Hallelujah Messanger for August


Hallelujah Messanger for August
The Hallelujah Messenger
The Newsletter of Cedar Creek United Methodist Church
“Delight thy self also in the Lord; and he shall give
Thee the desires of thine heart.” — Psalm 37:4
August 1, 2009
From the Pastor’s Pen
Associate Pastor’s Corner
July Attendance and
Wednesday at the Well—
It’s Back
School Supply Drive
Financial Peace University
The Prayer of Jabez—and
Other Prayers
Trinity Travelers Head
for Brenham
Next Blood Drive
August 23
The Schack
Well over the past couple of months, some compelling information has
come to light which has provided us the opportunity to ask ourselves
how we might more effectively create an environment that
encourages and sustains growth in our relationship to God, each
other, and the way we assimilate those whom God sends our way.
September in the Hills
Senior Retreat
The Stewardship of
Where are You Called to
Be the Church?
August Birthdays
The information received was a real “eye catcher” and came in the
form of our growth statistics from 2004 until 2008. With just a
casual glance across the page, these statistics show while
membership and weekly attendance in worship have grown… our
7 weekly Sunday school attendance (both adult and children) has
8 dropped dramatically.
Well as you can probably imagine, our Sunday school numbers
compelled us begin to take a close look at what might have caused the
drop, but in the end offered us the chance to resolve many other
“troubling circumstances” that have confronted our church family.
Service Times
Class Times and Locations
August Church Calendar
Deadline for September
Newsletter Articles
Your Administrative
Council and Leaders for
By Pastor Stan Whites
Wow, I can’t get over how long it has been since I was in “grade
school.” That being the case, much of the information that I learned
has miraculously stayed with me through all the time that has passed.
4 This morning I find myself remembering Isaac Newton’s First Law of
4 Motion, “Everything continues in a state of rest unless it is compelled
to change by forces impressed upon it.”
Manna Ministries Menu
From The Pastor’s Pen
Hi folks,
Counter’s Needed
Bastrop Food Pantry
Volume 5, Issue 8
As we began to look at the situation, the first thing we noticed was
that the decline in numbers corresponded with our shift to offer a
“split” Sunday school program at 9:15 and 11:00 a.m. It seems as
12 though having a 45 minute break between worship and Sunday school
has not worked as well as we had hoped. That being the case, this
12 information led us to ask the question, “Well if we are going to have
(Continued on page 2)
Page 2
Cathey Meisetchlaeger
Eph 4:11-12 – The gifts he gave were that some
would be…teachers to equip the saints for the work
of ministry, for building up the body of Christ…
First: Vacation Bible School was an awesome time
for the children and for all the youth and adults that
helped to make it happen. It would be really great to
name you individually and where you helped out, but
that would be very foolish on my part. Invariably, I
would leave some of you out. For myself – A
Second: Summer is flying by—at least for me,
maybe for you. In about a month, our children will
be returning to school. Teachers will return sooner
than that. Just as we have to settle into a different
routine for the school year, so do we begin a
different routine within our church community.
If any of you are wanting to teach a one time a year
or twice a year class and HAVE NOT let Veronica or
me know—would you please do so by August 15th.
Our publication of available educational and
connectional opportunities will be ready to hand out
by the end of August, at the latest the first Sunday in
September. This will cover our classes through the
end of December. Please do not delay in providing
your information on the education request form that
can be found in the Education mailbox in the
workroom. You can also call me at: 512-303-1393
to share your class information.
Teachers are a gift from God “to equip the saints for
the work of ministry, for building up the body of
Christ…” If you do not know if this is you or not, do
not hesitate to call me so that we can explore this
possibility together.
Week of:
June 28
July 5
July 12
July 19
July 26
General Fund
Building Fund —
Children’s International from VBS —
(Continued from page 1)
Sunday school, then when would seem to be
the most effective time to offer it?” (Pretty
good question… we would think!!!) And the
answer that came from “pastors” and
“leadership”, alike, was to create a
“centralized time” for Sunday school in
between our two Sunday morning services.
Now I know that we moved away from that
concept a long time ago, however as I have
shared the idea with CCUMC’s leadership, no
one has found any significant negative effect
other than our initial inconvenience in making
the move. In fact, most have recognized the
benefits and blessings of moving to a shared
Sunday school time. It would:
Encourage participation by member and
guest, alike, by shortening the time between
worship and Sunday school.
Pastor Cathey
(Continued on page 3)
Page 3
(Continued from page 2)
Cut down on the numbers of teachers needed
to adequately staff classes.
Allow time for members of both services to
get to know each other and have study time
Simplify schedules and information making it
more successfully shared.
These are just some of the positives that
have been recognized and voiced in the
discussions that have been had, and there are
many more. However, we know that there are
challenges to change as well. Like… “What
will become of our Sunday morning
breakfast?” Or, “What times changes would
best benefit CCUMC’s ministries, members,
and guests?”
I have prayerfully considered these questions
and spent a great deal of time talking with
the Education Team, the Worship Team, the
Administrative Council, both the contemporary and traditional music leaders, those in
other churches who have faced this same
After a break for the month of July, the Wednesday
meal and study opportunities will resume on August
5. A nutritious meal will be served at 5:45 pm, with
various bible studies and activities beginning at 6:30
pm. This is an excellent opportunity to have a meal
with your church family. Cost for the meal is $5.00
for those 12 and older, $2.50 for those 3 to 12, and
those 3 and under are free. Large families pay a cap
of $15.00. Watch the back of the bulletin insert each
Saturday and Sunday for menus and scheduled
dilemma, as well as many others within the
church. And I offer these answers… we will
continue our Sunday morning breakfast
ministry for those who desire to continue to
be involved. It will provide a time for
physical nourishment as well as valuable
fellowship time.
The harder question comes in finding a
suitable and acceptable schedule for worship.
I know that change is never easy, but also
realize that our greatest burdens become
lighter when they are shared. That being the
case, I propose that on August 30, 2009, we
begin our new fall schedule with the following
Sunday morning worship schedule:
9:00 a.m.
10:15 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
Contemporary Worship
Sunday school and breakfast
Traditional Worship
I am excited about what God has planned for
us and appreciate your input, understanding,
and willingness to follow God’s call.
In Christ,
Pastor Stan
Please prayfully consider joining the Outreach Team
in supporting Cedar Creek Elementary with our
annual School Supply Drive. Many supplies are now
on sale at our local retailers.
You may buy supplies or donate funds and we'll do
the shopping for you. Please place all donations in
the white toy box on the “Outreach” table in the
Thank you for your support and may God richly
bless you.
Page 4
Did your parents teach you how to pray?
Were you included in their prayer time?
This Bible Study will be a short, one month
Bible study from Sunday, August 2 to
Sunday, August 30 at 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm in
the old sanctuary.
We will explore insights from Biblical
prayers, our own prayer habits, journaling
and share time too. This study begins with
the Prayer of Jabez.
If you have vacation plans, you can miss a
week and still grow/learn/take it with you.
So we will have plenty of materials. Drop a
note of your intent to participate to the
church office, or contact Dot Files at 3036417 or [email protected].
New Class of Financial Peace University
Preview Meeting
Wednesday, September 2, 2009, 6:30 pm
Classes Begin
Wednesday, September 9, 2009, 6:30 pm
For more Information contact
Robert Jones 303-7931
Page 5
A visit to the Blue Bell Creamery in Brenham will be
among the activities on the calendar for the August
campout for the Trinity Travelers. The headquarters
for this campout will be Dixieland RV Park in
Carmine. The campground is located approximately
10 miles west of Brenham on Hwy 290. It’s a nice,
clean little park with Christian owners.
Our big trip for the fall will be in September when
we visit the coast and stay at Sea Breeze Resort at
Portland. The dates are September 10 through 13,
which coincides with the Hummingbird Festival in
Rockport. Activities when we’re at the coast usually
include fishing, a shrimp boil, and lots of
sightseeing. Space at this campout is limited, so if
you would like to join us contact Wagon master Ed
Laundy at 718-2435 ASAP.
Trinity Travelers is Chapter 21 of National United
Methodist Campers (NUMC). Membership is open
to anyone who has a love for Christ and who enjoys
spending time with other Christians in an informal
setting. The group currently has members
representing 5 denominations and 8 different
churches. Our campout activities include lots of
games, sightseeing, singing, devotional time and
eating! Our members camp in tents, pop-ups, travel
trailers, fifth wheels and class A’s and C’s. We love
visitors – whether it’s for a meal, a day or the whole
The third blood drive of 2009 will be held on
Sunday, August 23 from 9 am until 1 pm in the
Fellowship Hall. The Central Texas Blood Bank is
in serious need of blood to replenish their supplies
from the summer demand. Donating blood is simple
and relatively painless—and it saves lives! If you
wish to donate, fill out the donation slip found in the
church bulletin and place it in the collection plate.
You can also contact
Ed Laundy at 7182435 to get on the list.
The best selling novel The Shack by Wm. Paul
Young will be the next topic of study by Tuesday’s
Brown Bag Bible Study group. If you’ve read the
book and would like to join in what promises to be
lively discussions of the book, or if you’ve been
looking for an excuse to read the novel, this is your
chance. Projected start date for the study is
September 1. A few copies of the book are available
from Roberta Laundy at $10.00 per copy. There will
be no other expense for the study. Brown Baggers
meet each Tuesday from 10 A.M. until noon in the
Elevator Room. If this sounds like something you
would enjoy, contact Roberta at 247-5545 or
[email protected], or look for “Mrs. Claus
after the 9:15 service.
We are in need of a few more people to volunteer to count
the offering after the 11:00 pm Sunday service. If you are
available and are good with money, call Irene in the
church office and volunteer.
Page 6
Older adults will join Bishop Jim Dorff September 15-17, for the Southwest Texas Conference September In
The Hills retreat at Mount Wesley Conference Center in Kerrville. The retreat creates a culture of growth for
participants to hear Dorff speak twice on “Signs of the Times: Where do we go from Here?”
Laura Rhodes, dean of the retreat and a former teacher, explains, “Older adults want an arena to grow in faith
and to accept life’s story. Their brain, mental and intellectual development is enhanced by self-paced learning,
visual images and mental pictures. Life-long learning, significant relationships, and places for friendships and
dealing with losses. Older adults need purpose and to feel that life is worth living. This is something that’s
true in our congregations as well as the retreat.”
Body Recall is an exercise class specifically designed to fit all ages and physical abilities. Hiking sticks are
made, personalized, then used as a staff of life. Line dancing, folk dancing and singing in the Songbirds
Retreat Choir complete the lineup of physical activities. Other mini-courses include: woodworking, Christmas
crafts, book reviews, learning all about God’s creatures, the bats, and safety at home, in town and the
world. Bible studies will “Unravel Revelation” and explore current events in Biblical Archaeology.
Older adults enjoy opportunities for continued growth and for sharing their gifts of wisdom, time, endurance,
objectivity, life experiences and hope. Scripture theme is from the prophet Jeremiah: For surely I know the
plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope
[Jeremiah 29:11].
When asked what’s so special about a retreat for 50+-year-olds, Wilma Williams stated, “Participants always
come away with something they can use in their local church ministry. The Senior Christian Retreat is a lighthearted event that provides a depth of spiritual growth, worship, fellowship, and leadership development.”
“It also provides spiritual activities that help keep seniors mentally alert, in addition to physical food for our
bodies,” she said. “All of this is attainable through great keynote speakers, wonderful worship leaders, Bible
Study Leaders, creative mini-courses, games, special entertainment and the spectacular Conference and Mount
Wesley staff. Don’t miss it!”
For registration information, go to www.umcswtx.org/seniorchristianretreat.
Page 7
by the
Drop for an
churc lope/
en e rm.
Page 8
Let’s consider these two scriptures (quoted in the
New American Standard translation).
Mark 5:25–29—A woman who had had a
hemorrhage for twelve years, and had endured much
at the hands of many physicians, and had spent all
that she had and was not helped at all, but rather had
grown worse—after hearing about Jesus, she came
up in the crowd behind Him and touched His cloak.
For she thought, "If I just touch His garments, I will
get well." Immediately the flow of her blood was
dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed
of her affliction.
2 Corinthians 12:7-9—Because of the surpassing
greatness of the revelations, for this reason, to keep
me from exalting myself, there was given me a thorn
in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me—to
keep me from exalting myself! Concerning this I
implored the Lord three times that it might leave me.
And He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for
you, for power is perfected in weakness " Most
gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my
weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in
I believe that modern physicians do much good.
When I broke my leg, I was very glad to have a
physician on duty at the local hospital to be sure that
I was treated properly and given the opportunity to
heal fully. When my daughter developed a brain
tumor, I was very glad that MD Anderson Cancer
Center had the equipment and staff to diagnose and
treat her and facilitate her recovery. I thank God for
modern medicine and all the good that it does.
As the first scripture above relates, there are times
when the physician does not have the answer. The
attending physician did not help my cousin when he
died as a young child. One man I know was so
shocked at how his mother suffered and died at the
hands of the physicians treating her colon cancer
that, when he developed a similar tumor, he treated it
himself. Within a year, his grapefruit-size tumor was
gone! As I am reminded daily of the consequences
of the surgery to remove my cancer, I envision the
different outcome that I might have realized if I had
known in advance what alternatives existed, but it
was not my doctor’s privilege to tell me about any
choices I had other than surgery, radiation, and “wait
and see.” Now I know, so I gladly share with anyone
who is interested that there are alternatives to the
care of physicians that might be appropriate in some
One of the alternatives is prayer. Scripture includes
many passages that tell us of the power of prayer; we
don’t have room here to review them, but you can do
that on your own. As the second scripture passage
above points out, sometimes God’s answer to prayer
is “NO!” As our loving Father, He does not do that
to punish us, but because He has something better
planned for us. Perhaps if Paul had not had his
“thorn in the flesh,” he would not have been able to
reach many of the people who responded to his
presentation of the gospel. For any one instance of
our prayers being answered with a “NO,” there are
many examples of how God has responded with a
loving “YES!”
Let’s explore further along this line next month
The Lord Provides!
Myron Remington
Page 9
Pastor Stan shared a wonderful message on Sunday,
July 19th. He concluded by saying are you being the
church or just going to church? This message made
me start thinking about scriptures in the New
In 1 Corinthians 12:4-6, Paul says there are different
kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are
different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There
are different kinds of working, but the same God
works all of them in all men. I invite each of us to
pray about where you are called to be, work, or serve
on behalf of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Even in the
midst of predicting his own death in John 12:26,
Jesus says whoever serves me must follow me; and
where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will
honor the one who serves me.
Therefore, I know it is of great importance to put to
use the gifts of which Paul speaks. There are many
gifts such as leadership, teaching, pastoral care,
mercy, giving, and intercessory prayer just to name a
few. So, I encourage each of you to spend some time
talking to God about your spiritual gifts, and then
find a place within the body of Christ at Cedar Creek
UMC to be the church. Please feel free to see me,
Pastor Stan or Pastor Cathey if you need direction or
have any questions in how or where you can serve.
Matthew 5:16
Doedee Vann
Lay Leader
Nicole Jasinski
Aug. 6
Ben Crysup
Aug. 7
Jodi Miller
Aug. 8
Zoe Baston
Aug. 9
Jim Collier
Aug. 9
Maria Hohenstein
Aug. 10
Kyle Jones
Aug. 14
Sheila Giesalhart
Aug. 15
Lavone Van Houten
Aug. 16
Jeffrey Knebel
Aug. 18
Lisa Goertz
Aug. 19
Valerie Brown
Birthday to
all those listed Lillian Nogues
on their special Cassidy Emens
Aug. 20
Aug. 20
Aug. 23
Donald Smith
Aug. 24
Muriel Browning
Aug. 25
Stuart Files
Aug. 25
Rebecca Erle
Aug. 26
Jessica Telle
Aug. 26
Gary Ives
Aug. 27
Woody Flories
Aug. 28
Carmen Legge
Aug. 28
Michael Huet
Aug. 30
Jan Winfield
Aug. 31
Listed are those of our church family who are
celebrating a birthday this month. Keep these persons
in your prayers for that day. Let’s pray in unity for each
other! It is our desire to have every CCUMC member’s
birthday listed. If your birthday is not listed, please
inform the church office.
Page 10
8:15 am to 9:15 am ..................................................... Sunday School—All Ages
9:15 am to 10:15 am ........................................................ Contemporary Service
9:15 am to 10:15 am ................................................... Sunday School—All Ages
10:15 am to 11:00 am ................................................. Fellowship/Refreshments
11:00 am to 12:00 noon ...................................................... Traditional Worship
11:00 am to 12:00 noon .............................................. Sunday School—All Ages
5:00 pm to 7:00 pm........................................................................................MYF
5:00 pm to 7:00 pm........................................................... Children’s Fellowship
5:30 PM ........................................................................ Soul Celebration Service
Kids and Youth
9:15 am
11:00 am
Nursery – 4 yrs ..................................................................... Nursery
5 yrs – 3 rd grade .................................................................. Voss Building Room 5
4th – 6th grade ........................................................................ Annex, Room 5
7th – 12th grade ...................................................................... Annex Central Room
5 yrs – 3 rd grade .................................................................. Annex Room 4
4th – 6th grade ........................................................................ Annex Room 5
7th – 12th grade ...................................................................... Annex Central Room
(7-8 grade room 2)
(9-12 grade Central)
9:15 am
11:00 am
5 pm
5-7 pm
Emmanuel Ambassadors ...................................................... Elevator Room
Muriel Browning Class ........................................................ Conference Room
Faith Fellowship (John Zech) ............................................... Annex Room 4
Cross Training (Adult) (Telle) ............................................. Elevator Room
Adult Class (Lott) ................................................................. Conference Room
Angels (Gardner) .................................................................. Old Chapel (Mtg. Rm.)
Prayer of Jabez ..................................................................... Old Chapel
Disciple II (P. Flories)—Begins August 30 ......................... Elevator
6:30 pm
Beth Moore—Fruit of the Spirits ......................................... Conference Room
Prayer Shawl Ministry.. ........................................................ Old Chapel (Mtg. Rm.)
6:45 pm
7-9 pm
Employee Seeker (K. Flories) .............................................. Conference Room
August 2009
Page 11
See Sunday
Page 14
Worship Design
Conf Rm—6 pm
Cub Scouts
6 pm Annex
Wednesday at
The Well
Brownie Troop
4:30 pm-6 pm
Fellowship Hall
PALS Lock-in
Worship Ctr
7am– 7am
PALS Lock-in
Worship Ctr
7am– 7am
4-H 7pm FH
Worship Design
Conf Rm—6 pm
Cub Scouts
6 pm Annex
Girls Scout
6 pm FH
Worship Ctr.
Burning hearts
Wednesday at
The Well
4-H 7pm FH
Last Day to order
Worship Design
Conf Rm—6 pm
Cub Scouts
6 pm Annex
4-H 7pm FH
Worship Design
Conf Rm—6 pm
Cub Scouts
6 pm Annex
Blood Pressure
11:30 am FH
Brownie Troop
4:30 pm-6 pm
Fellowship Hall
7:30 –3:15Wors
Wednesday at
The Well
Brownie Troop
4:30 pm-6 pm
Fellowship Hall
Wednesday at
The Well
Brownie Troop
4:30 pm-6 pm
Fellowship Hall
11:00 am—
12:30 pm
Burning hearts
Girls Scout
6 pm FH
Burning hearts
Girls Scout
Leader tng
both Annex
4-H 7pm FH
Worship Design
Conf Rm—6 pm
Cub Scouts
6 pm Annex
4-H 7pm FH
Cedar Creek
United Methodist Church
5630 FM 535 Highway 21
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 33
Cedar Creek, TX 78612
Phone: 512-303-1393
Fax: 512-581-9593
Email: [email protected]
Making disciples for Jesus Christ
Administrative Council and Leaders for 2009
Pastor...................................................... Stan Whites
Associate Pastor .................. Cathey Meisetschlaeger
Administrative Council Chair .............. Joe Gambino
Lay Leader ...........................................Doedee Vann
Financial Secretary................................ Irene Sparks
Church Treasurer .......................... Robert Severance
Staff/Parish Relations Chair .................... Barry Cook
Board of Trustees .............................. Forrest Arnold
Finance Chair ...................................... Mark Gardner
Nurture Chair ............................................... Pat New
Outreach Chair ................................. Debra Goodwin
Evangelism Chair ........................... Mary Ann Green
Education Chair .............................. Veronica Emens
District Board of Missions Rep............Doedee Vann
UMM President ........................................ Ed Laundy
UMW President .................................. Cindy Arnold
Worship Chair ...........................Charlene Severance
Church Historian ................................ Laura Zglinski
Membership Secretary ......................... Leslie Muller
Recording Secretary .......................... Sue Kratochvil
Computer Tech/Webmaster .............. Terri Underhill
Child Care Representative .................... Gloria Essler
Building Committee ............................. Robert Jones
Choir Director ........................................... Barb Zech
Youth Minister.................................. Brandon Shook
UMYF President ................................ Dayton Whites
Lay Member to Annual Conference .... Doedee Vann
.................................................... and Sue Kratochvil
For September Newsletter Items
Friday, August 22, 2009
for distribution on August 30, 2009
E-mail articles to [email protected]
and/or [email protected]