The Power of the Dime


The Power of the Dime
In Dedication
This book is dedicated to Joshua Nathaniel Jordan, my fristborn male chid who will carry the mantle of his father to future
Thank you for your support. Without you, this book could
not be placed in the earth.
Pastor Donald & Rosa Anderson
Faith Community Fellowship
Ms. Gail Bailey
Patricia Bn:
Valencia Black
Dionne Brown
Lornine Bmivn
Pastorjohn Brown
Dr. Fnndnc Child8
Ms. Carla Cola
Arlene Council
Elder William & Jane Danisaw
Ruth English
Pasror Renee English
Jeffrey & Rwanda Fisher
Willie hl. Gladney
Willie Mae lleywood
Joancrte Hinnant
Pasror DollyJohnson
Passaic Christian Church
Aposrle George D. tee I I I & Sandn Lee
Carhednl oithe Holy Spirir
at Li!4ng \Vord Christian Center
Ducon Thomas K. Manton N
Samuel & Felicia Marrhcws
Jeffrey Miles
EmmaJun hloore
In hlemory of Rufus and Karie hlcCree
Khalfini Mukabi
Raja & Parricia Munhy
PastorJean l~,oryPa)~on
Tabernacle of the Enlightened Church
of God - Westside, lnc.
Annie Reed
Rmdy Richardson
Yolanda Roiz
Ellen Smith
Gwendol)m Stcward
Pastors Dennis & G1vendol)n Stone
Good News Christian Church
Jermin X'aldron - Reid
Gcnld Watkins
Michael Williams
Rodney \Villiams
Mable \Voirell
By embracing o u r vision, you have already captured a key to mentorship tlemonstrated by Aaron ant1 Hur when they held u p Moses' anns. Know this: what you make
happen for others, God will make happen for you. May God's anointing that is upon
this book b e upon you!
In His Lave 2nd S e n i c e
Bishop E. Bernard R; Prophetess D e b n A. Jordan
attain the level that God would like to release on their behalf.
The reasoning of men will challenge faith in God, and impute
the humanistic logic to Divine thought. This must be overcome
in order to obtain the promise of prosperity that is given to us as
an inheritance through Abraham.
We are entering a season in which calamity shall knock at
the doors of America. We shall see governmental and financial
systems shake and quake under the weight of God's judgment
upon the sin of this land. There are sins of commission and sins
of omission that have been committed by a nation defiled by the
venom of pride and greed. America's hands reek with the
stench of bloodguiltiness that is an offense towards God. He is
not mocked, nor will He be dethroned by the vain imaginations
of those that deny His existence.
There is a call for those in the Body of Christ to awaken to
the season in which they are living. It is time to come under the
umbrella of God, for He wishes to cover His people against the
day of adversity that is dawning upon the horizon. The government is not telling all... there are secret plans and attempts to
hide the approach of disaster, yet the Lord speaks to His people
to dwell in the ark of safety, and escape the floods of judgment.
When others shall fall, God shall cause those who are in
covenant with H i to prosper. When others are depressed and
oppressed, God shall cause those who have operated by His wisdom to experience joy and peace, for this is the day and the hour
to take a stand for righteousness; choose ye this day whom ye
shall serve!
One of the gravest marks against the Body of Christ in t
society is the financial state of the majority of the tongue-talking,
fire-baptized, ,Holy Ghost-filed, Bible-believing saints. Far too
many brethren are operating at a deficit, and, though they confess and profess prosperity, have failed to establish a covenant
with God through the simple act of tithing. The bankruptcy
courts are filled with believers who have lost their financial footing; they're losing homes, defaulting on loans and having cars
repossessed at an alarming rate. The Bible says that we're to
provoke the Jew to jealousy, yet too many saints are operating
below the established poverty level and have become objects of
ridicule and scorn instead of examples of Jesus Christ in the
When the principles of God are broken, prosperity loses its
bridge into your life. It is essential that every believer come into
alignment with the Word of God and establish the covenant of
tithing. There may yet be those who believe that tithing is not
for today, but their financial state will testify God's Word ... I
need no other argument.
Tithiing provides a covenantal covering that will shield the
believer from the devastation wrought by the devourer in the
earth. Yes, the devourer does exist. Yes, he will eat of your substance if you do not give that which is holy unto your God. The
tenth of all your increase belongs unto God. When that which is
already claimed by God is not freely given unto Him, the
devourer has every right to snatch it out of your hand, bringing
you under a curse.
The majority of prayer requests beseech a financial breakthrough. Everyone craves increase and prosperity, yet few
What Are You Doing With Your Dime?
The Language of Money
The Dime Gets God's Attention
The Joshua Administration
Devotion to God - Destruction to Man
Is God Against Me Because of You?
Sowing Into the Man of God
The Art of A Dreamer
Look at a dime; and examine it carefully. The state of your
fiances, emotions and spirit is a result of that small, thin dime.
You are blessed or cursed because of a dime. God requires a mere
dime for each dollar that He gives to you. If you give it, then He
blesses you. But, if you withhold it, then He curses you. The
dime, though diminutive, is powerful!
Seventy percent of the Body of Christ are operating under a
curse because they choose not to tithe. Those who attempt to
rationaiie the Word of God to fit their own opinionated concepts
are sentenced to the spiraling curse of financial failure. Many
embrace the belief that tithing is an Old Testament practice that
they are excluded from since we are "under grace." "Jesus
The Power of the Dime
Bishop E. Bernard Jordan
appeared and we have our release." That's a lie! The tithing principle was introduced before the Law was instituted by GodAbraham paid tithes. If you consider yourself to be the seed of
Abraham, then follow his example.
Seventy percent of the Body of Christ
is operating under a curse because
they choose not to tithe.
Jesus said that Pharisees and Sadducees gave a tenth of their
spices. If they paid tithes, and couldn't recognize Jesus in their
hypocrisy, then what about you who have become a son of the
King? Your righteousness should exceed that of the Sadducees
and Pharisees!
Is the Dime Required Today?
During a church meeting, one person said, "Pastor, I don't
believe in tithing because the New Testament doesn't address it.
The New Testament only mentions giving." He is correct. The
New Testament only mentions giving because tithing was previously established in the Jewish community during the writing of
the New Testament.
You are not a giver until you give beyond the 10% tithe. Like
a government which taxes its citizens in order to financially
remain afloat, the tithe can actually be seen as your tax for existing on the earth, which is the Lord's and the fullness thereof.
T~thingis God's financial system for establishimg Hi kingdom in
The Power of the Dime
What Are You Doing With Your Dime?
the earth.
New Testament tithers did not give meager amounts like $10,
$100, or $1,000. The early church leaders asked those saints to sell
their land and houses. They willingly brought the proceeds of the
sale and laid'them at the apostle's feet as an offering. By today's
economy, their standard offering ranged from $50,000 to
You are not a giver until you
The current financial level of commitment found in the average local church pales in comparison to the commitment of the
early church. Yet, we as the latter are supposed to be greater than
the former. Our giving must be as supernatural towards the work
of the Lord as our faith is to see and experience miracles. The
apostles of the early church did not request a board meeting to
decide how to spend the money. Everyone understood the delegation of divine authority that rested upon the shoulders of the
apostles. The apostles distributed the funds according to the
needs as they perceived them to be. As a result, the early church
had no lack in their midst.
When was the last time that you laid a house at God's feet?
If God required your tax refund check, would your pastor have
to put a gun to your head in order for you to give it? Will you
willingly bring the tithe from your check in minimum obedience
to God?
The Power of the Dime
Bishop E. Bernard Jordan
Many saints have uttered these words, "Lord, if only I could
have been in the early days of the apostles then I would have
obeyed your every command wholeheartedly." It's sad to say,
but would have dropped dead under the power of the
Holy Ghost, for your tendency towards disobedience and fear of
giving would have,incurred the wrath of God.
The Dime Determines Destiny
The world is serious about inventing new ways to remove
money from your wallet. Everyone is after your money. When
shopping for clothing, you will pay a 300% mark-up price. Even
the President of the United States desires to raise taxes.
Credit card companies are ovejoyed when you cannot pay
your bill on time because they can charge 20% interest. As a
nation, we have become entangled by consuming, financial debt
which has swallowed the financial vitality of most Christians.
It is the man of God who has the best reward system out of
everyone who asks for your money. He says, "If you place it in
my hands then I'll give you a one hundred fold return because I
represent the kingdom of God. The windows of heaven will open
and you shall receive a blessing for which you don't have room."
The devil has blinded Christians because we believe that the
church is not the place to discuss fiances-we're not supposed
to mention money. However, money is one of the key determi-
Tithing is God's financial system for
establishing His kingdom in the earth.
The Power of the Dime
What Are You Doing With Your Dime?
nants of your future success. Your salary is established during the
offering. Man determines your salary but your obedience to God
will determine your income. The personal handling of your
finances and substance determines whether you enter into the
fullness of blessings within your career or not.
Let pride fall from you-it's
fat free!! Make a quality decision to consistently tithe. Here's a hint: if you're still asking
"Should I tithe from my net or gross income," you have not been
There's a song that says, "You can't beat God's
matter how you try." However, your miracle is in the "try!" The
song continues, "The more you give, the more He gives to you."
Recognize the dream locked inside of you is just waiting to happen. The genesis of your dream is within the dime. The dime, at
fist glance, may appear to be insignificant, yet it carries the
power to produce great dreams and manifest the purpose of
God! It carries great power!
The Power of the Dime
Bishop E. Bernard Jordan
The Power of the Dime
"Afenst is amde for lalrglzter, n11d wine ntnketlt m e r y : but
ntoltey n~lswerethnll tltings."
Ecclesiastes 10:19
After viewing our television broadcast, someone became
quite upset with me because I said, "Money answers all things."
The gentleman was convinced that Jesus answers all things. I
wanted to write him and ask for the Scripture reference for his
conviction because the Scripture states that "money answereth
all things." Since money answers all things, that means it has a
The Power of the Dime
Bishop E. Bernard Jordan
Money amplifies your voice and message. Years ago, there
was a mighty woman of God named Mother Dabney, who held
powerful daily prayer meetings at 4 a.m. in Philadelphia. People
came to meet God in prayer. Yet most people in the Body of
Christ have never heard of her or her ministry; there was a lack
of money for her, ministry The dearth of fiances prevented
books from being written, national advertisements from being
made and, prevented television and radio coverage and
audio/visual tapes from being made. Mother Dabney's ministry
could not expand to its maximum potential because of a lack of
"Noru tllere runs folil~dill it n poor ruise mnn, nnd he by his 70isdotti delivered tlre c i b ; yet tro irmtl reoretrtbered tltnt snllte poor
Tlzell snid 1, Wisdotll is better than strei~gtlt:r~euertllelessthe
poor ltm~z'sruisdotlt is despised, nlld lzis words are itot henrd."
Ecclesiastes 9:15-16
Your salary is established
during the offering.
This poor, wise man was a deliverance preacher. He was a
tongue-talking, long-dress wearing, turban on his head having;
run over shoes walking, and casting out devils type of preacher!
Poverty silences your words-you cannot be heard. AfricanAmerican people riot in frustration simply because they don't
have money and the influence that it exerts to be heard by the
The Power of the Dime
The Language of Money
Money magnifies your
voice and message.
powers that be. Their heart's desire is simply to be heard. When
you are poor, your only alternative is to riot. No one will listen to
the poor man's words. When you have wealth, then you strategize
a revolution. For example, there was an extraordinarily wealthy
man who kept the world waiting as he decided whether to run in
the presidential race. Wealth increased his influence and loaned
him the power of speech that gained entrance where a poor man
would never be heard. One who is in poverty may possess the
answer to cancer, but no one will listen until wealth is given to
fortify his words.
The devil has deceived the church into thinking that we
don't need wealth. He has ingrained a deep-seated fear of money
and its responsibility withii most Christians. He has infiltrated
our doctrine by equating wealth with evil, and holiness with
poverty I don't care about the amount of anointing that is upon
your life or how much of the Word of God is in your heart, if you
don't have wealth, then the world will remain deaf to your message!
It is interesting to note that, in the Old Testament, the sign of
God's favor upon the Israelites was their phenomenal wealth.
Other nations took note of their wealth and could then acquiesce
to the reality of their God. The New Testament early church was
economically strong... the giving patterns of the people mobilized the gospel so that it could expand beyond the borders of
Jerusalem. And in thii present move of God, it will take money
The Power of the Dime
Bishop E. Bernard Jordan
Poverty silences your words
you cannot be heard!
to effectively open ears that were previously deaf. The favor of
God must be openly displayed as a pattern of His reality and a
sign of His covenant.
A particular television show frequently interviews evangelists simply because they are wealthy. Their character and integrity are scrutinized because somehow the prevailing viewpoint is
that economics are not to be entrusted to those who carry the
gospel. There is an undercurrent that is designed to paralyze the
gospel by bringing the integrity of the evangelist under suspicion-and
the most effective way to do this is to impede the
capacity of the church and its leadership from acquiring wealth.
The ungodly producers of this show are unconcerned with the
health and welfare of this nation's poor citizens or the abuses
they suffer. If they were, then they would air programming that
exposes the greed of the drug, alcohol and tobacco industries.
The producers are fallaciously preoccupied with Christians who
are generating wealth. If Christians have wealth, then they have
influence and the ability to be heard by government and those
who sit in seats of power within the world system. Therefore, we
see that money will amplify their voice in their ears.
If your church was wealthy, then you could invite the
President of the United States or any other famous dignitary to
visit. If your church donated one million dollars to his campaign
then he'd be aboard Air Force One flying your way to pick up the
check. He would have a prepared speech: "Good to meet you. We
The Power of the Dime
The Language of Money
reaily love the pastor here and we're behind what he's doing in
this city." If you put enough money into his campaign, you could
stand h i before the church; cast out devils; prophesy and lay
hands on h i because your wealth paved the way for the
entrance of your voice. What do you suppose happens to the
invitation that comes from a poor church that can't even afford to
pay its bills?
We must excel in God. The principles of obtaining wealth
must be realized for our message to be heard by the world. The
power of the dime will cause you to be heard. A man's gift will
make room for him--not
only his spiritual gifts and talents, but
his gift unto God, his tithe and offering, will determine the destiny of his voice.
1 The devil has deceived the Church into I(
Kingdom Laws
I have personally given wealth away because I expect much in
return; I seek a harvest daily. I live on a planet with a flawed governmental system that is designed not to function in my favor, so
I choose to operate under the laws of God's Kingdom. I operate
in the principle of seed time and harvest. If I faint not, then I will
reap in due season. God's laws of increase are not made just for
me, but every believer has access to join in covenant with God
and see His prosperity become reality in their lives.
The Power of the Dime
Bishop E. Bernard Jordan
If you don't have wealth, then
the world will remain deaf
to your message!
Many people become discouraged in their giving because
they don't experience an immediate tangible harvest. There is a
lack of understanding that there is seed-TIME-and
The inability to see your breakthrough is not an indication that it
isn't on the way; but becomes evidence for you to wait until your
due season!!
The Bible says, "... you'll reap in due season if you faint not."
You must commit an action that will cause you to want to faint. I
remember when God spoke to my heart saying, "Give $5,000," 1
told Him that $5,000 covered the closing cost for the first home
that I purchased. The Lord said, "Give it." My wife and I saved
that money especially for the house. The Lord repeated, "Give
it." When God commands you to give supernatural gifts, you'll
remember the place, date and time for the rest of your life! Your
emotions will go on overload and you will shake and quake as
you step out in faith to believe God at an uncomfortable level of
giving! Why not ask yourself, "When was the last time I gave to
the extent that I almost fainted?" Are you giving at your comfort
level or have you entered the fainting zone?
My $5,000.00 seed brought in a colossal harvest!!
Supernatural doors began to open that gave my wife and I an
unexpected cash flow!! We were not only able to meet our closing costs of $5,000.00, but we were able to put an additional
$40,000.00 down on our first home!! We learned first hand of the
The Power of the Dime
The Language of Money
power of giving, and how the seed of obedience can produce
miracles!!! The Word WORKS!!!!
Understanding Economics
When you understand economics and wealth then you can
understand why the devil attempts to abort your purpose. He
knows the power that is connected with wealth. Money is currency and currency is designed for movement. The root word is
"current" which means "movement." Money becomes stagnant
when it is not allowed to flow.
Are you giving at your comfort level or
have you entered the fainting zone?
Racism is not a skin issue, but an economic dichotomy. If
darker skin was truly the source of conflict, then people, who are
light complexioned, wouldn't purposely tan themselves during
the summer to achieve a darker tone. Everyone knows that darker pigmentation is beautiful- which is why they lay under the
sun to achieve these results.
The melanin in your skin, which determines your complexion, is of little consequence in comparison to your economics.
Every time slavery was put in place, it was a result of economics:
someone's greed enslaved a nation. Greed is still at the root of
why African-Americans remain excluded from the mainstream
of decisions in America. There is a subtle message being suggested that instant gratification is the sign of wealth. This explains
The Power of the Dime
Bishop E. Bernard Jordan
why the inner city is bombarded with stores and advertisements
that perpetuate an image of lack in the eye of the beholder.
Machiavellian design maintains the authority of the present economic structure at all costs to human dignity. Cars, clothing and
jewelry become the status quo, representing a parody of wealth,
yet never approaching REAL estate. Inferior goods at exorbitant
prices become the daily fare for many, and true wealth is
obscured by the shadow of racial infamy.
Money is currency and currency
The church, tainted with the political lie of poverty, becomes
the exudate for racism by perpetuating the creed of "holy deprivation." The echo of slavery mechanics used to divest an entire
nation of its cultural identity continue to sound generation after
generation, giving birth to hordes of babes whose spiritual needs
are forever maimed by a lie.
Contrary to popular thought, Jesus was not a poor man. He
was a wealthy man. His clothes were tailor made. Remember, the
soldiers cast lots for Jesus' garments at His crucifiion. Would
anyone gamble for your garments? Evidently, He wore the best
that was available in His time!
Furthermore, Jesus asked twelve men to leave their businesses and follow Him. They didn't experience lack while they
were with Jesus, for a l l their needs were supplied through Him!
The Power of the Dime
The Language of Money
A poor man has no need of a treasurer. Evidently, Jesus had
an excess of funds-and put a thief, Judas, over the treasury to
manage it!! Jesus didn't purchase a used animal when He rode
into Jerusalem on a donkey He told His disciples, "Find an ass
that has never been ridden."
In att thew 19:24, Jesus said, "...It is easier for a camel to go
through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the
kingdom of God." H
i disciples were upset by thii saying which
prompted them to ask, "...Who then can be saved?" All of Jesus'
disciples were wealthy!
Shaky economics were always
the platform for slavery.
The Bible says, "But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God:
for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth (Deuteronomy
828) ..." Wealth is not equated with sinfulness. It is God's will for
you to gain wealth. Some people have accused me of working in
the miniitry only for the money. I've stopped rebuking them.
Much to their dismay, I've simply learned to agree with them.
When you are obedient to God's financial system, He will make
sure that you have more than enough.
The Power of the Dime
Bishop E. Bernard Jordan
The Power of the Dime
"And Jestis snt over ngnbtst tlte trenstcry, nnltd belteld ltoiu tlte
people cast ,~to~tey
into tlte trenslmnj: and ~ ~ t ntltnt
~ t yiuere rich
cnst i n ntticlt.
A n d tltere cntrte n certnin poor iuidoiu, nnd slte tltreiu i n two
~ltites,iulticlt l~tnken fnrtlting.
And lte cnlled tc~ttoh i ~ nltis disciples, nnd snit11 u ~ t t othem,
Verily 1 sny totto yotc, Tltnt tltis poor widow ltnth cnst ntore 01,
tltn~znll tltmj zulticlt have cnst bzto tlte trenstlnj:
For nII tltey did cnst i n of their nbtcndnnce; but slte of lter zun~tt
did cast bt all tltnt she ltnd, eue~tnII lter livbtg."
Mark 1241-44
The Power of the Dime
Bishop E. Bernard Jordan
I have vivid memories of my grandparents forcing my siblings and I to pick vegetables in the field. We learned the principle of seedtime and harvest by handling the ground, planting
seeds, and watching the growth and development of the vegetable. We also learned that a harvest took WORK-the vegetables wouldn't just jump into our baskets!!
ntrary to popular thought,
This is the same principle that preachers use. They are forcing you into the field for your harvest!
The widow woman in Mark 14:3 tells us of a woman who
gave from her lack-not from her abundance. Giving is not measured by the amount that you give, but by the amount that you
have left after you have given. This is how God measures giving.
When the woman poured a whole year's wages on the head of
Jesus, she became a partner in His ministry and He decreed that
she would be remembered everywhere the gospel would be
Giving gets the attention of God when the gift is right. The
gift of obedience and the gift from the heart will send a signal to
heaven. It creates an altar and God comes to consume the sacrifice!
The Power of the Dime
The Dime Gets God's Attention
The Dime's Effect on Your Seed
You are tithing for generations when you give tithes. Your
unborn children and grandchildren will be blessed because of
your obedience to God. This is the power of the dime.
"Now consider how great this Ittan was, 1into who111even the
patriarch Abral~aingave the tenth of the spoils.
And verily they that are of the so11s of h i , who receive the
ofice of the priesthood, have a corntrtnndtlret1t to tnke tithes of
the people nccordii~gto tlte lnro, that is, of their brethren,
tl~otight11ajcorl~eout of the loins of Abmlmin:"
Hebrews 7:4-5
When Abraham tithed, it meant that he gave a tenth of everything that came into hi possession. He did not consider gross or
net-he simply gave God 10% of EVERYTHING!! His giving
affected the wealth of generations to come-including ours!! You
are detenniniig your yearly income when you are a giver. For
example, if the ceiling salary for your job is $37,000 per year then
God will increase your income by another means. Man determines your salary, but God determines your income! Release the
tithe unto God, and see His blessing manifest in your life!!
Your blessings wiU come to you uninhibited when you stop
your sinful habits. The fact that you receive an income or a salary
The Power of the Dime
Bishop E. Bernard Jordan
at a fixed rate is not an issue to be concerned about. Even though
the government determines your salary, God will determine your
Your Grandfather's Dime
"But he ruhose desce~ttis not cortntedfro~~r
them received tithes
of Abralm~tt,nnd blessed ltittt that ltnd the promises.
And zuithortt nll co~ztradictio~l
the less is blessed of the better.
And here ?net? tlnt die receive tithes; brtt there he receivetl~
tlten~,of ruhot~tit is witnessed that lie liueth.
A J Ins~I ntay so say, h i also, ruho receiueth tithes, paid tithes
~ J Abraltattt.
For he zuns yet bt the loit~sof his father, zu11e11Melcltizedek ttret
Hebrews 26-10
Not only does God honor your tithing when you tithe in the
house of the Lord, but it ushers your unborn great-grandchidren
into the tithiig covenant. Celebrating God with the tithe is the
most effective way to impact generational curses.
You may be a descendant of welfare recipients, but when you
enter into the tithe, the curse is broken! Never again will your
descendants rely on public assistance! When you celebrate God
with the tithe in the house of the Lord, your great-grandchidren
are paying tithes. The poverty that you find yourself in may be
The Power of the Dime
The Dime Gets God's Attention
the repercussion of your grandfather's disobedience while you
were in his bosom. He may have abused the dime. Remember,
decisions made today will always have future ramifications.
Generational Vision
The Bible says that Levi paid tithes in Abraham. While you
are seeing an apple seed (the dime), God views an apple orchard
(the harvest for generations). God sees generationally. His eyes
are fixed upon the harvest, for He is Lord of the Harvest!
When I tithe it not only covers me, but also the generations that
shall follow me. There are some things that my children won't
have to fight because their father has gained victory.
My son, Joshua, may commit an act that contradicts God's
Word. However, God will overlook the transgression and bless
him because of the covenant that He has with me. Joshua is
blessed because I am a tither.
Giving is not measured by the amount
that you give, but by the amount you
Levi had not physically given a dime to God, but God counted Levi as a tither while he was just a murky, white body fluid
awaiting entrance into the world.
God predestinated you before you entered this world. You
are the best that could come forth at the moment of your concep-
The Power of the Dime
Bishop E. Bernard Jordan
tion! Only winners can come into the earth! During your conception, millions of sperm rushed toward an egg in your mother's
womb, but you excelled and reached the egg fist!! You were born
a winner!!!
Giving gets the attention of God
when the gift is right.
Giving financial resources to God will impact generations. I
admonish you to have enough vision to see your generations in
every decision that you make with your dime.
Your Covenant Covers Loved Ones
While Jesus ministered, men of great faith opened a roof and
lowered a palsy-ridden man into the room. Jesus didn't discuss
the sick man's faith, but He saw the great faith of the men. The
sick man probably didn't have any faith-much like that crackhead son! Their faith caused that man to be healed.
Your unsaved loved ones can't stay that way, even if they
wanted to, because of the covenant that you have with God. He
is going to save them and lead them into the house of the Lord.
Your loved ones don't stand a chance!
We buried a young, twenty-two year old man, whom I met
for the first and last time a couple of years ago. I explained to
him, upon our meeting, that he needed to come into the church
and give his life back to God. He simply smiled at me. I said,
"There's a shaking coming into your life." He stared at me. That
The Power of the Dime
The Dime Gets God's Attention
young man was gunned down shortly after for no apparent reason.
After he died, his mother told me about a strange occurrence.
One e~ening,~prior
to the shooting, her son asked her to pray for
him. She looked baffled because this was out of character for hi.
Without hesitation she agreed to pray and called her younger son
in to lay hands on him with her.
Man determines your salary, but
God determines your income!
The young man said that wasn't enough. He felt repentant.
She gave hi a prayer book and led him into a prayer of repentance. He prayed and went into hi room to be alone with God.
When he emerged, she asked him how he felt. He commented
that he felt good and alright.
It is evident that God knew of the tragedy that would soon
take place. God had a covenant with the mother. Although her
son never came into the church speaking in tongues, I would prefer to know that he's rejoicing on a small patch in heaven than
being eternally tormented in hell. God honored the mother's
covenant relationship just as He honored the harlot, Rahab, for
her obedience.
The Power of the Dime
BishoD E. Bernard Jordan
Family In Covenant
And tlte cihj slzall be occttrsed, even it, and all that nre therein,
to tlre LORD: olrly Rahnb tlte harlot sl~nlllive, slte and all tlrnt
are with her in tlre lrotlse, becnrtse slte hid tlre messe1tgers that
we sent.
Joshua 6:17
Your blessing will come to
you uninhibited when you
stop your sinful habits.
Another word for "accursed" is "devoted." When God
makes a covenant with a man it affects everything that is connected to hi.This is how corporate destiny works. You must be
cautious with whom you associate because the destiny of the
many is locked inside the one.
When a son was born into a Jewish home he was circumcised
on the eighth day He didn't have a choice in the matter because
the covenant was established before his birth. Many may struggle with this because of doctrinal differences, but in the early
church they performed "infant baptism." I think that practice
will be restored to the present-day church in our lifetime.
Baptism was a sign of circumcision (covenant). When the
parent brought the child to be dedicated, the priests baptized him
as a sign that he was in covenant based upon the faith of his parents.
The Power of the Dime
The Dime Gets God's Attention
I have five children. It is not their choice to follow Jesus; it's
an established and well understood fact that they WILL follow
Jesus! We are people of faith who believe in God and the word of
faith. Jairus' dead daughter couldn't provide any faith-she was
dead. However, based on the faith of her father she was raised
from the dead.
The Phoenician woman pleaded for her daughter who was at
home, vexed with a devil. Jesus called this woman a dog.
However, she was too crazed to become offended because faith
was her motivation. Her daughter received healing as a result of
her faith.
Confession means, "coming into agreement with, or speaking the same thing that God speaks." It actually is a Greek word,
"homologeo" which means "same words." Jesus told the
Phoenician woman, "...It is not meet to take the children's bread,
and cast it to dogs." Jesus equates healing with bread. It is not
something that you have to ask or beg for; bread is always available.
Decisions made today will always
have future ramifications.
And slte said, Tnith, Lord: yet tlze dogs eat of the crtimbs zuhic/~
their i~msters'table.
Matthew 1527
The Power of the Dime
Bishop E. Bernard Jordan
If this woman's daughter was healed from mere crumbs then
imagine the power that you could walk in because you have the
whole loaf of bread! Based on the faith of the woman, her daughter was saved.
Isn't it amazing that God made a covenant with Rahab, the
harlot? The church should look for the harlot, drug pusher and
addict to walk into the church and become a vital part of God's
Even a chiid, in covenant with God, can cover his parents
until they are saved. If someone is under your roof and not in
covenant with God then he needs to leave your home.
The gospel is for offense. It was designed to offend the vanity of men and confront the idols of traditional thought. If you
find yourself compromising by turning down your Christian
music when your unsaved friends visit your home, then you're
intimidated by the fear of confrontation. You are making the
gospel of none effect through your unwillingness to take a decisive stand in Christ. Do not be ashamed of the gospel by turning
the volume down. When unbelievers play their junk-music, they
turn the volume up.
The guests at my home listen to the type of music that I
decide to play. It is by Hi grace that He kept me. If it weren't for
God, I could be somewhere strung out on drugs or snatching
women's purses. If someone visits my home then I don't allow
The Power of the Dime
The Dime Gets God's Attention
them to drink or smoke. That's not the example that I want to set
before my children. We must be ever mindful of the covenant we
have with God, to honor H i in all things and at all times.
God made a covenant with Rahab the harlot because she hid
the spies. He promised to save Rahab and everyone in her house.
Rahab's obedience saved everyone in her house. It saved those
who thought she was crazy. It saved those who disagreed with
her actions.
You may say, "My son is addicted to crack." God is commanding that you not concern yourself with the matter because
He has made a covenant with you! You might say, "My husband
is a drunk." God is saying, do not worry about it because He has
a covenant with you! The covenant that God made with you covers your entire household and He will save them.
The Power of the Dime
Bishop E. Bernard Jordan
The Power of the Dime
Aitd it cniire to pass nt fhe sruerttlr tinre, rulreir tlre priests b1elelu
witlt tlie truiitpets, Josltun snid torto tlie people, Shotct; for ilie
LORD lint11 give11 yorc tlte ciQ.
Joshua 6:16
The Lord has given us the city. The corporate destiny of the
local assembly is tied to individuals who are uniquely a part of
the local Body. The Body of Christ has walked through a season
of wandering in the wilderness and is ready to enter the
promised land. In the process, the Lord God is moving us beyond
the administration of Moses and introducing us to the leadership
of Joshua.
The Power of the Dime
Bishop E. Bernard Jordan
Moses and Joshua were different. Moses was patient with the
children of Israel. He threw himself between God's righteous
anger and the people when the people rebelled against God.
Moses interceded on their behalf. He cried, "Lord, please don't
wipe them out!"
When God moves you into a new
venture, He will close the mouths
of doubting people.
In comparison, when Israel rebelled against God under the
Joshua administration, Joshua sang, "Have Thine own way Lord,
Have Thine own way." In Joshua's administration, you were
either for the things of God and reaping the inheritance or you
were against them and held accountable for your disobedience.
Joshua explained God's instructions to the people--God
commanded them to march around the walls of Jericho. They
simply obeyed-no questions, no phone calls, and no rebellion.
They marched-with
their mouths CLOSED! When God
moves you into a new venture, He will close the mouths of
doubting people.
Shut Up And March!
There are things about the new move of God that you won't
understand. It will be foreign. You will ask yourself, "What's
Joshua doing? We've never walked around walls before."
The Power of the Dime
The Joshua Administration
When a problem comes your way, it is
an indication that the wisdom to solve
"Joshua, don't you see that there are giants in the land?"
If your pastor said in April, "Let's believe God for a million
dollars to f i s h our new church building by May," can you imagine the response of the people? The murmuring and criticism
would deafen your ears!
God is raising a breed of men and women who will not question the moves of the Holy Ghost. They will simply march forward with their mouths shut. You will never know the strength
of tea until you put it in boiling water. In other words, you don't
know the content of your character until it is tested under
extreme pressure. Pressure is not always an indication of evil. It
can reveal that you're a diamond.
The Chinese character for the word "crisis" is the same character for the word "opportunity." Problems have a purpose.
They're not designed for you to flee from them. When you were
in school and your teacher put equations on the blackboard, you
didn't run out of the classroom in fear-you sat there and
worked on that problem until it was solved.
When a problem comes your way, it is an indication that the
wisdom to solve it exists inside of you. You are a problem solver.
Joshua's wisdom told him to shout. He rallied the people because
the Lord had given them the city. The Lord has given you the city.
The Power of the Dime
Bishop E. Bernard Jordan
When you enter into the promises of God, the murmuring
and complaining must die. He will not allow you to enter with a
critical spirit. If you complain, it will create mayhem in the land.
Some people can't be blessed because they will leave God. They
will forget Him. God brought Israel into Jericho, but He restricted their mouths. He told them to shut up and march! When God
wmts you to move inside of His purposes, He will strike you in
the mouth. He did it at the tower of Babel.
The gospel was designed to offend the
You cannot talk together until you can successfully walk
together with corresponding action. On the seventh day of walking together Israel lifted their voices in a great shout and the
walls came down. Miaculous things happen when you are in
unison and obedience has been fulfilled!
The Power of the Dime
And ye, it1 nny ruise keep yolirselvesjrottl the occlirsed thitlg,
lest ye ~tmkeyolirselves accursed, iuhen ye take ofthe occtrrsed
thing, olrd innke the cnlttp of lsrnel n clirse, o l d trolible it.
Blit nll tlle silver, o~tdgold, nitd vessels of brnss nltd iron, nre
coitsecrnted tiitto tile LORD: tltmj sllnll cottle into tlte trensnly
of tlre LORD.
Joshua 6:18-19
God forbad the children of Israel to touch the silver and gold,
and vessels of brass and iron because they were accursed. For
years I wondered about this verse and finally the Lord revealed
T h e Power of t h e Dime
Bishop E. Bernard Jordan
You will newer know the strength of
tea until you put it in boiling water.
its meaning to me. This was Israel's first battle and God wanted
the first fruits. He wanted the tithe of the battle. He commanded
Israel not to touch His tithe.
The tithe was designated for His treasury, not for the 9O0/o of
the spoils that were reserved for the children of Israel. Devotion
to God is destruction to man. The tithe is consumed when it
enters the Father's presence--He consumes it. God glories in it.
When you allow the tithe to be entangled with your 90% then
it consumes your 90%. The tithe has become the accursed thing.
I often wondered why God continuously said, "Keep yourself from the accursed thing unless you make yourself accursed."
I was also ~uZZledbv the fact that "accursed in Hebrew means.
"devoted thing." "How can a devoted thing be accursed?", l pondered. God showed me that the devotional thing
.to Him becomes
destruction if I touch it.
"Accursed" is something that is sanctified for the use of
someone other than you. When you partake of the accursed thing
then you are cursed. Have you partaken of the accursed thing?
The tithe is God's desire. He says, "Give to Me first, it is
Mine. It will determine the victory of your future battles." Gray
areas are nonexistent. Either you are in God's will you are not.
He is challenging the Church with the tithe.
The Power of the Dime
Devotion to God - Destruction to Man
Bring ye all the tithes illto the storehouse, tllnt tllere nlay be
ineat in ntine honse, and prove me IIOW herewith, snitlt the
LORD of hosts, if1 will not ope11 yo11 the wbidows of henven,
n11d pour yo11 out a blessing, that there shnll 11ot be roont
enough to receive it.
If you are plagued by financial
bondage, then someone with
whom you are connected is
touching God's gold.
If we borrow the tithe then we must bring 20% instead of
10%.God doesn't need more money, He simply doesn't want you
to touch the holy thing.
The Body of Christ must be obedient when it comes to giving
within the local assembly. If you are plagued by financial
bondage then someone with whom you are connected is touching God's gold. The curse is in action! The heavens are not open
to our cry because someone is stealing God's gold!!
God is unselfish. He has done much for us. He has given us
resources, good health, and shelter. How can you forget to give
God what belongs to Him?
The Power of the Dime
Bishop E. Bernard Jordan
Is Your C o v e n a n t Intact?
lsrael shorlted when the priests blew wit11 the trllntpets: and it
came to pnss, when the people heard the solold of the tnlnrpet,
and tlte people sholcted toitlt n grent sllout, illat the ton11 fell
dowrt,f7nt, sq that the people went u p iuto the city, evenj lnnn
strnight btfore hbtz, rind they took the c i y .
And they utterly destroyed all thnt wns i n the city, boil1 11~711
rind w o n m ~young
and old, nnd ox, ntld sheep, nnd nss, roitll
the edge of the sword.
A n d tlte young nlett tlznt truere spies went in, n~rdbrought ollt
Rnlmb, nnd her fnther, nnd her 11zother,nnd her brethren, nnd
nll tlznt she lmd; nnd the!/ bronlglzt out 011 her kindred, nnd left
the111toitltolct the cnlttp of Israel.
Joshua 6:20-2123
God wants to destroy everything that belongs to the wicked.
The wicked have two purposes for existing in the earth: to get
saved (coming into the knowledge of God) and to be stripped of
their wealth. God allows the wicked to prosper so that you can
strip them of their gold.
You cannot stand before them and take what is rightfully
yours because you don't have a covenant with your God. David
said to Goliath, "...who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he
The Power of the Dime
Devotion to God Destruction to Man
should defy the armies of the living God?" He understood that
Goliath didn't have a covenant. Therefore, he was a beast. Only a
beast is void of relationship with God. Goliath was a walking
dead man because he was disconnected from God. David was
unafraid because he had a covenant. Is your covenant intact? Are
you walking without fear?
The church has walked under
I am excited about giving. I can't wait to worship God and
remind H i of the covenant by honoring Him with the first fruits
of my increase.
The Church has walked under a curse for too long. In my
local assembly, we're cutting off the accursed thing and renewing
our covenant relationship with the Lord. It is time to receive the
corporate blessings of God again. When the Church is lax in the
blessings of God, then people stop tithing. When God sees the
one, He sees the many. When He sees the many He judges them
as one.
Saved to Possess
And tlte yortrtg ,lien tltnt were spies went in, nitd brottgltt ottt
Rnltnb, nttd lter fntlrer, and lter mother, n ~ t dher brethren, nnd
011 tltnt she lmd; ntrd they brotight otlt a11 lter kbtdred, nnd left
tlreltl zuiiltotlt tlte cn11tp of Ismel.
Aitd thaj bttnrt flte ciQ ?uitltfire,nrtd 1111 tlrnt tuns tlterebt: only
the silver, nnd tlte gold, n ~ t dtlte vessels of brass and of iron,
The Power of the Dime
Bishop E. Bernard Jordan
they put blto the trensuy of the ltouse of tlze Lord.
Joshua 623-24
God commanded Israel to enter the promised land. When
God delivers you jrom bondage He leads you into possession of
a new blessing. He has not saved you solely for you to get to
heaven. He has saved, sanctified and filled you with the Holy
Spirit to give you power and authority on earth.
Heaven does not have giants. Canaan is inhabited by giants
and ready to be possessed by the people of the Lord. God called
Israel from the hands of Pharaoh and his tortuous labor. God
delights in divine entrapment. Christians often find themselves
in a position where they have no other choice but to look up to
God or look down and complain. Pharaoh is behiid us and the
Red Sea is before us. Our ears must be sensitized to the commandment of the Lord as our faith is released for the miraculous
to manifest!
A person's nature is revealed when
he is under pressure. Whatever is
The Power of the Dime
Devotion to God - Destruction to Man
Again, a person's nature is revealed when he is under pressure. Whatever is contained inside of you will surface. God
allows a church to experience pressure and diificulty to reveal
which members are earnestly committed. When commitment
and covenant are the issues, the multitude will depart. However,
the disciples will remain. There's a diiference between a disciple
and a believer.
The Power of the Dime
Bishop E. Bernard Jordan
The Power of the Dime
But tlfe cllildre~tof Isrnel com~~titted
n trespass bt the ncctlrsed
thing:for Acllan, tlze so11 of Cnr~ni,tlie soft of Znbdi, the so11 of
Zernh, of tlle tribe of Jtrdnh, took of the acctlrsed tllillg: nltd tlfe
nlfger of tlfe LORD runs ki~fdledagainst the children of Israel.
Joshua 7:1
Achan refused to give the tithe; he believed that it was his.
The trespass of one man turned God against the children of
Is God against me because of you? This is a valid question. I
don't employ anyone who does not tithe because if a person will
rob God, he will certainly rob me.
The Power of the Dime
B ~ S ~ OE.DBernard Jordan
You don't become a "giver" until you give at the eleventh
percentile. The tithe or tenth percent opens the windows of heaven, but once you give above the tithe you have determined the
rate at which blessings will flow to you. I'm not excited about
people giving 10%. I am excited about those who exceed the
You don't become a "giver" until you
give at the eleventh percentile.
Artd joshtin sent iiteil front jericlto to Ai, wlticlt is beside
Bethaven, oil tlte east side of Betltel, aitd s p n k tinto them, snyiizg, Go tip aitd v i e x the cotiittnj. And tlte men went tip and
viewed Ai.
Joshua 7:2
When God brings you into the promised land He will
demand that you view it before you enter. If you lack vision for
it then you can't have it. The most interesting fact about the mind
is that once it has expanded, it can't return to its original size.
There are people in my past who complain, "You've grown
so big that you don't have time for us!" They are partially right.
Once your mind expands then you cannot keep company with
small-minded individuals. They tell me that I have gotten a "big
head" (implying that I think more highly of myself than I ought).
I told them, "No, I just have an expanded mind-and there's no
room for trivial thinking."
The Power of the Dime
Is God Against Me Because of You?
Some people don't want to expand their minds. They like
staying around small-minded individuals. I am separating
myself from those who are unwilling to expand themselves
because little thiigs separate little people.
Are You An Eagle or A Buzzard?
Not everyone is an eagle. There are buzzards in the Body of
Christ. There are saints who won't eat anything that is fresh.
They prefer the old moves of God. These saints are unsure about
the prophetic move so they hang around for a while to see if it's
okay. They're l i e vultures that fly over a wounded animal waiting for it to die before devouring it.
Are you an eagle saint
or a buzzard saint?
In contrast, an eagle searches for something new, fresh and
untouched. It devours the prey while it is yet warm. Are you an
eagle saint or a buzzard saint?
A buzzard accepts crowds while the eagle understands that
when the airways are crowded it simply indicates that his altitude is too low. The eagle must soar higher to stay above the
A female eagle has more sense than some Christian women.
An eagle won't mate with just anyone. When the male eagle
wants to become intimate with the female then she finds a branch
The Power of the Dime
Bishop E. Bernard Jordan
and drops it. If he catches the branch three times then she gets a
heavier branch. She drops it and if he has a struggle catching it or
drops it then she flies away. Sister, you need to drop your load
and see if he can catch it. If he cannot hold it then leave him
alone! Don't let a bud's wisdom overshadow you!
Tithing in the Local Assembly
The tithe is important because the lack of it can curse the
local assembly. If you do not wish to tithe at your church then
leave it. God wants us to preach the truth. The church needs to
cut the accursed from its midst and lift the curse.
If you want to get in trouble with
Some people give God $5 in their offering envelopes. No
matter what. You can't go to McDonald's, spend that smaU
amount, and get a decent meal. How dare you come into the
house of the Lord and give God less than a tip! Five dollars doesn't cover the cost of the feast that you ate!
God instructed the children of Israel to destroy the inhabitants because the nation was an abomination. If you want to get
into trouble with God, play with His gold!
Many of us face our enemies while quoting Scriptures about
who we are in Christ and yet we remained cursed. We echo, "I'm
more than a conqueror." We're walking in a confidence that is
The Power of the Dime
Is God Against Me Because of You?
actually a lie because we don't have a covenant relationship with
God in our giving. Don't presume upon the Word of God when
you're walking in disobedience! You're like the seven sons of
Sceva who attempted to cast out demons-the
enemy will put
you on the run and everyone will see your nakedness! Your
covenant provides covering-disobedience will strip you!!
Giving God Leftovers
It's amazing that we had no problems giving money to alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes while we were in the world. If you add
the cost, I believe it will be more than your current tithes. You
paid your tithes into the world. God cleaned you and saved your
money from drugs and foolishness. Yet some of you are giving
God the least amount of money that you have. If you maintain
your present mentality, eventually you won't have a roof over
your head. You are blessed now! God is not a man that He should
lie! If you give Him what is His then He will care for you.
When you don't do your part in the local
People are complaining that they have given everything they
can afford. They l i t the necessities of life as the primary indicator as to whether they can afford to obey God. His Word tells us
that tithes and offerings belong in the storehouse. You cannot
divide the amounts. God wants diligence in the church, not slothfulness.
The Power of the Dime
Bishop E. Bernard Jordan
It is costly when a member of the Body of Christ is not doing
hi part. For example; I wore a pair of stylish, snakeskin, thinsoled shoes. I stood prophesying all day and as a result my arch
hurt. I was forced to wear thick-soled utility shoes with an arch
support. I waked with a limp that affected the other foot. Every
part caters to the infirmity of another. When you don't do your
part in the local assembly, you become an infiumity. You cause
others who are doing their part to limp as they accommodate
your failure to function.
Defeated In War
So there went up tlritlrer of tlre people about tlrree tltousn~~d
men: and tlteyfled before the tlren of Ai.
And the trrelt of Ai smote of tlre~nabout thirty and six nte~r:
they clused tltenrfrolit before tlregate we11 rinto Shebarirn, and
sinote the~nin tlre going dorull: wlterefore Nte hearts of tlre people melted, and became ns water.
And Joshua rent his clotlres, andfell to the enrth iipo~tltis face
before tlre ark of tlte LORD rintil tlre eventide, 11eand t l ~ elders
of Israel, and put dxst tipon tlreir heads.
And Joslrtia said, Alas, 0 Lord GOD, wherefore hasf tho11 at
all brorcglrt tlris yeople over Jordni~,to deliver u s illto tlte linlld
of the Atnorites, to destroy us? zoorild to God we lrad bee11content, and dwelt on the otlrer side lordall!
0 Lord, wlmt slrall I say, whe11 Ismel tltrnetll their backs before
their e~remies!
For the Caltan~titesn~tdall the inl~abitantsof tlre laird sltall
hear of it, nnd shall e~miro~r
us rorrlrd, and cut off our ltntne
fro111 the earth: and zullat wilt thori do rinto tlry great name?
And tlre LORD said rillto Joshua, Get tl~eeup; wherefore liest
thor1 thus iipon thyface?
lsrael 11ath sbr~~ed,
aizd they have also tratrsgressed nry
whicll 1 co~n~~mnded
tlre~ll:for they lrnve even taken
of the flcclirsed tlrblg, alrd 11ave also stolen, and dissembled
also, and tlretj lrnve prit it w e n a~rtortgtheir OZUII striff.
Joshua 7:4-11
The Power of the Dime
is God Against Me Because of You?
There are times when God tells you to cease from praying on
your face, rise to your feet, and accomplish some thiigs. He
wants you to take action! Sometimes I clean my church by weeding out tithers from non-tithers. I identify non-tithers and ask,
"You've been at the church 6 months; why haven't you given
tithes?" Being chastised is uncomfortable. Some people leave the
church because of it. Why do we trust the man of God with our
soul, but not with our gold? Which is more important?
If I asked a saint about his yearly wages he'd say, "Pastor,
why don't you get a 'word of knowledge' from God and I'll tell
you if you're in the right ball park." When the pastor asks about
your money, you immediately call other people and complain
about revealing "private" information to the church.
If you applied for a loan then you would quickly tell the loan
officer that you make $26,000 per year and disclose all of your
assets and bank accounts. You will reveal all of your "private"
information to him voluntarily. If he asks for your tax returns
then you'll provide them too. You'll give thii ungodly sinner all
of your information and trust h i with your gold. However,
when it comes to the man of God, whom you trust with your
soul, you will tell him not to interfere with your gold.
When the men of God receive offerings unto God in the
house of the Lord, people thii they're being gypped. They
freeze as though someone is trying to rob them. This is why people cannot defeat their enemies. Fear robs their faith and
strengthens the hand of the enemy.
The Power of the Dime
Bishop E. Bernard Jordan
And the melt of Ai sntote of tlrerrr nbortt thirty nnd six men:for
tltnj cltnsed theslfrom before tlregnte eve11 rtnto Shebnrblr, nltd
s~trotethem in tlte going dow~r:rulrereforc tlre lienrts of the people nrelted, nltd becnnte ns runter.
A~rdJoslzltn relrt lris clothes, nlrd fell to tlre enrtlr rtpolr lris face
before tlte n);kof tlle LORD until the eventide, lte nrtd the elders
of Israel, and put drtst upon tlreir ltends.
And tlte LORD snid u ~ t t oJoslrnn, Get tltee up; ruherefore liest
tho~tthrts upon tlry fnce?
Joshua 7:s-6,10
Joshua is asking God, "You said that you promised us the
Canaanites. You said you would do it. What's going on? What
will other nations say about your name?" How many of us
remind God of His promises in the midst of what appears to be
defeat? God is saying, "the accursed thing has been joined to
Mixing What is God's With What is Yours
Isrnel /rat11 sinned, n~rd thoj lrnve nlso trn~rsgressed ~ t t y
cove~rnntrulriclt 1 c o ~ ~ i ~ ~ t n tltet~r:
~ z d e dfor tltey lmue eveir tnkelr
of tlre nccrtrsed tlring, rind lrnve nlso stolen, rind dissembled
r g own strtfi
nlso, and thnj have prtt it even n ~ ~ t o ~their
Tlterefore the clrildre~tof Isrnel cortld not stand before their enenries, but trtr~tedtlreir bncks before tlreir e~te~~ries,
becnrrse t l t q
ruere nccrtrsed: neither roil1 I be witlr yort nny inore, except ye
destroy tlre nccttrsedfro~~r
Joshua 7:ll-12
The Power of the Dime
Is God Against Me Because of You?
You will get in trouble for mixing
God's money with your money.
You will get in trouble for mixing God's money with your
money. God is unhappy when you mix His possessions with
your possessions. The law of consumption that was designed to
honor God and reward you will stiU honor God as it rebukes
your disobedience.
Are you holding the devoted thing that rightfully belongs to
God: mixing it among your treasure? The devoted thing will
destroy everything that you have.
Have you wondered why you're struggling? Have you had
hands laid on you by every apostle/ prophet/ evangelist/
teacher/ pastor? Have you called every prayer line around the
nation looking for a financial miracle? Are you still making
excuses why you can't tithe? Those among you have not put the
accursed thing into the treasury. They have spent the tithe on
shoes and clothes. Some have invested in Certificates of Deposit
and various insurance policies. The tithe is among their "stuff."
Ask them, "Are you wearing God's gold? Are you stealing
money from God's pocket? Are you wearing God's tithe? Are
you wearing stolen goods?"
You can't stand before your enemies because someone has
partaken of the accursed thing. m i n k about it. Why are you
experiencing defeat? Is it because the person joined to you has
God's gold on his back?
The Power of the Dime
Bishop E. Bernard Jordan
Are you stealing money
from God's pocket?
Removing the Unsanctified
Up, sanct#j the people, aiid say, Sniictifij yo~~rselves
toinonow: for tliils saith tlie LORD God of Israel, There is an
accicrsed tlibig iit tlie iiiidst of tltee, 0 Israel: tlioil cniist iiot
stand before tlibie eneiiiies, uiitil ye take away the nccilrsed
thiitgfioiii ainoiig you.
In tlie iiiorniiig therefore ye slmll be brotrght according to yoilr
tribes: aiid it shall be, tliat the tribe roliicli the LORD taketli
slurll coine accordifig to tlie fniiiilies tliereof; aiid tlte fninily
wliicli tlie LORD slinll take slinll coiiie by liol~seliolds;and tlie
hoicseliold which tlie LORD slurll take sliall coiiie iiiaii by iiiaii.
Joshua 7:13-14
You must change. Christians, who do not tithe, are stealing
God's gold. Tell them that they can't be joined with you any
longer. God will not dwell in your midst until they are gone.
Until you remove the devoted thing from you, you will never
stand triumphant before your enemy. Any amount of spiritual
warfare, prophecy, confessing Scriptures and fasting is in vain
unless the accursed is removed from among you. God is serious
about what belongs to H i .
The Power of the Dime
Is God Against Me Because of You?
Until you remove the devoted thing
from your pocket, you will never stand
Get Out of God's Pocket!
The reaction of God is similar to that of your natural parents
if you robbed from them. You are in trouble for picking your
Father's pocket and takiig money from H i . When I was a child,
enteringmy parent's wallet to take money was strictly forbidden.
Check yourself. Are you picking God's pocket? You're as desperate as a crack addict when you rob God. You are stealing from
Hi kingdom.
And Achn~tnnswered ]osltun, n~tdsnid, Indeed I ltnve sitt~ted
ngninst the LORD God of Isrnel, and tllus and iltrrs hnve I
Wlte~t1 snro nmong tlte spoils n goodly Bnbylottish gnnttent,
and truo ltrtrtdred shekels of silver, nnd a wedge ofgold offiyty
sltekels weight, tlre~t1 coveted tlte~n,and took them; and,
beltold, they @re/rid bl tlte enrtlt in the midst of try tent, and
the silver tcnder it.
Joshua 7:20-21
Achan was saying, "These shoes were on sale and I had to
have them. And the Certificates of Deposit were on sale at the
bank. I used God's gold."
Live without excuses. God is dealing with us as a Body
concerning our purpose, our commitment in the house of the
The Power of the Dime
Bishop E. Bernard Jordan
If we are going to incur the
blessings of God, there are
some things that He expects.
Lord and our relationships. If we're going to incur the blessings of God, there are some things that He expects.
The Israelites were freed from Egypt and destined for the
land of promise. But, before that could happen God atlowed
spies into the land. Two returned with a good report while ten
came back with an evil report. An evil report is one whose focus
denies the harvest. An evil report enthrones unbelief and calls
God a liar.
The Corporate Curse
What God has separated for a particular function is not to be
tampered with. It is the devoted thiig: separated for a divine
purpose. The tithe is separated for divine purpose. When we
touch it, we're telling God that we have a better plan for the
money than He does. You are substituting your imaginations
instead of representing His Kingdom.
God looked at the actions of Achan and saw the entire nation
of Israel in trespass against Him: many men suffered. Is God
judging someone because of you? A corporate curse came upon
Israel because of one man. God looked at Israel as sinning
because Achan kept God's gold.
The Power of the Dime
Is God Against Me Because of You?
I remember when my local assembly relocated. God was not
only blessing us corporately, but individually. Since that time,
there are some members who have touched the accursed thing
and He is against us as a congregation.
The theft of the tithe angered God and His anger waxed hot
against the entire house of Israel. The sin of Adam caused the fall
and death of the entire human race. We're crying out to God, "I
didn't do anything." God is saying, "That doesn't matter to Me."
When I was a child my father gave corporate punishments. If one
of my brothers did something wrong, we all were punished.
After it was over we came together to find out who was responsible for us receiving such punishment.
You can be a born-again believer
and miss your inheritance.
My father's system caused all to suffer because of the judgement of one. Thereafter, if we saw one sibling step out of line then
we took the responsibility to stop him so that we didn't catch the
wrath of the house. If that didn't work, then we told our parents
of his trespass.
For one, the many suffer. But, because of one man's righteousness (Jesus') we've been made alive. You can be a born-again
believer and miss your inheritance. The children of Israel were
God's covenant people, but many of them never entered into
their promise. Others are born-again, but they never enter the
The Power of the Dime
Bishop E. Bernard Jordan
Watch to whom you are joined! God
is judging you because of them!
There are believers who are never healed nor prosperwhich are Kmgdom benefits. Healing is the children's bread.
They don't enter in because they don't believe the promise.
Therefore, they don't become disciples, but unbelieving
Again, because of one, many can suffer. Ten men didn't want
to enter Canaan so it caused Joshua and Caleb to stay in the
desert with them for forty years. Joshua and Caleb waited until
they died before they could go forth into the promised land.
Watch to whom you are joined! God is judging you because of
Entering God's Promises
God spoke to Israel showing them the inheritance, but they
couldn't receive it because of unbelief. This sounds much like
today's Christians. We believe that we can't tithe and that God is
asking too much of us. We ask, "How can we live off of 90%? The
giant is in the land."
We wonder why we are walking in the wilderness, passing
by the same mountain, looking at the same stone, and seeing the
same road signs. It is because we can't enter into the promise
God has in store for us. Unbelief will keep you in the wilderness
of poverty. God brought the children of Israel out of bondage and
The Power of the Dime
Is God Against Me Because of You?
showed them their promised inheritance. He is showing your
inheritance to you, also. As you're looking at it, don't question it,
but enter in!
You may be thinking, "Lord, I can't afford it." He is saying,
"Enter in." You might reply, "What You are asking is too great for
me." He is saying, "Enter in." You respond by saying, "I can't do
it, it's impossible." He is saying, "Enter in." Before Israel entered
the promised land, God allowed an entire generation to die. The
old must die before you can enter into the new.
Unpaid Vows
When the man of God came to your local church, you stood
and declared that you would give $1,000. Everyone witnessed
your vow and they are trusting God that you will fulfill your
promise. When the thirtieth day came and the payment was due,
you sat there looking perplexed.
When you make a pledge then Satan immediately comes to
attack you. It is imperative that you remove all obstacles that hinder you and dig your heels in to fulfill your commitment. When
you dig in your breakthrough comes.
The devil's job is to break your focus. He wants to throw you
off course. The Bible says that when they smite you on one cheek,
turn the other cheek. When you get a blow from the enemy; turn
the other cheek, regain your focus and tell the enemy of your
soul, "I'm not letting you get me off course. I'm staring straight
Your breakthrough comes when you stay focused upon the
promise of God. You should let the enemy know, "If you attack
my finances, then I'm going to sell the clothes from my closet. I
The Power of the Dime
Bishop E. Bernard Jordan
God takes vows seriously
and upholds His faithfulness to
bring your breakthrough if you
don't abort the vow.
will give up my car." The breakthrough comes when you release
the seed and pay your vow. God hears you in the day of trouble.
If you have to get a second job, then get it to pay your vow.
Your harvest can be held up because your vow remains unpaid.
God says, "I want to bring breakthrough in their lives, but they
have an unpaid vow."
Satan may be a fool, but he's not crazy. He saw your harvest
on the way and decided to attack in an attempt to defer it. If you
could see what's in the heavenlies, hanging just over your head,
waiting to come into your life then you would disturb heaven
and hell to get the money that you vowed to God. You would do
everything but rob a bank to pay your vow! It's time to connect
with destiny!
The %ble says that it is better that you don't make a vow
rather than make one and don't keep it. God takes vows seriously and upholds His faithfulness to bring your breakthrough if
you don't abort the vow.
Ask God to forgive you in the area of your giving. Ask Him
for the wisdom and the plan to move in unison with Him and fulf i l your vow. It's important to make that new commitment.
Celebrate Him with the tithe and the offering, decreeing increase
in your household and enlargement in your life as you are obedient to Him. Clarity, purpose and destiny will unfold for you.
The Power of the Dime
I believe that you should give 10% of your fiances in tithes,
another 10% in offerings and finally 10% to the man of God. The
church today is backwards because we are saying in our hearts,
"The man of God is living well and doesn't need our seed." But
you don't realize that what you make happen for the man of
God, is going to directly result in what's going to come back to
Some people have the spirit of a nigger. Niggers come in all
colors; they don't want to see you go over the top. Their desire is
to pull you down to their impoverished level. The spirit of a nigger doesn't understand that when you go over, they go over
because they're tied to you corporately.
The Power of the Dime
Bishop E. Bernard Jordan
The spirit of a nigger doesn't
understand that when you go
over, they go over because they're
tied to you corporately.
Your Promotion is Locked up in Your Leader
I want the message that God has given me to be amplified.
God will never promote the people beyond the level of their
leader. I've seen this in churches. I've seen people who wanted
Mercedes, but they couldn't have one until their Pastor acquired
that level of wealth.
If the leadership can't drive a certain vehicle then the people
don't. Leadership must be at the level you are aspiring to enter.
How can he lead you if he's never been there? You are connected
corporately with the man of God. When he becomes increasingly prosperous then you're going with h i .
God will never promote the people
Make sure that the man of God gets his house, because if he
doesn't get his, then you won't get yours. If he doesn't come into
The Power of the Dime
Sowing Into The Man of God
his inheritance, then yours is aborted. The man of God is not to
be sustained by a "love offering" nor a salary. The man of God's
offering is supposed to be your tithe. If he does a good job and
God wants to give him a raise, then He gives you a raise.
The Bible says that what Rahab made happen for the man of
God, God made happen for her. What you do to a man of God in
his moment of n e e i k i l l be the determination of what's going to
happen to you in your season of calamity.
If you want trouble with God,
touch His anointed.
Touch Not God's Anointed
If you want to get in trouble with God, then touch His
anointed. Even though Saul was wrong, David would not touch
him because he knew better than to touch God's anointed and to
do the Lord's prophet harm.
Those whom God anoints may not necessarily be your
choice. But remember, they're God's choice! When He raises His
anointed ones, He declares His choice in advance. Whenever
God is raising up a new generation, it is a signal that He's doing
away with an old generation. When God says that He's doing a
new thing, it also means He's ending an old thing.
The enemy of the new move of God is an old move of God.
The persecutor of a new visitation is an old visitation. When God
The Power of the Dime
Bishop E. Bernard Jordan
raises up a "David," "Saul" will not sit there celebrating
"David's" greatness, but he's going to throw the javelin.
In this hour, God is raising up people who are anointed with
a fatherly spirit. Afather is not intimidated when his son wins the
trophy. He shares that joy as if he personally fought and won the
battle. We're not gding to see the ministry of the apostle, prophet,
evangelist, pastor and teacher come forth in the house of the
Lord in full measure until there are fathers in the house. Kings
are threatened when another king is emerging under their roof.
Fathers will rejoice at the development and maturation of their
The Power of the Dime
The possession of wealth is an indication of how you used
your mind. The key to your transformation is through mind
renewal, not mind removal. God must expand your mind.
Revelation is painful. It's comparative to one who is accustomed
to darkness suddenly experiencing the beam of a laser. It hurts at
first, until adjustment is made.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for. If there are no
"things" in your dreams then there can be no faith. Faith only
gives substance to "things." "Things" can't give substance to
Every man has the same measure of faith. One man may
have a bigger dream than another. Therefore, he manifests
greater wealth.
The Power of the Dime
Bishop E. Bernard Jordan
When you are a dreamer, you will be despised by your
brethren. Although you have the same Father, you were incubated in different environments (mothers). You were nourished by
different breasts. Joseph's brothers hated him because of his
When you start operating in faith, it causes you to walk in
the unfamiliar. Everyone talks about Peter getting out of the boat,
but we need to preach about the eleven who stayed in the boat.
Jesus never commanded Peter to walk on water. It was not a prerequisite to being a disciple. He was not testing Peter's faith.
Peter just had the desire to meet Jesus.
Peter had the dream. In the Greek, when Jesus said "Come,"
it was an invitation to all twelve sitting in the boat. Peter could
envision himself walking like Jesus. The others couldn't grasp
that vision. If you can't dream it, then you can't experience it.
How big is your dream?
A dream is the proof that something exists. Desire is also
proof that the dream exists. "De" means from and "sire" means
the father. "Desire" means "of the Father". When you have a
desire and God puts it in you, though it has never existed before,
it is of the Father. Desire is the proof that it exists.
The Power of the Dime
The Art of A Dreamer
If you can't dream it,
ou can't achieve it!
Imagine Greatness
Greatness is dormant on the inside of you. There are businesses sitting in you. You may be an entrepreneur. Jesus is on the
throne inside of you and faith wants to give substance to those
W i g s that are in your dreams.
The seeds of greatness are on the inside of you. God wants
you to be a hail blazer. Just because no one has ever done it
before, shouldn't hinder your zeal. God wants to give you a pioneering spirit. While others are looking for the path, you're busy
blazing a trail.
The body of the bumble bee is too heavy for it to fly, but no
one ever told the bumble bee that it could not fly.Nothing can tell
you that you can't do what you desire. Faith is waiting on the
inside of you to bring that future thing into the present.
When you live in the realm of faith, it becomes more real
than the natural.
Giving a thousand dollars is not a big deal. When you understand that there are keys to opulence, then you'll study them to
understand how they work. You are pregnant with these principles in seed form.
Jacob's cattle gave birth to the image they were beholding. If
The Power of the Dime
Bishop E. Bernard Jordan
you're the gum in your group then you're in the wrong group.
You must walk around with people who are wiser than you. You
must be pregnant with a dream. Seeds of greatness are living
inside of you. It is up to you to embrace destiny, for ultimately,
it is a matter of choice!!
The Power of the Dime
Confrom the intn'wic racism that has permeated Chrkhan dodn'ne. A
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In this series. Birhop E. Bernard Jordanexpounds upon the African prerence within the Scripturer. Comba~ngthe misnomen that Africans
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An e n r i v e manual deigned to give Scriptural foundation to the mini* ofthe wonhipping a r k (musiol, dramatic, artirtic, iiterary oratory,
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mode of expression oi an internal relationship with Gad,
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Lord and Saviour. Jesus Chrirt
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