Architecture, Trees, and Belief - Institute of Chartered Foresters


Architecture, Trees, and Belief - Institute of Chartered Foresters
Architecture, Trees, and Belief ;
Searching for new strategy design in the
Wiyantara wizaka - Architecture Lecturer Binus University Jakarta
Myth in human life
• Myth as a guideline of life has become one of
the “unwritten law” which plays an important
role in society and influence the mindset and
shape the character of the community. In this
case, the myth becomes something that
affects the space formation of human life. This
oral tradition passed down from generation to
generation by the ancestors. In some
communities in Java, oral tradition preserved,
still be adhered, and remain credible.
Myth Plant in Indonesia
• Several types of ornamental plants in
Indonesia is believed to radiate an aura , a
certain aura that can provide positive and
negative effects on human lives . This is
related to the aura they emit and the position
of the tree planting .
• In Javanese belief , plants are living beings
who have a soul that can emit a certain aura .
Myth Plant in Indonesia
• In Javanese beliefs, it is taboo to plant bougenville
infront of the front yard. Bougenville is also known as
Satrio Wirang or a disgracefull Prince mean that the
residence who plant this plant , will get many of
disgrace ini his/her life. If he/ she has a daughter, the
daughter will hard to get partner or husband/ wife is
her life.
• Bougenvillea has warm aura , anyone who has no
power to resist the negative energy from its plant will
get more family dispute in his/her life. Bougainvillea
also has a warm aura that able to invite more
supranatural things and negative metaphysics.
Plants to be avoid
• Good and bad plants described
through three concepts , namely :
1. Internalized or understood by the
term or name pronunciation.
For example , sri rejeki which
means good fortune . Because
everybody need and have
good hope , then sri rejeki is
regarded as a good crop /
useful .
Papaya , bananas , grapes ,
bark , and pineapple are
abstinence to be planted in the
yard . Abstinence is because
the pronunciation of his name :
Myth Plant in Indonesia
Latain name
Carica Papaya
Payah/ Difficult
In frontyard
The resident will always in a
difficult situation.
Musa paradisiaca
In frontyard
The resident will separated
from his/ her partner.
Anggur/ Wine
Vitis Vinivera
Nganggur / Idle
In frontyard
The resident’s career will run
badly and will be
Salak / Snake
Salaca Edulis
Salah / Wrong
In frontyard
The resident will make a lot of
wrong thing.
Ananas Comocus
Ngenas /
In frontyard
The resident will suffered from
miserable things.
Ananas Comocus
Salaca Edulis
Musa paradisiaca
Vitis Vinivera
Carica Papaya
Myth Plant in Indonesia
2. The shape and nature of the plant . For example , bamboo is tough and can
be used for various purposes of life. This plant is certainly very useful and
handy . While asam kranji which has sharp barbed should be kept away
from residential and neighborhood , because the sharp spines can easily
hurt us .
• Spiny plants often denoted as easily hurt . If it is associated with the
someone’s career , it can influence and indicate that the career could
not run smoothly . If associated with the business or family
relationship , indicating that the relationship is not harmonious or that
one of the family wants to be master for the others .
• For the rose or a type of cactus that is planted in small pots, it is
advisable to accompany the jasmine plant as a neutralizer . But
because of the thorny roses , it must be cared for so that growth is not
uncontrol . As for cactus in a pot, as long as the plant not grow as large
as when he planted in the ground, it will create no big effect. In
addition, the quantity is not too large.
Myth Plant in Indonesia
3. Analysis of the aura , and then assessed the nature of the
resonance. For example , frangipani has melancholy aura
that often evokes the feel of sadness So that, the plant is
more suitable for the location of the grave .
• The other sample is vines. Vine has no significant effect
If only planted in a few or just as decoration. But if the
spread over the wall , then the effect becomes different .
Plants that propagate in a large volume would have
caused extra moisture and reduce incoming sunlight .
Anyway , acidity is reduced even at night when we rest
and require more acid . This is because the plants at
night to suck acidity and acid producing charcoal .
Plant that transmit negative energy
• Plants which emit negative energy will lead to
imbalanced energy of the environment . As
opposite to it, plants with positive energy, would
create an atmosphere of joy and happiness to
the owner/ resident.
• Plant which emit positive energy have aura
colors such as white , green , light blue , mauve ,
pink , light yellow . Plant that emit negative
energy have aura colors such as red , brown ,
gray , black , strong orange , dark blue .
Plant that transmit negative energy
Plant that emit positive energy have colour of aura as showed
Jasmine (Jasmine sambac)
Rose (Rose canina)
Green light , red light
Paku-pakuan (Pterydophyta)
Green light
Gardenia Augusta (G. Jasminoides)
pink , yellow gold
Kemuning (Murraya paniculata)
Miana (Coleus hybrid)
Yellow , Light Green , white
Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea spectabilis)
Cactus (Opuntia spp)
Lidah Mertua (Sansevieria trifasciata)
Black gray
Papaya (Carica Papaya)
Sirih Belanda (Scindapsus)
Black –gray
Crop Santet (black magic) antidote
• Black magic which is called santet, work
through the help of evil spirits by sending
cryptic attack on the victim . It takes people
who have a special ability to ward off santet.
Through reading the spell , Santet can be sent
or removed from the body . Santet can also be
prevented before it hit the victims. Many say
there are crops that when it placed inside of
the house, it can help to ward off santet to
the residents .
Crop Santet (black magic) antidote
No. Plant
Rose (Rosa
Position/ Location
Because its function is to channel
negative energy into the ground ,
rose should not be planted in front
of the house . When negative
energy is directed downward, the
land can not be trodden. This will
help to keep the negative energy
is still in the ground and did not
move to the human body .
Cactus should be placed outside
(Opuntia spp) the house . It can be placed
anywhere, in the back yard or
front yard. But it should not be in
the house because it will lose its
Ability/ Function
Specifically roses have a negative energy
capture properties sent to your home . This
energy will then be extended by leading
crop land .
Crops that generally grown in the dry
climate of this region is environmentally
friendly and does not require a clutter-free
treatment . No need to be flushed every
day, cactus can store water for herself in
several days. The Santet ward off ability
owned by cactus is similar to roses. It can
neutralize the attack of santet and even
draw the energy of fortune .
Crop Santet (black magic) antidote
Red Pradesh
Should be placed in
front of the house.
Can be placed in
front of the house or
Orangejasmine in patio.
This crop often become ornamental
tree at home.
This crops is believed to muffle the
evil energy in santet . In fact, not
only in Java , some of the other
regions in Indonesia, such as
Sumatra, Riau , Bengkulu have the
same belief that the plant is able to
ward off santet .
This plant has white flowers such
as jasmine. Kemuning Java’s flower
is generally used as a traditional
medicine to overcome powerful
toothache , urinary tract infections ,
boils , rheumatism ,etc. In
particular, Kemuning Java has a
force of nature that can muffle
santet influence .
Crop Santet (black magic) antidote
sugarcane/ Black
Cocor Bebek
Like Kemuning Java
and Penang Red,
Wulung sugarcane can
be grown anywhere to
expel evil influences of
santet disorders.
This is not a common
sugarcane that we will find on
a farm. Its color is reddish
black , and known to treat
certain types of specific
The use of this plant are vary
for many therapy . It can be
use to treat headache, cough
also wound infection .
As for santet , cocor bebek
can remedy arid lands and
making cool the negative
aura. It can muffle santet and
boost the energy of profitability
Study of of Tree 's Myth and Aura
• Kirlian photographs which is developed by two Russian
researchers Semyon and Valentina Kirlian has found
the shooting system of an Aura. Technically , the film is
placed between the high voltage generator and the
object to be photographed (e.g hand) . Through the
distribution of low charge for one to two minutes
forming a shadow on the film.
• Can the description of the photo be identified as the
Aura ? Some claim that the study did not demonstrate
this clearly, because the nodes are visible in the photo
Kirlian light , the body is not identical to the central
nodes of energy that exists in the treatment of
movement new age beliefs.
Study of of Tree 's Myth and Aura
• The results of Kirlian photography also showed that
from the surface of photographed hand the amazing
light flow emitted as if sparks out of the skin . In the
human photographs , the colorful light changing in size
and intensity depending on the mental condition of the
person photographed. Many have concluded that
photo is just an overview of the physiological changes
that happen in skin surface such as a photograph reads
moisture variation , appearance temperature or
electrical conditions changing on the surface of the
skin , but for the followers of ' mystic - pantheistic '
Kirlian photography then considered to indicate the
presence of an aura of energy in the human body .
Study of of Tree 's Myth and Aura
Study using computer simulation
• Method
• The method selected for this study is experimental with computer simulations .
The objective is to see the energy path from the plants position that are planted in
front garden area of ​the house. Ideally this computer simulation completed with
wind tunnel and field research so that it the validity of the result will be much
• Activity observations and field data collection , among others done by:
• 1 . The data collection. Primary data through interviews with the resident and
secondary data obtained by bibliography studies.
• 2 . Sampling was conducted in the selection of respondents . The number of
respondents were taken by 2 respondents ( two respondents with a single plant , 1
respondents with vine plant ) . Each observation site was prepared with some
computer simulations . The questionnaire was prepared and contain questions
concerning a wide range of information on the aesthetics they want as well as
function and benefits that the have perceived from the planted tree in a long time
. The Result of questionnaire used as data information for simulation by computer
to find the energy path from plant to the rooms inside the house.
Study using computer simulation
Data Analysis
Some of the factors used in the analysis include:
1 . Type of planted Plant.
2 . Position and location of Plant in the areas of
residence .
• 3 . Ground Plan Design .
• 4 . Size , shape and position of natural air
openings .
• 5 . Macro wind direction and the movement of
air from outside into the house to live .
Study using computer simulation
• Time and Location Research
• For the first step, field research has chosen in one
residential block in Batan Indah Residence in south
Tangerang city in January 2013 until February 2014.
This resident plant Passiflora coccinea "red passion" to
decorate his house on one hand, and to decrease the
room temperature in his house on the other hand.
• Time field observation /interview is for 3 months. The
object of study is the type of crop and vine that plant in
front of the house and the condition is spreadly
grown in front garden area.
Study using computer simulation
Research activities to gather information about the
influence of trees is done at three locations in the area
of Batan Residence Serpong in Province of Banten. The
collection of data and information collected through
direct observation in the field, interviews with local
residents as well as through literature study .
The resident is Mr. Iwin Biwanto. He has live here for
almost 8 years. He planted passiflora in his front garden.
The plant spread almost cover two to three of the house
façade. His career is not really good as he said.
Based on this data, we conduct a computer simulation to
find draft from this passiflora to living room where he and
his family spent their time in 4-5 hours everyday.
The simulation using weather file of Jakarta, with
location -6 latitude and 106 longitude. Outside
Temperature is set in 33 °C and inside temperature is
set in 28°C. Wind speed is set in 6 m/s and other factors
such as humidity, etc is ignored.
Study using computer simulation
• The computer
simulation research
show that the air tends
to flow into the living
room. The speed of air
is about 1 m/s but
enough to accumulate
in this area.
• The resident spend
their time almost 4-5
hours a day in living
room where there area
a lot of air from plant
flow and accumulate in
this room.
• The air flow from outside to inside through the
myth plants. So that, the location where the air
flow through the plant is the key of the effect of
this myth.
• The size of opening determine the accumulate of
the air inside the room.
• The space configuration of the house or design of
ground plant determine the draft and the volume
of energy inside the house.
• The speed and flow of draft inside the house is
different depend on the ground plan.
Conclusion and Suggestion
• As apreliminary study, there is no valid conclusion could be
made from this experiment. However, there are indications
that Aura’s plant can be followed through its energy path
from the plant to the room where resident living. The
analyze using Kirlian or other aura photography is still
difficult to be convinced as valid aura. The process is
technically more physics and chemical discipline rather
than space engineering or built environment.
• Architect as built environment maker can resolve this issue
with space design. As long as the Architect believe the
effect of the plant, and he/ she want to create some
situation in the house, he/ she can make the concept and
build it.
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