim Info button next to the
"Description" field in the Case Record screen.
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
When the Addt'l Claim Info button is clicked, the Patient Case Detail pop-up
window will display allowing for more specific case details to be saved. For
example, if the case is a Worker's Compensation case, save the specific dates
for which the patient was allowed to return to work in the ‘Return To Work’
At this time, for secondary Medicare claims that require an
attachment, the type of attachment the office has on file must
be selected from the "Attachment Type" field on the
Additional Claim Information screen. Because secondary
Medicare claims will go electronically the actual document
will not be sent along with the claim. This is a temporary
solution that will change in the near future.
The fields to be populated are dependent on the case type. However, in most
instances, not every field needs to be populated in the Patient Case Detail popup window. The fields the operator should complete depend on the case type,
and specific fields in the Patient Case Detail pop-up window are linked to the
fields on HCFA forms and referenced to the specific case.
When all of the case details have been entered, click the Save as New Case
Detail button, and you will be returned to the Edit Case Record screen.
Review the case information and then click the Save button.
The Other screen is now displayed. The description entered for the case will
display under the Cases heading. Next to each case is Edit and Delete
buttons. To edit the case, click the Edit button, and click on the Delete button
to delete a case from the patient’s record. Any inactive case can be viewed by
clicking the Inactive button.
Multiple cases can be saved on the patient's record, and additional cases can
be added by clicking the Add button and following the same steps used to edit
the 'Default' case. A patient can have several open cases at one time. For
example, a patient can see a physical therapist for lower back pain, and for a
leg injury sustained from a fall at work. The patient would then have one case
'Back' and another case 'Worker's Comp' as active cases. Link each
appointment scheduled with the applicable case so that any claims generated
will have charges linked to that specific case.
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
In addition to the Other application, there are several places in CareTracker
where case information can be added. Three of these applications include:
instances when Save is clicked after a patient’s visit is entered, and a visit
summary is displayed as is the Addt'l Claim Info button; and, in the Charge
and Bulk Charge applications. When the Addt'l Claim Info button is clicked in
any of these applications, the Patient Case Details pop-up window displays.
Clicking on the Addt’l Claim Info button anywhere in CareTracker allows you
to create a new case, add specific case details, or edit the existing case detail
information to which the charge is linked.
See: Active Patient Providers, Active Patient Schools, Active Patient Pharmacies,
Active Patient Attorneys
Related Topics: Visit Overview (Scheduling Module); Charge Application Fields (Transactions
Module); Bulk Charges Overview (Transactions Module)
Patient Module
Active Patient Attorneys
Saving an attorney on a patient's record is necessary if the patient is involved
in a legal case and is the reason treatment is being sought. Only the attorney
saved in the Active Patient Attorneys section of the Other application can be
linked to a patient’s saved case.
How to Add an Attorney to a Patient's Record
1. Click on the Patient Module icon.
2. Click on the Other application.
3. Click on the Add button located under the Active Patient Attorneys heading.
4. When the Add button is clicked, the Add Attorney screen displays. Select
the patient's attorney from the "Attorney" field drop-down list. If the attorney is
not listed in the drop-down list, you need to search CareTracker's attorney
database which can be done by entering the attorney's name in the "Search"
field and clicking the Search button.
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
5. When the Search button is clicked, the Attorney Search pop-up window
displays with a list of attorneys that match the attorney name you entered.
Click on the appropriate attorney's name, and the attorney's information will be
pulled into the appropriate fields.
If an attorney is not listed in the database, send a To Do to
Support with the attorney's information and the attorney will be
added to the database.
6. When an attorney is selected, the Attorney Search pop-up window closes
and the attorney's information displays on the Add Attorney screen. Enter a
note in regards to the attorney in the "Notes" field and change the sequence if
needed. The sequence selected will determine the order in which the attorneys
are listed under the Active Patient Attorneys heading.
7. Click on the Save button.
8. By clicking on the Save button you will be returned to the Other screen. The
selected attorney’s name will appear under the Active Patient Attorneys. Next
to each attorney’s name is an Edit and Delete button, and to edit the attorney
information, click the Edit button. By clicking the Delete button, the attorney
is deleted from the patient’s record. To view a patient’s inactive attorneys, click
on the Inactive button.
See: Active Patient Providers, Active Patient Schools, Active Patient Pharmacies,
Active Patient Cases
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
Patient Module
Referral/Authorization (Ref/Auth)
The Ref/Auth application in the Patient Module is where the patient’s referrals
and authorizations for treatment are stored, and multiple referrals and
authorizations for a patient can be saved in this application. Referrals can be
out-going, as in the case of a primary care office tracking to whom they refer
patients, or inbound, as in the case of a specialist tracking from whom he is
getting patient referrals. An active referral/authorization saved for a patient,
should be linked to each of the patient’s appointments. When the
referral/authorization is linked to the patient's appointment, it is also linked to
the patient's visit and charges. When a referral/authorization is linked to a
charge, CareTracker will automatically deduct one visit from the patient’s total
authorized visits. A report can be run in CareTracker based on the patient’s
authorization expiration dates, and this report helps the office staff manage
patient referrals/authorizations.
A referral/authorization saved can always be edited or deleted if no longer
active for the patient. Deleted and inactive authorizations are always
accessible by clicking on the Show Inactive/Deleted Authorization button. All
of the patient’s inactive referrals/authorizations are saved and can always be
viewed and edited in this application.
The Ref/Auth application is also an application in the Clinical Module and can
be accessed as a pop-up screen by the clicking on the Auth button in the
Name Bar.
See: How to Add a Referral/Authorization
Related Topic: Auth (Name Bar): Ref/Auth Expired Report Overview (Reports Module); Referral
Authorization Report Overview (Reports Module); Primary Referral Report Overview (Reports Module)
Patient Module
Referral/Authorization (Ref/Auth)
How to Add a Referral/Authorization
An auth number, provider from, provider to, from date, to
date, and number of authorized visits need to be entered in
the Referral/Authorization application in order for the
authorization to be linked to a charge.
1. Pull the patient whose record you are adding a referral/authorization to into
2. Click on the Patient Module icon.
3. When the Patient Module opens, click on the Ref/Auth application tab.
4. When the Active Patient Referrals/Authorizations screen displays, click on
the Add New Authorization button.
The [Tab] key on your keyboard should be used to navigate
from field to field in the Authorization screen.
5. When the Add New Authorization button is clicked, the Authorization
screen displays which is where the referral/authorization information will be
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
entered. In the "Auth Number" field, delete 'Pending' and enter the patient's
authorization number which will print in box 23 of the HCFA claim form.
Adding a referral/authorization to the patient in context's
record can also be done by clicking on the Auth button in
the Name Bar, which will display this same Authorization
screen in a pop-up window.
6. Select the referring provider from the "Provider From" field drop-down list
which contains a list of common referring providers. In a specialist's office,
"Provider From" is usually the patient's PCP. For primary care practices that
are tracking to whom the patients are being referred, select the provider's
name from the drop-down list.
If a referring provider was added from the database in the
‘Referred By’ field in the patient’s demographic, the provider’s
name is now listed in the ‘Provider From’ field.
If the referring provider is not listed in the drop-down list,
select 'Search Provider’ to search the global provider
database. Selecting 'Search Provider' displays the Referred
By Provider Search pop-up window from which, a referring
provider can be searched for by name, city, state, and/or UPIN
number. From the list of referring provider's that match the
criteria entered, the appropriate referring provider can be
easily selected.
7. Select the provider to whom the patient was referred from the "Provider To"
field drop-down list which contains a list of provider's to whom patients are
frequently referred. For primary care practices select the specialist to whom
the patient was referred. For specialty practices, select the provider's name
from the "Provider To" drop-down list.
CareTracker's provider database can be searched to locate a
"Provider To" not listed in the drop-down the same as
searching for a provider in the "Provider From" field
8. A location from, location to, specialty to, group from, group to, and reason
can be selected from their respective field drop-down list.
It is not a CareTracker requirement for these fields to be
completed in order to save a referral/authorization for the
9. In the 'To Speciality' list, click the speciality of the referring provider.
If both the referring provider and referred to provider are within
the same practice the 'Type' is set to internal. If either the
referring provider or referred to provider are from outside the
practice the 'Type' is set to external.
10. In the ‘Details’, the middle section of the Authorization screen, enter the
authorization date, first scheduled appointment date, and the valid from
and to date for the authorization their respective fields by either manually
entering the appropriate date in MM/DD/YYYY format or by using the
Calendar function next to the corresponding field.
11. Enter the number of authorized visits in the "Visit Auth" field, and when you
[Tab] our of the field, the number of authorized visits is pulled into the
"Visits Remain" field so when a charge for a visit is entered into the
system, CareTracker will automatically deduct a visit from the total number
of remaining authorized patient visits.
If an authorization is based on an hourly or monetary amount
those amounts should be entered in the respective fields.
CareTracker will not calculate and deduct an hour or dollar
amount when charges are saved for the patient.
12. Any notes that need to be saved in regards to the referral/authorization
should be entered in the corresponding "Notes" field located in the Notes
section of the Authorization screen.
13. Review and verify the accuracy of the referral/authorization information that
was entered.
14. When the referral/authorization information is complete, click on the Save
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
15. When a referral/authorization is saved, it is listed the Ref/Auth application.
Only active referrals/authorizations for the patient appear in the Ref/Auth
Related Topics: Auth (Name Bar): Ref/Auth Expired Report Overview (Reports Module); Referral
Authorization Report Overview (Reports Module); Primary Referral Report Overview (Reports Module)
Patient Module
The Details application in the Patient Module is used to store additional
detailed information about the patient that is in context. Details is used to track
three types of patient information; more detailed demographic information, e.g.
race and primary language; any established practice patient defined details;
and, when you interface CareTracker with another system, any patient
The patient demographic information entered in this application differs from the
information entered in the Demographics application, with the exception of the
notes and status fields. Details is used to track more detail demographic data
including primary location, primary language, secondary language, race
religion, and ethnicity. Any note saved in the "Notes" field in Demographics will
also appear in the "Notes" field in Details. The status indicated in the ‘Status’
field in the Details application is pulled from the "Status" field in the patient's
demographic. In addition to the "Notes" field, all information saved in Details is
selected from drop-down lists.
You are not required to complete any of the Details application fields however,
two may be needed for your practice. If your practice uses TeleVox through
CareTracker, the "OK to Call" is important. This field defaults to 'Yes' meaning
that when your appointment list is sent to TeleVox and the patient has a
scheduled appointment, TeleVox will call this patient. When a patient does not
wanted to be called by an employee of your practice or by TeleVox, this field
would need to be changed to 'No'.
"Hold Statements" is another field that may be important to your practice
because it determines whether or not a statement is generated in CareTracker
for the patient. The default is 'No' meaning that statements will be generated
for the patient. At times though you may want to hold a patients statement.
Most commonly when a patient's outstanding balance has been sent to a
Collections Agency, practices no longer want statements to be generated and
sent to the patient. The "Hold Statements" field would need to be changed to
'Y'. There is a "Hold Statements" report that can be run by clicking on the
Other Reports link under the Productivity section of the Reports application and
this report will include all patients who have 'Y' set in the "Hold Statements"
Practice Defined Patient Details are built in the Practice Defined Details link
under the Admin section of the Administration Module. A patient defined detail
would be some piece of data your practice needs to track, but that is not a data
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
field somewhere else in CareTracker. For example, if you wanted to track all
of your patients with a high deductible you could build a practice defined detail
"High Deductible." In the Details application you would complete any practice
defined details you have built. For the example above, there would be a "High
Deductible" field where you could populate information for this patient. For this
example, it would most likely be a 'Yes' or 'No' response that would be entered
into the "High Deductible" field.
Some practices interface CareTracker with another system, e.g. a hospital
database. When your practice interfaces with another system, the Patient
Identifiers section of the Details application will list the patient's identification
number for the other system. This number may be important if there is a
problem with the interface.
Related Topics: Hold Statements Report (Reports Module); Practice Defined Patient Details
Overview (Administration Module); How to Build Practice Defined Patient Details (Administration
Patient Module
The Family application in the Patient Module is where the patient’s familial
information and emergency contact information is saved, and where the
practice’s family members can be linked. This is especially useful in family
billing situations, as in a pediatric practice, as multiple patients can be linked to
one responsible party. When a common responsible party is indicated, the
system generates one statement for all the patients linked to the responsible
party. In addition, when in the Scheduling Module, you can view upcoming
appointments for all of the family members that are linked together.
Family members can be added to a patient’s record even if they are not
patients of the practice. Enter the family members’ basic demographic
information, and the family members are then saved in the database. This
information can be edited or deleted from the patient’s record at any time.
When a non-practice family member is added to a patient’s
record, the basic demographic information is saved in the
database, and the patient in context will always be listed in the
Family application.
From the Family application, you can link into any listed family member's
record by clicking on their name which pulls that family member into context in
the Name Bar. The information for any family member that is listed in the
Family application can be edited by clicking on the Edit button at the end of the
appropriate family member’s line. Clicking the Edit button displays the
Demographics pop-up window where patient information and the patient's
insurance information can be edited.
In addition, any family member can be deleted from the patient’s record. To
delete a family member click on the small white box in the Delete column,
being sure that the appropriate family member is being chosen for deletion.
When the delete box is checked, click on the Update button that functions in
the same way as a Save button. The family member’s name that was checked
off for deletion is now removed from the Family application.
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
See: How to Add/Link Family Member
Related Topic: Family (Scheduling Module)
Patient Module
How to Add/Link Family Members
1. Pull the patient whose record you are adding a family member to into
2. Click on the Patient Module icon.
3. When the Patient Module opens, click on the Family application tab.
If the family member you want to link to the patient in context is a patient
themselves, i.e., a sibling...
4. Enter the family member's name that needs to be linked to the patient in
context in the "First Name" and "Last Name" fields, and click on the Search for
Existing Member button.
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
5. When the Search for Existing Member button is clicked, the Patient Search
pop-up window displays, listing all the patient's in your database that match the
names entered in the "First Name" and "Last Name' fields. Next to the family
member's name you need to link to the patient in context select their
relationship to the patient from the "Relationship" field drop-down list.
6. When the relationship is selected from the "Relationship" field drop-down
list, the pop-up window closes, and the family member's name is saved in the
patient in context's Family application showing their relationship to the patient
in context, if they are the patient's emergency contact, and their home phone
The system defaults ‘No’ family member's emergency contact
status, so in order to indicate that the family member is an
emergency contact click on the Edit button. When the Edit
Family Member screen displays, select 'Yes’ from the
"Emergency Contact" field and click on the Save button.
If the family member you want to link to the patient in context is not a patient
When a non-practice family member is added to a patient’s
record, the basic demographic information is saved in the
database, and the patient in context will always be listed in the
Family application.
4. Click on the Add Family Member button.
5. When the Add Family Member is clicked, the Add New Family Member
screen will displays with most of the fields, i.e., "Last Name," "Street Address,"
"City, State, Zip" and "Home Phone" populated with the same information as
the patient in context. Select a relationship of the family member you are
adding from the "Relationship" field drop-down list, enter their first name, DOB,
and SSN. If the family member you are adding is the emergency contact for
the patient, select ‘Yes’ from the "Emergency Contact" field.
Any of the fields that automatically populate, i.e.,
"Street Address," can be edited if needed.
6. When all the Add New Family Member fields are complete, click on the
Save button.
7. When the Save button is clicked, the Family screen re-displays showing the
new family member that was added to the patient in context's record.
A family member's information can be edited by
clicking on their corresponding Edit button.
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
Patient Module
Log On
This is a future enhancement to be made to CareTracker.
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
Patient Module
Patient Log
The Patient Log application in the Patient Module shows every transaction any
user has entered on the patient that is in context in the Name Bar. When the
Patient Log application is opened, it will display transactions entered in the
past thirty days. The log will show the date and time the transaction was
entered, the user who entered the transaction, and the type of transaction
In order to view a patient’s log for more than thirty days, click on the Historical
Log button located at the bottom of the log. When the Historical Log button is
clicked, a history to when the patient was first entered into CareTracker will
display. To return to the patient log to view the past thirty days click on the
Current Log button and the patient’s most recent transactions will once again
Patient Module
A summary of the patient’s information is presented in an easy-to -read format
in the Summary application of the Patient Module. You can view a summary of
the patient’s demographic information, i.e. address, phone number, and
insurance eligibility. The patient's latest and upcoming appointments,
correspondence, diagnoses, and outstanding balance are also available in the
Summary screen. A printed copy of this Summary screen is sometimes
useful. To print a copy of this screen, right click anywhere on the screen and
select ‘Print’ from the grey pop-up menu.
The ‘Appointments’ section of the Summary application will show the date, time
and provider for the patient’s latest and upcoming appointments. All active
diagnoses for the patient are listed in the ‘Diagnosis’ section. By clicking on
any active diagnosis, the Edit Patient Diagnosis window will pop up.
In this pop-up window, you can edit a patient’s diagnoses. It is important to
realize that any edits made to a patient’s diagnoses are permanently saved in
the patient’s medical record not only in the Summary application.
The latest practice correspondence to the patient appears in the ‘Last
Correspondence’ section of the Summary screen. At the very bottom of the
Summary application is the patient’s outstanding balance.
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
Patient Module
Credit Card Tracking
An option can be turned on by group that allows your practice to track patient
credit cards. In the CC application of the Patient Module, you can view active
patient credit cards saved in CareTracker, edit active patient credit cards, add
a new credit card a patients account, and delete credit cards saved in a
patient's account that are no longer active. Once a credit card is deleted from
a patient's account, it can not be viewed or re-activated.
Access to the CC application is determined on an individual operator basis.
Only operators with access to this application will see the CC application tab
when they are in the Patient Module.
A password is required in order for you, even though you are allowed access,
to view or edit an existing credit card saved on the patient's record.
See: How to Add a Credit Card
CareTracker Training - Patient Module
Patient Module
Credit Card Tracking
How to Add a Credit Card
1. Pull the patient into context.
2. Click on the Patient Module icon.
3. When the Patient Module opens, click on the CC application tab.
4. When the CC application is selected, a list of all the credit cards currently
saved on the patient's record displays showing the credit card type, the last 4
digits of the number, the expiration date.
5. Click on the Add button to add a credit card to the patients record.
6. Several new fields come into view when the Add button is clicked: "Card
Type," "Full Name," "Card Number," CV2," and "Exp." Complete each field
accordingly based on the credit card you are adding to the patient's record.
7. When all the fields are complete, click on the Save button, and the credit
card will be added to the credit card list.