By: Ibrahim Al-Sumaykhi Faisal BinDakhil Saleh Al


By: Ibrahim Al-Sumaykhi Faisal BinDakhil Saleh Al
King Saud University
College of Computer & Information Sciences
Department Of Computer Sciences
Ethical Issues in Computing and Research Method CSC-304
FALL - 2011
Ibrahim Al-Sumaykhi
Faisal BinDakhil
Saleh Al-Sudais
Abdullah Al-Jarbou
Dr. Hassan Ismail Abdulla
This report is part of Ethical Issues in Computing and Research Methods project in
Computer Since collage in King Saud University. It will discuss the phenomenon of children
and internet from several aspects. First it will explain ways of protection and use, Second it
will talk about Social network then it will include the ethical said also it will study the
impact of computer on children health and education. Finally, it will list some of internet
risks and review some cases for children success through the internet.
Table of Contents
Abstract ................................................................................................................................................................................... i
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................................
2. Ways of protection and use ..............................................................................................................................................
2.1 What Parents should do? ..............................................................................................................................................
3. Children and social network ............................................................................................................................................
3.1 What is social network? ................................................................................................................................................
3.2 Social network requirement:.........................................................................................................................................
4. Ethical side .........................................................................................................................................................................
4.1 Impact on Cognitive Development................................................................................................................................
4.2 Cyber-bullying ...............................................................................................................................................................
4.3 Impact on Physical Development ..................................................................................................................................
4.4 Exposure to inappropriate content ...............................................................................................................................
4.5 Impact on Social Development .....................................................................................................................................
Children health and computers .....................................................................................................................................
6. Educational side...............................................................................................................................................................
7. Internet risk .....................................................................................................................................................................
7.1 Data theft ....................................................................................................................................................................
7.2 Pornography ................................................................................................................................................................
7.3 Wasting the time .........................................................................................................................................................
8. Case Study........................................................................................................................................................................
8.1 Abdurrahman Alzanki ..................................................................................................................................................
8.2 Marketing mania .........................................................................................................................................................
9. Related work ....................................................................................................................................................................
10. Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................................................
11. References ......................................................................................................................................................................
The internet is an international network that connects many thousands of networks and millions of
computers across the world. Used by many people and organizations to communicate and share information.
The Internet today is a part of kids' natural environment. Most children have access to the Internet at home
and/or at school
Currently, more and more children are mastering the art of searching the Internet, a world designed mostly by
adults for adults. Very often adults argue about whether to allow children to use the World Wide Web or not.
The majority of researchers, specialists and ordinary users undoubtedly say YES. They are sure the Internet
helps children to study, to develop and to learn the art of virtual communication which has become such an
inseparable part of our lives.
This has resulted in the creation of an Internet for children that is considered to be ‘safe’, a special zone similar
to a dedicated children’s playground in the real world where children can communicate with their friends and
play different games together.
There are also sites that are online versions of children’s books: fairy tales, poems, educational books and even
coloring books can be found on the shelves of the children’s Internet. Special search engines indexing only
children’s pages are created entirely for junior Internet users.
The main objectives of this research are:
Know the best ways to how children use the Internet.
Study the impact of the Internet on children from the ethical, health and education sides.
Identify the main dangers of the Internet use on children.
List some cases of children using the Internet successfully.
[ ]
Ways of protection and use
The Internet it is becoming more and more dangerous by the day, children are especially susceptible to
become easy prey for cyber stalkers if some safety guidelines are not observed and can be a very scary place.
In order to protect children from on-line dangers, parents should watch for signs of suspicious activities and
monitor their kids’ online activities closely to see if they are being cyber-stalked. Not only will they be better
protected in the long run, but it will also give parents some peace of mind.
There are a lot of things that happen on the Internet that I do not want my children exposed to. But, how can the
average parent go about protecting their children?
Through my research and experience, I have come up with a number of ways that you can help to protect your
children online. This does not guarantee that they will never be exposed to something questionable. It does,
however, help to limit that exposure.
2.1 What Parents should do?
 Parents should educate themselves on basic computer knowledge:
Parents should be the ones to set up all Internet accounts and passwords. Make sure you know your child's
account name and password. You should also be aware if any other e-mail accounts your child may have. Take
the time to learn about Internet filters, firewalls, monitoring software and other tools. Use your browser history,
cache and cookies to find out what sites your kids have been visiting. Enter their names, including nicknames,
into popular search engines to see if they have public profiles on social networking sites. Do the same with your
address and phone number. You might be surprised by how much of your personal information is online! Know
all the devices such as (pc's and cell phones) and ways which give your child access to the internet.
 Keep your child's computer out in the open:
It is fine for your kids to have their own computers but they should be kept in a public location. If your child has
a computer tucked away in the privacy of their own room, they could be tempted to do things that they should
not be doing. If their computer is stationed in the living room or home office that lack of privacy will probably
keep them from venturing off into online places where they don't belong. Having your child use a computer
that is in a social area of your home will also help you interact with them more while they are online.
[ ]
 Solicit the help of parental controls:
Be the admin of all the pc's and devices to limit the access of your child to the internet, without this your child
can delete his usage history.
Take control of your child accessibility to install any programs, this because your child doesn't know the safety
of any programs.
If you are like most parents, you cannot be at your child's side at all times. This makes monitoring them a tough
task. Still, thanks to technology, such a problem is not impossible to overcome, due to parental controls. There
is plenty of software on the market that will institute parental controls and blocks on your child's
computer. Even better, some Internet service providers offer similar services at no cost. By using parental
controls, you will be able to control the sites and content your child views as well as prevent them from
revealing personal information.
 Make written rules for your child to follow:
Organize your child time so that he can only use the internet under your supervision; teach him about the
educational websites and the appropriate entertainment websites.
You may have spoken to your children about their online habits and the dangers that exist on the Internet. Still,
if you know how children are, you know that things they are told are usually in one ear and out the other. To
make your words stick, you should put them down on paper. Write or type your rules and put your list right next
to the computer they use. This can serve as a constant reminder, and it will also help them feel as if they are
being monitored when you are not around.
 Keep track of your child's online profiles, hard disk and email:
Social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace are valuable in helping your child interact online with
friends. At the same time, they can be breeding grounds for predators and other unsavory characters. For
this reason, you should monitor any profiles or email accounts that your children use. Not only should you
be aware that they have them, but you should also request passwords to make sure nothing suspicious takes
You should know how to trace your child usage for the internet by using searching devices and tracking
programs, use these programs to search for photos and videos that have been saved in the hard disk.
Don't allow your child to have a private e-mail and use safe e-mail programs to know what type of mails
your child receive and who is he contact with.
[ ]
 Filter the Internet:
There are a lot of good free Internet filters available for free or what is being used in schools. Make sure that
you have either one on each computer or one on your home network that filters all your computers. This will
not stop all of the questionable Internet content but it will help to prevent your youngsters from accidentally
running across something.
Use filtering programs to block inappropriate websites for your child and test these programs also if you
have same filtering program in the school report any issues you detect in these programs to the principle of
 Children should never upload a picture of themselves to the Internet:
They should also never e-mail a picture to this new person. Once the picture leaves your computer you have lost
control of what can be done with the picture. A predator can do anything they want with it.
 Never, ever give out personal information over the Internet:
Talk to your child about the danger of the internet and give him a real life stories about some internet
tragedies, and tell to not post any personal information to the internet.
This is a good practice for both children and parents. It makes it easy for people to find out about you if you
have provided them with any personal information. If you have to give some information, only give your state
identification. Never give out your city, birthday, name, or school you attend.
[ ]
3. Children and social network
3.1 What is social network?
Wikipedia define social network as “a social structure made up of individuals (or organizations) called
"nodes", which are tied (connected) by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as friendship,
kinship, common interest, financial exchange, dislike, sexual relationships, or relationships of beliefs,
knowledge or prestige.” ]
We can see these days there are many popular social network websites as: Facebook and twitter.
We do a questionnaire with 112 persons and this is the result we got:
Do your children use social network?
I don't know
We found that 88% of social websites users are between 4 – 10 years old.
3.2 Social network requirement:
 Most of social websites use e-mails as authentication method.
 Some websites such Facebook require users’ ages to be up than
years old.
A true story about Barak Obama the he didn’t allow his daughter to
sign-up in Facebook because he got more than 71,000 likes on one of his
family pictures then, he want to has more family privacy from social media,
even though he win the presidential elections of the United States
using Facebook to collect voices .
Obama and his family
[ ]
4. Ethical side
Childhood is all about exploration. Through the interactive world of technology, our children are being shaped
by their exploration of computers and the Internet. The modern computer and the Internet offer today’s children
a powerful device that, if used appropriately, can enhance the development of the child’s physical, cognitive,
and social skills. Children get interested because they can make things happen with the Internet. The Internet is
a powerful tool that is revolutionizing our children’s learning, communication and play.
According to Tap Scott (n.d.), “Children can use it to find inspiration, stimulate the imagination, explore the
world, meet others and gain new experiences. The process is known as play. Play has its own pursuit of
amusement, competition, and companionship - all which can be fulfilled on the Internet” (para. ). Though it is
no true replacement for physical social play, the Internet offers unique alternatives, which are especially
important for those that are physically disabled and unable to engage in physical play.
The Internet today is part of our children’s natural environment. Truly, the Internet has become a daily part of
many children’s lives. It is little wonder that it has such a pervasive effect on their social development.
The mass production and accessibility of computers have turned them into regular family or household
commodities, while high-speed Internet connections have become a standard for both home and business users.
A significant change has occurred in our day-to-day routine as it now cannot be conceived of without the
regular use of e-mail, instant messaging, social networking, blogging, on-line shopping etc. [ ]
As of December 2003, 23 million children in the United States ages 6 to 17 have Internet access at home, which
is a threefold increase since 2000 (Media Post,
According to a survey conducted by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting in July 2002, 78% of family
households with children have Internet access at home. A survey by Yahoo and Carat showed that children ages
12 to 17 used the Internet an average of 16.7 hours per week in 2003 (Indian television,
Given this extensive usage, the Internet has the potential to be a very powerful socialization agent (Huston,
Watkins, & Kunkel, 1989). [ ]
Kids are fascinated by the Internet and most of them turn out to be extremely skilled when it comes to using a
computer. There is no funnier or easier instrument for them to make friends, play games or exchange data both
for school and entertainment purposes. A conversation started after classes could easily continue on-line, via
IM, or on the “battleground” of the latest on-line role-playing game.
An estimated 90% of American teenagers use the net. Most of these kids visit websites to get information for
their homework. Some others post their profiles on MySpace, visit chat rooms and send e-mails. The growing
presence of the internet in the lives of children has led psychiatrists and scientists to consider the effect it is
having on them.
[ ]
A prime concern of parents is that the internet affects the social skills of the children. Now there are two ways
of looking at this. The internet's critics would say that children tend to spend less time in social activities or
communicating with family and friends. They are inclined to withdraw into themselves.
According to the New official China News Agency "Xinhua" said that the study took three years showed that
80% of parents believe that the Internet negatively affects the school activity for their children, and hinder their
progress in school. And showed 45% of parents concern because of objectionable material that display on the
Internet, said in more than 40% they completely oppose their children's use of the web.
On the other hand, the internet enables them to make new friends who are situated in distant places, and remain
in touch with old friends. It encourages shy people to come out of their shell. This would also indirectly equip
them to appreciate people around them. Research on these two paradoxical views has shown that the internet
did not undermine social and communication skills development. Young people are able to find out more about
issues and things that they find too embarrassing to ask their teacher or parents. Many teenagers would rather
search the internet for information on sex and sexually transmitted diseases and other health matters. ]
The Internet has a double-edged sword characteristic for children: providing many opportunities for learning
while exposing children to potentially negative content
The Internet not only provides significant benefits for children, such as research access, socialization,
entertainment, and a communication tool with families, but it also connotes negative aspects such as violence,
pornography, hate sites, isolation.
The Web sites considered detrimental include those dedicated to negative content such as pornography, violent
online games, online gambling, and so forth.
For example, many children can easily access pornographic content on the Internet. They can also be
accidentally exposed to numerous obscene pop-up banner ads and extensive pornographic content when they
type seemingly innocent key words into a search engine. ]
Regarding the internet's effects on the children's psychological development, again various scientific studies
have found that depression or low esteem in children cannot be linked to greater internet use. Children using
internet regularly were found to have good visual and spatial skills. They had better reading abilities than other
children did, but their mathematical abilities did not show any gains. On the other side, the internet allows them
to access information privately. Some of these may be good while others may not be healthy for them.
Pornographic videos and movies are readily available online to children. They are not mentally prepared to deal
with what they see or know. [ ]
[ ]
Because of their age and natural curiosity to try out new things, kids can very easily get into tight spots on the
net. That is why it is important for them to get good guidance from the start and to learn about all the good and
the bad the Internet has in store. [
“On-line predators should not be regarded as someone else’s problem. They are your problem, too, if you don’t
obey some simple safety guidelines meant to protect your children and your family as a whole” warns Catalin
Cosoi. ]
Impact on Cognitive Development
Children who use the Internet show gains in cognitive abilities such as memory, spatial and logical problem
solving, critical thinking, concentration, abstraction and comprehension. The Internet exposes children to
information to improve the quality of learning that they can transform into knowledge. Through the use of the
Internet, children’s language and literacy development is often promoted, allowing for greater gains in verbal
and nonverbal skills.
Cyber-bullying is the use of the Internet and related technologies to harm other people, in a deliberate, repeated,
and hostile manner. ]
This is described as a situation when a child or a teen is repeatedly tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated,
embarrassed or otherwise targeted by another child or teen using text messaging, e-mail, instant messaging or
any other type of digital technology.
This type of behavior is usually recurrent and it involves a credible threat. The reasons behind it can be anger,
revenge or frustration, but sometimes kids do it for entertainment or because they are bored. ]
Impact on Physical Development
It may not seem to the naked eye that exposure to the Internet would have a positive effect on the physical
development of children. However, knowledge of muscular development and motor control skills leads us to
deduce that regular Internet usage would naturally enhance a child’s eye-hand coordination and fine motor
skills due to keyboard and mouse usage. There is no known existing research on the topic of the relationship
between the physical development of children and the Internet.
[ ]
Exposure to inappropriate content
Pornographic or discriminatory materials are another risk parents should seriously consider. Without direct
supervision or a security solution that blocks unwanted or inappropriate content, curiosity might bring children
to look for violent and sexually explicit movies and images.
Similarly, in the absence of appropriate filtering, they might stumble upon materials that infringe social,
religious, cultural or other norms and standards, as well as upon content that instructs them on illegal activities.
Kids can also accidentally find out about these things via unwanted advertisements displayed by various Web
sites. ]
Impact on Social Development
The Internet cannot and should not replace human interaction or relationships, nor take the place of activities
such as sharing verbal conversations with our children or reading together. However, if properly used, the
Internet can serve as a medium for acceptable social interaction. [
The Internet allows children to socialize with other children through the use of email, chat rooms, and instant
messaging, increasing the development of communication and social skills. As children use the Internet to
connect with places around the world and exchange mail with electronic pen pals, they are able to share
different cultures and traditions.
The internet affects the child's social and family relationships, where children spend long hours on the Internet
every day, making him somewhat isolated from the others. Also the internet helps to increase aggressive
behavior in children, due to the exercise of violent video games or watching pictures and movies that promote
violence on the Internet.
The internet contributes negatively in the thinking of the child and his personality, through the spread of a group
of sites hostile to the beliefs and religions, as well as pornographic sites, which affects not only on the growth of
thought of the child, but also on his behaviors and actions with the others. And the internet affects the behavior
and the ethics of the Child, as it lets him playing Games may affect the child's morally like gambling game.
As most technologies are, the internet is both a blessing and bane. We must guide our children to recognize
goodness and evil. It's no use blaming the technology when the source of the evil is within us. [ ]
[ ]
Children health and computers
The children are fan of sitting in front of your computer and they didn’t feel the time in front of it, which
reflected negatively on their height and stand righteously. A Germany study from University of Saarbrucken
said the child often feels health issue because of long sitting on computers. This study come after 9 years
program calls “examination of young children “ doctors in this program examined the height when standing,
including problems such as the curvature of the spine and sagging shoulders and curvature of the legs.
Also, they used special tests to examine approximately
100 girls and boys aged between seven and sixteen
in this study.
Regarding to the impact of computers on the children
bones, a Danish study showed that if a child use
computer mouse for long hours lead to damage to
his arm injury is exacerbated in old age.
Therefore doctors of "the British Association for
the Care muscles and spine" give advised to parents
that they need to train their children to
sit up straight when they are working on the computer,
in order to remove the weight from the neck and
the muscles of the shoulders to avoid many health issue.
Figure 1: Perfect way to sit front computer
Finally, many specialists said that if children sit for long time
in front of computers’ screens, will put them at risk for progressive myopia and other vision problems.
It is better to put rules and guidelines for our children to determine the amount of time they allowed set in front
of computers.
Also computers have many advantages, parents can use computers to help them in educate them self how to
take care of their children and their health.
6. Educational side
Electronic Learning (or e-learning) may be defined as learning using a computer, usually con- nested to a
network. Many researchers believe that e-learning is still in its infancy (Kahiigi et al., 2008). Our society can
gain tremendously from e-learning. E-learning increases the speed and degree of dissemination of knowledge. It
also facilitates the acquisition of knowledge and skills and provides flexible learning opportunities to students.
Online learning has a major contribution in the success of distance learning. Nowadays students all over the
world are accepting online education, thus compelling educational institutions to provide online facilities.
The aim for implementing an interactive online e-learning tool for kids in Mauritius is to promote e-learning in
the country. The tool will increase access to resources in various fields. This will promote self-learning among
students and at the same time inculcate information and communication technology (ICT) skills on them.
E-Learning for Kids is an existing non-profit foundation dedicated to fun and free learning on the Internet for
children ages 5 – 12 with courses in math, science, reading, health and computers.
In today’s complex world, children’s futures are determined by their ability to master the basics of reading,
science, math and computers. Yet costs, class sizes and other issues often prevent children access to quality
online learning that can support and reinforce these essential skills.
Why it’s important to learning skills for children? Because it give them self-confidence, and learning skills
useful in their personal lives and professional future.
Examples of types of skills that the kids can learn:
Painting, creativity, writing, math, geography, history, physics, Reading and Language Arts.
There are many tools the children can learn by:
Games, videos, audios, and images.
A survey was carried out to investigate about the use of computers among Standard 6 pupils and about the
likeness of the developed prototype. Five schools were identified from various parts of the country and from
each school 20 pupils were randomly selected.
Most of the pupils use computer to play games. Only 38% of them use computers to complement their
studies. [ ]
So, that means there are many children access to web for education or learning.
Playing online games can be another fun way for your child to practice the skills that he or she has learned in
school. Games are interactive and educational; you can find a variety of games at sites, such as
and Interactive learning tools are another way that your child can enhance his or her
understanding of difficult topics. By using the student tools at sites like, your child can
interact with texts and work on language arts skills, including summarization and analysis.
7. Internet risk
We will discuss following risks:
 Data theft
 Pornography
 Wasting the time
Data theft
Data theft occurs when a fraudster steals identifying information-names, addresses, financial data-from
children and sells the information or uses it for personal gain.
Phishing scams use bogus e-mails and Web sites that seem legitimate but are actually designed to trick users
into revealing personal and financial information.
Computer criminals can then use the data to spy on or blackmail users, hijack their online accounts
(including bank accounts), spread rumors, or operate under the victim's identity.
As children head back to school, it is a good time to remember that parents should be very careful when
they share their children's Social Security numbers.
Criminals are increasingly searching for random Social Security numbers. Once they find them, they crosscheck these numbers against other databases to see if the numbers have been used to obtain credit.
Since children won't be applying for credit to buy a car or receive a credit card for years to come, those who
purchase these numbers can use them to obtain phony lines of credit and rack up debt, sometimes for
Scamming has many forms: chating, sending and receiving emails from Unknown persons, Suspicious
websites, social networks, and faking ads, etc..
“Child ID theft is a particularly troubling crime because it is often undetected for years,” said David
Vladeck, director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection.
7.2 Pornography
Pornography or porn is the explicit portrayal of sexual subject matter for the purposes of sexual arousal and
erotic satisfaction.
Pornography may use any of a variety of media, ranging from books, magazines, postcards, photos, sculpture,
drawing, painting, animation, sound recording, film, video, or video game.
Mass-distributed pornography is as old as the modern printing press. Almost as soon as photography was
invented, it was being used to produce pornographic images. Some claim[who?] that pornography has been a
driving force in the development of technologies from the printing press, through photography (still and
motion), to satellite TV, other forms of video, and the Internet. With the invention of tiny cameras and wireless
equipment’s voyeur pornography is gaining ground. Mobile cameras are used to capture pornographic photos or
videos, and forwarded as MMS, a practice known as sexting.
Now it’s easy for children to access the Internet anywhere, anytime, and it is easy to get what they want in the
web, especially in the Internet contains a lot of pornography. The problem of Internet child pornography can be
divided into three components the production, distribution, and downloading of images. Some of Distribution
methods of child pornography on the Internet: Web pages and websites, E-mail and groups, Chat rooms, and
Peer-to-peer. Studies indicate that more users of child pornography between the ages of 12 and 17 years. And
pages of pornography are the most searching request.
Effects of pornography on children:
1- Children and teens that are exposed to pornography have these images etched in their memories for the rest
of their lives.
2- Child tries to imitate what he sees on the Internet in his real life.
- Destroy and change the values of the child.
7.3 Wasting the time
Children can waste a lot of time on the net instead of doing homework, reading, doing sports, day dreaming and
spending physical time with family and friends.
And they may spend many hours on the Internet, and this may effect on their studies and duties.
How can we control this?
1- Determine a specific hours for internet.
2- Awareness the children about dangers of addiction of internet are very important.
3- Provide the alternative for them.
In our survey for 1 Father,
How many hours of use of children you have to
the Internet in one day?
2 hours and
(3 - 5) hours
(6 - 8) hours
more than 8
8. Case Study
In our cases we will talk about how internet makes money for children as an example for children using internet
Abdurrahman Alzanki
Abdurrahman Alzanki is Kuwaiti iPhone apps programmer, he began programming when he was 14 years old.
Unusually for a teenager, Abdurrahman Alzanki doesn't enjoy computer games. Even more unusually, he
creates them and they're wildly popular.
At the tender age of just 14, Alzanki has authored an Apple iPhone app that
has been downloaded no less than 900,000 times, a success story he hopes
will propel him onto greater things.
Alzanki created "Doodle Destroy," a deceptively simple puzzle
of manipulation and gravity; in his bedroom in Kuwait earlier
this year after a friend suggested he try his hand at inventing a game.
Creating games, on other hand, proved more of a thrill.
The schoolboy developed his first app using game-authoring software
Game Salad, but designed its endearingly rudimentary ballpoint-style
graphics himself. [
Abdurrahman Alzanki
In it for the challenge rather than the money, Alzanki offered
"Doodle Destroy" as a free download via Apple's iTunes website,
little suspecting how popular it would be.
And he now set his sights on gaining a place at America's prestigious
Stanford University and a career in video game programming.
Doodle Destroy
8.2 Marketing mania
Marketing mania is a website on the Internet, many children work on this
site -part of time- .
The site simply receives texts from the clients. Then children narration these texts,
to put it in commercial advertising return for a monthly salary.
Marketing mania logo
Related work
We pick this article about advantages & disadvantages of internet for kids written by ‘Jomo’
The text:
“As we know, a long time ago it was really hard to communicate with each other or even people from outsiders. With
the development of technology, at last telephone was made and it is used till now. Those genius people made much
useful stuff such as telephone, mobile-phone, airplane, and computer and so on. However, those kinds of items were
really rare in the past, but now it is really common to everyone and almost everyone has it. Presently, there is one useful
thing that is used by everyone to communicate with each other quickly and simply, which is Internet. Internet is a
browsing system that is use by using a computer or mobile-phones. In fact, by using internet, people can communicate
with others even with a long distance. Moreover, it may also be used for gaming, web-browsing, chatting, downloading,
sharing files, etc.
however; there are many advantages and disadvantages of internet for kids. Firstly, it's good for kids to know how to use
a computer and internet. They can use it for searching good articles and syllabus for their schools. Furthermore, they
can learn new things from the internet. Also they can do their home works on computer instead of wasting time writing
down. However, there is also negative use ness. They may open some bad sites like porn, xxx, or even worse. They may
be addicted to games on the computer or even online-games. Those cases may bring bad effects to kids. Because they
learn what they see and do.
In brief, I think Internet is a good way to learn new things. But we must monitor them and telling them the good things.”
We all agreed that internet make communication easier and faster, but if children use internet to solve their homework
it will be a big mistake because they will not use their minds and think while they can find answers faster using search
engine websites
without any effort. Also internet has many disadvantages such porno websites.
. Conclusion
From our questionnaire and this report we found:
Internet becomes part of our live and we cannot live without it.
We know how to use internet and how to protect our children from it.
We should monitor the children on internet.
There are a lot of security software help to protect children.
We got to know on social networks and how children can subscribe in social networks.
We identified the most prominent diseases caused by the Internet for children.
We identified the most prominent social and ethical effects of internet.
How the internet help us to educate children.
We identified the main dangers of the Internet on children.
Children can success via internet and make great innovations.
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