Aug ust 1 4 , 2 0 1 6 Aug ust 1 4 , 2 0 1 6 FYI


Aug ust 1 4 , 2 0 1 6 Aug ust 1 4 , 2 0 1 6 FYI
Thank you for joining us in worship. We
would love to get to know you. Please take a
moment to fill out the tear-off portion of your
bulletin and place it in the offering. If you are
visiting today, please stop by the Welcome
Center in the main lobby so we can welcome
you personally and give you a small gift.
State_____________ Zip___________________
o Student
o Adult
I am visiting:
o 8:15
o 9:30
o 10:45
I want to know more about GVBC
Week 6
Building Fund
Deacon’s Benevolence
Local Missions
World Hunger Breadboxes
Please contact me by:
o phone
o email
o visit
Prayer Requests/Praises/Comments
o Confidential
Deacon of the Week:
Rick Wharton
Like us on
Wi-Fi Password: GuestPass1!
[email protected]  816.279.3621
Visit us on the web
o Child
August 14, 2016
Age Group:
Connection Groups
Morning Worship
Financial Record
Total Giving
Budget Offering
Weekly Needs
Received to Date
Long to Date
August 14, 2016
For the Record - August 7, 2016
o Please update my contact information
Connection Leader’s Meetings
The Children’s Connection Leader’s Meeting will be held
TODAY, Sunday, August 14, immediately following 3rd Service.
We’ll stop in the gym to grab lunch and meet in room #17,
where we’ll have a “working lunch”.
Missions Week
Yesterday, our youth finished up their summer missions project
with The Porch Church in Louisburg, KS. They’ve been helping
out with various activities this past week, painting, cleaning,
canvassing the area neighborhoods, and finished out by
helping with their big community outreach, Porchapalooza
celebration yesterday.
Membership Class
If you are interested in learning what it means to be a member
of GVBC, this class is for you! This is just an informational
gathering, you will not be committing to membership in Green
Valley by attending the class. This is merely an opportunity for
you decide if you would like to pursue membership in Green
Valley. Feel free to join us, today at 4 PM, in room #1/
conference room.
9:15 AM
10:00 AM
Men’s Breakfast Group, Perkins
Moms and Munchkins, Toddler Room
* No ladies Bible Study today, we’ll begin a new study in September!
6:30 AM
10:30 AM
6:00 PM
6:00 PM
6:00 PM
6:00 PM
7:00 PM
Men’s Bible Study, Rm 17
Staff Meeting
Illuminate Student Ministries, Rm 24
Prayer Meeting, Rm 5
Systematic Theology, Rm 1
Worship Practice, Sanctuary
Missions Committee Meeting, Rm #3
7:00 PM
Journey to Health, Rm 17
9:00 AM
Set-UP for the Clothing Give-Away
8:00 AM
Clothing Give-Away, Gym
8:15 AM
8:15 AM
8:15 AM
9:30 AM
9:30 AM
10:45 AM
10:45 AM
Children’s Church, 4 yrs-1st Grade, Rm 6
Team Jesus, Rm 7
First Connection Group
Second Connection Groups
Don’t forget to pick up your breadbox bank at the Welcome
Center. Fill them with your spare change during August and
we’ll pick them up on August 38. If you are interested in what
the missions committee does, please join us for our next meeting
coming up this Wednesday, August 17, 7 PM in room #3.
(Summer Fun days locations may change week to week, check the website calendar for
weekly details and updates! Some events may require a fee to participate.)
Sunday Night Youth - Small Groups
Mark your calendars! Sunday Night youth small groups will
begin meeting again on Sunday, September 11, from 5-7 PM.
Stay tuned for the home locations for each small group.
Men’s Conference
SAVE THE DATE! Main Event Men’s Conference, FBC Raytown,
August 26-27 - Cost - $69. See Gary Miller for more info or
to get registered. You can also use the link at
Connection Leaders Appreciation Dinner
Mark your calendar’s for the Appreciation Dinner/Training for
ALL Connection Leaders, scheduled for Friday, September 23,
5:45 - 8 PM, and Saturday, September 24, 8 AM - 1 PM.
Please see Pastor Jason Shipley to reserve your spot.
Harvest Party
If you are interested in helping out with this year’s Harvest
Party, please contact Mrs. Rebecca Stephenson or email her at
[email protected].
* August 14 - Membership Class
* August 17 - Missions Committee Meeting
* August 20 - August Clothing Give-Away
* August 26-27 - Lifeway’s MAIN Event for Men
* August 30 - Movie “Insanity of God” , AMC BarryWoods
* September 5 - Office Closed - Labor Day
* September 18 - SJBA Associational Annual Meeting
* September 23 - Connection Leaders Appreciation Dinner
* September 24 - Connection Leaders Training
* September 25 - Missions Committee “Block Party”
* September 25 - Quarterly Business Meeting
* October 7-9 - Illuminate Student Ministries - Youth Retreat
* October 16 - Gospel Drama Project Performance
* October 31 - Harvest Party
* November 16 - All-Church Thanksgiving Dinner
* November 24 - Office Closed - Thanksgiving Day
* January 13-14 - Retreat for Men, sponsored by the Deacons
Get Connected Using GVBC Wi-Fi
We have free wi-fi available here at GVBC. To connect to the
wi-fi, please use the guest password: GuestPass1!
Mark Your Calendars for this year’s
September 25 ~ 1:00 - 3:00 PM
Free for all! Mark your calendars to join us for an afternoon
of games, food, music & fellowship!
* Games
* Clowning
* Bounce Houses
* Face Painting
* And much, much more!
As we have in the past, we will again be offering a Hobby
Extravaganza in the gym during this September’s Block
Party. If you have a hobby you would like to display and
share, please see David Kidwell (816)383-4788 for more
Church News
Missions Committee
Church News
4:00 PM
Children’s Church, 4 yrs-1st Grade, Rm 6
Team Jesus, Rm 7
First Connection Group
Second Connection Groups
Children’s Connection Leader’s Meeting,
Rm #17 - Grab lunch in the gym and meet in
Rm 17 for a “working” lunch.
Membership Class, Rm 1
This Week @ GVBC
8:15 AM
8:15 AM
8:15 AM
9:30 AM
9:30 AM
10:45 AM
10:45 AM
12:15 PM
We will not have a Summer Fun Day this Friday, August 19, but
mark your calendar for Friday, August 26. We’ll finish out the
summer with our End of Summer Cookout at Pastor Logan’s
Farm. More details to come!
Summer Fun Days