Consultants since 1952 ........................................................................................
Looking back ...........................................................................................................
A brief overview of Inženjerski biro’s history ..................................................
Key Milestones ....................................................................................................
Inženjerski biro today .........................................................................................
About us ...............................................................................................................
Consultancy services – 60 years in the focus ............................................
Economic consulting .........................................................................................
Legal consulting .................................................................................................
Organizational consulting ................................................................................
Specialist publications ......................................................................................
The Law Portal ............................................................................
ING Registar .....................................................................................................
ING Pregled sudske prakse .............................................................................
Hrvatska pravna revija ......................................................................................
Books ...................................................................................................................
Our business principles ....................................................................................
Our mission and vision .....................................................................................
Employees – our most treasured value ...........................................................
Looking ahead ......................................................................................................
A Word from the General Manager .............................................................
Publisher Inženjerski biro d.d. / Corporate Communications • For Publisher Mladen Mlinarević
Editorship Snježana Jurišić / Zrinka Mlinarević / Mirna Rudeš • Concept Snježana Jurišić
Graphic design Ana-Marija Perić • Photo Fotolia • Print Denona d.o.o. / Getaldićeva 1
© Sva prava pridržana / All rights reserved • Inženjerski biro d.d., Zagreb, 2012
Consultants since 1952
This promotional company profile for the 60th anniversary of Inženjerski biro’s existence and successful performance was put together in order to show our clients, business
partners and associates what motivates us, how we embarked on our journey, how we
developed and the values that we adopted on the way, and no less important – where
we are heading and what to expect from the future.
It is precisely thanks to the continuity of our socially responsible performance, our experience, excellent staff and our mission and vision that the door to an exciting future are
open to us.
June 1, 2012
Mladen Mlinarević
General Manager
The cogwheel was originally created in 1954 and redesigned in 2008. It symbolizes the incentive for the development of the Croatian legal and economic
Looking back
A brief overview
of Inženjerski biro’s history
By the decision of the Executive Committee of the People’s Republic of Croatia Inženjerski
biro of leather, shoe and rubber industry was founded on August 30, 1952 in Zagreb.
The establishment of Inženjerski biro is closely related to the development of the socialist agricultural system i.e. the dying out of the administrative management of the
economy, closing down of many organizations and other state bodies in this field with
a simultaneous transfer of managing rights to working collectives via labor councils and
managing boards.
During the first ten years of doing business Inženjerski biro formed two big operational
groups: production processes technology and design and the organization and rationalization of doing business.
The Technological-Design Sector comprised of the: Technological Unit, Design Unit, Testing Unit and the Footwear model-atelier. The Sector for organization and rationalization
included: Department for Economic-Legal Counseling, Department for the Organization
of Business, ING-REGISTAR Department, Biro-Technical Unit and the Mechanography Department.
The Technological-Design Sector worked on several basic areas of improving the industry and especially in the field of leather, shoe and rubber industry via the preparation of
investment programs, concept designs, main designs, technological-economic analyses
and expertise, provision of assistance to the rubber and shoe industry, improvement of
footwear production by publishing fashion magazines and research papers.
In 1954 the trademark of Inženjerski biro - cogwheel was designed for the ING system of business rationalization for all industries with the aim of increasing productivity, rationalizing costs and achieving top results faster. The trademark was and has
remained a symbol of the entire performance of Inženjerski biro directed towards
developing the legal and social-economic sector.
The technical and economic experts of Inženjerski biro proved also to be very successful
abroad with operations in Indonesia, Burma, West Germany, Belgium, Sudan and Pakistan.
Inženjerski biro designed two factories for foreign clients: the leather factory in Amman
(Jordan) and the leather factory in Khartoum (Sudan).
From 1954 to 1964 fashion magazines “Styl” and “Ona” were exported to 32 countries in
Europe, Asia, North and South America, Africa and Australia. Inženjerski biro had sales
representational offices for “Styl” in 30 countries.
From the mere beginning the bulletin “Informacije”, later renamed “Ing-informacije”, that
informed subscribers of the current issues and practical solutions to those issues with
an analysis of the positive legislation from the economic, financial and legal sectors was
In 1958 according to the vision of engineer Sergej Sklevicky and economist Petar Fio
ING-REGISTAR is published. This publication provided a brief informative overview of the
content of the regulations themselves, federal, republic, official and unofficial interpretations, various papers and books. ING REGISTAR is published to this day.
An outstanding team of experts and the quality of the services provided brought new
business partners to Inženjerski biro and the company got affirmation in other industries such as transportation, trade and construction.
Key Milestones
On August 30 Inženjerski biro was founded
– its core business was production processes technology and
design, organization and rationalization of doing business
1952 – 1971
As of the day Inženjerski biro was founded „Informacije” bulletin,
later renamed „Ing-Informacije” is published
The trademark of Inženjerski biro - cogwheel - is designed for
the ING system of business rationalization (a system of
organizational measures, procedures and tools)
1954 –1964
fashion magazines „Styl“ and „Ona“ are published
ING Registar propisa RH (The ING Register of Croatian regulation)
that gave a brief overview of the regulations’ content, i.e. federal,
republic, official and unofficial interpretations of the regulations,
various papers and books is published
1972 – 1991
Business magazine „Ing-informacije“ is published
ING Registar is published for the territory of the Republic of Croatia
- a unique manual that provides reliable and safe
information on all the valid Croatian regulations and on
the content of certain opinions, professional papers and books
Expansion of the core business to economic and organizational
services, financial and information engineering, business consulting
and auditing
Inženjerski biro-Revizija Rijeka, Revizija Split and Revizija Zadar
are established
After harmonization with the Companies Act it operates as a joint
stock company for business and consultancy services
1996 – 2000
Hrvatska gospodarska revija (Croatian Economic Review)
is published
ING Pregled sudske prakse (The ING Review of Judicial Practice)
is published – a special and reliable legal guide of the Croatian
case-law that includes a data base of court decisions systemized
in accordance with the unique Law Nomenclature
An ongoing cooperation agreement with the Association of
Croatian Judges is signed
The quality of the services and publications of Inženjerski biro d.d.
was confirmed by the ISO Certificate 9001:2000
Hrvatska pravna revija (Croatian Law Review) is published –
a publication which provides its readers with answers to
the current legal and social issues alongside critiques,
experience and proposals from prominent scientists and
politicians on law application
A cooperation agreement with the Croatian Economic
Association is signed
50 years of doing business
Prva hrvatska kuna (First Croatian Kuna) was awarded to
Mladen Mlinarević, Ph.D. for achieving top results in business
– Inženjerski biro d.d. ranked among the 1% of the most
profitable and productive companies in 2003
Reorganization of the Company’s premises
Modernization of business processes and establishment
of an information system
Introduction of ING Registar CDnet
2006 – 2007
Improvement of business competences with a focus on economic
Expansion of the palette of services in business consulting
Redesign of the visual corporate identity; the trademark that
and legal consultancy services
represents the enticement to the growth of the legal
and economic sector has been retained
2009 - Inženjerski biro’s Law Portal was created
The Agreement on Co-Publication of the Croatian Law Review
and launched
with the Ministry of Justice, the Supreme Court of
the Republic of Croatia, the State Attorney’s Office, the Judicial
Academy and the Croatian Bar Association was executed
Investment into the education and training of the employees
– professional consultants
60th anniversary of doing business
The business portal classified Inženjerski biro for the period 2005 – 2009
among the top 1000 business entities. The award was granted to us as the promoter
of new values – based on net profit and net salaries.
Inženjerski biro today
About us
Inženjerski biro d.d. is one of Croatia’s leading consulting firms whose services include
publishing a series of professional publications and organizing conferences. That which
distinguishes Inženjerski biro d.d. from other companies is its longevity. The company
was established in 1952 and thanks to keeping up with the changes and trends, both on
the local and on global market, it managed to stay on top for over half a century.
Inženjerski biro d.d. offers economic, legal and consulting services to its clients. Thanks
to its vast experience and exceptional professionalism with which the Inženjerski biro
d.d. team approaches each and every project, the company has had the opportunity
to work on numerous studies and elaborates of importance to both the common and
public good. Such projects include those from the shipbuilding industry, oil industry,
renewable energy resources; regional, touristic and entrepreneurial development.
Inženjerski biro d.d. is also known on the market for its publishing activity. We publish
three specialist publications: ING Registar, ING Pregled sudske prakse and Hrvatska
pravna revija, as well as a series of books and manuals. The mentioned publications
form part of professional literature of most importance to all legal experts because they
offer an overview of regulations, court decisions, opinions and professional literature.
Since 2010 the publications have been available in electronic format at Inženjerski biro’s
Law Portal - Inženjerski biro d.d. also follows the current topics and novelties in Croatian legislation by regularly organizing and holding conferences.
Part of its business activities Inženjerski biro d.d. performs through audit firms of which
it is the co-founder. They are organized as limited liability companies under the name
Inženjerski biro-Revizija with seats in Rijeka, Split and Zadar.
In 2000 Inženjerski biro d.d. confirmed the quality of its services and publications with
the ISO Certificate 9001:2000.
Consultancy services –
60 years in the focus
“Professional and unbiased consultancy services
that Inženjerski biro provides have become the modern
standard in the Croatian economy.”
Večernji list, 13 January 2007
Developing, exchanging and implementing new knowledge is at the
focus of the economic-legal consultancy services of INŽENJERSKI BIRO
d.d. An individual approach to each client enables the application of
unique strategies for creating quality and positive changes with the aim
of strengthening their companies on the market, gaining competitive
advantage and creating new values.
Economic consulting
preparing the business analysis: analysis of business operations based on the
data from business records with the preparation of performance indicators (indicators of financial stability, liquidity, performance, etc.); analysis of the entire operations. Based on the implemented analysis the proposals of measures for improving
operations are made.
preparing financial, accounting and commercial due diligence: as a key
step in the takeover process of either the activities of another company or its special
parts but also in order to get an insight into the complete state of a company at
a given moment
preparing the company, share, stock’s valuation: establishing company valuation by applying the static and dynamic valuation models
preparing a development study of the company: for the restructuring needs,
new lending with the financial institutions, etc. It includes the analysis of the financial position, sales and marketing analysis, management analysis, financial plan, plan
of refinancing/restructuring the existing obligations, sensitivity analysis, assessment
of the investment project
preparing investment studies: from the aspect of the investor – investment
studies of justifiability of investments into contents of various purposes (railroad,
residential-office facilities, ports of special purpose - sports-recreational facilities,
mariculture, etc.) and from the aspect of public income – calculations of financial impact of granting concession to public income (via concession fees, corporate income
tax, income tax and VAT)
analysis of the company’s financial status: reclassification of the balance sheet
items in such a way that the performance time structure of funds and funds’ source
is monitored, analysis of working capital
investment consulting: consulting in merger and acquisitions activities, finding
adequate investors, technical and fundamental share analysis, carrying out market research and analysis, sector analysis, analysis and evaluation of a company/shares, MBO
(Management buyout) and ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan) development
preparing the crisis and restructuring plan: defining the level of crisis, defining priorities in activities, defining urgent measures, daily monitoring of liquidity,
market analysis, defining the break-even point at the level of each product, preparation of crisis budget
managing expenses
shaping the information of managerial accounting: costs management,
budgeting as a foundation for managing income, costs, profit and financial flows,
analysis of the relation between costs and income, organization of profit centers
and responsibility accounting, the structure of information centers of managerial accounting.
Specific performance areas
Investor consulting: in a big infrastructure project of granting concessions for the
development, financing, construction and management of airports in line with the
PPP models, from the moment a decision on announcing a call for tenders is made
to the point of the concession entering into force, introducing the clients with the local business environment, organizing meetings, presenting the investor’s activities,
informing on all project aspects, consulting with regard to local legislation, finding
potential local partners, etc.
Preparing studies of complex investment impacts on the business development and/or constructing traffic, business and other infrastructure for
the economy at a local, regional and national level: establishing and valorizing the investment impacts on the social and economic development of a observed
area over a period of time referring to certain points: sublimation of the determinants
and basic development; demographic and macroeconomic projections for the observed area; valorization of the observed projects and the multiplication and/or division of the calculated impacts on the observed area. The measures that are usually
used for the valorization of impacts are: impact on the economic output, impact on
the gross added value, impact on employment, impact on household income, impact
on the budget income and other measures pursuant to the needs of the client.
Preparatory measures for projects in the field of renewable energy resources: wind, biomass, biogas and biofuel.
Consultancy services with regard to the reallocation of land owned by
the Republic of Croatia for economic purposes: Coordination of the activities
of the investor and the Agency for the Management of State Property and other
competent bodies and institutions, in the reallocation of non-perspective military
land for touristic purposes. The services include the overcoming of complex formallegal impediments on the way to making the project prepared for realization, from
the project design to meeting the requirements for announcing a call for tenders
for concession granting on maritime domain and /or acquiring the right to build on
state-owned land.
Legal consulting
The INŽENJERSKI BIRO d.d. legal consulting team provides complete consulting services with regard to the functioning of companies and banks, company management,
application of regulation in the field of law of obligations, right in rem, land registry
law, environmental law, commercial law and company law, labor law and other fields of
law; tax, foreign currency operations and customs operations as well as other legal and
practical issues.
The legal consulting services include:
preparing legal due diligence
organization and holding of professional (general and thematic) conferences, seminars and courses in the area of company management and its business activities,
practical implementation of regulation pertaining to civil law, company law, labor
law and other fields of law
organization of specialist conferences for our business partners
providing legal consulting services to economic operators regarding the application
of laws and other regulations pertaining to various fields of law
publishing regular professional publications, conference proceedings, copyright
books and manuals that promote the legal theory and follow the relevant professional practice.
Organizational consulting
Organizational consulting provides the clients with a full and complete content of the
services covering the modern organization of the economic operator.
The organizational consulting services include:
preparing technical due diligence,
review, analysis and diagnostic of the current status of operations organization for
business and other systems,
preparing projects for a new organization
preparing programs for the implementation of new organizational solutions designed for the improvement of business organization
analysis of the existing organizational regulations and their harmonization with new
organizational solutions
evaluation of material property of the company (equipment, real-estate).
Specialist publications
The Law Portal
The Law
includes all
the legal
sources and
links our
past, present
and future
From a shelf stacked with laws, legal publications and books...
to a virtual legal library
It was in 1958 that Inženjerski biro founded the first organized and systemized base of
legal information in this part of the world. The publication ING Registar propisa, sudskih
odluka, službenih mišljenja i knjiga was designed with the aim of enabling and facilitating work and business to its users pursuant to valid legislation. Due to its uniqueness,
reliability, simplicity and practicality ING Registar soon enough has become a brend in
the legal circles.
Aware of the need for life-long learning and informing the business public responsibly
we developed other renowned publications: the publication ING Pregled sudske prakse
and the magazine Hrvatska pravna revija. Also, we organized more than a hundred professional conferences for lawyers that were followed with Conference Proceedings.
The work of a broad specter of editors, consultants and external associates pertaining
to renowned legal and social-economic professions has been transformed into a virtual library where we compiled all of our history – our publications in one
whole. That way with constant update and connections to interactive links a unique
Law Portal was set up. It provides fast and simple browsing of all the content with the help of specialized search engines.
We took advantage of the countless possibilities of the internet but did not fall into the
mass information trap. The high quality of the services and studious professional selection guarantee accurate and reliable legal information which we insist on.
The Law Portal includes all the legal sources from our publications and
provides our users with fast, verified and complete information on legal or business
The editors have created specially designed interactive links that link all relevant legal
sources at the Law Portal. The links enable the user to connect to and find the browsed
item in all of the thematically interrelated portal content.
Law sources:
Croatian legislation
ING Registar
Judicial practice
ING Pregled sudske prakse
Law and science
Hrvatska pravna revija
+ Conference proceedings
ING Registar
day-to-day update of the legislation overview
links to the regulation and its amendments as well as to related (implementing)
editorially revised regulations
links to approximately 10 000 judicial decisions and 2000 articles from our own
quick access to the whole and integrated content and applications of the entire portal
ING Pregled sudske prakse
more than 10 000 decisions of the Croatian higher courts, the Constitutional Court of
the Republic of Croatia and of European courts, that the Expert Editorial Board chose
as the principal decisions
links to all relevant regulations and professional literature
quick access to the whole and integrated content and applications of the entire portal
more than 2000 scientific and professional papers by renowned legal experts
links to all the relevant regulation and judicial practice
quick access to the whole and integrated content and applications of the entire portal
Hrvatska pravna revija
Conference proceedings
more than 1000 professional papers pertaining to various fields of law
ING Registar
ING Registar is a unique business manual that has been providing its users for 55 years
with reliable and dependable information on all the valid Croatian regulation, relevant
judicial practice as well as scientific and professional literature.
The benefits it offers are simple searching, quick finding of the subject and timeliness in
content updating.
ING Registar includes:
A systematized and hierarchically organized overview of all the valid Croatian regulation that is issued every fifteen days throughout the current year, with actual
information about the amendments of provisions in force, newly adopted provisions
and those which the Constitutional Court declared no longer valid
Selected, revised and systemized titles and summaries of the content of the published court decisions, official interpretations and instructions as well as professional opinions, papers and books
INDEX for fast and simple navigation through the topics
APPENDIX – editorially revised texts of law s and other regulations, that have broad practical application and bigger i.e. more extensive amendments in such a way
that next to each article or paragraph the edition of Official Gazette in which the
amendments and law article by which the amendments were executed or deleted is
published as well as the date of the amendments entering into force.
ING Registar is published for each
year separately. Basic insert with
a systematized overview of provisions in force as of January 1 of the
current year and current inserts
that are issued every fifteen days
with information on all the current
legislation issues and on the accompanying judicial and professional
practice are issued in hard paper
format, as a MAP with a mechanism
for depositing free sheets, whereas
the Index and Appendix are sewn
in the covers.
ING Pregled sudske prakse
ING Pregled sudske prakse is a unique and reliable legal guide through the judicial
practice of the Republic of Croatia which includes a base of court decisions systemized
in accordance with a unique Law Nomenclature.
ING Pregled sudske prakse systematically follows and publishes an overview of the
current decisions of the Croatian higher courts, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia and the European courts, pertaining to all fields of law.
Subscription to ING Pregled sudske prakse brings you:
Over 900 carefully selected, processed and summarized court decisions
A systemized overview of judicial decisions with a simple search engine
Review of judicial decisions referring to a particular field of law
Nomenclature of the law – the systematization of the fields of Croatian law
Joint alphabetical index of terms – real and legal index.
The court decisions are professionally processed and summarized in order to point to
the core of the dispute and to serve as the legal foundation for decision-making.
ING Pregled sudske prakse is issued both in hard paper format, as a MAP – filing
folder in which current inserts that are published in six bimonthly issues are inserted
and in electronic format that is alongside the editions from the previous years (approx.
12 000 court decisions) available online at the Law Portal
Hrvatska pravna revija
Hrvatska pravna revija is a magazine which provides readers with professional answers to all the current legal and social issues regarding law implementation, alongside
the critics, experience and suggestions of scholars, recognized practicing lawyers and
economists and promising young authors.
With their standpoints and suggestions the authors contribute to finding the best optimal legal solutions and improving the work of the bodies of the legislative, judicial and
executive power.
The business and law community, and anyone dealing with legal issues for that matter,
can find in Hrvatska pravna revija the opinions and experiences of practicing lawyers
on the application of numerous regulation. The subscribers can get legal advice for the
actual problems that they encounter.
Hrvatska pravna revija includes:
professional and scientific papers regarding law implementation
actualities from legal practice
an overview of the European case-law
special issues concerned with important social topics
reviews and comments on domestic and international books
answers of prominent professionals to questions raised in connection to the implementation of certain legal norms.
Hrvatska pravna revija is published monthly both in hard paper format and in electronic
format that is available online at the Law Portal
Co-publishers: Ministry of Justice, Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia, State
Attorney’s Office of the Republic of Croatia, Judicial Academy and the Croatian Bar Asso-
Inženjerski biro has a long-standing tradition of organizing conferences and seminars for
legal experts and for each and every conference the Conference Proceedings are published.
We also publish manuals and professional literature as well as special book editions from
the fields of economy and law.
Our business principles
Our mission
Our motivation and mission is to explore, develop and promote the economic and legal sector in Croatia by way of organizing conferences, providing legal and economic
consultancy services and publishing professional literature: legal publications, legal and
economic books and publications.
Inženjerski biro is distinguished by the values that are embedded in all of our services
and products with which we grow and develop adapting all the while our business to
the constant market changes in order to provide our clients with innovative and highly
professional services. Our goal is to set high standards as a result of which we accomplish added value. Our business principles
are accepted values that make up the core of our business, enable us to grow and make
us stronger – each of us as an individual and the company as a whole.
Our vision
To be the leading force in the consulting
market and to make added value for all
clients and shareholders with our unique
partner approach.
The Inženjerski biro teams are completely dedicated to the clients and the solving of
their business requirements, no matter have complex they may be, because where others see problems, we see challenges. A complex offer of economic, legal and organizational business services with an integrated approach ensures our business clients a
guaranteed and top quality support when making decisions and achieving goals.
A 60-year tradition gives credibility to our values and makes us a reliable and safe
“Our success is a reflection of our client’s success.”
“Seeing as our clients come first, we constantly work
at improving the quality of our services which asks for
a lot of effort and energy, constant perfection, innovation, competence and capability, as well as motivation
to help others become even stronger and more competent.”
Mladen Mlinarević, General Manager
Employees – our most treasured
We believe that in order to solve the hardest problems one needs the best people, skills
and experience for the job. The best people come to us because of the skills and experience that have been instilled into our business making during the 60 years that we have
been present on the market.
Today we employ 30 people whose skills and knowledge have turned Inženjerski biro
into a recognizable and competitive force in the market. Our experts specialized in the
field of economics, law, mechanical engineering, communication, philology and informatics, all of which enables an interdisciplinary approach to projects. This kind of approach makes us strong and persistent because our employees are our Company’s true
We maintain a high standard of service quality and our highly-professional experts:
always put the client’s needs first
do not disclose confidential information
are independent and dedicated to realizing the objectives of our clients
offer the best knowledge for the most affordable price.
We continuously invest in the knowledge of our employees and develop cooperation
and partner relations with the leading educational and professional institutions, such
as the Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb, Faculty of Law in Zagreb, Faculty of
Tourism and Hospitality Management in Opatija, the Croatian Economic Association, the
Association of Croatian Judges and the Croatian Audit Chamber, with the aim of developing Croatia’s economic and legal profession and science.
Looking ahead
A Word from
the General Manager
In 2012 Inženjerski biro celebrates 60 years of its existence and successful performance
which is a reason itself to reflect proudly on all that has been achieved so far and is also
a good foundation and support for all the new challenges that the future is placing
ahead of us.
It is precisely this continuity in our performance, experience and dedication that which
makes us efficiently adapt in all economic conditions to new situations and manage
safely our growth strategy.
We continue to move forward in sync with our values that place trust, independence and
guaranteed support to our clients in providing innovative high quality consulting services in the field of economy and law first. Thus the efficient and coordinated Inženjerski
biro teams in sync with our service users make true our business mission of developing
the entire legal and economic sector of the Republic of Croatia.
The objectives that lay ahead of us are maximizing the costs, generating growth and
development with sustainable competitiveness by way of providing individual solutions
to our partners from various industries.
We have clearly defined our vision and mission and our continuously implementing a
development strategy based on excellence in legal and economic consulting. Based on
these competences we aim to strategically position ourselves as a unique component of
the legal and economic sector and as an internationally renowned and acclaimed leading Croatian consultancy company. Precisely for that reason promoting the culture of
quality and an established system of quality governance and defining the qualifications
and competences of our experts are our top priorities. Our consultancy services from
the field of industry analysis, business strategy, program, business, financial and marketing planning, development of business processes, improvement of performance and
efficiency, optimization of human resources, organizational structure and management
system, performance assessment, corporate communication and integration, etc. are a
synonym for reaching new values.
Besides providing consultancy services we publish professional publications which are
essential in the performance of modern economic operators. Today our intellectual capital is enriched with many professional editions that are published alongside the regular
publications - ING Registar, ING Pregled sudske prakse and Hrvatska pravna revija,
that are edited by a team of highly esteemed experts specialized in various fields that
follow the modern trends in economy and law and aim to meet the requirements of our
subscribers. Keeping pace with the market demands and trends, we have launched the
Law Portal with the possibility for fast and simple browsing and interactive
approach to our publications online.
Timely and accurate information are the essence of today’s positioning in the marketplace, so along with our publishing activities we shall continue organizing conferences,
workshops and lectures on the changes in the Croatian legislation and the modern business solutions in the economy. Thus our mission as set forth in 1954 with the ING system
of business rationalization, which is symbolically mirrored in the cogwheel – a trademark of Inženjerski biro that was visually retouched a couple of years ago following the
changes and modernization of our performance.
That which sets us apart from our competition is a long-term vision that requires the
reputation of quality, endurance and integrity. We monitor constant growth on an annual basis and it was accomplished in a sustainable and ethical manner. We demonstrate
responsibility towards our clients, business partners, employees and associates but also
towards the community in which we work. Transparency and sustainability, the highest
ethical standards come first for us. It is precisely this approach that opens the doors for
us in the unstable global economy and the long-term challenge in years to come will
be the continuation of a healthy growth. We are aware that we all must participate in
the changes and we aspire to making responsible decisions that take into account our
impact on the activities, people and community.
Mladen Mlinarević
General Manager
Some of our references