Faculty Profiles


Faculty Profiles
Faculty Profiles
Sarah ALVES, Dr.
After 13 years as HR and Management lecturer and Master’s program director in
several French Business Schools, Sarah Alves is currently Associate Dean at EM
Normandie. She lectures in various HR subjects, as well as Research Methodology,
Organizational Behaviour, and Management. Thanks to her 8-year professional
experience as an HR Manager, together with her consulting experience, she enjoys
enriching theoretical inputs with business practice examples. Her research activity
is mainly qualitative. Her Dissertation (2007) addressed Co-op Education issues in
Higher Education. Her current research interests are in Personal Skills
Development, Professional Didactics, and Apprenticeship Management.
Marie Ashwin Hirst has been a faculty member at EM Normandie for seven years.
During this time, she has lectured in various Marketing subjects, as well as Research
Methodology for Thesis Writing. Her current roles within the School include:
Coordinator for the final year research projects, and Academic Integrity Officer for
the Caen Campus, which reflects her interests in Methodology and Academic
Quality. Her research activities include investigations into the concept of Market
Orientation, and a longitudinal study, now in its tenth year, of cross-cultural
differences in on-line consumer behaviour.
Mathilde AUBRY, Dr.
Currently lecturing in Economics and Entrepreneurship, Mathilde Aubry holds a
PhD in Economics from the Université de Caen (France). She has specialised in the
market for semiconductors, and more specifically on this specific industry’s cycles.
She has published articles in PR academic journals, such as Applied Economics. Her
research interests are in Econometrics applied to Industry Innovation and
Cristina BACELLAR, Ph.D.
Cristina Bacellar joined EM Normandie in September 2010. She gained a Ph.D. in
Management Science from the University of São Paulo (Brazil) in 2005. She lectures
in Marketing and Research Methodology, and her research interests include
Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Teaching Techniques. She is specifically
interested in the role of consumers’ emotions and feelings in the decision making
and consumption processes, when choosing brands, services and products. She has
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lectured in Marketing since 1986, and in parallel, she was a Marketing Manager for
several companies in Brazil from 1989 to 2002. From 2010 to 2012, she was the
Head of the Master in Tourism and Leisure Management, and in 2013, she designed
and launched the Master in International Business programme, of which she is
currently the Head.
Colette Beaudron is the Head of the Master 1 programme for the Caen Campus.
After graduating in Management from ESC Le Havre, she joined EM Normandie in
1998, after several years as a Sales Manager for various private companies. She
teaches mainly Sales and Marketing. Her research focuses on distribution and
purchasing in new economies. She has just started a PhD at the Université de Caen
Samy BELAID, Dr.
Samy Belaïd is the Head of the Year 2 Master’s Programme in Marketing and Sales
Management at EM Normandie. He holds a PhD in Marketing Management from
the Université de Corte (France), gained in 2001. He lectures in Marketing,
International Marketing, Marketing Research, Brand Marketing. His research
interests include Scale Development and Cross-Cultural Validation in the field of
Country Image, Brand Attachment, Shopping Values, and all perceptual concepts
linked to Consumer Behaviour.
Zouhour BEN HAMADI, Dr.
Currently lecturing in Finance and Accounting, Zouhour Ben Hamadi holds a PhD in
Management from the Université Montpellier III. She has specialised in SME
business executives. She has published several articles in PR academic journals,
such as M@n@gement International. Her research interests include Management
Control and Managerial Innovation.
Christine BERNADAS, PhD
Christine Bernadas is the Head of the Information Systems Management
Programme at EM Normandie. She lectures in Information Systems and Research
Methods. Dr Bernadas holds a PhD in Business Administration from Texas A&M,
International Information Systems Management (MIS) and International Business
(IB). She has also taught in Quebec, the USA, and France. Her recent research work
focuses on the impact of Information Systems and Information Technologies on
organizations along three main axes: impact on SMEs, international impact (crossNote:
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cultural research), and impact of enterprise systems (such as ERPs) from buying to
maintenance. She has published this work in PR Journals such as the Journal of
Enterprise Information Management (JEIM) or Long Range Planning.
Odile BERNARD, Dr.
Odile Bernard is a lecturer in Corporate Finance and Accounting at EM Normandie.
She gained her Ph.D. in Management Control from the Université de Paris-Est in
2010. She has extensive experience of working in SMEs. Her main research interests
are the design of Management Control Systems, the development of Management
Control Techniques, and the Professional Development of the owner-manager in
the Small Business sector. In addition, she is to undertake research on Working
Capital Management in SMEs.
Yann Bouchery is a lecturer in Supply Chain Management & Logistics at EM
Normandie since 2014, and the Head of the Logistics-Land-Sea-Risk Research Axis
since September 2015. He owns a Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering and
Management from Lund University (Sweden), as well as a Master’s degree in
Industrial Management and Logistics from Ecole Centrale Lille. He obtained a PhD
in Operations Management from Ecole Centrale Paris in 2012. His PhD research
dealt with sustainable supply chain optimization with a special focus on inventory
models. He also spent two years at Eindhoven University of Technology (The
Netherlands), as a postdoctoral researcher. His research interests focus on
sustainable Operations Management and on Hinterland Supply Chain Optimization.
Sébastien BOURDIN, Dr.
Researcher and lecturer in Regional and Economic Development at EM Normandie,
Sébastien Bourdin earned his PhD in Geography at the Université de Rouen
(France), as a fellow of the CNRS - UMR IDEES research lab. His research interests
focus on Economic Development, European Cohesion Policy and Spatial Planning in
the European Union. He works in the field of Theoretical and Quantitative
Geography, Modeling and Econometrics methods. He has published articles in
academic journals of Regional Science and Economic Geography. He is a member
of the Institut du Développement Territorial (Regional Development Institute) at
EM Normandie.
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Émilie Breuil is a lecturer in Marketing at EM Normandie. She facilitates pedagogical
workshops and pedagogical units. She holds a Master’s Degree in Marketing and a
Master’s Degree in Research. Her current research interests are in Marketing,
Retail and Tourism.
Pascale Bueno Merino is the Dean for Research at EM Normandie. She gained a
PhD in Management Science from the Université de Caen Basse-Normandie
(France) in 2003, and her Accreditation to Supervise Research (HDR) in 2013. She
lectures in Strategic Management, International Entrepreneurship and Research
Methodology. Her research interests include the Internationalization of SMEs,
Inter-firms Cooperation and Intra-preneurship. She is particularly interested in
Foreign Market Entry Modes that are based on inter-organizational alliances, such
as Piggybacking Strategies. From 2007 to 2010, she was in charge of a Master’s
programme in Entrepreneurship at ESSCA Business School, where she also held the
Chair in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management. She has recently taken
up the leadership of a research group dedicated to International Entrepreneurship
for the Academy of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (France).
Philip CAHILL, PhD in progress
Philip Cahill is a lecturer in Accounting at EM Normandie. He holds a Master’s
Degree in Management Science and is currently a (part-time) doctoral student at
the University of Southampton. He has professional experience in the UK with
accounting firms in the SME sector, together with Management Accounting
experience in the defence industry. A former lecturer at the University of
Portsmouth, he has been working in Normandy for 13 years. His current research
interest is in Accounting Education, particularly in the design of learning
environments for undergraduate accounting students.
Frédéric CARLUER, Dr.
As a University Professor at the Faculty of Economics of the Université de Caen, Dr
Carluer’s research work focuses on strategic choices as regards investment and
location (Decision Theory, Multicriteria Analysis), together with the analysis of
those factors and public policies that generate regional growth (territorial
discrepancies, clusters), at European level in particular. In this respect, his
Accreditation to Supervise Management Research was awarded on the basis of
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work conducted jointly with the EU Commission on Eurostat Regional Programme
issues. Over the last 10-Year Research Period, he has published several books as
well as many scientific articles.
Roland CONDOR, Dr.
Roland Condor holds the Chair in Entrepreneurship and lectures in Project
Management and Strategy. In 2002, his Dissertation focused on Project Design in
Small Businesses, and he has since researched on a Project-based Perspective of
Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Teams and Management Accounting Systems in
SMEs. He serves as the Treasurer for the French Academy of Entrepreneurship and
Innovation. He is a member of the International Association on Research in
Entrepreneurship and SMEs (AIREPME). From 2001 to 2010, he was the academic
coordinator for the Graduate and Master’s programmes at EM Normandie.
Jean-Denis CULIE, Dr.
A lecturer in Human Resource Management at EM Normandie, he graduated from
Sciences-Po Paris and earned his PhD in Management Sciences at the Université de
Grenoble (France). He has professional experience in the management of cultural
institutions. His research interests focus on careers within French clusters, and
more generally on HRM practices in innovative environments. He has published
articles in academic journals such as the Journal of Vocational Behavior, Revue de
Gestion des Ressources Humaines, and Revue Française de Gestion.
Christine DATTIN, Dr.
Christine Dattin is a lecturer in Accounting and Corporate Finance. She holds a
PhD in Management Sciences from the University of Nantes, and her research
interests focus on the history of Accounting and Statutory Auditing Practices. She
has published articles in PR academic journals such as Accounting history, Gérer et
comprendre. She has professional experience in Accounting in large retail firms.
Brigitte DAUDET
Brigitte Daudet is an expert on Land Issues and Processes in Urban Management.
She holds a postgraduate degree from the Université de Caen Basse-Normandie,
and was a lecturer there (MRSH, C RESO). After a career in consulting firms, she
was appointed as the Head of Urban Policy for the Luneville Municipality, and later
the Director of Large Projects for the Urban Community of Troyes, in charge of
managing urban renewal projects. She joined EM Normandie in 2007. She has
lectured in Territory Development Management, and has conducted seminars on
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the Management of Large Projects. Her research is both on Urban Management
and Territorial Development issues. She is currently working on the research
methodology to apply to the management of relationships between cities and their
economic environment.
Caroline DIARD, Dr.
A lecturer in Human Resource Management at EM Normandie, she graduated
from CELSA and earned her PhD in Management Sciences at the Telecom School
of Management, Université d’Evry (France). She has professional experience as
Human Resources Director. Her research interests focus on video-protection as a
technology of control. She is currently writing a collective book on Digital
Management of Human Resources (ISTE Ed).
Nazik FADIL, Dr.
Nazik Fadil is a lecturer and researcher in Finance/Accounting. She obtained a PhD
in Management Science from the Université de Caen Basse Normandie (France) in
2006. Her dissertation focused on the impact of stock exchange listings on the
strategy and the performance of French SMEs. Her research interests include
Entrepreneurial Finance, SME Stock Exchange Quotation, Corporate Governance,
and Strategic Behaviour. She has attended a dozen conferences (Babson C., ICSB,
CIFEPME, AFFI…) and published five articles in academic journals, and a book
chapter. She was in charge, with Professor Josée St-Pierre, of coordinating a special
issue on Entrepreneurial Finance in the International Journal of SMEs (RIPME).
Florian FAVREAU, Dr.
Florian Favreau joined EM Normandie in 2014 as a lecturer in Sustainable
Development and Competitive Intelligence. He holds his PhD in Management
Sciences from the Université de Rouen in 2014. His research interests include
Decision-Making processes. He is a member of the Institut du Développement
Territorial (Institute of Regional Development) at EM Normandie.
Guillaume Ferrante is a lecturer in Management. He joined EM Normandie in 2013.
He earned his DBA at Grenoble Ecole de Management. His main research interests
involve Organizational Agility, and Organizational Theory. He teaches
Management, informational Design, Consumer Behavior, and Agility in initial and
executive education.
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Rémy Février is Affiliate Professor at EM Normandie. He holds a PhD in
Management from the Université Paris II - Panthéon Assas, after graduating in
Political Science and Public Finance. He is a lecturer at CNAM in IT Systems
Management. A former Lieutenant-Colonel of the French Gendarmerie Nationale
and also an expert in Competitive Intelligence and IT Systems Security, and local
councilor for a time, Dr Février has published articles in academic journals such as
the Public Management Journal and books (Competitive intelligence and Local
Authorities, Local Authorities facing cybercrime). He is a Board member of the
International Association of Research in Public Management (AIRMAP), and his
main research focuses on Competitive Intelligence, Risk-Management and IT
Security Systems.
A lecturer in Organizational Behaviour, Anna Fortoul has been the Head of the
Executive MBA at EM Normandie since January 2014. She worked for three years
in the Strategic Marketing Department of PSA Peugeot Citroën, as a doctoral
student before gaining a PhD in Business Administration at the Université de Caen
Basse-Normandie in 2008. Between 2008 and 2013, she developed, launched and
headed the Cross-Cultural Marketing & Negotiation Master 2/MSc programme. Her
research interests include Decision Making, Innovation and Project Management.
She has published several articles and short case studies on Innovation and Project
Management in the automotive industry.
Olivier GERMAIN, Dr.
Currently an Associate Professor in Management and Entrepreneurship at
Université du Quebec at Montréal (UQAM), Olivier Germain earned his PhD in
Management Sciences at the Université de Caen Basse Normandie, and had been
formerly at the Centre Européen de Formation Approfondie à la Gestion (CEFAG)
of the Fondation Nationale pour l’Enseignement de la Gestion des Entreprises
(FNEGE). His research interests include the study of Strategic Development for large
corporations (and in particular, the Refocusing on the Core Business Process), the
Recycling of Qualitative Data, Temporalities of Strategy, Strategic
Entrepreneurship, and Theory Borrowing in Organizational Studies. He has
published on these topics in several occasions. He is the Book Review Editor for
M@n@gement, a member of the Editing Committee of the Revue de
l’Entrepreneuriat, and he sits on the board of the Francophone Academy of
Strategic Management (AIMS).
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Mame Gningue is a lecturer in Logistics and the Head of the ‘International Logistics
and Crisis Management’ and ‘Supply Chain Management’ Year 2 Master’s
programme at EM Normandie. After several successful assignments in Industrial
Operations Management and Supply Chain Risk Management in a multinational
environment, she obtained a PhD in Logistics from the Université du Havre (France).
Her research interests include Supply Chain Management, Risk Management and
Decision Support Systems.
Virginie HACHARD, Dr.
Virginie Hachard joined EM Normandie in 1996 as a researcher and a lecturer in
Accounting and Finance after a career in Auditing. She is the Head of the Audit and
Finance Year 2 Master’s programme. She earned her Ph.D. at the Université de Caen
Basse-Normandie in Entrepreneurship. Her areas of research cover Effectuation
Theory and Entrepreneurship, Action Learning and Finance Education.
Laurence HELENE, Dr.
Laurence Hélène joined EM Normandie in 2013 as a lecturer in Sales and Strategic
Marketing. She is currently the Head of the Undergraduate Year 3 Programme. She
earned her Ph.D. from the Université de Caen Basse-Normandie in the field of
Entrepreneurship. Her research interests focus on Entrepreneurial Cognition,
Cognitive Maps and Entrepreneurial Projects.
Ludovic JEANNE, Dr.
Ludovic Jeanne lectures on Regional Planning Strategy and Social Geography at EM
Normandie. He is an expert faculty member and the project manager in
Competitive Intelligence. As a geographer, he earned his PhD in Social Geography
at the Université de Caen Basse-Normandie. His research interests focus mainly on
developing systemic and inter-actionist approaches, especially regarding strategic
behaviours toward space, the cross-cultural dimensions of geo-economic
processes, and the spatial dimensions of student training in French Business
Schools. He has been the Director of the Institut du Développement Territorial
(Institute for Regional Development) at EM Normandie since 2014.
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Clémence JOFFRE, Dr.
A lecturer in Accounting and Finance at EM Normandie, Clémence Joffre earned
her PhD in Management Science at the Université de Caen Basse-Normandie
(France). Her research interests are in Change Management, focusing especially on
the dynamics of rules within organizations. This also includes studies on non-profit
organizations in the social medical sector.
Patrick JOFFRE, Dr.
Patrick Joffre serves as the Academic Advisor for EM Normandie, and is a full
Professor at the Business Institute (IAE) of the Université de Caen Basse Normandie.
Formerly the Director of the Polytechnicum de Normandie, he is a member of the
Cercle de l’Entreprise. He earned his PhD at Université de Paris-Dauphine, and has
lectured for over 30 years on Corporate Strategies. His research interests currently
focus on Management by Projects and the Role of Projects in Prospective
Exploration, as a follow up to his research work on Transaction Costs Economics
and the Internationalization of SMEs. He has authored or co-authored over fifteen
books and forty articles on Strategy and Management. He is past President of the
Francophone Academy of Strategic Management (AIMS) and an elected member
of the French National Universities Council.
Helena Karjalainen holds a PhD in Philosophy, from the Université de Grenoble 3,
and a PhD in Strategy and HR Management, from the Université de Metz. She has
been the Deputy Dean for Research at EM Normandie since September 2011 and
she has lectured in Intercultural Management and Methodologies since 2008. Her
main teaching and research field is oriented towards International HRM,
Organizational Behaviour and Cooperation in Organizations. She is especially
interested in questions concerning Cultural Identities, the Impact of Cultures on
Human Behaviour, and in Leadership and Management in Culturally Diverse
Working Environments. She has published several articles in PR journals and
coordinated a book of case studies on Cross-cultural Management. She is also a
member of various international research associations and participates in
international research projects.
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Lotfi KAROUI, Dr.
Lotfi Karoui joined EM Normandie in 2012 where he heads the Cooperative Track
of the Master’s degree in Management of the Le Havre Campus. He teaches mainly
in the fields of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship. He was previously
Associate Professor in Strategic Management at the Champagne School of
Management and the Associate Dean for Research there. Over the last 10 years, he
has been a consultant in Strategy, Business Development and Innovation
Management for private SMEs and start-up firms in France. He gained his PhD in
2009 from the Université Paris Dauphine. His research interest covers Strategic
Management and Corporate Governance issues in private SMEs, and in particular
Growth Issues and the Leveraging of Human and Social Capital in Entrepreneurial
and Family firms.
Olivier KOVARSKI, EDBA in Progress
Olivier Kovarski is the Director of Studies for the Deauville Campus, Head of the
M2/MSc in International Events Management and a lecturer in Marketing at EM
Normandie. A graduate from HEC Paris Business School in 1992, he also took the
MSc in Marketing and Strategy at Paris Dauphine University in 1993. He joined EM
Normandy in 1998 after several years as lecturer and consultant. He teaches mainly
Consumer Behaviour, Service Industry Marketing, Strategic Marketing, and Brand
Marketing. His research focuses on Buzz Marketing in the Events Industry.
Yves Laffargue is the Head of the Master’s cooperative programme, and the
MMCA scheme (Master Management Cycle Accéléré - in partnership with IAE
Caen), for the Caen campus. He graduated in Management of Information
Systems in 1981. He is a lecturer in Information Systems in several programmes of
both EM Normandie and IAE Caen. He mainly teaches Information Systems (ERP,
Governance...) and the use of technical tools such as those specialized in
reporting (Crystal Reports, VBA Excel). After having worked for several years as an
Information Systems project manager in a private limited company, then as a
Head of Information Systems, and finally an IS Company Manager, he has
conducted auditing missions and consulting in various companies in the industrial
and medical sectors. He joined EM Normandie in 1998.
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Amira LAIFI, Dr.
Amira Laifi is a research fellow at EM Normandie where she lectures in Strategic
Management. She earned her PhD in Management Science in 2009. Her research
interests are in the Legitimization of Innovation, New Business Models and their
Institutionalization, Business Models for Creative Industries, and more specifically,
those concerning the generation or exploitation of Digital Technologies, Knowledge
and Information, and Open Business Models.
Olivier LASMOLES, Dr.
Olivier Lasmoles is a lecturer in Law and the Head of the Master’s Year 1
programme at EM Normandie. He earned his PhD in Private Law in 2014 at the
Université de Panthéon-Sorbonne. He has specialized in Maritime Law,
Environmental Law, and Risk Management, and he is the founder of JuriMer, a firm
specialized in Maritime Risk Litigation. As a former manager with Groupama
Transport and CMA CGM, Olivier has extensive field experience in maritime cases,
in both Latin America and the Caribbean. His research interests focus on the legal
and environmental aspects of Maritime Risk Management’. He is also a Naval
Reserve Officer, and a Legal and Strategic Adviser for the French Navy General Staff.
Franck LAUDE
Franck LAUDE is Associate Dean for Programmes for the Caen Campus, and a Senior
Lecturer in Finance. He graduated from IAE Caen Basse-Normandie with a Master
in Business Administration in 1992. Before joining EM Normandie in 1989, he
worked in a firm of Chartered-Accountants and in various organizations specialized
in Business start-ups. Since 1989, he has filled various positions in the School, as
Deputy Academic Director, Director of Studies, and Director of the Caen campus.
Alexandre LAVISSIERE, PhD Ecricome
Alexandre Lavissière lectures in Logistics, Transportation, Supply Chain and
Strategy. He obtained his M.S. and PhD in Management from Kedge Business
School. His research interests are in International Trade, Logistics and
Transportation, and more specifically Free Ports, Dry Ports, Port Management and
Airport Handling. He was a consultant in Strategy during ten years for several
companies and international institutions in over 20 countries. He has participated
in and led research projects for several governments, the World Bank and mining
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Aurélien Lethuilier is the Head of the M2/MS in Entrepreneurship and a lecturer
in Negotiation and Sales techniques. He graduated from ESC Le Havre in 2003,
and joined EM Normandie in 2009 after several years as Key Account Manager
and Category manager for PepsiCo France. He lectures in Sales Techniques, ECommerce and Project Management.
Hendrik LOHSE, EDBA in Progress
Hendrik Lohse is the director of the EM Normandie Oxford campus in mars 2016
(after has been the Director of the Port Institute for Education and Research - IPER)
and a lecturer in Law. He specializes in Maritime Law and the Law of Port Activities,
and has been giving guest lectures at InHolland Business School (Haarlem,
Netherlands), the Institute for Technology and Management (Mumbai, India) and
the Merchant Navy School in Le Havre. As a Director of the Port Institute, he has
organized and participated in colloquia in the field of Port Management, in
collaboration with several partners such as the University of Cadiz and the
Polytechnic University of Madrid. As a former Claims Adjuster for Groupama
Transport and In-House-Lawyer for the Le Havre Port Authority in charge of
contracts and insurance, his fields of research are Port Management, Port
Organization, Port Operations, Maritime Law and the Law of Port Activities.
Patrick LOUX, Dr.
Patrick Loux lectures in Strategic Management at EM Normandie. He earned his
PhD in Business Administration in 2010 from the Université d’Aix-Marseille III,
supervised by Professor Philippe Baumard. He is mainly interested in two research
areas, with a preference for the use of quantitative methods. First, within the
growing body of literature dedicated to Corporate Governance, he investigates the
Consequences on Peformance following the introduction of non-financial
performance measures in CEO’s compensation contracts in high technology
settings. Second, by drawing from the resource-based view in Strategic
Management and the experiential view in Marketing, he studies how companies in
entertainment industries may benefit from the development of hedonic assets
“encapsulated” in experience-based products to create competitive advantages.
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Éléonore MANDEL, Dr.
Éléonore MANDEL is a lecturer in Intercultural Marketing and Intercultural
Management at EM Normandie. After she graduated from EDHEC Business School
in 2000 (Master in Management), she worked for 2 years as an International Brand
manager at Vivendi Universal Interactive, and another 2 years as a Brand manager
at Dictionnaires Le Robert, in charge of their CD-Rom products. In 2004, she joined
EM Normandie as the Deputy Director of the International Relations Department,
of which she was to become the Director in 2008. She received her Master’s degree
in Research Methodology & Consulting in 2009 at the University of Caen (IAE Caen,
Basse-Normandie), and subsequently joined the EM Normandie faculty. She holds
a Ph.D. earned in 2015 in the field of B-to-B Marketing in international contexts,
co-supervised by Dr. Sylvie Chevrier (University of Paris Est Marne-la-Vallée) and
Dr. Mary-Yoko Brannen (University of Victoria, B.C.).
Tibor MANDJAK, Dr.
A Research Professor in Business Marketing, Tibor Mandjak holds a PhD in
Management from Corvinus University in Budapest (Hungary). He works on InterOrganizational Issues, and on Business Networks and the Management of Business
Relationships in particular. Tibor has published articles in academic journals such
as Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing
or The IMP Journal. He is an active member of the IMP Group, a major international
academic network in the field of inter-organizational research. His research
interests are Value Creation, Network Dynamics and Connectedness. Tibor was
awarded several academic prizes. He has been the Head of the Management of
Cultural Interactions Research Axis since September 2015.
Delphine MINCHELLA, Dr.
A lecturer in Organizational Behaviour at EM Normandie, Delphine Minchella is also
the Head of the Cross-Cultural Marketing & Negotiation Master 2/MSc programme.
She holds a PhD in Civilisation from Université Paris-Sorbonne (2007), and a second
PhD in Management from the Université Paris-Dauphine in 2015. Her recent
contributions are related to Space as a Managerial Tool and the symbolic
dimensions of organizational spaces.
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Khaireddine MOUAKHAR, Dr.
Currently lecturing in Corporate Strategy and Methodology, and the Head of the
Bachelor in International Management programme, Khaireddine Mouakhar holds
a PhD in Management from the Université de Caen (France). He has specialized in
the market for Open Source Software, and more specifically on this industry’s
Business Models. He has published articles in PR academic journals, such as Applied
SIM. His research interests are in Industry Innovation and Strategic Behaviours.
Fabien NADOU, Dr.
Currently lecturing in Territorial and Urban Development at EM Normandie, Fabien
Nadou is also the Head of the M2/MSc in Regional Development, Innovations and
Marketing programme. He earned his PhD in Urban and Regional Planning from the
Planning Department of University of Tours (France) in 2013, as a fellow of the
CNRS-UMR CITERES research lab. His research interest focuses on Regional and
Urban Development Strategies, and in particular the link between firms and
territories in Strategic Spatial Planning through the Territorial Intermediation
Theory. He works in the field of Regional Sciences, Regional Economic
Development and Proximities. He is a member of the Institut du Développement
Territorial (Institute for Regional Development) at EM Normandie.
Nathalie NICOL, PhD in progress
Nathalie NICOL is currently completing a PhD in Management Science at the
Université de Poitiers. Her research interests focus on children as consumers in the
Social and Cultural Development Theory framework and on Retail. She was also
appointed as the Director of the EM Normandie Paris Campus in November
2014. She lectures in Marketing (Market Surveys and Retail) and in Research
Methodology. Her recent contribution is related to defining the concept of
‘Shopscapes’, a tool and methodology to better grasp children’s experience of
retailing. She discusses in particular the methodologies applied when doing
research with children.
Brigitte PEREIRA, Dr.
Brigitte Pereira is a lecturer in Law at EM Normandie. She obtained her PhD from
the Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis (France) in 2002. She gained an
Accreditation to Supervise Management Research (HDR) in June 2014. Formerly the
Director of Post-graduate programmes at Institut Supérieur de Gestion, Paris, she
currently teaches courses in Business Law, Social Law, Criminal Law relating to
Businesses, and Corporate Social Responsibility. She has an extensive publication
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record that includes articles in the field of Business Ethics in Multinational
Companies, Contractual Negotiation, and the Penal and Social risks for enterprises.
Her current research area concerns Management and Entrepreneurship, in
particular the legal status of the entrepreneur and the role of job creation in
business. She has published articles in academic journals such as the Revue
Française de Gestion, Revue Gérer et Comprendre, Revue Internationale de Droit
Xavier PHILIPPE, Dr.
Xavier Philippe is a lecturer in Human Resource Management and Sociology of
Work at EM Normandie. He holds a PhD in Sociology of Work and Management
Science earned jointly at CNAM and ESCP Europe in 2012. As a former
professional in executive education (previously as Project Manager in a Business
School and Chief Administrative Officer of a training centre), he regularly develops
and conducts training sessions for managers and executives. His research
interests focus on the Institutionalization of Management Tools and Practices
within organizations, and the Role of Corporations on an Institutional Level. He
studies in particular the critical role of Organizational Imaginary in the circulation
and legitimation of management tools, practices and symbols.
Magvenn Poupart is the Project Manager for Sustainable Development and CSR at
EM Normandie. She graduated from the Toulouse Social Sciences University in
1994, and joined EM Normandie in 2008, after several years as Public Affairs
Deputy Manager and Study Project Manager. She is in charge of the coordination
of the different aspects of the Sustainable Development Project: Conferences,
Environmental and Social issues. Her current research focuses on CSR and
Innovation in SMEs.
Maxime PREVEL, Dr.
Maxime Prével is the Head of the Bachelor in International Logistics Management
programme at EM Normandie. He obtained his PhD in Sociology from the Université
de Caen Basse-Normandie (France) in 2005. He is a lecturer in Social Sciences,
Geopolitics and Research Methodology. His research interests include GMOs,
Agriculture, Health, Environment and Technology. In particular, he is interested in
agricultural firm lobbying strategies, and in understanding farmers’ economic and
social conditions. He tries to develop a multidisciplinary approach combining
Sociology, Anthropology and Political Sciences.
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Dominique ROUX, Dr.
Dominique Roux is Affiliate Professor at EM Normandie and an Emeritus Professor
at the University of Paris-Dauphine, where he founded the Master’s programme in
Management of Telecommunications and New Media. Today, he is the Scientific
Director of the Chair in Digital Economy at Paris-Dauphine. He holds two doctorates
in Economics and Management, and has published over 12 scholarly works, and
contributed to a further ten. Outside his academic activities, Dominique Roux is an
influential figure in the fields of Economics and digital Technology. He has been a
member of the French Authority for the Regulation of Telecommunications for
several years. He also sits on several Boards of Directors, including Bolloré Telecom
and Millemercis.com. Dominique was awarded the Légion d’Honneur and the
French Academic Palms.
Patrick Rigot-Müller is a lecturer in Supply Chain Management & Logistics at EM
Normandie. He obtained a PhD in Management Science from the Ecole des Mines
Paristech (France). His research interests include Maritime Transport, Sustainable
Supply Chains and Global Logistics. He has an extensive industry experience, with
over 10 years of consulting experience in Supply Chain Management. He worked
for 3 years as a Research Associate in the UK (Newcastle University, School Of
Marine Science and Technology), and 3 years as a Research Engineer in Production
Systems for a French automotive company. He has lectured in Executive Education
programs for many institutions, such as Essec, Imperial College London, Ecole
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. He has published articles in conferences and
academic journals such as Energy Policy or Technological Forecasting and Social
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Khaled SAADAOUI, Dr.
Khaled Saadaoui is a lecturer in Finance and Corporate Social Responsibility at EM
Normandie. He holds a PhD in Finance from the Université de Paris 11. His research
focuses mainly on Socially Responsible Investment and the Financial Performance
of Ethical Funds. He is also interested in Stock Selection criteria and methods used
by Social Rating Agencies, as well as cross-cultural aspects in CSR and their impact
on the investment strategy of Ethical Funds.
Diana Santistevan has been a lecturer in Human Resources Management,
International Organizational Behaviour and Multicultural Management at EM
Normandie since 2003. Before her academic career, she was a Human Resources
professional in both private and public organizations in the United States. She
received an MBA from the University of Colorado (Denver, USA) and holds a PhD
from the Université Paris-Dauphine (France) earned in 2015. She coordinates EU
Commisssion-funded short programmes. Her research interests include Crosscultural Management and Leadership, and the Functioning of Global Teams.
Abdelkader SBIHI, Dr.
Abdelkader Sbihi is a Researcher and a Lecturer in Logistics and Supply Chain at EM
Normandie. He obtained a Ph.D. in Optimization and Computer Science from the
Université de Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne (France) in 2003. He has lectured in several
topics related to Supply Chain, Logistics, Project Management, IS or Quantitative
Methods for Management. His research is mainly focused on the modeling of
Global Supply Chain and Logistics, thanks to new models taking into account
constraints that have recently emerged, such as Green Issues or Uncertainty. Dr.
Sbihi has published many articles in academic journals such as the International
Journal of Production Research or Annals of Operations Research. He has
participated in many international conferences (EURO, META, IFORS, INOC, ICOR…)
and his editorial activities include ad hoc reviewing for many scientific journals and
Sabrina TANQUEREL, Dr.
Sabrina Tanquerel is a lecturer in Human Resources Management at EM
Normandie. After graduating from the Université de Nantes and Universidad de
Zaragoza (Spain) with a Master’s in International Business, she worked for 8 years
for several multinational companies in Spain. She started her career first as an
Exports Manager, and then became the Communication and PR Manager for the
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Salomon Brand of the Adidas-Salomon group in Barcelona. She holds a Ph.D. in HR
Management, from the Université de Strasbourg (2014), focused on Work-Life
Balance policies and Gender Equality in the Workplace, with a comparative
approach between France and Spain. Lecturing in various HR topics, as well as in
Personal Development, Organizational Behaviour and Management, her main
research interests include Gender Equality and Diversity in the Workplace, Working
Life Practices, Well-being at Work, Corporate Social Responsibility (from an HR
point of view) and Cross‐cultural Management.
Didier Tirard is the Head of the Undergraduate programme for the Caen Campus
and a lecturer in Marketing. He has created the apprenticeship track for the
Programme Grande Ecole. A graduate in Law and Management Science from the
Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, he is the author of a book on International
Development Strategies. He has also published several case studies based through
the FACE programme, as well as an article in Le Cercle Les Echos. He is currently
doing consulting for a private company located in Basse-Normandie dealing with
bi-metallic assembling of heterogeneous materials. Didier mainly teaches
Consumer Behaviour and Strategic Marketing.
Antoine VÉNIARD, Dr.
Antoine Véniard is the Associate Dean for Programmes for the Le Havre Campus,
and a lecturer in Human Resources Management. He received his Ph.D. from the
Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne in 1998 and gained an Accreditation to
Supervise Management Research (HDR) in 2009 at the Université de Corte. His
research focuses on the role of managers, management teams, employability, and
the training of future managers.
Linh Chi VO, Dr.
A Lecturer in Strategic Management and Innovation at EM Normandie, Linh Chi Vo
holds a PhD in Management Science from Ecole Centrale Paris. Her research
interests include the pragmatist philosophy of John Dewey, Corporate Social
Responsibility, and Open Innovation.
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Christophe YVER
Christophe YVER is the Director of The Institute of Entrepreneurship and the Head
of the M2/MS programme for Entrepreneurship on the campus of Caen. He
graduated from the Université de Caen Basse-Normandie with a Master’s degree in
Administration in 2002, and was certified in 2009 as advisor on new business
ventures. After several years as the director and founder of a roofing company, he
joined EM Normandie in 2000. In Entrepreneurship he specifically addresses issues
such as Investment, Business Plan, and Long Term Objectives. His research focuses
on support and guidance for the entrepreneur.
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