Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 12, 2012


Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 12, 2012
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 12, 2012
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
1500 Brookdale Road, Naperville, IL 60563 e-mail: [email protected]
630 355-8980 (Main Office)
Visit us on the internet at
630 305-6318 (Religious Education)
630 355-0521 (Facsimilie)
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Parish Staff
Rev. Joel Fortier – Pastor, [email protected]
Rev. Rodolphe Arty, Associate Pastor, x 103, [email protected]
Rev. Bob Colaresi, O. Carm. – Weekend Associate, [email protected]
Fr. Pat Brennan, Weekend Associate, [email protected]
Rev. Mr. William Worden, D. Min. – Deacon, x105
Rev. Mr. Chuck Lane – Deacon, x220, [email protected]
Rev. Mr. Jim Breen – Deacon, 630.357.4853, [email protected]
Rev. Mr. Larry Kearney – Deacon, x225, [email protected]
Rev. Mr. Michael Barrett – Deacon , x220, [email protected]
Reconciliation is available Saturday, 3:30 to 4:15 p.m.,
or after the 4:30 p.m. Mass in the Reconciliation Room
of the Chapel. Fr. Joel is available during the week by
appointment. Communal Penance services are held
occasionally throughout the year.
Baptisms are usually celebrated 2-3 Sundays each
month at a 12:30 p.m. service. On selected dates,
Baptisms are celebrated at weekend Masses. Parents
are required to attend an awareness and renewal
evening prior to the Baptism. Call the Church Office
a few months in advance to make arrangements.
Kate Cuddy – Director of Music and Liturgy, x112, [email protected]
Jessi Allured – Asst. Director of Music and Liturgy, x111, [email protected]
Lori Culberson – Liturgy Coordinator, x120, [email protected]
Theresa Sheliga* – Sacristan Coordinator, x116
Faith Formation
Sick and Home Bound
Call the Church Office to receive prayer/Eucharist
from a priest, deacon or Minister of Care.
Sandy Renehan, Principal at All Saints Catholic Academy 630.961.6125
Chari Rosales – Director of Adult Education & RCIA x138, [email protected]
Peggy Goralski – Youth Ministry, x123, [email protected]
Brett Adams – Coordinator of Middle School & High School Faith Formation, x117,
Patti Dougherty – Director of Religious Education, x109, [email protected]
Nancy Cirmo – Religious Education Assistant, x118, [email protected]
Outreach and Social Justice
Call the 630.305.6318 to register.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
Any person wanting to learn more about the Catholic
Faith, or to join our Catholic community should call
the church at 630.355.8980.
Michael Ryder – Director of Outreach & Social Justice, x121, [email protected]
Anne Schultz – OSJ Partner, x113, [email protected]
Sally Meno* – OSJ Financial, x137, [email protected]
Pastoral Care
A couple planning on being married at St. Thomas
should contact the church six months in advance.
One year is preferred. Either the bride or groom,
or their parents, must be a registered parishioner
for at least three months prior to calling to set a date.
Religious Education
Jan Olah – Director of Pastoral Care, x124
Felicia Lawlor*, M.S., R.N. – Faith Community Nurse, x104, [email protected]
Rose Grumbine*, R.N., – Faith Community Nurse, x104, [email protected]
Counseling Service
Sunday Nursery
Janet Simmons – Finance/Business Officer, x106, [email protected]
Diane McQueen – Gen Office Administrative Asst, x101, [email protected]
Kathy Ferguson – Gen Office Administrative Asst, x100, [email protected]
Marge Coronado - Administration and R.E. Asst, x219, [email protected]
Marilyn DeMeo* – Database Coordinator (T/Th), x107, [email protected]
Pat Berkhout – Evening/Saturday Receptionist, x119, [email protected]
Angie Tuttle – Bulletin and Web Editor, Liturgy Asst, x110, [email protected]
Bob Hartmann Facility Manager, x133, [email protected]
Call Samaritan Interfaith 630.357.2456 or Jan Olah,
Pastoral Care 630.355.8980 x 124.
Nursery care is available for your child age one
(walking) to four at the 9 & 10:45 a.m. Mass.
For more information call the church office.
Liturgy Schedule
Pastoral Leadership Community
Christine Berta 579.4294
Pam Foster 699.3044
Charles Haydon 369.2262
Nick Furibondo 898.5224
Richard Strassburger 499.5676
Commission Facilitators
Parish Life
Faith Formation
Kate Cuddy
Chris Baker
Charles Haydon
Carol Healy
(Monday — Friday)
Communion Service — 6:30 a.m.
Rosary — 8:10 a.m.
Mass — 8:30 a.m.
Mass — 8:30 a.m.
Saturday Vigil — 4:30 p.m.
Sunday — 8:00, 9:30, 11:15 a.m.
and 6:00 p.m.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
every first Friday, 9:00 — 9:30 a.m.
*indicates part-time staff
Dear Friends,
In the first reading today. we hear of the mandate for
those who suffer leprosy to be cast out from the camp and
community. They were social outcasts; what a terrible affliction in addition to the suffering of this painful disease.
They were to be shunned, avoided, and untouched because of the terrible fear people had of contracting this
dreaded disease. Understandably so.
In contrast, we see Jesus in the gospel not only welcoming a leper into communion of God’s love, but draws near
and touches him with his hand.
Healing power and transforming love go
from Christ. Is the Body of Christ bereft
“The healing,
of this same power and love today? No. The
saving power of
Body of Christ always has it. It was not just a
Jesus was and is gift of the historical Christ, it is also a gift of
still present in the Cosmic Christ. We are the Body of Christ
us, the church, and always have that power and energy. We
The Body of just need to be conscious of it and use it in
Jesus’ name.
Historical research now tells us that
during the plagues that afflicted Rome in the
early days of Christianity, everyone else fled to the mountains, but we stayed, establishing centers of care and healing
for those suffering the plague.
It was at that point historians tell us, that the faith gained
traction, came to be accepted and had staying power. This
healing presence in the midst of terrible contagious disease
and suffering helped establish the faith. It was the witness of
a compassionate believing people that made our faith believable.
The healing, saving power of Jesus was and is still present in us, the church, The Body of Christ. It was and is still
the hallmark of our faith. We stay; we don’t abandon others
in the midst of their suffering. Jesus is the compassion of
God, and we are as well. That power is extended to us.
We know and experience the healing, liberating power
and Presence of Jesus the Christ; and so we pass it on, not
only to our children, but to the world as Jesus came to do.
And we understand it is the same mandate and mission we
have from God which Christ carried out that has been given
to us.
All other powers of government and society must need to
know that... It is to the core of our identity and mission.
God Bless you all as we remain faithful to the mission of
Christ’s healing compassion and love,
Sixth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
February 12, 2012
Whether you eat or drink,
or whatever you do,
do everything for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31
Welcome Guests
and Visitors!
We’re so glad you’re here and invite
you to walk the path of faith with us.
Our goal is to provide a spiritual
home where all are welcome, where
the healing, reconciling, liberating
love of God flows through us to all
people. We believe the church is the
sacrament of God’s saving presence
in the world.
Would you like to become a
Parishioner? Join us in the gym
for Welcome Sunday anytime
between 9:00 and 11:15 on:
Sunday, March 4
Worship Commission—Liturgy & Music
Black History Month
Msgr. Ray East
This week, in recognition of Black History
Month, we highlight one of our favorite people
on this planet. Ray East was born in Newark,
New Jersey, and raised in California. His parents
were Baptist Missionaries in Africa. The family
was musical – Ray’s nephew , Nathan East is a
world renown bass player and producer, working
with such artists as Lionel Ritchi, Diana Ross,
Quincy Jones, and Eric Clapton. Fr. Ray’s own
deeply rich voice has been known to “break out”
in the middle of a many a homily.
Ray has always been known to be present to
the moment and to the person, only wanting to be
a light in this world. His career as a priest has
been marked with so much mission and evangelization work, it is truly hard to keep track.
He is the pastor of an urban parish in the DC
area, where violence and desperation are hallmarks of much of daily life. He preaches a message of peace and hope , and strives to be a
(continued on page 13)
Presider’s Schedule Feb 18/19
4:30 pm, Fr. Pat Brennan
8:00 am, Fr. Joel Fortier, Deacon Larry Kearney
9:30 am, Fr. Joel Fortier, Deacon Will Worden
11:15 am, Fr. Dof Arty, Deacon Jim Breen
6:00 pm, Fr. Dof Arty
can you hear me now?
A musical work by Fr. Francis Patrick O'Brien
On Friday, February 24 at 7:30 p.m., St. Thomas will present,
Can You Hear Me Now? an innovative new theatrical work by Fr.
Francis Patrick O’Brien.
In an oratorio style, Can You Hear Me Now? is an exploration
of God’s call to humanity and our response illustrated through
events in the lives of biblical characters and contemporary believers. This striking and evocative work is a theatrical performance
piece. The story begins with the sounds of nature giving way to
the sounds of human activity swelling to an overwhelming pitch.
The clamor ceases, and we enter into a new world, that of God,
who is portrayed by male and female voices. As God poses the
question, "Can you hear me now?" we are invited to consider that
God is continually calling us to discipleship through the events of
everyday living — if only we would listen!
This musical journey will transport you through the Hebrew
Scriptures, the Garden of Eden, some familiar Gospel stories, and
even a visit with a few modern day disciples!
Can You Hear Me Now? was debuted to stunning reviews at
the 2010 NPM National Convention. Come and enjoy the St. Thomas presentation of this multi media event, and hear St. Thomas’s own spectacular soloists and music makers. St. Thomas
presents Can You Hear Me Now? as part of the 2011—2012
Sounds of the Spirit Music Series. This presentation is free and
open to the public. A freewill offering will be accepted.
Lent is fast approaching! Ash Wednesday (Feb 22) schedule is as follows:
6:30 am – Mass with Ashes
8:30 am – Mass with Ashes
Noon – Word Service and Distribution of Ashes
4:30 pm – Family Prayer Service with Ashes
7:30 pm – Mass with Ashes
Feb 12, 2012 — Page 4
Pray For Our Parish
Christ Jesus,
We know that your plans for us
come from a loving heart.
We also know
that we are far too often
blind to and careless with
the promises you give.
Come now,
Open our eyes,
Open our ears,
and open our hearts
to give you reason not to lament for us,
But rather,
To rejoice in us.
From Give Me Jesus, David Haas
Please Pray for our Men and Women
Serving in the Military
Our parish community would like to recognize and
remember the following individuals in prayer:
for the sick…
Cary Russ, brother-in-law of Dick and Linda Nathan
Troy Mickelson, brother-in-law of Jess Allured
Vince Sudnik, husband of Janet
Dan Smith, brother of Ron and Elaine
Dick Mastropietro, friend of John and Carol Ball
Eric Holloway, friend of Lugenia Thomas
Jane Osterhaus, mother of Patrick
Charlene Pianouski,
friend of Bill and Carmella Ullrich
David English, nephew of Perry and Susan Grove
Etta Doty, aunt of Perry & Susan Grove
Roger Lamoureux, friend of Rich Mier
Dr. Enrique Bermudez, uncle of Rich Mier
for the deceased…
Nelson Busdeker, uncle of Kevin
George Caccippio, father of Gina Brown
Joseph Malon, father of David
Vernon K. Falkman,
great-grandfather of Jessica Predkelis
Jimmy McLaughlin, brother of Darlene Mowll
Madelyn Holden, mother of Joan, Breeta, and Sally
Mary Weidmann, Mother of Claire Kryczka
Eileen Maloney, mother of Neil
U.S. Air Force
Lt. Joseph Zito
Staff Sgt. Brooke Sica
Airman Maxwell Dempsey
Airman Tom Avers
Air Force National Guard
Senior Airman Jacob Brancaleon
U.S. Army
PFC Sam Parrillo
Sgt. Aaron Simms
SPC James Abbott
Cpt. Matthew Haselhorst
PFC Sean Wesley
Richard Hill
Warrant Officer Aviation Kyle Zimmerman
U.S. Marine Corps
Lt. Kevin Martin
Lance Corporal Aaron Murphy
Lance Corporal Oliver Buckley
Captain Brad Rothman
U.S. Navy
AT3 Amanda Schlarman
Ensign Jason Coons
SR Jeffrey Bates
Mass Intentions
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
8:30 †Ed Dillman, by Wife, Betty
Saturday, February 18, 2012
4:30 Special Intention for Kristin McQueen,
by Bob & Marge Hildebrand
†Vicki Ann Hiltz, by Mom & Dad Hanyzeski
Sunday, February 19, 2012
8:00 For the People of St. Thomas
9:30 †Fred Tuch, by Florence Tuch
†Stephanie Joseph, by Mom and Dad
U.S. Coast Guard
If you would like to have a serviceman or woman
included in the Military prayer list in the bulletin,
call the parish office 630.355.8980.
Page 5 — Feb 12, 2012
Faith and Formation Commission– Adult
Catholicism 201
It’s not too late to drop in on “Catholicism 201”
on Wednesdays through February 29 from 7:00 to
9:oo p.m. in the Senior Center. It’s a great way to
refresh yourself on, or become acquainted with,
Church teachings on Mary, the saints, and issues of
morality of critical importance in today’s world. Fr.
James Mallon speaks via video, then there is an opportunity for small-group discussion to reflect on and
wrestle with the insights ourselves. Come, join the
Interfaith Concert at
Naperville Church
As part of the worldwide observance of International Interfaith Harmony Week, Celebration Community Life Center, 919 S. Washington, Naperville,
is hosting an interfaith concert at 3pm on February
12, featuring the Chicago Salaam/Shalom Music Project, sponsored by the Lutheran School of Theology
of Chicago, a Center of Christian-Muslim Engagement for Peace and Justice. Hear the music of centuries-old folk songs and dances and experience the
timeless traditional melodies of the Middle East.
Refreshments will be served. Attire is casual.
Couples — Save the Date
Conference March 17 in Lisle
Couples, make plans now to spend a day with your
beloved on March 17, attending the 5th Annual Interparish Marriage Enrichment Conference, a day-long
event dedicated to laughter and love to help you build
the love relationship of your dreams.
Dr. Gary Chapman, well-known marriage counselor and author of more than 30 books, including the
best-seller The Five Love Languages, will present
“The Marriage You’ve Always Wanted” from
8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 17, at
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church Parish Activity
Center, 820 Division St., Lisle, IL 60532. Tickets are
$40 per person or $75 per couple. Registration flyers
are located in the Gathering Area, or you may register
online at
All four gospels include stories of Jesus carefully and personally selecting disciples to accompany Him and apprentice under Him. Mark’s gospel reports that Jesus “summoned those whom he
wanted” and “appointed twelve (whom he also
named apostles) that they might be with him and
he might send them forth to preach and to have
authority to drive out demons.” (Mark 3:13-15)
The twelve apostles are then listed by name. It is
these twelve then who have been appointed, sent
and given authority. It is also these twelve who
will become the next generation of visible leaders
for this fledgling faith philosophy that has come
to be known as “Christian.”
We know from the Acts of the Apostles that
after the death of Jesus, the eleven remaining
apostles, with Peter as the primary leader, stepped
up to the plate and picked up where Jesus left off.
They preached His “good news” of forgiveness
and salvation, baptized people into this new set of
beliefs, modeled righteous living and healed in
His name. They also presided over the community assemblies that gathered on the Lord’s Day
to pray, sing, share the teachings and break bread
together (See Acts 2:42). The work Jesus began
was continuing and flourishing.
Save the Date
Sat, March 31
Bishop Daniel Conlon
Feb 12, 2012 — Page 6
Register February 11/12 for Possibilities. Presence.
Peace., the St. Thomas Women’s Weekend taking
place February 24 through 26 at the Carmelite
Spiritual Center in Darien, IL. For complete information and registration see the flyers and visit the
table in the Gathering Area.
Check it Out!
Prayer Opportunities
St. Thomas School of Prayer
and Contemplative Prayer Group
“Praying in and with the
Sacred Heart of Jesus”
will be the focus of this
month’s School of
Prayer on Monday,
February 13, in the
Senior Center from
7:30 to 9:00 p.m.
Come, prepare for
Valentine’s Day by
spending some time
with God, who is love.
Always open to new participants is the Contemplative Prayer Group, which meets the third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Rectory Basement. The next gathering will be February 20.
For more information on either offering, please
contact Chari Rosales in the Adult Faith Formation
St. Joseph’s Table
Save the Date:
March 24, 2012
Continuing with tradition,
St. Thomas the Apostle will
host a St. Joseph’s Table on
Saturday, March 24.
A core committee is starting to plan the event. Anyone
interested in helping out with
this dinner, can email Joe
Cuzzone at
[email protected].
Come to honor St. Joseph and support those in
need in the community.
Soup & Bread Night
February 29, 2012
The Lector Ministry is
sponsoring the 19th annual
Soup and Bread Night on
Wednesday, February 29
from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. in the Gym. Bring the family
for a simple Lenten meal … but a very good one.
Donations are gratefully accepted. This year the
donations will be used to support Note Karacel, an
organization that is helping to bring clean water to the
people of Alenga, Uganda.
The soups are wonderful...come and enjoy!
As we journey through February, we
naturally think in terms of the heart and love. In keeping with this theme, please check out the bookrack in
the Gathering Area this month for these titles:
Blessed Are the Pure of Heart
Unconditional Love
A Brief Reader on the Virtues of the Human Heart
Lessons of the Heart
When The Heart Waits
Dear Heart, Come Home
Love is Letting Go Of Fear
Transformed by Love
The Heart of a Saint
Invitation to Love
Love Without Conditions
Words to Love by…
Living, Loving & Learning
Open Heart, Open Mind
More Stories for the Heart
Check out these books as well as the books in the
Resource Center.
Today’s Readings
First Reading — The leper will dwell apart,
making an abode outside the camp
(Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46).
Psalm — I turn to you, Lord, in time of trouble, and
you fill me with the joy of salvation (Psalm 32).
Second Reading — Whether you eat or drink, or
whatever you do, do everything for the glory of
God (1 Corinthians 10:31 — 11:1).
Gospel — The leprosy left him immediately, and
he was made clean (Mark 1:40-45).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981,
1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Readings for the Week
Jas 1:1-11; Mk 8:11-13
Jas 1:12-18; Mk 8:14-21
Jas 1:19-27; Mk 8:22-26
Jas 2:1-9; Mk 8:27-33
Jas 2:14-24, 26; Mk 8:34 — 9:1
Jas 3:1-10; Mk 9:2-13
Is 43:18-19, 21-22, 24b-25; Ps 41;
2 Cor 1:18-22; Mk 2:1-12
Page 7 — Feb 12, 2012
Faith and Formation Commission– Youth
Religious Education
First Grade Fun Fair
First Graders in the Religious Education (RE) Program, along with a parent, are invited to attend the
First Grade Fun Fair on Saturday, February 18 in the
gym at St. Thomas any time between 1:00 and 2:30
p.m. First Graders should bring their snack or juice
donations with them and put it on the snack tables
outside the gym. Tickets for the games will be held at
the gym door for each child. Questions may be directed to the First Grade Coordinator, Rosemary Karl
630.357.4321 or to Patti Dougherty in the RE Office
Liturgy of the Word with Children
YOU are needed! There is a need for a leader for
the four year old group at the 11:15 mass. Training is
provided. There are two teams so that when conflicts
arise, one can switch with opposite team. Please consider helping. Call Patti Dougherty at church,
355.8980 ext. 109.
Stay, Pray and Play!
Your family is invited to Stay, Pray
and Play! Come to the St. Thomas
Gym from 3:45 to 5:15 p.m. on
February 13, 20, 27 and March 12
and 19. Children of all ages are
welcome along with a parent or
guardian, are invited to attend. There
will be open gym play time for children
along with family prayer time.
Please bring a snack for your children. Refreshments for adults will be provided. Questions may be
directed to the Faith Formation Office at
630.305.6318 or email parishioner Gina Howley [email protected].
Family Mass with 4th and 5th Graders
All are welcome to come to the 4:30 p.m. Liturgy
on Saturday, February 18 which is being prepared by
students from the 4th and 5th grade Religious Education
Program. Many of these students will participate in
this liturgy as liturgical ministers, such as: communion
bread makers, lectors, host greeters, gift bearers, etc.
Please join these youth and their families in this celebration of the Eucharist. A simple reception will follow the liturgy. Families that would like to donate a
plate of goodies, are invited to do so. Please bring your
donation to the Gathering Area before mass begins.
In addition, we thank the following volunteer catechists, aides and Grade Level Coordinators who helped
prepare these youth for this liturgy and their year of
Religious Education.
4th Grade Religious Education Volunteers
Kathy Bereman
Jeff Berta
Liz Bosworth
Maura Connor
Lucy Drew
Gendy Jaramillo
Lorraine Katz*
Michelle Livorsi
Ruth Sheahan
Toni Sieve
Marybeth Stewart
Jacquie Vu
Thuc Vu
Dona Windisch
Ken Windisch
5th Grade Religious Education Volunteers
Anne Belgio
Alma Blanco
Chris Davila
Elise Diner
Jim Eber
Maggie Embree
Michelle Krzmarzick Joseph Mayoralgo
John Morris
Diane Osepek
Paul Reichhel
Cathie Riddle
Kelli Sondker
Sharon Sugas*
Paula Urso
Vicki Varzino
* Grade Level Coordinator
Families: Take some time to discuss
and reflect on the readings of the week.
of the Week...
When has God healed me?
Feb 12, 2012 — Page 8
Journey Night
Save the Date!
Just5Days is a
five-day experience of
service, hands-on
learning activities, prayer and liturgy, and community
building designed for groups of middle school youth
and their adult leaders from Catholic parishes and
schools. Just5Days immerses middle schoolers in
hands-on service to those in need as they learn about
justice in engaging and exciting ways.
Would you like to experience Just5Days?
St. Thomas would like to take a group of middle
school students (students completing grades six,
seven and eight) on a Just5Days service trip to Appleton, Wisconsin during the week of July 9 through
13. If you are interested in finding out more, go
online to for more information
OR you can call or email Peggy Goralski at [email protected] , 630.355.8980, ext. 123.
High School and Middle School students and parents…Join us for our next Journey Night, Sunday,
February 19, at 4:15 pm. John Donahue-Grosssman
will lead us as we continue to explore God breaking
through. John’s presentation is entitled, “Jesus-Living
on the Edge.” In this session, we will experience an
evening of drama, video, and stories to inspire us to
do great things for the glory of God.
Middle School Reminder
for Religious Education
Monday class dates for Middle School Religious
Education classes: February 13, February 27
Saturday class dates for Middle School RE classes:
February 25
Middle school RE classes do not meet on Saturday,
February 18 or Monday, February 20.
A mission trip parent meeting will be held on Sun-
day, February 12, at 2:00 p.m. This is an informational meeting for PARENTS only. Fundraising, trip
logistics, etc. will be discussed. Parents of participants signed up for upcoming trips to Aurora, Chicago, Washington D.C., and Nicaragua are invited.
MEETING on Monday, February 20, 7:00 pm, in the
G.U.S. Thank You
For the past four weeks, G.U.S. (Growing Up
Sexually) classes were held for middle school students. These classes would not have been possible
without the help of the G.U.S. team of adults. Many
thanks to Sandi Giovannini, Beth Pojman, Lorraine
Katz, Gina Howley, Rose Grumbine, Steven
Grumbine, John Kennedy, and Jan O’Donnell for
their time and commitment to helping middle school
students understand their sexuality. Also, a BIG
thank you to the wonderful group of middle school
students who participated in G.U.S. You were awesome!
Volunteers Needed
for Living Stations
of the Cross
Middle school students are
invited to be part of the Living
Stations of the Cross Service which
takes place on Good Friday. The
Stations are ‘acted out’ with
still-poses (no speaking required!).
This is a wonderful opportunity for students
to come to a deeper understanding of the gift of
our redemption. If your student is interested…
Practices: Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30,
beginning Feb. 29
(Practices held each week,
except for Spring Break)
Location of Practice: in the Gym or in church
Interest or Questions?
Contact Peggy Goralski
[email protected]
630-355-8980, Ext. 123
Page 9 — Feb 12, 2012
Service Commission—Outreach & Social Justice
A Letter from Father Don
A number of area parishes, including St. Thomas, are members of Quito Barrio Outreach
( in support of Fr. Don Kenny’s mission work in Quito, Ecuador. (Fr. Don is a
prior St. Thomas Pastor.) Below is the first half of a letter from Fr. Don. The second half will be published next
week. You can visit to see the entire letter.
Dear friends:
Happy New Year! May this be our best year ever.
Christmas was a little different for me this year. Fr.
Paddy forgot to pay the rental for our casilla (post office
box) in Quito, even though during the fall, when I wasn’t
receiving anything, I asked him if he had paid it and he
said that he had. The day after Christmas I went to Quito
to check things out, and found out he hadn’t, and that
everything that had been sent to me since April had just
been junked, except for one package that they sent back.
So since April I hadn’t received anything: Christmas
cards, letters, checks, packages, or anything. It did
dampen my Christmas. The post office box is paid for
now, so I can receive mail. My address is:
Fr. Don Kenny
Casilla 17-11-6553
Quito, Ecuador
As usual, for the novena before Christmas, I went
every night to houses in different barrios for prayer services. This year I took part in prayer in a very poor house
in the upper barrio Mirador. Often I don’t see the poverty
here until I go into a house, so visits during the novena
are important.
On the fourth Sunday of Advent we had our Christmas
Mass for Mirador, but we couldn’t get up to the barrio
center or to the school because the roads under repair
were so chewed up, just as those in Rancho Alto had
been all year. So we had an outdoor Mass in front of the
house of young Diego, who heads religious education
in the barrio, and his mother Luz, the former barrio
president. Hundreds came to celebrate Christ’s birth.
As in the case in the States now, we had more
Masses on Christmas Eve than on the day itself. Again
we had that moving ceremony when the people from
the upper barrio José Peralta, led by Carlos Maldonaldo, singing carols and carrying candles came
down, and met another group, singing and carrying
candles, coming up from our Rancho Alto education
center. They joined each other right outside the chapel
San Antonio, which was already jam-packed. At this
“Midnight Mass” very many people bring statues and
cribs to be blessed. I saw many familiar faces of people in their late twenties who had been part of these
celebrations years ago when I first came but who have
since married and moved to the city, but wanted to
come back for this Mass. I remembered well the music group Yaware, who showed me their babies and
young ones. I realized how long I’ve been here.
On Christmas day itself, which is very calm
here, Paddy and I had dinner with English-speaking
nuns in the convent in the parish below, with turkey,
cranberries, sweet potatoes and a special brandied cake
which they call, “plum pudding.”
(continued next week!)
Fr. John Surette, SJ, unfolds the Gospel message in light of “green spirituality”.
Below is an excerpt from his Jan 22 homily. Go to for the entire homily.
“The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel” (Mark 1: 15).
For us twenty-first century people, this teaching continues to be shattering. We look at our world, our church, our
planet with all the breakdowns, violence, chaos, sufferings, and injustices. We find it difficult to find God’s Kingdom
within all this bad news.
What is new in our time is the form of killing called geocide and biocide. Examples of geocide are warming of the
atmosphere, melting of the ice caps, erosion of the soils, and pollution of the waters. Examples of biocide are loss of
biodiversity, extinction of species, increase in cancers, and weakening of immune systems.
How often we pray “Thy Kingdom come on Earth…” It is no accident that all of us who utter this prayer are living at
this present time. It is clear that we are called to be incarnations, enfleshments, of the Kingdom. We are called to nurture
harmonious relationships in our personal lives, in our church, in our country, between nation states, and within the precious community of life here on our precious Earth.
What dreams do we have for Earth at this time when its life systems are under great stress, stress caused to a significant extent by our human activity? I suspect that many of us dream of a better relationship between Earth and its human
community, a relationship that is mutually enhancing rather than mutually destructive. It is very important that we shepherd these dreams for they will lead us into a more vital future here on Earth.
Feb 12, 2012 — Page 10
Bishop Conlon Addresses U. S. Department of Health and Human Services
Mandates to the People of the Diocese of Joliet
January 31, 2012
Dear Friends in Christ,
On January 20th an agency of the federal government created a serious threat to the freedom of religion guaranteed by the First Amendment of the U.S.
Constitution. As Americans and Christians, we must
take steps to counter this threat.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued a directive that all private health care
insurance programs must include several reproductive services for women. These services must be provided without any co-pay or deductible. Among the
services are FDA-approved prescription contraceptives (some of which can cause early abortion), sterilization procedures and related education and counseling. The directive applies to religious employers,
even if the services in question violate their moral
principles. It also places an unnecessary burden of
conscience on other employers, Catholic and otherwise, who consider these services immoral.
The directive does provide an exemption for some
religious employers, but the terms of exemption are
very narrow. The employer must employ primarily
members of its own faith and serve primarily members of its own faith. Certainly most Catholic hospitals would not qualify for an exemption and perhaps
many Catholic universities. Catholic Charities would
not qualify. It could be argued that Catholic dioceses,
parishes and schools likewise do not qualify, since
Christ clearly sent his followers to proclaim the Gospel to everyone, to invite everyone into his Kingdom
and to serve all who are in need. The Church doesn’t
exist just to take care of its own.
Now, it is no secret that many Catholics dissent
from the Church’s longstanding teaching on artificial
contraception, elective sterilization and abortion.
However, pursuing old arguments on these issues
will sidetrack us from the real one at hand. The
Health and Human Services directive is a violent
breach of the wall of separation between church
and state. For the government to force a religious
body to pursue a course of action that contradicts
its beliefs, particularly where no public interest is
at stake, is completely unacceptable.
Throughout the history of this country, religious
groups, certainly the Catholic Church, have made
good use of religious liberty by contributing enormously to the common good. We have run hospitals
and nursing homes that cared for everyone, especially
the poor. We built universities and schools that educated millions of people who went on to develop this
nation. Every day we feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, fight for the oppressed and
in many other ways give hope to the downtrodden—
all done in the name of God, all done because of our
Now our ability to carry out many of these apostolates is at stake, and many of our dedicated employees are potentially at risk of losing their medical insurance.
Your help is greatly needed, both as Christians and
as Americans. First, please pray that this grave threat
to religious liberty be stopped. Surely, if the gates of
hell cannot prevail against the Church, God can manage a cabinet department. Second, support whatever
efforts I may ask you to support in the future, such as
legislative or judicial remedies. Even now, you can
contact the President, the Secretary of Health of Human Services, and your members of Congress. Third,
be courageous in your conviction. Take action of
your own. For additional information about this issue,
visit the special link on our diocesan Web site
The United States is a great country. It was
founded by people who sought freedom, initially, religious freedom. The first right enshrined in the Bill
of Rights is the free exercise of religion. We are justifiably proud that in this country people of virtually
every faith on earth are able to pursue their religious
objectives in peace and friendship. Our federal government should help preserve and promote that heritage. Let us work together at this moment to assure
that it does.
God bless all of you, whom I am privileged to
shepherd in the name of Christ.
Most Reverend R. Daniel Conlon
Bishop of Joliet
Page 11 — Feb 12, 2012
Pastoral Care
To all St. Thomas Visitors
and Parishioners:
If you have a loved one struggling with Mental
Illness, this support group is for YOU... Parents,
Spouses, Siblings, Partners, Caretakers~ are all
invited. NAMI Certified Trained Facilitators
lead this support group on the FIRST & THIRD
MONDAY of each month. Our next meeting is
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2012, followed by
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2012. Confidentiality is assured, as we offer you a place to come
to share your story, and learn about coping with
a loved one who is battling Depression, BiPolar, or any of the myriad of Mental Illnesses
you may be faced with daily. NAMI offers
HOPE for the caretakers~YOU! Please plan to
join us in the Jr. High Ministry (E) Room. There
is no cost, and resource materials are provided.
We hope to see you, as we know all caretakers
are in need of a place to gain some understanding and solace. Our meeting time is always 78:30 PM. If you need a place to talk and share
your story, we welcome you to join us! National
Alliance for Mental Illness, (NAMI DuPage) is
proud to offer this support for our faith community.
Support for Family Members of
Individuals with Mental Illness
First and third Mondays EVERY MONTH
(begins February 6,
7:00 – 8:30 pm
St Thomas the Apostle Church
1500 Brookdale Road, Naperville, IL 60563
What you’ll find at nami:
Friends who care and understand • Ideas that
can help you take care of yourself and your family • A chance to share your experience and
learn from others • Information about brain disorders, treatment and services • Help. Hope.
You are not alone!
Feb 12, 2012 — Page 12
Blood Pressure Screenings will be held
TODAY in the Deacon’s office.
Screenings are after the 4:30 Saturday
Mass and the 8:00, 9:30 and 11:15
Sunday Masses. The Deacon’s office is in the
left wing, as you exit Church. All are WELCOME.
Grief and Loss Support Group
River Glen Presbyterian Church
February 21 – April 10, 2012
(8 week long commitment)
7:00—8:30 pm
Facilitator: Chrissy Tappert,
MSW student at Aurora University
Contact: Chrissy Tappert at [email protected]
or 630.357.5104
This group will function as a tool to educate
members regarding the grieving process. The goal of
this group will be to provide a supportive environment, where people experiencing grief may talk
about their experiences with others. The group will
identify, through discussion as well as exploring resources that have the potential for helping them in
their grief process.
Samaritan Interfaith invites you to
Caregiver Spouses
A new support group for those caring for a spouse
with a chronic or progressive illness.
Where: Belmont Village Assisted Living
Second Floor, Library
Address: 545 Belmond Lane, Carol Stream
On Geneva Road, one block east of
Main St./Schmale
Monday, February 20, at 10:00 am
(and every third Monday of each month)
No reservations are required. For more information,
please call Belmont Village at 630.510.1515
Stewardship Commission
The 2012 Catholic Ministries
Annual Appeal
Last Weekend’s stewardship
of financial gifts...
Weekly Sunday Offertory
Feb 5, 2012
Automatic Direct Debit
Mailed in & stock donations
Total for week
*Based on Collection Counters Reports
Fiscal Year (7/1 to 6/30) to date:
Weekly Average 7/1/10 to date:
Offertory Goal Year to Date
Over/short of goal to date:
Goal for Fiscal Year 7/1 to 6/30
Remaining for Fiscal Year goal
Update from the Building
and Grounds Committee:
Last month two new rooftop heating and
cooling units were installed, replacing the
original units that were deteriorating and well
beyond their expected service lives. The new
units were paid with special gifts and funds
set aside last June, when so many of you answered the call for additional funding for the
parish. Your continued financial support enables us to maintain our building and spread
the Good News through our worship and
Thank you for making St. Thomas your
personal giving priority.
The Kingdom of God is at Hand (Mark 1:15)
Bishop Conlon’s mailing asking for a pledge to the 2012
Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal is in the hands of many of
our parishioners. If you have received the mailing, please respond as soon as possible.
This year, the theme of the Appeal is “The Kingdom of God
is at Hand.” God constantly gives to us. His grace is ever present. His blessings are abundant. We can demonstrate our gratitude to God and help build the kingdom of God in our own
parish and our own diocese by making a generous gift to the
The Appeal not only funds the operations of the diocese, it
funds services that are of great help to the ministries here in
our parish. Please remember to insert some of the ministries in
your parish that receive training or other forms of support.
Please answer the bishop’s request and make a generous
pledge. All pledges can be paid in ten monthly installments.
Thank you in advance for your support.
The Diocese of Joliet is seeking to fill a few positions for seasonal
cemetery workers. A seasonal cemetery worker will do general
cleanup of cemeteries of leaves, broken branches and other debris
and assists with the placement and removal of seasonal grave
decorations and maintenance of grass, bushes and trees. (See job
description at under employment) Qualifications: Must be a high school graduate with a valid Illinois Drivers
license and be physically able to do lawn maintenance work. This
is a seasonal position only with no benefits, with a normal workweek of 40 hours. Qualified and interested applicants send resume
to [email protected], Office of Human Resources, St. Charles Pastoral Center, 101 W. Airport Rd., Romeoville, IL 60446
(continued from page 4)
Fr. Ray has worked to elevate knowledge AND ministry to people suffering from HIV/Aids. He has challenged 20,000 teens at NCYC to strive to preach the gospel in this world, and to use words if necessary. In 2005,
Fr. Ray received the Pax Christi Teacher of Peace Award. It recognized his lifetime of work in liturgy, youth
ministry, and evangelization around this world. Last year, Fr. Ray traved to Haiti and came back to establish
groundwork for a sister diocese relationship with the diocese of Jeremi, Haiti.
He is, and always will be a voice for the voiceless, and continues to be a “ray of light” for all those who come
to know him, and are touched by his mission and ministry.
Page 13 — Feb 12, 2012
Administration Commission
Wednesday, Feb 22, 7:00 pm:
"Self Leadership"
Want to know what it takes to be a strong leader? Start
by effectively leading yourself in your own life, as well as
your career and family. Learn the importance of selfleadership and the power you have within yourself to create
the life you’ve always wanted. Learn how leading yourself
builds confidence and how your new found confidence
makes others take notice at how effective you are in your
own life. Being an effective leader to yourself begins to prepare you in leading others in both your work and in your
family. After all, if you can’t lead yourself, how can you lead
others? In this workshop, you will:
Create your own definition of leadership and embody it
Become aware of your values, passions, and strengths and
how to effectively
utilize them
Learn the concept of BE/DO/HAVE and how to implement it
Understand the importance of having a destination and
begin to uncover it
Discover how to manage yourself to stay on track to
where you are going
Become aware of personal pitfalls and how to avoid them
Be provided with ideas for continuous self-improvement
so that you can keep moving forward
At the end of the day….at the end of your life….YOU are
the leader in creating YOUR LIFE, which includes career
and family. So start with Self Leadership and find out where
you are taking yourself!
Laura Menze is the owner and Executive Life Coach at
LifeQuest Alliance, Inc. located in Gurnee, IL; a company
that specializes in Helping Good People Become Great™
through life coaching for individuals, and groups. She is a
member of the International Coach Federation and a Board
Member of the Chicago Coach Federation. She also provides an array of workshops at the College of Lake County
Job Center, and volunteers her coaching services at Fresh
Start of Illinois, a non-profit organization in Libertyville
focused on helping people succeed in their career transition.
Fri, Feb 17, 9:30 am: "Rock Your Elevator Pitch" When you learn to
make the most of your talents; speak with confidence; and are focused
and powerful; your Elevator Pitch will come across smoothly and effectively. Craft your message so it captures your passion, your personality
and the possibilities of working with you puts you in the spotlight. Manage that stage fright, step into the limelight, and “Shine” your way to a
new career. Ellen Lerner is a Certified Communications Coach, Presentation Skills Trainer, and an Actor.
Wed, Feb 22, 7 pm: "Self Leadership" See article at left.
St. Thomas the Apostle Church, 1500 Brookdale Road, Naperville
Friday meeting formats include announcements, speaker presentation,
and 2 rounds of networking. Prepare your elevator speech, and bring
handbills to pass to 20 fellow networkers. Wednesday is speaker only,
no formal networking. Contact Bob Hronek <[email protected]>;
or Ben Willingham <[email protected]>; for more info.
Feb 12, 2012 — Page 14
Monday, Feb. 13
3:45—5:15 p.m..
Stay, Pray and Play, Gym
4:00—5:30 p.m.
Youth Choir, Church
7:00—9:30 p.m.
Coed Volleyball, Gym
7:00—9:00 p.m.
Finance Committee, Judea
7:00—9:00 p.m.
Transitional Housing, Cana
7:15—8:30 p.m.
Middle School R. E. at All Saints Academy
7:30—9:00 p.m.
School of Prayer, Senior Center
Tuesday, Feb. 14
4:30—5:45 p.m.
R. E. Classes at Brookdale School
7:00—9:00 p.m.
Adult Basketball, Gym
7:00—9:00 p.m.
Charismatic Prayer Group, Lounge
7:00—10:00 p.m.
Voices of Faith, Church
Wednesday, Feb. 15
6:00—10:00 p.m.
Catholicism 201, Lighthouse
7:00—9:00 p.m.
Baptism Class, Senior Center
7:00—9:30 p.m.
PLC, Cana
7:00—10:00 p.m.
Sojourners Rehearsal, Church
Thursday, Feb. 16
9:15—11:15 a.m.
Spread the Word Bible Study, Senior Center
10:00am-12:00 p.m. Prayer Shawl Ministry, Cana
4:15—5:30 p.m.
Jammers, Church
6:00—7:30 p.m.
Journey Praise, Lighthouse
6:30—8:00 p.m.
Prayer Shawl Ministry, Cana
7:)0—8:00 p.m.
Family Prayer Service for 1st Eucharist, Church
7:30—9:00 p.m.
Spread the Word Bible Study, Senior Center
7:00—8:30 p.m.
Life Retreat Mtg., Youth Center
7:30—9:30 p.m.
Elias Rehearsal, Lighthouse
Friday, Feb. 17
9:00—11:30 a.m.
Friday A.M. Bible Study, Senior Center
9:15am-12:00 p.m. Jobs Ministry, Gym
Saturday, Feb. 18
8:30—11:45 a.m.
Middle School R. E. at All Saints Academy
8:30—11:45 a.m.
R. E. Classes at All Saints Academy
9:00—10:30 a.m.
Men’s Saturday Sharing, Resource Center
9:00am-12:00 p.m. Art Class, Senior Center
10:00am-12:00 p.m. Wedding Music Workshop, Church
10:15—11:15 a.m. Rainbows, Ministry Center
1:00—2:30 p.m.
1st Grade R. E. Fun Fair, Gym
4:30—6:00 p.m.
4/5 grade Mass/Reception, Church & Gath, Area
Sunday, Feb. 19
7:30—10:30 a.m.
RCIA, Senior Center
9:00—11:45 a. m. Liturgy of the Word with Children, Ministry Center
12:45—1:45 p.m.
Baptisms, Church
4:15—5:45 p.m.
Journey Night, Gym