desmond campus - Mount Saint Mary College


desmond campus - Mount Saint Mary College
Mount Saint Mary College
November, December 2015, January, February 2016
Phone: (845) 565-2076
E-mail: [email protected]
Nov. 2015
Dec. 2015
13 14
20 21
27 28
Jan. 2016
10 11
17 18
24 25
Feb. 2016
Desmond Campus for Adult Enrichment • 6 Albany Post Road, Newburgh, NY 12550
Campus is closed
Visit us on Facebook:
Snowline: 845-569-3500
Nature has many scenes to exhibit, and constantly draws a curtain over
this part or that. She is constantly repainting the landscape and all
surfaces, dressing up some scene for our entertainment. Lately we had
a leafy wilderness; now bare twigs begin to prevail, and soon she will
surprise us with a mantle of snow. Some green she thinks so good for our
eyes that, like blue, she never banishes it entirely from our eyes, but has
created evergreens.
— Henry David Thoreau, Nov. 8, 1858
It is a hot, humid day in early September and we are just about ready to send our
brochure copy to Marketing. As usual, we are working on scheduling a season
ahead and while that always feels a little strange never so much as when we are
scheduling snow days in the heat of the summer!
We look forward to sending out this brochure with many varied offerings to keep
you busy and active during the winter months. Desmond is a comfortable place to come to all
year round but during the winter months to come through these doors and see friendly faces,
enjoy socializing, and learn something is a great way to spend months which can otherwise
feel long and isolating.
We hope that you will find many things of interest to you. We are offering a class in Walking to keep you from being sedentary (try it for free!); a class in self defense open to men and
women, a class on Homeopathy, Mindful Meditation, and the Healing Power of Gratitude as
well as new film, art and music classes.
When looking for quotes for this page I came across several humorous ones that I thought I
would share even though I am not a hater of winter!
“Autumn is a season followed immediately by looking forward to Spring.” (Anonymous) “To
shorten winter, borrow some money due in spring.” (W.J. Vogel) “I was just thinking, if it
is really religion with these nudist colonies, they sure must turn atheists in the wintertime.”
(Will Rogers) “ I like these cold, gray winter days. Days like these let you savor a bad mood.”
(Bill Watterson) But I will end with a lovely quote: “One kind word can warm three winter
months.” (Japanese Proverb)
We look forward to seeing you and enjoying the warmth of Mrs. Desmond’s gift together.
Joan McAdam
Coordinator, Community Education
[email protected]
Jennifer Laubach
Coordinator, L.I.F.E. Program
[email protected]
To Register Online:
New Policy
Please be advised that from this point on, brochures will be mailed only to those who
have registered for a class or trip in the past year. Thank you.
Course sections
Community Education Courses.................7
Arts & Nature............................................................10
Explore & Expand...................................................15
Exercise Classes.......................................................33
Speaker Series.........................................................37
Day Trips.....................................................................41
L.I.F.E. Program (for those 55+)...............46
Full-Length Courses..............................................46
Short Courses..........................................................47
Driving Classes........................................................52
Registration Forms................................................54
Courses by Month
42nd Street Architecture Walking Tour,
Oct. 26............................................................ 41
Hidden Treasures of the Catskills, Oct. 29........41
Open Studio, Dates posted at Desmond.............14
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Nov. 1 ............ 41
Adventures in Publishing: How to Independently
Publish Your Own Book, Nov. 2.............................18
The Dominican Nuns: Who Are They? Nov. 3....46
Lunch at the Culinary Institute, Ristorante
Caterina de’ Medici, Nov. 3.......................... 41
Open Mah Jongg, Nov. 3................................ 47
Remembering Storm King, Nov. 3..........................37
Walk Live-Free Demo, Nov. 3.....................................33
Life Story Workshop, Nov. 4.......................... 47
Open Sew, Nov. 4............................................ 47
L.I.F.E. Courses and Day Trips in bold
Wyeth’s Windows, Nov. 4............................................37
The Spiritual Power of Crystals, Nov. 4..................37
Teilhard de Chardin 3, Nov. 4........................ 47
The Bestseller List,Thursday, Nov. 5............. 48
Honey Bee Basics, Nov. 5.............................................21
Intro to iPad, Nov. 5.......................................................... 9
Open Bridge, Nov. 5 . ..................................... 47
Painting with Maria, Nov. 5........................................10
Real Estate Deals, Nov. 5................................ 47
Walk Live, Nov. 5..............................................................33
Classical Music: Early 20th Century, Nov. 6 ........15
Self-Defense for the Older Adult, Nov. 6..............15
The King and I, Vivian Beaumont Theatre,
150 West 65th Street, Nov. 8....................... 42
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Nov. 8........... 42
Basic Drawing - Evening, Nov. 9.............................10
Beginner Spanish, Nov. 9............................... 46
The Big Fat Lie on Salt, Saturated Fat &
Cholesterol, Nov. 9......................................................28
Let’s Speak Spanish (Advanced Beginner),
Nov. 9............................................................. 46
Northern Renaissance Art, Nov. 9...........................15
Pie in the Sky Video Series, Nov. 9.............................19
Watercolors, Nov. 9 .......................................................10
Windows Computer Literacy, Nov. 9....................... 6
Zumba® Gold, Nov. 9.....................................................35
A is for Astrology, Nov. 10...........................................26
Basic Guitar, Nov. 10......................................................17
Beginning Watercolors, Nov. 10...............................10
Evening Hatha Yoga, Nov. 10....................................34
From Here to Eternity: Old Blue Eyes is 100!,
Nov. 10..............................................................................31
The Healing Power of Gratitude, Nov. 10............30
Intro to T’ai Chi Chih, Nov. 10 ...................................36
Painting with Acrylics - Evening, Nov. 10.............11
The Spiritual Power of Crystals, Nov. 10...............26
Walk Live, Nov. 10...........................................................33
Chair Yoga, Nov. 11 .......................................................35
Gentle Yoga, Nov. 11.....................................................35
Hatha Yoga, Nov. 11.......................................................33
Large Intestine Health, Nov. 11................................26
Desmond Campus grounds.
Lunch Hour Yoga, Nov. 11..........................................34
The Mindful Way - Meditation to Fit Your
Life, Nov. 11....................................................................30
Oil and Acrylics, Nov. 11 .............................................11
Zumba® Gold Toning, Nov. 11..................................35
How to Drastically Cut Costs, Nov. 12.......... 48
Pastel Painting from Photographs, Nov. 12 ......12
Psychology in Film, Nov. 12.......................................20
Watercolors Made Easy – Evening, Nov. 12 .......12
Everyone Can Dowse, Nov. 13....................... 48
From a New Theory of Evolution, a New
Human Nature, Nov. 13............................................23
Hatha Yoga, Nov. 13.......................................................33
Mulberry House Players Performance at
Desmond, Nov. 13........................................ 42
Painting with Pastels, Nov. 13...................................13
International Sparkling Wines with
Cheeses, Nov. 14..........................................................24
Sylvia, Cort Theatre, 138 West 48th Street,
Nov. 14........................................................... 42
Advanced Drawing, Nov. 16 . ...................................13
Beginning Drawing, Nov. 16 ....................................13
Introduction to Windows Operating
System, Nov. 16.............................................................. 6
Oil Painting, Nov. 16......................................................13
Genealogy: Virtual Research Trip, Nov. 16...........18
The History of Negro League Baseball,
Nov. 17........................................................... 48
L.I.F.E. Courses and Day Trips in bold
Lee Ferris/Mount Saint Mary College
Introduction to Decorative PaintingChristmas Project, Nov. 17.......................................14
Madonna in Art, Nov. 18.............................................38
Intermediate iPad, Nov. 19........................................... 9
Prudence Crandall - A Teacher Ahead of
Her Time, Nov. 19........................................................38
Wall Street Secrets, Nov. 19........................... 48
Long-Range Weather Forecasting and
Global Warming, Nov. 20............................. 49
Meditation Techniques and Practice, Nov. 20...30
Radio City Christmas Spectacular, Nov. 22... 42
The Mystery of Human Suffering...a
Conversation, Nov. 23...............................................22
Staging Tips for Selling Your Home , Nov. 20.....18
Pie in the Sky Video Series, Nov. 23..........................19
Judgment at Nuremburg: I was only following
orders!” Movie and Lecture, Nov. 24...................22
Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, Nov. 26... 42
Creating a Holiday Centerpiece Using Fresh
Greens, Nov. 30..............................................................23
Dutch Influence in America, Nov. 30.....................38
Newport Mansions Holiday Tour, Newport RI,
Nov. 30............................................................. 43
Newport Mansions Holiday Tour, Newport RI,
Nov. 30............................................................. 43
To Register Online:
The Annual Holiday Media Show, Dec. 1..... 49
Learn How to Skype Your Grandchildren, Dec. 1.....6
U.S. Postage Stamp Collecting 101, Dec. 1......49
Walk Live, Dec. 1..............................................................33
The Gin Game, John Golden Theatre,
252 West 45th Street, Dec. 2....................... 44
NYC Holiday Bus, Dec. 2................................. 43
Painting Paradise, Dec. 2.............................................16
Holiday Necklace Workshop, Dec. 3............. 50
Open iOS, Dec. 3............................................................... 9
Painting with Maria, Dec. 3........................................10
Walk Live, Dec. 3..............................................................33
Avoid Cabin Fever!, Dec. 4..........................................18
Capturing Our Past: Visiting Washington’s
Headquarters in the Mid-Late 19th Century,
Dec. 4....................................................................... 39
Internet, Search Engines, Shopping, Banking
Online Boot Camp, Dec. 4....................................... 6
Adventures in Publishing: How to Independently
Publish Your Own Book, Dec. 7.............................18
Introduction to Word, Dec. 7....................................... 7
Pie in the Sky Video Series, Dec. 7.............................19
Excel Boot Camp, Dec. 8................................................ 8
Lyndhurst Castle, Tarrytown, Dec. 8............. 44
Marty: “Ma, face it, I’m Never Getting
Married!”, Dec. 8............................................................31
The Holiday and Your Health Dec. 9 .....................26
Beekeeper’s Work Schedule/Tools, Dec. 10........21
All Are Psychic, Dec. 11.................................. 50
Holiday Pot Luck Get-Together, Dec. 11...... 45
Meditation Techniques and Practice, Dec. 11...30
Fondues with Mountain Wines, Dec. 13..............24
Christmas in Connecticut: White Lies for a
White Christmas!, Dec. 16........................................31
iPhone/iPad Pictures, Dec. 17..................................... 9
The Kitchen Herbalist - Your Home
Apothecary, Dec. 19...................................................27
Pie in the Sky Video Series, Dec. 28..........................19
Basic Drawing - Evening, Jan. 4 . ............................10
The Book of Ruth, Jan. 4..............................................22
Great Expectations, Jan. 4.............................. 50
Watercolors, Jan. 4 ........................................................10
Zumba® Gold, Jan. 4......................................................35
Afternoon T’ai Chi Chih, Jan. 5..................................36
L.I.F.E. Courses and Day Trips in bold
Art of the Italian Renaissance, Jan. 5......................15
Beginning Watercolors, Jan. 5...................................10
Evening Hatha Yoga, Jan. 5........................................34
How Green Was My Valley: A Life, and a World
Away!, Jan. 5...................................................................31
Walk Live, Jan. 5 . ............................................................33
Hatha Yoga, Jan. 6..........................................................33
The Short Story Society Returns!, Jan. 6...............16
Zumba® Gold Toning, Jan. 6......................................35
The Ice Harvesting Industry, Jan. 6.........................39
Beginner French and Grammar
Refresher, Jan 7.............................................................23
French for Travelers, Jan. 7..........................................23
Painting with Maria, Jan. 7.........................................10
Walk Live, Jan. 7...............................................................33
What’s with All of Those 1s and 0s?, Jan. 7.......46
Hatha Yoga, Jan. 8..........................................................33
Painting with Pastels, Jan. 8.......................................13
Seeing Through the Darkness: Our Addiction to
Perfection and the Possibilities for
Liberation, Jan. 8......................................... 46
Word Boot Camp, Jan. 8................................................ 7
Beginning Oriental Brush Painting, Jan. 9...........14
Intro to iPad, Jan. 9........................................................... 9
Losing Weight, Jan. 9....................................................24
Sculpture: Clay Figure from Life, Jan. 9.................14
Introduction to Homeopathy, Jan. 11...................27
“Let Food be thy Medicine and Medicine be
Thy Food”, Jan. 11........................................................29
Pie in the Sky Video Series, Jan. 11...........................19
Digital Photography Boot Camp, Jan. 12.............. 7
Folk, Blues & Rock Guitar Workshop, Jan. 12......17
Painting with Acrylics - Evening, Jan. 12..............11
Bloomsbury and Charleston, Jan. 13.....................16
Lunch Hour Yoga, Jan. 13 ..........................................34
Oil and Acrylics, Jan. 13................................................11
Start the New Year Healthy, Jan. 13........................26
Pastel Painting from Photographs, Jan. 14 ........12
SAD- Beating the Winter Blues, Jan. 14................20
Watercolors Made Easy – Evening, Jan. 14.........12
Digital Photography Boot Camp, Jan. 15.............. 7
Meditation Techniques and Practice, Jan. 15.....30
European Winter-weight Wines with
Cheese, Jan. 16.............................................................24
Introduction to Qi Gong for Beginners &
Experienced, Jan. 16...................................................36
To Register Online:
Tugboats on the Hudson, Then
and Now, Jan. 19.........................................................39
Word Boot Camp, Jan. 19.............................................. 7
Chair Yoga, Jan. 20..........................................................35
Gentle Yoga, Jan. 20......................................................35
The King And I: Etc., Etc.!, Jan. 21..............................32
Starting Your Bees, Jan. 21..........................................21
Stress Less, Savor More, Jan. 21................................30
Alzheimer’s Disease: 20 Ways to Deter it
While Using Hypnosis, Jan. 22...............................27
Trash or Treasure?, Jan. 22..........................................18
Intermediate iPad, Jan. 23............................................ 9
Advanced Drawing, Jan. 25.......................................13
Beginning Drawing, Jan. 25 .....................................13
Excel Boot Camp, Jan. 25.............................................. 8
Oil Painting, Jan. 25........................................................13
Pie in the Sky Video Series, Jan. 25...........................19
Write, Release, Retail — How to Become an
Indie Author, Jan. 25..................................................19
Introduction to France’s Loire Valley Wines
with Loire Valley Cheeses, Jan. 30........................25
Walk Live, Feb. 2..............................................................33
Winter Wildlife Survival, Feb. 2..................................39
Chair Seat Weaving Techniques, Feb. 3................17
Two Artists, Two Chapels, 600 years, Feb. 3........16
Women of the Civil War, Feb. 3...................... 50
Painting with Maria, Feb. 4.........................................10
Stop Typing and Speak to Your Computer
Boot Camp, Feb. 4......................................................... 8
Walk Live, Feb. 4..............................................................33
Receiving the French: The French Role in the
American Revolution, Feb. 5................................40
Open iOS, Feb. 6................................................................ 9
Access Boot Camp, Feb. 8............................................. 8
The Book of Esther, Feb. 8...........................................22
Organic vs Non-Organic Foods: Is There Really a
Difference?, Feb. 8......................................................29
Pie in the Sky Video Series, Feb. 8.............................19
Spanish for the Linguistically Challenged,
Feb. 8.............................................................. 50
Fiber Art/Felting Class, Feb. 9....................................12
On Downing Park, Feb. 9.............................................40
Stop Typing and Speak to Your Computer
Boot Camp, Feb. 9......................................................... 8
How to Shake Off the Winter Blues, Feb. 10.......26
L.I.F.E. Courses and Day Trips in bold
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir: True Love is
Eternal!, Feb. 11............................................................32
Antibacterials - Pros & Cons, Nov. 12.....................27
Meditation Techniques and Practice, Feb. 12....30
Valentine’s Day Luncheon, Feb. 12............... 45
Introduction to the Wines of Southern Italy with
Cheese, Feb. 14.............................................................25
Layman’s Guide to Paranormal
Experiences, Feb. 17..................................... 51
The Dutchess County and Orange County
Regiments, Feb. 18.....................................................40
Visiting Miami Beach, Feb. 19....................... 51
Healthy Techniques for a Healthy Life Style,
Feb. 20..............................................................................24
iPhone/iPad Pictures, Feb. 20...................................... 9
Winter Image, Winter Line: A Poetry Writing
Workshop, Feb. 20........................................ 51
Pie in the Sky Video Series, Feb. 22...........................19
Access Boot Camp, Feb. 23.......................................... 8
Lawrence of Arabia: War on Ancient Territory!,
Feb. 23..............................................................................32
Eleanor Roosevelt - Challenges and
Triumphs, Feb. 24........................................................40
Layman’s Guide to Near-Death Experiences,
Feb. 24............................................................ 51
Find Your ________?________, Feb. 26................28
Visiting Key West, Feb. 26.51 Earth Qi Gong for
Women, Feb. 27...............................................................36
Introduction to the Wines of Eastern Spain with
Cheeses, Feb. 27...........................................................25
The Philadelphia Flower Show, March 7 ..... 45
Hamilton, Richard Rodgers Theatre,
226 West 46th Street, March 23.................. 45
Driving Classes
Defensive Driving , Nov. 11 & 18..............................52
Defensive Driving , Dec. 9 & 16................................52
Defensive Driving , Jan. 13 & 20...............................52
Defensive Driving , Feb. 10 & 17..............................52
Pre-Licensing Class, Nov. 14......................................52
Pre-Licensing Class, Dec. 12.......................................52
No classes in January or February
Community Education (Noncredit) Courses
Fall 2015/Winter 2016
Community Education
For adults 18 and over
Windows Computer Literacy
Windows Computer Literacy presents the skills to use computers with ease, at your pace,
and in plain language, while you learn, enhance productivity, and boost performance.
When you are comfortable with a specific task, we’ll move on to new operations. You will
become adept at using the mouse and keyboard. We focus on the Microsoft Windows
operating system, file and folder management, other peripherals, and more. In addition,
basic software applications, the Internet, email and search engines are covered. Through
this gradual process you will be “wired” so you may communicate with friends and relatives
across cyberspace. Pre-Req: No prior computer skills required. Registration limited to 7.
Mon.–Thurs., Nov. 9-12
1-3 pmV. Kayes
Fee: $70
Introduction to Windows Operating System
An introduction to the operating system as we move from basics through applications,
security, control panel and administration. This course includes many of the various
functions and essential skills: working with the Desktop; working with hard disks and other
removable storage media (CD/DVDs, Flash memory sticks & cards) learning about file &
folder management and libraries. Learn how to organize and protect your information, to
select and launch programs and how to customize the desktop. Discover browsing and
search engines, safety and privacy on the Internet to protect your info and data, use of
e-Mail, the Cloud, digital photos and music. Pre-Req: Basic computer skills required (mouse &
keyboard). Registration limited to 7.
Mon.–Thurs., Nov. 16-19
10 am-NoonV. Kayes
Fee: $70
Learn how to Skype your Grandchildren
Skype provides text, voice and video communication, allowing you to interact live and
online with folks, wherever they are. Skype is free and works on your phone, computer or
Smart TV with Skype on them. For a fee, more features are available. Learn to install and use
Skype in this course, to speak, see and instant message others. Registration limited to 7.
Tuesday, Dec. 1
Snow date: Wed. Dec. 2
10 am-NoonV. Kayes
Fee: $20
Internet, Search Engines, Shopping, Banking Online Boot Camp
Learn to use the Internet to successfully research and find information online. Examine
the means to safely protect yourself and your personal info while shopping, banking and
exploring. Become aware of the typical fraudulent schemes perpetrators use to rip you off
and protect yourself. Registration limited to 7.
Friday, Dec. 4
9 am-3 pm (bring lunch)V. Kayes
Fee: $60
Fall 2015/Winter 2016 Community Education (Noncredit) Courses
Introduction to Word
Build better documents with Microsoft Word. This course teaches the basics of creating,
editing, and formatting documents in Word 2013 via basic editing and formatting features,
using templates, characters and paragraphs. We then proceed to customizing paragraphs
and the formatting of pages. We cover opening Word, creating, saving, printing and closing
a document. We will examine fonts, keyboard shortcuts, apply numbering and bullets, cut
and copy text, using tabs, changing margins, page orientation and headers and footers.
Pre-Req: Basic computer skills required. Registration limited to 7.
Mon.–Thurs., Dec. 7-10
10 am-NoonV. Kayes
Fee: $70
If students would like to continue with an Intermediate and Advanced class, they can be arranged through
office and instructor.
Word Boot Camp
Morning session will cover basics: create a new document and insert text, format text
using text effects, insert and resize pictures, wrap text around and move a picture, apply
picture styles and artistic effects, add a page border, insert and modify text boxes and
shapes, and preview and print a document. Change document and paragraph layout, set
margins, align text, change line spacing, indent text, and add space after paragraphs. Next,
we’ll create and modify (bulleted, numbered and custom) lists, set and modify tab stops,
and finally, insert and modify a SmartArt graphic.
Afternoon session will cover tables and templates: Create a table, add text, add existing
text into a table, and create bulleted lists in a table. Format a table by changing column
widths, add columns and rows to a table, merge cells, format text in cells, and change table
borders. Next, create a new document from an existing document and create a letterhead.
Then, we’ll change and reorganize text via AutoCorrect, find and replace text, select and
move text to a new location, and insert and format a table in a document. Finally, we’ll use
the proofing options and create a document using a template. Registration limited to 7.
Friday, Jan. 8
Tues.–Thurs., Jan. 19-21
9 am-3 pm (bring lunch)V. Kayes 6:30-9 pmV. Kayes Fee: $60 OR
Fee: $70
Digital Photography Boot Camp
Morning session: Learn to use your digital camera more effectively and efficiently by
understanding the features and functions of your camera beyond simple point-and-shoot.
Then, learn to copy your photos from the camera to the computer via a card reader or
camera cable. Next, burn copies of your photos from the PC to a CD/DVD. Finally, a brief
introduction to using Adobe Photoshop Elements and displaying photos on your desktop
computer. Please bring a CD/DVD with you to copy your pictures.
Afternoon session: Improve your use of (and skill with) your digital camera through
using Adobe Photoshop Elements computer software. Learn how to burn copies of your
photos from the PC to a CD/DVD. Then, use Adobe Photoshop Elements to enhance,
repair or transform your picture images. Pre-req: knowledge of the Microsoft Windows
environment. Registration limited to 7.
Friday, Jan. 15
Tues.–Thurs., Jan. 12-14
9-3 pmV. Kayes 6:30-9 pmV. Kayes Fee: $60OR
Fee: $70
Community Education (Noncredit) Courses
Fall 2015/Winter 2016
Excel Boot Camp
Morning session: Basics create a worksheet and chart data. Learn to create, save, and navigate a
workbook, enter data into the worksheet, construct and copy formulas, and use the SUM function.
We’ll format cells with merge and center and cell styles. Chart data to create a column chart and
insert sparklines. Spell check, enter data via ranges, use arithmetic operators, copy formulas
containing absolute cell references, edit cell values, and format cells with styles. Then, print, display
formulas, and close Excel.
Afternoon session: Functions, Tables, and Workbooks: learn to use the SUM, AVERAGE, MEDIAN,
MIN, and MAX functions. Move data, resolve error messages, and rotate text. Use the COUNTIF and IF
functions, and apply conditional formatting. Use date and time functions and freeze panes. Create,
sort, and filter an Excel table. Format and print a large worksheet. Finally, analyze data with pie charts,
line charts, and What-If analysis.
Pre-Req: knowledge of the Microsoft Windows environment. Registration limited to 7.
Tues.–Thurs., Dec. 8-10
6:30-9 pmV. Kayes Fee: $70OR
Monday, Jan. 25
9 am-3 pm (bring lunch)V. Kayes Fee: $60
Stop Typing and Speak to Your Computer Boot Camp
Windows Speech Recognition makes using a keyboard and mouse optional. You can control your
PC with your voice and dictate text instead. Learn to use your voice to control your computer. You
can speak commands that the computer will respond to, and you can dictate text to the computer.
It’s Speech Recognition and it’s FREE! It’s a built-in part of the Windows OS! Once you've got the
microphone ($10) set up, you can train your computer to better understand you by creating a
voice profile that your computer uses to recognize your voice and spoken commands. So, let your
computer do the typing. Pre-Req: Basic computer skills required. Registration limited to 7.
Thursday, Feb. 4
9 am-3 pm (bring lunch)V. Kayes Fee: $60
Snow date: Thursday, Feb. 11
Tues.–Thurs., Feb. 9-11
6:30-9 pmV. Kayes Fee: $70
Access Boot Camp
Applications requiring storage and maintenance of large amounts of data in an organized manner
can be set up as Access databases, e.g. customers and invoices, inventory and suppliers. Data in
databases is organized by topic and each topic is stored in a table. These tables are then organized
into relationships such as employee names and payroll data. With tables established, the power of
the database comes alive as the user can now formulate queries, forms, and reports to analyze the
data and produce useful information to guide decision making for the organization. Registration limited
to 7.
Monday, Feb. 8
9 am-3 pm (bring lunch)V. Kayes Fee: $60
Tues.–Thurs., Feb. 23-25
6:30-9 pmV. Kayes Fee: $70
Vincent Kayes, PhD, retired professor of computer science at Mount Saint Mary College, also teaches computer technology
courses for local health care facilities.
Introduce a friend to Desmond!
If you know someone who has never taken a course at Desmond, please tell them
about us! When they enroll in a course (class fee $10 or over), we will send you a
$10 gift certificate in appreciation for promoting our programs.
Fall 2015/Winter 2016 Community Education (Noncredit) Courses
Intro to iPad
This class is designed for those who are looking to purchase an iPad or who have recently acquired
one. We will cover device set-up, physical features, device navigation and basic settings including
connecting to the wireless network. We will also discuss Cloud technology. Registration limited to 15.
Thursday, Nov. 5
Saturday, Jan. 9
6-7:30 pm
10:30 am-Noon
C. Nicoletti
C. Nicoletti
Fee: $18 OR
Fee: $18
Intermediate iPad
iPads can capture your favorite moments with photos and video, play your favorite station or album,
and help you browse the web. Stay in touch with email, messaging, and video calling features. You
can play games, locate nearby restaurants, and connect to your social networking sites simply by
installing a few apps. Where to begin? In this class, we will spend time exploring the many apps and
resources available including how to download and organize apps. Please bring an iPad to class.
Registration limited to 15.
Thursday, Nov. 19
Saturday, Jan. 23
6-7:30 pm
10:30 am-Noon
C. Nicoletti
C. Nicoletti
Fee: $18 OR
Fee: $18
Open iOS
Now that you have a general idea of how to use and optimize your device, this class is for those
looking to optimize its use. Why take a trip to the Apple store when you have an expert right here? To
allow for a more individualized attention, this class is led by your questions. Be sure to bring your iPad
and questions with you! Other mobile Apple devices function nearly identically to the iPad, so if you
have iPhone or iPod Touch, join us. Registration limited to 10.
Thursday, Dec. 3
Saturday, Feb. 6
6-7:30 pm
10:30 am-Noon
C. Nicoletti
C. Nicoletti
Fee: $18 OR
Fee: $18
iPhone/iPad Pictures
With our iPhone or iPad always within reach, it’s the ideal device for snapping a quick picture and
making a memory. In this class, we will discuss using the camera as well as organizing, sharing, and
editing photos. We will also discuss the options for saving and printing your treasured moments. Please bring your iPad, iTouch, or iPhone to class. Registration limited to 15.
Thursday, Dec. 17
Saturday, Feb. 20
6-7:30 pm
10:30 am-Noon
C. Nicoletti
C. Nicoletti
Fee: $18 OR
Fee: $18
Corri Nicoletti is a Mount Saint Mary College alumna with a bachelor’s degree in educational technologies and master’s in
education. She currently works as an Educational Technology Specialist in higher education.
Holiday Pot Luck Get-Together
Bring your favorite holiday dish and join us for a pot luck lunch! Enjoy The Desmond Campus
“dressed up” for the holidays! No drinks or desserts, please. They will be provided. Please note
that space is limited.
Friday, Dec. 11Noon-2 pm
Fee: Free, but please register.
Community Education (Noncredit) Courses
Fall 2015/Winter 2016
arts & nature
Painting with Maria
In this course participants will obtain instruction on how to paint a specific work of art. You will be introduced to the basics of painting using acrylic paint. This course will teach you to be observant in regards
to spatial relations and open your mind to new ways of thinking. All necessary materials and a complimentary glass of wine will be provided for those who choose to partake (id required, please). The course
objective is to have a fun time while gaining understanding and skill in the art of acrylic painting. It is
good for people looking to find a new interest or expand on an existing interest in the arts. All course
materials are provided and included in fee. Feel free to bring a smock or an old tee shirt.
Thursday, Nov. 5
Thursday, Dec. 3
Thursday, Jan. 7
Thursday, Feb. 4
6:30-8:30 pm
6:30-8:30 pm
6:30-8:30 pm
6:30-8:30 pm
M. Murphy
M. Murphy
M. Murphy
M. Murphy
Fee: $45/class
Fee: $45/class
Fee: $45/class
Fee: $45/class
Maria Murphy has been creating art her entire life. She received her degree in Visual Art Education K-12 from SUNY New Paltz.
Basic Drawing – Evening
This course is designed for beginning artists or those wishing to build skills. Class sessions
will focus on the elements of drawing, composition and rendering pencil as well as ink
illustrations form a variety of inspirations. No prior skills necessary. Materials needed: 11x18
sketch book, selection of pencils and erasers.
6 Mon., beginning Nov. 9
6 Mon., beginning Jan. 4 No class Jan. 18
5-6:30 pm
5-6:30 pm
L. Farrand
L. Farrand
Fee: $65 OR
Fee: $65
Lisa Farrand studied art and design at Purchase College in the University of Buffalo. She has worked for several years as
an art and museum guide while working in the travel industry in Europe. Lisa’s passion remains art: including drawing,
illustrating and painting.
Students will observe a watercolor demonstration from sketch to completed painting. Students will
choose their subjects and demonstrate the use of watercolors from drawing to completed painting.
Supply list will be provided.
6 Mon., beginning Nov. 9 6 Mon., beginning Nov. 9 6 Mon., beginning Jan. 4 No class Jan. 18
6 Mon., beginning Jan. 4
No class Jan. 18
9 am-Noon 1-4 pm
9 am-Noon
L. DeVirgilio
L. DeVirgilio
L. DeVirgilio
Fee: $150
Fee: $150
Fee: $150
1-4 pm
L. DeVirgilio
Fee: $150
Beginning Watercolors
If you’ve always wanted to try watercolors, this is the class for you. Len will show you the basics of
applying watercolor paint to paper. Minimal supplies will be needed; list provided upon request.
6 Tues., beginning Nov. 10
7 Tues., beginning Jan. 5
9 am-Noon
9 am-Noon
L. DeVirgilio
L. DeVirgilio
Fee: $150
Fee: $175
Len DeVirgilio has been a graphic designer for over 40 years, working in New York advertising agencies and design studios
for national accounts. He is a graduate of the School of Art & Design and attended the School of Visual Arts. Len won “Best
in Show” at the Artists on Campus show at Mount Saint Mary College in June 2010.
Fall 2015/Winter 2016 Community Education (Noncredit) Courses
Come to the holiday potluck at Desmond Campus, page 45.
Painting with Acrylics - Evening
Beginners to professionals are welcome; the atmosphere is relaxing and creative. We’ll paint on
pre-treated canvases of any size and each class will feature still life setups, and will not be a freelance
class. Learn how to use various brushes and try new paint techniques. We’ll have a supply list upon your
request if needed.
6 Tues., beginning Nov. 10
6 Tues., beginning Jan. 12
6-9 pm
6-9 pm
J. Yeaple King J. Yeaple King Fee: $108
Fee: $108
Oil and Acrylics
Beginners to professionals are welcome; the atmosphere is relaxing and creative. We’ll paint on pretreated canvases of any size and you can also work on more than one painting at a time. Work from a
photo or a set of objects in the class, or use your imagination! Learn how to use various brushes and
try new paint techniques. We’ll have a supply list for beginners.
6 Wed., beginning Nov. 11
No class Nov. 25 & Dec. 23
6 Wed., beginning Jan. 13
10 am-1 pm
J. Yeaple King
Fee: $108
10 am-1 pm
J. Yeaple King
Fee: $108
Snowline: 845-569-3500
Community Education (Noncredit) Courses
Fall 2015/Winter 2016
Fiber Art/Felting Class
Felting is a centuries-old process. Felting was and still is used to create clothing, decorations, artwork
and toys. Learn how to use the needles and wools to create the basics of designing a small purse or
cell phone case. A beginner’s kit can be purchased at the first class for $12 paid to instructor.
3 Tues., beginning Feb. 9
4-6 pm
J. Yeaple King Fee: $45
Jodi Yeaple King has been an artist for over 40 years, working with many art forms including illustrations, tole painting,
jewelry making, fiber arts, and metal sculpting. She has owned an art-based business, selling her work and that of other
local artists, and has taught adult classes in the Hudson Valley.
Pastel Painting from Photographs
This class will focus not only on painting from reference photos, but also on the importance of not
just copying the photograph, but of understanding the structure of objects within the photo. The
importance of color contrasts in depicting structures, and exploring how aerial perspective plays
a very important role in creating the illusion of 3-dimensional reality, will also be covered. Photos
used will be of varied subjects: landscape, figure, portrait, still life. Photographs will be provided in
the beginning classes, and then the students will be required to bring in their own photos to work
from. The first classes will cover the important elements to consider in taking your own photos, plus
using the computer for enhancement if the student desires. Using the computer as a helpful tool
will be addressed. Throughout art history new technologies have always advanced artists’ directions.
Critiques will be given at the end of each class. Some pastel painting experience is helpful, but using
the pastel medium will be covered. A supply list will be sent to each student prior to the start of classes.
4 Thurs., beginning Nov. 12. 6:30-9:30 pm
C. Buchanan
Fee: $80
No class Nov. 26 & Dec. 3
5 Thurs., beginning Jan. 14
6:30-9:30 pm
C. Buchanan
Fee: $100
No class Feb. 4
Clayton Buchanan is intrigued with nature, and the light and color that bring it to life. His paintings are in private and
corporate collections. He was awarded two Elizabeth T. Greenshield Memorial Foundation Grants, and has received many
regional/national art awards. Buchanan studied Impressionist Painting with Henry Hensche, Cape School of Art; Figure/
Portrait Painting with William Draper, Art Students League; Commercial Art and Illustration, Memphis Academy of Arts.
Please see
Watercolors Made Easy – Evening
This is a class for beginners and seasoned watercolorists alike. Students and painters will be
delighted to see and practice new and exciting techniques. This much-maligned medium is
actually a great deal of fun, once the painter knows what to do with watercolors. This class
will concentrate on landscape and still life studies. There will be demonstrations of various
techniques and styles. Students should arrive a few minutes early to set up their work stations. A supply list will be provided upon registration.
5 Thurs., beginning Nov. 12
No class on Nov. 26
6 Thurs. beginning Jan. 14
4-6 pm
P. Eakin
Fee: $80
4-6 pm
P. Eakin
Fee: $100
Pattie Eakin owns and operates The Bruynswick Art Studio and Gallery in Gardiner, where she has been teaching oils and
watercolors for over 16 years. Pattie is a graduate of The Art Institute of Pittsburgh, West Chester State University, and was
named best artist in the Hudson Valley by Hudson Valley Magazine for 2010.
Fall 2015/Winter 2016 Community Education (Noncredit) Courses
Painting with Pastels
This course will focus on the handling (literally) of the pastel medium while doing still life. All levels
from beginning to advanced painters are welcome; especially those who would like to cross over
from another medium and explore the possibilities of pastels. Many of Gayle’s students have become
award-winning artists. Class will be limited to 10 students.
5 Fri., beginning Nov. 13
No class Nov. 27
5 Fri., beginning Nov. 13
No class Nov. 27
7 Fri., beginning Jan. 8
7 Fri., beginning Jan. 8
9:30 am-NoonG. Clark Fedigan
Fee: $100
1-3:30 pm G. Clark Fedigan
Fee: $100
9:30 am-NoonG. Clark Fedigan
1-3:30 pm G. Clark Fedigan
Fee: $140
Fee: $140
Gayle Clark Fedigan has been an accomplished pastel instructor and artist for 25 years. She has taught in Ireland, Italy, and
France. Gayle studied art at SUNY New Paltz, The Art Students League, and the ateliers of John Gould, Daniel Greene, and
Lisa Specht. She was accepted into the Pastel Society of America Show in 2014.
Beginning Drawing
This is a basic drawing class designed to introduce new students to the skills required to accurately
render what they see. It is also an opportunity for the more advanced artist to gain some visual and
creative practice in drawing and painting that will enhance any artistic endeavors. The beginning
classes will include an introduction to drawing basic 3-dimensional forms, perspective, light and
shade, and still life and/or landscape drawing. Supply list provided upon registration.
6 Mon., beginning Nov.16 No class Dec. 21
6 Mon., beginning Jan. 25 10 am-Noon
C. Harris-Pagano
Fee: $90
10 am-Noon
C. Harris-Pagano
Fee: $90
Advanced Drawing
This class will include advanced drawing techniques in basic 3-dimensional forms, perspective, light
and shade, still life, and some portrait work.
6 Mon., beginning Nov. 16
No class Dec. 21
6 Mon., beginning Jan. 25
1-3 pm C. Harris-Pagano
Fee: $90
1-3 pm C. Harris-Pagano
Fee: $90
Cynthia Harris-Pagano specializes in portraits, still-life, and landscapes in oil and pastel. She works out of her North Light
studio in Otisville, NY, one hour northwest of NYC. Her paintings are in public and private collections in the USA, Canada,
and Europe. She is a member of The Portrait Society of America. Portrait Website:
Oil Painting
Paint in a relaxed, supportive class for all levels with an emphasis on the fundamentals of traditional
oil painting. Each class features a choice of still life or floral setups, plus an option for you to paint
from your favorite photo. You can continue to paint from home with digital photos of setups. Individual instruction is given in paint handling and composition for your style and success.
5 Mon., beginning Nov. 16
6 Mon., beginning Jan. 25
6:30-9:30 pm E. McHenry
6:30-9:30 pm E. McHenry
Fee: $100
Fee: $120
Esther McHenry graduated from Pratt Institute with a degree in art teacher education, and is active in Artists in the Parks
and Lower Hudson Valley Plein Air Painters.
Community Education (Noncredit) Courses
Fall 2015/Winter 2016
Introduction to Decorative Painting – Christmas Project
Decorative painting is a diverse art form utilizing a variety of techniques and media to decorate functional and non-functional surfaces. Join us for a hands-on introduction to the Art of Decorative Painting and learn basic techniques such as surface prep, base coating, tracing, floating, highlighting and
sealing. A Christmas-themed project will be featured and taught by members of the Hudson Valley
Tole and Decorative Painters, a local chapter of the Society for Decorative Painters.; Beginners are welcome. Surfaces, paints and brushes will be provided.
$15 materials fee, payable upon registration.
Tuesday, Nov. 17
1-4 pmHV Tole Painters
Fee: $25
This class will be taught by members of Hudson Valley Tole and Decorative Painters, a local chapter of the Society for Decorative Painters. Informative websites and
Beginning Oriental Brush Painting
In this workshop, Sunwha Gil will introduce the history of Oriental brush painting and demonstrate
a bamboo brush technique to paint birds and flowers in step-by-step instructions. We will explore
brush strokes that will inspire the beauty and rhythm of the lines and space to each participant. Gil’s
demonstration will give participants the ability to appreciate the art of the simplicity in brush painting to create their own work of art. Minimal supply list available upon registration.
8 Sat., beginning Jan. 9
1:30-3:30 pmS. Gil
Fee: $150
Sunwha Gil received her BFA in oriental painting from Duksung Women’s University, Seoul, South Korea and her BS in art
education at SUNY New Paltz. She also completed a master’s degree in humanistic/multicultural education. She studied
authentic and traditional ink-brush painting with well-known professors from South Korea and China. She has exhibited
her artwork in South Korea and the United States.
Sculpture: Clay Figure from Life
Discover the freedom to portray the human figure and its inner emotions from the outer body language. Join sculptor Robert G. Breur for five three-hour sessions creating a full figure or any portion
of the live model expressing what he or she is and feels at the time. Wet clay provided for a $10 additional
charge on the first day of class.
5 Sat., beginning Jan. 9
9:30 am-12:30 pmR.G. Breur
Fee: $150
Robert Breur is a 20-year student of clay sculpting and woodcarving, specializing in the features of the human figure as
well as a few other animals. He typically sculpts in clay as a maquette and then copies that form to wood as his final art
form. His works have the outward expression of the pose and the internal message from his living subjects. His works are
intended to be viewed from all directions and even touched to be fully appreciated. His skills have recently been applied
not only to creating his own works, but also as augmentation to art therapy for returning veterans with PTSD, as his preferred form of volunteer work.
Open Studio
The kitchen will be available on a drop-in basis to paint and enjoy the company of other artists. Dates
available will be posted in the kitchen and on our Facebook page on a month-by-month basis.
Fee: $3/session There are several art history courses being offered at Desmond Campus!
See the Explore & Expand section, as well as the Speakers Series,
of this brochure.
Fall 2015/Winter 2016 Community Education (Noncredit) Courses
Explore & Expand
Open to all adults
Self-Defense for the Older Adult
Worried about your personal safety when you travel or are out alone? Learn awareness, avoidance,
de-escalation and other strategies and techniques to help keep yourself safe. A few easy-to-follow
physical techniques to keep confrontations at bay will also be included. Dress in non-restrictive clothing and comfortable shoes.
3 Fri., beginning Nov. 6
No class Nov. 13 & Nov. 27
12:30-2 pm
F. Hodges
Fee: $30
Felicia Hodges is a third-degree USA Goju black belt who teaches karate to children and adults as well as women’s selfdefense classes in Newburgh.
Classical Music: Early 20th Century
Certainly the 20th century ushered in a variety of new sounds and approaches to classical music
which our class will explore. We’ll enjoy the Impressionistic, dream-like compositions of Claude Debussy and richly textured, intense works by Maurice Ravel. We’ll consider also the important musical
advancements of Igor Stravinsky, Arnold Schoenberg and Dmitri Shostakovich. Finally we’ll disembark from this musical journey as we meet the unique and appealing voice of George Gershwin. For
Gershwin, “true music must reflect the thought and aspirations of the people and time. My people
are Americans. My time is today.”
3 Fri., beginning Nov. 6 10 am-Noon
M. Lawrence
Fee: $40
Northern Renaissance Art
Northern Renaissance art, occurring in Europe north of the Alps, developed simultaneously yet
independently from its Italian counterpart. The Renaissance in the north has a distinctively different
character than that of Italy and the southern countries. Though the styles of Northern artists vary
according to geography, there is generally less of the classical ideal apparent in the figures. Instead,
remnants of Gothic influences are apparent in the compositions. Furthermore the use of oil paint
pioneered by Northern artists Jan van Eyck and Robert Campin lent a characteristic Northern aspect
to painting through their meticulously rendered details. It was also during this period that Rogier
van der Weyden created his works admired for their expressive realism, and masters such as Albrecht
Dürer, Hieronymus Bosch, Pieter Bruegel and Hans Holbein established themselves as equals of the
greatest artists to the south.
3 Mon., beginning Nov. 9
10 am-Noon M. Lawrence Fee: $40
Art of the Italian Renaissance
This course is for anyone interested in the period of art that continues to influence and inspire us to
this day. While exploring this highly charged moment in time when a varied and invigorated cultural
life included the flourishing of humanism and a renewed interest in the antique world, we’ll become
familiar with works of the most celebrated artists of all time ... Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Titian. These Renaissance men will not disappoint.
4 Tues., beginning Jan. 5
Snow date: Feb. 2
10 am-Noon
M. Lawrence Fee: $50
Community Education (Noncredit) Courses
Fall 2015/Winter 2016
The Short Story Society Returns!
This time around we’ll tackle thought-provoking selections by William Faulkner, Franz Kafka, Katherine Anne Porter, Eudora Welty, and Sherwood Andersen, master practitioners of the short story. Don’t
miss out. The stories are first-rate, and our discussions are lively!
4 Wed., beginning Jan. 6
Snow date: Feb. 3
10 am-Noon M. Lawrence
Fee: $50
Mary Lawrence received a BA in art history and an MA in Germanic languages and literatures. She was awarded a Fulbright
Scholarship to Munich for doctoral research in Medieval German Art and Literature. She recently completed two Germanto-English book translations, and currently enjoys teaching classical and jazz piano, plus art history, as well as German.
Painting Paradise
Whether a sacred sanctuary, a place for scientific study, a haven for the solitary thinker, or a space for
pure enjoyment, gardens are where humans and nature meet. In this three-week program, we will
look at the way gardens have been celebrated in the visual arts - as well as the changing character of
the garden - from the 16th to the early 20th century.
3 Wed., beginning Dec. 2 1-3 pm
L. Nicholls
Fee: $40
Bloomsbury and Charleston
“Modern Art” blossomed in the early 20th century. In England a group of young artists, writers,
and intellectuals - united by an abiding belief in the importance of the arts - became known as the
Bloomsbury Group due to their living in the Bloomsbury district of central London. Charleston Farmhouse, in the Sussex Downs, was the country home of artists Vanessa Bell (sister of Virginia Woolf )
and Duncan Grant, and peaceful refuge for the Bloomsburies. Charleston is an example of Bell and
Grant’s decorative style within a domestic context (painting on walls, furniture and fabrics) created
over a 60-year period. In this two-week program we will look at several Bloomsbury artists, learn
about their distinction between fine and decorative art, and see how their free spirit was captured
in color and form. We will also virtually visit Charleston Farmhouse - which even today reflects the
Bloomsbury attitude of an art-filled life.
2 Wed., beginning Jan. 13
1-3 pm L. Nicholls
Fee: $25
Two Artists, Two Chapels, 600 Years
When Giotto decorated the Arena Chapel in Padua in the early 14th Century, he was commissioned
by Enrico Scrovegni to create, in a freso cycle, the life of Mary and that of Christ. It remains to this day
one of the masterpieces of the early Renaissance. The figures that Giotto created broke the traditions
of medieval representation by appearing life-like and displaying human emotions. Stanley Spencer, a
young British artist, was commissioned to create murals for Sandham Memorial Chapel to honor the
“forgotten dead” of the First World War. The series’ imagery, which took six years to complete, was inspired by Spencer’s own experiences as a medical orderly and soldier on the Salonika front. Spencer
modeled the Sandham Chapel on Giotto’s Arena Chapel. In this two week program, we will look at
Giotto’s Arena Chapel as well as Spencer’s Sandham Memorial Chapel, and learn about the relationship of imagery to contemporary life over the distance of 600 years.
2 Wed., beginning Feb. 3
1-3 pm L. Nicholls
Fee: $25
Laura Nicholls, a recently retired art educator, has taught all aspects of the visual arts and art history to all levels of students for the past forty years. Well-traveled and with a strong interest in the development of western art, she enjoys sharing
with fellow students her passion of “looking and learning” as well as a sense of place. It is her hope that she will inspire her
students to feel comfortable in developing their own approaches to the visual arts.
Fall 2015/Winter 2016 Community Education (Noncredit) Courses
Support the Desmond Campus for Adult Enrichment
The Mount welcomes your partnership as we provide lifelong learning opportunities to members of
our community and beyond. For many in the Hudson Valley, the Desmond Campus is the place to
learn, try new experiences, brush up on skills, and socialize with others who share common interests.
Become a Desmond Donor!
You are invited to become a “Desmond Donor” and make a gift to the
Desmond Campus for Adult Enrichment Endowment Fund. The Fund
provides support for the Desmond house, classrooms, outdoor spaces,
programs and other areas. Gifts of all amounts are appreciated and can
be made outright, through a multi-year pledge, or planned gift. In
recognition of your support, the Mount offers a wide range of recognition
opportunities. For more information, please contact Joan Gambeski in
the Office of College Advancement at 845-569-3218. Giving Guides are
available in the Desmond registration office.
Basic Guitar
Learn basic guitar! We’ll use folk songs to learn chords. All materials and supplies included, but you
must have your own guitar.
6 Tues., beginning Nov. 10
7-8:30 pm
M. Marcantonio
Fee: $110
Mike Marcantonio has taught guitar locally for over 20 years, and owned his own music store for over 10 years. He has
built repaired, and customized guitars. He has extensive experience teaching adults.
Folk, Blues & Rock Guitar Workshop
This Guitar workshop is created for intermediate students. Students will learn basics of folk, blues, and rock
concepts including twelve and eight-bar blues, blues harmony and chord structures, as well as to
read lead sheets, chord symbols, and understand musical signs. All music will be provided; student must bring
own guitar.
6 Tues., beginning Jan. 12
Snow date: Tuesday, Feb. 23
7-8:30 pm F. Rudolph Fee: $110
Frank Rudolph has a bachelor of arts in music education as well as a performance degree in modern jazz guitar from
Berklee School of Music in Boston, MA. Specific studies include jazz composition, classic guitar, theory, jazz harmony, and
big band arranging. With 30 years of teaching experience, Mr. Rudolph has a wide range of teaching styles and has shared
that knowledge with countless students.
Chair Seat Weaving Techniques
Bring a chair in need of repair and learn how to cane, rush, or splint chair seats through demonstration and hands-on. Sheldon Stowe will teach the techniques of chair seat repair for cane seats that
have holes in the frame to weave a groove, which the cane is glued onto. Rush seats have four rungs
that the material is woven around, and splint seats use flat reed to weave around the four rungs.
Bring a bucket, rag, and knife, and Sheldon will supply the rest. Material fee is $15 per chair, payable to instructor.
4 Wed., beginning Feb. 3
Snow date: March 2
6:30-8 pmS. Stowe
Fee: $55
Sheldon Stowe has woven seats for Hudson Valley residents and restoration shops for over thirty years. His interest in local
history and colonial crafts has provided many chairs for his projects.
Community Education (Noncredit) Courses
Fall 2015/Winter 2016
Trash or Treasure?
Bring your treasures in to be reviewed and appraised. Review of antiques and collectibles along with
fakes and reproductions. General information on dating and appraising antiques.
4 Fri., beginning Jan. 22
10-11:30 am
W. Marquez
Fee: $25
Walter Marquez is the owner/manager of The Antiques Barn and Antiques on Main at Water Street Market in New Paltz.
He is past president of the Ulster County Antique Dealers Association.
Genealogy: Virtual Research Trip
If you can’t travel to a research location, let the documents come to you. Learn how to collect ancestral information from many kinds of records from home using resources such as Internet sites and
databases, print sources, email, and letters.
Monday, Nov. 16
1-3 pm
C. Crawford-Oppenheimer
Fee: $15
Christine Crawford-Oppenheimer, MLS, is a librarian, archivist, genealogical speaker, food researcher, and writer. She
was reference librarian and archivist at The Culinary Institute of America for eleven years. Her publications include a book,
Long-Distance Genealogy, and articles in national and regional genealogical magazines, including the National Genealogical
Society Quarterly.
Staging Tips for Selling Your Home
If you plan on selling, or if your home is on the market and not selling, this is the class for you. Moving
is emotional for both the seller and the buyer. A staged home attracts more potential buyers and sells
faster than other homes on the market. See before and after photos and learn the process of staging.
The cost of staging is less than the first price reduction. Bring in photos of your own home to discuss.
Friday, Nov. 20
1-4 pm
C. Jacobs
Fee: $40
Avoid Cabin Fever!
Cabin Fever means irritability, listlessness, and similar symptoms resulting from long confinement or
isolation indoors during the winter. We will discuss ways to hibernate with purpose in your home and
create a cozy environment.
Friday, Dec. 4
1-2:30 pm
C. Jacobs
Fee: $20
Claudia Jacobs is a decorator, stager, and redesigner. She is a weekly columnist for the Times Herald-Record’s Claudia’s
Corner on Sundays, and Hudson Valley Insider on Tuesdays. Topics include affordable decorating and staging.
Adventures in Publishing: How to Independently Publish Your
Own Book
Dream of publishing your own book? With today’s technology and the Internet you can do this yourself and share your work with friends, family, and readers all over the world. Kindle bestselling and
award-winning author Marianne Sciucco will share her Adventures in Publishing and show you how
she published her first novel in print, digital, and audiobook. Topics covered include: changes in the
publishing industry over the last 10 years, including electronic publishing; the trend toward independent publishing and its growing acceptance among readers; why authors might choose to go
this route rather than seek traditional publishing, and the pros and cons of each; as well as the work
involved in publishing and marketing your own book. This class will be of interest to anyone thinking
about publishing a book, whether it’s a novel, poetry, memoir, family history, cookbook, etc.
Monday, Nov. 2
Monday, Dec. 7
7-9 pm
10 am-Noon
M. Sciucco
M. Sciucco
Fee: $25OR
Fee: $25
Fall 2015/Winter 2016 Community Education (Noncredit) Courses
Please register early to ensure your space and to keep a class from
regrettably being cancelled due to low registration.
Write, Release, Retail — How to Become an Indie Author
Publishing your own work and launching it into the literary marketplace is easier than ever now
with the advent of self-publishing platforms like Kindle, Create Space, Smashwords, Vook, Kobo, and
others. Aspiring authors have many opportunities to sell their work to readers all over the world via
online booksellers and social media. Join Kindle bestselling author Marianne Sciucco (Blue Hydrangeas; Swim Season) as she explains how to start your project, create a publishable manuscript, build
your social media platform, choose your publishing partners, and promote and market your work.
This class is recommended for anyone interested in self-publishing a novel, memoir, children’s book,
or non-fiction work. This is a two-part program, two hours each. The first will cover Write and Release;
the second will cover Retail.
2 Mon., beginning Jan. 25
10 am-Noon
M. Sciucco
Fee: $40
Marianne Sciucco is not a nurse who writes, but a writer who happens to be a nurse. A lover of words and books, she
dreamed of becoming an author when she grew up, but became a nurse to avoid poverty. She later brought her two passions together and writes about the intricate lives of people struggling with health and family issues. Her debut novel, Blue
Hydrangeas, an Alzheimer’s love story, is a Kindle bestseller, IndieReader Approved, a BookWorks featured book, and winner of IndieReCon’s Best Indie Novel Award, 2014. A native Bostonian, she lives in the Hudson Valley, and when not writing
works as a campus nurse at SUNY Orange.
Pie in the Sky Video Series
After 25 years on the force, Detective Inspector Henry Crabbe has lost has appetite for the job. He
plans to take early retirement and open his dream restaurant, Pie in the Sky. But his accountant wife,
Margaret, doesn’t think the numbers add up. And his boss, ACC Fisher, needs him around to handle
those delicate cases at which he excels. Although craving retirement, Crabbe discovers that crime
solving can be just as hard to resist as his signature steak and kidney pie. This lighthearted British
mystery series blends criminal investigations and culinary adventure for the “perfect way to while
away the morning” with friends.
Monday, Nov. 9
Monday, Nov. 23
Monday, Dec. 7
Monday, Dec. 28
Monday, Jan. 11
Monday, Jan. 25
Monday, Feb. 8
Monday, Feb. 22
10 am-Noon
10 am-Noon
10 am-Noon
10 am-Noon
10 am-Noon
10 am-Noon
10 am-Noon
10 am-Noon
Fee: $6
Fee: $6
Fee: $6
Fee: $6
Fee: $6
Fee: $6
Fee: $6
Fee: $6
Valentine’s Day Luncheon
Be our Valentine! Please join us for a Valentine’s Day luncheon served at noon. We’ll provide
everything! Just come and enjoy the day. Please note that space is limited.
Friday, Feb. 12Noon-2 pm
Fee: $10
Community Education (Noncredit) Courses
Fall 2015/Winter 2016
Our Ginkgo Trees
Desmond Campus is blessed
with two beautiful ginkgo
trees in its arboretum. The
ginkgo family has been around
since before the dinosaurs and
its only remaining member,
Ginkgo biloba is a living fossil,
basically unchanged in two
hundred million years.
The ginkgo drops its leaves
all at once. Some communities
actually interrupt their fall
schedules to celebrate
the ginkgo.
We will honor the ginkgo at
Desmond this fall - stay tuned!
Psychology in Film
We will examine different topics of psychology and use popular (and some not so popular) films to
assist in provoking thought and analysis of different mental health issues such as stress, anxiety, grief,
and more. Films to be shown include but are not limited to: What About Bob?, 28 Days, As Good As It
Gets, Happiness, What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.
5 Thurs., beginning Nov. 12
No class Nov. 26
10:30 am-12:30 pm
D. Lang
Fee: $65
SAD – Beating the Winter Blues
Seasonal Affective Disorder, also referred to as SAD, is more than just the blues, it’s a depression during the fall and winter months. Cyclically based on the seasons, if left untreated, SAD can have serious
mental health consequences. This workshop will provide an overview of SAD, causes, signs, symptoms and treatment options as well as the risk factors which exacerbate the symptoms and increase
vulnerability to the disorder.
Thursday, Jan. 14
10:30 am-12:30 pm
D. Lang
Fee: $25
Health and wellness counselor Diane Lang, MA, is a psychotherapist and a nationally recognized author, educator, and speaker.
A practitioner of Positive Psychology, she is on a mission to help people develop a sustainable positive attitude that can provide
a strong foundation for finding great happiness and actually turn one into an optimist. Diane is the author of Creating Balance &
Finding Happiness (Kendall Hunt, 2010) and Baby Steps – The Path from Motherhood to Career (Bent Tree Press, 2007).
Fall 2015/Winter 2016 Community Education (Noncredit) Courses
If you are interested in becoming a Honey Bee keeper or you are already a beekeeper, the
Desmond Campus of Mount Saint Mary College invites you to attend, participate in, learn from and
enjoy our developing “Bee School”. For more detailed information call 845-565-2076
Honey Bee Basics
Session 1: Introduction to Species of Honeybees-A Historic Perspective
Session 2: Anatomy and Physiology of Honey Bees
Session 3: Biology of the Life Cycle of Honey Bees
Session 4: Hive Woodwork Construction, Function and Assembly
4 Thurs., beginning Nov. 5
1-3 pm
D. Girton
No class Nov. 26
Fee: $60
Beekeeper’s Work Schedule/Tools
Pests, Diseases and Conditions-Prevention, Recognition and Treatment:
Session 1: Beekeeper’s Calendar for Mid-Hudson Valley New York
Session 2: Hive Tools and Proper Hive Inspection
Session 3: Disease Recognition-Gross and Microscopic
Session 4: Integrated Pest Management-Prevention and Treatment
4 Thurs., beginning Dec. 10
1-3 pm
D. Girton
Fee: $60
Starting Your Bees
Session 1: Apiary or Bee Yard Design and Set-Up
Session 2: Obtaining Your Bees: Packages, Swarms, and Splits
Session 3: Nutrition and Feeding Your Bees (Preparation in Class)
Session 4: Installation of Bees (Didactic Classroom)
4 Thurs., beginning Jan. 21
1-3 pm
D. Girton
Fee: $60
Dan Girton is an avid honey beekeeper, beekeeping teacher and mentor, honeybee consultant, and writer, and has a website titled
“Bee Nation” at Building and tending to Langstroth hives, top-bar hives and Warre hives keeps Dan close to his
bees and all the other bee enthusiasts in his circle. Dan has taught beekeeping to students as young as 3 and 4 years of age, to all
grades and school ages, employees of companies, bee clubs, historical societies and residents of nursing homes, and to all levels of
beekeepers. He currently is involved with several not-for-profit and for-profit entities in the care of honey bees. As a retired physician
and former air traffic controller and pilot, Dan has life-long experience as a teacher and mentor, and whether you meet Dan online,
in the bee yard or the classroom, his love of the honey bee and his exciting methods of teaching always shine through.
Desmond Instructor’s Art Show
There will be a Small Works Art Show on Saturday, December 12 from 1-3 pm.
Come enjoy the work of Desmond Campus art class instructors. The artist’s
reception will be from 1-3 pm with refreshments served.
Community Education (Noncredit) Courses
Fall 2015/Winter 2016
World War One in the Movies: The Desmond Commemorative Series will
continue to mark the centennial of the conflict.
Judgment at Nuremberg: I Was Only Following Orders!
Movie and Lecture
This will be the final class of the trilogy which have explored the last days of WWII. Seventy years ago,
in November of 1945, the eyes of the world were focused on the German city which had been the
vortex of the Nazi party and the site of the party’s hypnotic rallies: Nuremberg. It had only been 11
months since the victorious allies liberated the first of the Nazi death camps. Now, the “International
Military Tribunal” would convene to, as one American prosecutor stated, “serve as a benchmark in
international law... on the question of war and peace.” These same proceedings would coin for the
world the lasting term “crimes against humanity!” This offering will consist of lecture, handouts and
a viewing of the award winning film Judgment at Nuremberg. Come, join the discussion! Note class
time extension.
Tuesday, Nov. 24
9:30 am-1:30 pmG. Burke
Fee: $25
George Burke holds an M.A. in History and Political Science and has been an adjunct instructor at MSMC since 1990.
The Mystery of Human Suffering…A Conversation
We will look to the Book of Job, the writing of Rabbi Harold Kushner, the life of Jesus Christ, and other
sources in order to grapple with the fundamental question, “Why do innocent people suffer?” Group
participation is strongly encouraged.
Monday, Nov. 23
1-3 pmSr. V. Wilkinson, PBVM Fee: $15
Sr. Virginia Wilkinson, PBVM has a master’s degree in religious education from Fordham University. She has spent many
years as a teacher of youth and adults: 12 of those years here in the Hudson Valley. Currently, Sr. Virginia is engaged in
Presentation Sisters Outreach, a ministry to women in the east end of Newburgh. She also serves as justice promoter for
her religious congregation.
The Book of Ruth
The Book of Ruth is the narrative of a love and loyalty of Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz during the famine
days of the Bible. Please bring a Bible to class.
3 Mon., beginning Jan. 4
11 am-12:30 pmR. McKible
No class Jan. 18, Snow date: Feb. 1
Fee: $30
The Book of Esther
The Book of Esther is a narrative history of Mordecai, Esther’s cousin and guardian and the beautiful
Esther who marries King Ahasuerus, becomes the queen of the land and saves her people.
Please bring a Bible to class.
3 Mon., beginning Feb. 8
Snow date: Feb. 29
11 am-12:30 pmR. McKible
Fee: $30
Rachel McKible has been a teacher since 1953. In Israel, she taught adults for two years while serving in the army, and then taught
for three years at the elementary level. She has been teaching Hebrew, Bible study, and other Jewish subjects in the U.S. since 1959.
“ I wasn’t sure what to expect, but this was a stimulating experience!”
Fall 2015/Winter 2016 Community Education (Noncredit) Courses
Beginner French and Grammar Refresher
This is a French class for beginners to intermediate students wishing to focus on basic grammar
elements. This class introduces students to the basics of the French language, and acquaints
students with French everyday life and culture. The class will focus on simple communication
and skill development in French. Feel confident with your language skills and develop a keener
understanding of French language idioms.
7 Thurs., beginning Jan. 7
11 am-NoonE. Segali
Fee: $75
French for Travelers
Speak French once again in this class for Francophiles wishing to renew their language skills. This
class is for students with some prior knowledge of the French language, and focuses on practice for
communication. Learn how to give and understand instructions and directions, find accommodations, make purchases, and order in restaurants. French for Travelers invites you to brush up on your
French and revisit the language and culture.
7 Thurs., beginning Jan. 7
1-2 pmE. Segali
Fee: $75
Elaine Segali has worked in the French world in many different settings. She has lived, studied, and traveled extensively
in France.
From a New Theory of Evolution, a New Human Nature
Evolution is today’s origin story. How we tell that story tells us who we are. Starting by giving priority to accounting for consciousness, creativity and free will, we arrive at a new theory of evolution.
Through guided discussions we then explore what such a theory implies about our own nature and
that of the world around us.
4 Fri., beginning Nov. 13
No class Nov. 27
10 am-NoonS. Johnston
Fee: $60
Shaun Johnston has made himself familiar with both the arts and the sciences—he studied biochemistry at University College London but then became a graphic designer, a medical writer and a web publisher. He has written two novels, a play,
and many short stories, all on how our beliefs about evolution affect how we feel about ourselves.
Creating a Holiday Centerpiece Using Fresh Greens
Learn the basic techniques for preparing the elements of a Holiday Centerpiece and create your own
personal design using fresh greens. We’ll show you how. Please bring pruners and gloves. All other materials will be supplied. Deadline to register: November 23.
Monday, Nov. 30
6-8 pm
Master Gardener
Fee: $35
Cornell Cooperative Includes $25 Extension materials fee
Healthy Holiday Meals
Classic holiday recipes can be nutritionally modified with Superfoods to accommodate entertaining your family and guests, even if they need diabetic friendly or gluten free recipes for appetizers,
salads, sides or desserts and also be enjoyed by everyone from Thanksgiving through the New Year’s
Saturday, Nov. 14
10 am-Noon
K. Woods
Fee: $25
Please register early to ensure your space and to keep a class from
regrettably being cancelled due to low registration.
Community Education (Noncredit) Courses
Fall 2015/Winter 2016
Losing Weight
The New Year’s Resolution to lose weight and to get on track with a healthy lifestyle after the holidays
is on the majority of our minds, whether it be just a few pounds or many pounds. Tasty, nutritious,
fresh and fresh-frozen superfoods can be thoroughly enjoyed as you watch the excess weight melt
off to create your new streamlined body and “gain” lots of energy!
Saturday, Jan. 9
Snow date: Jan. 16
10 am-Noon
K. Woods
Fee: $25
Healthy Techniques For a Healthy Life Style
There are many ways to succeed in establishing a healthy walking lifestyle (without necessarily
joining a gym) which can be done in minutes per day, especially walking at a pace with motion to
exercise many muscles without fatigue, increase metabolism, eating superfoods with colors of the
rainbow, avoiding “simple carbs” and increasing “complex carbs” which will increase your energy!
Saturday, Feb. 20
Snow date: Feb. 27
10 am-Noon
K. Woods
Fee: $25
International Sparkling Wines with Cheeses
Sparkling wines are a popular topic almost any time, but they’re particularly on our mind as the
holiday season approaches. We will sample wines from the broad range of styles that are produced.
Although a meal will not be served in this class, we will have some nibbles (cheeses) and we will talk
briefly about how to pair sparkling wines with various foods. The class begins with an explanatory,
comprehensive talk (about 45 minutes), followed by a tasting of at least 5 sparkling wines. Class
length is about 2 hours.
Saturday, Nov. 14
Snow date: Saturday, Nov. 21
2-4 pmT. Free
Fee: $35
Fondues with Mountain Wines
Winter’s onset is the time to enjoy these delicious inventions of European mountain culture. Fondues are thought to have originated in Alpine Switzerland, but later became popular in the small
area where Switzerland, Italy, and France meet. In this class we’ll have several different fondues; the
“finale” is a dish called Fonduta, from the Piedmont and especially neighboring Valle d’Aosta region,
topped with (if available) fresh white truffles. There will be enough food to serve as a hearty lunch.
We’ll experience our fondues with a tasting of some of the wines that are local favorites in the places
that European mountain cheeses call home. Our advice: don’t plan a large dinner after this class.
Sunday, Dec. 13
No snow date
1-3 pmT. Free & W. Crispell Fee: $65
European Winter-Weight Wines with Cheese
Cold weather is the perfect time to enjoy wines that seem to convey the warmth of their provenance:
southern France, much of Italy and Spain, etc. We will discuss some of the best places to find these
wines, how they’re made, and what winter dishes to pair with them. Although a meal will not be
served in this class, we will have some nibbles (cheeses). The class begins with an explanatory,
comprehensive talk (about 45 minutes), followed by a tasting of at least 5 robust wines. Class length
is about 2 hours.
Saturday, Jan. 16
Snow date: Saturday, Jan. 23
2-4 pmT. Free
Fee: $35
Fall 2015/Winter 2016 Community Education (Noncredit) Courses
Introduction to France’s Loire Valley Wines with Loire Valley
This class will introduce you to the wines of France’s Loire Valley. Find out about this serenely
beautiful part of France, also known as the “garden of France,” which was once the playground of the
French aristocracy. Although a meal will not be served in this class, we will have some nibbles (Loire
cheeses) and we will talk briefly about the region’s cuisine. The class begins with an explanatory,
comprehensive talk (about 45 minutes), followed by a tasting of at least 5 wines from the region.
Class length is about 2 hours.
Saturday, Jan. 30
Snow date: Saturday, Feb. 6
2-4 pmT. Free
Fee: $35
Introduction to the Wines of Southern Italy with Cheese
Spend Valentine’s Day as an “armchair traveler” to southern Italy! This part of Italy enjoys a warm climate that’s responsible for the rich style of many different wines, from full-bodied reds to exciting white
wines. There are even a few lighter reds that are interesting, and for the most part, these “southerners”
are wines with high ratio of quality-to-price. This class will introduce you to some of the most typical
and widely available wines. Although a meal will not be served in this class, we will sample some of the
region’s cheeses. The class begins with an explanatory, comprehensive talk (about 45 minutes), followed
by a tasting of at least 5 wines from the region. Class length is about 2 hours.
Sunday, Feb. 14
Snow date: Sunday, Feb. 21
2-4 pmT. Free
Fee: $35
Introduction to the Wines of Eastern Spain with Cheeses
Spain has many different wine regions. Sometimes the eastern part, which is home to some of its
most-expensive wines, is overlooked by all but collectors. This class will introduce you to lots of
delicious, reasonably-priced wines from Catalonia, Valencia, and Murcía. Although a meal will not
be served in this class, we will have some nibbles (cheeses). The class begins with an explanatory,
comprehensive talk (about 45 minutes), and we’ll touch on some of the region’s exciting cuisine. The
main part of the class will be a tasting of at least 5 wines from the region. Class length is about 2
Saturday, Feb. 27
2-4 pmT. Free
Fee: $35
Snow date: Sunday, Feb. 28
Tim Free is a 1995 graduate of the Culinary Institute of America. Since that time, he has worked in the wine industry (wholesale, retail, and education). He has taught wine courses at Desmond Campus since 2003, and has given corporate wine
seminars as well as training programs for wine professionals in the wholesale and retail business. He has traveled to many
of the world’s wine regions, including those in France, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Germany, Chile, Switzerland and the US (New
York, California, Oregon, Washington, etc.). He has also written for various websites. His specialty is food and wine pairings,
focusing mostly on traditional European cuisine.
Wendy Crispell is a NY wine professional, cheese expert, and culinary writer. Having a lifelong fascination with anything
culinary she started as a cocktail expert, traveling the world sharing her recipes with others. Years later her interest in artisanal
cheese led her to complete both the Master and Professional Certificates from The Artisanal Cheese Center in New York. It was
there that her love of wine pairings took hold and caused her to seek more knowledge. She went on to complete both the
Intermediate and Advanced Certificates from London’s prestigious Wine and Spirits Educational Trust, her Certified Specialist
of Wine status, and study abroad at both the German Wine Academy and Ecole Du Vin in Bordeaux, France.
“I am very thankful that I have found the Desmond Campus after retirement!”
Community Education (Noncredit) Courses
Fall 2015/Winter 2016
The Spiritual Power of Crystals
An in-depth look at the extraordinary spiritual powers in crystals. It will be seen that the ability of
crystals to transmute energies has been known from the most ancient times and is confirmed in the
study of electromagnetism as the central physical force. Thus, it will be shown that this ability to act
as a spiritual conduit is highly significant in understanding humanity’s place in the world and connection to the source.
3 Tues., beginning Nov. 10
2-4 pmN. Rosenblum
Fee: $40
Nathan Rosenblum is a doctor of metaphysical philosophy and a scholar of the esoteric. He is also a poet and author and
is currently preparing a collection of essays for publication.
A is for Astrology
Astrology is many things to many people but at its core it’s an ancient and amazingly comprehensive
description of human behaviors. Come join us for a psychological exploration of this long-enduring
system that provides insight into all types of human energies and ideas. You don’t need to be a believer and you don’t need any prior experience. Just bring an open mind and lots of curiosity about
how the human personality works.
6 Tues., beginning Nov. 10
6:30-8 pm
P. Kane Horrigan
Fee: $60
Patty Kane Horrigan is a writer, teacher and counselor as well as an amateur astrologer. She has been exploring the many
facets of psychological astrology for more than 15 years. The insights she has gained have been immensely useful in both
her personal and professional life.
Large Intestine Health
Your large intestine is the ultimate determiner of your overall health. Come learn what happens
to your large intestine to rob you of your health and what you can do to restore it so you can be
Wednesday, Nov. 11
1-2 pm
Dr. R. Huntoon
The Holidays and Your Health
Fee: Free, but please register
The holidays are a time of celebration, travel and family. Understand how this affects your health
and learn what you can do to avoid holiday weight gain and have a happy holiday.
Wednesday, Dec. 9 1-2 pm
Dr. R. Huntoon
Fee: Free, but please register
Start the New Year Healthy
Come learn how to jumpstart your health by focusing on 5 Simple Habits to transform your health.
Wednesday, Jan. 13
1-2 pm
Dr. R. Huntoon
Fee: Free, but please register
How to Shake Off the Winter Blues
Come learn how to shake off the winter blues with some easy techniques to boost your energy and
prepare you for spring.
Wednesday, Feb. 10
1-2 pm
Dr. R. Huntoon
Fee: Free, but please register
Dr. Richard Huntoon is a chiropractor and a natural medicine practitioner who spent the past 20 years traveling the
globe to find natural solutions to health care needs. He is on the radio on six stations in the Hudson Valley, and offers free
health care classes at the Advanced Alternative Medicine Center in Newburgh, N.Y.
Fall 2015/Winter 2016 Community Education (Noncredit) Courses
Antibacterials – Pros & Cons
Learn how too many antibacterials in everyday products may be contributing to health and environmental problems.
Thursday, Nov. 12
11 am-NoonR. Williams
Fee: $5
Rose Marie Williams has a MA in sociology from SUNY New Paltz. She’s a columnist for the Townsend Letter for Doctors &
Patients, a publication for and about complimentary health information. Rose Marie has two decades of health and environmental advocacy as president of the former New Paltz based grassroots org., Cancer Awareness Coalition,Inc.
The Kitchen Herbalist – Your Home Apothecary
For those of you who already love to cook with spices: you are already a practicing herbalist. This class
will assist the participant in connecting with the use of spices not only for their taste but for their
medicinal applications. Unleash the warming, circulating, and nourishing potential of utilizing herbs
as food medicine in your home kitchen. This seminar will discuss the uses of commonly used spices as
well as introduce other tonic herbs to be used in teas, soups, stews, stocks and porridge recipes. Recipes will be provided as well as spice/ herb sampling. Materials fee: $10.00 payable to instructor at class.
Saturday, Dec. 19
9 am-1 pm
L. Hughes
Fee: $30
Lorraine Hughes is a practicing therapeutic herbalist in Wappingers Falls, N.Y. She is passionate in her belief that cultivating
our life force (Qi) increases our vitality. She specializes in traditional Chinese herbal medicine, Ayurveda, and western herbalism, encompassing a preventative, individual approach to wellness.
Introduction to Homeopathy
Learn the basics of this safe, effective system of natural medicine. Homeopathy has been used for
more than 200 years by millions of people and recognized by the USFDA. This introductory class will
give you the fundamentals of how the basic principles work “like cures like,” and how to effectively use
them to assist the body in restoring balance. We will cover the potency scale and learn basic first-aid
applications. A list of reference materials will be shared, along with guidance for must-have remedies
to keep on hand, and sources.
Monday, Jan. 11
10 am-NoonA. M. Silvani
Fee: $25
Ann Marie Silvani is a Homeopathic Consultant studying towards certification. She has been effectively using remedies for
over a decade helping to restore balance and health with family and friends. Her mentors include Martine Calache and Dr.
Susanne Saltzman. She especially enjoys empowering people with useful nontoxic options for many common conditions.
Alzheimer’s Disease: 20 Ways to Deter It While Using Hypnosis
Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) cannot be stopped or slowed, and there is no known cure. More women are
affected than men. The latest research shows that certain simple behaviors have a definite correlation
to avoiding risk of this disease. Now is the time to learn ways you can lower your risk and maintain a
healthy brain. This may be the most life-changing class you will ever attend!
Friday, Jan. 22
10 am-NoonG. Toth & D. Underwood Please be advised:
Desmond Campus is a non-smoking campus. Thank you.
Fee: $25
Community Education (Noncredit) Courses
Fall 2015/Winter 2016
See wine and food classes starting on page 24.
Find Your ________?________
What is holding you back from doing what you want to do? Find your _______?________ and move
forward. This class will help you find what you desire. It will help you determine what you want to
do. Find your what. Get unstuck. Move forward. Where are you going? Why and how? This may be
the most life-changing class you will ever attend!
Friday, Feb. 26
10 am-NoonG. Toth & D. Underwood Fee: $25
George Toth, LCSW-R is a psychotherapist and hypnotist. He is an award-winning author of three self-help books: Marble
Mindfulness, How to Hypnotize your Grandchildren, and Seashell Therapy. He has taught many adult enrichment classes at
the Desmond Campus and globally.
Diana Underwood, LMSW is a psychotherapist and hypnotist. Her specialized training includes the Mandala Assessment
Research Instrument (MARI), Reiki, and Hawaiian Healing Arts. Co-founder of Alternative Counseling, she has taught many
adult enrichment classes at the Desmond Campus and globally.
The Big Fat Lie on Salt, Saturated Fat & Cholesterol
Come join Toni in this eye-opening class on the many health benefits of real unrefined salt, and how
saturated fat is not the villain and is critical for healthy bones, brain, and heart. You will also learn
how cholesterol is actually your friend, as well as the many health dangers associated with avoiding
these vital nutrients.
Monday, Nov. 9
1-3 pmT. Kulpinski
“I finally discovered your wonderful catalog!”
Fee: $25
Fall 2015/Winter 2016 Community Education (Noncredit) Courses
From Alice Curtis Desmond
To my parents’ relief I graduated in time to higher grade magazines, but that didn’t solve my
family problems. I was writing stories about young love based on my prom experiences at various Ivy League colleges. “The Promtrotter” that I sold to Liberty - in which I warned my teen-age
readers not to become a “loving cup” by letting too many boys kiss them, and told them how
to get the stag-line to cut in on you (wear a red dress) and how to handle drunks and defend
yourself in the back seat of a car-caused another family rumpus. “How do you know about such
things?” Mother asked in a shocked voice. Only Tom encouraged me. So I persisted in spite of
all my parents said. Before long, thanks to him, Liberty was paying me four hundred dollars a
story. Cosmopolitan even more. One of my best markets was College Humor, until one day the
editor said to me, “We like your story, but the slang in it is dated. So we’re having a high school
student edit your dialogue.” I knew then that I had grown too old for the teen-age magazines
and must find another market.
“Let Food Be Thy Medicine and Medicine Be Thy Food”
It is Toni’s passion and purpose to make everybody skilled enough to be able to be their own doctor,
and their own nutritionist because she believes that all of us intrinsically have this within us. Learn
the secrets of a long and high quality healthy life by incorporating wild foods that increase longevity
and enhance wellness. This class will teach you how to prevent and even reverse so-called “incurable”
conditions. Because incurable means to cure from within. Attendees discover how to achieve their
ultimate health goals and create an extraordinary quality of life. Participants are inspired and empowered to create dynamic momentum in all areas of their wellness journey including: vibrant health,
detoxification, immunity, fitness, and longevity.
Monday, Jan. 11
1-3 pmT. Kulpinski
Fee: $25
Organic vs Non-Organic Foods: Is There Really a Difference?
If you have ever wondered whether or not there is a difference between organic and non-organic,
conventional foods, then this class was meant for you. You will learn in depth the major difference
between the nutrient value of organic foods versus non-organic (conventional) and how what is
sprayed on the soil makes the difference. You will also learn the detrimental effects of genetic engineering: how they impact our health and the ecological system. Just washing it away doesn’t take it
away. This class will also teach you how to purchase the best of organic whole foods the way nature
intended so you and your family can avoid the harmful effects of GMO and conventional foods.
Monday, Feb. 8
1-3 pmT. Kulpinski
Fee: $25
Toni-Jean Kulpinski is a board certified Holistic Practitioner, a certified Biblical Health Coach, a member of The American
Association of Drugless Practitioners, The Weston Price Foundation, and owner of Heaven On Earth Healing Center, Inc. She
has a bachelor’s degree in nutrition science and has appeared on TBN’S “Joy in Our Town” and “Doctor To Doctor”, televised
from The Manhattan Studio. Toni is a graduate of The Institute for Integrative Nutrition, the world’s largest nutrition school.
She bases her teachings on The Weston Price Diet and Guidelines. She believes — stated clearly in scripture — in eating
food only in the form God created. Toni gives holistic nutrition seminars around the country and in surrounding areas based
on these principles. She has learned from her own health experience that food in the form God created is the medicine
that heals.
Snowline: 845-569-3500
Community Education (Noncredit) Courses
Fall 2015/Winter 2016
The Healing Power of Gratitude
How does gratitude affect your health? This series will focus on using the healing power of gratitude
to improve your overall well-being and happiness. The series will use proven techniques, including
daily gratitude journal, visualizations, social support, goal setting, and positive self talk.
4 Tues., Nov. 10, Dec. 8, Jan. 12, & Feb. 9 1-2:30 pmS. Romero
Fee: $40
Susan Romero has a background in managed care and community outreach. She is currently pursuing a Master in Public
Health. Her passion and motivation is to continue to educate the community on increasing their health and wellness.
She is excited to offer this Gratitude Series at MSMC Desmond Campus for Adult Enrichment.
The Mindful Way – Meditation to Fit Your Life
Meditation is simple but not necessarily easy, and comes in many forms. This class will give you
a chance to experience several different types of meditation, with a focus on mindfulness, loving
kindness and walking meditation. You will also learn the power of developing and bringing mindful
awareness to every aspect of your life. Whether you are an experienced meditator or a newbie (or feel
you’ve tried and failed in the past, yet are still intrigued), this class will help you develop, deepen and
make the most of the practice that suits you best.
4 Wed., beginning Nov. 11
No class Nov. 25
4-5 pmS. Rosen
Fee: $50
Stress Less, Savor More
Did you know that humans are wired for negativity, and that we can consciously shift the way our
brains respond to negative triggers? Based in neuroscience and steeped in the unique wisdom of
the heart, this class will give you a firm foundation in how to: feel more in control of your emotions;
make sense of feelings of disconnection and confusion; lower your levels of harmful stress hormones;
and maintain clarity in the midst of chaos. When you know how to deliberately cultivate and access
the “wise brain in your heart,” you will respond differently to stress and savor more of life’s precious
4 Thurs., beginning Jan. 21
1-2:15 pmS. Rosen
Fee: $70
Sharon Rosen has been a bodywork therapist, energy healer, wellness coach and stress reduction guide since 1987. She
works one-on-one and with small groups in person and via Skype through her business Heart of Self-Care. She is author of
the book Crazy World, Peaceful Heart: 6 Core Practices for Cultivating Joy and Resilience and the weekly ezine Midweek Mindful
Moment. Her free guide 3 Sacred Pathways to Peace can be downloaded at
Meditation Techniques and Practice
From guided visualization to one-point focus to breath awareness, there are many ways to meditate.
In this class we will discuss and then practice a sampling of techniques. “Practice” is the key to work
with meditation, and fitting it into our busy lives can make a big difference and feel really good. This
meditation is held once a month.
Friday, Nov. 20
Friday, Dec. 11
Friday, Jan. 15
Friday, Feb. 12
11:30 am-12:30 pmS. Olsen
11:30 am-12:30 pmS. Olsen
11:30 am-12:30 pmS. Olsen
11:30 am-12:30 pmS. Olsen
Fee: $10
Fee: $10
Fee: $10
Fee: $10
Susan Olsen has taught yoga classes at Desmond for years.
Please see a list of Susan’s class offerings in the Exercise section.
Fall 2015/Winter 2016 Community Education (Noncredit) Courses
From Here to Eternity: Old Blue Eyes is 100!
2015 marks the 100th birthday of Frank Sinatra. So it’s more than fitting to mark Veteran’s Day, by
viewing the film which won the Academy Award for Best Picture of 1953 and gave Sinatra his own
statuette for Best Supporting Actor. Back then the film’s most provocative plot focused on the lives
of several service men stationed in Hawaii, during the months prior to the “Day of Infamy!” and the
various “involvements” they each are dealing with. It is no understatement to say that this role in
fact revived the sagging career of Sinatra. From this point on, he would remain the “Chairman of the
Board” both in film and on the “Vegas Strip” until his death in 1998 at the age of 82.
Tuesday, Nov. 10
9:30 am-12:30 pmG. Burke
Fee: $10
Marty: Ma, Face It, I’m Never Getting Married!
Sometimes the eyes of “Oscar” focus on a small film with little or no budget. Such was the case, 60
years ago, in 1955. In the era of Technicolor and Cinemascope this little black-and-white production
took home “Academy Gold” for Best Picture, Actor, Director and Screenplay! The film, “Marty” was
made from a play which successfully aired during television’s Golden Age. It was transferred to the
“big screen” with Ernest Borgnine in the award-winning role. Only a few years prior he had portrayed
the sadistic Fatso, in “From Here to Eternity”. So this heartfelt role of a lonely and single man gave
him the chance to show his range as an actor.
Tuesday, Dec. 8
9:30 am-12:30 pmG. Burke
Fee: $10
Christmas in Connecticut: White Lies for a White Christmas!
Long before Martha Stewart turned out her first omelet, Elizabeth Lane, played by Barbara Stanwyck,
was turning out culinary and domestic creativity in the popular magazine, “Smart Housekeeping”,
all from her “imaginary” farm in Connecticut. Now, her clueless and bombastic boss, Alex Yardley,
played by famed character actor Sydney Greenstreet, requires that she host a “traditional” Christmas
for returning Navy man, Dennis Morgan; where else, than at her imaginary farm! With the help of
a wondrous supporting cast the only thing not imaginary is the laughter that is “cooked up” by all
involved in the classic holiday screwball comedy. Come, celebrate!
Wednesday, Dec. 16
9:30 am-12:30 pmG. Burke
Fee: $10
How Green Was My Valley: A Life, and A World Away!
Seventy-five years ago, the action of the Best Film of 1941 centered on day-to-day life, in a Welsh mining village, as seen through the eyes of its main character “Huw Morgan” played by Roddy McDowall
whose work-a-day life was harsh, but home life was full of love. Each of the wondrous cast including
Walter Pigdeon, Maureen O’Hara, Donald Crisp, and Sara Allgood shine with their performances.
Both Crisp and Allgood were nominated and Crisp won as Best Supporting Actor for his role as the
family’s patriarch. Likewise, John Ford’s masterful direction earned him his third career Academy win.
Tuesday, Jan. 5
9:30 am-12:30 pmG. Burke
Fee: $10
Community Education (Noncredit) Courses
Fall 2015/Winter 2016
The King And I: Etc., Etc.!
Yul Brynner’s masterful portrayal of the King of Siam won for him the Best Actor Academy Gold 60
years ago in 1956. This film role was a reprisal of his famed Broadway appearance with British legend
Gertrude Lawrence. Likewise, the film earned multiple nominations including Best Picture. It was a
banner year for Yul, as he starred in two other notable films that year, The Ten Commandments and
Anastasia. It should be noted that Brynner can be found in the Guinness Book of Records for having
portrayed a single role “The King”, for some 4,600 times until his passing in 1985. So come sing-along with a classic!
Thursday, Jan. 21
9:30 am-12:30 pmG. Burke Fee: $10
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir: True Love is Eternal!
Celebrate Valentine’s Day with a “Halloween” twist. The stunning Gene Tierney stars as a young widow who seeks a new life for herself and young daughter, played by Natalie Wood. She rents, for them
both, a beautiful cottage by the sea on the English coast. She soon realizes that her new home not
only affords her a wonderful view of the sea, but to a “world beyond.” It seems its former owner, an
irascible and “late” sea captain, played by Rex Harrison, continues to make his presence and opinions
known, but of course, only to her. All this “activity” only adds to the charm of their relationship and to
that of the film. So, come have some chocolates!
Thursday, Feb. 11
9:30 am-12:30 pmG. Burke
Fee: $10
Lawrence of Arabia: War on Ancient Territory!
When this Best Picture of 1962 had it debut, most of those in the audience had little or no knowledge
of its plot, the relationship between the tribes of the various Middle East countries and Great Britain,
during WWI. This sweeping production, by Best Director David Lean, changed all that. Not only did
it introduce a new historic awareness to many, but two new stars to us all: Omar Sharif and Peter
O’Toole! So, come in out of the cold and view an epic! Please note longer class.
Tuesday, Feb. 23
9:30 am-1:30 pmG. Burke
Fee: $10
George Burke, film enthusiast, will host the viewings and make them even more enjoyable!
Please don’t park on the grass
There are 7 handicap spaces available near the house. Please do
not park in these spaces without a sticker and please do not park
on the grass.
Because the spaces are limited please consider car pooling.
Thank you.
Fall 2015/Winter 2016 Community Education (Noncredit) Courses
Exercise classes
Walk Live-Free Demo
Walk Live is THE proven Leslie Sansone indoor aerobic program in a group setting created to promote
health and fitness for everyone. Its unique usage of a mileage system based on music’s beats per
minute, utilizes multiple muscles in your body creating a calorie torching, fat burning workout. The
workouts are set to energizing music and use 4 easy to follow, non-choreographed core steps with
multiple variations and modifications for all fitness levels. The benefits are numerous and to quote
Hippocrates: “Walking is your medicine for Life”.
Tuesday, Nov. 3
9 -9:30 am
L. Cormier
Fee: Free Demo
Please register
Walk Live Classes
2 Tues., beginning Nov. 10
4 Tues., beginning Dec. 1
No class Dec. 22
4 Tues., beginning Jan. 5 4 Tues., beginning Feb. 2
9 -9:45 am
9 -9:45 am
L. Cormier
L. Cormier
Fee: $16
Fee: $32
9 -9:45 am
9 -9:45 am
L. Cormier
L. Cormier
Fee: $32
Fee: $32
2 Thurs., beginning Nov. 5
3 Thurs., beginning Dec. 3
4 Thurs., beginning Jan. 7
4 Thurs., beginning Feb. 4
4-4:45 pm
4-4:45 pm
4-4:45 pm
4-4:45 pm
L. Cormier
L. Cormier
L. Cormier
L. Cormier
Fee: $16
Fee: $24
Fee: $32
Fee: $32
Laura Cormier is a Certified Walk Leader through Leslie Sansone’s Walk at Home company. She has been walking with
Leslie since 2008 when she was training for Avon’s 39 Mile Walk for Breast Cancer in San Francisco and she never stopped.
Laura is CPR/AED/First Aid certified, owner of Next Step…Fitness and is a lifetime athlete and dancer. Helping others reach
their fitness goals and mentoring are Laura’s passions and she brings that positive energy to all of her walk sessions.
Hatha Yoga
Suited for all levels of yoga students, from the beginner to the more experienced, this class uses poses along with breath awareness. Reduce stress and increase confidence while toning and strengthening. The benefits of a clear mind can be felt immediately through yoga. Registration is limited.
5 Wed., beginning Nov. 11
No class Nov. 25
6 Wed., beginning Jan. 6
No class Jan. 27 & Feb. 17
10-11:30 amS. Olsen
Fee: $75
10-11:30 amS. Olsen
Fee: $90
5 Fri., beginning Nov. 13
No class Nov. 27
6 Fri., beginning Jan. 8
No class Jan. 29 & Feb. 19
9:30-11 amS. Olsen
Fee: $75
9:30-11 amS. Olsen
Fee: $90
Please register early to ensure your space and to keep a class from
regrettably being cancelled due to low registration.
Community Education (Noncredit) Courses
Fall 2015/Winter 2016
Lee Ferris/Mount Saint Mary College
Pastel painting classes offered on pages 12 and 13.
Evening Hatha Yoga
Please see Hatha Yoga description. Registration is limited.
6 Tues., beginning Nov. 10
6 Tues., beginning Jan. 5
No class Jan. 26 & Feb. 16
6:30-8 pmS. Olsen
6:30-8 pmS. Olsen Fee: $90
Fee: $90
Susan Olsen ERYT-500 has been a yoga instructor for more than 20 years. She belongs to the International Association of
Yoga Therapists and is a certified yoga therapist. She is co-director of Yoga on the Wallkill Studio in Montgomery, NY.
Lunch Hour Yoga
Taking time to stretch, breathe and have a mindful hour of relaxation to yourself – this is the goal
of Lunch Hour Yoga. All levels welcome. This class takes place at the Kaplan Recreation Center, main campus, 330
Powell Avenue.
6 Wed., beginning Nov. 11
No class Nov. 25 & Dec. 23
6 Wed., beginning Jan. 13 12:30-1:30 pm B. Boyer
Fee: $60
12:30-1:30 pmB. Boyer
Fee: $60
Barbara Boyer, ERYT-500 hour Certified Yoga Instructor and Certified Yoga Therapist, has been practicing yoga for over 25
years and teaches the Hatha style of yoga at Storm King Yoga in Cornwall, NY where she is co-director. At the Mount Saint
Mary College campus she teaches Yoga and Wellness and is now the new lunchtime yoga instructor.
Fall 2015/Winter 2016 Community Education (Noncredit) Courses
Chair Yoga
For those who have difficulty getting up and down from the floor, practice modified yoga stretches
and breathing while seated in a chair. Gain yoga’s benefits of increased strength, flexibility, and calm.
5 Wed., beginning Nov. 11Noon-12:45 pm
No class Nov. 25
4 Wed., beginning Jan. 20Noon-12:45 pm
C. Hunt
Fee: $40
C. Hunt
Fee: $32
Gentle Yoga
Gentle yoga is for those who would like to do yoga, but may be intimidated by it. This class moves at
a gentle pace and participants may use a chair for added balance. Please bring a yoga mat.
5 Wed., beginning Nov. 11 No class Nov. 25
4 Wed., beginning Jan. 20 1-2 pm C. Hunt
Fee: $50
1-2 pm C. Hunt
Fee: $40
Carole Hunt, MS, RYT-500 hour, has been teaching yoga since 2007. She is certified in Yoga Therapy and is co-director of
Storm King Yoga in Cornwall. She promotes wellness through yoga and “greener” living.
Zumba® Gold
Zumba Gold modifies the moves and pacing of Zumba to suit the needs of the active older participant, as well as the de-conditioned participant. What stays the same are all the elements: the Zumba®
Fitness Party is known for the party-like atmosphere, the zesty Latin music, and the sheer vibrancy of
each class. No dance experience is necessary. All you need to bring is water, soft shoes or sneakers, a
towel (because you’re going to sweat), and a sense of humor! Take $10 off your total if you take two full-length
Zumba courses!
6 Mon., beginning Nov. 9
7 Mon., beginning Jan. 4 No class Jan. 18
5:30-6:30 pm
5:30-6:30 pm
L. Thomas
L. Thomas
Fee: $72
Fee: $84
Zumba® Gold Toning
It’s an exciting, Latin-inspired dance and tone program. This is the original dance-fitness class taken
to the next level. Zumba® Toning is an innovative muscle-training program using light weights (two,
1-2 lbs) or toning sticks. This challenging workout helps to build coordination and muscle endurance.
This new and exciting Zumba toning program is designed to offer the participant a safe, effective
total body toning workout. This class is open to everyone; no previous dance or Zumba class experience is necessary. Participants will provide their own weights, water, and towel. Take $10 off your total if
you take two full-length Zumba courses! Please note: Zumba Toning Sticks are available for purchase.
5 Wed., beginning Nov. 11 No class Nov. 25
7 Wed., beginning Jan. 6
5:30-6:30 pm
L. Thomas
Fee: $60
5:30-6:30 pm
L. Thomas
Fee: $84
Linda Dickens Thomas is a licensed instructor (2008), member of the Dutchess County Chamber of Commerce, and
founder of Senior & Babyboomer Fitness, which provides Zumba Gold fitness to senior and wheelchair populations. She is
certified by the NYC Department of Parks as a group fitness instructor. Linda participates in many organizational fundraisers, including American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, and Grace Smith House. She also co-hosts a monthly
program on radio station WHVW in the Hudson Valley.
Community Education (Noncredit) Courses
Fall 2015/Winter 2016
Alzheimer’s Support Group
The Desmond Campus hosts an Early Stage Support Group for the
Alzheimer’s Association on a monthly basis. For further information, please
call Donna Davies, LCSW, at 800-272-3900.
Introduction to T’ai Chi Chih (Moving Meditation)
This six-week course is designed for anyone new to T’ai Chi Chih, or anyone who wants a refresher of
the basics. This is an in-depth course on learning how to move and what to move. At the completion
of this course, you will know all 19 movements and one pose, and you will ultimately become more
grounded and centered. Come and learn the best-kept secret of living life! These movements will be
taught both standing and seated. Chairs will be available for seating and/or support as an option.
6 Tues., beginning Nov. 10 1:30-2:45 pm
M. Sarles
Fee: $75
Afternoon T’ai Chi Chih
This class is for those who already know the 19 movements of T’ai Chi Chih. Continue with the practice and enjoy its healing benefits – feel peaceful and more grounded, refreshed, and more centered.
6 Tues., beginning Jan. 5
1:30-2:45 pm
M. Sarles
Fee: $75
Madeline (Maddie) Sarles is an accredited T’ai Chi Chih instructor.
Introduction to Qi Gong for Beginners & Experienced
Qi Gong literally means “breath work” and generally extends to “energy cultivation.” In the practice
of Qi Gong we cultivate how we use our own innate energy, our Qi, Prana or Life Force. The exercises
or sets as they are called are highly intentional, and through intention and breath we are able to
manipulate the various subtle energies of the body, mind and spirit. Anyone at any age can practice
Qi Gong regardless of their limitations whether mental or physical. These are very important Qi Gong
sets as their practice on a daily basis has a dynamic affect upon the practitioner. The movements are
fluidic and expressed as meditation in motion or by simply standing in place.
Saturday, Jan. 16
9 am-Noon
L. Hughes
Fee: $25
Earth Qi Gong for Women
This class will explore the health benefits of Qi Gong in relation to women’s health. Mindful movement, breath and intention represent the essence of Qi Gong. The Earth nourishes us therefore
providing the resources for vital health. This course will increase awareness of your physical and
emotional body. Wear comfortable clothing that allows freedom of movement. This class is open to
practitioners of all ages; modifications are implemented when needed. This is an active movement
Saturday, Feb. 27
9 am-Noon
L. Hughes
Fee: $25
Lorraine Hughes is a Certified Qi Gong Instructor with the Santa Cruz Chi Center directed by Lee Holden, and has been
practicing Qi Gong since 2004. Her Qi Gong practice evolved out of her Herbal Training in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Snowline: 845-569-3500
Fall 2015/Winter 2016
Speaker Series
Speaker Series
Open to all adults
Remembering Storm King
Learn about how a local Hudson River struggle helped ignite and shape the American environmental
movement. Lifset’s new book, Power on the Hudson: Storm King Mountain and the Emergence of the
Modern American Environmentalism, focuses on the epic battle over Storm King Mountain, starting
in 1962, between the newly-formed Scenic Hudson Preservation Conference and the Consolidated
Edison Company, which sought to build a pumped storage hydroelectric power plant at Storm King
on the Hudson River. Con Edison eventually gave up after 17 years, but early on in 1965, a landmark
decision of the U.S. Court of Appeals in the case propelled a change in the law. For the first time
citizens and citizen groups concerned with the environment were given access to the federal courts,
a move that empowered others across the country to follow, igniting the national environmental
movement and the passage of the National Environmental Policy Act.
Tuesday, Nov. 3
1-3 pmR. Lifset
Fee: $15
Robert D. Lifset is the Donald Keith Jones Associate Professor of Honors & History at the University of Oklahoma. He is the
editor of American Energy Policy in the 1970s (University of Oklahoma Press, 2014).
Wyeth’s Windows
The following lecture was offered last June but is being repeated due to the size of the wait list!
Andrew Wyeth (1917-2009) was born in Chadds Ford, PA and began training as an artist in the studio
of his father, illustrator N.C. Wyeth. Over the course of a lengthy career, Wyeth produced a large and
thought-compelling body of work that includes one of America’s most famous paintings - “Christina’s
World” - created after having looked through a window at the Olson farm in Maine, seeing Christina
in a neighboring field. Wyeth returned repeatedly to the subject of windows using various vantage
points (far, near, inside, outside), curtains (still and flowing), reflections, and landscapes seen through
windows: all through his personal, and sometimes private, visual language. This lecture will explore
Andrew Wyeth’s fascination with windows, as well as the messages they can infer or convey to the
Wednesday, Nov. 4
1-3 pm
L. Nicholls
Fee: $15
Laura Nicholls, a recently retired art educator and a seasoned presenter, has led students of all ages on actual and virtual
journeys into the world of art history.
The Spiritual Power of Crystals
A fascinating exploration into the spiritual energies of crystals as used throughout the world from
ancient times to the present. Discover how this energy is transformed into electromagnetism and
connects with the natural energies of the body. Ultimately, this is seen to reveal the connection of
the human microcosm with the unified whole and reveals the inherent connection of all things. An
expanded course is also offered on page 26.
Wednesday, Nov. 4
6:30-8 pmN. Rosenblum
Fee: $15
Nathan Rosenblum is a doctor of metaphysical philosophy and a scholar of the esoteric. He is also a poet and author and
is currently preparing a collection of essays.
Speaker Series
Desmond Campus
Fall 2015/Winter 2016
Joan McAdam/Mount Saint Mary College
Madonna in Art
Developed over the centuries, the Madonna is a link between heaven and earth, Mother and Child;
and an active participant in the lives of those who revere her. In this two hour presentation, we will
look at the way various artists, both female and male, conceptualized the subject of the Madonna,
and how we can, in turn, understand the relationship between Mother and Child.
Wednesday, Nov. 18
1-3 pm
L. Nicholls
Fee: $15
Laura Nicholls, a recently retired art educator and a seasoned presenter, has led students of all ages on actual and virtual
journeys into the world of art history.
Prudence Crandall – A Teacher Ahead of Her Time
Prudence Crandall was a teacher who opened a school for girls in Canterbury, Connecticut in 1831
to educate daughters of wealthy local families. The school was very successful until the following fall
when she admitted Sarah Harris, a 20-year-old black woman. Learn about this courageous teacher
and advocate of education for all people, who bucked the prejudices of her time.
Thursday, Nov. 19
1-2 pmB. Crandall
Fee: $10
Bruce Crandall, a retired school teacher and a member of Ellis Camp #124, Sons of the Union Veterans of the Civil War, will
offer this presentation.
Dutch Influence in America
So much in our present society, in both our commerce as well as in our religious tolerance, we owe
to the Dutch, who actually kick-started the America we know today. After only 40 years they were
pushed to the side when the English took over their colony here, but their influence remains to this
day. The Hudson Valley is rich with reminders of their culture and we pass many of them on a daily
basis. How did it all start? Learn what they accomplished ... and all of it in only 40 years. Come find
out how and why!
Monday, Nov. 30
10 am-NoonR. Ulrich
Fee: $15
Robert Ulrich is a regular contributor to the L.I.F.E. Program who enjoys sharing his knowledge of local history. This presentation is a condensed version of a course that he has taught at Desmond Campus.
Fall 2015/Winter 2016
Speaker Series
Capturing Our Past: Visiting Washington’s Headquarters in the
Mid-Late 19th Century
On July 4th, 1850, Washington’s Headquarters opened to the public as the first publicly owned
historic site in the United States. What motivated the push to save Washington’s Headquarters before
so many other important sites? What was visiting the site like 150 years ago? Hear more about the
Headquarters’ early years as an historic site, and compare it to a visit today.
Friday, Dec. 4
11 am-Noon
Fee: $10
This lecture will be presented by an historic interpreter from Washington’s Headquarters.
The Ice Harvesting Industry
The Hudson Valley was once the world’s epicenter of the natural ice industry. Spring fed lakes supplied ice to the finest New York City hotels and luxurious ocean liners and it was prized across Europe,
Asia, and Australia.
Wednesday, Jan. 6
Snow date: Jan. 20
10 am-NoonT. Englert
Fee: $15
Timothy Englert, former Development Executive for the Palisades Interstate Park Commission and co-founder of the
Knickerbocker Ice Festival in 2007, will share photos, tools, maps, illustrations and rare Thomas Edison films of the 1902
harvest at Rockland Lake.
Tugboats on the Hudson, Then and Now
The Hudson River was the great natural highway into the interior of New York State for centuries for the
Native Americans, and then for the settlers from Europe starting in the 17th century. Sloops carried freight
for over 200 years but were replaced by towboats and barges after the advent of the steamboat. A steam
towboat could tow many barges, scows, and sailing vessels at once cheaply, albeit slowly.
The growth of New York City in the 19th and 20th centuries created enormous demand for building
materials and for food to feed the ever-growing population, including horses. Towing companies
with towboats, and later the type of tugboat we see today on the Hudson, were established and
prospered. Today tugboats still ply the Hudson but their numbers are much less than 75 years ago
due to the advent of the super highway and large trucks. The cargoes now are different but the need
for them, particularly fuel oil, is still critical, and shipping by water is still the cheapest way for large
quantities of some cargoes and very large objects.
Tuesday, Jan. 19 Snow date: Jan. 26
11 am-NoonA. Lange
Fee: $10
Allynne Hopper Lange is the longtime curator of the Hudson River Maritime Museum in Kingston where she is responsible for the
archives, collections, and exhibits. She has been associated with the Maritime Museum for over 20 years. A native and resident of
Newburgh, she has also been active as a board member and officer of the Historical Society of Newburgh Bay for 20 years.
Winter Wildlife Survival
How is it that deer, wood frogs, or even praying mantis survive the winter? Learn how our backyard
neighbors endure the winter with no clothing, grocery stores, or furnaces!
Tuesday, Feb. 2
Snow date: Thursday, Feb. 4
1-3 pm
P. Cutul
Fee: $15
Peter Cutul is an educator and interpreter at Fort Montgomery State Historic Site where he has led environmental education programs, site tours, and living history demonstrations for the past 10 years. He is passionate about the area’s plant and
animal life and has studied wilderness skills and tracking.
Speaker Series
Fall 2015/Winter 2016
Receiving the French: The French Role in the American Revolution
To assist the Americans in their war against the crown, the French gave them firearms, clothes and
soldiers. Explore the reasons why they accepted an alliance and the role they played in victory.
Friday, Feb. 5
11 am-Noon
Fee: $10
This lecture will be presented by an historic interpreter from Washington’s Headquarters.
On Downing Park
This lecture will highlight the influence of Andrew Jackson Downing on the park’s original designers,
Calvert Vaux and Frederick Law Olmsted. Dr. McCarthy will trace the development of the park from
its original design in 1897 through the present and describe the future plans for this City of Newburgh jewel.
Tuesday, Feb. 9
Snow date: Feb. 16
1-2 pm
K. Eberle-McCarthy Fee: $10
Karen Eberle-McCarthy PhD is a retired Mount Saint Mary College professor and president of the Downing Park Planning
The Dutchess County and Orange County Regiments
Learn of the pivotal role played by the men and boys of the mid-Hudson Valley during the largest
battle ever fought in North America. With the fate of a nation hanging in the balance, Orange County
and Dutchess County answered the call. Hear the thrilling story unfold, as recounted by those who
were there--from each side of the mighty river, to each end of the Union line.
Thursday, Feb. 18
Snow date: Feb. 25
10 am-Noon
D. Topps
Fee: $15
David Topps was born in Jersey City and is a resident of Cornwall. He earned a degree in history at The University of the
South (Sewanee, TN) and an MBA from Auburn University (Auburn, AL). He taught 6 years at NYMA and 30 years in the
Monroe-Woodbury school district (26 in the MS and 4 at the HS) and retired in June, 2015. David has been a Civil War
reenactor since 1986 and a docent at Gettysburg National Military Park since 2001. He has appeared in area theatrical
performances since 1980. His wife of nearly 40 years is the former Cynthia Owens of Columbus, GA.
Eleanor Roosevelt – Challenges and Triumphs
As First Lady of the United States, Eleanor Roosevelt took on the most critical issues of any first lady in
the history of the nation. Acting as the eyes, ears and legs of her disabled husband and President of
the United States Franklin D. Roosevelt, she traveled the country to inspect the working conditions of
miners, the progression of the hundreds of WPA federal building projects and to speak at many highprofile functions and events. During World War ll, she spent countless days overseas visiting military
hospitals, bases and airfields to meet and share the country’s gratitude with the men and women of
the armed forces. Despite the fame and admiration that she earned during her public life, which continued through her death in 1962, Eleanor Roosevelt was a victim of berating, mockery, criticism and
extra marital affairs from many of the people closest to her. As a child, she was filled with insecurity
and overwhelming shyness, which stifled her public persona. Learn how she conquered the demons
facing her to become one of the most beloved leaders in the history of the United States.
Wednesday, Feb. 24
Snow date: Friday, Feb. 26
1-3 pmA. Musso
Fee: $15
Anthony Musso was born and raised in Brooklyn and relocated to the Hudson Valley region in the mid-1980’s. His interest
in history was enhanced by the region’s numerous historic sites.
Fall 2015/Winter 2016
Day Trips
Day Trips & Events
Day trips are open to all programs and all ages.
All day trips depart from the MSMC Desmond Campus, 6 Albany Post Road, Newburgh, NY, unless
otherwise noted. Confirmation letters will be sent out to registrants about a week before the trip.
Please note that slight changes may be made to departure and return times and will be noted in the
confirmation letter. No refund is given if cancellations are made after the registration deadline date.
If possible, please carpool when coming to the Desmond Campus for day trips!
42nd Street Architecture Walking Tour
Arrive in New York with free time for lunch prior to meeting for our 1:30 pm tour with guide James Nevius.
Behind all the neon and glitz, 42nd Street reveals a rich architectural history. A century ago, early skyscrapers
competed with grand Beaux Arts monuments in the drive to build a new commercial neighborhood north
of what most people considered “the city.” This tour explores both the famous as well as the less-celebrated
highlights of the most famous New York City street. Board the bus at 4 pm for the return trip.
Monday, Oct. 26
9 am-6 pm
Fee: $65
Hidden Treasures of the Catskills
Were you unable to register quickly enough to get into this trip on October 22nd as advertised in the
last brochure? Due to overwhelming popularity, this second date has been added! Board the bus
at 9:30 am and join guides Tony Musso and George Burke on their 7th tour, which takes its name from
Tony’s latest book. Tour the D&H Canal Museum in High Falls and learn the history of this 19th century
conduit of regional trade. A remaining section of the canal will also be viewed. Tour Hurley’s historic
stone house district which, during the American Revolution, served as the state’s capital and where
General George Washington conducted official business. Lunch, of course, is included, along with
amazing views of the Catskills themselves. Then it’s on to Woodstock village where time will be allotted to stroll the streets of this noted artistic mecca. At 5:30 pm we will return to Desmond.
Thursday, Oct. 29
9:30 am-5:30 pm
Fee: $80
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Arrive in Philadelphia and begin the day with a lovely brunch, then spend the day at the Philadelphia
Museum of Art. Among the special exhibits at this time are The Wrath of the Gods: Masterpieces by
Michelangelo, Titian, and Rubens and Audubon to Warhol: The Art of American Still Life. Spend the day
visiting the sites that you wish and board the bus at 5 pm for the return to Desmond.
Sunday, Nov. 1
8 am-8 pm
Fee: $95
Lunch at the Culinary Institute, Ristorante Caterina de’ Medici
Arrive at the Culinary Institute’s Ristorante Caterina de’ Medici in time for an 11:30 am seating. Enjoy a
delicious lunch of Zucca Arrostita (Seasonal Roasted Squash, Sharp Coach Farm Goat Cheese, Lemon
Zest, Maple Syrup Balsamic Glaze), Brasato di Manzo (Braised Beef with Polenta, Cipollini and Carrots),
and Profiterole allo Zabaglione (Sabayon Cream Puff with Chocolate-Hazelnut Sauce). Please note
that transportation is not provided for this event.
Tuesday, Nov. 3
11:30 am-1 pm
Fee: $45
Day Trips
Fall 2015/Winter 2016
The King and I, Vivian Beaumont Theatre, 150 West 65th Street
Board the bus at the Desmond Campus at 10 am. Enjoy free time on your own prior to the 3 pm
matinee. The King and I tells the story of Anna, a British governess, who tries to help an Eastern king
come to terms with the modern world. Board the bus at 5:30 pm for the return trip.
Sunday, Nov. 8
10 am-7:30 pm
Fee: $130
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Board the bus at Desmond at 10 am and travel to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Please see www. for information on the various exhibits. Enjoy the day as you wish and board the
bus outside the museum at 5 pm.
Sunday, Nov. 8
10 am-7:30 pm
Fee: $55
Mulberry House Players Performance at Desmond
Prepare to be entertained as the Mulberry House Players put on a performance for us. Refreshments
will be provided as well.
Friday, Nov. 13
1-4 pm
Fee: $5
Sylvia, Cort Theatre, 138 West 48th Street
Board the bus at the Desmond Campus at 10 am. Enjoy free time on your own prior to the 2 pm
matinee showing of Sylvia, with Matthew Broderick. Has your pet changed your life? Have you ever
wondered what she’s thinking when she stares up at you and tilts her head? Could she have the
secret to understanding the world at large and your place in it? Or is she just more interested in how
your shoe tastes? In Sylvia, the world of a middle-aged New York couple is turned topsy-turvy when
the husband brings home an exceptionally engaging canine running loose in Central Park. Board the
bus after the show for the return trip to Desmond.
Saturday, Nov. 14
10 am-7:30 pm
Fee: $125
Radio City Christmas Spectacular
Board the bus at Desmond at 11 am and enjoy free time prior to the 4:30 pm showing of the Radio
City Christmas Spectacular. Don’t miss this joyful, one-of-a-kind holiday celebration that brings
together family, friends, and loved ones. Join us at the Radio City Christmas Spectacular® and see the
Rockettes® ring in the season with brilliant dance numbers on the Great Stage at Radio City Music
Hall®. See Santa on his sleigh ride, ice skaters swirl across the stage, and catch a snowflake or two in
this immersive theatrical experience like no other! Board the bus after the show for the return trip.
Sunday, Nov. 22
11 am-8 pm
Fee: $100
Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
Board the bus at Desmond at 6 am, bound for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade! No need to
worry about driving as you make your way into the City and get dropped off around 51st and 10th.
View the parade from a location of your choice. Meet at Lincoln Center at 2 pm for the return trip and
get home in time for Thanksgiving dinner!
Thursday, Nov. 26
6 am-4 pm
Fee: $50
Fall 2015/Winter 2016
Day Trips
Rosecliff Mansion, Newport Rhode Island.
Newport Mansions Holiday Tour, Newport RI
Board the bus at 8 am as we travel to Newport, RI. Our first stop will be for a group lunch (included)
at The Red Parrot in Newport. After lunch, we will enjoy two mansion visits. The Breakers and The
Elms, two National Historic Landmarks and icons of the Gilded Age in America, are filled with thousands of poinsettias, other fresh flowers, evergreens and wreaths. A total of 24 decorated Christmas
trees reflecting individual room decor anchor many of the magnificent spaces. Dining tables set with
period silver and china complete the elegant setting. And windows of each mansion are lit with individual white candles, in keeping with the colonial tradition. Board the bus at 5 pm for the return trip.
Monday, Nov. 30
8 am-8 pm
Fee: $100
NYC Holiday Bus
Board the bus at 10 am and enjoy the day in the city shopping, viewing decorations, or whatever you
like. Drop off will be at the John Golden Theatre at 252 West 45th Street. Pick up will be at the same
location at 5:30 pm.
Wednesday, Dec. 2
10 am-7:30 pm
Snowline: 845-569-3500
Fee: $40
Day Trips
Fall 2015/Winter 2016
The Hudson Valley was once the world’s epicenter of the natural ice industry. Page 39
The Gin Game, John Golden Theatre, 252 West 45th Street
Board the bus at Desmond at 10 am and enjoy free time prior to the 2 pm matinee performance of The Gin
Game with James Earl Jones and Cicely Tyson. Weller Martin and Fonsia Dorsey meet on the porch of their
nursing home and strike up a friendship, with Weller teaching Fonsia how to play gin rummy. As they play,
they share stories about the lives they led in the outside world. But when Fonsia wins every hand, Weller
becomes increasingly frustrated, until their gin games and conversations become a battleground, with each
player exposing the other’s failures, disappointments and insecurities. Board the bus at 5:30 pm for the
return trip.
Wednesday, Dec. 2
10 am-7:30 pm
Fee: $140
Lyndhurst Castle, Tarrytown
Board the bus at Desmond at 12:15 pm for an afternoon holiday tour. Overlooking the Hudson River
in Tarrytown, New York, is Lyndhurst, one of America’s finest Gothic Revival mansions. The architectural brilliance of the residence, designed in 1838 by Alexander Jackson Davis, is complemented by
the park-like landscape of the estate and a comprehensive collection of original decorative arts. Its
noteworthy occupants included former New York City mayor William Paulding, merchant George
Merritt and railroad tycoon Jay Gould. Enjoy a tour of the site all dressed up for the holidays! Board
the bus at 4 pm for the return trip.
Tuesday, Dec. 8
12:15-5 pm
Fee: $60
Fall 2015/Winter 2016
Day Trips
Holiday Pot Luck Get-Together
Bring your favorite holiday dish and join us for a pot luck lunch! Enjoy The Desmond Campus
“dressed up” for the holidays! No drinks or desserts, please. They will be provided. Please note that
space is limited.
Friday, Dec. 11Noon-2 pm
Fee: Free, but please register.
Valentine’s Day Luncheon
Be our Valentine! Please join us for a Valentine’s Day luncheon served at noon. We’ll provide everything! Just come and enjoy the day. Please note that space is limited.
Friday, Feb. 12Noon-2 pm
Fee: $10
The Philadelphia Flower Show
Join us for a trip to the Philadelphia Flower Show! Board the bus at Desmond at 8 am and arrive in
Philadelphia around 11 am. The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society Philadelphia Flower Show is an
annual event at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in March. It is the world’s oldest and largest
indoor flower show, attracting more than 260,000 people annually. The Show features large-scale
gardens, elaborate landscapes, and over-the-top floral creations. Visitors to the PHS Philadelphia
Flower Show are treated to fabulous design, live entertainment, gardening how-to workshops, and
lectures by experts. The theme for 2016 is Explore America: 100 Years of the National Park Service.
Lunch on your own on site or nearby. Board the bus at 5 pm for the return trip to Desmond.
Monday, March 7 8 am-8 pm
Fee: $65
Snow date: Fri. March 11
Hamilton, Richard Rodgers Theatre, 226 West 46th Street
Board the bus at Desmond at 10 am. Enjoy free time prior to the 2 pm matinee of the hit new show,
Hamilton. Lin-Manuel Miranda takes the stage as the unlikely Founding Father determined to make
his mark on the new nation as hungry and ambitious as he is. From bastard orphan to Washington’s
right hand man, rebel to war hero, a loving husband caught in the country’s first sex scandal, to the
Treasury head who made an untrusting world believe in the American economy. George Washington,
Eliza Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson and Hamilton’s lifelong friend/foil Aaron Burr all make their mark in
this astonishing new musical exploration of a political mastermind. Board the bus after the show for
the return trip to Desmond.
Wednesday, March 23
10 am-7:30 pm
Fee: $125
“This—as most classes at Desmond—was amazing. Not only do we learn, but we
form such wonderful relationships with each other in these classes.
L.I.F.E. Courses
Fall 2015/Winter 2016
L.I.F.E. Program
L.I.F.E. courses are exclusively for adults age 55+. Fees are $45 for the first full-length
course and $30 each for any additional full-length courses.
The Dominican Nuns: Who Are They?
What’s the difference between a Nun and a Sister? Find out from a Sister who has just spent a season visiting the Nuns. Enclosure, walls & grilles, cloister, Prayer of Divine Office, perpetual adoration and rosary, but
what do they DO? A question of habits, what the nuns can teach us and the Dominican Monasteries U.S.A.
4 Tues., beginning Nov. 3
1-3 pm
Cecilia Murray, OP
Cecilia Murray, SC is an adjunct instructor at MSMC, author, and frequent contributor to the L.I.F.E. Program.
Beginner Spanish
This class introduces students to the basics of the Spanish language. Buy or borrow the book, Spanish
for Gringos, Level One. We will use this in the course as we develop skills for everyday situations.
5 Mon., beginning Nov. 9
10:30 am-Noon
M. Imperatore
Let’s Speak Spanish (Advanced Beginner)
Improve your knowledge of Spanish through vocabulary enrichment, conversations, and reading.
Activities are aimed at making language fun in a comfortable environment.
5 Mon., beginning Nov. 9
1-3 pm
M. Imperatore
Marion Imperatore is a L.I.F.E. Steering Committee member and a regular contributor to the L.I.F.E. Program. She lived in
Puerto Rico and loves to share her knowledge of Spanish language and culture.
What’s with all of those 1s and 0s?
Learn why we always see the digits 1 and 0 associated with the computer and how a computer uses
them to do everything that they do!
5 Thurs., beginning Jan. 7
1:30-3 pmN. Christensen
Neal Christensen retired as a computer science professor at MSMC and continues to teach Bridge, Rock and Roll, and other
classes as a long-time volunteer instructor with the L.I.F.E. Program.
Seeing Through the Darkness: Our Addiction to Perfection and
the Possibilities for Liberation
Adopting Carl Jung’s notion of “the shadow” as our working metaphor, we will explore what is commonly referred to as the “dark side” of human nature. Our exploration will serve to elaborate on
Jung’s belief that “that which we do not bring to consciousness appears in the lives as fate.” Discussions will serve, hopefully, to bring to light some specific ways in which our “dark” nature manifests
itself and, in so doing, help us appreciate more fully Robert Frost’s reflection that “Something we
were withholding made us weak/Until we found it ourselves.”
6 Fri., Jan. 8, 15, 22, 29, Feb. 19, 26 10 am-NoonB. Rello
Bill Rello has taught high school English for 36 years, as well as courses in humanities and philosophy. He has a master’s degree
from Hunter College, is a graduate of the Connecticut Writing Project, and has done graduate work in philosophy at The New School.
Fall 2015/Winter 2016
L.I.F.E. Courses
Short Courses
Fee is listed by the course.
Open Mah Jongg
Play Mah Jongg on your own without an instructor. Mah Jongg sets are not provided. Registration
not required.
Tues., Nov. 3–Feb. 23
No session on Dec. 22
10 am-Noon Fee: $3/session
Teilhard de Chardin 3
Where are we going in the universe according to Teilhard de Chardin?
Wednesday, Nov. 4
10:30 am-12:30 pmE. Kelly, SC
Fee: $10
Open Sew
Sew on your own without an instructor. Bring your own sewing machine. Registration not required.
Wed., Nov. 4–Feb. 24
1:30-4 pm
No session on Nov. 25 and Dec. 23
Fee: $3/session
Life Story Workshop
Unlock your life story with writing! Socrates famously said, “An unexamined life is not worth living.”
Join Sherry Yanow, college writing instructor, film and theater critic, and the published author of
three novels, on a journey to examine who you are and why. During a three-week workshop you will
become familiar with writing tools to help you delve into your life and also share your insights with
the class. The workshop is limited to 12 participants.
3 Wed., Nov. 4, 11, 18
1-3 pmS. Yanow
Fee: $25
Open Bridge
Play Bridge on your own without an instructor.
Thurs., Nov. 5–Feb. 25
11 am-1 pm
No session on Nov. 26, Dec. 24 and Dec. 31
Fee: $3/session
Real Estate Deals
Because of difficult times in the economy, there are some excellent deals in real estate. Learn how to
find and get those deals! Consumer advocate Rick Nathan will teach you the pros and cons of foreclosures, short sales, rent with option to buy, owner financing, and buying for no money down. He
will also show you how to wisely buy or sell investment property, primary homes, multi-families, and
vacation homes. Learn how to research property at the tax assessor’s office, county clerk’s office, and
various other methods to use. Optional materials fee $20.
Thursday, Nov 5
2-4 pmR. Nathan
Fee: $10
“This course has been one of the most profound experiences of my life!”
L.I.F.E. Courses
Fall 2015/Winter 2016
We are looking for instructors to teach in the L.I.F.E. Program.
This is a volunteer position, but in exchange, we will offer you a free L.I.F.E. class to thank you for
volunteering your time. If you teach a full-length L.I.F.E. course, you may take a complimentary
full-length L.I.F.E. course. If you teach a short L.I.F.E. course, you may take a complimentary short
L.I.F.E. course. Please contact Jennifer at 845-565-2076 if you are interested. Thank you!
The Bestseller List
Using Michael Korda’s book, Making the List: A Cultural History of the American Bestseller, 1900-1999,
we’ll have an overview of the history of the list, its start, the controversies, and touch on some examples: Jacqueline Susann, Dr. Spock, and James Patterson, to name a few.
Thursday, Nov. 5
2-4 pmS. Christensen
Fee: $10
How to Drastically Cut Costs
If you are trying to cut costs because your retirement or savings plan has lost a lot of money, or if you
could lose your job and want to learn how to save, this course will help you. We will discuss ways to
save money by investing on your own with no-load mutual funds, the benefits of credit unions, buying used cars, insurance, and methods to reduce taxes on your home. Optional materials fee $20.
Thursday, Nov. 12
2-4 pmR. Nathan
Fee: $10
Everyone Can Dowse
Your success will depend on your belief in yourself, and asking the proper concise questions. Use
your pendulum, “Y” rods or other devices, and surround yourself in the realm of dowsing. In the
class we will discuss tools, charts, and methods to insure getting the correct answers to life’s questions. For every answer we discover, it seems two more questions arrive. Join us and enjoy a quest for
answers. We will be concentrating on pendulum dowsing so if you have one bring it or we will have
pendulums available to use during the class.
Friday, Nov. 13
10 am-NoonB. Wiand, PhD
Fee: $10
The History of Negro League Baseball
Discuss the history of Negro League Baseball: Its start, well-known players, integration and end of
the league.
Tuesday, Nov. 17
10 am-Noon
C. Ford & J. Williams Fee: $10
Wall Street Secrets
Have you come into some money or do you have some to invest? This fact-packed seminar is a must.
Consumer advocate Rick Nathan will teach you how not to be ripped off when buying or leasing
cars, buying insurance, investigating long term care insurance, investing with or without financial
planners, and when investing in mutual funds on your own. Learn how to stretch your hard-earned
money! Optional materials fee $20.
Thursday, Nov. 19
2-4 pmR. Nathan
Fee: $10
“He is an excellent teacher, listens and is encouraging and stimulating.”
Fall 2015/Winter 2016
L.I.F.E. Courses
Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City, page 42
Long-Range Weather Forecasting and Global Warming
Jim Witt, the founder, president, and director of the Fleetweather Foundation, gives us some longrange weather answers. How is it possible to predict major snowstorms for a given date years in
advance? Can seasonal weather trends be predicted months in advance? Would this be helpful in the
commodities and futures markets? The answer is yes! Methods of doing this as well as a discussion on
global warming will complete the session.
Friday, Nov. 20
10 am-Noon
J. Witt
Fee: $10
U.S. Postage Stamp Collecting 101
This course is for the kitchen table collector and the non-collector alike. Maybe you once had a collection, have one stored away, a relative who is a collector, or are thinking about starting a collection
of your own. Topics include U.S. postage history, postage stamp types, and starting, organizing, and
managing a collection.
Tuesday, Dec. 1
10 am-NoonR. Calotta
Fee: $10
The Annual Holiday Media Show
Join Frank for this annual Desmond tradition and get in a festive mood with clips from holiday classics in film, TV, and radio. And don’t forget the Yule log and the cookies!
Tuesday, Dec. 1
1-3:30 pm
F. Kieck
Fee: $15
L.I.F.E. Courses
Fall 2015/Winter 2016
Holiday Necklace Workshop
Do you have a holiday outfit that just needs a nice necklace to go with it? Join Carol DeMicco and
learn to make a beautiful beaded necklace to take home. A variety of colors and bead styles will be
Thursday, Dec. 3
10 am-Noon
C. DeMicco
Fee: $20
All Are Psychic
The majority of us have psychic abilities. In this class you will explore ways to find your inner self and
communicate with the universe. Use the tools to assist you in finding your way to your inner secrets.
Learn to trust your “sensing.” Feel and see others on another level of understanding. Develop your
psychic reading skills. See your universe; let it help you to see the choices and choose the best one.
This course is a repeat of the session held in August.
Friday, Dec. 11
10 am-NoonB. Wiand, PhD
Fee: $10
Great Expectations
Please join MSMC’s Peter Witkowsky, PhD for a discussion of Charles Dickens’ beloved 1861 novel
Great Expectations. The three sessions will be organized around the “stages” of Pip’s expectations—
his boyhood on the marshes, his London education, and finally his long-awaited introduction to his
anonymous benefactor. The chapters for each session will be supplemented by illustrations from the
first American periodical publication (Harper’s Weekly) and by scenes from one or more modern-day
filmed adaptations.
3 Mon., Jan. 4, 11, 25
11 am-12:30 pm
P. Witkowsky, PhD
Fee: $20
Women of the Civil War
Join Charlie and Jim for this discussion of some well-known and some not so well-known women
who played a significant role in the Civil War.
3 Wed., Feb. 3, 10, 17
1-3 pm
C. Ford & J. Williams Fee: $25
Spanish for the Linguistically Challenged
Join basic Spanish conversation at the beginning with Dona Esperanza! This is your opportunity to
learn Spanish as you learned English--using the “audio-lingual” method. If you like charades and figuring things out as you did when you were a child and learned English, then this is the class for you!
This is a functional course designed to develop oral language communication skills at the beginning
level. Oral practice is related to everyday surroundings and experiences. You are asked to talk about
your family, home, studies, likes, dislikes, interests, vacations, or plans for the future. Role-playing
exercises are an important part of this class.
2 Mon., Feb. 8, 15
10-11:30 amA. Speranza
Library at Desmond
Fee: $15
Desmond students have a very active and interesting lending library in Mrs. Desmond’s
library on the first floor. Be sure to see what books appeal to you!
Fall 2015/Winter 2016
L.I.F.E. Courses
Layman’s Guide to Paranormal Experiences
Join us for this roundtable discussion of any and all out-of-the-ordinary. No restrictions.
Wednesday, Feb. 17
11 am-1 pmB. Ampel
Fee: $10
Visiting Miami Beach
Join Frank for this virtual trip down Memory Lane as he recounts his Road Scholar trip to Miami
Beach. If you can’t be there, the next best thing is to use your imagination! Join the journey through
the many possibilities of this exciting place. Plan a future trip for yourself or just sit back and enjoy
the experience.
Friday, Feb. 19
1-3:30 pm
F. Kieck
Fee: $15
Winter Image, Winter Line: A Poetry Writing Workshop
Two of a poet’s most potent tools are the image and the line. In this writing workshop, participants
will explore both while looking to winter as our muse. Throughout the morning, we will read and
discuss poems of winter. We will then warm the afternoon by writing and sharing poems of our own.
Poets of all levels are welcome. Please bring a bag lunch. The workshop is limited to 12 participants.
Gina R. Evers is the Director of the Writing Center at MSMC where she works with a team of writing
tutors to provide supplemental writing instruction to students through one-on-one writing consultations. She earned her MFA in creative writing with a concentration in poetry from American University, and her poems have appeared in journals and anthologies such as Chronogram, The Comstock
Review, Quarterly West, Copper Nickel, and Lady Business, among others.
Saturday, Feb. 20
10 am-2 pmG. Evers
Fee: $25
Layman’s Guide to Near-Death Experiences
In the constant battle between materialists and spiritualists, what do near-death experiences mean?
Class participation and open discussion is encouraged.
Wednesday, Feb. 24
11 am-1 pmB. Ampel
Fee: $10
Visiting Key West
Join Frank as he reminisces about another part of his Road Scholar trip, this time to Key West. Learn
about the area and what is available to you should you choose to visit, or enjoy the trip virtually as
Frank shares his experiences with you.
Friday, Feb. 26
1-3:30 pm
F. Kieck
Fee: $15
“Enjoyed the in-depth explorations and open-minded approach.”
“Delightful adventure, especially due to the teacher.”
Driving Classes
Fall 2015/Winter 2016
Driving Classes
No pre-registration is necessary. Simply arrive a few minutes early with items listed below. No food or
drink permitted in class.
Defensive Driving
This class will reduce four points from your license in the past 18 months, and reduce your insurance
rates by 10% on collision and liability for three years. Fee: $40, cash or check, made out to the Automobile Driving Club of Orange County. Bring pen and paper.
Two Wednesdays from 6:30 - 9:30 pm. (six hours total classroom time)
Defensive Driving classes are held at the Desmond Campus.
• Nov. 11 & 18
• Dec. 9 & 16
• Jan. 13 & 20 • Feb. 10 & 17
Pre-Licensing Class
Saturday, 9 am - 2:30 pm with a half-hour break. Five hours total classroom time. This is the course
required before taking the road test. Bring your Learner’s Permit, pen and paper. Fee: $40, cash only.
Registration is done on-site, prior to the class.
Pre-Licensing class is held at the Mount Saint Mary College main campus, 330 Powell Avenue.
• Nov. 14
• Dec. 12
No classes in January or February
Please call 845-565-2076 to confirm room location.
Community Education is always looking
for new instructors.
If you would like to teach a course, please call us at 845-565-2076 or
email [email protected]
A Gift of Desmond ... the ideal gift!
A gift certificate to a class at Desmond Campus is the perfect holiday or special occasion gift!
Available year round by calling 845-565-2076.
Fall 2015/Winter 2016
Course Registration/Payment Policies
... for Community Education:
• Payment is due prior to start of class. Please be advised that registration is not confirmed
until payment has been made.
• One week or less before class begins: a 25% cancellation fee will be charged.
• There can be no refunds on or after the day the class begins.
• We are sorry that we cannot prorate for those unable to attend all sessions.
• PLEASE NOTE: If your class has an alternate date scheduled due to weather, please hold
that date on your calendar as well. Once registered it is expected that you could attend
either date.
... for the Learning is Forever Enriching
(L.I.F.E.) Program:
• Registrants must be age 55 or over.
• Full-length courses are $45 for the first course and $30 for any additional
full-length courses. All full-length courses are listed in the first L.I.F.E. section.
The $45 initial course fee includes your membership for the four-month period
of the brochure.
• Short course fees vary and are as listed by the course description. There are no membership fees for short courses.
• Registration may be made by phone or mail payable by cash, check, or credit card. Payment is due at the time of registration.
• If you must cancel your registration, you will be given a credit for the full amount. Refunds
will no longer be given.
... for Day Trips:
• Registration is open to all ages, though registration of small children is discouraged unless
an exception is noted in the day trip description.
• Registration may be made by phone or mail payable by cash, check, or credit card. Payment is due at the time of registration.
• If you cancel your registration prior to the registration deadline date, you will be refunded.
If you cancel your registration after the registration deadline date, you will forfeit the entire
fee unless a replacement is available to take your space. If a replacement is found, you will
receive a refund for the full amount.
To Register Online:
fees listed with descriptions | for Registration/Payment policies, see page 53
Registration form for
community ed courses
& speaker series only
For faster service, register by phone, fax or online.
Call the Desmond Campus at 845-565-2076, fax to 565-4199,
or register online at
REGISTRANT INFORMATION (Please be advised that registration is not confirmed until payment has been made.)
______________________________________ ___________________________________________
______________________________________ ___________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________ #3 COURSE TITLE
I/we enclose a tax-deductible contribution of $________ to support the
Desmond Campus for Adult Enrichment Endowment Fund.
___ Please send information about income-producing gifts and other
planned giving opportunities.
Charges will be processed upon receipt. A 25% cancellation fee will be charged if cancelling within 7 days of class.
__________________________________________________ ___________________
__________________________________________________ ___________________
Thank You!
Mail form to:
Community Education at Mount Saint Mary College, Desmond Campus
6 Albany Post Rd., Newburgh, NY, 12550
fees listed with descriptions | for Registration/Payment policies, see page 53
Registration form for
day trips only
For faster service, register by phone or fax
Call the Desmond Campus at 845-565-2076 or fax to 565-4199
______________________________________ ___________________________________________
______________________________________ ___________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________ DAY TRIP #1
_____________________________________________________________ DAY TRIP #3
I/we enclose a tax-deductible contribution of $________ to support the
Campus for Adult Enrichment Endowment Fund.
___ Please send information about income-producing gifts and other
planned giving opportunities.
Charges will be processed upon receipt.
__________________________________________________ ___________________
__________________________________________________ ___________________
Thank You!
Mail form to:
L.I.F.E at Mount Saint Mary College, Desmond Campus
6 Albany Post Rd., Newburgh, NY, 12550
fees listed with descriptions | for Registration/Payment policies, see page 53
Registration form for
Please register early to ensure your space and to keep a class from inadvertently
being cancelled due to low registration.
For faster service, register by phone or fax.
Call the Desmond Campus at 845-565-2076, fax to 565-4199,
or register online at
______________________________________ ___________________________________________
______________________________________ ___________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________ #1 COURSE TITLE
_____________________________________________________________ #2 COURSE TITLE
_____________________________________________________________ #3 COURSE TITLE
I/we enclose a tax-deductible contribution of $________ to support the
Desmond Campus for Adult Enrichment Endowment Fund.
___ Please send information about income-producing gifts and other
planned giving opportunities.
Charges will be processed upon receipt.
__________________________________________________ ___________________
__________________________________________________ ___________________
Thank You!
Mail form to:
L.I.F.E. at Mount Saint Mary College, Desmond Campus
6 Albany Post Rd., Newburgh, NY, 12550
Directions to Desmond Campus
6 Albany Post Rd., Newburgh, NY 12550
Desmond Campus
for Adult Enrichment
From the North/South
Take New York State Thruway/I-87 to
Newburgh Exit 17. Go through toll booth,
bear right and follow signs for I- 84. Take
I- 84 east to Newburgh - Exit 10. At bottom
of exit ramp, turn left onto Rt. 9W North.
Go north on Rt. 9W through two traffic
lights. At the third traffic light (landmark Balmville School), turn right onto Fostertown Road. Go one block to stop sign. Just
past the stop sign, turn left onto Albany
Post Road. Follow Albany Post Road approximately .25 miles (note stone wall on
River Rd.
From the East
Take the first exit (Exit 10) after NewburghBeacon Bridge on Route I-84. Turn right at
the end of the ramp onto Route 9W North.
Follow directions above except, having
avoided one traffic light, turn right at the
second traffic light.
Alb any Po
st R
6 albany Post rd., Newburgh, Ny, 12550
Take I-84 to Exit 10 (Newburgh). Turn left
at end of ramp onto Route 9W North. Go
north on Route 9W through two traffic
lights, approximately 1.5 miles. At the
third traffic light (landmark - Balmville
School), turn right onto Fostertown Road.
Go one block to stop sign. Just past the
stop sign, turn left onto Albany Post Road.
Follow Albany Post Road approximately
.25 miles (note stone wall on right). Turn
into Desmond Campus at the gate opening in the stone wall. Park in the lot and
walk to the large white, green trimmed
(845) 565-2076
To I-87
L n.
Balmville Rd.
From the West
To NewburghBeacon Bridge
N . Plank
right). Turn into Desmond Campus at the
gate opening in the stone wall. Park in the
lot and walk to the large, white, greentrimmed house. If you require additional
directions, please call 845-565-2076.
Mount Saint Mary College Main Campus • 330 Powell Avenue, Newburgh, NY 12550
To be delivered by Oct. 13
Mount Saint Mary College
Desmond Campus for Adult Enrichment
6 Albany Post Road
Newburgh, NY 12550
(845) 565-2076