HERBAL ALCHEMY This weekend class will teach you how to


HERBAL ALCHEMY This weekend class will teach you how to
HERBAL ALCHEMY This weekend class will teach you how to preserve valuable herbs in a purified form that is easy to use and tastes good. You'll learn the difference between making crude >nctures and crea>ng pure alchemical spagyric >nctures. An explana>on of the processes will be presented including how to use very basic equipment at home. We will, reflux, dis>ll, calcine, and cohobate, a wild herb harvested during this event. ALCHEMY ASTROLOGY We will discuss the basic theories of the ancient alchemists and learn how to chart, and interpret, the astrological influences. More info at: AlchemyAstrology.com. MEDITATION TECHNIQUES We will be star>ng, and ending, our day with ac>ve medita>on techniques that are designed to open our minds, hearts, and bodies, to beGer understand the processes observed in our classes. PLANT ID HIKE Introduc>on to some of the local wild plants. We will share historical medicinal and tradi>onal lore, and seasonal harves>ng prac>ces. Tim "KC" Wilkerson first studied Herbal Alchemy at Paracelsus Research College in Salt Lake City, Utah, with Frater Albertus, in 1984. He is the author of the handbook "Alchemy Astrology, Lost Key To The Philosopher's Stone”. He has prac>ced medita>on for over 40 years, and has taught at, and facilitated, several medita>on retreats. Addi>onally he is co-­‐
founder of Laughing Lady Bug Botanicals. Teri "Cricket" Owens, RN, BSN, MS, began her training as a cri>cal care nurse in Chicago in 1983. She has studied herbal healing arts since 1995 and has completed her master's-­‐equivalent degree in herbal and Chinese medicine. She is the founder of Eco Kids, a children's learning program focusing on herbal facts and lore, medicine making and Earth ecology. She is co-­‐
founder of Laughing Lady Bug Botanicals and the Midwest Herb Fest. PLANT CONSTITUENTS & TERMINOLOGY Learn chemical composi>ons that make up different classes of herbs, how each of these components are extracted, and the associated extrac>on techniques including basic herbal ac>vi>es and nutri>onal profiles of various plants based on scien>fic research as listed in the current materia medica. PLANT MEDITATION Learn how to iden>fy which plant may be useful for personal purposes using intui>ve medita>ve guidelines to open yourself to the inner relatedness of people and plants. You will also familiarize yourself with how to use herbal resource books. ourhaven.info