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12 —June 33, 191111—June 24.„ 19911
_ Give the Peopk Light and they will find their own way.
Panel Supports
Increased Funds
.1Madiseni- In it follow 'up to an article in
the last issue of Light written by H.q...
David Clarenbach (CeMadiSon);
Clarenbach•has said that members of the
Legislature's 1313dget • writing panel- have
taken a bold step toward meeting the
challenge of AIDS in Wisconsin,
A discussion group of the Joint Fliminet
Committee a pproved increased
apptopriations for AIDS programs that
faced inadequate funding or elirnina[len
under Governor Thompson's proposed
1991-93 budget.
"This action is ar
the fight against AIDS:" Clarcnbach
said. "11-le AIDS case bad is soaring,
arid the state cannot prote.nd that it is not.
This action recegnizes the severity of kthe
AIDS crisis, al- p ci provides desperately
needed help for the care givers serving
Om infected population."
The discussion group's action
crioompasses the key elements 1rf the
Wisconsie AIDS` initia.tive . which
Clarenbach peop-kcd. Highlights of the
package include;
A 20 percent increase in Life Care
56.Vitea Grimier to AIDS Service
Organizations CA•51111). These grants fund
the work of case managers who provide
11W infected individuals with
medical t .housing. emotional and
other support serviees. hicreased fends
would be allocated to sirivate, nonprofit
ASOs that supplement state funding with
private support..
The Governor's budget would . have
_ provided no Increase over current levels;
_Me 20% inci rea•se —would •
levels to $835,200 in 1991-92 and
$ 1,001,240. in 1992.9.x.
Continuation of the AIDS Clinical Drug
Trials Program. This program brings
ptomising experimental dregs to
Wisconsin A1I)S/H1V Patients- For
several year, clinic-al drug trials have
been conducted in Chicago and
Minneapolis, but hove been generally
unavailable to Wisconsin patients_
The Governor's budget week!. totally
eliminate funding for 1991-93; restoration
el the program will continue funding at
the current level cf . S1503.100 few each of
the next two fiscal years.
At the end of May, the discussion
group approved full funding (as requested
by the Governor) of the AIDS/HIV Drug.
Reimbursement Program which assists
individuals with the high cost of drugs
sear as. AZT and Pentarnidine. It also
directed that the reimbursement rate be
based on ability to imp and permitted
reimbursement for other experimental
drugs which ate cost-effective
alternatives to AZT Mild Penturnidlue.
"Given the growing demands on AIDS
programs. these are modest requests,"
Clarenbach said.. "But also given the
slates. budget constraints, the Finance
Committee should be commended for
assigning these programs the high
priority they deserve."
Superior Man Brutally Killed
By Openly Homophobic Attacker
[Superior,. Wit. Stuart Ellanson was
charged on June 4. 1991 with first-degree
intentional homicide under Wisconsin's
hate crimes law in the butcher-knife
killing of a Superior man, according to
Assistant Disirict Attorney James
Dead is Kevin E. Dutcher, 27, Who was
Stabbed'Several times in thc kitchen of his
Superior home..
Accoriling to reports carried in the
Duluth News-Tribune and the Superior
Evening Telegram, rho criminal complaini
11144 in Douglas County Circuit Court
quoted. Ellanson as • saying "This was
premeditated_ l wanted to kill this. fag.
My whole life h devoted to killing Maggots
and child molesters."
I-Manson allegedly told police that he
stabbed Dutcher in the cheat. The
presumed murder weapon is a 22' inch
Milwaukee's Fest City Sineera performed te capacity crowds last wockend at the Siackner cabaret,.
Riven al La. Cage ee Sunday, Juno
Sec &lad% nn Page 9,
Ai encote perfurrmamicr.
„-Outing by 'Christians' Leads
To Resignation of Minister
butcher knife- The victim pleaded for his
fife. Elianson stabbed him again and
then, after calling 911 4 to say •"1 just
stabbed a guy" acoOrdine to police,
stabbed Dutcher a third time. After that,
1 :Manson waited for police to arrive and
surrendered wilbout Incident at the scene
at II:48p.m,
SU-perier Police Dcpartmeni Ipetective
dill Brannan said Filananin • i.:0111feSSed ILO
fatally stabbing Dutcher who was
reportedly Ill y positive. Ellanson
The assistant tie a La Jesus Christ. Sexuality is a gift from Gad.
Lutheran bishop resigned his post homosexuality as well ax heterosexuality. '
frequently used tennis derogatory to Guys
on May 22 after revealing he is Gay.
Johnson, reareierl and the lather of
during his interviews with police.
Pficindlo.R•lp- pou Mier, Eliot's= said
thrpe.,. -..said ....14...wasv o. ."repohraa
w rcroo: ./r y::.. ,the
Thc ritlfr P4314. -1:613"11:14-!. ale i4 t
Bistiop•• Ste
ttOrlrfiSnfr410614111416441- eidalenalifafgaither--elkhen'.
g.A.illdr1M5PKITiV1161t married.
idtitua z ff . it361
whc leer.
Ci0151.e Aria ynott or "he iFlvangelleal
ministers ;Rid priests contacted by the
Lutheran. Church Iq America (ELCA} my sexual identity Caused ante to be
Niews - Tribu■e only four chose to
informed the Bishop that Johnson was suicidal for many years." He called his
Coy. That informatioe was. disclosed by petal acceptance or himself as a. Gay man & is not listed as a reivident there. Braman
said that despite Elloasorifa young age,.
two people who believed it was their "born-again" experience. He told his
he bad been a frequent resident of Jileohol
"Christian duty" to write, informing
He said his Gayness has been a source
rchsb centers.
Cuttormsson 01 Johnson's sexual
Hanson is being held without bond in
urieniatien, according tie Gsyde Holinagel d pain anti struggle for his wife, but she
the Douglas County jail. Boughner told
has crime to accept it. "At this point," he
reporting for the 1.• Czusee
Light that arraignment would take place
aid.. "she reels very strongly that the
According to a statement sent to
no July .
Wieconeini Light, Johnson had spoken or chutvh wrong."
ivlinisters and politicians have Stayed
his sexual orientation to a small group at
Johnson said that while many people
about the murder, Out of 2.11
en ELCA Coneregelkoriel Social Ministry
and priest contacted by the
event in Chicago.. • Ali such remarks at the thiy/Lesbiarrclergy done.:erns only A few
News- Tribune only four chose to
. in reality it affects Many more.
conference were . to be in confidence.
comment. That silence hay left the Gay
— The trust level' In . My group," wrote • — lhere ate people • in every
Community • feeling isolated
Johnson., "MK good' and I believed my congregaten and pastors In every synod
(La Crosse, WI)-
who struggle and suffer because even
though they are faithful' Christiana they
are also Gay or Lesbian.. All of us need
love and acceptance, not judgment and
cuticle m nation. "
Wisconsin law forbids t 4 job
discrimination be ea Oise of Matra]
orientation, Janson said, but churches
are exempted from thc legislation. "In
any other profession, l'd have a strong
•confidence would be respected,"
However. •the two people who arch) not
. members of Johnson's diocese, broke
that trust because of "Christian duty.•
Johnson, of Viroqua. said: "I
submitted my resignation, because 1 am
not in agreement with the guideline!. 0(
the ELCA regarding ordination of persons
who are homosexual. Put those of us who
are Gay, the church reouires • a
commitment to life - lung Wilkey, I am
unwilling to make such a commitment and
don't believe the church should require
Johnson said he bolt eires he Ls "china
and affirmed by onr Lord
91 God,.a.ccepted
Mayor Appoints Light Publisher
To Housing/Jobs Commission
By Terry Baugh/per
IMIlwaukcej.. Jerry .chasm Huai barn
appointed by Milwaukee Mayor John 0.
Norquist to 21 pave on the Mayor's
Commission on Fair Housing and
Employment. Johnson is, al . knee. the
second openly Gay poison named to
public office by the Mayor.
Johnson axis confirmed unanimously
by the Common Council on June 4, 1991
and took the oath of office before the City
Clerk oh June W. The appointment is for a
three year period.
The Commission is brand new, set up
by Mayor Norquist to promote equality
and noo . discrirninetion in housing. and
employment as they relate to City cif
Milwaukee residents. 113 first meeting
will take place on Wednesday, June
. Johnson, a resident of 'Milwaukee Oboe
1974, was born in Jacksonville, Florida
and raised in a little town, west of
fem. Milton College with a B.A. in
called Eagle. He
E.nglish; taught . schol and entered the
Peace Corps served for two.
years in Nigeria.
Since moving to Milwaukee, he has
been active in a variety of civic and
eommu.nily organizations_ He was in
Future Milwaukee, Class of '86; WON.
- etiv
Frytinder aria President of the Brew
Hill Neighborhood Association, President
or the Cieare City Busineas Association
'mend is currently the .Publisher of
Wiseonala Light, the staie's Lesbian/Gay
His hobbies include movies and the
collection of movie posters Viking with Ji
gitOng interest in the theatre underlined
by a perional friendship with Alfred Lunt
and Lynn Fontaine, Eh; is also extremely.
active in histodc preservation — which
includes our house., a greet s old Victorian
cream city brick mansion. on Brewers Hili
that he :shares with inc (his spouse), vac
palsy eat,. A family of robins, a couple of
bats arid, reputedly, a ghost
WO. He
also works part-time • at
I fully intended this. 1° he a sober news
story, You know, unbiased, just the facts
etc.. but I'm not unbiased., not in the
slightest. There was little indeed in my
long life that made shivers run up 'Intl
down my spine so much as when • l mewl
there, watching and listening as Jer took
1 he oath dram,l was so..proud.
Jer will never tell you how deeply
corarnitied he is to his. beloved.
Milwaukee.: how much he loves it.. .Nor will
he tell you . hew 4..icenmitted he is to thiss.
our Lesbion/Gay community •and how
much behind the scenes stuff he does for
groups like MLGPC and how hard he
works . st no matter what he doe-s —
especiepy this paper.
sounds like a pacan, Flo be it.
No one has more right to sing that than
A5 i5 my right .alb Executive Editor of
Wisconslo Light I extend to 'Jerry ihe
heartiest congratulations . of the paper and
wish hire all possible SU4N.9135 in his new
post, Milwauk4.70. this paper wed j will
hove much ruses to be proud,
"1 thought God WR5 merciful end
Ding to all people." said Bob Jansen,
owner of The Main Club bar in Superior.
"When churches ear decide who it gINKI
and who is bid, l wonder about the
philosophies of organized religion."
The Duluth Nows-Tribune which has
denounced racism, has ne Plans to
publish an editorial on lii-Pmophuhio, Enid
editorial page editor Virgil Swing.
. Len. Treadwa y , vice ehairmen• for the
Minnesota Governor's Task force on
Gays and Lesbians was reported as
saying that nonce people might be strata
that if they expressed outrage at a Murder
of a Gay persen, it might lead people to
believe they themselves were Gay.
Bergen, professor of psychology al
the University of Minnesota-Duluth " said
that part oil the problem lies with s pelety"There's this Welt support for this
violent thinking. for this violence that
occurs," he said.. "'l think Manson
really believes he's doing God's work, or
the culture', work, or whatever. That's
probably -related to the fact that there
isn't this hue and cry about this."
lioughner told Light to call him 'In
[about a month" for hither developments
in the eitsz.
Editor's Note; We would like to thank
fob Jansen, owner of The Main Club in
Superior for materially aisisting with this
Welcomes all out-oftowners to Milwaukee's
June 15 Pride Parade
and Rally