2009 Adelaide Conference


2009 Adelaide Conference
Issue 68 – AUGUST 2009
Inside this issue
From the President
2009 Adelaide Conference
Introducing Amber Bibby:
National Committee
Representative for NSW
Annual Returns
Tricky Overseas Situations
Poison Pen
Funeral Service Reading
Funeral Matters
Ron Thomas, AFCC Funeral
Liaison Officer with AFDA
AFCC Membership of 4
Association (AFDA)
Issued by BDM’s
Wireless PA System Problems
New Members of the AFCC
Members Only Offer
AFCC National Office
Tel 1300 555 875
Email [email protected]
Welcome to this long awaited
Celebrations. As you are no doubt
aware, 2009 has presented the
AFCC with more than the usual
number of challenges. I am happy
to report that since the AGM in
Adelaide last month, we have
welcomed five new faces to the
national committee, and each
and every committee member is
already working very hard to deliver
to you our members. I would like
to acknowledge and thank Catie
Wood, Lynn Dalrymple, Carol
Tipping and Jo-Ann Robinson
personally for their contribution
to the AFCC and wish them well in
their respective futures.
We are very excited about the
future of the AFCC and are
committed to communicating
openly an often with you, the
members as we move into a new
era. There is a lot to be excited
about, including competitive
insurance for celebrants, changes
to the provision of OPD and reform
to celebrant training to commence
in 2010, enhancements to the
website and the way we conduct
business, just to name a few. We
rely on you to keep the feedback
coming so that we are responsive
to new members, as well as our
valued long term and experienced
celebrants and those who specialise
in funerals and ceremonies other
than marriage.
Feel free to contact me on any
matter of concern. Likewise your
state representative is always
available, we have the toll free
number 1300 555 875, or you
may wish to contact the portfolio
representative directly.
All this information is listed on the
AFCC website.
Lance Tapsell
2009 Adelaide Conference
Wow! The 2009 conference is over
and what a fun-filled event it was!
Australian Funeral Directors
Changes to Certificates
From the President
The Organising Committee
(otherwise known as the “Festival
Fairies”) had a lot of fun bringing it
to you ... and from your feedback
forms, we believe you also had fun
and got a lot out of your attendance
and your involvement.
From the culturally rich opening
ceremony (although cold and
damp), to the Oration from the
unique Dally Messenger, the varied
and dynamic concurrent sessions,
awesome presentation from our
“one of a kind” Dorinda Hafner, the
popular lunchtime “Conversations
With”, the Adelaide Highlights and
Barossa Valley tours, the wonderful
experience of the receptions at
Government House and with the
Lord Mayor at the Town Hall, the
AGM and the awesome Style and
Grace Dinner on our final evening
... our delegates were all involved,
inspired and inspiring. We trust
they have gone away from the
event with energy and enthusiasm
and that they all enjoyed gaining
new and renewing old friendships.
celebrancy 100%, joyous and
Town Hall ... “Lord Mayor very
generous” ... “very warm and
Feedback comments from
delegates on their evaluation forms
Government House ... “ an amazing
were wonderful and very much
experience” ... “felt very special” ...
appreciated ...
“what a privilege”
The opening ceremony ... “absolutely
stunning, blended beautifully, many Speakers ... “first class, great they
are willing to share” ... “excellent,
cultures” ... “aboriginal ceremony
engaging presentations” ... “gained
spiritual and moving”
a lot”
Continue over >
Dally’s Oration ... “great to meet and
hear the man whose
bible I follow” ... “very
emotional, my first
time and a privilege”
Dorinda ... “brilliant,
inspiring” ...
“colourful and
... “absolutely
fantastic, reinforced
my passion for
Pictured: Lord Mayor of Adelaide Michael Harbinson with AFCC
President Lance Tapsell and Adelaide Conference Convenor, Mary Kelly.
2009 Adelaide Conference cont.
a useful tool for
future planning
groups as they set
out on this major
journey. We wish
the WA Committee
well and look
forward to seeing
you all in Perth.
The social program was enjoyed by
all, the Festival Centre catering at
breaks and lunchtimes was tasty and
For the committee, there is great
satisfaction in the knowledge that
we achieved what we set out to do.
We would like to acknowledge the
contribution of all those people who
gave so generously of their time and
expertise and contributed to the
success of a professional and very
enjoyable event. Our final report
being provided to the National
Committee will hopefully become
Sandie Meyer
... Bev, Sand
(from left
al Fairies’ , Dianne and Mar y)
Pictured: Ayn, Sandie, Karen, K
Ngankiburg ceremony: Georg
Kudnuitya)ka Mekauwe), K ina Williams (or
and “the
Kaurna CTelfer (or Winda
ulture Bea
Introducing Amber Bibby:
National Committee representative for NSW
I am a relatively new celebrant since my appointment
in September 2005. I am a hopeless romantic, love
my work and am passionate about helping each
couple create their own perfect ceremony. I have
developed an interesting mix of experience through
public speaking, working in event management and
hospitality. I have worked in Adult Education and in
particular, national training packages for the past 12
years and have 17 years experience in the hospitality
arena through event management, commercial
cookery and weddings / conference management. I
currently chair a vocational training committee in
the Hunter Valley promoting apprenticeships and
traineeships throughout our region and I am a director
on the Newcastle Wedding Industry Professionals,
which is a local co operative developed many years
ago to promote excellence in delivery of professional
services for the whole wedding industry in this region.
I am happily married and have two adult children and
three wonderful little grandchildren.
I am looking forward to representing NSW on the
National Committee, meeting local members and
contributing to the future direction of the AFCC.
Annual Returns
Members are reminded that all marriage
celebrants registered by the Commonwealth
must complete and return an “Annual Return”
form by 31 October 2009. The form covers the
period 1 September 2008 - 31 August 2009.
You must attach evidence in the form of original
or certified copies of your completion of your
Ongoing Professional Development activities. It
is strongly recommended that you retain a copy
of all paperwork forwarded to the Marriage
Celebrants Section (MSC). You need NOT
attach evidence of your purchase of the DVD
‘When Words Are Not Enough’ as Canprint have
a record and will supply the MSC with this
evidence on your behalf.
Return co
riod from
1 Septemb
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er ............
insert year
] to
31 August
........... [in
sert year]
tion no.
Postal ad
dress (if
to above):
State: …
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Please list
evidence the professional
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of succes
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sful com velopment activit
pletion of
ies unde
Name of
the activit
y by you ken by you in the
in the pe
The Annual Return proforma can be
downloaded from www.ag.gov.au and this
is the last year that the annual return will
be required from celebrants. After January
2010 you will no longer be obliged to
submit an Annual Return to the MSC.
The new OPD arrangements mean the
Total nu
mber of
ies perfo
selected OPD providers will be advising
of cerem
onies pe
per month
the Department about OPD activities
completed by celebrants from that time. 5. Details of marriages
* If you
are exemp
details of
the exemp under subregula
tion 37M
(6) of
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. For eac
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please pro
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Please se
nd return
of activity
(in hours
Tricky Overseas Situations
It is correct to say that divorce is not
permitted in the Philippines and in
that country a marriage ends by death
The BDM was unsure and suggested or annulment. In such a case, on the
NOIM, the correct the Marriage Celebrants Section
Be aware that some countries do
phrase is ‘never validly married’.
not recognise divorce at all. Recently (MSC) may be better placed to
comment. So the copies of the
a member felt the need to check
The embassy of the Philippines may
couples annulment forms were
further regarding an overseas
be able to assist the couple in having
forwarded to the MSC with an
annulment document provided by
their documents validated.
explanatory letter. the clients.
All marriage celebrants who have
clients from other countries may
find this of interest.
originals but the celebrant did not
yet have these in their possession.
The dilemma was with the legal
status of annulment papers
provided by the couple. Our
member was unwilling to accept
without question the photocopies
of the annulment documents. These
papers were to be backed up by
The response...
This Department is unable to
authenticate foreign or other
documents for marriage celebrants.
Poison Pen
With all the warnings re swine flu I started to
think about the potential health hazards posed
by our decorative pens.
For years I have routinely refused to use pens
provided at stores, preferring to use my own
to minimise transfer of cold and flu germs. But
it never occurred to me that celebrants run
immense risks of pen-transfer of all manner of
nasties because we are always the last one to
use the pen for signing.
So I now carry alcohol wipes in my pen box, and
give the pen a good wipe over before I put it
However the Phillipines Embassy
was not prepared to confirm that
the documents were authentic.
So our member contacted a
local Philippino notary to obtain
clarification of the marriage
away, and also use germicidal gel on my hands.
But until I got a nasty adenovirus, occasioning
last minute postponement of a wedding
rehearsal, I didn’t think too much about the
other things we handle during ceremonies,
some of which have been handled by everyone
When I drove away from my second naming
of the day I felt perfectly well. Within forty-five
minutes I knew I was not going to make it to
the rehearsal that was due to start in just over
an hour. My GP diagnosed a virus that is very
annulment. While the annulment
document was a public document
and could not be ‘notarised’, the
couple arranged for a letter of
certification from the Notary as
an added confirmation. As the
couple has taken responsibility
in the Statutory Declaration and
Notice of Intended Marriage that
the bride’s status was “never validly
married” (she is not prepared to
write “marriage anulled” on the
paperwork) the celebrant finally
feels confident to proceed with this
marriage ceremony.
with permission from an experienced
common in young children and causes severe
cramps and total unreliability of the lower
intestinal tract (you get the picture), and it goes
on for days.
So, everything that possibly can be washed gets
washed in very hot water and detergent, and
everything else gets thoroughly wiped with
alcohol wipes. Unfortunately we can’t wear
masks or boil the kids before naming them!
Jenny Cram
AFCC Member, Brisbane
Funeral Service Reading
The following writings are for a funeral service for
a lovely lady – the reading can be used after the
Eulogy and Reflection time which can comprise a
reading, a song or a DVD backed by music.
Celebrant to say – “Some lovely and meaningful
words that I say to [name] on behalf of you her
family and you her friends”.
So we’ll never be parted it just cannot be.
We will remember you [name]
For you know we love you
As long as there is time
And we know you love us.
As long as there is love
For as long as we can dream
For as long as we can think
As long as we have the breath to speak your
As long as we have memory
We will love you [name]
We will think of you [name]
You gave us your love and a reason to live.
For as long as we have eyes to see.
You’ve been our best friend for so many years.
and ears to hear, and lips to speak,
We’ve shared happy times and also our tears.
We will speak of you [name]
There’s no one that means as much as you do.
As long as we have a heart to feel
After all you’ve done for us.
A soul stirring within us
And all we’ve been through together.
An imagination to hold you
From Barry H Young,
this can be found in his book –
The Funeral Celebrants Handbook
Funeral Matters by
Ron Thomas
AFCC Funeral Liaison Officer with AFDA
The following article appeared in the
Dec 2008 issue of ‘The Australian
Funeral Director’ and is reproduced
with Ron’s permission.
there is usually a quizzical look,
often followed by ‘and what does
that entail, what actually do you
‘WHAT DO YOU DO?’ How many
times has that question been
asked when you are at a business
function or conference, or meeting
a stranger in some airport lounge or
when travelling by bus or train?
With those general questions out
there in the general public’s mind,
the Australian Federation of Civil
Celebrants (AFCC), through it’s
funeral industry sub-committee,
decided to take on the task of
informing the public concerning
the ever expanding role of the civil
celebrant in the funeral industry.
It is usually a very neat way of
engaging a person in polite
conversation. The ‘greet and meet’
moment to make the other person
continue the conversation whilst
you decide to either engage or
move on, or to continue to pursue
the conversation out of curiosity.
When you answer “I work in the
funeral industry as a civil celebrant’
A leaflet entitled A Perfect Farewell
has been prepared explaining the
role of the civil funeral celebrant
and the areas that they cover in
aiding a grieving family to prepare
a suitable ceremony to honour the
life of a loved one.
Topics covered include music,
life/story eulogy, suitable prose/
poetry, acknowledgements by
relatives and friends, periods
of reflection, preparation of an
audio-visual presentation, special
effects e.g. lighting of candles,
releasing balloons, processionals,
to the hearse/gravesides, special
recognition of services to the
community e.g. RSL, Masonic
Lodge, public office, sporting/
community groups, closing
ceremonies, usage of national
emblems and symbols, usual length
of service and the very important
liaison with the funeral company’s
representative at all times.
Leaflets with an accompanying prepaid envelope and questionnaire
have been distributed to two well
known retirement establishments
in the Eastern suburbs of
Melbourne, and at the time of
writing the AFCC is evaluating
the information with the view of
extending the experiment to other
retirement facilities in other areas of
Melbourne and other states.
In the funeral industry you
can never assume that people
understand what you actually do.
Education is a continual process,
because of generational change.
Expensive? Yes! Necessary? Without
any doubt. Otherwise when it
comes to making a serious decision
regarding a significant moment
i.e. a funeral and what type of
ceremony would be appropriate
and in line with the deceased values
and beliefs, ignorance is not BLISS.
Changes to Certificates Issued by BDM’s
The AFCC has been advised that new security
paper is to be used on all certificates issued
by that State BDM’s from July 2009. The new
paper will meet the National Identity Security
Strategy (NISS) standards, and is designed
to further protect against fraudulent activity
including identity theft. All states and territories will progressively introduce this new paper
during 2009, thus resulting in consistency in
the look and features of certificates produced.
AFCC Membership of
Australian Funeral Directors
Association (AFDA)
The AFCC retains membership
of AFDA at a cost of $300 per
annum. This is set to rise to $900
next year but it is still felt that
the membership of the AFCC
to this national funeral body is
important to continue to promote
our members within the funeral
The most obvious change is the colour (now
blue, pink and green) and a new design with
the word Australia, an image of a kangaroo
and the Southern Cross on the front page. Two
watermarks bearing images of Australia, will
be evident when holding the certificate to the
light. There is an embedded security thread
running vertically along the right side of the
certificate and an image of the map of Australia
in the lower right corner which disappears
when rubbed and reappears when undisturbed.
The paper has other covert and forensic security
However birth and marriage certificates
produced prior to this new style are still valid
in every respect, and couples will not need to
obtain a new certificate which contains these
security features. In fact there would be a cost
attached to an application for a new certificate.
More Adelaide Conference
In Waiting
d Voice of
wn C
omas an
rier Ron Th
Peace Cho
Just before the fune
ral services,
the undertaker ca
me up to the very
elderly widow and
‘How old was your
‘98,’ she replied, ‘Tw
o years older than
‘So you’re 96,’ the
undertaker comm
She responded , ‘H
ardly worth going
home, is it?
Wireless PA System Problems
this information is from an article about PA Systems, which has been supplied by Jayden at Sunshine Coast Videography.
(Due to size, the full 15 page article has not been reproduced here but posted on the AFCC website, Members Section - Resources. The AFCC does not endorse
any particular brand of system and the following is independent advice from the supplier named.)
Types of PA problems:
A: Drop outs – when the
microphone cuts in and out or
stops working.
B: Interference – you will get
other voices or audio coming
from your speaker.
C: Fuzz or Noise – this sounds
like static or feedback (lots of
unrecognisable sound)
How to Fix
A: Drop outs – The main fix is
a stronger signal –use a 30
watt system & a diversity
receiver (refer to full article on
AFCC website). Also change
frequency & test again.
B: Interference – Change
C: Fuzz or Noise – Check
connections, battery & power.
Other trouble
shooting tips
The connections – make sure
the connections are tight and
clean – free from rust, oils & dirt.
Batteries/Power always make
sure you have plenty of battery
power – recommendations are
not to use rechargeable, but a
high quality alkaline battery.
Stand further away from
your speaker – between 3
& 10 metres – because you are
using waves to send the signal to
the speaker, some wave lengths
may miss the receiver/speaker.
But don’t go too far as your signal
will weaken.
Dead spots – you will find that
there will be dead spots where
you might get no sound from you
can test this by walking around
whilst talking to find if it drops
out. This will also help you test
your signal strengths. A strong
signal you may be able to walk
100 metres away and still hear
where as with a weaker signal you
may only be able to go 10 metres.
What can interfere?
1. Other PA systems:
SOLUTION Test both systems
for interfering with each
other - turn other system off
2. Airports: SOLUTION
(1) change the frequency,
(2) buy a stronger system.
3. UHF radios (such as those
used by many reception
venues) SOLUTION (1) test
that there is no interference
between the two, if so have
one change there frequency.
(2) have them turned off.
4. Mobile phones even on
silent mode, if closer enough
to the speaker part of the
PA, can cause a beeping
sound (but not drop outs or
fuzz). SOLUTION (1) have
guests actually turn off their
phones not just on silent,
generally uncommon (2)
make sure no one is standing
within 2m of your speaker.
part of the PA can cause
problems. (digital camera,
video cameras; SOLUTION
tell the person with the
device to step back a couple
of metres.
6. Videographers wireless
systems; SOLUTION (1) test
beforehand, test it by saying
a long sentence. (2) change
7. Surf lifesaver towers;
8. Boat clubs; SOLUTION
change frequency.
9. TV & Phone towers;
10. Computers,
Fluorescent lights, Digital
Audio,Children’s walkie
talkies; SOLUTION change
5. Digital devices closer
enough to the speaker
Wish there was an easy fix?
Well there is, a wired microphone won’t have any of these problems.
Looking for some quotes
and readings relating to
Love and Marriage...?
New Members of the AFCC
We welcome the following new members to the AFCC and hope they enjoy the benefits of AFCC membership.
They are listed in alphabetical order and all have joined in the period since April 2009.
If there is a new member in your neighbourhood please contact them to make them feel welcome, and ensure that they are included in local networking circles.
Larrain Andrea........................................................................................Langwarrin VIC
Kate Lempriere..........................................................................................Pakenham VIC
Gael Andrews...........................................................................................Heathmont VIC
Wayne Loughry.........................................................................................Lesmurdie WA
Andrelyn Applebee............................................................................. Waverton NSW
Lynette May....................................................................................... Sawyers Valley WA
Lorna Aylward............................................................................................Safety Bay WA
Barbara McGowan................................................................................Beckingham WA
Trinity Bates............................................................................................ WillowVale QLD
Nicole Mclean.......................................................................................... Goulburn NSW
Michelle Bear.............................................................................................Nagambie VIC
Heather McMillan.............................................................................. Warrnambool VIC
Lisa Caponio.................................................................................................. Brighton VIC
Christene Muller.................................................................................Redland Bay QLD
David Closs.............................................................................................Molesworth TAS
Erica Nelson..............................................................................................Hurstville, NSW
Paul Cochtan...............................................................................................Wyndham Vic
Avis Owens.........................................................................................................Marion SA
Christine Edgar...............................................................................East Freemantle WA
Annette Perryman.................................................................................Glenelg East SA
Atma Edwards..............................................................................................Newport VIC
Dianne Priest....................................................................................... Dodges Ferry TAS
Mary-Anne Egan................................................................................. Bonnie Doon VIC
Janice Quirk..............................................................................................Kalamunda WA
Cassandra Eva...................................................................................... Scarborough WA
Robyn Rosamond........................................................................................ Bundall QLD
David Evans......................................................................................................Helena VIC
Gillian Scanlon................................................................................. Elermore Vale NSW
Margaret Gallagher................................................................................. St. Marys NSW
Denis Shaw..................................................................................................Frankston VIC
Deborah Guilloud....................................................................................Marsfield NSW
Calvin Smith.................................................................................................. Elanora QLD
Nandy Gurr.................................................................................................... Vermont VIC
Stephen Smyth........................................................................................Langwarrin VIC
Kay Franks.........................................................................................Marrochydore QLD
Kathryn Speake..................................................................................Mawson Lakes SA
Brian Hayton............................................................................................Wannanup WA
Dean Starbuck..........................................................................................Maida Vale WA
Colleen Holz.................................................................................................... Baldivis WA
Bernadette Stewart..................................................................................... Elanora QLD
Anne-Marie Hoyne.....................................................................................Wembley WA
Sandra Sullivan........................................................................................ Gawler East SA
Claudette Ichayagouri...........................................................................Marsfield NSW
Naomi Taylor............................................................................Narre Warren North VIC
Ethe Ison...........................................................................................Maroochydore QLD
Terri Thorne.....................................................................................................Apsley QLD
Griffith Gordon..............................................................................Meridian Plains QLD
Vanessa Virgato................................................................................Doncaster East VIC
Judy Lander......................................................................................................Carlton VIC
David Ward.......................................................................................................Ballarat VIC
Jeanette Legg........................................................................................... Healesville VIC
Charles Williams......................................................................................Tullamarine Vic
Celebratory Stanzas
Celebrants all, answer the call
To Adelaide you have plied
From Mary Kelly’s fairy band
There’s nowhere you can hide
We’ve been through rain, hail, wind
and fire
To reach these hallowed halls
We’ve shared an OPD or two
Some roadies may well pall
We’ve marvelled at the Messengers
We’ve met your Gov’nor Ken
In Perth, in July of next year
We’ll do it all again
There’s lots to learn ‘bout wedding
It fills one’s tiny mind
Al Berry knows of GST
Deductions of all kind
We’ve heard from stylish,
scented Gail
She’s been there on the telly
She taught us how to wear nice
And perfume not too smelly
Anne Cowden from the great Geelong
Has been to heaps of wakes
She reads sweet poetry o’er the
She’ll give all that it takes
Then there’s the ladies of the North
Young Bilawara’s mob
They douse their boats in fine
Oh what a waste! they sob
There’s lots to buy and see and do
Out in that Festival foyer
And when the clock does near the
There’s Thomas, the Town Croyer
And with his band of South Oz
They shoo you to your places
Look careful ‘pon that carpet rug
Of fairy dust, there’s traces
Monique she sells the butterflies
To flutter forth at weddin’s
Oh no, you hear the groomsmen
To high voltage wires they’re
Yes, weddings are a marketplace
There’s so much stuff you’ll need
You may not order butterflies
But of these words please heed:
Speak solid with your celebrant
Her counsel is the key
She is your best professional
For joining he and she
Cos when you wander down the
In shoes not all that comfy
Awaiting you in sensible shoes
Is someone never grumpy
She will support you rain or shine
Be it dry or be it wetting
Your celebrant is at your side
Cos, baby, It’s Your Wedding!
written by Meredith Campbell
Members Only Offer
As a member of the AFCC you
are entitled to use the AFCC
Member logo on your website
and business cards. This member
logo can be found by logging into
the Members Resources section
of the website and going to the
‘Resources’ button in the menu to
the left of screen. You will also find
the AFCC car parking sign which
can be downloaded and printed
(You may even choose to laminate
it for longevity and a professional
Members are encouraged to use
the ‘AFCC Member’ logo as this
further raises the profile of the
Federation and enhances other
measures including the advertising
in state bridal magazines.