CareTracker Training - Administration Module


CareTracker Training - Administration Module
CareTracker Training - Administration
Table Of Contents
Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 1
Administration Module Overview ...................................................................................... 1
Applications ............................................................................................................................. 5
Batch Letters........................................................................................................................ 5
Overview .......................................................................................................................... 5
How to Generate Batch Letters ........................................................................................ 6
How to Print Batch Letters................................................................................................ 9
Posting a Batch.................................................................................................................. 12
Overview ........................................................................................................................ 12
How to Post a Batch in the Administration Module......................................................... 13
Generate Claims ................................................................................................................ 14
Overview ........................................................................................................................ 14
How to Generate Claims ................................................................................................ 15
Generate Statements......................................................................................................... 17
Overview ........................................................................................................................ 17
Bulk Visits .......................................................................................................................... 18
Overview ........................................................................................................................ 18
How to Save Bulk Visits.................................................................................................. 20
How to Edit Bulk Visits ................................................................................................... 22
Verify Payments................................................................................................................. 24
Overview ........................................................................................................................ 24
How to Check Payment Variance................................................................................... 24
Visit Import ......................................................................................................................... 26
Overview ........................................................................................................................ 26
How to Import Visits ....................................................................................................... 27
How to Import Unimported.............................................................................................. 31
Administration Module
The Administration Module only contains the Admin application which is
divided into six sections: Messages, Demographics, Scheduling, A/R, Admin
and Medical Records. Under each section heading are pertinent links that give
you access to other applications in CareTracker and access to administration
specific applications and functions, i.e., generating claims.
Batch Letters- From this link appointment recall letters, appointment
reminder letters, and notices of missed/cancelled appointments can be
generated and printed.
CareTracker Training - Administration Module
Patient Import- Through this link listed you can automatically load patients,
either individually or by batch, into CareTracker from a third party system
such as a hospital.
Patient Import Templates- By clicking on this link, you can view mappings
created when you imported patients into CareTracker.
Appointment Types- All of your practice's appointment types, i.e.,
'Established Patient Physical', are saved in Appointment Types. An
appointment type's duration or linked task can be edited by clicking on the
Appointment Types link or a new appointment type can be added.
Build Schedule- From this link you can modify a provider's existing
schedule. From this link, you can add availability, modify existing
availability and delete availability.
Custom Tasks- Task and Task Classes give a schedule flexibility to
accommodate the most simple and the most complex, multi-task scheduling
styles. Your practice can create availability that forces your staff to book
appointments that match the resource-specific scheduling criteria exactly
for a specific time slot or a practice can have the flexibility of scheduling any
appointment type in any time slot as needed. This rigidity or flexibility of a
schedule is established through task, task classes and linking those task
classes to resources. Tasks and task classes can be established by
clicking on the Custom Tasks link.
Resolve Conflicts- Any time a provider's schedule is modified, you should
click on this link to resolve any appointment conflicts that were created as a
result of the schedule modifications.
Post- You must create a batch to enter any financial information into
CareTracker, e.g. charges, payments and adjustments. After running a
journal to verify your batch information, click this link to view all open
batches and to post your batch into the system. Posting a batch
permanently stores all financial transactions linked to it in CareTracker.
Close Period- When all charges, payments, and adjustments for the
current period have been posted into CareTracker, the period should be
closed which can be accomplished by clicking on this link.
Claim Response Files- Click on this link to review ANSI 997
Acknowledgement Reports sent from commercial insurances which
acknowledge they received your electronic claim file. These reports must
be reviewed to identify any rejected claims that need to be corrected and
Generate Claims- Click on this link to generate all posted claims directly to
the payers.
Generate Statements- CareTracker generates patient statements on a
weekly basis and from this link, you can generate all patient statements for
the entire parent company, for all responsible parties in their group or for
only the responsible party for an individual patient.
Bulk Balances- In this application you can enter in a patient or insurance
company owed balance without having to enter in a CPT or ICD-9 code.
This application would be used to convert old outstanding balances from a
previous practice management system into CareTracker to eliminate the
need for running two systems.
Pmt Open Items- By clicking this link, you access the Open Items
application of the Financial Module which is used to view all dates of
service, all procedures, financial transactions, and claim activity associated
with each date of service, and is used for making many different types of
financial transactions, i.e., payments, adjustments, refunds, etc. Open
Items is accessible as a pop-up window by clicking on the OI button in the
Name Bar and is also an application, Pmt Open Items, in the Transactions
Bulk Visits- In this application you can capture patient visits, procedure
codes and diagnosis codes, on a single page for a day’s worth of
Bulk Apply Unapplied- Unapplied money is created when a patient
payments has been entered into CareTracker, but has not been applied to
a specific date of service and from this link, you can bulk apply unapplied
Verify Payments- This compares the money a provider was paid for a
procedure by an insurance company to the allowed amount an insurance
company will pay for the same procedure.
Password Override- CareTracker can be set up so that a password is
required by an operator in order to perform certain actions including, using
a batch created by another operator, posting another operator's batch,
entering a transaction with a transaction date prior to the current date,
canceling an appointment on or before the current date, double booking
appointments, and overriding the schedule format.
Letter Editor- This application enables you to create and design your own
personalized form letters for your practice and working in Letter Editor is
similar to working in Microsoft Word.
Medical Records
CareTracker Training - Administration Module
Combine Accounts- From this link, duplicate patient accounts can be
Visit Import- Through this ink listed you can automatically load visits into
CareTracker from a third party system such as a hospital. Importing visits
can either occur as a batch upload (manually) from a file or can be
automatically transmitted from the sending system in either a batch or real
time mode.
Administration Module
Batch Letters
From Batch Letters, a link under the Messages heading in the Administration
Module appointment recall letters, appointment reminder letters, and notices of
missed/cancelled appointments can be generated and printed. Collection
letters must also be printed from this link, but cannot be generated from this
link. Generating appointment recall letters, reminder letters, and notices of
missed/cancelled appointments in Batch Letters follows the same steps as
generating these letters from the Recalls/Letters Due link under the Clinical
section of the Dashboard. From the Batch Letters link, the Recalls Due report
can be accessed and utilized to generate appointment recall letters. Printing
batch letters from the Batch Letters link follows the same steps regardless of
the type of batch letters you are printing, and once they are printed, the status
of the batch needs to be changed to 'Printed'.
See: How to Print Batch Letters, Generating Recalls and Reminder Letters
Related Topics: Recalls/Letters Due Overview (Messages Module); How to Generate Appointment
Recall Letters (Messages Module); How to Print Appointment Recall Letters (Messages Module);
Recalls Overview (Scheduling Module); Collections Overview (Messages Module); How to Generate
Collection Letters (Messages Module)
CareTracker Training - Administration Module
Administration Module
Batch Letters
How to Generate Batch Letters
Only batch appointment recall letters, appointment reminder
letters, and notices of missed/cancelled appointment letters can
be generated from the Batch Letters link. Collection letters must
be generated from the Collection System link under the Billing
section of the Dashboard.
1. Click on the Administration Module.
2. Click on the Batch Letters link under the Messages section.
3. From the "Action" field drop-down list, select the type of batch letter you
need to create, 'Appointment Recall Batch', 'Appointment Reminder Batch', or
'Missed/Cancelled Appointment Batch'. Click on the Go button next to the
"Action" field.
If needed, the Recalls Due Report can be accessed by clicking
on the Recalls Due Report button. This report is broken down by
recall type and aged by days, 60-30 and 30-1. In addition,
overdue recalls show broken down by recall type and aged by
days, 0-30, 31-60, 61-90, 91-120, and over 120.
4. When Go is clicked, several new filters display that can be used to filter the
batch letters list that will display. Typically, these default filters do not need to
be changed. Click on the Go button next to the "End" field.
5. When Go is clicked, a list of patients who match the filters displays showing
each patient's name, recall date, provider, appointment type, contact date, and
notes. Each patient defaults with a check mark in the Add column to the left of
their name indicating they are selected to receive the letter you are generating.
To deselect a patient, click on the check mark next to that patient's name in the
Add column which will remove the check mark. In addition there is a Deselect
All button that can be clicked to de-select every patient listed.
6. From the "Style Sheet" field drop-down list, select the style of the
appointment recall letters you need to generate, 'Appointment Recall Letter' or
'Appointment Recall Letter 2' 'Appointment Recall Letter 2' should be selected
if you already generated and printed appointment recalls for the patients, they
still have not made an appointment, and now you are generating a second
recall letter for them. If you are generating appointment reminder letters or
CareTracker Training - Administration Module
notices of missed/cancelled appointment letters, a style of letter does not need
to be selected.
'Yes' would only be selected from the "CareTracker
Staff Responsible" field if a CareTracker staff
member was responsible for generating these
7. Click on the Add to Batch button. A letter for each selected patient is now
generated and saved in CareTracker however, these letters still need to be
printed which can be done directly from the screen you are currently in after
clicking on the Add to Batch button.
Related Topics: Recalls/Letters Due Overview (Messages Module); How to Generate
Appointment Recall Letters, Reminder Letters or Notices of Missed/Cancelled Appointments
(Messages Module); Recalls Overview (Scheduling Module); Collections Overview (Messages
Module); How to Generate Collection Letters (Messages Module)
Administration Module
Batch Letters
How to Print Batch Letters
Printing batch letters can only be done after the
letters have been generated in CareTracker.
1. Click on the Administration Module icon.
2. Click on the Batch Letters link under the Messages section.
3. From the action field in the top left hand corner select 'Show Existing
4. Click on the Go button next to the action field that shows 'Show Existing
5. When Go is clicked, several new filters display all of which have default
options selected that typically do not need to be changed. If needed, the filters
can be changed using the Calendar functions to change the default date
CareTracker Training - Administration Module
ranges or by using any of the drop-down lists. Click on Go next to the "Batch
Range Date End" field
6. A list of existing letter batches that match the filters displays when Go is
clicked showing the group name, customer number, count (number of
individual letters included in the batch), the date the batch was created, the
batch letters number, the type of letters in the batch i.e., Appointment Recall or
Collections, the status, if the CareTracker staff is responsible for generating the
letters, the style sheet i.e., Appointment Recall Letter or Final Notice, and the
operator who generated the letter batch. Select a batch or batches of letters to
print by clicking in the small white check box at the beginning of the batch letter
line you need to print.
Multiple batches can only be selected at the same time if
they have the same style sheet. For example, a batch of
appointment recall letters and a batch of missed/cancelled
appointment letters cannot be selected at the same time to
print or a batch of Final Notice collection letters and a batch
of Past Due collection letters cannot be selected at the same
7. When the batch or batches of letter that need to be printed are selected,
click on the Print Letters button if actual letters need to be printed or click on
the Print Labels button if envelope labels for the letters need to be printed.
Labels would be necessary if your practice had an existing appointment recall
letter or poster card that they used.
8. When the Print Letters or Print Labels button is clicked either the letters or
the labels to use on envelops displays in the lower frame of the screen. Right
click on top of the first letter and select 'Print' from the grey pop-up menu and
the letters (or labels) will print.
9. When the letters or labels have finished printing, select 'Printed' from the
"Status" field drop-down list and click on the Save button.
For multi-location, single group practices, recall letters can be
printed to display each location's address instead of the group
address. If your recall letters require location addresses,
please send a To Do to the Support Department.
Related Topics: Recalls/Letters Due Overview (Messages Module); How to Generate and Print
Appointment Recall Letters, Reminder Letters or Notices of Missed/Cancelled Appointments
(Messages Module); Recalls Overview (Scheduling Module); Collections Overview (Messages
Module); How to Generate Collection Letters (Messages Module)
CareTracker Training - Administration Module
Administration Module
Posting a Batch
By clicking on the Post link under the A/R section of the Administration Module,
you can view all open batches and will be able to post any open batches.
Batches should only be posted after a journal has been generated and you
have verified your journal balances. Posting batches locks the transactions
permanently in CareTracker. All transactions will show on reports generated in
CareTracker, and any corrections to posted transactions must be made via the
Edit application in the Transactions Module. Open Batches can also be viewed
and posted by clicking on the Open Batches link under the Billing section of the
Dashboard in the Messages Module.
All transactions must be posted before running any Month End
report in CareTracker and periods cannot be closed if batches
linked to that period are open.
A password may be required to post a
co-worker's batch.
See: How to Post a Batch
Related Topic: Open Batches Overview (Messages Module); How to Post a Batch in the Open
Batches Link (Messages Module); How to Create a Batch (Name Bar), Edit Overview
(Transactions Module)
Administration Module
Posting a Batch
How to Post a Batch in the Administration Module
1. Generate a journal for the batches you would like to post to identify any
transaction mistakes that may have been made. (How to Run a Journal)
2. Click on the Post link under the A/R section of the Administration Module.
3. When the Post link is selected, a list of all open batches for your group
displays. Click in the small white box to the left of the batch that you would like
to post. A check mark will be placed in the box next to the batch name.
4. When you have selected the batch(es) to post, click on the Post Batches
Related Topic: Open Batches Overview (Messages Module); How to Post a Batch in the Open
Batches Link (Messages Module); How to Create a Batch (Name Bar), Edit Overview (Transactions
CareTracker Training - Administration Module
Administration Module
Generate Claims
The Generate Claims link is listed under the A/R heading of the Administration
Module and from this link, you can generate claims for you group. Claims can
only be generated after your batch has been posted. Most claims are
transmitted electronically to an insurance company, however some claims will
need to be printed out and mailed to an insurance company. To manually print
out paper claims, the operator would click on the Unprinted Paper Claim
Batches link listed under the Billing section of the Dashboard in the Messages
Secondary Medicare claims will go electronically and will be
included with your primary Medicare claims in the same
ANSI file. The Medicare Response Report will include both
primary and secondary claims on the same report. You will
not see a separate Medicare file or report for secondaries.
See: How to Generate Claims
Related Topics: How to Run a Journal (Reports Module); How to Post a Batch ( Administration
Module); Unbilled Claims Overview (Messages Module); Working Unbilled Claims (Messages
Module); Unpaid/Inactive Claims (Messages Module); Unprinted Paper Claim Batches Overview
(Messages Module); Printing Unprinted Paper Claim Batches (Messages Module); Open
Electronic Claim Batches Overview (Messages Module); Reviewing/Closing Open Electronic
Claim Batches (Messages Module)
Administration Module
Generate Claims
How to Generate Claims
1. Run a journal to verify that you have entered all financial transactions
correctly into CareTracker. (See: How to Run a Journal)
2. When you have verified that you balance with your journal, post your batch
(See: How to Post a Batch)
3. When your batch (es) has been posted, click on the Administration Module
icon, and click on the Generate Claims link listed under the A/R section of the
Administration screen.
4. Click on the Generate Claims For This Group button.
Your claims will wait in Queue to be processed at 12 p.m. or 5
5. Your claims will be electronically transmitted to their intended payer
however, you will need to print out claims that cannot be transmitted
electronically, and these paper claims will need to be mailed to payers. (See:
How to Print Unprinted Paper Claim Batches)
6. For claims transmitted electronically, you will receive a Report response
back from the insurance company that needs to be reviewed. This can be
done by clicking on the Open Electronic Claim Batches link on the Dashboard
CareTracker Training - Administration Module
in the Messages Module. (How to Review and Close Open Electronic Claim
7. A day after you have generated your claims, check to see if any claims that
were suppose to be transmitted or dropped to paper were unable to be billed
out be CareTracker. This can be done by clicking on the Unbilled Claims link
under the Billing section of the Dashboard in the Messages Module. (How to
Work Unbilled Claims).
Related Topics: How to Run a Journal (Reports Module); How to Post a Batch ( Administration
Module); Unbilled Claims Overview (Messages Module); Working Unbilled Claims (Messages
Module); Unpaid/Inactive Claims (Messages Module); Unprinted Paper Claim Batches Overview
(Messages Module); Printing Unprinted Paper Claim Batches (Messages Module); Open Electronic
Claim Batches Overview (Messages Module); Reviewing/Closing Open Electronic Claim Batches
(Messages Module)
Administration Module
Generate Statements
CareTracker automatically generates patient statements on a weekly basis.
Statements are sent to responsible parties who owe on a self pay balance.
Statements can also be sent for Worker's Compensation, Nursing Homes and
Legal Cases. This can be done by setting up those organizations as an
insurance company or an employer in CareTracker.
A statement will not be generated for the patient
if the patient has an unapplied balance saved on
their account equal to or greater than the current
patient balance amount.
Patient statements will not be generated by CareTracker until 5 p.m.
regardless of the time of day you indicate statements to be generated. When
statements have been generated, they can be printed either by batch or for an
individual. Printing batch patient statements can be completed by clicking on
the Unprinted Statements link under the Billing section of the Dashboard or by
clicking on the All Statements link under the Financial Reports section in the
Reports applications of the Reports Module. Individual patient statements can
be printed from the Statements application in the Financial Module or if your
practice's statement is set up as a form letter from the Form Letters application
in the Reports Module or from the Ltrs button in the Name Bar.
Related Topics: All Statements Overview (Reports Module); Unprinted Statements (Messages
Module); Form Letters Overview (Reports Module); Statements Overview (Financial Module); How
to Reprint a Patient Statement (Financial Module)
CareTracker Training - Administration Module
Administration Module
Bulk Visits
The Bulk Visits link available under the A/R section of the Administration
Module provides a heads down method for entering multiple visits into
CareTracker which requires using the numeric keypad on the keyboard to
enter information and the [Enter] key to move from field to field. Appointment
information, e.g. appointment time and billing provider pulls into Bulk Visits
from each scheduled appointment in the Book application of the Scheduling
Module however, referring provider pulls from the "Referring Provider" field in
Demographics. Most of the appointment information can be edited if needed in
the Bulk Visits screen if needed. Any information that can be edited is in an
active field and each active field has a drop-down list to use to change the
appointment information. Before a visit can be saved all the fields need to be
complete including, corresponding CPT codes, ICD-9 codes, the patient's copayment amount for selected CPT codes, and the co-payment amount the
patient paid.
When saving Bulk Visits, there is no limit to the number of CPT or ICD-9 codes
that can be entered for a patient. Multiple CPT codes can be entered for a
patient in the "CPT" field by inserting an asterisk (*) between each code. To
link an ICD-9 code to one specific CPT code, insert a dash (-) after the ICD-9
code followed by the sequence of the CPT code that needs to be linked, e.g. 1. When invalid CPT or ICD-9 codes are entered for a visit and the Save
button is clicked, an alert pops up indicating the invalid code. From the pop-up
window, the code can be saved for the patient or the save can be aborted so
the code can be corrected.
Visits can also be edited from the Bulk Visits screen, however edits made to
saved visits happens in the Visit pop-up window and are not entered using the
numeric keypad and the [Enter] key. When a visit is edited from the Visit popup window, CPT codes, ICD-9 codes, modifiers, and units can be added or
See: How to Enter Bulk Visits, How to Edit Bulk Visits
Related Topics: How to Save Bulk Visits (Messages Module); Visit Overview (Scheduling Module);
Charges Overview (Transactions Module); How to Enter a Charge (Transactions Module); Bulk
Charges Overview (Transactions Module), How to Save Bulk Charges (Messages Module)
CareTracker Training - Administration Module
Administration Module
Bulk Visits
How to Save Bulk Visits
1. Click on the Administration Module icon.
2. Click on the Bulk Visits link under the A/R section of the screen.
3. Enter the date of service in the "Date" field for which you need to save visits
either by manually entering the date in MM/DD/YYYY format or by clicking on
the Calendar function and selecting a date. The date will default to the current
4. When the appropriate date is displayed in the "Date" field, click on the Go
5. [Enter] to the "CPTs" field and enter the corresponding CPT codes. An
asterisk (*) needs to be inserted between CPT codes when more than one
CPT code is entered.
6. [Enter] to the "Diags" field and enter the corresponding ICD-9 codes. To
link an ICD-9 code to one specific CPT code insert a dash (-) and the CPT
code's sequence to link it to after the ICD-9 code e.g. -1 linking the ICD-9 code
to only the first CPT code entered in the "CPTs" field.
7. [Enter] to the "Copay" field and enter the patient owed co-payment amount.
8. [Enter] to the "Pmt" field and enter the co-payment amount the patient
actually paid.
The payment transaction description selected in the
"Pmt Type" field will be the payment transaction
linked to all payments entered via Bulk Visits and it is
recommended that the "Pmt Type" remain as the
default transaction description 'Pat Office'.
9. When all fields are complete for each appointment line click on the Save
10. When Save is clicked, the Bulk Visits are saved and the appointment lines
re-display however, the active fields are replaced by "Procedures Exist."
By clicking on the Edit button next to the saved visit that
needs to be edited, the Visit pop-up screen displays and the
visit can be edited from the pop-up.
See: How to Edit Bulk Visits
Related Topics: How to Save Bulk Visits (Messages Module); Visit Overview (Scheduling Module);
Charges Overview (Transactions Module); How to Enter a Charge (Transactions Module); Bulk
Charges Overview (Transactions Module), How to Save Bulk Charges (Messages Module)
CareTracker Training - Administration Module
Administration Module
Bulk Visits
How to Edit Bulk Visits
1. Each appointment on the date of service selected in the "Date" field that has
a Visit saved for it will be listed in the Bulk Visits screen. It shows the
appointment time, patient ID, patient name, and for each appointment it says
'PROCEDURES EXIST'. Click on the Edit button next to the visit that needs to
be edited.
2. When the Edit button is clicked, the Visit pop-up displays and from this popup CPT codes, modifiers and units can be added or removed by clicking on the
Proc link and ICD-9 codes can be added or removed by clicking on the Diags
link. Any code entered in Bulk Visits is checked off. Additional codes can be
added by clicking in the check box to the left of the needed code which places
a check mark in the box, and to remove a code, click on the check mark in the
check box which will de-select the code. When all the needed CPT and ICD-9
codes selected, click on the Save link.
3. When the Save link is clicked, the visit summary displays in the pop-up
window. Review and verify that all needed CPT codes, modifiers, units, and
ICD-9 codes are selected for the visit, and click on either Save button.
4. The Visit information is saved, the pop-up closes and you remain in the Bulk
Visits screen, and, if needed, you can edit other Visits following the same
See: How to Save Bulk Visits
Related Topics: How to Save Bulk Visits (Messages Module); Visit Overview (Scheduling Module);
Charges Overview (Transactions Module); How to Enter a Charge (Transactions Module); Bulk
Charges Overview (Transactions Module), How to Save Bulk Charges (Messages Module)
CareTracker Training - Administration Module
Administration Module
Verify Payments
Payment Variance compares the money you were paid for a procedure by an
insurance company to the allowed amount an insurance company will pay for
the same procedure making you aware of instances when you were paid less
than the actual allowed amount. To verify payments, click on Verify Payments
under the A/R section of the Administration Module.
Before using the Verify Payments application, an allowed
schedule, e.g. Medicare of Massachusetts needs to be
added to your quick pick list. An allowed scheduled can be
added by clicking on the Quick Pick link under the Admin
section of the Administration Module.
How to Check Payment Variance
1. Click on the Administration Module icon.
2. When the Administration Module opens, click on the Verify Payments link
under the A/R section.
3. Select a batch to for which to check payment variance by entering the batch
name or part of the batch name you need to check and clicking the Srch
4. When the Srch button is clicked, the Batch Search pop-up window displays
in which you can select a specific batch.
5. Set any need filters. "View By" determines if you will see all payments
entered in the selected batch or only variances. You have an option "Override
Zero Amts" which will allow you to select an allowed schedule to use if the
insurance plan does not have an allowed schedule or if the procedure is not
contained on an allowed schedule. You also have an option to override the
zero amounts with the charge amount. You can also select a specific financial
class from the "Fin Class" field drop-down list.
6. Click on the Go button.
7. When the Go button is clicked, all the payments entered into the selected
batch or only the variances in that batch will display showing the patient's
name, service date, provider, insurance plan, CPT code, modifier, units,
allowed amount, payment amount, Net transfers, and transfers plus payments.
Variances are highlighted blue.
CareTracker Training - Administration Module
Administration Module
Visit Import
Through the Visit Import link listed under the Medical Records section of the
Administration Module, you can automatically load visits into CareTracker from
a third party system such as a hospital. Importing visits can either occur as a
batch upload (manually) from a file or can be automatically transmitted from
the sending system in either a batch or real time mode.
See: How to Import Visits, How to Import Unimported Visits
Administration Module
Visit Import
How to Import Visits
After successfully loading and importing visits – you should call
up at least one visit from the batch that was uploaded and verify
it is successfully in CareTracker
If the operator who uploads the batch of visits does not import
those visits, that operator should verify a visit from the previous
batch is successfully in CareTracker.
If your practice electronically sends a batch of visits in the
background from “computer” to “computer” then that person
responsible for releasing those visits to go should verify a visit
from the previous batch is successfully in CareTracker.
1. Click on the Administration Module icon.
2. Click on the Visit Import link under the Medical Records section of the
CareTracker Training - Administration Module
3. If the file has not been automatically posted from the sending system into
CareTracker, click on the Browse button.
4. The Choose File pop-up window displays when the Browse button is clicked.
Locate the file that needs to be uploaded into your system. When the file has
been selected, click on the Choose File pop-up window closes. Click on the
Upload File button.
It is imperative that you select the correct file during this
step or you will create the wrong patients in your company.
Clicking on the Upload File button will upload the file to a
temporary area and does not actual create the visits in
5. Click on the Process Queue tab.
6. When the Queue displays, wait for the file to appear in the Processed
section of the Queue screen. Click on the Translate tab when the file appears
in the Processed section to translate any codes that may have ben uploaded
but are different than the codes in CareTracker.
If any file ends up in the Error Queue, log a call
to the CareTracker Support Department.
7. Select the batch name, date of the visits you are importing, from the "Batch"
field drop-down list or select 'Combine Batches' to import all processed visits
saved in CareTracker.
8. Click on the Resolve Patients button to match up the visits with the
corresponding patients in CareTracker.
If patients are not resolved, any visit that does not
match a patient will go into Work Unimported
Patients and will need to be worked.
9. Map the incoming does to match with CareTracker's codes.
• Click on the Group button and confirm the group is mapped. This
should always map so remember to always hit the Save button.
• Click on the Insurance button, make sure all of the insurances are
mapped to the correct insurance, and click on the Save button.
• Click on the POS button, map the place of service, and click on the
Save button.
• Click on the Providers button, make sure they are all mapped, and
click on the Save button.
• Click on the Referring Providers button, make sure they are all
mapped, and click on the Save button.
• Click on the Appointment Type button, map to an appointment type,
and click on the Save button.
• Click on the Location button, map the locations, and click on the Save
• Click on the Gender button, map the genders, and click on the Save
10. When all visit features have been mapped accordingly and saved, click on
the Review tab.
CareTracker Training - Administration Module
11. When you review visits, you can map a visit to a patient by clicking on the
... button on the corresponding visit line. Click on the Import Visits button.
12. Click on the Import Que and wait for the file to appear in the Processed
section of the Queue.
13. When the file appears in the Processed section, click on the Mark Read
button to remove the processed file from the Import Que and the visits have
been imported into CareTracker.
14. Work Unimported Visits after completing a Visit Import to import any visit
that could not be imported or needs to be corrected in order to be successfully
See: How to Import Unimported Visits
Administration Module
Visit Import
How to Import Unimported
1. Click on the Work Unimported tab in the Visit Import screen.
2. Select the batch name of the import visits file from the "Batch" field dropdown list.
3. Each unimported visit displays showing it's status of Not Imported, the
entity's ID #, CareTracker Name, patient last name, patient first name, patient
middle name, admission date, service date, discharge date, CPT code,
modifiers, and the procedure description. Match up each unimported visit by
patient, procedure or diagnosis.
4. If you are going to enter a visit manually into CareTracker, reject that
individual visit by clicking on the R button next to the status of the visit you are
not going to import.
To reject all unimported visits click on the Reject All
Unimported Visits button. Those visits will need to be
manually entered into CareTracker.
6. When all visits have been corrected, matched, and rejected if you are going
to manually enter them, click on the Import Visits button and the visits will be
imported into CareTracker.
See: How to Import Visits