Darker`s WotLK Quest List | LEGEND


Darker`s WotLK Quest List | LEGEND
Darker's WotLK Quest List
'F' - Followup, marking that the previous quest has opened this quest or quest branch
'R' - Return notification, used in those quests where the quest is returned to some other
NPC than the original quest giver.
'(G#)' - Group quest, notifying that the quest log suggest you to complete the quest with
a minimum of # party members.
'(D)' - Dungeon Quest, which in most cases mean that this part of the quest is
completed inside the dungeon instance, and in most cases is not soloable.
'(Daily)' - Marks a quest that can be repeated as a daily quest.
'[xx,xx]' or 'xx,xx' - Coordinate pairs used to mark the spots on in-game map.
You need a 3rd party addon to see the map coordinates in-game. I used
MapCoords 0.32 during the beta.
Detailed descriptions of quest hubs, important quest spots and other such areas
can be found from the "Notable places"-part at the start of each zone section.
I would like to thank the following for their contribution for this guide:
Leord of <The Claw>: For ideas and feedback along the way. Big thanks to Leo and incgamers.com
for the beta keys for our guild too, thanks to them I could actually start working on this huge
wall of text in the first place. =P
Slicedice of <Anvil of Crom>: For helping me out with those group quests that I just could not solo. =)
| Notable place in Howling Fjord |
BE - Balgar's Expedition - 78,65
BH - Belheim - 65,47
EST - Ember Spear Tower - 44,57
ELO - Explorer's league outpost - 75,65
FG - Frozen Glade - 61,23
FP - Frostblade Peak - 61,2
FW - Fort Wildewar - 60,15
GB- Gjalerbron - 35,13
IR - Ivald's Ruin - 79,49
KG - Kamagua - 25,57
NV - Nifflevar - 68,53
SG - Steel Gate - 30,26
SK - Skorn - 44,30
SW - Scalawag - 35,81
TC - Thorwald's camp - 46,69
TG - Twisted Glade - 51,27
UC - Utgarde Catacombs - 57,49
VC - Valgarde camp - 61,61
WK - Westguard keep - 29,44
WST - West Spear Tower - 37,28
Hell has frozen over (Macalroy) 61,63
R Vice Admiral Keller 61,61
F If Valgarde falls
(12 Dragonflayer invader slain) gates, 59,60
F Rescuing the rescuers
(8 Valgarde scout rescued) 58,54 Forest
Prioners of Wyrmskull (Vice Admiral Keller) 61,61
(3 Valgarde Prisoner Rescued) 58,54 Wyrmskull village
F Dragonflayer Battle Plans
(Yanis at Worg Pits)
F To Westguard Keep
(Talk to captain Adams) WGK
The Human League (Beltrand MacSoft), 61,61
(Talk to Pultroy) 59,55
F Zedd's Propably Dead
(Talk to Zedd) 57,52
F And then there were two...
(Talk to Glorenfeld) 57,54
F The Depths of Depravity
(Collect 10 tablets) Around UC
F The ring of Judgement
(Find Daegarn) 56,57
F Stunning Defeat at the Ring
(Defeat Olun in the ring)
R Glorenfeld
F Return to Valgarde
(Talk to Beltrand McSoft) 61,61
F The Explorers league outpost
(Talk to Stanwad) ELO
F Problems on the High Blue
(Talk to Walt) Next to the guy...
F Tools to get the job done
(Toolbox inside digsite, midlevel) 79,47
F We can Rebuild it
(Large Barrel) Nifflevar 68,52
(Industrial rope) Balheim 65,41
(Dark iron ignots) McGoyver 61,61
F We have the technology
(Pristine Shoveltusk Hide) Around ELO
(Steel ribbing) Humanoids @ Nifflevar
F Iron rune constructs and you : Rocket jumping
(Use workbench, use rocket jump)
F Iron rune constructs and you : collecting data
(Use collect data on blue crystal nearby)
F Iron rune constructs and you : The Bluff
(Go walk on Lebroski's Carpet, use bluff when he bitches about it)
F Lightning infused relics
(Collect blue crystal data at Baelgar's expedition 78,65
F The delicate sound of thunder
(Investigate the middle tunnel, watch cutscene at statue) BE, 78,65
F News from the east
R Captain Adams, WKG
Trust is Earned (Hidalgo the Master Falconeer) ELO
(Find nearby Grub, feed to falcons next to Hidalgo) 74,65
F The Ransacked Caravan
(Use falcon cage + Grub @ 5 Turkeys) 70,67
F Falcon versus Hawk
(Use falcon cage + Grub @ 10 Hawks) 67,72
F There exists no honor among birds
(Use cage at Next, gather eggs) 77,68
Into the World of Spirits (Thoralius the Wise) VC 61,61
(Reagent Pouch) 62,58
F The Echo of Ymiron
(watch cutscene) 60,51
F Anguish of Nifflevar
(Watch cutscene) 69,55
The path to Payback (Guard Captain Zorek) VC 61,61
(Harpoon operation manual) UGC, 80,82
F Locating the mechanism
(Drops from harpooners) 61,51
F Meet Lieutenant Icehammer
F Drop it then Rock It!
(Drop flag and defend at Belheim)
F Harpoon Master Yavus
(Slay Yavys in Nifflevar) 66,56
F It goes to 11...
(Use harpoon launchers) 65,54
F Let's go Surfing now
R Captain Zorek, Valgarde
Daggercap Diving (Harold Lagras) 62,58
(10 supply crates, around the quest giver)
The Shining Light (Ares the Oathbound), UC, 59,55
(Sacred Artifact), downstairs, 57,53,timed
F Guided by Honor
Lord Irulon Trueblade 61,61
Fresh Legs (Scout Valory) 56,56
R Defender Mordun (60,49)
F Into Utgarde
(Ingvar's Head)
Break The Blockade (Daily) (Bombardiev Petrov) WKG
(Take a zeppelin ride & Bomb the targets)
Shoveltusk Soup Again? (Chef Kettleblack) WKG
(Gather shoveltusk meat)
Out of my Element? (Donny) IVR
(Kill dwarfs around and in dig site)
Orfus of Kamagua (Lunk Tusk) ELO
(Talk to Orfus of Kamagua) 57,75
F The dead Rise
(Search clues from UD area next to Orfus)
F Elder Atuik and Kamagua
R Atuik @ Kamagua
F Grezzix Spindlesnap
(Talk to Grezzix) 23,63
F Street "Cred"
(Talk to silvermoon harry) Scalawag
F "Scoodles"
(Kill Scoodles the shark outside Scalawag bay)
F The Staff of Storm's Fury
(Ship's hold) Iskaal, 34,64
R Orfus of Kamagua, 57,75
F The Frozen Heart of Isuldof
(The bear den cave, behind the bear) 34,76
R Orfus of Kamagua, 57,75
F The Lost Shield of the Aesirites
(Talk to Captain Ellis) 38,75, camp for ship
F Mutiny on the Mercy
(Collect 5 barrerls of blasting powder from the hold by killing the undead)
F Sorlof's Booty
(Kill sorlof with big gun, return loot to Ellis)
F The Shield of Aesiritites
(Take the shield to Orfus of Kamagua) 57,75
R Orfus of Kamagua, 57,75
F The Ancient Armor of the Kvaldir
(Get the armor, inside a ship) 82,74
R Orfus of Kamagua, 57,75
F A return to resting
(Use artifact bundle on all 4 sites)
F Return to Atuik
(Return to Elder Atuik) Kamagua
Forgotten Treasure (Handsome Terry) Scalawag
(Dive for Amani Vase) 37,86
(Dive for Eagle Figurine) 38,85
F The Fragrance of Money
(get 4 bear musks from bears on same isle)
F A traitor among us
(Speak to Zeh'gehn)
F Zeh'gehn zes
(Speak to handsome terry)
F A carver and a croaker
(Get knife from Silvermoon Harry & Capture Scalawag frog)
F "Crowleg" Dan
(Kill Dan) On the rightmost ship in Scalawag
F Meet number two
(Speak with Annie Bonn)
F The Jig is Up (G#)
(Get Jonah Sterlings spyglass)Engage Sterling, kill the bear 34,76
Gambling Debt (Taruk) Scallywag
(Beat up silvermoon Harry to collect debt)
F Jack likes his drink
(Collect Jack's debt) The bar nearby, Bribe Olga
F Dead man's debt
(Dig dirt mound) 33,60
Swabbin' Soap (Scuttle Frostprow) Scalawag
(Big Roy's Blubber) 31,79
Feeding the Survivors (Elder Atuik) Kamagua
(6 island shoveltusk meat) Around the village
F Arming Kamagua
(3 chimaera horns) outside the town
F Avenge Iskaal
(Kill crazed slavers) Iskaal 34,64
The way to his heart (Anuniag) Kamagua
(lead female sea lions to males) catch fishes with nets and use 'em as lures 29,73
One size does not fit all (Cannoneer Ely) WKG 34,44
(Collect 10 cannonballs outside the town)
Root Causes (Ember Clutch Ancient) 37,49
(Kill handlers + Skeld Drakeson) 41,52
The Clutches of Evil (Captain Adams) WGK
(Kill eggs and whelps) 37,49
F Mage-Lieutenant Malister
(Talk to Malister)
F Two Wrongs...
(Kill 3 proto-drakes) 36,50
R Malister, WKG
F Report to Scout Knowles (Captain Adams)
(Talk to Scout Knowles) Ember Spear Tower
F Mission: Eternal Flame
(Northwest plague tank) 48,53
(Southwest plague tank) 48,55
(Northeast plague tank) 51,50
(Southeast plague tank) 52,58
F Mission: Package Retrieval
(Retrieve apotechary's package) 51,54
F Mission: Forsaken Intel
R Peppy Wrongnozzle, WKG
F Absholutely... Thish will work!
(Test the potion on Vrykul prisoner below WKG main keep)
F You tell him...HIC!
(Talk to cap Adams)
F Mission: Plaque This!
(Talk to Greer Orehammer) (FP)
(Bomb 5 plaque tanks)
F Operation: Skornful Wrath
R Westguard Sergeant
F Towers of certain doom
(Northwest tower targeted) 44,30
(east tower targeted) 47,33
(southhwest tower targeted) 44,36
(southeast tower targeted) 47,36
F Gruesome but necessary
(Dismember 20 Vrykul corpses)
F Burn Skorn, Burn!
(Northwest longhouse burnt) 44,28
(Northeast longhouse burnt) 46,28
(Barracks Burnt) 46,31
F All hail the conqueror of Skorn!
R Cap Adams, WKG
F Of Traitors and Treason
(Talk to Greer Orehammer) (FP)
F High Commander Halford Wyrmbane (Greer Orehammer) WKG
(Deliver the alliance missive to commander Wyrmbane) Wintergarde keep, Eastern Dragonblight
F Dealing with Gjalerbron
(Slay Warriors, rune casters and sleep watchers) Gjalerbron
F Necro Overlord Mezhen
(Kill Mezhen) 40,10
F The Slumbering King (Dropped by Necro Overlord Mezhen)
(Slay Queen Angerboda) 41,7
Of keys and cages (Father Levariol) WKG
(Free 10 Gjalerbron prisoners) Gjalerbron
F In service to the light
(Slay 10 deathless watches, 4 fearsome horrors and 2 putrid wights) Gjalerbron cellar
F Sleeping Giants (Mage-lieutenant Malister)
(Slay 5 dormant Vrykul) Gjalerbron cellar, with wands that drop off the Necrolords
Gjalerbron Attack Plans (Drop from Gjalerbron area mobs)
(Return the attack plans to Lieutenant Malister) WKG
F The Frost Wyrm and its Master
(Slay Wyrmcaller vile & Clacion) 36,7
Everything Must be ready (Quartermaster Brevin) WKG
(Speak with Gil Grirest at FW)
And you Thought Murlocs Smelled Bad! (Explorer Jaren) 24,33
(Kill the undead) Along the same coast
Dander! Explosives! (Sapper Steelring) WKG
(Blow up stones, collect ores) Whisper Gulch 33,37
F Leader of the Deranged
(Slay Squeed Idolhunter) 32,35
See them Packing (Explorer Abigail) WKG
(/Raise your hand at 10 abandoned mules) Whisper Gulch (Doable on mount)
My Daughter (Old man Stonemantle) WKG
(Talk to Overseer Irena Stonemantle) 30,29 Steel Gate
F See to the operations
(Talk to Steel Gate Chief Archeologist) 31,29
F I've got a flying machine!
Scare the Guano Out of Them! (Engineer Feknut) 30,29 Steel Gate
(Collect 15 darkclaw guano, use firecracker under a bat) 30,21
The Cleansing (Watcher Moonleaf) 30,29 SG
(Pray at altar, defeat your shadow image) 61,2
F In Worg's Clothing
(Talk to Ulfang in worg disguise) 29,6
F Brother Betrayers
(Kill Varg) Around 34,29
(Kill Bjomolf) 29,23
F Eyes of the Eagle
(Touch the egg and kill talonstrike) 41,38
F Alpha Worg
(Kill Garwal) 27,13 Wear wolf disguise to see him
R Watcher Moonleaf, SG
Spirits of the Ice (Lurielle) FG 61,23
(Collect 15 icy cores from ice elementals surrounding the glade)
F The fallen sisters
(Turn 7 chill nymphs back with the pendant) 52,26
F Wild Wines
(Kill 8 wild wines) 52,26
F Spawn of the twisted Glade
(Kill 10 Thornwine creepers) 53,18
F Seeds of the blacksouled keepers 53,18
(shatter 8 spores)
F Keeper Witherleaf
(Slay Keeper Witherleaf) 53,18
I'll try anything (Christopher Sloan) FW 60,19
(Examine waterplans in Caldmere lake, kill fishes)
F That one got away
(Defeat frostfin) Use the bait next to sunken boat 64,19
The yeti next door (Foreman Colbey) FW 60,19
(Kill shatterhorn in the mine, kill rams around town for 4 meats to wake him up.) 60,14
Down to the wire (Gil Grisert) FW 60,19
(Collect 10 hippogryph downs around the town)
F We call him steelfeather
(Use feathered charm at Steelfeather, circling above FW)
Preying upon the weak (Trapper Jethan) FW 60,19
(Collect trapped animals around the town)
The book of runes (Prospector Belvar) FW 60,19
(Kill dwarves at Giant's Run for book of runes chapters) 68,24
F Mastering the runes
(Get Iron rune carving tools from Giant's run) 68,23
F The rune of Command
(Use rune of command on stone giant, defeat Murdis) around 68,27
March of the giants (Researcher Aderan) FW 60,19 (G2)
(Kill giants and use pick on them) 71,24
F The Lodestone (G3) 72,18
(Take the readings from broken rune tablet with your rune kit)
F Demolishing Megalith
(Deafeat Megalith) 67,10
Travel to Moa'ki Harbor (Anuniaq) Kamagua
| Notable places in Borean Tundra |
AL - Amber Ledge - 45,34
BP - Beryl Point - 43,38
CRQ - Coldrock Quarry - 53,33
DD - Dens of Dying - 74,15
DEHTA - D.E.H.T.A encampment - 57,44
DS - Death's Stand - 82,47
FP - Flood plains - 66,42
FS - Farshire - 58,63
FZZ - Fizzcrank Airstrip - 57,20
KK - Kaskala - 65,47
RLS - Riplash Strand - 48,78
SJC - Steeljaw's Caravan - 53,27
SP - Scalding Pools - 61,20
TS - Transitus Shield - 33,34
TSB - The Stormbreaker (Ship) - 57,69
UP - Unu'pe - 78,49
VK - Valiance Keep - 57,69
WFR - Winterfin Retreat - 43,13
WFV - Winterfin Village - 40,17
| Quests |
Enlistment Day (Officer Blythe) VK
(Talk to General Arlos inside Valiance Keep) 57,73
F A time for heroes
(Report to Sergeant Hammerhill outside the inner hold) 56,70
F The Siege (Sergeant Hammerhill)
(Slay 6 crypt crawlers) 54,65 beach
F Death From Above
(Slay 6 scourge flamespitters outside the keep) Use the net, just outside the keep
F Plug the sinkholes
(Collapse the scourge sinkholes to SW 51,71 and NW 54,64)
A soldier in Need (Medic Hawthorn) 55,69
(Retrieve Anti-venom from Stormbreaker's hold)
Cultists Among us (Cultist Shrine) TSB
(Talk to Captain Lugsail)
F Notify Arlos (Admiral Cantlebree)
(Speak to General Arlos) VK Inner Keep
F A diplomatic mission (Councelor Talbot)
(Speak to Karuk at Riplash Strand) 47,75
F Karuk's Oath (Karuk)
(slay 6 skadir raiders and 5 skadir longboatmen)
F Gamel the cruel
(Slay Gamel the Cruel) 46,78
F A Father's words
(Search Veehja from Shrine of Scales in RLS) 44,81
F The Trident of Naz'Jan (Veehja)
(Slay Ragnar Drakkrlund) Around 54,93, NE Shrine
F The Emissary
(Use Spear of Nazan on Leviroth) 52,88
R Karuk 47,75
F Cruelty of the kvaldir (Captured tuskar prisoner) 44,78
(Talk to Karuk)
F Enemies of the light (Harbinger Vurenn)
(Engage cultists near Farshire and obtain their communique) summoning circles around FS
F Further Investigation
(Take communique to Vindicator Yaala in VK Inn)
F The Hunt is On (Vindicator Yaala)
(Kill salty John in Inn's kitchen)
(Kill Tom Hagger in the docks) 59,69
(Kill guard mitchells in VK jail) 57,72
Word on the street (Mark Hanes) VK
(Talk to Leryssa at VK Inn)
F Thassarian, my brother
(Search William Ailerton) FS Mine 56,55
F The Late William Allerton
(Talk to Leryssa)
F Lost and Found
(talk to James Deacon) VK Inn
F In wine, Truth.
(Collect winecrate) 62,66
R Old man Colburn, VK Inn
F A Deserter
(Speak to the deserter in VK dungeon) Private Brau, 57,71
F Cowards and Fools
(Talk to Ataika in Kaskala) 64,46
F Not without a fight (Ataika)
(Slay 12 kvaldir raiders in Kaskala)
F Muahit's Wisdom
(Find Elder Muahit in Kaskala) 67,55
F Spirits Watch over us (elder Muahik)
(Search Iruk's corpse for totem) 68,50
F The tides turn
(Kill Helgar the horrible) 68,567
F The son of karkut
(Go east to Death's Stand, just beyond Unu'pe to find Karkut's son) DS
F Surrounded!
(Slay 7 Ziggurat defenders) Right next to camp
F Thassarian, The death Knight
(Look for Thassarian in Wailing Ziggurath) 84,42
F Finding the phylactery (Thassarian)
(Go to DS, mount dusk and recover the phylactery) 85,33
F Buying some time
(Inflict 20 casualties to scourge in En'kilath) 85,29
F Words of Power
(Recover Talet-kha's scroll from spire of pain) 89,29
(Recover Naferset's scroll from spire of decay) 84,20
(Recover Andorath's scroll from spire of blood) 88,21
F Last Rites (G3)
(use orb) 86,29
(Assist Thasarian with the fight)
Preparing for the worst (Utaik) KK
(Gather 8 Kaskala supplies in Kaskala)
Distress Call (Airman Skyhopper) VK, next to Inn
(Talk to Fizzcrank Fullthrottle) FZZ
F The Mechagnomes
(Listen to the story and go to Jinky Wingnut) FZZ
F Re-cursive
(Use Re-cursive transmatter injection on 6 mechagnomes) Around scalding pools
F Lefty Loosey, Righty Tighty
(Slay ED-210) 65,18 Use the valve
(Slay Twonky) Use valve at 60,21
(Slay Max Blasto) Use valve at 64,23
(Slay the grinder) Use valve at 65,29
F The gearmaster (Jinky Wingnut)
(Get Gearmaster's manual research) 64,23
(Get mechazod's head) 64,23
R Fizzlecrank Fullthrottle
F What's the matter with the transmatter? (Mordle Cogspinner)
(Collect 15 spare parts from scalding pools)
F Check in with Bixie
(Talk to bixie) 73,19
F Oh great ... plaqued Magnatar
(Slay 10 plaqued Magnataurs) Around 74,15
F There's something going on in those caves
(Use Bixie's powder on a cauldron in DD caves)
F Rats, Tinky went into the necropolis
(Find tinky in Talramas)
F I'm stuck in this damn cage ... but not for long!
(Get engine core from ghouls)
(Get gyroscope from doctors) Dr. Razorgrin, Talramas 2nd floor
(Get piloting scourgestone from lich-lord) Top level of Talramas
F Let Bixie know
R Bixie Wrenchshanker 73,19
F Might as well wipe out the scourge
(Kill 20 scourge in Talramas)
F Back to the airstrip
(Talk to Fizzclecrank fullthrottle)
F King Mgrl-Mrgl (Mordle Cogspinner)
(Talk to King Mrgl-Mrgl) 43,148
F Learning to Communicate (King Mrgl-Mrgl)
(Use Conch on Scalder's remains) Kill scalder at 42,15
F Winterfin Commerce
(Collect 10 winterfin clams) Around the area to west
R Ahlurglgr
F Them! (Brglmurgl)
(Kill 15 winterfin Murlocs) 39,16
F Oh noes, the Tadpoles (King Mrgl-Mrgl)
(Free 20 tadpoles) 39,16
F I'm being blackmailed by my cleaner
(Talk to Mrmrglmr)
F Grmmurggll Mrllggrl Glrggl!!
(Slay Glrggl) 40,7
F The spare Suit
(Return Mrgl-Mrgl's spare suit to him)
F Surrender... NOT!
(Slay Claximus) WFV 38,27
F Escape from the winterfin caverns (Lurgglbr) WFV 38,23
(Escort him out)
F Keymaster Urmgrgl (Glrglrglr) WFV 38,23
(Retrieve keymasters key for Glrglrgrl)
F Succulent orca stew (Cleaver Bmurglbrm)
(Acquire 7 succulent orca blubber) Around 40,7
F Dirty, stinkin' Snobolds! (Craft Wobblesprocket)
(Collect crates) Around 55,16
F Just a few more things...
(Get Crafty's tools, hair trigger and handful or rocknader's grit)
The ultrasonic screwdriver (Item drop) SP
(Return the screwdriver to Crafty Wobblesprocket) FZZ
F Master and Servant
(Reprogram 15 robots in SP with the Ultrasonic scredriver) SP
Get me outa here (Bonker Togglevolt) 56,13
(Escort him out of the cave)
R Fizzcrank
Finding Pilot tailspin (Fizzcrank Fullthrottle)
(Talk to pilot Tailspin) 62,36
F A little bit of spice
(Collect 4 Gorloc spice pouches) Around flood plains
F Lupus Pupus
("Search" wolves with bait to collect 8 pieces of microfilm)
F Emergency protocol: Secntion 8.2 paragraph C
(Collect 6 fizzcrank pilot insignias from their corpses around SP)
F Emergency protocol: Secntion 8.2 paragraph D
(Use emergency torch on 3 wrecks)
(Scuttle Eastern Wreck) 63,37
(Scuttle Southern Wreck) 61,40
(Scuttle northwestern wreck) 61,34
F Give Fizzcrank the news
(Speak with Fizzcrank at FZZ)
Scouting the sinkholes (Abner Fizzletorque) FZZ
(Use the map of geyzer fields to:)
(Mark S sinkhole) 70,37
(Mark NW sinkhole) 66,33
(Mark NE sinkhole) 70,33
F Fueling the project
(Collect 8 oil barrels with portable oil collector) Around SP
F A bot in Mammoth's clothing
(Get 6 thick mammoth hides) Around 59,35
F Deploy the shake-n'-quake
(Use control unit on sinkhole at 70,36)
(Defeat Lord Kryxix)
Nick of Time (Midge) VK Inn
(Talk to Librarian Donathan) AL
F Prison Break
(Collect beryl prison key from beryl mage hunter and release a trapped mage) BP
F Abduction
(Use arcane binder on wounded beryl sorcerer) BP
F The borean inquisition
(Assist Librarian Normantis in AL mage tower)
F The art of persuasion
(Use Neural Needler on prisoner until he yields)
F Sharing intelligence
(Report to librarian Donathan on AL)
F A race against time
(Use beryl shield detonator on BP shield and defeat Salrand) 42,39
F Reforging the key
(Talk to Surristrasz on AL)
F Taking Wing
(Give Salrand's key to Warmage Anzim in AL)
F Rescuing Evanor
(Fly with the warmages to rescue lady Evanor at Beryl Point)
F Dragonspeak
(Talk to Surristrasz on AL)
F Traversing the rift
(Travel to Coldarra and talk to Archmage Berinand) TS
Monitoring the rift: Cleftclift anomaly
(Use Arcanometer at cleftcliff anomaly) 34,42
F Monitoring the rift: Sundered Chasm
(Use Arcanometer @ anomaly) 45,28
F Monitoring the rift: Winterfin Cavern
(Use the Arcanometer @ 40,20, on the mouth of the cave)
Military? What Military? (Gerald Green) FS
(Investigate Farshire mine) Plaqued grain, 57,56
F Pernicious Evidence
(Talk to Gerald Greene)
F It's time for action
(Slay 14 plaqued Scavengers) FS
F Fruits of our labor
(Kill Captain Jacobs for key and release the ore cart) 58,54
F One last delivery
(Deliver Crate of Farshire ore to Hilda Stoneforge in VK) 57,67
F Weapons of Farshire
(return to Gerard Greene)
F Call to Arms!
(Go to FS town hall and ring the bell) (57,59)
F Take no chances (Wendy Darren)
(Burn 8 sacks of Farshire grain)
F Reference Material (Jeremiah Hawning)
(Retrieve a book from a burning building next to FS mine) 56,58
F Repurposed Technology
(Destroy 5 harvest collectors & Rewire) FS fields
A Mission statement (Arch druid lathorius) DEFTA
F Ears of our enemies
(Kill crazed looters around the area for ears)
F Help those that cannot help themselves
(Free trapped mammoths around the plains by using the hammer)
F Khu'nok will know
(Take the orphaned mammoth calf to Khu'nok the behemoth) 59,31
F Kaw the mammoth destroyer
(Mount a mammoth bull, Kill kaw and recover his halberd) 55,25
R Arch Druid Lathorius, DEHTA
F Unfit for Death (Zaza) DEFTA
(Place fake furs on traps) 56,49
F The culler cometh
(Kill Karen the Culler) 57,57
F Happy as a Clam (Hierophant Cenius) DEFTA
(Kill 10 loot crazed divers around lake Kum'ya) 54,43
F The Abandoned Reach
(Talk to Hierophant Liandra at abandoned reach) 58,55
F Not on our watch
(Recover 12 shipments of animal parts) 59,66 coastal area
F The nefarious clam master
(Slay Clam Master K) 62,66
R Hierophant Cenius, DEFTA
F Ned, Lord of Rhinos (Killinger the den watcher) DEFTA
(Kill Ned and LUnchbox) 46,42
F The assassination of Harold Lane
(Slay Harold Lane) 50,42
The honored Acestors (Elder Atkanok) 55,36
(Identify Elder Sakan) 53,34
(Identify Elder Takret) 52,31
(Idenfity Elder Kesus) 51,32
F The lost spirits
(Slay beryl hounds and free craftsmen and shamans)
F Picking up the pieces
(Collect 6 relics around the digsite)
F Leading the ancestors home
(Guide the spirits of Kesuk, Sagani and Takret back to their monuments)
Reclaiming the quarry (Etaruk) 55,36
(Slay 12 Beryl treasure hunters)
F Hampering their escape
(Destroy north, east and west platforms with bombs dropped from diggers in site)
(North platform) 52,32
(East platform) 52,35
(West platform) 51,34
F A visit to the curator
(Kill Curator Invicius) 50,33
Reading the Meters (Archmage Berinand) TS, Coldarra
(Read Nexus geological reading) 28,28, down in nexust trench
(Read southern coldarra reading) 28,35
(Read northern coldarra reading) 31,20
(Read western coldarra reading) 23,24
F Postponing the inevitable (D)
(Use interdimensional refabricator near the nexus rift)
Secrets of the Ancients (Archmage Berinand) TS, Coldarra
(Collect 3 glacial and magic bound splinters from Ancients in Coldarra)
F Quickening (D)
(Collcect 5 arcane splinters)
Basic Training (Raelorasz) TS, Coldarra
(Slay 10 Coldarra Spellweavers around Coldarra)
F Hatching a plan
(Destroy 5 dragon eggs in nexus trench) With frozen axes dropped by dragonkins
F Drake Hunt
(use blood-tipped spear to capture a drake hatchling)
F Cracking the code
(Slay Inquisitor Caleras and collect 3 Shimmering Runes from Coldarra spellbinders) 33,28
Puzzling... (Dropped by Coldarra dragonkin) Coldarra
(Bring scintillating fragment to Raelorasz in TS)
F The Cell
(Slay General Cerulean) 27,20
(Slay Warbringer Goredrak) 24,30
Nuts for Berries (Librarian Serrah) TS, Coldarra
(Collect Frostberries around Coldarra)
F Keep the secret safe
(Collect 5 nexus mana crystals from nexus serpents in nexus trench)
| Notable places in Dragonblight |
7LF - 7'th Legion Front - 65,28
ADS - Azure Dragon Shrine - 55,66
BDS - Bronze Dragon Shrine - 72,39
CF - Carrion Fields - 84,48
CH - Coldwind Heights - 50,19
DR - Dawn's Reach - 87,57
EDS - Emerald Dragon Shrine - 64,74
EH - Eldritch Heights - 90,65
FH - Fordragon Hold - 39,26
FMC - Frostmourne Cavern - 75,23
FS - Forgotten Shore - 82,71
GKR - Galakrond's Rest - 54,35
GS - Glittering Strand - 26,64
IHC - Ice Heart Cavern - 56,12
ILV - Indu'le Village - 39,65
IV - Icemist Village - 25,42
JK - Jintha'kalar - 89,21
LT - Light's Trust - 84,26
LW - Lotlalor Woodlands - 32,62
MG - Moonrest Gardens - 25,58
MH - Moaki Harbor - 49,76
MOD - Mirror of Dawn - 67,52
NHG - New Heartglen - 71,73
NP - Nozzlerest Post - 55,23
OBC - Onslaught Base Camp - 86,41
ODS - Obsidian Dragon Shrine - 39,31
PON - Pit of Narjun - 26,50
RDS - Ruby Dragon Shrine - 47,49
SP - Scarlett Point - 73,26
SR - Star's Rest - 29,56
TP - Thorson's Post - 89,46
WGC - Winter Garde Crypt - 79,53
WGM - Wintergarde Mausoleum - 86,50
WIKG - Wintergarde Keep - 79,48
WM - Wintergarde Mine - 82,42
WT - Wyrmrest Temple - 60,54
| Quests |
The Hills have us (Gryphon Commander Urik)
(Report to Dumont @ Amberspine Lodge in western Grizzly hills)
Naxxramas and the Fall of Wintergarde (Commander Wyrmbane) WiKG
(Speak to Gryphon Commander Urik) WiKG
F Flight of the Wintergarde Defender
(Rescue 10 helpless Wintergarde villagers with a gryffon) CF
(Drop villagers @ FP @ WiGK)
F Return to High Commander
(Talk to Commander Wyrmbane again)
F Rescue from the Town Square
(Rescue 6 trapped Wintergarde Villagers from town square next to the keep) 79,51
F Find Durkon!
(Talk to Cavalier Durkon at WGC) 79,53
F The Noble's Crypt
(Slay Necrolord Amarion) Downstairs in the Crypt
F Secrets of the Scourge (From a tome next to Amarion)
(Take the flesh-bound tome to Cavalier Durgon) WiKG
F Mystery of the Tome
(Take the flesh-bound tome to Commander Wyrmbane) WiKG
F Understanding the language of Death
(Take the tome to Inquisitor Hallard in WiKG prison)
F A Righteous Sermon
(Wait for inquisitor to finish the sermon and return to commander Wyrmbane)
F Into Hostile Territory
(Talk to Gryphon commander Urik to travel to Thorson's Post)
F Steamtank Surprise
(Use steamtank to destroy 6 plague wagons)
(Drop off the reinforcements @ WGM) 86,50
R Ambo Cash, WGM
F Scattered to the wind (Ambo Cash)
(Recover 8 Wingergarde Munitions) CF
F The Chain gun and you
(Save 8 injured soldiers with machine gun)
F Plunderbeard must be found
(Look for Plunderbeard from embalming chambers down in WGM) 84,55
F Plunderbeard's Journal
(Find pages 4,5,6,7)
R Ambo Cash, WGM
F Chasing Icestorm: The 7th legion front
(Report to Commander Tyralion at 7th legion front) 7LF
F Chasing Icestorm: Thel'zan's Phylactery
(Talk to "Wyrmbait" to engage Icestorm)
(Recover the phylactery from Icestorm and take it to Commander Wyrmbane)
R Commander Wyrmbane, WiKG
F Finality
(Take the phylactery to Legion Commander Yorik @ WGM) Through the mausoleum, 81,51
F An end and a beginning
(Defeat Thel'zan and report to Commander Halford @ WiKG)
F To Fordragon Hold!
(Talk to Bolvar Fordragon @ FH)
F Audience with the dragon queen (Bolvar Fordragon)
(Talk to Alexstrasza @ WT)
F Galakrond and the scourge
(Speak with Torastrasza @ WT)
F On ruby wings
(Use the beacon to mount a dragon)
(Slay 30 waste scavengers) GKR
(Recover the scythe of Antiok from Grand Necrolord Antiok) GKR 54,31
( NOTE - Antiok spawns when you kill the stormgiant on top of the hill)
F Return to Angrathar
(Talk to Bolvar Fordragon)
F Breaking Oit a Piece (Yord "Calamity" Icebear) WGM
(Down in WGM:)
(Slay X'avius)
(Slay Horus)
(Slay 15 Naxxramas scourge)
F The Demo-gnome
(Talk to Siege Engineer Quarterflash) WiKG
F The Search for Slinkin
(Use bot next to Quarterflash to start the search)
(Talk to Slinkin) WM
F Leave nothing to chance
(Get dynamites from the mine) 81,41
(Blow up upper wintergarde mine shaft entrance) 80,44
(Blow up lower wintergarde mine shaft entrance) 80,44
(Note - Both entrances on frontside close to each other)
F Understanding the scourge war machine
(Take Quarterflashs's package to commander Wyrmbane)
F The Bleeding Ore (Engineer Quarterflash) WiKG
(Collect 10 ore) WM
F Not in our Mine (Leoric Von Zeldig) WiKG
(Collect 10 miner's cards from undead miners in WM)
F The Fate of the Dead (Commander Lynore Windstryke) WiKG
(Slay 15 vengeful Geists on WikG town square) 79,51
F Imprints of the past (Zelig the visionary) WiKG
(Get Zelig's Scrying orb from town square) 79,51
F Orik Trueheart and the Forgotten Shore
(Seek out assistance of Orik Trueheart at Dawn's Reach) DR
F The Murkweed Elixir
(Recover 5 Murkweeds from Eldritch Heights) EH
F The Forgotten Tale
(Use the Murkweed Elixir @ FS)
(Hear the tale of forgotten peasant) FS
(Hear the tale of forgotten rifleman) FS
(Hear the tale of forgotten knight) FS
(Hear the tale of forgotten footman) FS
F The truth shall set us free
(Take the crystalline orb to the center of upper FS and use it) 87,66
F Parting Thoughts
(Talk to Zelig the visionary) WiKG
F What secrets men hide
(Get the onslaught map) 88,38
F Frostmourne Cavern
(Use Zelig's Scrying Orb @ bottom of Frostmourne Cavern) 75,20
F The return of the crusade? (Commander Lynore Windstrike)
(Slay 20 Scarlet Onslaughts @ OBC)
F The path of Redemption (Commander Wyrmbane)
(Recover a copy of "Path of Redemption" from the onslaught soldiers)
Disturbance in the West (Vas the Unstable) WiKG
(Speak to Rodney Wells) (FP)
F To Stars Rest!
(Talk to Image of Achmage Modera @ stars rest in western Dragonblight) SR
F Rifle the bodies
(Find moonrest gardens plans from dead mage hunters and return them to Image of Modera)4
F Prevent the Accord
(Deliver Wind trader Mu'fah's remains and Scales of Goramosh to Modera @ SR)
(Both targets in the building at 19,59)
A Strange Device (Goramosh's Strange Device, drop from Goramosh @ 19,59)
(Deliver Goramosh's Strage device to image of Archmage Modera @ SR)
F Projections and Plans
(Teleport to the top of Surge Needle and observe the projection atop of it)
(Use teleporter anywhere in MG to get to Surge Needle)
F The Focus on the Beach
(Obtain ley line focus control ring from the captain Malin @ GS) 26,65
(Use ring to gain information from ley line focus and return to Modera)
F Atop the woodlands
(Obtain the ley line focus control amulet from the person in charge at LW)
(Slay Lieutenant Ta'zinni to get the ring) 32,73
F Search Indu'le Village
(Search the commander of mage hunter forces at Indu'le village & Lake Indu'le)
(Locate mage Commander Evenstar) 40,67
F The end of the line
(Use talisman to gain info from Lake Indu'le focus ring) 40,67
(Travel to Azure Dragonshrine and observe from western ledge) 53,67
F Gaining an Audience
(Deliver the letter of introduction to Wyrmrest Temple) WT
F Speak with your ambassador
(Talk to Lauriel Trueblade @ WT)
F Report to the ruby dragonshrine
(Report to Ceristrasz on the ridge east of fuby dragonshrine) 52,50
F Heated Battle
(Aid Captain Iskandar in holding the canyons) 51,52
(12 Frigid Attackers, 8 Frigid geist attackers and 1 Frigid abomination)
F Return to the earth
(Enter the ruby dragonshrine)
(Search for ruby acorns and use them on 6 dead red dragons)
F Through fields of Flame
(Kill 6 frigid necromancers and eliminate the corruption source beneath the shrine @ RDS)
F The Steward of Wyrmrest temple
(Talk to Tariolstrasz @ WT)
F Informing the Queen
(Deliver the letter of introduction to Alexstrasza @ WT)
(Speak to Tariolstrasz again to ride the drake to the top)
F Report to Lord Afrasastrasz (Alexstrasza, WT)
(Talk to Afrasastrasz @ WT) WT mid-level
F Defending Wyrmrest Temple
(Slay 3 Azure dragons, slay 5 Azure Drakes and destabilize ADS)
(Talk to a wyrmrest defender outside)
F Mystery of the Infinite (Chromie, WT)
(Use hourglass of eternity at BDS)
F The Obsidian Dragonshrine (Nalice, WT)
(Talk to Serinar @ ODS)
F No One to Save You
(Kill 6 burning depths necrolytes and 10 smoldering skeletons)
F No Place to Run
(Place destructive ward at the end of road leading away from ODS)
(Protect the ward until it's fully charged)
F The best of intentions
(Let Serinar apply the disguise and scout ahead the backside of Neltharion's maw) 32,31
F Culling the Damned
(Slay 3 necromancers, 6 smoldering constructs and 6 smoldering geists)
F Defiling the defilers
(Stamp out 8 runes inside Neltharrion's maw)
F Neltharion's Flame
(Use Neltharion's flame on summoning area, in the back of Maw)
(Slay Rothin the decaying)
F Tales of Destruction
(Talk to Nalice @ WT)
F Seeds of the Lashers (Itharius, WT)
(Get 3 lasher seeds from emerald lashers at EDS)
F That which creates can also destroy
(Destroy weakened reanimated frostwyrm) Circling over GR, NW
(Destroy Weakened Turgid the Vile) 86,47, CF
(Destroy Overseer Deathgaze) 89,19, JK
The Cleansing of Jintha'kalar (Crusader Valus) LT
(Slay 15 Jintha'kalar scourge)
The Cycle of Life (Nishera the garden keeper, EDS)
(Slay 5 emerald skytalons)
F The plume of Alystros
(Use skytalon molts at 65,77)
(Defeat Alystros @ EDS)
The fate of the ruby dragonshrine (Drop off Dahlia Suntouch @ RDS)
(take the brooch to Krasus @ WT)
A letter for home (Dropped off Captain Emmy Malin @ GS)
(Give Malin's Letter to Commander Azuresteel @ SR)
The liquid fire of Elune (Warden Jodi Moonsong) SR
(Burn 6 blighted Elk's corpses) Around 31,48
(Burn Rabid Grizzly's corpses) Around 31,48
F Kill the cultists
(Slay cultists in IV and collect 5 cultist suits)
The Favor of Zangus (Dropped from Anub'ar cultist, IV)
(Deliver the Favor of Zangus to Warden Jodi Moonsong @ SR)
F The High Cultist
(Slay high cultist Zangus @ PON)
Strengthen the ancients (Sarendryana) SR
(Ask treants for their barks)
(Use bark of the walkers to strengthen 3 lothalor ancients) LW
Return to Sender (Nozzlerust supply runner) 48,24
(Deliver pack of explosives to Nozzlerust camp)
F Stocking up (Xink) NP
(Gather 8 Bundles of Composite ore from digs around GKR)
Shaved Ice (Zivlix) NP
(Collect 4 ice shard clusters from elementals) 52,20
F Soft Packaging
(Collect 12 Thin animal hides from Jormungar tunnelers or Dragonbone condors)
F Something that doesn't melt
(Search the dragon bones east of NP for 12 bone chunks) 60,27
F Hard to Swallow (Xink) NP
(Provoke a hulking Jormungar and throw explosives into it's mouth when it opens it) 60,27
(Collect meat afterwards)
F Lumber Hack (Xink) NP
(Use Xink's shredder control device @ Harpy nesting grounds)
(Gather 50 bundles of lumber)
F Harp on this!
(Kill the mistress of coldwind) CH
(Kill 15 coldwind harpies) CH
Nozzlerust Defense (Narf) NP
(Slay 12 wastes diggers and 1 wastes taskmaster @ digsites around GKR)
Pest Control (Duane) 7LF
(Slay 10 snowplain Snobolds)
(Slay 3 dragonblight magnataurs)
Slim Pickings (Zort) 59,18
(Collect a sample of Rockflesh from Ice Giant corpse @ IHC Entrance) 56,12
F Stomping Grounds
(Slay 8 Jormungar feeders in IHC)
F Messy Business (Ko'char the Unbreakable)
(Get 2 vials of corrosive spit from jormungar wyrms using the scraper while they spit on you)
F Apply this twice a day
(Offer the elixir to Ko'char the unbreakable) Right next to this guy
F Really Big Worm
(Slay Rattlebore in the heart of IHC)
F Worm Wrangler (Zort)
(Trap 3 Jormungar spawns in crates and collect 'em @ IHC)
Avenge this Atrocity (Ethenial Moonshadow) 24,60 MG
(Kill 15 of combination:
Dragonblight mage hunters
Moonrest Stalkers
Surge needle sorcerers
Focus Wizard) Around 17,60
F End Arcanimus
(Destroy Arcanimus) 20,60, Down in chasm
My Old Enemy (Eligor Dawnbringer) (G) WiKG
(Bring Eligor the head of High General Abbendis) 71,77 NHG
Wanted: Kreug Oathbreaker (Wanted Billboard, WiKG Inn) (G)
(Slay Kreug) 90,52
R Highlord Leoric Von Zeldig, WiKG
Wanted: High Shaman Bloodpaw (Wanted Billboard, WiKG Inn) (G)
(Kill Bloodpaw) 91,73 EH
R Highlord Leoric Von Zeldig, WiKG
Wanted: Onslaught Commander Lustus (Wanted Billboard, WiKG Inn) (G)
(Slay Justus) 87,38
R Highlord Leoric Von Zeldig, WiKG
Let nothing go to waste (Elder Ko'nani) MH
(Collect 6 stolen Moa'ki goods from Snowfall glade wolvar, outside MH)
F Slay Loguhn
(Name says it all) 46,60
F Tua'kea's Crab Traps (Tua'kea) MH
(Collect 8 crab traps below the harbor)
F Spiritual Insight (Toalu'u the mystic) MH
(Use the insence next to Toalu'u's brazier)
F Elder Mana'loa
(Speak with the statue, Elder mana'loa, at Indu'le Village) 37,65
F Freedom for the lingering
(Slay 15 Indu'le Villagers)
F Conversing with the depths
(Commune with pearl of depths and do Oacha'noa's bidding) 34,83
(Jump to water in front of Oacha'noa when you get the buff)
R Toalu'u, MH
Signs of Big Watery Trouble (Wrecked Crab Trap) 48,80
(Talk to Tua'kea)
F The Bait
(Obtain flesh of "two huge pincers" to Tua'kea) 43,82
F Meat on the hook
(Slay Tu'u'gwar) 47,78 Use meat on the hook
Planning for the future (Trapper Mau'i) MH
(Collect 12 snowfall glade pups) Around 49,63
| Notable places in Grizzly Hills |
AGP - Aspen Grove Post - 35,55
AL - Amberpine Lodge - 31,60
AP - Ashwood Post - 60,51
BLC - Blackriver logging camp - 28,64
BSLG - Blue Sky Logging Grounds - 36,37
DA - Dun'Argol - 75,54
DAP - Drak'atal passage - 45,28
DR - Drakil'jin Ruins - 71,25
DZ - Ruins of Drak'Zin - 13,58
ETL - Evergreen trading lodge - 17,67
GM - Grizzlemaw - 52,48
GS - Granite Springs - 16,48
HBS - Heart's Blood Shrine - 66,60
HC - Harkor's Camp - 74,34
HTP - Heartwood Trading Post - 49,34
LGAC - Logging Grounds Alliance Camp - 39,43
PP - Prospector's Point - 77,49
RC - Ruuna's Camp - 44,48
RFS - Rage Fang Shrine - 52,54
ROT - Ruins of Tethys - 80,34
RTP - Redwood Trading Post - 69,40
SB - Silverbrook - 26,36
SV - Solstice Village - 63,40
TM - Thor Modan - 63,26
UD - Ursoc's Den - 53,24
VR - Voldrune - 31,74
WBE - Westfall Bridage Encampment - 59,28
WPTP - White Pine Trading Post - 58,41
ZH - Zeb'Halak - 16,37
| Quests |
Amberseed (Amberseed) AL
(Talk to Master Woodsman Anderhol) AL
F Just Passing Through
(Collect 5 blackroot stalks) Riverbend, around 31,56
F Doing Your Duty
(Use Anderhol's Slider cider) Next to an outhouse... 32,59
Replenish the storehouse (Woodsman Anderhol) AL
(Collect 8 succulent venisons from Tallhorn Stags) Around AL
F Bear back
(Collect 8 Grizzly bear flanks) Around AL
Them or Us (Woodsman Anderhol) AL
(Kill 6 Graymist Hunters) South of the camp, wolves along the river to west
F Eagle Eyes
(Kill 5 imperial eagles) Around AL, on rocks mostly
Local Support (Lieutenant Dumont) AL
(Go to Evergreen trading post and obtain Cedar Chest) 16,65
F Close the Deal
(Take cedar chest to Ivan @ Aspen Grove Post) 35,55
F A Tentative Pact
(Return to Dumont @ AL)
F An excercise in diplomacy
(Talk to Envoy Ducal in Silverbrook) 26,36
F Northern Hospitality (Sergei) SB
(Kill Conquest hold marauders) NW of SB
F Test of Mettle
(Find Sergeant Bonesnap NW of SB and pass the test of mettle) 22,30
R Captured Trapper 22,30
F Words of Warning
(Go to 26,32 @ SB
F Escape from Silverbrook
(Help Alliance Scout to escape Silverbrook)
(Report back to Lieutenant Dumont @ AL)
F A swift response
(Slay Vladek + 7 silverbrook hunters @ FEP) 37,67
F Wolfsbane Root (Katja) SB
(Gather 8 wolfsbane root) Around SB
Descent into Darkness (Mikhail's Journal, drops off Vladek)
(Talk to Lieutenant Dumont @ AL)
F Report to Gryan Stoutmantle ... again.
(Report to Gryan at @ WBE)
F Hollowstone Mine
(Look for clue inside Hollowstone Mine) 55,24
F Souls at Unrest (Petrov)
(Use miner's lantern to burn 8 miner corpses) Kill them first ofc...
F A name from the past
(Talk to Captain Stoutmantle)
F Ruuna The Blind (Private Arun)
(Talk to Ruuna at RC)
F Ruuna's Request
(Collect 4 handfuls of Gossamer Dust from moths to NE) fex. 58.40
F Out of Body Experience
(Drink Gossamer potion next to Ruuna's Crystal ball) RC
F Fate and Coincidence
(Talk to Sasha at WPTP)
F Sasha's Hunt
(Kill 12 solstice hunters in Solstice Village)
F Anatoly Will Talk
(Use tranq Dart on Tatjana in Solstice and bring her back to WPTP) 62,42
F A sister's Pledge
(Search Anya in Duskhowl Den near SV) 65,43
F Hour of the Worg (G3)
(Go to Bloodmoon Isle)
(Slay Varlam) 85,23
(Slay Selas) 86,28
(Slay Goremaw) 87,27
(Slay Shade of Arugal)
F Reallocating Resources
(Report to Sergeant Riannah at Light's Breach in Zul'Drak)
The Failed World Tree (Hierophant Thayreen) AL
(Take samples from oozes) 40,52
F A possible Link
(Obtain 8 crazed Furbolg Blood from Furbolgs at HBS)
F Children of Ursoc
(Talk to Kodian @ Heart's Blood Shrine) 67,62
(Talk to Orsonn @ Rage Fang Shrine) 48,59
F Vordrassil's Sapling
(Use torch to burn Vordrassil's sappling @ middle of Grizzlemaw) 51,43
F Vordrassil's Seeds
(Collect 8 Voldrassil's seeds @ Grizzlemaw) 50,38~, collect inside the cave and outside
F Ursoc, The bear god (G#)
(Talk to Tur Ragepaw @ UD)
(Defeat Ursoc inside the cave)
A Dark Influence (Hierophant Thayreen) AL
(use orb at Vordrassil's Limb) 32,46
(use orb at Vordrassil's heart) 41,55
(use orb at Vordrassil's tears) 30,44
The Magical Kingdom of Dalaran (Magistrix Haelenai) L74
(Talk to Archmage Celindra in Dalaran)
Secrets of the Flamebinders (Woodsman Drake)
(Kill flamebinders in Voldrune for 3 talismans) Voldrune
Thinning the ranks (Woodsman Drake)
(Slay 12 Dragonflayer Huskarls in Voldrune)
F Thane of Voldrune (Woodsman Drake) Voldrune
(take control of Flamebringer) 27,78
(Use Flamebringer to slay Thane Eriksson) 28,73
Troll season (Lieutenant Dumont)
(Talk to Samir @ Granite Springs)
F Filling the cages
(Use cage on stunned Ice troll) DZ, Talk to Budd to stun the troll
F Truce (Drakuru)
(Use carving knife next to Drakuru's cage) Talk to Drakuru
F Vial of Visions
(Imbued Vial) Sold by Ameenah in same camp
(Waterweed Frond) 15,40
(3 haze leaves) Around the camp
F Subject to interpretation
(Get 5 frozen mojo from trolls in DZ)
(Use Drakuru's elixir at brazier in DZ) 13,61
F Sacrifices must be made (Image of Drakuru) DZ
(Get Eye of the prophets) 18,36
(Get Zim'bo's mojo to contact Drakuru) 18,36
F Heart of the ancients
(Get hear of the ancients) 37,32 BSLG
F My heart is in your hands
(Bring Heart of ancients to Drakuru @ Drak'atal passage) DAP 45,28
F Voices from the dust
(Collect drakkari tablets from ruins of Drakil'Jin) DR 69,18
(Use elixir on brazier) 72,26
F Cleansing Drak'tharon (D)
(Use Drakuru's elixir at brazier inside Drak'tharon [5 mojos required])
(Behind the last boss)
(Talk to Drakuru after the cutscene)
Dun-da-dun-tah! (Harrison Jones) 69,18
(Escort Harrison Jones from Drakil'jin Ruins)
(Talk to Harkor at Squatter's camp) HC
Nice to Meat You (Harkor) HC
(Get 10 fibrous worg meat from Duskhowl Prowlers) Around DR
(Get 10 Shovelhorn Steaks from Longhoof Grazers) Around DR
Therapy (Harkor) HC
(Kill 10 Drakkari Protectors) DR
(Kill 10 Drakkari Oracles) DR
It takes guts... (Kraz) HC
(Get 10 Drakkari Canopic jars from Drakil'jin ruins) DR, down in catacombs
F Drak'Aguul's Mallet
(Slay Drak'aguul outside Drakil'jin ruins) Around 73,30
F See you on the other side
(Use the mallet on the gongs) 72,25
(Talk to Gan'jo in crypts) 69,19
F Chill out, Mon
(Get Snow of eternal slumber) 69,19
(Get 5 Drakkari Spirit Particles) Use snow on ancient spirits
R Kraz, HC
F Jin'Arrak's End
(Get Sacred Drakkari Offering) 71,20
(Use dust on offering)
(Use offering at 71,24)
Scourgekabob (Prigmon) GS
(Pick a mummy and burn it next to Mac Fearsen)
F Shimmercap Stew
(Get 5 shimmering snowcaps) Snowy area west of camp
(Get 5 Ice serpent eyes) @ DZ
(Get 5 sweetroot)
F Say Hello to my Little Friend
(Take Harkor's indegredients to Harkor) HC
Seared Scourge (Mac Fearsen) GS
(Use Mac's grog to burn 20 famished scourge at Drak'Tharon) 17,30
F Search and Rescue
(Find Kurzel in Drak'Tharon) (D)
Softening the blow (Captain Gryan Stoutmantle) WBE
(Buy moonshine from Hugh Glass @ Redwood Trading Post) RTP
(Take a cask of moonshine to Brugar Stoneshear) WBE
F Brothers in Battle
(Kill 10 runic battle golems) TM
F Uncovering the Tunnels
(Explore North Building)
(Explore East Building)
(Explore South Building)
F The Fate of Orlond
(Find Orlond from Thor Modan) 67,15
F Steady as a Rock?
(Kill treshers in the tunnel for seismograph) 67,15
(Take tunnel's east end reading) 71,13 TODO
(Use the deployed seismograph to get the report)
F Check up on Raegar
(Speak with Raegar Breakbrow @ PP)
F The Perfect Plan (Raegar Breakbrow) PP
(Bring the completed War Golem Blueprint to Raegar) Around DA
(NOTE - 3 sections to combine the blueprints)
F Why fabricate when you can appropriate?
(Collect 8 War Golem parts inside the buildings @ DA)
F We have the power
(Slay Runesmith Durar) 75,57
(Slay Runesmith Kathorn) 77,59
(Bring their power cells to Raegar)
F ...Or maybe we don't
(Charge your golem with 10 lightning sentries around DA) 75,51 is a decent spot to find many
(NOTE - Kill sentries while your golem is summoned)
F The Iron Thane and His Anvil
(Slay Thane Furyhammer with your war golem) 76,64
(NOTE - Use EMP on Anvil the Golem so the shield drops and you can melee Furyhammer)
F Blackout
(Use Raegar's explosives to destroy the runic power core @ DA) 77,64, lower level of the building
The Captive Prospectors (Mounaineer Kilian) PP
(Kill dark iron mobs for keys) DA
(Free prospector Gann) DA, 76,55
(Free prospector Torgan) DA 76,59
(Free prospector Varana) DA
Mounting Up (Squire Percy) WBE
(Collect wild carrots around the camp to lure the mustangs)
(Ride 5 highland mustangs back to Squire Percy)
A Bear of an Appetite (Hugh Glass) RTP
(Bring 6 northern Salmon to Hugh Glass) Use fishing net on schools Around 79,36
Find Kurun! (Fallen Earthen Warrior)
(Speak to Kurun on hills overlookind Thor Modan) 66,18
F Raining down destruction 70,16
(Kill dwarves down in the trench with boulders)
F Rallying the troops 69,10
(Use Shard of the Earth to rally 5 Giants in boulder hills)
(Slay 5 iron rune dwarves)
F Into the breach
(Kill iron thane Argrum) 71,13 in the tunnels
F Gavrock
(Speak to Gavrock @ Ruins of Tethys)
F Runes of Compulsion (Gavrock) 80,34
(Defeat Overseer Durval) 68,29
(Defeat Overseer Korgan) 72,34
(Defeat Overseer Lochli) 75,37
(Defeat Overseer Brunon) 79,44
F Latent Power
(Charge Shard of Gavrock at)
(East stone) 79,40
(South Stone) 74,44
(North Stone) 71,40
F Free at Last
(Use Gavrock's Runebreaker to free 4 Runed Giants)
The damaged Journal (Battered Journal) TM 64,20
(Recover missing pages from Thor Modan and return journal to Torthen Deepdig @ WBE)
F The Runic Keystone
(Slay Thor Modan dwarves for 5 runic keystones)
F The Runic Prophecies
(First Propecy) 69,14
(Second Prophecy) 70,15
(Third Prophecy) 69,16
Kick 'Em While They're down (Sergeant Hartsman) LGAC (PVP)
(Defeat 15 horde units or players in Logging Grounds)
Shredder Repair (Synipus) LGAC (PVP)
(Drive 3 broken shredders back to Synipus)
Pieces Parts (Pipthwack) LGAC (PVP)
(Collect 4 Grooved Cogs)
(Collect 3 Notched Sprockets)
(Collect 2 High Tension Springs)
Life or Death (Rheanna) LGAC (PVP)
(Use renewing bandage on 10 westfall infantry units)
| Notable places in Zul'drak |
AOA - Amphitheater of Anguish - 48,56
AOH - Altar of Hark'koa - 63.70
AOR - Altar or Rhunok - 53,39
AOS - Altar of Sseratus - 40,48
AOQ - Altar of Quetz'lun - 76,59
AS - Argent Stand - 51,67
CFC - Crusader Forward Camp - 25,64
DA - Drak'Agal - 44,68
DJ - Dubra'Jin - 70,21
DS - Drak' Sotra - 49,79
DM - Drak'Mabwa - 56,50
EW - Ebon Watch - 14,74
HD - Heb'drakkar - 66,49
HV - Heb'Valok - 36,54
KR - Kolramas - 59,79
LB - Light's Breach - 32,74
MTC - Mam'toth Crater - 73,48
POJ - Pools of Jin'Alai - 58,63
POZ - Pools of Zha'Jin - 36,61
RD - Rageclaw Den - 34,81
RL - Rageclaw Lake - 37,84
ROA - Reliquary of Agony - 20,75
ROP - Reliquary of Pain - 28,46
TE - Thrym's End - 17,59
VR - Voltarus - 28,45
ZA - Zim'Abwa - 37,73
ZMS - Zol'Mas Stronghold - 66,35
ZT - Zim'torga - 60,57
| Quests |
This Just in: Fire still hot! (Elder Shaman Moky) LB
(Use rageclaw fire extinguisher to douse 15 hut fires @ RD)
Trolls is gone crazy! (Chief Rageclaw)
(Use Drakuru "lock openers" that drop off Drakuru trolls to free 8 rageclaw prisoners) RD
Wanted: Ragemane's Flipper (Wanted! - sign @ LB)
(Recover Ragemane's Flipper) RL
In search of Answers (Crusader Lord Lantinga) LB
(Search RD for a clue about who initiated the attack)
(Examine Orders from Drakuru) RD, 35,84
F Orders from Drakuru
(Return with the orders to Crusader Lord Lantinga) LB
F The Ebon Watch
(Deliver the orders from Drakuru to Sfefan Vadu @ EW)
F Kickin' Nass and Takin' Manes (Stefan Vadu) EW
(Use Nass to collect 10 hair samples from withered trolls) Around EW
(Use the boot on Nass to make him collect the hair)
F Taking a stand (Bloodrose Datura) EW
(Talk to Commander Falstaav @ AS)
F Defend the stand (Commander Falstaav) AS
(Slay 10 scourge on courtyard @ AS)
F New Orders for Sergeant Stackhammer (Commander Kunz) AS
(Deliver new delpoyment orders to Sergeant Stackhammer) AOS
F Argent Crusade. We are Leaving! (Sergeant Stackhammer) AOS
(Talk to 10 argent soldiers and tell them to report back)
F Mopping Up (Corporal Maga) AOS
(Kill 10 Sseratus champions, priests or drakkari snake handlers)
F Pa'Troll (Commander Kunz) AS
(Visit Captain Braondon [49,79] and Captain Rupert [58,72] @ DS)
(Visit Captain Grondel @ DA) 48,64
(Alchemist Finklestein @ HV)
F Troll Patrol (D)
(Complete the tasks on same posts as in PA'Troll)
F Trouble at the altar of Sseratus (Hexxer Ubungo) As
(Investigate the main altar building @ AOS) 40,38
F Parachutes for the Argent Dawn (Commandeer Falstaav) AS
(Equip 10 argent crusaders or argent shieldmen with parachutes in the courtyard)
F Crusader Forward Camp
(Seek out Crusader MacKellar @ CFC)
F That's what friends are for... (Crusader MacKellar)
(Find Dargath) 25,52
(Find Gerk) 18,58 TE
(Find Burr) 16,59
F Making something out of nothing
(Gather 10 pieces of scourge scrap metal) TE
Light won't grant me Vengeance (Gerk) TE
(Slay 15 Varguls)
A great storm approaches (Gymer) 20,57 TE
(Speak with eengineer Reed @ CFC)
F Gymer's Salvation
(Collect 6 banshee essences and 6 diatomaceous earths)
(From banshees around dead fields and earthragers near EW)
F Our only Hope
(Talk to Gymer after freeing him)
F The storm King's Vengeance
(Speak to Gymer to begin)
(Slay 100 scourge)
(Slay Alrgar the chosen) ROP
(Slay Thrym) Spawns when you kill Navarius
(Slay Prince Navarius) 31,66
R Crusader MacKellar, CFC
Darkness Calling (Withered choker) Drops off withered Trolls east of EW
(Take the writhing choker to Stefan @ EW)
F Close Call
(Take the writhing choker to Bloodrose Datura) EW
R Stefan Vadu, EW
F Silver Lining
(Travel to Reliquary of Agony) ROA
(Collect 5 putrid abomination guts)
(Collect 5 gooey ghoul drools) On ground, not from the mobs
F Suit Up!
(Use ensorcelled choker to apply scourge disguise)
(Purchase Bitter Plasma from Gristlegut @ ROA) 20,76
F Infiltrating Voltarus
(Use ensorcelled choker to get into Voltarus)
(Do scourge leader's bidding to earn his trust)
F Reunited (Overlord Drakuru) VR
(Speal to Gorebag to take the Voltarus tour) VR, 30,48
R Stefan Vadu, EW
F So far, so bad
(Go to Drakuru and complete his task)
(Use dilluting additive on scourge cauldrons @ ROP)
F It Rolls Downhill (Overlord Drakuru) VR
(Use scepter of suggestions on blight geists and order them to harvest 7 blight crystals)
(NOTE : Outside VR)
R Stevan Vadu, EW. You can also use Stefan's horn to summon him to you at ROP.
F Hazardous Materials
(Go to Voltarus and complete Drakuru's task)
(Steal 5 harvested blight crystals) Inside the crates in VR
F Zero Tolerance (Drakuru) VR
(Use scepter of empowerment on Servant of Drakuru @ ROP) 31,44
(Slay Darmuk @ 32,51 ROP)
R Stefan Vadu, EW. Just use the horn again.
F Sabotage
(Performa another of Drakuru's tasks)
(Use explosives on 5 scourge wagongs in ROP)
(Learn Drakuru's secret)
F Fuel for the Fire (Drakuru) VR
(Use scepter of command on bloated abomination) VR
(Use the abomination to kill 60 Drakkari Skullcrushers) Exploding the abomination works best
(Use the abomination to lure 3 Drakkari Chieftains)
F Disclosure
(Take the VR teleporter to the upper chamber)
(Use musty coffin @ 27,42)
(Follow the tour)
(Return to Drakuru)
R Stefan Vadu, EW. Blow da horn.
F Betrayal
(Slay Drakuru)
(Use the scepter to control the trolls around the arena)
(Keep circling around, avoiding the AOE he tosses around)
(Use the HOT healing ability of the trolls if needed)
R Stefan Vadu, EW. Horn, use the horn!
Feedin' Da Goolz (Gristlegut, while in scourge disguise) ROA
(Use bowels and brains bowl next to 10 decaying ghouls) Around ROA
The Blessing of Zim'Abwa (Hexxer Ubungo) AS
(Present 10 Drakkari Offerins @ Statue of Zim'Abwa) 37,73
Something for the pain (Captain Brandon) DS
(Collect 5 mature water poppies from DS fields, W of DS) 41,79
Throwing Down (Captain Rupert) DS, 58,72
(Use 5 high impact granades near nerubian craters) Around 55,70
F Cocooned
(Open nerubian cocoons @ Drak'sotra and free 5 captive footmen) Around 56,69
F Death to the necromagi (Sergeant Moonshard) DS 58,72
(Destroy 8 Hath'ar Necromagi) KR
F Malas the Corrupter (G#)
(Slay Malas the Corrupter) 61,78 KR
F Skimmer Spinnerets (Specialist Cogwheel) DS 58,82
(Collect 5 intact Skimmer Spinnerets from Hath'ar Skimmers) KR
F Crashed Sprayer
(Collect plague sprayer parts) 49,75
F A tangled skein
(Destroy 5 plague sprayers with tangled skein) KR
F Pure Evil (Captain Rupert)
(Collect 10 chunks of saronite inside KR)
R Eitrigg, AS
Leave no one Behind (Dr. Rogers) DS 58,72
(Use Crusader's bandage on 3 wounded veterans and escort them back)
(Crusader Josephine) 49,75
(Crusader Lamoof) 54,75
(Crusader Jonathan) 51,70
Strange Mojo (Strange Mojo, drop off Sseratus Priest) AOS
(Deliver strange mojo to Hexxer Ubungo @ AS)
F Precious elemental fluids
(Collect 3 precious elemental fluids) Elementals @ DS fields 42,78
(Collect 3 water elemental links, combine and use to summon a lord)
F Mushroom Mixer
(Collect 10 muddlecap fungus) Around DA
F Too much of a good thing
(Slya muddled prophet of Sseratus) 40,43
(Use the modified mojo to weaken him)
F To the witch doctor
(Talk to witch doctor Khufu @ ZT)
F Breaking through Jin'Alai (Witch doctor Khufu) ZT
(Disturb blue cauldron) 57,65
(Disturb Green cauldron) 56,64
(Disturb purple cauldron) 58,62 POJ
(Disturb red cauldron) 59,63
F To speak with Har'koa
(Speak with Har'koa @ AOH) 63,70
F But First my offspring (Har'koa) AOH
(Use Har'koa's whiskers on 7 cursed offsprings of Har'koa) Around AOH
F Spirit of Rhunok
(Speak with the spirit of Rhunok @ AOR) 53,39
F My prophet, my enemy (Spirit of Rhunok) AOR
(Recover Rhunok's mojo from his prophet) 54,48 AOR
F An end to the suffering
(Slay the tormentor inside AOR altar building to get incense) 53,36
(Use incense and slay Rhunok) 53,36
F Back to Har'koa
(Speak to Har'koa @ AOH)
F I sense a disturbance
(Investigate what happened to Quetz'lun)
(Talk to Har'koa to ride one of his cats to AOQ)
F Preparations for the underworld
(Kill Har'koa subduers and claws to collect 8 sacred adornments)
F Seek the wind serpent goddess
(Seek Quetz'lun's spirit @ AOQ) 75,59
F Setting the stage (Quetz'lun's spirit) AOQ
(Collect 10 underworld power fragments) Around AOQ
F Foundation for revenge
(Slay Quetz'lun's devotees next to soul fonts) Around AOQ
F Hell hath a fury
(Use the hexx stick on on each high priests of Quetz'lun)
(Slay Mu'funu) 74,57
(Slay Tua'Tua) 74,61
(Slay Hawinni) 77,55
F One last thing
(Deliver underworld power fragments to Har'koa) AOH
F Blood of a dead god
(Collect 7 blood of Mam'toth) Around MTC
F You reap what you sow
(Use ritual kit near Quetz'lun's corpse) 75,59
(Slay prophet of Quetz'lun)
R Witch Doctor Khufu @ ZT
F The key of Warlord Zol'Maz (Har'koa) ZT
(Collect the Tiki dervish ceremony)
(Tiri's Magical incantion) 64,37
(Yara's Sword) 68,33
(Drek'Maz's Tiki) 68,35
(Use Tiki Dervish @ 66,33)
(Slay Zol'Maz)
F Rampage
(Free Akali) 78,25
R Witch Doctor Khufu, ZT
F The gods have spoken
(Deliver the Gusty essence & Heart of the Guardian to Hark'koa @ ZT)
F Hexed Caches (Chonicler To'kini) ZT
(Collect 12 Zol'Max stronghold caches) Around ZMS
F Wooly Justice (Scalper Ahunae) ZT
(Use Medallion of Mam'toth to calm and ride an enraged mammoth) 73,41
(Trample 12 Mam'toth disciples to death)
F Enchanted Tiki Warriors (Element-Tamer Dagoda) ZT
(Slay 12 enchanted Tiki Warriors) Around ZMS
F Relics of the snow leopard goddess (Chronicler To'kini) ZT
(Recover 10 Har'koan relics) Around AOH
F Plundering their own
(Recover 7 Rhunokian artefacts from the drakkari trolls) Around AOR
The Drakkari Do Not Need Water Elementals! (Sub-Lieutenant Jax) AS
(Kill 10 Drakkari water binders) DS fields 42,78
Gluttonous Lurkers (Apprentice pestlepot) AS
(Deliver 5 basilisk crystals to Alchemist Finkelstein) HV
(Collect rats around DA and throw 'em to basilisks to collect crystals)
Creature Comforts (Captain Grondel) DA 48,64
(Collect 20 pieces of dead thornwood)
Lab Work (Alchemist Finklestein) HV 35,52
(Find muddy mire maggot)
(Find withered batwing)
(Find Amberseed)
(Find Chilled serpent mucus)
(NOTE - everything can be found inside the lab he is in)
Siphoning the spirits (Captain Arnath) HV 35,52
(Collect 5 ancient ectoplasms from Lost drakkari spirits @ POZ)
F Stocking the shelves
(Collect 7 units of fresh spider ichor from trapdoor crawlers) Around the lab
F Clipping their wings
(Collect 7 unblemished bat wings from Zul'Drak bats) Around the lab
The Blessing of Zim'Torga (Witch doctor Khufu) ZT
(Present 10 drakkari offerings to statue of Zim'Torga) Center of ZT
The Blessing of Zim'Rhuk (Witch Doctor Khufu) ZT
(Preset 10 drakkari offerings to statue of Zim'Rhuk) 59,44
Just Checkin' (Chronicler To'kini) ZT
(Talk to Bah'Kini @ DJ)
F For posterity (Chronicler Bah'Kini) DJ (D)
(Collect 6 drakkari history tablets from Gundrak)
One of a kind (Chronicler Bah'kini) DJ (D)
(Recover a piece of Drakkari Colossus @ Gun'drak)
The leaders at Jin'Alai (Scalper Ahunae) ZT
(Retrieve the treasure of Kutube'sa) 57,63 POJ
(Retrieve the treasure of Gawanil) 58,62
(Retrieve the treasure of Chuto the mad) 56,65
F Sealing the rifts
(Destroy 7 elemental rifts) DM
F Scalps!
(Use Ahunae's knife to scalp 10 Heb'Drakkar trolls) HD
F The Frozen Earth (Element-Tamer Dagoda) ZT
(Collect 7 essences of frozen earth from elementals) DM
F Bringing down Heb'Jin
(Use the drum @ 64,52 to summon Heb'jin)
(Use the net to trap Heb'jin's bat when it lands)
(Slay Heb'jin) HD
The Amphitheater of Anguish: Yggdras! (Gurgthock) AOA
| Notable places in Sholazar Basin |
BF - Bonefields - 56,27
BL - Bittertide Lake - 39,40
BON - Bones of Nozronn - 27,71
DHE - Death's Hand Encampment - 57,41
DO - Dorian's Outpost - 42,29
FH - Frenzyheart Hill - 55,70
HC - Hardknuckle Clearing - 67,73
LL - Lakeside Landing - 50,62
MR - Mistwhisper Refuge - 45,36
MV - Mosswalker Village - 75,51
NBC - Nesingwary Base Camp - 27,59
RC - Rainspeaker Canopy - 53,56
RH - River's Heart - 48,63
SD - Swindlegrin's Dig - 35,47
SE - Spearborn Encampment - 41,26
SH - Sapphire Hive - 61,78
SS - Sundered Shard - 72,58
ST - Savage Thicket - 46,28
TMO - The Maker's Overlook - 79,58
TMP - The Maker's Perch - 28,38
WM - Wildgrowth Mangal - 44,55
| Quests |
Welcome to Sholazar Basin (Monte Muzzleshot) 40,59
(Follow the path to NW to reach the camp)
R Hemet Nesingwary, NBC
It could be anywhere (Chad) NBC
(Look for a golden engagement ring from creatures of sholazar basin)
(NOTE - Dropped off a random snake @ 41,59)
Venture co. Misadventure (Debaar) NBC
(Kill 15 venture company members) SD
(NOTE - ruffians or excavators)
F Wipe that grin off his face
(Slay Foreman swindlegrin and Meatpie) SD, 36,50
Need an engine. Take an engine (Weslex Quickwrench) NBC
(Bring Weslex a flying machine engine) 39,57
F Have a part, Give a part
(Collect 7 venture Co. spare parts) SD
F Aerial Surveillance (Professor Calvert) NBC
(Take the flight to Lakeside Landing and speak with pilot Vic) LL
F Kick, what kick? (Drostan) NBC
(Using the RJR Rifle, shoot the apple off Lucky Wilhelm's head) Right next to this guy
F The Great Hunter's Challenge
(Slay 60 game animals during other NBC camp quests, return to Drostan)
F Dreadsaber mastery: Becoming a predator (Buck Cantwell) NBC
(Kill 15 Dreadsabers) Southwest from NBC
F Dreadsaber Mastery: Stalking the prey
(Identify 3 Shango Tracks from deadsaber tracks near Bittertide Lake) Around 38,43 BL
F Dreadsaber Mastery: Ready to Pounce
(Slay Sango and collect his pelt) 32,36 BL
F Rhino Mastery: The Test (Hemet Nesingwary) NBC
(Kill 15 Shardhorn Rhinos) Northwest from NBC
F Rhino Mastery: The Chase
(Speak to Oracle Soo-rahm) 26,66
F An offering to Soo-Rahm (Oracle Soo-rahm) 26,66
(Bring 5 intact cobra fangs to oracle soo-rahm) Cobras around WM
F The Bones of Nozronn
(Use Soo-rahm's incense @ BON)
R Hemet Nesingwary, NBC
F Rhino Mastery: The Kill
(Slay Farunn and bring the horn back to Hemet)
(Patrols a bit, killed @ 47,43 right next to MR)
F Some Make Lemonade, some make Liquor (Grimbooze Thunderbrew) NBC
(Collect 1 orange, 2 banana bunches and 1 papaya) Around WM
(NOTE - Use the vines on the trees)
F Still at it
(Complete the distillation process and bring Jungle Punch back to Grimbooze)
(Talk to "Tipsy" McManus when you want to start the process)
(Use the valve, brazier and three fruits as "Tipsy" orders)
F The Taste Test
(Offer a teaste of Jungle Punch to Hemet Nesingwary) NBC
(Offer a teaste of Jungle Punch to Hadrius Harlowe) NBC
(Offer a teaste of Jungle Punch to Tamara Wobblesprocket) LL
F A steak fit for a hunter (Korg the Cleaver) NBC
(Bring 5 Longneck Grazer steaks to Korg) Soutwest of NBC
F Crocolisk Mastery: The Trial (Debaar) NBC
(Slay 15 Mangal Crocolisks) Along the river next to NBC
F Crocolisk Mastery: The Plan
(Bring 5 Sandfern Fronds to Debaar @ NBC)
(Grows on sandy areas fex. on the riverbank next to NBC, Seabreach Flow south of camp and so on)
F Crocolisk Mastery: The Ambush
(Slay Bushwhacker and collect his jaw) RH 46,63
(Use the fern disguise to lure him out)
F In search of bigger game (Hemet Nesingwary) NBC
(NOTE - After completing the mastery quests on this line!)
(Speak with Dorian Drakestalker @ DO)
Sharpening your talons (Dorian Drakestalker) DO
(Slay 6 primordial Drakes) ST
Securing the bait (Dorian Drakestalker) DO
(Collect 6 primordial hatchlings from the eggs) ST
F My Pet Roc (Zootfizzle) DO
(Collect 7 roc eggs from Bonefields) BF
F Reagent Agent (Colvin Norrington) DO
(Bring 5 twisted roc claws to Colvin) BF
F A mammoth Undertaking (Zootfizzle) DO
(Use the harness on a shattertusk mammoth and bring it to Zootfizzle) Around NBC
F Post-Partum Aggression (Dorian Drakestalker) DO
(Slay Broodmother Slivina) 47,21
Burning to help (Colvin Norrington) DO
(Take 5 hydra sputum samples with the container when hydras shower you) BL
(Slay 5 bittertide hydra) BL
Engineering a disaster (Engineer Helice) SD 36,47
(Help Helice to escape)
R Hemet Nesingwary, NBC
An Embarassing Incident (Pilot Vic) LL
(Look for Vic's keys inside the lake @ RH)
(Inside the raised muds btw)
F Reconnaissance Flight
(Help Vic to complete the reconnaissance flight)
Force of Nature (Pilot Vic) LL
(Travel to Blight Line and seek out Avatar of Freya) 65,49
F An issue of trust (Avatar of Freya)
(Slay 6 blighted corpses) Outside MV, ones inside don't count
(Slay 10 bonescythe ravagers) MV or outside MV
F Returned Sevenfold (Avatar of Freya)
(Defeat Thalgran Blightbringer by reflecting his Deathbolts with Freya's Ward) 67,44
F The Fallen Pillar
(Travel to Lifeblood pillar and look for clues to its destruction) Examine corpse @ 65,60
F Cultist Incursion
(Speak with Avatar of Freya) 65,49
F Exterminate the Intruders
(Slay 8 cultist infiltrators @ DHE)
F Weapons of Destruction
(Destroy 4 unstable explosives @ DHE)
F Lifewarden's Wrath (Avatar of Freya)
(Use Freya's Horn atop of glimmering pillar) 50,37
F Freya's Pact
(Listen to Avatar's story)
F Powering the Waygate - The Maker's Perch
(Go to Maker's Perch and use Activation Switch Gamma @ TMP) 26,36
F Powering the Waygate - The Maker's Overlook
(Go to Maker's overlook and use Activation switch Theta @ ) 89,53
F The Etymidian
(Go through the waygate and look for the weapon called Etymidian) 40,83
(Examine Etymidian) Un'goro, 47,9
F The Activation Rune (Etymidian) Un'goro crater
(Obtain omega rune inside Shaper's Terrace and bring it to Etymidian)
(Slay high cultist Herenn for the rune) 48,3
F Back through the waygate (The Etymidian)
(Bring the Omega rune to Avatar of Freya) 65,49 Sholazar Basin
F Reclamation (Avatar of Freya)
(Go to Avalanche, deploy omega rune and slay 200 scourge minions) 73,38
(Slay Bythius the flesh shaper) 73,41
(Slay Urgeth of the thousand tombs) 70,37
(Slay Hallscorn) 70,34
F Salvaging Life's Strength
(Go to SS and use Lifeforce gem on 8 destroyed lifeblood elementals)
A Timeworn Coffer (Timeworn Coffer) TMO
(Obtain a huge key from Sholazar Guardians to open the Coffer)
The part-time Hunter (Tamura Wobblesprocket) LL
(Acquire Pitch's remains) 50,77
Playing Along (Tracker Gekgek) 50,77
(NOTE - Available after killing Pitch)
(Report to Rakjak @ FH)
F The apehunter's slave
(Slay 8 hardknuckle foragers) South and east of FH
(Slay 6 hardknuckle chargers) HC
F Tormenting the softknuckles (Goregek the gorilla hunter)
(NOTE - You can start this after accepting "Apehunter's slave")
(Use softknuckle poker on softknuckles to lure out the matriarch) HC
(Slay the matriarch)
R High-Shaman Rakjak, FH
F The wasp hunter's apprentice
(Slay 6 sapphire hive wasps) SH
(Slay 9 sapphire hive drones) SH
F The Sapphire Queen (Elder Harkek) FH
(Slay sapphire queen and collect her stinger @ SH)
(Inside the nest, 59,79 SH)
R Rakjak, FH
F Flown the coop (Elder Harker) FH
(Capture 12 chicken escapees with the chicken net) Around FH
F The underground Menace (Elder Harker) FH
(Slay Serfex and acquire his claw) 59,86
R Rakjak, FH
F Mischief in the making (High-Shaman Rakjak) FH
(Collect 8 skyreach crystal clusters) Around 59,84
F A rough Ride (High-Shaman Rakjak) FH
(Ride the captive crocolisk [57,68] to MR and speak to Zepik)
F Lightning definitely strikes twice (Zepik)
(Smash the skyreach crystal cluster in front of Mistwhisper weather shrine) 45,37
F The mist isn't listening (Zepik)
(Kill 12 Mistwhisper gorlocs) Around MR
F Hoofing it (Zepik)
(Return to FH and Speak to Rakjak)
F Just following orders (High-Shaman Rakjak) FH
(Locate injured rainspeaker oracle for Rakjak) 57,62
R Injured rainspeaker oracle, Right next to you
F Fortunate misunderstandings (Injured rainspeaker oracle) 57,62
(Escort the injured oracle to rainspeaker canopy)
(Talk to High-Oracle Soo-say) RC
F Make the bad snake go away (High-Oracle Soo-say) RC
(Slay venomtip) Around 58,54
(Slay 10 emperor cobras) ARound RC
F Gods like shiny things (Lafoo)
(Collect 6 treasures that Lafoo digs up)
F Making Peace (High-Oracle Soo-say) RC
(Give peace offering to shaman Vekjik) 51,65
F Back so soon?
(Speak to mistcaller Soo-gan @ MR) 42,39, MR
F The lost mistwhisper treasure (Mistcaller Soo-gan) MR
(Slay Tartek and recover the treasure) SE 41,20
F Forced Hand (Mistcaller Soo-gan) MR
(Slay 8 frenzyheart spearbearers) SE
(Slay 6 frenzyheart Scavengers) SE
F Home Time (Mistcaller Soo-gan) MR
(Return to RC and talk to Soo-say)
F The Angry Gorloc
(Travel to Mosswalker Village and speak to Moodle) MV
F The Mosswalker Savior (Moodle) MV
(Rescue 6 mosswalker victims @ MV)
F Lifeblood of the Mosswalker Shrine (Moodle) MV
(COllect 10 lifeblood shards) Around 68,59
F A hero's burden (Moodle) (G3)
(Slay Artruis the Heartless)
| Notable places in Storm Peaks |
BC - Brann's Camp - 36,64
BV - Brunnhildar Village - 49,70
BR - Bouldercrag's Refuge - 31,38
CC - Crystalweb Cavern - 40,78
DN - Dun Niffelem - 64,60
EOM - Engine of the Makers - 40,56
FA - Fjorn's Anvil - 76,63
FGH - Frostgrip's Hold - 27,67
FH - Frost Hold - 29,74
FL - Frostfield Lake - 70,60
FM - Forlorn Mine - 42,69
FZM - Frozen Mine - 27,50
FT - Frigid Tomb - 42,62
HC - Hibernal Cavern - 56,64
K3 - K3 - 41,86
NV - Nidavelir - 25,45
SV - Sifreldar Village - 41,73
TIL - The Inventor's Library - 38,44
TOI - Temple of Invention - 46,49
TOL - Temple of Life - 64,47
TOM - Terrace of the Makers - 53,43
TOO - Temple of Order - 54,42
TOS - Temple of Storms - 33,58
TOW - Temple of Wisdom - 34,34
TW - Temple of Winter - 52,56
TR - Torseg's Rest - 33,83
VK - Valkyrion - 25,60
VAW - Valley of Ancient Winters - 58,62
| Quests |
Clean Up (Jeer Sparksprocket) K3
(Collect 10 pieces of charred wreckage) Just outside K3, west
F Just around the corner
(Collect Sparksocket's tools from the minefield) 35,88
F Slightly Unstable
(Deliver Jeer's Improved Land Mines to Ricket @ K3)
F A delicate touch (Ricket) K3
(Use improved land mines at Garm's Bane to kill 12 attackers)
F Opening the backdoor
(Locate transporter power cell and activate the teleporter @ GR)
(Pick up the cell @ 45,82)
(Activate the transporter @ 51,82)
F Know no fear
(Slay 6 garm watchers)
(Slay 8 snowblind devotees)
(NOTE - both can be found at large numbers from the cave @ 48,81)
Reclaimed Rations (Ricket) K3
(Collect 16 dried gnoll rations) 35,83
Experssion of Gratitude (Ricket) K3
(Slay Gnarlhide) 30,86
F Ample Inspiration
(Retrieve U.D.E.D, use it to blow up a mammoth and collect 8 mammoth meat)
(Get UDED @ 42,80)
Equipment Recovery (Gretchen Fizzlespark) K3
(Collect 8 pieces of K3 equipment @ SV) In crates around the village
They Took Our Men! (Gretchen Fizzlespark) K3
(Rescue 6 goblin prisoners in SV) Collect cold iron keys from mobs in SV to free 'em
F Leave no goblin behind
(Enter Forlorn mine in SV and search for clues about Zeev Fizzlespark's whereabouts) 42,69
R Lok'Lira the Crone, FM 43,69
F The Crone's Bargain (Lok'lira the Crone)
(Slay Overseer Syra and acquire the runes of Yrkyinn) 45,71
F Mildred The Cruel
(Speak to Mildred the Cruel inside FM) 44,69
F Discipline (Mildred The Cruel)
(Use the disciplining rod on 6 exhausted Vrykul)
F Examples to be made
(Slay Garhal) 45,69
F A Certain Prisoner
(Take Mildred's key to Lok'lira the Crone)
F A change of Scenery (Lok'lira the Crone)
(Talk to Lok'lira @ BV) 48,69
F Is that your goblin?
(Challenge Agnetta Tyrsdottar to save Zeev)
(Talk to Agnetta) 48,70
F The Hyldsmeet
(Listen to Lok'lira's proposal)
F Taking on all challengers
(Defeat 6 victorious challengers in BV)
F You'll need a bear
(Talk to Brijana outside BV) 53,66
F Going Bearback (Brijana)
(Mount Icefang)
(Shoot down 7 frostworgs and 15 frost giants in Valley of Ancient Winters)
F Cold Hearted
(Fly to Dun Niffelem)
(Free 3 captured proto drakes and 9 brunnhildar prisoners)
(Note - use drake to free prisoners, max 3 / drake)
F Deemed Worthy
(Talk to Astrid Bjornrittar @ BV) 50,72
F Making a Harness (Astrid Bjornrittar)
(Collect 3 icemane yeti hides) Around 48,75
F The Last of her kind
(Rescue Icemaw Matriarch @ HC) 55,60
F The Slithering Darkness
(Slay 8 ravenous jormungar @ HC)
F The Warm-up
(Use reins of the Icemaw Matriarch to defeat Kirgaraak) 51,68 BV
F Into the Pit
(Use the bear reins inside Pit of the Fang and defeat 6 hyldsmeet warbears) 49,69
F Prepare for Glory
(Speak to Lok'lira @ BV)
F Lok'lira's Parting Gift (Lok'lira the Crone)
(Talk to Gretta the Arbiter @ BV) 51,66
F The Drakkensryd (Gretta the arbiter)
(Use the Hyldnir harpoon to defeat 10 Hyldsmeet Drakeriders @ ToS)
(Use the harpoon on a column ornament to exit Drakkensryd when you are succesfull)
R Thorim, TOS
F Sibling Rivarly (Thorim)
(Listen to Thorim's story)
F Mending Fences
(Slay Fjorn [77,64] + 5 stormforged iron giants @ FA)
(Collect granite boulders around FA to use the earthen summon)
The Refiner's Fire (Slag Covered Metal) Drops off iron giants @ FA
(Collect 10 furious sparks from revenants around FL)
(Use the anvil @ FA)
F A spark of Hope
(Bring the refined gleaming ore to Thorim @ TOS)
F Forging an alliance (Thorim) TOS
(Go to Dun Niffelem and talk to King Jokkum)
(Follow Jokkum's orders)
F Jormuttar is Soo Fat... (King Jokkum) DN
(Collect bear flank with the knife from the bear corpses around HC)
(Slay Jormuttar @ HC) Use the flank @ 55,61
F You can't Miss Him (King Jokkum) DN
(Find Njormeld @ FA) 75,64
F Battling the elements (Njormeld) FA
(Slay 10 seething revenants in FA) Ride Snorri
R Njormeld, DN
F Hot and Cold (Fjorn's Anvil) (Daily)
(Kill the brittle revenants @ FL to collect essence of ice)
(Use the essence of ice on smoldering scraps @ FA)
(Return frozen iron scraps to Niffelem)
F In Memoriam (King Jokkum) DN
(Collect 8 horn fragments @ TF)
F A Monument to the Fallen
(Bring Hodir's horn fragments to Njormeld @ DN)
F Blowing Hodir's Horn (Daily) Hodir's Horn, DN
(Defeat 5 Niffelem forefathers) @ TF
(Defeat 5 restless frostborn) @ TF
(Blow to Hodir's Horn over their corpses)
F Forging a Head (Njormeld) DN
(Use the diamond tipped pick to collect 8 stormforged eyes from giant corpses at FL)
F Mounting Hodir's Helm (Njormeld) DN
(Fly to the tip of northern Ice Spike in DN and use tables of pronouncement) 64,59 DN
F Polishing the Helm (Hodir's Helm) (Daily) DN
(Collect 5 viscous oils from the Viscous Oils @ HC)
(Apply the oils to Hodir's Helm) DN
F A new beginning (Njormeld) DN
(Take the reforged armor to Thorum @ TOS)
F Veranus (Thorim) TOS
(Obtain 5 small proto-drake eggs from the peaks near BV) [44,67],[45,67]
F Territorial Tresspass
(Place the eggs on top of Broodmother's Nest and return to Thorim) 39,66
F Krolmir, Hammer of Storms
(Talk to King Jokkum @ DN)
F The Terrace of the Makers (Thorim)
(Talk to Thorim @ south eastern edge of the TOM) 56,51
F The Earthen Oath
(Use Horn of the Peaks to summon earthen)
(Defeat 20 iron dwarves and 7 iron sentinels)
F Loken's Lackeys
(Slay Eisenfaust inside Halls of the Shaper) 56,43
(Slay Halefnir the Windborn [49,46] & Duronn the Runeforged [45,38] at TOM)
F The Reckoning
(Meet Thorim near the temple of wisdom) 34,34
(Report the outcome of the fight to King Jokkum) DN
F Whatever it Takes (King Jokkum) (D) DN
(Slay Loken @ Halls of Lightning)
F Diametrically Opposed (King Jokkum) (D) DN
(Slay Volkhan @ Halls of Lightning)
Raising Hodir's Spear (Lorekeeper Randvir) DN (Requires "honored" standing with Sons of Hodir)
(Collect 3 everfrost shards @ HC 55,61)
(Collect 3 stoic mammoth hides from mammoths @ VAW)
F Thrusting Hodir's Spear (Hodir's Spear) DN (Daily)
(Use Hodir's spear to challenge a wild wyrm @ VAW)
Spy Hunter (Frostworg Denmother) (Daily) DN
(Slay 3 stormforged spies in VAW)
(Note - use the ethereal worg fang on fallen worgs in VAW to find 'em)
Aberrations (Thyra Kvinnshal) BV
(Go to Valkyrion and obtain frost oil vials from Valkyrion aspirants) VK
(Use the vials to destroy 30 plagued proto-drake eggs) 23,58 VK
Off with their black wings (Iva the vengeful) BV
(Slay 12 Nascent Val'lkyr @ Valkyrion) VK
Yulda's Folly
(Slay Yulda the Stormspeaker @ Valkyrion) 24,62 VK
Valkyrion Must Burn (Harpoon Crate) 24,62 VK
(Use Valkyrion harpoon guns to burn 6 dry haystacks in VK) 26,60
Moving In (Tore Rumblewrench) 42,80
(Slay 12 crystalweb spiders inside CC)
Ore Reposession (Tore Rumblewrench) 42,80
(COllect 5 samples of impure saronite ore from snobolds inside CC)
Only partly Forgotten (Injured goblin miner) CC, 41,75
(Collect icetip venom sac from icetip crawler) 47,71
F Bitter Departure
(Escort the injured goblin miner out of CC)
R Ricket, K3
Rare Earth (Bouldercrag the Rockshaper) BR
(Use the mining pick to mine 7 lumps of enchanted earth) Around 27,35
(Collect 5 frostweave cloth)
F Fighting Back
(Slay 10 Stormforged attackers) Just outside BR, due west
F Relief for the fallen
(Use Telluric Poultice to heal 6 fallen earthen defenders) Outside BR
F Slaves of the Stormforged
(free 6 captive mechagnomes) FZM
(Slay 3 stormforged taskmasters) FZM
F The Dark Ore
(Collect 5 ore samples) FZM
F The Gifts of Loken
(Destroy Loken's Fury) 24,43 NV
(Destroy Loken's Power) 26,48 NV
(Destroy Loken's Favor) 25,48 NV
F Facing the Storm (Bruor Ironbane) BR
(Slay 10 stormforged mobs @ NV)
Offering Thanks (Lagnus) FH
(Bring the crate of medical supplies to Glorthal Stiffbeard @ FH) Pretty close, check your map. =P
F Loyal Companions (Fjorlin Frostbrow) FH
(Obtain 8 slabs of fresh ice rhino meat) Around 39,61
(feed the stormcrest eagles above FH) Around 33,73
F Baby Stealers
(Bring back 15 stormcrest eagle eggs) Around 26,72 and 29,67
F Missing Scouts (Glorthal Stiffbeard)
(Search Bor's Breath valley and Bor's Fall for signs of missing scouts) 36,77
F Stemming the Aggressors
(Slay 8 frostfeather screechers) Around 26,72 and 29,67
(Slay 8 frostweather witches) Around 26,72 and 29,67
F Sirana Iceshriek (G3)
(Slay Sirana Iceshriek)
On Brann's Trail (Archeologist Andorin) FH
(Retrieve the burlap-Wrapped note from Brann's camp) BC
(Note - use the snow on the camp outskirts for the Burlap-Wrapped note)
F Sniffing out the perpetrator
(Use frosthound collar @ BC and recover Brann's possessions)
(After recovering Brann's possessions, use the communication device)
R Brann Bronzebeard
F Pieces to the puzzle (Brann Bronzebeard)
(Gather 6 inventor's disk fragments and use them to assemble the inventor's disk) TIL
(Use Brann's communicator when you have assembled the disk)
F Data Mining
(Use the inventor's disk to retrieve 7 pieces of data from databanks around TIL)
F The Library Console
(Take the inventor's disk to Inventor's library console inside TIL) 37,47
F Norgannon's Shell
(Recover norgannon's shell from Archivist Mechaton) Use the charged disk to summon him
(Contact Brann once finished)
F Aid from the explorer's League
(Take Norgannon's shell to Lagnus @ FH)
F The Frostborn King (Lagnus) FH
(Talk to Yorg Stormheart @ FH)
F Fervor of the Frostborn (Yorg Stormheart) FH
(Speak to Fjorling Frostbrow @ FH to secure a ride)
(Note - pick up and use the storm hammer after landing to beat the elite)
F Unwelcome Guests (Fjorlin Frostbrow) FH
(Slay 10 stormforged invaders @ FGH)
F An experienced Guide
(Locate Drom Frostgrip) 25,69 FGH
F The Lonesome Watcher (Drom Frostgrip) FGH
(Recover Frostgrip's signet ring from iron dwarf monitor) 26,68
(Bring the ring to Creteus @ ) Walking around EOM
F Fate of the Titans (Creteus)
(Utilize the databank @ Temple of Invention) TOI
(Utilize the databank @ Temple of Winter) TW
(Utilize the databank @ Temple of Life) TOL
(Utilize the databank @ Temple of Order) TOO
F The Hidden Relic
(Locate Norgannon's Core @ Frigid Tomb) 45,65 FT
F Fury of the frostborn king (The guardian's charge)
(Bring Norgannon's core back to Creteus) 38,62
F The Master Explorer (Cretus)
(Bring the Norgannon's Core to Brann @ EOM) 40,56
F The Brothers Bronzebeard (Brann Bronzebeard) EOM
(Accompany Brann Bronzebeard to FH)
F Pushed too Far (Fjorlin Frostbrow) (Daily)
(Ride an eagle and kill 16 stormpeak wyrms @ Foot Steppes) Around 45,67
Ancient Relics (Rork Shapchin) FH
(Collect 10 relics of Ulduar) Drops from mobs around Storm Peaks
| Notable places in Icecrown |
AV - Argent Vanguard - 86,76
SB - Skybreaker - Floating above Icecrown, an airship
SH - Scourgeholme - 78,59
VOE - Valley of Echoes - 84,73
CP - Crusaders' Pinnacle - 80,72
| Quests |
Honor above all else (Highlord Tirion Fordring) AV
(Report to crusade commander Entrari @ AV)
F Curing the Incurable (Father Gustav) AV
(Collect 10 forgotten depths venomc sacs) From nerubians around AV
F Scourge Tactics (Commander Entrari) AV
(Free 8 webbed crusaders) Outside AV
F If there are survivors
(Talk to Penumbrius @ AV) 87,79
F Into the wild green yonder (Penumbrius) AV
(Rescue 3 argent crusaders from Scourgeholme and drop them off @ Vanguard Infirmary [87,77])
R Tirion Fordragon, AV
F A cold front approaches (Tirion Fordragon) AV
(Report to siegemaster Fezzik @ AV) 86,76
F The last line of defence (Siegemaster Fezzik) AV
(Use an argent cannon to destroy 100 scourge attackers and 3 frostbrood destroyers)
F Once more unto the breach, hero (Tirion Fordring) AV
(Report to ebon watcher in Valley of Echoes) 83,73
F The stone that started a revolution (Crusade architect Silas)
(Collect 10 trunks of crystalline heartwood) @ Unbound Thicket, Crystalsong
(COllect 10 pieces of ancient elven masonry) @ Ruins of Shandral, Crystalsong
F It could kill us all (Crusade engineer Spitzpatrick)
(Retrieve 8 pieces of Crstallized energy) UT, Crystalsong
(Note - drops off the mobs around UT)
F The Scourgestone (Ebon Watcher)
(Collect 15 scourgestones from mobs @ SH)
F The Restless Dead (Father Gustav)
(Use holy water on the corpses of reanimated crusaders @ SH
F The purging of Scourgeholme (Ebon Watcher)
(Slay 3 forgotten depths high priests) Around SH
(Slay 3 forgotten depths underkings) Around SH
(Slay 8 reanimated Crusaders) Around SH
F The air stands still (Ebon watcher)
(Slay Salranax the flesh render) 77,62
(Slay underking Talonox) 76,53
(Slay High priest Yath'amon) 80,61
F Into the frozen heart of northrend
(Report back to Tirion Fordring @ AV)
F The battle for crusaders' pinnacle (Tirion Fordring)
(Travel to Crusaders pinnacle)
(Use the blessed banner on top of pile of crusader skulls)
(Defend the banner against scourge)
R Father Gustav, VOE
F The Crusades' pinnalce (Father Gustav) VOE
(Report to Tirion Fordring @ CP)
F A Tale of Valor (Tirion Fordring) CP
(Locate Crusaders Brindenbrad @ SV)
F The Skybreaker (Marshal Ivalius) CP
(Seek out Captain Justin Bartlett @ SB)
F It's all fun and games (Thassarian) SB
(Destroy the ocular and report to Baron Sliver @ SV)
F Blood of the chosen (Knight-captain Drosche) SB (Daily)
(Slay 20 vrykul in YH)
F Joining the Assault (Knight-captain Drosche) SB
(Report to Commander Koup)
F Slaves to Saronite (Absalan the Pious) SB (Daily)
(Rescue 10 saronite Mine Slaves)
F Get to Ymirheim (Chief Engineer Boltwrench) SB
(Speak with Frazzle Geargrinder @ YH)
F The Broken Front (Captain Justin Bartlett) SB
(Go to broken front and talk to a dying soldier)
Defending the vanguard (Crusader Lord Dalfors) AV
(Slay 15 forgotten depths nerubians) Around AV
| Notable places in Crystalsong Forest |
ROS - Ruinds of Shardal - 78,67
UT - Unbound Thicket - 65,66
| Quests |
| Quests |
Learning to leave and Return: The magical Way (Archmage Celindra)
(Use teleport to violet stand crystal)
(Use Teleport to Dalaran Crystal)
Discretion is key (Rhonin) Dalaran, VC
(Talk to Warden Alturas @ Violet Hold entrance) 61,63
F Containment (Warden Alturas) (D)
(Enter Violet hold and end the blue dragon invasion & Slay Cyanigosa)
Luxurious Getaway (Rin Duoctane) Dalaran, UB
(Speak to Jeer Sparksocket @ K3 in Stormpeaks)
The Champion's Call (Shifty Vickers) Dalaran, COW
(talk to Gurgthock @ AOA)
Where in the world is Hemet Nesingwary? (Archmage Pentarus) Dalaran, KL
(Talk to Pentarus when you're ready to depart to sholazar basin)
R Monte Muzzleshot, Sholazar Basin, 40,59
Preparations for War (Officer Van Rossem) KL
(Speak to Van ROssem to secure passage to Skybreaker in Icecrown)
(Report to High Captain Justin Bartlett once you arrive to Icecrown)