bulletin - Saint Ann Catholic Church Community


bulletin - Saint Ann Catholic Church Community
5101 Charlotte Avenue
Nashville, TN 37209
Reverend Edwige Carré
Reverend Eric Johansen
Priest In-Residence
Rev. Mr. Marty Mulloy
Deacon and Pastoral Associate
Weekend Mass Schedule:
Saturday 5:00pm
Sunday 8:30am
Sunday 11:00am
Communion Service:
Monday 7:30am
Weekday Services:
Tuesday 8:00am
Wednesday 8:00am
Thursday 8:00am
Friday 8:00am
Hispanic Mass:
Sunday 6:00pm
If you are new to the Saint Ann
Catholic Church, we encourage you
to register as soon as possible.
Forms are available in the back of
church as well as the parish office.
Rev. Mr. John Casey
Rev. Mr. Jim Holzemer
Church Office:
School Office:
Phone: (615) 298-1782
Fax: (615) 297-4326
Phone: (615) 269-0568
Fax: (615) 297-1383
Kelly Braniff
Director of Development
and Stewardship
Adelaide Nicholson, Ed.D
Krystal Johnson
Parish Facility Manager
Katie Longsmith
Administrative Assistant
Kevin Mangold
Director of
Religious Education
Jami May
School Office Manager
For more information, please visit
OCTOBER 23, 2016
Readings for Sunday, October 30, 2016
Wisdom 11: 22-12: 2
Psalm 145
2 Thessalonians 1: 11-2: 2
Luke 19: 1-10
The Lord has mercy on all.
“I will praise your name for ever, my king and my God.”
May the name of Christ be glorified in you and you in him.
Jesus came to seek and save what was lost.
This weekend we will collect for the Haiti victims of Hurricane Matthew.
Flowers for this weekend’s liturgy were given in memory of Dat Van Nguyen by Iris Ann Nguyen.
Mass Intentions
In Memory of Georgia Wynn
In Memory of Annie B. Forte
In Memory of Bernadine Hughes
Communion Service
Intentions of the Devon Stein family
Intentions of Wanda Dixon
Intentions of the healthcare providers at Brookdale Nursing Home
For the living and deceased members of the Dominic family
In Memory of Amy Stolze
In Memory of the deceased members of the Waters family
In Memory of Dat Van Nguyen
Please prayerfully consider naming Saint Ann Catholic Church or
Saint Ann School in your will or estate plans.
For more information or to inform us of your intention, please contact the parish office at 615-298-1782
RECONCILIATION/CONFESSION: Saturdays 4:15-4:45 p.m. and by appointment with the pastor
BECOMING A CATHOLIC (RCIA): involves the reception of three sacraments. Call if you or anyone you know is interested
in this process.
Catholics who wish to receive the following sacraments should be registered in the parish,
attend Mass regularly, participate in stewardship and be in good standing with the Church.
Infants—6 yrs old. Parents are required to register and attend a Baptismal Class prior to your child's Baptism.
Preparation is included with your attendance in one of our religious education programs.
Please call if you or someone you know cannot attend Mass and desire Communion to be received
at home or another facility because of illness or advanced age.
Please call four months in advance of the desired date. An actual date can only be set by the Priest or Deacon
after meeting with the couple.
ANOINTING OF THE SICK: This can provide spiritual strength and healing to those dealing with serious health issues.
Do not wait until someone is critical and unable to participate in prayer. Contact the Priest in advance
of elective surgery so that you can receive the Sacrament before entering a health facility. Upon registering at a
facility, state you are a Catholic and member of St. Ann Church.
For additional information about sacraments or to discuss scheduling, please contact Deacon Marty Mulloy at 298-1782 ext. 3665 or
[email protected].
Parish News
Ministry Fair!
Christmas Wreaths for sale— Saint Ann’s Boy Scouts Troop 1914
will be taking orders for wreaths and other Christmas greenery after
Sunday’s Masses on 10/23 and 10/31. Profits will help fund each
boy’s summer trip, camps and gear. Delivery date is 11/20. Please
help support our great Boy Scouts!
Saint Presentation by the Sunday School, October 30th— In honor
of All Saints’ Day, the Sunday School of Religion students will
have a Saint Presentation on Sunday, October 30th, in Neidert Hall
after 8:30am Mass. Ice cream provided by the Knights of Columbus!
Veterans Breakfast November 13th—To celebrate Veterans’ Day
(Nov. 11) and to honor all of Saint Ann’s veterans, please join us in
Breen Hall on Sunday, November 13th after 8:30am Mass, for a
Veterans Remembrance Breakfast. During the breakfast, we’d like
to display photographs of our parish’s veterans, taken during the
time that they served. Please contact Katie Longsmith at 615-2981782 or [email protected] to submit your photos and to RSVP.
We look forward to thanking all veterans and their families for their
Community Events
Chanticleer Concert, October 27, 7:30pm, Cathedral, 2015
West End Avenue, Nashville. America’s premiere professional
choral ensemble, presents a concert entitled “Washing of the
Water”, featuring Early Sacred choral music alongside arrangements of inspirational contemporary songs and traditional
spirituals. Info/tickets: www.cathdralnashville.org
Sisters of Mercy’s 150th celebration—Join us to celebrate the
150 year legacy of the Sisters of Mercy in Tennessee, with
Mass at the Cathedral of the Incarnation at 2:00pm Sunday,
October 30th, celebrated by Bishop David Choby. Reception/
gathering immediately following in the Fleming Center. All
are invited!
Saint Ann Catholic Church invites all parishioners to attend a Ministry Fair on Nov. 5 and 6. We
hope you will walk over to Breen Hall after Mass
and speak with volunteers from all the ministries
about their mission and opportunities to give
back. We have more than 30 active ministries
within our community and know that one will
speak to your heart. Joining a ministry is easy
and we encourage everyone to get involved!
Start by joining us at the fair on November 5th
and 6th.
All Saints’ Day Mass
All Saints’ Day Mass will be held on Tuesday, November 1st,
at 5:30pm.
Saint Ann School Events
Saint Ann School Open House on October 26th, 11 a.m.
-1 p.m. & 5:30-7 p.m. Parents are invited to visit! Our
school has small class sizes for grades pre-K through 8,
state-of-the-art technology, service learning projects,
and creative classroom environments. RSVP: 615-2690568 or [email protected].
Pray for our Country: 40 Hour Devotional and Liturgy of
the Hours on November 7—8, Assumption, 1227 Seventh
Ave. N., Nashville. Pray for our country and its leaders.
You are invited to sign up in half-hour slots. Info:
[email protected]
Arts & Crafts Ministry (Wee Care Baby Project)…………………..Ruth Neal - 615-500-5181
Children’s Liturgy for grades 1-4…………………………………….Kelly Braniff - 615-298-1782 ext. 3663 [email protected]
English Class…………………………………………………………… Teresa Hinson [email protected] or
Marnie Huff [email protected]
Flowers for weekend liturgy…………………………………………..Katie Longsmith - 615-298-1782 [email protected]
Knights of Columbus…………………………………………………..Charlie Watson—[email protected] or 615-478-8908
Ladies Auxiliary……………………………………………………......Brittni Couturier—615-573-0610 [email protected]
Ladies Guild/Altar Society………………………….………………....Carol Fike - 615-519-4595
Mass Intentions or Prayer List………………….…………………….Katie Longsmith –615-298-1782 [email protected]
8:30 & 11:00 Nursery……………………….…………………………Tara McGuire [email protected] or Michelle Gawley
[email protected]
Parish Council………………………….……………………………...Ruth Neal - [email protected]
Sacristans………………………….…………………………………...Mike Patenaude—615-945-4089 [email protected] or
Becky Smith - 615-512-6719 [email protected]
Youth Group………..………….….…………………………………..Dan & Laura Reynolds-512-774-9394
[email protected]
Sunday School of Religion…….………………………………………Kevin Mangold - 615-310-9638 [email protected]
Budgeted Weekly Goal: $14,250
Regular: $8,385
World Mission: $1,314
October 30th we will collect for Maintenance Reserve.
Thanks to all for your continued support of Saint Ann Catholic Community.
Your generosity is very much appreciated!
The year 2021 marks the 100-year anniversary of Saint Ann Parish!
We will prepare for this joyous anniversary celebration by observing a
four-year plan of spiritual nourishment and growth through
Prayer, Study, Generosity, and Evangelization.
Join us in the
Year of Prayer
The Saint Ann Parish Year of Prayer will begin with the
first Sunday of Advent on November 27th!
Look for Father Carré as he drops in on various ministry
meetings throughout October and November to discuss what the
Year of Prayer will look like for our faith community.
You are invited…
Father Carré will also host meetings in the Parish Life Center
for all parishioners on November 2nd at 6:30pm,
and November 15th at 10:30am
Please RSVP to Katie Longsmith at 615-298-1782
or [email protected] if you plan to attend on November 2nd or 15th.
…………...involves not only receiving the privileges of our Catholic faith (Mass/
Eucharist, other sacraments, education/formation opportunities, parish activities), but also
giving of your time, talent and treasure.
“We are many parts but all one body” Each of us has skills and talents to offer. Saint
Ann Catholic Community will thrive with each of us sharing our God given abilities. Please
prayerfully join one or many of the ministries offered within the faith community.
You can be an active member by attending Mass on Sundays and Holy Days as well
as volunteering your time/talents in one of our many ministries. Regular use of the parish envelopes, even if you are only able to contribute minimally, is a gesture of support and unity.
Initially (if you are new to the parish or have never filled out information), it involves
some minimal paperwork so that we have some basic information on your family, including reception of the sacraments. Registering with the parish is required if you would like to have a
child baptized, desire to be married, need a letter of recommendation for sponsorship, request
anointing or apply for tuition subsidy. A record of your support in regards to time, talent and
treasure is important in those regards.
We are grateful for each and every one of you, as together we make up the Body of Christ.